30 days tapping into wealth success

30 Days Tapping Into Wealth & Success Wit

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30 Days Tapping Into Wealth & Success




Vorobioff © 2010


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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Contents

Marguerita Vorobioff © 2010

Contents The Optimist Creed............................................................................1 Disclaimer .......................................................................................2 Introduction.....................................................................................4 Wealth and Prosperity Is Not A Luxury It’s Our Responsibility .......................8 The Truth About Money .................................................................... 10 Why You Don’t Want Money ............................................................... 14 Poverty: An Inconvenient Truth .......................................................... 16 Will Success Solve All Your Problems?................................................... 20 How Long Will It Take To Succeed? ...................................................... 22 What Is Your Particular Path To Wealth?................................................ 24 Introduction to EFT.......................................................................... 26 The EFT Procedure ........................................................................... 30 Sound Healing – The New Frontier ....................................................... 34 The Ancient Wisdom of Light Language ................................................. 36 Your Own Voice As Healer ................................................................. 37 EFT & Sound Healing: A Match Made In Heaven ....................................... 40 The Universal Laws .......................................................................... 42 Are You Absolutely, 100% Sure You Want To Succeed?.............................. 46 Make A Decision .............................................................................. 50 The Number One Secret to Success ...................................................... 54 Clarity is King ................................................................................. 58 The Secret To Manifesting No One Talks About ....................................... 60 The Illusion of Separation .................................................................. 64 What’s Your Why? ........................................................................... 66 Make A Deal With The Universe........................................................... 70 Absolute Faith ................................................................................ 74 Immersion ..................................................................................... 76 Do I Really Have To Practice EVERY DAY?? ............................................. 78 It’s All In The Feeling ....................................................................... 82 Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable .................................................. 84 Pay Attention ................................................................................. 88 Stay Curious................................................................................... 90 Give Yourself Permission To Play......................................................... 92 Get Organised................................................................................. 96 Chunk It Down .............................................................................. 100 Effective Goal Setting ..................................................................... 104 Celebrate All Your Successes............................................................ 108

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Contents

Marguerita Vorobioff © 2010

Take Small Steps and Build a Strong Foundation .................................... 110 What Would You Do If You Knew You Could Not Fail ............................... 114 Challenges Are Bread Crumbs Laid By The Universe to Lead You Home ...... 118 Get Out Of Your Own Way ............................................................... 122 Procrastination Kills Productivity....................................................... 126 Follow Through............................................................................. 128 Find A Personal Coach .................................................................... 132 The Holy Grail: Belief In Yourself....................................................... 134 Is Self Esteem Holding You Back? ....................................................... 138 Are You Congruent? ....................................................................... 142 Take Responsibility........................................................................ 146 Accountability .............................................................................. 148 The Lone Ranger Syndrome.............................................................. 150 Don’t Believe Everything You Think ................................................... 154 Morphic Fields .............................................................................. 158 Are Passion And Purpose Important to Success? .................................... 160 Why Visualization Doesn’t Work ........................................................ 165 Tips to Supercharge Your Affirmations................................................ 167 Time, The Universal Adversary ......................................................... 171 What You Appreciate Appreciates...................................................... 175 Be Careful Who You Hang Out With .................................................... 181 Clear Out All The Old Energy ............................................................ 183 When You Want It So Much It Hurts .................................................... 187 Impatience Will Get You Nowhere...................................................... 191 Magic and Miracles......................................................................... 195 How To Receive Better Quality Answers .............................................. 197 Mastermind Groups ........................................................................ 199 10 Ways to Change Your Money Mindset Quickly.................................... 201 Subliminal Messages - The Hidden Healing Master .................................. 205 Goal Time Line Exercise.................................................................. 207 List of Suggested Books, Videos, Websites, Etc...................................... 211

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success The Optimist Creed

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The Optimist Creed by Christian D. Larson

Originally published in 1912 in a book titled Your Forces and How To Use Them. Keep it close by and live by it’s philosophy and you will never want for anything. Promise Yourself……….

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.

To Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.

To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature you meet.

To give so much time to improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud word, but in great deeds.

To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side, so long as you are true to the best that is in you.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Disclaimer

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Disclaimer All information, exercises and tools provided in ‘Live Your Extraordinary Life’

are provided for informational and educational purposes and are not intended to be, or serve as a substitute for, professional medical/psychological advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or psychological condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of information you accessed through any portion of the information provided in the ‘Life Your Extraordinary Life’ transformational package.

Profound change and transformation is possible with these tools and information, but no absolute guarantees are given in relation to the type or extent of the results that can be achieved.

Your use of the information provided in this package is at your own risk and the creator and publisher relinquishes all responsibility for the changes that may occur due to its use. It is your responsibility to use the information and tools in this package wisely and with awareness and the utmost concern for your own health at all times. You acknowledge that by using the tools included in this package that you are doing so fully aware of the potential for change and transformation, and you accept all responsibility for this change.

Discomfort and unsettled feelings are a natural by product of change, however, if you are unduly distressed in any way during the course of using this package, you are advised to consult with the creator or another trained professional immediately. Information provided in this package is provided “as is” and without any representations or warranties of any kind.

You are a unique individual and all sample EFT phrases are provided as a guide only and not a definitive reference for healing. You are encouraged to modify the phrases according to what resonates specifically to your situation, belief systems and experiences.

It is not advised that you listen to the CD recordings whilst driving or using heavy machinery.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Disclaimer

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Introduction

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Introduction I want to begin by answering a question that many people get very caught up

in and it stops them from realizing their full potential.

“Why is everybody so focused on money?”

Many people are incensed by the constant focus on money by Super Coaches, The Law of Attraction, The Secret, etc. And I understand, because a very prominent part of our belief systems is to shun money and say that it pales into insignificance and is unimportant when you compare it to more noble aspirations such as unconditional love, achieving enlightenment, kindness and compassion, optimum health, etc, etc. And I completely agree.

However, there is a reality that I would like to point out here and it stems back 67 years when Maslow proposed the ‘Hierarchy of Needs’, which is still referred to by therapists and scientists all around the world.

The ugly and undeniable truth is, whether you like it or not, money is an essential part of our existence and one of our basic needs that must be met before we can focus adequately on any of those higher ideals.

Look at it this way: If you are hungry and without food and unsure when or where your next meal is coming from, what is more important right now: food or enlightenment? Unless you’re a Buddhist monk then the answer is food of course. (And, from what I understand, Buddhist monks have such a strong sense of faith in

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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a higher power and their wellbeing their stress and anxiety around survival tends to be greatly diminished. They appear to have a strong faith that whatever they need will be provided and have overcome many of those basic fears.)

My point is that once your most basic needs are met, then you are free to focus more effectively on the higher ideals such as enlightenment, compassion, the highest good, and experience purpose, meaning and self-actualization. How likely do you think it is that you are going to be focused on self-actualizing when you’re electricity has been cut off, you have no way to feed your family, and you’ve been evicted from your home and have nowhere to live?

Our reality is that money is an essential part of life and, if you look at it in a balanced context, its attainment is in fact a very spiritual goal. Think of the powerful things people like Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Richard Branson are doing every day to help save the planet and ease the suffering of millions of people all around the world. They are making a very large positive difference, in fact in many ways they are shaping our future and leading us toward our spiritual evolution. Do you think that is selfish and greedy? Do you think the world is a better place with them doing what they do and using their massive wealth to help others? Do you believe that allowing negative belief systems about money get in the way of them building their empires would have served the planet? How are your limiting belief systems serving the planet? What purpose does staying in a place of struggle and desperation about money serve?

And now tell me, if you had all the money and time in the world, how would your life be different? How would you be making a difference? What purpose would you put all that money to? It puts money in a whole new light when you put it in this perspective.

That’s not to say you should give all your money away to charity and not enjoy it. Far from it. We all deserve to be comfortable in whatever way that appears for us, and we should all be having lots of fun. Just imagine if everybody in the world was having lots more innocent fun! There would be no war, terrorism, physical abuse, torture, murder, etc, etc. Now that’s a world I want to live in. Bring on the fun!!!

What you will find in this manual is that, although there is some clearing work to be done on money and abundance, most of the focus is on committing to your purpose and clearing your blocks to success so you can share your brilliance with the world. It’s important to be ensure you are open to abundance when it arrives, but money is not the end goal. Living a life of meaning, fulfilment, joy and freedom is the goal. Money is just a fun by product which will empower you and others when you make it your servant instead of you serving it.

As Donald Trump put it, ‘Money is just a way to keep score’. He actually loves the thrill of making a deal. He doesn’t focus on the money at all.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Introduction

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My passion is to help create freedom on all levels. As a holistic personal trainer and healer I am particularly pro-active in the area of health. However, over several years I have noticed that unless people have a health crisis, when it’s often too late and you’re in damage control, most individuals have absolutely no interest in making their health a priority, particularly if their financial situation is a constant struggle. Unfortunately, it is not financially rewarding to look after your health in Australia. Health products and services are expensive for the average person and often not covered by health insurance.

On the other hand, if you get sick, the government will pay through the nose to subsidize your medical treatment. Where is the incentive to stay active and well? To my mind, I would much rather spend the extra to ensure my long term health than face a life threatening illness in the future, but most people are going from one financial crisis to another and their health does not even rate a mention until often it’s too late.

Hence why I have become a success and transformation coach and much of my focus is to help the average person, like yourself, get out of Struggle Street, so you can focus more effectively on healing yourself and making a difference in the world.

The other aspect of this argument is that generally speaking those who speak out against financial wealth as greedy or not spiritual or something else negative are often the ones that are under the most financial pressure and taking out their stress on others around them. This is hardly highly spiritually evolved behaviour.

If you are resisting focusing on an abundant life filled with meaning and everything your heart desires, it is more than likely your negative programming and subconscious belief systems around money that is causing you to feel angry or negative about the focus on finances. Clear that negative programming and watch life flow with an ease and grace that you never imagined possible so you can realize your true potential and help others to do the same.

Of course, greed and an insatiable appetite for more money, is not healthy. This kind of culture is exhibited by many large corporations, particularly those in the pharmaceutical, food, tobacco and finance industries, which are out of control. All they care about is their profit margin which they have taken great lengths to create and protect via deception. I don’t believe they have any interest in our physical or emotional wellbeing. They are still painting themselves as our saviours and unfortunately most of us are still buying it.

These are 4 of the largest industries in the world and they are literally controlling us by controlling our health through psychologically manipulative advertising and studies that only share some, not all of the facts, with results sometimes deliberately tampered with to reflect the desired outcome. I believe they are legally committing genocide. If you think this is a little strong, the evidence is available in the public domain for you to explore and make up your own mind.

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This kind of psychotic behaviour is one example of greed gone mad. But it is not money that has created it, but the people who own the corporations. Money is benign, it does not have any emotions, judgments or agendas. That is purely the realm of the human mind.

The interesting anomaly is that greed is in fact created by a fear of lack. If you have a healthy belief system around infinite abundance for everyone, there is no need for greed. So if we heal this fear within people around the world this kind of psychotic behaviour will stop.

It is up to us, the people, to take back our power, free ourselves from the insanity of global corporate greed, and reclaim our Minds, Bodies and Spirits.

And finally, before you begin this extraordinary journey into the realm of success and abundance, whilst wealth is the part of the focus of this workbook, the result is so much more than that.

These techniques, when practiced every day, will not just bring you financial wealth, it will bring freedom and prosperity on every level, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and financially.

You see, I am going to be totally open and honest with you here, I have a sneaky plan. I know most people are hurting financially, hence all the talk about money. But my grand plan is assisting the spiritual evolution of the planet. And whilst this workbook is focusing on success and abundance, as you integrate them into being a part of your everyday life, you will also discover a sense of inner peace, fulfilment and freedom that cannot be realised through financial wealth and opulence. You will reconnect with your soul and spirit and develop a sense of wholeness that is so profound you will wonder how you could have been so blind to the truth all these years.

I sincerely want you to be wealthy in all aspects of your life. Study this manual and make the methods and tools a part of your everyday life, and you will enter into a reality that you never even realised is possible. Your relationships, career, health, even challenges will take on an ease that is almost surreal.

So, are you ready to step into a spiritual path filled with purpose, prosperity, peace, passion and profound joy? Then let me take you on a journey of self discovery that will release you from fear, anxiety, stress, frustration, anger, self-judgement, reconnect you with your spirit, and introduce you to a world filled with love, tolerance, acceptance and freedom, if you are willing to do the work.

Welcome to your new life………………………

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Wealth Is Our Responsibility

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Wealth and Prosperity Is Not A Luxury It’s Our Responsibility

Official figures came through October 2010 that 2 million Australians, nearly10% of the Australian population, are living in poverty.

This is a terrible statistic and one that you can help change, but first you have to create wealth and prosperity for yourself.

I believe that financial wealth and freedom is not a luxury, but a necessity, if we are to make a real difference on this planet. Think about it for a moment. If you had all the wealth and time freedom in the world, what kind of a difference could you make? What charities would you support with your money or time, or both? Whose dreams would you help come true? What would you teach those around you about having more of what they want in their lives? What kind of education would it allow your children to have to give them the best start in life so they too can make the world a better place?

Sure, I know that when we think of financial freedom many of us have images of exotic holidays, flash cars, big houses, relaxation, etc, etc, and these images are perfect and I encourage you to imagine whatever your heart desires and go for it. However, at the end of the day, most of us also really want to make a difference on the planet and once we have created the life of our dreams, our attention can turn to helping others.

Just consider for a moment being able to write cheques, really big cheques for charities and organizations that you are passionate about. Think about sharing your brilliance with others to help them to also realize the life of their dreams.

And don’t kid yourself, you are brilliant. You have invaluable gifts that you came here to share and nobody but you can share them with the world in the unique way that you can. Imagine if your self confidence empowering you to dive right into life, knowing you could not fail and that your financial future is completely secure?

Does that sound like an impossible dream? Then think again, because it can become your reality, but you must change your poverty consciousness to prosperity consciousness.

Most of us inherit by default the habits and belief systems around money that our parents, friends and other significant people in our lives have. This is inevitable and is what creates our reality. You are literally a product of your environment.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can change your habits so you can be whatever you want to be, have whatever you want to have, do whatever you want to do, and live the life of your dreams.

I can’t tell you it will be easy, but I can tell you it will be worth it. Indulge me for a moment and imagine yourself 5, 10 or even 30 years from now, still just making ends meet, wondering if it’s ever going to get any easier, dreaming of a

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better life, but never being able to achieve it, no matter what you do? And now imagine committing yourself to doing whatever it takes that is for your highest good to achieve financial wealth and freedom over the next 2 to 5 years and then living a life beyond your wildest dreams? Now you tell me, which one is harder?

There is no right or wrong answer here. If you are happy to live the life you are already living, that’s fantastic, keep doing whatever you are doing so you keep getting exactly what you are getting because that is what you want.

However, if you would like something different for yourself and your family, then now is the time to step up and commit to making the change.

Financial abundance is purely about changing your subconscious programming to having a prosperity consciousness. And that takes some effort on your part using particular knowledge and powerful tools.

What are you waiting for? Another day not moving toward the life you desire is another day you have to spend no closer to your dreams. Take the first step and commit to doing the exercises laid out for you every single day for the next 30 days. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success The Truth About Money

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The Truth About Money Money plays a vitally important role in our lives today. Whether we like it or

not, it is essential for our very survival. It makes and breaks nations. It causes and funds wars. It creates and destroys dreams. It can be all consuming if we don’t have enough of it. It is the number one reason for the failure of relationships. And we are responsible for having given it this power in our lives. There is no use fighting it, money rules the world and it rules our lives, but only because we let it.

It is up to us to stop serving money and have it serve us. We have created this paradigm where we are at its mercy. We have rendered ourselves powerless to acquire enough of it because of our false belief systems of lack and scarcity adopted from the most influential people in our childhood by default.

The good news is, these belief systems aren’t true and once you change them, your whole world around money and success will change. The not so good news is these belief systems are buried deep in our subconscious and finding and changing them can be like finding a needle in a haystack.

The first, and one of the most crucial steps that will help you to change your paradigm around money, is to understand the true nature of money and that there is infinite abundance available to us. Realizing this will help a series of negative beliefs around money and scarcity to collapse automatically which gives you the opportunity to find out whatever is holding you back from realizing that abundance in your own life.

By default we believe money to be this tangible, solid object that has a life and will of it’s own. We allow it to have control over our lives, instead of learning to master it and make it our servant. In fact, money is completely intangible. The paper or metal that we use as money in exchange for goods differs in every single country and is only a representation of something that doesn’t exist in a solid form at all. Money is purely energy, and like all energy, it responds to various stimuli and vibration. If you vibrate lack and scarcity, money will not respond to you at all. If you vibrate in harmony with abundance and prosperity, money will be attracted to you in such great amounts you will be absolutely astounded at its infinite nature.

There is a great saying by James Garfield “The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.” Personally I prefer the modern version “The truth will set you free, but it will piss you off at first”. And when you realize that you have been locked in struggle and stress around money based on a lie, you’re probably going to be pretty pissed off. Better late then never though I say.

So what I am about to share with you is how the concept of money was created so you can understand it’s true nature and learn how to master it.

As you are probably aware from all the medieval stories and television shows that gold and silver use to be the currency of the day. It was used to exchange for goods and services. But it wasn’t practical to carry around masses of the heavy

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metals all the time, so people used to deposit it for safe keeping with various trusted agencies such as silver and gold smiths in exchange for a certificate as proof of deposit.

This was the beginning of our modern day banking system.

Owners of the gold rarely withdrew it, but in fact would use their certificate in exchange for goods instead of going to all the trouble of withdrawing the actual gold itself.

So, there was a lot of gold sitting around waiting to be collected, but on average only about 10% of the gold was ever withdrawn at any time, leaving about 90% sitting there doing nothing. So the keepers of the gold decided to put it to good use. They started the loan system where people who needed money would come and leave a valuable item for safe keeping in exchange for a certificate representing gold to the value of the original item. This certificate could then be used to buy goods and services. In other words, the certificate was being used as in the same way as what we now refer to as money. The paper itself had no actual value, it was merely a representation of the value of gold or silver you could collect if you wished to by exchanging the certificate.

Now, because the safe keepers knew that 90% of the gold would always be available, they started a very clever scheme whereby they could loan up to 9 times the value of the gold deposited with virtually no danger that they would have to produce all the gold at any one time. They created ‘virtual’ money, with nothing solid to actually back it up. The certificate was worthless. What it represented was what was valuable.

Just like the material that constitutes a $100 is no more valuable than the material used to make a $5. It is what it represents that is valuable, not the note.

This concept has been expanded many times over in modern day times as banks and lending institutions lend digital money based on the value of the goods and property it is loaned against, not any supposed pool of money sitting in a vault somewhere. There is no limit to the amount of money a bank can lend as long as the value of the security covers the value of the loan.

Most of us now exchange credit for goods and services rather than money that we have saved. And billions of dollars changes hands all around the world just by virtue of manipulating some numbers in computer databases.

Money is a concept, an idea, a philosophy, an energy. It is not real. So, once you get your head around the truth about money, you will change the level of importance you place on the whole ‘money’ game. There is no such thing as scarcity around money because it is merely a concept. Do you believe you have a better chance of mastering something that is conceptual? If there is infinite money in the world, your reality no longer has to be ‘there is not enough’, but can become ‘how do I create more for me’.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success The Truth About Money

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There is as much money in the world as there is the air that you breathe. Do you expect the air to run out? No! If we did, we would immediately stop chopping down trees!

Let your imagination go wild as to how you can create more money in your life. Because you have the ability to create as much of it as you want. Acquiring it doesn’t mean taking it from somewhere so there is less of it for everyone else. We all have the same opportunity to connect ourselves to the infinite nature of financial wealth once we change our money mindset.

Now that you know the true nature about money, and that you have been living a lie all these years, what are you going to do about it?

Firstly, you must share this story with everyone. The more people who realize and adopt the belief that money is infinite in nature, the less fear and stress there will be about money and the less power it will have over our society. And the more you talk about it, the more it will become a part of your intrinsic belief system, your subconscious mind. Imagine a community with no stress around money. Free to share it, give it, spend it, knowing that there was plenty for everyone. Wouldn’t the world be a more caring place?

Of course, as money is energy, all energy requires an exchange. So, just like with the lending system, you must offer something of value in exchange for receiving the energy of money. That is how our world works: energy in = energy out.

If you have something of intrinsic value to the world, which we all do, then you need to exchange that value for money. Of course, if you do not value yourself, your product or your services, then the exchange will be low. If however, you develop a healthy self esteem, realize that you and what you have to offer the world is priceless, suddenly your ability to create money in your life increases many fold.

This changes the game entirely and in the next section we will explore why you actually don’t want money!

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Why You Don’t Want Money

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Why You Don’t Want Money Now know the truth about money, the next step is to realise that you don’t

want money itself. You want what money can help you to experience.

Money by itself has no value. If you have one thousand one hundred dollar bills in a stack, all you have is a stack of paper (or plastic) that represents one hundred thousand dollars. There is no intrinsic value in a stack of plastic bills.

My question to you is, what do you want to acquire with that money, and how will having that money, and those things that you will acquire, make you feel?

Money is merely a tool to enable us the ability to experience the things we most want to in life. From providing us with the basics of food and shelter, right through to exotic holidays, beautiful houses, prestigious cars, designer clothes, jewelry, etc, etc, all of these things are about an experience. Sure one end of the scale is the most basic experience of survival, whilst the other is the experience of luxury. But either way, it is all about experience.

Money gives us the means to express ourselves and have the freedom to be, do and have whatever our heart desires. Money is merely a tool that gives us the freedom to express ourselves in whatever way we want and to experience a whole range of enjoyable emotions and feelings. It also helps us to feel safe and secure knowing that our survival and our comfort is assured.

Imagine that feeling of safety and security now. How will driving a new luxury car make you feel? How will living in your dream home make you feel? How will writing large cheques for charities make you feel?

Safe? Free? Liberated? Relaxed? Special? Unique? Valuable? Powerful? Happy? Joyful?

And do you realize that you don’t actually need to actually have those things right now to feel all those feelings? Those feelings are within you right now and you can experience them in any moment. And once you realize that truth, suddenly you understand that you don’t need money at all. That in fact, money is just the middle man that we give all the power to and stops us from feeling what is already a part of our being.

Are you a little confused? I know this can be a difficult concept to grasp at first. It takes adjusting your entire way of thinking from what you have been led to believe all your life.

This is not to say that acquiring loads of money is not the most fun way to engage life and stimulate all those feelings through fun experiences. There is no substitute for experience.

However, by taking all the emphasis off money, taking away it’s power to control your life, and transferring it to the actual feeling which is already inside of you because you cannot feel that which is not a part of you, the game changes entirely.

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And the most perverse part of the whole equation is that once you tap into the feelings first, even before you are actually having the experience, all of a sudden you create the experience in your reality. It’s all backwards. Feel the freedom and the joy first, and the experience that matches the feeling will appear.

I personally believe the best thing about money is that once you have used it to release yourself from suffering, you can help end the suffering of those less fortunate than yourself who are in extraordinary pain due to being at the mercy of false belief systems, or for other living creatures (animals, plants, etc) who are at the mercy of those who have those false belief systems.

Only those who have feelings of powerlessness caused by false belief systems create suffering for others. You are about to realize everything you need to know to free yourself from suffering. I believe it is our responsibility to use and share this knowledge wisely and free the rest of the world from suffering as well.

I hope this makes sense. If it doesn’t then please read these two chapters again and again until it starts to become clear, because this a crucial piece of the puzzle and once you get this, the rest will fall into place so much more easily.

In summary, take the emphasis off money, unleash the feeling within you that you want to experience and watch your life take on a magical quality that is almost surreal where resources, people, events and opportunities turn up in miraculous ways that you least expect. It is where reality becomes fantasy and fantasy becomes reality.

Let your imagination run wild because it is your greatest asset in the game of money!


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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Poverty: An Inconvenient Truth

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Poverty: An Inconvenient Truth There is a saying “The truth will set you free, but it will piss you off at first”.

Well, that definitely applies here. Because the truth is that abundance has nothing to do with what’s in your bank account and everything to do with what’s in your head. And before your conscious mind starts arguing with me, just know that I am not there to defend myself, and I do intend to explain. So before you waste any more energy recounting all the bad luck and circumstances ‘beyond your control’ that have kept you poor, please keep an open mind and listen to what I have to share with you before you make any judgements.

Have you ever wondered what the super successful like Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Warren Buffett, and the late Kerry Packer have that you don’t in relation to wealth and success?

These mega successful icons were not born rich and most of them created their wealth from scratch. So, did they get a better education than you? Are they better looking than you? Are they smarter than you? Are they luckier than you? Did they know more people than you? What is the distinction between you and these seeming untouchables? Why have they been so successful when 95% of the population struggles their entire lives just to pay the bills and keep from drowning in debt?

Level of intelligence is not the key. If it were, all of our most brilliant scientists, doctors and engineers would be the wealthiest people on the planet. Although many of them have done alright for themselves, the majority of them could not be counted as amongst the wealthiest in the world.

Information is not the answer. If it were you could pick up half a dozen books from any number of authorities on a particular subject, study them carefully and become an instant millionaire, or have the relationship of our dreams, or be trim, taught and terrific in weeks based on what you learned, but it doesn’t happen.

Level of effort is not it either. Believe me if it were, I would have been a trillionaire 10 times over by the time I was 30. I can’t begin to tell you the amount of effort I put in to numerous projects in the past, only to end up with nothing more than confusion and a broken heart to show for it.

The truth is that a positive mindset is far more important than any of these 3 things, and your patterns of thought are the primary keys to your success in any area of your life. A Harvard study of some of the most successful businessmen and entrepreneurs revealed that 85% of success is a result of the right mindset. Having the right mindset and following and applying the process that is right for you is the answer to changing your current conditioning and subconscious belief systems.

The results that we are seeing in our lives are a product of whether we have a failure consciousness or a success consciousness. And the good news is that a failure consciousness can be changed to a success consciousness with the right process and concentration of focus and effort.

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Failure consciousness is purely programming that has been installed through adopting the belief systems from those in our environment as a child, and the interpretation and analysis of our thousands of experiences. In order to change your programming you need to heal your negative physical, emotional and mental conditioning and change your belief systems and perception of events so you no longer respond to the world in the same way as you have been for years.

So the answer to the original questions is: super successful simply have a different relationship with money and success than you do.

That’s it. It’s just the way their mind works, and in particular their subconscious mind. And they didn’t necessarily have the right subconscious mindset from their early childhood either, but somewhere along the line something triggered fundamental and unshakable beliefs within themselves around money that not only allowed them to create wealth, but meant they couldn’t NOT create wealth in their lives. They are literally hard wired to have money and success and lots of it.

So, how do you get that kind of programming into your head? I have some good news and some bad news.

Firstly, I am not going to tell you it’s easy. Getting from where you are now to where they are, or even somewhere in between, is going to take some effort on your part. The good news is that it is absolutely possible and it doesn’t have to be difficult or take years and years to discover the formula.

Scientific research has shown that our brains are the most extraordinary, complex and powerful machines in the entire Universe. Your brain has about one hundred billion neurons which have the capacity to perform somewhere in the vicinity of ten quadrillion operations per second.

The saying, ‘as above, so below’ is directly applicable to each of the one hundred trillion cells contained within our body. According to renowned biologist, Dr Bruce Lipton PhD, in ‘The Biology of Belief’; “Each eukaryote (nucleus-containing cell) possesses the functional equivalent of our nervous system, digestive system, respiratory system, excretory system, endocrine system muscle and skeletal systems, circulatory system, integument (skin), reproductive system and even a primitive immune system, which utilizes a family of antibody-like “ubiquitin proteins.”

So you have one hundred trillion replicas of your body running around inside of you. And each of these are communicating with the super-computer called the brain, which then coordinates distributing resources and stimulating hundreds of thousands of different chemical reactions every second. This is the subconscious mind at work, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. It is always in the present moment and cannot operate any other way, responding to our immediate physical, emotional and spiritual needs according to the information it is receiving from it’s environment.

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The other part of the brain is the conscious brain. This is your thinking brain, the part that you use to solve problems and process information using logic and reason. And to all intents and purposes, on the surface it would appear that we are in conscious control of our lives, making decisions based purely on fact from the information we are receiving.

And this is where I’m probably going to ‘piss you off’ again. Because in actual fact, the conscious mind is only responsible for 2 to 4 percent of the results we see in our lives. The automatic part of the brain, the subconscious is responsible for 96 to 98 percent of the outcomes that determine our lifestyles and whether we succeed or fail at any particular area of our lives.

If this is the first time you have heard this statistic I can imagine you are really struggling with it. I know I certainly did. And yet, from all the evidence that has been exposed in recent years, it is undeniable that it is our belief systems and learned patterns of behaviour that determine our results, almost all of the time.

There is an equation that states:


And this equation works every single time for every single thing in our lives. This is good news because it means we control our destiny. It also means we are one hundred percent responsible for all the failures as well as all the triumphs in our lives. There is nobody and nothing else responsible for where we you at right now, just you.

I am not trying to make you wrong, or attribute blame here. I‘m giving you information that will empower you when you embrace it. Responsibility is not blame. We all get things wrong. That is life. In fact, we all get things wrong more often than we get things right and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

When you realise this and take full responsibility for your current situation, then you have the ability to change it.

So, what about other people and events and circumstances that have a direct impact on us? How come they have no responsibility for our outcomes? Of course we live in relationship to many influencing factors: our family, friends, the government, authorities, forces of nature, economic conditions, The Universe, etc, etc. In fact life is about our relationship with many different elements of varied natures. However, your financial, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing is ultimately in your hands.

If you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, you are responsible for being there, nobody else. If you are in an abusive relationship, you are responsible for attracting that person into your life and the nature of the relationship is a product of your own self worth and your subconscious programming around what relationships should be like. If your economic situation is poor, this is a result of your negative belief systems around money.

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It is the job of your subconscious mind to keep you safe and to prove you right. As long as it determines that according to its primary beliefs and priorities and it’s model of safety, it will do whatever it takes to maintain the status quo. The subconscious doesn’t like change or the unknown unless it feels that the unknown would be safer for you than the current circumstance, but that is rare.

For example, if your subconscious is programmed according to a belief that it is not safe to succeed because your family or friends would abandon you, then it will sabotage any efforts you make to succeed. If it is programmed to believe that if you become too deeply involved in a relationship you’ll be hurt, so it’s not safe to have a committed relationship and you attract men who won’t commit. If your mother over fed you as a child as a sign of affection, you may hold onto your weight as a way of holding onto love. There are hundreds of thousands of possible believe systems that your subconscious mind may have created depending on your environment and experiences growing up.

The first 6 years are the most critical formative years. As a child, you didn’t have the necessary faculties to make logical decisions about people and situations based on the facts. You simply took what you saw and created belief systems around it from the time you were conceived right through life. Your subconscious is constantly evaluating it’s present circumstance, running it through the memory bank, analysing it according to the data present and responding according to it’s model of the world. In other words, you are not necessarily (in fact hardly ever) running programs designed to achieve what your conscious mind wants, but according to what your subconscious mind believes is right for you.

In order to change your results, you need to change your behaviour. To change your behaviour, you have to change your thoughts and your subconscious programming. Once you control your thoughts, beliefs, moods and attitudes, you control your world.

This is easier said than done, however. It’s kind of like upgrading a computer, only the programs already installed are resistant to new information if it doesn’t match with the old.

Fortunately we have several very effective tools available to us to assist in this process and make it as efficient and easy as possible. Two of the ones I like the most and are the basis of this program, are EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Sound Healing.

The following chapters provide more information on both of these incredibly powerful techniques. The beauty of both of them is that they are a match made in heaven and when combined will supercharge your results and bring profound change quickly. So if you are going to use this combination, just be sure you are ready for real change, real fast.

READY…………………SET………………………GO, GO, GO!!!

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Will Success Solve All Your Problems?

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Will Success Solve All Your Problems? People seem to have this misconception that when they have manifested all

of their desires (which is not possible by the way, because you will always have new desires) that all their troubles will be over and they will never have any problems ever again. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Certainly being able to leave behind the most basic struggles of human need and survival, and having a deep sense of peace and freedom around money and time, negates a lot of the usual causes of stress and anxiety. Having a feeling of safety and security about our future is paramount to your mental and emotional wellbeing. However, this does not mean that you will never face a problem ever gain. It simply means that the quality of your problems will be different.

Donald Trump has much bigger financial challenges than most of us, but his problems are around how to close the latest deal, or where is the next deal, instead of where is the next meal. So whilst his financial challenges are much bigger than yours or mine, they do not threaten his basic survival, so there is not anywhere near the amount of fear around his challenges, no matter how large, as there is for someone who has no idea how they are going to feed their family. One requires $50M and the other requires $5, so the level of stress is not proportionate to the amount of money, but how that money relates to the survival of the person desiring the money.

And it is your current situation that is the perfect training ground for learning how to overcome and find solutions to problems. There is no way in heaven or on earth that you are going to be able to solve the problems of Donald Trumps magnitude until you learn how to solve your own challenges.

So consider this your training ground. Look at your situation and let go of the fear, because you can release the stress in your life and decide to feel safe and secure at any time, which will mean you are more open to creativity and problem solving than when you are consumed by worry and fear. Obviously, a lifetime of fear and worry is not easy to drop in practice as it is in theory, which is why tools like EFT and Sound Healing and many of the other energy healing techniques that we have access to are such wonderful breakthroughs for our culture because they literally give us the opportunity to let go of these feelings quickly so we can focus on solutions, rather than being stuck in the problems.

This is the big difference between someone like Donald Trump and the average person on the street. The brain of Donald Trump is wired to look for opportunities, possibilities and solutions to overcome the problem. 95% of people’s brains are not trained to see beyond the problem and therefore stay stuck in the problem, instead of creating solutions. And the level of stress has a direct impact on your ability to be solution focused. If you are afraid for your survival, your ability to focus on finding a solution will be severely compromised because your central nervous system is consumed with fear and stress hormones are coursing

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through your body which clouds your thinking and your judgement, limits your creativity and ability to expand your mind to think outside the square.

Do you see the big difference between the two mindsets? One is solution oriented, the other is problem focused. No one who is problem focused will succeed in finding a lasting solution.

If you want your life to change, you must retrain your brain to find solutions and this means learning, personal development, choosing to be present in every moment and being willing to reprioritize your time in accordance with what will create a different future for you, not focusing on the sins of the past.

It was Einstein who said “Problems cannot be solved with the same level of thinking that created them”. Einstein understood implicitly that we create our own reality and we get what we focus on. So if you have circumstances in your life that are not allowing you to live the life you truly want, then you must recognise that it is your thinking that has created this experience, and it is by changing your thinking that can get yourself out of it.

So, don’t imagine for a moment that success will bring you complete freedom from problems. Depending on your definition of success, it will bring a certain level of freedom that your current situation has not enabled for you. It will also bring new problems. So be careful what you wish for and be clear about what success looks like for you so the problems you create are not more stressful than the ones you left behind.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success How Long Will It Take?

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How Long Will It Take To Succeed? The sixty-five thousand dollar question: How long will it take for me to


There are so many variables to this question, my reply is, how long is a piece of string? The answer to this will vary greatly and that depends on a number of different factors including:

1. How far away from your goal are you now? i.e. If your goal is to be a world renowned chef and you don’t know how to boil an egg, then my educated guess would be that it could take a while. If, however, your goal is to have an extra $100 in your bank account by the end of the week and it’s Monday, then depending on your ability to take action on the inspiration you receive, I’d say pretty good.

2. How much time and energy are you willing to commit to achieve that goal? For instance, if you are completely focused and willing to do whatever it takes every day until you achieve your particular goal, you will achieve it a lot more quickly than if you work on it every now and then, just when you feel like it, and it’s not a priority for you.

3. Is your glass half full or half empty? If you have a positive, ‘can do’ mindset, as opposed to a ‘nothing works for me’ attitude, then you are a lot more likely to achieve your goal quickly and effectively.

4. Is your goal part of your divine plan? I believe we all have a purpose on the planet, some more specific than others. And if your goal has not relation to what you have come here to achieve or experience, then you may never achieve it. Make sure you are following your passion every step of the way and you can be sure that you are on track with God’s / The Universes plans for you and magic will happen to help you get to where you are going.

5. What are the resources you need to achieve that goal? Do you require a lot of resources, or minimal resources, and how many of them do you have now?

6. Do you have a definite plan to achieve your goal? Having a plan is critical and the more detailed the plan is, the more quickly you will achieve your goal.

7. What possible challenges will you meet along with way? As we know when building a house, we can have a time frame and a schedule to work toward but if there are significant challenges that were not accounted for along the way, the schedule is going to blow out. Often we may have to adjust our expectations along the way. Factor in some of the challenges you may anticipate occurring, but we cannot know all of them until we get started.

8. Have you set your goal using the SMART Goals formula? Your goals must be set so that they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic

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and Time oriented. There is a specific formula contained within the workbook that will help you to set your goals in such a way to give you the best chance to achieve them.

9. How risk averse are you? Those who are more willing to take big risks are more likely to achieve their goals more quickly, even if they do experience set backs, than those who are more cautious and reluctant to taking risks.

10. How open are you to receiving help? This refers to earth bound help as well as divine intervention. If you are determined to do it all on your own, then it’s going to take a lot longer than if you are completely open to receiving all the help you can get.

There are countless other variables that can affect the outcome of when you will achieve your goal, however, you can stack the odds in your favour by using the goal setting and strategic visioning exercise in this workbook as well as committing to using personal growth tools like EFT and Sound Healing to help shift any negative belief systems that are blocking your progress.

Just know that you are responsible for how quickly you achieve your goal, so make sure you set yourself up for success by having absolute clarity of the outcome you want to achieve, putting a plan in place, preparing yourself in whatever way you need to in order to succeed, and committing yourself mentally and emotionally to your goal one hundred and fifty percent.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success What Is Your Particular Path To Wealth?

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What Is Your Particular Path To Wealth? Why do some people seem to make money effortlessly and others struggle and

struggle and struggle and never get ahead? Why do some people seem to master the principals of The Secret instantly, being able to change their lives in a matter of days or weeks and some of us take years to really figure it out, no matter how hard we try?

Have you been doing everything you’ve heard in relation to the Law of Attraction about manifestation and visualisation and clearing blocks and still it’s not happening for you?

Well, I’ve got to tell you that I have been in the latter category. It took me a few years of learning and trial and error before I finally figured out the formula for me to realise freedom in my life. And it wasn’t until I focused specifically on my unique gifts and talents that everything started to come together for me.

You see, there was not just one formula for The Secret that works for everybody. And that some people will find it harder than others depending on their purpose and where they are at right now in relation to that!

Some people do not have a very specific purpose and they will master the principals and receive results in record time with almost anything they try. Unfortunately, some of us will have to fail and fail and fail and fail again before it all falls into place. And still others will experience hardship after hardship that seems unbearable, so they can make a profound difference in the lives of others because of the things they learned during their journey.

This seems really unfair, but it is a harsh reality. And in fact many people have their own particular, unique path that will bring them the freedom they desire if they have the courage to follow it. There may be a few different slight variations to that one path, but one of the reasons most people try and fail to get the Law of Attraction to work in their life is because they are trying to follow exactly what someone else has done and that is not their purpose.

For example, I am an entrepreneur by nature. I do not do employment well. I’m very much a free spirit and working for somebody else in a dead end job that does not allow me freedom of expression and creativity is pretty much death for me. This fact alone put my husband and I in a very precarious position on a number of occasions. Fortunately for me, Laurie is very reliable and steadfast and a really hard worker because he is the only reason we did not go under whilst I tried just about every business opportunity that ever was to get ahead with very little to show for it except more debt.

Don’t get me wrong. I am a hard worker. But my ability to focus on one thing sucked which is death to any goal, and I kept trying to find ‘The Perfect Business Opportunity’ from all the generic business opportunities out there. I followed the training and formulas, etc, etc, and nothin’! I failed so many times my friends and family were astonished that I was still going. They admired my tenacity, but I felt

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pathetic. I felt like such a miserable failure. Fortunately I was determined to create financial freedom for myself and my poor, long suffering husband. I was going to make it, or die trying!

Through the use of EFT and Sound Healing, I cleared my blocks to success, and then I had the biggest breakthrough ever. I looked at my gifts, and I opened myself up to the inspiration of the Universe, and it was then that magic happened.

There was no way in heaven or on earth that any of those other business opportunities were going to work, no matter how great they looked on paper or how much money other people had made out of them, or how much effort I put in, because they were not my path. I have some very unique gifts and it is my life’s purpose to share them with the rest of the world. That is the whole reason I am here! And if I had succeeded at any of those other opportunities, I probably would not have pursued with such focus and determination the true reason I am here. My gift is making a real difference in the world, and as the word spreads, the ripples I am making will become waves and I will assist in bringing transformation to the hearts and minds of many people on the planet.

This is not an ego driven statement. I am truly humbled by the gift I have been given. And I now know that it would have been a travesty for many if I had not discovered the breakthrough formula of combining EFT with Sound Healing to help the world to heal.

The Universe knew this and it kept blocking every attempt I made to make money at all the other opportunities, until I finally looked at the unique gifts and talents I was born with and started to piece together the things that made me unique and made my heart sing. And of course those two things are EFT and Sound Healing.

This is why finding your passion is so important. What makes your heart sing? Why are you here? What are your gifts? What is your unique contribution to the planet?

Answering these questions is crucial to you discovering the formula to living the life of your dreams. You can do as I did and try and fail at multiple opportunities, and if you’re like the majority of people, you will eventually give up frustrated, fed up and settle for mediocrity because it’s all too hard. Or you can learn from my mistakes, start your quest to find out what you are here to contribute and you can live the most rewarding, fulfilling life of freedom, passion and purpose that will make this life heaven on earth for you.

The choice is yours. A life of struggle and mediocrity? Or passion, purpose, prosperity and freedom? Which is it going to be for you?

Nobody ever said it would be easy. But by golly it will be rewarding!

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Introduction to EFT

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Introduction to EFT It’s not clear when the development and use of energy work began, but it is

believed to have been discovered approximately 5,000 years ago in China when wars were still being fought with bows and arrows. Strangely, soldiers who received relatively minor wounds in particular spots on the body gained total relief from pain that had been suffered sometimes for many years. The Chinese were intrigued by this and with further research they discovered an energy system that communicated information throughout the body. This energy system is referred to as many things including chi, qi, prana, ki, life force and life energy.

The discovery of this energy system was the basis for the development of the widely recognised acupuncture therapy which uses needles to stimulate the meridian points which lie on specific points along the twelve major energetic pathways. Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to relieve pain and treat a wide variety of illnesses. The WHO (World Health Organisation) has cited 104 conditions that can be effectively treated with acupuncture.

More recently, therapists began experimenting with acupressure. This is based on the same principles as acupuncture, but applying pressure to the meridian points rather than using needles. In the 1980’s two psychiatrists, John Diamond and Roger Callahan, experimented with the meridian points for relieving negative emotions such as anxiety, phobias and emotional pain and trauma. Roger Callahan’s work led to the development of Thought Field Therapy (TFT).

TFT was a major breakthrough in therapy and is one form of what is now termed energy psychology. The theory behind this relatively new form of therapy is based on the concept that negative emotional and psychological imbalances cause blockages in our energy field. Stimulating the main meridian points by tapping on them with your fingertips whilst thinking about the issue in question clears the blockage and the emotion is released, permanently.

As we begin to understand the direct relationship between emotional imbalances and physical discomfort, it is becoming more and more apparent that by treating a particular emotional issue, so the physical representation of that issue is also healed.

Although it is hard to believe that by simply tapping on various meridian points on the face and hands can dramatically and permanently change deeply established emotions within a matter of minutes, as well as help to heal long term chronic illness and pain, as yet another treatment has not been found that is as fast or effective as energy psychology.

TFT was quite involved and complex and Gary Craig sought to simplify the process and developed Emotional Freedom Technique, commonly referred to as EFT. This simple form of energy psychology is extraordinary in that it can be learned within 5 to 10 minutes, produces magical results and can be used virtually anytime, anywhere and literally for everything.

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There are not guarantees that using EFT will relieve a particular condition instantly or permanently at first. Sometimes it may take a number of tapping sessions to find the underlying cause of a certain complaint. And a negative emotion may have many layers that present over a period of time to be resolved. But still, EFT has a tendency to succeed at times when all other therapies have failed because it leads the sufferer to the main cause for the discomfort, sometimes quickly, sometimes more slowly, so it can be resolved for ever.

Thousands of sceptics the world over have been converted to avid believers within minutes by a simple demonstration of it’s effectiveness on issues affecting the disbeliever. If you have not yet explored the magic of EFT, you have no time to waste.

There are twelve major energy meridians in the body which run from the top of your head, through your fingers and right down to your toes. These meridians are channels that carry energy throughout the body, while meridian points are specific points located on the surface of the skin and are the points which are stimulated to obtain energy shifts in the emotional body to help heal any manner of complaint or condition.

There are typically seventeen meridian points that are used during the process. These include:

Eyebrow Point – beginning of the eyebrow, near the bridge of the nose (trauma, frustration, restlessness)

Side of eye – on the bony orbit at the side of either eye (rage)

Under eye – on the bony orbit underneath the eye, directly under the pupil (anxiety, nervousness, phobias, cravings)

Under nose – under the nose, in the crevice about the upper lip (embarrassment, psychological reversals)

Under bottom lip – in the depression between the lip and the chin (shame)

Under collarbone – directly below the knob of the collarbone that is next to the depression below the Adam’s apple (anxiety, insecurity)

Under arm – approx six inches below the arm pit – on the bra strap for the women (anxiety, nervousness, cravings, self-esteem)

Under breast – directly under the breast, approx where the rib cage ends (this point is often left out for reasons of discretion) (unhappiness)

Thumbnail - on the inside tip of the thumb where the nail meets the cuticle (intolerance, arrogance)

Index fingernail - on the inside tip of the index finger where the nail meets the cuticle (guilt)

Middle fingernail - on the inside tip of the middle finger where the nail meets the cuticle (jealousy, addictive)

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Little fingernail – on the inside tip of the little finger where the nail meets the cuticle (anger)

Back of hand – between knuckles of the little and ring fingers (depression, loneliness, physical pain)

Karate chop – this is located on the side of the where the crease crosses the edge of the hand closest to the little finger (sadness, psychological reversals)

Forehead – above and between the eyebrows (trauma, anxiety, addiction, depression)

Chest – between and slightly down from the under collarbone points (improve immune system function)

Sore Spot – On the left side of the chest, midway between the collarbone and down toward the breast. This is often quite sore, even painful (psychological reversals).

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Although each spot is useful for specific emotions and pain, they are combined during the EFT process as very rarely does one emotion exist on it’s own and it can be impossible and time consuming to pinpoint all the emotions associated with a particular event or issue. Therefore it is much easier to combine the majority of the points into one quick and easy process so all associated emotions are treated at once.

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The EFT Procedure Once you have determined the issue you want to work on, and before you

start the process, rate the intensity of the issue on a scale of 0 to 10, 10 being the most intense and 0 being non-existent. This is referred to as the SUD’s Rating. SUD stands for Subjective Units of Distress.

Now, whilst rubbing the Sore Spot or tapping on the Karate Chop point (KC) on either hand, repeat the affirmation statement related to the issue: “Even though I have …….(this issue)………… I deeply and completely accept myself” three times.

Following this, while repeating the reminder phrase, “(this issue)”, throughout, tap the points shown in the diagram in the following sequence:

Eyebrow (EB)

Side of Eye (SE)

Under Eye (UE)

Under Nose (UN)

Chin (CH)

Collarbone (CB)

Under Arm (UA)

Top of Head (H)

Many people are content to just use these points as the entire sequence, although I like to use the gamut point procedure as well to help shift those extra stubborn feelings.

The gamut procedure uses the points on the hand shown in the diagram along with some eye movements and brain integration exercises.

Tap the following points in sequence:

Side of the thumb (at the level of the cuticle)

Side of the second finger (at the level of the cuticle)

Side of the third finger (at the level of the cuticle)

Side of the little finger (at the level of the cuticle)

The gamut point is located in the fleshy part located between the knuckle of the little finger and the knuckle of the ring finger. Make a loose fist and tap on the gamut point while doing the following:

Close your eyes

Open your eyes

Close your eyes

Open your eyes

Look down hard to the right

Look down hard to the left

Roll your eyes in one direction

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Roll your eyes in the other direction

Hum approx 5 seconds of a song that makes you feel happy

Count from 1 to 5

Hum approx 5 seconds of the song again

Return to the original tapping sequence as before.

Once you have completed full one round of EFT, rate the issue again to see if it has come down and how far, and repeat the process as many times as necessary. If the rating doesn’t move after 2 rounds of tapping, or it reaches a plateau, then there may be an underlying or related issue that needs to be addressed to release the issue effectively from the energy system.

Sometimes the issue may get worse in the beginning. If this happens, don’t panic, just repeat the procedure and remain aware of any other issues that arise which may be aggravating the one you are working on.

This process is organic in that it feeds itself. As you work with the process and explore different emotions and belief systems you will start to recognise other belief systems or emotions appearing that you would not have considered previously.

EFT is very effective when dealing with weight issues because it can help reduce food cravings, reduce stress and anxiety that stimulate eating, changes negative belief systems around food and body image, and treat past issues that have created the emotional and physical response to food.

While using EFT, either by yourself or with a practitioner, it is important that you take care and responsibility for your wellbeing and only do what feels right for you. Although it may be necessary at times to confront difficult or traumatic issues, it is important that you feel safe and ready to do so.

Many people get tied up about whether or not they are using the right language. What is important is that you are feeling connected to the particular issue, so whatever language is appropriate for you to be able to do that is perfect for the procedure.

You may find that you feel strange sensations such as physical tingling or movement in different parts of the body, or yawing and sighing. This is a good thing as it is a sign that the energy is shifting and the EFT is working.

Remember to stay well hydrated as dehydration can interrupt the energy flow and prevent the treatment from working.

Another strange and wonderful fact about this treatment is that if you are in a public place and feeling anxious, you can utilise this method without anybody knowing by simply visualising you are tapping the points while quietly saying the phrases without actually tapping. Because we are dealing with energy, the mental intention can be a powerful way to access the points when you don’t feel comfortable doing the procedure physically.

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Whilst EFT is relatively harmless and Gary Craig, the founder, encourages us to “Try it on everything”, it is important to use common sense when working with any energy therapy. Whilst tears and sadness are common and to be expected when working with emotional issues, if you have any serious emotional or physical trauma to address, then I encourage you to work with an appropriately qualified or experienced practitioner to help you through the process, as it could be upsetting and even distressing.

EFT is also no substitute for medical treatment and must not be used as a single therapy to cure any serious physical condition. If you are undergoing medical treatment, then by all means experiment with the tapping, but do not change or discontinue treatment, or contradict advice by your medical supervisor unless instructed by him or her.

I hope you will heed this advice as I cannot take any responsibility for how you apply this technique when I am not there to supervise and guide you. Your own emotional and physical wellbeing is your responsibility alone and if in any doubt, work with a practitioner.

Why EFT Focuses On The Negative

Many people are concerned that we focus on negative phrases and feelings whilst practicing EFT. This is a necessary part of the procedure. We are mostly taught to focus on the positive as I will talk about throughout much of this manual. However, the opposite is true with EFT.

The truth is that most positive talk is simply ignoring the real feelings that are lying just under the surface. Focusing on the positive is very important as you go about your daily life. However, the feelings and emotions that you have been holding onto for many years are very real and need to be recognised and released.

This is why EFT is such a breakthrough in therapy because as you are tapping on the meridian points and talking about the issue, it is being released from the energy body.

It has only been in the last couple of years that using a positive round of tapping after the negative round has been used very effectively to help to install positive feelings where the negative ones used to be.

So don’t be concerned about the negative focus while you are tapping because this is actually how the therapy works.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Sound Healing: The New Frontier

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Sound Healing – The New Frontier Energy is the basic foundation for all existence. All matter is energy and in a

constant state of vibration, including the human body. There is significant research in modern day physics, and in particular, quantum physics, that shows that we are vibrational beings. And vibrational medicine is now becoming a powerful complimentary form of treatment capable of creating balance and harmony in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being.

Sound healing is one of the most common forms of vibrational medicine where musical instruments or the human voice are used with the intention to heal and have been effectively used by many cultures in healing rituals for centuries. Until recently, however, the power of these traditions have not been explored or tested in modern day scientific realms.

Shamans used chanting and drumming to heal people, while ancient mystery schools in Greece, Egypt and India developed sound into a sacred science. The ancient Greeks used the flute and the lyre to heal the body and soul and to treat illnesses such as gout and sciatica. Pythagoras is known to have used specific songs and incantations to cure diseases of the body and mind. There are even theories suggesting that the great Pyramids were constructed using sound.

While the use of sound and music can be found in many spiritual and sacred cultural traditions, sound healing is only now being rediscovered in the healing arts. Supported by scientific research, the basic principle of sound healing is that all matter is energy which is eternal and in a constant state of vibration, or resonance. This vibration is the basic foundation for all existence.

The body has approximately 100 trillion cells, and every one of these cells is controlled by an electromagnetic field, which is resonating at its own unique sound frequency. So in effect, your entire body, including your bones, tissues and organs, has it’s own personal vibratory rate, which is as unique as your own fingerprint.

When all aspects of our being are balanced, and our body is vibrating at its’ optimum frequency, we are in a state of health. However, when this frequency changes and different parts of the body become dis-harmonious, we enter a dis-eased state. The science of Cymatics (specific frequencies are projected into a clients body via musical instruments to create physiological, emotional and mental changes) shows that bringing a diseased organ such as the kidney or liver back into harmony using corrective frequencies will cause it to return to a state of health.

A leading pioneer in the sound healing field, Jonathan Goldman, states that an extremely important factor in any healing relationship is intention, and that combining intention with frequency creates the transformation experience that encompasses sound healing.

The human voice is considered to be the supreme instrument of healing. Toning refers to the use of the voice for releasing pain and stress and helps to balance the body with healing frequencies. Overtoning is a technique whereby a

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practitioner allows themselves to be a channel to allow sacred healing sound and will then voice intuitively inspired sounds.

The practice of overtoning can have astonishing results. When you consider the scientific research acknowledging that sound can literally rearrange molecular structure, it is entirely possible for miraculous changes to occur including release of tension in the muscles, reduction or elimination of chronic pain, emotional release, realignment of the vertebrae and much more. Following a treatment, recipients of overtoning report feelings of deep inner peace and relaxation, blissful emotions, feeling light headed, release from physical pain, increased feelings of well-being and much more.

Fabien Maman, a French composer and bioenergeticist, experimented with the impact of sound waves on healthy cells and uterine cancer cells using a camera mounted on a microscope. When musical scales were sung to them, the diseased cells became disorganized and actually shattered within a period of nine minutes.

Maman also experimented with toning using two breast cancer patients. Each of the patients toned for three and a half hours a day for a month. In one case, the tumour completely vanished, while, when the other woman had her tumour surgically removed, the surgeon reported the malignant tumour had shrunk significantly in size and there were no metastases; the patient made a complete recovery.

Scientists at Michigan State University have found that listening to healing music significantly increases levels of interleukin-1 in the bloodstream. Interleukins are a family of proteins associated a variety of physical benefits including cellular protection against AIDS, cancer and other diseases. This same study also reduced levels of the stress hormone, cortisol in participants, which suppresses the immune system and is considered a significant contributing factor in modern diseases including diabetes, cancer, heart disease and many more.

Healers and therapists working with sound and music today are fortunate to be able to follow in the footsteps of ancient traditions by combining the magic of healing sound with science and technology. We are rediscovering that we are open instruments of energy, from the tiniest sub-cellular level of our own bodies to the far reaches of our universe. By utilising this knowledge, healers and therapists are guiding humanity back to the roots of the most ancient healing practices, and creating a new frontier in the healing arts with sound as healer.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Light Language

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The Ancient Wisdom of Light Language Light Language, or the Language of Light, embodies the ancient wisdom of the

Mayan and Aztecs and is the language of your soul. It is the primary form of communication throughout the Universe and is how your aura is formed.

Light Language is a powerful tool that can assist you to manifest whatever you need most in your life. It is based on greater than light speed healing techniques which have been passed down through an incredibly long lineage of Mayan-Aztec Masters. It is said that if all the spoken languages on earth were blended, they would manifest as the angelic Language of Light. This is the language that is channelled in perfect harmony with the sound in the unique Symphonies of Light healing technique.

The Language of Light is often communicated in a written form, but its power is equally, if not more potent, when spoken or sung. Marguerita speaks and sings this language intuitively during healing sessions, speaking directly to your higher consciousness and your cellular memory, and instilling this ancient wisdom of health, happiness and universal consciousness directly and deeply within your unique vibration.

People who have experienced this particular form of sound healing have reported all kinds of sensations including feeling a deep sense of calm and inner peace, relief from pain and anxiety, increase in focus and energy, clarity of thought, releasing of negative emotions, increase in energy and wellbeing, seeing brilliant colours, and even travelling to other beautiful worlds. Many say they feel like they have returned home.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Your Own Voice As Healer

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Your Own Voice As Healer

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Your Own Voice As Healer Sound is a very powerful healing mechanism, and the most powerful healing

sound of all is within you.

As children we naturally understand the power of our own voice and release our emotions through sound. Laughing, crying, groaning, moaning, grunting, growling, screaming, sighing, squealing, wailing, these are all forms of sound healing and can help to release negative emotions more easily and increase good emotions as well.

Your own voice is tuned specifically to your particular frequency, so regardless of whether or not you can sing, your own voice is the most powerful sound healing tool for you.

For example, the next time you feel stressed or anxious, take just 30 seconds to a minute to explore the feeling. Notice where it is in your body and breathe into the feeling allowing it to expand. Now release whatever sound is associated with the feeling. Don’t force the sound, just allow it to easily fall with the out breath. It could be a sigh, a groan, a shout, or you may want to cry. Whatever sound you feel you need to release is the right sound for you. Consciously make the sound and think about releasing the feeling on the out breath with the sound. Repeat the sound several times, each time releasing more of the emotion. When you feel you have released the emotion, just spend a few seconds breathing back into the place where the feeling was. How much has the intensity of the feeling decreased, or has it gone altogether?

If you have time, then this is also a powerful way to replace the old emotion with a good one. Think about a recent situation where you felt joy and peace. Bring all the memories of that time into your mind vividly. Experience all the sounds and colours and take notice of the detail. Play it like a movie and feel all the feelings as if you are right there in that situation again. Now make a sound that corresponds with that feeling. Feel the intensity of the feeling increase. Repeat the sound several times until that good feeling is really intense and breathe into the emotion allowing it to expand to every cell of your body.

Now remember that sound and when you feel you need a pick me up, take a moment to relax and be still and make that sound several times. The subconscious mind picks up on the sound and responds by releasing chemicals aligned with the good feeling. The subconscious mind is extremely clever, but it is also easily deceived. You can allow it to run your life, or you can learn to manipulate it and make it your servant. It just takes practice.

Another way you can use your voice to heal yourself is through toning. Toning is simply sustaining various notes with intention to bring your vibration back into alignment and release physical or emotional pain.

For instance, if you are experiencing back pain, find a quiet place where you won’t be distracted and breathe into the pain as much as you can. Allowing

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yourself to feel all of it. Ignoring it is not going to make it go away, so this approach is very useful to help dissolve the pain. Now, when you are ready, take a deep breath in and allow your mind to choose a note with the intent to heal the pain. Remaining focused on the pain itself, hold a long sustained note on the out breath. Do this exercise several times for 10 to 15 minutes. Over this period of time, your pain should reduce.

This technique can be used for pretty much anything. Scan your body, feeling anywhere that there is tension. Breathe into that body part and tone on the out breath. You will be surprised how calm you feel and the profound affect this practice will have on you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. For chronic pain, or long term conditions, I recommend a daily practice of toning with intent as the healing may take longer than it will for more temporary discomfort.

Many people enter states of bliss and altered states of consciousness when using sound as healer. The intention is the most important factor in this practice. Don’t worry if you are making the right note, or that it sounds ok. Just have a definite intent and remember to use your breath to carry the sound, don’t force it. You will be amazed at the results, and it’s free and always with you. It doesn’t get much easier than that!

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success EFT & Sound Healing: A Match Made In Heaven

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EFT & Sound Healing: A Match Made In Heaven Now that I have introduced you to EFT and sound healing, I want to talk

briefly about why I have found them such a powerful combination myself.

Intellectually, I don’t believe we will ever fully understand the nature or extent of our potential in this life time. Our minds are bound by the illusion of what we experience in our limited 3D reality and our reality is created by what we believe to be possible through our 3D experience. It’s a frustrating cycle that can be difficult to break. And that is what awakening is all about. Realizing that we are not bound by what we perceive as possible and embracing a world of infinite possibility to create freedom, peace and joy in our lives.

I am personally a huge fan of EFT as it has made a profound difference in my life and the lives of many of my friends and family. It has the ability to heal us on all levels physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, through releasing us from the limitations of our negative belief systems, emotions and subconscious programming and opening us up to our limitless potential one step at a time. By going to the energetic cause of any pain, discomfort or limitation EFT has the ability to release it from our minds and bodies, sometimes in minutes.

Sound healing is a much newer phenomenon in our culture, although it has been recognized as a powerful healing tool by cultures such as the Suphi’s and Tibetan Monks for thousands of years. It works on the same principal, however, of altering your vibration and releasing stored trauma and limiting beliefs by changing speaking directly to your subconscious mind and bringing you back into harmony on all levels.

The power of sound healing is only just being explored by science and, although research into this area began several decades ago, healing and medical professions alike are only now realizing the limitless potential of this extraordinary field of vibrational medicine.

With the power of intention, sound healing helps to bring every aspect of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual self back into harmony, facilitating incredible transformation and breaking down limiting belief systems and opening you up to pure potentiality and infinite possibility.

So, when these two healing techniques are combined, it stands to reason that profound healing can be realized efficiently and effectively by collapsing old belief systems and releasing emotional blocks more quickly than with just one of the techniques on their own.

And the combination of EFT and Sound Healing along with the ancient healing language of Light Language creates a healing revelation that will help you to realize your dreams when used consistently with awareness and intent.

Whilst being exposed to the sound healing track which is speaking directly to your subconscious and creating powerful change at a cellular level, the EFT is simultaneously working behind the scenes on releasing all negative belief systems

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that are in conflict with the new vibration that you are coming into alignment with and introducing new subconscious beliefs that are in alignment with what you truly want.

The intent of the sound healing is powerful. When you add your intent to it and combine it with the power of EFT, your results are supercharged.

You will feel lighter and more positive almost immediately and you will notice your focus changing in the first couple of days. Within a couple of weeks, your mindset will have made a quantum shift and you will start to see situations, people and events synchronizing to help you to realize your goal. Within 4 to 6 weeks, you will have momentum and be moving with confidence in the direction you want to go and you will see challenges as opportunities to grow and develop your problem solving muscles, rather than obstacles that stop your momentum.

This is not an overnight magic bullet, and you MUST commit to using the powerful combination every single day without fail to realize results. But if you do, you will see results surprisingly quickly.

And you will also experience discomfort as talked about in a previous chapter. This is inevitable as your vibration shifts and old ‘stuff’ comes up for you to clear. Stay focused and know that those uncomfortable times are because your life is about to take a dramatic turn for the better.

Make the commitment to yourself right now not to accept whatever life dishes out to you be default any more. Make a definite decision to step out of limited consciousness and into pure potentiality, prosperity, freedom, choice and joy. Don’t allow the freedom and joy that is rightfully yours to allude you for one more day. No one can do it for you. You must make the decision and take action to reach for your goals.

This solution is as close to the magic pill as you are going to find in our current reality. Do something, do ANYTHING, just take charge and make a decision to change your life today.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success The Universal Laws

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The Universal Laws Ever since the movie, “The Secret”, the Law of Attraction has been sweeping

the globe with plenty of people getting on the bandwagon to help others understand and utilize this Universal phenomena successfully in their lives to live the life of their dreams.

However, the majority of the population are not getting the results they hoped for and are left feeling disappointed, disillusioned and just plain cheated.

Tens, if not hundreds of thousands have tried utilizing the Law of Attraction in their lives and have given up thinking it doesn’t work. There is a general mood of “I’m doing everything they tell me to do and it isn’t working. “ And they think that either it doesn’t work, or there is something wrong with them.

Well, I believe that the focus on the “Law of Attraction” has only served to mislead people around the globe and bring them more disappointment and confusion.

You see, this law does exist, without a doubt. However, it is only part of the equation. There are several critical pieces of the puzzle missing with what many people are selling as something that is the answer to all of your problems overnight, for ever and ever.

Well, what a nice little fairytale that would be! Unfortunately that has not been my experience and I am going to share with you some missing pieces that I wish somebody had pointed out to me a few years ago when I discovered the movie and all things ‘Secret-y’.

The Law of Creation (Attraction)

The Law of Attraction is the most discussed, misunderstood and misrepresented law of them all. Firstly, I prefer to refer to it as the “Law of Creation”. The Law of Attraction implies that you can just sit on your bum and wait for whatever you want to come to you, and, however much I wish it were true, unfortunately it ain’t. You actually have to do something to receive what you desire. That’s why I like the phrase “Law of Creation”.

This law states that whatever you focus on, conscious and unconscious, you set up a vibration within you that literally sends out a signal that attracts that into your life. For instance, if you are focusing on the abundance that is present in your life, you are sending out a signal that creates more of that. If you are focusing on debt, you will create more of that. If you feel unlovable, then you will create relationships that reflect that you don’t deserve love. If you are holding trauma or stress in your body, this sets up a vibration that creates disease. Do you see the pattern here?

You are a powerful creator. We all are. And you are creating everything in your life. And I mean everything. You have the ability to create whatever you want in your life, as long as you are in alignment with whatever it is you desire. The part

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that most people struggle with is that this is happening on an unconscious as well as a conscious level. And remember that your subconscious mind accounts for 96 to 96 percent of the results that we see in our lives. So if the chatter going on in the subconscious is in opposition to what you are thinking consciously, then guess which one is going to win. Of course, the subconscious believe system will trump the conscious every time. The trick is to fake it until you make it, and by putting in consistent effort, in the right way, you will create whatever it is that you would like to receive. The recipe for success will be discussed in various chapters throughout this workbook. But for now just know that you are a powerful creator and you really do have the ability to create whatever you want in your life.

The Law of Action

There is an important part of the phrase ‘The Law of Attraction’ that many people fail to recognize and that is ‘action’ at the end of Attraction. Hence, as I said, I prefer the Law of Creation.

You must take appropriate and consistent action toward your goals every single day if you are ever to achieve your dreams. In the beginning you won’t see much in the way of results, but when you keep at it, and keep learning and applying what you are learning, you will reach your goal in the end.

It’s really important to keep your eye on the prize and listen to the inspiration that comes to you. Taking action on the divine inspiration is what will bring you the object of your desire. Sometimes discerning what is inspiration and what is distraction can be a little tricky and, like every part of this journey, learning which is which takes practice. The main thing is to do something, do anything, and see what happens. Of course, it is a good idea to do a little bit of investigation first to make sure that whatever action you are about to take is in alignment with your values and for the highest good of everybody involved.

Sometimes inspiration and opportunities are presented to us that need adjustment, and if it doesn’t tick all the boxes then there could be something else waiting for us that we haven’t seen yet. Don’t rush in blindly, but take a little time to make sure it is the right inspiration for the best possible outcome for you. If you are uncertain, then take a few steps in that direction and stay open to finding out how you feel and whether things are falling into place at all. Trust your gut and you will know if that course of action is right for you.

The Law of Reciprocity

This law states that you must give that which you wish to receive. So if you want success, then you need to help others achieve success in some way in their lives. If you wish to have money, then your product or service must be of value and enriching to peoples lives. If you wish to have a loving relationship, then you must be willing to love everyone you meet. This doesn’t mean you give your heart to everybody who crosses your path, nor does it mean you have to leave yourself vulnerable to being hurt or taken advantage of. What it means is that you extend

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your loving nature (because whether you realize it or not, your true nature is one of unconditional love) to everybody in your life so you may receive love in return. And this means YOU TOO! How is anybody else going to see your true value or love you for who you are if you don’t?

The Law of Gestation

Then there is this little concept known as ‘time’ that gets in the road and often brings us unstuck. We are now living in an instant society. We want everything and we want it now! The credit companies are partly responsible for this very destructive mind set. Where we used to be willing to save and wait for the things we wanted, now we have the ability to get whatever we want, whenever we want, even if we don’t have the means to fund it. Hence, patience is no longer something many of us value or have much of (me included).

And this is what brings most people unstuck with creating what they want. After working on the object of their desire for a few weeks or even days and not seeing results many people give up in disgust and disappointment and return to their old behaviours that will continue to produce exactly the same results they have always seen in the past. They may be on the verge of a breakthrough and turn their backs on what they are doing. Unfortunately, once you break that focus, you have to go right back to the beginning and start all over again.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Are You Sure You Want To Be Successful

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Are You Absolutely, 100% Sure You Want To Succeed? Success, like life, is a journey not a destination. How many times have you

heard that, or something similar? Have you ever stopped to truly understand what that means?

Do you really want success in your life? At anything at all: relationships, career, finances, health, permanent weight loss, education? Are you really sure you want success? Really, really sure? Then let me ask you another question. What are you willing to give up for it?

Most people don't really want success, because they aren't willing to pay the price. So depending on what you want to be successful at, you need to decide whether or not you are prepared to stop doing what's convenient, and start doing whatever it takes.

Success at anything is not for the faint hearted. You must be prepared to: 1. Quit doing all the things you are doing now that have held you back; 2. Do the personal growth work to find the negative belief systems that are

keeping you stuck, and release them; 3. Get uncomfortable, because believe me, you are going to get mighty

uncomfortable; 4. Release people from your life who are toxic / are undermining your

confidence and ability to succeed; 5. Be prepared to fail, many times, so you can learn how to succeed through

trial and error; 6. Be willing to find one or more mentors who can help you get to where you

want to be and listen to them; 7. Discover your weaknesses and capitalize on your strengths; 8. Take full responsibility for your results and accept that you are in charge of

your own destiny, nobody else; 9. Stop worrying about what other people think of you and how they perceive

you; 10. Face all of your fears, and do it anyway.

AND, you are going to have to do this over and over and over consistently, until you succeed.

You must be prepared to do what 95% of people won't do so you can have what 95% of people won't have.

Sound daunting? Of course it does. The price you must be prepared to pay is huge. But the upside is that the reward are infinitely greater.

Just imagine being able to live a life filled with:

1. Fulfilling, loving, supportive relationships;

2. A health, vibrancy and aliveness within you that you never even imagined possible;

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3. A deep sense of inner peace no matter what happens in your life;

4. Time freedom to do whatever you want to do when you want to do it;

5. Complete financial freedom that allows you to live the life of your dreams;

6. Making a difference everyday in the lives of people around you just by being you;

7. A permanent feeling of gratitude and deep appreciation for everything in your life;

8. Being able to laugh from a joy that is so overwhelming it knows no limits;

9. Feeling safe to be vulnerable, real and completely open with everybody;

10. Living a life of purpose, passion and prosperity.

Now let me ask you, are you willing to commit to doing the things I have outlined above to achieve this? Because I can assure you, this is what I have to offer you if you are prepared to pay the price. True freedom of spirit and a life filled with priceless treasures that you are probably not even be able to imagine.

The good news is that it doesn't have to take years and years of sacrifice, pain and suffering. We are blessed to now have incredibly powerful tools available to us that can fast track our journey if we are willing to stick at it, every day, for just a few short weeks. Sure, it will take years to achieve mastery, if any of us ever really achieve that in this life time. However, you can see real, tangible and even magical changes in your life if you are willing to do just a few things every single day to reap the rewards.

So, do you want to put up with temporary discomfort and fast track your way to a life of freedom, purpose, prosperity and joy? Or are you prepared to live your life exactly as you are right now forever? It’s your choice.

Example EFT Phrases Set up phrases: Even though I know achieving success is not going to be easy, I deeply and completely love and accept all of me.

Even though I know that I’m going to have to make sacrifices, I choose to be successful and I profoundly love and embrace the journey.

Even though I know I have to be prepared to do things I haven’t been prepared to do before if I want to succeed, I choose to commit to being successful anyway and I profoundly love and accept all of me.

Clearing EFT phrases:

I know it’s not going to be easy

I don’t like facing challenges

I’m afraid to confront my negative emotions

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I’m afraid of what others will think of me

I’m too lazy to put in the hard work

Success is too hard

What if I leave my friends behind

What if my friends leave me

I have too many commitments already

I don’t have enough time

I feel overwhelmed

I feel anxious

I feel frustrated

Positive EFT Phrases:

I am willing to do whatever it takes to succeed that is for my highest good and the highest good of all

I am open to releasing all fears that are holding me back

I am open to releasing all negative belief systems that are holding me back

I am so happy and so grateful that my habits, belief systems and behaviours are changing to help me succeed

I choose to let anything go in my life that is holding me back

I am relaxed and confident about my financial future

I embrace all my feelings, even the uncomfortable ones, because I know they are messages to help me succeed

I take full responsibility for all my results and know I have the power to change them

I am so happy and so grateful that the Universe is lining people and resources to help me succeed

I am open to receiving all the help I need to succeed

I release all my fear about what other people think because that’s none of my concern

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Decide To Be Successful

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Make A Decision What do you want out of life? This is not a trick question. What do you really

want? Write it down. Go crazy. Put everything that your heart desires down on paper and then think about having all those things in place. What will your life look like? Where are you? Who are you with? What are you doing? What does it feel like?

Feels pretty good doesn’t it? So, what are you going to do about the fact that you haven’t created those things in your life yet? You can have them all. It really is true - we have limitless potential. “What the mind can conceive, it can achieve” Napoleon Hill. You can have everything your heart desires. There’s just one thing you must do first……….. Make A Decision!

You must make a decision to achieve those things in your life NO MATTER WHAT!

By not making a decision to create your own destiny, you are effectively leaving your future up to chance and you are not in the drivers seat. The people who have six and seven figure incomes have become very proficient at making decisions that are not influenced by the well intentioned opinions of others. Your capability to make a decision also controls your health, your relationships, your happiness, in fact it is responsible for every single result you see in your life.

Indecision leads to ambivalence, which is responsible for inertia, or the lack of ability to move forward.

The ability to make decisions, particularly wise ones, takes practice. Just like everything else, if you are not accustomed to making decisions, you’re going to make a few mistakes at first. Heck, you’ll make mistakes to the day you die. However, they will become fewer and fewer as you practice making decisions, and once you become proficient at making those decisions, the outcome won’t matter so much because you will quickly be able to make another decision that counteracts the results of the first if you need to.

And it is imperative you don’t leave important decisions about your life up to anybody else. It’s almost as if people do this so they have someone else to blame if it all goes pear shaped. But let me tell you there is never anybody else responsible for your results other than you. If you take someone else’s advice and it turns out to be bad advice, then take responsibility for not doing enough research finding out the full story and considering all the possibilities before taking action. You must be prepared to face the consequences of all of your decisions, which is what paralyzes most people. They are terrified to make a mistake, so they do nothing, which is the same as accepting defeat and failure by default.

Your self confidence and self esteem have a direct bearing on your ability to be decisive. If you have a problem with confidence, then make a decision to do something about it so you can become a powerful decision maker and director of your own play. And once you make a decision to achieve something, or have something, or do something, all of a sudden the resources that are available to you

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in that present moment are of no real consequence. Because it is not a matter of resources, but resourcefulness.

For example. Just say you want to make a million dollars. How motivated are you to do whatever it takes right now to make that million dollars. Do you feel helpless? Hopeless? Overwhelmed? Don’t know where to start? Indecisive?

Now let’s change it up a bit. Just say someone has kidnapped your 5 year old daughter and tells you that you have to have a million dollars by the end of the week or they will kill her. How motivated are you now? How committed are you now? And will you do whatever it takes to get that million dollars NO MATTER WHAT? Of course you will! In fact, there is no other decision you can make. And this is what it feels like to make decisions with confidence.

We live in a Universe where there is an infinite supply of money? Most financial transactions are digital today and not determined by how much money is in the world. An amount of a loan is determined by the value of the security, not how much money is left available in the accounts around the world. And in fact, now with margin lending, even the value of the security can be rendered superfluous.

When you make a definite decision, you will find the resources, including the money to achieve whatever you set out to achieve. The only variables are how, and by when. The speed at which you accumulate the resources depends on the level of your resourcefulness, creativity and commitment.

As mentioned previously, you get what you focus on. So are you focusing on ‘How Can I?’ or ‘I Can’t’. It was Henry Ford who said ‘Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right’.

And remember, that life will not always give you the perfect conditions to realize your dreams. In fact, almost never will that happen. It is up to you not to let challenges dictate whether or not you reach your goal. It is your job to be creative and listen for inspiration to overcome the challenges that arise, because there will always be challenges. The question is, will you fall at the first hurdle? Or will you develop your intuition, flex your creativity muscle, and take decisive action toward your goal? And don’t let temporary failure to affect your self esteem. Many people make this fatal mistake. Failure is inevitable, and necessary for your personal growth. Look at it in this way and know that every time you fail, you are a different person, a better person. You have learned a valuable lesson on your road to success.

So regardless of where you are at right now, make a firm and absolute decision to succeed in whatever it is that your heart desires. That one action will ensure your success and place you in the company of greatness.

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Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though I’m afraid to make a decision in case I make the wrong one, I deeply and completely accept who I am and how I feel. Even though I’ve never been good at making decisions because I don’t want to get it wrong, I profoundly love and accept all of me. Even though I’m not very confident when making decisions, I choose to know I can change my mind if I don’t like the outcome and I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. Clearing EFT Phrases: I don’t like making decisions Decisions have consequences and I don’t want to take responsibility What if it doesn’t turn out the way I want it to? What if something bad happens? I feel overwhelmed with choice It’s too hard to make a decision What if I get it wrong? The last time I made the wrong decision I got into trouble I remember getting it wrong all the time as a child I always seem to get it wrong I always make bad decisions I’m scared to make the wrong decision I’m not brave enough to make a decision Positive EFT Phrases By not making a decision, I’m letting everybody else take control of my life I choose to take my power back I choose to be brave and make more positive definite decisions I choose to know that if I don’t like how it turns out, I will adjust and fix it I consider everybody and do what I think is for everybody’s highest good I love taking control of my life back I love feeling strong and confident about making a decision I choose to make little decisions at first I love trusting my intuition and making good decisions I am so happy and so grateful that I make good decisions If I get it wrong, then I will fix it What if I get it right? I get it right sometimes They were wrong I was a good child

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success The Number One Secret to Success

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The Number One Secret to Success There are many different components that go into realizing success in any

area of your life. In fact, every achievement requires a combination of factors to help get you over the line. There is, however, one essential ingredient that must be the foundation of all your endeavours in creating whatever it is that you dream of. Are you ready for it? Are you really ready for it? Here it is ……………… Commitment!

That’s right commitment. It’s not terribly sexy or exciting or inspiring or anything you were looking for really. However, I want you to think about it for a few minutes as you read this article.

Nobody who achieves success in any field has ever done so without commitment. And this includes commitment to themselves, their vision, their goals, the process, their learning and development, their future and their growth and expansion.

It doesn’t matter if you are seeking to improve your health, finances, career, relationships, happiness, personal growth, spirituality, freedom, anything at all, the irrefutable truth is that you are going to have to be committed 150% to achieve whatever you dream of.

If you are actively seeking success in some area of your life, then it stands to reason that you must want a different outcome in that aspect to what you have right now. And the reality is that whatever results you are seeing in your life right now are due to habits and behaviours that have created those results.

So to create different results you are going to have to change your behaviour. Simple in theory. Unfortunately, the execution is not necessarily that easy.

As soon as you set goals, you will encounter challenges. And to overcome challenges you need to be committed one hundred and fifty percent. It’s not how many times you get knocked down that counts, but how many times you get back up.

For many of us who are committed to creating a better life for ourselves it can feel pretty lonely at times as we seem to have obstacle after obstacle. But believe me, you are in very good company. Research any of the great achievers including many Olympic and other champion athletes, the worlds billionaires, the most celebrated innovators of our time, and you will find that many of them have succeeded against odds that you will probably never have to face. That is why they are considered legends and we draw inspiration from their achievements.

And the fact that you are going to experience challenges during your quest means that you will also encounter temporary failure.

True failure only exists in the grave, and the only failure whilst alive is the failure to participate. As long as you are alive, and you are participating in life, you

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are succeeding! There is no other option. The only difference is your level of participation.

And if you are 150% committed to your goal then you are participating full out and nothing will stop you from achieving success.

You will never encounter a challenge that you cannot overcome. You may not have the tools, experience or the knowledge in the beginning to get past it. But all those things can be acquired. The secret is to get creative, think outside the square, and not be afraid to have a go.

The other reason you have to be committed is because in order to succeed you are going to have to take risk. You are going to risk failure, loss, criticism, resistance, change, success. Analyse the risks and determine if you are prepared for those risks, and discover what you are willing to risk to achieve what you want to achieve. The better prepared you are, the easier things will be when you meet challenges.

You will also have to face your fears. The truth is, the reason we keep achieving the same frustrating results day in, day out; month in, month out; year in, year out, is because, on some level, we feel safe where we are. It is familiar to us and we don’t want to rock the boat and step into the unknown, just in case it’s even worse than where we already are!

To realize new goals, you must be prepared to invest in yourself. You will never be the same person once you decide to pursue a goal and actively take steps to achieve that goal. This means tremendous personal growth. So you must invest time and, inevitably, it’s going to cost you some money as well. That is the nature of our world. In order to acquire something, you must spend financially. It can be a little or a lot, but it is pretty much a guarantee you will not be able to achieve your goals with investing some money in acquiring knowledge, skills, tools and, the best investment you will ever make, specialized coaching.

I’m not saying that there aren’t great free resources available to help you along the way. Far from it. Check out free webinars, podcasts, articles, subscribe to the websites of leading motivational speakers, healers and other authorities on success in whatever area of your life you are looking to excel. There is so much free information out there you will get a great start by investing your most valuable resource of all …….. your time.

So, get clear on what you want to achieve and commit yourself 150%. Adopt a ‘no matter what’ attitude and, in time, I assure you, your success is guaranteed.

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Example EFT Phrases Setup Up Phrases: Even though I know it’s not going to be easy to succeed, I choose to be one hundred percent committed to succeeding at whatever I set my mind to and I deeply and completely accept all of me. Even though I know it’s going to take lots of focus and hard work, I am determined to do whatever it takes that is for my highest good and the highest good of everyone, and I profoundly love and accept all of me. Even though I feel daunted by what’s in front of me, I commit to taking it one day and a time and spending time every day moving toward my goal and I deeply and completely believe in myself and my ability to achieve my goal.

Clearing EFT Phrases: I feel overwhelmed by the commitment I’m not sure I can commit to this I’ve never made this level of commitment before I feel daunted just thinking about this commitment It’s too hard, maybe I won’t bother

Positive EFT Phrases: I choose to be committed one hundred and fifty percent to achieving my goal I am committed to doing whatever it takes that is for my highest good and the highest good of everyone to achieve my goal I am determined to achieving my goal no matter what I commit to taking positive action toward my goal every single day I love having a positive focus and determination to achieve my goal I am completely committed and focused to achieving my goal I release all negative belief systems and emotions that are preventing me from achieving my goal I refuse to let anything get in the way of me achieving my goal I love how the Universe lines up everything I need to succeed when I am committed I am sending a message out to the Universe that I am completely committed I am not going to allow anything to stop me from achieving my goal Even though I know it’s going to get hard sometimes, I will stay totally committed I overcome challenges easily and effortlessly because I am so committed I am open to easily finding solutions to challenges that arise I love knowing that my level of commitment ensures I am going to achieve my goal in the quickest time possible I am committed to doing whatever it takes to achieve my goal in the most efficient and effective way possible I love feeling so committed I love taking positive action toward my goal every single day No matter how busy my day gets, I will make time to take positive action toward my goal

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Clarity Is King

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Clarity is King Whilst commitment is certainly the number 1 key to success, a very close

contender for that spot is my friend, clarity.

If you go to a restaurant and you ask for a meal, are you specific? Do you carefully choose from the menu according to what appeals to you in that moment? And what do you expect to turn up when you have asked for a specific dish? And if you got a completely different order, what would you do? Send it back, right?

Then why aren’t you treating your life in the same way? Think of life as an endless menu of choices from a silver service restaurant, just waiting for you to pick what you want. And then put in your order, and be clear and specific and expect to receive what you ordered. The Universe is your chef and it is capable of making whatever you want, no exceptions, but you must be clear. If you haven’t even bothered to look at the menu and put in an order, you are saying to the Universe, just give me whatever you’ve got. And that’s just what you have received. Because you have not been clear about what you truly want, the Universe is giving you whatever comes your way by default.

An example for me was when I was introduced to this, I was struggling to get a break in my singing career. I read about this principle and thought, ‘what have I got to lose’? So I asked for a break in my career. At the time my husband was in the army and we were living in a glorious little bushland suburb in the Gold Coast Hinterland called Tamborine on 3 ½ acres. I had my horses and I was quite content living there. Well, 2 weeks after I put in my ‘order’, my husband was posted to Sydney. That was my worst nightmare. It meant I had to leave behind my horses and my beautiful quiet acreage and live in the last place on earth I wanted to go. Then, after crying my eyes out for 2 weeks, I realised. I got what I had asked for. The only place I was ever really going to make any progress in my singing career (I am an opera singer) was in Sydney. This was one of the most powerful ‘aha’ moments of my life.

When you realise that you have the power and authority to order whatever you want from the Menu of Infinite Choices, start being creative, and specific, and expect to get what you order, or something better. Always add, ‘or something better’, because the Universe wants 10 times more for you than you want for yourself, so never limit the possibilities.

And stop changing the order! Get specific and work out what you want, then order it and get about doing whatever you are inspired to do. If you put in an order and then, half way through, it’s preparation, you change the order to something else, your chef, the Universe, has to start all over again preparing the new order. The Universe doesn’t care, it’s just following the recipe it knows. Unfortunately, you’re going to starve while you 150 dishes are only being half finished!

Now this may take a little practice at the beginning and things might turn up a bit muddled as you get a handle on how this all works, just as they did for me. But that’s ok, because now you know, you can just send it back with more specific

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instructions and go, ‘no thank you, I would actually like this please’ (always be polite, the Universe is actually giving you what you ordered even if it doesn’t look the way you expected it to).

Now, you can approach this in a couple of ways. You could get all serious and invite frustration and anxiety around the process, or you could decide to have fun. And the more fun you have, the more you play, the better and faster the Universe’s service for you will be.

So, it’s your turn, what do you want to order? Have fun, be creative, and expect what you order, or something better. And if things happen in unexpected ways that don’t seem to match what you wanted, look again.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Release Yourself From Attachment

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The Secret To Manifesting No One Talks About The Secret and The Law of Attraction have been hot topics for a few years

now and, in spite of the enormous wealth (pardon the pun) of information, books, programs, coaching, techniques, etc, etc, still the vast majority of people struggle to unravel the mysterious formula to unlock massive wealth, success, freedom and happiness in their lives.

The principal of the formula is very simple. As vibrational beings, all we have to do is align our vibration with whatever we want, and there it is, right in front of us. Couldn’t be easier, right? Then why do so many people try and fail over and over and over?

It’s because knowing we are vibrational beings is one thing, being able to manipulate that vibration at will is an entirely different kettle of fish!

If you’re not a brain surgeon and you were presented with an open brain in an operating theatre and told you had to remove the tumour that was impacting on the cerebellum, how would you feel? Lost? Overwhelmed? No idea where to start? Stupefied? You know you have a brain. You use it every day. Why don’t you know how it works or how to fix it?

Of course you would feel completely out of your depth, and no one would expect you to perform brain surgery without many, many years and thousands of hours of training. And it’s the same with learning to master your vibration. Fortunately it won’t take you as long to master as brain surgery, but it will take the same kind of dedication.

You create your vibration subconsciously every single moment through your belief systems, your emotions, your programming and your experiences. It’s automatic, just like your brain. Understanding how to change that programming takes dedication and effort. And, just like your brain, although there are similarities, everybody’s vibration and programming is unique, so one method does not fit all!

This is what many fail to understand. Just because one program works spectacularly for a few, does not mean it’s going to have the same effect for everybody. Certainly, there are techniques that are universal and spectacularly effective, but the way they are used and the focus during their implementation must be adjusted for each individual. No one is exactly like you and your path to freedom will be different to everybody elses. This is why you must be prepared for trial and error and have plenty of patience and dedication on your road to freedom.

There is one sweeping generalisation that can be used for everybody’s journey however, and that is to ‘let go’. Much easier said than done, this simple statement holds the key to mastering your vibration.

By letting go of your expectations, outcomes, judgements, perceptions, belief systems, emotions, attachments to everything, suddenly you are free to

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transition into a whole way of being and you can align yourself with your hopes and dreams almost effortlessly. It is your ego’s attachments to these ‘things’ that falsely leads us to believe they define us, when nothing could be further from the truth.

When you strip away all your preconceived ideas of who you are, and all the labels that you have adopted throughout the years, you discover your true, beautiful, perfect essence. You are whole and complete and capable of achieving absolutely anything.

Can you imagine life with no attachments to possessions, outcomes, expectations, feelings, judgements, etc? It’s hard to even contemplate isn’t it?

Make no mistake, this journey is going to be challenging. Miracles do not always take the form we want and in fact, they come in many disguises. A situation that may seem unworkable and devastating may become our greatest blessing depending on how we respond to it.

Sometimes losing our home, can mean rediscovering freedom and the opportunity to leave behind old energy and start again.

Or losing our job, can mean an opportunity to change careers, or build the business you’ve always dreamed of.

Perhaps the termination of a relationship will mean rediscovering yourself or your freedom, or allowing you room to explore a new relationship in the future that may be even more fulfilling.

An unfortunate accident or illness could be a call to re-evaluate where you are headed and take a different path that will lead you to peace and freedom.

Life is often challenging, sometimes devastating. And if you choose to see life as a constant battle, then it will be. However, if you look for the blessing in each and every situation, even the really tough ones, you will find them there.

Sometimes it feels like nothing good can come from a situation. And we all have times that we feel like shouting at the Universe, “What have I done to deserve this?” or “When are you going to give me a break?”. And in all honesty, the Universe is constantly sending us messages to nudge us in the direction we need to go. But often we are hard of hearing and we miss the signs, so then the Universe has to give us an almighty push to get us to where we need to be so we can realise our full potential and fulfil our purpose.

Harsh? Perhaps. Yet it is the nature of our human existence and one that we have chosen. Although, sometimes I think we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into when we chose life on planet Earth!

True freedom and peace comes only when we release ourselves from attachment to material possessions and outcomes. Imagine if, for every action you took, you set your intention, gave it your best shot, and let go of the outcome. Knowing you have given it your best shot with you current level of knowledge and skill should be enough to satisfy you. Taking this approach to everything would

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mean no frustration, disappointment, shame, guilt, sadness, anxiety, stress, anger, fear and a whole range of uncomfortable emotions because of our expectations.

If you choose to stay open and look for the blessings that come during challenging times, life will seem less chaotic and more meaningful. You may not find the purpose straight away, but at some time, maybe even years into the future, you will see why that happened and what it meant for you. How it changed you into the person you needed to be to live out your purpose.

Or you can continue to rail at the Universe and play the victim in a never ending, pointless battle.

So, how do you let go of all your attachments, expectations, judgements, etc, when they have been running our lives collectively for thousands of years? Now that’s the sixty-four thousand dollar question. Answer: By understanding that there are two of you. There is your soul self which is your pure essence that is whole and perfect in every way at all times. And your ego self that keeps your conscious mind occupied so you don’t figure out that it’s keeping you from realizing who you truly are and living to your full potential.

That voice in your head that never, ever shuts up, (yes, that one) and is talking constantly, is what is keeping you trapped in that wheel of failure and disappointment. Learn to master that, and you have just become a master of your destiny.

And, just like brain surgery, this takes time, dedication and lots and lots of practice. Different methods will certainly accelerate the process, but you must be committed to using them every single day. The ones that have worked most significantly for me are EFT (emotional freedom technique) and sound healing, along with participation in a movement called Deeksha, or Oneness, which you can find out more about here: www.onenessuniversity.org.

By using EFT and Sound Healing every day, I increased my awareness relatively quickly to the point that I now monitor my thoughts much of the time (still working on doing that full time). This enables me to change them when I recognise thoughts that don’t serve me, as well as changing my behaviours and not getting caught up in the drama that preoccupies so much of our emotional, mental and physical energy and stops us from living to our full potential.

For me, it took several months of consistent daily practice to get to this point. For others it may just take weeks, or even days, depending on your programming, your level of dedication and various other factors such as resistance, flexibility, resilience, etc. The time it will take varies for every single person. What doesn’t change is the final destination if you stay with it. The crowning jewel of freedom, joy, bliss, peace, wealth and happiness is the same for every single person and more than makes up for the effort involved in getting there.

Stay focused, dedicated and let go of all the lies you have been led to believe about what defines you, and you will master the art of manifesting and be able to live the life you truly deserve.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success The Illusion of Separation

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The Illusion of Separation In ‘The Power of Intention’, Wayne Dyer says that ‘Your will is the ego part of

you that believes you're separate from others, separate from what you'd like to accomplish or have, and separate from God.’ He goes on to illustrate that everything you want is already a part of you and that your belief that you are separate from your desires just an illusion that serves to keep you from realising them in your life.

The truth is that there is no separation between you and anything in the Universe. Everything is connected. In fact, more than connected, you are all that is. The good, the bad and the ugly. You are the ultimate creator and once you start looking outside of yourself to create a different life, you will find everything your heart desires is already inside of you and always has been. But you’ve been looking beyond it to ‘out there’.

Once you can accept this truth within every fibre of your being, your powers of manifestation will increase many times over.

This is much easier said than done, however, because the evidence your conscious mind has experienced all your life has reinforced the illusion of separation. Your conscious is what feeds your subconscious. So your deeply ingrained belief is based on separation.

Begin to see everything as simply an extension of the Universe, or all that is. Adopt the belief that you are one with everything that exists and the barriers that you have created to hold you back from what you desire will begin to come crumbling down.

The only thing between you and what you desire, is you. Get out of your own way and watch as the illusion is revealed and the reality of oneness with everything takes over your life. The space of oneness is where miracles really happen.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success What’s Your Why?

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What’s Your Why? I’ve spoken about commitment, clarity, focus, failure, belief in yourself,

etc, etc. The truth is that success takes a whole lot of grit, determination and stickability. And the only thing that is going to give you that stickability is a why so inspiring and motivating that it’s way bigger than any fear or anxiety that is stopping you from realizing your true potential.

I had a day, right before I received my biggest breakthroughs of all where I admonished myself and said ‘How dare you limit your true potential’. This is was the day I became absolutely resolute that I was going to finally break through all my limiting BS (belief systems) and be all that I could be because the alternative wasn’t acceptable. I made a clear decision not to let anything hold me back any longer.

And what inspired me to make that decision was some information I received that rocked me to the core.

You see, I am, by nature, a high achiever and I’ve created some amazing things in my life. However, there were areas of my life that I was still stuck in. I have never been afraid of hard work, in fact I tend to work too hard, instead of smart. I’m very passionate and committed to whatever I set my mind to. And I don’t let challenges get in my road. To the contrary, I love a challenge and tend to dive in, grab it by the proverbials and give it a good shake! But my behaviour was still preventing me from seeing the results I really wanted to see. My track record of staying focused and following through on projects that stood to make me very wealthy, was atrocious!

And it didn’t matter that we were behind in the mortgage and the bills, or that my husband and our relationship was stressed to the max. I was not uncomfortable enough to break through my life long fear of success.

And then ‘it’ turned up. And I felt shocked, angry, ashamed, grief stricken, disbelieving, in fact, for a few minutes, I lost all faith in the human race. No, neither myself, nor my family, were personally attacked or had some grave injustice delivered to them, thank God! In fact, nothing happened to me or anybody close to me. So what happened to trigger such deep emotion within me?

What I am deeply passionate about is abject cruelty, and in particular, cruelty to animals. Don’t ask me what that connection is. I am a very empathetic person, and my mission is to help deliver my fellow human beings from suffering, but for some reason I feel a greater sense of righteousness when it comes to the suffering of animals. Once you read this, you may understand why.

That morning I received an email regarding experiments done on animals. There was a video attached. Now, normally, I don’t open the videos because the stories themselves are enough to bring me to tears and actually seeing the cruelty completely brings me undone. And I had received numerous stories that I found horrendous and disturbing in the past, but this time I felt compelled to watch the

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video, and right to the end. It was all I could do not to curl up in a fetal position on the floor and sob.

This culture that delivers such horrendous pain and suffering on innocent creatures I find so abhorrent that it makes me ashamed to call myself human. And yet, I felt powerless because of my lack of financial resources. Sure, I sent out emails to over 60 people to raise awareness, which is always a big help, but I wanted to support organizations like this one with not just hundreds, but thousands, even millions of dollars. And with my results at the time, I knew I had to do something or I would never be able to help them on that scale and make a real difference.

And this is what pushed me to do whatever it would take to finally break through what was holding me back from realizing my true potential. All of a sudden, whatever I was afraid of in relation to success, paled into insignificance.

“How dare you limit your potential when there is so much suffering in the world” was what that voice in my head said. I had known for some time that I had all the knowledge, the skills, the tools and the ability (we all do), to be a millionaire many times over, I just hadn’t been able to apply it all successfully in the right sequence to see an end result.

I started to think outside the square. I had an acquaintance who’s services I had wanted to engage for some time in relation to website marketing to help me put all the pieces of the puzzle into place, but I had not found the finances. I remembered she was considering putting on an admin person to help expand her business. I approached her to see if we could come to a mutual temporary arrangement where she would work with me to build traffic to my website and I could work for her in her office as payment. It was a win / win situation.

I haven’t quite reached my goal yet of giving millions to this or any other charity, yet. I am still working at it and every time I waver and start to slip back into old patterns, I remind myself of those horrible pictures that will stay with me forever.

Don’t get me wrong, I have my vision board of nice things I want for myself too that really do inspire me, but when the going gets really tough, I need something that little bit extra to remind me that no matter how bad it might be for me, there is always someone or something out there much worse off that could use my help right now and to get over myself and get on with it.

What drives you to succeed will probably be something completely different. I have no idea why I was born with this deep sense of love and compassion for animals that motivates me to overcome any hurdle that I encounter. The point is, if you want to end mediocrity, you need to find your own reason to step out of your comfort zone and overcome whatever is holding you back. Because, no matter how uncomfortable you are right now, if you are going around in circles, you are not uncomfortable enough to make a change and face your fears. As soon as you are,

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you will move heaven and earth to get out of your current situation and you will find a way.

There is an old parable about a dog who was lying at his owners feet on the curbside. Every couple of minutes the dog would whimper. Finally, a passer by had to stop as his curiosity got the better of him. ‘Why does your dog keep whimpering?’ he asked. ‘Because he is lying on a nail’, the owner replied. ‘Why doesn’t he move?’ was the next logical question. The answer? ‘I ‘spose it doesn’t hurt enough yet.’

Even though I was lying on a bed of nails, they didn’t hurt enough. This one drove right through my heart and it got me moving full steam ahead.

Now, why did that video turn up when it did? And why did I feel compelled to watch the entire video that day, when I knew how distressing I would find it? I had been working on my BS for sometime and at that time I had been listening to my very own sound healing CD’s on abundance every day for a couple of weeks. So my subconscious was looking for what it needed to get me over the line. My vibration was shifting and seeking out whatever was required to match me with my goals. And it knew that the most intense pain I would experience, without putting me through hell (more about that in a moment), was through showing me this type of video. All the work I had done brought this experience to me to ensure my success.

So ask yourself, what will motivate you beyond everything else. What thought or possibility about your current situation is so distressing for you that you can’t bear the thought of it and you will do anything to change or avoid it? Is it the safety of your family? Or never sharing your gift with the world? Or being in the same place in 5, 10, or even 50 years time? Ask the question, and be open for the answer. Because you will always receive an answer.

WARNING: This is really important. Just as God warned Eve not to eat the apple, I am giving you a clear instruction in relation to asking the Universe ANYTHING! Always, always, always ask for it to be presented to you ‘with ease and grace’. I cannot stress this enough. If you don’t want any nasty surprises, make sure you add this to all your communications with your higher self. Otherwise you may get exactly what you asked for, just not on the way you expected it to come! Also, adding ‘or something better’ is always a nice touch, because God / The Universe / The Divine / Consciousness / The Source – whatever you want to call that higher power, wants 20 times more for you than you want for yourself.

So, look for that ultimate motivation that will get you so committed, so focused, so creative, that nothing is going to stop you from succeeding. You are capable of absolutely anything, you just have to overcome whatever negative programming is holding you back to realize your true potential.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success What’s Your Why?

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Make A Deal With The Universe Don’t worry, this is nothing like selling your soul to the devil. The fact is

that you were born with a job to do on this planet in this lifetime and worrying about money is not a part of it.

The Universe has infinite resources at its disposal instantly. It sees and knows everything, and has a solution ready for every problem. You can’t compete with that, so why even try. Why stress yourself out with your limited perspective, resources and knowledge when you can hand the whole thing over to the Universe to take care of, while you get on with the job you came here to do.

The Universe is at your service. That’s its job! So, take the pressure off and hand over your money troubles. You do need to give something in return and that is your unique gift to the world.

Every one of the 6 billion people on this planet are unique and has something very unique to offer the world, including you. There are no mistakes or accidents in the ‘grand plan’. You were born and are living on planet Earth at this time for a reason, you just need to find what that reason is and get on with fulfilling it. Why are you multi-tasking and trying to take care of every detail when you have an unlimited resource at your beck and call that is way better at those things than you are?

When we were stretched beyond our limits and there was ‘never enough’. The bills were piling up and we were completely overwhelmed by our never ending expenses, I realised that I couldn’t handle the burden and I didn’t have to.

Stressing over the money was only keeping us stuck I started tapping every day along with the sound healing and things really started to lighten. I became absolutely focused on my purpose and that is when ‘Living Your Extraordinary Life’ was born. It’s when I opened up to the limitless possibilities and realised that by combining sound healing and EFT that I had something truly unique and powerful to offer the world. It was not up to me to sweat the small stuff.

I made a deal with the Universe. I said “Okay. I can’t do this on my own. You feed me the inspiration and I will serve the planet in whatever way you guide me to. And I will hand over the financial stuff to you to fix please so I can release the stress and get on with doing my job.”

That is when miracles began to occur. The inspiration began to flow and every time I was distracted by the stress of the finances, I handed it back to the Universe and again stated “you take care of that please” and put some of my sound healing on. And I have to tell you, we didn’t win lotto the night I handed it over or anything like that. I had been stressing about the money for a long time, which means a lot of energy had gone into creating our situation of lack. You are where you are today because of the thoughts you had yesterday and the day before and the day before that. That energy doesn’t cancel out immediately. It takes a while for the old energy to lose its power and the new energy to start to take the reigns.

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It can happen relatively quickly, like in a few weeks or months, but not literally overnight. At least not in my experience.

I did experience changes happening almost instantly with inspiration I received, and the change in my behaviour was pretty radical too. My belief in myself started to go through the roof. I really connected with my heart space and created a vision that was so inspiring I knew nothing was going to stop me from creating it. And the actions I took were really focused and targeted. I was one thousand percent committed to achieving my goal.

But the financial stuff took a while for the energy to change over and physically manifest into the reality of the bank account. I could literally feel myself on track and creating massive wealth, but we must abide by the laws of our Universe. And one of those is the Law of Gestation where new thoughts take time to manifest into our physical reality. Anything is possible, truly it is. And I’m not saying that it won’t happen for you, but if you have spent a life time stuck in desperation and uncertainty about money, then the likelihood of that changing literally overnight is pretty slim.

And this is why patience is so important. Because when you allow impatience to take control of your thoughts and actions, you will do all the wrong things and lose focus from your purpose trying to get that super quick result. And I’m sorry to tell you that, although it does happen, rarely does the overnight miracle occur. If I knew how to create the overnight miracle with absolute certainty, I would let everyone know and everybody would be massively wealthy in an instant.

The important thing to remember is that you are not alone and you do not have to do it on your own. Ask for help from whatever resources are at your disposal, with the biggest and most obedient and efficient one of all being the Universe.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Open Yourself To Receive

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Be Open to Receive

It couldn’t sound more simple, and yet it is a major stumbling block for the majority of people who are suffering from a lack and poverty consciousness.

Whilst you are focusing on creating your new life of purpose, prosperity and happiness, this is something that you must attend to as a matter of the utmost importance.

The truth is there is infinite abundance in the Universe, your job is to let more of that money flow into your life. There are many reasons why people block the abundance from coming in and many of them point back to lack of self worth and judgements about themselves, money and wealthy people in general.

There is no point creating a massive flow of wealth in your direction if you’ve locked the front door and won’t let it in. Be diligent in weeding out those negative belief systems that are blocking you from financial abundance and get rid of them once and for all. Increasing your conscious awareness of how you feel about money in all of your daily transactions will be very helpful as well as your feelings about yourself and wealthy people.

Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though I’ve been blocking the flow of money and I’m not sure why, I profoundly love and accept all of me. Even though I have allowed my belief systems to prevent me from allowing the money to flow in my life, I deeply and completely respect my beliefs and forgive myself anyway. Even though I’ve created a great deal of struggle in my life because I’ve stopped the flow of wealth and abundance, I choose to know I can change all that now by letting go of my negative belief systems and I deeply and completely love and accept all of me. Negative Phrases: I’ve set myself up for struggle and lack I don’t like rich people Rich people are rude and obnoxious There’s not enough money to go around Money causes arguments Money is the root of all evil Money corrupts good people Rich people are greedy I’d prefer to be poor than greedy I’m not worthy of being wealthy

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I don’t deserve to have lots of money I don’t want people to think I’m greedy They said I wasn’t good enough I don’t deserve to be happy I’m too lazy to have lots of money You have to work hard for money Money’s hard to come by Positive Phrases What if I could be a good rich person? I would do lots of good things for other people if I were wealthy Not all rich people are rude and obnoxious Not all rich people are greedy There are plenty of rich people who do wonderful things with their money The truth is I do deserve to be wealthy The truth is I do deserve to be happy I choose to work smarter not harder Money is everywhere, I just have to be open to receive it I choose to be open to receive more money I allow money to flow into my life easily and effortlessly The truth is there is infinite abundance in the Universe I live in my truth that I have what it takes to have whatever I want Money is easy to come by, if you know where to look and are open to receive I love being open to receive the infinite abundance in the Universe

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Absolute Faith

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Absolute Faith You can’t get what you want without faith and trust. Trust that what you

have asked for has already been given to you. It just takes a little time to arrive in the physical world. It’s a bit like waiting for a delivery that is coming from another country. Only this is coming from somewhere out in the Universe. It will be delivered to you in time. And you just need to keep focused and keep taking consistent action that keeps moving you in the right direction. The more focused you are and the more faith you have, the more quickly it will arrive.

There is a Buddhist saying, ‘If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking’.

A lack of faith leads to a feeling of powerlessness and once you are in this state nothing seems to go right for you. It feels as if nothing you do makes any difference and everybody else, even the dog or the cat, has more control over your life than you do.

If you feel this way then you are caught in a powerful illusion. Fortunately, there is a way out and you have in your hands, literally, a powerful lifeline. You are more powerful than you could possibly imagine. Consider Ghandi. A little man who certainly didn’t appear powerful in stature. He didn’t use weapons or the threat of war or violence to achieve his objectives. Yet somehow, with his own quiet personal power, he managed to inspire 2 million people to join and champion his vision. He is, quite possibly, the most powerful man who ever lived in modern times. It’s easy to get people to bend to your will when you threaten violence, but to create the kind of movement that Ghandi did passively, is true power. And we all have this exact same power and potential within us, even you. You just haven’t realised it yet.

Once you believe in your heart without a shadow of a doubt that you have the power to create whatever you desire, the rest, as they say, is history. This integration from the head to the heart will take a little while, like everything else, but trust is the most liberating and peaceful feeling. That deep inner knowing that everything is going to be alright, no doubt about it, is priceless.

Develop faith in God / The Universe / Source and faith in yourself and you will be able to create life by your design in any form you want and maintain a deep sense of inner peace always. You will be free from frustration, stress and anxiety. Just think about that for a moment. Complete faith that you have whatever it takes to have whatever you want and complete faith that the Universe is supporting you and bringing you all the right inspiration, resources, tools and circumstances you need to have whatever you want.

With that in your heart, you can’t help but feel peaceful and relaxed.

Make the tools a part of your everyday routine. Of course it’s going to take some commitment and work, but how hard will it be to continue to struggle for the

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rest of your days? You know you want it. Commit to a consistent, heart centred daily routine, and your days of struggle will soon be over.

Example EFT Tapping Phrases Set Up Phrases Even though I feel powerless to change my situation, I deeply and completely accept all of me. Even though I have lost all faith in myself and the Universe and nothing works for me, I profoundly love and accept all of me. Even though it feels hopeless and I feel powerless to change my life, I deeply and completely accept who I am and how I feel. Clearing Phrases I feel powerless to change my situation My situation feels hopeless Nothing works for me I can’t see how I am going to get out of this situation The Universe is against me I have lost all faith in myself There is no way out Nothing I can do will fix this My life is broken I need a miracle and miracles don’t happen to me Positive EFT Phrases Wouldn’t it be nice if I had a little hope I choose to feel hopeful Wouldn’t it be nice if the Universe was on my side I’m open to finding solutions to this situation I choose to move into faith and trust I’m open to the inspiration the Universe is giving me to change my situation There must be a way to change this situation I choose to have faith in a better future I choose to have faith in me My life isn’t broken Anything can be fixed, even this Miracles happen in my life every day I’m open to a miracle The Universe has the power to change anything I have the power to change anything

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Immersion

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Immersion The most effective way for you to change your life is to adopt the

philosophies outlined in this workbook into every fibre of your being. The only way to achieve this is to immerse yourself in them as much as you can every single day.

You will have experienced what many refer to as the ‘aha’ moment. The point where a particular theory or principal shifts from the head to the heart and all of a sudden it literally becomes a part of you. That instant where the statement you have heard and understood many times seems to shift and you say “Oh, now I get it”!

I have experience hundreds if not thousands of those. Learning something consciously so you understand it intellectually is one thing. Realising it in your heart space so you really ‘get it’ and adopt it as an instinctive core belief is another.

How do you learn any new skill? Repetition. What about a new job? You keep doing the same tasks over and over every day until they become second nature to you. What about champion athletes who strive to win gold medals and championships. They practice hour after hour, day after day, week after week and month after month until the skills they need become pure instinct and their subconscious mind does most of the winning for them. If they had to rely on their conscious mind to adjust and perform the millions of movements required and make all the decisions based on all the information they are receiving, they wouldn’t have a hope of getting off the starting line. To be a champion at anything, the habits required must become second nature.

And there is nothing different here. To be a high achiever and a champion, the habits of a high achiever must become second nature to you, a part of your instinct. You must naturally:

be drawn to make the right decisions; focus with laser like intensity; have total commitment; establish clarity of vision; know when to ask for help and when to fly solo; understand your emotions and what they are telling you about your current

course of action; have complete and total faith in yourself; be able to set realistic goals; adjust your behaviour according to your results; accept temporary failure as an inevitable part of success; etc……………..

The super successful in the world were not born with these skills. Some acquired them automatically through their environment and education growing up,

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whilst many others worked hard to develop them and ensure their success through determination and immersion.

The only way any habit or set of skills can become a natural part of who you are is by immersion. And whilst the information and tools provided for you here are comprehensive and, provided you use them consistently every day as suggested, will bring your results that you are truly astonishing, don’t accept these tools and information as the definitive guide to achieving everything you will ever want to achieve in life.

There are thousands of self-help, how to, and healing books available in the market place. This is because there is no one size fits all formula that works one hundred percent of the time, for everybody in every situation. It’s not possible.

EFT and Sound Healing are incredibly powerful and whilst I have worked with a variety of different tools along with way, I keep coming back to these ones as the most effective for me. And I have seen them create powerful change for many other people too.

However, half the fun is in experiencing the variety life has to offer. Read all the books you can on the subject of success, healing and realising your true potential. If you are drawn to a particular healer, tool, seminar or workshop then explore it. If one person in your life makes a lot of sense to you and you feel has valuable information for you, spend more time with them. Don’t limit yourself to the ideas and teachings of one or two people, because you may miss some vital information that is crucial to your success.

Stay open and aware of what comes to your conscious attention because, although most of the self help books are all saying the same thing, they are all saying it in a different way and you may read the same thing one hundred times before you find one person who says it in a way that shifts it from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind.

Open your heart and mind to experiencing whatever life has to offer and everybody’s perspective, because it will enrich your life and expand your mind far more than rigidly sticking to one or two sets of ideas and principals. Continue to follow your heart and embrace whatever creates expansion within you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Do I Really Have to Practice Every Day

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Do I Really Have To Practice EVERY DAY?? I know, it sounds like a drag. But the answer is ‘yes’, you must spend time on

this every single day. I cannot stress this enough. There is no room for fudging, or saying ‘one day won’t hurt’. You must, I repeat, MUST, make your transformation practice a part of every single day without fail.

Why am I so adamant about this? Because if you miss a day, you will backslide and maybe even have to start all over again.

To illustrate this, I’ll relay a powerful story that John Assaraf tells in his book “The Answer” about a study done with NASA astronaut candidates. A group of candidates were issued with convex goggles which had the effect of flipping everything upside down. The goggles had to be worn 24 hours a day, even when asleep. You can imagine how much that muddled the brain. The incredible part of the experiment was that 26 days after it began, one astronaut’s world turned right side up with the goggles still on! Nothing else had changed. The brain had figured out how to turn everything right side up again and flipped the image that was being relayed to nerve centres of the brain. How extraordinary is that?

Within the following several days, the same thing happened for the other astronauts. However, repeated studies also found that if the goggles were removed at all during that first 26 to 30 days, even for short periods, the brain would take another 26 to 30 days of continuous wearing without interruption for the flip to occur. They literally had to start all over again.

This is why it is so important to commit to this every single day for the first 30 to 60 days. Don’t forget those astronauts were wearing those goggles 24 hours a day. All you need to do is commit to dedicated practice 30 minutes a day and for the rest of each day, make the intention to become more aware of your thoughts and actions in everything you do. At first you will catch yourself just a couple of times a day, and gradually those times will increase until you are aware of your thoughts, actions and responses to your world 90 percent of the time or more. This is the place where miracles occur and dreams are made.

The first 60 days are the most critical, however, I strongly recommend that this daily routine be something that you make a firm commitment to for the rest of your life because if you don’t you stand to lose everything you’ve created.

The programs of the subconscious mind are automatic, and once they’ve been running them for many years, they take intense focus and effort to change. Simply telling those programs not to run anymore is like telling the sun not to shine. There is no room for wimps and excuses here.

But it’s not as if I’m saying you need to run a marathon every day. Seriously! What I’m suggesting is a practice of making time for yourself a priority to focus on creating new thoughts with tools that make this transformation almost effortless. Any resistance to doing this, or reasons you find not to, are simply self sabotage and resistance to change.

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I would be doing you a grave disservice if I were to say you could do this once or twice a week for 5 minutes at a time and expect results, because it just won’t happen. And the practice that you will be doing will seriously have such a profound effect on you emotionally and spiritually, the pay offs will far out weigh the effort you put in.

Trust me. Commit to doing this practice every single day, and I promise you will thank me. Life as you know it will change for ever.

Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though I don’t have the time to practice every day, I profoundly love and accept all of me. Even though I feel overwhelmed about fitting in something else, I deeply and completely accept who I am and how I feel. Even though I don’t want to feel the burden of having to do one more thing, I profoundly love and accept all of me. Clearing EFT Phrases: 30 minutes!!! You have to be kidding!!! Where am I going to find 30 minutes? I haven’t got enough time to get it all done I feel so overwhelmed Even doing this tapping is wasting time I can’t afford to waste time I feel stressed just thinking about it There’s too much for me to do already I can’t possibly fit another thing in It’s a drag thinking I have to do it every day I really don’t want to do it every day I really don’t want to do it at all I don’t want success that badly Surely there’s got to be an easier way This tapping thing is just a waste of time My time’s too precious to spend wasting it on tapping There’s never enough time Don’t give me another thing to do, it’s not fair Why does it have to be so hard? Can’t somebody else do it for me? Do I have to do everything? Positive EFT Phrases: I choose to feel relaxed about my commitment to my daily practice What if I could feel more relaxed about time

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What if I could shuffle a couple of things to find a little more time Maybe I can adjust my day to find a few more minutes 30 minutes sounds like a lot, but it’s not really to achieve freedom I choose to feel relaxed about time I’m open to inspiration to help me make the time for my daily practice I am totally committed to my daily practice I really enjoy my daily practice I look forward to using what I have learnt to change my life every day I recognise the importance of making this time daily and I make it a priority I know how important my daily practice is and I choose to make it a priority I can sacrifice some things in my day that aren’t that important My commitment to my daily practice is important me time that I really enjoy I feel so much better when I do my daily practice I’m looking forward to all the miracles that are coming because of my daily practice. I am excited about having 30 minutes of time just for me to realise my true potential It’s only 30 minutes a day to create a whole new life Other people have done it, surely I can do it I deserve to have that time for me I’m open to all the possibilities for creating more time for my daily practice I love that now that I’m committed to making time for my daily practice that all the less important things fall away I love delegating things that others can do for me I love receiving help from the Universe to help me find 30 minutes a day I feel so happy and so grateful that I have 30 minutes a day to commit to my daily practice so I can change my life I really enjoy how I feel once I have done my daily practice I choose to focus on how I can make my daily more fun and enjoyable I love to play during my practice

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success It’s All In The Feeling

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It’s All In The Feeling The essence of this concept eluded me for a long time. And it is possibly one

of the most important concepts in realizing your goals. I could get it intellectually, but real understanding it on a heart and soul level just didn’t happen until I actually experienced it. I suppose it’s a bit like love or chocolate. You can’t know what love is until you actually experience true love. And once you do, there is no question. You suddenly know exactly what love is. It’s the same with chocolate. You can use many different descriptive words to describe the taste of chocolate, but no amount of description will substitute for the experience of tasting chocolate and you can never know chocolate until you taste it.

I found this to be true of this essential part of the success recipe. So I will do my very best to describe the concept behind this ingredient, but when it comes down to it, it is up to you to practice, practice, practice until you get the feeling and until then you will just have to embrace the theory behind the concept.

So how do you get into the feeling of having a loving, passionate, caring, respectful relationship when you are in an abusive one? How do you feel financially wealthy when the bills are stacking up and you can’t pay them? How do you feel vibrant and alive when you’re sick and in pain? Personally, I feel that the last one is probably the hardest!

In order to gradually move into the feeling place you have to heal your negative belief systems, trauma, behavioural patterns, conditioning. As soon as you set your intention, the Universe will start rearranging and bringing things into your life to help you to get there. And this is the step most people don’t get.

You must decide to be open to what turns up in your life and expand your mind to look at it from every angle. Our limited filters make decisions with a split second based on limited information that we are familiar with. On further exploration, you may have an entirely different perception altogether.

For example, you may be focusing on success and abundance and out of nowhere, an old friend contacts you and wants to catch up. You are surprised and delighted, but think nothing more of it. You meet and start having this great conversation about where each of you have been and what you’ve done, etc, etc. Somewhere in that conversation, this old friend says something that resonates somewhere deep inside you, though you’re not sure why. If you are not paying attention, you may experience this feeling momentarily and dismiss it without a second thought.

If, however, you are consciously developing your awareness, you notice the nudge from the Universe and you take the bait. You latch onto whatever your old friend just said and start to follow the thread. All of a sudden he knows somebody, or has information that is crucial to your success and through you being reunited (which you can guarantee has been very cleverly orchestrated by the Universe) you

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have just found a crucial piece of the puzzle, which will help you enormously with a particular phase of your project.

This is just one simple illustration of how the thoughts plus feelings plus actions equals result, with a little bit of divine intervention thrown in. There are literally millions of possibilities and once you become more aware and open to the them you will be astounded at how much ‘luck’ you will create in your life.

Synchronicity is a fabulous phenomenon that is happening in your life all the time, you just need to be filtering it into your conscious awareness by paying attention to your environment, your circumstances and your feelings.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Get Comfortable Begin Uncomfortable

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Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable Now that you are committed to creating a new life for yourself, you will have

plenty of uncomfortable feelings and scenarios to deal with because the Universe is going to bring all your negative belief systems and stored emotions that are blocking your success, right up in your face, literally.

The better prepared you are for this, the easier it’s going to be. People will do things that really annoy or upset you. Circumstances will arise that trigger your stresses and fears around success. You will see or hear things in the media that tend to upset you. And your safety boundaries are going to be pushed well beyond their usual limits.

No one really talks about this stuff, because to be honest, it’s enough to put any body off this journey. But I believe, the more you know about what you are getting yourself into, the more likely you will be to stick with it because you know a little about what to expect and you are prepared.

The reason you are where you are is because, no matter how uncomfortable or challenging or stressful it is right now, for some reason this is the safer option for your subconscious mind and it perceives that to change things will threaten your safety much more seriously and it will do anything to prevent that so it is going to throw all sorts of reasons at you not to keep going. You will find yourself rationalising why you can’t achieve what you set out to achieve.

Just know that everything really is happening for a reason and as long as you pay attention, clear the emotional distress and / or limiting belief system, the agitator will be temporary and will eventually dissolve to allow the next one to come up.

And sometimes things have to get a bit worse before they get better. It’s a bit like getting wacked by the tail of the dragon as it turns to walk away.

I’m sorry that your excitement has possibly turned to sheer terror about the minefield of booby-traps that have been set along this path to trip you up. But I wish I had known this stuff when I started this journey. I really thought there was something wrong with me.

It has only been recently that I have learned to really become comfortable with being uncomfortable, and even expand into difficult feelings, because once your accept them and stop resisting, they really don’t have anywhere to go except to transform into love and dissolve.

Of course, if your feelings have reached the point where they are causing depression, intense anxiety or any condition that may not be safe for you to manage on your own, then seek assistance from a professional practitioner immediately to assist and guide you through the healing practice. Once we go beyond a particular point with negative emotions, they can threaten our emotional and physical wellbeing and I encourage you not to take any chances if you are

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feeling highly distressed or think you may not be able to cope with this process on your own.

The process of releasing is incredibly powerful and cleansing, but sometimes our emotions have become so toxic they can do damage as they leave unless handled appropriately in a safe environment. Always stay aware of your emotional, mental and physical wellbeing and ensure you feel comfortable with the process as it happens or cease the practice immediately until you can get help from an experienced practitioner.

Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though I know that change is going to bring up all sorts of feelings I don’t want to experience, I choose to allow them to be and accept all of them and all of me deeply and completely. Even though it all sounds very daunting and uncomfortable, I choose to allow all of my feelings and accept them deeply and completely. Even though I’m not comfortable with being uncomfortable, I choose to accept all of my feelings and myself deeply and completely just as I am right now. Clearing EFT Phrases: I have all these negative uncomfortable feelings that I don’t want to feel My feelings are so uncomfortable It’s not safe for me to feel all those negative emotions I don’t feel safe It’s not safe for me to be successful They are too overwhelming I feel like I will lose control if I feel all those negative feelings Why would I choose to feel all those horrible feelings anyway? It’s better just to ignore them, they’re not hurting anyone I’ve been ignoring these feelings for years, why would I choose to feel them now? What if there’s no end to them and I feel like crap for the rest of my life? I’m not strong enough to deal with all of those feelings. I’m afraid those feelings will control me and I might do something stupid I’m afraid I won’t be able to function if I feel all those feelings Why would anyone choose to feel bad? That’s just stupid Positive EFT Phrases: I choose to know I’m ok I choose to release all those negative emotions quickly and easily I choose to feel safe and relaxed I choose to stop resisting all the negative feelings that are holding me back I am ready to allow and release all my negative emotions and belief systems I am willing to feel every feeling fully in every moment, even the bad ones Feelings are just feelings and they can’t hurt me if I don’t resist them

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I choose to know the more I resist these awful feelings, the more they will hurt me I love being strong and managing my emotions easily I am so happy and grateful that my emotions can’t hurt me unless I let them Emotions are just chemical reactions in my body, I choose to feel them fully and let them run their course so I can let the go completely I Feel safe and confident It is safe for me to experience my emotions fully It is safe for me to let go of all my negative emotions that are holding me back I choose to feel comfortable with being uncomfortable Even though I never understood how to deal with my emotions, I am open to having a greater understanding now and embracing them in my life I can feel myself getting lighter as I release all my negative emotions

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Pay Attention

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Pay Attention Now that you are committed to changing your life and you’ve started taking

steps to clear out negative belief systems and change your thinking, you must pay attention and extend your awareness.

Because your subconscious is continually looking for evidence that proves your belief systems right, and filtering out what doesn’t match up, when you start changing your belief systems, you will start to become aware of new information that has been there all the time, you just weren’t seeing it. And the more you make a conscious effort to see new opportunities and information to positively affirm your new way of thinking, the more those things will magically appear in your life. Everything will start to flow.

Now this will start slowly at first. We don’t want to rush these things! But as more and more evidence gathers, very soon you will find it second nature to think differently and a different reality will emerge.

Here is how this happens. Once you start believing, then you will start seeing. You can’t do this work, keep the same thoughts and expect the external to change. The internal must change first.

You will first begin to notice you are thinking differently. Maybe not all the time, but little things like the bills won’t trigger you quite as much and that sick feeling in your stomach is quieter. You’ll start thinking about money differently and see it as your friend that is always ready to lend a hand, rather than your antagonist that only hangs around long enough for you to get a quick whiff before it races off again. You’ll see more opportunities to save money and create more money, rather than always being focused on ‘there’s never enough’ and ‘how am I going to pay all of these damn bills’.

Pay attention to the little differences because if you ignore them then the changes will take a lot longer to become a habitual way of life. The more conscious effort you put in, the more quickly you will see results.

And as you’re paying attention, when you hear those negative thoughts in your head, because they aren’t all going to go away overnight, cancel them out by exchanging it with a new thought straight away. As soon as you notice a negative thought, just smile and say, “Oh, there you are. That’s the way I used to think you sneaky little devil. However, now I know….. (positive replacement thought).” You’ll be surprised how quickly this becomes a habit once you start to become aware.

Also, now that you’re becoming more aware, when you get uncomfortable feelings, pay really close attention. Don’t push them away or try to avoid them. Invite them up and get really intimate with them without projecting them out at anybody or anything. Recognise what triggered the feeling and figure out what the thought is behind it. Then use your tools (EFT and sound healing) to neutralise the thought.

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Awareness is your number one partner in your efforts to change your life. The more aware you are, the more quickly you will get great results. And once you get the hang of it, this can actually be a whole lot of fun! It’s quite liberating to be in control of your thoughts rather than having them control you!

Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though I’ve been sleep walking through life, I choose to be more aware in every moment and I profoundly love and accept all of me. Even though I haven’t been paying attention and I’ve been on autopilot all my life, I deeply and completely accept all of me. Even though I’ve been letting life happen to me, I choose to take control now and become more aware and I love and accept my life and myself.

Clearing EFT Phrases: I am completely unaware of what’s going on in my head I have missed so many things because I’ve been asleep I’m afraid to experience my emotions My thoughts are out of control It’s too hard to pay attention all the time I feel tired just thinking about it Being conscious takes effort and I’m too lazy I can’t possibly stop my thoughts I have too many thoughts Who’s thinking those thoughts anyway? Why am I believing all of those thoughts?

Positive EFT Phrases: I choose to become more and more aware of my thoughts every day I choose to free myself from negative thoughts through awareness I choose to change my habitual thoughts from negative to positive I really notice all my negative thoughts and practice changing them I am good at changing my thoughts It’s easier than I realised to pay attention so I can change my thoughts I have fun noticing how those little lies come up all the time I play a game of spying on my thoughts so I can eliminate the bad ones It’s fascinating noticing how many lies I tell myself each day Becoming aware of my thoughts is easy and fun I feel so much better about myself now I am thinking more positive thoughts I love living in my truth that I have whatever it takes to have what I want I love replacing the lies in my head with the truth about who I am I have the ability to achieve anything Nothing can stop me when I am focused and committed I love how magic and miracles occur when I look for them I no longer allow my thoughts to control my life, My new thoughts help me to create a new life full of possibility

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Stay Curious

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Stay Curious I love this way of approaching events in my life. Often things happen that we

didn’t anticipate and may look ‘bad’ to us in the moment. However, because we don’t know what chain of events may be triggered by this particular occurrence, we cannot know the outcome weeks, months or even years later. And a wise friend and colleague of mine taught me to ‘stay curious’.

For example, many years ago, when I began my spiritual journey with the book ‘The Power of The Subconscious Mind’, I desperately wanted to be an opera singer. I had worked hard for a few years with private coaches and I was living in the Brisbane area at the time, in Queensland, Australia. I put my subconscious mind to work and asked for a break in my singing career. At the same time, my husband was in the army. About 2 weeks after I began my focus of intention, Laurie got a posting to Sydney.

I was devastated. I was not fond of Sydney at all, and I was really happy on my acreage in the hinterland near Brisbane with my horses. Moving to Sydney meant leaving my horses and my acreage behind for the big city lights and stressful city life. I was almost inconsolable, but my husband was a soldier. What choice did I have? So I began the arduous process of packing and moving. About 2 weeks after the news came through, I was struck by a realisation like a thunderbolt. This is what I had asked for. It certainly wasn’t coming in the way that I had expected, but if I wanted a career in singing, then Sydney was the place I needed to be. So, after cursing for a little while, I picked up my chin and set my jaw firmly and decided that if this was the break in my career I was asking for, then I was going to make the most of it.

Now, things transpired over the next twelve years that I never would have imagined in my wildest dreams because of our location in the Sydney region. The opera career never happened because it is not a part of my divine purpose. And we have now gone full circle to resettle in the beautiful Gold Coast Hinterland, which I love so dearly and have missed for so long.

My request was answered, just not quite in the way I had anticipated. And it resulted in a rich journey of personal growth and discovery that may never have happened if it weren’t for the move to Sydney.

Another example was highlighted for me recently by an attendee at one of my workshops.

A lovely lady was attending an intimate workshop I was running on helping people live their extraordinary lives. She was relatively quiet and didn’t really engage for the first couple of hours of the workshop. Then, during one of the breaks she relayed the last twelve months of her life to us and we were all a little bit stunned.

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This beautiful lady knew how to create exactly what she wanted in her life. In fact, just twelve months previous she and her husband were living a dream existence having created a multi-million dollar construction company. They were living the ideal lifestyle with 2 gorgeous children, the big house, fancy cars and all the mod-cons you could possibly want. They were working hard and life was fast and furious. And then, in the space of just one month, they lost everything. Something happened with the company that was not even their doing which created an abrupt collapse and suddenly they were living in her mother-in-law’s garage. Obviously this was unbelievably devastating for all of them. This wasn’t the most astounding part of the story, however. The next twelve months took her on a journey of accelerated personal growth that she never would have embarked on if it weren’t for her dramatic financial collapse, and now, even with nothing to her name, she considers her life so much richer than it was before this experience. She is growing spiritually, enjoying her children and her husband, and exploring a career in helping other spiritual people to realise a life of financial freedom through business.

I know we hear these types of stories from speakers and coaches on a fairly regular basis, but I have to say to actually meet someone who had just gone through the experience and see her so grateful for what happened just 12 months on was quite humbling. I really admire her presence and ability to respond to those events in such an enlightened way. I also admire her courage because she was at my workshop, not to find out how to create money, she already has that down pat, but because she was concerned that if she started on that journey of super creation again she would lose herself in her ‘ego’ as she had done before and she was not willing to pay that price for wealth. Wow! What a woman!

What I am saying here is that, no matter what happens in your life, stay curious. Wait until the dust settles and see what rises from the ashes. You cannot know all the reasons things happen at the time. And sometimes our darkest days turn out to be our greatest gifts.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Give Yourself Permission To Play

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Give Yourself Permission To Play Do you know that children laugh on average 300 times a day, whereas as

adults laugh an average of 15 times a day! That’s a tragic statistic.

As children we are born with our ‘fun’ gene already activated and ready at a moment’s notice. We bring a sense of play into every single day. We naturally use our imagination, seek out ways to engage our environment in a joyful way and look for ways to interact with people that are fun and bring joy and happiness.

So what happened along the way to adult hood? Big people happened! People who had forgotten their own sense of joy and the ability to have fun. People who were taught that you had to be serious and life was not a game. People who, because of their own environment as children, believe that the only way to succeed in life is by accepting your lot, working hard and getting on the with the struggle and try not to get crushed along the way.

Dale Carnegy said ‘People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing’.

So have a look at the people in your life who are on struggle street. Do they appear to be having fun when they work? How much fun do they appear to be having during an average day?

Now look at those who are super successful and living a fulfilling life which seems to reserved for just a special few. Do they find their work fun? Do they appear to be enjoying their whole lives, and not just a few small pieces at a time?

Do you think incorporating fun and play into your work, or pursuing a career that is not work, but play for you might be a good idea and help you succeed?

Of course it is. Much of this manual on success is quite serious and if you aren’t naturally programmed to be successful, then there is going to be some hard work and ‘serious’ effort involved in turning that around. But your work must be like play for you.

Donald Trump once said: ‘If you’re interested in ‘balancing’ work and pleasure, stop trying to balance them. Instead make your work more pleasurable’ and this is one point on which we agree entirely.

And for those things that you don’t excel at and you find difficult and dreary, as soon as you have the resources, find someone who plays at that stuff and can get the job done efficiently, effectively and expertly so you can get on with ‘playing’ in the areas that you are good at.

Life’s too short to become dragged down by being serious all the time. Learn to play and have fun in whatever you are doing as much as possible. Your life will take on a new sense of spontaneity and joy that you had forgotten existed.

I want to share a brief story about myself when I was working in an office job in the city that I really didn’t like at all. One Winter’s morning when I was trudging like a Lemming through the madding crowd on my way to my cubicle in a tall

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skyscraper along with lots of other Lemmings, I noticed how unhappy everybody looked (me included). Well, although I consider myself a fairly responsible person, I naturally like to have fun and this situation just wasn’t pleasing for me. I wanted to do something to change this. But I was just one Lemming amongst lots of other Lemmings all trapped in Lemming Land. What could I possibly do?

At this point I also noticed that everybody was wearing black, brown or grey. Ugh! How boring and dreary. No wonder everyone looked so miserable. So that afternoon, before I took the long train ride home. I went and did a little shopping. I bought some bright coloured tops, a couple of short skirts, and some bright coloured tights to match the tops.

The next day I sported my new lemon fashion statement with my long black boots. Did I feel silly? To damn right I did! I don’t mind being the centre of attention but generally for all the right reasons, this was a bit out there even for me!

And you know what happened? A number of the Lemmings spotted me and were momentarily drawn out of Lemming Land. Some did a double take and many couldn’t help but allow a smile to escape their lips before they had a chance to stop it.

This made me feel fantastic. They didn’t know me, and it didn’t matter if they had a judgement on the appeal of my outfit. It made them smile. I walked ten feet tall to work each day after that, interchanging between my bright orange, purple and yellow numbers plus others I added to the collection, and it became a highlight of my colleagues day to see what outrageous outfit I would be wearing each day.

Harmless, simple and it made a small difference for people. Plus I felt pretty damn good about myself too. Suddenly I had something to look forward to in an otherwise uneventful and unfulfilling day.

Give yourself permission to play. Observe a child and how uninhibited they are. They don’t care what other people think when they are laughing and having fun. Listen to the joy in their laughter and allow it to open your heart. As long as you aren’t hurting anyone (including yourself), forget what judgements others may be making about you and make someone smile. It might just make their day, and yours.

Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though I was taught that it isn’t appropriate to have fun all the time, I choose to explore the playful side of my nature and I deeply and completely love and accept all of me Even though I’m not supposed to be playful because I’m a grownup, I deeply and completely love and embrace my playful side.

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Even though being playful is childish and irresponsible because they said so, I choose to lighten up and have more fun and love and accept my playful nature. Clearing Phrases: Grown ups aren’t supposed to be playful Life is serious, there’s no time to play If I explore my playful nature, they will judge me I will look silly if I’m playful Everything will fall apart if I have too much fun Isn’t life supposed to be all serious and hard work? They told me I had to be serious They told me to stop being silly They told me I had to grow up Life is not supposed to be fun, at least that’s what they taught me Life has so many serious consequences My actions impact on everyone, I have to take them seriously If I take time out to play, everything will fall apart I can’t possibly play and work, that’s not the way it’s supposed to be There’s too much suffering in the world for me to have fun. Positive Phrases: It would be nice to relax and have more fun I love to laugh and have a good time Being playful is good for my health I love learning how to play again I enjoy playing as I work I love being relaxed and having fun while I work I love taking time out to play more and more I feel so happy and so grateful about my life and I love to play I enjoy finding ways to bring more play into my life I can be responsible and playful at the same time Everybody needs to lighten up more, and I can help them do that I love to laugh and make others laugh too I love regressing to my child hood and remembering how to have fun I had so much fun as a child What if they were wrong and I’m supposed to have more fun Why does life have to be so serious anyway? I embrace laughter and playfulness in all aspects of my life I love to surprise people by being spontaneous and playful I feel lighter and more playful all the time There should be more laughter in the world Less work, more fun

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Get Organised

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Get Organised If you want to fast track your success, and I’m sure like the rest of us you

would prefer the fast lane to the slow lane, then it is imperative that you are organised and methodical in your approach.

If your personality is anything like mine, then this can be a skill that you will have to work at, but there are things you can do to help you win the battle.

1. Have a designated workspace where there is as little distraction as possible. Setting up your laptop in the middle of the lounge room or kitchen table where there is lots of traffic, TV going, interruptions, etc is obviously not going to help your concentration or getting into the flow. Unless there is no other choice, your bedroom is probably not the most ideal location either as you really want to separate your work area from the place that you sleep. it’s harder to relax and switch off if your work is closely associated with your bed.

2. Keep your workspace tidy and organised. A cluttered workspace means you won’t think clearly and will often spend half your time looking for things instead of getting work done. Regularly spend 15 to 30 minutes organising your desk or office so you can work with a clear head and put your hands on things quickly when you need them.

3. Schedule time in your diary for when you are going to work and stick to it. Prioritizing your work time means you will be more likely to make the transition from whatever mental state you are in, and your work. If you just decide all of a sudden, ‘I’ve got 30 minutes, I’ll sit down and do some work at the computer” the likelihood of you being distracted by emails, FaceBook, the comedy on TV, or anything else that is more appealing, is higher. Make an appointment with yourself and stick to it.

4. Let your family know that your work time is important and not to disturb you unless it is absolutely necessary. Families can be demanding, and separating yourself can be challenging, but you must create some distinctions and boundaries for the family if you are going to have any hope what-so-ever of achieving your goals in the time you wish. This is more challenging for women than men, but be strong. How much do you want freedom, for you and your family?

5. Write down a definite set of goals to work toward for each designated work period and tick them off as they are complete. This gives you a sense of achievement and keeps you motivated as well as being a great way to assign the most productive way to spend your time. Keep coming back to the list. Distractions are inevitable, and before you know it, time slips away and you have spent a couple of hours achieving very little. If something requires your immediate attending, deal with it and come straight back to whatever you were working on or you will keep going around in circles and eventually give up altogether.

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6. Do the boring stuff first. It’s really easy to keep fluffing around and procrastinating about doing the things we don’t want to do because they are boring and tedious. However, if you make them a priority and dive into them with as much enthusiasm as you can muster so you get them out of the road quickly with the incentive that you then get to do the fun stuff, you will find you work much more effectively in the long run.

7. Schedule in relaxation time with your family. All work and no play can be devastating for family relationships and you can burn out if you don’t have some special down time for yourself and your family. Achieving goals quickly and effectively is great, but don’t lose yourself and your enjoyment in them in the process.

8. Become disciplined and vigilant. Getting cups of tea or snacks or checking emails or putting on the washing all seem like legitimate and necessary interruptions. And though you should take regular breaks, you will not get into the flow if you take them every 5 minutes. And that is where all the best work is achieved.

Hard work not just great for achieving success, it is also good for your self esteem. And if you have taken my advice and have chosen something that you are passionate about, it won’t seem like work at all.

Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though I am not very organised, I deeply and completely accept all of me Even though my life is chaotic, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. Even though my lack of organisation stops me from succeeding, I choose to know I am changing that now and I profoundly love and accept who I am and how I feel. Example EFT Phrases: Clearing EFT Phrases: My life is in chaos I’m not good at being organised I get confused and flustered a lot My lack of organisation skills are hurting my performance I wish I could be more organised My life is such a mess If I could only be more organised I’d get a lot more done Being organised is boring I’m used to the mess I’m attached to the chaos Who would I be without the chaos? The disorganisation is just part of my nature, it’s ok

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Being disorganised makes life interesting I don’t know how to be organised I’m not sure I want to be organised Being organised is too much hard work It’s a waste of time being organised Being organised is over rated Being organised is too predictable Positive EFT Phrases: I wonder what it would feel like to be organised It would be nice to have more predictability It would be nice not to have so much chaos and confusion If I were more organised I could be more efficient I feel lighter already just thinking about it I would get more done if I were more organised I choose to be more organised I love being more organised I love having some reliability and predictability in my life I choose to embrace being more organised It’s really not that hard I just have to be conscious of developing a new skill Being more organised is going to help me be successful I’m so happy and so grateful I am more organised now I can feel the chaos disappearing from my life I choose to release myself from chaos and confusion I choose to enjoy my new organised life I can be organised and have fun Being organised is more fun than being in chaos I love having fun in an organised way I love achieving so much more now that I am organised Being organised is a great way to achieve a lot more things in my life Every time I start slipping into chaos, I get busy being organised

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Chunk It Down

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Chunk It Down It is really important that progress toward your goal doesn’t seem too slow or

overwhelming because it’s likely that you’ll lose interest and momentum and you may give up altogether, or worse still, not even get started.

For this reason, if you have a big goal, then you must systematically chunk it down into smaller more manageable goals that are all a part of the main goal. This simple exercise will help you to remain task oriented and focused on getting the job done. Looking at the project as a whole can be very overwhelming and even paralysing, causing confusion, inefficiency and stall or even halt your progress. Breaking it up into smaller chunks brings everything into perspective and these smaller chunks that make up the big picture are more manageable.

How do you build a wall? One brick at a time. Lay a strong foundation and focus on each step as it needs to happen and soon you will find the whole picture coming together perfectly and your vision will begin materialising before your eyes.

It will also give you a sense of achievement as you complete each piece of the puzzle and start to see your big picture taking shape. It’s like putting together a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle. If you were to focus on taking all those pieces and making the picture all at once, it’s impossible right? But by focusing on just one part of the puzzle, and finding the little tiny pieces that match up with that part of the picture, you can remain focused and feel satisfied as each small part of the puzzle comes together gradually to make the whole. And if you’ve ever completed a jigsaw puzzle, what a feeling of achievement that is!

If you’re having trouble with your manifesting skills, then don’t start by trying to manifest a million dollars. Remember, you will see it when you believe it, so work on building your belief first. For example, focus on manifesting a cup of coffee during your day. And I don’t mean one that you have bought or made yourself. And when someone offers to buy or make you a coffee, voila, there is your evidence of our power to manifest. Once you have mastered it at this level, move up to the next and so on, until your faith is rock solid.

Treat everything as you would a jigsaw puzzle, one piece at a time. And congratulate yourself as each piece falls into place. This builds self confidence and self esteem and will increase your focus and momentum. As you start to see the project materialising before you, you will feel compelled to take more positive, focused action and you will also release your blocks to success as you discover how rewarding success can be.

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Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though I feel so overwhelmed because my goal is so big, I deeply and completely accept who I am and how I feel about it. Even though I don’t know where to start because my goal is so big, I deeply and completely accept who I am anyway. Even though my challenge is too big and I can’t possibly achieve it, I deeply and completely love and accept all of me and choose to know I have whatever it takes to overcome any challenge that comes my way. Clearing EFT Phrases: I feel so overwhelmed There is no way I can overcome all those challenges It’s too hard, I may as well give up now I’m too lazy I feel powerless It’s hopeless It’s not worth the hassle I’m hopeless at overcoming challenges It’s too painful to fail again I can’t risk failing again My goal is too big and I will face too many challenges This challenge is way too big for me I feel so confused I am no good at problem solving I don’t deserve to succeed I’m not good enough I don’t have what it takes They told me I was no good They told me I was lazy Positive EFT Phrases: What if I do have what it takes? Wouldn’t it be nice to feel the satisfaction that comes with success? I choose to know I don’t have to do it alone I have all the help I need I live in the truth that I have what it takes to have what I want What if he / she was wrong? The sweet taste of success is worth all the challenges that will arise I feel confident about my ability to succeed and overcome challenges I ask for help when I need it and have faith that it is always there for me I have all the help I need I choose to release all limiting beliefs about this

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I release my fear of failure I love to embrace a challenge and discover how creative I can be I am resourceful and creative in the face of challenges I feel excited about facing challenges and feeling the sweetness of success I deserve to succeed I love feeling confident in my ability to overcome challenges No matter how hard it gets, I’m committed to doing whatever it takes to succeed that is for my highest good and the highest good of all I choose to be open to all the possibilities and ways I can overcome challenges    

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Chunk It Down

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Effective Goal Setting

Marguerita Vorobioff © 2010 Page 104 of 215

Effective Goal Setting Setting goals is an essential part of achieving success in any endeavour.

However, to give yourself the best chance of success, it’s really important that those goals fit a certain criteria.

One of the most recognised criteria is the SMART Goals acronym.

S – Specific

There is little point saying “My goal is to have more money”. If somebody gave you $1, you would have more money. That statement is too vague. It will not inspire you to action and it will not give the subconscious mind the parameters it needs to achieve anything. Your goals need to be very specific and written in a clear and concise manner so there is no mistaking what you are aiming for. For example:

“I am going to make one million dollars”

“I am going to meet the man of my dreams”

“I am going to lose 10kg / 15 pld”

And notice the language used. “Wishing” and “Wanting” only produces more wishing and wanting. Remember Yoda from Star Wars: “Do, or do not. There is no try.” The subconscious mind hears and processes very literally. It doesn’t interpret, it only gives you what you tell it. So choose your language carefully, make it definite and state it in the positive.

M - Measurable

You must be able to tell when you have achieved your goal. What criteria will have to be fulfilled to show you that you have arrived at your destination?

The best way to measure is to set up a vision of what it will look like when you have achieved your goal. e.g. Visualise yourself looking at your bank account and you can see that you have one million dollars in the account. See yourself sitting in your favourite place with the man of your dreams. See yourself standing on the scales and they read 10kg / 15pld less than what you do now.

Review the section on visualisation if you need to refresh yourself of creating a vision for your goal.

A – Achievable

Is it humanly possible? Have there been others who have achieved the same thing before you? Do you actually believe that it can be done? Napolean Hill said “whatever man can conceive, he can achieve”. And I truly believe that almost anything is possible, particularly when you start delving into the metaphysical nature of our existence. What’s important is that you believe in your heart of hearts that it is humanly possible. When you have a track record of success, then you can start to set goals that nobody has realised before if you wish because your self belief and goal achieving mechanism will be on fire and that is when you are capable of anything.

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R - Realistic

Next assess your own limitations. You want to set yourself up for success, not failure. A goal of earning one million dollars in a day might be realistic for Donald Trump, but is it for you? We are only limited by our own belief systems, but don’t set yourself up for failure before you’ve even had a chance to get going. Instead, choose to set yourself up for success.

Don’t make the goal too easy, because it won’t challenge or inspire you. And because you are using EFT and Sound Healing to clear those negative belief systems you will be able to achieve goals you wouldn’t otherwise. However, make sure you believe that your goal is possible and not so far out of your depth that you become completely disassociated with your goal. If you do that, the game is over before it’s begun.

If you’ve never gotten what you want in life, then scale your goals back. If however, you’ve always succeeded in everything you do, then stretch yourself, make the goal bigger than you have ever imagined before. Earning one million dollars a day is humanly possible, but don’t make it your goal for tomorrow if you’ve never earned that kind of money before. If that’s what you would like to do, then make it a 2 year goal, or a 12 month goal, or even a 6 month goal, but start with a realistic vision for you.

And prove to yourself you can do it by setting smaller goals that will get you to the larger one. Success breeds success. Consciously build a belief in yourself that will make you unstoppable whenever you set out to achieve something. Once you have created a history that you have proven to yourself that you can achieve what you set out to achieve, this is priceless for the subconscious mind and your psyche.

T - Time Based

You must set yourself a time constraint. There is no point just saying “I’m going to earn a million dollars” without putting an end date on it. That could mean anything from tomorrow to 50 years from now. Set yourself a realistic date that you intend to achieve your goal by.

Now you are going to write your goals out in a very specific way.

It is important that you write the formula in strong, positive language (i.e. “I now own all my possessions” instead of “I want to pay off my debt”) and in the present tense as if it’s already happened (“It is now ……….”). If you keep visualising your goal out in the future, then it will be like a carrot on a stick and it will stay in your future as you move forward and always be just out of your reach.

So, once you have set the criteria according to the SMART formula, you need to write it in this format:

‘It is now’ (Future Date) ‘and I am’ or ‘I have’ (Measurable Statement of what your goal looks / feels like).

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e.g. “It is now 3rd June 2012 and I am relaxing with my husband and dogs on my beautiful veranda whilst reading a book and watching the sunset over the property we own outright.” (Sigh)

Not it’s really important, as with visualisation, that you get in touch with the feeling associated with that goal. Some people struggle with visualisation, but just stay with it. It doesn’t mean it won’t work, it’s your focus that matters and as you practice this method, it will become easier and easier.

Now write out 2 or 3 goals in this way with a mixture of short and long term focus, follow the strategic visioning process in the next section and start to get excited because this process is very powerful and will create magic and miracles in your life.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Take Small Steps & Build A Strong Foundation

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Celebrate All Your Successes This is fairly self explanatory, so I won’t go into too much detail here.

Our minds are naturally programmed to focus on what’s wrong. Just say you give a presentation to 100 people and 99 people love it and told you so, but there is one person who didn’t and was openly critical. It is most likely that you will focus on the criticism of that one person and not the praise of the other 99. It’s kind of perverse when you think about it.

And in the same way we have a tendency to focus on our failures, or what we didn’t get right or could have done better instead of patting ourselves on the back for what we did well.

Of course, honest self evaluation and looking at the areas you can improve are important if you are to continue to improve your performance. Any champion athlete will tell you that. Perfection is an ever moving (generally unattainable) target and in order to succeed in today’s competitive world, it is not enough to be good, you must strive for excellence. However, failing to acknowledge your triumphs leads to frustration, tension, disappointment, resentment and a general lack of enjoyment in what you are doing. This could translate to you eventually giving up before you reach that point where you are hitting goals and targets that you never imagined possible, and feeling that deep sense of fulfilment and satisfaction that comes with success.

Before you are critical, give yourself time and space for self praise. This is what will bring you joy and encourage you to continue to strive for excellence.

Perfection is being the best you can be right here, right now. Nothing more, nothing less. Strive for that and acknowledge your brilliance, and you will find motivation to continue forward in the face of challenges and adversity that you never realised you had.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Take Small Steps & Build A Strong Foundation

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Take Small Steps and Build a Strong Foundation Everything is moving so fast these days. Time seems to be slipping away from

us and we have created a sense of urgency, wanting everything immediately. We live in an instant and disposable society. And the new generations in particular have very little patience and stamina when they want something. Credit companies have paved the way for us to be able to have everything now, without having to wait and save for it as we used to. This is not necessarily bad thing. However, the level of impatience that many of us now experience, including me, can sabotage our efforts to create lasting freedom in our lives.

When we don’t get what we want quickly, we shift focus. I have been one of the worst perpetrators of this trait and it cost me dearly for years. I would dive into various projects and work furiously, but when the results weren’t there in a short period of time, I would shift my focus to something else, thinking it wasn’t going to work, when in fact I just hadn’t given it time to come to fruition. Consequently I spent a lot of time spinning my wheels.

Manifestation is happening faster and faster. As time speeds up, so does our power to create, but we still need to take small steps to build a solid foundation so we can realize our vision efficiently, effectively and in an appropriate time frame, so that it lasts. If you want to build a house, it can be overwhelming if you are looking at the project and all the necessary tools, materials, support structures, resources, and manpower required to complete the job as a whole. But if you break it down to bricks and mortar, and complete each job in turn according to a well structured framework, very soon the house starts to take shape and within a certain period of time, you have a house.

It’s the same with your ideas and creating your vision. It’s important to have a clear vision of where you want to get to. Because of the nature of our existence, there will be a number of steps required to get from where you are now to where you want to be. Create a plan, and if you don’t know where to start or how to proceed, get advice from somebody who does and they will help you to put a plan together that will help you build your dream efficiently with a solid foundation so it lasts.

Have you ever heard of someone who created massive wealth only to lose it all? We all have. How solid was their foundation and was it built on principals that were for the highest good of everyone? Were there supporting structures that were never put in place that allowed the whole thing to collapse? Was it built too fast so each stage was stable and secure?

It is also essential that every with action you take you are in complete alignment with your honesty and integrity. You cannot fool the Universe, and if you create your vision by lying and cheating and hurting others, then your foundations will be weak and they will collapse. This hasn’t necessarily always been evident as there are many companies and organizations that have thrived for years by taking

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advantage of others and leaving pain and suffering in their wake. However, times are changing rapidly and these organizations will not be able to survive in the new age.

I believe that some of our most powerful industries have been conspiring for years to undermine our physical and emotional health all in the name of power and greed. I also believe that their day of reckoning is coming and all we have to do is stay aligned with truth and integrity and those with purity of intent will be the ones who ‘inherit the kingdom’. Don’t worry, I’m not going to go all religious on you. I just believe in good triumphing over evil, eventually.

Building the foundation can be tedious, particularly if you are anything like me and can see the big picture and just want to get there in record time. This is where you may need help from someone like a coach, mentor, business colleague or other dedicated professional who can supply the knowledge and guidance to help you put all the pieces in place so you can reap the rewards.

Don’t think for a second that you have to do it all on your own. Particularly in the beginning, you will never have all the knowledge, skills or resources to bring your vision into reality. But you don’t have to as we have 6 billion people on the planet all with something unique to offer, and different information, talents, skills and perspectives that create this amazing network of resources all of which is available to us to help create our vision. Seek out those who have what you need and focus on what you do best. You will pick up certain skills and knowledge along the way that may enable you to do a lot of things on your own. But always make sure that your time is being spent in the most productive areas of your work. Why, once your business is thriving, would you spend time sweeping the floors if you are being paid $100 and hour and you employ somebody else to do that for $20 an hour? And why would you attempt to do a job that you are not skilled at and could stall your forward movement, when you can hire someone with those skills to complete the task in a fraction of the time and in a much more professional manner.

I know that, particularly when money is scarce, it can be tempting to do everything yourself and cut corners. Yep, I’ve been there too. But I eventually learned that I was never going to succeed with that mentality. Where there is a will, there is a way. Do what you can do well and seek out advice or help with the stuff that you’re not so good at. Get creative at finding and employing the tools, resources and help you need. Your future depends on it.

Examples of EFT: Set Up Phrases: Even though I want everything to happen right away, I choose to take a breath and build a strong foundation for my future that will last and I deeply and completely love and appreciate who I am and how I feel. Even though I want to create my vision immediately and I feel impatient that I have to wait, I deeply and completely love and accept all of me.

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Even though time is moving fast and I am not seeing results fast enough, I choose to stay focused and committed until I see this through, and I profoundly love and accept all of me. Clearing EFT Phrases: I’m not getting results I’m frustrated with the lack of results I need to change focus because it isn’t working I feel anxious because I need it to happen right away What if this doesn’t work? I need results right now, this is too slow Nothing is working right now Why isn’t anything happening yet I’m so frustrated by the lack of results Nothing works for me How can I make it happen faster I want it to happen now I feel so frustrated and impatient Positive EFT Phrases: I choose to remain calm and follow my heart I stay focused and trust the results will come I stay open to the inspiration of the Universe and allow everything to fall into place I focus on the task at hand and release my impatience and frustration I love feeling so relaxed and calm about the outcome I am open to finding any blocks to success so I can release them I continue to take consistent action toward my goal every day I know I am on the right track and just stay focused Even though I want things to happen faster, I choose to remain patient and focused

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Failure: The Best Friend of Success

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What Would You Do If You Knew You Could Not Fail We spend our whole life trying to get everything right. From the time we open

our eyes and become aware of our environment we are learning, mimicking, trying and, heaven forbid, failing! And when we are little, there is no shame in failing. It is instinctively accepted as a part of succeeding. And, apart from a few tears along the way, there is never any question that you are going to succeed. If you are the majority of the population, you learnt to talk, walk and run; drink from a glass and eat with a knife and fork; write with a pen and colour within the lines; throw and catch a ball; and so much more, all with varying degrees of success, depending on how much natural ability you were born with combined with the amount of practice you gave to each of these very complex tasks. These are no trivial achievements. The coordination required to accomplish thousands of things that we do without even thinking is extraordinary, and yet we do them all completely unconsciously.

Why? Why did you succeed at all these really complex tasks and thousands of others and at such an early age? Because you weren’t afraid to fail and you understood that it was a natural part of getting to do all the things that were required of you to live successfully in our society. You were also surrounded by people everywhere who could do those things too. You embraced failure until you succeeded. No shame or guilt or feeling inadequate or wrong. Sure, you got frustrated sometimes, that’s a natural and necessary response to keep you pushing forward and striving to master a particular skill. Natural levels of frustration comes from a determination to get it right and keeps you in the game.

So what happened with the rest of your life? When did we become so afraid to fail? Is it because you want to achieve something outside of the comfort zone of your family and friends? Is it because we don’t have people in our environment who have done it and can help show us the way and ease the frustration of failure and encourage us to succeed? Is it because, at some point, somebody made fun of us falling over, messing up, or getting something wrong and made failing a painful experience?

It’s all of these things. We learned to walk because we were surrounded by people who knew how to walk without even thinking about it, and continued to encourage us to do the same. They cheered when we took each step and picked us up and mopped our tears when we didn’t get it right. There was no shame or guilt or pressure. They believed in us and never, ever doubted that we could do it, so neither did we. We were given time, space, encouragement and absolute belief in our ability to achieve all of these very complex tasks.

And the truth is, you can achieve anything you want to, but you need the right environment, encouragement, support, the right model to follow and the time and space to fail without condemnation.

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If you want to achieve something that is out of the realms of those in your immediate circle of influence, then you need to find the right people to guide you and mentor you and support you whilst you learn how. You need to feel that it’s safe to fail until you succeed. Just imagine for a moment if every time you failed there was no judgment, just an assessment on what you learnt before you tried again, with a better of understanding of the process? Sometimes those in our immediate surroundings can threaten our sense of safety because they themselves feel threatened that you are going to make them feel inadequate by achieving something that they feel is out of their reach.

Life is not about how you succeed, but how you fail! Learn to fail well, without judgment or condemnation, until you achieve the desired outcome. Don’t allow the insecurities of others steal your dreams. Just because they have settled for mediocrity doesn’t mean you have to. You will fail many more times than you succeed. It’s a part of life. Embrace it and you will live a fulfilling and joy filled life that you will be proud to look back on at the end.

Example EFT Phrases Set Up Phrases: Even though I’m afraid to fail, I profoundly love and accept all of me Even though they taught me that failure was a really bad thing, I deeply and completely accept who I am and how I feel. Even though it’s really painful to fail, I know because I’ve been there many times, I deeply and completely love and accept all of me. Clearing EFT Phrases: I am so afraid to fail Failure is so painful I’m afraid to fail because of what they did I’m afraid to fail because of what happened the last time I’m afraid to disappoint people I’m afraid of being disappointed again Why would I try to succeed when I know I’m going to fail I’m such a failure Failures are losers Nobody likes a failure They’ll make fun of me if I fail They’ll reject me / abandon me if I fail It’s not safe to fail

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Positive EFT Phrases: What if they were wrong about failure Why does failure have to be so painful Who taught me there was something wrong with failure Nobody gets it right every time Everybody fails sometimes Lots of people fail most of the time Failure is just learning on the way to success I choose to know that it’s okay to fail People fail all the time They were wrong about failure I choose to know that failure is an essential part of success I choose to embrace failure Whenever I fail, I learn There is nothing wrong with failing I choose to fail until I succeed I love failing because I know that I am one step closer to success I love knowing that failure is nothing to be ashamed of

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Challenges Are Bread Crumbs

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Challenges Are Bread Crumbs Laid By The Universe to Lead You Home

Many of us have been facing challenges in our lives recently. We have been pushed way out of our comfort zones and life is uncomfortable to the point where, for a lot of people, it really sucks.

The curious thing is that we have asked for this! Yes, you read that right, as a race we have been asking for this to happen for a long time.

Everybody’s one ultimate goal in this life is happiness, in whatever form that takes. Whether you are pursuing it through spirituality, financial freedom, loving relationships, health and fitness, career, or a combination of these, the one thing we all seek ultimately is happiness.

Unfortunately, we have been misguidedly seeking it in all the wrong places. The way to ultimate happiness is to connect with all that is and realise your divinity. The Universe, or God, or Allah, or Spirit, or The Divine, or Buddah, or whatever you want to call the higher power, has heard our continual quest for happiness and has answered our call. This is because this force that we are all connected to knows how we will achieve happiness, and it is not in the pursuit of whatever is ‘out there’.

So when we face challenges they are sign posts by the Universe saying ‘I know your potential, I believe in you and I know you can do better’. Either, we have gone off track and need to change direction, or we are ready to step up to the next level and expand even further to discover a deeper connection to who we truly are.

How do you understand what the challenge is telling you? That’s easy. Is your current path joyful, fulfilling, effortless and does the challenge inspire you to greater heights? Or does the challenge feel like another burden in a life of struggle and disappointment? Obviously if your answer is the first option, then you are on the right path and all you have to do is ask for help and guidance in meeting the challenge and moving to the next level. If it is the other option, then stop and again ask for guidance, this time to find the right path for you at this point in time.

With all your requests don’t forget to ask for ‘ease and grace’. This is a part that you do not want to miss because your answer could come in so many ways, including ones that cause you distress and even greater discomfort. There is a saying, be careful what you ask for, you might get it! And that is true. In fact, it’s not a case of ‘you might get it’, you always get what you ask for, without fail. Where you are today is a direct result of what you were thinking yesterday.

The next step is the most important step of all………………listen! The answer will be provided, but you must be listening intently. And if you miss it, then ask for it again in a way you can understand clearly.

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If something, anything, turns up in your life 3 times, that is a definite indication that you need to look at it very carefully. Sometimes a book will be mentioned by 3 different people, or you will hear about a health practitioner several times, or something will arrive in your email. There are thousands of ways the answer could be provided. Be aware and keep checking in to see how you feel about various things. Your intuition is a powerful indication of whether something is right for you or not. Even ask for confirmation if you need to.

As children we are conditioned to believe that it’s not right to ask for what we want. So we go through life believing that we have to accept whatever is dished out to us and we are powerless to change it. Nothing could be further from the truth! Ask as many times as you want, for as many things as you want. The Universe never tires of hearing from you. Be sure your request comes from a good intention and ask 5 times, 10 times, 1000 times. It doesn’t matter.

You can have everything your heart desires, and the pursuit of money, health, loving relationships are fantastic ways to express our creativity and experience the magic of our physical existence. Just acknowledge that these things will not bring you lasting fulfilment if you are not attending to your connection to your spirit and higher power.

Whenever a challenge arises, large or small, recognise it as a signpost that is leading you back to your spiritual home. Even though it may not feel like it at the time, it is designed to bring you ultimate joy. Embrace it, become comfortable with the discomfort and know that it is but a place of transition and will not last forever.

EFT Example Phrases: Set Up Phrases Even though I feel overwhelmed and confused by challenges and I don’t know what to do, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. Even though I avoid challenges because I don’t have what it takes to solve them, I choose to be open to the possibility of finding and solution and I love and accept all of me. Even though I don’t have the confidence in myself to overcome challenges, I deeply and profoundly accept myself and my feelings about this. Clearing EFT Phrases I will do anything to avoid facing challenges I don’t have what it takes to overcome challenges I feel overwhelmed when I experience challenges I don’t know what to do when I am challenged I’m so confused I’m so alone What if the challenges are too big for me?

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What if I fail? I feel panic when I encounter a challenge I feel very small when I run into a challenge Maybe I’m just not meant to be successful Being successful is too hard. It’s not safe for me to be successful It’s not safe for me to be wealthy I will have to work to hard if I really want to succeed Maybe I don’t have what it takes to be successful Positive EFT Phrases What if I succeed? I choose to know that challenges are just a way for me to grow and expand I choose to embrace challenges and open myself to discovering solutions I choose to be open to receive all the help I can get when I am faced with a challenge I am not alone I have friends and family and the Universe to help me I choose to feel safe even when I experience a challenge It is safe for me to be wealthy and successful I choose to work smarter not harder I navigate challenges easily and effortlessly I live in the truth that I have what it takes to have whatever I want. Wouldn’t it be nice to overcome challenges and be successful and achieve my goals It would be so nice to allow myself the freedom to explore the possibilities I have whatever I need to overcome challenges easily and effortlessly I choose to know all the right resources, tools and people I need will be available whenever I feel challenged. I no longer live the lie that I don’t have what it takes to overcome challenges

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Get Out Of Your Own Way

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Get Out Of Your Own Way Throughout all my literature on success and living your extraordinary life, I

spend a lot of time talking about the subconscious and how it controls 96 to 98 percent of our results. This is because once you learn how to change this programming, and are committed to working at it consistently, your results will change so dramatically, it is like night and day. First you will find your behaviour changing and you will be aware of more opportunities coming into your life. You will take action that is congruent with achieving your goal and people and resources will turn up in your life like magic.

Hence the saying, ‘Get out of your own way’. You are the only person who is in charge of your results. Once you realise this and become aware of the behaviour and habits that aren’t serving you and are keeping you stuck, then you will really begin to move ahead in leaps and bounds.

This takes discipline and a willingness to do the things ninety-five percent of people won’t do so you can have what ninety-five percent of people will never have. And, unless you have an instant enlightenment experience like Byron Katy or Eckhart Tolle, this is a journey that takes time and dedication, it will not happen overnight. I’m not saying you have to meditate for 10 hours every day for the next 50 years to finally get it. We live in extraordinary times and we have the opportunity to shift our awareness incredibly quickly if we choose. But it takes effort.

Why are we so willing to go to extraordinary lengths to acquire things that help us avoid our feelings and ultimately perpetuate our pain, such as unhealthy levels of addictions to things like television, the latest technological toys and games, alcohol, sport, work, legal and illicit drugs, but the opportunity to spend 30 minutes a day healing and discovering our potential comes last, if at all?

Why haven’t we been taught to embrace all of our feelings, especially the uncomfortable ones, so we can discover the truth behind them so they lose their power over us? We give our power away to our fear, anger, grief, sadness, frustration, etc when we refuse to feel them fully and discover the truth within these feelings. We take our power back when we choose to experience every aspect our beautiful existence and feel everything fully. We become awakened in that moment and all of a sudden those uncomfortable feelings are seen for what they are: merely responses to a belief system or perception about our world or ourselves.

Feelings have no life of their own, they only exist because of your response to a particular situation. And where one person might thrive on the adrenalin and excitement of performing in front of a crowd of 10,000 people, somebody else might prefer to die than take the risk of humiliation and rejection. Of course, if that latter is you, then public speaking might not be your chosen vehicle for making your dreams come true, at least not this right this minute.

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Once you become a master of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours, you become a conscious creator. Suddenly you have the ability to choose appropriate responses in every situation of your life instead of being at the mercy of your emotions.

Have you ever been in the middle of an argument and suddenly you have the thought ‘Why am I so angry and why am I taking it out on this person’? I certainly have and the more aware you become, the more this occurs, until you are able to actually stop the unconscious response before it occurs. It is not the event itself that defines it’s meaning in our lives, but our response to it. And rarely, if ever, is it the particular circumstance that is the cause of our response. The event is merely a trigger which activates an automatic response within us, depending on previous experience and belief systems, formed usually in the first 6 years of our lives.

For example, a person who has had a history of betrayal or abandonment in their life, may feel particularly jealous if their partner is looking at someone of the opposite sex in, what they determine, is an inappropriate manner. Even if the other person is the most loyal and devoted person on the planet and has never shown any signs of betrayal, they respond from what they expect to occur. Because they have been betrayed or abandoned previously, they are expecting their partner to do the same and they perceive their over eager appreciation of another person as a betrayal, even though they have done nothing wrong.

We are all human, and just because we devote our lives to one person does not mean we automatically become robots incapable of appreciating the beautiful form of another human being. In fact this is perfectly healthy behaviour. What is not healthy is the over reaction of the person who immediately goes into fear of being betrayed, and angrily accuses the admirer of being unfaithful.

This is how our subconscious works. It looks for situations to prove our programming right. So we look for situations and events that will substantiate our model of the world. If we believe we don’t deserve to succeed, or it’s not safe to be successful, we will draw to us events and circumstances, and behave in ways that substantiate those beliefs and sabotage our success. And there may be hundreds or even thousands of those negative beliefs lurking in your subconscious, quietly working away and keeping you bound within your self imposed limitations.

It is your job to disentangle yourself from these belief systems and disable them so they don’t sabotage your success. This is why energy psychology and vibrational healing techniques are now becoming so popular, because they have the ability to quickly eliminate these beliefs so we can form new ones.

You need to be dedicated though, because your subconscious has formed these belief systems in an attempt to protect you and keep you safe. It is not likely to just show you what they are so you can get rid of them. You need to outsmart your subconscious and engage it to be your assistant in this process rather than your enemy.

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And your emotions are your greatest ally in this quest. Become aware of your feelings in every moment and you will quickly discover what fears and beliefs you are holding onto that are stopping you from being the best you can be and living the life of your dreams.

I have found this is a fascination journey of discovery and, though difficult at times, highly rewarding. And the greatest reward is success.

Example EFT Phrases:

Set up Phrases: Even though I am my own worst enemy, I deeply and completely accept all of me Even though I am responsible for all of my results in life, I choose to love and accept myself anyway. Even though I have been the one holding myself back and stopping myself from succeeding, I deeply and profoundly love and accept all of me. Clearing EFT Phrases: I’ve been sabotaging myself all this time I should have known It’s all my fault I’ve allowed my emotions and belief systems to control my life I feel powerless to take control of my life and realise my dreams I’m afraid to succeed I’m afraid to realise my potential I’m afraid to fail I’m afraid to step out of my comfort zone It’s not safe for me to step out of my comfort zone They told me I wasn’t good enough / smart enough They told me I wasn’t worthy They told me I wouldn’t amount to anything They never saw my true worth I don’t feel safe to succeed Positive EFT Phrases: I’m willing to do whatever it takes to succeed Even if I have to get out of my own road, it will be worth it I choose to take my power back feel and strong What if they were wrong? What if I am good enough? Of course I’m good enough I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to I choose to release all negative emotions that are holding me back I live in the truth that I have whatever it takes to have what I want I choose to release all false belief systems that have prevented me from succeeding I love knowing I have everything I need to succeed within me

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I choose to release myself from all old limiting beliefs that don’t serve me What would I do if I knew I could not fail I choose to know that I can’t fail I love knowing that failure is nothing to be ashamed of I love feeling successful I am capable of overcoming all challenges Challenges are just road stops on the way to success I love navigating my way beyond my limiting belief systems to success I am so much more than I give myself credit for I am a miraculous being capable of achieving whatever I put my mind to.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Procrastination Kills Productivity

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Procrastination Kills Productivity Examples of procrastination: ‘I don’t have enough time’ ‘When I get this done / have this / achieve this ………… then I’ll do it’ ‘I don’t know where to start’ ‘I don’t have enough money’ ‘I don’t have enough knowledge’ ‘My family / friends won’t approve’ ‘I’m too old’ ‘I’m too young’ ‘What if it doesn’t work?’ ‘What if I fail?’

All of these are simply excuses that are stopping you from being successful. They are all as various ways to procrastinate on getting started and all seem perfectly valid. However, they will destroy your desire to ever be successful in anything.

We all do it. I used to be notorious for being ‘busy’, but still not getting done what really needs to be done to ensure my success. I did it for years and it still traps me sometimes. I have to stop, re-evaluate what is really important to get me where I want to go and get those things done FIRST!

If you are a mum, then I can’t say I know what it’s like because I don’t. I made a firm decision not to have children many years ago and that suits me fine. I do know, however, how challenging it can be to work, run a household, look after a tribe of animals, have a home business, keep my finger on distracting new opportunities and make sure nothing passes me by, etc, etc.

And the truth is, there are many things that can be postponed that are not really necessary. The housework will still be there tomorrow; that TV show will be available on DVD or over the internet; that movie will still be on the shelf in 1 week, 1 month or even a year; that book will still be on the shelf tomorrow; your friends will still be on FaceBook tonight, and tomorrow and the next day.

On the other hand, that opportunity to break through and be successful is waiting for you right now. If you put if off one more day, that is one more day you will still be right where you are now. That is one more day that you are no closer to your goal of financial freedom. And days grow into weeks, into months and into years.

Choose successful habits. Prioritise your time. Write a To Do list and just get started. How long have you had dreams of a different life, and things you want to achieve and haven’t?

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Don’t put off your dreams any longer. In the words of Napoleon Hill ‘Don't wait. The time will never be just right’. The time is now. Conditions will never ever be your definition of perfect, and in fact they are perfect right now.  

It is true. Where there is a will there is a way. Even if you don’t know how, just get started, or will you be in the same place this time next week, next month, or ten years from now? Success habits are a choice. What do you choose?  

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Follow Through

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Follow Through Whilst an inability to get started on your project signifies a fear of failure. An

inability to follow through is the sign of a fear of success.

Many people cannot understand why anyone would have a fear of success, but as I have illustrated, it is very real and creates an entirely different pattern of behaviour than a fear of failure.

Those who get started with a flourish, full of enthusiasm and energy, only to fizzle out half way through or even critically close to their goal, or set up a sabotage scenario that undermines all their efforts, have a fear of success.

For some reason, breaking through that final barrier and realising that dream creates a resistance so strong, that either you will start procrastinating and producing all the excuses under the sun why you can’t continue, or focus on the project; you will be distracted by something ‘bigger and better’; or life (your subconscious) will set up a series of events that don’t allow you the time and space to be able to finish what you started and, in no time at all, you are back to where you started.

This is the unfortunate part of losing momentum is that nothing stays right where it is waiting for you to come back to it, it tends to backslide, undoing all your good work previously.

I am acutely familiar with this particular phenomenon as it plagued me for most of my life and held me back from achieving any real results from the many projects I started.

Another form of sabotage is to take on too much. If you diversify your focus on too many things, then you will never finish one. This kind of juggling only holds you in a permanent holding pattern while you try to unsuccessfully rush around trying to keep all the balls in the air and never getting anywhere.

Choose just one thing to focus on, two at a maximum if you absolutely have to. Don’t necessarily abandon the other projects, just place them somewhere for safe keeping and you can return to one or more of them later if you wish, only once you have seen the one you are focusing on through to a satisfactory completion.

And be aware that if your focus is your career or an ongoing project, never take your eye off the ball. If you feel you can relax once you have completed a critical phase before moving onto the next level, then make sure you are monitoring the status quo and maintaining the current level of activity as it stands or the danger is that it could all fall apart very quickly and you could be left standing what happened.

Everything is constantly changing, which means you must be prepared to adjust your position and mobilise on a project at a moments notice if you don’t want to experience a total collapse.

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So, unless a project is completely finalised, and there are no further objectives to be realised, then never take your eye off the ball. You never know when massive action might be necessary to ensure your continued success.

And if you have a history of not being able to follow through, use EFT, sound healing and any other tools that work for you to disable your associated fears, and get a coach or other accountability partner to push you over that line that is holding you back.

Success awaits you, it is up to you to continue to move forward with definiteness of purpose to meet it.

Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though I have difficulty following through and all sorts of things get in my road, I deeply and completely love and accept all of me. Even though I struggle with finishing what I start, I choose to love and accept myself anyway. Even though I am a great starter and I can’t finish anything, I deeply and profoundly love and accept all of me. Clearing EFT Phrases: I just can’t seem to finish what I start Everything else seems to get in the road of me finishing my projects I am crap at finishing what I start What’s wrong with me that I can’t finish anything I must be broken I am easily distracted and never finish what I start I’m afraid to succeed What if they don’t like me anymore? What if they reject me? They’ll criticise me if I succeed It’s not safe for me to succeed There’s too much for me to lose by becoming successful It’s safer just to stay where I am I won’t fit in anymore if I succeed I love them too much to hurt them by succeeding I love them too much to be hurt by them if I succeed The price of success is too high and I’m not willing to pay it The last time I succeeded, it was very painful for me and I’m not willing to risk that again

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Positive EFT Phrases: What if things are different now? Maybe success doesn’t have to be the same as it was before. I have too much to lose by not succeeding The price of being stuck in mediocrity and lack is too high I am willing to succeed and embrace new possibilities What if they still love me anyway? Wouldn’t it be nice if they celebrated my success with me I love being successful and accepted I am willing to be open to finishing what I start All I need to do is focus to finish what I start I am ready to let go of whatever is holding me back from success I choose to let go of all negative belief systems that are holding me back from finishing my projects I am open to miracles happening that help me finish what I start Even if people criticise my success, I’m big enough to handle it I live in the truth that I have what ever it takes to have what I want I choose to adopt new behaviours that ensure my success I am not broken It is safe for me to succeed It is safe for me to be hugely successful I love them too much not to be the best I can be for them I love me too much not to be the best I can be for me I am not doing anyone any favours by not realising my full potential I choose to finish what I start and enjoy all the benefits of success I love being massively successful I love focusing on finishing what I start and achieving success

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Find A Personal Coach

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Find A Personal Coach You’ve read the self-help books, attended the seminars and workshops, you

understand all the steps you need to be successful, you’ve realised your negative belief systems and created goals to make sure you reach your full potential. Then why is it that you don’t seem to have gone anywhere and your life isn’t any different to what it was before?

The fact is, our programming and patterns are deeply ingrained within the very depths of our psyche. It is almost impossible to change these things on our own. A common example is those who make New Year’s resolutions to lose weight or stop smoking. Of those who make those resolutions, how many do you think actually succeed? It’s common knowledge that very few New Years resolutions last much beyond the first day if they even get off the ground at all.

This is firstly because the individual was never really serious about their resolution in the first place (they weren’t resolute!) and secondly because without support and encouragement, making these big changes can be too overwhelming to even begin, let alone continue.

However, if the person joins a gym or relevant club; engages a personal trainer; organises a workout buddy; enlists the empathetic support of close family and friends, then they have a much better chance of succeeding.

In the same way, one of the most important steps you will take for yourself in your journey of growth is to find a positive mentor who really resonates with you and whom you would like to model, and stay in contact with that person and their teachings regularly. At least once a week, two or three times is even better.

Of course, a proven personal coach is the most desirable method of all. A personal coach will tailor a plan specifically for you and work with you to overcome your blocks to success. They will be able to see the possible pit falls and belief systems that are holding you back that you can’t. They will also be able to guide you about how best to achieve the goal you are working toward.

But if having a personal coach is not yet achievable for you, select two or three of your favourite self-help authors and find out if there are any on-line programs that you can be a part of. Some of the worlds most celebrated motivational speakers and mentors have affordable online programs that will help to keep you focused and on track.

You will never know everything about how to achieve success. And you don’t have to because there are plenty of others who have gone before you and have learnt what you need to know. Take the wisdom from your mentors and put them into practice in every moment of every day. Their guidance will save you a great deal of failure and trial and error.

If all else fails, take that favourite book / books and read chapters from them every day. Take phrases from those books and print them out several times and

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place them in strategic places around your house and work where you will see them several times a day to remind you of your goals and how capable you are of achieving them.

Positive affirmations are very powerful and I strongly recommend you incorporate them in your daily practice, but without positive actions to support them, their effectiveness to change your reality will be torturously slow at best. If you would prefer to fast track your success, then don’t try to reinvent the wheel and do it all on your own. Learn directly from the success of others so you don’t have to make the same mistakes.

The rewards from this practice will soon have you addicted to your new way of thinking and acting and the concentration of positive words supported by positive action will start to bring little miracles into your life and you will start to believe in yourself and the possibilities of realising your dreams.

You are a divine being of limitless potential. Only those who help you believe this about yourself are worthy of your time and attention!

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success The Holy Grail: Belief In Yourself

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The Holy Grail: Belief In Yourself A lack of self esteem and self confidence plagues most of our population. As

children we are generally not encouraged to believe that we have infinite potential and are capable of almost anything. Somewhere in our earliest years most of us were taught that we had limitations and were only capable of so much and that we daren’t try to exceed that limited potential because that would lead to failure which was unacceptable.

Our self esteem comes from how others look at us, communicate with us and treat us.

Perhaps our parents didn’t want us to get too disappointed by finding out for ourselves the hard way. Or maybe our teachers, working with their limited curriculum, saw our limitation with mathematics, English and science and naturally applied that to all areas of our life. Did your school report cards tell you that you were an average student? Or did your friends or siblings make fun of you and taunt you with nasty comments when you tried something and didn’t get it right?

Or perhaps you experienced pain through success. It sounds strange to some, but it is very real for others. I experienced that myself as a young 6 year old in a competitive classroom. I excelled at everything at school and was always top of the class. This was too much for my classmates and they made success and achievement a very painful experience for me. I stopped excelling at school and became an ‘average’ student. This plagued me for 35 years until I made the decision that I was not going to allow myself to be held back any longer and I was willing to do whatever it took to break through all my limitations. I was determined to rip that band aid off quickly. This is when ‘Live Your Extraordinary Life’ was born.

There are thousands of different scenarios that shape our minds and our belief systems and each of the negative ones is unfortunate, but just misguided intervention by others. Some of them are also created from our own perception of our environment and events in our lives that, as small children, we are ill equipped to process with logic and we draw conclusions that are destructive and not necessarily true.

For example, I heard recently a story of a little boy whose grandmother used to throw him in the air and catch him. This game was a great delight to the little boy and he loved it every time, until his doting grandmother accidentally dropped him! His mother and grandmother rushed him to hospital and he was given the all clear. There was no physical damage.

However, later in life, during trying to figure out why he couldn’t have a healthy, lasting relationship with a woman, he discovered two belief systems he had created on that day: 1. Women can’t be trusted; and 2. The ones who love you the most will hurt you. How healthy do you think those belief systems are for creating and maintaining healthy, trusting, open relationships?

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On the other hand, there is a story I read recently about a young boy whose mother and other members of his family carefully nurtured his naturally competitive spirit. While he was growing up he was encouraged to believe he could be, do, have and create anything his heart desired. They taught him to follow his passion and his bliss and not to allow anyone to tell him ‘no’. They encouraged him to think in terms of limitless potential, to always go after whatever he wanted, and to never give up. That little boy was Richard Branson.

Now, we can sit here in awe and envy and waste time wishing we had had the same upbringing and pondering what might have been, or we can allow that thought a fleeting moments indulgence and then get busy creating that belief in ourselves right now.

And the way you are going to do that is by taking massive action. Action to find those belief systems that have created your current reality, dis-empower them and replace them with powerful and positive beliefs about yourself and your limitless potential. Action to discover whatever your passion is and start to follow your heart. Make a decision and commit to doing whatever it takes and then continue to make that decision every single day until you get where you want to go.

All the high achievers in our world have a strong belief in themselves and confidence in their own ability to achieve whatever they set their mind to. Whether it was cultivated during childhood, or they developed it during later life. Every single person on the planet has had doubts about themselves from time to time, even the likes of Richard Branson and Donald Trump. But what’s apparent is that they haven’t give them any space to expand and become an obstacle to their success. And the more success they achieve, the less those doubts and fears arise, if they surface at all.

You will have doubts and fears, they’re natural. Acknowledge them and let them go. Don’t give them time or space to expand and take control. And sometimes, particularly in the beginning of recreating your life, you will have to acknowledge them, live with them and get on with it. Using EFT and Sound Healing every single day as part of your action plan toward success will certainly help to dis-empower and change them. And in fact, those doubts and fears can be your greatest ally if you use them as indicators to reveal the belief systems that have been holding you back all these years. This is something we will explore in the next section.

Adopt a determination to do whatever it takes to release those negative belief systems and not allow them any power over you. Use whatever tools are available to you to replace them with the kind of belief in yourself that the super achievers have. Acknowledge every achievement, not matter how small, and as your list of accomplishments builds so will your belief in yourself become so strong that those doubts and fears will not have any room or space to exist within you any more.

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You are a being with infinite potential and you are capable of anything. Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve”. Don’t let anybody, or any lie that you might have believed once, stop you from realizing that potential.

A good way to uncover incidents that helped to create your low self esteem is to ask yourself the question: “What evidence do I have that I’m not worthy?”

Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though I’m having trouble accepting myself, I’m really not ok with who I am, I deeply and completely love and respect myself anyway. Even though I don’t like myself right now, I’m not where I want to be, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway. Even though I’m not good enough I deeply and completely accept who I am and how I feel. Clearing EFT Phrases: I’m having trouble accepting myself I don’t like myself I’m such a loser I was born to fail I’m not good enough They told me I wasn’t good enough I’m not strong enough I want to be different I’m not where I want to be I don’t accept who I am Nothing works for me I’m not good enough I’m broken I don’t deserve to succeed I’m not worthy Positive EFT Phrases: I choose to accept myself as I am right now I don’t need to be fixed I’m whole right now I accept who I am and I appreciate all of me I love and accept all of me What if I changed? What if I am good enough? I am enough right now I’m accepting myself every day

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I appreciate who I am and how I feel about myself What if they were wrong? Wouldn’t it be nice to feel worthy? I am so happy and so grateful that I have a strong belief in myself and the Universe I love having absolute faith in myself and the Universe I live in the truth that I have what it takes to have what I want

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Is Self Esteem Holding You Back?

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Is Self Esteem Holding You Back? If I have learnt anything in the last few years of studying this stuff and

working with people, I have learnt that the answer to this question is most certainly yes.

Think about this issue for a moment. If you have a completely healthy self esteem then you know that you are capable of achieving anything. Your faith in your own ability is so strong that challenges are not difficult, but merely opportunities to improve yourself. Any relationship issue no longer diminishes your feelings of self worth or makes you feel like a victim, which means it doesn’t upset you. Nobody can do anything to make you feel less than unique, special and overflowing with potential.

Why does a woman get so upset when her man forgets to take out the rubbish? The long answer is very complex, but the short answer is because she see’s it as a sign he doesn’t love her. Because a woman expresses her love by doing nice things for her partner, she expects reciprocal gestures and when this doesn’t happen (because I’m sorry ladies, but that isn’t how a man expresses his love for a woman, but that’s an entirely different publication), a woman thinks that her man doesn’t love her and gets upset. Imagine if you knew your husband loved you with all his heart and soul and his forgetfulness about the rubbish is just because his brain is not switched on to it like yours is. You might still feel frustrated that he can’t remember, but you don’t blow your stack because he made a mistake (even if it is the 100th time!).

All the high achievers in the world, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Richard Branson, have extremely healthy self esteem. And it doesn’t mean that their ego’s are out of control either. Just because you have a healthy idea of your own self worth doesn’t mean you have to be unbearably egotistical. In fact, those whose egos appear to be out of control generally have huge issues with low self esteem.

Developing a strong sense of your own self worth is critical to realising your true potential and living a fulfilling life of joy and freedom. Spend time thinking about circumstances in your childhood that made you feel victimised, trodden on or inadequate. Did others make fun of you at school? Did your parents, guardians, teachers or mentors say things to you that diminished your self worth like: “You’re a lazy good-for-nothing” or “Don’t be so stupid” or “You’re an idiot” or “That was a dumb thing to do” or “You’ll never amount to anything” or “Stop being a cry baby” or “You’re a bad boy / girl” or “Why can’t you be more like your brother / sister?” or “What’s wrong with you?” or “You can’t do that” or You’re dreaming”, or countless other negative statements that might have been made to you that knocked the stuffing out of you at the time and made you feel like you wanted to curl up in a little ball and hide?

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Just one negative statement like that said in the heat of the moment during your most impressionable years can have a devastating effect on you for the rest of your life. And if heard over and over and over, the results can be catastrophic. And it’s not just words either. Over ninety percent of our communication is non-verbal. So body language, facial expressions, involuntary sounds and other non-verbal expressions are picked up on by the subconscious and interpretations and assumptions are made and stored away in our brains to be applied to the rest of our lives.

There are hundreds or different exercises that are very effective for improving self esteem. Find ones that work for you and include them in your daily practice. Once you develop unshakable belief in your value and how much you have to offer the world, you will feel unstoppable and you will achieve things in your life that you never imagined you were capable of.

This is a critical piece of your success puzzle and achieving deep inner peace.

Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though I don’t feel good enough, I deeply and completely accept who I am and how I feel. Even though I feel like I’m broken and something is missing, I profoundly love and accept all of me. Even though I can’t accept myself as I am, I choose to love and accept all of me just the way I am. Clearing EFT Phrases: I don’t feel good about myself I can’t accept who I am I am such a loser I am a total failure Nothing I do works for me I may as well give up now They told me I would never be good enough I was born a worthless good for nothing Everyone is always criticising me I can’t get anything right Everyone always walks all over me What’s the point? I’m broken I feel like a big part of me is missing Nothing I do is ever good enough I’m not good enough I feel hopeless I feel powerless I feel so worthless

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Positive EFT Phrases I choose to move toward feeling better about myself God must have had a reason for me to be born I do have some good qualities (list them) What if they were wrong? I’m not broken I choose to find reasons to feel good about myself Not everyone criticises me Some things work for me I choose to see my good qualities I choose to feel better about myself I’m proud of the fact that I’m still here I’m proud that I haven’t given up yet I’m reading this manual, so I’m still trying I choose to find ways to feel whole and complete I feel better and better about myself every day I choose to take one step at a time I choose to be more kind to myself I choose to treat myself with the respect I deserve They were wrong I’m not lazy I have lots of offer the world I am unique, there is no-one else like me I have so much to offer the world I choose to take back my power They were wrong to tell me that I am good enough I choose to feel hopeful I am not a loser I am not a total failure I refuse to give up on myself

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Are You Congruent?

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Are You Congruent? Being congruent with something means to be in a state of agreement or

alignment with it. In terms of vibration, you cannot realise or hang onto that which you are not vibrating in harmony with. You cannot have what you want until you are congruent with it.

To know if you are congruent with what you want, all you have to do is look at your results. If you haven’t received or achieved it, then you aren’t congruent with it yet. The real question is why aren’t you congruent with your desires? What is holding you back from receiving what you have your heart set on?

There could be many reasons that you aren’t letting what you want into your life. The two main ones are issues of safety and around your identity.

In relation to safety, there are hundreds of reasons your subconscious may consider it unsafe to have what you want:

You might have a fear of loss. You can’t lose what you don’t have, but if you have it, then you might lose it.

Maybe you are afraid of being rejected by your friends or family. We have a very strong ‘tribal’ instinct and one of our greatest desires is to fit in with our tribe. If we have a fear that once we realise our dreams, we might not fit in and consequently experience rejection and abandonment, then we are never going to allow ourselves to achieve our greatest dreams.

We also tend to be resistant to betraying our tribal belief systems. This is a very strong alliance that used to be essential for our survival and the thought of breaking free of those belief systems is very unsafe for the subconscious. It protects and searches for information that confirms the belief systems of the tribe instinctively. Breaking free of them can be challenging.

Jealousy, envy and resentment are very poisonous emotions and most of us would do anything to avoid creating a situation that would cause others to feel those emotions about us.

Perhaps becoming successful will make you feel visible, vulnerable, or open to criticism, and somewhere inside this possibility makes you anxious or fearful.

What if you’re afraid that others will betray you if you become successful? Does being successful mean for you that everybody will expect too much of you or

will put too many demands on you. Do you feel that you will lose control of certain satisfactory elements of your life

if you meet that special person, or get that promotion, or double your client base, or lose that weight?

Does success for you mean too much hard work and losing valuable time with your family?

Or maybe you’ve experienced success before, but it was followed by disappointment or loss or betrayal, or it wasn’t as fulfilling as you expected.

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These are just a few simple examples of why your belief systems may be preventing you from being congruent with your goal. The trick is to find those fears and what challenges your sense of safety, own them and clear them out.

We can’t know everything that is going to happen as a consequence of us being successful or getting what we want, and we cannot hold ourselves accountable for all the possible occurrences or reactions by others. Our life is our responsibility. Others reactions are their responsibility, not ours. And until we succeed, we will not know what sequence of events will be triggered. And if something less than desirable happens, we need to be prepared to deal with it and fix it. Stopping yourself from succeeding because of what ‘might’ happen, is purely a sabotage mechanism that is limiting you and will cause you more frustration and stress and stop you from living to our true potential.

Tribal belonging is very deeply ingrained within all of us. Once upon a time the tribe was of the utmost importance for our survival and this is still programmed into our primitive or limbic part of the brain. On a very deep level we have the belief that if we betray the limited belief systems of our family and adopt different values and beliefs then we threaten not only our survival but the survival of our tribe.

Our core values and belief systems are what hold us together in community, society, friendship and family. Changing or transcending these has consequences. Mostly our fears will not be realised, but the mere possibility of them is enough to keep us stuck.

Now, going back to the second issue – identity - who will you be if you are successful, wealthy, slim, a non-smoker, in a loving relationship, vibrant and healthy, relaxed and peaceful, etc? As humans we define ourselves by our possessions, our conditions, our relationships and our habits. We feel a sense of loss or confusion if we try to think about ourselves in a different set of circumstances because we believe what we do and have defines who we are. It’s also how others define us, love us and appreciate us.

A sense of identity is highly important to the ego. Who we are in the world and how others see us is considered vital to our acceptance and survival. To alter that can create enormous conflict within the mind and the mind does not like conflict. It threatens our safety. What if your people, your tribe, who love and accept you as you are now, don’t love and accept you any more under different conditions? What if you don’t like yourself? What if you become somebody different?

In order to find out what’s stopping you from being congruent, all you need to do is ask a couple of simple questions: ‘What’s the downside of getting what I want?’ and ‘How is my behaviour / excuses / sabotage serving me?’

Now at first, your mind may go. Downside? There’s no downside? Being successful means freedom and choice and relaxing and love and happiness, or

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whatever your dream looks and feels like. But if you haven’t created it yet, then somewhere in your mind there is one, if not several perceived downsides to having what you want. EFT master practitioner, Carol Look, refers to them as “Yes, but’s”, meaning ‘Yes I want that, but……………’.

So ask the question, ‘What’s the downside?’ and then be still and listen for the answer. If you have fears, then use EFT to tap away the fears because they will be masking the real issue underneath. Our feelings are simply a symptom, not the cause of the real issue. Clear away the emotion and you the reason will often become apparent. If it doesn’t, just stay aware and you may discover it at a later date if you need to.

Know that you get to define what success looks like for you and if you don’t like what you have chosen, then you can choose again. If through success your life becomes too hectic, then don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Look at your definition and belief around success and change what’s not working.

Start where you are right here, right now. Use the tools you have at your disposal to get some results and then see what’s not working for you, change it, and continue forward.

And don’t expect your fears and belief systems to always make sense to you. It is not their job to make sense. It is their job to keep you safe. They may never make sense and you may not understand how you formed them, but this is not important. Disable them, release responsibility for other peoples’ baggage, and realise your true potential.

Examples of EFT phrases to help you become congruent: Set up phrases: Even though something is blocking me from achieving my goals, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I haven’t been able to realise what I really want in my life yet, I am open to finding out what is holding me back and I deeply and completely love and accept all of me. Even though I’m stuck and my fears are preventing me from moving forward, I profoundly love and accept all of me.

Tapping phrases for clearing: I’m stuck and I don’t know how to move forward I’m open to finding out what negative belief systems are stopping me from achieving my goals I’m afraid I won’t be the same person if I am successful I’m afraid I’ll be rude and obnoxious if I become rich I’m afraid they’ll reject me / betray me if I’m wealthy / successful It’s not safe for me to be successful because……………. I’m afraid to succeed because…………………… I’m afraid to fail They told me I’m too stupid

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Positive Tapping Phrases: I choose to know that it is safe for me to be successful I choose to know that my real friends will always love me no matter what I am so happy and so grateful that I can be rich and a nice person I love being successful, wealthy and safe I embrace failure as a part of my journey to success I release all the negative belief systems that are holding me back I’m ready to succeed I love the inspiration that comes to help me succeed I choose to be successful on my terms in my way and in my time I choose to work smarter not harder to be successful

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Take Responsibility

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Take Responsibility It is common for people to lay blame outside of themselves for the

circumstances and results they see in their lives. The problem with this is that by blaming on other people, events and circumstances for your situation, you are giving away all of your power.

Of course there are outside influences that we have no control over in our lives, and these can create challenges, and sometimes even catastrophe for us. However, it is up to us to take responsibility for having put ourselves, however innocently, into a position where that could affect us, and take back control by choosing how we are going to respond to the situation. If we waste energy pointing the finger and making it someone else’s fault, this is valuable time and energy that could be better used to find a suitable solution.

The truth is that bad things happen. That’s just life. Challenges are an inevitable part of life and some are little while others are overwhelming. What defines the situation is not the nature of the actual circumstance, but how you choose to respond to it. Sometimes the worst of scenarios can become our greatest moments. That is up to you.

And taking responsibility is by no way an admission of fault or taking blame for whatever has occurred. It is merely owning and accepting the situation as it is, so you are empowered to find a suitable solution. Wishing it were different will get you nowhere because it is what it is and that can’t be changed. But you can change how the final outcome affects you. You can allow it to ruin your life, or create a whole new set of opportunities for yourself.

So the next time something occurs that is less than ideal, before you do anything take a breath. Look at the situation objectively and open yourself to inspiration and ideas that will enable the best possible solution for all concerned. Who knows, it may end up being the best thing that ever happened to you.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Accountability

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Accountability Accountability is feeling a sense of obligation, or being answerable to, a

person or organisation. We tend to experience accountability toward our spouse, family members, employer, teachers, law enforcement agencies, or other organisations with whom we have established this kind of relationship either consciously or by default. Sometimes respect is a part of this relationship, but not always.

Of course in spite of what is considered typical in society, we are not responsible or accountable to, or for, anyone but ourselves. And accountability can either help us or harm us. If our sense of accountability leads to feelings of fear of authority or of loved ones, because we don’t want to get into trouble, this can stop us from expressing our true selves because we are too busy following everybody else’s ‘rules’ and living up to their expectations.

If, however, our sense of accountability is firstly to ourselves and how we live our lives according to our higher purpose and potential, then this is healthy and enormously helpful in realising our dreams.

And even If you have developed a healthy sense of holding yourself accountable for your results, or lack of results, it is very helpful to set up a sense of accountability with another individual. Either a colleague, coach or maybe even within a mastermind group, which will be discussed in a future chapter.

By having that accountability, you are more likely to commit to following through with your intentions and not allow procrastination and self-sabotage to stand in your way of success. By establishing a sense of responsibility to an outside agent whom you are required to answer to regarding your progress and achievements, you are more motivated to do what is necessary to succeed.

This is not out of fear, but a natural desire to feel good about yourself and receive recognition, praise and acceptance, and avoid disapproval. It plays on the needs of the ego, and there is nothing wrong with this. We all like to receive positive attention and be acknowledged for who we are and what we do. It is a natural and healthy part of human nature, and you can use it to propel yourself forward into huge success and fulfilment.

So find someone whom you admire and respect, preferably outside of your immediate family and circle of influence, because altering the dynamics of a close relationship can be destructive. Set up an accountability system that works for you where you declare your goals and maybe even brainstorm to strategize the best way to go about achieving those goals, because two heads are better than one, and make regular dates every week or fortnight for you to report your progress and discuss any challenges.

This system is so effective in helping to produce results that it is an essential element of success used consistently by high achievers, big corporations and the super successful the world over. Ignore this vital piece of the puzzle at your peril.

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And be very careful whom you choose to be accountable to, because this will determine how effectively the system works. The other party must be able to communicate with you easily, empathise with your objectives, and work with you collaboratively being mindful of your core values and ideals. You must have a sense of respect for them and be able to establish an easy rapport that will allow you to accept constructive criticism that is enabling and empowering.

And if you enjoy being with this person or group of people, which you should, then this can be a lot more fun than trying to do everything on your own. Set an objective and agenda for each meeting and stick to it and you will find yourself going to great lengths to be able to report positive progress each time you come together.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success The Lone Ranger Syndrome

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The Lone Ranger Syndrome You want more out of life. I get that. We all feel that. It is a natural part of

our human condition. Without that yearning we have no motivation to create better conditions, for ourselves or others. That yearning is what inspires us to create, innovate, invent and go that extra mile. Whether you want to make a difference in your life, or in the lives of others, or both, if you have a pulse, you have some level of desire to make improvements somewhere. So, if we all have this deep yearning and desire, why do things remain the same for so many people?

The truth is, most people are either trying to create all this desired change on their own, or they feel so overwhelmed by the enormity of it that they never even get started. I speak from experience when I say that most of us begin a journey of personal change and making a difference naively and idealistically and when we realise just how much effort is involved and what we need to learn to make ourselves heard, it can be extremely overwhelming. To the point where it is way easier to give up and live a life of mediocrity than it is to continue struggling through the myriad of growth and development and learning to achieve our lofty goals.

So why do we feel that we have to do this alone? We have become so isolated from each other as a community and so conditioned to believe that it is weak to ask for help and that our own personal goals are ours alone to bare, that we struggle in silence and ultimately mostly give up because of stress and anxiety. When in fact the truth is that nothing great was ever achieved without a team of people (and other mystical entities) collectively contributing their expertise to the end result.

Take Jessica Watson as an example. Many people mistakenly believe that she sailed around the world entirely on her own. And while she has completed an extraordinary feat for anyone, let alone a girl of just 16, by sailing solo around the world, there was no way she could have achieved this all by herself with no help whatsoever.

Her own statement when she arrived back in Sydney was "I don't consider myself a hero…. I'm an ordinary girl who believed in her dream".

A critical part of success is to have a dream, one that really inspires you, and to follow through with planning, commitment and focus.

Jessica’s dream was clear and nobody in the world could deny her commitment and focus. What most people fail to realise though is the incredible team of people she had who supported her and without whom her dream would never have even gotten off the ground.

Who taught her to sail? Who helped her develop the confidence and belief in her own ability to achieve something so extraordinary? Who provided the financial assistance necessary to enable her adventure? Who was her support team that she was in touch and available to her 24 x 7 the whole time she was at sea? And do you

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think the connection she had with her fans over the internet helped her to go on when things got tough? And believe me, 7 months alone at sea going around the world, there would definitely have been some tough times.

There were dozens of key players as well as hundreds if not thousands of people who contributed to help her to achieve this amazing accomplishment. And though your dreams may not be as lofty and challenging as this young lady, what on earth makes you think you need to do it on your own.

There are services and resources available to you just waiting for you to ask them for help. And if you think “I don’t have the money” then you are not ‘tuned in, tapped in and turned on’ (as Abraham / Esther Hicks would put it) to the unlimited abundance of the Universe.

And you can ask for divine intervention as well. The Universe / God has all the resources in the entire cosmos at its beck and call waiting to deliver them to you, why on earth wouldn’t you ask for help?

Believe it or not, it is all there waiting for you to say ‘YES’. That’s all it will take to get those cogs turning to achieve extraordinary things, even things that presently you haven’t imagined possible.

Will it take time? Yes.

Will it take effort? Hell yes.

Will it take commitment, focus, learning, failing, determination? Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes.……………..and some.

Will it be worth it? Absolutely!

Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though I feel like I have to do everything on my own, I profoundly love and accept all of me Even though I don’t feel like I can ask for help, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway Even though I want to do it myself and I don’t want help from anyone, I deeply and completely love and accept who I am and how I feel. Clearing EFT Phrases: I’m supposed to do everything myself It’s weak to ask for help If I ask for help, that means I’m not capable of doing it myself It’s cheating if I ask for help I know I can do it all on my own I daren’t let anybody else do it because they won’t do as good a job I feel guilty if I let anybody else help It’s my responsibility and I’m supposed to do it myself It’s not right to burden others with my jobs

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It’s my responsibility and I will take care of it I feel so overwhelmed with all the responsibility Nobody else cares about what I do Nobody wants to help me I’m supposed to know everything I’m supposed to be able to do it all What will people think of me if I ask for help? Positive EFT Phrases: What if I don’t have to do it all on my own There are other people who are more expert at things than I am What if I could ask for help with a few things It would be nice not to hand over some of the jobs to someone else I love to focus on what I do well and let others do the things they do well Successful people ask for help all the time I feel much lighter knowing I can ask for help I’m not supposed to know everything Nobody knows everything, including me Who said I had to do it all anyway I’m willing to ask for help whenever I need it It’s smart to ask for help I know that I need to ask for help if I want to succeed I want to succeed so I am open to receiving all the help I need I love that the Universe is there to help me and all I have to do is ask I love that I have so many helpful people in my life I live in the truth that it is wise to ask for help when I need it My self esteem is strong enough that I can ask for help

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Don’t Believe Everything You Think

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Don’t Believe Everything You Think You have about 60,000 thoughts running automatically through your head

every day. Unfortunately, for the majority of people between 75 and 85 percent of those thoughts are negative. That’s about 45,000 to 50,000 negative out of control thoughts a day. And about 80 to 90 percent are the same thoughts every single day, over and over and over. Now, remembering that we get what we repeatedly focus on, no wonder most of us keep getting stuff we don’t want turning up in our lives!

So, where are these thousands of out of control thoughts coming from and who put them there? The answer is as we have discussed previously. They are formed through our experiences and adopted from the belief systems of the most influential people and sources, such as the media, in our lives. The question you need to ask yourself is, are they true? Are every one of those thoughts you have running around in your brain absolutely, undeniably, 100 percent true?

You undoubtedly have evidence in your life that substantiates these thoughts because one of the jobs of the subconscious is to prove you right and find evidence that backs up your belief systems. However, when you start analysing those beliefs and questioning whether or not they are yours, or if they have come from another source, you can then ask if they have to be true for you right now. They may have been true for you in the past. But do they still have to be true for you right now? Are they true for everybody on the planet? If they are not true for somebody else, then why do they have to be true for you?

Pull your thoughts apart. Analyse them and you will start to see them for what they are. Merely belief systems based on false pretence that you have the power to change.

Like everything I have alluded to in this publication, this takes practice. Those thoughts have been running around unchecked for most of your life. Now it is time to take control of those thoughts and uncover their lies so you can take back your power and start creating and living the life of your dreams.

There is nothing you can’t be, do or have when you take control of your thoughts and become a conscious creator, the director of your play.

Who would you rather have writing the script, a bunch of people who didn’t know better and just created those belief systems you have by default? Or you, who is awakening and realising your true potential and has the ability and the power to write anything you want in that script.

The next chapter of your life is waiting to be written. What are you going to write? What is the plot going to look like? And how is it going to end?

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Example EFT Phrases Set Up Phrases: Even though my thoughts are out of control and they are running my life, I profoundly love and accept all of my thoughts and all of me. Even though I have all these negative thoughts that are bringing me all the things I don’t want, I deeply and completely love and accept all of me Even though I’ve allowed my thoughts to control my life up till now, I choose to become more aware so I can change my thoughts and change my life and I deeply and completely love and accept who I am and where I am at. Clearing EFT Phrases My thoughts are out of control I can’t possibly control my thoughts It’s too hard to control my thoughts I feel powerless to control my thoughts My head is totally out of control My thoughts are so powerful, why are they so negative It scares me how many negative thoughts I have that are creating my reality I didn’t know that my thoughts were so powerful I feel like my life is out of control I don’t know how to control my thoughts I’m afraid of what my thoughts are creating for me right now I was stupid to believe all of those thoughts without investigating them further I wish I hadn’t believed all my thoughts all this time I didn’t know Positive EFT Phrases I am so happy and so grateful that I am now aware how powerful my thoughts are I choose to become more and more aware of my thoughts every day I choose to start changing my thoughts now I am patient with myself while I am developing this new skill of awareness I release myself from all negative emotions and belief systems that are controlling my thoughts and my life I feel more and more powerful as I become aware of and change my thoughts Every day my thoughts are becoming more and more positive I am committed to becoming more aware and changing my thoughts everyday It’s okay that I’ve been controlled by my thoughts I choose to know I can change my life by controlling my thoughts now I choose only positive thoughts as much as possible I let go of all my fears about my thoughts I choose to let go of all my anxiety and stress created by my thoughts I choose not to believe everything my thoughts are saying Who put those thoughts in my head anyway?

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Who’s thinking all those thoughts anyway? Who says all my thoughts are true? As I become more aware, I have the power to change and control my thoughts and change my life I love having more and more positive thoughts It feels so good to relax and have good thoughts

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Morphic Fields

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Morphic Fields Morphic Fields is a term I was first introduced to through Richard Bartlett’s

astounding healing mechanism called Matrix Energetics.

This incredibly intelligent man has a mind so thirsty for knowledge that it took him deep into the realms of Quantum Mechanics and the world of pure potentiality that is absolutely mind bending, where he developed this system of self-healing, care and transformation.

Although my exposure to Matrix Energetics has been limited, and I am not particularly drawn to it myself, my husband and one of my best friends is and I really love where they play. If you wish to find out more about Matrix Energetics then visit Richard’s website: www.matrixenergetics.com and set aside an hour or two to explore a world that is full of amazing surprises.

Direct from Wikipedia come this about the term Morphic Fields: “’Morphic field’ is a term introduced by Sheldrake. He proposes that there is a field within and around a morphic unit which organizes its characteristic structure and pattern of activity. According to this concept, the morphic field underlies the formation and behaviour of holons and morphic units, and can be set up by the repetition of similar acts or thoughts. The hypothesis is that a particular form belonging to a certain group which has already established its (collective) morphic field, will tune into that morphic field. The particular form will read the collective information through the process of morphic resonance, using it to guide its own development. This development of the particular form will then provide, again through morphic resonance, a feedback to the morphic field of that group, thus strengthening it with its own experience resulting in new information being added (i.e. stored in the database). Sheldrake regards the morphic fields as a universal database for both organic (living) and abstract (mental) forms.”

How I interpret a Morphic Field is like our subconscious belief systems or consciousness. We all ascribe to belief systems, some of which come from our family, others our community, our country, our world, and many other sources in between.

For me it’s like a bubble that we are contained in and limited by until we adopt a new morphic field or belief system. For instance, there is a universal morphic field that hard matter such as wood, rock, cement, etc, are immovable without the application of extreme force and can cause serious injury if encountered at certain speeds.

If you enter into Richard Bartlett’s morphic field however, he is able, merely through the power of intention, to change a solid substance to a watery fluid consistency and manipulate it with the power of his mind. Once he releases the

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intention, the structure will return to it’s original form, but momentarily a structure we believe solid and inflexible is like water.

Money is more of a concept than a structure, but has just as much solidity and power over us as concrete if we are in a morphic field of lack and scarcity. This is why ninety-five percent of the worlds population are trapped in a state of poverty. They ascribe to beliefs that limit their ability to create financial freedom and abundance in their lives and live a life of passion, purpose and infinite potential. Five percent of the population have different belief systems and live in a morphic field or consciousness where money is their servant and available in infinite abundance to do their bidding and help them achieve whatever they want in life.

So which morphic field or consciousness do you choose? Poverty consciousness, or prosperity consciousness? You have the ability to change your mind at any time. Again, the boundaries our morphic field can take time to shift, or they can be moved in an instant, depending on your level of belief systems, our willingness to embrace change and the level of intensity of the experiences we have on our journey.

Are you getting excited about playing in a different realm? I hope so, because once you start playing with and expanding your field of potential, anything is possible.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Passion and Purpose

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Are Passion And Purpose Important to Success? You betchya! Human beings thrive and are at their absolute best when we

have a sense of purpose. And when we are doing something we love, we are almost unstoppable.

The road to success is paved with plenty of challenges. If you are doing something that doesn’t inspire you, that doesn’t get you excited to get out of bed in the morning, overcoming those challenges is going to be much more difficult than if you love what you do. When you are living your passion, you are much more creative and determined in the face of adversity. You are also much more focused because there is nothing else you would rather be doing.

“That all sounds terrific”, I hear you say, “but what if I don’t have a clue what my passion or my purpose is?”, and I’m glad you asked, because the majority of the population wouldn’t know their passion or purpose if it hit them in the face.

You came here to planet earth with a purpose, a mandate, a contract. And though you may not be consciously aware of what that is right now, you have an inbuilt guidance system that is designed to give you very definite and clear signals when you are on the right track. Your passion or passions are evident by your feelings. When you are living a passionate, purpose filled life, you feel alive, energised, excited, joyful. You literally feel passionate about life.

So ask yourself, when in my life have I felt the most joyful, the most in alignment with my true self and the most passionate. There could be several examples. Perhaps it’s being with your family in the park, or helping a friend in need. Maybe you feel most passionate when you are creating a culinary delight in the kitchen, or you’ve just balanced your books perfectly. Perhaps you love spending time with children, or playing great music. Whatever it is that really gets your happy muscles working, do more of that. Explore opportunities that give you more experiences of that. And when an opportunity arises, because there are millions of opportunities if you just open your eyes and look, check whether they will bring you joy and that you will feel passion about several aspects of that opportunity.

This life is not a practice run. It’s the real thing. And too many people end up dying wondering if they have wasted their entire life! Imagine that. Getting to your dying moments wishing you had laughed more, loved more, or grabbed more opportunities to live a life of purpose and meaning. No one would ever wish they had laughed, loved or lived less.

“The Passion Test” is a fabulous book written by Janet Attwood who now facilitates workshops all over the world helping others to find their passion. I thoroughly recommend you by the book, but for now, the Passion Test is outlined below for you to get started. Put aside at least 2 hours to do this exercise because it’s important you complete it with clarity as this is a critical step in you achieving success.

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“When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life, and only to the extent that you are clear.”

Janet Atwood – ‘The Passion Test’ Janet Atwood surveyed 100 of the most influential, financially successful

individuals in the US and the one thing they had in common is that they had all totally fulfilled he 5 things they felt were most necessary for their ideal life.

Passion and enjoyment go hand in hand. Passion is the inner fire that propels you forward through the combination of love for what you are doing and the inner sense of purpose that comes from connecting to one’s deepest passions.

Enjoyment arises from the combination of love and purposefulness.

Live from the intelligence of the heart without fear – most of us live from the head, rationalising everything. But you cannot lead with your head to follow your passion. Thoughts that come from the mind are energy and they create a wave pattern when they are sent out into the Universe, but research has shown that there is a powerful field of energy around the heart that is 5000 times more powerful than the energy that is emitted from the mind. This is why when you are investing your passion, your heart energy into your activity, your results are multiplied many times over.

The Universe doesn’t make mistakes. Whatever you are passionate about doing involves utilising your gift and sharing it with others. When you love what you do it is that feeling that is telling you that you are on purpose and when you are on purpose, the universe opens up and says we will support you because we want you to do more of that. It may support you in the beginning by saying, look over here, you need to change this within yourself, and check this out, you need to learn this, and don’t forget to do this too. When you are on purpose everything will line up for you, but in ways that you don’t even image. And the journey will be spectacular.

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Discover Your Top 5 Passions Now you know what your ideal day looks like and what it’s made up of, it’s

time to narrow the focus down to the most important components of living your ideal life.

If you want to achieve anything in life, focus is extremely important, and when we identify what is most important to us, we have clarity about what choices and decisions are required to make it happen.

Knowing what your ideal day looks like and visualizing it as often as possible is absolutely critical to your mission of transforming your life. And your ability to create this is intensified when you are able to make clear decisions in favour of the elements of your dream that are the most important to you.

When you go to a restaurant and you ask for a meal, are you specific? Do you carefully choose from the menu according to what appeals to you in that moment? And what do you expect to turn up when you have asked for a specific dish? And if you got a completely different order, what would you do? In theory, we should send it back, right? Though some people would prefer not to make a scene and eat what they have been served anyway!

Big mistake! When you get really clear and specific about what you want, powerful forces are activated, putting events, people and situations in motion to bring you what you desire.

But like a restaurant, if you are unclear and ambiguous about what you want, or keep changing your mind, you may get some things that you want, but you will also get a whole lot of stuff that you don’t want.

Think of life as an endless menu of choices from a silver service restaurant, just waiting for you to pick what you want. And then put in your order, and be clear and specific and expect to receive what you ordered.

The Universe is your chef and it is capable of making whatever you want, no exceptions, but you must be clear and consistent. If you haven’t even bothered to look at the menu and put in an order, you are saying to the Universe, just give me whatever you’ve got. And that’s just what you will receive and have probably been receiving for years. Because you have not been clear about what you truly want, the Universe is giving you whatever comes your way by default.

An example for me was many years ago when I was introduced to this concept. I was struggling to get a break in my singing career. I read about this principle of focusing on what you want and thought, ‘what have I got to lose’? So I asked for a break in my career.

At the time my husband was in the army and we were living in a glorious little bushland suburb in the Gold Coast Hinterland called Tamborine on 3 ½ acres. I had my horses and I was quite content living there. Well, 2 weeks after I put in my ‘order’, my husband was posted to Sydney. That was my worst nightmare. It meant I had to leave behind my horses and my beautiful quiet acreage and live in the last

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place on earth I wanted to go. Then, after crying my eyes out for 2 weeks, I realised I had received exactly what I had asked for. The best place for me to make any real progress in my singing career was in Sydney. This was one of the most powerful ‘aha’ moments of my life.

When you realise that you have the power and authority to order whatever you want from the Menu of Infinite Choices, start being creative, and specific, and expect to get what you order, or something better. Always add, ‘or something better’, because the Universe wants 20 times more for you than you want for yourself, so never limit the possibilities.


Revisiting all the sentences you wrote out in the last exercise about your ideal life, compare each sentence in the list and put them in order of priority. A great way to do this is to compare the first one with the next and decide, if you had to choose just one, which one would it be. Then take that sentence and compare it with the next one on the list, choose the most important, and so on, until you have your number one most important passion on the list.

Keep repeating this process, leaving out the passion you have just listed in order each time, and find your next most important passion until you have listed your five top passions.

Ultimately you don’t have to leave out any of your passions, but it’s important to know the order of priority that’s right for you, so you can make future decisions in favour of your purpose and passions. Every time you have to make a decision about your present or your future, refer to your top 5 passions and always decide in favour of those. If it doesn’t match any of the criteria, then it has no place in your life of passion and purpose.

Now, write your top 5 passions down on pieces of card and keep them in places where you will be reminded of them frequently to keep you focused and on target for living your Divine Destiny.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Why Visualization Doesn’t Work

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Why Visualization Doesn’t Work Ever since the hit movie, “The Secret”, there has been a lot of talk about

visualization for creating success in your life and living the life of your dreams. So, how is that working for you? Have you been using visualization? And how is it going so far? Are you living a life of luxury and freedom with your soul mate, in perfect health and looking like a Greek God or Goddess? Hmmmm, that’s what I thought.

Well there is a reason for that. Visualization doesn’t work …………….. if you don’t do it right! Visualization isn’t difficult, however there are specific components to visualization that will make or break your efforts, and if you don’t get those right, your visualization is going to be nothing more than a wasted effort.

So, if so many people swear by visualization as a tool for transformation, how do they make it work? I’ll tell you more about that in a minute. For now I want to talk to you a little bit about the science behind visualization and why it can be such a powerful tool for manifesting the life of your dreams.

Now, if I ask you to think of a pig with purple spots, what do you see? Do you see the phrase “pig with purple spots” or do you see the image of a pig with purple spots (enough to put you off eating pork ever again isn’t it?). You see an image right? That’s because your subconscious mind, your creation control centre, thinks in pictures. Not language or words. Pictures. Words are of no consequence to your subconscious mind. That is why vision boards are so powerful.

Another little acknowledged quirk of the subconscious mind is that it is programmed via the feelings related to those pictures. Take Christmas for example. Christmas is generally considered a magical time of giving and loving and family and good times. Unfortunately, in reality, for a large percentage of the population, Christmas is one of the most stressful times of our lives and can bring out the worst in our family and ourselves. So, if you were a child who had Christmas’s filled with magic and love and happy times, you will think of Christmas and feel good about it. If, however, you experienced pain, anxiety, conflict, disappointment, or other negative feelings around Christmas, it won’t necessarily be something you look forward to. And that feeling association can change in a nanosecond if a significant event occurs that changes your perception of what might have been seen as an otherwise happy time.

Now that you’re beginning to understand how the subconscious is programmed, here is a very important clue as to how you can change that programming. Are you paying attention because this next statement is gold. Your subconscious has no distinction between real or imagined. In other words, your subconscious will be programmed by pictures and feelings even if they are not happening in real life, and only in your imagination. Okay, so you’re probably wondering why that statement is so important.

Think about it for a second. If your subconscious programming constructs your reality and that programming is determined by pictures and the feelings associated

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with them, and it doesn’t differentiate between real or imagined, it means you can create a whole new life for yourself just by using your imagination.

If this is all new to you, your head is probably spinning right about now. But that is why visualization is so powerful. If you are creating your ideal, dream life in your minds eye, and you see it over and over and over with feeling, then it will materialize into your physical reality. And that is why visualization is so powerful. The 3 essential components to effective visualization are:

1. It must be specific. Don’t waste time with wishy-washy, half baked attempts at visualization. Go all out. Create your life in your mind exactly the way you want it to look. Write it out and go crazy. Don’t limit yourself. This is your imagination don’t forget. You can have whatever you want.

2. They must be stated in the positive. For example, don’t say, “I don’t want this debt anymore” because the focus is ‘debt’. Instead say “I love having complete financial freedom” or whatever words work for you. Another example is not to say “I don’t want to be lonely anymore”, but instead “I am so grateful to be in a loving, attentive relationship”. Or not “I want to be free from sickness” but “I love feeling ultimate health and vitality in every cell of my body.”

3. They must be stated in the present tense, as if you already have it. Notice how the positive statements above express gratitude for the condition as if it already exists in you life. Feel true appreciation as if you already have it. Remember, the subconscious does not know the difference between real or imagined.

4. Get in touch with the feeling associated with your new life. How will you feel when you are living the life of your dreams? Joyful, peaceful, blissful, happy, satisfying, loving, nurturing, compassionate, etc, etc. The more supercharged your visualizations are charged with emotion, the more quickly you are going to see results.

5. Repetition, repetition, repetition. Don’t expect your life to change in every aspect instantaneously. Too many people try manifesting a million dollars and when it doesn’t work in a week, they give up and say, ‘That doesn’t work. What a load of crap.” Our reality is that those manifestation muscles that you are working on, are just like any other set of muscles. They need consistent, persistent, regular effort to build and maintain.

So, in summary, sure visualization works. It is an extremely powerful way to create a different life for yourself. And in order for it to work, you need to get the formula right. It’s not difficult, just specific.

Have fun with what you want to create. Don’t hold back. Whatever it is, write it down and create a strong, definite picture of how it will feel when you realize it. Feel it fully in every part of your body over and over and over and over. The Universe is a magical place when you know how to work with it.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Supercharge Your Affirmations

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Tips to Supercharge Your Affirmations Positive affirmations have been around for those in the know since time

began. They have only become popular for our more recent culture in the past couple of decades with varying degrees of success for individuals who use them.

Many quickly give up labeling them as a load of you know what, while some have limited success and still others swear by their ability to create everything their heart desires.

So why do some people have such spectacular results where others affirmations fail to produce anything at all?

Like everything in our existence, there are certain rules that must be followed to make affirmations work. Here are 6 critical points about using affirmations that will deliver truly spectacular results:

1. They must clearly reflect your vision for your future

2. They must be stated in the positive 3. They must be stated in the present tense 4. They must be for your highest good and the highest good of all 5. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition 6. Act as if it has already come to pass

Now I’ll expand on each of these points so you understand exactly how to construct your affirmations so they work for you as quickly as possible.

1. They must clearly reflect your vision for your future

There are plenty of coaches out there talking about having fancy houses, cars, overseas travel, and all the latest and greatest of everything. And that’s fantastic if that is really what you want, if those things really inspire you and will keep you motivated to overcome any obstacle that is thrown at you on your road to success. However, for a long time I fell into the trap of thinking that I wanted all those things because everybody else wanted them and it wasn’t enough for me to push past my greatest fears and challenges to achieve what I wanted to achieve.

What I really want beyond anything else is to make a positive difference in the world and I always knew that, but I didn’t get clarity of vision around what that looked like for a long time and it held me back from achieving what I wanted to achieve. Sure, just like the majority of the population I like nice things, but they weren’t enough to inspire me. When I created my beautiful vision for my healing centre, Marguerita’s Sanctuary of Sound, and rescuing animals, that’s when I realized the real breakthroughs and I became so determined that nothing was going to stop me realizing that dream. Your vision must inspire you to the point that there is nothing that you won’t do that is for your highest good to achieve it.

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2. They must be stated in the positive.

There is a big difference between saying “I want to pay off all my debt” and “I am infinitely abundant and money flows into my life easily and effortlessly”. The focus of the first statement is the word ‘debt’ which means this statement will continue to create more debt. The second one however, focuses attention on infinite financial abundance. When you create your statements, make sure you are using what you want, not what you don’t want because the Universe doesn’t make any differentiation. It recognizes the focus of the statement and delivers that to you. Practice with each of your statements. You will notice some feel lighter and more inspiring than others. Those are the ones you want to work with.

3. They must be stated in the present tense.

Using phrases like, ‘In the next 2 months I will’, or ‘I am going to’ or ‘When I achieve ……..’ as these statements are out in the future and when you use these phrases your goal is always out in a future time, not in the present. Make an affirmation starting with the phrase I am so happy and so grateful that” (your vision of what you will be / do / have / feel when you have achieved your goal). This has all the hallmarks of a great positive affirmation as it is stated in the positive and the present, it is employing the power of gratitude and it engages your inspiring vision of the future.

4. They must be for your highest good and the highest good of all. We are in a time of great spiritual awakening and only those visions and ideals that serve humanity will achieve powerful and lasting results. Visions that are purely self serving and fail to take into account respect and love for all other living creatures on this beautiful planet of ours will achieve results that are short lived, if at all. Reconnect with your heart and soul and realize what special and unique contribution you can make to the rest of humanity, the animal kingdom, and nature as a whole, and you will attain riches beyond your wildest dreams.

5. Repetition, repetition, repetition

Focus on this statement hundreds or even thousands of times a day. Say it so many times that your subconscious starts repeating it automatically even when you are not thinking about it. It must become a part of every cell in your body so that you live as if it has already come to pass. Live and breathe the affirmation until you know it has become a part of who you are in every sense. It helps to place the affirmations on small cards or sticky notes and place them around the house in prominent places where you will see them on a regular basis throughout they day. Some suggestions are on the fridge door, the bathroom mirror, the back of the toilet door, your computer screen, just below your field of vision on the car windscreen (making sure this doesn’t affect your driving).

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6. Act as if it has already come to pass.

That doesn’t mean spending up big before the money is in the account. But you live knowing that it will come to pass and in your heart and mind you trust 150% that your vision has already been created and is waiting for you right now. No doubts, or fears. That your current situation is just temporary and you feel prosperous, loving, fulfilled, joyous, satisfied, whatever the feeling is that signifies you having achieved your goal already. The saying ‘I’ll believe it when I see it” is self defeating, because the way it works is that you will “See it when you believe it”. This takes practice and that is why you must say your affirmation every day. Saying it whilst using EFT tapping and sound healing will help greatly because this will help change your vibration and bring up whatever is holding you back from realizing your dream right now more quickly.

So, now you know how to make affirmations work powerfully and in the shortest time. Stick with it every single day. The brain works the same as any muscle. If you exercise intermittently your results will be poor at best. If you are consistent and exercise everyday, you will achieve results quickly and change will occur within a matter of 30 days or even less.

I know that it may all seem like hard work, but if you start now, you have just 29 days to start seeing spectacular results and each day will be bringing you closer and closer to that goal.

Stay focused, committed and curious as sometimes things happen that we think takes us further away from our goal when in actual fact they are gifts in disguise forcing us to take action to bring our goal closer to us. I can’t say it will be easy, but it will be worth it.

Some examples of positive affirmations to use with EFT: I am so happy and grateful that I am hugely successful and financially wealthy. I am so happy and grateful that I am in a mutually loving and passionate relationship. I am so happy and grateful that I am surrounded by abundance in every aspect of my life. I am so happy and grateful that money comes to me easily and effortlessly from multiple sources. I am so happy and grateful that I live in a Universe filled with miracles and miracles happen in my life everyday. I am so happy and grateful that I am open to all the opportunities coming to me now to create financial abundance and freedom in my life. I am so happy and grateful that I feel alive, vibrant and healthy in every part of my body. I am so happy and grateful that I easily achieve my ideal weight and release any unnecessary kilos I am carrying.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Time, The Universal Adversary

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Time, The Universal Adversary ‘I don’t have enough time’

‘I’ll never get it all done’

‘I need more time’

‘There’s too much to do’

Any of these statements sound familiar? All of us are struggling with the concept of time. It appears to be some thief that is quickly stealing our lives from us. None of us have enough of it. It affects our work, our play, our family life, our sleep, our health. In fact, nothing seems to escape the ravages of time.

Our lives are insanely busy. We have become human doings instead of human beings. We are constantly rushing around under the illusion we have to do all this stuff. Why? What are you achieving with all this insane doing? How much of it is really important? And what are we teaching our children by making their lives impossibly time poor and stressful?

When you sit back and analyse what is really important in your life, all of a sudden you realise that a lot of that doing could just fall away if you reprioritized your life.

In this manual, I am asking you to adopt new behaviours, but not as well as all the old ones, instead of the old ones that don’t serve you.

Yes, life is busy. No doubt about that. But stop for a moment and check how much of it is truly necessary. Look closely at what is serving you and what you can let go. Invite more space into your life. Invite more freedom into your life. Consider ways you could do things more efficiently to allow time to expand.

Filling our lives up with so much unnecessary doing is also an avoidance technique to make sure we don’t have a moment to experience all those uncomfortable feelings that are lurking just beneath the surface because we haven’t attended to them yet. People will go to great lengths to create all sorts of reasons for their busy schedule that appear to be totally legitimate when they are really a form of excuse.

For instance, consider a person who has to work 3 jobs to pay the mortgage and feed the family because of their poverty consciousness or because they have overcommitted themselves. If they stop, they are in danger of actually feeling what they are so afraid of feeling, because they don’t know how to deal with those uncomfortable emotions.

The busy-ness is just another clever illusion. And it’s another great opportunity to create change.

If you choose to be more relaxed about time, it will work for you instead of you being a slave to it. Release yourself from the insanity and make time your servant instead of your prison warden. And teach your children the same principals. You don’t have to do it all today, this minute, right now. What can wait? What can

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you make easier? What can you simplify? What can you hand over to the Universe? Think about things you can let go and ways you can simplify your life. Prioritise and figure out what’s really important to you and fill your life up with those things first and let go of the rest. Delegate, organise, create order amongst the chaos and give yourself time to breathe and relax. You deserve it.

Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though there is never enough time and I am always in a hurry, I deeply and completely love and accept all of me Even though my life is insanely busy and I am completely overwhelmed, I profoundly love and accept who I am and how I feel about it Even though I am always rushing around, I really don’t know what I am achieving, I choose to relax and find a new way of being that allows time to work for me instead of against me and I love and accept all of me Clearing Phrases: There is never enough time to get it all done I wish I had more time to relax Time is always against me My life is insane Where did this habit of having to be so busy come from I have so much to do, I can’t possibly do one more thing What am I really achieving anyway? What am I doing with my life? How come I am always so busy? This is completely insane I wish I could relax and take a breath There is never enough time and I feel so overwhelmed I am going flat out all day and I want more time for me I’m always doing stuff for everybody else, what about me? When do I get time for me? It’s impossible to find time for something else Time is disappearing right before me and there is nothing I can do to stop it Time is out of control My life is out of control I want to take back control Positive EFT Phrases: Wouldn’t it be nice if I had more time? What if I don’t have to do everything? Maybe I don’t have to get it all done right now? I’m open to the possibility of letting some stuff go

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I choose to be open to reorganising my life I choose to see where I can be more efficient I love the thought of having more time for me I love being inspired to find ways that I can have time freedom I am committed to finding more time for what’s important I am committed to finding more time for me I choose to know that I don’t have to do everything I choose to make time my servant Time works for me, I don’t work for it I love finding ways to simplify my life I am willing to stop running away and look at the reason for this insanity I am ready to find an easier way I am open to the Universe showing me an easier way I love finding ways to create more time freedom I love being free of the insanity I love knowing it can be different If I want it to be different, then I have the power to change it I choose for it to be different

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What You Appreciate Appreciates Have you heard how powerful gratitude can be at transforming your life? If

you are a student of the Law of Attraction, then you would have heard this numerous times, and if not, then you certainly will now.

The question is, do you really know why gratitude is so powerful?

There are of course the usual explanations that it lifts your vibration and puts you in more powerfully creative state, but why is that? I believe I have found the answer.

For months I've been diligently writing in my Gratitude Journal, focusing on appreciating what I have instead of what I don't have, and the results have been good. And recently they became a whole lot better because the penny dropped as to specifically WHY the state of gratitude is so powerful.

Firstly, it is about putting you in the right vibration. Remember, the heart has a creative energy that is 5000 times more powerful than the brain. This means that when you are in the feeling state of appreciation, which, depending on the intensity of the feeling, can be so euphoric it can cause tears of joy, the attraction energy you are emitting is 5000 times more powerful than if you are just thinking it. Which means you are going to attract more of what you are already being grateful for. So if you are grateful for abundance, in all sorts of forms, then you will attract more abundance.

I also believe that being in a state of gratitude is about recognizing and honouring what an amazingly powerful creator you are. By truly acknowledging what you have created in your life and being in a space of true gratitude for your creative ability, you have an unshakable faith in yourself to create whatever you want in your life. I recently experienced this first hand.

This is a powerful time for manifesting whatever your heart desires. And just recently I had several experiences that caused me to shift my whole being to a new level. A number of scenarios I had visualised materialised in an incredibly short space of time. Some just taking a single day, with very little physical effort on my part. It was then that I was struck by just how powerful I am at creating my reality. It caused me to really look at other amazing things I had previously created in so many areas of my life and I was overwhelmed with emotion. I was moved to tears and felt my whole being shudder and shake with the realization of my power. And I then understood that if I could create these things in my life, however small, I had the power to create anything and everything my heart desires.

This level of belief is truly priceless in your quest to realise your hopes and dreams. Take 5 minutes right now to look at some of the wonderful opportunities, situations, people, relationships, possessions, health and whatever else you can find to be grateful for. Really look at them and realise that you created this. YOU CREATED All OF THIS!!! Understand the power of YOU and watch in wonder as your entire world is transformed before your very eyes.

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You are unique, you are magical and you are powerful beyond belief! Step into that power and not only create transformation in your life, but in the lives of others as well

So if you keep looking at your bank account, seeing lack and feeling fear, you have just boosted creating more lack in your life because you have added a very powerful emotional force to it. However, if you turn your thoughts to seeing and appreciating the abundance of good things in your life, you have just boosted your capacity to create more things to be grateful for and more good things will show up in your life. By focusing on abundance, you will create more abundance!

Depending on where you are at, you may be thinking right now, “What do I have to be grateful for? My life really sucks”, or something similar. So allow me give you a little bit of a hand with this.

Can you walk?

Can you see?

Can you hear?

Are there any flowers or plants thriving around you or in the vicinity?

Do you have a park close by where you can observe the abundance of trees, flowers, insects, children, dogs, birds, people, etc?

Can you appreciate the laughter of a child?

Do you have access to a seemingly endless supply of clean running water?

Do you have electricity?

Do you have anybody at all in your life who loves you?

Do you have any friends?

Do you have enough to eat?

Is there any part of your body that isn’t in pain?

Are you pain free?

Are you starting to get the idea? Look for things in your life to appreciate and you will find them. Then really spend time focusing on how grateful you are for having that particular thing or things, and the ways they make a positive difference in your life. Do you feel your energy begin to change?

Now here is a fabulous exercise. Go on a rampage of appreciation and see how your mood changes. And if you try this exercise for just 5 or 10 minutes every day, your whole emotional state will transform and you will see more and more things to appreciate turning up in your life.

This truly is miraculous. And if you want to make this exercise even more powerful, do the rampage of appreciation while using *EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Commit to doing this process and you will be amazed at how quickly your life starts to turn around.

What you appreciate appreciates because whatever you focus on expand in your life.

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If you focus on the bad stuff (and believe me you are not alone, we all have bad stuff happen in our lives) then more bad stuff will happen.

If you focus on the good stuff, more good things will happen. It really is that simple.

Understand just how powerful you are at creating your reality and you will realize that you have the ability to create a wonderful joy filled, fulfilling, prosperous life and when you step into that, you will not only transform your world, but the world of those around you as well.


Now here is a fabulous exercise. Go on a rampage of appreciation and see how your mood changes. And if you try this exercise for just 5 or 10 minutes every day, your whole emotional state will transform and you will see more and more things to appreciate turning up in your life.

Being grateful in advance for things you are manifesting as if they have already arrived is the most powerful form of gratitude there is. By acting as if, opening your heart space and getting yourself in a place of enthusiastic gratitude for your life and just how fortunate you are and then transferring that feeling into gratitude for what you are about to receive from the Universe, your vibration will really lift and the Universe has no choice but to respond by delivering whatever you are grateful for to you.

Remember that the Universe doesn’t distinguish between what’s in your 3D reality (what we refer to as physical existence) and what is being imagined in your head. If you are being grateful for it and can see it as if it has already happened in your head, then your subconscious goes to work looking to match you up with that picture, because that literally is it’s reality!

This truly is miraculous. And if you want to make this exercise even more powerful, do the rampage of appreciation while using *EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Commit to doing this process and you will be amazed at how quickly your life starts to turn around.

What you appreciate appreciates because whatever you focus on expands in your life.

If you focus on the bad stuff (and believe me you are not alone, we all have bad stuff happen in our lives) then more bad stuff will happen.

If you focus on the good stuff, more good things will happen. It really is that simple.

Understand just how powerful you are at creating your reality and you will realize that you have the ability to create a wonderful joy filled, fulfilling, prosperous life and when you step into that, you will not only transform your world, but the world of those around you as well.

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Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though I don’t feel like I have much to be grateful for, I deeply and completely love and accept all of me. Even though I have so many bad things happening to me right now and nothing to be grateful for, I profoundly love and accept who I am and how I feel about it Even though it feels like everything in my life is wrong and I don’t have anything to be grateful for, I choose to be open to being more grateful and I deeply and completely love and accept all of me. Clearing Phrases: What have I got to be grateful for? There is so much wrong with my life I have so many things to be worried about My life really sucks Nothing works for me I am stressed and anxious all the time because my life is so bad They don’t understand how bad my life really is Nobody understands how bad my life is How can I be grateful when things are so bad? It’s hard to be grateful when my life really sucks I have nothing to be grateful for I haven’t got time to be grateful Positive Phrases: I suppose I could be grateful for having clean water to drink and bathe in I’m grateful that I can walk / talk / live / read this book / speak my mind I am grateful that I don’t have to go hungry and I have good food to eat I am grateful that the sun is shining I’m grateful for my brothers / sisters I’m grateful for my children’s hugs I’m grateful for my partners smile I’m grateful for new opportunities I’m grateful I’m living in a house I am grateful I am safe from persecution I am grateful for my health I’m so happy and grateful I can taste, touch, see, smell and hear I am so grateful for the clothes that I wear I am so grateful I have electricity to cook and be entertained and turn on the lights and have heat I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to change my life through my thoughts I choose to know I have so much to be grateful for

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I choose to see things to be grateful for everywhere in my life I choose to be grateful for the challenges because they are helping me realize my true potential It is easy to be grateful when you have so much to be grateful for When I feel down and overwhelmed I choose to see all the things in my life I have to be grateful for I see now that I have been focusing on the wrong things The challenges are such a small part of my life, I have hundreds of things to be grateful for

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Be Careful Who You Hang Out With You are a product of your environment. It is proven that in most cases, we

earn an average of what all our friends earn. In other words, we are fitting in with the crowd. We will exhibit the same habits, have the same belief systems and therefore achieve the same results.

In order to change your money mind set it is important that you start hanging out with the super successful in one way or another.

In person is the best way. The more you hang out with people who have achieved what you want to with the intention to have what they have, the more you will naturally start to behave the way they do in that area of your life. For instance, if you want to be successful in business, seek out those who are already successful and hang out with them. Pick their brains, politely of course. Learn as much as you can from them without offending or stalking them. You will not only learn by direct information gathering, you will also learn by osmosis. It’s a quirky phenomenon that we naturally adopt the behaviours of our peers and colleagues after a certain amount of exposure, particularly if we are intending to.

This works in the opposite way as well. I’m not necessarily saying that you have to abandon all of your friendships. However, it may be helpful to remove yourself from an environment that is toxic or a friendship that is holding you back in someway because of fear of judgement or criticism.

Some people are dream stealers, meaning they have a way of destroying our dreams by their behaviour and their comments. Because they aren’t comfortable with us attempting to out achieve them, they will do something to sabotage our dreams. These people are not the kind you want to be around whilst you are striving to realize your potential.

Assess all your relationships carefully and temporarily (or permanently) remove yourself from an environment or situation that could threaten your ability to succeed because of the other party, or because of your own fears and belief systems about how they will react to your success.

There is no need for nastiness or creating a rift in your relationships. If you wish come back to them once you are firmly entrenched on your new journey and then re-evaluate if you still want to pursue the relationship.

Sometimes this is not practical, particularly if the dream stealer is our partner and we are committed to the relationship. In this case, don’t talk about what you are doing. Don’t lie about it, but just don’t share any information that will give them ammunition to shoot you down and stop your forward progress.

This can be a tricky subject, but a necessary one to cover. People don’t necessarily mean to hurt you. Their intentions may be your protection, or theirs. Just remember that you are exceeding their comfort zone in some way and their

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limiting belief systems are causing them to respond in that way. Realising that it’s their problem, not yours will help you to make the right decision.

Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases Even though I have this person in my life who makes me feel powerless, I deeply and completely accept myself and I accept them. Even though I have these toxic people in my life who make it difficult for me to succeed, I deeply and profoundly accept all of me. Even though I won’t fit in if I succeed and they will reject me, I choose to be successful anyway, and I profoundly love and accept me and them Clearing Phrases I’m afraid I won’t fit in when I’m successful What if they reject me? What if they feel bad when I’m successful? I don’t want them to feel bad I want everyone to like me I don’t want to be different They don’t want me to succeed I feel powerless because of him / her They don’t believe I’m good enough What makes me think I can do it when they haven’t I’m no better than them They told me I wasn’t good enough Positive Phrases I’ll still be the same person when I’m successful If they change their attitude, that’s not my concern If they turn against me then they don’t deserve my friendship What if they still like me anyway? What if they want me to be successful? I will do nice things for them when I succeed, they’ll like that I choose to take back all of my power What if they’re wrong? What if I am good enough? Of course I’m good enough They don’t know how powerful I am I don’t know how powerful I am I choose to believe in me, even if they don’t I choose to be successful and love myself the way I am


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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Clear Out All The Old Energy

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Clear Out All The Old Energy After years of creating our life by default, and allowing life to happen to us

rather than being conscious creators, we tend to accumulate a lot of stuff and situations that have negative energy attached to them. Remember everything is energy and therefore has the ability to store and have negative or positive energy associated with it.

I strongly suggest a clean out of all the things that you feel have negative energy associated with them. I am not, however, suggesting you throw out priceless air looms or things of sentimental value. What I do advise is that, when you are looking to create a new life for yourself, that you evaluate everything in your life and intuitively evaluate whether or not they serve you, or if they could be holding you back.

Look at the clothes in your wardrobe for instance. It is a well known fact that when you clear out the old you make space for the new. If you have outfits that you haven’t worn for 1 or 2 seasons, and they are not special ensembles that require a specific type of event that you anticipate attending in the future, then clear them out of your wardrobe. Give them to a charity so someone else can get some use out of them instead of cluttering your wardrobe and your energy with them. You will feel lighter and will have made space for new clothes that better reflect who you are now, than who you were 2, 10 or even 20 years ago.

One example of clearing out old energy for me was changing our bank accounts. We had been with a particular bank for a long time, and through a lot of financial struggle. During my time of major breakthroughs and transformation I was inspired to change banks. Obviously it wasn’t the bank that was creating struggle for us, but I found it difficult to visualise those accounts growing because of the history associated with them.

The new accounts, however, had a fresh new energy and signified a new start for us, so I could easily visualise the money building and growing, and it quickly did.

It’s the same with possessions you have, large and small. Is it time you freshened up your décor, or even let go of the old house and started a new one. Sometimes people (like myself) go to all the trouble of changing cities or even states to get away from the old and start again.

Evaluate your relationships. Do they need a freshen up or overhaul to bring them up to date and make them functional? Are you stuck in a relationship purely because of habit or convenience? Many of us settle for relationships that don’t serve us because it’s too hard to do the work that will create fulfilling, supportive, loving, reciprocal relationships. Or fear stops us from ending a relationship that has run it’s course and there is not hope of salvaging.

Like everything, maintaining healthy relationships that bring joy and satisfaction takes work, awareness and a willingness to adapt and compromise to

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circumstances. This does not giving up on your dream. On the contrary. A healthy relationship should be mutually supportive and actively create an environment where you both feel safe to grow as individuals and a couple. And you should be supporting each other to achieve your dreams in ways that serve the highest good of each of you and of everyone.

Take stock of everything in your life. Do you feel that by letting it go, it will allow for positive change and moving forward. Some things are harder to let go of than others. You need to be mindful of what action will serve your highest good.

Many of us have a fear of loss, which is why we can’t bear to part with things in our lives. Most of the time, these fears are irrational and keep us stuck. Let go of your attachment to everything in your life. See it for what it is, and realise that if it is a part of the problem, then it cannot be a part of the solution.

If you have any of your energy invested in things that are not serving your or have a negative association for you, then either find a way to reinvent it, or let it go so it doesn’t hold you back and you can move forward more easily.

Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though my energy is cluttered with all the negative energy from my past, I deeply and completely accept all of me. Even though I’ve got negative energy from all the stuff that’s happened in the past, I choose to let go of it easily and I profoundly love and accept who I am. Even though I have stuff in my life that has negative energy from my past, I choose to effortlessly let it go and I love and accept myself anyway. Clearing EFT Phrases: I’m weighed down with all this negative stuff in my life I have so much negative energy from my past I’m really attached to the things I have in my life I don’t want to change I don’t want to let go I feel held back by the negative energy in my life I don’t want to start all over again It’s too much of a hassle to change what I’ve set up Positive EFT Phrases: I choose to release all negative energy in my life I lovingly release things and people from my life that no longer serve me I enjoy restructuring various things in my life that aren’t working for me I easily release all negative energy from my life The things that cause me to feel negative energy are easy to let go of

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I love letting go of things with negative energy so I can invite more positive energy into my life and future I love releasing myself from whatever is holding me back so I can move forward easily and effortlessly I am so happy and so grateful for releasing old energy and starting fresh I love moving on I love having a fresh start Even if I am attached to something that doesn’t serve me, I let it go with love I’m open to finding out what’s holding me back so I can let it go I’m open to identifying all the negative belief systems in my life so I can release them and move forward.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success When You Want It So Much It Hurts

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When You Want It So Much It Hurts Often times we want something too much we chase it and chase it and this is

really counterproductive because the desperation actually pushes it away.

Money is a perfect example of this. A vast majority of the population are constantly chasing money. The are stressed out and desperate for more money which sets up a really negative vibration within them about money. Desperation is evidence of a fear of lack and the result of poverty consciousness.

The more you relax about money and release your stress, the more you will attract money and situations to create more money in your life.

Think about this in the context of a relationship. Just think about a person of the opposite sex who is so desperate for your love that they can’t leave you alone, they stalk you and call you constantly because they can’t stop thinking about you and desperately plead with you to love them. However flattering this might be for the first day or so, in the long term is it a turn on or a turn off. Are you likely to fall madly in love and run off into the sunset with them, or run screaming in the opposite direction calling the police along the way telling them there is a psycho on the loose.

Now translate this scenario to money and how many people relate to it. Do you see the similarities.

You have financial responsibilities, I get that. And you have bills piling up I get that too. But unless you find a way to release the pressure and ease the desperation and find a place where you can relax about money, you are not going to get any closer to that liquid gold any time soon.

So, use EFT to take out the negative charge and desperation around the lack of money and step into prosperity consciousness. Call the institutions that you owe money to and talk to them openly and honestly about your situation. Most people feel so ashamed that they have gotten themselves into this situation that they cannot speak honestly about it. If you have a final notice, it’s pretty obvious to the company waiting on the money that you haven’t got sufficient funds in the bank to pay it. You will probably be surprised if you call them and be straight and up front and matter of fact, tell them what’s going on and that you’re working on ways to fix the situation and ask them if there is anything they can do to help you out, like delaying payment or working out a payment plan or something.

When we were at desperation point and I started using the EFT and Sound Healing, this is the inspiration I had. I called the bank and other companies we owed money to and asked them what we could do. I said that things hadn’t gone to plan recently and we were working on solutions right now to change our situation. I was clear that we really wanted to pay them as quickly as possible, was there anything they could do to help ease the pressure in the short term and find a solution that would work for everyone concerned.

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The companies actually appreciated my honesty and the polite and matter of fact way I dealt with them and they were happy to negotiate and try to help us to meet our obligations in a way that they knew they would eventually get paid and we didn’t have to sell our souls to the devil to make it happen.

This gave me space to be creative and work with my healing tools to change my belief systems and results for a few weeks until the money really started to flow and we could pay off all the debts. Boy was that a nice feeling. Previously I had felt so desperate it was difficult to release the charge and see a solution. The healing tools helped to ease the feeling but not clear it totally, but the inspiration to be honest was what I needed to really release the pressure and get on with changing my vibration and financial position.

Don’t dismiss any idea you get. If it seems unacceptable to you, then figure out what about it doesn’t work for you or why you don’t think it’s possible. You may find that it just needs a small adjustment to the idea or some letting go to limitations on your part to make it work.

There is always a solution, it probably isn’t what you think it is though. Open your heart and mind and you’ll get an idea and go ‘Why didn’t I think of that before?’

EFT Example Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though I am really stressed out about our financial situation, I choose to relax and deeply and completely accept all of me. Even though I am feeling anxious about all the bills, I am open to any solutions that present themselves and I profoundly love and accept myself anyway. Even though there’s not enough money to pay the bills, and that makes me anxious, I choose to relax and allow the inspiration to flow, and I deeply and completely love and accept all of me. Clearing EFT Tapping Phrases: I am really anxious about the money There’s not enough I can’t pay the bills I feel so stressed about the money What if we lose everything? I’m afraid they’ll demand their money and I won’t be able to pay I’m desperate for money I want it so much it hurts I’m so ashamed I got myself into this situation I deserve to be punished for being so stupid I am so angry that I never have enough money I feel so frustrated about the lack of money

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Positive EFT Phrases: I choose to relax and stay open to finding solutions I choose to be open to miracles I live in Universe where miracles happen every day What if I could feel relaxed about money I love feeling relaxed about money I love being in the flow of financial abundance I choose to hand over the bills to the Universe to look after I choose to know I’m okay right now Would it be nice if I could find a solution and pay all of our bills easily I know that there are hundreds of solutions, I just have to open my mind to them I am open to receive more money I am so happy and so grateful that I live in an abundant Universe I love that there is plenty of money for everyone, including me I love paying my bills easily and effortlessly

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Impatience Will Get You Nowhere

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Impatience Will Get You Nowhere We live in an instant, disposable society. We want everything and we want it

right now. Long gone are the days when we had to scrimp and save and wait and wait for what we wanted. Now we just whack everything on credit or interest free and get it right away. Even Lay-By (or I think you call it lay-away in the US) is becoming a thing of the past.

Consequently, patience has also become a dying art. Because we are not accustomed to waiting any more, the thought of putting in consistent effort for a result that will materialize at some point in the future, with no guarantees as to when, is unthinkable. “Isn’t there some scheme we can get into where we get it now and pay later?” I hear you say.

Sorry. No can do with this one. Stay focused and committed and it will happen, just not necessarily in your time frame. You’re just going to have to take it from me that if you put in the effort and be P-A-T-I-E-N-T you will get results and they will be worth it.

Impatience is resistance, and if you allow it to infiltrate your routine to realizing a new life, it’s just going to push the due date out further and further and further. You must accept where you are right now and relax in order to attract and allow in what you want.

Remember, we are working with vibration here. And if you examine closely the feeling of impatience, how does it feel to you? Contraction, right? So it’s not adding energy to your efforts for change, but actually taking you further away from them. And if your impatience has descended to desperation, then you really have got some work to do!

So every time you start thinking, ‘why isn’t it happening yet?’, or ‘it’s taking too long’ or ‘I have to have it now’ or you have some sense of urgency about your results, do whatever you can to let them go because you are only sabotaging everything.

Whatever you want isn’t going to happen immediately, this very minute or right now, just because you think it should. It’s okay to pause for a moment and take a breath. Give yourself permission to relax. Give the Universe permission to put everything in its proper place for you to realize your dreams. Go quietly inside and ask life to lead you to your best outcome.

What you absolutely cannot know is how what you want will come to you and what other wonderful things may be a part of the package if you just allow the Universe to deliver it in the best way possible. If it happens too fast, you may miss out on something truly magical.

If you follow the guidelines in this book and put aside a minimum of 30 minutes every day to use the tools and practice the various exercises as appropriate, then you will get results relatively fast, like a few weeks instead of a few years. And for the comparatively small effort required to create change, the

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rewards are absolutely remarkable. And the results you see will be small at first, but they quickly snowball to become this giant unstoppable movement that will take you on a wonderful joy ride that will last for the rest of your life, if you keep building on the habits and practicing the techniques.

It’s like physical exercise. For the first couple of weeks, you don’t see much in the way of results, except for a few sore muscles. You will start to feel a bit better about yourself, but not much else. And then you start to notice your clothes are fitting slightly better. After a couple more weeks, your body shape is beginning to change shape and you notice that you have a lot more energy, plus your self confidence is starting to climb.

The momentum is really starting to kick in now and you start to look forward to your exercise routine instead of dreading it. And, provided you don’t break the momentum, this gradual building of a new lifestyle and automatic adherence to a habitual routine will continue until you really miss your exercise if you don’t do it. (Yes, strange but true!) And in about 3 to 4 months, your body has transformed. You’re looking and feeling 10 years younger, lost 10 to 15 kilos. You’re buying new clothes with confidence. You feel stronger, more full of life and achieving more during your day. You can run and keep up with the kids again.

Was it hard work? You bet it was. Did it take every ounce of your will power to get you into the exercise during those first few weeks? Hell, yeah! And now, looking at yourself in your mirror, feeling fabulous and looking amazing, was it worth all the blood, sweat and tears? Abso-bloody-lutely!

For those of you who haven’t experienced this, get into exercise, because it really is incredible and is something else that will supercharge your results, clear your head, build your self confidence, help you make better decisions, and help you with your self-discipline. Not to mention you’ll be in better shape to enjoy the wealth you create for many, many years to come. Not much point being wealthy if your dead.

My point is, any part of your life where you looking to change your results is going to take time. And if you are saying, “well I haven’t got time, I’m desperate and I need money right now because the bank is about to foreclose on my house / I’m going bankrupt / I’ve got x amount of bills to pay”, I’m sorry, I haven’t found an overnight solution yet. 4 to 12 weeks is as close as it gets.

What you will find though is that using these techniques, you will quickly become more creative about finding ways to get you through the tight patches (legally of course) so you can focus on the abundance creation in super quick time.

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Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though I really want it right now and I can’t wait, I deeply and completely love and accept all of me. Even though I’m desperate to have what I want right now, I deeply and completely accept who I am and how I feel. Even though I don’t have the time to wait and work at my goal, I choose to accept myself and my situation and relax and be patient knowing that what I want is coming to me now. Clearing EFT Phrases: I can’t afford to wait, I need it now. I feel desperate and frustrated that I haven’t got it yet Waiting doesn’t work for me, I need it now I can’t go another day without it I’m afraid of what will happen if I don’t get it soon I feel this fear constantly I feel panic about uncertainty I need certainty to relieve my fear and panic I don’t feel safe in my current situation and it needs to change now I don’t want to let go of my fear It must change now because I don’t feel safe I’m so frustrated and afraid I constantly feel fear in my vibration What if I never get it? What if my greatest fears are realized? Positive EFT Phrases: I choose to relax and take a breath What if the Universe is putting everything in place for me to have what I want? I no longer live the lie that I don’t have what it takes to have what I want I live in my truth that I have whatever it takes to have what I want I choose to feel safe even though it hasn’t happened yet I choose to release myself from fear and anxiety that pushes away what I want I’m okay right now I choose to let go and allow life to lead me to the best outcome for everyone I love having absolute faith that I am moving in the right direction I let go of all outcomes and focus on what action I am inspired to take right now I trust that everything I want is coming to me right now. I choose to feel calm and relaxed and confident about my future I choose to let go of my impatience right now I choose to release this feeling of panic and allow myself to trust and have faith

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Magic and Miracles

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Magic and Miracles We honestly live in a miraculous Universe and yet we take the little miracles

that happen to us every day for granted. We seem to think of miracles as something that has to be really big for it to be of any significance, and yet our whole life is literally a string of little miracles.

The earth and all of its creatures are a miracle. The way we hurtle around in steel cages at impossible speeds and don’t crash into each other more often is a miracle. Electricity is a miracle. Telecommunications are a miracle. Wireless internet is a miracle. Television is a miracle. Your body is a living miracle. Your ability to take in information, process it and make your own unique judgement on it within a split second is a miracle.

Recognise the infinite miracle of everything about your existence. Stand in awe and realise just how impossible all of this is if you apply logic to it. When you enter this space you expect miraculous things occur because you realise that literally anything is possible. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

The only thing that is limiting you is your perceptions and belief systems. Invite miracles into your life. Open your heart and expect miracles and watch the magic unfold.

Example EFT Phrases: Set Up Phrases: Even though I don’t have any miracles in my life, I choose to be open to the possibility of seeing more miracles. Even though my life is boring and nothing good ever happens to me, I choose to expect wonderful miracles and I deeply and completely love and accept the miraculous nature of our existence. Even though I miss all the miracles in my life because I have been taking them for granted, I choose to change my focus and be more aware of miracles, and I profoundly love and accept who I am and how I feel. Clearing Phrases: There are no miracles in my life The bad things in my life far outweigh the miracles My life is boring and mundane, no miracles here Miracles are for other people not for me Nothing miraculous ever happens in my life There is no hope for me I would like to believe in miracles, but they never happen to me

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Positive EFT Phrases: I open my awareness to seeing all the miracles that happen every day If miracles happen for others, they can happen for me too Wouldn’t it be nice if miracles happened for me It’s nice to imagine miracles happening in my life I love the thought of miracles happening in my life I invite miracles into my life I see little miracles happening in my life every day I’m open to seeing big miracles happening in my life every day I love that I live in a Universe filled with miracles I love that I live in a world filled with infinite possibility I am so excited that miracles are happening all around me I look forward to all the miracles that are coming to me right now I am so happy and so grateful for all the miracles in my life I am so happy and so grateful for all the miracles that are coming to me right now I feel happy and excited about miraculous events and solutions to help me with my problem


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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success How To Receive Better Quality Answers

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How To Receive Better Quality Answers Do you ever wonder why you don’t get the answers you want to your

questions? Well, there is a fundamental mistake you are probably making if you aren’t getting the answers you want. You aren’t asking the right questions!

It’s that simple. The Universe will always answer your questions, but you need to be asking the right ones. So if you’re asking questions like:

Why me? What did I do to deserve this? Why can’t I get ahead? Why does everybody else get all the promotions? Why doesn’t anything work for me? How come every time I start to get ahead, something happens to take me down?

What am I doing wrong? Then the answer to all those questions is because that is where you are

focusing. The answer to the question ‘What am I doing wrong?’ is that you are asking that question!

Remember, you get what you focus on. Notice how with all the questions above, the focus is on what’s wrong? If you want things to change then you are going to have to focus on what’s right about your life and start asking ‘How Can I?’

So the above questions become:

‘How can I change this?’

‘How can I get ahead?’

‘How can I get that promotion?’

‘How can I get everything to work for me?’

‘How can I get myself in a position where I’m in front no matter what happens?’and

‘What am I doing right?’ and do more of that!

Your subconscious mind will always seek answers to your questions because it is a loyal and faithful servant eager to do your bidding. The moment you start asking the right answers consistently, different answers and results will show up.

The Secret and the Law of Attraction is all about energy and vibration, and you will vibrate in alignment with whatever you are focusing on. So if your focus is on debt, as in ‘I want to get out of debt’, then you will actually get more debt. But if your focus is on ‘I am committed to becoming financially free’ you will have a totally different outcome.

Do you see how one question feels totally different to the other?

Become aware of your language in your life and begin to change your negative focus to positive and watch the miracles begin to show up.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Mastermind Groups

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Mastermind Groups The Master Mind was defined by Napoleon Hill in ‘Think and Grow Rich’ as

‘coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose’.

As previously mentioned, when organised correctly, a mastermind group is a fantastic collaboration of like minded people who come together in the spirit of mutual support and has several distinct advantages for each individual.

Napoleon Hill also mentions the ‘intangible’ potentialities of power available thought the Master Mind Group because of the spiritual connection created with Universal intelligence. He states, ‘No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind’.

The Master Mind is beneficial for each participant in a number of different ways including a place to receive encouragement and renewed energy in the face of adversity; helping each other to overcome challenges and obstacles through brainstorming; mutual support or each others goals and ideals; hearing different perspectives on a situation that might not otherwise occur to you; celebration and acknowledgement of achievements; accountability for each member of the group as to their intentions and goals; depending on the group, it can also be a safe space for healing and releasing negative emotions. There are many benefits of a Master Mind Group some of which will be particular to the chosen assembly.

The group must be chosen very carefully focusing on what expertise each member has to contribute to the group as a whole and whether their core values are in alignment with the rest of the group and how they interact with other group members. Just one poor choice can upset the balance of the entire group and render it ineffective for everybody concerned.

Here are a few simple pointers regarding a Master Mind Group:

1. Do not choose members based on your circle of influence, friends and family. Choose them based on their ability to contribute, their alignment with the belief systems you want to incorporate in the group, their professionalism and their willingness to participate.

2. Set up an initial meeting for the group to discuss the intention for the group and ensure everybody is on the same page and excited to participate.

3. Establish a framework and set of guidelines that are clear and agreed upon by everyone.

4. Set a basic agenda for the way each meeting will be conducted. 5. Have each participant declare their short and long term goals and what they

hope to achieve through the Master Mind Group. 6. Stay true to your objectives.

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7. Review the model from time to time to ensure it is working for every member of the group and that you are receiving the maximum possible benefit from the power of the Master Mind.

Napoleon Hill also stated in ‘Think and Grow Rich’: ‘Economic advantages may be created by people who surround themselves with the advice, counsel and personal cooperation of a group of people who are willing to lend them wholehearted aid in a spirit of perfect harmony. This form of cooperative alliance has been the basis of nearly every great fortune. Your understanding of this great truth may definitely determine your financial status.’

This is another tool that will cost you nothing and yet has the potential to reap untold rewards in your quest for success. I encourage you to put your mind to creating or finding a suitable Master Mind Group as soon as possible. It could be just what you need to get you to where you want to be.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Prosperity Tips

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10 Ways to Change Your Money Mindset Quickly 1. Be careful what ends up on your wallet

Most of us are very careless about what we stuff into our wallets, but this is a mistake. Our wallets are intended to carry money, the good stuff. And if you stuff anything in there like receipts, invoices, bills and rubbish you are sending a message out the universe that you have not respect for money and your wallet won’t attract money. So make sure you put money only into your wallet and always keep the notes neat tidy and flat. Show money respect and it will respect you. It’s also a neat fact that if you keep an amount of money in your wallet the vibration of that money will attract more to it.

2. Mind Your Language

If you speak about prosperity, you will create prosperity. If you keep saying things like I can’t afford it, or it’s too expensive, money will continue to allude you. Instead of I can’t, start asking how can I? You will receive a different response from the Universe.

3. Shift Your Focus to Abundance

Our minds love to focus on the worst of everything. That’s why all news reports focus on doom and gloom and we are drawn to shocking and gruesome news like bees to honey. Likewise, our minds naturally focus on the worst of everything. You get what you focus on, so learn to change this one habit and you change your world. Stay vigilant at watching your thoughts and everywhere you go look for and focus on abundance. Grass, trees, birds, life, air, people, cars, food, water, sand, soil, insects, animals, noise, merchandise, ‘stuff’, etc, etc. Our environments are teaming with abundance everywhere you go. Focus on the abundance and that is what you will create in every aspect of your life.

4. Have an Attitude of Gratitude

Similar to the abundance focus, switch your awareness to gratitude in every moment. When you eat, drink, read, pay your bills, buy your groceries, speak to a friend, pat your dog or cat, switch on your lights, turn on your appliances, get dressed in the morning, listen to the radio, hear the birds in the trees, watch your favourite TV show, wake up in the morning, go to sleep at night. We have so much to be grateful for in our lives, but we miss it because we are too busy focusing on the bad stuff. Change your mindset, change your world.

5. Prosperity Spending

We spend a lot of money on meaningless rubbish and then wonder why we don’t have enough. Identify something that makes you feel special. It doesn’t have to be expensive, just something that every time you see it or experience it, it makes you feel abundant and wealthy on the inside. Then

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make sure it is somewhere that you will see it several times a day. I buy myself one or two bunches of oriental lilies every fortnight. They only cost $15 a bunch, but the effect on my psyche when I see them is priceless.

6. Dress For Success

I used to relish in the thought of being able to lounge around in my trackie pants, ugg boots and sloppy joe’s all day at home whilst I worked. However, I found I was much more focused, organised and effective if I went to a little bit of effort to put on something more professional. I didn’t do my make-up or anything like that, but just something that made me feel good about myself. I also made more of an effort when I went to pick up the mail or do the shopping. I acted differently and felt very different about myself and was more effective in everything I did. I’m not sure if that works for guys as well, but for us girls it works a treat.

7. Smile

The simple act of smiling automatically triggers chemicals in the brain which leads to the release of endorphins. So fake it until you make it. Even when you don’t feel like it, just a simple smile for a stranger can not only make you feel better, but the person receiving the smile as well. You can also take this a step further and when asked “How are you?”, reply with an enthusiastic “Fantastic”. You will take the other person by surprise and the response you receive in return really will make you feel a whole lot better.

8. Take time to be still

Our lives are filled with hustle and bustle and our souls yearn for some peace and stillness. Factor in just 10 to 15 minutes of time for yourself a day to be still, get in touch with your heart space and centre yourself. It will gradually help you to remain calm throughout your day and clear your head so you make better decisions. It’s good for your mind, body and soul.

9. Practice Manifesting

The art of manifesting doesn’t just apply to the big stuff. Practice manifesting little things like a cup of coffee, or a call from a friend, or an extra $5 in your pocket. When those little miracles appear, no matter how small, it will quickly build your faith in your ability to create what you want and the big stuff will become much easier.

10. Expect Miracles

Miracles happen in our lives all the time. But we miss them because we’ve not tuned our mind to look for them. A chance meeting with a friend. The train you missed by seconds only to catch the next one and sit next to someone who mentions a book to you that ends up being a defining moment in your life. The message on FaceBook that gives you the pick-me-up you needed just at the right time. These are little moments of miracles and they are happening all the time. Open your eyes, ears and mind and expect

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miracles to occur because they already are. And once you see all the small ones, you will expect big ones too.

All these practices are simple and yet so effective. Live your life consciously and notice the magic that is around you every moment of every day. You will wonder why you got caught up in all the negative drama when there is so much of the good stuff to focus on.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Subliminal Messaging

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Subliminal Messages - The Hidden Healing Master Subliminal messaging is a very powerful form of healing that is passive for the

listener as the messages are just out of hearing range of the conscious mind, but the subconscious picks up the positive messages and absorbs them. This means they bypass the conscious mind and all the negative belief systems that could prevent them from having a positive effect.

Our subconscious is able to remember and hear almost everything! Because your subconscious mind is connected to all that is, it is able to pick up on messages well beyond what the conscious mind perceives in it’s immediate environment. Consequently, subliminal messages will affect your belief systems more quickly and affectively than if the messages are audible to the conscious mind.

Subliminal music has been successfully used for some time for a variety of purposes including relieving stress, improving self-confidence, helping a person to quit smoking, for motivation and numerous healing purposes.

By targeting the subconscious, the messages help to remove sabotaging negative thought and replace it with more positive beliefs that help you achieve your goal. As a result, you adopt the new positive behaviours and belief systems automatically with little resistance which helps you to realize different results.

Using subliminal music is a powerful way to transform certain aspects of your life that aren’t working for you. The subconscious mind is something that cannot be controlled. However, instead of being controlled by it, by taking advantage of it’s strengths, such as it’s ability to detect and process thousands of times more information than the conscious mind, we have the ability to manipulate it so it serves us, instead of us being it’s puppet.

When combined with the power of the Symphonies of Light sound healing and light language systems, you virtually have three forms of subliminal messaging all helping to shift you at once.

Whilst the sound healing is changing your vibration at a cellular level through entrainment, the Light Language is speaking directly to your higher consciousness with the very high vibrational frequency of light, also altering your vibration, whilst the underlying subliminal messages are also bypassing your conscious filter mechanism to create change at the deepest level of your psyche. And when used in combination with the other systems in the package, your world is about to change dramatically.

Imagine, just by listening to the Symphonies of Light subliminal recordings whilst you work, sleep, read, exercise or almost any activity (not recommended whilst driving a car), you can change into a brand new person with very little effort! It’s simple and it’s effective! It can’t get any easier than that.


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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Strategic Visioning

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Goal Time Line Exercise Strategic visioning is a technique used within NLP to assist reprogramming the

subconscious to proactively and automatically move in the right direction to realize your goals and dreams.

It starts with creating a clear vision of what your goals are, written in the positive using the SMART formula, and then executing a specific visualisation technique to set it into your future time line. The more specific, inspiring and exciting the vision is for you the better this exercise will work.

This process is incredibly powerful because not only does it send a clear message to the Universe that this is what you want and sets things in motion for that to occur, you will find yourself behaving differently and making different decisions that are in line with you achieving that goal.

I have provided a recording to run you through this process on the CD titled Meditation and Goal Setting. I will also provide a written representation of the exercise here for you to understand the technique if you wish.

Firstly write your goal according to the SMART formula previously outlined as if it’s already happened. Some people struggle with visualization. If that’s you then just do the best you can and use any senses, feel, touch, taste, smell, hearing or sight that work for you. It’s your focus that matters and as you practice this method, it will become easier and easier.

What you are going to do now is take that goal and place it into your future time line with a technique that will set a string of events in motion to help that goal become your reality.

So, create a clear picture of what your environment will look like when you achieve that goal and step into the picture. Run it like a movie and visualise and experience it as if it is occurring right now.

Vision Creation: The first thing to do is recognize where the past and future relate for you personally on a time line. So imagine you have a stream of time flowing through you. Close your eyes and get a feeling of which direction the past is for you. It might be above or below you, behind you, of off to one side. There is no right or wrong here, just what is right for you. Point in whatever direction you feel your past is in relation to your body. And now do the same for your future. Feel where it is in relation to your body, and point in the direction of your future.

Now you have established your time stream, read over your goal as you have written it and pay attention to the date you have declared it will occur. Now close your eyes and step inside that date as if it were happening right in this moment. See yourself in the picture. What is happening around you now that you have achieved that goal. What do you see? What are people saying to you? Are there other sounds you can hear around you? Vividly see the chain of events as your goal materializes in front of your eyes. What are you feeling now? Really feel it as if it is

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happening right in this moment. Notice what your mind is saying as you picture yourself having achieved your goal. How does the tone of your voice sound as you listen to what your mind is saying? Now make the picture even more real and more vivid for you by adjusting the qualities of the picture, like tuning a television. If the picture you see is still, put it into motion. Adjust the speed by either speeding it up or slowing it down to where it’s right for you. If the picture is in black and white, change it to colour and then adjust the colour by turning it up. Really bring the picture to life and make it vivid and vibrant. Is the picture framed or panoramic? Make the picture panoramic as if seeing it through your own eyes. You can see everything that is happening all around you. Pick out the sounds around you that are important and turn them up or down. Make it as real for you as possible. Where are you? Who are you with? How are they responding? Notice your feelings. Where are you feeling them in your body? How intense are your feelings? Do they have a specific shape, size, colour, texture or vibration? And now turn the feeling up in your body. Double the level of intensity of that feeling in your body now. Fully experience that feeling wherever it is in your body.

Now step out of the picture while leaving your body inside the picture as if you are looking down at a photo of an event that has already occurred. Keep experiencing the feelings and sensations associated with that picture and whilst you hold onto it, notice a magic carpet beside you and step onto the magic carpet. Feel it rise up into the air with you on it still holding onto the picture. See it rise all the way up above the stream of time. As you look down on this moment now it looks small and insignificant below you and you are able to see the past stretching out in one direction and the future in the other. Now you are going to give life to the picture by breathing 3 deep energising breaths into it. Take a deep breath and give life to the picture as you breath out: ‘HAH’, and again ‘HAH’, and last time ‘HAH’ blowing all of your life force into that picture. And now, sense the magic carpet float rapidly and instinctively out into the future to that date you said this goal would occur. Trust your unconscious to know where that time is on your time line as it takes you all the way out until you are right up above that date where you said it would occur. And now that you are directly above that date, in a moment you are going to drop that picture with all your life force energy in it down into the stream of time below you right into the time that you said that event was going to occur. Drop it down ‘NOW’ and notice that it floats down and locks directly into place in your time line, exactly where you said it would occur, as you have declared to the Universe that it will happen. Turn and look back toward the past and see every event, resource, person and action required to support you as goal is realised is moving into place quickly and automatically and in perfect time leading up to the absolute realisation of your goal. Now turn and look off in the direction of your future. And feel the excitement and ecstasy as you notice your future changing as well. Your future is becoming clearer, brighter and more vivid. It looks more alive, brilliant and feels more exciting and fulfilling. This one event which you have declared has automatically set in motion a chain of events that have

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changed your entire future time stream forever not just for you, but for generations to come as well. And now, leaving all of that locked into your future time line, knowing in the very core of your being that everything has been automatically set in motion for that event to occur, turn on the magic carpet and come all the way back along your time line and gently down to the present moment. And when you are back in this moment, step off the magic carpet and come all the way back into the room and open your eyes.

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30 Days of Tapping Into Wealth and Success Books, Videos, Websites, etc

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List of Suggested Books, Videos, Websites, Etc

Books The Attractor Factor ...............................Joe Vitale Attract Money Now (Free Download) ............Joe Vitale Turning Passions Into Profits ......................Chris Howard Instant Wealth, Wake Up Rich ....................Chris Howard The Power of Intention ............................Wayne Dyer Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life.......Wayne Dyer Excuses Be Gone ....................................Wayne Dyer Seven Habits of Highly Successful People.......Stephen Covey The Eighth Habit ....................................Stephen Covey The Power of Now ..................................Eckhart Tolle A New Earth .........................................Eckhart Tolle Power Vs Force......................................Dr David Hawkins The Passion Test ....................................Janet Attwood Happy for No Reason ...............................Marianne Williamson Awakening Into Oneness ...........................Arjuna Ardagh Conversations with God (Series)..................Neale Donald Walsh You Were Born Rich ................................Bob Proctor Think Big and Kick Arse ............................Donald Trump Rich Dad / Poor Dad................................Robert Kiyosaki Loving What Is .......................................Byron Katie The Success Principals .............................Jack Canfield The One Minute Millionaire........................Mark Victor Hansen The Law of Attraction..............................Abraham / Hicks The Success Principals .............................Jack Canfield You Can Heal Your Life ............................Louise Hay Who Would You Be Without Your Story..........Byron Katie The Biology of Belief ...............................Bruce Lipton Think and Grow Rich ...............................Napoleon Hill The Power of Your Subconscious Mind...........Dr Joseph Murphy As A Man Thinketh ..................................James Allen The Richest Man In Babylon .......................George Clason The Secret ...........................................Ronda Byrne Who Moved My Cheese .............................Spencer Johnson The Science of Getting Rich.......................Wallace Wattles Why We Want You to Be Rich .....................Robert Kiyosaki & Donald Trump

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DVD’s The Secret Abraham Hicks (series) Conversations with God The Tapping Solution You Can Heal Your Life Ambition to Meaning What the Bleep Do We Know? How Far Down the Rabbit Hole Do You Want to Go? The Opus Teachers / Authors Joe Vitale Bob Doyle Bob Proctor Chris Howard Wayne Dyer Stephen Covey Eckhart Tolle Janet Attwood Margaret Lynch Neale Donald Walsh Donald Trump Robert Kiyosaki Byron Katie Anthony Robbins Jack Canfield Abraham / Esther Hicks John Assaraf

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Websites These websites are all selling stuff. And while much of it is really good, I am not encouraging you to buy anything from these sites, but sign up for their free stuff by using a ‘gmail’ or ‘yahoo’ email address that is separate from your regular email address. You can unsubscribe at any time, and if you do feel a real resonance with any of the material, then you can purchase when you are ready. These sites are a great way to immerse yourself in material that will accelerate your transformation. http://www.tappinginsidersclub.com/ http://www.tapping.com/  www.eftuniverse.com http://www.mrfire.com/ www.thework.com www.wealthbeyondreason.com www.mindmovies.com www.lawtosuccess.com http://www.bobproctor.com/ www.thesecret.tv www.onenessuniversity.org www.attractingabundance.com www.johnassaraf.com www.universaltapping.com

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Free Webinar Sites Free webinars are all the rage at the moment. A webinar is an online seminar where you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home. Often the recordings are provided for a limited time of 24 to 48 hours in case you aren’t available to listen at the time. This is a real blessing because all of these come out of the United States and at times that are not necessarily convenient for Australia or other countries. I strongly encourage you to have a look at all of these and sign up and listen to as many of these free recordings as you can. The people being interviewed are considered leaders in the field of spirituality, personal growth, self-mastery and success. They all have a varied message and I have learnt a great deal from listening to these thorough entertaining and enlightening audios. AND they are free! www.youwealth.com www.theawareshow.com www.thesheilashow.com www.healingwiththemasters.com www.enlightenedwealthywomen.com www.quantumhealingandsoul.com www.truepassionquest.com www.beunsinkable.com

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