a publication of laurel united methodist church ... · 8:30 a.m. w/god’s house band 9:30 a.m....

VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.LAURELUMCHURCH.ORG MEAL-A-MONTH LAUREL MISSION Suggested meal for March Beef ravioli or spaghe-o’s, mixed vegetables, mixed fruit or fruit cocktail, Martha White biscuit mix (needs water only). Dry milk, soap, laundry or dish detergent is always welcomed. Please drop items off in the wooden box now found in the Fellowship Hall. Worship Schedule Sharing THREE Worship Services: 8:30 a.m. w/God’s House Band 9:30 a.m. w/Laurel’s Chorale 10:45 a.m. w/Chancel Choir The Laurel Leaf A publication of Laurel United Methodist Church Springfield, Illinois March 11—April 1, 2020 Stch N Go March 24 at 9:30 a.m. PALM SUNDAY April 5 HOLY THURSDAY WORSHIP April 9 at 7:00 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY WORSHIP April 10 at 7:00 p.m. EASTER SUNDAY April 12 EASTER MONDAY April 13 The Church Office is closed during the dayme hours SPUD BAKE is Back! Eat in or carry out. Sunday March 15 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Come enjoy one of these baked beaues covered with all your favorite top- pings! We have your choice of - - - nacho cheese, cheddar cheese, chili, tomatoes, broccoli, mushrooms, sour cream, buer, bacon, and more! None will be a common ‘tator! AND it is not just potatoes! We have the makings for the SALAD of your dreams, and SWEET TREATS too! TELL all your neighbors, friends, and family and fellow spud lovers to join you! We are sharing God’s love one potato at a me! Sponsored by the Laurel Youth. MARCH MISSION MONTH Have you ever wondered about some of the mission opportunies here at Laurel? Have you been searching for ways to get involved in helping to spread God’s love in our community and abroad? During the month of March, you’ll have several opportunies to learn about the following mis- sions here at Laurel and how you can get involved: March 15-YOUTH HABITAT MISSION TRIP March 22-CHADDOCK & THE STAR TREE March 29-STITCH N GO Let’s keep growing in mission!

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Page 1: A publication of Laurel United Methodist Church ... · 8:30 a.m. w/God’s House Band 9:30 a.m. w/Laurel’s Chorale 10:45 a.m. w/Chancel Choir The Laurel Leaf A publication of Laurel

V I S I T U S O N L I N E A T W W W . L A U R E L U M C H U R C H . O R G

MEAL-A-MONTH LAUREL MISSION Suggested meal for March Beef ravioli or spaghe�-o’s, mixed vegetables, mixed fruit or fruit cocktail, Martha White biscuit mix (needs water only). Dry milk, soap, laundry or dish detergent is always welcomed. Please drop items off in the wooden box now found in the Fellowship Hall.

Worship Schedule Sharing THREE Worship Services:

8:30 a.m. w/God’s House Band

9:30 a.m. w/Laurel’s Chorale

10:45 a.m. w/Chancel Choir

The Laurel Leaf

A publication of Laurel United Methodist Church Springfield, Illinois

March 11—April 1, 2020

S�tch N Go March 24 at 9:30 a.m.


HOLY THURSDAY WORSHIP April 9 at 7:00 p.m.

GOOD FRIDAY WORSHIP April 10 at 7:00 p.m.


EASTER MONDAY April 13 The Church Office is closed during the day�me hours

SPUD BAKE is Back! Eat in or carry out. Sunday March 15 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Come enjoy one of these baked beau�es covered with all your favorite top-pings! We have your choice of - - - nacho cheese, cheddar cheese, chili, tomatoes, broccoli, mushrooms, sour cream, bu�er, bacon, and more! None will be a common ‘tator! AND it is not just potatoes! We have the makings for the SALAD of your dreams, and SWEET TREATS too! TELL all your neighbors, friends, and family and fellow spud lovers to join you! We are sharing God’s love one potato at a �me! Sponsored by the Laurel Youth.

MARCH MISSION MONTH Have you ever wondered about some of the mission opportuni�es here at Laurel? Have you been searching for ways to get involved in helping to spread God’s love in our community and abroad? During the month of March, you’ll have several opportuni�es to learn about the following mis-sions here at Laurel and how you can get involved: March 15-YOUTH HABITAT MISSION TRIP March 22-CHADDOCK & THE STAR TREE March 29-STITCH N GO Let’s keep growing in mission!

Page 2: A publication of Laurel United Methodist Church ... · 8:30 a.m. w/God’s House Band 9:30 a.m. w/Laurel’s Chorale 10:45 a.m. w/Chancel Choir The Laurel Leaf A publication of Laurel


We would like to thank our supporters of the Annual Soup Luncheon on February 9. The class received $532 from your free will dona�ons for the 13 delicious soup choices. Ini�ally, we are dona�ng $250 to the Wood-en It Be Lovely women’s healing ministry at Douglas Avenue United Methodist. This is an amazing ministry crea�ng wonderful com-munity impact in Springfield. The balance of the funds will be use to support causes dur-ing the year 2020.—Discovery Sunday School Class

Dear Laurel Friends, thanks you so much for the outpouring of Love I have received from so many in Valen�nes and Birthday gree�ngs. Friends have always been im-portant to me, but even more so now that I am alone without Paul. You have exceeded in expressing your love and I do appreciate it. If it were not so many I would be wri�ng each of you personally, but that is a bit much right now. So please accept this way of my saying,” Thank You”. Jeanne’ Sims

Helping Hands has already put the HyVee gi� cards that Laurel funded to good use be-cause at least two of their regular food pro-viders have cancelled their commitment to donate prepared meals to the shelter. If any groups or individuals wish to provide even one meal, it would be greatly appreciated. Go to the Helping Hands website and click on Meal Train to find the meal calendar and the dates remaining for meal provid-ers. There is no stove at the shelter so meals must be cooked ahead of delivery at 5:30pm. The meal is to serve 55 men. If any-one is able to prepare a meal but needs help delivering it or has ques�ons, contact Karen E�nger: 217/494-3383 or kwe�[email protected]. Serving God -serving others: it is what we are called to do.

LAUREL BOOK CLUB Tuesday, April 7

6:00 p.m. in the Parlor For the April Mee�ng the book will be Li�le Beach Street Bakery by Jen-ny Colgan. Dinner will be provided by Janet Blain. Dessert will be pro-vided by Donna Means and Lori Cour. Book reviewer will be Debbie Johnson.

LAUREL MOVIE CLUB Presents The Killers Monday, April 13 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 303

Ole Anderson (Burt Lancaster in his first film), on the run and hiding from his former partners in crime, is located and gunned down by hit-men. Insurance inves�gator Jim Reardon (Edmond O’Brien) tries to reconstruct Ole’s life, his crimes, and his rela�onship to Ki�y Collins (Ava Gardner) to deter-mine who is the beneficiary of his life insurance. Great film noir based upon an Ernest Hemingway short story! And it’s got Ava Gardner! (Robert Siodmak, Universal, 1946, close cap�oned.)

Thank You’s

NEW MEMBER CLASS—Sunday, March 15, 22, 29 and April 5

at 9:30 a.m. in room 201

If you are interested in becoming a church member and/or wish to learn about Laurel’s mission, vision and iden�ty, you are invited to join us. Phone or email Alyce Foster, 528-1866, [email protected] with any ques�ons, or sign up on the registra�on form if you plan to a�end.

Prayerfully consider joining the 2020 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY MISSION TEAM It’s Faith in Ac�on. We will leave Laurel on Sunday, July 26, and return Sunday, August 2 We are looking for an all church team...high school and adults. We need your commitment to the trip by the end of March. We are planning for Loudon County, TN, which puts us 60-70 miles from Pigeon Forge (some of you men�oned Dollywood Theme Park for Saturday fun). The cost is $100 per person. If you have ques�ons, contact Doug Rothe at 741-7667 or e-mail to [email protected], or contact JoAnn Overholt at 525-1866 or e-mail [email protected]

Page 3: A publication of Laurel United Methodist Church ... · 8:30 a.m. w/God’s House Band 9:30 a.m. w/Laurel’s Chorale 10:45 a.m. w/Chancel Choir The Laurel Leaf A publication of Laurel


Easter Coffee Fellowship United Methodist Women Lydia Circle News...

Please join Lydia Circle of the United Methodist Women on Monday, March 23 at 5:30 pm at Laurel. Martha Harter will make a presenta�on regarding The Call to Prayer and Self-Denial Offering to be collected that evening. Our program will be presented by Ieasha Smith, Parent Educator at But-ler School. Members are asked to bring pencils, crayons, unisex jogging pants sizes 6-16, and underwear sizes 8-12 for boys and girls. These items will help replenish needed items at this point in the school year. Please come join in mission. Guests are always welcome! Contact Ruth Ann Hamilton at [email protected] with ques�ons.

LAUREL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH MISSION GIVING in 2019 Financial giving at Laurel during 2019 totaled $105,788.00. Dona�ons were given to the following local, na-�onal, and interna�onal organiza�ons/programs: World Service & Benevolence; Clergy Support & Administra�on; Global Aids Fund; UMCOR Interna�onal; Global Migra�on; Cunningham Children’s Home; Mini O’Beirne Crisis Nursery; Interna�onal Health & Devel-opment Network (IHDN); Wooden It Be Lovely; Ma�hew Project; Kumler UMC Outreach; Asbury Children’s Supper Hour; Washington Street Mission; Helping Hands; Land of Lincoln Honor Flight; Project Schoolroom; Breadline Sunday; Alain Rocourt Endowment; Preachers Aid; Contact Ministries; Our Conference Our Kids; Baby Fold; ILCAAP; UMCOR Sunday; World Communion Sunday; UM Student Day; Human Rela�ons Day; Peace With Jus�ce Day; Na�ve American Ministries Day. Food was collected for Kumler Neighborhood Ministries and Sara Center throughout the year. The Discovery/Seekers Sunday school Class Soup Luncheon sent $600.00 to Wooden It Be Lovely. During July, 589 school supply items were collected and distributed to Asbury Children’s Supper Hour and Butler School. During August, 878 underwear and socks were collected and distributed to Kumler Neighborhood Ministries and Butler School. During November and early December, 566 gi�s were collected and distributed to Chaddock through the Star Tree here at Laurel. During December, 14 hat/glove sets, 27 scarves, 92 hats, 80 pairs of gloves/mi�ens, & 75 pairs of socks were collected on the Smi�en Tree and donated to Butler School and Kumler Outreach Ministries. And many other dona�ons of �me, money, and goods were given to a variety of organiza�ons by various Sunday school classes, circles, and groups within Laurel. What a blessing it has been, and con�nues to be, to share the love of God through our mission giving!

A beau�ful Easter Coffee Fellowship is being planned for Easter Sunday, April 12th. The Fellow-ship Hall will be the se�ng for coffee, conversa�on and making connec�ons with our church family, friends and guests from 8:00 – 10:45 am. There will be tables and chairs and great opportuni�es to linger before or a�er the worship services.

We ask that church members please bring food items to share for this special Coffee Fellow-ship. There will be a sign-up sheet in the bulle�n beginning on Sunday, March 29th. Four or more Coffee Fellowship hosts are requested for Easter, April 12th. Please consider how you can contribute to the joyful celebra�on of our Risen Savior! Thank you, Alyce Foster, Director of Hospitality

Page 4: A publication of Laurel United Methodist Church ... · 8:30 a.m. w/God’s House Band 9:30 a.m. w/Laurel’s Chorale 10:45 a.m. w/Chancel Choir The Laurel Leaf A publication of Laurel


March 15-21 Karla Bartels; Nancy Easum; Bill and Ka-ren Heitzelman; Jim, Courtney, Fiona, Eben, Bright Reed; Linda Roberts; Carol Robinson

March 22-28 Peggy Fish; Jim and Becky Hill; Paul and Lesa Myers; Jon and Marilyn Osgood; Don and Barbara Pickford; Jenny Pi�man; Michael Pi�man; Mike and Cheryl Plun-ke�; Daniel Plunke�; David Plunke�

March 29—April 4 John, Tracy, Emily, Elizabeth and Alex Cashman; Carol Rieks�ns; Tim and Melody Sheehan; George Tinkham

Happy Birthday Virginia Heidenreich will celebrate her 92nd Birthday on March 19 Jack Travelstead will celebrate his 91st Birthday on March 24 Evan Peterson will celebrate his 91st Birthday on March 25 Bob Pa�erson will celebrate his 91st Birthday on March 30

PRAYER WARRIORS MINISTRY TEAM REPORT Each week you, as a Congrega�on, give us your joys and concerns to pray over. These joys and concerns are shared at staff mee�ngs and we pray over them. The joys and concerns are also sent out to a Prayer Warrior Ministry Team – we have around 68 people who receive this email. This team reads and prays over all of the concerns. I o�en hear from the team, so I know they are praying. Would you like to join this team? Please send me a wri�en note ([email protected]) with your email address and I’ll add you to the team. Calling all who would be interested in going one step further with this prayer ministry. Would you be willing to meet

at the Church once a week with other prayer warriors and pray over these joys and concerns? As a ministry of the

Caring Ministry Team, I would like to have a group where their focus is prayer. Please let me know if you are feeling

called to this ministry, and I’ll see how we can get a group formed. Carolyn Leach, Director of Congrega�onal Care.

Laurel’s “Winter Woods” Dinner with our Pastor was a fun filled evening for wor-ship guests, new members and church members. The weather was bi�erly cold, but the delicious home-made comfort food and warm family fellowship were enjoyed by all!

Page 5: A publication of Laurel United Methodist Church ... · 8:30 a.m. w/God’s House Band 9:30 a.m. w/Laurel’s Chorale 10:45 a.m. w/Chancel Choir The Laurel Leaf A publication of Laurel


KIDS SPOT: FAMILY ACTIVITIES FOR LENT LET’S TALK ABOUT EASTER EGGS! Always fun to color eggs, no mater what your age! People have been coloring eggs as far back as the ancient Egyp�ans, Greeks, Persians and Romans. They colored eggs for spring fes�vals and even gave beau�-fully decorated eggs as gi�s. According to Eastern Orthodox tradi�on, Mary Magdalene visited the Emperor Tiberius and showed him an egg as a way to talk about the Resurrec�on. People in Yugoslavia marked their eggs with X V, which stands for “Christ is risen.” The Hebrew people have tradi�onally served a hard-boiled egg at the Passover meal. The egg is the Hebrew symbol for eternal life. Eggs represent new life and are a symbol of the new life of the resurrec�on. As the story of Christ’s Resurrec�on spread, the egg was also used as a symbol of the stone that was rolled away. Children from England, Ger-many, Norway and other parts of Europe rolled eggs down hills on Easter morning to symbolize the rolling away of the stone from Jesus’s tomb. Bri�sh se�lers brought this custom to the New World and in 1814 Dolly Madison, the wife of President James Madison, introduced the Easter Egg Roll at the White House. Children would roll an egg with a wooden spoon from the star�ng line to the finish line. The game re-minds us that the stone was rolled away. The Easter Egg Roll has be-come an Easter egg hunt but s�ll takes place annually on the White House south lawn. Have fun coloring, decora�ng, hiding and searching for Easter Eggs and remember: God is with us. BAKING TOGETHER Easy Hot Cross Buns Thaw a frozen dinner roll for each person You will need: cinnamon, sugar, raisins, (can use other dried fruit too) and fros�ng Give each person a ball of dough. Have them fla�en the dough into a circle and sprinkle cinnamon, sugar and raisins in the middle. Pinch edges together (pouch like) and place smooth side up in a greased muffin �n. Bake approximately 15 min. at 350 degrees. When cool, draw crosses on buns with fros�ng. Hot Cross buns are tradi�onally served during the Lenten season, espe-cially on Good Friday. Resurrec�on Cinnamon biscuits 1 pkg. canned biscuits 1 pkg. large marshmallows Bowl of cinnamon and sugar Melted bu�er Roll out one biscuit into a circle Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar Place marshmallow in the center Fold the dough around the marshmallow and seal the edges Dip or brush the ball with melted bu�er Roll in cinnamon/sugar Place on cookie sheet and bake according to biscuit’s direc�ons un�l golden brown. Allow biscuits to cool. The biscuits are now empty, just like the tomb.

Waving of the Palms and Easter Egg Hunt! Sunday, April 5

Children and youth of all ages are invited! Palm Sunday, April 5 is a day of celebra�on star�ng with the waving of palms at the 9:30 a.m. service. Children need to arrive at 9:15 and go to their Sunday School classrooms to line up and re-ceive palms and instruc�ons for the service. Children and youth will sing the beginning an-them (He Is the King of Kings and Hosanna ) then return to their classrooms for Sunday School, an Easter Egg Hunt and a special snack/treat. Due to the extra ac�vi�es, the Sunday School �me will be extended and end with the wav-ing of palms again at the 10:45 service (we do a different Easter Egg Hunt for each age group, so the extra �me is needed to al-low each group a fair amount of �me to com-plete all the ac�vi�es. We also supply bags for the Easter Egg Hunt. A�er the waving of palms at the 10:45 service, we will recess out and children will be dismissed from their classrooms. That way, treats received can be collected before leaving! Come be a part of the Celebra�on of Palm Sunday! WANT TO HELP THE EASTER BUNNY? Please bring dona�ons of individually

wrapped candy beginning March 15—March 29.

Volunteer to stuff the Easter eggs. Come by the church any �me star�ng Monday, March 30 to room 301.

Contact JoAnn Overholt, Director of Children and Youth Ministry, at 525-1866 or email her at [email protected]

Page 6: A publication of Laurel United Methodist Church ... · 8:30 a.m. w/God’s House Band 9:30 a.m. w/Laurel’s Chorale 10:45 a.m. w/Chancel Choir The Laurel Leaf A publication of Laurel


SPUD BAKE is Sunday, March 15 Mark your calendar and plan to help from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Spud Scrub will happen on Saturday, March 14 at 9:30 a.m. Bring a sweet treat to make the meal com-plete….cookies, cakes, pies, cupcakes, etc. PLEASE remind your family, friends and neigh-bors to EAT at the SPUD BAKE! The money from this event helps with meals for Ronald McDonald House, decorated cookies for Inner City Mission, shopping for Easter baskets for Inner City Mission, the Mission Trip, scholar-ships for Baby Fold and much more! Feel free to contact me with any questions. JoAnn Overholt – [email protected] Call Laurel UMC – 217-525-1866 JoAnn – 217-652-8137 SPRING BREAK MEAL PACKS We will be putting the meal packs together on Sunday, March 29. We are teaming up with the Clara Swain Circle to help 21 kids that are food insecure over their spring break. We need to pick a time that is best for all to gather. DO NOT FOR-GET to check the spreadsheet to see what is still needed.

Take time to Text: Ma�hew 8:1-4; John 13:4-15; John 21:4-14, 15-17; Mark 16:1-7; Ma�hew 289:16-20; John 20:24-19; Romans 5:6-8; Romans 8:37-39; Zephaniah 3:17; Isaiah 55:10-13; Psalm 19:14 John 3:16 AND 17...we all know John 3:15, but read more. Read verse 17 too. God did not send His Son to condemn the world. He sent grace to save us, not to beat us up. Walk with God and live by grace. Find God Moments. The �mes that you experience God in your world. I urge you to carefully and inten�onally look for those God Moments. The more you look, the more you will find.

TGIF Teens Gather in Faith

PALM SUNDAY is April 5 Sr. High and Jr. High youth are asked to help with the Easter Egg Hunt and delivering treat to the classrooms. There are Easter bunny ears for the Bunny’s helpers! We also take part in the waving of the Palms at both the 9:30 and 10:45 services. LAUREL HABITAT FOR HUMANITY MISSION TEAM sought Sunday, July 26 through Sunday, August 2 We are looking for an all church mission team in senior high youth through adults. Invite your friends. We will be heading to Loudon County, Tennessee to build. We will go to Dollywood on Saturday before heading home. Sign up, pay the $100 fee and join the team. Contact Doug Rothe at 741-7667 or at [email protected] or JoAnn Overholt at 525-1866 or joverholt @laurelumchurch.org for more information. BABY FOLD CAMP is July 11-17

Double Edge “For the word of God is living and ac-�ve. Sharper than any double-edged sword…” Hebrews 4:12 All High School youth are invited! Double Edge Schedule :

(Time 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted) Mar 14 Scrub a Spud (9:30am) Mar 15 Spud Bake (morning) Mar 17 Happy St. Patrick’s Day! April 5 Easter Egg Hunt Palm Sunday (morning) June 30, July 1 & 2 VBS Mini Camp

Double Edge (All High School youth) please watch for date and time notifications.

Riot (Middle School youth) meets Sunday evenings from 6 – 8 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

A snack supper is served when the groups activity is at Laurel. Our schedule is posted in the Laurel Leaf newsletter and youth receive mailings with updates.

You are always encouraged to contact JoAnn at 525-1866 (Laurel) , 217-652-8137 cell or e-mail at [email protected] with any questions, ideas and/or sugges-tions

Riot (Rejoice in One Truth) All 6th, 7th and 8th grades are invited!

RIOT Schedule:

(Time 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted) Mar 14 Scrub a Spud (9:30am) Mar 15 Spud Bake (morning) Trip to Kumler Mar 17 Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Mar 22 & 29 More pain�ng April 5 Easter Egg Hunt Palm Sunday (morning) June 30, July 1 & 2 VBS Mini Camp

Page 7: A publication of Laurel United Methodist Church ... · 8:30 a.m. w/God’s House Band 9:30 a.m. w/Laurel’s Chorale 10:45 a.m. w/Chancel Choir The Laurel Leaf A publication of Laurel


Sunday, March 15 March Mission Month Focus—Habitat Mission Trip SPUD BAKE 8:30am Worship* 9:30am Sunday School 9:30am Worship* 9:30am New Member Class, 201 10:45am Worship* 4:30pm TCCMC, CR 5:00pm Confirma�on,300 Monday, March 16 12:00pm Toastmasters, 303 6:00pm Questors Covenant, 106 7:00pm Boy Scouts, FH 7:00pm Stephen Ministry, BR Tuesday, March 17 6:30am Pastor’s Study, L 9:00am Marke�ng Sr Lifestyles, 201 9:30am Embracing Ques�ons, 201 9:30am Clara Swain Circle , FH 9:30am Science Explorers, 301/302 11:15am Forever Strong, FH 11:30am Staff mee�ng, L 11:30am Forever Strong, CR 4:45pm Reconciling Covenant, 303 6:00pm Altrusa, 201 Wednesday, March 18 9:00am Men’s Coffee Covenant, FH 9:30am Laurel’s Quilters, SrH 10:30am Koffee Klatch Covenant 12:00pm Women Aware, 106 5:30pm Men Aware, 106 5:30pm Chime Time, CR 5:30pm Centering Prayer, Ch 6:00pm Pastor’s Lenten Study, 303 6:00pm WWM, 109 7:00pm Pathfinders, 201 Thursday, March 19 7:00am B&EBW Covenant, L 9:30am Scribbles, 203 11:00am Concordia Spring Fling 11:45am Forever Strong, CR 2:00pm Concordia Covenant 6:00pm Asbury Bells, CR 7:00pm Chancel Choir, CR 7:00pm Nar-Anon, 201 Sunday, March 22 March Mission Month Focus—Chaddock 8:30am Worship* 9:30am Sunday School 9:30am Worship* 10:45am Worship* 4:30pm TCCMC, CR 5:00pm Confirma�on Class, 300 6:00pm Youth

Monday, March 23 12:00pm Toastmasters, 303 5:30pm Lydia Circle, FH 6:00pm Questors Covenant, 106 7:00pm Boy Scouts, 300 Tuesday, March 24 6:30am Pastors Studies, L 9:30am Embracing Ques�ons, 201 9:30am Science Explorers, 301/302 9:30am S�tch N Go, FH 11:30am Forever Strong, CR 11:30am Staff mee�ng, L 4:45pm Reconciling Covenant 303 6:30pm Girl Scouts 6355, FH Wednesday, March 25 9:00am Men’s Coffee Covenant, L 9:30am Laurel Quilters, SrH 10:30am Koffee Klatch Covenant 12:00pm Women Aware, 106 5:30pm Men Aware, 106 5:30pm Centering Prayer, Ch 5:30pm Chime Time, CR 6:00pm WWM, 109 6:00pm AAAUW, FH 6:00pm Giorl Scouts 63118, 302 6:30pm Pastors Study, 303 7:00pm Pathfinders, 201 Thursday, February March 26 7:00am B&EBW Covenant, L 8:30am PEO, P 9:30am Scribbles, 203 11:45am Forever Strong, FH 2:00pm Concordia Covenant 5:30pm CPR Class, 303 6:00pm Asbury Bells, CR 7:00pm Chancel Choir, CR 7:00pm Nar-Anon, 201 Friday, March 27 Newsle�er deadline Saturday, March 28 3:00pm Andres/Hubbard Wedding Sunday, March 29 March Mission Month Focus—S�tch N Go 8:30am Worship* 9:30am Sunday School 9:30am Worship* 10:45am Worship* 4:30pm TCCMC, CR 5:00pm Confirma�on Class, 300 6:00pm Youth

Laurel Calendar of Events Monday, March 30 12:00pm Toastmasters, 303 6:00pm Questors Covenant, P 7:00pm Boy Scouts FH Tuesday, March 31 6:30am Pastor’s Study, L 9:30am Embracing Ques�ons, 201 9:30am Science Explorers, 301/302 11:30am Staff mtg, L 11:30am Forever Strong, CR 4:45pm Reconciling Covenant, 303 Wednesday, April 1 Newsle�er mailed 9:00am Men’s Coffee, FH 9:30am Laurel’s Quilters, SrH 10:30am Koffee Klatch, at Peg Fish ’s 12:00pm Women Aware, 106 5:30pm Men Aware, 106 5:30pm Chime Time, CR 6:00pm WWM, 109 6:00pm Pastor’s Study, 303 7:00pm Pathfinders, 201 Thursday, April 2 7:00am B&EBW Covenant, L 9:30am Scribbles, 203 11:45am Forever Strong, CR 2:00pm Concordia Covenant 6:00pm Asbury Bells, CR 7:00pm Chancel Choir, CR 7:00pm Nar-Anon, 201 Sunday, April 5 Communion Sunday PALM SUNDAY 8:30am Worship* 9:30am Sunday School/Easter Egg Hunt 9:30am Worship* 10:45am Worship* 5:00pm Confirma�on, 300 Monday, April 6 11:00am GAN Sr Luncheon, FH 12:00pm Toastmasters, 303 6:00pm Laurel’s Lights Team, 201 6:00pm TCCMC Bo9ard, L 6:00pm Questors Covenant, 106 7:00pm Boy Scouts, FH 7:00pm Stephen Ministry, BR

Page 8: A publication of Laurel United Methodist Church ... · 8:30 a.m. w/God’s House Band 9:30 a.m. w/Laurel’s Chorale 10:45 a.m. w/Chancel Choir The Laurel Leaf A publication of Laurel



PAID Springfield, IL



Jesus loves...

Check us out on Facebook - Laurel United Methodist Church - and our website - laurelumchurch.org Worship Services: 8:30, 9:30, and 10:45 a.m.

Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.