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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background In English, there are four skills that should be mastered. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Listening and reading are receptive skills because learners do not need to produce language to do these, they receive and understand it, on the other hand, speaking and writing are productive skills because learners need to do these to produce language. They are also known as active skills. The writing skill becomes very important in the education field. Therefore, students need to be exercised and trained in order to have a good writing skill. Writing is the way how to share ideas, feelings, thoughts, desires, and experiences to the reader in written form. Writing skill is more difficult than other. It is considered more difficult because to write well, we must have good capabilities in writing process 1

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1.1 Background

In English, there are four skills that should be mastered. They are listening,

speaking, reading, and writing. Listening and reading are receptive skills because

learners do not need to produce language to do these, they receive and

understand it, on the other hand, speaking and writing are productive skills

because learners need to do these to produce language. They are also known as

active skills.

The writing skill becomes very important in the education field. Therefore,

students need to be exercised and trained in order to have a good writing skill.

Writing is the way how to share ideas, feelings, thoughts, desires, and experiences

to the reader in written form. Writing skill is more difficult than other. It is

considered more difficult because to write well, we must have good capabilities in

writing process and aspects of writing, such as organization, vocabulary, grammar

and mechanics.

Writing has several genres that each of all has main purpose. Based on K

13, the new curriculum in our country, Students at the level of SMA/MA/SMK

are required to be able to write different genres of text like narrative, procedure,

recount, descriptive, spoof, and report. Narrative is imaginative story or personal

experience in which contains a messages or moral value for reader. A narrative

text describes an event, feeling or experience in story form or in the order the

details of the event happened. The logical arrangement of ideas and sentence


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in narrative text is constructed chronologically. It means that, in telling a

story the students have to write the events chronologically as well as they can.

In preliminary observation, the researcher finds that the students of SMK

Negeri 1 Sarjo have problems when they deal with narrative writing. The teacher

said that the students are quite difficult to transfer their idea in written form of

English because they do not know how to start to write the story include telling

the main character, where the story takes place, when the story happens, how to

write the events, and how to compose the ending of story. To solve the students’

problem the researcher will use story mapping technique as medium in

instructional process.

Story mapping technique is a visual description of the setting or the

sequence of major events and actions of story characters. This technique enables

students to relate story events and to perceive structure in literary selection in

composing narrative text. By using story mapping technique, the students have to

focus on composing a good narrative text because in writing narrative text, they

will write their own words to telling a story and also the students have to pay

attention to the rules of writing.

Based on the background above, the researcher will conduct this research

at the tenth grade students at SMK Negeri 1 Sarjo by using story mapping

technique to improve the students’ writing skill, especially in writing narrative



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1.2 Problem statement

Based on the background above, the researcher formulate the research

question as follow: Can the use of story mapping technique improve writing skill

of the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 1 Sarjo?

1.3 Objectives of the Research

The objective of this research is to prove that the use of story mapping

technique can improve writing skill of the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 1


1.4 Scope of the Research

The scope of the research is limited in improving writing skills in narrative

text of the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 1 Sarjo through story mapping

technique. It will be focused on grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics.

1.5 Significant of the Research

The results of the research is expected to be useful information to both

teacher and students.

1. For the students: story map technique is expected to be able to attract

students’ interest, make the students easy to

understand narrative text, and motivate them to write

their own text.

2. For the teacher: the teacher can improve the teaching medium of English

particularly in teaching writing.


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1.7 Definitions of Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding about the meaning of terms used in this

research, the researher provide some definition as follows:

1. Improving is making something better than before.

2. Writing is activity to express the ideas and feelings in written form.

3. Skill is the quality of being able to do something, especially the physical,

mental, financial, or legal power to accomplish something.

4. Story mapping is technique that use to improving students’ writing skill.


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2.1 Related Studies

There are two researches which are almost the same as this one that have

ever been conducted by two previous researchers. The first is a study conducted

by Nurfitryah (2013) which the title is “Developing Writing Skill in Narrative

Text of The Tenth Grade Students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Tolitoli through

Fairytale Movie”. The result of her research showed that the students’ writing

skill in narrative text can be developed through fairytale movie. It can be see

through the value of ttable was (2.017) and the tcounted was (9.043). It shows that

tcounted is higher than ttable.

The second study is conducted by Annisa Purwaning (2014) under the title

“Using Story Mapping to Teach Students’ Writing of Narrative Text (A Pre-

experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 90 Jakarta)”.

The result of her research was story mapping technique is effective. The result of

this study show that the posttest (88,6) was higher than pretest (19.5) was higher

than ttable (2.04) and the fact that tcounted = 19,57.

The previous relevant studies above are used as a reference for researcher

to conduct this research. The result of the research above show that the students

writing narrative text can be improved by using several kinds of media.

Therefore,the researcher believe that by using story mapping the students’s

writing of narrative text can also be improved.


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2.2 Literature Review

2.2.1 Writing skill

Writing is the most difficult subject in the school since the students have to

produce a text by using English. They have to write about what they think in their

mind and state it on a paper by using the correct procedure. Raimes (1983: 76)

states: “writing is the skill through which we express the ideas, feelings, and

thoughts arranged in words, sentences and paragraphs”. Thus, writing is basically

the process of expressing ideas and thoughts of the writer using knowledge of

structure and vocabulary to combine the writer’s ideas as a means of


The nature of writing is that writing cannot be a natural activity. Writing is

a complex process that allows writers to explore thoughts and ideas, and makes

them visible and concrete. Nunan (1988: 36) states:

writing is not a natural activity all physically and mentally people learn to speak a language. Yet all people have to be taught how to write. Writing, unlike speech, is displace in time. Indeed, this must be one reason why writing originally evaluated since it make message can be received, stored and referred bact to at any time.

That is why english teacher plays an important role in teaching writing in

order to improve their writing skill. He/she should motivate and guide them in

expressing their ideas, choosing the right vocabulary, and using the grammatical

patterns of language correctly. In addition, the teacher needs things or ways that

they can be used which attract students’ attention. Teacher as a facilitator has to

create a desirable classroom situation to provide an attractive medium to support


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the teaching-learning process in order to improve the students’ interest in writing


From the statements above, it can be inferred that writing is more complex

than other skills. When the students get difficulties to arrange their ideas into

written form, the teacher should guide them to solve their problem. The teacher

can provide an appropriate medium in order to motivate and help them to produce

a good writing.

2.2.2 Components of writing

The writing components which are evaluated in the students writing

product is adapted from Testing ESL Composition developed by Jacobs et all,

(1981: 108). Those components are vocabulary, language use or grammar,

organization, mechanism, and content. A good writing requires some elements

such as content, organization, mechanic, language use, and vocabulary. The

primary components of writing are stated in the following categories: Organization

Organization is concerned with the pattern to express ideas in writing.

Organization or judgment skill is the ability to write in an appropriate manner for

a particular purpose with a particular audience in mind, together with an ability to

select, organize and order relevant information. Typically, it refers to the larger

parts of a piece of writing. It also refers to how paragraphs and sentences are

written. It provides readers with the information they are looking for in an orderly

manner. Referring to the explanation above, it can be concluded that organization


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is the way the writer organizes the idea in order to produce unity and coherence

sentences. Grammar

Grammar mastery is very important in writing a paragraph or an essay. It

helps the writer to produce good sentences, and definitely it will facilitate the

readers to understand. However, the lack of grammar mastery will make the

reader get confuse and difficult to know the ideas of the piece writing produced.

The information that is available in paragraph which tries to share to the readers is

useless since the paragraph is not grammatically arranged. Swan (1998:19) states

“grammar is the rule that says how are words changed to show different meaning,

and they combine into sentences.” It means the study of grammar helps us to

communicate more meaningfully, especially in writing narrative text. It helps us

to convey our message in appropriate way.

English grammar is the rule of describing the properties of the English.

Grammar can be defined as the rules of a language that govern the different ways

in which words are strung together to produce meaningful sentences. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and becomes the

most important thing in order to provide everybody to be a good writer in writing

performance. Vocabulary is essential in a language instruction. It means that when

we learn a language, of course we learn the vocabulary of that language. Rivers

(1981:462) states “it would be impossible to learn a language, without

vocabulary”. Based on that definition, the researcher concludes that vocabulary is


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the total number of words, which exists in a language. We can learn a language

because we have a number of words which is called vocabulary. Then, we

construct them into sentences that used for communication. Mechanics

Mechanics is particularly component in writing. In order to make the

writers can extend their message to readers in a clear and understandable way, it is

important to know the rules of how to use mechanics in writing. Mechanics of

writing covering: Punctuation and capitalization, and spelling.

a. Punctuation

Punctuation is needed to express the meaning of a sentence. The use of

punctuation is very important in writing. A writer uses punctuation to convey

meaning clearly and effectively. Punctuation is a signal, which is used to make

the messages of our writing understandable and have sense. Punctuation also

function as signals in written language which help the reader clarify the

meaning of sentences and interpret the correct meaning of the sentences. It

shows how the words in a sentence should be grouped together, so that

meaning may be readily understood.

Using punctuation correctly is an important skill. Many people judge the

quality of what is written not just on the content, the language, and the writer’s

handwriting but also on their use of punctuation. If capital letters, commas, full

stops, sentence and paragraph boundaries, and etc which are not using

correctly, this cannot only make a negative impression but can, of course, also

make a text difficult to understand.


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In relation to the statement above, it is clear that punctuation is signals

writing of sentences or phrases to give clear message. Here are the concise notes

on more commonly used punctuation stated by Bram (1995:93).

1. Full Stop or Period (.)

This marks the end of a positive or negative statement, the end of a

complete thought, as in:

a. Their little son is learning to walk.

b. Poison can kill.

c. We have not found out the solution.

It is often used to mark the end of initials or abbreviations; sometimes it is

optional, as in:

a. p.m. and a.m. (also P.M. and A.M. or PM and AM)

b. Mr. and Mrs.

2. Question Mark (?)

As its name suggests, this functions mainly to signal that a message or an

utterance is in a direct question form. Notice the following:

a. Is pink your favourite colour?

b. What do you think about the term ‘love at the first sight’?

3. Comma (,)

We use the comma to separate a series of items from the same category,

such as nouns, phrases, and clauses. Examples of this usage are as follows:

a. To live, to die, to win, and to lose seem to be invetiable for every

human being.


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b. Tell us why you want to work here, what you expect from us, and how

you will manage your responsibility.

A comma is normally required to separate a transitional expression in a

sentences, as in:

a. Well, she is attractive and understanding.

b. Surprisingly, Michael won the final match.

The comma is used after a subordinate or dependent clause that precedes a

superordinate or independent clause. Here the examples of this usage:

a. If you did not do that, I would not be angry.

b. When the music stopped, the room became quite.

4. Exclamation Mark or Exclamation Point (!)

This punctuation is useful to show strong emphasis, as in:

a. Do not cheat!

b. What a careless boy he is!

5. Quotation Marks or Invented Commas (” ” or ’ ’)

As the term implies, this kind of punctuation functions to mark quotation

or others’ speech. The single mark pair (’ ’) is more common in British

English. The combination of the two pairs is also possible. Here are the


a. “I don’t care,” he shouted angrily.

b. “Take it easy,” my friend whispered.


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6. Semi Colon (;)

This bridges sentences which convey ‘closely connected’ messages, as in:

a. The children are not tired; they are, in fact, bored.

b. Nana is faithful worker; she had worked for the same company for

twenty-two years.

7. Colon (:)

We use this punctuation to introduce a long list or a series of things. The

colon is often preceded by the phrase in the following, as follows, or as in,

to mention three examples. Observe the uses of the colon below:

a. The prefix in- meaning not can be found in the following: inexpensive,

intorable, and incurable.

8. Dash (-)

The function of the dash is to make a certain piece of information more

stressful or more dramatic, as in:

a. Do not forget – once again do not forget – to post the letter today.

b. We – the students of the English Department – practise speaking the

target language intensively.

Note that the use of the dash in all the examples above is considered


9. Hyphen (-)

The function of the hyphen is to connect words in order to create or form

new words or new phrases. Sometimes the hyphen is not mandatory. Here

are the examples:


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a. Lulu’s nine-year-old sister enjoys reading comics.

b. My would-be-mother-in-law seems to be kind.

10. Apostrophe (’)

In informal writing and in written dialogue, the apostrophe function to

indicate that one, or more than one, letter has been deleted. Quite often, the

apostrophe represents the omitted letter. Since most auxiliary verbs can be

shortened, we use the apostrophe to realize the contracted auxiliaries

which are usually combined with personal pronouns, as in:

a. “If Pipin’s here, I’ll be happy,” I talked to myself.

b. “She’s so cold,” Rudi concluded.

The apostrophe can replace the letter o in not to form a contraction, as in:

a. “They mightn’t accept the proposal,” she doubted.

b. “We can’t take it for granted,” the manager objected.

It is also used to mark possession. It is usually immediately followed by

the letter s, as in:

a. Rita’s camera.

b. Carla’s jacket.

11. Stroke (/)

This mark may be used to show alternatives; it is often replaced by the

word or. Look at the following:

a. The lecturer wrote in his grammar book that the verb to depend can be

followed by the preposition upon/on.


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b. To begin a formal letter, we may write Dear Sir/Madam if we do not

know who the receiver is.

12. Omission Marks (...)

The threee dots may imply that some omission occurs there and then. This

punctuation is especially useful when we intend to quote certain parts or

words that somebody else has said or written. In this case, the three dots

might represent something irrelevant or unnecessary. The dots can take

place at the beginning, somewhere in the middle, or at the end of a


a. “Language...a set of rules...for communiation,” the definition read.

b. “The most important part of speech is the verb...” Hornby said.

13. Brackets ( )

This type of punctuation can indicate something optional, as in:

a. Could you help me (to) remove the box?

b. I want a spoon and (a) fork.

a. The students have been studying (for) three hours in the upstairs

Reading Room.

b. Capitalization

Capitalization or capital letter is also an important element in writing good

sentences. Capital letter is used at the beginning of sentence and at the first

letter for the names of people, the days of week, the months of the year and

their abbreviation, nationalities and language, etc. If the sentences are not

capitalized correctly, ambiguous meaning and misunderstanding will appear. It


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also differentiates one sentence to other. Correct paragraph depend on the use

of capitalization in writing. It also helps the reader to distinguish a particular or

general class of people, place and other things in the paragraph. The following

are some important rules of capitalization which quoted in (Hogue, 1996:13):

a. The first word in a sentence

Ex: My name is Mickey Mouse.

b. The pronoun I alone

Ex: At first I appeared in cartoons.

c. Names of people and their titles

Ex: King Faisal

Professor Indiana Jones

But not a title without a name

Ex: He’s a king.

Have you met your professor?

EXCEPTION: A title without a name is sometimes capitalized if it refers to a specific person.

Ex: The President of the United States had dinner with the Emperor of Japan.

d. Nationalities, languages, religions, and ethnic groups

Ex: English Christian Native American

Spanish Muslim Asian

NOTE: Don’t capitalize school subjects except names of nationalities, languages, religions, and so forth.

Ex: calculus Russian History

computer science French

e. Specific places you could find on a map

Ex: Lake Toba England

First Street

f. Names of specific structures such as buildings, roads, and bridges

Ex: the White House Highway 395

the Hilton Hotel the Golden Gate Bridge


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g. Names of specific organization such as business, schools, and clubs

Ex: Springfield Elementary School

City College of New York

h. Names of the days, months, holidays, and special time periods

Ex: Monday New Year’s Day

January Ramadan

BUT NOT the names of seasons

Ex: spring, summer, fall (autumn), winter

i. Geographic areas

Ex: the Middle East the Southwest

Southeast Asia Eastern Europe

BUT NOT compass directions

Ex: Drive south for two miles and turn west.

j. Titles of books, magazines, newspapers, movies, and TV series-also the

title of your own paragraphs

Ex: National Geographic

Raiders of the Lost Ark

NOTE 1: Do not capitalize all the words in titles. Capitalize only the first, the last and the important words. Articles (a ,an, the), conjunctions (and, or, but), and short prepositions (to, from, at, in, of) are not capitalized.NOTE 2: Underline titles of books, magazines, newspapers, movies, and TV series.

c. Spelling

Spelling is also important in writing. To write English well, the writer

should be able to master how to spell word well. Because when students make

error in spell the word, it can make the reader doesn’t get the meaning of word.

That is why teacher has to pay attention on teaching spelling. For many

students, especially in Indonesia to write English word is quite difficult

because it is strange for them. Many people say that English spelling is not


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only regular but also irregular, and they make a feature of the lack of spelling-

sound correspondence which, although not unique, is a feature of English.

English spelling is complex but it is not completely random and is, in fact,

fairly regular; there are usually clear rules about when certain spellings are

acceptable. English spelling rules do often have exceptions but these usually

only apply to a small number of individual words. Content

It refers to the ideas which relate to the topic, the development of them

through personal experiences, illustrations, facts, and opinions. The information

written should not only be presented in detail and but also has a close relation to

the text type.

According to Jacob et al (1981: 90), content refers to substance of writing,

the experience of the main idea (unity), i.e., groups of related statements that a

writer presents as unit in developing a subject. Content paragraph do the work of

conveying ideas rather than fulfilling special function of transition, restatement,

and emphasis.

A content orientation can also form the basis of courses that focus more on

language structures and functions. Such courses help students to generate,

develop, and organize their ideas on a given topic in ways similar to those

discussed above for courses with learning process.

Based on the writing components above, the researcher focus only on

vocabulary, grammar and mechanism. It does not mean that the other components

are neglected. The researcher considered that vocabulary, grammar, and


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mechanism are the most essential for the students in writing narrative text at SMK

1 Sarjo. In constructing a text, the students need various words that will be

involved in their writing. Obviously, the students cannot write well because they

do not have sufficient vocabulary. It is the most crucial problem for the students.

In this case, the researcher considered that it has to be solved by introducing and

explaining some words encountered in the story.

The students also have very serious problem to recognize the grammatical

sentences. One of the skills necessary for writing good texts is in grammar

component. It is the ability to write correct and appropriate sentence. The students

should know how the construction of words and their elements united to structure

sentences, i.e. the use of tenses, the pronouns, and the sentence patterns. Good

arrangements will convey the message of the composition but ungrammatical

sentences will meaningless. Considering the level of the students is the tenth

grade students of senior high school, the researcher focused the research in

mechanism also because the students in the level where they need to produce a

good written text. It means that their writing does not contain appropriate

vocabulary and accurate grammatical, but also correct spelling, punctuation, and


2.2.3 Genres of writing

Writing has several genres that each of all has main purpose. When

students are asked to compose such writing text, a teacher needs to consider their

age, their level, and of course the purpose of writing itself. The students in the

level of SMA/ SMK are taught some genres of text.


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Students at the level of SMA/SMK are required to be able to write

different genres of text like narrative, procedure, recount, descriptive, spoof, and

report. These genres of text have different purposes, so do the way in writing

them. The way of forming the text will be influenced by the generic and the

language features of the text. It can be seen in the table below:

Table 2.1The Genres of Text

Genres of


Purpose Generic




Narrative To amuse or entertain the readers and to tell a story.

1. Orientation2. Evaluation3. Complication4. Resolution5. Reorientation

1. Using past tense2. Using action verb3. Chronologically arranged

Recount To retell something that happened in the past and to tell a series of event.

1. Orientation2. Event(s)3. Reorientation

1. Using past tense2. using action verb3. Using adjectives

Procedure To help readers how to make or to do something.

1. Goal/aim2. Materials/Equipments3. Steps/methods

1. Using imperative sentences2.Using action verb3. Using transition signals4.Using simple present tense

Report To present information about something as it is

1.General classification2. Description

1.Introducing group or general aspect2.Using conditional logical connection3. Using simple present tense

Descriptive To describe particular person, place, or thing in detail

1.General statement2. Explanation3. Closing

1.Using simple present tense2.Using action verb3.Using passive voice4.Using technical


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terms5.Using general and abstract noun6.Using conjunction of time and cause-effect7.Using noun and adverbial phrase

2.2.4 Narrative text

Narrative text is commonly used to tell an imaginative story or personal

experience in which contains a messages or moral value for the reader. Anderson

(1997:8) defines that “Narrative is a piece of text tells a story and, in doing so,

entertains or informs the reader or listener”. Narrative is one of the most powerful

ways of communicating with others because readers not only understand the

event, but they can almost feel it. The action, details, and dialogue put the readers

in these seem and make it happen for them.

Narrative text describes an event, feeling or experience in story form or in

the order the details of the event happened. The logical arrangement of ideas and

sentence in narrative text is constructed chronologically, they relate events

chronological order, that is time sequence in which the events took place. Each

story has the beginning, the middle and the ending. And also theme, setting,

characters, plot, problem and solution. Generic structure of narrative text

In teaching and learning process, the teacher introduces how to construct a

narrative text. Anderson et al., (2003:8) proposes the aspects for constructing a

complete narrative text as follows.


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1. An orientation (can be paragraph, a picture, or opening chapter)

It tells about who is in the story (the characters), when the story is taking

place and where the action is happening.

2. A complication

It sets off a chain of events that influences what will happen in the story or

revolves around conflict or problems that affect the setting, time, or

characters. A problem or series of problems interrupt or complicate the

lives of characters.

3. A sequence of events

In this part, the characters react to the implication. The story continues

through a series of expected and unexpected events. The sequence of

actions affects the setting, atmosphere, characters of time.

4. A resolution

In this part, the characters finally sort out the complication. The resolution

brings the series of events to a close and resolves the main problem,

challenge or situation. The main character has to act to resolve the


5. A coda/ Reorientation

It provides a comment or moral based on what has been learned from the

story (an optional step). The teacher remind the usual pattern of narrative

based on the story given, because some narratives has a coda or

reorientation that returns the reader to the present and sums up the events.

In this following is the example of schematic structure of narrative text:


Page 22: 9. ISI Proposal REAL Language feature of narrative text

There are some language features of narratives. They are divided into:

a. A narrative focuses on specific participants: often individual or

participants with defines identities. Major participants are human, or

sometimes animals with human characteristic.

b. Mainly use action, verbal or mental processes (verbs of perception: think,

realize, feel, etc.)

c. It usually use past tenses (Simple Past Tense and Past Continuous Tense).

d. Direct and indirect speeches are often used (some dialogs are used in the

story and the tense can change).


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e. Descriptive language is used to create listeners’ or readers’ imagination.

f. Can be written in first person (I, We) or third person (he, she, and they).

g. Temporal conjunctions are also used. (as the sentence introducers:

Then...,after that...,finally...etc and as the time introducers (adverbial

clauses: before...,after...,while...,during...etc).

2.2.5 Story Mapping Technique

Story mapping strategy is theoretically rooted in the schema building

approach to writing instruction. This approach based on Rumerhart’s schema

theory. The cognitive structure created when comprehending a story has been

referred to as story schema. Tabatabaei (2012:58) states “story mapping, also

called story grammar, is a visual representation of the story by writing the

important elements (e.g., character, setting, goal, etc)”. Story grammar can be

taught directly to hasten students’ development of story schema and thus promote

narrative comprehension.

There are many definitions of story mapping stated by several experts.

Khalaf (2010:182) states: “ a story map could be viewed as a visual description of

the settings or the sequence of major event and action of story characters”. so that

students enable to connect story events and to perceive structure in a story and can

increase students’ awareness that story characters and events are interrelated.

In line with Khalaf, Sidekli (2003:290 ) states: “a story map is used as a

visual tool that shows the interrelation among the important idea, nation and facts

that take place in the story”. Thus, it gives the students the opportunity to


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distinguish different parts of story and focus on how these parts are combined

together to make a story.

Li (2000:42) also states “story mapping provides students with a bird’s eye

view of the basic story structure and the relationship between story elements”. So

they can make clearly outline the relationships to each other. Those components

of story which frequently appears are setting, characters, goal, conflict or

sequence of events, and resolution.

Based on the definitions and concepts above, it can be concluded that story

mapping is a visual graphic map in which is provided the elements of story such

as setting, characters, problems, and resolution which are presented to help the

writers associate the whole content of the story, so that they can easily manage

their ideas as they write the story. Story mapping is useful to be used by students

as an outline of students’ writing. It uses in the early stages of planning a narrative

text. In writing of narrative text, story mapping can create not only writers’

creativity, but also help the writers develop their thoughts appropriate with the

theme provided in writing of an imaginative story or telling their experience to the


2.2.6 Teaching writing using story mapping technique

Firstly, the students is given the instruction about what they are going to

do and why they need to use story mapping in writing of narrative text. The

instruction might encourage the students to be more enthusiastic about what they

are going to learn and it is important that students should know what they are

going to do and give them ideas when they finish the task.


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Next, an example of story mapping is given to the students that consists of

some elements of narrative text such as setting, characters, problem, and

resolution. Then, students have to complete those elements. Students are ordered

to write a narrative text, the topic is decided by the teacher. They have to fulfill

each elements of narrative text which is provided in the story mapping. In the part

of problem, they have to write the chronological of some conflicts which might

occur in their story. After they finished in completing their story mapping with

their ideas, they can start writing their story with using story mapping as their

guideline in writing process.

2.2.7 The advantages of story mapping technique

Here are several advantages of using story mapping as a technique in

teaching narrative text such as:

a. To enhance students' interpretative abilities by enabling them to visualize

story characters, events and settings.

b. To increase students' comprehension of selections by organizing and

sequencing main story events.

c. To increase students' awareness that story characters and events are


2.3 Theoretical framework

Writing is activity to deliver what someone thinking in written form.

Through writing, people can share and conveyed their ideas to another. In

conveying ideas, it is important to consider the appropriate text type because there

are a lot of texts which must be learned by students in Senior High School.


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Narrative is one of English text types that must be learned by

students in Senior High School. Narrative is commonly used to tell an

imaginative story or personal experience in which contains a messages or moral

value for the reader. Narrative requires some story components such as setting,

characters, events/plot, conflicts, and resolution. To make students easier in

writing of narrative text, teachers should think an appropriate teaching technique.

A technique which can be effective to teach narrative text is story

mapping. Story mapping can be used as an guideline in writing of narrative

text. Story mapping is a tool which can draw a concept of story that the writer

wants to write. It consists of setting, characters, events/plot, conflicts, and

resolution. Those elements can make students easier in organizing their ideas.

The procedure of teaching narrative text through story mapping technique

is first, the researcher will explain about function, generic structures, and explain

of narrative text. Second, the researcher will explain about story mapping

technique. Third, the researcher gives the student a story. Fourth, the researcher

asks the student to make story mapping technique related to the story and then

develop their ideas into narrative text. Last, the researcher will guide the students

to check their errors in writing.

2.4 Hypothesis

The hypothesis of this research is as follows: “The use of story map

technique can improve the skill of the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 1 Sarjo

in writing narrative text.


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3.1. Research Design

This research is conducted through Pre-Experimental design that involve

one group of pretest-posttest design. It is design to implement an appropiate use of

story mapping technique for the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 1 Sarjo, to

improve the students’ skill in writing narrative text. The research design use

Arikunto’s model (2006:85) as follows :

O1 X O2

Where : O1 : Pretest

X : Treatment

O2 : Posttest

3.2. Population and Sample

3.2.1. Population

Best (1981:8) states “Population is any group of individuals has one or

more characteristic in common that is interest to the research”. In SMK Negeri 1

Sarjo there are three major they are TKJ, TKR and administration. The tenth

grade students of TKJ consists of two parallel classes and the characteristic of

these two classes are different. The distribution and the total number of population

can be see in the following table:


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No Classes Number of Students1 X TKJ A 252 X TKJ B 25

Total 50 Students

3.2.2. Sample

Sample is an item or a subject selected from the population to be

observed and analyzed. Best (1981:8) states that: “sample is a small proportion of

population selected for observation and analysis”. In taking sample of this

research, the researcher used a purposive sampling technique because it

appropriate with the researcher purpose to improve students’ writing skill through

story mapping technique. Furthermore, the teacher of English at SMK Negeri1

Sarjo recommended to conduct the research in class A because they have problem

in learning English especially in writing.

3.3. Research Variable

Variable becomes the object or the focus of a research. Dependent variable

and independent variable are the variables manipulated in this research. The

dependent variable is the skill of the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 1 Sarjo

in writing narrative text, while independent variable is the use of story mapping


3.4. Research Instrument

Arikunto (2002:136) states “instrumen penelitian adalah alat atau fasilitas

yang digunakan oleh peneliti dalam mengumpulkan data agar pekerjaannya lebih

mudah dan hasilnya lebih baik, dalam arti lebih cermat , lengkap, dan sistematis


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sehingga lebih mudah diolah.” It means that every research must has research


In conducting this research, the researcher only used test as the main

instrument that included pre test and post test.

3.5. Technnique of Data Collection

3.5.1. Test

Test is the main instrument to gather data in this research. There are two

kinds of tests: pretest and posttest. Pretest is given before treatment. In this test,

the teacher ask the students to write narrative text based on the topic that given

by the researcher. After giving eight times treatment, the researcher will give post

test to the students in order to compare the result of each test before and after


In scoring each part of the narrative text, the researcher use the scoring

procedure as follow:

Table 3.2Scoring Rubric of writing

No Writing Components Score Explanation

1. Vocabulary 0




Vocabulary inadequate even for the most basic parts of the intended communication.Frequent inadequacies in vocabulary for the task. Perhaps frequent lexical inappropriacies and/or repetition.Some inadequacies in vocabulary for the task. Perhaps some lexical inappropriacies and/or circumlocution.Almost no inadequacies in vocabulary for the task. Only rare inappropriacies and/or circumlocution.


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2. Grammar 0


Almost all grammatical patterns inaccurate.Frequents grammatical inaccuracies.Some grammatical inaccuracies.Almost no grammatical inaccuracies.

3. Mechanics 0




Ignorance of conventions of punctuation and almost all spelling inaccurate. Low standard of accuracy in punctuation and spelling.Some inaccuracies in punctuation and spelling.Almost no inaccuracies in punctuation and spelling.

Adapted from Assessing Writing by Sara Cushing Weigle ( 2009) Pretest

Before conducting treatment to the students, the researcher administer

pretest in order to know the students’ skill in writing narrative text. In this part,

the students should make a narrative text based on the topic given. Treatment

The treatment is given after the students got pretest. In this case, story

mapping technique will apply in the class to develop the students’ writing skill in

writing a narrative text. The researcher conduct the treatment for eight meetings.

Table 3.3

Teaching Outline

Activity Activity Description Time Allocation

Pre-activity1. The teacher greets the student

2. The teacher ask the students to pray

before begin the lesson

3. The teacher checks attendance list

10 minutes


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4. The teacher shares warming up

questions related to the topic.




1. The students listen and pay attention

to the teacher’s explanation.


1. 1. The teacher gives some guiding

questions to

enable the learners in the classroom

2. Experimenting

1. Students write a variety of important

things about a given matter or they

find each other, various information.


1. The students do task.


1. Some of the students read the results

of their work in front of the class

2. Other students listen well, and can

provide additional information.

65 minutes



1. The teacher gives a few questions to

find out if students already

understand the topic today

2. The teacher concludes the materials

3. The teachers motivates the students

4. The teacher ends the class

10 Minutes Posttest


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The posttest is given after the treatments. It is conduct in order to find the

significance improvement of the students’ writing skill, especially in making

narrative text. The kind of posttest was the same as the kind of pretest.

3.6. Technique of Data Analysis

To analyze the gain data, at the first the researcher compute the individual

score by using formula stated by Arikunto (2002:276):



∑ = Students’ score

x = Obtain score

n = Maximum score

The second, the researcher compute the mean score of the students in pre-

test and post-test by using formula proposed by Best (1981:225) as follows:


M = The mean of scores

∑X = The sum of scores in the distribution

N = The number of students

Next, the researcher computed the mean score differences of pre-test and

post-test. The researcher appllying formula adapted from Arikunto (2002: 276) as



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Md = Mean Deviation

∑d = The sum of deviation

N = Number of students

Next, the researcher compute the square deviation by using formula

proposed by Arikunto (2006: 308) as follows:


∑x2d = The sum of squared deviation

∑d2 = The sum of deviation

N = Number of students

The last, the researcher compute value in order to analyze the effectiveness

of the treatment by using formula proposed by Arikunto (2002:275):

t =


t = the value of t-counted

Md = the mean deviation of Pre-test and Post-test difference


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∑X²d = the sum of square deviation

N = Number of students

3.7 Testing Hypothesis

The researcher tested the hypothesis whether it was accepted or rejected in

order to prove whether the use of guided questions improve the students in

writing skill or not. If the t-counted was higher than t-table, it means that the hypothesis

is accepted or there was significant influence. In other words, the use of guided

questions was effective to improve students’ writing skill. In contrast, if the t-counted

is lower than t-table, the hypothesis was rejected or there is no significant influence

to the students’ achievement in writing skill.


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