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Tapping Into Wealth Coach Training Program Transcript Module 10: Pathways and Packages

Handout: Packages & Pathways

I want to start off with the packages. There are a couple different things in here because with packages, the first level is always one to three sessions. If you buy six sessions, you get a discount – those are real basic. If you buy one session with me, it’s this much, but if you buy a package, you get a discount, right? But we want to be able to give you a way to move even further, beyond that. That’s how I started out. I was willing to work with anybody for one session. I needed practice. I needed clients. I didn’t really know how to show people what they would get out of the session because, at the time, I didn’t quite know myself. Clients who had never done anything like this didn’t know why they would need more sessions or what the value of that might be. At the more advanced level, your packages will have to be based on a more transformational pathway.

People are going to hire and pay you and invest with you because of two things: the point of view that you bring as an expert, and everything that we’ve taught you to be as a bringer of light with this point of view, plus everything that you’re saying that sounds so freaking good to them. They’re just going to want to work with you. But the other thing that they’re going to pay you for is your pathway, because when it comes to investing with you, they want the other side of their brain, the analytical side of their brain to also be satisfied that this is the right thing for them to do. And they should use both sides of their brain and we should too. When you signed up for this program, you may have loved what I said, but you were also looking at it and evaluating it, right? You probably remember looking at the list of benefits.

Many of you asked, “When are we getting this? When are we getting that?” And we say, “Yes, it’s coming.” You’re not going to forget all the things that you also get in addition to what I’m teaching you in the coaching and the handouts, the marketing, the talks, all that kind of stuff.Of course, you want to make decisions with both sides of the brain. But we also know that most decisions are more emotional and I don’t mean that in a negative way. It means they’re not buying what they’re going to get on that list. They’re buying the promise and what they want to do, be, feel, and have from working with you.

When we look at your pathway, it’s after you’ve done, for instance, an opening mission statement and you really lay out the problem and then the “after” picture. “These are the benefits of what I do.”People love the sound of that. The pathway is your proof in a way that says,“AND I can show you that I can get you from point A to point B” – A being all those pain points I mentioned, and B all those benefits I mentioned. “I have a way to

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get you all the way from here to there.”When somebody looks at your pathway or your process, they’ll agree, “Oh, that does look good. Look at all the steps. Look at all the pieces.” Talking about your pathway is really designed to show people that you have a proven, replicable, step-by-step process or pathway to get you from point A to point B. At this point, they’re trying to decide if they’re going to invest with you during this Clarity, Strategy, Action session. They have something in front of them to look at or they’re on your website and they think, “Wow, look at that step-by-step process.”

Jumping ahead, just a little, there are some other cool things about the packages, which I think I have on the second page of the handout. I made a note that, again, I’m preparing you to teach this at some point. Because if you can teach “How to Make Packages,” for example, then when you offer your own packages, you can add, “I can teach you how to make packages,” in your pathway.” That’s another little extra.

I say again on page two, and it’s in writing so you remember and are prepared to teach this step-by-step pathway that takes your clients through various levels of benefits or all the way to total transformation, depending on what that is for you and what you’re ready to do. This shows that you can get them there because you have a real system, a real process that’s mapped out. I mention to people during the breaks on the livestream that I have a video on YouTube called “Put Your Brilliance in Bucket.” It’s an eight-minute video where I show how to start to create a framework for a pathway based on what you do that you don’t even realize you do. Because you guys are Tapping Into Wealth coaches, I’m going to give you these packages and this pathway and plug in some of the processes that you’ve learned, but every one of you probably has other skills and things, so use this as a guideline and insert your own.

Here are some other important points about it. Again, it shows your perfect customer or potential client that you can take them from point A to point B. It shows them what’s possible, because embedded in your pathway, at then end, you show that something awesome has happened in what they’re being and having. Again they already like you. They liked what you said, but when they see your pathway, they now believe you can get them there. It sounds and it looks comprehensive. It sounds interesting. They’re feeling, “Oh, that sounds interesting. That sounds good.” You reveal your brilliance and your expertise and your experience, and all your cool processes through this pathway. This is a big one. It's a clear meaning and validation of your price tags. So instead of saying it’s $3,000 to do twelve sessions with me, it’s $3,000 and you’re going to get this and all of these and all of these and all of these. Wow, that’s a lot! Do I want all of that? Is that what I need to move me forward? I think so. Here’s my $3,000.

Next is understanding and validating your price tag. This is so important in selling higher ticket because selling higher ticket means you’re no longer selling based on an hour of time. You’re selling based on a process of us working together to get this outcome. When you go to higher ticket package selling, it’s never going to add up to an hourly price for a package. It’s going to be on a completely different scale. People might work

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with you eight times and it costs $3,000. Per hour that would have been $900. How did that happen? Well, because it’s not based on the hourly rate. It’s based on you getting into this program with me and getting this benefit. It reveals the benefit that they really want and really need and that they know they don’t know how to get. We talked about that last week – how they know they haven’t been able to figure it out on their own. It should include an inner transformation piece and a transition to a strategy and action. The three do work continuously together.

If you chop it off at inner transformation, that’s fine if that’s truly who you are and it’s congruent with you and you never want to go any further. But just know that your packages will be more limited and you really have to sell what you’re doing transformation-wise at a much higher level because you’re not taking them to the pay-off. Even though inner transformation creates inner pay-off, people are wired and programmed to look at actual results in their life. So it’s a little bit harder when all your clients and all your testimonials, for example, don’t include any actual, hard-core results and pay-offs. It’s a little bit harder, but it’s not impossible. For years I used to just do transformation and people said, “Oh, my God, I’m a completely different person. I’m more courageous. I don’t have any more fears.” And that is fabulous. But it’s also great to have some people say, “And my business has increased by 30%.” To my analytical mind, that is a benefit that I can pay for, strangely I know I should value the two equally.

And lastly, your pathway is what you’re going to be looking at when you give a recommendation to somebody based on their goals and what you learned during the Clarity, Strategy, Action session. So that the pathway is really all these processes and techniques, your tools, your secret magic that you use to get them to the results. Again, here’s a reminder that in your marketing, your focus is 80% on benefits and only about 20% on your pathway. That’s why it’s good to have it on your website. It’s good to have it at the end, when you’re doing a Clarity, Strategy, Action session.

Coming back to the first page, one of the questions for you is how far do you want to go with your coaching. We’re giving you a four-part-process model that you can use, draw from, create your own based on, but you have to decide at how far you want to go. We’re showing you how to go from transformation to strategy, goal setting, and taking action, which we talked about couple of times. But you need to answer that question. How far do you want to take people? How far have you come? Have you set big goals? Have you created your opening mission statement that’s wowing people? Are you creating packages? That really gets you ready to take people further, because you’ve done it at least once. Remember we only have to be one step ahead of our clients.

Again, I’m just putting out some ideas for you, such as these three levels of coaching. One is getting people out of a crisis. They’ve come because they can’t take something anymore. They heard you say something and those pain points are really loud for them. Or they’re in some kind of crisis that can be addressed in anywhere from one session to three or five sessions, depending on how big the crisis is.

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The second level is dramatically improving their life, which can be anywhere from six to nine sessions. There’s a lot wiggle room here, but usually it’s working with you for a longer period of time. Maybe two or three months, maybe four months, maybe five months, just a major improvement. The third level I actually broke into two parts, so it’s these four levels. One part is transforming them to a dramatically different place, but just inner work. That’s all I used to do, which is the third level of coaching. This for me was about inner work around their energy, their outlook, their joy, and their charisma. Think of my product, Powerful Passion, and Fabulous. It’s really about your presence and your courage and being on fire in your life, and that could be three months.

This is where you transition to months most easily. This is a three-month intensive. This is a four-month intensive. Then I separated out a version that is dramatically different that includes their business, their career, and their income.

Some notes here: what I wanted to point out on this first page was that there’s a huge shortage of inspiration about what’s possible, particularly for womenand particularly for women who are anywhere in their forties and fifties. I say that because my daughter, who is sixteen, forcing me to let her drive – talk about needing to tap! She’s been raised with almost no limits on what’s possible for her. Girls’ sports, from day one, have been given the same weight in importance as boys’ sports. Their energy during sports, the way they push, the way they have private school around the sports for girls is totally different from when I was young. The way that they are socially, the way their energy is about what’s possible for them is completely different from what I experienced at sixteen. I have many friends who even at sixteen or juniors, sophomores, seniors in high school, had parents who would get upset with them for breaking up with the boy who was probably college bound. I mean, really?

It was a completely different space than where the teenagers of today live. I don’t know when that transition happened, I just see it with my daughter. Women who are in their forties, fifties, (I don’t know of it goes far back into the thirties?) have spent a lot of their life being limited, much more than men are, socially as far as what’s possible for them. Then you’d see girls not getting A’s because they don’t want to be an A student anymore. They want to be a cool girl or whatever; they don’t want to be nerds. That doesn’t happen so much anymore. They’re more focused on boys.

There’s a huge number of women in this age group for whom it’s inspiring to say, “This is what’s possible for you.” Many of us have been living from the archetype of a mom for many, many, many years. Throwing ourselves into that, being incredibly good moms, coming out and “Now what?”People are dying for a dose of inspiration, for what’s really possible for them, and doing a Clarity, Strategy, Action session is going to let you, based on your experience and the assessment you get of them in a session, be incredibly straightforward and honest and inspirational about what is possible for people. Remember when I talk about being the miracle in someone else’s life – which everyone of you is being already by doing this work – being the miracle in someone’s life can be

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that you are the very fist person to say to them, “Let me tell you what I see is possible for you. You can do this. Hell, I did it and I’m a lot like you. I can show you how to get there.” I don’t know how often I say this in my talks. If I can do it and I was driving around in a Ford Taurus not that long ago as a sales person in New England. If I can do this and become an expert in a whole new field, oh, you can do it too! So you maybe the first person to say this, even before coaching them. That’s what I love about the Clarity, Strategy, Action session. You’re not even really giving them coaching yet, but to inspire them is being of service, giving somebody that inspiration. There is such a shortage of this and people are dying for it. They’re hungry for it.

Remember this is your job. You’re the bringer of clarity, the bringer of inspiration, the bringer of possibility and the bringer of the real pathway that takes people on a journey out of pain and into improvement or dramatic transformation. That is you. Your job is always going to be to show them the bigger picture, the opportunity, what’s possible for them. They really don’t know. And again, sometimes someone’s not ready for the whole thing, and that’s okay. They could say, “Well, I just wanted to do a couple sessions with you.” No problem. But you’ve inspired them. You’ve given them something they’ll consider in the future. I’m telling you, when you inspire somebody with what’s possible, even if they can’t take action at that moment, you open them to their “seventh chakra” even for a few seconds. That is a healing among healings.

Coming to page three of this training. What’s so exciting about this? You can probably hear how excited I get, is that we are talking about packages and this is being a miracle. This is transformational. This is you being a bringer of clarity. You’ll see me talk about it at the event. We’re not going to get into the packages at the event, but I’m going to talk about the bringer of clarity, giving strategy and the bringer of the clarity earning strategy.

I’m going to talk about how to do this Clarity, Strategy, Action session, so you guys will have heard it once. I want you to look around the room while I’m teaching it and look at people’s expressions. By the way, just so you know, during the event I’m going to be mentioning the Tapping Into Wealth book, the success around it, the coaches, and different times in the event I’m going to be talking about things that you guys do, like the Money Map and I’m going to be showing that. I’m going to be seeding you as coaches. How cool is that? I’m going to be talking about or maybe giving them the resistance map so that they can work on it, knowing that this is one of the tools that the Tapping Into Wealth coaches use and they’re getting to see it. What’s great about those tools is that it’s great to have that handout, but it’s one of those handouts that makes you want to hire somebody because you’re like, “I think this looks really great. How do I do it?”

There’s going to be a lot of good stuff for you guys at the event. In particular, Sue Web has stepped up and is going to be a Tapping Into Wealth Coach sponsor at the event, so

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she’s actually the person that can be at her table signing-up clients, which is wonderful. Sue Web, we’re proud of you!

We look at your packages, what I’ve given you is a four-part model for total transformation for the Tapping Into Wealth process. Fiona worked really hard on this. What she did, which is so cool, is she plugged in the processes. I know I taught you seven different processes or something like that, and those are the modules that we taught you on how to do this particular process with somebody. She has plugged in those by number, which is really, really cool. The first level on any package if it’s a four-part package – this can depend on if you want to do it by session number or by amount of time working together – this could be the crisis mode. Getting you out of crisis mode or it can be clearing the past baggage. People know they need to clear their past baggage.

What we’ve given you here in bullets are words that you can use in these packages. I was thinking we have all these great words and I didn’t know which is better. If I gave you one, it’s not really going to fit for everyone, so we decided to give you the four areas of the model with the four pieces,and give you examples of the words and you can pick and choose what you like, depending on what you’re mixing the Tapping Into Wealth Coach Training with, or if you’re just doing Tapping Into Wealth Coach Training.It is really impacted by you, what you want to do and the clients you are going after. The words that you want to use are things like identifying what’s stopping you and keeping you stuck. Under this first one, clear the baggage of the past, you would have several bullets because you want it to have bullets in there. So these are some examples, identify what’s stopping you, keeping you stuck, break free from all of patterns, and clear the blocks that are holding you back. That’s very plain language that people will respond to, “Oh, yeah, I got that.”

Use words like: clarify, why you don’t have more money, create powerful new actions that break patterns, break free from patterns, discover how to stop the cycle, clarify. Those are all great words to use and some of the Tapping Into Wealth Coach processes that fit are the Money Maps. Seeing how the nervous system is wired, seeing your earliest money paradigm, seeing the downside to wealth, the financial traumas. Those would all fit under clearing the baggage of the past, identifying old patterns, breaking free, getting free from, discovering, clarifying, and all that kind of great stuff.

Part two or the second part of the pathway is some kind of an improvement. I always like the word stepping up in my energy, passion, and money management. Or questions like, who am I now? Where do I want to go? That could be a bullet of discovery and this is speaking directly to people in midlife. If I’m not settled with all this baggage, who am I now? What it is possible for me? Where do I want to go? Stepping into your power, becoming the creator of your life. We took some of these words from different people in our one-year Rockstar program from their packages. Confidently taking more actions – to use some more words that Fiona put in here, she did such a great job – feeling the

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enthusiasm in your life, and shifting from what’s impossible to possible, thinking big leads to big actions in your money. These are lots of great words and phrases to use: feel motivated, discover where you want to go, empowering you, just really great stuff.

My thinking is that you could take the processes that fit, (these are notes for you, by the way – you wouldn’t put these on your packages where clients see them because these are your little notes).Take this as it is and add it and literally have a really good start. When I work with people who have a myriad of different businesses, for example, a high-end photographer, we are starting from a blank page to create these packages and it takes a lot more time, but my hope is that this will really help you to make these packages quickly and have some great words.

The processes that fit are everything around the inner work. The goal trauma especially fits because it has a lot of “should have known better,” not forgiving myself, the worthiness issues, and then the tapping on vows to be invisible, vows of perfection. This is inner work either before you set a goal or after you set a goal. In the book, I have them coming up after someone sets a big goal,and those kinds of things will come up right away. If you’re working with somebody in session number three and you start to see that anytime they avoid doing something, it’s in order to stay invisible because they don’t want to be criticized or they think that something bad is going to happen. You can say to them, “What would you feel if I said this, ‘I vowed to be invisible?’” People will go, “Oh, my God.” You’re able to use these things when you see them, right? Seeing the limiting beliefs around possibility is in the goal trauma process, as is the negative self-talk, refusing to think big, and all that kind of stuff.

The third section of the pathway is strategy and action to go big. This means going beyond your paradigm, setting outrageous goals, taking action with support, accountability, mapping out your step-by-step strategy, and using words and phrases like: creating your individual money strategy, setting outrageous goals, feeling confident with my support and my guidance. I’ll be there to guide you all along the way, excitement about setting your goals, know where you’re going, and here are the processes that fit:setting outrageous goals, staying out of resistance, the patterns of the action, the resistance motivation map, the backwards spiral map, hidden agendas.

Part four is where you want to decide when and if you’re ready for that, because number four is about creating a powerful new life or business or a new level of income. This is where the rubber meets the road. Notice what happens the second you start giving people strategies such as creating the opening mission statement, which we have in here. And notice that bullet says the marketing strategies you learned that you could teach to them. I’ve got a whole list here.

As soon as you do that with somebody, they will go into a massive amount of identity crisis and resistance and “I can’t toot my own horn,”“I can’t promise that,”and “Oh, my God, I can’t say that about myself. It’s making me cry.” They have to go right back into

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transformational work, which is fabulous because you could start doing this with them in a session and say, “We’re going to stop here and we’re going to tap on what’s coming up for you.” That session turned into two sessions because the thing that’s going to make them the most money immediately, such as creating a fabulous “wow” opening mission statement, is hard to get through in a session. They’ll see the value of it and they’ll see how triggered they were and how much they need you. And they do!

This is the important one because this really is where people can see the tangible outer result. Making more money, sky-rocketing your business are very different words. This is all about outer, tangible results. Expanding your writing, having a talk that turns into money, this is where people will pay a lot more money because they can see that there’s going to be a tangible money-related impact. That’s why you need to learn who your perfect customer is and clarify their pain points, because now you have to be the solver of these urgent, expensive problems and be an expert in their problems which you solve. Everything you learned, you can turn around and teach. You have my permission and you have my prodding. I want you to do this. It’s all part of being a really great Tapping Into Wealth Coach.

The majority of this Tapping Into Wealth Coach Training Program focuses on doing the coaching work, but I really believe that you are all so smart and you’re such good learners that as soon as you start to apply these things that you’ve learned, you will easily be able to turn around and teach it to people and I know that we’re all lifelong learners, so as you delve into and learn these things more, your ability to hear it again and again and implement it will really skyrocket your ability to teach it.

For example, the last thing I have in here is teaching people how to do the Clarity, Strategy, Action session that turns the people who are interested in your clients’ work into actual clients. I love that everything you learn you could turn around and teach. That’s who I am. That’s why I started teaching strategies. That’s why I started holding people accountable and getting them into action because as soon as I learn it, and I take my time to digest it and I apply it, I test it, I refine it. Bethaney Long and I sit down over the weekends and work it through and find better ways and say, “Why are people teaching it this way?” That’s crazy! If we teach it this way, people are going to get it so much more easily. For example, people find it so hard to set up strategy sessions with people. Well, what I’m going to give you today is going to make it so much easier for you and then we get excited. I can’t wait to teach it because whatever I’m using that works for me, I want to teach.

Creating your packages in this format is a mixture of a pathway and package. That’s kind of the best way to do it because as you’ll see, you’re going to go through this Clarity, Strategy, Action session and at the end, you’re going to make your best recommendations about what they should do next. You’re sitting there with a one or two pager in front of you with your pathway, so based on where they want to go and what they’re doing, you can now show them, “I recommend we work together for six

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months because that will allow us to go where you want to go. We’re going to start here and then we’re going to go here and then we’re going to go here and you’re going to set this huge outrageous goal and then we’re going to use those goals to put the rubber to the road and teach you how to step in to those goals.”

What’s great about these processes, especially in part four, is that they really do apply in pretty much any business. They’re going to have other things that they do, but you can apply the processes. They might say, “Well, we also do TV or magazine advertising.” That’s fine, but what you can teach them to do with these simple pieces I’m telling you will be life changing for them, particularly if they’re self-employed. Do not underestimate even small business owners or stores. I’ve used this same material with national food stores, entire chiropractic offices. On the livestream event, we had a dermatologist who runs a fabulous dermatology office and she said, “I am so on fire. I am teaching this ‘wow’ factor opening mission statement to everyone on my staff so that every one of them is on the same page with exactly what we say and what we do here. I can’t wait,I can’t wait! I’m telling them all tomorrow. I’m having an emergency staff meeting.” This is a dermatology office!

These four pieces allow you to create packages that are based on your pathway. That really moves people from the first of what could be a couple of sessions. This is what happens when people say, “I was really only going to do couple sessions,” and you could say “Great! This is what we are going to have time to do in a couple sessions – or three sessions, five sessions, one session. What I’m really going to be able to do is help you identify what’s stopping you, what’s keeping you stuck.” That’s really all you can do. If they want to do one or two sessions – I mean I used to work with people like that and I was happy to because when somebody’s on a massive crisis I want to help them. I could take somebody out of a massive crisis such as the PTSD from a car accident or divorce or break up or an accident or health fear. I could take them in a couple of sessions with Tapping out of a massive crisis mode. Maybe they weren’t great clients for me, but that’s okay because I was still really helping people.

The majority of my clients are the people that I could do more with on the really fun stuff for me to do.People who just want to work with you at level one, you can also think of those as one day a week I work with people who are at level one. You can also use that for deciding: What are the top five videos or audios that I’m going to make so I can say to somebody, “I can serve you best in these crises by giving you the session and I’m going to give you some homework that involves going to the Tapping for Anxiety video on my YouTube channel and using that for the next week’?” That’s where you’re being of service to people who really can’t invest a lot with you. They don’t have the money and you still feel awesome because you’re helping them in a big way, but it’s in a leveraged way. You can help people with lots of that Tapping for anxiety.

In level 2, you’re able to say this is where we work together for two or three months or whatever it is. Of course you’re going to say how many sessions they get in a month,

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maybe it’s two sessions a month, so we’re going to work together for three months and during that time you’re going to have six sessions and I’m going to be giving you activities to do. The value of going to months versus just sessions is that you can add other things into what they get that are leveraged. So instead of saying we’re going to do six sessions, you can say things like in three months and here’s what you get every month. Every month you have two sessions with me and you get a video. You could just literally have videos on your YouTube channel or you could tape them after they leave their sessions. You could look into your webcam, hit record and say, “Mary; this is a video I’m making for you to reinforce what we just did in our session.” That would be very, very easy. I mean when I first started I didn’t have ten clients a day. I had time to do stuff like that. You make a video or could just use a video that you have on YouTube that you sent to them and say this is the video to all the people who are working with you for that month – this is the video I want you working with this month. Here is a Tapping script. You can say, you get a video, you get a Tapping script, and you get access to my incredible monthly group. It’s where you call in and we are a group of people. You can be totally anonymous and it’s massive transformation, so instead of paying for whole another hour with me, this is the way to do it that’s included with what you’re already paying.

When you switch people to packages, tell them, “You get to work with me for so many months and every month you get a video, a Tapping script and it literally could be just a video that you have on YouTube, but you’re sending it to them. You’re not saying I make it just for you, although you could if you want. And they get access to a group. What does it mean for you? The tricky part about that is how to start it, but the value in it is that you start to create tons and tons of great content. It’s tricky when you start, because if you only have two or three clients, you could do the monthly call and nobody could be on it.

The worst-case scenario is you call in on that monthly call, nobody calls in but you make a fabulous recording. You say, “Welcome everybody! It’s Margaret, I’m so grateful that you’re here. I’ve had three major requests for what we want to do Tapping on today so feel free to jump in and raise your hand or you can be anonymous.” I used to do that, knowing there was nobody on the line with me, people! But how does the recording sound? Freaking awesome. It sounded like there were people, it sounded like I had questions and then I would just talk about an issue like being stuck or what is the root of anxiety, stuff that you could do in a group. Then I would say,“Let’s start Tapping,” and I would do a Tapping routine and I would take notes from what I did so that I could write it up. Then you send it to everybody, say not only do you get live access to my group coaching. You may need to really sell it to people who’ve never done anything like that, you really have to sell them on it and you can say, “This is incredibly valuable and it’s a whole hour extra with me that you don’t pay anything extra for. It’s massive transformation and you get access to the recording.” One of the things I get every month is an email that says,“Here’s the link to the recording. Here are some of the things that we did on this class. It was incredible. The tapping is going to blast your

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anxiety or blast your fear of public speaking or whatever you did.” Do you have this audio now and forever to use as a bonus? Yes.

When you switch to saying,“You work with me for three or four months, or six months, and each month you get two private sessions, you get a video that goes out to all of my clients, you get a Tapping script and you get an incredible group coaching call where we’re going deep on the biggest issues that are coming up for everybody that month and do some incredible Tapping and you get the recording of it.” Do you see how that sounds like more value? It totally differentiates you from anybody that they probably ever talked to because they’re say, “Wow, I get this. I get that. I get this. I get that!” It adds up and makes it feel like more of a commitment of four months, six months whatever it is, and adds value to the whole package. It’s not the number of sessions. What I just reviewed is not on your handout, but this is the way to add value to the packages. It’s a key way to shift people when moving from how many sessions to how many months. Hope that’s clear.

I get so excited about what I’m teaching. But I need to switch gears and talk about higher ticket selling using the Clarity,Strategy,Actions sessions. It’s all about package selling and higher ticket selling which is, in fact, the same thing. People get nervous when they hear ‘high ticket’ and high is relative to where you are now, right? So I said ‘higher’ ticket because it always should be higher than you are now, right? And that’s basically what we’re talking about. You can charge more for a four, or three or six month commitment that includes these other pieces. Then that higher number would be as if you just added up the per session costs because they’re getting these benefits. They’re in. They’re getting what your pathway shows they’re going to get: the after picture not just number of hours.

Switching gears – how are you going to make these offers to people? I want you to use this “Clarity, Strategy, Action session.” It’s one thing to do one or two sessions with somebody, it’s another thing when you have this four-part pathway or even now with your three-part pathway because at this point you’re not ready to teach strategies, which would be part four. When you’re asking someone to invest with you for three, four or six months and spend thousands of dollars with you, it becomes really, really important – I’ll go so far as to say you’re ethically bound as an ethical coach – to clearly understand if they are actually the right fit for you. That means, is what they want something that you provide?Is what they want something that you do that is really going to support them? And are they even ready for that level of work?

It’s crazy to me that people could make offers to somebody without really knowing what they need, but I see it all the time. I can’t tell you how many events I attend where I see these really pushy coaches – I may have said this before on a training call with you guys or a different group – who will say to me, “This is the way you play small. You should work with me because I really see that you’re playing small” And I’m sitting next to them, drinking my tea and I’ve barely even said hello. All I did was maybe share some

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joke or some iffy comment and they jump in to instantly diagnose me and tell me I need to work with them for six months because that’s what they fix. I’m thinking to myself, “Wow! You don’t even know me.”

People do it all the time and those are usually the high-pressure pushy people who have a sort of a gleam in their eye and their energy is usually kind of scary and kind of rigid and you think, “Wow, this is an awkward situation.” I never ever, ever, ever want you to feel that way. I want you to be incredibly ethical about making sure that the people that you’re offering your services to are the right fit. What you’re going to do is on this form. I want to reinforce for you the fact that doing a Clarity,Strategy, Action session is extremely valuable to people, even if they end up not being a good fit or not working with you. This is why it’s really easy to practice this. Without this approach, it’s hard to make offers because you won’t have a congruent way to get people to go into a sales call. It will feel like trying to trick people to go to a multi-level marketing meeting where you can’t tell them what’s going to happen, but they need to come to this meeting with you and it scary for them and probably you, too. But with this approach, it’s really easy to get all of your friends and colleagues to let you practice on them.

The funny thing is, one of our Rockstars, Cory, asked a whole bunch of people – friends and colleagues – to let her practice this Clarity, Strategy, Action session with them and some of them signed up as clients. They were like “Oh, my God. Can I work with you?” It was, in her mind, just practicing, she wasn’t even thinking that way. People find it so valuable and I’ve mentioned this already, because they’re hungry for inspiration and there’s a major shortage of clarity on this planet. As we’ve already discussed, you’re a bringer of clarity, a bringer of light, with your point of view, you’re an expert in the problems and the solutions, so you’re able to bring clarity to people that they are unconscious of. You’re literally able to wake people up. I may have also said this before, but in hypnosis training, they always told us that we’re not actually hypnotizing people. In fact, we’re waking them up from the hypnotic trance that they’re walking around in, this numb unconscious hypnotic state from all of the programming throughout their whole life. I thought, “Yes, I want to be a liberator, a bringer of light!”That’s why hypnosis appealed to me when I was in training and that’s why tapping appealed to me. People get such eye-opening “Aha” moments and can finally see what is going on. They would say, “Wow, this is connected to that? We were just tapping on fear of public speaking and I’m sobbing about my father dying when I was five.” “Oh, Yeah,” I’d say, “this is totally connected to that.”

When you do the Clarity, Strategy, Action session correctly, people will perceive it as eye-opening, clarifying, and inspiring and they will be grateful. I was referring to Fiona, because she had this experience and can vouch for it. We’ve done this over and over and over when we’re talking to somebody about whether or not they’re right for the program. For instance, my Rockstars On AMission Program is a perfect example. In our mind, because it’s true, we’re literally closing that program and so we need to see who is going to be in the program and they are hanging up the phone saying “Thank you so

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much,” and then sending emails saying, “That session with you yesterday was the most clarifying session. No one has ever laid it out for me like that. I’m so much clearer.” Wow! People are feeling this and it was just such an amazing feedback so I know this is how we need to teach it. And when people love it and are grateful for it, it makes it easy for you to offer it and to practice with more people. It is really easy topractice with colleagues, even if they’re not into transformational work. It’s even easier now because I’m going to tell you the exact words to use when you offer it.

This is my script, “What I’d love to offer you is…” and you could do this at the end of the video. This could be on your website where a lot of people say strategy session, but this is so much more. It could be on a video, it could be on your website, it could be at the end of a talk or it could be to a friend. I say, “Here’s what I want to give you. I want to give you a Clarity, Strategy, Action session. This is exactly what we’re going to do together. (Do you see these five bullets?) In this session, you’re going to get really clear on your goals, both your short-term and long-term goals. Then I’m going to use my expertise to “diagnose” the biggest obstacles that are stopping you. So you’re going to get really get clear on the biggest obstacles that are stopping you from moving forward.Then I’m going to give you laser focus on exactly what you should be focusing on to help you move forward, and then I’m going to give you my best recommendations for the strategies and the next step you should take.”

So for instance, when you talk to somebody, you’re going to be asking lots and lots of questions. You’re going to be using your skills to see what’s stopping them, right? So usually you can tell pretty quickly when you’re this kind of coach, this is your psychic, saying, hearing it, you’re feeling it, you’re seeing it very, very quickly. “You don’t trust yourself,” for example. When I come to the next step, which is I’m going to tell them exactly what they should focus on to move forward, that’s where I say to somebody the things that you need to focus on are: “The number one thing for you is really the self-trust issue.” Repeat the point of clarity, “The biggest obstacle is…” They might have two or three. I might say, “You need to really do some clearing of that event from the past, because it’s literally triggering your nervous system, even when we’re talking about it. It’s got so much energy for you, and the other big thing for you to focus on is you need to start trusting yourself again.”

Now I’ve diagnosed and told them exactly what they should focus on to move forward. My best recommendation for strategies is in the next step. And now, I look at my pathway and make a recommendation. I might say,“Go on my YouTube channel and start here. Or sign up for the Tapping World Summit and get a massive amount of transformation for free, or you should go work with this... If they’re not a fit now and I can tell because I asked them a lot of questions. But in general, if they’re a fit, you say, “Okay, based on what you said, this is what I think you need to do.” This is the process I take people through, “I think based on what you’ve told me, where you want to go, and how badly you want it, and how stuck you are. I really think we need to work through this, which is clearing the baggage of the past. We need to reconnect you with your true

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power and where you want to go now, then we need to get you into action.” It could be all those pieces. It could be just the first two pieces. It could be the whole shebang.

The last piece is “My honest evaluation on what’s possible for you and how far you can go based on your skills and where you want to go.” People will sign up just to hear that.This is where you’re wearing your coach’s hat. You can see in this session,nothing in there is giving them actual coaching. It’s giving them their focus, on what they should work on, your recommendations on the approach they should take. Sometimes I’ll say they need to go buy my 7 Levels program for $300. It’s 80 hours of transformation, if that’s where they’re at. That’s what they can afford for example, and that’s what’s nice about having a product or having free audios for people who can’t work with you yet or who aren’t ready.

This last bullet beyond the recommendations is you inspiring them. This is where you really use your coach’s hat and your coaching skills, because you need to see what is possible for the person sitting in front of you. Not everybody has the energy to go big. But is it possible for them? If they’re in their 20s and they’re an incredibly sweet loving stay-home mom, you could say, “What’s possible for you is really for you to live in a state that is free from this negative record player in your head. And being the source of absolute love and caring in a way that honors you and honors your family. That is what’s possible for you and you can get there. I can help you get there.” That’s an example of somebody who’s not going to create a business and change their income, right?

In another scenario, you can say what you’re hearing is that their paradigm is really limited as seen from the way they manage money. As you’re hearing their answers, and maybe it’s just like in the book, and it’s really about how they have no savings and they have all these debts. You can say, “What’s possible for you is when you clear this program, you can shift. I know it’s possible to shift the way that you manage and handle your money so that it totally supports you. You can become someone who feels so good and so proud of yourself and what you’re doing with your money.” Maybe it’s further down your pathway. I’m telling you with what you guys are already doing, and this is what happens to me is that the person sitting in front of me is usually freaking amazing. They are this brilliant amazing top-whatever, but they’re the best-kept secret. They don’t have earning strategies. They’re hiding because they have this vow of perfection and it’s getting in their way. So normally what I’m saying to them is, “You are a rock star! You are unbelievable with the world-changing things that you are doing. And I’m telling you, if you shift some of this inner crap that’s in your way – and I have this step-by-step process to get you through it and you really start stepping up and using these strategies – it is entirely possible for you to start earning more money and having people see you as the most unbelievable, brilliantly smart chiropractor, doctor, coach, healer, or manager in your company that you truly are.”

In this session you are very, very focused. You’re really listening to them. You really understand what they’re asking. And by the way, if you’re wondering how to get to all

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that, I have a bonus for you guys. It’s already in your Tapping Into Wealth Coach Training area. We’re giving you, gifting you, Bethaney Long’s incredible strategy sessions selling training. It comes with a handout and it’s like almost a two-hour training on exactly how to do strategy sessions. All the questions to ask, everything, so much more than what I’m telling you now about what you would do in the actual session, right? It’s exactly how you offer it, the basics of how you offer it are in there on page two. That’s a really awesome bonus. I recommend you get it and download it and listen to it. The woman is a genius! Keep in mind everything that you’re learning here in this handout and just go to that training and you will be well on your way. What she’s teaching in there is literally a million dollars, right there is a million dollars of value, it’s crazy.

On page two, again, I say as an expert in the problems that you solve and the solutions you are ethically bound to do number one and two in order to really get them to become clear on their goals and to figure out the big obstacles that are stopping them. Because if you don’t that, you really don’t know if they’re a fit if you don’t follow what she’s teaching in that Clarity, Strategy,Action-selling bonus. If you don’t do that, then how can you make any kind of offer? I mean, really. Then just some notes and I’m sure she’ll go through more than I’ve even added.

This is one of the things that you’re doing in a session because you are a bringer of clarity around the problems you solve. You must be a bringer of clarity around the real pain and the real cost. We talked about that last time how people pay for expensive painful problems to be solved and people are walking around like hypnotized zombies in more pain than they realize, living in states of regret. We said last week, regret-inducing, grief-causing, living in these states everyday that goes by, of creating another day of regret that they’re going to look back and say,“Why? Why did I let all that time go by? Why did I waste all that time?”

Today, as they’re doing that, they’re pretty unconscious of it. So it’s your job to widen the gap by really sitting in the pain. This is something that you’ve already learned when you do your sessions. “Well, wait a minute. You just said something that’s really important. Let me come back to that part where you’re here, but you really are telling me you want to be here. What is it like to sit, to know, for how many years has this been, how many years have you been regretting that you’re here, not there. And what is that like for you?” It’s a little bit painful to sit in the pain, as we call it, but that is clarity for them. That is clarity and people will literally go and thank you. That’s why, when I do it, I often have to say, “This is kind of hard.” It’s hard, this is a hard question for me to ask you and I say this in my event, every year. I’ve said,“It’s hard for me to ask you this question. It’s hard for me to make you sit in this pain right now, but I have to do it because that’s my job; it’s to make you sit in pain a little bit, to know if you really want this. Is it really costing you? Are you really ready to take the action?” You want people who are ready to take action and not just like “Hmm. Oh, that’s interesting.” As a bringer of clarity, a bringer of light, a bringer of consciousness, it is your job, so it’s okay to say that this is kind of a hard question to ask and that you don’t even like asking it,

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but feel that it’s valuable for you to ask. They’ll say, “What are you going to ask me?” Be really clear, be willing to do that.

Think about this because it’s part of my story. I didn’t step up until I stopped trying to be positive all the time and I got real and sat in my own pain. That’s where I came up with Tapping and ranting until I really let myself go there instead of always thinking that I’m just going to be positive, it’s going to work out. I really sat in it and then a string of fear words came out. I hate this, I don’t want to be here. I’m sick of being here. I’m losing. That was the most eye-opening thing that I ever did for myself alone in my own office, because I got to hear the pain that I was in and I got to a point of,“That’s it, I’m done. I am done. I am pushing through the fear, because I finally let myself become more conscious and aware that I am not happy where I am right now. I know that I’m grateful for a lot of things.”

Think about your own life and the times that you’ve finally stepped up and made a change. It was usually because you were faced with some pain and suffering. This is part of the service you give and I always say to people, “You’re welcome.” It’s also great and Natalie has this in her training, something that I’ve been thinking about and we’re always adding and refining, because we’re always doing that ourselves. Natalie has the handout so I’ll take your question because we’ve got a little time left here. It’s always great to even ask them,“What is your willingness and desire?” Let them really state it. “Do you really want this? I know you’ve said this is your goal.” In this follow-up question, which is the next bullet, ask, “Are you willing to push out of your comfort zone? Because I promise you that I’m going to give you my best recommendations to move forward, and some of those are going to require you to stretch and grow. Are you willing to push out of your comfort zone?” Because, remember, you’re about to make them an offer that’s going to be out of everybody on the planet’s comfort zone and so to put it right out there. Ask them and get them to affirm and answer that question. It is so much more ethical and respectful and there are no secrets here. You’re going to make serious recommendations. I mean asking someone to go to YouTube and tap on their face to a video is out of their comfort zone. Just that alone – Tapping! That’s all out of the comfort zone. Tell them, “I’m going to be recommending things like Tapping. Are you willing to push out of the comfort zone?” You’ve got them in the state where they’re usually going to be a bit more willing to say, “I think I am now because you have just clarified my situation to me.” You gave them an energetic sort of slap to the forehead and they’ll respond with, “Wow, I just woke up to this.”

It’s also your job to inspire them with what’s possible based on your true assessment of both the person sitting in front of you and your experience of solving a problem that you are expert in with your expert solutions. Again, I’ve found that this is most of the people sitting in front of me, with some exceptions – such as people who just want to be the best mom they can be at this point in life or who are in their 70s and just want a loving relationship with their spouse. I used to do any kind of work with people. I didn’t say to

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them that they can create a business as a coach if they want – that really wasn’t the person in front of me.

As the final bullet on the handout, we say that magic phrase, “Based on what we’ve talked about today, and on everything you’ve told me, including your goals, here’s what I recommend.” And that’s it. That is the magic phrase that lets you make an offer to them. It’s your recommendation based on this twenty minutes. This Clarity, Strategy, Action session should be half an hour at the most. You have just listened, you have heard them, you have done everything Bethany is telling you to do in this training. You’re actively listening, you’re drawing things out of them, you’re widening the gap. You’re asking them to repeat their answers to, “Is this really what you want?” and, “What do you want? Where do you see yourself?” This is all based on what you’ve talked about because now you have a window into them.

You can, with congruence, say, “Here’s what I recommend,” and know in the truest core of your being that of course, the recommendations that you give are based on your experience, your knowledge, your brilliance and it’s congruent for you, so you can make a recommendation from the bottom of your heart and in your mission and they get to make a very informed decision. They don’t get to just say, “Well, I’m just going to do another session, I guess.” They get to make a decision based on all the things that you can do for them.”

I’m going to come to Natalie and the rest of this is going to be filled in by the strategy-session-selling training with Bethaney Long. But even if you never listened to that audio, I would go out to friends and colleagues and ask to have a half an hour of their time to practice a Clarity, Strategy, Action session. This is what you’re going to get out of it, and see what reaction you get when you do those five bullets. They’re going to sign-up, you’ll get to practice, and you may accidentally get a client out of somebody you practice on!


Question from Natalie: Hey Margaret! I’m looking at transformational business coaches. I’ve been doing high-level nine-month trainings like you share, but I would love to be offering individual sessions, too, and I just don’t know how to price that because the difference would be so huge. Are you suggesting that we have like emergency or single sessions as well as high-level long-term packages?

Margaret: Yeah, only if it’s what you want to do. When I did this with my coach years ago, she asked what I wanted to do. I didn’t want to do a ton of private sessions anymore. I was burned out because I’d been doing that for a year and a half, twenty people a week. It was a lot, right? So I took my private session price way up to $250 an hour and let me tell you, just having it on a website at $250 an hour for the local people I was working with, plus my intention was I don’t want a lot of private sessions, so I

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stopped getting a ton of those, but what I got was people signing up to work with me for three months for $3,000. And in a course of that month, they got into a package of group sessions that included one private session a month with me. A totally different scale, right?

If you have a little emergency package or something, it’s because you like doing one-on-one with them, but I’d rather have you build it into the package. There will always be exceptions to a rule, and you can always say, “Listen, I don’t normally do this with people, but here’s what I can do with you, because I want to help you and I can offer you this special.” It can be an emergency package of three sessions for this price.” There are always ways to do things like that and tell people, I’m doing something special for you.” That used to come up for me when I received a personal request, right? So say my friend, the chiropractor who referred me something like forty clients will ask me, “Can you work with my daughter or my cousin or my best friends’ son?” I’ll say, “Sure, I will do whatever you need me to do.” But I’d rather have the private sessions be built in as part of the package.They join my group and get a class and then they get laser sessions. That’s a really great, balanced program. The person can look at that and say, “So I get this and I get this and I get this.” Does that make sense? Does that answer your question?

Natalie: Yes! And mainly it’s for friends who really respect me as a coach and they want to buy some single hours with me. So that’s the dilemma I have.

Margaret: Yeah. I’d also try to say, “I’m creating something special just for you guys,” and see if you could get them in a group. But if you’re happy to do private sessions with them, you always have that ability to go off-roading because it’s your choice. It’s not like you’re going to nuke your whole business because you do a certain thing for one person or some friends or a personal referral. You can say to them, I don’t do this for people, but you guysare my friends and I really want to support you,so I’m creating something special for you. What if I can offer you, over the next three months, one private session a month and a group that is private for three people, or something like that and see if you like the turbo tap idea.” And we love that; my coaches and I dothat on a livestream. We do turbo tap and the name sounds fun and we call in and it’s like judgment-free zone. Everybody just spews and it’s like laser Tapping/ It’s going to be quick; it’s going to be fast. I’m going to be able to just jump in for twenty minutes. I can do it at nine o’clock in the morning and I’m like totally charged for the day. People really like that. It adds value even if they miss it they’ll get a recording. It’s only a twenty-minute audio. It’s perfect for an iPod. Be creative with ways to leverage.

If you’re doing something special for people, make sure they know they’re getting something special. Make sure they know they’re getting something special from you. Say, “Hey, I don’t work this way, but I’m doing something special for you.” You’re going to give them a special value. You would still want them to have a sense that it’s something special. Believe me when I work with my cousins or friends, I tell them that I

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literally don’t work with individuals anymore. I don’t take private clients at all, but I’m going to work with you. I kind of laugh to myself, especially if I’m telling a friend or a relative, “You need to know that I’m a very important person.” My girlfriend just gave me this little sign that I have in the kitchen and it says, “I’m kind of a big deal.”

So make sure they know the level of authority and credibility you have. There’s a reason for that. Believe it or not, as much as we’re laughing about it, it serves them. This is how humans are wired. When they have a slight reset in the authority and credibility of their friend, Natalie, they will actually get more out of that time, right? It’s just like saying you work with some random guy for an hour or you work ten minutes with Tony Robbins. You’re going to say, “Oh, my God.”

We are wired to value authority and credibility at a very high level, so if you even just give them a small reset without being “brag-a-docious” of the level that you are at and what you normally charge, they’re actually going to value it more. Just by saying, “I charge $250 a session, but want to do something that’s great for you guys and that’s why I don’t take a lot of people on a single basis,” will allow them to be more serious and get more out of it. They’ll say, “Oh, Oh,great! Okay, thank you.” They’re actually going to do better and they’re going to listen to you in a bigger way, without realizing why. It’s weird, I mean even with my girlfriend, I’ll remind her, “I gave you this advice five years ago.” And she’ll say, “Yeah, but back then, you weren’t Margaret M. Lynch.” And I’m like, “Oh, my God.” See what I’m saying? Now that I’m Margaret M. Lynch? Before I was Margaret M. Lynch, but somehow the value is different, more important and valuable, so now she’s really listening. It’s a version of that.

Awesome! Great question! I’ve thrown a lot at you guys. I’m going to come to Joella for a comment. Joella, one of my fabulous Rockstars. Hey Joella!How are you?

Joella: Good, Good! I just have a quick question. Might be helpful for other people too and I seem to be attracting this to me a lot lately. I don’t know why it’s still surprising me because it happens so often recently, but I still stammer over it. It’s when I’m in a situation to answer people when they ask me what I’m talking about or what I do, the first thing they ask is how much I charge for an hour? I suppose I need to tap on this a bit, too, but I always seem to be caught off guard, even though it’s like I said, happens so much recently. And I’m like “Oh, well...”

Margaret: Yeah, and it’s actually hard because it’s so in the moment. But realize that the first thing – and it’s a good thing – is that suddenly they’re interested and they want to know. People want to know right away if they can even get involved in it. I think that Bethaney Long put a great video on this. I think we may have done it together because we talked about this and I have a funny story to share with you about it. It’s really, really crazy but it’s a tricky question, right? You’ll have to say, “Well, it depends. That’s a kind of a conversation. I work with people in packages. I work with people for different lengths of time, depending on exactly where they are and what they need. But if you’re

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asking me, if I do one on one session with somebody and have no idea what they need me to do, my one-session rate is $250.

You can put out a big number and it’s kind of like saying, “I don’t really just work by the session with people. I really focus on where they are, where they want to go, and what it is going to take to get them there.” So you say you don’t really work that way. Think of it that way, but you do need to educate them that way as well. Play around with it.Definitely do some Tapping on it because sometimes we attract and put it in the field, the thing we’re nervous about people saying. The other way is sometimes when we tap about it, we’re not as triggered by it and I found myself saying, “Oh, God. It’s millions! It’s thousand and thousands of dollars!” Then I’d laugh and add, “It’s crazy how much I cost.” Or I’d say, “It’s free! I’m a volunteer.” I would literally make a joke about it and then I’d say, “No, seriously I don’t normally work with people just one or two times.”

It’s really a conversation because it’s kind of like if I gave you a price on a car but didn’t tell you whether it’s a Hyundai or a BMW. You would wonder, “Well, what am I even getting?”So tell them, “I really like to find out exactly where people are, what their goals are, and then I create a package for them – coaching time for them that’s really based on where they are. I can tell you that there’s a huge return on investment for people that I work with.” If they’re really going to push you to a number, and what’s interesting that Pamela said once, “If they really just want you to shoot out a number, two things: They’re either not your ideal client, so it doesn’t matter, or they so want to work with you, but they’re nervous and they just want to know if they can even start to get excited.”

If you sense that it’s the second kind of energy and they’re just not sure if they can afford it, you can say, “What I’m really great at is assessing people.” This is a great way to come into the Clarity, Strategy, Action session and help people get really clear on what it is they want and then what’s the biggest thing stopping them. From there, that’s when I can really help people understand what it would cost to work with me and how much would we even need to work together, or if it even makes sense to work together. I have all sorts of free resources for people as well. So it really depends on each particular person and what they’re looking for. If someone wants to work with you and they’re nervous, that can be a nice way to ease them in. But it really is, it’s a conversation.

Here’s my funny story. Some of you probably know who this is, a good friend of mine and a big inspiration to me. I’m going to share these secret things she said to me. It was so funny how the whole thing played out because she’s one of the biggest people in the world who teaches really high-ticket selling and teaches that you never want to answer the question “How much does it cost?” She teaches that whole concept that it’s a conversation:“It depends, I could tell you it’s$20,000, but if it’s a Hyundai versus the BMW, that really doesn’t help you to know that the car is worth $20,000.” She is one of the biggest teachers of this, right? So she wants to hire a friend of mine who has worked

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for me and is unbelievable. He comes up to me all at this event and says, “She wants to do a VIP day.” I really shouldn’t be telling this story and I’m going to take it out of this audio. But you’re my Tapping Into Wealth Coaches. I can trust you. This is not a public call. So he says, “I’m very psyched because Lisa wants to hire me for a VIP day and she asked me how much it costs. And I told her, ‘Well, that’s a conversation,’”which is exactly what she teaches people to say! So on the next break she comes over to me and says, “I want to hire him, he’s unbelievable. How much does he charge?” I ask, “Well, what did he tell you?” And she said that he said it’s a conversation, but can I just tell her? I was like, “Oh, my God, how hysterical is that?” We’re all human. That’s what she teaches people to say, but now she wants to know the cost. So I thought well here’s some karmic feedback for sneaking around to get the price. I was pretty sure he was charging ten or twelve thousand or whatever it was. That was his plan. So I told her twenty.

I said, “Hey Alan, I don’t know what you plan on charging but you can charge twenty because that’s what I quoted.” Now, he quoted her his price, but I got a good laugh on this is your karmic payback for kind of sneakily going around to find out the price of something when you don’t know the value. Isn’t that the craziest? We’re all humans, so even she can teach the strategy, but also ask the direct question, “Can you just tell me how much it costs?” We all do. It’s a human impulse and you just try to deal with it as honestly as possible, because people don’t want to be burned and they have been burned. They don’t want a “bait and switch.” They’ve been there, been invited to show up at this meeting and been told that they can’t know what it’s about until their get there – they ask, “Why can’t you just tell me now?”

“The Clarity, Strategy, Action session is really designed to address this. I usually give people a recommendation after spending some time with them to really get clear on what their goals are and then can I diagnose the big things that are stopping them. Only then can I really show them what they can focus on. After that I give them my best recommendation, whether it’s working with me or offering other strategies that they can use with other people or for free. I have tons of free resources. It really is a conversation that’s based on what people need individually. I don’t usually work with people one at a time so one session price isn’t something that I really quote off at the top of my head. It’s usually a package. So I don’t know.” I hope that helps a little bit.

Joella: Yeah, definitely. I like that, I gave people a recommendation based on a conversation or based on your needs.

Margaret: And you can say in one or two sessions working with somebody, that kind of a pricing is usually taking somebody out of a crisis, but not really bringing them to transformation. Then you can repeat your opening mission statement: I bring people from here to here and that’s the process, so I’m usually working with them for a period of time, depending on where they’re starting, what their issues are, so I don’t really

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have an hourly price. If I did it, it would probably be millions. And see if they catch that and laugh.

But no doubt, it’s a tricky question. And a question that doing some Tapping on will help to take the edge off of feeling,“I don’t want to get this question because I don’t know how to handle it.” Again I use the example of, back in day, when someone would call up and say, “I want you to come to a meeting, but I can’t tell you what it’s about.” And you’re like, “Why, what is the meeting about? Why do you need me there? Why am I going to, what’s happening?” It’s scary because they’re trying to get you to a meeting that is a hardcore sale pitch to get in to Amway, right? Or any multi-level marketing thing. Nobody wants to feel like they’re doing that, like you’re not being forthcoming about your rates and your prices. You just have know and say, “It really depends on where people want to go. I have a pathway that can take people a couple of sessions to get through or sometimes I’m working with people for a longer term, so it really depends on the goals. If you’re interested and you want more information, the best thing I can do for you is help you get clear. That’s why I do this Clarity, Strategy, Action session.” And describe it.

How do you feel about having this description of how to offer the Clarity, Strategy, Action session? Do you feel like it will help you to offer it?

Joella: I feel wonderful, absolutely! Great! I really like that.

Margaret: I find it’s easier when you know exactly what to say. Very awesome guys!Thank you Joella. You rock, lady! I love you so much it’s not even funny. We can talk about my deep love and appreciation for you.

Joella: You’re welcome! I want to just kind of reframe what is in part of the training. This is about the money. This is thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars of income. It’s not as fun, on the one hand, as learning how to walk somebody through these deep, incredible personal development processes, because that’s what all of you loved to do. But the work that we’re giving you here is a little more brain-smoking. I’ve made it easier by giving you these frameworks of packages and I really hope that that makes it so much easier for you. At least a starting place that you can refine from. But this is thousands and thousands of dollars of actual money for you to bring in. Being able to do Clarity, Strategy, Action sessions will allow you to sell people into these packages that make sense, that validate the pricing. It really is money in the bank. This is the kind of handout that you should write dollar signs all over and say,“If I do this, money will show up for me, and if I do this, then I can start teaching this. I can say to people what Margaret just said. I can say, ‘See, part four is my pathway.’” That right there is worth thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars of income.

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And boy, would I enjoy saying that to somebody because they’re going to sign up to work with me because I can show them how to get thousands of dollars out of thispart of the training. Do it for yourself and do it knowing that when you can turn around and teach it, you can charge even more to teach what I just taught you today. And I would love nothing more than for all of you to be charging fabulously, earning fabulously, and absolutely loving what you do because you’re all incredible and we can tell in a lot of different ways. We can tell by your comments on the MeWe group and all the things that you’re doing. I think you guys are just awesome. You’re doing it. You’re powerful. So many of you are coming to the event. I’m so depressed at the ones who aren’t and if only I had each of your phone numbers and I could call you.

But we’re having more and more people sign up for the event this week because it’s a couple weeks away and we’re so excited to have you guys there with your proud Tapping Into Wealth ribbons so that everyone can see that you’re Tapping Into Wealth coaches. I’m going to be talking about you guys from the stage in my presentations and the things that you’re doing. I really want you to be there powerfully present, powerful and proud to be Tapping Into Wealth coaches because you guys are really, really well-armed. When you start doing this part, the money will show up, the people will show up to work through all these amazing processes.

Next week we are coming into the branded talks, the outlines for the talk, the handouts for the talks and the press kit for you that’s going to have real emails to media pitching ideas and their, what they say back to us, the statistics about money and women and money and middle class, all sorts of statistics that we have researched – entrepreneurial women, all kind of stuff like that we’ve built in the story ideas and pitches, my one sheet which is a standard media piece that puts everything on one page so that you can duplicate. There’s so much great stuff next week, in addition to giving you the handouts for the two talks that we’ve talked about in the audio, but we’re going to go through the handout as well for next week. We have two more classes left guys!You’re kicking butt and we’re just going to keep cranking out two more classes and then I’ll see you at the event!