32 inductive instrument transformers modelling in pscad

  Specialkursus JH/IAA - 2009-08-04 Title: Inductive instrument transformers modelling in PSCAD Description: The objective of this project is to simulate current transformers and voltage transformers in PSCAD. The current and voltage transformer will be modelled using standard models in PSCAD like JA or Lucas, with the available information from a real protection system. The main idea here is to use limited real data from a commercial voltage and current transformer and verify the capabilities of the protection system regarding current, voltage and frequency limitations. This project is in cooperation with DONG Energy; hence a contact person from DONG will participate in meetings and assist with suggestions and data throughout the project. The first part of the project is to make literature study on: -voltage transformers -current transformers -available models in PSCAD since previous work has been done to incorporate different components in electromagnetic transient simulations, however no standard procedure is been used in the industry to validate the behaviour and capabilities of this instrument transformers. The second part of the project is to test in lab conditions the capabilities of one current transformer and one voltage transformer, in order to measure the current, voltage and frequency limitations. Depending on the results from the previous parts, the third part of the project would be to create a digital model of certain protection systems in PSCAD, using the available information. References: [1] Cosse, R.E.; Dunn, D.G. ; Spiewak, R.M.; Bowen, J.E.:” CT saturation calculations - are they applicable in the modern world? - Part III, low-ratio, high- current CT/microprocessor relay comparisons at a high-current testing laboratory”, 2008. [2] Cosse, R. E.; Dunn, D. G. ; Spiewak, R. M. : ” CT Saturation Calculations: Are They Applicable in the Modern World?—Part I: The Question”, 2007. [3] Cosse, R.E.; Dunn, D.G. ; Spiewak, R.M.; Zocholl, S.E. ; Hazel, T.; Rollay, D.T.: ” CT Saturation Calculations - Are they Applicable in the Modern World? - Part II, Proposed Responsibilities”, 2007. [4] Wang, Chun; Crossley, Peter A.; Parker, Adrian D.: ” Design and evaluation of an EMTDC digital current transformer model”, 2000.

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