a neural network for error correcting decoding of binary linear codes

Pergamon Neural Networks, Vol. 7, No 1, pp 195-202, 1994 Copyr~,ht © 1994 Elsevmr Sctence Lid Pnnted m the USA. All rxghts reserved 0893-6080/94 $6.00 + 00 CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE A Neural Network for Error Correcting Decoding of Binary Linear Codes ANNA ESPOSITO, SALVATORE RAMPONE, AND ROBERTO TAGLIAFERRI Universmidl Salerno (Received 8 February 1993; accepted 11 May 1993) Abstract-- We descrtbe a neural net model that can be used to decode code words belongmg to a bmary hnear code and to correct notsy patterns that tt recewes from a transmtsston channel The net reduces the error probabdity to zero tn the range of the error-correctmg capactty of the code We show a net stmulation done m DISC, a general purpose parallel programmmg envtronment based on the CSP model Keywords--Neural network, Threshold tuning, Maximum likelihood decoding, Linear codes, Parallel programming. 1. INTRODUCTION The problem with information transmission (Gallager, 1968; MacWilliams & Sloane, 1981) is that of repro- ducing at a destination, either exactly or approximately, a message selected at a source. This problem may be faced in two distinct phases (Figure 1 ): 1. at the source the data are compressed to eliminate redundancy; 2. in the transmission, the channel encoder receives the input data and adds the systematic redundancy to them. This controls the received information. The criterion is to correct many errors without introducing too much redundancy. One method to achieve this is to use code words that satisfy the constraints of a linear homoge- neous equation system. Each error makes a subset of these equation failures, and, knowing which subset is not verified, we can trace the errors and correct them. Linear codes adopt such a correcting criterion (MacWilliams & Sloane, 1981; Gallager, 1968; Peterson Acknowledgements" This work was supported m part by C.N.R., Progetto Flnahzzato"SlstemtInformatlcie CalcoloParallelo"under Grant 92 01 570.PF69, by MURST 40% umth I.N.EM. Universlt~ dt Salerno,and by ContrattoQuinquennale C.N.R.-I.I.A.S.S.Wewash to thank the Professors Eduardo R. Caiamello,Maria Marinaro, and Ugo Vaccaro for their suggestions,the colleagues and friendsMichele Mastrotannl and StefanoRusso of the Departmentof ComputerSci- ence of the University of Napoli for their help m prototyping the simulation m the DISC enwronment, and the staff of the Interde- partmental Computing Center of the Umversltyof Salerno for all resourcesgwen at our disposal. Requests for reprints should be sent to SalvatoreRampone, Dl- partimento di Fisica Teorica e S.M.S.A., Umversltfidi Salerno, 1- 8408! Baronissi(Sa) Italy. & Weldon, 1972). Unfortunately, in the general case the decoding mechanism of these codes is NP-hard (Garey & Johnson, 1979). In this work, instead of the standard methods, a neural net model is used for decoding binary linear codes on binary symmetrical channels (GaUager, 1968). The model decodes code words belonging to a binary linear code and performs the maximum likeli- hood decoding on noisy patterns that are received from the channel. This avoids both the multiplication of the received vector by the parity-check matrix (Gallager, 1968 ) and the creation of the standard array (GaUager, 1968) to identify the most probable error pattern as- sociated with the obtained syndrome (Gallager, 1968 ). Moreover, the net has the advantages due to the intrinsic parallelism of the neural model, and it is fast and simple to use. The net was conceived with the aim of developing a neural chip that was programmable once and for all on a code, guaranteeing that if the code is e-correcting and a number < e of errors occur in the transmission of a code word, then the neural chip corrects them. Given the characteristics of the model and to validate experimentally the theoretical results, we simulated the model on a distributed-memory multiprocessor system (Athas & Seitz, 1988). We implemented the net (Es- posito et al., 1993) using the DISC (DIStributed C) system (Iannello, Mazzeo, & Ventre, 1989; Iannello et al., 1990). DISC is a general purpose parallel program- ming environment, developed at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Napoli, based on the CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes) model (Hoare, 1978). The idea of connecting neural nets and error-cor- recting codes was developed on Hopfield networks 195

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Page 1: A neural network for error correcting decoding of binary linear codes


Neural Networks, Vol. 7, No 1, pp 195-202, 1994 Copyr~,ht © 1994 Elsevmr Sctence Lid Pnnted m the USA. All rxghts reserved

0893-6080/94 $6.00 + 00


A Neural Network for Error Correcting Decoding of Binary Linear Codes


Universmi dl Salerno

(Received 8 February 1993; accepted 11 May 1993)

Abstract-- We descrtbe a neural net model that can be used to decode code words belongmg to a bmary hnear code and to correct notsy patterns that tt recewes from a transmtsston channel The net reduces the error probabdity to zero tn the range of the error-correctmg capactty of the code We show a net stmulation done m DISC, a general purpose parallel programmmg envtronment based on the CSP model

Keywords--Neural network, Threshold tuning, Maximum likelihood decoding, Linear codes, Parallel programming.


The problem with information transmission (Gallager, 1968; MacWilliams & Sloane, 1981) is that of repro- ducing at a destination, either exactly or approximately, a message selected at a source. This problem may be faced in two distinct phases (Figure 1 ): 1. at the source the data are compressed to eliminate

redundancy; 2. in the transmission, the channel encoder receives

the input data and adds the systematic redundancy to them.

This controls the received information. The criterion is to correct many errors without introducing too much redundancy. One method to achieve this is to use code words that satisfy the constraints of a linear homoge- neous equation system. Each error makes a subset of these equation failures, and, knowing which subset is not verified, we can trace the errors and correct them. Linear codes adopt such a correcting criterion (MacWilliams & Sloane, 1981; Gallager, 1968; Peterson

Acknowledgements" This work was supported m part by C.N.R., Progetto Flnahzzato "Slstemt Informatlci e Calcolo Parallelo" under Grant 92 01 570.PF69, by MURST 40% umth I.N.EM. Universlt~ dt Salerno, and by Contratto Quinquennale C.N.R.-I.I.A.S.S. We wash to thank the Professors Eduardo R. Caiamello, Maria Marinaro, and Ugo Vaccaro for their suggestions, the colleagues and friends Michele Mastrotannl and Stefano Russo of the Department of Computer Sci- ence of the University of Napoli for their help m prototyping the simulation m the DISC enwronment, and the staff of the Interde- partmental Computing Center of the Umverslty of Salerno for all resources gwen at our disposal.

Requests for reprints should be sent to Salvatore Rampone, Dl- partimento di Fisica Teorica e S.M.S.A., Umversltfi di Salerno, 1- 8408 ! Baronissi (Sa) Italy.

& Weldon, 1972). Unfortunately, in the general case the decoding mechanism of these codes is NP-hard (Garey & Johnson, 1979).

In this work, instead of the standard methods, a neural net model is used for decoding binary linear codes on binary symmetrical channels (GaUager, 1968). The model decodes code words belonging to a binary linear code and performs the maximum likeli- hood decoding on noisy patterns that are received from the channel. This avoids both the multiplication of the received vector by the parity-check matrix (Gallager, 1968 ) and the creation of the standard array (GaUager, 1968) to identify the most probable error pattern as- sociated with the obtained syndrome (Gallager, 1968 ). Moreover, the net has the advantages due to the intrinsic parallelism of the neural model, and it is fast and simple to use.

The net was conceived with the aim of developing a neural chip that was programmable once and for all on a code, guaranteeing that if the code is e-correcting and a number < e of errors occur in the transmission of a code word, then the neural chip corrects them.

Given the characteristics of the model and to validate experimentally the theoretical results, we simulated the model on a distributed-memory multiprocessor system (Athas & Seitz, 1988). We implemented the net (Es- posito et al., 1993) using the DISC (DIStributed C) system (Iannello, Mazzeo, & Ventre, 1989; Iannello et al., 1990). DISC is a general purpose parallel program- ming environment, developed at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Napoli, based on the CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes) model (Hoare, 1978).

The idea of connecting neural nets and error-cor- recting codes was developed on Hopfield networks


Page 2: A neural network for error correcting decoding of binary linear codes

196 ,t Espowto. S Rampone, andR Taghaferrt

Source 1 Is°°r°°l I ch'nn°1 ) encoder ) e n c o d e r


Channe I ( N o i s e


I I s°°r°° I Channe' I Destination ( ( ( decoder decoder

FIGURE 1. Block diagram of communication system. The purpose of the source encoder is to represent the source output by a sequence of binary digits. The purpose of the channel encoder is to allow the binary data to be reliably reproduced at the output of the channel decoder.

(Hopfleld, 1982) by Bruck and Blaum (1989). Com- pared to this net, our model obtains better perfor- mances using a lower number o f neurons.

Thts work is organized m the followmg way. In the next two secttons we describe the code and the net models and show the net error-correcting capabilities. In Section 4 we extend the class o f suitable codes. In Section 5 we introduce the DISC environment. Then we show the net simulation and the experimental re- sults. The simulation program is reported in the Ap- pendix.

2. T H E C O D I N G E N V I R O N M E N T

An (n, k) binary linear code C ts a k-dimensional sub- space of the n-dimensional vector space Vn = [(Xl, x2, . . . . x , ) [ x , E {0, 1}]. Each vector x = (xl , x2 . . . . . x , ) ~ C is called code word; n is the length of the code words.

We propose to transmit code words on a Bmary Symmetr ic Channel (BSC) (McElice, 1977) (Figure 2). This channel works on binary input and output

'-4 0 a >l 0

l a >l 1

FIGURE 2. Binary symmetnc channel (BSC).

sequences, where each digit of the mput sequence is correctly reproduced at the channel output with some fixed probability ( I - ~) and is altered by noise into the opposite digit with probability ~.

If each code word is sent with the same probability and ~ < ½, then the receiver's best strategy for guessing which code word was sent ~s to perform the max imu m likelihood decoding, that is, to pick the code word for which the number o f components different from the received vector is smallest. This strategy will be capable o f correcting all patterns wtth at most e errors iff the H a m m i n g distance dn( "," ) between each pair of code words is greater than or equal to 2e + 1.

3. T H E N E U R A L M O D E L

The neural net is constituted by N - l neurons where N is the code word n u m b e r ' . The first n neurons of the net take the input from a n-bit buffer. The activation of each neuron l is given by:

u , ( t + r ) = l [ , = ~ ] a,uj(t) 0,]

where * 1 [x] is the Heaviside function

l [ x ] = I I if _x > 0,

t 0 if :, <= O;

s # , ( t ) is the state of the neuron i at t ime l; [# , ( t ) E {0, 1} for l < l < N - 1];

• O, is the threshold o f the neuron t, initially fixed to the value 1 - e, where e is infinitesimal;

• r is the propagation delay;

i In the following we suppose that the number of code words is larger than the length of the code words (n). In the general case N ,s the maximum between the length of the code words (n) and the code word number.

Page 3: A neural network for error correcting decoding of binary linear codes

Error Correcting Network 197

• a U is the weight of each edge (j , i), that is, the coupling coefficient from neuron j to neuron i. Each a,j is initially vanishing.

We sign A the coupling coefficient matrix (A = ( a o } ) and in the following we adopt the vectorial form:

tz(t + r) = 1 [At~(t) - 0] (1)

In this case the function 1 [ ] is applied to each com- ponent of the vector Ate(t) - 0.

The behaviour of the net is quite simple. The ele- ments set to 1 in the input buffer cause the activation of the corresponding neurons. Then, in the next step, each neuron computes the weighted sum of the input activations and quantizes the outputs to zero or one. The output of each neuron is coupled back to the out- put buffer ( Figure 3).

Now let C be a binary linear code (Gallager, 1968) of N code words

X0 Xl . . ~ X N-I "

Suppose such a code is e-correcting. To learn and de- code a code with error-correcting capabilities, the net undergoes two phases: 1. a training phase; 2. a threshold tuning phase.

3.1. Training Phase

We train the net on the code words x ~ . . . . . X N - I , in this order, with the following learning rule, which fixes the coupling coefficient values once and for all. 2 This rule is based on the Mnemonic Equations (Caianiello, 1961) as modified by Esposito, Rampone, and Tag- liaferri ( 1991 ).

1 h AClpk=[wH(xh-""'~Xk--t3(1--X~)]

At each step we train the net on a code word x h. We see that the coupling coefficients are updated in the following way:

a'pk= ( [ w n ~ xhk- f3(1- if if p ~ h;

where * wH( ) is the Hamming weight; • ~ ----- 1/[Wmax(C)] where W m a x ( C ) = maxh{ wn(xh) }.

2 We do not train the net on the code word x ° = 0. In the follovang we assume C to be the set C - { 0 }. The code word 0 is considered m the decoding phase section

Using a linear code C we find that the following properties for the A matrix, built by eqn (2) , are true: 1. x h E C = * # = l [ A x h - 0 ] 4:0 2. Vx h E C, only the hth component oft* is different

from 0 (#h = 1 ). In fact:

T H E O R E M 1. I f x h E C then I~ = 1 lAx h - O] 4: O.

Proof I f x h E C, from eqn (2) the net, in the training phase, associates to every bit x~ equal to 1 in x h a coupling coefficient in the hth row of A, ahj = 1/ Wn(Xh). Therefore, in the hth row (Ah), we have wH(x h) elements ahj-- 1/WH(Xh). Then Ahx h= 1 > Oh = 1 - e, a n d ~ h = 1. •

THEOREM 2. Vx h ~ C, only the hth component of # is dtfferent from O, that is, ~h = 1 and #r = O, Vr 4: h.

Proof We prove that Vr v ~ h we have Arx h - Or <- O. We consider three cases.

1. Let us suppose that, in the first case, wn(x r) > WH(Xh). In the worst case the wn(x h) bits equal to 1 in x h are in the same positions of the bits equal to 1 in x r. Then we have

A r x h - - O r - 14'H(xh'--"~) I + • < 0

wn(x ')


A r x h - Or -- _ _


wn(x h) - - < 1 . wn(x')

2. We suppose that wn(x r) < wn(xh). In the worst case there are wn(x r) bits equal to 1 in x h in the same positions of the bits equal to 1 in xL Then we have

wH(x') (w.(x h) - w~(x~)) l + e < 0 ,w(x r) Wm~x(C)

w,(x h) - w,(x ') > 0.

3. We suppose that wn(x h) = wn(xr). To have A,x h - 0r > 0 the position of the bits equal to 1 in x h should be the same as the bits equal to 1 in x r. But this is not possible because in the definition of e-correcting binary linear code we have Vx r, x h ~ C, r 4: h, dn(x r x h) >__ 2 e + 1. •

By these properties, only one code word corresponds to each row of the A matrix, that is, the association realized by eqn (2) is unique,

3.2. Threshold Tuning Phase

In the threshold tuning phase, the threshold, Oh, of each neuron h is decreased by a quantity eA, A = l / ( 2 e + l ). In this way, if in the transmission of a code word a number _<e of errors was made, we input to the net the

Page 4: A neural network for error correcting decoding of binary linear codes

198 A Espo~tto, S Rampone, and R Taghaferrt

1 X

I I /a 1

i F

2 n n + l _X _X _X

II ---I [-q /J '2 ' ~ n ' /'/'n + 1 "

a 2,i

] - - - F I"

X X 1 2

l n + 1~1

N-1 _X

• • • l

/ a N - a


-, gl/ 1 II--. [

• -- Vl X


N-I bit output buffer

N-I neurons network layer

n blt Input buffer

FIGURE 3. Neural network schema.

noisy pa t t e rn y and the n e u r o n assoc ia ted to the sent

code w o r d fires. In fact:

THEOREM 3. Let x h and y be the transmltted and the recetved vectors, respectively, wuh y 4 ~ x h. Decreasmg the threshold of each neuron o f eA, A = l / ( 2 e + 1 ),

we have the f irmg of only one neuron, exactly the h one

Proof Fxrst we d e t e r m i n e the va lue A shou ld a s s u m e

so tha t n e u r o n h fires. To ach ieve this we cons ide r the

value Ahy - Oh in the th ree wors t cases:

1. I f in x h we have e bits c h a n g e d by 1 ~ O, t hen

~ ( x h) - e Ahy -- Oh - wn(xh) 1 + eA + e

e 1 - - + e A + e > 0 * = ~ A > _ - - wn(x h ) w . ( x h) •

2. I f in x h e bits have been a l te red by 0 --~ 1, t hen

~ n ( x h) e Ahy - Oh w,q(xh ) Wmax(C ) 1 + e A + e

e - 1 1 + e A + e > 0 ~ = ~ A


1 > - - Wmax( C ) "

3. I f in x h k b l t s have been a l t e red by 1 --~ 0 and (e

- k) bits by 0 - ~ 1, t hen

AhY - Oh = WH(X h) -- k e - k

WH(X h ) Wmax (C) 1 + e A + e

wn(x h) k e - k

WH(X h ) WH(X h ) Wmax ( C ) 1 + e A + e

k e - k _ > - l + e A + e

w . ( x h) w . ( x h)

1 > 0 , = ~ A > _ - -

w . ( x h) "

There fo re the n e u r o n h fires ~ A >_ 1/Wu(Xh). Because

1 / ( 2 e + 1) >_ 1 /w /4 (xh ) , Vh we m u s t choose

1 A > _ - - (3)

2 e + 1

N o w we have to f ind the va lue A shou ld a s s u m e so tha t

the n e u r o n h is the on ly one tha t fires. Vr 4 ~ h, in the

wors t case, d H ( x ' , y ) >- e + 1. T h e n we have


e + l A r y < 1 - - + e


A~y - O~ _< 1 e + l

Wmax(C) 1 + e A + e

e + l - - - + e A + e


_ < O * ~ A < - - e + l

"'max ( C)e" (4)

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Error Correcting Network 199

To satisfy eqns (3) and (4) it must be

1 e + l < ~ w~,~(C)<2e+ 3 + l/e.

2e + 1 w ~ ( C)e

3.3. Decoding Phase

After training and tuning, the net can be used as an error-correcting decoder of patterns received from bi- nary symmetric channels (Gallager, 1968; Mac- Williams & Sloane, 1981; Peterson and Weldon, 1972).

A noisy pattern y from the channel was input to the net. After the propagation delay, if a number <e of errors was made in the transmission, only the neu- ron associated to the right code word is activated by eqn ( 1 ).3


Because Wm~x(C) must be less than 2e + 3 + I /e , it is hard to apply the net to the complementary codes (Gallager, 1968). But, if we decrease the threshold of the neuron associated to vector 1 (where 1 is a code word) of a quantity eA 1, where A l ~ A, this becomes possible. We train the net as before, fixing the parameter 3 = l / [ w m a x ( C - { 1 } ) ] .

In the threshold tuning phase we tune the threshold of the neuron associated to code word 1 with a quantity eA l, where A 1 = 1 / n. We have:

THEOREM 4. I f we decrease the threshold o f the neuron assoctated to vector 1 (code word) of a quantity eA m , where A m = 1/n, the decoding algorithm can also be applied to complementary codes with Wr, a~( C -- { 1 } ) < 2 e + 3.

Proof We suppose 3 = 1 / [ Wm~, { C - { 1 } ) ]. We call Ahl the row of the A matrix that is associated to vector 1 and y~ a noisy version of the code word 1 with, at most, e bits altered. We have

Ahjy J -- Oht > _ _ - - - - n - e

1 + e A t + e > 0 c ~ A J >_ l / n .

This assures us that the neuron h ~ fires for any noisy version of the code word 1 iff A 1 > 1 / n.

For every vector y, noisy or not version of any other code word, we have that the neuron h m will not fire because

3 This is not true if we only recewed the code word 0, or a noisy version of ~t. In th~s case, because tts weight is ~e , no neuron ~s activated by eqn ( 1 ) In this way we associate the vanishing value of all the neuron activations to the reception of the code word 0 or a noisy version of ~t.

A h , y - - O ~ < _ n - ( e + 1) 1 + e A l + e n

e + l = 1 1 + e A t + e


- -<0~=*A l -< 1 / n + 1 / e n + e.

Moreover, Vr ¢ h m we have Ary m _ 0r < 0. In fact:

e + l e A r y t - O r <- 1 - - 1 + - - + e < O .

W m a x ( C - { 1 } ) 2 e + 1

Therefore, Vr ¢ h i the neuron r does not fire. •

4.1. Neuron Number Reduction

By the property of the complementary codes

if x h ~ C then (l, 1 . . . . . 1 ) - - x h ~ C

we can use a net of N / 2 neurons, training it on only N / 2 code words. Then, in the operative phase, we use the following procedure: 1. input the received pattern y to the net; 2. if the net answer is nonzero then exit; 3. complement y; let y' be the new pattern; 4. input the pattern y' to the net.


Given the characteristics of the model and to experi- mentally validate the theoretical results, we simulate the model on a distributed-memory multiprocessor system (Athas & Seitz, 1988 ). We use the DISC system, made up by a parallel programming language and a programming environment, based on the CSP model of computation (Hoare, 1978). It was conceived for distributed memory MIMD (Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data) parallel architectures. Currently, it runs on two different platforms: a local area network of UNIX workstations, and a network of Transputer pro- c e s s o r s .

The DISC concurrent language (Iannello et al., 1989) extends the C sequential language with three ba- sic concurrent constructs: a parallel command (par), to activate several user processes in parallel, indepen- dently of their location in the underlying multicomputer system; commands for message exchange ( input /out- put) between processes over many-to-one (channel) abstractions; an alternative command (alt) for non- deterministic selection of one among several potential partners in the communication over a channel.

DISC programs are made up by a set of sequential processes, structured in a hierarchical way by means of the parallel command (there is always a root process), and interacting by means of explicit message passing statements.

The DISC system presents some features that make it suitable for fast prototyping of neural networks par- allel simulations.

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200 .4 Espostto, S Rampone, and R Taghaferrt

At the language level, the user has no view of the number of processing elements in the target machine, and of the topology of interconnection among them. Of course, the number of processors, the topology, and the algorithm used to map processes onto processors have a strong influence on the performances of the pro- gram. However, with respect to other concurrent lan- guages like OCCAM, DISC frees the programmer, while designing and testing a parallel implementation for a neural network, from being concerned with many con- current software engineering problems, like writing code for routing of messages in the multicomputer sys- tem, writing nonscalable programs, and so on. More- over, the capability to develop the DISC neural appli- cation in a friendly programming environment on a UNIX workstation, before running it on a Transputer- based machine, can considerably shorten the time re- quired to implement and test a neural model.

These properties appear to be particularly interesting m a research environment, where people interested in speeding up their simulations must face the time and effort needed to implement a simulation program on a Transputer system.

5.1. Simulation Program

The structure of a DISC program to simulate a given neural network consists basically of definitions of pro- cesses, which correspond to neuron types, and of a root process, which creates actual neurons and sets up con- nections among them. Actual neurons are activated as instances of the user-defined neuron types.

Our parallel implementation of the neural error- correcting decoder consists of as many concurrent in- stances of a neuron process as there are neurons in the model, and a multiplexer process, that carries out the task of interfacing the user and distributing the code words to the neuron processes. Neurons and multi- plexer are interconnected through many-to-one com- munication channels. The program code is reported in the Appendix.

In the training phase, the neuron issues an input command over the channel DataChan to receive the code word from the multiplexer. In the same way, dur- ing recognition, each neuron instance waits on the channel for a pattern to decode; according to the prop- erties of the net, only one neuron will recognize the code word, issuing the print statement.

The multiplexer process gets code words from the user, or from a database, and distributes them to the neurons. Then it loops getting patterns to be decoded and presenting them to the whole net. The program exploits the automatic termination mechanism of DISC. When there are no more input patterns to be decoded, the multiplexer exits from the loop and ter- minates; because the neuron processes will never be

able to communicate with the multiplexer, the system kernel is responsible for their automatic termination.

The root process simply activates the neurons and the multiplexer by means of a parallel command. The program stops when all child processes terminate, and the parallel command will terminate too, returning control to the root process.

6. E X P E R I M E N T S

We run our simulation program on a set of four Sun workstations SPARCstation IPX running SunOs. We use a particular linear code, the Reed-Muller code RM ( 1, 3 ) (Peterson & Weldon, 1972 ) ( Figure 4) with 16 code words, each of them 8 bits long. Given the properties of this code, each neuron is able to recognize two complementary code words. Thus, the number of neurons required can be set to one-half the number of code words (Figures 5, 6 ).

We distribute neuron processes evenly among pro- cessors. The training time for the network made up of 8 neurons is about 200 ms. This is also the time required to recognize a code word, because the amount of data to be transmitted in the network is the same in both the learning and decoding phases, and the local com- putation time for each neuron can be neglected.


This work is devoted to an application of neural net- works for error-correcting decoding of binary linear codes.

The idea of connecting neural nets and error-cor- recting codes was theoretically developed by Bruck and Blaum (1989), where it was established that it is pos-

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 ~2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 ~z 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 ~s 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0

0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0

0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 ~1o 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0

~ n 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

~12 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

~lz 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 x14 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 ~15 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

FIGURE 4. The Reed-Muller code RM( 1, 3).

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Error Correcting Network 201

sible to cons t ruc t a Hopfield ne twork (Hopfield, 1982) in which every local m a x i m u m is a code word and vice versa and tha t the m a x i m u m l ike l ihood decoding o f e r ror -correc t ing codes is equivalent to f ind the maxi - m u m of the energy funct ion o f the net. Because the m a x i m u m l ike l ihood decoding p rob l em is NP-ha rd , we cannot expect to have the Hopfield network converge to the op t imal solut ion unless the neuron n u m b e r in- creases exponential ly. In this case the er ror p robab i l i ty is high, because the energy funct ion o f the Hopfield net can have more than one m a x i m u m .

Our neura l net, after learning the code, reduces the er ror decoding p robab i l i ty to zero for a noise version o f code words with a n u m b e r o f errors in the range o f the er ror -correc t ing capaci ty o f the code, with the fur- ther advantages of a lower n u m b e r o f neurons and o f a fast and s imple t ra ining.

We proved that the class o f b ina ry l inear codes that can be given in i npu t to the net is l imi ted, in the general case, by the relat ion Wmax(C) -< 2e + 3, and, for the c o m p l e m e n t a r y codes, by Wmax ( C - ( l , 1 . . . . . 1)) -< 2e + 3, where Wmax(C) is the m a x i m u m H a m m i n g weight o f a code word in C. To extend the net to larger classes is a d i rec t ion o f fu ture work.

Regard ing the paral le l s imula t ion , we should po in t out tha t the smal l gra in size of each neuron prevents ob ta in ing good speed-up with s imula t ion p rog rams us- ing an increas ing n u m b e r o f processors, at least as far as networks with up to a few tens o f neurons are sim- ulated. This is due to the fact that the advantage o f d is t r ibut ing the load among several processors can be ou tpe r fo rmed by the greater cost o f nonlocal com- munica t ions in a ne twork where the act ivi ty of the neu- rons is negligible. Actually, the neura l e r ror -correc t ing

Ax - ~ -/~ -/~ -/~ ~ ~ ~

A 2 -/~ -/~ ~ ~ -/~ -/~ ~ Aa - / ~ ~ - / ~ ~ - ~ ~ - / ~

A , - /~ - /~ ~ ~ o~ o~ - /~ - ~ A s - /3 a - /3 (~ (~ - /3 a - /3 A e - # a a - ~ - /~ a a - #

A s ~/ ~/ "7 ~/ "7 "~ "/ "~ A . ~ c~ ~ ~ - /~ - /~ - ~ - /~

A~o c~ c~ - /~ - /~ ~ ~ - ~ - /~

Axz ~ a - /3 - /3 - /3 - /3 a o~

A , , o~ - ~ - ~ o~ ~ - /~ - /~

FIGURE 5. The coupling coefficient matrix for the Reed-Muller code RM(1, 3). a = ¼,8 = ¼,~,= ~.

A s - /~ ~ - ~ o~ - /~ a - , 8 A , -/~ -/~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -/~ -/~ A ~ - / 3 c~ - / 3 a t~ - / 3 ot - / 3

A e - / 3 a a -/3 -/3 a a - / 3

A v - / 3 t~ a - / 3 t~ - / 3 - / 3 c~

A s "/ "/ "~ "/ ~ "/ ~/ "7

FIGURE 6. The coupling coefficient matrix for the Reed-Muller code RM(1, 3) using the neuron number reduction, a = ¼, B = ¼, - / : ~.

decoder is bet ter sui ted for a specifically designed hard- ware implemen ta t ion .


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A P P E N D I X : S I M U L A T I O N P R O G R A M

The following is the DISC code of the simulation program. In the code, N stands for the length of the codewords and NPC for the number of codewords, that ~s, the number of neurons.

Page 8: A neural network for error correcting decoding of binary linear codes

202 A Espo~tto, S Rampone, and R Taghafem

A.I. Definition File (defs.h).

#define N 8 / * codeword length */ #define NPC 8 / * neuron number */ #define WMAX 4 0

/* error correcting parameters */ #define E 1 0 #define DELTA ( 1.0/(2 0* E + 1 0)) #define DELTAI (DELTA - (1.0/(f loat) N)) #define S ( 1 0 - E * DELTA/(2 0* E + I 0))

A.2. Neuron Process (neuron.d).

#include "defs.h" process neuron (1, DataChan, Ack ) in lnt 1, used mt DataChan, Ack,

mt j, CodeSum, mt CodeWord [ N ], Pattern [ N ]; float wh, val, threshold, weight [ N ],

/* training phase */ DataChan .~ CodeWord:/* get codeword from mux */

/* compute weights */ for(j=0, wh=0.0; j < N , j + + ) wh = wh + (float) (CodeWord[j]); for( j = 0, j < N , j + + )

lf(CodeWord[j]) weight[j] = 1 0/wh, else weight[j] = - 1 0 /WMAX;

/* threshold tuning */ for (j = 0, CodeSum=0: j < N, j + + ) CodeSum = CodeSum

+ CodeWord [j ]; lf(CodeSum < N) threshold = (float) S;

else threshold = (float) S 1,

/* end learning */ Ack Iw sync,

/* input and decoding phase */ while ( 1 ) {

DataChan 9?. Pattern, /* input pattern from mux */ for (j = 0, val = 0 0; j<N; j + + ) val = val + ((float)(Pattern[j])

* weight [j ] ), If ((val -- threshold) >0) /

for (j =0, j<N, j + + ) prmtf( "%d", Codeword [j ] ), } /* codeword decoded! */

/* try for complementary codeword */ for (j = 0 , j < N , j + + ) (pattern[j] + 1 ) %2 for (j = 0, val = 0 0 ; j<N, j + + ) val = val + ((float)(Pattern[j])

* weight [j ]), ff((val - threshold) >0) {

for (j=0; j<N: j + + ) prmtf("%d", (Codeword[j] + 1 ) %2), }

/* codeword decoded! */ Ack !! sync; } /* endwhde */ } endprocess

A.3. Multiplexer Process (multiplexer.d).

process multlplexer( DataChan, Ack ) owned into DataChan, Ack,

char str [ N ], lnt 1, J, mt datl [ NPC ] [ N ], FILE *fp;

fp = fopen( ' rml3 .code ' , " r " ) If( fp = = NULL) prmtf( "Error opening file" ),

/* Get codewords */ for (1=0, 1 < NPC, 1++) {

ff(fscanf(fp, "%s", str)!= EOF ~ for (j=0; j < N, j + + ) dat~[i][j] = str[j] - "0',


/* training phase */ for (1=0,1 < NPC, 1++) DataChan !! datl[i] ,

/* walt for end learning */ for 0=0, 5 < NPC, 1++) Ack ~ sync,

/* decodmg phase */ whde(scanf("%s",str) 5= EOF) [

for (j = 0,j < N, j + + ) datl[0][j] = str[j] - '0', fflush(stdm), forO = 0, i < NPC, i++) DataChan !v dah[0] , for (5 = 0 , , < NPC, 1++) Ack ~ sync,

1 endprocess

A.4. Root Process (root.d).

process root()

mt l, par {

local chl, ch2, process multiplexer(than ch 1 ,ch2 ), for(l = 0, i < NPC; 1++) process neuron(m l, than chl ,ch2), I
