7 practical ways to turn your old blog posts into new business

Practical Ways to turn @CopywriteMattrs Old Blog Posts 7 New Business into

Upload: belinda-weaver

Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Practical Waysto turn


Old Blog Posts7

New Businessinto

Your blogis a gold gold minemine of knowledge and ideas.

But how often do you make time to turn

old blog posts into new new contentcontent?

Get moremore out of your content!

Check out these 7 ways

to turn old...

Check out these 7 ways

to turn old... to new!

Look for old ideas you can expand on.


Look for old ideas you can expand on.

11Read old, forgotten posts with fresh eyes.

You will often spark new ideasnew ideas

and topics related to your original piece.

Link and optimise.


Link and optimise.

22Keep your readers clicking by linking between posts.

It's great for SEO and keeps people on your

website for longerlonger.

Convert your old blog postsinto new formats.


Convert your old blog postsinto new formats.

33Turn them into podcasts, slide decks, or videos.

Like this oneone! From this:

To this:

Create a popular posts summary.


Create a popular posts summary.

44Stuck on what to write about? Summarise!

Compile themost popularmost popular blogs into a

new blog post!

Share those old blog posts.


Share those old blog posts.

55Reignite the conversation and get new readers!

Keep a log of blog tweets and

pluck tweets out to share againagain

and againand again.

Turn old blog posts into an ebook.


Turn old blog posts into an ebook.

66You probably have aton of content.

Pick postson a similar

theme and turn them into a

free downloadfree downloadfor subscribers.

Turn old blog posts into an autoresponder series.


Turn old blog posts into an autoresponder series.

77Take a topic from beginner to more advanced level.

Your readerssign up to get a regular dose of

learninglearning through your email

autoresponder series.

The great thing about content marketing:

Once you come up with one idea,

you can share it in different

ways and turn it into lots ofnew ideas.

Want to write better


@CopywriteMattrs Belinda Weaver

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