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2010 Winter Solstice This beautiful cover was created by Mimi Alonso ([email protected]) especially for SFAA.

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2010Winter Solstice

This beautiful cover was created by Mimi Alonso ([email protected]) especially for SFAA.

Table of Contents

Capricorn Ingress by Kathy Allan ...................... 32011 Speakers .................................... 4 Lynn Bell ......................................... 4 J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D. ..................... 5 Frank Signorella ............................. 6Welcoming A New Year by Alice Kashuba .................. 8Insights from the IAA Convention by Pat Morrissey/Havlin .... 10Book Reviews .................................. 12SFAA Board 2010-11 ....................... 13Calendar for Winter Solstice ......... 14Quote from D.H. Lawrence ........... 15

2 ₋ The Keyhole, Winter Solstice 2010

Happy New Year!

Our first issue was well received, and we thank all of you for your comments and support.

With the arrival of the Winter Solstice and the holidays, we are looking forward to a better year. We certainly need it after this year. We offer two articles that will inspire you and challenge you to make plans for the coming year. Kathy Allan gives insight into the Ingress of the Sun into Capricorn, and Alice Kashuba encourages us to get ready for a new year.

We continue to support ongoing education for all our members and friends. Pat Morrissey/Havlin attended an online conference sponsored by International Academy of Astrology (IAA). For those of you who may not be able to attend a conference in another part of the country, this is a perfect way to get the full advantage of international speakers from the comfort of your home and computer. Don’t miss her review.

In addition we have our SFAA meetings in January with Lynn Bell, February with Lee Lehman and March with Frank Signorella. You’ll find their topics on the inside of this issue. You can also visit

Great Zimbabwe — The construction of this UN world heritage site includes a “Great Enclosure” consisting of a ring of stone walls and platforms about 250 meters in circumference, last used about 800 years ago. Several of the stone monoliths line up with certain bright stars in the constellation Orion as they rise on the morning of the shortest day of the year, the Winter Solstice.

Continued on page 9

Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the 9th house of the court suggests the need for new and innovative laws to deal with emerging technologies. The square suggests trouble. Mercury is re-evaluating its position, resisting an impetus for change desired by Uranus and Jupiter. In Pisces, Uranus and Jupiter may erect a smokescreen around questionable laws. The sextile of Mercury to Neptune and Chiron in the 8th house of big debt indicates a healing (Chiron) of delusion, confusion and illusion so often associated with Neptune. It may be a time of clarity. Considering these factors in their totality, the

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Capricorn Ingress

December 21, 20106:38:28 p.m. ESTHollywood, Florida

By Kathy Allan

At the winter solstice, the Sun by definition is at 0° Capricorn. In the ingress chart set for Hollywood, Florida, it stands in a packed 6th house, which suggests that health, public service, labor and law enforcement will be pressing issues in the next three months. The Sun rules the 2nd house, so money, or lack of it, is likely to be a driving concern. The Sun is conjunct the North Node and Pluto, giving the possibility of potent outer transformation or an intense expression of power. The Sun’s ingress occurs just hours after a total Lunar Eclipse, a time of crisis and culmination, when things that have been hidden come to light and demand attention. The Ascendant of the chart is 16° Cancer, making the Moon the ruler of this winter season. With all four angles in Cardinal signs, it promises to be a busy, active winter. Cancer on the Ascendant highlights issues of family and home. Emotions may run high. But with a dignified Moon strong in its own sign, the emotional intensity serves a greater purpose.

The Moon is opposite Mars, which indicates a battle. The people (Moon) are fired up emotionally and have a reason to fight. The Moon is square the MC and IC, which suggests problems with elected officials and business leaders (10th house) and, likely, real estate (4th house). Since Mars rules the 10th house, it appears the army (Mars) is beholden to the state rather than the people. The most aspected planet in this chart is a 6th house retrograde Mercury, which rules the Lunar Eclipse from Sagittarius, and is square a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the 9th house and sextile a Neptune-Chiron conjunction in the 8th. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius is reviewing its philosophy and laws. The Continued on page 7

SFAA 2011 Speakers

Jan. 6 Lynn BellUranus in Aries and the New Barbarians

Jan. 8 Lynn Bell Solar Returns, Cycles of Light

Feb. 3 J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D. Real Estate: Horary, Electional and Mundane

Feb. 5 J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D. Horary in the Time of Pluto in Capricorn

March 3 Frank SignorellaFaith, Luck and Protection

March 5 Frank SignorellaVenus Loves the Night — Jupiter Loves the Day

April 8 & 9 Michael Lutin

May 5 & 7 Kelly Hunter

All meetings and workshops take place at the Ft. Lauderdale Airport Hilton.

Weeknight meetings start at7 p.m., and Saturday workshops start at 10:30 a.m.SFAA members pay only $20 and $45 respectively.

More information — in-cluding how to become an SFAA member — is available at our website, www.southfloridaastrology.com.

4 ₋ The Keyhole, Winter Solstice 2010

January SpeakerLynn Bell

Thursday, Jan. 6, 7 - 10 p.m. Uranus in Aries and the

New Barbarians

As Uranus rushes into Aries with Jupiter close behind, the joyous, raw energy of the new can overwhelm old, familiar structures like a horde of invading barbarians. How to channel the excitement into conscious courage and zest for the new, rather than wanton destruction of the old ways of being? What happens when the supercharged “I” runs into the Saturn in Libra “Thou”?

Saturday, Jan. 810:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Solar Returns, Cycles of Light

The solar return, or birthday chart, is a powerful technique for understanding the year ahead. Especially during years with many tense aspects, it gives important clues to the way very strong tensions will ripple through our lives. Every year when the Sun returns to its natal

position, it brings a whole new configuration, one that emphasizes particular parts of the birth potential, and zooms into the key issues of the year ahead. These charts provide a rich context for transits and progressions, and deepen our understanding of both psychological processes and outer events. The Sun and Moon form a 19-year cycle in the Solar Return, with the Moon moving through the elements in a repeating pattern. In addition, we will look at the resonance patterns with the birth chart, at angularities and house repetitions as significant keys to the year ahead. Most of all, we will focus on the importance of the Moon, key to understanding the mysteries of the Solar Return.

About Lynn Bell

Internationally acclaimed astrologer Lynn Bell is American by birth but lives in Paris, where she runs a busy private practice. An astrologer for more than 25 years, she is much in demand as a consultant, teacher, author and speaker. Since 1995 she has been one of the hand-picked faculty members of Liz Greene’s school, The Centre for Psychological Astrology, in London. She has spoken at many of the major astrological conferences in the world, including ISAR, The World Congress, The AFA in England, UAC, NORWAC and the FAA in Sydney, Australia. Along with Steven Forrest, she had the

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great pleasure of initiating the first of the series of Astrology in Bali Workshops in December 2005. Lynn also frequently lectures and teaches for groups in the United States, England, Germany, Norway, Austria, France and Mexico, including The Faculty Summer School at Oxford, The London School of Astrology, Agape in Paris and RAH in France. She is the author of a book on astrological family dynamics, Planetary Threads, and co-author of The Mars Quartet (with Darby Costello, Liz Greene and Melanie Reinhardt). Her most recent book, Cycles Of Light, is about Solar Returns and is remarkable for its combination of clarity and expertise, allying predictive work with psychological perspectives. Lynn is part of the core faculty for Wisdom University’s New Chartres School, and has taught courses for Caroline Myss and her CMED Institute in Chicago and at the Omega Institute in New York. Her articles have appeared in The Mountain Astrologer, Apollon, Meridian and many other publications. Lynn Bell is much valued by her clients, students and colleagues as an extraordinarily gifted astrologer and a remarkably astute observer of the human condition. Her insights coupled with her innate compassion make her a mesmerizing, exhilarating and inspiring teacher and speaker.

Want a Reading?

Lynn Bell will be available to do readings for $200 an hour. Please make an appointment directly with her at [email protected].

February SpeakerJ. Lee Lehman, Ph.D.

Thursday, Feb. 3, 7 - 10 p.m.Real Estate: Horary, Electional

and Mundane

In the continuing recession, one of the more urgent skills for astrologers is to understand the principles of working with clients on buying and selling real estate, and on relocations. Questions about specific properties require horary and electional applications, and these in turn can be enhanced by knowledge of mundane cycles that will affect real estate through 2024.

Saturday, Feb. 510:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Horary in the Time ofPluto in Capricorn

The actual rules may not change when Pluto changes signs, but the questions do. Join Lee to examine relationships, health, job and business horary charts, focused within the backdrop of Pluto in Capricorn. We will cover the rules for each style of horary with numerous examples.

About Lee Lehman

J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D., is an author, lecturer, teacher, publisher, businesswoman and martial artist. She is also Professor and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Kepler College, where she has been on the faculty since it opened in 2000. Lee was the recipient of the 1995 Marc Edmund Jones Award and the recipient of the 2008 Regulus Award for Education. She has served the astrological community as Research Director for the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR), 1987-1999; as UAC Board Treasurer, 1990-1999; and as UAC Program Chair for both 1995 and 1998. She is a Life Member of NCGR, the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) and the American Federation of Astrologers (AFA).

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Her correspondence course series, “Classical Studies” (horary, natal, electional, medical, gaming, mundane and advanced horary), brings classical astrology to the forefront as an astrological system. She also originated the “Learning with Lee” computerized CD series, which gives the astrologer the opportunity to see classical astrology in action through an innovative combination of audio and visual presentation. Lee has completed a book on mundane astrology, which will be published in 2011. She is author of The Ultimate Asteroid Book (1988), Essential Dignities (1989), The Book of Rulerships (1992), Classical Astrology for Modern Living (1996), The Martial Art of Horary Astrology (2002) and a translation from the French of Papus’ Astrology for Initiates. Along with Esoteric Technologies, Lee has created two software report writer programs written specifically for the classical astrologer: “Solar Writer/Medicus” for medical questions and decumbitures, and “Solar Writer/Classical” for natal delineation in the matter-of-fact style of the Renaissance astrologer. She also has developed “Who Wins,” the innovative add-on to Cosmic Pattern’s Sirius, which captures the rules of Bonatti for warfare for use in researching the outcome of sporting events. Lee is a partner in sheville.org, an online

community magazine that features a wealth of diverse resources in Western North Carolina, especially relating to the feminist ideals of balance, collaboration, compassion and environmental stewardship that challenge greed, exploitation and domination. As part of her commitment to affordable services to small businesses through sheville.org, and independently, Lee also runs a web and computer consultation business. Dr. Lehman has her Ph.D. in Botany from Rutgers University.

March SpeakerFrank


Thursday, March 3, 7 - 10 p.m.Faith, Luck and Protection

Let’s look at the relative power of Jupiter in the various signs, and its special affinity with the sublime 9th and 12th houses. How the great benefic manifests in our lives.

Saturday, March 510:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Venus Loves the Night –Jupiter Loves the Day

More than rulership or exaltation, classical astrology tells us natives born aftersunset are kissed by Venus, and those born after sunrise are blessed by Jupiter. Analysis and insights of the seven sacred planets’ strengths based on whether one is born during the day or night hours. The potency of sect. Bring your natal charts.

About Frank Signorella

Born in Italy, Frank Signorella, C.A. NCGR, is a professional astrologer and numerologist. Through considerable research, Frank has developed a precise rectification technique for unknown birth times. Astrologers worldwide have expressed their respect especially for Frank’s expertise in the correlation of astrology to numbers, specifically as evidenced in the Chaldean system of numerology, which is symbiotically related to astrology. He has contributed numerous articles to many publications, including American Astrology, The Astrological Journal of Great Britain, TV Guide, Today’s Astrologer, the N.C.G.R. Journal, and Rome’s Il Messaggero as well as periodicals in India, Russia

Rare Lunar Eclipse ― The lunar eclipse of Dec. 21st falls on the same date as the northern winter solstice. Is this rare? It is indeed, according to Geoff Chester of the U.S. Naval Observatory, who inspected a list of eclipses going back 2000 years. “Since Year 1, I can only find one previous instance of an eclipse matching the same calendar date as the solstice, and that is Dec. 21, 1638,” says Chester. “Fortunately we won’t have to wait 372 years for the next one...that will be on Dec. 21, 2094.”

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and South Africa. He is also featured in The Astrology Encyclopedia. Of particular note is “Power Stations” (Geocosmic News, summer 1985), a groundbreaking analysis of the correlation of the AIDS crisis with the entrance of Pluto and Saturn into Scorpio. Frank served for six years as publicity chairman of the New York N.C.G.R. and for 15 on its teaching faculty. His many speaking engagements have included lectures at the United Astrology Congress (UAC) in Washington, D.C. (Specialties Track coordinator) and the United Nations Hospitality Committee in New York. He has appeared on various radio and TV programs, such as WBAI (three-part series on Astrology in Culture, the Arts and Politics), WLIB, WWOR superstation, WINS News Conference, Britain’s Channel 4, and CNNfm. Presently, Frank’s work with clients focuses on natal chart analysis, relationships, forecasting, relocation and numerology. He holds a B.A. in Political Science from Hunter College.

Capricorn IngressContinued from page 3

primary concern of this dark, cold season is likely the housing crisis. Currently, banks are foreclosing on homes they can’t prove they own and the matter is now in the courts, putting the housing sector in limbo. The practices of the banking industry have been in the spotlight for awhile, but it is only now becoming clear that the law protects the banks in favor of the people. We are likely to see a new phase in the housing meltdown. The crisis began when banks gave risky mortgages to people who couldn’t afford them. The banks weren’t keeping the loans, so they didn’t care about default. When borrowers went bankrupt they lost their homes, which led to a housing glut and subsequent decline in home values. Now, 46% of all mortgaged homes in Florida are under water. The question is, how many will walk away from these homes? The Fairchild Symbol1 for 16° Cancer (solstice Ascendant for Hollywood) is: A small child vividly recalls a past life as a sailor. What can this mean in the context of this chart? A child is a small person without power. A

sailor works on a ship, and a ship is a metaphor for a nation or a globe. A ship shouldn’t go around in circles, but move determinedly forward toward a set destination. This country has become so polarized it feels like we’re moving in circles. This symbol reminds us of a previous time when, despite our differences, we could work together for goals that were in the best interests of everyone. We appear to have forgotten we’re in this together. There is no other side; we’re in the same boat.

1. The Fairchild Symbols are a modern version of the Sabian Symbols and were created by Alice Kashuba and an anonymous clairvoyant. For information, visit Alice’s website, www.astroviews.com.

Kathy Allan is a full-time astrologer with a mission to communicate effective astrology. She consults, researches and teaches all levels. She is a contributing author to The Mountain Astrologer and the Geocosmic Journal . She won the 2009 AFA astrology contest and is certified by the AFA at the professional level. She has a Ph.D. in Molecular Toxicology.

8 ₋ The Keyhole, Winter Solstice 2010

By Alice Kashuba

January 1, 201100:01 a.m.Hollywood, Florida

In this chart we find all the planets and the nodes in direct motion. Is this a sign of moving forward? Beginning at the end of July 2010 we felt the energy of the cardinal cross – Jupiter/Uranus in Aries, Saturn in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn with the Moon triggering the cross as it moved through Cancer. The whirling energy of fire, air, earth and water added to the confusion. What we wanted was to break out and go forward. However, astrology shows us that the outer planets keep us focused on a gradual process that requires time and adjustment over a longer period. The faster-moving inner planets keep us from getting stuck. They challenge us to make decisions on a regular basis about the steps in our process and stay in tune with our goals. The pattern in this chart is a bucket with Saturn in a fairly strong position leading the way and the South Node as the handle. The bucket pattern shows the planets gathered in one half of the horoscope with the South Node at the top of

the chart opposing the stellium in Capricorn. In this handle position, the South Node’s “energy is intensified.” 1 “The bucket type at its best reveals the real instructor and inspirer of others, and at its worst the agitator and malcontent.” 2

The Fairchild Symbol 3 for the South Node is Snakes slithering around a great tree in a swamp. This could be about looking at our deepest roots to ferret out things that stand in the way of our being an inspiration. The emphasis is on the relationship between the two halves. In this case the emphasis is on the bottom of the chart. Personal inner life versus the outer world. The world is certainly presenting each of us

with a challenges in this case. Here we have “introspective concern over the purpose of existence.” 4

The planet Saturn is in good shape. Frustration and uncertainty may be what we feel, but how we handle it helps others and encourages the energy of growth. It is about balance. If we are fortunate in having our needs met then we are challenged to help others. Saturn is the person of responsibility who shares his material wealth and energy. Saturn is also the disciplinarian who supports us as we bring balance in to our lives on all levels. The Fairchild Symbol for Saturn is A dress made out of red velvet. The image of

Welcoming A New Year

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the red velvet dress is about enjoying the passion and fire of life even in the face of adversity. Velvet brings forth the image of luxuriousness. A fabric that gives the feeling of soft comfort due to the raised pile — like soft fur. The most luxurious and expensive velvet is made from silk. Red is the color of fire, passion and life. Mars is coming off a first-quarter square to Saturn. This is about taking action on our dreams and goals. The symbol for Mars also brings us an image of luxuriousness. It is A clawfooted bathtub with filled with milk and honey surrounded by candles. The clawfooted bathtub was one of the first tubs manufactured in modern times in 1883 [vintagetub.com] and was an item of luxury for the rich. Milk and honey are ingredients in many skin care products. If we can’t afford red velvet, we can luxuriate in our bathtub. Soft candlelight

is an opportunity to mediate on the care of our soul and body as we seek the light in our lives. The image of milk and honey reminds us of the biblical reference. As Moses is leading the people out of Egypt, God promises the Israelites a land flowing with milk and honey. In this chart the symbol for the North Node is A space observatory exchanging information with an alien planet. This may be a good metaphor for connecting with the divine. Look at the house where Capricorn falls in your chart and see what issues present themselves. The house opposite is Cancer, where the South Node has information you can use to nurture your dreams and goals. With Libra on the horizon and Capricorn on the IC we are challenged to seek beauty, peace, harmony, love — first by connecting with our deepest needs and desires. Take responsibility for them — not arbitrarily abandon them for the sake of peace, nor adhere to them in a warlike manner. But see the needs and desires of the other person and with calm discipline work to create a new way of moving forward in whatever arena you find yourself. There is a quote from Emerson’s essay on art: “Beauty will not come at the call of a legislature nor will it be [the same as in the past]. It will come as always, unannounced and spring up between the feet of brave and earnest men [and women].”

Happy New Year!Continued from page 2

www.southfloridaastrology.com to stay up to date with events.

Reviews of books by Steven Arroyo, Dane Rudyhar and James Hillman are included. Thanks to Alice Kashuba, Jeffrey Brock and Ron Akanowicz for these submissions. And thanks to Lori Bell for the D.H. Lawrence quote on the last page. Don’t forget to check our calendar of upcoming classes and events.

Please feel free to contact us with your ideas, articles, classes, events or astrological tips. Communication is the key to all knowledge!

May everyone have a healthy, happy and more prosperous new year.

1. Jones, Marc Edmund. The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation, The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, IL. 1941, pg 77.

2. Jones, pg. 78

3. The Fairchild Symbols (FCS) are a modern version of the Sabian Symbols and were created by Alice Kashuba and an anonymous clairvoyant. For information, visit Alice’s website, www.astroviews.com.

4. Jones, pg. 60

10 ₋ The Keyhole, Winter Solstice 2010

Insights from the IAA Online Convention

By Pat Morrissey/Havlin

I was very fortunate to be able to attend “Breaking Down the Borders,” the first astrological conference held live online. Produced by the International Academy of Astrology (IAA), the three-day gathering was an amazing event. As I sat in front of my computer in my Miami home, I listened, watched and interacted live with speakers “broadcasting” from many parts of the world, including England, Canada, Australia, the U.S. and even Croatia! For instance, in chatting before her lecture on Venus, Darby Costello was “bundling up” because England was quite cold. I commented about wearing shorts in the Miami heat. Later, one of the attendees apologized for having to leave to go to bed. “It’s 4 a.m. in France,” she said. “I thought I could stay up, but I can’t!” What a fabulous series of interactions, real-time, on a global scale! Whether a person actually turned on the computer at the appointed lecture time or not, they still received an html file of every lecture they registered for. Those who didn’t attend – or wanted to hear other lectures – can purchase any of the files online at www.astrologyconference.org. As we know, you can always learn more about any

astrological topic, no matter if you’re a beginner or a teacher of vast experience. I hope you find the following “snippets” from the lectures I “attended” interesting and of value.

“Zodiac Meanings as a Source of Liberation”

Roy Gillett

As a Buddhist, Roy sees the astrological chart incorporating the Tibetan Wheel of Life. So, in addition to the traditional house meanings, he also adds the following concepts:

1st house Ignorance2nd house Karma/ Compositional Actions3rd house Consciousness4th house Name & Form5th house Joy of Life, Attachment6th house (Making) Contact7th house Feeling8th house Craving9th house Grasping10th house Existence11th house Birth12th house Aging & Death

“The Three Faces of Venus: Inanna, Ishtar & Aphrodite: Our Capacity for Rapture, Love & Loss”

Darby Costello

“Venus is a dimension in you; don’t be possessed by it. Venus in your chart is not you; we are humans, not the divinity. The work of love is done by ordinary people. If you say yes to her rapture, you have to say yes to the sorrow as well: total creation and total destruction.”

“The Chiron Process”Marcha Fox

Anything in the archtype myth is “free game” in the operation of the energies of any planet. With Chiron, you have half horse (instinctual, willful, vital, intoxicating, ecstatic) and half human (intellectual, control, discipline, consciousness). Victim/Savior. Civilized/Uncivilized. Since its 50-year elliptical orbit goes in and out of Saturn and Uranus, it “connects” them. Zane Stein noted that the midpoint of Saturn/Uranus is “Chiron-sensitive.”

“Charting the Course – Techniques in Vocational Astrology”

Frank Piechoski

Think of the planets as action words (verbs). Signs (adverbs) modify a planet’s actions. Houses are nouns (people, places, things), and aspects (adjectives) modify nouns. Pay attention to the planets when looking at vocation, especially from a strength/weakness angle by checking rulership, dignity, triplicity, term and face. (See Ptolemy’s Table.)

“Electional Astrology: Is It Worth Doing at All?”

J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D.

I try to never miss one of Lee’s lectures. She is straightforward (note the title), logical and extremely knowledgeable. Definitely do not miss

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her when she visits us in February! Here are some of her comments.

Does an election chart “make” something good happen? “Doing something stupid at the best possible time is still doing something stupid.”

What can it do for us? “Make ‘the landing’ easier. Make logistics easier. Conserve energy for the people involved.”

Why waste an electable event by not electing? “Planning always means the utilization of special knowledge; why not use electional astrology?”

Summary thought: “It’s important to keep perspective

on how much we can actually do. Astrology is not the only factor!”

“Depression: The Acute Mars Dysfunction”

Lynn Koiner

An acute, dysfunctional, intro-spective Mars leads to depression, as does a dysfunctional Saturn. Depression is a “feeling substitute.” Mars rules initiative and anger. We must give ourselves permission to feel angry. If we are afraid to feel/be angry for whatever reasons, it’s easier to feel depressed because it doesn’t create repercussions. Mars’ sign and aspects tell us how/why we get depressed and how to get out. Saturn can also be an anecdote: planning and organizing can give you some control.

“Layering Transits and Progressions”

Kelly Surtees

See time as circular (cycles), not linear. Transits are real-time cycles, i.e., “astro-weather.” Secondary progressions (SP) are symbolic movement; the days following birth symbolize years. When looking at the natal chart in the “future,” you get more information by using the SPs of the faster-moving planets and the transits of the slower ones. Think of a seed growing into a tree. Inner cues (SPs) send up shoots, etc. External weather (transits) is what the seed encounters as it tries to fulfill its inner desires (to grow). Kelly’s “A” list of what to look at in the “future” = Watch the following by SP: Sun changing sign (most important), Moon, Ascendant and its traditional ruler, Midheaven and its traditional ruler. Other SPs are more “situation-specific.” Kelly’s “B” list = Transiting Saturn to angles, SP New Moon phase, transits to natal, SP to natal

“Prenatal Eclipses – From Obscurity to Enlightenment”

Mary Kay Simms

Your Prenatal Solar Eclipse is a lifelong message of what you came to do, what you demonstrate. The Sun’s sign gives insight into what to develop and share. Watch the degree throughout your life.

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Your Prenatal Lunar Eclipse is always an axis; the Moon must be balanced with the Sun as an area of growth. The Prenatal Lunar Eclipse Moon position shows where you need to grow and develop while incarnated; what you’ve come to learn.

“Planetary Hours in the Natal Chart”

Meira B. Epstein

I don’t know how many of you are aware of planetary hours, but I have long used them to best match a task to the existing energy. For instance, use a Mars hour when you want to vigorously clean the house. Of course, don’t vacuum over any live electric cords! Meira – who also translates Hebrew texts for Project Hindsight – explained how the hours came into being in Babylonian times

from the Chaldean Order of Planets (highest in the sky to lowest: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon). To find a planetary hour, look up the local time of sunrise on the day in question. Take the day ruler, e.g., the Sun for Sunday, and use it as the ruler of the first hour after sunrise, e.g. 6:14 to 7:14 a.m. Then use the Chaldean Order (in order after the Sun) for assigning a planetary ruler to each successive hour. So, the next hour after sunrise on this particular Sunday is ruled by Venus. Guido Bonatti wrote about their usefulness in checking validity in a horary chart, and Abraham ibn Ezra used them in solar charts. The strength of the planet must be assessed as well. (See Ptolemy’s Table.) Meira has found that planetary hour of your birth, as well as the day on which you

Arroyo, Stephen. Exploring Jupiter: The Astrological Key to Progress, Prosperity & Potential.Edited by Barbara McEnerney. CRCS Publications, Sebatopol, CA. 1996. Available from Amazon.

The energy of the apex planet

were born, “seem to show a deeper side of the personality that the soul already knows.” The day provides an overall sense of destiny, and the hour shows what it takes to get there.

And So Much More

The insights one gathers from listening to a lecture, attending a convention or even just having an astrological conversation over lunch, are far-reaching. There are the things you understand immediately and those that are seeds for later inspiration. I encourage all of us to never stop listening and learning. As Alice Kashuba says, “Astrology is broad – inclusive – creative. Growth comes from new ways of looking at things. Ultimately, what we put into astrology will be what we get out of it.”

We Love These Authors and Books!Inspired by a section of Brenda Brush’s website, we would like to know what your favorite astrology books are and why. E-mail your personal favorites to Alice or Pat.

in a T-square – according to Bil Meridian in his book, Dynamic Aspect Analysis – must be resolved before the square can function in a responsible manner. I have Jupiter square the Neptune/Saturn opposition and widely square the Sun/Moon. Hmm! I need to explore Jupiter. Looking through my

book collection, there it was: Exploring Jupiter by Stephen Arroyo. Arroyo has some good insights into Jupiter energy. After a brief introduction to its mythology, he goes on to explore the relations between Jupiter, the higher mind ruler of Sagittarius, and Mercury,

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the lower mind ruler of Gemini and Virgo. He also emphasizes the importance of Jupiter as the old ruler of Pisces. Arroyo weaves together these two planets and the four signs they rule. It’s all about gathering lots of information, organizing it and then using it to focus on broader visions and spiritual ideas. Two other concepts he explores are the importance of Saturn as a balance to Jupiter, and the Jupiter Personality. A “prominent Jupiter theme” in the chart is based not only on Sun sign but also Jupiter on an angle, significant aspects with Jupiter, or Jupiter in Sagittarius or Pisces. The book includes chapters on Jupiter in the signs and houses, aspects to other planets, and Jupiter transits. The book is well supported by example charts. The unique thing about this book is that Arroyo draws on the writing of several authors to flesh out an understanding of Jupiter from different views. He quotes Charles Carter extensively, but also Dane Rudhyar, Isabel Hickey, Moore and Douglas, Tracy Marks, Richard Tarnas and many others. If you really want to understand your Jupiter as more than a fun-loving guy who brings luck into your life or a fellow who encourages weight gain and other excesses, this book has a lot of good insights.

– Alice Kashuba

Hillman, James. The Soul’s Code.

My most recent favorite book is one that I read ten years ago and just recently re-read. The Soul’s Code by James Hillman is an enlightening look at the soul through the metaphor of an acorn. Even though it’s not an astrology book it is an excellent compendium to any course of study. By reminding us that psychology is the study of the soul, Hillman helps us to see and understand a certain level of tolerance for those experiences we draw toward ourselves that we must ultimately face if we’re to

become more self-acutalized. Psychology as myth-making.

– Ron Akanowicz

Rudhyar, Dane. The Astrology of Personality.

This book by Dane Rudhyar changed the face of modern astrology from a fatalistic model to a humanistic one. This was a “sea change” in the field of astrology that has led to the way astrology in the western world is experienced even today.

– Jeffrey Brock

SFAA members surround Maurice Fernandez at the October workshop.

Join SFAA and Have Fun with Our Speakers!

Membership form and instructions are available on ourwebsite, www.southfloridaastrology.com.

14 ₋ The Keyhole, Winter Solstice 2010

New Moon Gatherings

The New Moon’s Energetic NewsBagua4736 N.W. 2nd Ave., Miami305-757-9857

Lynne Hyde hosts this meeting. Bring your chart. If you need one, call Lynne at 305-759-2202, and she’ll print it out for $5.

New Moon Group10110 S.W. 66th St., Miami305-279-2569

Jeffrey Brock hosts a New Moon group. Contact him for upcoming dates, [email protected].

Zodiac LoungeThe Standard Hotel40 Island Ave., Miami Beach305-673-1717

Lori Bell and Mark Springle hold a New Moon group. Contact one of them for dates, [email protected] or [email protected].


AYA Conference in Hawaii“The River of Stars: A Spiritual Journey”Jan. 20-24, 2011$440. Special price for AYA

Astrology From Scratch (Astrology 101)Jeffrey Brock will conduct a 10-week course beginning Monday, Jan. 17. $300. 10110 S.W. 66 Street, Miami.Certain books are required, so contact him at 305-279-2569 or [email protected].

Astrology Interpretation (Astrology 103)Jeffrey’s 12-week class will focus on chart themes and begin on Thursday, Jan. 13. $300. Contact him at the above phone or email.

CalendarWinter Solstice 2010

members (& anyone who hasn’t reached their first Saturn return)www.theriverofstars.com

United Astrological Conference (UAC)May 24-29, 2012Marriott Hotel, New Orleans

As details are finalized, check the websites of one of the sponsoring organizations: AFAN, ISAR, NCGR & ACVA/CVA.


NCGR Meetings/WorkshopsFt. Lauderdale Airport Hiltonwww.ncgrsouthflorida.org

• Jan. 15, Priscilla Costello, “Reflections from the 60s to Now”

• Feb. 20, Dietrich Pessin, “Secrets of the 12th House”

The Four AsteriodsAlice Kashuba will examine each of the four major asteriods on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. $15 per session. Call 954-894-8685 or email [email protected]. Jan. 12 — Ceres Jan. 19 — Pallas Jan. 26 — Juno Feb. 2 — Vesta

SFAA 2010-11Board of Directors

Chris KavanaughPresident

Ralph CannizzaroVice President

Ron AkanowiczSecretary

Alice KashubaTreasurer

Lori BellJeffrey BrockBrenda BrushGene GarfieldDiana HammersteinLynne HydePat Morrissey/HavlinMark Springle

SFAA Websitewww.southfloridaastrology.com

Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus?

But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us all the time.

— D.H. Lawrence