a hindu marriage ceremony

Why is marriage important to Hindus?

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A description of the Hindu marriage ceremony for help with OCR GCSE Religious Studies


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Why is marriage important to


Page 2: A hindu marriage ceremony

Hindu Wedding Ceremony

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A Hindu Marriage Ceremony


The night before the wedding the bride and groom go through a ceremonial bath, to cleanse them for the ceremony. The bride will have her hands and feet decorated with henna- mehendi.

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Red symbolises

Gold symbolises


Wealth & Royalty – the couple are treated like Rama and Sita for a day.

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Event image Quotes and meaning

Bridegroom and his family is welcomed at the bride’s house

The bridegroom is brought to a specially decorated altar called a ‘Mandap, offered a seat and a welcoming drink a mixture of milk, ghee, yoghurt and honey. He will be accompanied by all his family members

Songs of blessings

The bride and groom stand facing each other. A silk cloth is held between them by the priest and to form a curtain.

Rice grains are distributed amongst the guests. Songs are sung and guests shower the couple with rice

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Flower symbolise

‘Mandap’ is ….

The blooming of a relationship. The couples’ love for each other

The sacred altar where the ceremony happens.

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Rice Having a plentiful relationship – growth of the family


Nourishing the bond between the couple

Offering to the Gods

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Daughter is given in marriage by her father

Father puts the daughters right hand in the grooms hand. Father asks the groom to promise to be moderate in the observance of his moral duty (dharma), the earning of money (artha) and the enjoyment of good things in life (Kama).

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Father asks the groom to promise…..

Passing responsibility of his daughter over to the groom – lead a balanced life

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The role of the mother in law …..

How will this effect the bride?

Is to guide the daughter in law in life and the new household

If a bad relationship is formed life can be difficult for the new daughter in law


exchange of gifts

The groom’s mother gives an auspicious necklace (mangala sootra) to the bride

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The sacred

fire is lit and the priest recites the sacred mantras in Sanskrit

The priest invites the groom to make offerings to the fire as certain prayers are said. The bride shares in this act by touching his shoulder. The groom says to the bride “ I am the sun you are the earth……

The end of the bride’s sari that hangs over her shoulder is then tied to the grooms scarf.

(signifying unity – husband and wife as one)

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Haran Sacred fire used in ceremonies

Goddess of fire – power, passion, light, anger, warmth


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The taking of vows.

The husband holding his wife’s hands, says “I hold your hand in the spirit of dharma we are both husband and wife.” The couple offer roasted rice to the sacred fire.

Mantras are then said – the ghee/rice in the fire is what energises their vows (brings them to life)

There is unity between husband and wife through their sacred duties.

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The bride steps on a stone

Which symbolises a rock and her willingness and strength to overcome difficulties in pursuit of her duties.

She is someone who is strong enough to hold her family together – a great responsibility

What does this show about the character of the bride?

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The seven steps

The fire is both a witness and sanctifies the vows.

This is the main part of the ceremony. The couple walk seven steps around the sacred fire reciting a prayer at each step








Bride’s brothers pour barley into the couple’s hands to be offered to the fire and to symbolise that they will work together for the welfare of society. The husband marks the parting of his wife’s hair with red powder for the first time. It is called soodar and is a sign of a married woman

The first is for foodthe 2nd for powerthe 3rd for prosperitythe 4th for wisdomthe 5th for childrenthe 6th for healththe 7th for friendship

The first is for foodthe 2nd for powerthe 3rd for prosperitythe 4th for wisdomthe 5th for childrenthe 6th for healththe 7th for friendship

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Viewing the pole star

If the wedding is in the daytime, the couple will look in the direction of the sun in order to be blessed, and if it is at night they will look in the direction of the Pole Star. The wife resolves to be unshaken and steadfast like the star.

“The Pole Star is Dhruva, constant. May I be Dhruva in my husband’s family.”

The wife is vowing to be stable presence in her new family and for her marriage to be strong.

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The blessings

The couple are blessed by the elders and the priest for a long and prosperous married life.

This will be followed by a sumptuous feast.

When the bride enters the house of her husband’s family for the first time, she has one more ceremony to perform. She must kick over a metal pot containing wheat with her right foot so that the grain, spilt over the threshold, signifies she will bring prosperity.

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The farewell to the bride by her family and friends is a very emotional episode. The bride is leaving her parents home to build a life with her husband and his family. She must overcome all obstacles and ensure that her arrival in the new family is aharmonious and successful one

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Can you...:

• Recognise the similarities/differences between a Christian wedding and a Hindu wedding?

• Identify the important stages of a Hindu ceremony?

• Understand the significance of these stages in the ceremony?

Page 20: A hindu marriage ceremony

Explain the symbolism and importance of a

Hindu wedding ceremony (6 marks)

Try to use following ideas – Dharma, Karma,

Caste (varna), ashrama, Samskara (Sacrament - joining of 2 souls) this union may continue over a number of life times.

Sentence starterA Hindu wedding is significant because …….

The ceremonies have different symbolic meanings, such as ……