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6. Parameter Es,ma,on ECE 302 Fall 2009 TR 3‐4:15pm Purdue University, School of ECE Prof. Ilya Pollak

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Measurement Inference

Unobserved parameter x, a nonrandom but unknown constant

Observation Y, a random variable

Given an observation Y=y, estimate x

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Measurement Inference

Unobserved parameter x, a nonrandom but unknown constant

E.g., •  the President’s approval rating

Observation Y, a random variable

Given an observation Y=y, estimate x

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Measurement Inference

Unobserved parameter x, a nonrandom but unknown constant

E.g., •  the President’s approval rating •  the number of tanks in enemy’s army

Observation Y, a random variable

Given an observation Y=y, estimate x

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Measurement Inference

Unobserved parameter x, a nonrandom but unknown constant

E.g., •  the President’s approval rating •  the number of tanks in enemy’s army •  the bias of a coin

Observation Y, a random variable

Given an observation Y=y, estimate x

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Measurement Inference

Unobserved parameter x, a nonrandom but unknown constant

E.g., •  the President’s approval rating •  the number of tanks in enemy’s army •  the bias of a coin

Observation Y, a random variable

E.g., •  people’s responses to poll quesions •  serial numbers of captured enemy tanks •  results of several flips of the coin

Given an observation Y=y, estimate x

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Measurement Inference

Unobserved parameter x, a nonrandom but unknown constant

E.g., •  the President’s approval rating •  the number of tanks in enemy’s army •  the bias of a coin

Observation Y, a random variable

E.g., •  people’s responses to poll quesions •  serial numbers of captured enemy tanks •  results of several flips of the coin

Given an observation Y=y, estimate x

In order to have any hope of reasonably estimating x from observing Y, the distribution of Y must depend on x.

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Measurement Inference

Unobserved parameter x, a nonrandom but unknown constant

E.g., •  the President’s approval rating •  the number of tanks in enemy’s army •  the bias of a coin

Observation Y, a random variable

E.g., •  people’s responses to poll quesions •  serial numbers of captured enemy tanks •  results of several flips of the coin

Given an observation Y=y, estimate x

In order to have any hope of reasonably estimating x from observing Y, the distribution of Y must depend on x. To emphasize this dependence, we will write: fY(y;x) or pY(y;x) Viewed as a function of x, fY(y;x) or pY(y;x) is called a likelihood function.

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Measurement Inference

Unobserved parameter x, a nonrandom but unknown constant

E.g., •  the President’s approval rating •  the number of tanks in enemy’s army •  the bias of a coin

Observation Y, a random variable

E.g., •  people’s responses to poll quesions •  serial numbers of captured enemy tanks •  results of several flips of the coin

Given an observation Y=y, estimate x

In order to have any hope of reasonably estimating x from observing Y, the distribution of Y must depend on x. To emphasize this dependence, we will write: fY(y;x) or pY(y;x) Viewed as a function of x, fY(y;x) or pY(y;x) is called a likelihood function.

E.g., •  Find the value x* of x, which maximizes the probability of the observation Y=y, i.e., the value x* that maximizes the likelihood function fY(y;x) or pY(y;x). This is called the maximum likelihood (ML) estimate.

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•  Typically,wewilles,mateaparameterxfromseveralobserva,onsY=(Y1,…,Yn).

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•  Typically,wewilles,mateaparameterxfromseveralobserva,onsY=(Y1,…,Yn).–  ORen,itisunrealis,ctoproduceausefules,matebasedonasingleobserva,on.

–  E.g.,youcannotreallyes,mateP(heads)foracoinbasedonasinglecointoss.

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•  Typically,wewilles,mateaparameterxfromseveralobserva,onsY=(Y1,…,Yn).–  ORen,itisunrealis,ctoproduceausefules,matebasedonasingleobserva,on.

–  E.g.,youcannotreallyes,mateP(heads)foracoinbasedonasinglecointoss.

Given observations Y = Y1,…,Yn( ), an estimator of x is a random variable

of the form X̂ = g(Y) for some function g.

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•  Typically,wewilles,mateaparameterxfromseveralobserva,onsY=(Y1,…,Yn).–  ORen,itisunrealis,ctoproduceausefules,matebasedonasingleobserva,on.

–  E.g.,youcannotreallyes,mateP(heads)foracoinbasedonasinglecointoss.

Given observations Y = Y1,…,Yn( ), an estimator of x is a random variable

of the form X̂ = g(Y) for some function g.

Note: the distribution of Y depends on x.Hence, the distribution of X̂ also depends on x.

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•  Typically,wewilles,mateaparameterxfromseveralobserva,onsY=(Y1,…,Yn).–  ORen,itisunrealis,ctoproduceausefules,matebasedonasingleobserva,on.

–  E.g.,youcannotreallyes,mateP(heads)foracoinbasedonasinglecointoss.

Given observations Y = Y1,…,Yn( ), an estimator of x is a random variable

of the form X̂ = g(Y) for some function g.

Note: the distribution of Y depends on x.Hence, the distribution of X̂ also depends on x.Sometimes, we will denote the estimator by X̂n , to emphasizethe role of the number of observations.

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Suppose we have an estimator X̂n of x based on the observations of Y = Y1,…,Yn( ).The mean Ex X̂n⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ and variance varx X̂n( ) both depend on x.

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Suppose we have an estimator X̂n of x based on the observations of Y = Y1,…,Yn( ).The mean Ex X̂n⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ and variance varx X̂n( ) both depend on x.

The estimation error, denoted Xn , is defined by Xn = X̂n − x

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Suppose we have an estimator X̂n of x based on the observations of Y = Y1,…,Yn( ).The mean Ex X̂n⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ and variance varx X̂n( ) both depend on x.

The estimation error, denoted Xn , is defined by Xn = X̂n − x

The bias of the estimator, denoted bx X̂n( ), is the expected value

of the estimation error: bx X̂n( ) = ExXn⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = Ex X̂n⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ − x

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Suppose we have an estimator X̂n of x based on the observations of Y = Y1,…,Yn( ).The mean Ex X̂n⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ and variance varx X̂n( ) both depend on x.

The estimation error, denoted Xn , is defined by Xn = X̂n − x

The bias of the estimator, denoted bx X̂n( ), is the expected value

of the estimation error: bx X̂n( ) = ExXn⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = Ex X̂n⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ − x

X̂n is unbiased if Ex X̂n⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = x, for every possible value of x.

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Suppose we have an estimator X̂n of x based on the observations of Y = Y1,…,Yn( ).The mean Ex X̂n⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ and variance varx X̂n( ) both depend on x.

The estimation error, denoted Xn , is defined by Xn = X̂n − x

The bias of the estimator, denoted bx X̂n( ), is the expected value

of the estimation error: bx X̂n( ) = ExXn⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = Ex X̂n⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ − x

X̂n is unbiased if Ex X̂n⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = x, for every possible value of x.

X̂n is asymptotically unbiased if limn→∞

Ex X̂n⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = x, for every possible value of x.

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X̂n is consistent if the sequence X̂n converges in probability to x,for every possible x

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X̂n is consistent if the sequence X̂n converges in probability to x,for every possible x :

limn→∞P X̂n − x ≥ ε( ) = 0,

for every ε > 0 and every possible x.

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ExXn2⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = Ex

Xn⎡⎣ ⎤⎦( )2 + varx Xn( )

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2⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = ExXn⎡⎣ ⎤⎦( )2

+ varx Xn( ) = b


2 X̂n( ) + varx X̂n − x( )

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2⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = ExXn⎡⎣ ⎤⎦( )2

+ varx Xn( ) = b


2 X̂n( ) + varx X̂n − x( ) = b


2 X̂n( ) + varx X̂n( )

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Maximumlikelihoodes,ma,on•  Unknownparameterx

•  Observa,onsY=(Y1,…,Yn)whosejointdistribu,ondependsonx:–  jointPMFpY(y;x)ifYisdiscrete;–  jointPDFfY(y;x)ifYiscon,nuous.

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Maximumlikelihoodes,ma,on•  Unknownparameterx

•  Observa,onsY=(Y1,…,Yn)whosejointdistribu,ondependsonx:–  jointPMFpY(y;x)ifYisdiscrete;–  jointPDFfY(y;x)ifYiscon,nuous.

•  Whenviewedasfunc,onsofx,pY(y;x)andfY(y;x)arecalledlikelihoodfunc1ons.

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Maximumlikelihoodes,ma,on•  Unknownparameterx

•  Observa,onsY=(Y1,…,Yn)whosejointdistribu,ondependsonx:–  jointPMFpY(y;x)ifYisdiscrete;–  jointPDFfY(y;x)ifYiscon,nuous.

•  Whenviewedasfunc,onsofx,pY(y;x)andfY(y;x)arecalledlikelihoodfunc1ons.

•  Themaximumlikelihoodes,mateofxbasedonanobserva,onyofY:

x̂n =argmax

xpY (y; x) if Y is discrete


fY (y; x) if Y is continuous



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•  BiasedcoinwithP(heads)=x.•  Y1,…,Yn=nindependenttossesofthecoin(Yi=1forheads,Yi=0fortails).

•  FindtheMLes,matorforx.

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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.•  BiasedcoinwithP(heads)=x.•  Y1,…,Yn=nindependenttossesofthecoin(Yi=1forheads,Yi=0fortails).

•  FindtheMLes,matorforx.

•  Letk=#headsinntosses.

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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.•  BiasedcoinwithP(heads)=x.•  Y1,…,Yn=nindependenttossesofthecoin(Yi=1forheads,Yi=0fortails).

•  FindtheMLes,matorforx.

•  Letk=#headsinntosses.Then

pY (y; x) = pYi (yi; x)i=1


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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.•  BiasedcoinwithP(heads)=x.•  Y1,…,Yn=nindependenttossesofthecoin(Yi=1forheads,Yi=0fortails).

•  FindtheMLes,matorforx.

•  Letk=#headsinntosses.Then

pY (y; x) = pYi (yi; x)i=1


∏ = xi:yi =1∏ (1− x)

i:yi =0∏

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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.•  BiasedcoinwithP(heads)=x.•  Y1,…,Yn=nindependenttossesofthecoin(Yi=1forheads,Yi=0fortails).

•  FindtheMLes,matorforx.

•  Letk=#headsinntosses.Then

pY (y; x) = pYi (yi; x)i=1


∏ = xi:yi =1∏ (1− x)

i:yi =0∏ = xk (1− x)n− k

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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.pY (y; x) = x

k (1− x)n− k

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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.pY (y; x) = x

k (1− x)n− k


ln pY (y; x) = k ln x + (n − k)ln(1− x)


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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.pY (y; x) = x

k (1− x)n− k


ln pY (y; x) = k ln x + (n − k)ln(1− x)


∂∂xln pY (y; x) =

kx−n − k1− x

=k − kx − nx + kx

x(1− x)=k − nxx(1− x)

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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.pY (y; x) = x

k (1− x)n− k


ln pY (y; x) = k ln x + (n − k)ln(1− x)


∂∂xln pY (y; x) =

kx−n − k1− x

=k − kx − nx + kx

x(1− x)=k − nxx(1− x)

x̂n =kn

, x̂n ≠ 0, x̂n ≠ 1

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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.pY (y; x) = x

k (1− x)n− k


ln pY (y; x) = k ln x + (n − k)ln(1− x)


∂∂xln pY (y; x) =

kx−n − k1− x

=k − kx − nx + kx

x(1− x)=k − nxx(1− x)

x̂n =kn

, x̂n ≠ 0, x̂n ≠ 1

I.e., this derivation will not work for k = 0 and k = n.

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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.pY (y; x) = x

k (1− x)n− k


ln pY (y; x) = k ln x + (n − k)ln(1− x)


∂∂xln pY (y; x) =

kx−n − k1− x

=k − kx − nx + kx

x(1− x)=k − nxx(1− x)

x̂n =kn

, x̂n ≠ 0, x̂n ≠ 1

I.e., this derivation will not work for k = 0 and k = n.


∂x2ln pY (y; x) = −


−n − k(1− x)2

< 0

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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.pY (y; x) = x

k (1− x)n− k

x̂n =kn

, unless k = 0 or k = n.

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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.pY (y; x) = x

k (1− x)n− k

x̂n =kn

, unless k = 0 or k = n.

If k = 0 then pY (y; x) = (1− x)n

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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.pY (y; x) = x

k (1− x)n− k

x̂n =kn

, unless k = 0 or k = n.

If k = 0 then pY (y; x) = (1− x)n which is maximized by x̂n = 0 =kn

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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.pY (y; x) = x

k (1− x)n− k

x̂n =kn

, unless k = 0 or k = n.

If k = 0 then pY (y; x) = (1− x)n which is maximized by x̂n = 0 =kn

If k = n then pY (y; x) = xn

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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.pY (y; x) = x

k (1− x)n− k

x̂n =kn

, unless k = 0 or k = n.

If k = 0 then pY (y; x) = (1− x)n which is maximized by x̂n = 0 =kn

If k = n then pY (y; x) = xn which is maximized by x̂n = 1 = kn

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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.pY (y; x) = x

k (1− x)n− k

x̂n =kn

, unless k = 0 or k = n.

If k = 0 then pY (y; x) = (1− x)n which is maximized by x̂n = 0 =kn

If k = n then pY (y; x) = xn which is maximized by x̂n = 1 = kn

Hence, the formula x̂n =kn

actually works for any k.

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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.pY (y; x) = x

k (1− x)n− k

x̂n =kn

, unless k = 0 or k = n.

If k = 0 then pY (y; x) = (1− x)n which is maximized by x̂n = 0 =kn

If k = n then pY (y; x) = xn which is maximized by x̂n = 1 = kn

Hence, the formula x̂n =kn

actually works for any k.

ML estimate: x̂n =kn=y1 +…+ yn


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Es,ma,ngthemeanofaBernoullir.v.pY (y; x) = x

k (1− x)n− k

x̂n =kn

, unless k = 0 or k = n.

If k = 0 then pY (y; x) = (1− x)n which is maximized by x̂n = 0 =kn

If k = n then pY (y; x) = xn which is maximized by x̂n = 1 = kn

Hence, the formula x̂n =kn

actually works for any k.

ML estimate: x̂n =kn=y1 +…+ yn


ML estimator: X̂n =Y1 +…+Yn


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ML estimator: X̂n =Y1 +…+Yn


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ML estimator: X̂n =Y1 +…+Yn


E X̂n⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ =E Y1[ ] +…+ E Yn[ ]

n= x, hence, this estimator is unbiased.

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ML estimator: X̂n =Y1 +…+Yn


E X̂n⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ =E Y1[ ] +…+ E Yn[ ]

n= x, hence, this estimator is unbiased.

By WLLN, X̂n → x in probability. Hence, this estimator is consistent.

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Germantankproblem•  TotalnGermantanks,numbered1,2,…,n.•  ThenumbernisunknowntotheAllies.

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Germantankproblem•  TotalnGermantanks,numbered1,2,…,n.•  ThenumbernisunknowntotheAllies.

•  Tankswithserialnumbersy1,…,ykhavebeencapturedorotherwiseobservedbytheAllies.

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Germantankproblem•  TotalnGermantanks,numbered1,2,…,n.•  ThenumbernisunknowntotheAllies.

•  Tankswithserialnumbersy1,…,ykhavebeencapturedorotherwiseobservedbytheAllies.

•  Objec,ve:basedonobservingy1,…,yk,es,maten.

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Germantankproblem•  TotalnGermantanks,numbered1,2,…,n.•  ThenumbernisunknowntotheAllies.

•  Tankswithserialnumbersy1,…,ykhavebeencapturedorotherwiseobservedbytheAllies.

•  Objec,ve:basedonobservingy1,…,yk,es,maten.

•  Model:y1,…,ykareobserva,onsofY1,…,Ykwhicharearandomcombina,onofknumbersfrom{1,2,…,n}.

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Germantankproblem•  TotalnGermantanks,numbered1,2,…,n.•  ThenumbernisunknowntotheAllies.

•  Tankswithserialnumbersy1,…,ykhavebeencapturedorotherwiseobservedbytheAllies.

•  Objec,ve:basedonobservingy1,…,yk,es,maten.

•  Model:y1,…,ykareobserva,onsofY1,…,Ykwhicharearandomcombina,onofknumbersfrom{1,2,…,n}.

•  Approach1:MLes,ma,on.

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There are nk



sets of k distinct numbers which are subsets of {1,2,…,n}.

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There are nk



sets of k distinct numbers which are subsets of {1,2,…,n}.

Assuming each is equally likely, pY (y;n) =




, if {y1,…, yk} ⊂ {1,2,…,n}

0, otherwise



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There are nk



sets of k distinct numbers which are subsets of {1,2,…,n}.

Assuming each is equally likely, pY (y;n) =




, if {y1,…, yk} ⊂ {1,2,…,n}

0, otherwise




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There are nk



sets of k distinct numbers which are subsets of {1,2,…,n}.

Assuming each is equally likely, pY (y;n) =




, if {y1,…, yk} ⊂ {1,2,…,n}

0, otherwise




As a function of n, pY (y;n) =




, if n ≥ mk

0, otherwise



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pY (y;n) =




, if n ≥ mk = max(y1,…yk )

0, otherwise



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pY (y;n) =




, if n ≥ mk = max(y1,…yk )

0, otherwise




pY (y;n)


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pY (y;n) =




, if n ≥ mk = max(y1,…yk )

0, otherwise




pY (y;n)


Hence, the ML estimate is n̂k = mk = max(y1,…, yk )

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IstheMLes,matorofnunbiased?ML estimator is Mk = max(Y1,…,Yk )

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IstheMLes,matorofnunbiased?ML estimator is Mk = max(Y1,…,Yk )

Tocomputethebias,wewill:• ComputetheCDFofMk

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IstheMLes,matorofnunbiased?ML estimator is Mk = max(Y1,…,Yk )

Tocomputethebias,wewill:• ComputetheCDFofMk• ComputethePMFofMk

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IstheMLes,matorofnunbiased?ML estimator is Mk = max(Y1,…,Yk )

Tocomputethebias,wewill:• ComputetheCDFofMk• ComputethePMFofMk• Computethebias,E[Mk]−n

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CDFoftheMLes,matorofnML estimator is Mk = max(Y1,…,Yk )

pY (y;n) =




, if {y1,…, yk} ⊂ {1,2,…,n}

0, otherwise



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CDFoftheMLes,matorofnML estimator is Mk = max(Y1,…,Yk )

pY (y;n) =




, if {y1,…, yk} ⊂ {1,2,…,n}

0, otherwise



FMk(r) = P Mk ≤ r( ) = P Y1 ≤ r,…,Yk ≤ r( )

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CDFoftheMLes,matorofnML estimator is Mk = max(Y1,…,Yk )

pY (y;n) =




, if {y1,…, yk} ⊂ {1,2,…,n}

0, otherwise



FMk(r) = P Mk ≤ r( ) = P Y1 ≤ r,…,Yk ≤ r( )




⋅ # subsets of {1,2,...,r} of size k[ ]

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CDFoftheMLes,matorofnML estimator is Mk = max(Y1,…,Yk )

pY (y;n) =




, if {y1,…, yk} ⊂ {1,2,…,n}

0, otherwise



FMk(r) = P Mk ≤ r( ) = P Y1 ≤ r,…,Yk ≤ r( )




⋅ # subsets of {1,2,...,r} of size k[ ] =0, if r ≤ k −1 ⎧



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CDFoftheMLes,matorofnML estimator is Mk = max(Y1,…,Yk )

pY (y;n) =




, if {y1,…, yk} ⊂ {1,2,…,n}

0, otherwise



FMk(r) = P Mk ≤ r( ) = P Y1 ≤ r,…,Yk ≤ r( )




⋅ # subsets of {1,2,...,r} of size k[ ] =

0, if r ≤ k −1







, if r = k,k +1,…,n



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CDFoftheMLes,matorofnML estimator is Mk = max(Y1,…,Yk )

pY (y;n) =




, if {y1,…, yk} ⊂ {1,2,…,n}

0, otherwise



FMk(r) = P Mk ≤ r( ) = P Y1 ≤ r,…,Yk ≤ r( )




⋅ # subsets of {1,2,...,r} of size k[ ] =

0, if r ≤ k −1







, if r = k,k +1,…,n

1, if r ≥ n



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FMk(r) = P Mk ≤ r( ) =

0, if r ≤ k −1







, if r = k,k +1,…,n

1, if r ≥ n



fMk(r) = P Mk = r( ) = P Mk ≤ r( ) − P Mk ≤ r −1( ) = FMk

(r) − FMk(r −1)

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FMk(r) = P Mk ≤ r( ) =

0, if r ≤ k −1







, if r = k,k +1,…,n

1, if r ≥ n



fMk(r) = P Mk = r( ) = P Mk ≤ r( ) − P Mk ≤ r −1( ) = FMk

(r) − FMk(r −1)

=0, if r ≤ k −1 and r ≥ n +1?, if r = k,k +1,…,n



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FMk(r) = P Mk ≤ r( ) =

0, if r ≤ k −1







, if r = k,k +1,…,n

1, if r ≥ n



fMk(r) = P Mk = r( ) = P Mk ≤ r( ) − P Mk ≤ r −1( ) = FMk

(r) − FMk(r −1)


0, if r ≤ k −1 and r ≥ n +1



⎞⎠⎟− r −1






, if r = k,k +1,…,n



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FMk(r) = P Mk ≤ r( ) =

0, if r ≤ k −1







, if r = k,k +1,…,n

1, if r ≥ n



fMk(r) = P Mk = r( ) = P Mk ≤ r( ) − P Mk ≤ r −1( ) = FMk

(r) − FMk(r −1)


0, if r ≤ k −1 and r ≥ n +1



⎞⎠⎟− r −1







r −1k −1






, if r = k,k +1,…,n



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fMk(r) =

0, if r ≤ k −1 and r ≥ n +1

r −1k −1






, if r = k,k +1,…,n



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fMk(r) =

0, if r ≤ k −1 and r ≥ n +1

r −1k −1






, if r = k,k +1,…,n



1 = fMk(r)

r= k


because fMk is a PMF

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fMk(r) =

0, if r ≤ k −1 and r ≥ n +1

r −1k −1






, if r = k,k +1,…,n



1 = fMk(r)

r= k


∑ =

r −1k −1






r= k


∑ =1nk



r −1k −1


⎞⎠⎟r= k


because fMk is a PMF

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fMk(r) =

0, if r ≤ k −1 and r ≥ n +1

r −1k −1






, if r = k,k +1,…,n



1 = fMk(r)

r= k


∑ =

r −1k −1






r= k


∑ =1nk



r −1k −1


⎞⎠⎟r= k


Therefore, r −1k −1


⎞⎠⎟r= k


∑ = nk



because fMk is a PMF

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Let r ' = r + d +1 and k ' = k + d +1. Then

r + dk + d


⎞⎠⎟r= k


∑ = r '−1k '−1


⎞⎠⎟r '= k '


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r −1k −1


⎞⎠⎟r= k


∑ = nk



Let r ' = r + d +1 and k ' = k + d +1. Then

r + dk + d


⎞⎠⎟r= k


∑ = r '−1k '−1


⎞⎠⎟r '= k '


∑ = n + d +1k '



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r −1k −1


⎞⎠⎟r= k


∑ = nk



Let r ' = r + d +1 and k ' = k + d +1. Then

r + dk + d


⎞⎠⎟r= k


∑ = r '−1k '−1


⎞⎠⎟r '= k '


∑ = n + d +1k '


⎞⎠⎟= n + d +1

k + d +1⎛⎝⎜


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r −1k −1


⎞⎠⎟r= k


∑ = nk



Let r ' = r + d +1 and k ' = k + d +1. Then

r + dk + d


⎞⎠⎟r= k


∑ = r '−1k '−1


⎞⎠⎟r '= k '


∑ = n + d +1k '


⎞⎠⎟= n + d +1

k + d +1⎛⎝⎜


r + dk + d


⎞⎠⎟r= k


∑ = n + d +1k + d +1



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fMk(r) =

0, if r ≤ k −1 and r ≥ n +1

r −1k −1






, if r = k,k +1,…,n



E Mk[ ] = r

r −1k −1






r= k


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fMk(r) =

0, if r ≤ k −1 and r ≥ n +1

r −1k −1






, if r = k,k +1,…,n



E Mk[ ] = r

r −1k −1






r= k


∑ =

r!(k −1)!(r − k)!




r= k


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fMk(r) =

0, if r ≤ k −1 and r ≥ n +1

r −1k −1






, if r = k,k +1,…,n



E Mk[ ] = r

r −1k −1






r= k


∑ =

r!(k −1)!(r − k)!




r= k



k ⋅ r!k!(r − k)!




r= k


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fMk(r) =

0, if r ≤ k −1 and r ≥ n +1

r −1k −1






, if r = k,k +1,…,n



E Mk[ ] = r

r −1k −1






r= k


∑ =

r!(k −1)!(r − k)!




r= k



k ⋅ r!k!(r − k)!




r= k


∑ =knk





⎞⎠⎟r= k


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E Mk[ ] = knk



n +1k +1


⎞⎠⎟=k ⋅ (n +1)!(k +1)!(n − k)!

n!k!(n − k)!

=k(n +1)!k!(k +1)!n!

=k(n +1)k +1

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ThebiasoftheMLes,matorofnb(Mk ) = E Mk[ ]− n = k(n +1)

k +1− n =

k − nk +1

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ThebiasoftheMLes,matorofnb(Mk ) = E Mk[ ]− n = k(n +1)

k +1− n =

k − nk +1


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ThebiasoftheMLes,matorofnb(Mk ) = E Mk[ ]− n = k(n +1)

k +1− n =

k − nk +1


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ThebiasoftheMLes,matorofnb(Mk ) = E Mk[ ]− n = k(n +1)

k +1− n =

k − nk +1


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ThebiasoftheMLes,matorofnb(Mk ) = E Mk[ ]− n = k(n +1)

k +1− n =

k − nk +1


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N̂k =k +1k

Mk −1

E Mk[ ] = k(n +1)k +1

b(Mk ) =k − nk +1

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N̂k =k +1k

Mk −1

E Mk[ ] = k(n +1)k +1

b(Mk ) =k − nk +1

E N̂k⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ =k +1k

E Mk[ ]−1 = k +1k

⋅k(n +1)k +1

−1 = n

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N̂k =k +1k

Mk −1

E Mk[ ] = k(n +1)k +1

b(Mk ) =k − nk +1

E N̂k⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ =k +1k

E Mk[ ]−1 = k +1k

⋅k(n +1)k +1

−1 = n

The estimator N̂k is therefore unbiased.

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References•  R.BugglesandH.Brodie.AnempiricalapproachtoeconomicintelligenceinWorldWarII.JournaloftheAmericanSta1s1calAssocia1on,42(237):72—91,March,1947.

•  Howasta,s,calformulawonthewar,TheGuardian,July20,2006,www.guardian.co.uk/world/2006/jul/20/secondworldwar.tvandradio

•  Sametechniquehasrecentlybeenappliedtoes,mateiPhoneproduc,onnumbers,see–  WhyiPhonesarejustlikeGermantanks,TheGuardian,Oct.2008,
