7 visits

Watch with me! - The 7 Visits in ppt (all photos: Holy Thursday Malta, 2010)

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the ppt pretty much says it all ;-)


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Watch with me!

- The 7 Visits in ppt (all photos: Holy Thursday Malta, 2010)

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This is the night in which Jesus washed our feet, gave us the

Eucharist and the Priesthood.

It is the night in which Jesus prays in agony, sweats blood, is betrayed, arrested and denied.

It is the night when He pleads:

Watch with me an hour! Being Maltese i have literally dozens of tabernacles in very

close proximity however it is not so for all other people and places.

In this Short presentation are 7 photos of 7 tabernacles. Each one

has a reflection and though it is ALWAYS best to be in Church yet this could be a little prayer too.

My you be blessed abundantly.

Prepared in prayer,

ruth. Salesians Oratory

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Church Visit 1: Jesus Our Friend Chapel

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“When the hour came, Jesus took his place at table and the apostles with Him. And He said to them,

“I was eager to eat this Passover with you before I suffer for I tell you, I shall not eat it again until

it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.” Luke 22: 14-16.

Think for a moment:

Our LORD says: “I was eager to eat this Passover with you before I suffer” but are you - am I - eager to participate in the meal God Himself prepares for us?

Let us offer this minute of Adoration as a prayer for us to have the eagerness of Christ that we may participate in this Most Holy Meal regularly.

We adore You, Lord Jesus Christ, in this Church and all the Churches of the world, and we bless You because by Your holy Cross

You have redeemed the world. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

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Church Visit 2: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church.

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“Then they passed Him a cup and when He had given thanks He said,

“Take this and share it among yourselves: for I tell you that from now on

I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.”

Luke 22: 17-18.

Think for a moment:

Our LORD has given thanks before drinking of the vine but do you – do I – give thanks to God for the many blessings He provides? Do I bow my head in prayer

before meals? Am I thankful for the Most Holy Meal?

Let us offer this minute of Adoration as a prayer for us to have a thankful heart.

We adore You, Lord Jesus Christ, in this Church and all the Churches of the world, and we bless You because by Your holy Cross

You have redeemed the world. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

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Church Visit 3: St.Patrick’s

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“Jesus also took bread, and after giving thanks, He broke it and gave it to them saying,

“This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of Me.”

Luke 22: 19.

Think for a moment:

Our LORD says: “This is My Body which is given for you” but do you - do I - believe that? Do I realise that Jesus came to redeem me and give Himself for me?

Let us offer this minute of Adoration as a prayer for us to stop doubting the Love of Christ for us. Let us be filled with the knowledge of God’s immense love for us.

We adore You, Lord Jesus Christ, in this Church and all the Churches of the world, and we bless You because by Your holy Cross

You have redeemed the world. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

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Church Visit 4: Holy Family Chapel

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“And He did the same with the cup after eating,

“This cup is the New Covenant, sealed in My Blood

which is poured out for you.”Luke 22: 20.

Think for a moment:

Our LORD makes a Covenant with us and seals it with His Blood, the same blood which is poured out for our sins yet how often have you – have I – doubted

God’s Mercy? How many times have you forgotten that where sin abounds God’s Grace abounds even further?

Let us offer this minute of Adoration as a prayer for us to seek God’s Mercy when in need. Let us remember that He rejoices over every child who repents.

We adore You, Lord Jesus Christ, in this Church and all the Churches of the world, and we bless You because by Your holy Cross

You have redeemed the world. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

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Church Visit 5: St Gregory the Great Church

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“Then He got up from table, removed His garment and taking a towel, wrapped it around His waist.

He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet

and to wipe them with the towel He was wearing.”John 13: 4 -5

Think for a moment:

Our LORD removes His garment and kneels down to wash dirty feet. He has worn an apron and started to serve in the most humble manner but do

you - do I – serve like that? How keen am I to serve my brothers and sisters?

Let us offer this minute of Adoration as a prayer for us to be ready to serve humbly as our Lord did. Let us adore that we may be strengthened to do this.

We adore You, Lord Jesus Christ, in this Church and all the Churches of the world, and we bless You because by Your holy Cross

You have redeemed the world. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

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Church Visit 6: Stella Maris Church

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[At the Mount of Olives, Jesus] kneeling down prayed, “Father, if it is Your will, remove this cup from Me;

still not My will but Yours be done.” As He was in agony, He prayed even more earnestly and great

drops of blood formed like sweat and fell to the ground. Luke 22: 41, 42, 44.

Think for a moment:

Our LORD in agony prays asking God the Father to remove this pain from Him. Yet He accepts God’s will. Do you - do I – pray? Do I turn to God in my suffering?

Am I willing to receive His Help so that I may do His will?

Let us offer this minute of Adoration as a prayer for us to give ourselves to Godin our trials. Let us pray that we may seek Him and strive to do His will.

We adore You, Lord Jesus Christ, in this Church and all the Churches of the world, and we bless You because by Your holy Cross

You have redeemed the world. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

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Church Visit 7: Sacro Cuor Church

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“He went back to His disciples and found them asleep, and He said to Peter,

“Could you not stay awake with me for even an hour? Matthew 26: 40.

Think for a moment:

Our LORD begs of His Friends that they watch with Him for just one hour but instead they sleep. How often have you – have I – watched with Jesus? How often do I kneel before Him in adoration before the Holy Eucharist?

Let us offer this minute of Adoration as a prayer for us to remember that Christ awaits us in the Holy Tabernacle. Let us remember that He will never send us

away but rather will be grateful for our watch, blessing us abundantly.

We adore You, Lord Jesus Christ, in this Church and all the Churches of the world, and we bless You because by Your holy Cross

You have redeemed the world. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

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Remember that ALL of what Christ has done, He has done

for YOU.

NOTHING AND NO ONE could ever love you in such a manner

– but He has and does!!

We have been blessed in that we belong to the Catholic

Church or - in the case of a few friends - coming to the

Church :-)

May we seek to spend time before the Holy Eucharist – to watch and pray, that we may

be abundantly blessed. Jesus the Nazarene Church