a spanish empire a colony is an area settled by immigrants who are ruled by the parent country ...

European Colonization of the Americas

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European Colonization of the Americas

A Spanish Empire

A colony is an area settled by immigrants who are ruled by the parent country

Spain was the first country to colonize America

They colonize much of the Caribbean, South America, Central America, parts of North America including Florida


France colonizes the interior of North America Fur Trade


The English

Spain was not the only country to explore new land

Great Britain was looking to emerge as a great world power and wanted to expand

One of the first British Colonies was Roanoke Island

It was established in the late 1580s


In 1590 2 ships from Britain arrived at Roanoke to resupply the colony

However, John White and his men found it abandoned

All that remained were some abandoned homes and two tree with carvings in them

One said “CRO”

The other said CROATOAN It is now known the nearby by Natives were

called the Croatoan

English Aggression

Queen Elizabeth hired privateers to raid Spanish ships Privateers are privately owned ships hired by

a government to attack other ships

Sir Francis Drake is one of the most famous

He raided Spanish gold in Florida

He was the first English sailor to sail around the world


In 1606 the British tried to colonize after the Roanoke disaster

Business men asked for a charter from the king

They began a colony company called the Virginia Company

In 1607 100 colonists were sent near the James River in Virginia

The settlement was called Jamestown after King James I


Native Americans attacked the settlement

An English cannon helped stop the attack

The Powhatan Indians dominated the area

The English paid tribute to Chief Powhatan

Many of the colonists were not fit to survive they were gold smiths and aristocrats

John Smith the colony leader said “he that will not work will not eat”


Many colonists dies because of lack of food, wars with Indians, and malaria

War was fought with Algonquin tribe led by Powhatan


In 1624 Jamestown became a royal colony with a governor appointed by the king

Virginia also had a legislature

It was called the House of Burgesses


Settlers in America began to grow Tobacco

They establish plantations near rivers

Growing Tobacco was labor intensive and more people moved to the Americas

They were each promised 50 acres of land This became known as the headright system


Many farmers lost their land in England because landowners made more money using the land for livestock

Many people who could not afford the trip to America became indentured servants

They would work for 7 years for a master to pay off the voyage cost

They would be given freedom and usually their own land


The English did not want coexist with the Natives the way the Spanish did

In 1622 the Chief Powhatan Indians attacked Jamestown with the intensions of killing all of the English

They failed but 350 colonists were killed

The settlers retaliated

They would live with uneasy tensions for a long period

Bacon’s Rebellion

As more English arrived population grew

Many people looked west for new land to farm

This caused clashes between settlers and the natives

Virginia’s royal governor William Berkeley refused to raise an army to defend against the Natives

Bacon’s Rebellion

Nathaniel Bacon a member of the governors council decided to raise an army to defend the frontiersmen

In 1676 he raised an army

The governor was not happy with Bacon’s actions and declared him a rebel

Bacon said the governor was not protecting the frontiersmen

Bacon had his army burn down Jamestown

Bacon’s Rebellion

Bacon controlled most of Virginia after this but he died of illness suddenly and so did his rebellion

It showed that frontiersmen were tired of the English governing them

It also showed that the poor would not tolerate the government

New England Colonies

New England

England colonized the area that is now Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine

In 1534 Henry VIII created the Anglican Church of England

Some believed it was too Catholic and not pure enough

These people were called puritans

Religious Freedom

The puritans were persecuted for their beliefs in England

A group of Puritans left for America in 1620 They are known as the pilgrims

100 pilgrims left on the Mayflower

They agreed to the Mayflower Compact in which they agreed to obey the governments law They created their own law


They landed at a place they called Plymouth in Massachusetts

Half died in the first winter

Squanto taught them to farm

The first Thanksgiving was held in 1621

Massachusetts Bay Colony

Between 1630 and 1640 thousands of people left England for America in the Great Migration

Most were puritans who did not believe in religious tolerance

People in the Massachusetts Bay Colony had to be Puritan

Puritan Life

Lived in religious communities

They convinced about 1,000 Natives to become Puritan

They lived in praying towns

The Salem Witch Trials In1692 young girls in Salem Mass. Claimed

the devil had taken control of them and accused 3 townspeople of being witches

20 people men and women were accused and hanged for being a witch

Some scientists believe the girls may have been effected by ergot poisoning

The Pequot War

In 1637 the Mass. Bay Colony sent an army to attack the Pequot after several violent eruptions

The Puritans burned down the Pequot’s fort killing 500

Only a handful of Pequot survived

King Philip’s War

Tensions rose between the Wampanoag and the settlers of Swansea, in Plymouth Colony

June 24, 1675 a farmer shot a Wampanoag who was killing cows in a pasture

One of the Native leaders who would unite tribes up and down the north east was named Metacom He was known to the English as King Philip

King Philip’s War

During King Philip’s War 20 towns were attacked and 2,000 settlers were killed

The settlers struck back killing 4,000 Natives

The English had an advantage because they shared a language

Metacom had trouble communicating between different tribes

King Philip’s War

Metacom was eventually found and killed in Rhode Island

The war continued for a year

It hurt the colonists economy

Native American life in southern New England virtually disappeared

The Middle and Southern Colonies

The Middle Colonies

New York

New Jersey



New York

New York was founded by the Dutch and called the New Netherlands

They established the Dutch West India Company and a trading post called New Amsterdam (Manhattan)

The Dutch were interested in fur trade

New Amsterdam

Became a major trade port for many nations

18 different languages were spoken

It had the first synagogue in North America

The English were envious and King Charles II declared that all Dutch territory now belonged to the Duke of York

England sent 4 ships and several hundred soldiers to New Amsterdam

The Dutch gave it up without a fight

New York and New Jersey

New Jersey Pennsylvania, & Maryland

In 1655 it was taken over by the Dutch

New York is named in 1664

New Jersey is settled in 1664 Puritans and Scots in the East English and Quakers settled the west


Founded by William Penn

Quaker Religion Sought “inner light” No clergy Men and women spiritually equal