9 home security tips you need to know before vacationing


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Post on 31-May-2015




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Alarm Relay Inc. shares tips to keep your home safe and secure while you are on vacation. Alarm Relay provides customers with fast, accurate and responsive monitoring service every hour of every day.


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Alarm Relay Inc. | 800-624-6866 |  http://AlarmRelay.com  

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9 Home Security Tips You Need To Know Before Vacationing

For  many  Americans,  summer  is  a  time  of  fun  vacations  and  weekends  at  the  lake  or  beach.  As  you  pack  up  to  leave  town,  take  a  moment  to  consider  some  of  these  tips  to  keep  your  home  safe  and  secure  while  you  are  away.  

1. The  first  step  in  burglary  prevention  is  ensuring  your  home  is  not  easily  accessible.  Double-­‐check  all  of  your  doors  and  windows  to  make  sure  they  are  locked,  utilize  deadbolts  where  possible,  and  do  not  forget  to  lock  windows  that  are  seldom  used.  Most  importantly,  arm  your  home  alarm  system  before  leaving  the  premise.    2. Provide  a  neighbor  you  trust  or  a  family  member  with  your  trip  itinerary.  While  you  are  gone,  they  can  keep  an  eye  on  your  house  and  

pick  up  your  mail,  flyers  and  any  packages  that  are  delivered  in  your  absence.  You  can  also  ask  the  post  office  to  temporarily  stop  your  mail  service  until  you  return.  

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Alarm Relay Inc. | 800-624-6866 |  http://AlarmRelay.com  

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 3. Set  your  lights  on  an  automatic  timer  to  achieve  a  “lived  in”  

look.  Unfortunately,  leaving  one  light  on  for  your  entire  trip  will  draw  attention  to  your  absence,  not  your  presence.  To  make  your  home  look  occupied,  pay  attention  to  how  your  light  patterns  change  through  the  evening  while  you  are  at  home.  Creating  a  lighting  pattern  that  appears  natural  is  what  makes  it  believable.      

4. You  should  leave  curtains  and  blinds  how  they  normally  appear  when  you  are  home.  If  you  normally  leave  all  the  curtains  and  blinds  open,  it  will  be  quite  noticeable  to  anyone  watching  if  they  are  suddenly  shut  for  an  extended  period  of  time.    

 5. If  your  vacation  is  longer  than  a  week,  you  might  want  to  

consider  having  someone  take  care  of  your  yard  and  landscaping.  An  unkempt  yard  can  signal  that  you  are  out  of  town  just  as  easily  as  piled  up  mail.      

6. Social  media  is  one  aspect  of  home  security  that  is  often  overlooked.  When  we  post  on  Facebook,  Twitter  and  Instagram,  we  do  not  always  realize  who  has  access  to  that  information.  Check  your  privacy  settings  and  be  careful  what  information  you  share.  If  you  must  share  online,  make  sure  you  are  only  sharing  with  trusted  friends.  In  a  recent  case  in  Tulsa,  a  man  by  the  name  David  “Bonehead”  McCollough  was  arrested  for  using  Facebook  to  plan  his  burglary.    It  is  alleged  that  

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Alarm Relay Inc. | 800-624-6866 |  http://AlarmRelay.com  

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“Bonehead”  found  a  man  on  Facebook  who  had  updated  his  status  to  reflect  when  he  would  be  getting  surgery.  The  burglar  took  advantage  of  the  information  and  attempted  to  rob  the  home.  Fortunately,  the  homeowner  was  at  the  location  and  able  to  call  police.  Vacation  countdowns,  detailed  plans,  and  real  time  pictures  through  social  media  can  alert  anyone  watching  that  your  house  is  vacant.      

7. Your  alarm  monitoring  company  should  know  when  you  plan  to  leave  your  house  vacant  for  more  than  a  day  or  two.  It  is  their  job  to  watch  over  your  house,  they  need  to  know  that  you  are  out  of  town  so  they  can  respond  accordingly.    

8. When  leaving  for  vacation,  most  people  consider  the  threat  that  burglars  pose  to  the  safety  of  their  homes  but  forget  about  the  threat  of  a  fire.  Make  sure  to  unplug  all  non-­‐essential  electronics  like  computers,  stereo  equipment,  fans,  and  coffee  makers.  For  example,  if  you  leave  your  coffee  maker  plugged  in  and  the  timer  is  set  to  brew  every  morning,  imagine  how  quickly  the  appliance  could  overheat.  Unplugging  your  appliances  and  electronics  will  not  only  help  prevent  a  fire,  it  will  also  help  you  save  money  on  your  electric  bill.      

9. There  are  many  technological  advances  that  can  help  you  keep  tabs  on  your  home  while  you  are  away.  There  are  now  services  available  that  allow  you  to  control  your  thermostats,  lights,  locks,  and  other  devices  from  the  convenience  of  your  smartphone.  Moreover,  you  can  arm  and  disarm  your  system  

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Alarm Relay Inc. | 800-624-6866 |  http://AlarmRelay.com  

Discover  more  great  content  here:  http://www.youtube.com/user/AlarmRelay

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from  an  app  and  receive  push  notifications  in  real  time  if  a  security  issue  arises  in  your  home.    


Vacation  is  a  time  to  catch  up  on  some  much  needed  rest  and  relaxation.  Don’t  sacrifice  your  peace  of  mind.  Alarm  Relay  is  here  to  provide  you  with  quality  alarm  monitoring  service.  Every  Hour.  Every  Day.