6 things you need to set up your own subscription video store part 2

6 Things You Need to Set Up Your Own Subscription Video Store Part 2 by

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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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6 Things You Need to Set Up Your Own Subscription Video Store Part 2


Episode Information:

You are sold on the benefits of subscriptions and are ready to get started. You have tons of ideas on how to market them and what the plans will be called and everything. Then you realize that you don’t how to set them up. How do you charge people every month? Do you do it manually?

Episode TranscriptYou are sold on the benefits of subscriptions and are ready to get started. You have tons of ideas on how to market them and what the plans will be called and everything. Then you realize that you don’t how to set them up. How do you charge people every month? Do you do it manually? Can you store credit card information?

Today, we wanted to cover all of your technical questions around subscriptions. After the excitement for subscriptions settles down, most people realize that they don’t know how to set them up from a technical perspective. Let’s explore the six key things you need when setting up your store to sell subscriptions for video content.

4. Ability to Upgrade Customers to other Plans

Following up on our previous example, eventually you want to find a way to upgrade your customers to other plans. The most common example is going from a monthly fee to an annual fee.

This upgrade functionality is done by having different plans with different prices. It also involves a natural incentive to let people know that they should upgrade. The software should automatically let users know of upgrade options and how to upgrade.

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