a mother is not a person to lean on but

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  • 8/14/2019 A Mother is Not a Person to Lean on But


    A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning


    -Dorothy Canfield Fisher

    January 2, 1997

    Dear Melody,

    For Christmas this year, I got you a lot of work. Montessori-like

    equipment. And you have flourished with it. Just over this holiday

    week, your vocabulary, expressions, your whole communication hastaken a leap. Daddy got you phonics equipment and you love it.

    You do everything for yourself. All your own dishes and

    silverware are in your little kitchen so you can set your own place at

    the table. You help empty the dishwasher; your particular job is to put

    all the silverware away in their proper slot in the drawer.

    You've got a terrific sense of humor. Any situation can be turned

    around with a laugh. I've had to be more patient and positive than I've

    ever been before to give you space to act independently and to see

    each task to completion. Everything takes so long! But it's worth it

    now. Whatever we do consistently now, will be a routine part of the

    program later. However long it takes, Dee Dee cleans up whatever

    she's worked with. And cleans her room each day. I always keep it a

    positive, upbeat experience. I de-intensify mistakes, frustrations,

    difficulties. She is very patient and helpful. She has outshone all her

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    cousins at holiday gatherings with her self-control and self-


    Working with her like a real Montessori teacher has been so

    fulfilling. I'm in my element now. I know what to do. She's 2 1/2.

    This is the age for which I was trained. This is homeschooling. I love


    While her hair is so long now, and she's so pretty and bright,

    sunny and happy, it hit me the other day that she's only been around 2

    1/2 years. That feels like so short a time. She seems so old. She

    picked out a stone at the hippie store - petrified wood was the one she

    wanted. She's an old soul. She makes up her own little songs and

    rhymes. She sings to everything she does, from cleaning up to learning

    to spell TOP, MOP, HOP, CAT, HOT. She recognizes the letters in her

    name. She knows her colors. She counts to 20 on her own and thirty-forty with help.

    She trusts me, I can tell. I've got to keep earning that trust all

    the time. I trust her just about all the time. I trust her with just

    about everything - even at great risk sometimes. I guess I'm playing

    the odds for the long-term results. But she listens to me and doesn't

    run into the street; she overcomes obstacles and fears by facing them

    calmly with me - together. She experiences victory, success, power

    and accomplishment at every turn. This period has been my favorite by

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    far of all her stages. The older she gets, the more I and everyone else

    really likes her.



  • 8/14/2019 A Mother is Not a Person to Lean on But


    Thy Name is my healing, O my God, and remembrance of Thee is my

    remedy. Nearness to Thee is my hope and love for Thee is my

    companion. Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this

    world and the world to come. Verily, Thou art the All-Bountiful, the

    All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

    -Healing Prayer

    January 27, 1997

    I want to document my efforts, my experiments, my successes

    and failures in providing health and healing to my family in the tradition

    of my fore-mothers.

    When Bill and I agreed to drop our health insurance (we were

    paying about $390 a month for something we never used), I

    immediately began to collect my resources for home health care. I

    studied homeopathy, healing herbs, minerals, vitamins, foods, as well as

    "doctor-sanctioned" methods. I looked at Reiki, acupressure, hands-onhealing and other more esoteric healing sciences, but they didn't

    appear to be practical to explore without certain training courses and

    metaphysical beliefs. Plus, I just don't want to take the time to do

    yoga or meditate daily or whatever to awaken my chakras. And how am

    I going to get a two-year-old to do the exercises or sit still while I lay

    hands on her.

    The methods I'm starting to formulate are more intuitive. They

    include a lot of touching, holding, carrying, praying, singing and so on,

    but they aren't exactly a science. They are more a method of

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    mothering, of being attuned to my daughter's needs or my husband's

    stresses and also with the energy in life and nature and the entire

    creation and the energy of God.

    These journal entries are only anecdotal - what worked or didn't

    work for me - but they evolved from all my research in countless books

    I bought or borrowed. I'll document my resources at the end. The

    books were vastly helpful, but they lacked continuity, if that's the

    right word. They said "Do this or do that" or "Do this and that if this

    happens." But I wanted to find, in one place, what to do before this or

    that, to prevent it, or if it looked like this or that might be coming on,

    what first steps to take to ward it off; and the things to do that

    didn't just involve herbs or just over-the-counter remedies or just


    I have a houseful of people - all ages, sexes, some immediatelyfamily, some spiritual family. We live intertwined together and what

    happens to one affects the others. I want to document what to do for

    the whole family to keep them well, or keep some of them well when

    one of them is sick. The process of prevention, health and healing is

    what this journal entry is about. With that, I want to document the

    first events which inspired me to write this in a journal.

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    Flu Season - Winter, 1997

    Erica had had strep throat already, and had missed school.

    Her mom took her to the doctor and got her a prescription for

    antibiotics, in "horsepill" form. She hated taking (swallowing) those

    pills so we let her dissolve them in a drink to take it. She stated that

    she had recovered so quickly because she eats healthy.

    Then Bill got sick. First he was exposed to really cold weather

    when he had to keep getting in and out of his warm van into the cold air

    to a warm office and back - all day long. That night he said he felt

    funny in his stomach. He always guesses food poisoning first, causing

    me a bit of anxiety that I poisoned him somehow.

    Anyway, by the next day, Saturday of Inaugural Weekend -

    Martin Luther King holiday, it hit. He lost everything he ate and bodilyfluids out of both ends.

    The best I could do was stay away from him and pump extra

    vitamin C (VC), Echinacea (Ech), and multi-vitamins (MV) down Melody

    and me.

    At the same time (that Friday), Boo Boo had a fever and a double

    ear infection. I tried to keep the two babies apart as best I could all


    MISTAKE: Important side note was that there were a couple of really

    warm days in the 50's where I only put a bulky sweater on Melody. But

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    we'd be out 'til after dark and the temperature would drop back into

    the 30's.

    REMEMBER: If the body's energy is spent trying to keep warm then it

    can't be spent fighting off germs; thus allowing germs to invade with

    less resistance. That's why you get sick if you go out into the cold air.

    Bill will not take aspirin or any medicine when he's sick. Even to

    relieve symptoms so he can sleep. He'd rather tough it out. He told

    me that even after knee surgery, he refused pain killers! So I tried a

    few natural approaches. When he asked for orange juice to sip by

    Sunday, I spiked it with ginger ale hoping to help settle his stomach.

    He still threw everything up most of that day.

    He got a severe headache by Sunday afternoon because he had

    stopped drinking anything. He was getting dehydrated. I suggested

    Pedialyte. It was the only stuff I had for re-supplying electrolytes.But he refused. I told him to sip water all of the time, even if he

    threw it up. At least, I thought, it would move the process along

    quicker until it would finally stay down.

    I also asked him if he was still urinating. If not, I said, it would

    be a serious indication of dehydration that might require medical

    intervention. He said he guessed he still was (he's a non-cooperative

    patient). I began to worry about his condition after 2 days and 2

    nights of his body rejecting everything.

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    By Monday (a holiday) he was up and going on a couple of service

    calls, even though he still felt sick. But he started eating again (salad,

    of all things; I said that was a bit rough for a first meal but he kept it

    down at least). And he was drinking tons of water.

    PREVENTION: When one family member is sick, the other members

    (especially the children) should avoid being near that person - even in

    the same sick room. And begin to up the dosage of VC, Ech, VA, some

    sort of ginseng for the adults, (I use Hi-Ener-G, a ginseng and honey

    syrup. It's even available at Giant and it's not that expensive), and

    Lecithin for the adults.

    REMEMBER: Sugar weakens the immune system.

    Reduce milk and juice intake. Milk is hard to digest, using vital

    energies needed to fight infection. And juice has sugars, natural or

    otherwise, and sugars weaken the immune system. Switch to herbalteas and water and some OJ. It's OK to use a dollop of honey for the


    VA is an immune system booster. I made Ech Plus tea and

    chamomile tea by the pot full. Melody drank it warm - hot most of the


    RECIPE: Also, Bill made a batch of chicken soup. Boil the chicken at

    least one hour to get all the properties into the broth, whatever they

    are. I think I heard that they are decongestant properties, but I'm

    not sure. Bill uses noodles, carrots and celery in his soup. But I've

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    heard a better recipe: Use root vegetables - they have decongestant

    properties - and throw in a handful of beans, preferably lentils. Not

    only are they a healthy source of protein; they also add texture and

    flavor to the broth.

    I also changed the bedding as soon as Bill left the bed long

    enough to do so - by Monday. And I aired out the house - especially

    the bedroom, and cleaned the bathroom really well.

    Despite all these preventive moves, Melody got a fever by the

    end of the next week. This time little baby Laura was also sick on

    Friday, but I didn't realize it until later in the day. Melody had a high

    fever Thursday night.

    She was active and had no fever on Friday, but I kept the babies

    home from play group anyway. It was very cold outside and I wanted to

    keep Dee Dee warm.She wouldn't take a nap, however, and I really felt she needed

    one. I even tried driving her around in the car. She dozed off for two

    minutes after driving off, but she woke up as soon as I opened her


    She wouldn't eat anything and the fever returned by evening. I

    took her to the chiropractor then and he adjusted her saying that it

    would take care of the fever.

    REMEMBER: An adjustment at the chiropractor's can help the body

    heal itself quicker. If energy is blocked in a certain area (subluxation),

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    then it can't flow properly to that area to keep it sustained. That area

    becomes weak and susceptible to invasion by germs, to illness, stress,

    dis-ease, etc.

    I also bought nasal decongestant (ND) drops for infants. I gave

    her a hot bath to clear her runny nose. I put her in warm jammies,

    gave her two droppers full of ND, a sippy cup of her tea, and put her to

    bed with the humidifier (warm air).

    She got up 4 times during the night to come in our room, wanting

    to eat or drink something. Finally, the fourth time, I let her crawl into

    our bed and sleep.

    The next day she had a low-grade fever and mentioned that her

    ear hurt. Again, she wouldn't eat or sleep. I kept giving her herbal tea

    (HT) and Ech, VC and MV. I tried another dose of ND but she still

    wouldn't take a nap. Finally, I drove her around and she fell asleep inthe car. She slept maybe an hour or less.

    That's when I decided to intensify my attention to her healing. I

    realized she was getting chilled when she would leave her bedroom

    several times a night to come into our room. She was getting chilled,

    further weakening her body. So I decided to sleep in her room that

    night (Saturday). She either slept in the crib or with me in the ABC

    bed (day bed).

    REMEMBER: Touch heals. Either by relieving stress, providing

    comfort, sharing warmth or transferring energy - touch helps heal.

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    She always wants to be carried when she's sick. Carry her, I say!

    Trust her need and your mother's intuition to hold and comfort her.

    You don't need to study the sciences of touch therapy - Reiki,

    massage, acupressure, etc. Do what feels right and works for both of

    you - rub her back, curl her body up into your chest, stroke her hair

    and neck. Rock her in the rocking chair, carry her in the sling.

    Whatever it takes and whatever works - DO IT! Keep a sick child

    close, keep vigil and use the power of touch to heal.

    I also prayed with her right before I put her down to bed. I

    invited her to say the healing prayer with me. Then I said it as I held

    her hand.

    I put Vick's VapoRub in the humidifier trough. I also rubbed it on

    her throat and chest. She got 2 droppers of ND and more warm tea to

    take to bed with her.She awoke through the night in 4 hour intervals (right on the

    nose of the duration of the ND). I would refill the humidifier, giver

    her more ND and replenish her HT if she asked for it. I let her sleep

    with me if she wanted to or sleep in the crib if she asked to be moved.

    By morning, and for the rest of the day, she had no more fever.

    She had a cough that was starting to break up. I told her "good job"

    every time she coughed. By Wednesday, she was coughing up the

    phlegm from her lungs. But she still wasn't eating, except at

    breakfast. She was also so tired that she was asking to go to sleep

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    early in the afternoon and earlier than her normal bedtime. She also

    got cranky Wednesday morning.

    So I put her to bed with the humidifier, ND (her nose was getting

    runny again), and HT. I had kept her on a regular regimen of Ech, VC,

    MV and an occasional VA. By Wednesday night, she was eating again

    and back in good spirits.

    But now I was starting to ache in my joints, feel really tired and

    had a slight fever. I went to bed early - took a night-time dose of a

    homeopathic remedy for flu (3 tablets) and felt my stomach begin to

    churn. Within an hour I threw up once. The rest of the night I sipped

    water and slept fitfully. I rested the whole next day - just taking

    water and HT. By evening, my appetite was back and all was well with

    every member of the family. I aired out the house for 15 minutes, and

    all was fresh again.NOTE ON CHEYNIE'S EAR INFECTION: Tuesday night, Cheyne had

    a slight fever and a light rash on his torso. He was also cranky. By

    Wednesday, he had watery eyes, runny nose and wouldn't drink

    anything. By Wednesday afternoon his fever hit 102.6 and he refused

    to drink.

    We thought strep throat but when Lisa took him to Nighttime

    Pediatrics, they found he had a raging ear infection. A rash can

    manifest itself as a symptom of an ear infection. His throat wasn't

    sore but he had an ulcer on his tongue. And perhaps it hurt to swallow

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    with such a bad ear infection. Anyway, symptoms, even straight from a

    book, can fool you. He had all the symptoms of strep, but it was an ear


    Mouth Sores

    Early this winter several people I know had mouth sores all over

    the inside of their mouths. They couldn't eat or drink because the

    pain was so bad.

    I didn't notice the problem in Melody until I tried to brush her

    teeth one night and caught a glimpse of at least three of them. I

    thought her refusal to eat was just another day with a toddler's

    finicky diet.

    The only thing I can remember her drinking was milkshakes. The

    cold numbed it enough that she could drink. I also sprayed someChloroseptic into her mouth and she would get down an occasional bite

    or two before the pain returned.

    After about three days of not eating I really began to get


    REMEMBER: One last resort before going to a doctor is going to a

    pharmacist. They're free, they know what's going around, what the

    symptoms are, what's available over the counter as opposed to

    prescription only, and they're very friendly and willing to help.

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    I asked the pharmacist if there was any over-the-counter cure

    for mouth sores. She said not really and commented that she knew

    they were going around at the time. She also offered that there was

    no prescription remedy either. There was only stuff you could buy or

    get from the doctor to relieve the pain. They had to run their course,

    which was about seven days. So I suggested rinsing with hot salt

    water. She said yes, if I could get a toddler to do that.

    Well, I did. I made it hot enough, or salty enough, that once she

    got it in her mouth, she would want to spit it out. After about another

    day and a half, Melody tentatively started eating. I knew that the

    saltwater rinse helped kill the germ in her mouth more effectively, at

    least as effectively, as prescription drugs would've.

    Some things have to run their course. If you do everything right,

    the course may be shortened at best.

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    If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If

    there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house. If

    there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation. If

    there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.

    -Chinese Proverb

    April 1, 1997


    The more I get into healing and wholeness, the more I recognize

    that energy plays the most important role in determining health or

    sickness. By energy, I really mean the balance of energy. If

    someone's equilibrium is upset, then 9 out of 10 times, that person will

    get sick.

    I am also more acutely aware of who is emanating or radiating

    positive energy and who is oozing, or even vomiting forth, negativeenergy. I feel like I am this close to actually seeing their auras.

    I noticed this first when my daughter and I were introduced to a

    man who was a friend of a friend. I trusted my friend's judgment in

    going to meet this man with her, knowing that she wouldn't

    intentionally put me or my child in an uncomfortable position.

    As soon as we stepped out of the car and the man approached

    from the house, my daughter ran to me, greatly distressed. She clung

    to me and wouldn't let me put her down.

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    I suspected at first that it was his boisterousness or his loud

    voice, and maybe it was only that. I sized him up, not really liking him

    but decided that there must be something about him worth connecting

    with or he wouldn't be friends with my girlfriend.

    It soon became apparent that this man was someone to avoid at

    all costs, especially with the children. He began drinking, smoking,

    swearing, making lewd remarks and kept extremely violent and

    offensive programs on the TV, all in front of the children all the time.

    He associated with others who also had no consciousness of the

    children in their presence, who were boastful, lying, lewd and rude to

    everyone around them. My daughter would not go near any of them and

    I had to protect her during the entire visit from the negative energy

    emanating from this man. It was extremely stressful for both of us.

    From then on, I began to tune in on the "vibes" different peoplewere putting out. I could tell by the way they made me feel when I was

    with them, or by how my daughter reacted when she was around them.

    I began to trust this feeling, this intuition, as if I were a mirror

    reflecting who they were. If I felt good and at ease around them,

    basically I sensed that much was in balance. If I felt tense or

    defensive, I knew there was something negative coming at me. If I

    felt anxious or exhausted after being with someone, I sensed that

    their lives, their energy was scattered, in disarray.

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    I am beginning to trust this instinct or intuition and to use it to

    predict the onset of dis-ease or ill-health, to recommend, when I can,

    preventive measures to ill-health and to identify the sources of

    optimum health.

    Eschew the fellowship of the ungodly and seek the companionship of

    the righteous.


    The ungodly will make you sick!

  • 8/14/2019 A Mother is Not a Person to Lean on But



    -from a parent letter in Growing Without Schooling, p. #92

    "Treating them with respect"

    ...This is what I do. First, I do for myself. That is, if I am

    perfectly capable of doing a task unaided (such as getting my book), I

    do so. I expect the same of the children. Second, if I need someoneelse to help or take on a job, I ask nicely - pleasant voice, often a

    request, rather than a demand, and always "please". Third, there is

    give and take. If someone must attend to an unexpected task,

    sometimes I will be the one, sometimes one of the children will be.

    Fourth, when the tables are turned and a child needs my help, I am at

    least as responsive as I expect her to be for me.

    Despite it all, sometimes the children just don't realize all that

    is done by the parents, including the interruptions undergone. So tell

    them! (No martyrs, please.) They should know that give and take ishappening. However, I have found that children are most observant.

    Given their due respect, they will cooperate.

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    Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.

    -Lady Bird Johnson

    April 14, 1997

    Dear Melody,

    I call you "Dee" now. That's what Joe calls you (he's the little

    Korean boy down the street who is one day younger than you). It

    sounds so much older than "Dee Dee," that Boo Boo calls you. As of

    April 10th, 1997, you are not a baby any longer. You stopped wearing

    diapers, except at sleep times and long times away from a potty, like

    Erica's lacrosse games. Almost simultaneously, you started dressing

    yourself completely, picking out your own clothes, taking showers by

    yourself, helping Mommy fold clothes, take out trash, clear out the

    back trail and so many other things.

    Daddy and I discussed it at length and he'll let me homeschool if

    I really want to. I haven't decided yet.

    But to celebrate your transition from infancy to childhood, Erica

    and I took you out for ice cream, and I took you to the New Age

    bookstore and let you pick out a token for your pouch. You picked adisc relief of a baby figure stretching out its arms as if trying to

    break free. Perfect!

    I took you to visit Lee Havis today. He paid me the greatest

    compliment a teacher could pay to a student. He told me he could tell

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    that I was doing a good job with you - being with you and supporting

    your normalization. He said he could tell by watching you and working

    with you. He said he was very proud of me. That was quite a

    compliment - truly the badge of success for my efforts.

    We've started working on sandpaper letters, number rods,

    phonics reading cards, geometric shapes, graduated color cards, just to

    name a few things. These are just the sensorial, language and math

    materials, not to mention the practical life you get all the time.

    I went to the LSA about how to integrate you more into the

    community at Feasts and gatherings. I told them I want to go to the

    PG South community Feast where all of the kids from Sunday School

    are. They said I could do this if I really felt strongly about it but the

    Assembly will continue to consult on ways to integrate my little 2 1/2

    year old into its activities.Love,


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    For me, motherhood has been the one true, great, and wholly

    successful romance. It is the only love I have known that is expansive

    and that could have stretched to contain with equal passion more than

    one object.

    -Irma Kurtz

    December 3, 1997

    Dee Dee,

    This is your third Christmas season. I'm doing my utmost to

    protect you from the rampant materialism.