21st bomber command tactical mission report 42

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    oo'Vering five lo" ...evel night inoendiary

    FmEWORQThis 18 the ~rd report or II; !}er1ell

    attacks. The broad :planning tor thisphase appearS in 1:he first. ot these re-port!! _.._Mil'lon No 4.0 against Tokyo..

    ~.IQRjl{ . . . . .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42



    TACTICALMISSIONREPORTField Order No. 45 Mls~lon No. 42

    Target: Urban Area (90.25)OSAKA, JAPAN

    Table of ContentsPageNo

    Ta.ctioal NarratIve ExhIbit - Target and Aiming Points Exhibit - Re:dar Scope Photos. . . 110

    11Annex A - Operations Exhibit - Track Chart. Part I-NaVigation.

    Part II -Bombing. Part III - Flight Engineering. Part IV - Radar. Part V - Gunnery Part VI - Air-Sea Rescue Exh~bi t -Air-Sea Rescue Yap

    12 . 13 14 -

    0 14140.' 15. . 1619

    , 20 .Annex B - Well.he;r. .. 21Part I - Weather Summary 22

    Part II-Chart - Forecast Weather vsObserved Weather. 24

    Part III - Prognostic Map. 25Part IV .. Sytloptl0 :M ap .. 26A n n e x C - CODll'llUniclltlo.na 2 7Part I-Radar Counter Measures. 2a-

    Part II - Com mu nioa tion s ( Ra dio) 29Annex 0 - Int& 111genoe 32Part I - Iilne~y Air OppGlsltlon. 33

    Part II - Enemy Antiaircraft andAir-to-Air Bombing , , 36

    Part IP - Bombing Reaul ts and DamageAssessment. 3 '1 '

    Annex E - Consolidated Statistioa1 Swn !l\8 .l"y 4,2Annex F - XXI Bomber Command F1e1d Orders. . 55Anne: : . : G - D is trib ution 60.. . " . .

    Prepared 9y:A-2 SecStionXII Bomber Command

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42



    By a.uth. of the C. G.XX I Bomber Command17 April 45 x L . n & 0Date Initials

    I : : : : 1 : : : : : : !::::::::::::::::HEADQUARTERS

    X X I BOMBERO M M A N DAPO 23 4.

    17 April 1945SUEJElCT, Report of Operations. 13-14 March 1945T0 1 Co~anding General. Twentieth Air Force, Washington 25, D. C.

    1. Identification of Mis8ioni,a.. Field Order Number 4 5, Headquarters X XI Bomber Command.

    dated 13 March 1945. directed the 73rd. 313th. and 314th BombardmentWil}gs to p6.l'ticlpate in a coordinated attack against e . target on Hon-shu.

    b. Targets Specified:(1) Primary Target I Osaka urban area (90.25)(2) Secondary Target: None.(3) Last Resort Target; None.

    2, Strategy AAdPlan of Operations:a. Selection of D-Dayl This target Was one of four se-

    lected for attack, weather permi ttingj at 48 hour i'ntervals. Theweather forecast for over the target and ht bases on return dld notprevent the carrying out of the plans for this attack within the de-sired time brackets.

    b. Importance of Targetl Osaka is the second largest cityin Japan. having a 1940 population of 3,252.340. Traditlonally ithas been the most important industria.l concentration in the Far East;however. 'Il?kyo has recently tiUcen the lead as the manu.fa.cturing cen-ter of the Empire. Osaka is dne of the ?rincipal centers of heavyindustry. being noted for 1ts shipbuildihj, iron and steel. and roll-tng stock 'VlOrk::;,s well as non-ferrous metais enterprises, notablycopper and aluminum. In addition" it t s outstanding for it21 produc-tion.of aircraft propellers and ~overnors; ~unitions and ordnanc~.textile B. special ste eIs. wires I eleotr 1,ai equipment. chemicals.instruments, and maohines ahd Inachine too'i--s, particularly anti-fric-tion bee.rings. More recently it has becorr.e a transportatibn centernowr9.nking third as a port. Muchwork has been done to develop itsnaturally shallow harbor. It is the center of an extensive system ofrailvmys, including the Tokaido Main Line (principal trunk line rail-road of Honshu Island), the Kansel Line (an !l.lternate route to Nagoya),and numerous Locu'l elsctrica.l arteries, such as the Shinkeihan to KyotO'to the ncr-theasc, and the Hanshin Lines running west through Amaga.saki'to K~bo. Tho'ma.in'railroa.d sta.tion is a hub for 0.11this po.ssenger

    - 1-

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    fire fighting defenses. en the Nagoya attack planes were scheduledto a.rri ve a.t the target over a compar-ati vely long length of time;sCattered fires were started. but not ~reD.t enough intensity waSobtained to overwhelm the flre.f1ghting defenses. Bombardiers ev-idently made visual releases on fires burning outside the targetareal consequently crews on the Osaka miss ion were to be briefed tocheek position carefully before releasing bombs, Some aircraft onthe Nagoya attack evidently went in above briefed altitude. an ex-tremely dangerous prooedure sinoe clusters could open in th e pathof follOWing al'rcraf't. Pictures tllken with M-46 photo flash bombsindiCated that the M-46 would have to be dropped 18 seoends pr10rto release of Incendiary clusters to obtain proper strike photos,On the Osaka mission the aiming points selected and timing of air-craft over the targ6t were planned to enhance the probab1:l1ty of themaximumconcentration of bombs in the most infalo.rnmable tones of thecity.

    .& . Axes of attacks and otfset u:ning pointswere to differ on this mission in that aircraft were to fan out andtake bendings to mean points of impact from the initial point ratherthan from offset aiming pOints as on the previou. incendiary missions.The offset aiming point was to be used only as a timing point andnot as a point to be flown direotly over,

    ~. Initial points, bombing a.ltitudes, axesof attaCk. offset aiming points (timing points) for the :3 Wings were I73td Wing (Reference for OAP's a.ndMFI'S I XXIBomber CommandLithlo-Masaic 90.~. See Exhibit preceding Annex A)

    IP: 341930N - 1344130E. One half of 73rd was to use 098122 asMPI and to fly Course of 61 degrees from IP using 1000 yardsto north side of 028070 (OAP) as timing point. The other halfwa.s to use 091099 as MPI and to fly course of 6.2 degrees fromIP using 1000yards to south side of 028070 (OAP) 6 0S timing pOint.Al ti tudes on axi s of attack were to be 6000 to 6800 feet.

    313th l1fingllP 34l930N - 1344130E. One third of 313th was to use 064083as MPI and to fly course of 52 degrees from IF using 1000 yardsto south side of 028070 (OAP) as timing point. Twothirds wasto use 090079 as MPI and to fly course of 63 degr~es from IPusing 056059 (OAF) as timing point. Altitudes on axis of attaokwere to be 7000 to 7800 feet.

    IP 341930N - 1344l30E. All of 314th W(lS to use 06408:3 as MPIand to fly oourse of 62 degree~ from IP using 1000 yards tosouth dde of 0280'70 (OAP) as t.iming point. Altitudes on axisof attnck were to be 6000 to 6800 feet.

    314th Wing:

    ~. All aircraft were to fly a oalibrated a1r~speed of 250 miles per hour. Ground speeds were to vary from 280 to290 miles per hour. O"rift was expected to vary from 4 degrees rightto 5 degrees right.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    (2) lavigation;Baseto25/00N - 143/00Eto

    Reason for choiceRoute was planned to avoid Iwo Jim.a ope r-ations by 75 miles

    25/l5N .. l40/S3Eto Nishino-Shima was used as a rada.r checkpoint.34/49N - 134/ 45E The landfall point was on the ea.st point

    of Shikoku. The bay area between Honshu~nd-Shikoku would make a gbod radar' iden ...tificatlon point and would permit navlga....~ors 'ttI~Qecomeea611yoriented. in o-a.aeD rlandfall error.to

    34/l9N - l34/4lE (IP) The 8o~thwest eorner of Awa.ji-Shlna islandwaS ~ssigned as the initial point. Thelanj-water contrast would be an easily re-cognizable radar and visual check point.o

    T C l r g e tto34/30N - 1$S/30EOsaka Urban AreaA westerly heading away from the targetwaS planned to avoid the mountains south-ea!lt of Osaka.o

    2 3/0 0 N - 144/008 This point; midwa.ybetween lwo and Chichi-Jlma, utilized the Bonin Islamds as a radarnavigational aid ud the radio range sta-tion on Iwo-Jima.o

    Base(3) Flight Engineering;

    (a) Fuel reserve data from previous missions in-dioo.ted that the average aircraft of the 13rd a.nd 313th Wings wouldnot require any bomb bny tanks. Wing and center,l1ng tanks were to befilled to capacity. Total fuel would be approx.imately 6800 gallon.s.This data from previuos missions indic~ted that the average air-craft of the 314th Wing would require, in a.ddition to full wing a.ndcenter wing tanks, one full bombbay tank for a total fuel loadingof apprOXimately 7300 gallons.

    (b) BombLogd:1. No maximumor minimumbomb load w~s speci ...

    fied.~. The o.verage bom'Qond for the 73rd and:n~th VHllgS(balled on previous mission) wns eati.mated at slightly

    mora than 14,000 pounds. Any aircrnft to partioipate in this misB~'should be capable of carrying this load with a safe fuel reserve.The average bomb load for the 314th Wing Cbase~ on previous missions'waS estimated at 10,000 pounds, 1$1noe0.8 indicated, the grenter dis ..tanoe to the target for the 314th Wingwould requite runadditional3500 pounds of fuel.

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    (b) Armya This Commandassigned 3 Super-Dumboe.irp lanes (8-29's) to the foll owing posi tiona I 33/00N - 137/30E from131600Z to l31930Zj 32/00N - l38/00E from 13l600Z to l31900Z; 31/00N -139/00E from l31700Z to 13l730Z. These aircraft were to assist inspotting, reoeive distress Signals, drop emergenoy eql1ipment and dir-eot eubmar-Lne s ,

    (0) A ohart indIoating disposition of air-searescue facilities appears in Annex A, Part VI,d. Deto.lls of PlaMin, _ Intelligence:

    (1) EnemyFighter Regotion: It was determined fro.mstudy of. enem~'or(~.er of battle and Jstimates of enemy operationalstrengths that the Japa.nese Air Force could oppose this mission with192 single-engine nnd 24 twin-engine righters. From past experiencesof this Commandand the XXBomber COIi'.me.ndnd a study of JapaneseAir Foroe capabilities in night operation. serious aerial oppositionto this operation waS not expected. Therefore, as in the past nightoperations, only the tail turret was to be loaded.

    (2) EnemyAntiaircraft,(~) The city of Osaka is defended by 257 heavyantiEdrcro1't guns. Q. small number of which have gun-laying rndar ,

    Gunfire from ships in the h~rbor could also be expected.(b) From avail able photographiC coverage. it WAS .determined that there are 102 Clutomntic weapons in the Osaka area.

    which are difficult to fire at night without searchlight illumination.On the be.ais of the Lnuc cur at.e automatio weapons fire received on thepast 2 low-altitude night str ikes , it was beHave d that these weaponswould not prove to be effective at the proposed nltitudes of attack.

    (c) Eighty-eightseo.rchlights have been observedon photegraphs in the Osaka area, This is an adequate def'ense andshould be effective if CAVUconditions exist in the tcrget area.SearChlights on the past 2 night strikes were effective at firstand then became contused and poorly controlled.

    3. Execution of the Mission;0.. Take-off! The first aircraft of the 73rd Wingwo.ssched-

    uled to tnke-off at 1307502,that of the 313th Wing o.t l30750Z, nndthat of the 3l4th Wing at 130715Z. Actuo.l tuke-off wqs a.ccomplisheda.s follows:

    Aircro1't First rlircrc.ft Lnst Ai rcraftWing Airborne Toke-off Take-off

    73rd 135 130747Z l30925Z3l3th 115 l30746Z 130925Z314th ~ 13Q716Z 13CQ6ZTotals 295 13Q716Z 130925Z

    Three homing aircruft are not inoluded in the above.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    b. Route Ollot' The oourse flown wtl.S generally as bril.'lfadwi th the excepti on of some pLanes the.t olimbe d above bri ef ad altitudetoavol.d instrument weather and turbulence.c. .OverTp.rget I(1) frilll!lry TQrget: With visibility over the targetbeing reported M 12 miles except in saoke , 214 aircreJ't dropped a

    tota.l of 1,73:5 tons of bombs on thG pri.mo.ry target. CloudB encoun-tered were 8/10 stratooumulus, top 6000 feet and 9/10 to 10/10 0.1-to stratus, bxse 8000 l'eat. top 14,000 fa et.(2) 'I:a.rgetsQf' Opportunity: One B-29 bombedo.n unknown

    to.rget and I bombed Chichi Jime..(:3) Last Resort Targets : Five B-291 s bombed the roll!!>,,-in g targets:

    Number ofaircraft

    10.I b21

    Group4 9 8499500504

    'ro.rgetUji.yamo.d0.Kobe8hiramll, lushimoto AlpShira.halllll.

    (a) ;'180 bombed primary( ' I i Homing aircraft

    d. Route Bo.ckI Return was flown as briefed. The wen.therwas reported o.s rtdr,with vi sibil iy 10 mile s lowering to :5 milesin Tn! n,

    c. Lg:nd.i.ng(1) Aircral't of themo.ln force Landed at bases under

    fnir weather conditions as follows:First Landing Last Landing




    Totul 140155Z32038Z(2) WUs I !wonirer at'twere lost due to the following


    (b) Enemynnti-u irora.f tl None.(c) ;'ooi dents and Mechant.e 0.1 One o. i reI' art c.rash0d

    o.nd burned on: t::tke-off. All crew members escaped.(d) Di tohi nge I None(e) Unknown I One,

    - 7 ..

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    (2) Enemyo nti- .b .ircrq f jtl ( S ee A nn ex D, Put II, fordetails) There were no known losses to nnti-nlrorpt. Anti~ircrartan route to tnrget WIlS negligible. Over tha tllrget fire Wns meagerto m od era te Illldg en ern lly i.n ll.oou r~te. S ix to 10 ll\.rge,brilliantwhi tie bursts from rookets or phosphorus bombs were seen by ene l1ir-ornft when 2 0 to 30 miles off the coast, southenst of Nakirl.(3) B om bin c Res ults g n g Damage Asseasmentl (See AnnexD, Pnrt III, for details)' D estruction is n lm os t en tIrely oon oen -trated in one area s outhwest of the cnstle. Toto.l d runo.geam ountsto about 2 26,01 0,00 0 square feet, or 6.1 s qu are m iles , d es troy ed .Thirteen nu mbered t~rgets received dt\lllag e.

    r } . c a & 4 r III hi,.CURTIS E. JAW.YMnjor Gen era l. U .S .ACODUnrlOding

    - 9 -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42




    " . . .,I , " " r, \ \

    \ ," 'y ,\~ , ),~\

    Aiming Points


    \\\\\\ >'I't'/'/

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42






  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42




    Exhibi t-Traok ChartPart I - No.vigo.ti.onIP art I! _B om bin g~a;rt III - Flight Engineering~art IV ... Ro.dnr, Part V ' . . Gunneryhrt VI - Air-SeQ ReaOu&SxiJbi t -.kir-Seo. Rescue Chart

    1 3 / 1 4 . M o .J ' ! : c h1 9 45

    - 12 ..

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42



    ~It MISSION NO. ..!2DATE 13 Morch'XXI BOMCOM

    --- Briefed73 50313 ROllte as Briefe----- 314- Route au T as--

    , ~III----+------III

    I.t. LUI73- 13.003 .3134013- 131~!!9 13140014- 131134131250KINAWA



    GUAM\ lAKE OFF I.A~~I~!l,,1, Latl lot l.:a.l.73 130748 130na 13a029 13UD33 130801 1309211 132123 140040

    ~4 '~07111 130740 132110 In230.


    314 131330 131nll

    133.3 r3r72r314 1314113 131555

    i'140-- 145130 135"


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    OPERJ..TIONSPart I - Nayigation

    1. Navigation on this mission was generally ~ood with Clve,rageoourse errors at landfall less thnn 10 miles. Flight to the main-land WaS mnde at low altitude. Cloud cover and turbulence hamperedoelestial observations, foroing the navig&tors to depend almost en-tirely upon Loran. Loran was 90 per cent operational with fixe.obtained on the coast of Honshu,2. Navigators used the Iwo Jima range stations, but bearingswere generally erratio. The homing aircraft were also u.nsatisfactoryand it was recomended by individual navigators that they be discon-tinued.3. The landfall. Coast. in1 tial point. and offset aim.lng pointwere easily identified on the APQ-13. ~ircraft with inoperative ra-dar followed the coast line of Osaka Bay to the target. and bombedfires started by other aircraft. Winds m.re f oreca st f or 220 degreesat 25 knots and computed at 260 degrees at 35 knots.

    fart II - Bombing

    4. Aircraft followed briefed route to baae

    1. Weather from I.P. to target wns reported aslO/lO completelyundercast; however, just prior to bom~ release line the target wasclear.

    2 . Ground A/A fire had little effect on bomb run, but ships inthe harbor sent up a ccu ra te f ire.

    3. The majority of th e aircraft used complete radar apprOn~$Ba nd a few m ad e v is ua l correctiO Rs a t ~,d of their runs.4. Moet impucts were unobserved. but a number of large firesw ere r ep or ted .5. ;..number of aircraft had diffioulty in closing the bomb baydoors due to failure of the pneumatic sustam. Lack of pressure inthe accumulator was the cause.

    *** ....Part III - F1i~ht Engineeri"

    1. N9rrQtl~e. of Mission as 'Flowp:a. Low eltltude 9rulse~ The initial cruise was flown byindividual aircraft by all Wings. The altitudes and speeds flownon the initial cruise were as planned. Considerable turbulenoe wasexperienced during the low altitude cruise. No attempt was made. toassemble elements or goups at any time during the mission

    ..14 -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    b. Climb to bomb~n, altitude! Many types of climb proced-ures were used none of which proved to be conclusively better thanother types.

    0 Cru.ise to tauetl Very low powers were req_u1red to ob-tain maximum range airspeed in the cruise prior to starting the bomb-ing run. The a?proximate average power setting was only 2000 rpmand 30.6 inches of manifold pressure. The average power setting re-quired to obtain 250 mph calibrated air speed on the bombing run wa Sapproximately 2350 rpm e..nd41 inChes of manHo1d pressure.

    d. Return to Baset In nearly a l l Cases the returns to basewere made at 7000 to 10,000 feet until approximately one hour fromthe base, where let downs at approximately 100 feet per minute weremade. Fuel consumption was as predicted. Some aircral't climbed to15,000 to 20,000 feet on returning to base to take advantage ot winds.Approximate ly 10 gall ons addi ti onal f ue1was consumed by the se air-craft. It is believed that the additional fuel reqUired plus addedengine wear make this type of return undesirable.

    2. Comments on Results gf Missionj

    a, The 73rd and 313th Hngs carried practically equivalentbomb loads. All airc.raft in the 73rd Wing ca.rried specified bombLoads, while in the 313th Wing bomb loads varied in accordance withcrew and aircraft capabilities. One Group of the 313th Wing carriedan average of 16.150 lbs. of bombs and returned with the greatestaverage fuel reserve for that Wing.

    b. The average fuel consumptions to the target by all wingswere as predioted.

    e, The average fuel reserves for all wings were slightlygreater than predicted.

    d. For fuel consumption and weight data. see ConsolidatedStatistical Summary.

    3 . Exh~blt!lla, For vertical plot, fuel consumption and bomb load see

    Chart A~. Cross hatched areas represent allowance for reduced po-tential bomb load and additional fuel requirement to target fer 314thWing.

    *b. Fer historical record of past a m.lslSion see Chart - B "

    Part IV .. Radar1. Radar Equipment .. Employment!

    (1) Target area navigation and bombing ~re done byradar. The pI armed bombing run was satisfactory. Radar operatorsand naVigators oommented on the ease of identifying the radar offsetaiming point.

    .. 15 -'!QJL~I.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42



    ! t !~............l l . ' . : : ~ ~ + ~ . , - t ' " ' i.- t : : : : ' . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1 1 . 1 1 : l. l. . ~

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    ,~ ; i~ ;7:3'"-:W/AI~7 . ~:2..::""/>o.'/J ~. ~I."".~ " "~ ~ .. o: :: . ...l..~ , : i y i j , . ,BIJA- fB 'Jv v............., ...Y~:lil'~_ WT: V :, ' ; : : ;- i I ! ~ . \ 1 L L . I t ., TI T I I P J : 20(;100 i........ + . !.'.. r : ~ i :

    .1 . r l ~ ~ / " ' ~ \ , I ~ j 1 j ,(I='~m ::: KT'/t

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    2. The malfunctions 1n the CFe that did occur were due to leak.1Jin gun ohar~r hoses, causing gun charger motors to burn out due toexcessive running. This brings out the f~ct that auxiliary powerBwitches should not be left on rU'ter test firing. Equipment switchesshould be turned on a~a.ln I1t olimb point to allow a.ir pressure tobuild up and electriC equipment to warm up,

    Part VI - Air-Sea Resoue1. Airora ft N o. 30V60a was believed lost at sell. Informationwas not available for evaluating the circumstances or initiatings8o.roh.

    - 19 ,..

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    FEINIUARY 1945 SECAEl130' 135' 1450I I\ II ~I

    oK E Y

    ~ ~~ ~~I~~I'" ~ ~I\ ;CHICHIJIM--+~--I----l--I

    ~INAWA : "\:

    as - -f--I- -I- -~-I- -+- - + - -t- -t- +-+--I- -I-; -~ - -f-- -+--:-+--1-'25.I IWOJIMA J--~--+--+---+--~~

    j I~ :~~'_-+--+--4--~l 1 \ \ l: \ :20


    1 : ~1------+---+---+----1-----.11----+---1- Cros.~ 800ls on S_!- -I- _~!~r:_!0!~f"~!! -'- < i ...L_-1-15Land no P 1005. TlNIANI I~I II..." ;;)'PII

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42



    p~ ... 1 .. Weather S W D J I 1 D . r yPart II .. Chart .. Foreoast Wea.ther VI. ObiS"'"Wea.theI'Part III Prognostic M a pPart IV Synoptio lIap

    . . .r_ ..

    13/14. Uatoh 1945l4. . . .

    .f "- ... 81 ,-

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    P a rt. I WeAtbQt~ S_ i j rnmq,ryPrLANNINQ FORECAST

    At l400KBa.seJ 3-4/10 Cumulus, base 1600 ft, top 7000 ftl 3/10 altocumulus,baseU,OOO rt, top 13,500 ft j 2/10 oirrus at 30,000 ft

    ~ I to 250N I 5 /10 cum ulu s, base 1800 ft. top 5000 rt j with 3/10altooumulus, base 13,000 ft, top 15,000 ft. over Iwo area.250N to Coast: 9-10/10 stra.tocumu1uB, -base 1000 ft. top7-9000 and 7-10/10 altocumulus. b~se 11,000 ft, top 15,000 Ft.

    Ta.rgetl Tokyo' 3/10 low clouds, 6/10 cirrus becoming 4/10 low, 4.LI0middle with 9/10 oirrus,Nagoya and Kobet ~/10 stro.tocumu1uB, base 2000 ft, top 5000ft; 2/10 altocumulus, base 12,000 ft, top 14,000 f t, becoming7/10 at night, 7/10 cirrus increasing to 10/10 at 24,000 f.t.

    240QXI 'KObe and Nagoya.: 5/10 stratocUlIIulus, base 3000 rt, top 6000---.- ft. Reduced. o.mount of m id dle Cloud s on north end of route,DecisiQns Schedule mission to Osaka night of 13-14 March.

    Qperet10npl Forecast W ea ther en cou nteredBnse atTaka-off I 5/10 cumulus. base 1800 ft,top 8-900ort i 4 / 10 al toc umu 1 us, base15,000 ft, top 1$,000 ft. Vis.bility15np.1es ~o'7ering to' 2 miles in lightsQatt.red showers. .

    8/10 cumulus, baae 1500 f t, top5000 ftl S/10 altostratus, base8000 ft, top 11..000. Visibility15 miles lO'Raring to 3 miles ins cn ttered s howers

    Route~ 150B to 190N : 4/10 cumulus, base 1S oN to 21oN: 4/10 cumulus,2000 ft, top 6-8000 ftl 3/10 altocumu- base 2000 ft. top 6000 ft; s/roulust base 13,000 ft, top 15,000 ft. o.ltocumuluS", base 8000 ft, topVisi~ility 15 miles. 10,000 ftj ViSibility 15 miles.IgON to 21oij: 1/10 camulus. base 210N to 280Nr 4/10 cumulus, base1500 ft, top 8-9000 ft; 4/l0 altoQum~- ZOOO ft, top 5000 ft. ViSIbilItyIus, balle 13,000 ft, top 14,000 ft. .':'15 miles.Visi biUty 15 miles lowering to 3 ,miles 280N to 320N I 3 /10 cu mu lu s, base~n light s howers. 2000 f t, top 5000 f tj 4/10 alto-ai ON to ~ "N I 7.~/lO ""umu1us, stril.tus. base SOOO ft, top 10,000baae 1800 ft. top 6000 it; from 26N Visi bl1 ity 15 miles.3/10 cirrus becoming s i l O and fina~y 320N to 35~: 10/10 stratocumu-6/10 at 27,000 ft, Visibility 15 miles. Lus, base 2000 ft. tops 8000 ft,becoming 8/10, base 5000 ft, top8000 ft; 10/10 altos t~a tu 8. b as e9000 ft, top 11-}4;,000 ft, Vis--

    ibl1ity 12 miles.Target I 1$ /1 0 cU ln ulu s, b l; l,s e3 00 0 f t,top 6000 ft; 6/10 cirrus, b~se 25,000ft. Visibility U' miles,

    a /l O B tr at oc um u 1u s . top 6000 ftj9-10/10 altostratus, base 8000 ft,top l~,OOO ft. Visibility 12mile s exc ept in smoke ..

    Ro~teRetUr"ning r Sruna as Routa .Outgoing .. Same as Route OutgOing.

    - 'a2-

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    BB80 o QReturn. 5/10 ewmulu5. b ase 12 00-1500 ft. top 7-9000 ft. Vhlbility15miles lowering to 2 miles in scat-tered light showers,

    5 /10 ou mu lu s. b as e 12 00 -180 ~ ft.Sc~ttered showers in area. Visi-b ility 10 m iles lowerin g to 3 milesin rain

    Winds Aloft ..Forecast

    loN-25oN 25H-290H 290N_35oN OsakA - . g Q g 2oL12 ~gLl~ 2 ~QL'Q~ - ~ Q L - 1 1 : 1 :l Q . Q Q Q I i lQLl2 a i :zgL1t l ~tlL2~ 1 ~QL~ -2a , C C Q ~Q,JQ l2 ~JCL1C I 2~L1f i 2 2~oL~Q . . 1~ i : aQOQ QL IQ l~ ~ Q L ! 2 !l 1~QL1Q ~ ~2QLg -14 . 209 2L1Q H !QL IO 11 l ! 2 ~ L I Q " 2 122L15 0~ IQQQ :zgLl ~ l a Q L 1 l 1 ~ L 1 Q 2 l Q L I Q ~Surf'II.!UI ~iLu ~ aQLu 2 i ~LU li 2 Q L s 7

    Winds Alort ..Observed

    150N -22oN 220N to 300N 300Ji p : g ;ON15,00010.000 70/15 ,?85/39 309L35190/25 24007 25oL4Q

    3loL45:310/35270nO2oL?B2 5 o L 2 6


    The f oreca st wa s con sid ered f air. Con sid era ble m id dle clou dnot foreoast WillS encountered over the target flrea. ~'findswere con-s id era bly s tron g er tha n f oreCa s t.


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    ;t: '>~(j\) ~l(~~"~ I~ II~ . J



    ~ cf . . .ti. .- o:I I u .,III I _ .: 1M0 =I 0I

    .w0 0 a a a 0 u a 0 a a 0 00 0 a 0 a 0 -< 0 0 0 Cl 0 00 0 a

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    \,. . .-JJ

    J( . . . . . . ,.._'" J ,/"" _\_ '.....~"'-?I

    PROG OSTIC1 14'00 Z

    /3 ,MARCH_ . _ . _ L _ . _ _ _ _ - - . 94.5

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    - : r -dVW

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42



    c o m r o m : C A ; r I O N S

    Part I .. Radar CollllterMaaal.U'8Shrt 1:(..Radio

    13/14 March 1945

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    lart I - Radar Countermeg,sures1 . GEN ERAL I

    a. Four RCMSearch aircraft participated in and oomp1etedthis mission. Search was preformed for enemy trM.smiuions in thefrequency bands of 28-110 mo. 170-300 me, and 1000-3000 mo , Whileover the tar~et. the search w as concentrated on logging rado.r s1P1l'l.lBwith high PRF ~nd short pulse length ohar~eteristios.

    b. A total of 49 signals was lof,ged, but after analysisfor repetit~on and ambiguity, this number was resolved into 18 dir-ferent Signals. The analrsis included eoninoidence of the signalswith enemy action, their possible transmission from particular enemyequipments, and previous interoepts.

    0 I~o orren!!i ve countermeasures were employed.2. BE.SugS OF SE ;. Al: !. CH !

    a . Signals intercepted of partioular interest:(1) 186/2800/1.81(2) 1~4/100Q/'t(3) 191/3000/2.7:(4) 195/---/5.'=

    33/00N - 13S/00EOsaka33/00N .. l3S/00E33/00N .. 13S/00E

    These signals, intercepted upon approaChing mainlandand over the Osaka area. are pos s 1b1e Mark TA Model 4 or Mark 21A A F C . The signal over Osaka was assqciated with heavy to mediumoaliber flak(inaecure.te to aocurate barrage and predicted. concen-,uation type) through 10/10 scattered clauds. Tha altItude of planesranged from 6-9000 ft. Searc'blight aotivi ty was moderate but track-ing poorly. Thirty to 40 ee ~,rohli.ghts were scatte red througho1.lt thearea. In a rew instances. however, searohlights pioked up aircrafteasily. but no signal i:;; definitely associated with thea.

    (6) 78/2000/5.3 Mark TAModel 3. This dgna.l inter-oepted if!. the tar~t area was also aSSOCiated ",ith the above Con..di tions (ptU'agraph 2a (4.) ).

    (6) 1300/1000/1.6 Unident1fle'd in target aree.; SUS-pected AI.

    (7) 245/-_ ...--_; This unidentified signal 'WtI,S inter-capted over Awa.ji Shima and wo.s heard 'Until aircre.ft was at 33/40N -137/16E. Suspected Al was not eonfirmed. The lobe rate waS , persecond;

    (8) 3060/2000/.751 This 3080 m e signa.l was logged overKit Suido, with ~ image fre~uency at 3020 mc. This signn1 wns sim-iiar in che.r3cteristic6 to 10 me aignals intercepted in the ChostPoint (Tokyo) and Nagoya. ar ens on recent missions. The sweep rateof this equipment was 10 rpm.

    b. Other signnl~ logged in the target orenl(1) 99/750/7.3.(2) 68/700/41(3) 148/2000/9 I

    Wnrly WarningEarly Wo.rningIdentity uncertain

    - 26 -

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    O. Signals logged en route to tnr~etlChgrg.gt6tistigs lecAtion Remg.rks79.5/650/2999.5/750/12148/600/12155/500-600/9_15103/260/2075/300/ ---150/1000/5.15VI000/10157/1000/7.5

    Ao~n Shimn.Hahn J1ma.Tori Jimc.Ha.oh1jo Jlma.Nishino Shima.Awajl Shima

    Mark 229Mark II Air SearchMark 34.,35:LIn.rk34,35Mo.rkOHIPossible Mark VIPossible Ma.rkVIPossible Mark VI

    These la.st three signa.ls were interQept~d in the entrg.nce toKii Suido. Suspected GL of SLC equipment but not confirmed.

    1451/1000/7~5-15 3 3/0 0 N - 13 5/0 0 E3. ANALYSIS N D CONCLUSIONS,

    a. No D/F'i.ng of a.ny" signal waS possible due to the lo.ckof suita.ble eqUipment. 1 h a loc~tions listed are suspected locations.b . By breakdown of the t~tnl number of signals inter~epted

    Oil this mission to estimated type of enemy equipment, the followingcharacteristics may be evolved,Type EQuipment Pulse 'ilT1dthrequencyMark TA Mode1 '3Mark TA Model 4Mark 229Mark 54.35Murk IIMark 13

    20001 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 030 0 -7 0 06 0 0 -1 0 0 0200-400300-1000


    6.31.8-5.41 0 - 2 97-152 0.4 01 0 - 4 0c. Aseo.rch is being mainto.ined toveriry l~ om aignnlsintercapted, in this area.d. The two Susp3ctad Al signo.ls,245 me and 1 30 0 me, log-

    ged on this mission are s1milnr to signals reported on previous mis-sions and suspected a s AI. Not enough evidence Me been obtnilledat present to verify thIs, Observer reports trnoking of the 245 meaigno.l i'or !nore tho.n 200 miles.

    PARl' II - RAD IO1. Strik9 Report'; Alrcr"~t radio operctors transmitted 25

    strike :reports; 0.11 were received by the Ground Station. Tw o rUr-oraft 'IIElre forced to ~pellt their bombs o.wllY reports beo ause of' inter-ferenoe.

    2, Fox TrQnmi.sslonl!! Ground Stations transmitted UCOPACW'eQ.t.herand time ticks simultaneously on 0.11 strike frequencie. on the holi'hour a n d b wr respectively. Tw o fox-type messages were b r o n d o o . s t to3l3th Wing alrcro.ft in flight. Guamweather waS a.vallo.ble t\t Sa.ipa.nand Thiem in nntlclpation of the possi.b1l1ty o.f SE'.i.pnnMd Tlnio.na.1rfields being closed.

    .. 20 _.I!Q!l

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    ...E Q . R . !Ll:5. Freguenc,ea I Atmosph.eric interference wa.s modarll.te on all

    strike frequencies. Trn.ff.l.c during this m1ssiqn WOoS not u he'l.VYB . . B pa..st missions md only one-ha.lf the usual number of' con.ta.cts W:\Battempted, Two cont~ot reports were re,caivad by the Ground Sto.tloMt'.nd forwarded to I'l.ppropr:t'C.te a.uthorities. Following is a percentag(lbreakdown: 36 per cent on 11 mega..cycles frequenoy; 32 per cant on7 magacyole freql.1encYI32 per cent on :3 megaoyole frequenoy.

    4.AAvigatfonAl Aidsl A total of 52 Ifi'/DF bearings was requested .its in the pnst the 73rd Wing requested the .fewest, :313th next and314th Wi.ng the m.ost. Observa.tions made over a period of tlm.e indi-oa.tethat as the a.irplane crews gain more experience, they require afe'1J)t l:1umber of HF/DF benrlngs. Although dr-to-cdr homing wasB.V-al1o.ble. fow . ttempts were made to use it. Ranges and bcmer s wereused nnd g

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    1. 7'15 ICS. 1.s!1lb1. Intert.renoe.J. 1088D lOS I Unkb01m at.tlon ua 1 D & 01111 of 001527 001114DOt IIWthentlcate properly; upon bein(!; called a aecond tl_. atatioDdid. bOt ana_r.

    7. Dhm". 1 1 0 d1stre .. or erS.my tr,\nllal.a1oDII were r.-oeived by the Orotmd StlLtlon durin(!; thll IIIhalOI1.8. h91wpt UplCuPCtlopu WART-l31 1110 aide tone. J1f/

    .AllI-7. 1 iMpen,the J 1180d.sr.'" 0 1 1 1 : or pb~u. SCJt-5UI 2!Doper ~Uft 1nterphonel 1a alb aw1 tobo. .tlckins or hcrperat1w.AlltelUlAaI Ie tro.1l1n(!; Y1na Inop.rl\tl ..... 7 atlcld~1 1 GOIII?!\8'loop brolteD f 1 tixed IUltenM IUraoat broken J 1 tixed. tultanbA 1oat.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42

    35/63. . .

    \. '- < " "



    I1i I j iLLIGENQE

    Part I - Ena....v A1%oOppositionP a r t I I - E n e m y A n t ia i r o r af t an d A i r - t o - A i r

    Bomb1n.~.Part III .. Somblng Result. and Dam~ As.e.am.ant

    Mi8810n N o. .2

    . . ': s a _

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    - ~d 1 3O!~: : ; ;X IC )~ a . ~ F R O M A B O V E 9C I l : 2 . Q 2 0j2 ~u -< : F R OM LE V EL 25" ' - 1 z - Z~~~ 5

    - < 00

    3Direction and Level of Approach

    of EnemyAircraft

    3 o

    Tota.l Numbsrof Attacks


    5. AcCurAOy of EnemyF igh~era I As tar as i8 known, none or theforce was lost or damaged by enemy ailorart. This 1s compared to.7%, 0% . 0% , 0 % . 16.5%., 4.7%,_ 22.8%", n.l%. 53 .9%; reapectivdy, ofB - 2 9 1s damaged and/or destroyed b y enemy airoraft on the 9 previousmissions.

    6. Types of Projectiles' Oannon and maohine-gun tire were ob-served. One twin-engine aircra.ft (possibly Irving) fired from a. topturret, Some 20~ fire W~ obsarved. Some twin-engine airoraftmounted 6 nachma-gune , One twin-engine fighter appeo.red tq be us-tng a nose oannon. Tracer ammunition was used by twin-engine fight-ers attacking.

    7. Enemy I,ct~9s,I.. One ennty aircraft tlew level t"l~Bhin! ,.hito lights con-

    tinu.ally about 1 mile away from :sev~ra.l B-29' s , It made no attemptto attaok. although it paoed aircraft from Initial Point to targetto 1andfall.

    - 34. -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    b. Enemyti~ter8 appeared to be spottin~ tor A I A bat-teries and worki~ with searohlights. In some instanoes, whensearchlights picked up a B-29. fighters went in, A I A ceased, andsearchlights went out.c. In 2 instances, enemy aircraft attacked while the B - 2 9was bra.cketed by searohl1ghta. Enemyaircraft apparently made a

    single pass and then loet contact with the aircraft.d. A single-engine tighter opened fire at 200 yards at 2

    01clock high, broke awa.yat 7 0 clOCk ever top. Oneun1dentlfiedfighter, CHillingin level at 8 0cloc'k, opened tire at 800 yardswith 1 long burst. Another fighter came in at 5 0clock. firing Ilong burst and pressing attack to 800 yurds.

    e. One sinsla-engine plane faked an attack at 5 e'elock4but did not open fire.

    f. Tw o twin-engine enemy aircraft attacked over the tar-get area, 1 at 5 0clock, tM other at 7 0olock and flNld at 200yards using traoer ammunition.

    g. The only indication of coordinated atta.cks wa s thattwin-engine aircraft seemed to be in pdrs, sometimes a.ccompa.tUodby 1 or 2 single-engine aircraft.

    h. At times, enemy aircraft would flash cabin lights onand off while 8ruising. There lI6re reports of flashing red Ughtsin canopies.

    i. One twin-engine fighter was observed at 3 o'clockJ,.eveJ., be aded in the oppoai te direot! on tromthe B -29. It attack-ed out of r~nge at 5 o'cleck low ai'ter wh1ch it turned off thewing lnnding lights which werEipointed downward. It then zoomedup without firing as if to ram the to.ll of the B-29. The B-29gunner fired at .25 to 35 yards without using his sights and theE/A exploded and ora.shed.

    j.. Tw o 'Crewl!reported enemyplanes following their Aleout over the water for considerable di:ltancell. Even after theB-29' s had taken evasive aotion, the enemyplaHS continlled tofollow, indicating that they possibly were radar eqUipped.

    8. O u r TMtics and Finpo",r v a EnemyA1rorott:a. B-29 tactios censisted generally of inoreasing speed

    a.fter bombs o.wayand when en~my aircraft were in range. Whenfol-lowed, B-29' 8 I114deurns In evading. t;omeB-29' s climbed to highIIIti tudes after bombs away both to avoid fighters and to preventcQllision with other B-29' I.

    b. One tail gunner opened fire on one enemy airoraft ata.p~roxim[l.tely 300 yards. eaua ing fighter to turn otf.

    9. EnemyAircraft Markln~ ~ None ~re observe;d other tbB.llUghts. rQur enemy Ilircraft had wing I t J l C 1 tail lights en. Th e ma-jori ty of the "nemy aircraft had navigation and wing lights burning.One crew notioed that twin-engine fighte.rs he.d red and green wiDglights reversed to those of allied plane

    - 3 '5 -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    10. Re,ulto of Hits on EnemyA1rcraftl One unidentifiedtwin-engine enemy ~iroraft exploded apd wa, Been to hit the ground.

    11. CIGims af Ene;r Airoraft b X Gun Poitio~. One uniden-tified twin-engine enemy aircraft was claimed as destroyed by atail gunner.

    N O T E ; The statiatios on sightings and attnoks are base~ on a. lOoter a.nalysls than. those presentod In thG OO.nBol1do.tedStatistical Summary


    c. Over the_ tlll'got ..o.rea. nt Osaka.t both.hGD.V3tOond_lIIJ).dlumfInk were reported. Barrage and PrerUcted Concentration f ire pre-dominated with a small runount of Continuously POinted. The firewas meager to moderate and generally inaocurate.

    PMT Ii -E N E M Y ,ANTIAIRCRAFTN D A IR -'rO -A IR BO MBIN G1. EnemyAlA Fire I,a, The Primary Target was bombed by 124 A!e of the 73rd

    Wing between 1520-l7~Z fr6m 5900-9300 ft. through underollst vary-ing trom 6/10 - 10/10 along aXes of a.ttaok from 30_660; by 107A le of the 3l3th Wing between l5l0-1825Z from 5000-9400ft tlu'oughsoattered clouds from 0/10-10/10 along an nxis of attack of approx-Imately 520; ~d by 43 iV C of the 3l4th Wing between 1457-1555Zfrom 6650-8000 ft. tbr~ugh undercnst varying from soattered cloudsto 10/10 along ~ nxis of attack of approximately 500

    b . Plak en route to the target wa s negligible. Nearthe l.P. at the tip of Awaji Island. heavy barrage-type flak w asreported by sever.t\l Ale . Fire ~peared to come from a battery of4 to 6 heavy antlnircraf~ guns.I

    d. Three A lO of the 73rd tVing, 3 A le of the 3l3th Wing,ond 4 A!C of the 3Hth Win'@; wers dama.j!;sdby fl-ak.

    general.0. violetu>olled.

    e. From 30-40 sea.rcb1ights were reported in Osaka. Inseo.rchlight aecur acy wlis poor. , In the center of the citycolored beam w a s observed. It ~peared to be rado.r con-SearchlIghts were also observed at the following po1ntBJ

    (1) 5 at I.P.(2) 1 in Kobe dock arsa(3) 2 at Yokkaichi(4.) 2 at Tsu(5) 1 at Nakiri

    f. A complete blackout ip the City was reported and noha.rbor lights were seen,

    2. B- . 2 2 To.cti9 YA AlA: Bre.o.kwayto right a.nd oha.nges in al.....titude were employed. Some Ale resorted. to turns to evade searoh-lights.

    -!6 -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    3. Air-to-Air Bomb iQC an d BgpketslD . . One crew reported a poe sible rooket attack after anAla w a s seen on the radar sCope moving from 1 to 7 o'clock. Ap-proxima.tely Q m ile b ehin d. the,re w ere 2 bUrsts s1mi.lo.rto A I A and1with a long white fla t tra il.b. One tail gunner reported what appeared to be rooketsfired from the ground to the couzae of the Ale in the target area.c . Th o Ale of the 313th W1:n ,g reported I

    {I) O ne in accu ra te rock et ov er ta rg et.(2) One fired from a f1ght;er off the COo.st 5 minutesof f N a.k iri.13) ~ix to lQ la rg e, b ril11a n t white burste f rom rock -

    et;.s, 0", pho~horu8 bombs seen by l'Ale 20 to 30 m1les 'Qf'fthe' eoast,mutneo.st of No.k1rl. ~(4) Ora nge flares f rom an ~dentifled Ale a t 3 3/10 N-

    137/00E a : 1 ; 7200 feet.

    Destruction is almost entirely concentrated in one area. S Wof the c o.stl e. Totl1 -1d a mn.ge e. mou nts to e.'Qout226.010.000 s q l"t.5200 ncres. o r 8 . 1 s q m 1 d es troy ed

    (5) A white flare. res emb~ing a para chute fla re. ob-served a.t 33/29N-137/00E.

    4. Other Chaeryations:a. Flak ships a.t 35/25N-137!lSE.b . A n enemy aircraft flyi~ parallel t~ a fOrmation otB -2 9' . trom I . P . to ta rg et to la nd fa ll with white lig ht b 1in kin goontinuously.c. B om bs res em blin g RO l1' la na nd l& s f ired f r.em 6 ships otf

    Gosa. Point.


    Mis sio .n No I 3PRSM 68 Ta.rgetArea.: Osaka.Do.teFlown I 16 Marcb 1945 Altitude; 34,000 tt

    This report aas~,sses da.lD.tl.geo Osa.ka Oity r es ult in g t romXXI B om ber O om ma nd lU ss .1orr42, 13-14 March 1945.

    .;0 JQ[I B.C . .. O.loU" D/A Rep ort # 24 0'

    - ~1 -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    Ind1.l.str 10 B dama.~ed includ.e numbered. br.~et.!;: 688, 175 5, 176l.119+1 1733, 53. 3 2 4 , 3 82 . 1778. 1712, 685. 686, and 1616 .Approxirna.tely 5 9 % of Fire Zone No 1. which covers an area. of12. :5 sq m!. 'Was destroyed.


    1. Residentio.l and b us in es s d is trict 207, 000. 000Te.r~t 1778 - Ku~OtE1 Iron a nd ~E 1chin -ery work s lIi nor DamageTarget 1616 - Kuj_ Power Plant Target 1712 - O s( l} caGa s Co. CokeO v~n P la nt Target 1755 - Nakay ama Steel Mfg Co Target 1761 - Mltta Leather Belt Co Target 665 - Kurlmoto Iron 'Norks Target 58& - Osaka Metal Industry Co Severe DamageT~ get 688 - Kubota I;rcn Maoh Works Tw o res id e~t! a l d is tricts 2, 4. 20, 000Target 1191 - Hatsudoki Engine Works Minor Dam ageCentral P os t O ff ice Severe Oo..mageM ed ico.l S chool a nd v tn rehou ses 1,590, 000

    4. D n m a g e in 5 areaS ino1udes destructionof wa rehou ses . res id en tia l and bU8i~essdistricts N of Target 323 (Ko.sug ad& St~Po~er Plant). 1,690, 000To.rget 1733 - Ja.po.n Dyestuff Co Mi.nor Do.mnge

    6. Residentia.l distriot \V of Am o.g as n klSta.tion 63 0, 000Two res id en tia l d is tricts 1.150,000

    7. Damage in 7 a.ren8 includes destruotionof res id en ces . lig ht indus tl'lY , and ware-hou s e on deck, Targ et 5 3. 2 ,2 60 ,0 0 0

    &. Two re s Identinl d1str iets 40, 000. 000Five res id en ti al districts 3. 900, 000


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    10 . two re eid en.tia.l distr iota11 . Target 382 (Osaka. Areena1) and anArmy clothing depot

    T O T J . . LReference Photography:

    Pre-a.trike: 3PRSU 17. SY 26, 51.136


    2 0 0.0 0 0228,010,000

    Post-strike I 3PRS1d64, 5M 85, 51486, 511 a 7, 5l.la6Reference )(ator1o.1,

    a. J..rmy llap Ser171ce ~ps. Osaka.-Kobe: J.magasak1 No34,0889 and. Osaka North No 34086,)!b. ;"1$ 1..ir Objective Pol der90. 25 11-9

    Uncontrollecl m06a10 ann.otated and attachedPrint 3PRSM8S-1V1l2 attaohed

    .. 59 -

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42




    - . .~-! . l . Q . J . l l

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    (J)zo-. . . . . .ct0 : : :l .LIQ..at-ic:(m:EooLLo> -0 : : . ' t lo OJ )- a s+ > bJ : l . (J]~~ll'}!I.l do 0 C lIII HIII Cl(1.I D etlj) .-i~~

    xxco '"

    . 0 'tl.0 1 '1.~

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    -f ; o : l Ie I~o ~ " " ''J r - I r - I& < ~ ~ N N N r i t'- N I IlI'\ r- - W '; S[ < . I~~

    ~~~ 'A c o c r ' \1 . . I} i < J' . C T l r i \ J' ) c o r - I N ~ ~f- ' ~ N C T l C T l ~ N C T l N N 0 N Nr - I N .~ ~Ih I cr'l I C T l I I I I I I I C T l~~i~10: . : s.; 5~

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


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    M IS S IO N ___ :/;2= - _DATE 13 Maroh 1945FL IGH T D ATA & FOEL CONSLJM PI'ION

    L } 9 7 Gp . 498 Gp. 499 Gp. 500 Gp. 73 WingA/C CO MP LE TIN G M IS SIO N * 35 28 29 35 12 7FLIGHT DATA

    Avg. Time At Low Altitude 7:00 7:15 3:22 6:39 6:08Avg. Time Of Climb To Bomb-in g Altitu d e :05 :1/+ 3:50 :16 1:01Avg. Time At Bom bing Altitud e :.5:7 :39 :39 1:01 :50Avg. Fly in g Tim e 1 1 4 :08 114:35 13:51 4:38 14:18Avg. D is ta .n ce Flown ( N au tica l

    Air Miles) 2726 2877 27.31 2799 2181FU E L CO N SU MP TIO N

    Con su med To Ta rg et:Average .3481 3547 3481 3552 3515lfaximum 3839 3959 .3923 3950 3959Minimum 3180 3547 3243 3124 3124 Consumed From Target To Base:(A/C Without Yalfunotion)No. o r Aircraft 35 28 29 33 12 5Average 2207 2117 2165 .2190 .2173Maximum .2542 2316 2717 2545 2717Jtinimum 1810 1911 1919 1943 1810

    COD.8WJed From Target To Base:( A/CWith M alf u nction )No. o r Aircraft None None None 2 2-

    Average - - - 2318 2318Maximum - - - 2524 2525C i llinimum - - - 2113 2113

    Total Fu el U sed :Average 5688 5664 5646 5742 56BSMaximum 6120 6232 6140 6078 6232Minimum 5205 5384 5238 5304 5205

    Tota l FU el Rem ain in g:Average 1062 1052 1154 1010 1066Maximum 1545 1372 1562 11486 156.2Minimum 63 0 553 66 0 583 553Avg. Gals. Consu med P er Hour 402.5 388.5 407~7 .392.5 397.8

    Avg. Gals. Consumed Per Mile 2.09 1.97 2.07 2.05 2.05TOTAL F UE L U SE D O N AIR BO R NE A/c 214204 167560 191440 99629 7728.33* A l e tar .hleb fuel data are available.

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    MISSIDN _ _ 42-'-- _FL IGH T D ATA & FITELCONSU MPTION DATE 13 March 1945

    6 Gp. 9 Gp. 504 Gp. 505 Gp. 313 WingA/C CO MP LETIN G M IS SIO N * 27 26 21 26 100FL IGH T D ATA

    Avg. Time At Low Altitude 7:12 7:10 Data 7:02 7:08Avg . Tim e or Climb To Bomb-- Notln g Altitu de :09 :17 ~vai1!ib1e :15 :14Avg. Tim e At Bom bin g Altitu de :30 :55 :30 :39Avg. F1.ying Time 5:34 15:15 14:41 14:34 15:03Avg. D is ta nce Flown ( Na utica lAir M iles ) 2780 2740 2769 2714 2750

    FU E L CO N SU M PTIO NCon su med To Ta rg et:

    Average 3549 3435 3603 356,3 .3534Maximum 3913 :;678 3818 4100 4100Minimum ,3152 3072 3285 3200 3072

    c t , Consumed From Target To Base:( A / e Without Y alfunction)No. O f Aircra ft 26 24 ~1 26 97

    Average 1995 2247 2122 2093 2111Vaximum 2355 2712 ,,304 2460 2712Minimum 1744 1938 1832 1710 1710

    Consumed From Target To Base:( A / e With Malfunction)No. or Aircraft 1 2 None None .3

    Average 2158 2607 - - 2457Jlaximum 2158 2'112 - - 2712, , , Minimum 2158 2502 - - 2158Total Fu el U sed :.Average 5872 5682 5725 5656 5736Maximum 6342 6120 5955 6128 6.342Minimum 5.349 5245 5337 )213 5213

    Tota l Fu el Rem ain in g:Average 928 ll03 1065 1046 103.3Maximum 1451 1540 1448 1500 1540Mlnimum 558 66 5 83 0 568 558

    ,Avg. Ca J.s . Con su med P er H ou r 377.1 372.6 .390.0 388.2 381.1Avg. Gals. Consumed Per Mile 2.11 2.07 2.07 2.08 2.09

    TOTAL FUEL USED ON AIRBORNE Alc 196200 187506 120225 152964 656895* A l e tar .hieb fuel data are available. (Excludes A / e landing at Iwo Jima).

    Fuel Rem aining On A / e Landing At Iwo J ~m a:6th Group - J A / e - 1733, 1166, 1697 gals.9th Group - 5 A / e - 1614, 1913, 1443, 1500, 1483.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    MIS SIO N __ 42-::-::--:-:- _DATE. 13 M a _ _ rch 19 45FL IGH T D ATA &FU EL CO N S UM PTIO N

    19 Gp. 29 Gp. 314 Wg. 21 B.C.A l c CO MP L ETIN G M IS SIO N * "::.L z.i - - g : ..::o':}FL IGH T D ATA

    Avg. Time At L o w Altitude None 2 : 0 3 1:01 5 : 4 2Avg. Time Of Climb To Bomb- :25in g Al titu de :12 :19 :37Avg . Time At B ombin g Altitude 7:43 5:56 6:50 1:42Avg. Flying Time 14:42 14:47 14:45 14:39Av g. D is ta nce Flown ( Na utica l 2845 2871 2858Air Miles) 2781

    F OEL CO N S UM PTIO NCon su med To Ta rg et:

    Average 3818 4036 3927 3586MaxilD1. l l l l 4328 4345 4345 4345M1nilllWll 3140 3750 3140 3072

    tf Consumed From Target To Base:(Alc 1I'ithout Jla.1function)No. O f Aircraft 20 21 41 263Average 2491 2254 2373 2181MaximUJll 3190 2497 3190 3190UinimWll. 2083 2030 61030 1710

    Consumed From Target To Base:( A / c With Malfunction)No. Of A i r c r a f t 1 None 1 6

    Average 2680 - 2680 2448MaxlmWl1. 2680 - ;2680 2712

    ~ Minimum 2680 - 2680 2113Tota l Fu el U sed :

    Average 634.3 6278 6311 580,3Maximum 6860 6540 6860 6860MinilDUlll 5740 5840 5740 5205

    Total FUe,1Remaining:Average 1007 1063 1035 1049Maximum 1420 ;1.500 1500 lS62Minimum 500 900 500 500

    Avg. Gals. Consu med Per Hou r 431.5 424.8 427.9 396.1Avg. GBls. Consu med Per Mile 2.2,3 2.19 2.21 2.09

    133194 273669 --TOTAL FUEL USED ON AIRBORNE A l e 140475 1703397* A l e far wbleb fuel data are available.~ Excludes 1 aircraft landing at Iwo Jima.

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    E - ! f ~\I 'd f a 1 1 j : r : x ; 1~!~ of ~~II I C ' \ I " z ' I I ~. , U J I@ 0. ~(/)~ 0j2 ~u -< :I.J C z:~~~ III

    ~ ~ I !,~~e00r)~ co ~ ~ g;-~ C1' 00 ~ ~.4('r\ 4 I : ' - oC'- ~4U') 0 ~'" 0 4 -..0 ...0 0 -.0~~;('r\...::t . . . : : t 4 \.1 ") '" N 4 \rH...... -.0 4~~~~ ~ ~~;.:jl~ ~ ~~ ~ I.(--[j " !!~1'~F2.~ rl Q>.~~O 4 oeo N I ~ 0 u~

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42




    BOHBg rmt,vm FW D aum.


    13..14 Uttrch 1945

    -55-_ _ _ =~ .......""",_ ...._

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    F R O M : C O M G E N X X I B O M C O M '!Q!L~1'.By Auth of C G X X I B eO: 7.3RD BOM \llING3 1 3 T H BO M ?H NG

    3 1 4 T H BOM W INGIni tinls Da te

    X X I B O M B E R C O M M A N DG U A M0 8 0 0 1 3 March 1 9 4 5

    F I E L D O R D E R N O . 4 5 ( R E V I S E D ) P E A C H B L O W N O . 1M A P S FO R P L O T T I N G : J A P A N A V I A T I O N C H A R T 1 : 2 1 8 , 8 8 01. Omitted.2 . T h e X X I B omb er Com ma nd will a tta ck u r b a n area of Peachblow with maki-m wn ef fort on liD" day.

    Location: 3 4 3 9 N - 1 3 5 3 0 E ( City of O sa ka ) Aim in g P oin t ( Ref eren ceX XI B om ber Comm an d L itho- Mos ia c N o. 9 0 . 2 5 O sa ka u rb an .)3. a . 73 rd W in g:

    (1) Take off: First A lc of pathfinder: Zero hour mnus 1 0 mn-utes.First A lc of main force: Zero hour.

    (2) Altit ud e e nrou te : 2 , 0 0 0 feet.(3) Altitu de of a tta ck : 6 , 0 0 0 to 6 , 8 0 0 feet.(4) Aim in g p oin t: (MPI)

    (a) 0 9 8 1 2 2 using 1 0 0 0 yards to north side of 0 2 8 0 7 0 ( O A P )as timing point.Axis of attack: 61 d eg rees tru e.Force req u ired : 1/2 force.

    (b) 0 9 1 0 9 9 USing 1 0 0 0 yards to south side of 0 2 8 0 7 0 ( O AP )as tim in g p oi nt.Axis of attack: 62 d eg rees tru e.Force required: 1/ 2 force.

    (5) The 73rd Wing will d is pa tch three ra dio hom in g A le for pur-pose of sending homing signals. A le will be s ched uled toarrive a n d orb it p oi nt s 3 3 4 9 N - 1 3 4 4 5 E a n d 3 4 0 Q N - 1 3 4 3 8 Eat s am e tim e u athf in der A lc makes landfall. Homing A le willstart transmitting on assigned frequencies on arrival at des-ignated points and will continue to transmit for two hoursif fuel permits. Most capable radio operators avai1able willbe assigned tp crews of radio homing A le .

    b. 313th Wil'\g:(1) T a k e off: First A le of p atllfin ders : Z ero hou r m in us 1 0minutes,

    First A le of main force: Zero hour.( 2) ,Altitu de en rou te: 1 , 0 0 0 feat.( 3) AJ .titu de of attack: 5,000 to 5,800 feet.

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    (4) . Aiming points: (MPI)(a) 061..083 using 1000 yards to south side of 028070 (OAP)as tim in g p oin t.

    Axis of attack: 62 d eg rees tru e. 1/3 force required.(b) 0900'79 using 056059 (OAP) RS timing point.

    Axis of a tta ck : 63 degrees true. 2/3 force required.c. 314th Wing:

    (1) Take off: First A /c of pathfinder A/c : Zero hour minus 45minutes.First A l c of m ain f orce; Zero hour minus 30 minutes.

    (2) Altitude enrouto: 3,000 f~et.(3) Altitude of a tta ck : 7,000 to 7,80 0 f eet.(4) Aiming point, axis of attack end force required: 064083

    using 1000 ynrds to south side of 028070 ( O A P ) a s timin gpain t. 62 degrees true. All A l c .

    x. ( 1)

    Five A / c of 314th Wing scheduled over target last will carryone each M-46 photo flash bomband K-19B camera. Flash photobombwill be dropped 18 seconds prior to rJlease of incen~d ia ry cl us ter s.Method of attack: B y individual A/C attacking with minimuminterval between A/C. Fl.an of attack will be radar bombingbut visual bombing will be used if possible.

    (2) Route:Base.2500N - 14300E2715N - 14053E3349N - 13445E341930U - 1344l)OE ( I P )Torget3430N - 13630E2}OON - l4400EBase

    (3) Bombloa.d:(a) Pathfindel': M-47 bombs fused instantaneous nose. Use

    B-7 shackl.e s with M-47 bombs.( b ) M a in force: E - 28, E-36 , or E-46 incendiary clusters

    containing M-69 bom u $ , E-36 clusters fused to open 2,000faet above the target. E-46 fused to open 2,500 feeta bove the target.(4) Pathfinder crews; Each wing will provide as many pathfinder

    crews us they can load wi th M-'~7 type bombs depending onllvailability of T-19 cluster adapters plus such additionalcrews carrying the main force lODd as will bring the numberof pathfinder crews to a minimUlllof nine. The best aualifiedr~\dar bombing teams will be assigned these A/c .(5) Calibrated airspeed on bombing run 250 mph.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42



    (6) Bombing instructions: Cr3 at aerial targets only and only when firt'ld upon. Onlyside gunners in the 3l3th Wing will be permitted to fire lower

    turrets and ground objects will be the only targets. Bomb-ardier.s definitely will not control lower forward.(12) Radar sets will be turned off for 45 minutes immediately Ofterleaving targ .,t so interfe'"ence will not be made on other oir-craft on bombing run.(13) Ale with inoperative r-adar- will bombat essigned oltitudes.

    If w8cthel" will not permit run on t..'lrget bomb target of oppor-tunity.(14) ZERO HOUR: 131S00K4. a. No change ,

    b. This is XXI Bomber COl! l l umd Tacticnl Mission No. 42.5. Communications:

    a . (1) Rndio silence wi~l prevail enroute to target except in casesof extreme emerg~ney.

    (2) Radio homing planes will cl1rry one spar-s radio homing trans-mitter Ilnd one spare liaison dynamotor. (Reference X X I BomComR.egu.lation 100-37) Altit~d8S, frequencies, and identi-fication signals for homing A l e ura deSignated as follows:ALT ITUD~ FRE0UENCY IDEi ' rTIFICATION25,000 380 Kcs F26,000 437 Kcs G27,000 565 Kes D

    (3) Jamming tactics may 1 : > 8 employed by ent::JllYut at least one ofthr'le frequencies should be open,No contact reports will be sent em-cute to ta.rget. Contactreports )Vill be sent on retul"l) route only when north of 28degre

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    . ,

    FIELD ORDER NO. 45 CONTINUED(e) Spacied s"trlke report will consist of tit.'le over t

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42





    mUigA Jo 4 213-14 ),!~l"Oh1945

    .. 60_J] .iLl1

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 42


    48 - 777879808182838485868788899091929394959697989910 0

    101-10 210:310 4105 - ll5

    Com m an a in g Gen er 0 .1 ,Arm y Air Fp rces , ATTN : A D / ASIntelligence. Collection DivisionAM' E v alue. tlo ~ Board. ~/o Hea d q u ar te rs A AF POAC on u ne. ndin gart icsr, . 5th Bom b G ro up ( V B )Com man ding O ff icer, 9 th B om b Group ( VH )O om ma nd in g O ff icer, 16 th B om b Grou 'p ( V H )O om man ding O ff icer. 19 th B om b Grou p ( VB )Com ma nd in g O ~f icer. 2 ~th B om b Grou p ( VH )Oom man din g a rf icer, 3 9th B om b Gr9 up (V B)Oom man di n g O ff L cer , 40 th B om b Gro up ( VB)O om ma nd i~g O ff icer, ~3 0th B om b Grou p ( VB )Com ma nd in g O ff icer, 3 31s t B o! bh G rou p ( VH )Comman4ing Orficer, 4 4 4 t h B o~b Grou p (va)Com man din g O ff icer, 4 62n d Bom b Group ( VH)Com ma nd in g O ff ieer, 4 58th B om b Grou p (va)CQm man ding O fficer, 4 97th B om b Grou p ( VB )Com ma nd in g O rf icer, 4 98th B o~b Grou p (va)Com ma nd in g O rf icer. 4 99 th B om b Grou p ( VB )Com man ding O fficer, 5 00 th B om b Grou p ( VH )Com ma nd in g O rri~er, 5 0ls t B om b Grou p ( VB )Comm and in g O ff icer, 50 2n d B qmb Grou p (V B)Com ma nd in g O rf icer. 5 04 th B om b Grou p ( VB )Com man ding Of ficer, 5 05 th B om b Grou p ( VB )Com ma nd in g O ff icer, 65 5th B om b S q ( H) (' .V R)Com ma nd in g O ff Icer, Twen tieth ~lr Force L ea d CrewSchoolC om mo. ndln g O f fice r, 1 5th Fi gh te r G ro upCom m an d in g O f ficer, 2 1s t " Fig hter Grou pCom ma nd in g O ff icer, 5 06 th Fig hter Grou pA- 2, Reportin g U nit, X XI B om bGr Com ma nd (Fila Cop y)A- 2; Rep ortin g U nit, X XI B om ber Com ma nd