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Rest Nest Bypennyward.com Learning to rest will be your greatest strength Deep Rest and Renew

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Rest Nest


Learning to rest will be your greatest strength

Deep Rest and Renew

Rest…where are you?We live in an era where the world is just becoming faster and more complex before our very eyes. Under these circumstances, we are constantly being tested as a result of increasing pressures and demands personally and professionally.

We are required to be constantly adapting, changing, adjusting which places increased demands on resilience and resolve. We feel the impact physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

While we may sleep, we rarely take time to rest…deeply…unapologetically.

We are not taking time to rest deeply and regain the connection with our ability to relax and restore the body so we can maintain and build a resilient body and mind.

Your body holds the deep intelligence to allow you to rest, restore and renew. It is there, waiting for you to discover the simple secrets for you to access deep rest and renewal to build and maintain rest and sleep healthy habits.

It is time for you to experience the nourishment that comes from relaxing and unwinding.

It is time for you to take the pressure of your bodily functions and give yourself a juicy dose of ‘me-time’ and re-establish the deep connection to your mind and body to access states of rest and relaxation for deep rest and renewal.

This guide will show you how to set up your ‘Rest Nest’ the foundation for the deep, juicy rest you deserve.

Unlock the secrets of rest…

Create your Rest NestWe need to nourish the body and mind.

We need deep rest.

To unwind.

To relax, restore and renew. Regularly.

As a regular gift to ourselves, to allow the body and mind to repair on a deep physical and mental level. We need a special place. We need a Rest Nest.

Choose a space in your home that is quiet and free from distractions and interruptions (if you can!).

Ideally, you can control the light to allow you to dim the room if you need to, especially at night.

You might find that you have a gorgeous outdoor space that will work well. Embrace this. Surrounding yourself with the natural environment and breathing fresh air is perfect for grounding yourself which is one of the foundations for deep rest and renewal.

Keep your space at a comfortable temperature which may mean a little warmer in winter to keep you cosy, or a bit cooler in summer for comfort.

1. Create the space

Comfort is everything when you are resting, deeply.

Before you start, be sure to choose a comfortable, warm, quiet and safe space to practice.

Place particular focus on your environment and ambience.

Stretchy, unrestricted clothing is a must. Be unapologetic about it. Don’t wear clothing that will irritate you, is too tight, is distracting, or just plain impractical for moving into deep restful poses.

Be sure to have your props handy to ensure when you move into the pose, you can arrange your support to bring comfort and not stress to your mind and body.


Creating the right environment will help to set the mood and support you to feel comfortable, cosy and relaxed.

This may include using:v burning candlesv soothing musicv using essential oilsv burning incense.

Surrounding yourself with gentle colours – something easy on the eye will also enhance your state of calm.

Colour, combined with attention to soothing light can really help you to personalise your space and evoke the sense of calm and relaxation that is right for you.

3.Create the mood

Setting yourself up completely before you commence your deep rest and renew practice is essential to ensure that you can create a beautiful, effortless session without feeling the need to break your practice to reach for items.

Some tips to keep in mind:

v Set up your mat in an orientation that works foryou.

v Keep your cushion, blanket and props close by butin a position that is not going to interrupt yourpractice.

v If you are using music, cue your music forcontinuous play.

v Keep water close by, if you need it.v Keep your journal handy for those burning

reminders that simply must be written down forattention after your practice

4.Have your equipment handy

Many essential oils have relaxing properties and work as enhances of a certain effect when it comes to rest since the senses are affected in particular ways by these scents. Different scents evoke different emotional responses, so be sure to experiment what works for you.

Diffusing oils in your Rest Nest environment helps to create a calming and peaceful environment, perfect for resting. Make sure you use a high-quality diffuser, and if possible avoid burning or heating essential oils.

Many oils can be applied topically to calm your nervous system, promote relaxation and lead to deep rest. You can use oils on the soles of your feet, neck, on your temples, inside of your wrists or ankles.

5.Essential Oils

Deep rest and renewal promotes the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system - otherwise known as the ’rest and digest’ response. To do this, we need to switch off the sympathetic nervous system – the ‘fight or flight’ response.

Stimulants before to your practice such as coffee, alcohol, nicotine, electronics, screen time and blue light, etc. serve as an alert stimulus and engage the sympathetic nervous system and consequently can frustrate your attempts to rest deeply.

Instead, something soothing such as herbal teas like chamomile, lemongrass, or warm water with some lemon, or a very light snack if you are feeling peckish. Avoid spicy and invigorating foods as well that may cause your body to heat up.

6.Something soothing

Be clear right up front about your practice and what you want to achieve. To bring calm. To bring rest. To bring clarity. To bring peace.

Say it out loud to yourself.

Make it a ritual.

Devote it to you. To your day. To someone else.

Setting an intention for practice at the start of the day is a beautiful foundation.

Setting an intention at the end of the day and seal your day with rest allows you to consolidate the day, still your mind and rest your thoughts.

7.Set your intention

Timing is everything to experience the benefits of this practice. Work with your body’s intelligence and your intuition to guide you to the best time of the day, and for what feels right for you.

Some tips to keep in mind:v You may decide on a consistent night time practice, or you might find that upon rising is best.v Avoid times when you know you will be distracted.v Avoid large meals before your practice. If practising towards the end of the day and after your

evening meal, allow time for your food to digest to ensure you feel comfortable during yourpractice.

v Try to keep your time to practice deep rest sacred. Guard this experience and don’t be tempted tocompromise if you already have in your mind you will rest. Your body and mind will thank you.

8.When to practice and making time

Nourishing your body to ensure that it takes the pressure of your digestive system will promote not only a healthy body but deep rest.

Feeling bloated, wiped out or ‘food bombed’ will inhibit your ability to relax an experience the benefits of this practice.

You know what works for you, so work to ensure that you can keep a routine to ensure you are comfortable in your ’Rest Nest’.

9.Nourish your body

You know you should be resting, but your brain is still on autopilot. This is not uncommon when you are starting out in the practice of deep rest, or when the tempo of your life increases as a result of change.

Keeping a journal close by or a notebook during your practice to write down any burning ideas or reminders will calm your mind and allow you to focus on rest again. Until your practice develops and you can extend your attention and calm your mind, journal and keep notes.

You will find as you deepen your practice and when it becomes routine, your mind will calm and you will be able to focus on the task at hand…deep rest.

10.Keep a journal


It took a long time. A very long time.

I pushed my limits both physically and mentally. I was proud of my ability to take myself to the edge and beyond. As it turns out, my mental and physical strength, turned out to be one of weakness. I simply did not know when to stop.

As a result, I started to suffer from burnout and lose my capacity for ‘doing’ and ‘being’. I lost the passion for the things that excited me. I was exhausted, and it soon dawned on me that this could be my future.

Until I discovered the ability to rest.

Deep, juicy, unapologetic rest.

The ability to rest my mind. To rest my body. To rest, restore and renew.

I learnt to rest.Deeply.Without apology.

I don’t believe that resting and slowing down is a weakness. Learning to rest can be your greatest strength. It can provide the pause between speed, stress, tension. That’s why I developed a new habit. Deep rest and renewal. And now my mission is to share my secrets of deep rest with you.

Deep Rest and Renewal is underpinned by restorative yoga and yin yoga approaches aimed at activating the ’relaxation response’ to restore and renew the body, mind and soul. Gentle nurturing and supported poses, held for longer periods and allowing gravity to do the work. Importantly, little effort is required. What could be your biggest challenge? Overwhelming stillness and calm.

My Deep Rest and Renewal Time-outs and Intensives are an invitation to you to decompress, de-stress and relax. They are designed for you to develop and realise your own practice of deep rest and renewal to improve your overall wellbeing, vitality and resilience.

I developed a new habit. Deep rest.

Deep Rest and Renew Timeouts provide a deeply nourishing experience and help you to discover techniques to unwind, relax and de-stress to repair your mind and body and take the pressure of our bodily functions for a mini-time out.

These full-day facilitated events offer you a juicy dose of ‘me-time’ to re-establish the deep connection to your mind and body to access states of rest and relaxation for deep rest and renewal.

Deep Rest and Renew Time-outs

www.bypennyward.com/for-you/events/Melbourne & Canberra