7. neurulasi

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  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


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  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


    Gerakan morfogenetik Kelompok sel-sel yg berjauhan letaknya

    pd saat blastula berdekatan --> terbentuk3 lapisan lembaga (tripoblastik)

    Sel-sel yg berdekatan --> interaksiinduktif --> perkembangan embrio normalterjadi

    Perk.embrio setelah stadium gastrula diawali dg induksi primerantara chordamesoderm (notochord) dg ektoderm diatasnya -->bakal SSP

    Respon awal ektoderm terinduksi adalah menebalnya sel-sel -->neural plate --> neural groove --> nerual tube

    Sealan dg pembentukan neural tube! lapisan mesoderm kedua sisinorochord membagi menadi bagian-bagian (massa) spt bata kearah memanang --> somit

  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


    Induksi Primer

    Selama gastrulasi akhir! chordamesoderm berinvolusi

    sekitar bibir dorsal blastoporus am"ibi

    Pada aves dan mammalia tonjolannoto!hord yg terbentuk dr sel-sel yg

    melalui nodus "ensen terdorong ke arah!ranial di ba#ah ektoderm

    Sementara teradi pembentukan notochord! sel-sel chorda

    menginduksi ektoderm di atasnyapenebalannerual


    aksi tsb.induksi primer (induktor # chordamesoderm

    (bkl. notochord$ aringan kompeten # ektoderm)

  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


    Induksi terjadi bila1. Induktor dan jaringan responden pd tempat dan waktu yg


    2. Ektoderm di atas notochord memiliki kompetensi untukmerespons rangsang induksi

    c/: tanpa notochord di bwhnya, ektoderm neural ektodermkulit

    selama gastrulasi pd amfbi ektodermdorsal dan ventral memiliki kompetensi untukmembentuk jar.sara bila dipengaruhiinduktor

    akhir perioda gastrulasi, ektoderm paling jauh dr

    notrochord mulai kehilangan kompetensi untuk meresponinduktor saraf

    pd sta.neurula sbgan bsr. Ektoderm non-neural kehilangan kompetensi untuk menjadi


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  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


    Neurulasi pd Amfbi


    khir gastrulasi !!" penyempurnaan gerakan !!"pembentukan primiti#e gut, blastoporusmenciut tajam. Induksi primer dimulai !!"ekotderm menebal !!" neural plate

    o $ekitar ektoderm sekarang mrpknlap.mesoderm yg sempurna. %d dorsal!tengahtubuh !!" notochord nampak spt batang

    o %d kedua tepi notochord, lap.mesoderm dorsal&epimer' mulai menebal dan secara bersamaan

    !!" agregasi !!" somito (esoderm yg lain &hipomer' mengisi bagian

    lateral dan #entral embrio !!" pelat mesodermlateral

  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


    Middle neurulation -


  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


    Neurulasi pd ayam : 24 jam

    Section 7 of 240 through head fold and subcephalic space

    In this more caudal section, the continuity of the neural folds are evident. Theouter layer of the head fold (also called the head process) is composed of

    ectoderm. Below the head fold note the subcephalic space, a layer of

    ectoderm, and a layer of endoderm.

  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


    24 jam

    The formation of the foregut occurs concomitant with the formation of the head

    fold. The anterior tip of the preoral gut can be seen as a mass of endodermal cells

    located below the neural folds. The preoral gut is the portion of the foregut that is

    located anterior to the oral plate and lie the foregut is composed of endoderm.

  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


    24 jam

    Section 27 of 240 through head fold, foregut, and notochord!t this level, sectioning has now reached the notochord. The notochord is evident ventral to the neural

    folds. "entral to the notochord, the foregut appears as a smile#shaped cavity delimited by thin

    endodermally derived walls. $ote that the mid portion of the floor of the foregut is slightly thicened.

    Below this region is a region of slightly thicened ectoderm. This region is the oral plate which will

    become perforated at a later date to form the mouth. Below the head fold is the subcephalic space and

    e%traembryonic germ layers. $ote the proamnion (ectoderm and endoderm) below the head fold. &ateral

    to the proamnion, layers of mesoderm are visible between the ectoderm and endoderm. The cavity that is

    evident between the layers of mesoderm is the coelom.

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    24 jam

    Section 35 of 240 through posterior limit of head fold, foregut, and


    This section is approaching the end of the head fold and subcephalic space. $ote

    the continuity of the head ectoderm with the e%traembryonic ectoderm on the right

    hand side of the section.

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    24 jam

    Section 51 of 240 through region posterior to head fold'ectioning has now past the head fold of the embryo. $ote the absence of the subcephalic space. The

    portions of the specimen that will become part of the body of the embryo are continuous with the portions thatwill form the e%traembryonic membranes. $ote the neural folds, notochord, and foregut. %amine the germ

    layers and trace their continuities. The coelom is clearly apparent at this level of sectioning. The layer of

    mesoderm closest to the ectoderm is the somatic mesoderm and the layer of mesoderm closest to the

    endoderm is the splanchnic mesoderm. ne of the main differences in the developmental fates of these two

    layers of mesoderm is that the splanchnic mesoderm will form the heart, blood vessels, and part of the yol

    sac and allantois while the somatic mesoderm forms the dermis, musculature of the body wall, and part of the

    amnion and serosa.

  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


    24 jam

    Section 51 of 240 through region posterior to head fold

    'ectioning has now past the head fold of the embryo. $ote the absence of the subcephalic space. Theportions of the specimen that will become part of the body of the embryo are continuous with the portions

    that will form the e%traembryonic membranes. $ote the neural folds, notochord, and foregut. %amine the

    germ layers and trace their continuities. The coelom is clearly apparent at this level of sectioning. The

    layer of mesoderm closest to the ectoderm is the somatic mesoderm and the layer of mesoderm closest

    to the endoderm is the splanchnic mesoderm. ne of the main differences in the developmental fates of

    these two layers of mesoderm is that the splanchnic mesoderm will form the heart, blood vessels, and

    part of the yol sac and allantois while the somatic mesoderm forms the dermis, musculature of the body

    wall, and part of the amnion and serosa.

  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


    24 jam

    Section 57 of 240 through anterior intestinal portalIn this section, note that the neural folds have come together to form the neural

    tube. This section is also at the level of the open foregut. $ote that the endoderm

    of the foregut is continuous with the rest of the endoderm. The opening of the

    closed foregut is called the anterior intestinal portal. %amine the thicened,

    splanchnic mesoderm on each side of the anterior intestinal portal. This region of

    thicened, splanchnic mesoderm is prospective cardiac mesoderm.

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    24 jam

    Section 61 of 240 through anterior intestinal portal

    In this more caudal section through the anterior intestinal portal, review the germlayers. $ote the mesenchyme on each side of the neural tube.

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    24 jam

    Section 71 of 240 through midgut

    The middle part of the gut that has the yol for the floor of its cavity is called themidgut. In the section, find the endoderm and the midgut. *eep in mind that the

    embryo was removed from the yol for fi%ation and sectioning. If the yol was

    present in the section it would fill the bottom part of the photograph.

  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


    24 jam

    Section 95 of 240 through somites

    In this section through a pair of somites, the neural folds have not yet closed together.The somites developed from dorsal mesoderm (+) and are located on each side of the

    neural folds and notochord. &ateral and adacent to the somites is a small region of

    mesoderm nown as the intermediate mesoderm (I). The intermediate mesoderm will

    develop into the idneys. &ateral to the intermediate mesoderm, is the lateral plate

    mesoderm (&) which will delaminate to form the somatic and splanchnic mesodermal


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  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi


  • 8/9/2019 7. Neurulasi
