5-4 banked curves

Upload: rommel-blanco

Post on 12-Oct-2015




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  • Banked CurvesSection 5.4

  • 5.4 Banked CurvesWhen a car travels around an unbanked curve, static friction provides the centripetal force.

    By banking a curve, this reliance on friction can be eliminated for a given speed.

  • Derivation of Banked CurvesA car travels around a friction free banked curveNormal Force is perpendicular to roadx component (towards center of circle) gives centripetal force

    y component (up) cancels the weight of the car

  • Derivation of Banked CurvesDivide the x by the y


    Notice mass is not involved

  • ExampleYou are in charge of designing a highway cloverleaf exit ramp. What angle should you build it for speed of 35 mph and r = 100m?


  • Conceptual ProblemIn the Daytona International Speedway, the corner is banked at 31 and r = 316 m. What is the speed that this corner was designed for?v = 43 m/s = 96 mphCars go 195 mph around the curve. How?Friction provides the rest of the centripetal force

  • Practice ProblemsSee if you can speed your way around these!

    142 P20 22, 24

    Total of 4 problems

    Insert Figure 5.11Ask what happens when go to fast? (slide up and over top of curve)Ask what happens when go to slow? (slide down curve)35 mph = 15.6 m/sTan = v2/rg tan = (15.6 m/s)2/((100m)(9.8 m/s2)) tan = .2483 = 13.9 tan = v2/rg tan 31 = v2/(316m)(9.8m/s2) .6009(316m)(9.8m/s2) = v2 1861 (m/s)2 = v2 v = 43 m/s