6.20.6 20 minute presentation copy 2

Mission: to turn “I wish” into “I can.”

Upload: joell-dunlap

Post on 19-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Mission: to turn I wish into I can.

2. ...the problem with pounding a square peg into a round hole isnt that the hammering is hard work - its that youre destroying the peg. - Paul Collins 3. Were going to Square Peg because these horses need YOU. 4. Our horses are Square Pegs too! 5. 162,000 AMERICAN HORSES went to slaughter plants in Canada and Mexico in 2013 6. the Rogue 7. the Slacker 8. the Cripple 9. the Troublemaker 10. the Freak 11. Biggest group we serve is autism. 12. Autism literally means locked within the self. Isolated. CDC reports that 1 in 68 kids born today will be diagnosed on the autism spectrum. 13. The greatest poverty is not hunger, the greatest poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted.MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA 14. Always Assume Intelligence. 15. a great way to start Getting MOM on the horse 16. Celebrating the child. 17. having fun and making a difference in their community. 18. WSJ REPORTS 1 in 10 autistic adults finds a job 19. EveryONE Fits at Square Peg Ranch its not just a program, its a movement 20. www.EveryOneFits.org