a dream vacation becomes a reality in spain

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  • 8/8/2019 A Dream Vacation Becomes a Reality in Spain


    Benny Robles, President o Bartow Ford, always knew that hewanted to spend time in Spain. That he and his wie, Shalie,happened to be there during the Running o the Bulls and

    Spains World Cup victory was a lot o careul planning mixed with alittle bit o luck. Benny and Shalie let the States at the end o Juneor a three week stay in Spain. Ive never dreamed o being awaythat long beore, said Benny, but I told mysel I just had to do it.I was born in Spain, but I had always wanted to participate in theRunning o the Bulls during the Festival o San Fermin.

    The frst stop on the Robles adventure was in Barcelona. Werented bicycles and saw everything that we could, said Shalie.Barcelona was where we came across one o my avorite thingsrom the trip a 700 year old rendition o the Battlo Crucifx. Itsa beautiul piece that we were able to bring home with us. Atera ew days in Barcelona, Benny and Shalie took a train to Paris.There they spent time at Notre Dame, the Eiel Tower, and othernotable places; then went to the theater to see Moulin Rouge. Itwasnt long, though, beore the Robles headed back to Spain togear up or what they considered the main event The Runningo the Bulls.

    Spainbecomes a reality in

    A dream vacation

    Benny Roblesat right: Shalie Robles


    The Running ofthe Bulls duringthe Festival ofSan Fermin

    at right:the streets ofCordoba56 I N S I D E P O L K | S e p t e m b e r / O c t o b e r 2 0 1 0


  • 8/8/2019 A Dream Vacation Becomes a Reality in Spain


    S e p t e m b e r / O c t o b e r 2 0 1 0 | I N S I D E P O L K

    The Running o the Bulls is part o the Festival o SanFermin, who was the patron saint o Pamplona, explainedShalie. The estival lasts rom July 6th until the 14th, andbetween those days, the party doesnt end. The Runningo the Bulls kicked o at 8 am on July 7th according totradition. Twelve bulls were released to run a 903-yard-track through the city, and anyone over the age o 18 witha serious sense o adventure, like Benny, was welcomedto join.

    Benny, now a Running o the Bulls veteran, said, Whatmany people dont realize is that the bulls not only weigh1800 pounds, but they can run at speeds o 45 miles an hour.It was thrilling. Shalie went on to describe the parade andestivities that ollowed. From 6 in the morning throughthe entire night there was dancing and singing. Everyonewas wearing the traditional white and red, but that washard to tell because everyone was covered in wine stains.The atmosphere was indescribable.

    However, that wasnt where the journey ended orBenny and Shalie in act, ar rom it. From Pamplona,the Robles traveled back to Saragosa and let or Madrid.There, the Robles stayed in the uturistic Silken Hotel.Each foor had entirely dierent architecture and design,said Benny. It was crazy.

    From Madrid, the travelers took a train to Cordobaand lodged in a hotel that had once housed ChristopherColumbus. It was in Cordoba that the Robles watched theWorld Cup Championship game which was being playedin South Arica. We couldnt believe what a ghost townwe were in while the game was on television. No one wasin the restaurants or the bars. It was completely dierentthan watching sports in America. The Spanish people aremuch more serious about their sports, laughed Shalie. TheRobles watched the game at a restaurant with a Belgiancouple they met in Cordoba. As soon as Spain scoredthe goal that ended the game, it was as i foodgates hadopened. There were thousands and thousands o people in

    the center o the town. Shalie went on to describe excitedans climbing on statues and in ountains. There was even

    more dancing and celebration. The really incredible thinwas that no one was overly aggressive or out o line. It wthe most peaceul crazy party Ive ever been to.

    According to the Robles, one o the things that wmost memorable was the hospitality o the Spanish peopBenny and Shalie spoke o restaurant and hotel owners their rst names, and described many new riendships thmade. Even among all the craziness and un, we nevonce elt threatened, Shalie noted. The people there aincredible. In Spain, there is a 20% unemployment rat

    But rom the generosity and celebrations o the peopyoud never know it.

    Ater Cordoba, the Robles retreated to the SoutheCoast o Spain the Costa del Sol or some trrelaxation beore heading back to America. The sthere was so clear, we could actually see the MoroccaMountains. It was incredible, said Shalie. From there, thRobles prepared to head back to the States.

    Just to be sure that he would remember every detaBenny carried a journal with him throughout the trip. Awould be expected, the Robles also took several hundrephotos and over two hours o video ootage which Shaplans to post on the Robles Youtube website.

    A dream vacation to say the least, the Robles trip Spain will not be orgotten any time soon.

    A favoritekeepsake otheir trip

    a rendition of a700 year old
