2nd class stationary engineer operation

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 2nd Class Stationary Engineer Operation


    2nd Class Stationary Engineer

    Date Posted 9/7/2011

    Location Windsor, ON

    Country Canada

    Degree Required See EDUCATION

    Job Type !"ll#Ti$e %eg"lar

    Min Experience & 'ears

    Position Id 7099

    Job Description EDUCATIO!

    ("st )ossess 2nd Class O)erating Engineer *erti+i*ate as )res*ried y TSSA-s

    O)erating Engineers %eg"lations


    !i.e or $ore years o+ e)erien*e s")er.ising in a "nionied or+or*e in a

    $aintenan*e / $an"+a*t"ring setting3

    4a.ing ored 5 s")er.ised ater and aste )lant o)erators, stationary engineers

    and a"iliary e6"i)$ent o)erators, )oer syste$s and )oer station o)erators

    Woring e)erien*e o+ *o$)"teried $aintenan*e $anage$ent syste$s, ti$e and

    attendan*e / lao"r allo*ation syste$s # o"ld e *onsidered a de+inite asset3

    ("st e*el in ealt and sa+ety re6"ire$ents, )ro*ed"res and )ro*esses3

    ("st a.e noledge o+ te O**")ational 4ealt and Sa+ety A*t and a))li*ale

    (OE and (O8 legislation3

    E*ellent *o$$"ni*ation, inter)ersonal sills and tea$ )layer3

    Sel+ dire*ted and ale to $"lti#tas3

    ("st )ossess an ee$)lary tea$ "ilding and )role$ sol.ing aility3

    E*ellent *o$$"ni*ations sills # .eral and ritten

    RE"PO"I$ILITIE" Under te s")er.ision o+ te O)erations(anager, te Cie+ Engineer# 2nd Class ill ty)i*ally o)erate+leile o"rs tro"go"t te or ee # +"l+illing tass +alling

    "nder tree *ategories # ad$inistrati.e s"))ort, si+t *o.erage and)lant ide s"))ort3

    %es)onsile +or all )roe*t or3

    Con+or$an*e to a))li*ale legislati.e odies in*l"ding te (OE and (O8 as ell as

    Co$)any )oli*ies is an essential re6"ire$ent3

    O)erate a"to$ated or *o$)"teried *ontrol syste$s, stationary engines and

    a"iliary e6"i)$ent s"* as oilers, t"rines, generators, )"$)s, *o$)ressors,)oll"tion *ontrol de.i*es and oter e6"i)$ent to )ro.ide eat, .entilation,

  • 8/13/2019 2nd Class Stationary Engineer Operation


    re+rigeration, ligt and )oer +or "ildings, ind"strial )lants and oter or sites

    (onitor and ins)e*t )lant e6"i)$ent, *o$)"ter ter$inals, sit*es, .al.es, ga"ges,

    alar$s, $eters and oter instr"$ents to $eas"re te$)erat"re, )ress"re and +"el+lo, to dete*t leas or oter e6"i)$ent $al+"n*tions and to ens"re )lant e6"i)$entis o)erating at $ai$"$ e++i*ien*y

    Analye and re*ord instr"$ent readings and e6"i)$ent $al+"n*tions

    Tro"lesoot and )er+or$ *orre*ti.e a*tion and $inor re)airs to )re.ent e6"i)$ent

    or syste$ +ail"re

    Clean and l"ri*ate generators, t"rines, )"$)s and *o$)ressors and )er+or$

    oter ro"tine e6"i)$ent $aintenan*e d"ties "sing a))ro)riate l"ri*ants and and,)oer and )re*ision tools

    (aintain a daily log o+ o)eration, $aintenan*e and sa+ety a*ti.ities, and rite re)orts

    ao"t )lant o)eration

    (ay assist in te de.elo)$ent o+ o)eration, $aintenan*e and sa+ety )ro*ed"res3




