27087888 physical and chemical incompatibilities

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  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities








    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD)Allianze college of meical !cience!

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia"

    pharmaceutical incompatibility occurs as a

    result of mixing of two or more antagonisticsubstances and an undesirable product is formed

    which may affect the safety, efficacy and

    appearance of pharmaceutical preparation.

    Pharmaceutical incompatibility may occur not

    only during compounding and dispensing but also

    at any stage during compounding and dispensing

    but also at any stage during formulation,

    manufacturing, packing or administration of drugs.

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia#

    TYPE OF !"O#P$T%&TE'(

    A) Physical incompatibilityB) Chemical incompatibility

    C) Therapeutic incompatibility

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia$

    $)P*Y'"$& !"O#P$T%&TY(

    When two or more than two substances are

    combined together, physical changes take place and

    an unacceptable product is formed. These changes

    which occurs as a result of physical incompatibility

    are usually isible and can be easily corrected by

    applying the pharmaceutical skill obtain a product ofuniform dosage, substance to help in compounding

    of the prescription.

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia%

    An attractie incompatibilities may be corrected by using any one or

    more of the following method.

    Change the order or mi!ing of the prescription


    Adding of suspending agent

    Change in the form of ingredients

    By adding, substitution or omission of therapeutically inactie

    &'ample! of ph!ical incompai*iliie!





  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia3


    #ils and water immiscible with each other.They can be made miscible with water byemulsification."!ample$

    Castor oil %&mlWater '(mlake on emulsion.

    *n this prescription castor oil is immiscible with

    water.To oercome this incompatibility anemulsifying agent is used to make a good emulsion

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia4


    *nsolubility means the inability of material to dissole in a

    particular system. The ma+or of incompatibilities are due to insolubility of

    the inorganic as well as organic compounds in a particular solent.

    "!ample$ %

    "phedrine sulphate (.&gmenthol (.(ml

    -iuid paraffin /sufficient to make) 0(ml

    The ephedrine sulphate is an alkaloidal salt and is not soluble in

    liuid paraffin, but anhydrous ephedrine is soluble in it. 1ence ephedrine

    sulphate is substituted with anhydrous ephedrine to make a clear


  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia5


    Phenacetin 0g

    Caffeine %g

    #range syrup % ml

    Water up to 2(ml

    *n this prescription Phenacetin is an

    indiffusible substance. Compound powder of

    tragacanth or mucilage of tragacanth is used as asuspending agent to make a suitable suspension

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia6

    PE"PT$TO!A drug in solution may be precipitated, if the solent

    in which it is insoluble is added to the solution."!ample$

    The resins are insoluble in water. When thetincture containing resins is added in water, resin

    agglomerates forming indiffusible precipitates.

    This can be preented by slowly adding theundiluted tincture with igorous stirring to the diluted

    suspension#rBy adding some suitable thickening agent

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia17


    When certain low melting point solids are mi!ed together,

    a liuid or soft mass known as eutectic mi!tureis produced.

    This occurs due to the lowering of the melting point of mi!ture to

    below room temperature and liberation of water of hydration.

    any chemicals form hydrates, compounds with water of


    The medicaments showing this type of behaior are

    camphor, menthol, thymol, phenol, chloral hydrate and aspirin.

    This type of substance create problem when they are dispensed

    in powder form.

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia11


    enthol &gCamphor &g

    Ammonium chloride 0(g-ight magnesium carbonate '(g

    *n this prescription menthol, camphor andammonia chloride get liuefied on mi!ing with eachother. To dispense this prescription, mentholcamphor and ammonium chloride are triturated

    together to form liuid. Add light magnesiumcarbonate and mi! it thoroughly to make freeflowing powder.

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia1"

    "*E#"$& !"O#P$T%&TY

    Chemical incompatibility may be as a result of

    chemical interactions between the ingredients of a

    prescription and a to!ic or inactie product may be formed.

    Chemical incompatibilities often occur due to

    o!idation 3reduction. Acid base hydrolysis or combination

    reaction. These reactions may be noticed by precipitation

    efferescences, decomposition, colour change or by


  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia1#

    "*E#"$& !"O#P$T%&TY ' TO TYPE'(

    %) Tolerated$

    *n tolerated incompatibilities. The chemical interaction can be

    minimi4ed by changing the order of mi!ing or mi!ing the solutions in

    dilute forms but no alteration is made in the formulation.

    ) Ad+usted$*n ad+usted incompatibilities the chemical interaction can be

    preented by addition or substitution of one of the reacting ingredients of

    a prescription with another of eual therapeutic alue.


    Caffeine citrate can be substituted with caffeine in sodiumsalicylate and caffeine citrate mi!ture.

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia1$

    "*E#"$& !"O#P$T%&TY #$Y %E(


    When the prescriber knowingly prescribes the

    incompatibility drugs.


    When the prescriber prescribes the drugs

    without knowing that there is incompatibility

    between the prescribed drugs.

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia1%

    PE"PT$TE YE&/!0 !TE$"TO!'

    The precipitate form through the chemical incompatibility

    may be diffusible or indiffusible. The method A and B is followed

    in dispensing the prescription yielding diffusible and indiffusible

    precipitates respectiely.

    #ET*O/ 1$)(

    The method is followed when diffusible precipitates are

    formed in ery small uantity. 7iide the ehicle into two eual

    portions. 7issole one of the reacting substances in one of the

    portion and the other in the other portion. i! the two portions by

    slowly adding one portion to the other by rapid stirring.

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia13

    #ET*O/ 1%)

    The method is followed when indiffusible precipitates are formed

    in large uantity. 7iide the ehicle into two portions. 7issole one of the

    reacting substances in one portion. Weigh a suitable uantity of

    compound tragacanth powder /g per %(( ml of finished product) and

    transfer in a mortar and use part of second portion of ehicle to produce

    smooth mucilage. Then add other reacting substances. i! the two

    portions by slowly adding one portion to the other with rapid stirring.

    A secondary label shake the bottle before useshould be fi!ed

    on the container wheneer method A or method B is followed in

    dispensing the prescription.

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia14

    2.$lkaloidal salts with alkaline substances(

    Alkaloids are weak bases. They arealmost insoluble in water but alkaloidal salts

    are soluble in water. *f these salts aredispensed with alkaline preparations, suchas, strong solution of ammonium acetate,

    aromatic spirit of ammonia, solution ofammonia. Ammonium bicarbonate, the freealkaloid may be precipitated.

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia15


    8trychnine hydrochloride solution ' ml

    Aromatic spirit of ammonia 9 mlWater make up to %(( ml

    8trychnine hydrochloride is an alkaloidal salt were as aromatic

    spirit of ammonia is an alkaline substance. When they react together,

    the strychnine get precipitated because the uantity of strychnine

    hydrochloride prescribed in the prescription is much more than its

    solubility in water /% in :(((). The aromatic spirit of ammonia contains

    negligible amount of alcohol which can nor dissoles the strychnine.

    1ence it gets precipitated as diffusible precipitates. 1ence it gets

    precipitated as diffusible precipitates. 1ence follow method $ for

    precipitate yielding combination.

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia16

    . 8#-6B-" 8A-*C;-AT"*5C#PAT*B*-*T*"8$8oluble salicylate with ferric salt$

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia"7

    0. 8#-6B-" *#7*7"8 *5C#PAT*B*-*T*"8$*odides undergo o!idation forming iodine

    which is an undesirable product. 1ence, followingsteps may be taken to aoid this chemical change."!ample$

    #!idation of iodides with potassium chlorate$When soluble iodides react with potassiumchloride, free iodine is liberated.

    =C*#0 > 0=C*

    To preent the incompatibility, the tworeacting substances must be dispensedseparately.

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia"1

    9. "*E#"$& !"O#P$T%&TY "$+'!0 E3$&+TO!

    OF "$%O!/O4/E 0$'.

    Bismuth sub nitrate when combined with sodium

    bicarbonate when combined with sodium bicarbonate in thepresence of water, carbon dio!ide gas is liberated due to the

    following reaction.

    Bi#5#0 >5a1C#0 /Bi#) C#0 > 5a5#0>C# >1#

  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia""

    5.!"O#P$T%&TY OF E#+&'FY!0 $0E!T'(

    "mulsion prepared with alkali metal, ammonia and

    triethanoamine soaps are incompatible with salts producing

    polyalent cations. 7ue to double decomposition, a

    polyalent soap is formed which inerts the emulsion.

    6."O&O+ 'T$%&TY OF /YE'(

    The colour of the most of the dyes used in

    pharmaceutical formulation is influenced by their ioni4ation

    which depends on P* of the solution.

    The phenolphthalein dye is colorless in acid solution but

    red in alkaline mi!ture.


  • 7/25/2019 27087888 Physical and Chemical Incompatibilities


    K.SAMINATHAN. M.pharm, M.B.A,( P.hD) Allia"#

