24 - 1x01 - 12 00 a.m.-1 00 a.m..720p hdtv.dimension.en

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    1500:01:10,090 --> 00:01:12,060go! Move!

    1600:01:15,580 --> 00:01:17,590everybody...

    1700:01:19,790 --> 00:01:25,370Dad... dad... Dad... dad! Dad!

    1800:01:25,380 --> 00:01:27,350- Emily!- Dad! Dad!

    1900:01:27,360 --> 00:01:28,520- Emily!- Dad!

    2000:01:28,530 --> 00:01:31,800

    Emily! Emily!2100:01:32,210 --> 00:01:34,360Go! Get in there!

    2200:01:35,150 --> 00:01:37,660- Daddy!- Let's go!

    2300:01:48,530 --> 00:01:50,740

    please don't hurt my daughter.2400:01:50,750 --> 00:01:52,360I've got money.

    2500:01:52,380 --> 00:01:55,090We don't want your money, mr. Latham.

    2600:01:55,100 --> 00:01:58,100We just need you to

    fix something for us.

    2700:01:58,580 --> 00:02:04,570-=http://sfile.ydy.com=-sync:

    2800:02:04,580 --> 00:02:06,58024

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    Season07 Episode01

    2900:02:08,590 --> 00:02:11,880Let the record show this is thethird day of this senate hearing

    3000:02:11,890 --> 00:02:17,110investigating human rights violations by therecently disbanded counter terrorist unit.

    3100:02:17,120 --> 00:02:22,250Yesterday, when we adjourned, wewere discussing brutality and torture

    3200:02:22,550 --> 00:02:26,520by ctu agents in thecourse of their operations.

    3300:02:26,870 --> 00:02:29,780

    Will the witness please state his name?3400:02:30,530 --> 00:02:32,290Jack bauer.

    3500:02:32,320 --> 00:02:35,300Mr. Bauer, I don't seeyour counsel present.

    3600:02:35,320 --> 00:02:38,550

    Is he or she not awarethat we're about to start?

    3700:02:38,570 --> 00:02:41,180I have chosen not to retain counsel.

    3800:02:43,660 --> 00:02:47,170Mr. Bauer, I have to advise youthat many of the questions that


    00:02:47,190 --> 00:02:49,700we' about to pose toyou are of a legal nature

    4000:02:49,710 --> 00:02:53,070and might result in answersthat could incriminate you.


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    00:02:53,080 --> 00:02:55,570I understand that, senator.

    4200:02:55,580 --> 00:02:59,890We can postpone your testimony until thisafternoon if you'd like to bring in representation--

    4300:02:59,920 --> 00:03:03,230something that I would strongly advise.

    4400:03:03,240 --> 00:03:06,240What is the first question, senator?

    4500:03:07,810 --> 00:03:12,050All right, then. Let's begin.

    4600:03:12,380 --> 00:03:16,990Mr. Bauer, who is ibrahim hadad?

    4700:03:18,200 --> 00:03:20,490That information is classified.

    4800:03:20,510 --> 00:03:23,340We represent the peopleof the united states,

    4900:03:23,350 --> 00:03:26,480and we have declassifiedthose files on their behalf.

    5000:03:26,510 --> 00:03:32,080Now, I'm going to ask you onemore time: Who is ibrahim hadad?

    5100:03:34,820 --> 00:03:40,190He was a member of a terrorist sleepercell ctu had under surveillance in 2002.

    5200:03:40,780 --> 00:03:45,300

    And isn't it true that you detainedmr. Hadad without due process,

    5300:03:45,340 --> 00:03:50,540and that you used extremeinterrogation methods on him

    5400:03:50,550 --> 00:03:53,010

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    until he answered your questions?

    5500:03:53,020 --> 00:03:54,780Yes, sir.

    5600:03:54,820 --> 00:03:58,520Would you say that you brokeprocedure with this interrogation?

    5700:03:58,530 --> 00:04:01,430- Probably.- Probably?

    5800:04:02,530 --> 00:04:05,970Well, that's A... very cavalier answer.

    5900:04:05,980 --> 00:04:08,910You don't seem to careabout the implications here.

    6000:04:12,280 --> 00:04:14,530Well, mr. Bauer?

    6100:04:14,560 --> 00:04:17,660I'm sorry, senator. Ididn't hear a question.

    6200:04:18,110 --> 00:04:20,580All right, then.

    6300:04:21,180 --> 00:04:24,690Did you torture mr. Hadad?

    6400:04:24,700 --> 00:04:30,660According to the definitions set forthby the geneva convention, yes, I did.

    6500:04:31,040 --> 00:04:33,240Senator, why don't I save you some time.

    6600:04:33,260 --> 00:04:38,190It's obvious that your agenda is to discreditctu and generate a series of indictments.

    6700:04:38,210 --> 00:04:40,780My only agenda is to get to the truth.

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    6800:04:40,800 --> 00:04:42,960I don't think it is, sir.

    6900:04:42,980 --> 00:04:44,290Excuse me?

    7000:04:44,300 --> 00:04:49,360Ibrahim hadad had targeted a bus carrying45 people, ten of which were children.

    7100:04:49,390 --> 00:04:52,850The truth, senator, is I stoppedthat attack from happening.

    7200:04:52,890 --> 00:04:54,350By torturing mr. Hadad.

    7300:04:54,380 --> 00:04:57,630

    By doing what I deemed necessaryto protect innocent lives.

    7400:04:57,650 --> 00:05:00,730So, basically, whatyou're saying, mr. Bauer,

    7500:05:00,740 --> 00:05:04,570is that the ends justify the means,and that you are above the law.

    7600:05:04,610 --> 00:05:07,820When I am activated, when I am broughtinto a situation, there is a reason.

    7700:05:07,850 --> 00:05:11,650And that reason is to complete theobjectives of my mission at all costs.

    7800:05:11,680 --> 00:05:14,670Even if it means breaking the law?

    7900:05:14,710 --> 00:05:17,830For a combat soldier, the differencebetween success and failure

    8000:05:17,840 --> 00:05:20,770is your ability to adapt to your enemy.

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    8100:05:20,790 --> 00:05:23,680The people that I deal with--they don't care about your rules.

    8200:05:23,690 --> 00:05:26,290All they care about is a result.

    8300:05:26,300 --> 00:05:29,480My job is to stop them fromaccomplishing their objectives.

    8400:05:29,510 --> 00:05:32,020I simply adapted.

    8500:05:32,030 --> 00:05:36,060In answer to your question,am I above the law? No, sir.


    00:05:36,070 --> 00:05:40,280I am more than willing to be judgedby the people you claim to represent.

    8700:05:40,320 --> 00:05:43,600I will let them decidewhat price I should pay.

    8800:05:43,650 --> 00:05:46,420But please do not sit therewith that smug look on your face

    8900:05:46,450 --> 00:05:49,790and expect me to regret thedecisions that I have made,

    9000:05:49,800 --> 00:05:54,170because, sir, the truth is, I don'T.

    9100:05:54,670 --> 00:05:57,550Excuse me, sir.

    9200:06:10,920 --> 00:06:13,600sorry for interrupting, senator.I'm renee walker with the fbi.

    9300:06:13,610 --> 00:06:15,130We have a subpoena for jack bauer.

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    9400:06:15,160 --> 00:06:17,520I need him remanded intomy custody immediately.

    9500:06:18,870 --> 00:06:22,350I'm not surprised that anyonehas a subpoena for mr. Bauer,

    9600:06:22,360 --> 00:06:23,990but right now, you're goingto have to wait your turn.

    9700:06:24,010 --> 00:06:25,790He's being questioned bythe united states senate.

    9800:06:25,800 --> 00:06:29,240Sir, we need mr. Bauer immediately.

    9900:06:38,480 --> 00:06:43,990Well, apparently, we're goingto have to let you go for w,

    10000:06:44,000 --> 00:06:46,520but we're not done with you.

    10100:06:46,530 --> 00:06:50,140We'll reconvene with you tomorrow morningat the same time. Is that understood?

    10200:06:50,430 --> 00:06:51,730Yes, sir.

    10300:06:51,740 --> 00:06:54,660All right. Then you goalong with these agents.

    10400:07:08,180 --> 00:07:11,410Well, let's proceed.

    10500:07:11,420 --> 00:07:14,570Bailiff, call the next witness.

    10600:07:14,930 --> 00:07:16,310What is this about?


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    00:07:16,330 --> 00:07:18,480Mr. Bauer, I'm special agentwalker. This is agent teller.

    10800:07:18,490 --> 00:07:19,940We need you to comewith us to our office.

    10900:07:19,950 --> 00:07:22,260- It's just down the block.- Why?

    11000:07:22,270 --> 00:07:24,730You'll be briefed when we get there.

    11100:07:28,290 --> 00:07:30,370- Hello?- Janis, it's me. Where's larry?


    00:07:30,380 --> 00:07:32,260He's briefing dornan's group.

    11300:07:32,270 --> 00:07:34,510Tell him I've got bauer,we're leaving the hearing now.

    11400:07:34,530 --> 00:07:36,790Well, that's good, 'causethe situation's heating up.

    11500:07:36,810 --> 00:07:37,790What are you talking about?

    11600:07:37,800 --> 00:07:39,290That crew we've been tracking?

    11700:07:39,300 --> 00:07:42,290They just grabbed a mannamed michael latham.

    11800:07:42,300 --> 00:07:45,030Latham? He worked onhomeland's firewall project.

    11900:07:45,040 --> 00:07:47,090Oh, he didn't just workon it, he designed it.

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    12000:07:47,110 --> 00:07:51,060He's the chief engineer of thegovernment's infrastructure security system.

    12100:07:51,070 --> 00:07:53,640All right, I'll be there soon.

    12200:07:56,700 --> 00:07:58,690Did you get bauer clearedthrough security yet?

    12300:07:58,710 --> 00:07:59,490Not yet.

    12400:07:59,500 --> 00:08:02,190Well, renee's bringing him in.They're only a couple minutes out.


    00:08:02,200 --> 00:08:04,690Then you won't need himcleared for a couple of minutes.

    12600:08:04,720 --> 00:08:08,670- Sean, as a friend, I'd like to keep...- you're not my friend.

    12700:08:09,120 --> 00:08:10,060Sure.

    12800:08:10,080 --> 00:08:13,870As someone as close to a friend as you areever going to get, let me give you some advice.

    12900:08:13,900 --> 00:08:16,750Most people don't like sarcasm.

    13000:08:16,770 --> 00:08:19,190I myself have no problemwith it, 'cause I'm cheerful.

    13100:08:19,220 --> 00:08:21,380I'm a cheerful person.

    13200:08:21,390 --> 00:08:23,630You're a cheerful person?


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    00:08:24,650 --> 00:08:27,380Just get bauer cleared.

    13400:08:27,390 --> 00:08:31,930For the past eight weeks, this office has beeninvestigating a series of technology thefts--

    13500:08:31,950 --> 00:08:35,730software, custom gate arraychips, neural networks.

    13600:08:35,760 --> 00:08:38,670Forensics concluded that the break-inswere the work of the same crew,

    13700:08:38,700 --> 00:08:42,810but we didn't know whattheir end game was until now.


    00:08:44,940 --> 00:08:46,460This is michael latham.

    13900:08:46,490 --> 00:08:51,550He's chief engineer on the classifiedinfrastructure portal, homeland's firewall project.

    14000:08:51,580 --> 00:08:55,720He was abducted ten minutes ago by thesame group behind the technology thefts.

    14100:08:55,740 --> 00:08:58,370You think they're using this guylatham to get through the cip firewall?

    14200:08:58,380 --> 00:08:59,310That's our concern.

    14300:08:59,320 --> 00:09:01,840The hardware they stole could be usedto build a device to do just that.

    14400:09:01,860 --> 00:09:04,530And latham's one of thefew people that could do it.

    14500:09:04,540 --> 00:09:08,420We assume he's being forced to work onthe device, or that he's already dead.

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    14600:09:08,430 --> 00:09:11,050Excuse me-- renee's onher way in with jack bauer.

    14700:09:11,060 --> 00:09:12,900Thank you.

    14800:09:12,910 --> 00:09:16,880We've tasked your people to help thisinvestigation. See sean. He's got the packets.

    14900:09:16,890 --> 00:09:19,060We're on it.

    15000:09:23,600 --> 00:09:26,580we're on line with gsa 117.


    00:09:28,350 --> 00:09:29,700How many systems?

    15200:09:29,720 --> 00:09:32,170Communications, navigation...

    15300:09:32,200 --> 00:09:36,000but we need the other systemsworking. Check on latham.


    00:09:57,480 --> 00:10:01,140all right... it's done.

    15500:10:07,560 --> 00:10:09,780northeast three, thisis global skies 117.

    15600:10:09,810 --> 00:10:10,930We are ready for clearance.


    00:10:10,950 --> 00:10:12,530Gsa 117, roger.

    15800:10:12,550 --> 00:10:14,520You're clear to jfk airport as filed.

    15900:10:14,540 --> 00:10:16,080Maintain 5,000.

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    16000:10:16,110 --> 00:10:19,410Expect flight level of 280ten minutes after departure.

    16100:10:19,420 --> 00:10:22,810Cleared to jfk. Expect flight level 280.

    16200:10:23,880 --> 00:10:29,760Welcome to global skies flight number 117,passenger service from reagan-national to jfk.

    16300:10:29,790 --> 00:10:32,470Weather in new york is cloudywith a chance of thunder showers,

    16400:10:32,490 --> 00:10:35,960so we may run into someturbulence along the way.

    16500:10:39,290 --> 00:10:42,240Tower to skies, awaitingtraffic off of dulles.

    16600:10:42,250 --> 00:10:45,120Position hold, gsa 117.

    16700:10:45,140 --> 00:10:48,120Gsa 117, that's correct.

    16800:11:04,490 --> 00:11:05,960mr. Bauer?

    16900:11:05,980 --> 00:11:08,660I'm agent larry moss. I'mthe head of this office.

    17000:11:08,670 --> 00:11:13,120You're here because agent walker thinks you

    might be able to help us with an investigation.

    17100:11:13,140 --> 00:11:19,250Now, personally, I have my doubts,but I'll be happy to be proven wrong.

    17200:11:19,270 --> 00:11:22,010Well, cky for me, I'm not here

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    to apply for a job, agent moss.

    17300:11:22,040 --> 00:11:26,390Personally, I don't care what makes youhappy, so let's just get this over with.

    17400:11:27,940 --> 00:11:30,710Take him to renee's office.

    17500:11:36,320 --> 00:11:38,030Do you want me in the room with you?

    17600:11:38,550 --> 00:11:41,270- No.- Renee...

    17700:11:42,060 --> 00:11:43,370you've read his file.

    17800:11:43,390 --> 00:11:46,640Bauer's the kind of guy you saythe wrong thing, he can go off.

    17900:11:46,660 --> 00:11:49,020I'll be fine, larry.

    18000:11:50,370 --> 00:11:52,070If he goes off, I'll call you.

    18100:11:52,080 --> 00:11:56,480All right, but if he doesn't produce,don't waste our time. Throw him back.

    18200:12:01,080 --> 00:12:02,590What do you want?

    18300:12:02,620 --> 00:12:05,730Mr. Bauer, we have a nationalsecurity matter that has gone critical.

    18400:12:05,760 --> 00:12:08,220I'm hoping you can help us with it.

    18500:12:08,690 --> 00:12:11,440Please sit down.


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    00:12:17,970 --> 00:12:20,890I sent the differentials to homeland.

    18700:12:23,440 --> 00:12:26,100Was there anything elseyou needed me to do?

    18800:12:26,110 --> 00:12:27,900No.

    18900:12:29,460 --> 00:12:31,390Has bauer been indicted yet?

    19000:12:31,400 --> 00:12:33,980No, but he will be afterthe senate hearings.

    19100:12:34,000 --> 00:12:38,110The cip firewall protects every major

    infrastructure system in this country--19200:12:38,130 --> 00:12:41,840if it were breached, telecommunication,transportation, power grids--

    19300:12:41,870 --> 00:12:43,790they would all be vulnerable.

    19400:12:43,810 --> 00:12:45,980

    - Agent walker, right?- Yes.

    19500:12:45,990 --> 00:12:47,720I'm not active.

    19600:12:47,740 --> 00:12:50,440The doj is about to filecriminal charges against me;


    00:12:50,470 --> 00:12:54,110I'm not exactly in a positionto help you with your situation.

    19800:12:54,140 --> 00:12:56,640As much as I understandhow dire it is...


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    00:12:56,650 --> 00:12:59,970no, I don't think you do.

    20000:13:00,690 --> 00:13:04,130One of the men behind this threat...

    20100:13:05,060 --> 00:13:08,190is someone you know.

    20200:13:26,750 --> 00:13:29,420That's not possible.

    20300:13:29,430 --> 00:13:31,880Tony almeida is dead.

    20400:13:31,890 --> 00:13:34,510- Apparently not.- I was there when he died.

    20500:13:34,520 --> 00:13:37,070And he was rushed away bythe emts a minute later.

    20600:13:37,100 --> 00:13:42,130You never saw him after that, and hours lateryou were abducted by the chinese government.

    20700:13:47,690 --> 00:13:51,250No. No.

    20800:13:51,940 --> 00:13:54,960If tony were still alive, I wouldknow. He would have contacted me.

    20900:13:54,970 --> 00:13:59,910We recovered this image from a security camerawhere one of the technology thefts took place.

    21000:14:00,620 --> 00:14:03,850

    It's time-stamped and dated.

    21100:14:05,820 --> 00:14:07,260Images can be manipulated.

    21200:14:07,290 --> 00:14:09,530Not this one.

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    21300:14:13,800 --> 00:14:16,680I'm sorry, I don't believe it.

    21400:14:18,960 --> 00:14:21,940I had almeida's grave exhumed.

    21500:14:25,770 --> 00:14:30,700Dna tests confirmed that it wasnot his body that was buried.

    21600:14:31,480 --> 00:14:33,600The evidence is right here.

    21700:14:33,610 --> 00:14:37,740If you want to leave withoutlooking at it, go ahead.

    21800:15:04,500 --> 00:15:06,130

    Gsa 117 on a roll.21900:15:06,170 --> 00:15:07,630Masters?

    22000:15:07,680 --> 00:15:09,200Yes,sir.

    22100:15:11,780 --> 00:15:13,240Are we in their system?

    22200:15:13,280 --> 00:15:14,770Yes.

    22300:15:39,490 --> 00:15:42,930Roger tower,gsa 117,switchingto departure 126.8

    22400:15:42,950 --> 00:15:44,390Have a good day.

    22500:15:44,410 --> 00:15:45,430What's the problem?

    22600:15:45,460 --> 00:15:48,530The cip module--it stopped working.

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    22700:15:48,960 --> 00:15:50,990What do you mean it stopped?

    22800:15:51,550 --> 00:15:54,000It keeps going out of phase.

    22900:15:54,870 --> 00:15:56,930I thought latham said it was good to go.

    23000:15:56,970 --> 00:15:58,820Well,it's not.

    23100:15:59,430 --> 00:16:01,490All right,let me have it.

    23200:16:19,710 --> 00:16:21,920So what did you do?

    23300:16:22,190 --> 00:16:23,930I didn't do anything.

    23400:16:23,960 --> 00:16:25,240I swear.

    23500:16:25,250 --> 00:16:27,360Then why isn't it working?


    00:16:27,380 --> 00:16:29,350I don't know.

    23700:16:29,630 --> 00:16:30,950Fix it.

    23800:16:30,990 --> 00:16:32,880Now.

    23900:16:41,040 --> 00:16:43,580

    you're gonna want tomove faster than that.

    24000:16:43,610 --> 00:16:49,900See,'cause if you can't make this work inthe next few minutes,I won't need you anymore.

    24100:16:49,930 --> 00:16:52,110

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    You understand what that means?

    24200:16:52,130 --> 00:16:53,560Good.

    24300:16:54,100 --> 00:16:56,200Now fix it.

    24400:17:12,300 --> 00:17:17,040Officials say that an estimated 300,000civilians-- men,women,and children--

    24500:17:17,070 --> 00:17:22,370have been killed as part of generalbenjamin juma's campaign of ethnic cleansing.

    24600:17:22,390 --> 00:17:24,990Survivors in the africannation of sangala,

    24700:17:25,020 --> 00:17:29,780believe american intervention isnecessary to prevent further bloodshed.

    24800:17:29,820 --> 00:17:32,710The white house has madeno public statements...

    24900:17:32,720 --> 00:17:36,900

    juma's perpetrating the worst massmurder africa has seen since rwanda.

    25000:17:36,930 --> 00:17:37,850But if you read the columns...

    25100:17:37,880 --> 00:17:38,610I do.

    25200:17:38,620 --> 00:17:41,220

    Half of them are againstour taking action.

    25300:17:41,250 --> 00:17:42,450But if we don'T...

    25400:17:42,470 --> 00:17:48,060six months from now,those same members of the

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    press will be accusing us of moral bankruptcy.

    25500:17:48,290 --> 00:17:49,920We can always revisit the un option.

    25600:17:49,960 --> 00:17:55,140The un's paralyzed,ethan,while peopleare being butchered by that madman.

    25700:17:55,180 --> 00:17:56,860We have to lead.

    25800:17:56,890 --> 00:18:00,100Even if it means going it alone.

    25900:18:00,140 --> 00:18:04,680I'm not gonna have hundreds ofthousands of lives on my conscience.

    26000:18:05,040 --> 00:18:07,440General juma has to be stopped.

    26100:18:07,470 --> 00:18:09,240He will be,madame president.

    26200:18:09,270 --> 00:18:11,580As soon as you give the order.


    00:18:11,670 --> 00:18:13,340Are the joint chiefs here yet?

    26400:18:13,360 --> 00:18:14,550They're gathering in the situation room.

    26500:18:14,580 --> 00:18:17,120They'll call as soon asthey're ready for you.


    00:18:17,170 --> 00:18:20,050I just heard kevin aldrichis doing a piece for cnb.

    26700:18:20,080 --> 00:18:23,190He's still pressing his caseagainst sending our troops in.


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    00:18:23,220 --> 00:18:25,610As if getting through thisday won't be hard enough.

    26900:18:25,640 --> 00:18:29,260If you want,I can sit down with him and tryto get him to hold off; he's in the press room.

    27000:18:29,290 --> 00:18:31,120I'm not sure that's a good idea,henry.

    27100:18:31,150 --> 00:18:35,850This is the last thing you need rightnow,especially with public opinion so split.

    27200:18:42,450 --> 00:18:47,170if you think you cantalk aldrich down,do it.


    00:18:47,330 --> 00:18:50,960Madame president,thejoint chiefs are ready.

    27400:18:51,940 --> 00:18:54,850Here's your briefing package.

    27500:19:04,760 --> 00:19:06,330Wish me luck.


    00:19:06,350 --> 00:19:08,070Good luck.

    27700:19:13,570 --> 00:19:15,020Is this everything?

    27800:19:15,050 --> 00:19:16,620It's all there.

    27900:19:25,070 --> 00:19:27,470

    I don't mean to soundlike a broken record,

    28000:19:27,500 --> 00:19:30,760but I'm not sure your husbandis up to handling aldrich.

    28100:19:30,790 --> 00:19:32,070

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    Henry's fine.

    28200:19:32,090 --> 00:19:33,720He's better,I realize that,but...

    28300:19:33,740 --> 00:19:36,890it's going to takemore than a few months.

    28400:19:36,910 --> 00:19:38,430He lost a son.

    28500:19:38,450 --> 00:19:40,400So did you.

    28600:19:41,070 --> 00:19:44,980And you haven't let yourloss interfere with your job.

    28700:19:50,020 --> 00:19:55,740Your husband is a strong man,buthe doesn't have your resilience.

    28800:19:55,760 --> 00:19:58,930It's not a matter of resilience,ethan.

    28900:19:58,970 --> 00:20:05,000There's not a day that goes by,not amoment when i don't think about my son.

    29000:20:05,010 --> 00:20:12,260But I'm about to take this nation to war andgrief is a luxury I can't afford right now.

    29100:20:22,720 --> 00:20:29,340Before we begin,let me thank each of you forthe time and work you've put into this operation.

    29200:20:29,370 --> 00:20:35,170

    Putting american lives at risk is thehardest decision I've ever had to make...

    29300:20:35,190 --> 00:20:39,020but it is one that has to be made.

    29400:20:44,100 --> 00:20:45,950what was that?

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    29500:20:46,020 --> 00:20:47,670It's working.

    29600:20:47,680 --> 00:20:48,450What was wrong?

    29700:20:48,480 --> 00:20:52,080It was overheating. Icame up with a workaround.

    29800:21:04,570 --> 00:21:06,380Try it now.

    29900:21:17,600 --> 00:21:18,670There.

    30000:21:18,710 --> 00:21:19,490

    Yeah.30100:21:19,500 --> 00:21:21,290It's transmitting again.

    30200:21:21,300 --> 00:21:24,250We can send and receive.

    30300:21:26,940 --> 00:21:29,870Double a-123 maintain course.

    30400:21:31,720 --> 00:21:33,030What was that?

    30500:21:33,050 --> 00:21:34,730I just got it,too.

    30600:21:34,760 --> 00:21:35,590Did you guys lose synch?

    30700:21:35,620 --> 00:21:38,920Yeah. I did,but we're back up now.

    30800:21:40,590 --> 00:21:41,940Anybody else lose synch?

    30900:21:41,970 --> 00:21:42,760

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    No,I'm good.

    31000:21:42,790 --> 00:21:44,460No,I'm fine.

    31100:21:44,890 --> 00:21:46,820What's going on,phil?

    31200:21:46,840 --> 00:21:50,100This is gonna sound crazy,but the threeof us just got bumped for a second.

    31300:21:50,120 --> 00:21:52,480But the log file doesn'tshow a power surge.

    31400:21:52,500 --> 00:21:54,980This came from the system kernel.

    31500:21:55,580 --> 00:21:56,790What are you talking about?

    31600:21:56,820 --> 00:21:58,710The kernel's protected.

    31700:21:58,710 --> 00:22:00,500Let me have a look.


    00:22:04,980 --> 00:22:09,530All we know for sure is that almeida is part of a homegrownterrorist group that's targeting our infrastructure.

    31900:22:09,550 --> 00:22:11,560He could be working undercover,somekind of sting operation.

    32000:22:11,580 --> 00:22:13,030You need to checkevery federal agency--

    32100:22:13,040 --> 00:22:14,420we have. State and city,too.

    32200:22:14,440 --> 00:22:16,070Almeida's not working for any of them.


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    00:22:16,090 --> 00:22:17,190Then there must besome other explanation.

    32400:22:17,240 --> 00:22:18,530Yeah,there is.

    32500:22:18,540 --> 00:22:23,660His wife was brutally murdered by a faction operatinginside the government,led by the president himself.

    32600:22:23,690 --> 00:22:26,770Everybody involved in that iseither in prison or has been killed.

    32700:22:26,790 --> 00:22:30,070The government gave president logan aslap on the wrist,they cut him a deal.


    00:22:30,100 --> 00:22:32,390Sentencing him to house arreston a hundred-acre ranch...

    32900:22:32,410 --> 00:22:34,960And you think tony's looking forjustice by attacking this country?

    33000:22:34,990 --> 00:22:40,830Almeida lost everything he had,and he's blamingit on the government he spent his life serving.

    33100:22:45,450 --> 00:22:49,120But you'd know betterthan me how that feels...

    33200:22:49,610 --> 00:22:52,400how far a man might go.

    33300:22:54,300 --> 00:22:56,330Not that far.

    33400:22:56,350 --> 00:22:58,370And not tony almeida.

    33500:22:58,380 --> 00:23:00,560There's a logical explanation for this.


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    00:23:00,590 --> 00:23:02,180It's just something you're not seeing.

    33700:23:02,200 --> 00:23:06,180Help me find almeida andyou can ask him yourself.

    33800:23:06,700 --> 00:23:08,900You know how he thinks.

    33900:23:08,930 --> 00:23:10,010You had the same training.

    34000:23:10,040 --> 00:23:12,820You know the same people.

    34100:23:18,350 --> 00:23:20,560I'm going to need complete accessto all of your source material--

    34200:23:20,560 --> 00:23:23,210everything you've got on this.

    34300:23:23,980 --> 00:23:24,690yes?

    34400:23:24,700 --> 00:23:26,350Renee,come out here.Something just came in.

    34500:23:26,380 --> 00:23:27,350Be right there.

    34600:23:27,370 --> 00:23:29,750Everything we have on almeida'screw is in this directory.

    34700:23:29,780 --> 00:23:31,220Start here...

    34800:23:31,840 --> 00:23:33,940I'll be right back.

    34900:23:41,960 --> 00:23:43,260What's going on?


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    00:23:43,300 --> 00:23:44,990Northeast air trafficcontrol just called.

    35100:23:45,010 --> 00:23:47,970They reported a possible intrusioninto their communication systems.

    35200:23:48,000 --> 00:23:48,880It just happened.

    35300:23:48,910 --> 00:23:49,930Can th source them?

    35400:23:49,960 --> 00:23:52,310They're trying,but so far,nothing.

    35500:23:52,340 --> 00:23:54,350Why do we think this has

    to do with almeida's crew?35600:23:54,370 --> 00:23:57,130I don't think you get intrusionslike this unless someone's driving it,

    35700:23:57,130 --> 00:24:00,670and the only way to drive itis through the cip firewall.


    00:24:00,700 --> 00:24:02,710So they're going afterair traffic control.

    35900:24:02,740 --> 00:24:04,640That's what it looks like.

    36000:24:05,930 --> 00:24:08,220Put me through to the white house.


    00:24:10,880 --> 00:24:12,890You doing a turnaround in new york?

    36200:24:12,930 --> 00:24:15,200Nope. Got two days off.

    36300:24:15,240 --> 00:24:16,740I'm meeting my boyfriend in the city.

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    36400:24:16,770 --> 00:24:19,990Oh,that'll be fun.

    36500:24:26,730 --> 00:24:29,760well,doug said we weregoing to hit some weather.

    36600:24:36,080 --> 00:24:38,810I'm going to need tech supportto cross-reference your files.

    36700:24:38,830 --> 00:24:40,780You'll be working with oneof my analysts,sean hillinger.

    36800:24:40,810 --> 00:24:43,010He can get you whatever filesyou need to help us find almeida.

    36900:24:43,050 --> 00:24:43,790Good.

    37000:24:43,790 --> 00:24:45,340They raise the threat level yet?

    37100:24:45,380 --> 00:24:48,550yeah. We think almeida's gupgot into air traffic control.

    37200:24:48,580 --> 00:24:49,270What?

    37300:24:49,290 --> 00:24:50,590That doesn't make sense.

    37400:24:50,610 --> 00:24:51,900I don't need you to figure it out,jack.

    37500:24:51,930 --> 00:24:53,370Just help me find him.

    37600:24:53,390 --> 00:24:54,900Sean,this is jack bauer.

    37700:24:54,920 --> 00:24:56,430

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    He's going to be workingwith the almeida files.

    37800:24:56,450 --> 00:24:57,460Give him whatever he needs.

    37900:24:57,480 --> 00:24:59,170What about interfacing with faa?

    38000:24:59,210 --> 00:25:00,940Janis is working with someof dornan's people on that.

    38100:25:00,970 --> 00:25:02,070You just help jack.

    38200:25:02,090 --> 00:25:03,260Fine.

    38300:25:03,280 --> 00:25:04,210I'll check in.

    38400:25:04,240 --> 00:25:05,720Thanks.

    38500:25:05,830 --> 00:25:07,490What do you want to see?


    00:25:07,510 --> 00:25:08,800Let's start with the technology thefts.

    38700:25:08,810 --> 00:25:10,140How many were there?

    38800:25:10,160 --> 00:25:11,190Six.

    38900:25:11,220 --> 00:25:13,800

    Let's run a comp on all of them.

    39000:25:13,820 --> 00:25:15,830Fantastic.

    39100:25:19,340 --> 00:25:22,980The expeditionary strike force andits carrier air wing are now on scene.

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    39200:25:23,010 --> 00:25:26,170This gives us full spectrumdominance of the battle space.

    39300:25:26,200 --> 00:25:29,870What kind of resistance are youanticipating from juma's military?

    39400:25:29,910 --> 00:25:31,480Minimal.

    39500:25:31,580 --> 00:25:34,550Our air strikes will take outwhatever defenses they've got.

    39600:25:34,590 --> 00:25:37,190We can expect an openpath to juma's front door.

    39700:25:37,220 --> 00:25:38,580Good.

    39800:25:38,620 --> 00:25:41,230All we need to launchis a go order from you.

    39900:25:41,250 --> 00:25:45,960You'll get a green light as soon as I've gone

    over secretary stevens' post-invasion report,40000:25:45,990 --> 00:25:47,780which I'm still waiting for.

    40100:25:47,810 --> 00:25:50,640I'll have it for youin a few minutes,ma'am.

    40200:25:51,070 --> 00:25:54,670

    Unless there's a problemyou'd like to discuss.

    40300:25:54,690 --> 00:25:58,900Madame president,my objection to thisoperation isn't a secret to anyone in this room.

    40400:25:58,920 --> 00:26:01,710

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    For us to be wading into the middle of anothercivil conflict halfway around the world...

    40500:26:01,730 --> 00:26:04,150we're done debating this,joe.

    40600:26:04,180 --> 00:26:07,070The un's been issuingreprimands and economic sanctions

    40700:26:07,100 --> 00:26:11,160while benjamin juma has slaughteredover 200,000 of his own people.

    40800:26:11,180 --> 00:26:15,310That number will continue togrow if we don't stop him now.

    40900:26:15,330 --> 00:26:20,430

    And if you can't get behind what we'redoing,I'll find a secretary of state who can.

    41000:26:20,460 --> 00:26:23,830But I am done with your handwringing.

    41100:26:24,240 --> 00:26:26,110Excuse me,madame president.

    41200:26:26,130 --> 00:26:29,240

    Tim woods from homelandsecurity is outside.

    41300:26:29,260 --> 00:26:31,390He needs to see you on another matter.

    41400:26:31,420 --> 00:26:32,400Can it wait?

    41500:26:32,430 --> 00:26:34,560

    No,ma'am,it can'T.

    41600:26:35,390 --> 00:26:36,380All right.

    41700:26:36,390 --> 00:26:38,550We'll continue when I return.

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    41800:26:38,560 --> 00:26:43,860And,joe,I want that report infront of me when I get back.

    41900:26:52,200 --> 00:26:53,110What is it?

    42000:26:53,140 --> 00:26:56,100I don't have the details,but itinvolves a potential domestic breach.

    42100:26:56,130 --> 00:26:57,350Tim is here to fill us in.

    42200:26:57,380 --> 00:26:58,230Madame president.

    42300:26:58,250 --> 00:27:00,990

    Tim,make this brief; thejoint chiefs are waiting.

    42400:27:01,020 --> 00:27:03,480We've been working with thefbi the last eight weeks,

    42500:27:03,520 --> 00:27:05,970investigating a seriesof technology thefts.

    42600:27:06,020 --> 00:27:08,400We didn't understand theimplications of this until today.

    42700:27:08,440 --> 00:27:11,710The same people behind these theftsabducted a man named michael latham.

    42800:27:11,750 --> 00:27:15,130He's one of the chief engineers in charge

    of protecting critical infrastructure.

    42900:27:15,140 --> 00:27:16,760Now,tell me what we're dealing with.

    43000:27:16,790 --> 00:27:22,960The fbi thinks these same people have forced lathamto create a device to hack through the cip firewall.

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    43100:27:22,980 --> 00:27:27,930The firewall protects all nationalsystems: Energy,utilities,transportation...

    43200:27:27,960 --> 00:27:34,330I'm here because the faa reported someirregularities in their air traffic control system.

    43300:27:34,360 --> 00:27:37,580Are you saying commercialflights are in danger?

    43400:27:37,600 --> 00:27:39,530Possibly.

    43500:27:40,040 --> 00:27:42,440Do I need to give theorder to ground air traffic?

    43600:27:42,460 --> 00:27:44,290I'm afraid it's not that simple.

    43700:27:44,310 --> 00:27:47,510Right now,there are more than 3,000flights over the continental united states.

    43800:27:47,550 --> 00:27:52,520To ground them all would take 12

    hours,minimum,and it could create a panic.43900:27:52,540 --> 00:27:54,610Then what do you recommend?

    44000:27:54,630 --> 00:27:57,980Let us quietly decrease air trafficwhile the bureau works their leads.

    44100:27:58,020 --> 00:28:01,260

    We'll make sure you'rebriefed on a real-time basis.

    44200:28:01,490 --> 00:28:03,750I don't like the timing of this...

    44300:28:03,780 --> 00:28:04,680timing?

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    44400:28:04,710 --> 00:28:07,640Could this be connected toour intervention in sangala?

    44500:28:07,670 --> 00:28:09,640The fbi hasn't found any connection.

    44600:28:09,660 --> 00:28:12,420All the evidence suggests that we'redealing with a domestic terror group,

    44700:28:12,450 --> 00:28:15,110homegrown,with astrong,anti-government bias.

    44800:28:15,140 --> 00:28:16,530And these leadsyou mentioned--

    44900:28:16,580 --> 00:28:20,850do you think you'll be able to catch thesepeople before they do any real damage?

    45000:28:20,890 --> 00:28:24,380The bureau's got everyone on it,ma'am.

    45100:28:24,390 --> 00:28:26,190You didn't answer my question.

    45200:28:26,210 --> 00:28:28,250No,ma'am. I didn'T.

    45300:28:41,540 --> 00:28:44,340Of course,I don't condonewhat juma's doing over there.

    45400:28:44,360 --> 00:28:46,380But tribal wars are being

    fought all over the world.

    45500:28:46,390 --> 00:28:48,520Why not intervene in thailand,malaysia?

    45600:28:48,550 --> 00:28:50,330This isn't a tribal war,kevin.

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    45700:28:50,360 --> 00:28:51,760It's a genocide.

    45800:28:51,790 --> 00:28:55,340Ending it is the moral obligationof a nation as powerful as ours.

    45900:28:55,370 --> 00:28:59,240That's a lofty aspiration,butthe reality is a lot more complex.

    46000:28:59,270 --> 00:29:02,110The president's going intothis with both eyes open.

    46100:29:02,140 --> 00:29:05,750How can she be sure thcycle of violencewon't coinue after juma's been taken out?

    46200:29:05,800 --> 00:29:09,140Could be stuck thereindefinitely...keeping the peace.

    46300:29:09,180 --> 00:29:15,990If I gave you an exclusive preview of the president'spost-invasion plans,you might change your mind.

    46400:29:16,020 --> 00:29:18,200You're trying to bribe

    me with an exclusive?46500:29:18,240 --> 00:29:20,860I'm trying to get youto give us some rope.

    46600:29:21,610 --> 00:29:25,050What are you asking me to do,stopwriting or write what I don't believe?


    00:29:25,070 --> 00:29:27,960Either one would be fine with me.

    46800:29:31,660 --> 00:29:34,260Sir,you have a phonecall on your private line.

    46900:29:34,290 --> 00:29:37,560

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    Could you excuse me fora moment,please,kevin.

    47000:29:44,890 --> 00:29:47,460It's chuck toland,sir.

    47100:29:47,550 --> 00:29:49,300Wait.

    47200:29:50,550 --> 00:29:52,680Chuck,did you find something?

    47300:29:52,700 --> 00:29:54,640I did,but don't get carried away.

    47400:29:54,670 --> 00:29:57,120It doesn't confirm yourtheory about how roger died.

    47500:29:57,150 --> 00:29:59,830But it is suspicious.

    47600:29:59,840 --> 00:30:00,750I'm listening.

    47700:30:00,780 --> 00:30:07,400His girlfriend samantha received a large lump-sum deposit in anoff-shore bank account about three days after roger's suicide.

    47800:30:07,430 --> 00:30:09,740You mean his alleged suicide.

    47900:30:09,770 --> 00:30:11,570Right,sir.

    48000:30:11,580 --> 00:30:12,990Where did the money come from?


    00:30:13,000 --> 00:30:13,780I couldn't tell.

    48200:30:13,800 --> 00:30:15,260It looks like it's been washed.

    48300:30:15,290 --> 00:30:17,870There's no readily identifiable source.

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    48400:30:17,910 --> 00:30:19,770So...what does this mean?

    48500:30:19,800 --> 00:30:23,700All it means is that shesuddenly came into $400,000.

    48600:30:23,740 --> 00:30:26,900If we're going to find out anything more,I'mgoing to need to talk to her personally.

    48700:30:26,940 --> 00:30:29,170Is that how you want me to handle it?

    48800:30:29,320 --> 00:30:33,630no, If she's got anything to hide,she'snot going to talk to a private investigator.

    48900:30:33,660 --> 00:30:34,450I agree.

    49000:30:34,470 --> 00:30:36,790So how do you want me to proceed?

    49100:30:36,800 --> 00:30:38,360I'll talk to her myself.


    00:30:38,380 --> 00:30:39,860Is she still at that brokerage firm?

    49300:30:39,890 --> 00:30:41,940Yeah,uh,sloane kittridge.

    49400:30:41,980 --> 00:30:43,480Good.

    49500:30:44,740 --> 00:30:46,820

    I'm going to finish up here with aldrich.

    49600:30:46,820 --> 00:30:49,630Then I need you to take me somewhere,and keep it off the manifest.

    49700:30:49,630 --> 00:30:51,850I don't want anyone to know where we're going.

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    49800:30:52,010 --> 00:30:53,860-Yes,sir.-Agent gedge.

    49900:30:53,860 --> 00:30:55,550Yes,sir.

    50000:30:56,470 --> 00:30:59,590You think chuck's taking advantage of me,don't you?

    50100:30:59,590 --> 00:31:01,090It's not my place to say that,sir.

    50200:31:01,090 --> 00:31:03,690I'm asking you anyway.

    50300:31:03,690 --> 00:31:07,860Sir,the police and fbi have both investigated your son's death.

    50400:31:07,860 --> 00:31:12,830And yes,I believe this pi could be exploiting your grief for personal gain.

    50500:31:12,830 --> 00:31:16,550These so-called leads that he's generating have led nowhere.

    50600:31:16,550 --> 00:31:19,360My son didn't kill himself.

    50700:31:19,360 --> 00:31:21,690I'm sure of it.

    50800:31:21,690 --> 00:31:24,100Yes,sir.

    50900:31:26,940 --> 00:31:29,210Can you check that socket again,please?


    00:31:29,210 --> 00:31:30,970Has faa reported any more anomalies?

    51100:31:30,970 --> 00:31:32,090Not since the first three.

    51200:31:32,090 --> 00:31:33,850Maybe it was just a glitch?

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    51300:31:33,850 --> 00:31:36,850Or it could have been a ripple caused when they broke through the firewall and entered the system.

    51400:31:36,850 --> 00:31:40,910Well,if they're in the system,I can't see them,and I've checked every elr socket.

    51500:31:40,910 --> 00:31:42,110Keep looking.

    51600:31:42,110 --> 00:31:43,760Renee...

    51700:31:44,400 --> 00:31:46,920uh,what's going to happen?


    00:31:46,920 --> 00:31:47,720What do you mean?

    51900:31:47,720 --> 00:31:50,600If almeida has broken through the firewall then we're screwed,right?

    52000:31:50,600 --> 00:31:52,870I mean,crashing couple planes is really nothing compared to

    52100:31:52,870 --> 00:31:55,630

    contaminating the water system or bringing down the power grid...52200:31:55,630 --> 00:31:57,360don't think about it,janis.

    52300:31:57,360 --> 00:31:59,650Just stay tasK.

    52400:32:01,220 --> 00:32:02,440okay,so...

    52500:32:02,440 --> 00:32:05,710I will just stay calm,right?

    52600:32:05,710 --> 00:32:06,980Yeah.


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    00:32:12,950 --> 00:32:14,480Pull up the second one.

    52800:32:14,480 --> 00:32:15,610You already looked at it.

    52900:32:15,610 --> 00:32:17,820I want to look at it again,pull it up.

    53000:32:20,800 --> 00:32:21,810Have you found anything?

    53100:32:21,810 --> 00:32:25,100No,we keep looking at the same six forensic reports over and over.

    53200:32:25,100 --> 00:32:26,220What are you looking for,jack?


    00:32:26,220 --> 00:32:27,460An entry point.

    53400:32:27,460 --> 00:32:28,370They had access cards.

    53500:32:28,370 --> 00:32:31,360Yeah,but no one reported their access cards stolen,which means they were forged.

    53600:32:31,360 --> 00:32:32,110

    So...53700:32:32,110 --> 00:32:36,010These access cards have individual signatures,making them almost impossible to forge.

    53800:32:36,010 --> 00:32:38,300There's only a couple guys who can do it.

    53900:32:38,300 --> 00:32:40,190

    Can you access old ctu files?

    54000:32:40,190 --> 00:32:41,290Sure.

    54100:32:41,290 --> 00:32:43,450Pull up august 1999.

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    54200:32:43,450 --> 00:32:45,550Code name: Hatteras.

    54300:32:46,740 --> 00:32:48,510Just got a call from homeland.

    54400:32:48,510 --> 00:32:50,830They briefed the president but she's not ready to ground planes yet.

    54500:32:50,830 --> 00:32:52,290Here you go.Hatteras file.

    54600:32:52,290 --> 00:32:56,110You know,you can hire a $14.00-an-hour data applications geek to do this;

    54700:32:56,110 --> 00:32:57,100you don't need me.

    54800:32:57,100 --> 00:32:59,440I wouldn't advertise that.

    54900:32:59,440 --> 00:33:01,790There he is-- gabriel schector.

    55000:33:01,790 --> 00:33:02,590Who is he?


    00:33:02,590 --> 00:33:03,440He was a supplier.

    55200:33:03,440 --> 00:33:05,640Tony and I used him to buy things off-book.

    55300:33:05,640 --> 00:33:08,360See if he's in your database.

    55400:33:09,700 --> 00:33:11,260

    Yeah.He's there.

    55500:33:11,260 --> 00:33:13,330Is he still in los angeles?

    55600:33:13,330 --> 00:33:16,960No.According to this earmark,he came to dc nine weeks ago.

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    55700:33:16,960 --> 00:33:19,710The thefts started a week after that.

    55800:33:19,710 --> 00:33:21,560That's your guy.

    55900:33:21,560 --> 00:33:22,590Do you have an address?

    56000:33:22,590 --> 00:33:27,580He's subletting an office downtown-- 1208 naylor road,suite 630.

    56100:33:27,580 --> 00:33:29,440All right,put a field team together,pick him up.

    56200:33:29,440 --> 00:33:31,040I'll call judge simons,have a warrant ready.

    56300:33:31,040 --> 00:33:32,520That's a mistake.

    56400:33:32,520 --> 00:33:33,180Why?

    56500:33:33,180 --> 00:33:35,060You don't have time to go through the motions with schector--


    00:33:35,060 --> 00:33:39,340you serve him with a warrant,he'll call his lawyers,he'll stall as long as he needs.

    56700:33:39,340 --> 00:33:42,540So,what's the alternative,jack?

    56800:33:42,540 --> 00:33:45,170Break in and torture the guy,like you used to do?


    00:33:45,170 --> 00:33:48,510Isn't that how you ended up in front of a senate sub-committee?

    57000:33:50,440 --> 00:33:52,190Oh,is this how it starts?

    57100:33:52,190 --> 00:33:55,470You get in my face,tighten your jaw,then if I say something you don't like,

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    57200:33:55,470 --> 00:33:57,380you slam me against the wall.

    57300:33:57,380 --> 00:34:00,060You have no idea what I do.

    57400:34:00,060 --> 00:34:02,550And last time I checked,you subpoenaed me.

    57500:34:02,550 --> 00:34:04,450You want my help,you want my advice,take it.

    57600:34:04,450 --> 00:34:06,110You don't,don'T.

    57700:34:06,110 --> 00:34:08,410-I don't care.

    -Mr. Bauer...57800:34:08,410 --> 00:34:10,110you said you used to work with this man schector.

    57900:34:10,110 --> 00:34:12,540How well does he know you?

    58000:34:12,540 --> 00:34:14,740He knows me.

    58100:34:14,740 --> 00:34:17,560Larry,can I talk to you for a second?

    58200:34:29,480 --> 00:34:30,610I want to take ber with me.

    58300:34:30,610 --> 00:34:31,600No.

    58400:34:31,600 --> 00:34:33,740Forget it.I'm not letting him put his hands on a suspect.

    58500:34:33,740 --> 00:34:35,430He won't need to put his hands on anybody.

    58600:34:35,430 --> 00:34:37,840

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    My guess is if he's in the room,schector will talk.

    58700:34:37,840 --> 00:34:39,060Renee,you saw what he just...

    58800:34:39,060 --> 00:34:41,470I'm trying to find almeida before it's too late,

    58900:34:41,470 --> 00:34:43,760and schector is our best lead.

    59000:34:43,760 --> 00:34:46,140So you want to intimidate him wi bauer?

    59100:34:46,140 --> 00:34:47,990Schector knows how far bauer might go.

    59200:34:47,990 --> 00:34:49,050

    Let's use that.59300:34:49,050 --> 00:34:51,270Yeah,and if schector doesn't blink,then what?

    59400:34:51,270 --> 00:34:52,910I'll keep bauer on a short leash.

    59500:34:52,910 --> 00:34:55,400Renee,we're the fbi,not ctu.

    59600:34:55,400 --> 00:34:56,690We honor the law.

    59700:34:56,690 --> 00:34:58,150Even when it's not convenient.

    59800:34:58,150 --> 00:35:00,490Look,this situation is heating up fast,larry.

    59900:35:00,490 --> 00:35:02,900The president's into it now,and she's expecting results.

    60000:35:02,900 --> 00:35:05,450Yeah,I know.

    60100:35:05,450 --> 00:35:07,310

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    It's your call.

    60200:35:07,310 --> 00:35:11,310But I promise you,can handle bauer.

    60300:35:17,830 --> 00:35:18,990All right.

    60400:35:18,990 --> 00:35:21,190But I'm holding you responsible.

    60500:35:21,190 --> 00:35:23,710And I'm sending backup teams.

    60600:35:25,620 --> 00:35:27,310Jack.

    60700:35:27,650 --> 00:35:30,930

    You're coming with me,and you're doing this my way.60800:35:46,930 --> 00:35:49,130Tell me about schector.

    60900:35:49,500 --> 00:35:53,660Out of san diego,till he went on his own.

    61000:35:53,660 --> 00:35:54,440Legitimate?

    61100:35:54,440 --> 00:35:56,340Yeah,at first,then he got greedy.

    61200:35:56,340 --> 00:36:00,130Started using his connections to acquire technology,sell it on the gray market.

    61300:36:00,130 --> 00:36:01,670Who'd he sell to,terrorists?

    61400:36:01,670 --> 00:36:04,590No.Usually foreign governments trying to get around treaties.

    61500:36:04,590 --> 00:36:06,470And how did you and tony get involved with him?

    61600:36:06,470 --> 00:36:08,220

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    We arrested him,we turned him.

    61700:36:08,220 --> 00:36:10,330He was a great conduit for intel.

    61800:36:10,330 --> 00:36:12,640Ctu didn't mind that you were letting this guy stay in business?

    61900:36:12,640 --> 00:36:14,300Ctu didn't know.

    62000:36:14,300 --> 00:36:16,650It was just tony and me.

    62100:36:16,650 --> 00:36:18,980So you and tony were tight?

    62200:36:18,980 --> 00:36:20,630

    Yeah...62300:36:20,900 --> 00:36:23,270yeah,we were close.

    62400:36:23,270 --> 00:36:26,040All right,so it sounds like tony,who everyone thinks is dead,

    62500:36:26,040 --> 00:36:28,320puts together a plan to hijack american security.

    62600:36:28,320 --> 00:36:30,670He contacts schector to help him with this plan.

    62700:36:30,670 --> 00:36:32,300Yeah.

    62800:36:32,300 --> 00:36:33,550Except you don't believe it.

    62900:36:33,550 --> 00:36:35,250That tony's dirty.

    63000:36:35,250 --> 00:36:37,090I believe that tony's alive.

    63100:36:37,090 --> 00:36:40,790

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    And I believe he's doing something dangerous,and that we need to find him.

    63200:37:02,580 --> 00:37:04,060We confirmed schector's inside.

    63300:37:04,060 --> 00:37:05,280How do you want to handle this?

    63400:37:05,280 --> 00:37:06,630I'm going in with bauer.

    63500:37:06,630 --> 00:37:07,620Alone?

    63600:37:07,620 --> 00:37:08,710I want schector to talk.

    63700:37:08,710 --> 00:37:09,680

    I don't want to spook him.63800:37:09,680 --> 00:37:11,590Call me when backup gets here.

    63900:37:17,140 --> 00:37:20,990Matobo's fighters are hidden outside the capitol in three camps.

    64000:37:21,290 --> 00:37:24,050Alpha,beta and delta.

    64100:37:24,050 --> 00:37:27,420Our ground forces will join up with them once the air strikes are completed.

    64200:37:27,420 --> 00:37:33,250Make sure general wagner understands our priority is to maintain order in the streets.

    64300:37:33,250 --> 00:37:36,540The people need to see that their country's being governed under the rule of law


    64400:37:36,540 --> 00:37:40,330What happens when matobo's men execute general juma without a trial?

    64500:37:40,330 --> 00:37:43,580Should we intervene or let the mob tear them apart?

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    64600:37:44,790 --> 00:37:48,180I'm meeting with mr. Matobo in a few minutes.

    64700:37:48,180 --> 00:37:51,530I'll make sure he keeps his men in line.

    64800:37:51,530 --> 00:37:55,820And,joe,I was wrong to dress you down in front of the joint chiefs.

    64900:37:55,820 --> 00:37:56,840I'm sorry.

    65000:37:56,840 --> 00:37:58,650No need to apologize,madame president.

    65100:37:58,650 --> 00:37:59,590You're under a lot of pressure.

    65200:37:59,590 --> 00:38:01,710That's still no excuse.

    65300:38:01,710 --> 00:38:04,400Thank yo ma'am,I appreciate that.

    65400:38:04,750 --> 00:38:08,770The fact remains,if you can't get behind this operation with both shoulders,


    00:38:08,770 --> 00:38:11,970I will need your resignation.

    65600:38:11,970 --> 00:38:13,700That won't be necessary,ma'am.

    65700:38:13,700 --> 00:38:16,940Whatever doubts I have,I'll keep them to myself.

    65800:38:16,940 --> 00:38:18,080


    65900:38:18,080 --> 00:38:19,830Excuse me,madame president.

    66000:38:19,830 --> 00:38:21,030What is it,ethan?

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    66100:38:21,030 --> 00:38:26,640I thought you'd want to know,henry aldrich has agreed to delay his broadcast for24 hours.

    66200:38:26,640 --> 00:38:28,850Henry's doing?

    66300:38:28,850 --> 00:38:30,470I,uh,underestimated him.

    66400:38:30,470 --> 00:38:32,590Letting him intervene was the right call.

    66500:38:32,590 --> 00:38:34,250Well,that's some good news.

    66600:38:34,250 --> 00:38:35,980What about the firewall situation?

    66700:38:35,980 --> 00:38:37,560Has the fbi made any progress?

    66800:38:37,560 --> 00:38:40,070They've identified a man who may have information.

    66900:38:40,070 --> 00:38:42,750They're about to question him.

    67000:38:46,500 --> 00:38:50,410It's more than likely schector's not going to give you this information easily.

    67100:38:51,230 --> 00:38:53,040Just remember,this is an fbi operation.

    67200:38:53,040 --> 00:38:56,150We work within the confines of the law.


    00:38:56,150 --> 00:38:58,330You can threaten him,but do not lay hands on him.

    67400:38:58,330 --> 00:39:01,690The minute I see you crossing that line,I will pull you back,understood?

    67500:39:01,690 --> 00:39:03,790Understood.

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    67600:39:14,820 --> 00:39:16,480Agent walker,fbi.

    67700:39:16,480 --> 00:39:19,280I'm here to talk to gabriel schector.

    67800:39:19,760 --> 00:39:21,940Just a second.

    67900:39:28,640 --> 00:39:30,600Can I help you?

    68000:39:31,720 --> 00:39:33,570Jack bauer?

    68100:39:33,570 --> 00:39:35,180How are you,gabe?

    68200:39:35,180 --> 00:39:37,110Didn't know you were fbi.

    68300:39:37,110 --> 00:39:38,890I'm not.

    68400:39:38,890 --> 00:39:40,710Just came along for the ride.

    68500:39:40,710 --> 00:39:42,460Mr. Bauer is here under my authority.

    68600:39:42,460 --> 00:39:48,090Oh,so I can hold you responsible for anything he does while he's here.

    68700:39:48,090 --> 00:39:50,130I have a witness.


    00:39:50,130 --> 00:39:51,890Sure.

    68900:39:53,550 --> 00:39:55,090Okay.

    69000:39:55,090 --> 00:39:57,240Come on in.

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    69100:40:00,870 --> 00:40:02,640Please.

    69200:40:03,070 --> 00:40:05,060Have a seat.

    69300:40:11,820 --> 00:40:14,430this should be an interesting conversation.

    69400:40:14,430 --> 00:40:15,980How long's it been,jack?

    69500:40:15,980 --> 00:40:17,830Years.

    69600:40:17,830 --> 00:40:19,140How's the,uh...

    69700:40:19,140 --> 00:40:21,770senate thing doing?

    69800:40:21,770 --> 00:40:24,480I hear they dismantled the ctu.

    69900:40:24,480 --> 00:40:26,230Don't tell me.

    70000:40:26,230 --> 00:40:28,140It was your fault,wasn't it?

    70100:40:28,140 --> 00:40:30,490Mr. Schector,we're not here to make small talk.

    70200:40:30,490 --> 00:40:31,710I have questions.


    00:40:31,710 --> 00:40:34,400Well,you have my undivided attention.

    70400:40:34,400 --> 00:40:35,980Where's tony almeida?

    70500:40:35,980 --> 00:40:37,910Tony almeida?

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    70600:40:37,910 --> 00:40:39,830In the ground,I spose.

    70700:40:39,830 --> 00:40:42,280Unless he was cremated.

    70800:40:42,280 --> 00:40:45,370Didn't he die at ctu a while back?

    70900:40:45,370 --> 00:40:47,670You got an out here,gabe.

    71000:40:47,670 --> 00:40:49,710They're not after you.

    71100:40:49,710 --> 00:40:51,150They're willing to accept that you didn't know

    71200:40:51,150 --> 00:40:55,220what tony almeidaas going to do with the components that y helped him steal.

    71300:40:58,860 --> 00:41:04,170Nobody I knew stole anything,and if they did,I knew nothing about it.

    71400:41:04,170 --> 00:41:06,940This is far more serious than you know,mr. Schector.

    71500:41:06,940 --> 00:41:10,020If you help us find almeida,I can see to it that you're kept in the clear.

    71600:41:10,020 --> 00:41:15,170Otherwise,you could be a co-conspirator to multiple terrorist acts.

    71700:41:15,640 --> 00:41:19,660No,well,I think this conversation is over.


    00:41:19,660 --> 00:41:23,020I tried to answer all your questions honestly,

    71900:41:23,020 --> 00:41:26,540but I think,from now on,you can speak to my lawyers.

    72000:41:26,540 --> 00:41:29,000So,good-bye,jack.

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    72100:41:29,000 --> 00:41:30,350And good luck with the senate.

    72200:41:30,350 --> 00:41:32,090Hope they fry your ass.

    72300:41:32,090 --> 00:41:35,570Ari,could you show these people to the door,please.

    72400:41:35,570 --> 00:41:36,990Are you sure you want to play it like this?

    72500:41:36,990 --> 00:41:39,630Yeah,that's the way I want to play,jack.

    72600:41:44,110 --> 00:41:45,590-Drop your weapon.

    -Drop it now!72700:41:45,590 --> 00:41:48,270Okay,okay,okay.

    72800:41:48,920 --> 00:41:50,440You two are going to prison!

    72900:41:50,440 --> 00:41:51,750This was unprovoked!

    73000:41:51,750 --> 00:41:52,630Unprovoked!

    73100:41:52,630 --> 00:41:57,020Your man ari was going for his gun-- I've got a witness.

    73200:41:57,790 --> 00:42:00,760Why don't we try having this conversation again.

    73300:42:00,760 --> 00:42:02,400Where is tony almeida?

    73400:42:02,400 --> 00:42:03,420No.

    73500:42:03,420 --> 00:42:06,010

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    I'm not talking to you.

    73600:42:07,840 --> 00:42:10,490Where is he?

    73700:42:10,490 --> 00:42:13,240Tony almeida's dead.

    73800:42:13,240 --> 00:42:15,910What do you want me to do?

    73900:42:17,450 --> 00:42:20,490This is your call.

    74000:42:21,030 --> 00:42:23,910Do whatever it takes.

    74100:42:25,320 --> 00:42:26,800

    This is against the law.74200:42:26,800 --> 00:42:28,330You can't do this.

    74300:42:28,330 --> 00:42:30,010I'm gonna enjoy this.

    74400:42:30,010 --> 00:42:31,860Enjoy what?

    74500:42:34,600 --> 00:42:36,280All right,all right!

    74600:42:36,280 --> 00:42:38,980I'll tell you what I know!

    74700:42:39,960 --> 00:42:44,380There's no need for me to lose my good looks over this.

    74800:42:44,380 --> 00:42:45,930okay.

    74900:42:45,930 --> 00:42:48,350Last time I saw almeida...

    75000:42:56,130 --> 00:42:57,010

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    are you all right?

    75100:42:57,010 --> 00:42:58,090Yeah.

    75200:43:00,340 --> 00:43:03,500Tell your men they've got a shooter on top of the columbia building,heading south.

    75300:43:03,500 --> 00:43:05,250Shots fired.Suspects are down.

    75400:43:05,250 --> 00:43:07,600The shooter's on the roof of the columbia building across the street.

    75500:43:07,600 --> 00:43:09,810Seal all exits.


    00:43:17,230 --> 00:43:19,080Get away from this,jack.

    75700:43:19,080 --> 00:43:20,430Tony?

    75800:43:20,430 --> 00:43:23,380There's nothing you or the fbi can do about this.

    75900:43:23,380 --> 00:43:24,490

    Just stay away.76000:43:24,490 --> 00:43:26,340Tony,just talk to me.

    76100:43:26,340 --> 00:43:27,960What the hell's going...

    76200:43:27,960 --> 00:43:29,490tony...

    76300:43:29,490 --> 00:43:31,380tony!

    76400:43:42,180 --> 00:43:43,820What's going on at schector's office?


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    00:43:43,820 --> 00:43:46,380I don't know.They haven't checked in yet.

    76600:43:51,670 --> 00:43:56,420Gsa 117,northeast three,descend pilot's discretion,direct jfk.

    76700:43:56,420 --> 00:43:59,790Northeast three,roger,we're starting our descent now.

    76800:44:00,370 --> 00:44:05,760Gsa 117,descend and maintain 2,000,expect holding runway four-right.

    76900:44:08,600 --> 00:44:10,870Gsa 117,I did not receive your read-back.

    77000:44:10,870 --> 00:44:13,660Acknowledge.Over.


    00:44:15,010 --> 00:44:18,110Gsa 117,acknowledge.

    77200:44:22,580 --> 00:44:26,190Mr. Paulson,I've lost comm with gsa 117.

    77300:44:27,240 --> 00:44:28,720Try the emergency channels.

    77400:44:28,720 --> 00:44:30,600

    I did.77500:44:31,340 --> 00:44:33,190Nothing.

    77600:44:33,190 --> 00:44:34,210And there's no fault on my board.

    77700:44:34,210 --> 00:44:36,660I redirected twice.

    77800:44:37,580 --> 00:44:40,660Something's interfering with our comm.

    77900:44:41,800 --> 00:44:43,010Call back fbi!


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    00:44:43,010 --> 00:44:46,820Tell them we have a 767 on approach no longer under our control!

    78100:44:46,820 --> 00:44:50,320Gsa 117,acknowledge.

    78200:44:50,320 --> 00:44:52,930Gsa 117,this is northeast three.

    78300:44:52,930 --> 00:44:55,040Go ahead,air traffic control.

    78400:44:55,040 --> 00:44:59,160Advise passing 7,000,maintain 1,500.

    78500:44:59,160 --> 00:45:01,430Traffic ahead reporting moderate turbulence.


    00:45:01,430 --> 00:45:03,670Should be a smoother ride for you down there.

    78700:45:03,670 --> 00:45:05,500Roger that,northeast three.

    78800:45:05,500 --> 00:45:08,380Understand,northeast three,gsa 117.

    78900:45:08,380 --> 00:45:11,060

    Enter descent for 1,500.79000:45:14,670 --> 00:45:16,120All right.

    79100:45:16,120 --> 00:45:18,990Get ready to make the course change.

    79200:45:21,010 --> 00:45:24,270We're really taking this all the way.

    79300:45:24,650 --> 00:45:27,390You just need to do exactly what I tell you to do.

    79400:45:27,390 --> 00:45:30,220-=www.ydy.com/bbs=-Proudly Presents

  • 8/12/2019 24 - 1x01 - 12 00 A.M.-1 00 A.M..720p HDTV.Dimension.en


    79500:45:30,220 --> 00:45:32,650Sync: YTET- -=www.ydy.com/bbs=-

    999900:00:0,500 --> 00:00:2,00www.tvsubtitles.net