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  • 8/18/2019 A Hardware Components All



    4.3.1 Microcontroller

      The microcontrollers played revolutionary role in embedded industry after the invention of Intel 8051 shown in fig 4.2. The steady and progressive research in

    this field gave the industry more efficient high!performance and low!power 

    consumption microcontrollers. The "#$  %I& and "$' are the prime e(amples.

    The new age microcontrollers are getting smarter and richer by including latest

    communication protocols li)e *+, I2& +%I -thernet &" etc.

    FIG 4.2 Pin i!"r!# o$ PIC #icrocontroller

    'icrocontroller %I&1/8" is one of the %I& 'icro amily

    microcontroller which is popular at this moment start from beginner until all

     professionals. ,ecause very easy using %I&1/8" and use "+3 memory

    technology so that can be write!erase until thousand times. The superiority this %I&

    'icrocontroller compared to with other microcontroller 8!bit especially at a speed

    of and his code compression. %I&1/8" have 40 pin by path of I6.


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    FIG 4.3 PIC %TR&CT&RE

      %I&1/8" shown in fig 4. perfectly fits many uses from automotive

    industries and controlling home appliances to industrial instruments remote

    sensors electrical door loc)s and safety devices. It is also ideal for smart cards as

    well as for battery supplied devices because of its low consumption. --%$6'

    memory ma)es it easier to apply microcontrollers to devices where permanent

    storage of various parameters is needed 7codes for transmitters motor speed

    receiver freuencies etc.9. ow cost low consumption easy handling and

    fle(ibility ma)e %I&1/8" applicable even in areas where microcontrollers had

    not previously been considered 7e(ample: timer functions interface replacement in

    larger systems coprocessor applications etc.9.

      In +ystem %rogrammability of this chip 7along with using only two pins in

    data transfer9 ma)es possible the fle(ibility of a product after assembling and

    testing have been completed. This capability can be used to create assembly!line

     production to store calibration data available only after final testing or it can be

    used to improve programs on finished products.

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    4.3.2 Hi"'(Per$or#!nce RI%C CP&)

    • 6nly 5 single!word instructions to learn

    • "ll single!cycle instructions e(cept for program branches which are two!


    • 6perating speed: ;& < 20 '3= cloc) input ;& < 200 ns instruction cycle

    • *p to 8> ( 14 words of lash %rogram 'emory *p to /8 ( 8bytes of ;ata

    'emory 7$"'9 *p to 25/ ( 8 bytes of --%$6' ;ata 'emory

    • %in out compatible to other 28!pin or 4044!pin %I&1/&??? and

    %I&1/??? microcontrollers Peri*'er!l Fe!t+re,)

    • Timer0: 8!bit timercounter with 8!bit pre!scalar 

    • Timer1: 1/!bit timercounter with pre!scalar can be incremented during

    +leep via e(ternal crystalcloc) 

    • Timer2: 8!bit timercounter with 8!bit period register pre!scalar and post!


    Two &apture &ompare %@' modules

    • +ynchronous +erial %ort 7++%9 with +%IA 7'aster mode9 and I2&A


    • *niversal +ynchronous "synchronous $eceiver 

  • 8/18/2019 A Hardware Components All


    • Transmitter 7*+"$T+&I9 with B!bit address detection

    • %arallel +lave %ort 7%+%9 < 8 bits wide with e(ternal $; @$ and &+

    controls 74044!pin only9

    • ,rown!out detection circuitry for ,rown!out $eset 7,6$9 An!lo" Fe!t+re,)

    •10!bit up to 8!channel "nalog!to!;igital &onverter 7";9

    • ,rown!out $eset 7,6$9

    • "nalog &omparator module 7Two analog comparators %rogrammable on!

    chip voltage reference 7#$-9 module %rogrammable input multiple(ing

    from device inputs and internal voltage reference &omparator outputs are

    e(ternally accessible9 %*eci!l Fe!t+re,)

    • 100000 erasewrite cycle -nhanced lash program memory typical

    • 1000000 erasewrite cycle ;ata --%$6' memory typical

    • ;ata --%$6' $etention C 40 years

    • +elf!reprogrammable under software control

    • In!&ircuit +erial %rogrammingA 7I&+%A9 via two pins

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    • +ingle!supply 5# In!&ircuit +erial %rogramming

    • @atchdog Timer 7@;T9 with its own on!chip $& oscillator for reliable


    • %rogrammable code protection

    • %ower saving +leep mode

    • +electable oscillator options

    • In!&ircuit ;ebug 7I&;9 via two pins DIAGRAM)

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    FIG 4.4 PIN Di!"r!# o$ #icrocontroller

    4.3.2.- PIN DE%CRIPTION)

    • 6+&1&>I ! 6scillator crystal or e(ternal cloc) input. 6scillator crystal

    input or e(ternal cloc) source input. +T buffer when configured in $&

    modeD otherwise &'6+. -(ternal cloc) source input. "lways associated

    with pin function 6+&1 7see 6+&1&>I 6+&2&>6 pins9.

    • 6+&2&>6 ! 6scillator crystal or cloc) output. 6scillator crystal output.

    &onnects to crystal or resonator in &rystal 6scillator mode. In $& mode

    6+&2 pin outputs &>6 which has 14 the freuency of 6+&1 and denotes

    the instruction cycle rate.

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    • '&$#%% ! 'aster &lear 7input9 or programming voltage 7output9.'aster 

    &lear 7$eset9 input. This pin is an active low $eset to the device.

    %rogramming voltage input.

    • $"0"0 ! %6$T" is a bidirectional I6 port. ;igital I6.

    "nalog input 0.

    • $"1"1 ! ;igital I6. "nalog input 0.

    • $"2"2#$-!$- ! ;igital I6."nalog input 2."; reference

    voltage 7ow9 input. &omparator #$- output.

    • $""#$-E ! ;igital I6."nalog input ."; reference voltage

    73igh9 input.

    • $"4T0&>I&16*T ! ;igital I6 < 6pen!drain when configured as

    output.Timer0 e(ternal cloc) input. &omparator 1 output.

    • $"5"4++&26*T ! ;igital I6. "nalog input 4.+%I slave select input.

    &omparator 2 output.

    • $,0IT ! %6$T, is a bidirectional I6 port. %6$T, can be software

     programmed for internal wea) pull!up on all inputs. ;igital I6. -(ternal


    • $,1 ! ;igital I6.

    • $,2 ! ;igital I6.

    • $,%F' ! ;igital I6. ow!voltage I&+% programming enable pin.

    • $,4 ! ;igital I6.

    • $,5 ! ;igital I6.

    • $,/%F& ! ;igital I6. In!circuit debugger and I&+% programming cloc).

    • $,%F; ! ;igital I6. In!circuit debugger and I&+% programming data.

  • 8/18/2019 A Hardware Components All


    4.3.3 Poer ,+**l/ +nit

      %ower +upply for %I& 1/8" 'icrocontroller. In this section

    describes how to generate E5# ;& power supply and E12# ;& power 



    4.4 Poer %+**l/


    The power supply

    section is the important

    one. It should deliver  

    constant output regulated power supply for successful wor)ing of the proGect. " 0!

    12#1m" transformer is used for this purpose. The primary of this transformer is

    connected in to main supply through onoff switchH fuse for protecting from

    overload and short circuit protection. The secondary is connected to the diodes to

    convert 12# "& to 12# ;& voltage. "nd filtered by the capacitors which is

    further regulated to E5v by using I& 805 and E12v by using I&812.

    Re"+l!tor IC0,

  • 8/18/2019 A Hardware Components All


    Fi"+re 4.- Re"+l!tor IC

    Fi"+re 4. Re"+l!tor IC e,i"nIn electronics a linear regulator is a component used to maintain a steady

    voltage. The resistance of the regulator varies in accordance with the load

    resulting in a constant output voltage shown in fig 4./. In contrast the switching

    regulator is nothing more than Gust a simple switch. This switch goes on and off at

    a fi(ed rate usually between 50 )3= to 100 )3= as set by the circuit.

    The regulating device is made to act li)e a variable resistor  continuously adGusting

    a voltage divider   networ) to maintain a constant output voltage. The primary

    advantage of a switching regulator over linear regulator is very high efficiency a

    lot less heat and smaller si=e.

    inear regulators e(ist in two basic forms: series regulators and shunt regulators.


    • 6utput current up to 1 amps.

    6utput voltage 5v.• Thermal overload protection.

    • +hort circuit protection.

    • 6utput transistor safe operating area protection.


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    P!r!#eter !l+e &nit

    6perating temperature !40 to 125 &   ̊

    6utput voltage 5 #

    ;rop voltage 2 #

    6utput resistance 15 m

    %ea) current 2.2 m"

    T!le 4.1 Re"+l!tor r!tin",.

    4.3.4 DRIER IC)

    The I$2110I$211 are high voltage high speed power '6+-T and IF,T

    drivers with independent high and low side referenced output channels. %roprietary

    3#I& and latch immune &'6+ technologies enable ruggedi=ed monolithic

    construction. ogic inputs are compatible with standard &'6+ or +TT output

    down to .# logic. The output drivers feature a high pulse current buffer stage

    designed for minimum driver cross!conduction.

      %ropagation delays are matched to simplify use in high freuency

    applications. The floating channel can be used to drive an !channel power 

    '6+-T or IF,T in the high side configuration which operates up to 500 or /00

    volts. FEAT&RE%)

    • 3igh noise immunities characteri=ed by 5 >vus minimum common

    mode reGection.

  • 8/18/2019 A Hardware Components All


    • 2.5" pea) output current driving capabilities for most 1200#20"


    • *+- 6 p!&3"- '6+-TJs output stage enables output

    voltage swing close to the supply rail.• @ide supply voltage range from 15v to 0v

    • "+T switching speed

      400ns ma(.propogation delay

      100ns ma(.pulse width disortion

    • *nder voltage oc)out7*#69 with hysteresis

    • -(tended industrial temp ramge !40c to 100c temp range

    • +afety and regulatory approved.

    • 1414 pea) wor)ing insulation voltage. DE%CRIPTION )

    The 6;120 is a 2.5" output current gate drive opto coupler capable of

    driving most 1200v20" IF,T'6+-T. It is ideally suited for fast switching

    driving of power IF,T and '6+-Ts used in motor control inverter applications

    and high performance power system.It consists of a gallium aluminum arsenide

    7"lga "s9 light emitting diode optically coupled to an integrated circuit with a

    high!speed driver for %ush pull '6+-T output stage. PIN DIAGRAM

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    FIG 4.- Pin i!"r!# o$ o*toco+*ler


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     4.3.4.- PIN DE%CRIPITION

    4.3.-.POWER MO%FET)

    The '6+-T or 'etal!6(ide!+emiconductor ield!-ffect Transistor is by far the most

    common field effect transistor in both digital and analog circuits. The '6+-T is composed of a

    channel of n!type or p!type semiconductor material and is accordingly called an '6+-T or a

    %'6+-T. *nfortunately many semiconductors with better electrical properties than silicon

    such as gallium arsenide do not form good gate o(ides and thus are not suitable for '6+-Ts.

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    The gate terminal is a layer of polysilicon 7polycrystalline silicon9 or aluminum placed

    over the channel but separated from the channel by a thin layer of insulating silicon dio(ide.

    ig 2.22 power '6+-T


    1. %ower '6+-T has lower switching losses but its on!resistance and conduction

    losses are more.

    2. '6+-T is a voltage!controlled device.

    . '6+-T has positive temperature co!efficient for resistance. This ma)es

     parallel operation of '6+-T easy. If a '6+-T shares increased current initially it

    heats up faster its resistance rises and this increased resistance causes this current to shift

    to other devices in parallel

    4. In '6+-T secondary brea) down does not occur because it has positive

    temperature co!efficient.

    5. %ower '6+-TJs in higher voltage ratings have more conduction losses

    /. The state of the art '6+-TJs are available with ratings up to 500# 140".

  • 8/18/2019 A Hardware Components All


    " simplified diagram of an !channel enhancement '6+-T is shown in figure .1. ;rain

    and source connections are made to higher conduction high doped regions. The metal gate is

    electrically isolated from the

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    ig 2.24 Transfer characteristic of !channel '6+-T

    Threshold voltage #t/ is defined as the minimum gate electrode bias reuired strongly

    inverting the surface under the poly and forming a conducting channel between the source and

    the drain regions. #t is usually measured at a drain!source current of /50m". &ommon values

    are /!4# for high voltage devices with thic)er gate o(ides and 1!/# for lower voltage logic!

    compatible devices with thinner gate o(ides. Fenerally the gate!source voltage is chosen

    somewhere in the linear region of the transfer characteristics.

    The '6+-T has three modes of operation one of which that acts li)e a switch that is

    off and two for which the '6+-T acts as a switch that is on. or the '6+-T the modes


    1.C+t(o$$)@hen #F+K#th where #th is the threshold voltage of the device. 3ere the switch is

    turned off and there is no conduction between drain and source. @hile the current between drain

    and source should ideally be 0 since the switch is turned off there is a wea)!inversion current or 

    sub threshold lea)age.

    2.Trioe)@hen #F+C#thand #;+K#F+!#th the switch is turned on and a channel has been

    created which allows current to flow between the drain and source. The '6+-T operates li)e a

    resistor .

    3.%!t+r!tion)@hen #F+C#thand #;+C#F+!#th the switch is turned on and a channel has been

    created which allows current to flow between the drain and source but the current is not a

    function of the voltage difference in the channel and thus the '6+-T does not operate as a

    resistor but instead it operates as an amplifier.

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    • Trench technology.

    • ow 6!state resistance.

    • ast switching.

    • ow thermal resistance.

    4.3. C!*!citor

    Fi"+re 4.13 c!*!citor.

    H!r!re c!*!citor r!n"e i, 4:;H

    " capacitor is a passive two!terminal electrical component used to store

    energy electrostatically in an electric field shown in fig 4.1. The forms of 

     practical capacitors vary widely but all contain at least two electrical conductors

    separated by a dielectric. The conductors can be thin films foils or sintered beads

    of metal or conductive electrolyte. The non conducting dielectric acts to increase

    the capacitorLs charge capacity. "n ideal capacitor is characteri=ed by a single

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    constant value for its capacitance. &apacitance is e(pressed as the ratio of the

    electric charge M on each conductor to the potential difference # between them.

    4.3.: Re,i,tor

    $esistor is an electrical component that reduces the electric current. The resistorLs

    ability to reduce the current is called resistance and is measured in units of ohms

    7symbol: N9.If we ma)e an analogy to water flow through pipes the resistor is a

    thin pipe that reduces the water flow shown in fig 4.14.

    Fi"+re 4.14 re,i,tor

    H!r!re re,i,tor r!n"e i, 22

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    signal mi(ing. In addition signals are generated at harmonics or integral multiples

    of the input freuency.

    Fi"+re 4.1 ioeH!r!re ioe r!n"e i, IN488:=2-


    'osfet switch !I$840

    'icrocontroller ! %I& 1/f88"

    'osfet driver !I$+2110 or 6ptocoupler T%250

    % Gunction diodes !1400

    Transformer !20v15v

    $egulated I& !805812

    &apacitors !401000microfrad

    $esisters !100220500 )iloohm

    Inductors !2050 m3

    7ote: capacitor resister inductor values are common values which used in manycircuit. ;epend upon specification of each proGect .it may varied9