a dataflow runtime environment and static scheduler for...

Int. J. of Grid and Utility Computing, Vol. x, No. x, 2018 1, Vol. x, No. x, 2018 1 A Dataflow Runtime Environment and Static Scheduler for Edge, Fog and In-Situ Computing Caio B. G. Carvalho, Victor C. Ferreira, Felipe M. G. Fran¸ ca Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computa¸c˜ ao - COPPE Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Phone: +55 21 3938-8672 E-mail: {cbgc,vcruz,felipe}@cos.ufrj.br Cristiana B. Bentes Departamento de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computa¸c˜ ao Faculdade de Engenharia Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil E-mail: [email protected] Gabriele Mencagli Department of Computer Science University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Phone: +39-050-2213132 E-mail: [email protected] Tiago A. O. Alves, Alexandre C. Sena, Leandro A. J. Marzulo Departamento de Inform´ atica e Ciˆ encia da Computa¸c˜ ao Instituto de Matem´ atica e Estat´ ıstica Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Phone: +55 21 2334-0144 E-mail: {tiago,asena,leandro}@ime.uerj.br Abstract: In the dataflow computation model, instructions or tasks are executed according to data dependencies, instead of following the program order, thus allowing natural parallelism exploitation. A wide variety of dataflow-based solutions, in dierent flavors and abstraction levels (from processors to runtime libraries), have been proposed as interesting alternatives for harnessing the potential of modern computing systems. Sucuri is a dataflow library for Python that allows users to specify their application as a dependency graph and execute it transparently at clusters of multicores, while taking care of scheduling issues. Recent trends in Fog and In-situ computing assume that storage and network devices will be equipped with processing elements that usually have lower power consumption and performance. An important decision on such system is whether to move data to traditional processors (paying the communication costs), or performing computation where data is sitting, using a potentially slower processor. Hence, runtime environments that deal with that trade-oare extremely necessary. This work presents a study on dierent factors that should be considered when running dataflow applications in Edge/Fog/In-situ environment. We use Sucuri to manage the execution in a small system with a regular PC and a Parallella board, emulating a smart storage (Edge/Fog/In-situ device). Experiments performed with a set of benchmarks show how data transfer size, network latency and packet loss rates aect execution time when outsourcing computation to the smart storage. Then, a static scheduling solution is presented, allowing Sucuri to avoid outsourcing when there would be no performance gains. Keywords: Dataflow Computing; Edge Computing; Fog Computing; Scheduling Techniques; Smart Storage. 1 Introduction Parallel programming is paramount for fully harvesting the available computational power of modern architectures, which are often composed by dierent co-processors and accelerating devices, including GPUs, Xeon Phi processors and FPGAs (Caulfield et al. 2016). Moreover, trending applications related to Deep

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Page 1: A Dataflow Runtime Environment and Static Scheduler for ...pages.di.unipi.it/mencagli/publications/preprint-ijguc-2019.pdfits scheduling policies are highly optimised and could be

Int. J. of Grid and Utility Computing, Vol. x, No. x, 2018 1, Vol. x, No. x, 2018 1

A Dataflow Runtime Environment and Static

Scheduler for Edge, Fog and In-Situ Computing

Caio B. G. Carvalho, Victor C. Ferreira, Felipe

M. G. Franca

Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computacao - COPPEUniversidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BrazilPhone: +55 21 3938-8672 E-mail: {cbgc,vcruz,felipe}@cos.ufrj.br

Cristiana B. Bentes

Departamento de Engenharia de Sistemas e ComputacaoFaculdade de Engenharia Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio deJaneiro, RJ, BrazilE-mail: [email protected]

Gabriele Mencagli

Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Pisa, Pisa, ItalyPhone: +39-050-2213132 E-mail: [email protected]

Tiago A. O. Alves, Alexandre C. Sena, Leandro

A. J. Marzulo

Departamento de Informatica e Ciencia da ComputacaoInstituto de Matematica e Estatıstica Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro,Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BrazilPhone: +55 21 2334-0144 E-mail: {tiago,asena,leandro}@ime.uerj.br

Abstract: In the dataflow computation model, instructions or tasks are executed

according to data dependencies, instead of following the program order, thus allowing

natural parallelism exploitation. A wide variety of dataflow-based solutions, in di↵erent

flavors and abstraction levels (from processors to runtime libraries), have been proposed

as interesting alternatives for harnessing the potential of modern computing systems.

Sucuri is a dataflow library for Python that allows users to specify their application as

a dependency graph and execute it transparently at clusters of multicores, while taking

care of scheduling issues. Recent trends in Fog and In-situ computing assume that storage

and network devices will be equipped with processing elements that usually have lower

power consumption and performance. An important decision on such system is whether

to move data to traditional processors (paying the communication costs), or performing

computation where data is sitting, using a potentially slower processor. Hence, runtime

environments that deal with that trade-o↵ are extremely necessary. This work presents a

study on di↵erent factors that should be considered when running dataflow applications in

Edge/Fog/In-situ environment. We use Sucuri to manage the execution in a small system

with a regular PC and a Parallella board, emulating a smart storage (Edge/Fog/In-situ

device). Experiments performed with a set of benchmarks show how data transfer size,

network latency and packet loss rates a↵ect execution time when outsourcing computation

to the smart storage. Then, a static scheduling solution is presented, allowing Sucuri to

avoid outsourcing when there would be no performance gains.

Keywords: Dataflow Computing; Edge Computing; Fog Computing; Scheduling

Techniques; Smart Storage.

1 Introduction

Parallel programming is paramount for fully harvestingthe available computational power of modern

architectures, which are often composed by di↵erentco-processors and accelerating devices, including GPUs,Xeon Phi processors and FPGAs (Caulfield et al.2016). Moreover, trending applications related to Deep

Copyright c� 201X Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

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2 C. B. G. Carvalho et al.

Neural Networks and Internet-of-Things produce an everincreasing amount of data that needs to be e�cientlystored, usually in a distributed way. When devising suchapplications, programmers need to consider the impacton performance caused by data movements betweenstorage/memory devices and processing elements.

Edge/Fog/In-situ computing (OpenFog ConsortiumArchitecture Working Group 2016, Shi et al. 2016)proposes bringing computation closer to where thedata is sitting, by adding computational capabilitiesto storage devices (Jun et al. 2015, Kim et al. 2011,NGD Systems 2017), network devices (Juniper 2018)(such as NICs, switches and routers) or even usingmobiles devices. Those “smart” devices would be able toperform part of the computation that would reduce datatransmission over the network and data buses. Moreover,those devices could be equipped with processors custom-made for the application, which could result in goodperformance, even for low power systems.

All the aforementioned issues require a propertool-set that helps programmers devise parallel anddistributed applications that can be executed on alarge spectrum of devices. Furthermore, such toolsshould shield developers from dealing with technologicalaspects pertaining task creation, synchronisation andedge/fog/in-situ aware scheduling.

The Dataflow programming model seems to be agood candidate for edge/fog/in-situ applications, sinceit provides a simple and natural way of exploitingparallelism. A dataflow program is usually representedas a directed graph, where tasks (or instructions) aredepicted by nodes and data dependencies are denoted byedges between nodes. In dataflow, instructions or tasksare allowed to run as soon as their input operands areready, instead of following program order. Independenttasks can be naturally identified and executed in parallel,if there are enough resources. Dataflow-based APIs andruntime environments (Alves et al. 2011, Marzulo etal. 2014, TBB 2014, Wozniak et al. 2013, Wilde etal. 2011, Matheou & Evripidou 2016) can be used ontop of Von Neumann architectures with performanceequivalent to well-known tools for parallel programmingsuch as OpenMP or Pthreads. In addition, increasingthe granularity level of the dataflow programming canturn it into a good coordination language. It is easierto outsource blocks of computation, like functions, todi↵erent cores and machines (Johnston et al. 2004). IoTnodes can also be abstracted as nodes in a graph flow, asstated in (Giang et al. 2015). The library or runtime inuse could take advantage on that to distribute the workamong the devices.

In this work, we continue the study presented in(Carvalho et al. 2017), aiming at using the dataflowmodel for devising edge/fog/in-situ applications. Sinceall data dependencies are explicitly described in thegraph, dataflow runtime environments could make useof that information to schedule task execution accordingto edge/fog/in-situ demands. Our proposal employsSucuri (Alves et al. 2014, Sena et al. 2015, Silva et

al. 2016) to orchestrate edge/fog/in-situ devices thatcome into play. Sucuri is a dataflow library for Pythonthat provides an easy interface for parallel programmingwhere developers can accommodate custom functionsinto nodes and only fill in the dependencies connectingthem with edges inside a graph. Sucuri also createsan abstraction layer that uses MPI for communicatingwith remote machines in a transparent way. As Sucurihas already been developed and in use by our researchgroup, and presented good performance with ease ofprogramming, it would be a natural candidate for ourapproach.

To emulate a smart storage device we used aParallella board (Parallella 2014), equipped with a XilinxZynq Z7010 (ARM Cortex A9 dual core + FPGA)(Xilinx 2017) and a Epiphany 16-core RISC processor.The Parallella board runs a Linux operating system ona SD Card where input files of our benchmarks are alsostored. A traditional computer (PC) communicates withthe Parallela board through an ethernet connection. Inthis version, the FPGA and Epiphany were not used.

Our study consists in evaluating the impact ofemploying our solution in scenarios with di↵erentnetwork latencies and packet loss rates, using di↵erentapplications and input file sizes. With that informationin hand, this work proposes an improvement on the staticscheduling mechanism for Sucuri that tries to predicttransfer and execution times, to decide whether it isbetter to outsource computation to the (slower) smartstorage processor, or move data from disk to the (morepowerful) PC. Our benchmarks include two artificialbenchmarks (text processing applications) and a setof search and ordering algorithms. Results show that,even for a low power device with limited computationalcapabilities, it is possible to obtain speedups by avoidingunnecessary data transfers. Gains are maximised whentask computational costs are low and input sets arelarger. Moreover, scenarios with higher network latencyand packet loss make our approach more appealing.Finally, our proposed static scheduling mechanism wasable to make good decisions and avoid outsourcing workwhen this would a↵ect performance.

This paper is organised as follows. Section 2 consistsof related work in edge/fog/in-situ data processing.Section 3 presents an overview of the Sucuri dataflowlibrary for Python. Section 4 presents the changes madein Sucuri for edge/fog/in-situ environments. Section 5presents the experimental analysis. At last, Section 6discusses what can be taken from the results found inthe previous section and also what can be done as futurework.

2 Related Work

In this section, we review some research papers closelyrelated to Sucuri. As stated in prior work (Giang et al.2015), the dataflow model is a valuable candidate toexecute Fog/In-Situ computations provided that some

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A Dataflow Runtime Environment and Static Scheduler for Edge, Fog and In-Situ Computing 3

properties are met by new runtime systems: notably,they need support to device heterogeneity, adaptabilityand scalability. Although Sucuri does not have all theseproperties yet, it goes on the right direction.

2.1 Dataflow runtime systems

The dataflow model is a widely studied programmingmodel for expressing parallelism driven by pure datadependencies among tasks. Several runtime systems haveadopted this model by exposing di↵erent interfaces andoptimised scheduling strategies.

Corral (Jalaparti et al. 2015) is a framework thattakes advantage of predictability of recurring jobs incomputer clusters to perform o✏ine scheduling. Theframework tries to place computation and data jointlyto improve locality. Moreover, in order to reduceinterference between jobs, it performs spatial andtemporal isolation. The scheduler will try to placejobs in di↵erent regions of the cluster and will try toavoid concurrent execution of certain jobs. Corral wasimplemented on Apache Yarn and executed on a 210machine cluster, reducing the makespan of productionworkloads of up to 33% when compared to Yarn’scapacity scheduler. Moreover, there was a reduction ofthe average completion time of up to 56% and 20-90%of reduction in data transferred across racks. Corral isnot suitable to target Fog/In-Situ computing scenariossince it targets clusters of homogeneous nodes. However,its scheduling policies are highly optimised and could beimplemented in any dataflow runtime including Sucuri.

Swift/T (Wozniak et al. 2013) is a descriptionlanguage and runtime that supports the dynamiccreation of workflows with di↵erent task granularityand execution on platforms with a huge number ofprocessing elements. Swift/T employs AsynchronousDynamic Load Balancing (ADLB) to distribute tasksamong computing nodes. However, task data sharingis done through a parallel file system that can causeperformance degradation, due to poor data localityand interference with other applications. In (Duro etal. 2014), authors propose exploiting data locality inSwift/T applications through Hercules, a distributedin-memory store based on Memcached (Fitzpatrick2004). Swift/T implementation was optimised toschedule computation jobs in the nodes where requireddata is stored. The proposal was evaluated usinga synthetic application that accesses raw files withdi↵erent patterns, showing promising results. Althoughinteresting, Swift/T supports in-memory key-valuestores to allow data to be shared among tasks, whiledataflow runtimes for Fog/In-Situ computing shouldbe e�ciently based on a persistent storage to addressthe high dynamicity and possibly unreliability of IoTcomputing environments.

The dataflow model has been adopted in the designof several runtime systems for parallel computing.The ↵MDF runtime (Buono et al. 2014) provides alightweight support for dense linear algebra kernels.

It has a dynamic macro-dataflow interpreter thatprocesses directed acyclic graphs generated on-the-fly.It is developed for multicore, shared-cache machines,and not for distributed and heterogeneous scenarios.Hence, it cannot be used in the cases studied in thispaper. StreamIT (Thies et al. 2002) is a programminglanguage used to design streaming applications asdataflow graphs of data transformation phases, executedon the available resources based on data availabilitypolicies. The framework targets clusters of homogeneousnodes. The adopted scheduler does not take intoaccount the status of the network to choose thebest mapping of tasks to nodes, a feature stronglyrequired in Fog/In-Situ scenarios. OpenMP (Dagum& Menon 1998), and its new standard 4.0, supportstask parallelism (another terminology recently usedin place of dataflow model). The runtime targetssingle-node machines (CPU+GPU nodes). The lack ofdistributed support makes it currently unsuitable forFog/In-Situ. S-Net (Penczek et al. 2012) is a maturedataflow model which provides great scalability owingto the stateless design of its nodes. The frameworkprovides a set of low-level optimisations to reducepower consumption in case the underlying resources areunderloaded by the current application workload (e.g.,using frequency scaling mechanisms of modern’s CPUs).Although interesting and useful on commodity servermachines, such optimisations are far from being portableto IoT environments.

2.2 Advanced storages for Fog/In-Situ

Fog/In-Situ computing requires highly scalable andavailable storage distributed services where data sharedamong tasks are placed and freely obtainable by thesystem nodes on-demand.

The work in (Jun et al. 2015) presents BlueDBM,a system architecture that employs flash-based storagewith in-situ computing capabilities and a low-latencyhigh-throughput inter-controller network. The systemis composed of 20 nodes, each having 1TB of flashstorage. Storage devices were designed with high-capacity custom flash boards employing FPGAs. Theyare organised in a network with Near-uniform latency toprovide a global address space. BlueDBM allows usersto implement custom in-store processing engines andflash cards are designed to expose a set of softwareinterfaces that enables application-specific optimisationsin flash accesses: (i) a file system interface, (ii) a blockdevice driver interface and (iii) an accelerator interface.Preliminary experimental results show performancegains of up to an order of magnitude better than clustersequipped with conventional SSDs.

A multipoint approach to address I/O performancebottlenecks in extreme-scale computing is introducedin (Klasky et al. 2011). Authors designed the ADIOSI/O framework following a Service-oriented Architecture(SOA) that takes care of in-situ processing, datastaging, data management, application monitoring,

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4 C. B. G. Carvalho et al.

while providing an easy-to-use interface. Moreover, theypresent ADIOS-BP, a file format that provides resiliencyand high performance in extreme-scale systems.

GoogleFS (Ghemawat et al. 2003) is a Linux-baseddistributed file system developed by Google to providea reliable and e�cient way to store files in clustersof commodity machines. GoogleFS is based on highlyscalable mechanisms for accessing large files. The ideais to split files into chunks which are stored in multiplenodes by maintaining the mapping between chunks andnodes in some index structures of the file system. Chunkscan be replicated in order to provide data reliability. Thearchitecture is based on the master-worker paradigm,with a master in charge of maintaining the metadataof the files and the workers, executing on the di↵erentnodes, being responsible for storing the file chunks.

An evolution of GoogleFS is the cross-platformdistributed file system adopted by Hadoop(HDFS (Shvachko et al. 2010, The Apache SoftwareFoundation 2016)), which by default uses larger chunksthan GoogleFS (128MB vs. 64MB). While GoogleFSsupports a multiple-writers multiple-readers model,HDFS is based on the multiple-readers and one-writermodel. In HDFS, only the append mode is supported tomodify files, while GoogleFS allows files to be modifiedat random positions. This apparent limitation allowsHDFS to scale very well in highly distributed scenarios,and to fit perfectly with the MapReduce programmingmodel of which HDFS provides an uniform I/O layer forHadoop clusters.

Since in this work we focused on enablingEdge/Fog/In-situ support on Sucuri, includingscheduling aspects, we did not try to integrate withexisting solutions for distributed file system, such asGoogleFS or HDFS. Instead, our solution employs afile catalogue that does not consider chunk division orredundancy of chunks. Studying and implementing suchintegration is part of our future work.

3 Sucuri

Sucuri (Alves et al. 2014, Silva et al. 2016) is a librarywritten in Python that allows dataflow programmingin a higher level than most libraries and runtimeenvironments. It supports transparent execution onmulticore clusters, using MPI under the hood. Sucurimain components are Node, Graph, Task, Worker andScheduler, described below :

• Nodes are objects associated with functionsand connected with edges by the programmer(add edge method). Edges describe datadependencies and nodes depict computationthat must be performed when dependencies aresatisfied.

• A Graph object is used as a container, representingthe entire dataflow application.

• A Task is created by the scheduler once all inputoperands are available for a certain node. Each taskcontains the list of input operands and their relatednode id.

• Workers are processes instantiated by Sucuri toexecute tasks. When a worker is idle it will requesta task to its local scheduler. Once they receive atask they will consult the correspondent node inthe graph and call the related function.

• A Scheduler is responsible for matching inputoperands and generating tasks, according to thedataflow firing rule. This means every operand sentby a worker will be stored in a Matching Unit untilall input operands are available for a certain node,resulting in instantiating a task that is inserted ina Ready Queue.

The original Sucuri library (Alves et al. 2014)provided a centralised scheduler, meaning that workersin remote machines will request tasks and deliver resultsto a dummy local scheduler that will just forwardmessages to the main scheduler. The Sucuri version usedin this paper adopts a distributed scheduler (Silva et al.2016), meaning that there will be one scheduler instanceper machine, each one being responsible for generatingtasks for a set of nodes. Moreover, a static mechanismthat partitions the graph among Sucuri schedulers isprovided.

Figure 1 shows a general view of the SucuriArchitecture. Notice that each machine has its ownscheduler. Moreover, the graph is replicated in allmachines and each Scheduler will have access to a listcontaining the nodes that are statically mapped to thatmachine (mappings are represented by colours in thegraph). Allocations of tasks to workers are dynamic,following a First-Come First-Served policy.

The graph partitioning mechanism used byDistributed Sucuri (Silva et al. 2016) is based on theList Scheduling (LS) algorithm (T. I. Adam & Dickson1974, Sinnen 2007, H. Topculoglu 2002, Lombardi et al.2010). The LS version implemented uses a naive priorityscheme that has three levels.

Each Graph node has a weight attribute thatinfluences the way the scheduler maps them. They arescheduled taking into account where their incident nodesare. Given two nodes i and j, i is incident to j if andonly if, there is at least one edge going from i to j (i !j).

Allocation starts with source nodes in a circular wayover the available cores of each machine, and then itproceeds according to the following rules, also describedin detail in (Silva et al. 2016):

1. the scheduler tries to allocate the node in thesame worker of the incident node with greatercomputational cost;

2. it tries to allocate on the same machine of theincident node with greater computational cost;

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A Dataflow Runtime Environment and Static Scheduler for Edge, Fog and In-Situ Computing 5

3. in case incident nodes have the same weight, itallocates in a circular way over workers of incidentnodes;

4. if none of the above criteria is matched, it allocateson a remote machine.








Machine 0 ( )


Worker 0


NodeInformation Scheduler

Ready Queue



Node function call


Application’sDataflow Graph

Machine M-1 ( )


Worker 0


NodeInformation Scheduler

Ready Queue



Node function call


Application’sDataflow Graph

Figure 1 The Distributed Sucuri Architecture

(reproduced from (Silva et al. 2016)). The same

structure is replicated in each machine. The

application dataflow graph is colour-coded,

denoting which machine will be responsible from

executing tasks generated from each node.

Weights for each node have to be specifiedby the programmer or by using external profilingtools. In the context of Edge/Fog/In-situ computing,where devices with di↵erent processing capabilities areconnected in a heterogeneous network, the trade-o↵between computation and communication should play animportant role in scheduling. Moreover, in the contextof smart storages, where one can avoid transferring filesto perform computation in the disks, it is also importantthat the runtime and the scheduler know where files arebeing stored so they can calculate transfer costs moreaccurately and decide if data should be transferred to therequesting node or processed In-situ. Therefore, Sucurineeds to be adapted in order to consider these issues.

4 Sucuri for Edge, Fog and In-Situ

As the main goal of this work is to turn Sucuri intoa Dataflow runtime environment for Edge/Fog/In-situcomputing, we propose modifications to Sucuri’s staticscheduler so that data locality is taken into account whenpartitioning the dataflow graph. This would allow Sucurito automatically determine whether it should placenodes closer to where data is sitting (in-situ processing)or it should move data to another machine when itsprocessors would yield higher performance. Notice thatthe later would result in communication costs, meaningthere is a trade-o↵ (communication vs. computation)to be considered. Moreover, a distributed file cataloguewas added to Sucuri’s scheduler, so it can determine filetransfer times in the context of smart storage (with in-situ computing capabilities) and use this information forscheduling purposes.

4.1 Sucuri Environment Setup

In order to make decisions accurately, Sucuri’s staticscheduler needs to access performance informationon the computational platform being used. For thatpurpose we developed an external tool called SES(Sucuri Environment Setup) that should be executedbefore running applications on Sucuri. SES containsan Environment class that will gather performanceinformation about the computational environment,including network and processing elements performance,and generate a set of configuration files that shouldbe used by Sucuri. SES provides a list of methodsto retrieve network information, builds a file catalogueand estimates computation and transfer times. Thosemethods might be called in bulk or independently viacommand line interface.

As Sucuri, SES is also implemented in Python andrelies on MPI for instantiating remote processes that areused to collect network and performance metric, as wellas assembling the File Catalogue with transfer times foreach file. SES can be called using the following commandline:

mpiexec -machinefile <hostfile> -np <n>python ses.py <hostfile> -D -B -P-f <paths>


• hostfile is the list of hosts that will participatein the computation;

• n is the number of hosts;

• -D informs SES that it should estimatecommunication latencies between hosts;

• -B informs SES that it should estimatecommunication bandwidth between hosts;

• -P informs SES that it should estimatecomputation performance of each hosts;

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6 C. B. G. Carvalho et al.

• -f <paths> informs SES that it should build a FileCatalogue using files indicated in a list (paths);

4.1.1 Network information gathering with SES

Latency and bandwidth have a huge e↵ect on file transfertimes in a network storage. Moreover, due to factors likereception and transmission overhead or costs related tothe communication protocol itself (such as congestioncontrol on TCP), the application network layer can onlyutilise a fraction of the available bandwidth. Consideringthat one of our goals in this configuration phase is toprovide a good estimation on data transfer time betweenhosts, we need to know the amount of useful datae↵ectively received by the application in a period of time(goodput), as well as latency and bandwidth betweeneach pair of machines (or Edge/Fog/In-situ devices).For this purpose SES provides the following methods:getLatencies, getBandwidth and getGoodput.

The getLatencies method measures communicationlatencies between each pair of machines (orEdge/Fog/In-situ devices) using Linux ping commandand builds an adjacency matrix.

The getBandwidth method measures communicationbandwidth between each pair of machines (orEdge/Fog/In-situ devices) using Linux iperf commandand builds a bandwidth matrix. However, sincedetermining bandwidth can be more complex and costly,and given that iperf utilises a client/server approach,getBandwidth will only fill in the upper triangularmatrix. Moreover, measurements are taken in multiplesteps, where each step comprise of a group of measurestaken in parallel without repeating the source ordestination machines. This is done in order to minimisethe interference of having a machine communicatingsimultaneously with two other machines in a given step.

The getGoodput method estimates the amount ofuseful data that can be e↵ectively received by anapplication in a period of time. Some previous worksmodel TCP performance and could be employed fordetermining the goodput, such as (Mathis et al. 1997,Altman et al. 2005, Fortin-Parisi & Sericola 2004).These works, however, are too restrictive or dependon parameters that cannot be trivially obtained at theapplication layer, unless there is a structural analysis ofnetwork packets. For this reason, we decided to employan empirical approach.

Intuitively, file transfer time (T ) will be proportionalto both the file size (s) and a goodput constant(g). Therefore, we could transfer a file between hosts,measure the time spent on the process and obtain thevalue of g using the following equation:

g =T


It is important to mention that the value of g mustbe calculated based on transfer of files that are not toosmall, when compared to the bandwidth. Using smallfiles would result in measurement distortion, given that

overheads would tend to dominate transfer times. Toovercome this issue a second constant o was added toEquation (1). The value of o can be obtained transferringa very small file (in the order of bytes), where o = T ,given that s is too small. Then we obtain the followingequation for file transfer time:

T = s⇥ g + o (2)

This approach is not only simple, but also doesnot require any parameters that depend on theimplementation peculiarities of protocols, thus making itflexible enough to be adopted in di↵erent environments.Moreover, we do not need extreme precision in ourestimation, since those values would just help Sucuri’sscheduler in its decisions. Results presented in Section 5validate our approach.

4.1.2 Building the File Catalogue with SES

Our solution requires users to register paths for allfiles that are going to be used in their applications.This is necessary because Sucuri scheduler needs toknow the physical location of files, so it can calculatefile transfer times. File registration can be done eitherby a configuration file passed to SES or by callingthe registerFile method in SES. Sucuri EnvironmentSetup will discover the size and host for each file.

Using all collected information, and using Equation(2), SES estimates transfer time for each fileto all possible hosts in the system, using thegetTransferTimes method. Then, it generates a FileCatalogue that will be used by Sucuri’s static scheduler.

Figure 2 provides a full example on how the usercould generate a file catalogue that keeps track of threefiles (video.avi, image.jpg and text.txt). Figure 2(a)shows that files are distributed in two smart disksand a traditional server. Figure 2(b) shows the use ofregisterFile method to inform which files are going tobe on the catalogue. Users can also pass a file to SES,containing a list of paths to be registered. Finally, Figure2(c) shows the File Catalogue containing the paths of allfiles and transfer times to all hosts in the system.

In this work, we are not yet integrating with existingsolutions for distributed storage, such as HDFS or GFS.In the future, Sucuri file catalogue could be eliminatedand we could query those services to determine filelocation. However, in HDFS and GFS, files are split intoblocks which would require us to place the computationcloser to most blocks or closer to the blocks most likely tobe accessed. Redundancy is also implemented by thosesystems and Sucuri could take advantage of that.

4.1.3 Estimating Computing Performance withSES

The getPerformance method allows SES to estimatecomputing performance for machine (or Edge/Fog/In-situ device). This is done by executing a set of syntheticbenchmarks with di↵erent complexities (O notation). We

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A Dataflow Runtime Environment and Static Scheduler for Edge, Fog and In-Situ Computing 7



Server or PCwith traditional


Smart Disk 1

Smart Disk 0


(a) File Location


(b) File Registration

File PathTransfer Times

Server Disk 0 Disk 1/path1/image.jpg 0 400.5 280.7/path2/video.avi 600.3 0 200.5/path3/text.txt 300.34 110.4 0

(c) File Catalogue

Figure 2 File Catalogue in a smart storage environment

have two applications for each complexity class and twoinput sets per application with di↵erent sizes. For eachapplication we calculate the time corresponding to onecomputational step (t1) by dividing the execution time(t) by the application known complexity:

t1 =t


For example, in an application with complexity =O(n log n), where n is the input size, substituting on (3)we would have:

t1 =t

n log n(4)

This way we can estimate later the time an algorithmwill take to run on each machine, given that itscomplexity and size of input are know. Currently,SES includes benchmarks with complexity of O(n),O(log n), O(n log n) and O(n2). After all measurementsa Computational Cost Matrix will be produced, whereeach line will represent a machine and each column willrepresent t1 for algorithms with di↵erent complexities (4columns), taken from the mean of t1 of each machine.

It should be noted that the O notation here was usedjust as an illustration, because we are not using thisinformation (if algorithm is O or ⇥, for example) directlyin t1 calculations.

4.2 Edge/Fog/In-situ static scheduling

In the previous work of (Carvalho et al. 2017), theoriginal Sucuri scheduler (discussed in Section 3) wasmodified to always place computation where data is

sitting. Nodes of the dataflow graph that manipulate fileswould be scheduled to run on the processors of the smartdisk that stores those files. If, according to the staticscheduler, the disk processor would be busy runninganother node, then the decision would be to choose theclosest machine (or device).

In this work, we took a step forward and includedperformance in the decision process. Notice that smartdisks would probably have a slower processor than atraditional server. On the other hand, executing a taskon the disk processor would save us file transfer time(through network). Information generated by SES ispassed to Sucuri in the form of configuration files sothat Sucuri static scheduler can partition the graph tomaximise performance with locality awareness.

Our scheduler will allocate each node of the dataflowgraph on the machine (or device) which has the lowestoverall cost (C), based on the computational cost(Ccomp) and communication cost (Ccomm):

C = Ccomp + Ccomm (5)

Notice that Ccomm is basically the file transfer timeT (available in the File Catalogue), while Ccomp is basedon the profile information for an algorithm of samecomplexity (determined by SES) and the file size (s):

Ccomp = t1 ⇥ s (6)

The user needs to inform the complexity of thealgorithm running on each dataflow node so that thescheduler can estimate the execution time based onthe right profile information from SES. The methodset complexity should be called on the Node objectfor that purpose. Then, Sucuri scheduler will build anarray for each dataflow node n that manipulates a filewhere each element will hold Ci, which is the cost C ofrunning n on host i. The scheduler will select host mwith minimum cost Cmin for allocating n.

It is important to mention that, since this is a staticscheduling policy, it can be performed once for severalexecutions of the application. Mappings are saved to afile where each line represents a node in the order theywere added to the graph and each number on the line isthe machine where that node was mapped to. Moreover,as for the local schedulers running on each machine, theystill adopt a pool of tasks, which means it can performload balancing in an on-demand basis.

5 Experiments and Results

Our experimental environment consisted of a PCequipped with an Intel R� CoreTM i5-3210M CPU(2.50Ghz quad core), 4GB of memory, running a 3.10Linux kernel, and a Parallella board (Parallella 2014),equipped with a Xilinx Zynq Z7010 (ARM Cortex A9Dual core + FPGA) (Xilinx 2017), an Epiphany 16-coreRISC processor, 1GB of memory and running a 4.6 Linuxkernel. The devices were connected by Gigabit Ethernet.

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At the Parallella board we used an SD card as the storagemedium for all input files used in our experiments.

Since the Parallella board had lower processingpower than the PC, we evaluated the proposed solutionconducting a set of experiments with a set of well-knownalgorithms with di↵erent costs (complexities):

• Search performs a sequential search in a text filecounting all occurrences of a certain character.Search complexity is O(n).

• Search 2x performs the same operation done bySearch on 2 files of the same size. This applicationjust replicates the Sucuri node that performs thesearch operation to take advantage of di↵erentcores available either in the Parallella board or thePC. Search 2x complexity is also O(n).

• Filter finds numbers in lines of an input file,using a regular expression, and adds them up.Each line has 24 characters. Considering thatregular expression matching on a string with mcharacters has O(m) complexity and that we areperforming that operation on a list of n strings,complexity would be O(n⇥m). However, sincen � m we could assume a complexity of O(n).Note that Filter has a constant (O(1) time) that isconsiderably larger than Search. This would be agood opportunity for evaluating our computationtime estimation mechanism.

• HeapSort orders a binary file containing 8-bitintegers using the Heapsort algorithm (O(n log n)complexity).

• MergeSort orders a binary file containing 8-bitintegers using the Mergesort algorithm (O(n log n)complexity).

• SelectionSort orders a binary file containing 8-bitintegers using the SelectionSort algorithm (O(n2)complexity).

• InsertionSort orders a binary file containing 8-bitintegers using the InsertionSort algorithm (O(n2)complexity).

Complexities were indicated here in O notationbecause this is the common notation for these knownalgorithms. In algorithms with ⇥ values better than O

ones, ⇥ could be used for better precision.All benchmarks were implemented in Python with

no optimisation e↵orts to avoid Python interpretationoverheads, such as using pre-compiled C functions asdynamic libraries that could be invoked from Pythoncode. Since file size plays an important role in ourstudy, all experiments present results for di↵erent filesizes. For Search and Search 2x we used input filesof 256 bytes, 4KiB, 8KiB, 48KiB, 256KiB, 1MiB,8MiB, 16MiB, 48MiB, 262MiB, and 476MiB. For Filter,we executed with files of 256 bytes, 4KiB, 8KiB,

48KiB, 256KiB, 1MiB, 8MiB, 16MiB and 48MiB. ForHeapSort and MergeSort, files of 256 bytes, 4KiB, 8KiB,48KiB, 256KiB, 1MiB, 8MiB and 16MiB were used. ForSelectionSort and InsertionSort, files of 256 bytes, 4KiB,8KiB, 48KiB and 256KiB were used. The maximum filesize evaluated for each application was chosen so thatthe application could be stressed in the context of in-situcomputing.

In the first set of experiments, we enforced In-situ execution, meaning that all Sucuri nodes thatmanipulate input files should execute on the ARMcores of the Parallella board. Then, we activate theproposed scheduler to evaluate if it can successfullyprevent outsourcing execution to the Parallella and avoidperformance losses.

Figure 3 shows the results for Search and Search 2xapplications. The y-axis show speedups based on PCexecution times, where data is always copied from theParallella board. Notice that enabling in-situ providedspeedup gains, regardless of file sizes. Moreover, theSucuri scheduler always took the right decisions (to usethe board). Therefore, results of enforced in-situ are thesame of using our scheduler to decide.

Figure 3 Speedups for the search algorithm when using

the proposed scheduler for one and two (Search

2x) input files. The x axis shows shows file sizes,

while the y axis shows the speedup over a

non-in-situ (original) scenario. Each bar provides

the results for the input files size used (256 bytes,

4KiB, 8KiB, 48KiB, 256KiB, 1MiB, 8MiB, 16MiB,

48MiB, 262MiB, and 476MiB).

Figure 4 shows the results for the Filter application.The y-axis shows speedups based on PC execution times,where data is always copied from the Parallella board.Notice that Sucuri scheduler always decided to enablein-situ, which was not the correct decision for input fileslarger than 1MiB. Although Filter complexity is O(n),the base time (t1) is much larger than the ones in O(n)applications used in SES and in Search application. Thissuggests that our scheduler could accept such constantas an input, which will be left to future work.

Figure 5 shows the results for sort applications.The y-axis shows speedups based on PC executiontimes, where data is always copied from the Parallellaboard. In Figure 5(a), in-situ execution is enforcedand, in Figure 5(b), we are relying on our scheduler

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A Dataflow Runtime Environment and Static Scheduler for Edge, Fog and In-Situ Computing 9

Figure 4 Speedups for the Filter application when using

the proposed scheduler. The x axis shows shows

file sizes, while the y axis shows the speedup over

a non-in-situ (original) scenario. Each bar

provides the results for the input files size used

(256 bytes, 4KiB, 8KiB, 48KiB, 256KiB, 1MiB,

8MiB, 16MiB and 48MiB).

to make that decision. Notice that in-situ execution isonly good for smaller files. Moreover, applications withgreater complexities provide the worse results. Sincethe Parallella board has much less resources, such asa smaller memory bus, cache size and slower processorwhen compared to the PC, this would be expected.Another important factor is that we limited the numberof cores for both processors to two. The Intel processorcan use the other cores to execute the Operating System,while the ARM processor would need to share its twocores with the Operating System. Nevertheless, ourproposed scheduler made the right choices and preventedperformance losses by disabling in-situ execution forlarger files, since transferring files would yield higherperformance than running on a slower processor. In-situexecution of HeapSort and MergeSort yielded speedupsof up to 1.4 for files with up to 8KiB. SelectionSort andInsertionSort only provided performance gains for 256-byte files.

In order to evaluate the potential performancegains of our approach, we measured the percentageof time spent on file transfers, application execution,Sucuri overheads and other overheads (such as MPIinitialisation). That was done for both the originalapplications (in-situ disabled) and the ones that usein-situ execution guided by our scheduler. Figures 6and 8 provide results for search and sort applicationsrespectively.

In Figure 6, overheads (Sucuri and other) arepredominant for small files, since total time for thosecases is too small (in the order of 2s). For larger files,transfer times dominate the execution for non-in-situconfigurations (Figure 6(a)). On the other hand, transfertime is completely eliminated in all scenarios of Figure6(b), since the scheduler is always deciding to enablein-situ. Actually, having file transfer as a dominatingaspect of this application is exactly what makes it agood candidate for in-situ execution, since the lower

(a) Enforced In-situ (b) Scheduled In-situ

Figure 5 Speedups for the di↵erent sorting algorithms

when enforcing in-situ and when using the

proposed scheduler. The x axis shows file sizes,

while the y axis shows the speedup over a

non-in-situ (original) scenario. Each bar provides

the results for the input files size used (256 bytes,

4KiB, 8KiB, 48KiB, 256KiB, 1MiB, 8MiB and


(a) Original

(b) In-situ (scheduler)

Figure 6 Time distribution for the Search application

with one and two input files (2x). Results are

provided for both the original and In-situ

scenarios. The x axis shows file sizes, while the yaxis shows % of time spent in transferring files,

executing the algorithm, Sucuri overhead and

other (such as MPI initialisation costs). Each bar

provides the results for the input files size used

(256 bytes, 4KiB, 8KiB, 48KiB, 256KiB, 1MiB,

8MiB, 16MiB, 48MiB, 262MiB, and 476MiB).

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10 C. B. G. Carvalho et al.

performance of the smart disk processing cores wouldnot be a big obstacle.

(a) Original

(b) In-situ (scheduler)

Figure 7 Time distribution for the Filter application.

Results are provided for both the original and

In-situ scenarios. The x axis shows file sizes, while

the y axis shows % of time spent in transferring

files, executing the algorithm, Sucuri overhead

and other (such as MPI initialisation costs). Each

bar provides the results for the input files size

used (256 bytes, 4KiB, 8KiB, 48KiB, 256KiB,

1MiB, 8MiB, 16MiB and 48MiB.

In Figure 7, overheads (Sucuri and other) are alsopredominant for small files, since total time for thosecases is too small (in the order of 2s). However, forlarger files, transfer times and execution times are wellbalanced, suggesting there could be gains with in-situcomputing (Figure 7(a)). Slowdowns happened becausethe Parallella board is way less powerful than the PCused in our experiments .

In Figure 8, it is possible to observe a di↵erentscenario. Overheads (Sucuri and other) dominate onlyfor really small files and execution time dominate forlarger ones, specially for SelectionSort and InsertionSort.In this case, faster in-situ processors would be required,in order to yield performance gains by avoiding suchinsignificant file transfers.

To evaluate our approach on the context ofEdge/Fog applications, where network can presenthigher latencies and packet loss than in a local networks,we also conducted a set of experiments varying thoseparameters. We expect to improve gain on in-situcomputing in those scenarios, since transfer costs wouldbe higher. Search and Search 2x applications were notincluded in those experiments because they alreadypresent good results in a local network. Latency and

(a) Original

(b) In-situ (scheduler)

Figure 8 Time distribution for the di↵erent sorting

algorithms on the original and In-situ scenarios.

The x axis shows shows file sizes, while the y axis

shows % of time spent in transferring files,

executing the algorithm, Sucuri overhead and

other (such as MPI initialisation costs). Each bar

provides the results for the input files size used

(256 bytes, 4KiB, 8KiB, 48KiB, 256KiB, 1MiB,

8MiB and 16MiB).

packet loss rate were enforced using netem, a networkemulation functionality provided by the Linux kernel(Linux Foundation Wiki 2017). We simulated delays of100ms, 200ms and 300ms, with 10ms variation using anormal distribution, and packet losses of 5% and 15%.Delays of this order of magnitude could be found whendata is being stored on a distant server. As for the packetloss, those values are more common on a scenario wherethere are sensors communicating through a wirelessconnection which might su↵er from electromagneticinterference. Notice that those characteristics are verycommon in IoT applications that employ smart sensorsusing wireless connections to send data to the cloud.

Figure 9 shows the results for latency experiments,using Sucuri scheduler. Notice that, as latency increases,in-situ execution becomes profitable for larger files,specially for HeapSort and MergeSort (speedups for fileswith up to 48KiB). SelectionSort and InsertionSort didnot present significant improvements. Moreover, there isan upper bound trend of about 1.6 speedup, possiblybecause the application is being able to stress one ARMcore of the Parallella board even for smaller file sizes.

Figure 10 shows the results for packet lossexperiments, using Sucuri scheduler. Notice that, aspacket loss rate increases, in-situ execution tends tobecome profitable for larger files. However, since packetloss would also a↵ect packets of Sucuri runtime, we gothigh standard deviations for packet loss rate of 15%.

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A Dataflow Runtime Environment and Static Scheduler for Edge, Fog and In-Situ Computing 11

Figure 9 Speedups for the di↵erent sorting algorithms

when enforcing di↵erent network latencies and

using the proposed scheduler. The x axis shows

file sizes and latencies, while the y axis shows the

speedup over a non-in-situ (original) scenario.

Each bar provides the results for the input files

size used (256 bytes, 4KiB, 8KiB, 48KiB, 256KiB,

1MiB, 8MiB and 16MiB).

Figure 10 Speedups for the di↵erent sorting algorithms

when enforcing di↵erent network packet loss rates

and using the proposed scheduler. The x axis

shows file sizes and packet loss rates, while the yaxis shows the speedup over a non-in-situ

(original) scenario. Each bar provides the results

for the input files size used (256 bytes, 4KiB,

8KiB, 48KiB, 256KiB, 1MiB, 8MiB and 16MiB).

Besides the low processing power of the ARMs, whichremoved part of the gains we could achieve with datalocality, it is important noticing that our experimentsonly covered applications that read data from the files.In a storage scenario, for example, in which applicationswould also update files, the transfer times from theregular computer back to the board should be taken intoaccount as well, resulting in potential greater speedups.

6 Discussion and Future Work

In this work, we propose to transform Sucuri, aDataflow programming library for Python, making itcapable of executing in-situ processing in heterogeneousenvironments. The library was already versatile toallow transparently execution on clusters of multicores,and now Sucuri also deals with data locality in astraightforward way. Sucuri scheduler was modifiedto consider file transfer times (through network) andcomputation times to decide whether it should outsourceexecution of nodes of the application dataflow graph tosmart disks that store input data.

Sucuri Environment Setup (SES) tool was developedto allow developers to estimate computing power,bandwidth, latency and transfer times of di↵erentmachines. SES also aids to build a File Catalogue thatis used by Sucuri scheduler.

Experiments with a set of benchmarks with di↵erentcomplexities show performance gains in cases wheredata transfers are more expensive than computationalcosts and also when network latency or packet loss arehigh. Also, in every case but one, the scheduler tookthe right performance decision about where to processthe work: in-situ or transferring the input to the morepowerful machine. This demonstrates Sucuri’s ability toorchestrate dataflow parallelism in multicores, clustersand in-situ environments transparently and e�ciently.Moreover, it was possible to identify limitationspertaining the equipment used to represent the storagedevice.

This work opens a set of possible future research,such as experimenting with di↵erent benchmarks,evaluating di↵erent devices, and performing experimentsto measure energy consumption as another possiblebenefit of in-situ computing. Moreover, in order toincrease performance, we need to fully explore theresources of the Parallella board, including the FPGAand Epiphany cores. It was also detected that in somecases we could benefit from having the complexityconstants in the performance calculations, a good pointfor future work. Finally, it might be useful to experimentwith much larger datasets and applications that generateoutput data, to stress the library and seek for possiblebottlenecks we could fix.

We are also working on implementing a dynamicscheduling mechanism for Sucuri in the contextof Edge/Fog/In-situ computing. The scheduler couldinvoke SES to dynamically update system profile

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information. Moreover, we intend to integrate it withsome distributed file system inspired in the GFS(Ghemawat et al. 2003), like the open source HadoopDistributed File System (Shvachko et al. 2010, TheApache Software Foundation 2016). They are matureand specialised file systems for exploiting data localitywith large files and redundancy, thus our approach canbenefit from their features and can allow developers ofSucuri to concentrate on the dataflow aspects.


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