9.00 introduction to psychology talia konkle 15 feb 07

9.00 Introduction to Psychology Talia Konkle 15 Feb 07

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9.00 Introduction to Psychology

Talia Konkle15 Feb 07

If a card has a vowel on one side, then it has an even number on the other side.

E J 6 7

If a card has a vowel on one side, then it has an even number on the other side.

E J 6 7

Correct answer - E & 7 (10%)Common answers - E, E & 6

We look for evidence that confirms what we believe, and overlook evidence that could disconfirm what we believe.

E - see an even number - confirm6 - not even needed, but feels like it confirms7 - would disconfirm - if there is a vowel on the

other side

Confirmation bias

24 18

If you have a beer, you must be 21 or older.

A different, but related example…

24 18

This is EXACTLY the same as the previous example!

If you have a beer (vowel) ---> you must be over 21 (even#)

P --> Q Check all p’s (all beers, all even numbers)Not Q --> notP Check all NOT Q’s (underage, all odd numbers)

We’re Good At Finding Cheaters

E J6 7

Pop Quiz

WHY??!!!- get cogs turning- attendence record- good exam practice- real learning value- no tricks…

Review: Blitzkreig style

Discussion:Ethics and Experimentation



The Plan for today (and other days):

Review Rules:

- Rapid fire Questions

- Raise your hands if you know it-(or everyone can say it at once)

- You may get called on, you can’t hide


-so I know what’s new and what’s review

- generating answers is good for your brain

W. W. Norton

W. W. Norton

Brodmann, K., Vergleichende Lokalisationslehre der Grosshirnrinde in ihren

Prinzipien dargestellt auf Grund des Zellenbaues. Leipzig: J.A. Barth, 1909.

W. W. Norton

Distribution of functional zones in relationship to

Broadmann’s map of the human brain

W. W. Norton

Broca’s Area:

• language processing

• speech production and comprehension

Broca’s aphasia:

• results from damage to Broca’s Area (e.g., lesions)

• unable to create grammatically-complex sentences

• speech described as telegraphic, contains content words only

• comprehension is relatively normal

W. W. Norton

Stroop Effect

Word Set #1

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

From the Reading…

-dependent and independent variables

- confound

-correlation is not causation

// End Review //


How do you figure out what the role of a certain brain area is?



Newspaper ad - study of memory - YaleTwo peopleResearcher - here to help science improve learning and memory through punishmnetOne “teacher” and one “learner” - a set of word pairs to memorizeTeacher gives word, learner respondsCorrect response - “good” or “that’s right”Incorrect response - - press button that delivers shock


Shock Generator15 volts - 15 volts steps - 30 switches150 volts - “STRONG SHOCK”255 volts - “INTENSE SHOCK”375 volts - “DANGER, SEVERE SHOCK”435 volts - “XXX”450 volts - “XXX”


Initially,learner does wellThen errorsLearner complains that shocks are starting to hurtScreamsSays that he or she does not want to continueHesitate, question researcherLearner complains about heart conditionMore errors - teacher pleads to concentrate“You have no right to keep me here!”“I refuse to answer any more! You can’t hold me here! My hearts bothering me!”At 300 volts, no more responseExperimenter says that after 5 sec, it is a wrong answer


Shock Generator15 volts - 15 volts steps - 30 switches150 volts - “STRONG SHOCK”255 volts - “INTENSE SCOCK”375 volts - “DANGER, SEVERE SHOCK”435 volts - “XXX”450 volts - “XXX”

All the way to 450?


Shock Generator15 volts - 15 volts steps - 30 switches150 volts - “STRONG SHOCK”255 volts - “INTENSE SCOCK”375 volts - “DANGER, SEVERE SHOCK”435 volts - “XXX”450 volts - “XXX”

All the way to 450? - 65%

Patient and group of 12 healthy volunteers imagined playing tennis or moving around a house

Owen et al., Science, 2006

Imagery-Specific Activations