3rd delegates booklet


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Post on 26-Mar-2016




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In this booklet you will find everything you should know before coming to Poland :) Please read it carefully.


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We are more than happy to host you in Poland soon! We are pretty sure you will spend a great time here, meeting fantastic people and enjoying our culture. We would like to make your memories from staying here even better, and we know, that for some of you our country differs a lot :-) So, to comfort you more, we prepared few practical advices how to survive in Poland, what to bring to parties and other important information. Enjoy!

#Yours, )) *"#+

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Basic Information About ,-%#./ Polish currency is Złoty. Remember not to change your money at the airport, the prices will be much more higher than in the other exchanges in Warsaw.

Prices in Poland are quite low, comparing to most of the other European countries. 1USD is around 3,04ZŁ, 1EUR is around 4,20zł

In Poland we have electrical sockets type E and sometimes F

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It’s not recommended to drink tap water, better use one from a bottle.

having ISIC or Euro26 card will give you lots of bargains in public places, so if you have one, take it with you. ISIC card allows you to buy student tickets for public transport in Poland, while normally you can’t do it without it.

You never know, what weather you should expect in Poland, especially in April. So to make sure you won’t get cold or it won’t be too warm-take such various clothes with you like a normal t-shirts, and a warm jacket. You can check the weather in Poland few days before your coming here, so you will not be surprised. The expected temperature for EuroXpro 2014 is between 8*C and 15*C might be rainy. Though we “ordered” sun, so hope it will be sunny ^^

Basic Information About ,-%#./

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talking about clothes, remember to take party ones! We are going to have different themes of party every night, so you’d better consider it!

if you ever get lost, just go to http://warszawa.jakdojade.pl/?locale=en, write down the place where you are staying, and your destination, then just check how you can get there. There’s also mobile application of this site, so you will never get lost here if you download it.

remember to take copy of your passport when traveling around-foreigners always need to have it.

Basic Information About ,-%#./

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in Poland you are not allowed to smoke or drink in public places. (You can drink only in pubs and clubs / at home. When it comes to smoking – avoid busstops etc.)

in Poland train types are known as PKP. If you want to travel in the cheapest way-take PKP TLK, the average price of traveling is taking PKP InterRegio, and PKP Intercity is the most expensive, but the most comfortable as well.

if you want to travel to Warsaw by bus from the other polish city, check this quite cheap and comfy company: http://www.polskibus.com/en

Basic Information About ,-%#./

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Get to know ,-%0(1 language You can talk in English with almost everyone in Poland, but there are some polish words you just need to know when

coming here. You can paste it in translate.google.com to hear how to pronounce it.

Dzień dobry! Good morning!

Do widzenia! Goodbye!

Cześć! Hi!

Siema! What’s up!

Przepraszam Excuse me/sorry

Dziekuję Thank you

Nie mówię po polsku I don’t speak polish

Kocham CC Team I love CC team

Poproszę jedno piwo. One beer, please.

Jesteś śliczna You are beautiful

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Join us on April 4th at 11:30AM at Copernicus Science Center.  We would like to officially open EuroXpro 2014 and discuss the future of Generation Y. We have some special guests for you that are already shaping their future. Let us learn together from the best. (By the way, Copernicus Science Center a great place to visit on your next trip to Warsaw http://www.kopernik.org.pl/en/).


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5%-6#% 70%%#&" April 4th at 05:30PM in University of Warsaw Library.

  We have decided that  not only the delegates of EuroXpro

2014 but also students from all over Warsaw should have a chance to get to know your culture. During the Global Village you (as a country) will get your own space to represent your country.

Everybody likes local cuisine so we highly recommend bringing some of your yummy-yummy food. Please, make sure not to bring alcohol as Global Village during Day 0 is an open event.

Please prepare something (not a roll call) to perform in 2 minutes to present your country during the Global Village. Please consider that the event is going to be held in a public library and loud music and shouting are not allowed. Dances or singing are more than welcome though.


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,-%0(1 80&1'  We would like to show you a little bit of Polish culture and make sure that you get a taste of the famous Polish cuisine :)

Please dress formal for this event.


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5%-6#% 70%%#&" This is the event that everybody is always looking forward to :) This is the time to celebrate local drinking traditions and to present the alcohol from your country.  


Each country will have space dedicated to creating your “corner” :) Bring your finest alcohol and let us make sure that this party becomes unforgettable!


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Stereotypes    Party

Take a look at your country as it would be seen by people from abroad. Can you think of something funny or special? Certainly, each one of us has heard of stereotypes that others have about our countries. It's a great opportunity to think about the cultural stereotypes and have fun.   


What to wear to the “Stereotypes” party? anything that makes you says "only in (add the name of your country)”

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“Beauty and Geek” party


If you're handsome young man – put on your nerdiest pair of glasses, a shirt that doesn't require ironing and a pair of pants a little too short. Remember: the geekier-the better! (Beauty and the geek) .  Just remember, you better find a good "Second half" if

you wanna be the dream couple of the night :-)

If you're a beautiful lady - put on your

best dress, finest jewelry and the most

exquisite make up. Just come and be

beautiful! We know you can make those

ladies on the red carpet jealous! 


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Stifler’s American House Party

We hope you've got your invitation to the Stifler's party! Punch, drinking games, boat race and the best traditions of an American house party. Feel invited and look cool if you wanna be let into the party :-)   What to wear to the “Stifler’s Party”? comfy and get silly. This party is all about having a good time, socializing and having an amazing time together


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WTF?! party

Not sure what to

wear? Neither are we :-) The less sense

your outfit makes, the better.

Remember though, anything but


Your goal is to walk into the party and make someone

say “What the F*&#?!?"


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In case of 9+"$&".:4… Poland is a safe place, though you should always mind to take care of your personal belongings! Please mind your wallets, especially when using overcrowded public transportation. All travel information is provided in separate booklet. Please download it on your phones

9+"$&".:4 31-."( in Poland: 112 – emergency number | 997 – alternative police number | 999 – alternative

ambulance number

If your luggage is missing at the airport, please leave the address of the hotel, we’re staying in: Hotel Boss, Żwanowiecka 20, Warszawa, tel: 22 516 61 00 (we are staying there from 4th evening til 10th afternoon. In any other case, please give the details of your pre/post accommodation)  

You get lost in Warsaw: People in Poland are really helpful. Just need to ask them politely. Please ALWAYS carry a piece of paper with the hostel/hotel name and address and emergency phone numbers, so you can ask someone for help.

In each hostel there is a possibility to get a map of the city center. Please ask the person in the counter, so they show you on the map, where is the hostel and some characteristic place near, thus if you get lost, you can show on the map, where you need to get to and a helpful person will help you.  

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Emergency contact for urgent situations in Warsaw

(you get lost and no one around speaks English, you got stolen, you broke your

leg and was driven to the hospital):

9+".$".:4 Contact

Ida Wrona, CCVP Delegates Service:

[email protected] +48 722 730 392

Martyna Hrankowska, CCP: +48 722 730 390

Joanna Chodorska, Logistics:

+48 722 730 393 (contact from 1.04.2014 10:00)

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;"+-$#60%0# During the conference you will be able to buy

official #EuroXpro2014 gadgets in our amazing CC Shop :-) If you wish to book some particular memorabilia, please follow the link below.  


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Contact Us

[email protected] www.euroxpro2014.com/contact facebook.com/euroxpro2014

Before you send us a question please check FAQ section on our webpage:


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am Looking forward to see >-=!