(a fletcher heights · page six. rates for classified "want"- advertisements! one cent...

PAGE SIX. RATES FOR CLASSIFIED "WANT" - ADVERTISEMENTS ! One cent word. Ie per line each Insertion for all lines of business. Four Insertions for the price of three for cash In advance. -: No advertisement taken for less than 15 cents each Insertion. All mall orders must be accompanied with the cash. JTHB TIMEJ IS J I'ACOA'1' tiflP&lt,' WB HKGICIVB Al>« \u25a0? OM.* IMIItrLMItNT OBHlSliaßt I'IIOVK. (UK MBKU WBWgPArER. <-*r»_«_-- m M AIV 11 _ ABBTRACTB OF TITLK 1 ESTABLISHED " 1888 ! COMMONWEALTH TITLE TRUST \u25a0 m Co.. The Competent TeL Main 101. 5 10> 80. 10th st TACOMA TITLE CO.. The Competi- tor, cor. Fidelity Bldg. Main 2194. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED F. W. GREENMAN, LAWYER—IIIi \u25a0 Fidelity Bldg Tel. Main 1884. AMBULANCES rmn.qj^ru-_-_r.-.ii.ri.riri.i 11 ---rjn.r^JOX^^^^WM-.-i* •04 A st. Stables 6th & St. Helens. T. C. ft B. Trans. Co. Main 43. PAC TRANSFER CO.. Main 64. ASSAYERS a^J . j _ - Lru -^i_rLrv - u-tJ -M .j._r._,-iru-»-- J---UI- q-i.rii-n-«-«-»* Allen McCullough, B. A., mining en- gineer, chemist; smelter shipments Intended. IH3 \u25a0«-> Main 8007. ATTOHNEYS i\ A. Latcham. attorney-at-law. 403-5 Berlin Bldg. Main 2240. BOOTBL.\CK STANDS COLD GltOUND—Ladles and gents. liest »hlne In city. 1112 V* Pac ay. TACOMA SHOE SHINING PARLOUS We cater to ladles and children. 12 chairs. 907 l'acifto ay. BLUE PRINTING «*WWW>im>x*jr^j- w .nj-in.r nj- _r _ -_run_TLl*u-|^LruiJ^J~k^U~U*Lf Nicholson, sun and electrlo printing. 603-7 Fidelity Bldg. Main 474. BUILDING CONTRACTORS HOUSES built and part of money . lent. 2U« Equitable. \u25a0 BLACKSMITH AND PLUMBING i SUPPLIES BLACKSMITHS' and plumbers' sup- plies, machinery. Coast 2d Hand Hdw. Co., 1614 Com. St. Main 33ii7. BAKERY THADEN'S Bakery ft Coffee House, "The Millionaire's Club," »18 Commerce st. BOWLING ALLEY OLD TOWN BOWLINO ALLEY" 2414 No. 30th. Come once, come •gain. CARPET CLEANERS YAK ICLKAN Vacuum cleaner; will rent you machine or furnish com- petcr.t operutor. Main 2754. H. L. HOUCK—Carpet beating, re- fitting and laying; feather reno- vating and upholstering. 2812 Cith ay. Malp 826. \CIVIL ENGIXKEHINq Nicholson, lot surveys, platting gen, engineering. 503-7 Fid. Uia.' CLEANING AND DYE WORKS LUCKEYS DYE WORKS, 788 St Helens. Gents' suit, skirt or Jacket cleaned and pressed 6(lc up Quick calls and delivery. Satisfaction guaranteed. Main 7161. J. A. DONALDSON. Mil !lth St., 20 years' experience. Tel. Main 7450. jl DRESSMAKING WORK guaranteed. 714 Fidelity _ Bldg.. llth and C. Main 5499. DRAYAGE. COMMERCIAL-FIDELITY TRUCK CO.—Largest moving equipment In N. W. Furniture vans, trucks and auto delivery, 3 storage warehouses. Equipped to handle anything. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Office Coi 19th and Par. Main 706. FORWARDING COMPANY NORTHWEST FORWARDING COM- PANY. Household goods, ma- chinery, pianos and automobiles as- sembled and forwarded to all points. See us. 1722 Pacific nv. Mai 397. HOTELS - THE WILTWYCK 1316 So. D st. Every room a bright outside room, with hot and cold water, hot water heat, large roomy closet; 2 blocks from business center; free baths and phone. Rates $2.50 per week up. Transient 50c and $1 00. Kingston Hotel Bteam heat, hot water, $2.60 to $5.00 per week, 50c, 76c, $1.00 per day. 16H So. 11th. cor D st. A few more steam heated rooms at \u25a0 Alaskan Hotel. 14th and Pacific. BOSTWICK HOTEL, ToTTi C St. Newly furnished. BOTLL OOUDON Good clean rooms. 250 and up. 1306 V 4 Pac. »v. Main 1809. HOTEL GRAYS HARBOR, under new management. 1509 Commerce. .C. Frederlckson, Manager. BAKER HOTEL. 732 Commerce st. ' Board and room. Mrs. Merrltt, Prop. - MASSASOIT HOTEL. 17th and C sts., two blocks from depot. Rms. tSc. 36c and 500 night; $1.25. $1.60 ! and $2.00 week. COLONIAL, opp. city hall. Dandy .' \u25a0 , bod». WHITE'S HOTEL—Newly furnished transients and weekly. 26c and -tOc. \u25a0 110 So. 14th. near Pn'-lflc. / 1 CLEANING AND PRESSING - BOSTON" CLEANERS—Suits . ed and pressed, 60c up. 620 So. llth. ~ >\u25a0; MOVING AND STORAGB^ 2 PAC. TRANSFER CO.. Main xrj^JX- PAINTING A PAPERHANGING * FRANK * HANBSON, 738 St. Hel- ens ay. Phone Main 6142. PATENT ATTORNEYS Elliott. FlO Bkrs. Trust. Patents, I Trade Marks, Drawings. Main 6779. :?iw:.' \u25a0\u25a0; PRINTING TOMMER^ALBiriD^RT^^'pTra CO.. Inc., 756-758 Commerce st phone Main 417. Printers, Binders. Loose l«af devloos. -\u0084-,.\u25a0-. \u25a0 RAZORS SHARPENED «^:? WE sharpen I safety raxor < > blades. \u25a0 \u25a0 All work guaranteed. Vlrges Drug Co. 1124 Paclflo ay. ~*> \u25a0-\u25a0- MMEDICATED VAPOR " BATHS t .- r-.-i MEDICATED VAPOR BATHS / Cures i rheumatism and \u25a0 kidney dls- eases. - T»9 So. \u25a0 C et - Main 6114. WINKS AND LIQUORS ; LANGERT LIQUOR CO.. IS2I C St. Ml wholesale •*. and <"\u25a0* family J trad* i \u25a0oHclted. Free \u25a0 delivery. Main 6011. jgijjjjj HACKS j FOB FUNERALS Tacom» cemetery. 84; Catholic cem- .; etery, $1. Pac. Trans. Co. Mala 54 HARNESSMAKER manufacturer of leather goods. suit cases, eta A. F. Hoik*. 1107 Pacific ay. MONEY TO LOAN MOHTQAQE LOANS, Any amount F«ttlg ft BuaseUe. Berlin Bldg. WANTED TO LOAN—SI2OO on good Tacoma property. Box K-J.90. Times. LOANS In any amount. Cotton ft Moaer, 417 Bankers Trust Illdg. 1 HAVE money for Improved city real estate or farms loans. UEO. WALTER RUSSELI* - 312 Equitable Bldg. LOANS In any amount. Cotton _ Moser, 417 Bankers Trust Bldg. OUR OWN MONEY for city and farm loans; low rates; Immediate answer to all applica- tions. W. N. DOUB ft CO., INC. 710 Fidelity Bldg. Main 7505. MONEY on real estate. Daniel lie- Qregor, »10 Berlin Bldg. ONE hundred and up to loan. Len- nox Investment Co.. 106 Equitable. MONEY TO LOAN, plenty of It, low- est rates, no delay. Ounstoa- Heath Co. 1 HAVE! lust received several thousand dollars to loan a I and I per cent. Inquire J. L. Bnapp. 1111 Fidelity Bios.. PRIVATE money to loan, from $&0 to $1000, payments to suit, no commission, money always on hand. Call 6318 So. Fife St.. Felix Dubols. 5, 6 and 7 PER CENT On Improved real estate or for building. Money advanced a* build- Ing progresses. L. R Manning ft Co.. Equitable Bid. MORTGAGE LOANS In amounts from $100 up; low rates; no delay. NORTON ft CO.. 110-11 Berlin Bldg. LOANS for home building or to pay off old mortgage. lowest rates, special privileges to borrow- ers—t to 8 years. Money always on hand—no delay. , H. J. SCHWINN & CO.. Inc 216-219 Tacoma Bldg. ON Imp, real estate. L. N. Hansen ft Co.. Tacoma Hldg.. 11 til & A St. SALARY AND CHATTEL LOANS STATE SECURITY CO. BROKERS SALARY LOANS LOWEST RATES IN TACOMA If you are In need of from $5 to $100 call and Investigate our method of loaning money to honest worklngmcn steadily employed. NO MORTOAGE. . .NO INDORSER NO PUBLICITY STATE SEURITY COMPANY 307 California Bldg. BOBVS LOAN OFFICE" Wo loan money on watches, cloth- ing, all goods of value. 1.107 Com. CHATTEL LOANS. SALARY LOANS I propose to make loans at a lower rate than you can get anywhere until the newspapers and philanthropists provide a cheaper place. Then I'll quit or compete. My business Is conducted along courteous, busi- ness-like and humantarlan princi- ples. You can get $5 to $100 today, and If our contract Is not satisfac- tory I'll cheerfully accept my money back In 24 hours without cost. D. 1). Drake. 210 Banker* Trust. SHORT TERM CHATTEL LOANa 41 g CALIFORNIA BLDQ. PHYSICIANS DR. WARREN " BROWN. General office practice and skin and venereal diseases. 20S Equitable UK. ROBB, 30l Provident. Main 8778. Chronlo diseases, general medicine. ELECTRIC bake oven bath, lady at- tendant; all chronic diseases treat- ed. Dr. J. Weyer, mechano thera- pist, 1021 So. 11th St. Phone Main 7008. DR. FOREMAN. SURGEON. Bankers Trust Bldg. DR. PAUL, PHYa ft BURO. X-RAT. 1111-12-1$ Fidelity Bid*. ORIENTAL—Dr. K. Ito. disease of genlto-urlnary. 1612Vfc C Main »767 Dr. Vocum moved Natl. Realty Bldg. Day. Main 600; night. Main 7600. DR. JAS. A. LA Diseases of women and surgery. Genlto-urln- sry diseases. Id floor Natl. Realty Bldg. Hours 1-4 and 7-8. DR. J. W. CLINE. IS2» McKlnley st. Surgery and general practice. Phones: Office Mala 264; Res. Main 7188 DR. C. E. CASE, surgeon, gynecolo- gist Office 1114 80. IT st. Res- idence 1010 80. Uth St. Phonea: Of floe. Main 6887; res.. Main 6»1. DR. THYNO. SURGEON Surgery and consultation only. HOl-1106 Fidelity Bldg. Main 408. OSTEOPATH PHYSICIANS DR. STOTENBUR. Office 422 Bank- ers Trust Bldg. Main BCO9. Res. Main 9610. MACHINE SHOP. AUTOMOBILE, marine and all ma- chinery repairs. Hicks-Bull Ma- chine Co. Phone Main 1874. No. 6 So. 12th st. DURABLE PLUMBING DO you appreciate the Importance) of having your plumbing dona right? Our guarantee and work- manship Insure plumbing perfec- tlon. Wtn. B. Coffee Plmg. Co. DINNER PARTIES »nd room and board at Mrs. H. Jor- gensen's dining room, above Gill Drug Co.. So. Tacoma. jL UNDERTAKERS C. O. LYNN CO.—Funeral Directors, 810-H Tacoma ay. Main 7745. i 80. TACOMA FUNERAL PARLORS. 6433 Union ay. Main 1082. Oeo. W. Piper. SHOE REPAIRING BOOTS and shoes repaired, prices reasonable. Sheridan ay. Shoe ghop, cor. 23d and Sheridan ay. Werner A Moe. Qoodyear Quick Shoe Repair Co.. 938 Commerce. --.Jj : \ TAILORS RINOSETH the tailor for men and women. 1014 So. 11th. Phone Main 4877. >_^V POSTAL PHOTOS X BEBT place for up-to-date photo , novelties. Owl Studio. lilt C st. '';Vv" " ;".'\u25a0': STORAGE. -, *;.\u25a0: '\ j.i- COMMERCIAI^FIDELITY TRUCK \u25a0 CO. —t laige vwarehouses; fire- proof. \u25a0 Largest storage concern •In the N. W. Rooms under lock for H. H. foods. Expert - furniture packers. » Office , Cor. . l»th and Pa- clfic Malu 70*. /-.-:•\u25a0 \u0084--^f.':«,:V '--v LODQE NOTICES FAIRWEATHER LODOB, No. It. A P. * A. M.. will hold a . mm, llitil communication JjfJV Thursday. Feb. 13, 7:30 p. fWiDT Sujournera Invited. # -^T \ RANDALL 8. WILLTAMS, 1 v \u25a0 W. M. WM. E. BPRHHABT, Bae. STATE LODQE. No. 68, F. * A. M. (A Special communication of A State Lodge, No. 68, will KS\ be held W«d. evening*) the WGIO 12th, 7:30; work In the rtLJOC first degree. i^y*. LEE P. HILL, W. M. JONATHAN SMITH. Sec. LEBANON LODGE. No. 104. F. & ft> A. M. Special communlca- jM_ tlon at Masonlo Temple, 1U Monday, Feb. 17. 1913, nt e_fGjKJ 7:30 o'clock. Work In jf^iQy first degree. Sojourners ' ** cordially Invited. EDGAR M. BURNS, W. M. JACOB E. NOEL, Sec. DESTINY LODGE, U. D. F. and A. OB M. Special communica- /R& tlon. Masonlo Temple, /JJ* Monday, February 10. 7:30 «f(i\t p. m. Work in F. C, de- rfcjQC gree. Sojournera cordl- ' » ally Invited. E. A. RICHAIIDSON, W. M. C. W. BACKUS. Sec TACOMA LODGE. No. 22, F. a A. tih M. Stated communlca- Uk tlon Friday, Feb. 7, 1918. PgS\ at 7:30 o'clock. Work WliVt In third degree. All Mas- y*Wj^C ter Masons cordially in- FRANK r>. OAKLEY, W. M. G. DOWK McQUESTEN, Sec. STEAM heated front rooms, bath, etc., 25c day. Lennox. 1633 So. D. HOUSEKT'G ROOMS FOUR nicely furnished housekeep- Ing rooms, private bath: also 3 rooms, walking distance. Sll South Yaklma. Phono Main 9699. Furnished housekeeping rooms $1.00 week up. 1942 So. 1> & Jefferaon. I'ITH. rooms for light housekeeping. »13 So. O Bt. » TWO rooms In private residence, well furnished and nicely located for the money, $9 per month. HOS So. J st. Phone Main (>975. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for men, $1.25 per week up. 1733 So. E «t. Main 1219. TWO nice large front rooms for light housekeeping, gas range and wood heater, walking distance. 1523 So. E. NICELY furnished front rooms for housekeeping, modern conven- iences, walking distance. 806 So. K. Main 3sli). THREE fur. - hskpg. apts., Bteam heat and bath, 15 and $6 per wk. PIEUCK HOTEL, 919 So. C St. Phone Main 8213. JOHNSON FLATS, 1. 2 and 3-room apts., $2.60 up. 535 So. E st. TWO-KOOM housekeeping suites, also sinjiic ruoms. Stanton House, 1610 Vj So. Tacoma ay. Main 152. 3 GOOD rooms - on ground floor on So. G >t. South Knd Storage & Transfer Co. Phone Madison 591. FURNISHED hskpgwooms cheap, also single rooms. 2712 ',6 So. Yak- lma ay. THE ANTLERS—Furnished hakpg. run.; modern: central. 1116 C. RENT MISCELLANEOUS 15-ACRE ranch for rent, good buildings, 4 acres cleared, IV4 mllo from city limits. Martin Flem, 11. I>. No. 2. Hox 198. Tacoma. WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO BOIUtOW—SSOO on real estate worth $1200, first mortgage. Address Box H-1003", Times. ANNOUNCEMENTS MADAM TORNOR, phrenolopiTtTnd clairvoyant, gives reliable) advice on all important affairs of life, past, present and future. Can be consulted dally at 309 9th st. THE only reliable photo postal studio In the city. Everybody's. HAIRDHESSINQ. manicuring, shampooing, scalp treatments, 25c, 1108 6th ay. TACOMA FURNITURE & GENER- AL REPAIR CO. have moved to 723 80. 9th. Main 3850. T. T. RICHMOND, piano tuner and repairer, has moved to 3022 So. 12th. Main 2424. BUSY MEN AND WOMEN find It convenient to telephone their For Sale and Want Ads to The Times, Main 12. Only one cent a word. ROOMS papered and paper fur- nlsheJ $3.50 and up. 'tight up to the minute on all kinds of paper decorations. Estimates given on all kinds of paper hanging, paint- Ing, graining and decorating. E. M. Wesley. Phone Main «777. LOST LOST—Watch tob with gold locket. On South Tacoma car leaving town at 6:05 p. m., Feb. 12. 1913. Finder please call Main 5002. Re- ward offered. LOST—Monday night in South Pa- cific ay. station. Fern Hill, a black hand bag with small purse containing about $6 and other con- tents, 2 Ben Hur tickets, street car tickets, etc. Finder please no- tify Mary H. Bklllman, R. D. 3, Box 180, Tacoma. \u25a0\u25a0 phone Madison 456 or leave at Times office. Reward. Wanted—To Rent SMALL ranch capable, of carrying eight cows: must be well equipped with outbuildings. Would consider small fruit ranch* In -vicinity of Sumner. Rent not to exceed $250. State- exactly what you have and lowest cash rent. V 1262 Times. .' M:IK OKNKTS WOVEN TRIPLE WIRE STAY $2.50 UP. HUE. W. WYNN, 714 FI- DELITY BLDQ. MAIN 64»», HOUSE MOVING. WORK, guaranteed. - The oldest house mover In town. J. P. Becker 1419 So. Alnsworth, cor. 15th. . , BARBER C<>l,i,i«,|-; - FOR men and women, wages whll* learning. Moler Barber Co'.leee lIOIH Pacific ay. ~ ffAUi PAPER LARGE new stock of " wall paper, very latest designs and patterns. Acme quality paints, adapted to the western climate. A. 8. Johnaon ft Co.. 1141 O st. \u25a0• \u25a0>\u25a0 - " . SCAVENGERS. OLIVBR^HENRY? Tacoma "darbage Co. - Main . 640«. \u25a0•'., Contracts mad* for cleaning yards, vnults and cess- pools. Qarbage removed by . month. AMERICAN GARBAGE CO. Re- movlng garbage and refuse of all kinds. 216 Puy. ay. M. 742, res. 7519. -l X: WOOD ASD COAIi i^?; PETERSON BROS., hay, grain, poul- try supplies and coal . and . wood. lOtb and k. Phone Main 331.'i-,.?. THE TACOMA TIMES. FOR SALE m MISCELLANEOUS - FOR —One male Spltx puppy, $3. SOa South M. FOR SALE—One folding go-cart, one adjustable baby buggy, $2.50 each. 806 80. Trafton. FOR —Very cheap, two 12 - 000-pound horses, large moving van and double set of harness. Phone Madison 138. \u25a0..\u25a0. \u25a0 \u25a0 .. .< . \u25a0 ONE good family cow, young and gentle. J. K. Bishop, Stellacoom, third house from bridge. ON account of our business, will have to have heavier horses, so will sell three horses weighing about 1200 lbs. apiece very cheap. Farmers 1 Feed & Seed Co., 1122 Puyallup ay. Phone Main 2641 or Proctor 1693. \u25a0\u25a0 , FOR SALE— Four cows, 1 fresh, 2 blocks west of Elmhurat Sta., on .Spanaway car line. S. H. Huyck. FOR SALE—Cheap, a cow and calf. Call at 2929 So. M. FOR SALE—Horse, about 1,000 lbs. Call Madison 263. .. SET of white furs for sale cheap. Main SBOS. MUST sell, 1.2r.0-lb. horse this week. Have bought automobile for de- livery. He Is extra kind, gentle and good puller. See owner. ;W. Ray 2153 Jefferson ay. FURNITURE of 7-room house In best desidence district. 3 rooms rented pays rent of house; reason- able If taken at once. Main 1493. PAIR of good horses, weight 1600 lbs., and harness, $300. 1331! Commerce. Main 346. "KINTZ DOES PLUMBING," Main 740. NICE Jersey heifer. Just fresh. F. Frelhelt, 21st st. S. E., Puyallup. FOR SALE—A fine, large "" bull moose head, all mounted, cheap if sold soon. 2923 No. 16th st. 100-EGG Incubator and chick brood- er, In perfect order, used only three times. Reason for selling, going awny. 2923 No. 16th st. FOR SALE CHEAP—IIOO lb. ranch horse, steady and honest worker, $40; 3 larger horses, $50 up; team of ponies and farm wagon, $85. 608 Puyallup ay. PURICEY BROS. SELLS Hardware, stoves and ranges, dish- es and cooking utensils, carpets any size, curtains, couch covers, pil- lows nnd quilts, dressers, couches and beds, springs and mattresses, new and second-hand, at the dou- ble front, 1316-1318 C St. Main 5043. CARSTENS SHEEP GUANO.~BesI lawn and garden fertilizer on market. Ton lots cent a pound de- livered In city. Less than ton lots cent and quarter. Phone Main 1400. GRIFFIN NURSERY ~~ So. 67th near Spanaway car line, big fine trees, roses, etc. Madison 265. FOR SALE—One Buck steel range, $15; 1 folding bed, $5; 2 Brown Lrghorn cockerels, $1.00 each; 1 Black Minorca, $2.00. Call ' 1841 East 30th. Portland ay. car. Main S3Bl. INVALID chairs for rent. Physic- ians' Supply Co., 954 Commerce..' FOX SALE— Pacific Incubator, 240- - 1912 Model, used only three times, half price. Inquire 3609 No. Bth. Phone Proctor 1204. I<\u25a0 FOR —Two milch goats., Take Summit or Puyallup car, get off at En*t Lori-liinoiit. walk half mile south. C. Llnman. 5 ACRES .shot clay, improved, but no buildings, on easy terms 1 good cow, $45; 360-egg Cyphers Incubator, $10; 2 indoor brooders. N. P. Olsen, 3 blocks south of Jovlta, Seattlc-Tacoma lnterurban. FOR SALELight Jersey cow. 3630 Eaat B st. FOR SALE—Suit cabinets with glass doors, mission tables and stools. Christoffersen's, 925 C St. CHRISTOPHER NURSERY. Trees and bulbs. Special prices. 706 80. G. Main 3139. _____ SAM HING CO., fine Chinese and Japanese Tea, Silks, Dry Goods. 1354 D st. UNDERWOOD typewriter in good condition, quick sale $35. X-1014, Times. FIR lumber and shingles. Young & Johnston Lumber Co., Kapow- sln. WE have a few second-hand mo- torcycles for sale. 1012 So. 11th st. FOR SALE cheap, row boats, launches, fixtures, etc., at the Point Defiance Pavilion Co. Phone Proctor 1999. FIRE and burglar-proof boxes; lc the day. March-McCandless Co., 117 So. 11th st. _ WANTED—LadIes buying the best, at Behlings Butter Store. 1109 So. K. Tea, coffee and spices. BELL MARKET—Best service and quality. 2604 6th ay. Main 409. FOR 2d hand goods see SHUETT, 1343 Commerce st. ASK your dealer for STERLING brooms. warranted. Tacoma Broom Factory. t3lO So. 10th. FRESH green ground bone dally. Tacoma Meat Co.. 1508 Pac ay. MITCHELL NURSERY, Larchmont Fruit trees, roses, etc. Main 7871 R5 SECOND-HAND machinist and car- pentor tools wanted. . Bixe. 1339 Commerce St. - IF YOU have a fat or fresh cow to sell, call Boston Market. 2321 Pacific ay. Main 449. \u25a0 ALT HEIDELBERG BEER Columbia Brewing Co. Order a case. Main 229. - \u25a0-\u25a0-.-- - - WANTED to buy household goods. Wm. Fit*-Henry Co., 103 So. 12th. Tel. Main 8736. SPECIAL NOTICES PHONE Main 2846 and we will call. Pantorlum. 936 Commerce Bt. *\u25a0 HOMESTEADS ; >!" JOIN California Land Excursion to Marysvllle, February 17. Irrigat- ed (gravity water free) land. QBt on the ground now; early crops yield $500 acre; little money requir- ed; 21 families wanted. S. L. Les- ter, 11l 10th st., Titi-oma. \u25a0\u25a0 nr. . BENT—HOUSES c-ffi VIEW house, 8-r., bath; 623 K. 33d, near N. P. hospital, $16. Bunga- low, 5-r., bath, orchard, $15. 1*24 South C4th, near O street. \u25a0-.—-•-\u25a0 idy LENNOX INVESTMENT CO. 206 Equitable Bldg. >"". RENT— 6IB South - Alnsworth, - 8 rooms $15, save car fare, cheap- est house In good *. neighborhood. Owner, 812 North L. Phone Main 6201. - ,-. ' ..-.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-.', . \u25a0\u25a0:- -, ' ,< \u25a0.„ \u25a0 FOR RENT— house, South Tacoma, close In, porcelain plumb- Ing, electric lights, faces eaat. See owner, 604 80. J at. ; - :--1". -r." < FOR RENT—S-room cottage,» wln- -11 dow ahadea, j gas range, linoleum on . kitchen. Phone Main 7647. >u-y FOR RENT— 6-r. house, bath,"* near * Jefferson ' car, 3012 Chandler st.. $9, Including water. ••\u25a0-.-. :^r, :;'•.„.. RENT a house and we will furnish -\u25a0- It for \u25a0 you for cash !or , easy - pay- ments. Tac. Furniture Co., »11-13 C. POULTRY AND EGGS SETTING HENS, $1.25; Buff Orp- lngton eggs, $1 per It, $5 per 100. 4019 80. Tacoma ay. Madison SZB. \u25a0 \u25a0-. ' --\u25a0'\u25a0•' -"\u25a0\u25a0• - - . - . BUFF ORPINGTON eggs for set- ting. Good laying strain. 1607 So. 40th »t. - FOR SALE—R. I. Red eggs for hatching, select stock, 11 and $1.50 per setting of 14. 806 So. Trafton. \u25a0• FOR SALE—One n. I. Red Cock- erel, $3, and twelve laying pul- lets, $1.26 eaoh. All full-blooded \u25a0elected stock. 806 So. Trafton. FOR SALK or exchange, 3 white Wyandotte cockerels. 6402 So. Union ay. Main 3838. \u25a0 HUFF Hock eggs for hatching, baby chicks, setting hens. Main 1683. \u25a0' _^ FOR SALE—Rhode Island Red and Ancona cockerels. Main 3223. 5937 So. I st. " TEN genuine full blooded White Leghorn. hens, 10 months old. Your choice $1.00 each. Call 6402 So. Mason ay. Qußt Swanstrom. GOOD laying W. Leghorn pullets. Main -7808 J-5. \u25a0 CRYSTAL WHITE ORPINGTON eggs, $3.00: S. C. R. I. Reds, $1.50; two for $2.50. Red pullets and males for sale cheap. Chas. Fraier, Bismarck. A FEW Buff Orpington cockerels for sale, good stock. Madison QUEEN Incubator, grit machine, bacy chicks, eggs and cockerels. Fred A. Johnson. Main 8930-R. ARRED Rock and White Leg- horn eggs for hatching, 50c set- ting. Take Spanaway car to Lln- coln ay. E. A. Dowder. BARRED -ROCK and White Or- plngton cockerels from exhibition stock, prices reasonable; one 176- --fgg Old Trusty, $10; one 80-egg Pacific, $8; Fawn and White In- dian Runners, 75c up, white egg strain. Nashawena Poultry Farm, Proctor 722. S. C. BUFF ORPINGTON e^gs^ $2.50 15; White Wyandotte, $2 15. Prize stock. O. J. Stave, 701 So. 60th. Madison 177. S. C. WHITE LEGHORN eggs for hatching, $1.00 per setting of 16: all thororoughbrcd trap-nestod stock. A. Severtsen, Gig Harbor, Wn. FOR SALE—I 2 White Leghorn lay- ing pullets. 75c each; also An- cona, White Leghorn pullets and cockerels. Scott's Studio, Fidelity lildg. THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island Red, W. Minorca and Ancona eggs for hatching; also a few cockerels of same strains for sale. Phone Proctor 1911. FOR SALE—Reliable Barred" Rock and W. Wyandotte eggs, $1.50 per setting. C230 So. Lawrence st. Main 5972-R. WHITE ORPINGTON eggs. $Tjso and $2.50, 16; W. Leghorn, $100, 15. 712 So. 69th. Main 4136. RID your chickens of lice and mites now. To do It easy, use Electric Insect Powder. Crown Drug Co. and grocers. EGGS for hatching, S. C. White Leghorn, Buff Orpington, R. I. Reds, $5 per 100, $1 per setting. Heavy laying strain. No better In the state. John Lewtas & Son, Regents Park, Tjujoma. Phone Vroctor 1551. * '..if g DAY old chicks of White Leghorn and Sliver Wyandottes, 15 each; eggs for hatchlng,:<sl.oo per setting of 15, all thoroughbred stock. N. Thelm, 1004 No. Alder st. EXCELLENT White-Rock cockerels for breeding purposes, $2.50. Main 9027-L. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS— the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Pierce County. In the matter of the estate of Mellen P. Larrabee, deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned, duly appointed admin- istrator of the estate of Mellen P. Larrabee, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within one year lifter the first publication of this notice, to the undersigned at 607 Bernice Bldg., Tacoma, County of I'ierce, and State of Washington, being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate. Hate of Issuing and first publi- cation of this notice February 13 1913. F. H. LARRABEE, Administrator of said Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS—In tile Superior Court of the State of Washington for Pierce County. In the matter of the estate of Carrie A. Larrabee, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, duly appointed admin- istrator with will annexed of the estate of Carrie A. Larrabee, de- ceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within one year after the first publication of this notice, to the undersigned at 607 Bernice Bldg., Tacoma, County of Pierce, and State of Washington, being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate. Date of Issuing and first publi- cation of this notice February 13, 1913. F. H. LARKABEE, Administrator of said Kstate, with the will annexed. SnmraoiiH for Publication In the Superior Court of the State of Washington In and for the County of Pierce. F. L. Hartman, Plaintiff, vs. N. W. Collins and Allah Maud Collins, his wife, Defendants. The State of Washington to the above named defendants. N. W. Collins and Allah Maud Collins, his wife. You and each of your are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first pub- lication of this summons, towlt: within sixty days after the 9th day of January, 1913. and defend the above entitled action In the above entitled court, and answer the com- plaint of the plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer or other pleading upon the undersigned at- torney for plaintiff at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint which has been filed with the clerk of said court. \u25a0 ' This action Is one brought by the plaintiff to foreclose a certain mortgage for $360.00 and interest of date August 25th, 1910, made by the defendants to the plaintiff up- on the following lands In Pierce County: --. ss :- . " Commencing at a point Two Hun- dred and Twenty (220) feet north and One Thousand One Hundred Seventy-nine and seventy-five hun- dredths 11179.75) feet west of the corner of Secttonn Nine, Ten, Fif- teen . and > Sixteen, Township Nine- teen (19) North,: Range Two East of the Willamette Meridian; thence running Fifty (60) feet south; thence Ninety and twenty-five hun- dredths (90.25) feet east; thence Fifty feet r(50) north' along - the west Jtneof Lake City Boulevard; thence Ninety and twenty-five hun- dredth! (90.25) feet west to the point of beginning, together > with all and singular the tenements,' her- editaments \u25a0 and \u25a0 - appurtenances thereunto belonging. *\u25a0-. \u25a0>\u25a0<\u25a0-\u25a0 -- *_.i,~.*-. And for a ' deficiency r Judgment against the said defendants. -\u25a0 - H. H. JOHNSTON, ..'•\u25a0\u25a0- Attorney for Plaintiff. Office and P. O. Address: 710 Fidel- \u25a0 \u25a0 ity Bldg., Tacoma. Washington. \u25a0, HELP- FEMALE WANTED—Elderly lady housekeep- er on farm, 2 children, good home. Otto Schuffenhauer, Roy, Wn. WANTED AT ONCE —Young girl, $7 per week, clear, candy and fruit More, Call 1331 So. C at. A-l HAND LAUNDRY Gives special attention to the fancy work and lace curtains. 741 Taco- ma ay. Main 2605. WANTED—OIrIs to learn ualrdress- lng, manicuring, etc. Paid while learning. 1108 6th ay. TRY our 600 FAMILY WASHING. Famous Washing Co. Mala «4t>4. TAILORS' anil dressmakers" sup- plies. Albert R. Baur Co.. 817 11th. CANCERS cured without knife or plaster; consultation free; Stephen Johnson, school house crossing, Fern Hill. \u25a0 Welnstone.ladlea'sults $10 up.4OK 9th Situations —Female BXPKfinnfCED woman cook wishes position In small camp. Box J-1256. Times. A Competent willingwoman wants work of any kind by the day or hour. Phone Main H074, room 14. A strong girl wants work by the day. Tel. Main 4877. YOUNQ woman wants position as housekeeper, good cook, refer- ences. Call 2127 Tacoma ay. NEAT, competent seamstress wish- es engagements, 51.60 per day. Box J-1263, Times. PLAIN sewing, called for and de- livered. 913 So. O. Main 2119. Family Washing 50c Metropolitan Wet Wash. Main 2572. HELP MALE WANTED—Capable man or woman wlio likes outdoor work, taking care of chickens, horse and cow for about 5 to 6 weeks. lieply to J. B. Box 5 It .R. 1, Lake Bay. WANTKD—Superintendent for saw ami shingle mill. Must be reliu- ble and in position to Invest (-..">«">. Address Box J-1260, Times. WANTKD—Four High school or lr. P, S. boys who can work after school and on Saturdays or Mon- days. Former Times carriers pre- ferred. Apply this week to R. (J. Smith, The Tacoma Times. WANTED—A young man with ex- perience to set up anil pack fur- niture. Tacoma Furniture Co., 1)11- --913 C st. SPIRITUALISM—Coming. Prof. Hel- ler, materializing medium. Sun. even.. Feb. 16th, Moose Hull, 13th and X si. WANTED—A good carriage painter to take, half interest in auto painting; have shop and can get the work. Call at 612 So. 12th st. Situations— Male EXPERIENCED cook wishes posi- tion In small camp. Box J-1256, Tinn-s. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED—Desk room; must be cheap. Box H-1002. Times. MORTGAGES bought and renewed. Lennox Investment Co., 1103 Commerce at. BOARDKItS WANTED. WANTED—To board children under school age, mother's care given. Plmne Main 29f>.s. ROOMS AND BOARD ROOM and board In private home, good location. $4.50 per week. Main 4654. BOARD and room by day or week, private family, reasonable. Call 2814 East st. ROOM and board in private family. 2715 So. 13th. THE HOTEL KISMET, the work- Ingman's home; reasonable rates and absolute home cooking. 929 So. E. WANTED—2 or 3 children to board, close to school, nice yard. 3321 6th ay. JIOOMS with or without board. Mia. Crow. 415 So. E. Main 6194. WANTED TO BUY WANTED—Good sound ranch horse must weight 11 or 12 hundred, sound and gentle and so woman can drive. Address Box H-1004, Times. SELL YOUR FURNITURE to Sllcox 943 Tacoma ay. Main 3612. WANTED Second-hand furniture and stoves. J. O. Purkey, 1315 C et. Main 6839. FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHER rooms for light house- keeping. Call 913 So. G at. . NICELY furnshed single rooms for rent at 1110 So. E St., $2 week. Main 6259. SYLVAN, 701 St. Helens, furnished rooms, $1.50 up; hskpg. suites. steam heat. FOR a man to work, call up the Henry George, Main 8748. IF you have a room—a room which la not bringing you In any money, then you are doing at least two people an injustice—yourself and a prospective roomer. You can rent your room through Times Want Adj Main _2. HOTEL MODERN —Nicely furnished corner rooms; single, $1.25 up; hskpg. $2.00 up. 1904 D St. and 1945 So. E. Private baths. Free liidy BUSINESS CHANCES WILL sacrifice on account of sick- ness, home bakery and lunch; Ideal location. Price $200, half cash, terms. Inquire 620 So. 11th. ROOMING house of 12 rooms, al- ways full, large yard; nets $40 over rent. 1137 So. E. Main 7768. FOR SALE OR TRADE—A 35-room hotel, down town location, for good real estate and part cash. Box G-1008, Times. FOR SALE —At Invoice price, a grocery and feed store doing a good business In a growing suburb of Tacoma; a splendid opportunity for a man with moderate capital to Invest. Address W. E. Russell, Box 999, Tacoma. FOR SALE—Furniture store, doing good business. Must sell Immedi- ately. Good reason for selling. Main 8727 or address Box C-1006, Times office. GOOD meat market snap; one of the best paying markets In town. Will sell cheap if you have nothing tn trade. Box B-1001. Times. REAL ESTATE WDON"T PAY:""RENT~ 5-room modern new bungalow; basement, fireplace and all latest bungalow features: on Pt. Defiance car line; $26 down, move right In; then $25 per month. See owner. H. B. LAKE 403 Perkins Bldg. 'Thursday, Feb. 13, 1913. REAL ESTATE RJAI^ESTATE^^ Contractors are Looking AT THE REST OF THE FEW LOTS IN Fletcher Heights Near end. No reserve without deposit. Call at 4301 6th ay.. store, cor. Mason ay. Open all day. O. A. Kalland, Grocer. ADVT. IN "TIMKS" ONLY. 4 SOLD SUNDAY. . 2 Acres Waterfront FOR SUMMER HOME Location perfectly Ideal, just south of entrance to Gig Harbor facing the narrows and Pt. Defiance park. Many Improvements now , being made. Best boat service. Nearly level, rich soil. Very easy terms. Our big private launch leaves here every Sunday at 10:00 to accommodate prospective buyers. Free ride returning In time for din- ner. From 2to 5 acres being sold on very easy terms. Price $000 per tract up. Come in or phone if you care to inspect this magnifi- cent property. Wo will take you over any day. MARCH-McCANDLESS CO. 117 So. 11th St., Tacoma. A REAL BARGAIN 2 fine lots 25x120 each on 100 ft. street, 2 ft. above grade, level, street graded, cement walks, sew- er, water and gas, 15 mln. from 11th and Pacific. Price including all Improvements, $N00; $50 cash, $10 per month. Call up owner, Proctor 120, evenings after 6. Two lots. So. 44th and Hosmer, $100 net; no lncumbrance. Ad- dress P. O. Hox 1017, City. If you have any property to rent, trade or sell, see us. E. P. Camp- bell Co., 427 California Bldg. EVERYBODY'S DOING IT Heading bulletins how to save the rent. 200 California Dldg. GO with me Sunday and see my 6- acre tract cheap, easy terms; 6 miles from Tacoma north. 220 Bankers Trust. I'hone Main 9884. Cheap—2 corner lots and 7-room house; grading done; must sell at once. Call 3636 East G., BEST BARGAIN A 6-room bungalow. 2 miles south of Midland on Collins Crossing; summer kitchen, woodshed, barn, chicken house; 3}4 acres of land, H acres cleared; 1 fresh cow, 1 horse, 40 chickens; price $'.',000; for sale by owner, I. Lee, R, F. D. 4, Hox 4». Tacoma. FOR SALK—By owner, 5-room bun- galow, all modern, on easy pay- ments and cheap if taken soon. b-jll South J st. A SNAP S-room, well built cottage, 2 dandy lots, have been In garden, I 1!: blocks from car, 5c car fare. $8 per month. Price $750. T. W ASPINALL Main 873. 604 Natl. Realty Bld<» fSOINC. TO SELL, THIS WEEK New bungalow in North End, on Point line, full cement bas'-ment, large living room with fireplace, goud bath with best plumbing; ev- erything good and modern. Low price and easy terms. Get busy and see owner. Proctor 1235. Nice 6-room, modern cottage, nice lawn, good locution, all Improve- ments In and paid. Price $1450. $200 clown, $10 per month. T. I). Greg- ory, office Morton and McKinley ay. For sale, 5-room house, 4 lots improved, fruit trees, berries, barn, chicken houses, large gardon; 2 blocks to car. 422 K. 60th St., Bis- marck. Owoeir Nine acres at Napavlne, Wash., Lewis county; 3 railroads, 60 miles Tacoma, In city limits, 4-room house, root house, 2 chicken houses, barn, good well, bearing orchard, f i wit and berries of all kinds, about 2/4 acres in fall vetch and oats, orchard in clover, about 1V» acres for garden, balance in pas- ture. Best of soil, sub-irrigated; fine place for chickens and dairy- ing. No fuel to buy. I am going cast. Must sell. $1350 gets It. Ev- erything on place will be for sale. I will pay buyer's car fare, T. W. CRAGO Napavine, Wash. For hair cheap for cash, 4-room house and 2 good lots. 825 East 60th St. 3-room house and 2 lots; price $625, $100 down and $7 per month. 1008 Natl. Realty Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. FOR SALE Choice wheat lands and farms, $12 to $25 per acre. Milwaukee line. Will be in town few days. See me at 309 Bernlce Bldg. or address E. K. Christie, Low Gap. Wash. New bungalow, $250 cash. 5-r. 1424 So. 54th. near N St. $2250 With Z lota and orchard. Lennox Investment Company 1103 Commerce st. 30 acres near Puyallup for sal* cheup. Call owner, Main 7864-J-4. 42 ACRES At Mossy Rock, 2 acres in orchard, good house, barn. 6 horses, 5 cows, chickens, hogs. Will exchange for city property. H. W. MYERS 428 Perkins Bldg. $476.00 —5 acres best soil, all fenced and cross fenced and plowed; house 12x14, barn 12x20. 20 fruit trees, good well water; $290, 7 per cent Interest for one year; $185 cash. By owner, 1311 South E; all plowed. Main 3935. EXCHANGE WANTED—SmaII ranch In ex- change for desirable Tacoma home. Box J-1257, Times. FINE chance to trade. Will accept other property for either of these modern houses, 1. c.: 4008 N. 34th, 8 rooms; 1422 South 54th, 5 rooms; 3571 East M, 5 rooms (corner Len- nox Plaoe); 623 East 33d, near N. P. Hospital, 10 rooms. Go and see, then offer give or take "so much." Lennox Company, 1103 Commerce street. GOLD filled watch, worth $22, to exchange for typewriter. 526 California Bldg. 13 ACRES, 6 acres in berries, 3 In clover, good house and barn; only '4 mile from Puyallup. For partic- ulars address 818 No. I st., Tacoma, Wash; TO EXCHANGE—Equity In 6-room new bungalow for rooming house. Call Main 6668. HOMES on $20 payments. Lennox Investment Company, 1103 Com- merce st. FOR Puyallup Valley lands, see Harry V. Smith. 204 Provident Bldg. BARGAIN Iv West End Home | $2,500 A new 6-room bungalow located on No. Proctor Bt., close to car line. This house Is well finished, has two bedrooms upstair*, bath, cabinet kitchen and concrete base- ment. Will take good lots for owner's equity of $1200. balance of $1300 to be arranged any way to suit buyer. "V. - New Jersey Mortgage Loan Co. 11l So. 10th et. 20 ACRES \u266620 PKR ACRE Qood land for chickens and fruit, . fine site for a home, located on au- tomobile road one-half mile from live town, near Tacoma. Terms If desired. . . .T. M. CURTIS & CO. 314 Bankers Trust Bldg. ~~ 8 ACHES IMI'nOVKD Good buildings, orchard, small fruit, cows, chickens, tools; under high state of cultivation; near good car line; only $3000, terms. .ludarn A Hill. 313 Iluuker* Tru»t 80xl30-FT. CORNER. Very close In. within 3 blocks of the Point Defiance car line. Lota are high and nightly. Room for 3 houses on lots. PRICR $1000 JESSE O. THOMAS, JR. 320 Tacoma Bldg. FOR SALE—One acre place set to berries, etc., story and % bunga- low. Cash. No agents. Cull at Sl6 Tacoma aye. Phone Main 2089. r Chicken Ranch for Trade IV4 acres near Fern Hill, right on car line; all fenced and in cul- tivation; 30 bearing fruit trees, some berries and currants, 2 good wells, new 8-room house, fine barn, 2 diloken houses, 60 chickens, >s ton of spuds and late agricultural tools. This is a dandy little ranch, good soil and close In, 6c fare. Too much work for old couple and they will trade for a little home in any part of the city. 2-E Surety Bonds. Ftre Insurance. E. P. GREGORY CO., Inc 8. R. Webb. B. F. Gregory. Second Floor National Realty Bldg. 1117 Paclfio Aye. / DO IT TODAY V Go out and see 40 acres of the best land In Pierce county, most of It vine maple and alder bottom on which oats over 6 feet tall grew last year (we can show you the straw), good roads, fine homes, well improved farms all around this place. Less than an hour auto ride from the center of Tacoma over one of the best roads In Pierce county. Price $50 an acre. J,i cash, balance 6 per cent, easy terms. Surety Bonds. Fire Insurance. E. F. GREGORY CO., Inc S. R. Webb. B. F. Gregory. Second Floor Natl. Realty lildg. 1117 Paeiflo At. \u0084 LITTLE HOME A dandy; all In fruit; car fare sc; all improvements In and paid; 3 blocks to car; lot 60x200. : Price $1,000; $150 - cash, balance own terms, 6 per cent. •. •• - ON. JOHNS -~ 203 California Bldg. - For Sale S 5-acres tracts at $1,800. One 6 acres Is improved, has \u25a0 been in crop; fruit trees, straw- , I berries; a good well of water; ; . house, barn, tool house and wood house, chicken houses, all fenced. Will take some trade. This Is very<good soil, can.be- sold In 6-acre pieces. For par- , ticulars call at 30« National \u25a0 V Bank of Commerce ' building, n. 1). Duff, agent. { ."t .V - -> •- •--.> FOR SAMS. '\u25a0 -i. *-,**\u25a0>. \u25a0:.; \u25a0 \u25a080! acres south waterfront ranch. 18 acre* cleared, good bottom land and timber; fine creek on land; 180" bearing trees, 6-room house, biK barn, 2 cellars, chicken house, wood shed, Ipostofflce, school house near- \u25a0 by. j- Price j $6.600;; -. % cash, : balance mortgage;:! no agent. Must at * ,once. ?- Box /. J-1259 Times. ;;-\u25a0 . \u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0

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RATES FOR CLASSIFIED "WANT" -ADVERTISEMENTS !One cent word. Ie per line each Insertion for all lines of business.Four Insertions for the price of three for cash In advance.

-: No • advertisement taken for less than 15 cents each Insertion.All mall orders must be accompanied with the cash.

JTHB TIMEJ ISJI'ACOA'1' tiflP&lt,' WB HKGICIVB Al>« \u25a0?OM.* IMIItrLMItNT OBHlSliaßt I'IIOVK. (UK MBKUWBWgPArER. <-*r»_«_-- m M AIV 11



1888! COMMONWEALTH TITLE TRUST\u25a0 m Co.. The Competent TeL Main 101.5 10> 80. 10th stTACOMA TITLE CO.. The Competi-

tor, cor. Fidelity Bldg. Main 2194.


F. W. GREENMAN, LAWYER—IIIi\u25a0 Fidelity Bldg Tel. Main 1884.

AMBULANCESrmn.qj^ru-_-_r.-.ii.ri.riri.i11 ---rjn.r^JOX^^^^WM-.-i*

•04 A st. Stables 6th & St. Helens. T.C. ft B. Trans. Co. Main 43.


ASSAYERSa^J.j _ -Lru-^i_rLrv-u-tJ-M .j._r._,-iru-»-- J---UI- q-i.rii-n-«-«-»*

Allen McCullough, B. A., mining en-gineer, chemist; smelter shipments

Intended. IH3 \u25a0«-> Main 8007.

ATTOHNEYSi\ A. Latcham. attorney-at-law.

403-5 Berlin Bldg. Main 2240.


liest »hlne In city. 1112 V* Pac ay.

TACOMA SHOE SHINING PARLOUSWe cater to ladles and children.

12 chairs. 907 l'acifto ay.

BLUE PRINTING«*WWW>im>x*jr^j-w.nj-in.r nj- _r


Nicholson, sun and electrlo printing.603-7 Fidelity Bldg. Main 474.

BUILDING CONTRACTORSHOUSES built and part of money. lent. 2U« Equitable. \u25a0


plies, machinery. Coast 2d HandHdw. Co., 1614 Com. St. Main 33ii7.


THADEN'S Bakery ft Coffee House,"The Millionaire's Club," »18

Commerce st.


2414 No. 30th. Come once, come•gain.


YAK ICLKAN Vacuum cleaner; willrent you machine or furnish com-petcr.t operutor. Main 2754.

H. L. HOUCK—Carpet beating, re-fitting and laying; feather reno-vating and upholstering. 2812 Cithay. Malp 826.


Nicholson, lot surveys, plattinggen, engineering. 503-7 Fid. Uia.'


• Helens. Gents' suit, skirt or Jacketcleaned and pressed 6(lc up Quickcalls and delivery. Satisfactionguaranteed. Main 7161.J. A. DONALDSON. Mil !lth St., 20

years' experience. Tel. Main 7450.

jl DRESSMAKINGWORK guaranteed. 714 Fidelity_ Bldg.. llth and C. Main 5499.


N. W. Furniture vans, trucks andauto delivery, 3 storage warehouses.Equipped to handle anything. Sat-isfaction guaranteed. Office Coi19th and Par. Main 706.


PANY. Household goods, ma-chinery, pianos and automobiles as-sembled and forwarded to all points.See us. 1722 Pacific nv. Mai 397.


- THE WILTWYCK1316 So. D st.

Every room a bright outside room,with hot and cold water, hot waterheat, large roomy closet; 2 blocksfrom business center; free bathsand phone. Rates $2.50 per weekup. Transient 50c and $1 00.

Kingston HotelBteam heat, hot water, $2.60 to $5.00per week, 50c, 76c, $1.00 per day.

16H So. 11th. cor D st.

A few more steam heated rooms at\u25a0 Alaskan Hotel. 14th and Pacific.

BOSTWICK HOTEL, ToTTi C St.Newly furnished.BOTLL OOUDON — Good clean

rooms. 250 and up. 1306 V 4 Pac.»v. Main 1809.

HOTEL GRAYS HARBOR, undernew management. 1509 Commerce.

.C. Frederlckson, Manager.

BAKER HOTEL. 732 Commerce st.' Board and room. Mrs. Merrltt,

Prop. -MASSASOIT HOTEL. 17th and C• sts., two blocks from depot. Rms.

tSc. 36c and 500 night; $1.25. $1.60! and $2.00 week.COLONIAL, opp. city hall. Dandy

.' \u25a0 , bod».WHITE'S HOTEL—Newly furnished

transients and weekly. 26c and-tOc. \u25a0 110 So. 14th. near Pn'-lflc.

/ 1CLEANING AND PRESSING- BOSTON" CLEANERS—Suits• . ed and pressed, 60c up. 620 So.llth. ~



*FRANK * HANBSON, 738 St. Hel-ens ay. Phone Main 6142.


Elliott. FlO Bkrs. Trust. Patents,I Trade Marks, Drawings. Main 6779.

:?iw:.' \u25a0\u25a0; PRINTINGTOMMER^ALBiriD^RT^^'pTra

• CO.. Inc., 756-758 Commerce stphone Main 417. Printers, Binders.Loose l«af devloos. -\u0084-,.\u25a0-. \u25a0

RAZORS SHARPENED «^:?WE sharpen I safety raxor < > blades.

\u25a0 \u25a0 All work guaranteed. Vlrges DrugCo. 1124 Paclflo ay. — ~*> \u25a0-\u25a0-


Cures irheumatism and \u25a0 kidney dls-N» eases. -T»9 So. \u25a0 C et -Main 6114.

WINKS AND LIQUORS;LANGERT LIQUOR CO.. IS2I C St.Mlwholesale •*. and <"\u25a0* family — J trad*i\u25a0oHclted. Free \u25a0 delivery. • Main 6011.


Tacom» cemetery. 84; Catholic cem-.; etery, $1. Pac. Trans. Co. Mala 54

HARNESSMAKERmanufacturer of leather goods.

suit cases, eta A. F. Hoik*. 1107Pacific ay.


F«ttlg ft BuaseUe. Berlin Bldg.

WANTED TO LOAN—SI2OO on goodTacoma property. Box K-J.90.

Times.LOANS In any amount. Cotton ft

Moaer, 417 Bankers Trust Illdg.1 HAVE money for Improved city

real estate or farms loans.UEO. WALTER RUSSELI* -312 Equitable Bldg.

LOANS In any amount. Cotton_

Moser, 417 Bankers Trust Bldg.

OUR OWN MONEYfor city and farm loans; low rates;Immediate answer to all applica-tions.

W. N. DOUB ft CO., INC.710 Fidelity Bldg. Main 7505.MONEY on real estate. Daniel lie-

Qregor, »10 Berlin Bldg.

ONE hundred and up to loan. Len-nox Investment Co.. 106 Equitable.

MONEY TO LOAN, plenty of It, low-est rates, no delay. Ounstoa-Heath Co.

1 HAVE! lust received severalthousand dollars to loan a I and

I per cent. Inquire J. L. Bnapp. 1111Fidelity Bios..PRIVATE money to loan, from $&0

to $1000, payments to suit, nocommission, money always on hand.Call 6318 So. Fife St.. Felix Dubols.

5, 6 and 7 PER CENTOn Improved real estate or forbuilding. Money advanced a* build-Ing progresses.L. R Manning ft Co.. Equitable Bid.MORTGAGE LOANS In amounts

from $100 up; low rates; no delay.NORTON ft CO.. 110-11 Berlin Bldg.

LOANS for home building or topay off old mortgage. lowestrates, special privileges to borrow-

ers—t to 8 years. Money always onhand—no delay. ,

H. J. SCHWINN & CO.. Inc216-219 Tacoma Bldg.

ON Imp, real estate. L. N. Hansenft Co.. Tacoma Hldg.. 11 til & A St.



SALARY LOANSLOWEST RATES IN TACOMAIf you are In need of from $5 to

$100 call and Investigate ourmethod of loaning money to honestworklngmcn steadily employed.NO MORTOAGE. . .NO INDORSER


307 California Bldg.

BOBVS LOAN OFFICE"Wo loan money on watches, cloth-ing, all goods of value. 1.107 Com.

CHATTEL LOANS. SALARY LOANSI propose to make loans

at a lower rate than youcan get anywhere until thenewspapers and philanthropistsprovide a cheaper place. Then I'llquit or compete. My business Isconducted along courteous, busi-ness-like and humantarlan princi-ples. You can get $5 to $100 today,and If our contract Is not satisfac-tory I'll cheerfully accept mymoney back In 24 hours withoutcost. D. 1). Drake. 210 Banker*Trust.



office practice and skin andvenereal diseases. 20S Equitable

UK. ROBB, 30l Provident. Main8778. Chronlo diseases, general

medicine.ELECTRIC bake oven bath, lady at-tendant; all chronic diseases treat-ed. Dr. J. Weyer, mechano thera-pist, 1021 So. 11th St. Phone Main7008.

DR. FOREMAN. SURGEON.Bankers Trust Bldg.

DR. PAUL, PHYa ft BURO. X-RAT.1111-12-1$ Fidelity Bid*.

ORIENTAL—Dr. K. Ito. disease ofgenlto-urlnary. 1612Vfc C Main »767Dr. Vocum moved Natl. Realty Bldg.

Day. Main 600; night. Main 7600.DR. JAS. A. LA Diseases of

women and surgery. Genlto-urln-sry diseases. Id floor Natl. RealtyBldg. Hours 1-4 and 7-8.DR. J. W. CLINE. IS2» McKlnley

st. Surgery and general practice.Phones: Office Mala 264; Res. Main7188

DR. C. E. CASE, surgeon, gynecolo-gist Office 1114 80. IT st. Res-

idence 1010 80. Uth St. Phonea:Offloe. Main 6887; res.. Main 6»1.

DR. THYNO. SURGEONSurgery and consultation only.

HOl-1106 Fidelity Bldg. Main 408.

OSTEOPATH PHYSICIANSDR. STOTENBUR. Office 422 Bank-ers Trust Bldg. Main BCO9. Res.Main 9610.

MACHINE SHOP.AUTOMOBILE, marine and all ma-

chinery repairs. Hicks-Bull Ma-chine Co. Phone Main 1874. No. 6So. 12th st.

DURABLE PLUMBINGDO you appreciate the Importance)

of having your plumbing donaright? Our guarantee and work-manship Insure plumbing perfec-tlon. Wtn. B. Coffee Plmg. Co.

DINNER PARTIES»nd room and board at Mrs. H. Jor-gensen's dining room, above GillDrug Co.. So. Tacoma.

jL UNDERTAKERSC. O. LYNN CO.—Funeral Directors,

810-H Tacoma ay. Main 7745. i

80. TACOMA FUNERAL PARLORS.6433 Union ay. Main 1082. Oeo.W. Piper.

SHOE REPAIRINGBOOTS and shoes repaired, prices

reasonable. Sheridan ay. Shoeghop, cor. 23d and Sheridan ay.

Werner A Moe. Qoodyear QuickShoe Repair Co.. 938 Commerce.

--.Jj :\ TAILORSRINOSETH the tailor formen and women. 1014 So. 11th.

Phone Main 4877.

>_^V POSTAL PHOTOS XBEBT place for up-to-date photo, novelties. Owl Studio. liltC st.'';Vv" " ;".'\u25a0': STORAGE. -, *;.\u25a0: '\ j.i-COMMERCIAI^FIDELITY TRUCK

\u25a0 CO.—t laige vwarehouses; fire-proof. \u25a0 Largest storage concern •Inthe N. W. Rooms under lock forH. H. foods. Expert - furniturepackers. » Office , Cor. . l»th and Pa-clfic Malu 70*. /-.-:•\u25a0 \u0084--^f.':«,:V '--v


A P. * A. M.. will hold a. mm, llitil communication

JjfJV Thursday. Feb. 13, 7:30 p.

fWiDT Sujournera Invited.# -^T \ RANDALL 8. WILLTAMS,

1 v \u25a0 W. M.WM. E. BPRHHABT, Bae.STATE LODQE. No. 68, F. * A. M.

(A Special communication ofA State Lodge, No. 68, will

KS\ be held W«d. evening*) theWGIO 12th, 7:30; work In thertLJOC first degree.i^y*. LEE P. HILL, W. M.


ft> A. M. Special communlca-jM_ tlon at Masonlo Temple,1U Monday, Feb. 17. 1913, nt

e_fGjKJ 7:30 o'clock. Work Injf^iQy first degree. Sojourners

' ** cordially Invited.EDGAR M. BURNS, W. M.


OB M. Special communica-/R& tlon. Masonlo Temple,

/JJ* Monday, February 10. 7:30«f(i\tp. m. Work in F. C, de-rfcjQC gree. Sojournera cordl-

' » ally Invited.E. A. RICHAIIDSON, W. M.


TACOMA LODGE. No. 22, F. a A.tih M. Stated communlca-Uk tlon Friday, Feb. 7, 1918.

PgS\ at 7:30 o'clock. WorkWliVt In third degree. All Mas-y*Wj^C ter Masons cordially in-

FRANK r>. OAKLEY, W. M.G. DOWK McQUESTEN, Sec.STEAM heated front rooms, bath,

etc., 25c day. Lennox. 1633 So. D.

HOUSEKT'G ROOMSFOUR nicely furnished housekeep-

Ing rooms, private bath: also 3rooms, walking distance. Sll SouthYaklma. Phono Main 9699.Furnished housekeeping rooms $1.00

week up. 1942 So. 1> & Jefferaon.I'ITH. rooms for light housekeeping.

»13 So. O Bt. »TWO rooms In private residence,

well furnished and nicely locatedfor the money, $9 per month. HOSSo. J st. Phone Main (>975.

FURNISHED housekeeping roomsfor men, $1.25 per week up. 1733

So. E «t. Main 1219.TWO nice large front rooms for

light housekeeping, gas rangeand wood heater, walking distance.1523 So. E.NICELY furnished front rooms for

housekeeping, modern conven-iences, walking distance. 806 So.K. Main 3sli).

THREE fur. - hskpg. apts., Bteamheat and bath, 15 and $6 per wk.

PIEUCK HOTEL, 919 So. C St.Phone Main 8213.

JOHNSON FLATS, 1. 2 and 3-roomapts., $2.60 up. 535 So. E st.

TWO-KOOM housekeeping suites,also sinjiic ruoms. Stanton House,

1610 Vj So. Tacoma ay. Main 152.

3 GOOD rooms - on ground floor onSo. G >t. South Knd Storage &

Transfer Co. Phone Madison 591.FURNISHED hskpgwooms cheap,

also single rooms. 2712 ',6 So. Yak-lma ay.

THE ANTLERS—Furnished hakpg.run.; modern: central. 1116 C.


15-ACRE ranch for rent, goodbuildings, 4 acres cleared, IV4

mllo from city limits. Martin Flem,11. I>. No. 2. Hox 198. Tacoma.


real estate worth $1200, firstmortgage. Address Box H-1003",Times.


clairvoyant, gives reliable) adviceon all important affairs of life,past, present and future. Can beconsulted dally at 309 9th st.

THE only reliable photo postalstudio In the city. Everybody's.

HAIRDHESSINQ. manicuring,shampooing, scalp treatments, 25c,

1108 6th ay.


723 80. 9th. Main 3850.

T. T. RICHMOND, piano tuner andrepairer, has moved to 3022 So.

12th. Main 2424.BUSY MEN AND WOMEN find It

convenient to telephone their ForSale and Want Ads to The Times,Main 12. Only one cent a word.ROOMS papered and paper fur-

nlsheJ $3.50 and up. 'tight up tothe minute on all kinds of paperdecorations. Estimates given onall kinds of paper hanging, paint-Ing, graining and decorating. E. M.Wesley. Phone Main «777.

LOSTLOST—Watch tob with gold locket.

On South Tacoma car leavingtown at 6:05 p. m., Feb. 12. 1913.Finder please call Main 5002. Re-ward offered.LOST—Monday night in South Pa-

cific ay. station. Fern Hill, ablack hand bag with small pursecontaining about $6 and other con-tents, 2 Ben Hur tickets, streetcar tickets, etc. Finder please no-tify Mary H. Bklllman, R. D. 3, Box180, Tacoma. \u25a0\u25a0 phone Madison 456or leave at Times office. Reward.

Wanted—To RentSMALL ranch capable, of carrying

eight cows: must be well equippedwith outbuildings. Would considersmall fruit ranch* In -vicinity ofSumner. Rent not to exceed $250.State- exactly what you have andlowest cash rent. V 1262 Times.




HOUSE MOVING.WORK, guaranteed. - The oldesthouse mover In town. J. P. Becker1419 So. Alnsworth, cor. 15th.

. , BARBER C<>l,i,i«,|-; -FOR men and women, wages whll*

learning. Moler Barber Co'.leeelIOIH Pacific ay. ~

ffAUi PAPERLARGE new stock of " wall paper,

very latest designs and patterns.Acme quality paints, adapted to thewestern climate. A. 8. Johnaon ftCo.. 1141 O st. \u25a0• \u25a0>\u25a0 -


OLIVBR^HENRY? Tacoma "darbageCo. - Main . 640«. \u25a0•'., Contracts mad*

for cleaning yards, vnults and cess-pools. Qarbage removed by . month.

AMERICAN GARBAGE CO. — Re-movlng garbage and refuse of allkinds. 216 Puy. ay. M. 742, res. 7519.

-lX: WOOD ASD COAIi • i^?;PETERSON BROS., hay, grain, poul-

try supplies and coal . and . wood.lOtb and k. Phone Main 331.'i-,.?.



FOR —One male Spltx puppy,$3. SOa South M.

FOR SALE—One folding go-cart,one adjustable baby buggy, $2.50

each. 806 80. Trafton.

FOR —Very cheap, two 12 -000-pound horses, large moving vanand double set of harness. PhoneMadison 138. \u25a0..\u25a0. \u25a0

\u25a0 .. .< . \u25a0

ONE good family cow, young andgentle. J. K. Bishop, Stellacoom,third house from bridge.ON account of our business, will

have to have heavier horses, sowill sell three horses weighingabout 1200 lbs. apiece very cheap.Farmers 1 Feed & Seed Co., 1122Puyallup ay. Phone Main 2641 orProctor 1693. \u25a0\u25a0 ,FOR SALE—Four cows, 1 fresh, 2

blocks west of Elmhurat Sta., on.Spanaway car line. S. H. Huyck.

FOR SALE—Cheap, a cow and calf.Call at 2929 So. M.

FOR SALE—Horse, about 1,000 lbs.Call Madison 263. ..

SET of white furs for sale cheap.Main SBOS.

MUST sell, 1.2r.0-lb. horse this week.Have bought automobile for de-

livery. He Is extra kind, gentleand good puller. See owner. ;W.Ray 2153 Jefferson ay.

FURNITURE of 7-room house Inbest desidence district. 3 rooms

rented pays rent of house; reason-able If taken at once. Main 1493.PAIR of good horses, weight 1600

lbs., and harness, $300. 1331!Commerce. Main 346."KINTZ DOES PLUMBING," Main


NICE Jersey heifer. Just fresh. F.Frelhelt, 21st st. S. E., Puyallup.

FOR SALE—A fine, large "" bullmoose head, all mounted, cheap if

sold soon. 2923 No. 16th st.

100-EGG Incubator and chick brood-er, In perfect order, used only

three times. Reason for selling,going awny. 2923 No. 16th st.FOR SALE CHEAP—IIOO lb. ranch

horse, steady and honest worker,$40; 3 larger horses, $50 up; teamof ponies and farm wagon, $85.608 Puyallup ay.


Hardware, stoves and ranges, dish-es and cooking utensils, carpetsany size, curtains, couch covers, pil-lows nnd quilts, dressers, couchesand beds, springs and mattresses,new and second-hand, at the dou-ble front, 1316-1318 C St. Main5043.

CARSTENS SHEEP GUANO.~BesIlawn and garden fertilizer on

market. Ton lots cent a pound de-livered In city. Less than ton lotscent and quarter. Phone Main 1400.

GRIFFIN NURSERY ~~So. 67th near Spanaway car line,big fine trees, roses, etc. Madison265.FOR SALE—One Buck steel range,

$15; 1 folding bed, $5; 2 BrownLrghorn cockerels, $1.00 each; 1Black Minorca, $2.00. Call ' 1841East 30th. Portland ay. car. MainS3Bl.INVALID chairs for rent. Physic-

ians' Supply Co., 954 Commerce..'FOX SALE—Pacific Incubator, 240-- 1912 Model, used only threetimes, half price. Inquire 3609 No.Bth. Phone Proctor 1204. I<\u25a0

FOR —Two milch goats., TakeSummit or Puyallup car, get off atEn*t Lori-liinoiit. walk half milesouth. C. Llnman.5 ACRES .shot clay, improved, but

no buildings, on easy terms 1good cow, $45; 360-egg CyphersIncubator, $10; 2 indoor brooders. N.P. Olsen, 3 blocks south of Jovlta,Seattlc-Tacoma lnterurban.FOR SALELight Jersey cow.

3630 Eaat B st.

FOR SALE—Suit cabinets withglass doors, mission tables and

stools. Christoffersen's, 925 C St.CHRISTOPHER NURSERY. Trees

and bulbs. Special prices. 70680. G. Main 3139. _____SAM HING CO., fine Chinese and

Japanese Tea, Silks, Dry Goods.1354 D st.UNDERWOOD typewriter in good

condition, quick sale $35. X-1014,Times.FIR lumber and shingles. Young

& Johnston Lumber Co., Kapow-sln.

WE have a few second-hand mo-torcycles for sale. 1012 So. 11th

st.FOR SALE cheap, row boats,

launches, fixtures, etc., at thePoint Defiance Pavilion Co. PhoneProctor 1999.FIRE and burglar-proof boxes; lc

the day. March-McCandless Co.,117 So. 11th st. _WANTED—LadIes buying the best,

at Behlings Butter Store. 1109 So.K. Tea, coffee and spices.

BELL MARKET—Best service andquality. 2604 6th ay. Main 409.FOR 2d hand goods see SHUETT,

1343 Commerce st.

ASK your dealer for STERLINGbrooms. warranted. Tacoma

Broom Factory. t3lO So. 10th.FRESH green ground bone dally.

Tacoma Meat Co.. 1508 Pac ay.

MITCHELL NURSERY, LarchmontFruit trees, roses, etc. Main 7871 R5

SECOND-HAND machinist and car-pentor tools wanted. . Bixe.

1339 Commerce St. -IF YOU have a fat or fresh cow

to sell, call Boston Market. 2321Pacific ay. Main 449. \u25a0

ALT HEIDELBERG BEERColumbia Brewing Co. Order a

case. Main 229. - \u25a0-\u25a0-.-- - -WANTED to buy household goods.

Wm. Fit*-Henry Co., 103 So. 12th.Tel. Main 8736.

SPECIAL NOTICESPHONE Main 2846 and we will call.

Pantorlum. 936 Commerce Bt. *\u25a0

HOMESTEADS ; >!"JOIN California Land Excursion to

Marysvllle, February 17. Irrigat-ed (gravity water free) land. QBton the ground now; early cropsyield $500 acre; little money requir-ed; 21 families wanted. S. L. Les-ter, 11l 10th st., Titi-oma. \u25a0\u25a0 nr.

. BENT—HOUSES c-ffiVIEW house, 8-r., bath; 623 K. 33d,

near N. P. hospital, $16. Bunga-low, 5-r., bath, orchard, $15. 1*24South C4th, near O street. \u25a0-.—-•-\u25a0 idy

LENNOX INVESTMENT CO.206 Equitable Bldg. >"".

RENT—6IB • South - Alnsworth, - 8rooms $15, save car fare, cheap-

est house In good *. neighborhood.Owner, 812 North L. Phone Main6201. - ,-. ' ..-.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-.', . \u25a0\u25a0:- -, ' ,< \u25a0.„ \u25a0

FOR RENT— house, • SouthTacoma, close In, porcelain plumb-

Ing, electric lights, faces eaat. Seeowner, 604 80. J at. ; - :--1". -r." <FOR RENT—S-room cottage,» wln-

-11 dow ahadea, jgas range, linoleumon . kitchen. Phone Main 7647. >u-y

FOR RENT— 6-r. house, bath,"* near* Jefferson ' car, 3012 Chandler st..

$9, Including water. ••\u25a0-.-. :^r, :;'•.„..

RENT a house and we will furnish-\u25a0- It for \u25a0 you for cash !or , easy - pay-ments. Tac. Furniture Co., »11-13 C.


lngton eggs, $1 per It, $5 per100. 4019 80. Tacoma ay. MadisonSZB. \u25a0 \u25a0-. ' --\u25a0'\u25a0•' -"\u25a0\u25a0• - - . - .BUFF ORPINGTON eggs for set-

ting. Good laying strain. 1607So. 40th »t. -FOR SALE—R. I. Red eggs for

hatching, select stock, 11 and$1.50 per setting of 14. 806 So.Trafton. \u25a0•

FOR SALE—One n. I. Red Cock-erel, $3, and twelve laying pul-

lets, $1.26 eaoh. All full-blooded\u25a0elected stock. 806 So. Trafton.FOR SALK or exchange, 3 white

Wyandotte cockerels. 6402 So.Union ay. Main 3838. \u25a0

HUFF Hock eggs for hatching,baby chicks, setting hens. Main

1683. \u25a0'_^

FOR SALE—Rhode Island Red andAncona cockerels. Main 3223.

5937 So. I st. "

TEN genuine full blooded WhiteLeghorn. hens, 10 months old.

Your choice $1.00 each. Call 6402So. Mason ay. Qußt Swanstrom.GOOD • laying W. Leghorn pullets.

Main -7808 J-5. \u25a0

CRYSTAL WHITE ORPINGTONeggs, $3.00: S. C. R. I. Reds, $1.50;

two for $2.50. Red pullets andmales for sale cheap. Chas. Fraier,Bismarck.A FEW Buff Orpington cockerels

for sale, good stock. Madison

QUEEN Incubator, grit machine,bacy chicks, eggs and cockerels.

Fred A. Johnson. Main 8930-R.

ARRED Rock and White Leg-horn eggs for hatching, 50c set-ting. Take Spanaway car to Lln-

coln ay. E. A. Dowder.BARRED -ROCK and White Or-

plngton cockerels from exhibitionstock, prices reasonable; one 176---fgg Old Trusty, $10; one 80-eggPacific, $8; Fawn and White In-dian Runners, 75c up, white eggstrain. Nashawena Poultry Farm,Proctor 722.S. C. BUFF ORPINGTON e^gs^

$2.50 15; White Wyandotte, $2 15.Prize stock. O. J. Stave, 701 So.60th. Madison 177.S. C. WHITE LEGHORN eggs for

hatching, $1.00 per setting of 16:all thororoughbrcd trap-nestodstock. A. Severtsen, Gig Harbor,Wn.FOR SALE—I2White Leghorn lay-

ing pullets. 75c each; also An-cona, White Leghorn pullets andcockerels. Scott's Studio, Fidelitylildg.

THOROUGHBRED Rhode IslandRed, W. Minorca and Ancona eggs

for hatching; also a few cockerelsof same strains for sale. PhoneProctor 1911.FOR SALE—Reliable Barred" Rock

and W. Wyandotte eggs, $1.50 persetting. C230 So. Lawrence st. Main5972-R.

WHITE ORPINGTON eggs. $Tjsoand $2.50, 16; W. Leghorn, $100,

15. 712 So. 69th. Main 4136.RID your chickens of lice and

mites now. To do It easy, useElectric Insect Powder. CrownDrug Co. and grocers.

EGGS for hatching, S. C. WhiteLeghorn, Buff Orpington, R. I.Reds, $5 per 100, $1 per setting.Heavy laying strain. No better Inthe state. John Lewtas & Son,Regents Park, Tjujoma. PhoneVroctor 1551. * '..ifg

DAY old chicks of White Leghornand Sliver Wyandottes, 15 each;

eggs for hatchlng,:<sl.oo per settingof 15, all thoroughbred stock. N.Thelm, 1004 No. Alder st.

EXCELLENT White-Rock cockerelsfor breeding purposes, $2.50. Main



Superior Court of the State ofWashington for Pierce County.In the matter of the estate of

Mellen P. Larrabee, deceased.Notice Is hereby given by the

undersigned, duly appointed admin-istrator of the estate of Mellen P.Larrabee, deceased, to the creditorsof, and all persons having claimsagainst, said deceased, to exhibitthem, with the necessary vouchers,within one year lifter the firstpublication of this notice, to theundersigned at 607 Bernice Bldg.,Tacoma, County of I'ierce, andState of Washington, being theplace for the transaction of thebusiness of said estate.

Hate of Issuing and first publi-cation of this notice February 131913.

F. H. LARRABEE,Administrator of said Estate.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS—In tileSuperior Court of the State of

Washington for Pierce County.In the matter of the estate of

Carrie A. Larrabee, deceased.Notice is hereby given by the

undersigned, duly appointed admin-istrator with will annexed of theestate of Carrie A. Larrabee, de-ceased, to the creditors of, and allpersons having claims against,said deceased, to exhibit them, withthe necessary vouchers, within oneyear after the first publication ofthis notice, to the undersigned at607 Bernice Bldg., Tacoma, Countyof Pierce, and State of Washington,being the place for the transactionof the business of said estate.

Date of Issuing and first publi-cation of this notice February 13,1913.

F. H. LARKABEE,Administrator of said Kstate, with

the will annexed.

SnmraoiiH for PublicationIn the Superior Court of the State

of Washington In and for theCounty of Pierce.

F. L. Hartman, Plaintiff, vs. N. W.Collins and Allah Maud Collins,his wife, Defendants.The State of Washington to the

above named defendants. N. W.Collins and Allah Maud Collins, hiswife.

You and each of your are herebysummoned to appear within sixtydays after the date of the first pub-lication of this summons, towlt:within sixty days after the 9th dayof January, 1913. and defend theabove entitled action In the aboveentitled court, and answer the com-plaint of the plaintiff and serve acopy of your answer or otherpleading upon the undersigned at-torney for plaintiff at his officebelow stated; and in case of yourfailure so to do judgment will berendered against you according tothe demand of the complaint whichhas been filed with the clerk ofsaid court. \u25a0 '

This action Is one brought by theplaintiff to foreclose a certainmortgage for $360.00 and interestof date August 25th, 1910, made bythe defendants to the plaintiff up-on the following lands In PierceCounty: • --. ss :- .

" Commencing at a point Two Hun-dred and Twenty (220) feet northand One Thousand One HundredSeventy-nine and seventy-five hun-dredths 11179.75) feet west of thecorner of Secttonn Nine, Ten, • Fif-teen . and > Sixteen, Township Nine-teen (19) North,: Range Two Eastof the Willamette Meridian; thencerunning Fifty • (60) • feet south;thence Ninety and twenty-five hun-dredths (90.25) feet east; thenceFifty feet r(50) north' along - thewest Jtneof Lake City Boulevard;thence Ninety and twenty-five hun-dredth! (90.25) feet west to thepoint of beginning, together > withall and singular the tenements,' her-editaments \u25a0 and \u25a0 - appurtenancesthereunto belonging. *\u25a0-. \u25a0>\u25a0<\u25a0-\u25a0 -- *_.i,~.*-.

And for a 'deficiency r Judgmentagainst the said defendants. -\u25a0

- H. H. JOHNSTON,..'•\u25a0\u25a0- Attorney for Plaintiff.

Office and P. O. Address: 710 Fidel-\u25a0 \u25a0 ity Bldg., Tacoma. Washington. \u25a0,

HELP- FEMALEWANTED—Elderly lady housekeep-

er on farm, 2 children, goodhome. Otto Schuffenhauer, Roy,Wn.

WANTED AT ONCE —Young girl, $7per week, clear, candy and fruit

More, Call 1331 So. C at.

A-l HAND LAUNDRYGives special attention to the fancywork and lace curtains. 741 Taco-ma ay. Main 2605.WANTED—OIrIs to learn ualrdress-

lng, manicuring, etc. Paid whilelearning. 1108 6th ay.

TRY our 600 FAMILY WASHING.Famous Washing Co. Mala «4t>4.

TAILORS' anil dressmakers" sup-plies. Albert R. Baur Co.. 817 11th.

CANCERS cured without knife orplaster; consultation free; Stephen

Johnson, school house crossing,Fern Hill. \u25a0

Welnstone.ladlea'sults $10 up.4OK 9th

Situations —FemaleBXPKfinnfCED woman cook

wishes position In small camp.Box J-1256. Times.A Competent willingwoman wants

work of any kind by the day orhour. Phone Main H074, room 14.A strong girl wants work by the

day. Tel. Main 4877.YOUNQ woman wants position as

housekeeper, good cook, refer-ences. Call 2127 Tacoma ay.NEAT, competent seamstress wish-

es engagements, 51.60 per day.Box J-1263, Times.

PLAIN sewing, called for and de-livered. 913 So. O. Main 2119.

Family Washing 50cMetropolitan Wet Wash. Main 2572.

HELP MALEWANTED—Capable man or woman

wlio likes outdoor work, takingcare of chickens, horse and cow forabout 5 to 6 weeks. lieply to J. B.Box 5 It .R. 1, Lake Bay.WANTKD—Superintendent for saw

ami shingle mill. Must be reliu-ble and in position to Invest (-..">«">.Address Box J-1260, Times.

WANTKD—Four High school or lr.P, S. boys who can work afterschool and on Saturdays or Mon-days. Former Times carriers pre-ferred. Apply this week to R. (J.Smith, The Tacoma Times.

WANTED—A young man with ex-perience to set up anil pack fur-

niture. Tacoma Furniture Co., 1)11---913 C st.SPIRITUALISM—Coming. Prof. Hel-

ler, materializing medium. Sun.even.. Feb. 16th, Moose Hull, 13thand X si.WANTED—A good carriage painter

to take, half interest in autopainting; have shop and can getthe work. Call at 612 So. 12th st.

Situations— MaleEXPERIENCED cook wishes posi-

tion In small camp. Box J-1256,Tinn-s.

Wanted — MiscellaneousWANTED—Desk room; must be

cheap. Box H-1002. Times.MORTGAGES bought and renewed.

Lennox Investment Co., 1103Commerce at.


WANTED—To board children underschool age, mother's care given.

Plmne Main 29f>.s.

ROOMS AND BOARDROOM and board In private home,

good location. $4.50 per week.Main 4654.

BOARD and room by day or week,private family, reasonable. Call

2814 East 1» st.

ROOM and board in private family.2715 So. 13th.

THE HOTEL KISMET, the work-Ingman's home; reasonable rates

and absolute home cooking. 929So. E.WANTED—2 or 3 children to board,

close to school, nice yard. 33216th ay.

JIOOMS with or without board.Mia. Crow. 415 So. E. Main 6194.

WANTED TO BUYWANTED—Good sound ranch horse

must weight 11 or 12 hundred,sound and gentle and so woman candrive. Address Box H-1004, Times.SELL YOUR FURNITURE to Sllcox

943 Tacoma ay. Main 3612.

WANTED — Second-hand furnitureand stoves. J. O. Purkey, 1315

C et. Main 6839.

FURNISHED ROOMSFURNISHER rooms for light house-

keeping. Call 913 So. G at. .NICELY furnshed single rooms for

rent at 1110 So. E St., $2 week.Main 6259.SYLVAN, 701 St. Helens, furnished

rooms, $1.50 up; hskpg. suites.steam heat.

FOR a man to work, call up theHenry George, Main 8748.

IF you have a room—a room whichla not bringing you In any money,

then you are doing at least twopeople an injustice—yourself and aprospective roomer. You can rentyour room through Times Want AdjMain _2.HOTEL MODERN—Nicely furnished

corner rooms; single, $1.25 up;hskpg. $2.00 up. 1904 D St. and1945 So. E. Private baths. Free liidy

BUSINESS CHANCESWILL sacrifice on account of sick-

ness, home bakery and lunch;Ideal location. Price $200, halfcash, terms. Inquire 620 So. 11th.

ROOMING house of 12 rooms, al-ways full, large yard; nets $40

over rent. 1137 So. E. Main 7768.FOR SALE OR TRADE—A 35-room

hotel, down town location, forgood real estate and part cash.Box G-1008, Times.FOR SALE—At Invoice price, a

grocery and feed store doing agood business In a growing suburbof Tacoma; a splendid opportunityfor a man with moderate capitalto Invest. Address W. E. Russell,Box 999, Tacoma.FOR SALE—Furniture store, doing

good business. Must sell Immedi-ately. Good reason for selling. Main8727 or address Box C-1006, Timesoffice.GOOD meat market snap; one of the

best paying markets In town.Will sell cheap if you have nothingtn trade. Box B-1001. Times.


5-room modern new bungalow;basement, fireplace and all latestbungalow features: on Pt. Defiancecar line; $26 down, move right In;then $25 per month. See owner.

H. B. LAKE403 Perkins Bldg.

'Thursday, Feb. 13, 1913.



Fletcher HeightsNear end. No reserve without deposit. Call at 4301 6th ay.. store,

cor. Mason ay. Open all day. O. A. Kalland, Grocer.ADVT. IN "TIMKS" ONLY. 4 SOLD SUNDAY. .

2 Acres WaterfrontFOR SUMMER HOME

Location perfectly Ideal, just south of entrance to Gig Harborfacing the narrows and Pt. Defiance park. Many Improvements now ,being made. Best boat service. Nearly level, rich soil. Very easyterms. Our big private launch leaves here every Sunday at 10:00 toaccommodate prospective buyers. Free ride returning In time for din-ner. From 2to 5 acres being sold on very easy terms. Price $000per tract up. Come in or phone if you care to inspect this magnifi-cent property. Wo will take you over any day.

MARCH-McCANDLESS CO.117 So. 11th St., Tacoma.

A REAL BARGAIN2 fine lots 25x120 each on 100 ft.

street, 2 ft. above grade, level,street graded, cement walks, sew-er, water and gas, 15 mln. from11th and Pacific. Price includingall Improvements, $N00; $50 cash,$10 per month. Call up owner,Proctor 120, evenings after 6.

Two lots. So. 44th and Hosmer,$100 net; no lncumbrance. Ad-dress P. O. Hox 1017, City.

Ifyou have any property to rent,trade or sell, see us. E. P. Camp-bell Co., 427 California Bldg.

EVERYBODY'S DOING IT —Heading bulletins how to save therent. 200 California Dldg.

GO with me Sunday and see my 6-acre tract cheap, easy terms; 6

miles from Tacoma north. 220Bankers Trust. I'hone Main 9884.

Cheap—2 corner lots and 7-roomhouse; grading done; must sell atonce. Call 3636 East G.,

BEST BARGAINA 6-room bungalow. 2 miles south

of Midland on Collins Crossing;summer kitchen, woodshed, barn,chicken house; 3}4 acres of land,H acres cleared; 1 fresh cow, 1horse, 40 chickens; price $'.',000; forsale by owner, I. Lee, R, F. D. 4,Hox 4». Tacoma.FOR SALK—By owner, 5-room bun-

galow, all modern, on easy pay-ments and cheap if taken soon.b-jll South J st.

A SNAPS-room, well built cottage, 2

dandy lots, have been In garden,I 1!: blocks from car, 5c car fare. $8per month. Price $750.

T. W ASPINALLMain 873. 604 Natl. Realty Bld<»

fSOINC. TO SELL, THIS WEEKNew bungalow in North End, on

Point line, full cement bas'-ment,large living room with fireplace,goud bath with best plumbing; ev-erything good and modern. Lowprice and easy terms. Get busy andsee owner. Proctor 1235.

Nice 6-room, modern cottage, nicelawn, good locution, all Improve-ments In and paid. Price $1450. $200clown, $10 per month. T. I). Greg-ory, office Morton and McKinley ay.

For sale, 5-room house, 4 lotsimproved, fruit trees, berries, barn,chicken houses, large gardon; 2blocks to car. 422 K. 60th St., Bis-marck.

OwoeirNine acres at Napavlne, Wash.,

Lewis county; 3 railroads, 60 milesTacoma, In city limits, 4-roomhouse, root house, 2 chicken houses,barn, good well, bearing orchard,f i wit and berries of all kinds,about 2/4 acres in fall vetch andoats, orchard in clover, about 1V»acres for garden, balance in pas-ture. Best of soil, sub-irrigated;fine place for chickens and dairy-ing. No fuel to buy. I am goingcast. Must sell. $1350 gets It. Ev-erything on place will be for sale.I will pay buyer's car fare,

T. W. CRAGONapavine, Wash.

For hair cheap for cash, 4-roomhouse and 2 good lots. 825 East60th St.

3-room house and 2 lots; price$625, $100 down and $7 per month.1008 Natl. Realty Bldg., Tacoma,Wash.

FOR SALEChoice wheat lands and farms,

$12 to $25 per acre. Milwaukee line.Will be in town few days. See meat 309 Bernlce Bldg. or address E.K. Christie, Low Gap. Wash.

New bungalow, $250 cash. 5-r.1424 So. 54th. near N St. $2250 WithZ lota and orchard.

Lennox Investment Company1103 Commerce st.

30 acres near Puyallup for sal*cheup. Call owner, Main 7864-J-4.

42 ACRESAt Mossy Rock, 2 acres in orchard,good house, barn. 6 horses, 5 cows,chickens, hogs. Will exchange forcity property.

H. W. MYERS428 Perkins Bldg.

$476.00 —5 acres best soil, allfenced and cross fenced and plowed;house 12x14, barn 12x20. 20 fruittrees, good well water; $290, 7 percent Interest for one year; $185cash. By owner, 1311 South E; allplowed. Main 3935.


change for desirable Tacomahome. Box J-1257, Times.

FINE chance to trade. Will acceptother property for either of these

modern houses, 1. c.: 4008 N. 34th,8 rooms; 1422 South 54th, 5 rooms;3571 East M, 5 rooms (corner Len-nox Plaoe); 623 East 33d, near N.P. Hospital, 10 rooms. Go and see,then offer give or take "so much."Lennox Company, 1103 Commercestreet.

GOLD filled watch, worth $22, toexchange for typewriter. 526

California Bldg.

13 ACRES, 6 acres in berries, 3 Inclover, good house and barn; only

'4 mile from Puyallup. For partic-ulars address 818 No. I st., Tacoma,Wash;TO EXCHANGE—Equity In 6-room

new bungalow for rooming house.Call Main 6668.

HOMES on $20 payments. LennoxInvestment Company, 1103 Com-

merce st.FOR Puyallup Valley lands, seeHarry V. Smith. 204 Provident Bldg.

BARGAINIv West End Home

| $2,500

A new 6-room bungalow locatedon No. Proctor Bt., close to carline. This house Is well finished,has two bedrooms upstair*, bath,cabinet kitchen and concrete base-ment.

Will take good lots for owner'sequity of $1200. balance of $1300 tobe arranged any way to suit buyer.

• "V. -New Jersey Mortgage

Loan Co.11l So. 10th et.

20 ACRES\u266620 PKR ACRE

Qood land for chickens and fruit, .fine site for a home, located on au-tomobile road one-half mile fromlive town, near Tacoma. Terms Ifdesired. . .

.T. M. CURTIS & CO.314 Bankers Trust Bldg.~~ 8 ACHES IMI'nOVKD

Good buildings, orchard, smallfruit, cows, chickens, tools; underhigh state of cultivation; near goodcar line; only $3000, terms..ludarn A Hill. 313 Iluuker* Tru»t

80xl30-FT. CORNER.Very close In. within 3 blocks of

the Point Defiance car line. Lotaare high and nightly. Room for 3houses on lots.

PRICR $1000

JESSE O. THOMAS, JR.320 Tacoma Bldg.

FOR SALE—One acre place set toberries, etc., story and % bunga-

low. Cash. No agents. Cull atSl6 Tacoma aye. Phone Main 2089.rChicken Ranch for Trade

IV4 acres near Fern Hill, righton car line; all fenced and in cul-tivation; 30 bearing fruit trees,some berries and currants, 2 goodwells, new 8-room house, fine barn,2 diloken houses, 60 chickens, >ston of spuds and late agriculturaltools. This is a dandy little ranch,good soil and close In, 6c fare. Toomuch work for old couple and theywill trade for a little home in anypart of the city. 2-E

Surety Bonds. Ftre Insurance.

E. P. GREGORY CO., Inc8. R. Webb. B. F. Gregory.

Second Floor National Realty Bldg.

1117 Paclfio Aye.


DO IT TODAY VGo out and see 40 acres of the

best land In Pierce county, mostof It vine maple and alder bottomon which oats over 6 feet tall grewlast year (we can show you thestraw), good roads, fine homes,well improved farms all around thisplace. Less than an hour auto ridefrom the center of Tacoma overone of the best roads In Piercecounty. Price $50 an acre. J,i cash,balance 6 per cent, easy terms.

Surety Bonds. Fire Insurance.

E. F. GREGORY CO., IncS. R. Webb. B. F. Gregory.

Second Floor Natl. Realty lildg.

1117 Paeiflo At. \u0084

LITTLE HOMEA dandy; all In fruit; car fare sc;

all improvements In and paid; 3blocks to car; lot 60x200. :Price$1,000; $150 - cash, balance ownterms, 6 per cent. •. •• -ON. JOHNS -~

203 California Bldg. -

For SaleS 5-acres tracts at $1,800.One 6 acres Is improved, has \u25a0

been in crop; fruit trees, straw- , Iberries; a good well of water; ;. house, barn, tool house andwood house, chicken houses, allfenced. Will take some trade.This Is very<good soil, can.be-sold In 6-acre pieces. For par-

, ticulars call at 30« National \u25a0 VBank of Commerce ' building,n. 1). Duff, agent.

{ ."t .V

- -> •- •--.> FOR SAMS. '\u25a0 -i.*-,**\u25a0>. • \u25a0:.; \u25a0

\u25a080! acres south waterfront ranch.18 acre* cleared, good bottom landand timber; fine creek on land; 180"bearing trees, 6-room house, biKbarn, 2 cellars, chicken house, woodshed, Ipostofflce, school house near- \u25a0

by. j-Price j$6.600;; -. % cash, :balancemortgage;:! no agent. Must at *,once. ?- Box /. J-1259 Times. ;;-\u25a0 . \u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0