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All the latest news on transforming your life. Free content from our top speakers.









STAY CONNECTED You’ve been doing a lot of listening, Now it’s our turn. Got 3 minutes?


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Welcome to National Achievers Congress | 2019



STEVEN SITKOWSKI CEO of Pro Trader Institute,

Author, Certified Financial Planner

KEVIN O’LEARY Businessman, Investor, and

Television Personality

WAYNE GRAY Speaker and Real Estate

Investment Expert


America’s #1 Real Estate Expert, NY Times Best-Selling Author

JOSEPH MCCLENDON The most sought after Ultimate

Performace Specialist

LOREN LAHAV Momtrepreneur, Healthy Living

Hottie, Goddess of GOYA, Speaker, Coach, and Author

GARY VAYNERCHUK CEO of VaynerMedia, Entrepreneur and Investor

Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and the Chairman of VaynerX, a modern day communications parent company, as well as the CEO and Co-Founder of VaynerMedia, a full-service digital agency servicing Fortune 500 clients across the company’s 4 locations.

TONY ROBBINS #1 Business and Life Strategist

Tony Robbins is an entrepreneur, #1 NY Times bestselling author, philanthropist, and the nation’s #1 life and business strategist. For more than 4 decades, more than 50 million people have enjoyed the warmth, humor, and transformational power of his business and personal development events.

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Table of Contents | 2019


Events, Seminars, Courses, Camps


and Coaching

10 Wayne Gray Real Estate

Terms and Conditions


16 Millionaire Mind Intensive

04Lessons I Learned from Tony Robbins



Loren Lahav Personal-Development 06


Joseph McClendon Achievement 07

7 Habits of the Highly Successful

Your Simple MorningRoutine For Success

09 Dean Graziosi Real Estate

Steven Sitkowski Stocks

23 Gary Vaynerchuk Business

26 Tony Robbins Psychology

Kevin O’Leary Wealth

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National Achievers Congress | 2019


Dear National Achiever,

I acknowledge you as a visionary, a seeker, someone who never stops learning, and an achiever in all aspects of your life. Our mission at Success Resources America is to support you and your endeavors through education, personal development, and a vast network of professional resources.

Real success can be defined as “living life to the fullest, on your terms.”

By attending this event you will achieve success, because you will come to believe you can achieve it - and we will be here every step of the way to support you. You have made the conscious decision to make a change in your life - to find new ways of thinking and new ways of doing. Here, re-energized levels of passion, social conscience, and innovation are all seasoned throughout a re-envisioned model for your success.

They will share their stories, their passion, and their keys to success. With this in mind, I’m proud to invite our world-renowned keynote speaker, Tony Robbins to the National Achievers Congress stage. As the #1 business and life strategist, Tony’s accolades are too many to mention here. What I want you to take away from today, however, is that Tony has dedicated himself to helping others embark on a journey to transform their lives, and that is why you are here!

In this massive one-day program you will also experience philosophies of entrepreneurship, investing, and self-motivation that will help you realize that there is more to life than simply escaping the ‘9 to 5’, and becoming your own boss. Today you will begin to acquire the tools to help you forge ahead on your own, diverse path to personal success.

GET READY to step into rare company – and enjoy yourself!

To your best,

Michael Burnett, CEO

Success Resources America

Join in the conversation with a post or tweet: #NACTOUR @SRASuccess and @SuccessResourcesUS


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If you’re hungry for success, practice these 7 key habits daily:

1. Mind the metrics – they matter Real success can only come when you know exactly what you are trying to achieve and how to measure if you are getting closer or further from your goal. Just as Robbins uses metrics in his own endeavors and with every new coaching client he takes on, you must use metrics to ensure you (your client or your customer) are making real progress.

Using metrics for Success Resources live events has been crucial to filling seats consistently. We had hit some bumps a few years back in attendance of one of our live events and we couldn’t pinpoint exactly what was causing the decline. When we set up clear goals and used metrics to measure if we were getting closer to the goal we set, we could see which efforts were working which were not. This made it easier to change our strategy to ensure success. Metrics matter and when you hit a bump in the road, they can determine whether your efforts are dipping you deeper or allowing you to rise above.

Whether the goal is investing money, reaching a specific customer-related milestone, or improving your health, determining how you will measure your results is imperative in knowing what efforts are paying off and what efforts are simply not

working. Metrics matter so determine how you’ll measure your results.

2. Always deliver maximum value in everything you doIn an interview with Eric Schurenberg, Inc.’s editor in chief, Robbins says, “If you want to be incredibly successful, give more than you get.” But the value of what you give is as important, if not more so, than how much you give. When Schurenberg asked Robbins for his tips on how to command a room full of people, Robbins politely made it clear that this was the wrong question, and offered how he approaches every speaking opportunity - if your focus is on commanding a room full of people, you’ll never be able to do it. If your focus is on delivering to every member of your audience what he or she really needs, then you’ll command everyone’s attention. Notice the shift in focus went from what value Tony could get (commanding a room) to what really matters (what each audience members really needs).

Our mission at Success Resources is simple – to be the leader in providing exceptional live events, transformational courses and programs and empowering each and every person we encounter. To do this, our team focuses on delivering the absolute best strategies, tools and resources in business growth, wealth management, investing and personal achievement at all times. We know that everything we do is a reflection of who we are – and we take this seriously. We cannot help others become their best if every member of our team is not motivated to become their best.

To stay relevant in business today, there is no way to reach a high level of success unless your focus is on offering real, meaningful value to each and every person you encounter in person and online. The simple question to ask is what does each client/customer/audience member really need? That is how you deliver maximum value every time.

3. Systematize itWhen you systematize your processes, you maximize your time and your efforts so you can work on your business instead of in your business. Solving problems through an effective system-oriented approach is essential for business and revenue growth.

Lessons I Learned from TONY ROBBINS:7 Habits of the Highly Successful By Michael Burnett, CEO Success Resources America

If you’ve experienced Tony Robbins live, you already know the long-term positive effect he can have on you in just one encounter. His charisma and inspiring words set aflame by his commanding presence are truly infectious. He makes people feel in their very essence that anything they want to achieve is not only possible, but also likely. But, it’s not Robbins’ charisma or infomercial-driven speaking style that created the fame, wealth and influence he enjoys today. Nor are any of these qualities why he remains relevant nearly thirty years after he began his career. In truth, Robbins’ continued prominence and success, like other well-known influencers, is due to some very unpopular and workmanlike habits that he continues to follow year after year, day after day. These habits have nothing to do with charisma and everything to do with what it really takes to succeed in business, in achieving wealth and in reaching personal goals. As the CEO of Success Resources, I can attest to the validity of Tony Robbins’ habits in reaching a high level of success. I’ve not only learned from Robbins but incorporated these habits in my professional and personal life with great rewards. Here’s why this matters to you – these habits can be learned and practiced to achieve your highest personal and professional goals, just as they have worked for myself and many other successful business owners. 4

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We saw the value of systems at Success Resources only after we created them. What we learned is the systems we put in place actually created space for our team to come up with creative products and events that supported the specific and real needs of our clients. Had we not taken this step and systematized certain processes, we may have lost several opportunities to become better and more efficient at what we do.

Systems allow you to put on autopilot those processes that consume precious time and energy and absorb revenue that may be more effectively used to generate a higher rate of return. If you find yourself or your team doing the same tasks over and over again, there’s a very good chance your business is in need of systems.

4. Work really, really hardWorking hard alone will not necessarily ensure you’ll reach the same level of success Robbins has achieved, but this one habit used consistently will absolutely get you closer. According to a recent interview in Inc., Robbins spends 200 days a year on the road, coaching, doing interviews, conducting workshops and delivering speeches. This relentless schedule and Robbins willingness to deliver maximum value to everyone he encounters explains the level of success he’s achieved thus far.

But, let’s take this habit one step further. If you work really, really hard while also incorporating proven strategies and tested methods of other successful business owners and entrepreneurs, you’ll get even closer to reaching a high level of success. Working hard alone is not enough – you have to be smart about the hours you put in to ensure they equal real results (which you’ll know by using metrics).

If you are a business owner, the best way to encourage hard work is by offering training and support to each of your employees so the hours they put in produce positive results. Our Success Resources team members have at their disposal what they need to achieve the goals we set as a company. This ensures every member has the tools to not only work harder, but smarter.

Working harder than those around you and learning from those who have already achieved the level of success you want can give you a tremendous competitive edge in any industry or field. Mediocrity will deliver mediocre results. There is simply no substitute for working really, really hard.

5. Take very good care of yourselfIn order to work really, really hard, you must take care of your body. Robbins takes his self-care seriously and follows a rigorous exercise regimen because he knows how you feel physically drives your mental attitude and affects how you make decisions. You cannot deliver maximum value, work hard and make good decisions without caring for the very vessel that carries you through life. If you’re running on empty, you won’t be able to deliver anything of value to someone else.

If you don’t already have a self-care regimen, and you aren’t achieving the level of success you want, start a regimen immediately. Here’s the regimen I follow so I can perform at an optimal level every day. Simply take a few minutes each morning to set your intention for the day. The intention can be as simple as completing an important task or implementing a new behavior. Eat healthy foods that stimulate the body and the brain. To fuel your business, you must fuel your body. Schedule short blocks of time each day (5-10 minutes) and do jumping jacks, burpees or any other cardio exercise that gets your heart rate up. Mentally review your day right before going to sleep and make a note of opportunities, people or little daily delights that you are grateful to have experienced. This keeps you in a positive state of mind and life in perspective.

Why start your self-care regimen immediately? You will find it draining and depleting to give to others if you cannot first give to yourself. And

if you think taking care of your body isn’t directly related to your level of success, take a few minutes and look up the top 10 most successful people you can think of and pay close attention to how they schedule their days. I’d bet they set aside time each day to take care of themselves.

6. Never stop learningIt’s simple really. The more you learn, the better you’ll do in whatever you seek to achieve. There are several ways to gain skills, knowledge, and strategies that foster growth and measureable success. Reading is one of Robbins’ preferred methods and he commits to reading as much and as often as he can. His primary goal is to learn how to become better at what he does.

Spending time with mentors and high achievers is another great way to learn and become better at what you do. Having the privilege of being surrounded by high level achievers, I’ve not only learned what to do to reach my professional goals, but more importantly, how to avoid costly mistakes. These achievers have already paved a well-travelled path to success so it makes sense to learn from them.

Attending live events and workshops can help you hone your skills in business, in wealth management, in investing and in developing personally and also offers the additional benefit of connecting with high level achievers like Tony Robbins. Networking with people who you can support and who can support you is also a highly advantageous outcome when attending a live event.

The bottom line is those who achieve success never stop learning. They stay hungry to learn more, to be better at what they do, and to do what they do more efficiently. What do you need to learn to be better at what you do?

7. Stay hungryRobbins maintains these habits because he’s never satiated in his quest to learn. His mind stays always hungry for more. In fact, this hunger is not reserved for him alone, but seems to be the common mindset among highly successful people. He recently told Fortune, “I’ve had the privilege to be around some of the most successful people on the face of the earth, the best in the world at what they do. The one common denominator is hunger.”

At Success Resources, we have our own insatiable hunger. This hunger resides in our passion in hosting exceptional live events, providing transformational courses and products and empowering people to become their best in all they do. This hunger keeps us up at night and doesn’t dissipate with each milestone we reach – it only encourages us to be better and more efficient at what we do.

When you find something you are so passionate about that nothing quenches your desire to learn, do or be more than you are, you’ll have the foundational element for achieving real success. If you incorporate all 7 of these habits consistently, just as I and many other successful people have, there is no goal, professional or personal, you will be unable to achieve.


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National Achievers Congress | 2019


Personal-DevelopmentLOREN LAHAV

Momtrepreneur, Healthy Living Hottie, Goddess of GOYA, Speaker, Coach, and Author

Loren Lahav is a dynamic trendshaper who is unwavering in her resolve to Stay True to how she chooses to live her life and leave her imprint on others. By daring to look herself in the eye, call herself out if necessary and make course corrections, she is one of the few who actually fulfills dreams for herself and for others. She doesn’t just reach for them... she goes after them with unflappable determination! She calls it GOYA. Translation: Get Off Your Ass!

Needless to say, she is consistently switched on, especially when it comes to delivering her message to others from the front of the room, no matter the size of the audience. Classy, brassy and poised, Loren has shared the stage with notable and celebrated luminaries such as Barbara Walters, Tony Robbins, Gary Vaynerchuk, Mike Rowe, Kevin O’Leary, Barbara Corcoran, Erin Brockovich, Campbell Brown, Robert Herjavec, Bear Grylls and Jean Chatsky. Loren’s leadership and business triumphs are a testament to her obsession with creating value. She has built explosive teams in 25 countries. She is a real estate investor and property owner throughout the United States. Her ability to lead teams and her busy savvy have brought her to deliver her message to companies such as LIFEAID, Zappo’s, Lululemon, Four Seasons Hotels, Success Resources, Tony Robbins Companies, NMP and Hilton Grand Vacations.

Loren has been a keynote speaker for such signature events as: National Achievers Congress, The Power of Women, Most Powerful Women, Amazing Women’s Day and Go Pro Recruiting Mastery. She has also facilitated 175 Life Mastery Events, a 5-day intensive, for the Tony Robbins Companies

Loren has also been featured in multiple publications and talk shows, including: Success Magazine, Ladies Home Journal, Women’s Day, Luxury Las Vegas, Fox News “The Strategy Room,” Oprah Radio, Voice America, Unapologetically Authentic, many a.m. talk shows and dozens of podcasts. She also produces her own signature events: Badass and Beautiful, Unapologetically Authentic, True Health Cleanse which take people through processes of transformation in multiple areas of their lives. Loren is the author of three books, sharing her wisdom to help people heal, get inspired and live their best life: The Greatest Love: Being an Extraordinary Mom, Drama-Free Divorce Detox, and Life Tuneups, which was featured in People Magazine as one of the “Top 3 Books of 2010.” She also co-authored Chicken Soup forthe Soul: Time to Thrive. Soon to be released is The Courage to Raise a Gentleman. Her books have been distributed worldwide and have been translated into three languages.


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National Achievers Congress | 2019



The Most Sought After Ultimate Performance Specialist in the Industry

Joseph McClendon lll‘s unique brand of “Tell, Show, Do” teaching and coaching creates rapid personal change that effectively moves people to take more consistent action and go “Further Faster” with their personal and business achievements.

He holds several certifications in the neurosciences arena, teaching at USC for seven years, is frequently called upon to lecture at other higher learning institutions, like Harvard University, and several fortune 500 hundred companies. Joseph has performed hundreds of workshops, coaching sessions, seminars and training programs, one-on-one therapeutic interventions, as well has presented to over 3 million people globally.

In 1986, Joseph met and teamed up with best-selling author and speaker Tony Robbins, shared his stage for two decades, and published two best-selling books. Joseph is a philanthropist whose most recent project is developing a program with Forest Whitaker and the United Nations to bring a psychology shift in the child soldiers and forgotten battle babies of war torn countries around the world.


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National Achievers Congress | 2019



Adding just a few minutes of calm, quiet, You-Time can set your day right, help you focus, and push you toward reaching your goals easier. Taking a few moments throughout the day to collect yourself, breathe, and move-freely doesn’t have to be complicated or intimidating.

The idea is to slow down and give your mind and body a moment to come together. There isn’t a correct way to do this, you can’t do it wrong, and you can only benefit from trying. Here are a few short exercises that you can try, even while traveling, to get some quality You-Time into each day.

10-Minute Morning Visualization

Visualizing is like meditating. The goal is to get yourself physically relaxed so you can visualize a goal and walk through attaining that goal. The goal can be something like maintaining a special diet you are on - or choosing to be ‘present’ and in-the-moment - or being mindful in your actions and words.

Maybe you are wanting a new job, looking to increase your income, are wondering if you should start your own business, or are faced with investment decisions. These types of things can be daunting when you are already overwhelmed with day-to-day tasks. The practice of visualization can help you clear the noise and help you focus on your desires until you actualize them. That’s right… visualize your goals into reality. Are you ready?

1 Find a comfortable, quiet spot. This can be in bed when you first wake up in the morning, lying flat and at ease. You can also rest your body in a chair, on the floor, or even in your car–while it’s parked of course.

2 Close your eyes.

3 Focus on clearing your mind. Maybe you do this by visualizing darkness. Maybe you see white, or light. Whatever symbolizes a clear mind to you, visualize it.

4 Now focus on breathing. Relaxed body, cleared mind, strong breath. Breathe deeply in through your nose, and slowly out through your mouth. Don’t be in a hurry. Imagine all the noise from the day being swept up in the breath you breathe in–all the commotion swirling around like leaves in the wind. And just as they are swept up…. Just as quickly they are swept away–out your mouth as you breath out. Do this several times.

5 Now that you are fully relaxed, your mind is clear, and you have pushed out the commotion you are ready to visualize your goals. Don’t let them all flood in at once. Select just one goal, or one action, that you would like to work on actualizing. Focused on that one goal, visualize yourself preparing to achieve this goal. What are the steps you need to get there?

a. For example: my goal is eating the right foods for my body today. I am visualizing the items that will help me start my day right. Not too much sugar or empty carbs. I will thrive on a nice balanced start to my day consisting of a banana, two eggs, and fresh juiced greens. In my mind I am making a conscious choice to eat right. I am deciding what that looks like by visualizing it, and this will help me actualize it.

6 How does this make you feel? Before visualization, thinking about your goal might give you anxiety, or stress you out. The choices may seem overwhelming, and once you are faced with the moment you feel indecisive and paralyzed to move. After visualization, you should feel more confident, collected, and less stressed in actualizing your goals.

7 Follow the steps of selecting one goal, focusing on the steps to achieving that one goal, and how it feels to accomplish it.

8 With your new feeling of accomplishment return your focus back to your breath. Relaxed body, strong breath. Breathe deeply in through your nose, and slowly out through your mouth. Don’t be in a hurry. Feel your body strengthen with each breath. You feel energized and inspired.

9 Clear your mind once again and rest in your quiet space.

10 Open your eyes and be ready to achieve the day!

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National Achievers Congress | 2019



Your FREE Book For Attending“Learn The 36 Habits That Made Dean Graziosi a Millionaire In His 20’s”A Message From Dean Graziosi:“...After I learned these simple little habits, and implemented them in my life everything changed - and faster than I could have possibly imagined.

I went from being dead broke, living in a bathroom to generating hundreds of millions of dollars, and becoming a multiple New York Times Best-Selling Author.

All because of these 36 simple habits...

Do you wan to know what they are?

Well, I reveal ALL of them in my new book Millionaire Success Habits. I’m giving away the hardcover copy for FREE.

Go to www.DeansBonus.com This is just to say thank you for attending the National Achievers Congress. So hurry and claim your copy because it already has your name on it (we just need to know where to ship it).

Whether you’re looking to write a New York Times best-selling book like I did in my late 20’s...

Whether you’re trying to scale your business “10x” and need the daily habits to get there...

Or even if you just need to take your health and relationships to that next level…

Then this is the book for you, and like I said…


Hurry and claim your copy along with hundreds of dollars in free bonuses including an exclusive training with my good friend Tony Robbins on how to flip the switch and finally have unstoppable confidence.

Here’s the link again: www.DeansBonus.com

With love, Dean


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National Achievers Congress | 2019

Total Customer Satisfaction Surveys | 105,815 Surveyed • Average Rating | 4.78 out of 5 StarsWould you recommend this training to others? | 97% said Yes • Did the workshop fulfill or exceed your expectations? | 93% said Yes



Wayne graduated from Liberty University with a Bach elor’s of Science degree in Theatre arts. Upon graduat ing, he took his talents to the Kenne dy Center, in Washington D.C. where he performed for the next 5 years.

After his Theatre career was finished, Wayne then followed more of his passions in public speaking and investing. He has been investing for nearly 14 years, seeing many positive results.

After speaking and investing in California, Wayne then moved back to his hometown of Jacksonville, Florida. This is where he currently resides with his wife Katie and their four children.

Wayne is a strong believer in building a diversified portfolio. As a leading educator in the different real estate assets, he will explain what options are available to you.

How to build wealth from the greatest real estate market in the USA for the last 90 years! Over the past 5 years, we have taught thousands of regular people how to apply our education and strategies about real estate investing. The results have been exciting. In this training, we will show you how others just like you are succeeding today in real estate. You will discover:

Profit in All Market Conditions As the overall economy continues to get stronger, your options for gaining profitable investment properties grows with it.

Versatile Investment We believe there isn’t any better investment than real estate, and it even creates it’s own collateral for better financing options.

Multiple Ways to Profit With real estate you enjoy the ability to create profit quickly, generate regular cash flow, and magnify your overalI wealth.

Our 100% Commitment to You Your success is our number one goal. We have developed training, support, and a variety of other resources to help you reach your goals. We give you our experience and expertise on a silver platter to speed you along.



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National Achievers Congress | 2019


PROSPER LIVE REAL ESTATE WORKSHOP PACKAGE Take your financial future in your own hands and learn how to build profit through the Prosper Live Real Estate Workshop. Let us help you start or add to your current real estate portfolio in the best way possible.

We have a team of experienced trainers who work with a select group of students to teach them how to maximize these strategies and cut the learning curve. These trainers are providing one-on-one training and resources to help ensure that every deal has the potential to be a winner, no matter what the market is doing.

In this power-packed 3-day workshop you will learn:• Getting your first deal done in 100 days• Finding properties not found on MLS• How to find an owner• Quick sales• To build a power team and why that’s important• How to analyze a dealRunning numbers

Proven StrategiesWe are constantly working with our trainers to fine-tune this training program to give you the best possible results in the shortest possible time. We’ve shown hundreds of people around the U.S. how to unlock incredible real estate success in their neighborhoods and gain real success for their family. The education works, and it can work for you.

Prosper Live Real Estate Workshop Package includes: • 3-day workshop • Deal Desk Core membership (access for 1 year) • Access to funding through our strategic partners (available upon completion of program)

As your real estate training company, we are committed to helping you with your goals. We will get to know you, understand your needs and help you develop tangible goals, provide you with the tools and information to reach those goals, and offer you the training you need to succeed. You are our top priority and we want to ensure you have a foundation in place to meet your goals long-term.

CUSTOMER SERVICE: 877-542-1685 | EMAIL: [email protected] | https://response.com/

©Prosper Live, 380 S. Technology Ct., Ste. 100, Lindon, UT 84042. Marketing, education, and fulfillment provided by Response.

• How to use transactional funding• To build a cash buyers list• Residual money strategies, and quick cash strategies• Asset protection

• Customer support (access for 1 year)• Tuition reimbursement• Seat for a FREE guest


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National Achievers Congress | 2019



Business, Investor, and Television Personality

Kevin O’Leary’s success story starts where most entrepreneurs begin: with a big idea and zero cash. Kevin O’Leary was born to a middle-class family. The combination of Kevin’s mother’s family heritage as merchants and his father’s Irish charisma truly meant that O’Leary was born for business. Kevin learned his business intuition, key business, and financial insights from an early age from his mother. These became Kevin’s core philosophies, and the pillars upon which he would one day build his empire.

After his extraordinary success with a software company he founded – and a difficult period of obstacles and legal disputes – Kevin eventually found himself on television, quickly becoming a sought-after host and personality on a range of shows – including Discovery’s Project Earth, CBC’s Dragons’ Den, and ABC’s Shark Tank.

Kevin has since launched O’Leary Funds, an investment fund company, O’Leary Fine Wines, and a best-selling book series on financial literacy.


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National Achievers Congress | 2019

14Stock Market Preview | 4.75 out of 5 Stars

Stock Market Workshop Training | 4.75 out of 5 Stars



Steven Sitkowski has spent his entire professional life in the financial services industry. He knows the financial landscape from the vantage point of an experienced insider. He has been a Certified Financial Planner, Registered Investment Advisor, ran a stock brokerage operation in Florida, has been a general and limited partner in real estate holdings, and was president of two financial planning organizations. Steven has held licenses in real estate, securities, insurance, and as a mortgage broker. Mr. Sitkowski has been the host of a nationally syndicated radio talk show and has lectured to over one million people in the United States, Canada, and England. Audiences love his “tell it like it is” communication style.

Steven has shared the stage with personalities such as; Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Dr. Robert Schuller, Charles J. Givens, and Robert Allen. Mr. Sitkowski is the author of 30 Day Money Makeover, available on Amazon, and Trade Like The Pros. Steven is an active options trader and prides himself on teaching students how to turn the financial markets into a source of short term profits, monthly income, long term wealth accumulation, and passive cash flow.

Even though Steven has been helping people achieve their financial dreams for 41 years, he says the best is yet to come for those who take advantage of his experience and expertise. As a lifetime student, Mr. Sitkowski strives to increase his personal knowl edge, and therefore, the contribution he makes to the investing public each and every year.

Diversification is Key to Creating Long-Term WealthParticipation in the stock market is an excellent investment “Since the end of World War II the average large stock has returned close to 10% a year, well ahead of inflation and other savings vehicles... As a result, stocks are the best way to save money for long-term goals.”*

With an understanding of basic fundamental concepts and the right trading system, the average person can take full control of all their trading decisions. In this training, we will show you how others just like you are participating in the stock market. You’ll discover:

Potential for Growth Despite regular ups and downs in the U.S. stock market, stocks have great potential for growth.

Direction Doesn’t Matter With stocks you can profit when shares rise in price, fall in price, or even when they trend side ways, with the right knowledge and proper action.

Leverage Financial leverage is one of the biggest benefits of trading stock options. Leverage is creating potential for bigger gains using a smaller amount of capital.

Data Source: Ibbotson Associates, 2015 (December 1925-February 2015). Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The asset class (index) returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends and other earnings. This chart is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent actual or future perfor mance of any investment option. It is not possible to invest directly in a market index. Stocks are represented by the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (S&P 500® Index), bonds by the U.S. Intermediate Government Bond Index, short-term investments by U.S. Treasury bills, and inflation by the Consumer Price Index.


| | | | | Jan. Aug. Apr. Dec. Feb. 1926 1950 1975 1999 2015

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National Achievers Congress | 2019



Learn how to invest in any market using our trading tools! It’s time to get smart about investing, and to take action toward a wealthier future. Our organization has experienced instructors with years of experience, and trainers that are eager to show you how to succeed.

Learn the strategies that can help you make money in any market.

Why Interactive Trader?Most individuals lack the critical knowledge needed to manage their own stock portfolio.

Hence, many people turn to popular brokerage firms to have their money managed for them. However, no matter whom your broker is they will never care as much as you do about your portfolios performance. Our mission is to teach individuals how to personally invest their money in the stock market.

At the 3-day Interactive Trader Stock Workshop you will learn: • How to select a broker that’s right for you • How mutual funds work • How to identify quality stocks for yourself • Strategies for protecting your portfolio in a market correction

Trade What You Want to TradeAt Interactive Trader, we want you to trade the products and style you are most interested in.

Come learn about the different investment products and strategies available today and decide where your passions lie. We cover everything from stocks, options, futures, commodities, foreign currency, and more!

• The basics of options (calls and puts)• How to make money when a stock goes down• Selling options for income• And much more!

CUSTOMER SERVICE: 877-542-1685 | EMAIL: [email protected] | https://interactivetrader.com/

©Interactive Trader, 380 S. Technology Ct., Ste. 100, Lindon, UT 84042. Marketing, education, and fulfillment provided by Response.


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Are you ready to create

your financial freedom?

Are you looking to master

money management in 2019?

Are you wanting to grow your

wealth, and learn to invest wisely?

Have you enjoyed a certain degree of

success but seem to have hit a plateau?

Do you desire to have more time and money to

enjoy the pleasures of life, like family and travel?









“If you are not fully, totally, and truly committed

to creating wealth, chances are you won’t!” –T. Harv Eker

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Are you ready to create

your financial freedom?

Are you looking to master

money management in 2019?

Are you wanting to grow your

wealth, and learn to invest wisely?

Have you enjoyed a certain degree of

success but seem to have hit a plateau?

Do you desire to have more time and money to

enjoy the pleasures of life, like family and travel?


It’s time you identified your MONEY MINDSET, and commit it to growth and prosperity!

How you think about money affects how much you earn, how much you keep and how you grow!

Money is a tool. When you learn to use money as a tool, you use it in practical ways, instead of emotional ways, to create the success you desire. It is time you discover what you’ve been conditioned or taught to believe about money that keeps you from having more of it. At the Millionaire Mind Intensive 3-Day Course, you will assess your subconscious beliefs about money - you will finally break through the barriers to abundance, and learn how to change limiting beliefs about money so you can get what you really want professionally and financially.

Reserve your seat to learn proven techniques to reprogram yourmoney mindset for prosperity and ultimate success!

“Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is the most powerful, persuasive, and practical book on becoming wealthy you will ever read. It is loaded with ideas, insights and strategies that will change your thinking and your results forever.” –Brian Tracy, Getting Rich Your Way

“Millionaire Mind Intensive is absolutely priceless. I came feeling like I wasn’t good enough and left feeling like I could conquer the world. I look forward to returning and bringing my two teenage sons and anyone else who could and would benefit from it. I have a millionaire mind.” –Kim T.

“Millionaire Mind Intensive was high - energy, filled with insights and valuable takeaway information. In less than two months after the [courses], I had my highest income month in over two years.” –Darrell R.


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Speak to a Success Resources America representative for more information or visit liveatNAC.com



DAY 1:

You will leave the Millionaire Mind 3-Day Intensive Course knowing what your money mindset is, and with the ability to change it. You may not know that how you view money can affect how much you earn, keep, and invest. At the 3-Day Course you will take a test to assess your subconscious conditioning of money, and learn how to use several tools that will help you reprogram your money mindset for prosperity, and ultimate success.

DAY 2:

You will also learn to create your own financial vision, set goals, and identify potential income-growth opportunities. In the Workbook you will receive at the 3-Day Course you will get the easiest Money Management System. This system will help you as an individual, as a professional, as a small business owner, or you as a couple to categorize, manage, and grow your current income.

DAY 3:

Finally, you will define an action plan to reach your full financial potential, setting clear goals with realistic timelines so you can track your progress. That’s not all... upon completion of the Course you will gain access to a 90-Day Workbook and Home Learning Online Course, in addition to other valuable tools that will help you stay on-track after you have graduated!

C H A N G E Y O U R M O N E Y M I N D S E T I N 3 D A Y S

May 31 - June 2, 2019Holiday Inn Chicago SW-Countryside Conference Center

• VIP Seating• Private Q & A with Expert Trainer (Exclusive offer, not for sale with any other ticket packages)• 3-day Workbook

• Secrets of the Wealthy Online Audio Course• Access to Home Learning Online Course (video, audio and downloadable worksheets)• 90-day Home Learning Workbook

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Holiday Inn Chicago SW-Countryside Conference Center May 31-June 2 - 6201 Joliet Rd, Countryside, IL 60525

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National Achievers Congress | 2019


National Achievers Congress

Attend this mega event to get the top strategies for success in 2019. You’ll get training on sales and marketing,

negotiating, personal development, business, money, motivation and so much more! Whether you are just getting started

or well on your way to reaching this event will help you develop a plan to hone your skills and talents, consider your life-

long goals in life and set realistic milestones to realize and maximize your potential. Find out who’s

attending the next event in your area.

For details and schedules please visit www.SuccessResourcesAmerica.com or call 1-888-868-8883

Guerrilla Business School – 4 Days

At Guerrilla Business School, you will learn how to create wealth quickly in any business you choose along with how to

create million dollar ideas street-smart financing, maverick marketing methods, real-world negotiation strategies and

much more.

Millionaire Mind Intensive – 3 Days

The world-famous Millionaire Mind Intensive will transform your financial life forever. You will learn how to win the money

game, get on the path to financial freedom, and reset your “money blueprint” so that financial success is natural and

automatic for you.

For details and schedules please visit www.SuccessResourcesAmerica.com/mmi or call 1-888-868-8883

Mission to Millions – 3 Days

The objective of this program is for you to gain money with meaning. At Mission to Millions, you will discover your true

mission in a way that is highly successful in the real world. It’s an absolute must for anyone wanting clarity and focus.

Never Work Again – 4 DaysLearn up to 15 unique passive business opportunities and how to structure them to generate income without any

additional work from you – forever.






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National Achievers Congress | 2019



Train the Trainer – 5 Days

Teaching what you love! That’s exactly what you’ll learn at Train the Trainer. Discover everything you need to be successful

in the training business including choosing the right topic, designing an incredible program, using accelerated-learning

technologies and marketing for success. By the end of this course, you will be a “hot” trainer and know exactly how to

become a rich one too.

Ultimate Speaker Academy – 4 Days

More than just your average speaker training, developed for all levels of speakers, this course pairs valuable knowledge

with coached activities to help you put knowledge into action. Hands-on, in-the-room coaching from seasoned educators

helps you feel enabled and confident with your new techniques even after you have graduated the course.

For details and schedules please visit www.SuccessResourcesAmerica.com/courses or call 1-888-868-8883

Enlightened Warrior Training Camp – 5 Days

The definition of an enlightened warrior is “one who conquers oneself.” In this high-intensity program, you will learn how to

access your true power at will and succeed in spite of anything. By the end of Warrior Training, nothing will ever stop you


Wizard Training Camp – 5 Days

Learn to manifest what you want with elegance and grace. At Wizard Training you will learn to live as the “eye of the

storm”: calm, centered and peaceful in spite of anything. This camp is open only to graduates of the Enlightened

Warrior Training.

For details and schedules please visit www.SuccessResourcesAmerica.com/camps or call 1-888-868-8883


For details on Success Resources America special events, courses and coaching please visit

SuccessResourcesAmerica.com/event-calendar or call 1-888-868-8883

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National Achievers Congress | 2019


Choose Your Business

If you’re going to work hard anyway, you might as well get rich - and the quicker the better. At Guerrilla Business School, a panel of expert millionaire business owners share their secrets of success so you can quit wasting your time with strategies that produce mediocre results and begin creating wealth in ANY business you choose.

You will learn from the best about street-smart financing, maverick marketing methods, real-world negotiation strategies and how to generate million-dollar ideas! Once you discover these powerful business strategies you will be on your way to high-speed success and a lifetime of passive income.

Success Resources America Lead Trainers and other millionaire business owners will help your business and personal

income skyrocket!

Learn to:

• Generate million-dollar ideas

• Make or save a fortune using Guerrilla negotiation tactics

• Start any business with little or no money down

• Use win-win sales strategies that work in the real world

• Set up your business for massive passive income, or sell it for millions if you choose to

• And much more

For upcoming dates and locations please visit our website at www.SuccessResourcesAmerica.com/event-calendar.

For more information, call 1.888.868.8883

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National Achievers Congress | 2019


Creat Passive Income

We’ve been taught to work hard for 40 to 50 years in order to retire when we are 65 or older. But, what if you could become financially free in only a few years? You would never have to work again...unless, of course, you choose to!

The key to stepping up your pace to financial freedom is creating streams of passive income. At Never Work Again, you will learn up to 15 unique passive business opportunities and how to structure them to generate income without any other employment. Plus, you’ll leave with your own personal plan.

Are you ready to replace your employment income with truly passive income? Then choose to never work again!

You will learn:

• Proven strategies and investment techniques to develop and increase passive income

• Practical earning strategies that guarantee you more time and money

• How to create businesses that work for you, rather than control you

• Which businesses are the real cash cows

• How to earn passive income each, and every month for the rest of your life

• And much more

For upcoming dates and locations please visit our website at www.SuccessResourcesAmerica.com/event-calendar.

For more information, call 1.888.868.8883

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National Achievers Congress | 2019


Being a trainer can be an exciting and fulfilling career choice, as well as a money-making skill you can count on through-out your life.

The secret to success in this business is to learn from the masters - men and women who speak to groups of hundreds or thousands at a time and consistently earn substantial amounts of money. Most trainers in this category never reveal their innermost secrets to success and the psychology behind every move they make. The Success Resources America team of master facilitators do!

You will come away from the “Train the Trainer Certification” program knowing exactly how to earn a fortune teaching what you love.

This program will change your life - personally, professionally and financially.

What you will learn:

• A step-by-step process for getting started and earning money immediately

• How to make money every weekend teaching what you love

• Strategies to build a powerful program from A-Z

• A proven blueprint to market your courses, and yourself, as an expert speaker/trainer

• How to control the energy in the room

• How to use “Accelerated Learning” techniques so participants learn faster and remember more

For upcoming dates and locations please visit our website at www.SuccessResourcesAmerica.com/event-calendar.

For more information, call 1.888.868.8883

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What makes the difference in the quality of people’s lives? What is the single factor that shapes and controls our ultimate destiny? The ability to harness the power of decision. Decision is the ultimate power - and there are three core decisions each of us make every moment that determine the quality of our lives: 1. What should I ______________________ on?

• Do you tend to focus on what you can control or what you can’t control? • Do you tend to focus on what you have or what’s missing? • Do you tend to focus more on the past, present, or future?

2. What does something ____________________?

3. What should I __________________?



#1 Business and Life Strategist

Author of six internationally bestselling books, including the recent New York Times #1 best-seller MONEY: Master the Game and UNSHAKEABLE, Mr. Robbins has empowered more than 50 million people from 100 countries through his audio, video, and life training programs. He created the #1 personal and professional development program of all time, and more than 4 million people have attended his live seminars.

Mr. Robbins is the chairman of a holding company comprised of more than 40 privately held businesses with combined sales exceeding $5 billion a year. He has been honored by Accenture as one of the “Top 50 Business Intellectuals in the World”; by Harvard Business Press as one of the “Top 200 Business Gurus”; and by American Express as one of the “Top Six Business Leaders in the World” to coach its entrepreneurial clients. Fortune’s recent cover article named him the “CEO Whisperer,” and he has been named in the top 50 of Worth Magazine’s 100 most powerful people in global finance for three consecutive years.

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An Extraordinary Quality of Life Requires Mastering Two Skills:

1. Science of Achievement: the ability to produce results; to take anything you envision and make it real.

2. Art of Fulfillment: the ability to feel happiness and joy in the process; to delight in the experience of life.

The secret to ______________ and ___________________ is to add more value. Happiness comes from progress. Progress shows up in the form of ___________________ and in a sense of _____________________.


1. See it as it is, not worse than it is.

Leaders wake people up to the reality of the situation. They get people to see what’s really going on, not how it’s been programmed and conditioned into their minds. Leaders know it’s not about being positive – it’s about being smart.

2. See it better than it is.

Create a vision beyond the moment, no matter how tough the moment is. The people who are successful see something that no one else sees and take advantage of it. Design a vision of what it could be, and create a compelling future, something that people can look forward to.

3. Make it the way you see it.

Come up with a strategy and make a consistent effort to make things the way you see it. Find a way—no matter what anyone says can be done. Adapt, change, add value, and get flexible.


(Answers: wealth; happiness; growth; contribution)

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National Achievers Congress | 2019


What is your life purpose? Each of us has something special to offer the world - our own natural gifts and talents. To truly be happy, we must use our gifts to add value to the lives of others. However, it is also important to be financially successful. The objective of Mission to Millions is to help you create a vehicle that expresses who you are and why you are here in a way that is successful.

Over the course of three intensive, interactive days, Mission to Millions will re-ignite your passion for living. By uncover ing your true purpose and mission in life, you will find the business or career vehicle that expresses your special gifts. You will also learn exactly how to make this vehicle financially successful in the real world.

With an immediate and long-term action plan you will own the skill to fine-tune, revise or even change your life direction anytime you desire, for the rest of your life.

Mission to Millions includes...

• Discovering your own life purpose and your personal life mission

• How to absolutely know your true passion

• How a mid-life ‘crisis’ is really a mid-life ‘calling’

• How to make decisions that align your head and your heart

• How to find a business or career that expresses your gifts and allows you to create wealth

• A step-by-step blueprint for making your vision a reality

• And much more

For upcoming dates and locations please visit our website at www.SuccessResourcesAmerica.com/event-calendar.

For more information, call 1.888.868.8883

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National Achievers Congress | 2019



ENGAGEMENT1. Thank you for accepting our offer to present the Seminar Services to you. By placing an Order, you acknowledge that you have read our Terms and Conditions and agree that the placement of an Order, together with these Terms and Conditions, forms a contract between you and us.(a) This Event is a private event for people looking to create multiple streams of income and improve their business strategy, hosted by New Peaks LLC doing business as Success Resources America (SRA). During the event, as well as being provided with training and other content, attendees will be given the opportunity to purchase further training, seminar services they may find valuable. Attendees are under no obligation to purchase any product at the event and any purchases made are at the attendees’ own discretion. For the duration of this private event, SRA will consider the venue as their normal place of business.

TIME AND PLACE2. Your payment of the Investment to us entitles you to:(a) attend the Location during the Seminar Hours to receive the Seminar Services; and(b) to receive a copy of the Materials.

INVESTMENT AND PAYMENT3. You must pay to us in consideration of the Seminar Services:(a) the Investment Sum in one lump sum on the placing of the Order by you, deduction or counterclaim; or(b) if we have agreed that you may pay by Installment, you must pay each Installment to us in full and without set off or deduction the Installment Sum on the Installment Payment Date.

4. If you do not pay us the Investment Sum in full within 3 working days or where a payment by multiple Installments is agreed, we reserve the right to charge you the Payment Plan price for the Seminar Services. This price is advertised at the point of sale and may be more that the discounted Paid In Full price.

5. Payments made under this agreement must be made by the means specified in the Order.

6. If you should not pay to us an Installment Sum by the Installment Payment Date for that Sum then ALL monies owed by you to us shall become due and owed and must be immediately paid to us without off set or deduction or counterclaim and without need for further demand.

7. If Payments are not made by the due dates, the Seminar Services may be cancelled and no refund or credit will be given.

NO REFUNDS 8. No refunds, all sales are final. For a full list of terms and conditions see our website: www.successresourcesamerica.com/terms-conditions

TRANSFERRING TICKETS Complimentary tickets or services, including those issued as bonuses when purchasing an event, may not be transferred.

DISCLOSURES 10. You acknowledge:(a) that neither we, any of our representatives or any person we engage to perform the Seminar Services (‘Relevant Persons’) is an investment advisor or licensed by the SEC or any other governmental authority to provide investment advice;(b) that the Relevant Persons do not purport to provide investment advice or operate an investment advice business; and(c) we may pay commissions to third parties arising from your entering into this agreement.

TICKET SALE AND RESALE 11. Event Tickets or services may not be transferred, be resold, or be

offered for resale at a premium (including via on-line auction sites) or used for advertising, promotion or other commercial purposes (including competitions and trade promotions) or to enhance the demand for other goods and services, either by the original purchaser or any subsequent bearer without the prior written consent of SRA. If a ticket or service is sold or used in breach of this condition, the ticket or service may be cancelled without a refund and the bearer of the ticket or service may be refused admission.

Scalping warning: The resale of tickets in certain circumstances is governed by ticket sales legislation and may attract criminal penalties.

GENERAL 12. All notices or other communications must be made to the addresses specified on the Order Form.

13. The non-exercise of or delay in exercising any power or right of a party does not operate as a waiver of that power or right, nor does any single exercise of any power or right preclude any other or further exercise of it; or the exercise of any other power or right. A power or right may only be waived in writing, signed by the party to be bound by the waiver.

14. Should any provision of this agreement be held by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful, invalid, and unenforceable or in conflict with any rule, statute, ordinance or regulation the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be affected.

15. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Any prior arrangements, agreement, representations or undertakings are superseded.

16. We reserve the right to alter speakers and course content at any time without notice.

17. We reserve the right to cancel the Seminar Service for any business reason by written notice to you. We will also return to you the Investment you have actually paid to us within 10 days of giving notice of the cancellation. We shall have no further liability to you in respect of the cancellation.

FORCE MAJEURE 18. If the Seminar Services as contemplated by this Agreement are prevented or cancelled because of an act of God, an inevitable accident, fire, blackout, flood or any other calamity, or if by reason of strikes, or lockouts, or any other events beyond the direct control of both parties, then the promoter may at its option either postpone the Seminar Services from the original Seminar Services date or cancel and refund as per clause 17.

NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT19. Client hereby acknowledges that they will be trained in material considered “trade secret” and confidential in nature. Client agrees to not disclose any techniques nor comments about the event of any kind to others, via forum, message boards, private emails, blogs or other venue. If Client does disclose any information about the event then they admit to damages and breach of contract and will be subject to civil litigation and damages. Client agrees to not create, nor partner nor associate with any person, any kind of product related to SRA, including but not limited to e-books, special reports, audio or video files, public postings of content, or any other derived materials. Client shall not record any portion of the event.

20. Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SRA against all loss or damage that client may suffer as a result by SRA and its speakers and associates and any of its affiliates and representatives from any breach of these Terms and any other cause or alleged cause of any kind. SRA reserves the right to alter terms and conditions with prior notice.

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National Achievers Congress | 2019


Access Your True Power

You are far greater than you think, and you have truly amazing potential. The key to true accomplishment is to tap into your higher self and increase your full capacity for success and happiness.

This camp is highly experiential. You won’t just LEARN how to be an Enlightened Warrior, you will practice BEING one. In this high- intensity program you will learn how to access your true power at will and succeed in spite of anything.

This course is about inner strengthening. It is an opportunity for you to see yourself in an entirely new light - to meet the absolute best of yourself. The learning is truly transformational and can be applied to all aspects of your everyday life. If you believe there’s got to be more to life, and are ready to experience an empowered way of living, then commit to being there!

By the end of Enlightened Warrior Training Camp, nothing will stop you ever again!

You Will Discover:

• How to live with integrity, so that your word is law

• How to have the courage to take action in spite of

fear, doubt and worry

• And much more

• The secrets to being strong and confident

• How not to yearn for approval and recognition from

others but to approve of yourself

• How to respond to circumstances by choice instead

of reacting from past conditioning

For upcoming dates and locations please visit our website at www.SuccessResourcesAmerica.com/event-calendar.

For more information, call 1.888.868.8883

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National Achievers Congress | 2019


The Science of Manifest What you Want:

You are far greater than you think, and you have truly amazing potential. The key to true accomplishment is to tap into your higher self. There is no greater skill than the ability to manifest what you want. This is the magic of the wizard.

The wizard archetype, also known as the magician or alchemist, is able to turn “lead into gold.” The unique quality of the wizard is an ability to manifest their desires in the real world. There are seven specific steps to creating anything. At Wizard Training Camp, you will learn, practice and implement these steps and be so confident — that you’ll change the course of your entire life.

If you want to learn how to manifest exactly what you want in the world, don’t miss Wizard Training Camp*.

*It is advised that you take Warrior Training Camp before you take Wizard Training Camp.

You Will Gain:

• A highly developed “reality creation” technology

• Specific clearing processes to make space for higher wisdom

• Enlightened principles for creating success without struggle

• Understanding of how to tap directly into your intuition

• Ability to see through the illusion of the world and come from a higher perspective

For upcoming dates and locations please visit our website at www.SuccessResourcesAmerica.com/event-calendar.

For more information, call 1.888.868.8883

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than 10 million people across 35 countries unlock

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As the #1 business and professional events promoter in the world,

Success Resources has helped people to transform and reignite their

personal and professional lives to create higher income, increased

net worth, have more fulfilling relationships, and authentic personal

power, as well as a greater sense of inner peace.