· 2017-12-17 · v lit jit maegh 1 1890. state ohbohiole,...

lit V Jit MAEGH 1 1890. OHBOHIOLE, WEDJSTBifiDAT, STATE HOLLY SPRINGS. TAX SALE. Adams, Samuel rf'i is rag creek. Whits 45, 47; jeiiow U 1 COKN Firm. Heckwitn, u n m wnneoak.. COMING AND GOING. THE WORLD'S COMMEECE. IJootne. J Ji v o. !" niieviaK nuiet at 42a 15 1-- 2 ew York-Spi- rits turpentine shall sell the i.i Gay. WOl "ii-- t; 7th, 1SS0. 1 On Monday April trained common to good satisfy the udpwu to . 1 octnlP Some oi The Folks You Know and Their Doings following cw - . , m yCv:uon THE BULLS DISAPPOINTED-LAR- GE HOLDERS Gilmore, AUMiii. -- uiunu- trtck llun:ei. Eliza V,i Utley's Ceek... McLean, Harriett... 1 lot ..... McLean, Cain 2 Cary's Creek. ... 1 1-- 2. Ko&m dun; s Savannah spirits paid. 30 c turpentine Mr. E. W. Pou, Jr., of Smithfisld, is taxes due for tne year -- ""' L!WS T ROWAN ROGER'S, SHERIFF Stephens, J A - ltrs isranch Koh.iu firm a ,mie, at 39c. 1 - BALEI6H IN BRIEF. LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN AND AROUND THE CAPITAL. Khort Item ol News Gathered on the Fly by the Chronicle's Reporters. Some steps are being taken toward providing Metropolitan hall with Charleston cpuiw " I 1 m the city. Spence, Tobe. Wherler, W H i :.. , 10 V Holly Sprinjrs Com- - Dr. Geo. L. Kirby, of Goldsboro, is Rosin quiet; goou siraiue-- 31s, 3d. LiverpoolSpirits turpentine mou rosin spot 4s, 3d. HA LEIGH. CNLISTEH. .... zh Little Creek. registered at the Yarboro. j. Ain't Description. c Name. Cro.-s- , Nehon Lanton, W W Adin'r ol Hicks-Mo- ore, (J W --- - Nash, Caroline- - Stephens. A J... Tucker, A M Mrs. S. E. Watts and little daughter, Nellie, are visiting friends in the city. Col. A. C. Davis, of the Davis School at LaGrange, arrived in the city yes City Produce Market. Reoorted daily for the State Chronicle by and W. C. & A. B Stronaeh, Wholesale Retail Grocers. Raleigh, N. C, March 11. New York, March 11. Mesar. Hub- bard, Price & Co., in their cotton cir- cular to-nig- ht say: While the spot sales in Liverpool maintained the aver- age of the past week, the action of the rival market there was a great disap- pointment to the bull3 who had looked for an advance abroad. Judging from the heavy selling here for Liverpool ac- count the large holders in that market must be satisfied with the prices ruling S yt Liltle Creek. 4 Buckhoru H2 Buck horn... Wi Middle Creek. Cary Crees 1 OKI FairGr nd S 1 E Martin 8t. 1 8 Dawson 8t 1 -- 1 81 The penitentiary continues to gather them in. Four new convicts were re- ceived from Davidson county yesterday. hi HOUSE CREEK. 10 4 1 Laneril Z 1) & 8aU t 1 E Haigett.St... 1 s & Uloant 81 40c Terrapins, speskied, 25 to 40c 10 to 2a 10c. lb Terrapins, horse, i ) i.o tr 'j.o.. no sale. 14 Mi 'Z 4 lti 31 ' 1 I It terday. Miss Letty Yancey, of South Dostoo, Va., is visiting Mr3. Joe F. Ferrall, on Ilillsboro street. Mrs. J. M.Heck and Miss Susie Heck A two-stor- y houso is making a journey down Cabarrus street en route for East 30 Geese, Ducks, Turkeys, Chickens Eggs, Pork, Beef, Hams. 7 58 iialoirrh. Tfc was moved from the new 10 to 11c: Dried peachc-3,peoled- , Cc 10c. lb 5c; Dried peaches, nu 1 42 and are closing their open accounts. Locally, buyers were able to secure their cotton at lower quotations and the sup- ply at yesterday's close was more than aw depot site. 7 53 10 Mason Village. 13 Crabtree Creek 431 House Creek.... 1 Mason Village. 10 Gray & Stamps tract Harrisnipe C'k 'Zi4 Sals Branch... 2 Mine Creek... 109 Crabtree hnd M tract oC) Ft Pasre tract. 109 Page Place ll to 12 1 -- 2c! peeled, oc u Alexander, P Brt-we- r. Julius Blake, Joseph Cogg n., JohD Deuuy, X Smith, Mn M A.. smith, John... Terry, Mrs LI..-.- . Whitaker, W H.. Whitaker, V J ... Page, M rs J R ' K-i- 1 3, Dried apples, ociu Adams, Warren.. . Anderson, Virgil . Arnisted, Mltty... - Beckham, CH Beckham. J II Beaven, Miss L... . Bishop, Ililliard.. . Bleadsoe, M A. Boyd, Mary and E Jones.. Biadfoid, Thos ... Brunch, John L.. Brown. Sam Bryant, Marion.. Bryant, Mrs M V Bunch, Mrs MA Bagwell, L C Beaver, A A... ...... Carver, t 'ora M.... Claircy, Daniel.... Clements, Mary... Coley, H 1 estate Cole, Mr Jane E Cooper, Henry..... Cosoy, K E M - 4 20 3 4fi 12 74 line uuito, vu.BLi. Several car-load- s of railroad iron passed through the city yesterday en route for the Georgia, Carolina Jt North- ern road. IX lfi 24 Black and clay do. 1.00 Dried damsons, iwiu Sweet potatoes, 00c; Dried blackberries, 8c Turnips' 30 to 35c Dried whortleber-Chatha- m rabbits, rips, 10c S to 10c, Indian snake root, 4c O'posaunw, 12 l-- 2c Angelica, 12c Squirrels, 8 to 10; Sassafras barit, 4c ..Auir-.- c 9. 1- -2 to 3c i Shotted kojr. 9c will leave for New York to day on a two weeks' visit. Mr. Jno. W. Cross, of the firm of Cross 1 Linehan, went north yesterday on a business tour. The Chronicle is glad to hear that Editor Hackney, of the Durham Record- er, is convalescing after his illness. Miss Sudie Faison, of Cumberland ample for the aemana. v aiues grau- - ually recovered five points, to iose more when New Orleans receipts for the more known to be estimated at G,000 bales. The market rallied from this point to again fall back and closes barely steady. As the long interest is now a distributed one, the o.tent of this reaction will de UNLISTED. 3 79 W 47 0 63 1 i(J 14 21 4 20 1 42 6 11 2 84 The general passenger agents of all the railroads in this country will hold a convocation in the city of Mexico on March, J2d inst. Mccullrs. r II owe. Gieen Ed wards, Chac. Thompson, A English sparrows, Hav, per lmn. 50c Fodder, 00 to 1.00 i.j Mason Village. 2 Mason Vili... . 192 Harrisnipe Ck 190 Crabtree Cre.-- k iv 8 CHEEK. l4 10c. doz. 1 Lenoir St 1 S Wil St ... Asylum ltoad- -' i Tupper AUe.y-Holiem- an K u .. Mordeci s G- - 1 E Davie St 1 s Blount St 1 V Lane St 2 S Fay'vUleSt.. 1 jswain St . Cameron St 1 N McD'well St I Northwest St.. .. N'i Cat'oltcCh ... cotton Flace... 1 Manly St 2 X Harr'gt'nSt 1 Dawson St 1 N Blount St.... ... Oberlin 1 s Blount St 1 E Dawson St... ... smith st ... smith's Lane.. 2 S East St ... Oberlin ; ... Oberlin 1 Cannon St 1 Jf East St 1 V Cabar'us St pend upon tne advices of Manchester, Shucks, " MA i. Bullfrogs, 10 to 20c p. Ground hogs, 25to50c Turtles, 25 to 73c 40c 40c 25c 2c bun Craven, rrisciu Crowder, KevJ W as the bull party cannot be expected to again enter the market except on a Wheat straw, Pino straw, Broom straw, fjoodon, Henry i - Crow, C C Ag-- t thodes, Jno. ... A ower range or values, ine tone or Alli It was reported on the streets yester- day that representatives of a great Eng- lish Hyndicate were in Durham looking around with h view to purchasing sume of the interests there. Davis, Dawson,... J 25 Smilhfi ld R .i , 55 Tarboro U'd Mark'- - Creek Buffalo-fret-- ;;. ! Ru flat oe Cre-;- . Sin llli, I W , enia'" son's monthly circular is rather bullish. W Smith Ths1 Fire Will Not Delay Shipment. if the American crop does not exceed Denton, irs j Dutchell, J A Dudley, Edward- - Strickland, Henry... .11 l l' I. 72,000,000 bales. Receipts at ports to county, who has been in Raleigh some weeks, has returned to her home. Maj. S. M. Finger, Superintendent of Public Instruction, left yesterday for Newton where he will be till the rirt-- t of April. Capt. M. W. Page, formerly Register of Deeds of Wake county, was in the city yesterday. He is promiently spoken of as a democratic candidate for sheriff this year. Miss Brooks, of Lenoir county, an The burning of our Factory in Dur Dudley, Edwaru.. day estimated at 9,000 bales, against Dunston, u w'rtu. . - . t iti i r. I : . Durham, D ham will not delay us in shipment of goods. We have another factory there 8,900 bales last week and 14,489 last Lewis, Wesley w Edwards T 11 (JO 11 .S 40 47 71 7 10 4 73 61 11 16 95 3 31 ti 16 5 90 12 11 10 S9 4 74 3 79 4 97 6 63 2 13 4 28 3 79 MIDDLE CREEK. and will be running in ma iorce uy me Edwards, Lewis... Ellen, W II estate year. The spot is dull at unchanged prices. Midland uplands 11 1-- 2. Sales of futures 9,000 bales. Banks, RA 15th and turning out as many goods as Olive, H ! ... before the lire. Our Richmond Works Ellis, Mrs ' Ellison, Narcissa Evans, Celia 11 72 Mtlls Branch 100 Mir Creek... 60 Mills Branch. 75 Nell's Creek.. JJi Neil's Creek. Futures closed steady as follows: liand. M rs -- Mary a. Miss Maggie Reese will leave for New York this morning to buy her spring stock of millinery. She will learn the latest fashions, and will be prepared to supply her trade. Two lively theatrical companies have been booked at Metropolitan hall al- ready for next season. One is Mile. Fernandez' "French Follies," and the other is Hose Osborne in "Satan." are making more goods than i;ver and Smith, M A Feniifell, Hicham Freeman, J8 March April 1 S Peion St ". 1 N EatSt . 1 S Har'ngt n St 1 ... Oberlin... . 1 Manly St 1 Worth St... i ... Oberlin- - 1 V Lane St we have there a large lot of manulac-ture- d goods and materials and can give Sorrell, Kufus Snipes, George Spence. WH Garrett, Harrison 2 Middle Creek . 2 Neil's Creek 07 Neal Cretk May Hall, Jordan Hall. Earkin stewari. j ii- - prompt shipments. We will continue to furnish our high grades of guano of June , , July accomplished young lady stenographer, lias accepted a position as private sec- retary in the office of Mr. W.H. Worth, business agent of the State Farmers's Alliance. Ex-Go- v. W. W. Holden suffered a second stioke of paralvsis on Monday UM.ISTKD. Harwarl,MisA M... 11 3738 11 30-- 40 11 41-- 45 11 40-- 50 11 5155 11 54-- 55 10 87 SO 10 5758 10 30-- 41 10 3840 10 3040 Harris, C L 10 August Morris, Henty "Vi -- Middle creek Olive. .Francis A 137J-- ; 6 63 1) 94 23 40 the several brands from the best mate- rial, as heretofore and ask our friends and patrons to send us their orders. Harris,.! C L Harris, Mrs F 40 Harris, MrsF Harris, AE September October November December January Rowland, K J A. rriV, rtK Rowland. LJ 100 lerrible Creek NECSE RIVER. Harris, A E Promising them the best goods and prompt delivery. and has been confined to his Lome ever since. His condition has been a source of anxietv to his friends, but he was re Harris, A E Jeffreys. S K for The Central Methodist church con- gregation are hoping to resume work ou their new building during the coming summer. It will not be done, however, unless the funds for carrying it on first come in sight. In Liverpool spot cotton closed steady; Harris, AE Harrison,John L mother- - us ..uranamp NEW LIGHT. ery truly, d&w2te Dciuiam Feutilizer Co. ported as resting easily and quietly last 01 5S 4 74 1 89 4 73 6 88 middling uplands G 1-- 8 d. Sales 8,000 bales. Hardy, Jno Hay wood, Hogau Haynes, M L evening. Mr. Siim'1 T. Morean. President of 3 08 o Hester, Ed y Hillsboro liosa . Hillsboro Hoad Hillsboro Uoad 1 K Hargett St. 1 Dawson St 1 Cabarrus St 1 McDowell St 1 Martin St 1 S Person St 1 McKeeSt. 1 Caswell's Lane 1 ! Swain St .. Oberlin 1 Smithfleld St... .. FayeltevilleRd .. Oberlin 1 E Carbarrus 1 Cannon St 1 Oallows' Hill... ... Cox Ave 1 Bledsoe's Grove ... Cotton Place.... 1 Cabarrus St ... Oberlin 1 Dawson St 2 Blount St Cotton. the Durham Bull Fertilizer Co., was in Allen, 1) W Catlitt J E Ftes, Thos M.. Estes, L E Jones, T C Keith, HT Lyon. Noah ... 301 Horse Creek 37 Neuse River. 5 Sugfr Koatl .5 & 150 Ledge Rock. .... 662 Let1? Rock.. 1U4 Beaer Dam . 60 Beaver Dam 59 New Light C'k Proposals For Sand. Kaleigh yesterday. Though his com 3 32 Sale, Tune. Citv. Hicks. W 1 Hill, Jos 4 Hill, Jos l Hodge, Keubin Holloway, M 2 97 nanv has been burned out twice, he is Prof. G. Millman, President of the Raleigh Business College, is writing a continued story in the Reidsville Re- view, entitled " Half Around the World." He has been half around the world, and is detailing his experience. 4 73 l . smiling, and is one of the kind of men 4 12 Steady Mangum, P M. 95 Holland, llresa Proposals Vvill be received by the Street Committee of the city of Raleigh until six whose Dluck and determination can 8 74 Howell. J ii 'zy. Firm lniet a. never bo downed. 1000: (U tf' Horton, FT o'clock p. m., Monday, March lah, 1800, Firm 4 26 8 ) 5 6S Hunter, Chas -- V. Ingram, Mrs L Mr. J. W. Watkins, who has been lor iurnisninej 700 cubic yards, approxi- mately, of clean sharp sand for paving purposes, to be delivered as required, 1 42 Mkt. ilet. Ex. 10 3-- 4 978 020 11 3-- 4 151 ! 10 3-- 4 180 10 7-- 8 482 10 3-- 4 104 .... 10 15-1- 0 4370 10 3-- 4 73 .... 111-- 8 . 10 34 S50 11 3-- 8 303 520 10 G 1102 10 15-1- 6 422 11 11-1- G 218 manaaer of the Postal Telegraph com 7 57 Savannah, Philadelphia Mobile, Memphis, Augusta, New Orleans Wilmington, Louisville, St. Louis, Baltimore, Galveston, Norfolk, Boston, pany in this city, has gone to Fayette James, Lovey 1 James.H & lister Jenkins, Lucy Jenkir.s.Mrs M L aloiiK the line of street paving, on North 18 46 Mangum, WM o Beaver Dam Perry, Allen. ..112,5 & 17-'- . Water Forit.. Watkins, W W 47 Mutton Bra !. Unlisted. Perry, II heirs 5 Water Fork. Perry, Sandy heirs 5 Water Fork OAK GROVE. Broadwell, Penny & Co 6 Fayet'ville li t Cozart, Nancy Ill Mill Creek Stone, i A 20 Lick Creek. PANTHER BRANCH. Wilmington, Jones and Halifax streets. ville, where he will be about ten days, 18 i 1 Person St 73 QUlet 2300jQlliet Quiet 'Steady 3300, Firm Nomnl 12 Firm 4o Steadv 1 irm A dancing class has been organized, aud will practice the "poetry of move- ment" every Tuesday aud Friday even- ing. It is known as a quadrille class, but will have preparatory instructions in circle dancing. The class is under the auspices of the Governor's Guard. 1 V South St 8 37 lhe right to reject part or the whole or Jeih eys, Peter and then he will go to Richmond. In Jettreys, oi ileet 14. 3 79 1 89 any bid is reserved. G. E. LEACH, mhll-l- w Cmm'n Street Com. the latter place he will assume an im portant position with his company. ... Oberlin 1 Smithfleld St. 1 W South St.... 1 Manly St Johnson, JSusan Joues, Cherry 1 42 2 30 Jones, 2s aucy. Among the State lawyers in the city 21 14 Jordan, Mrs J F 1 E Hargett St King, Jno Calvin 6 63 6 1G F, Davie St Manly St attending the Supremo Court are Messrs S. W. Isler, of Goldsboro; Clemen NEW SHOP. NEW TOOLS. Oberlin 33 Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, March 11 Wheat opened hi corn active; oats quiet; provisions steady. Closings: South St Manly and M. D. Stephenson, of New 5 68 5 68 '2 MX SBloodworthSt Berne: Junius Davis, Geo. Kouutree, J 28 Little Creek 72 45 Middle i rt-e-k A BUck Creek. 51 J unlper linn.c:. lou rlabuer Hmu. i 25 Clabber Brain. ;; 20 Clabber Bi:m 1 20 Clabber , Goodwin, Jno P. Gower, P II Parrish, Paruell .... Reaves, W R Wren, G S Williams, AP Williams, TH Wood, .1 S Crowder, Harriett' lH ... Cannon & Daw The-- e are well authenticated reports to the effect that gold, in no inconsid- erable quantities, is easily found along the bed of Walnut creeknear the City. Somebody in the vicinity may be stump- ing their toes against a fortune every day. Why don't somebody look for it? Nobody ever has. WHEAT March 78; Mav 78 7-- 8; June D. Bellamy and S. C. Weill, of Wil Having equipped our shop with new and Hargett & West 21 77 W Jones St 6 87 mington; A. J. Rouse, of Kinston; II 77 3-- 8. CO UN March 28; May 20 3 4; June 30 1-- 8. OATS March 20 3-- 8; May 21 3-- 8; June S Blount St 3 79 improved tools, we are prepared to do work in a nrst-clas- s and workman-lik- e manner, and d:; cheap as iirst clasa work can be done anv- - L. Stevens, of Dunlin county: W. R L Davie St 3 55 McKee St 4 2i Allen, of Goldsboro, and P. M. Pear.sall whero. 20 7-- 8. PORK ST. MATTHEWS. Lane, Edward Lockhart, Chas... Love, Kitty Lougee, Geo E Lewis, Madison.. Macy.Mrs AE .. .. Moore, Mrs C II.. .. Morris, Mrs S Moss, Zacherias.. .. Mullens, Geo A Malone, Jon H O Kelly, John Overton, Sylvia-Pag- e, Henry Payne, Mrs Geo.. Peck, Lewis V Pence, Mrs A E.. .. " AE&APliryan.. t 4. Pence, Mrs A E.. .. Pence, Mrs A E.. .. Manly St 3 55 March 9.95: May 10.12 2; June ... AventFer'yRd 7 57 of Jones county. A SUGGESTION 3' it ... Oberlin 47 Messrs. WOOD & PARK Doram, Washing'u 1 ".at man. K C. Grillln, John 10.15. LAUD March June G.12 1-- 2. 6.00, 62 1-- 2; May 0.07, C10: 1 Haywood St 2 .'6 1 N Harringtonst 2S lor BIBS March 4.90: May 4.05; June 5.00. 1 larboro Road... 11 36 B To Further Raleigh's 'Progress An men themselves is ing tirnt-ela- ss practical 1 Martin A. East.. 8 52 Haywood, J A Neuse Co , Pace, WO P. Kile, NW Poole, V. B , N. a sufficient guarantee. hy Ie land Ibl j Walnut Cre. k 17 II Bullalo 1 .,: .i 25 Milburnie jS l.'pchunh I.i : 1. Temple ASiu.;:, ItO Upchuch I 17 s Bruwi' lUVd 4V Wig..-- - iand l.'.U New road oiH CV Williams! New York Produce Market. FLOUR Steady and unchanged. Southern W GIVE Til EM A TRIAL. 1 Lenoir & Har... 1 Haywood 15 1 1 E Martin Exc... 1 Cotton Place 1 E Morgan st 15 ; ... Oberlin closed quiet and unchanged. Poole, Agt smith, TB Stephenson, K mhll-l- v WHEATClosed dull; Spot sales lo. 'I The city police force will make a san- itary inspection of the city, beginning to morrow. Their intention is to have the city thoroughly renovated and cleared from impurities. Wherever anything antagonistic to health may be found, orders will be given for its im- mediate removal; and if it shall not be moved within forty-eig- ht hours after that time, the owner of the premises will be subject to a fine of five dollars; and this fine will be collected without exception. About the Xew Depot. red winter 8G 1-- 8; No. 3 do. b2 1-- 2, 83. No. 2 Improvement Company Can Do It. It is impossible to have too many organizations whose objects shall be to push forward a town and aid in its ma- terial progress generally. Therefore if another organization shall be suggested for such purposes, let it be well con- sidered by the people before they de red winter March 80 1-- 1. Williams, Aki. Yarbor'h, E M Agt CORN Closed dull. Spot sales No. 2 Penes, Mrs A K. Perry, W 11 Perry, W It Perry, 11 It Person, John Pope, David Prather, Frank.... Pescud, John ... Oberlin t 1 Smithfleld Al.. 4 IS. Wil. St 4 Z Spring Hill 4 ... Fava'ville Rd 4 i I 4; 74 73 00 26 mixed 30 1-- 8: do. Mch 30 1-- 4. No 2 mixed 38; fNl.ISJ tU. No. 2 mixed March 30 1-- 8. l4 Pully. Bet tie OATS-Clo- sed dull; Spot sales ol No. 1 sater, Mrs M E white 31; No. 2 mixed March 28 1-- 8. Cl ecii . 1 N Person St 18 94 1 N Blount St ... Mordeai's Gr 23 210 OraiTii ee MARY'S. l'escud, Peter F... . Pescud, Peter F... l'escud, Peter F... ST. cide that "its of no use. or that "too H Mordecai'sGr. Wil. JtNSts... 1 Adams, Anuie l'escud, M A heirs many such things are springing up." PORK Quiet; new mess 10.50, 11.25. LARD-Clos- ed weak; April G.40. SUGAR Dull raw rirui; reriued steady; cut loaf and crushed 7 5-- 8; powdered 0: gran- ulated 6 mould OuG 1-- 2. 5 6X 47 S3 2 H4 3 79 Busbee, FM.... We are sab s agents for Ice from the Raleigh lee Factory and are now ready to fill orders at wholesale and retail, from live lbs. ta one hundred tuns of bet quality and at low rates. JOM.S & POWELL. Bell, Hilliard... lhe Chamber of Commerce has ((one wonderful things for Raleigh since its sa 3 Buck Branch. 51 Middleton ( r K .... 51 Fayetteville R-- .... iwio Swift Creek ... .... 670 swilt creek .... 1 lot tiarner. KeaveH, A estate.. Richardson, Uobt Mrs W C W II Agt Rogers, Jas It Dow d, PW Dowd, C F S Blount St Smithfleld ltd S Harrington.. Avent Fer Rd Rrooklyn 11 36 6 39 7 34 organization. Some of its members Spot lots fair Rio car-pri- ce unchauged; many Hamilton, Ed COFFEE Firm, goes 21 1-- 2. Mess pork dull; cattle are on hand. 97 v. Hinton. Richard - 4. Ii.-irni- 2 K) 3 79 Rogers, W J r invoou Ave.. Uailtpaniel 1 lot Garner"..!!!!'. Rowe, Nancy. " l Jenkins St....." 1 42 i war. & Blount 21 61 11111, itasraus 17 Big Branch Jones, W iley 4'JJ Bushy Branch . Perkenson.J B '2si Jlaltimore Produce Market. noy sier, d ij V ' " 2.3 15 .. Oberlin 2 36 ' i ...... - ... j . ScGTt, Mrs L J u oinuaiuiiu, V A...- - 60 Neuse River. COTTON Firm. FLOUR Closed Middling 113-8a- ll 1-- 2. inactive. Howard street l W Jones St 7 57 ftmun, Mrs L have done much work which ha3 been strikingly beneficial to the city, but from which no benefits have accrued to them. Such spirit and such work are beyond commendation, and it is hoped that both may continue. With such men as there are in Raleigh that same spirit and that same work will not only hold its own, but will expand, grow larger and more progressive. But there is an eternal fitness in all 1 smith & Lane 95 1 Wilmingt'u St 28 40 50 Bushy Branch 155 Battle's Bdg R.l 133 Neuse River 165 Tarboro Road... 142 Tarboro Road.. and Western super 200a250; do. extra 275a300; do. family 375a430; City Mills, rio brands extra 120ai40; winter wheat patent 1 1. annon st 1 arboro, E M Brown, Solomon. Grlffis.Thos Griffis. David Griirls. J v We have- - purchased the livery and sale sta- bles owned by G. W. Wynne, and enlarged the outfit with some fine Horses, Buggies, &c, which are for hire to responsible and careful people at reasonable rates. 1 Cabarrus 2G 97 The Chronicle has been asked by correspondents if it was a fact or a ru-m- or that the Atlantic Coast Line had made proposals to join the Raleigh and Gaaton and North Carolina railroads in the ejection of the Union depot, and infoe it a seventy-fiv- e thousand instead of a fifty thousand dollar structure. Railroad officials have nothing posi- tive to report in the matter. They say they have heard rumors to that effect, but nothing in the way of a definite proposition has been made. The Chronicle is advised that an in- formal proposition has been made by the Coast Line to the North Carolina road, and that the latter had signified its thorough willingness to the combi- nation. There is nothing to indicate that the Raleigh and Oast on company would object to it, though it seems that straight 440a40; spring do. 48oa52y; do. do. ... p mount 3 44 lot Road ... aci 11111 1 1 JonuKon St 10 69 i ninps, Sion It 63 smithtield Rd .. 425a475; do. do. extra 3GOa400. WHEAT Southern easy; Fultz 78a84 ... uueriin 05 1 narsrett sr. ss u SWIFT CREEK things, aud while these men are doing 8 52 Separk, Mrs MW Smith, Sophronia Sorrell, Mrs L W Sorrell, Alvis est Sorrell, Alvis est Stuart, Sam'l T.... Stone, John L Syme, Aadm'r l Syme, A trustee Taj lor, RW agt Tonnoffski.Mrs G Geo L Thompson. Mrs xM C Thompson, M ... Vass, S N Walker, Mollie Whitaker. James Whitaker, W agt ... Whitnker, WJ. No. yel- - Allen, Nathan 1 Newbern Ave. I E Davie 1 E Davie 19 40 Longberry 80a85; Western easy; 2 winter red spot and March 82al-2a3--- l. CORN Southern quiet. White SGalO; low 35a37 1-- 2; Western, easy; mixed spot Mch. 35 this work:, they nave the right to en- gage in other work of a similar nature. 14 20 and BOARDING. but from which they may receive direct iwedsoe, Ed M Kurt, Green Bledsoe, M A Campbell, Hugh.."" Crowder, VV J W 6 29 7 82 OATS Quiet and steady. Southern and Pennsylvania 27a30; Western white 20a30: and individual returns and profits. f til. J 1 r . i 8 52 2 N C It It 123 Walnut Creek Steep Hill 100 Scott place.. 150 Walnut I'r k 200 Joins Upch'ch and others 15 Dutchman. 100 Wa;nut 07 Middle Creek 30 Joins W u 1 Bloodworth St 1 West & Jones 1 S Blount St 1 McDowell St... 1 Haywood St... I E Hargett St... 1 E Ilanretr St As we buy feed in large lots from first hands 14 21 do. mixed 27a28 1-- 2; graded No. 2 white 30. RYE Quiet and nominally unchanged Prime to choice 55a57. at lowest caish prices, we are prepared to xuey may nave inese pronts by or- ganizing a Land and Improvement Company. Such an organization would 4 73 10 66 board stock on the best the country affords at Hamilton, WW Keith, Mrs Mariah" Langston, W W.. " Matthews, WH ... company has had no proposition from hock bottom prices, and guarantee good have its peculiar functions and interests. 99 Wicker. Flora 1 LS ?f5i- - I PROVISIONS Firm. Mess pork old 10.50; new 11.00; bulk meats, loose shoulders 1 3-- 1; long clear and clear rib sides and while it would be advancing the in- terests of the whole city, it would yield l the Coast Line up to this time. Death of Mrs. Ina W ilon flarris. o 3-- 4; sugar pickled shoulders 5al-- 4 man ... Smitl klMStr.: w Matthews, J H 225 DutS Lane... l'escud, John 11ac?, Falr Gr nd 7 JB Hand, Thos J Hi "JEfu Rr'ch ... Old to those carrying it on a more equitable sugar cured smoked shoulders 6 1-- 2; hams lOall 1-- 2; Lard, refined, 7 1-- 2; crude G 1-- 4. m ... Smiths Lane 24 consiueration tcau any otner orgamza SALES. Those wishing to to purchase horses are PETROLEUM Unchanged. Refined 71-- 2 r nencis in tne city received tne sau Stephen, C II, heirs Iemileon. .t at tion of a like nature, and would there 5 20 4 20 Williams, Eaton.. Wnliame, Eaton . Williams, Mary E Williams, Thos H Williams, Wm.. Williams, Dock... Williams, Squire Williams, J M & Davis Williams. Thos.!! uurJJt.jti mrm and strong, liio cargoes fore be stimulative. Its work would not be limited. It could have special privi 8 H 26 "A 4 26 Wrdard. M rs M H. 1 4 Wrhltaker,BN... Woodard,Jos . solicited to call on Mr. Holder, our Superin .. UDeriin.... ... Smithfleld Rd ... Smith s Lane. ... Hajwood St... ... Nr MA Parker ... Tarboro Itoad 1 East St ext.... news yesterday of the death of Mrs. Ina Harris, widow of Richard Harris, deceased, and daughter of Frank I. lair l i&zu i-- z. SUGAR Strong. A soft 6 5-- 8. COPPER Refined steady 13 1-- 4 WHISKEY Unchanged l.OOal.10. tendent, at Wynne's old stand. c.AUKin's R d 4S1 Swift Creek.. . 013 177 Swift Creek"!! Steep Hill. . . 1H"U Cat 11,1 20 ineyard ... 60 Vineyard 15 50 Walnut Creek 4 71 .JfSon.MrMN.s v imams. Thos uson.s. oiho rentress. TU Wilson. Esq . who died here soon after 5 68 vv imams, 1 1 1 arboro Hoad.. Hlade, Frank...""".""" 3 31 the war. She died in Brooklyn, N. Y., The City Cotton Market. CORRECTED DAILY. Wroieli M.u: 14 21 Telephones. Stables No. 05, Store No. 41, Wood, Coal and Lumber Yard No. 71. on bunday last, she leaves two chil leges by incorporation. And after get- ting ready for work, various ways would open before it which will never appear to single or individual efforts. The Improvement Company is the scheme by which so many Southern towns have waked up some bright morn- ing and found themselves famous and on a boom. Now let the scheme Via UNLISTED. Wynne. Mrs P - M 7 00 Raleigh, N. C, March 11 ) P. M. dron, a girl and boy, aged seventeen w yene, nobt. 1 w i i" ; y 0 ' I ilinion am es j-- 33 S u r Good Middling, 10 7-- 8 and fifteen. Mrs. Harris' husband, who wio a nn'ntoi1 cavcral xrcxara arm o-- i Walnut Creek 10: -- 4 to 10 7-- 8 JONES & POWELL. 10 3 Young, Kobt est; t '!V10P t... 6 6-- WAKE FOREST. "iti'uweii st Strict Middling, Middling, Strict Low Middling, Stains, Market firm. 5 92 10 5-- 8 Aktnn T r 10 to 10 1 75 Smith's Creek . 17 v"V " Cook. If T 1 t..,. BARTON'S CREEK. Acres. Description. Name. n lot CrenshawV'ionr- - ...... Am't. r W ake For l tried here It requires only one good man to present the matter to a few other good men, and the thing is done. What's the use of waiting? iT,TviP'8XRd'8..?12 00 .unn, John Sl town w . """ Raleigh Tobacco Market. Reported for the Daily State Chkomcxe. since which time she has resided in Brooklyn, near her mother's family, Mrs, J. M. Henson. She was a lady of noble spirit, and died in the Christian faith. In her early life she had a large circle of friends here who will mourn her death. Her father, Frank I. WilsDn, Esq., was at one time one of the leading journalists of this State. 33 rlrTJ' Mandy... 0 Reedy Creek ' Haywood Ja" ,6 Nr ke For i 11 A.aSt 87 Wa kp.r Y if. iv Raleigh, N. C, March 11. I 60 SPECIAL NOTICES. Cox, Wm Emory, Mrs M.. (;riffin,? heirs, Harris, Mrs A E Jeffreys, Ed L... Lassiter, Isaac. Lassiter, W C ... Mabry, W.hei's Thompson, J D Vincent, A R... 84 212 8 00 57 40 52 19 85 48 Market strong and active, with prices full 1 00 1 06 up to our quotations with bO per cent, of crop "tust uiver . Tipper'. X R'ds"! Oxford Road Fish Dam Road..' Neuse River . Mabry Branch..." Mabry Rranch B ish Dam Road 2 19 jiugum , Kurt 3 Nr v;ak Kr 1 Pearce, J T mn v ?. Parharn. k"e aid aSU C reek AUCTION SALE OFFARMING LANDS. By virtue of power conferred on me by a certain deed of trust, executed by Aus- tin Gilmore and wife, which is duly re- corded in Registry of Wake county, in Book No. 98, Page 424, 1 will offer for sale at the courthouse door in the city of Ral- eigh, N. C., on Monday, April 7th, 1890. at 12 o'clock m., the property in said deed of trust, described and known as the home- stead tract of said Gilmore, located in Middle Creek Township, Wake county N. C , containing 115 acres, more or less' soia, ana buyers, botn on orders and for speculation anxious for st:ek. 41 Smokers Common 1 05 1 00 urimis heirs 119 Rolesville Unlisted. UNLISTED. Wo call special attention to tbe ad- vertisement of D. T. Johnson, Ag't. Head it carefully and give Mr. J. a call. You will find his prices as low as the lowest, and his goods first-clas- s. Prompt and personal attention to orders. Phone 28. Itaing. Mrs. f' Gooch, Wm.. Gill, D, heirs 25 53 47 Up'r Bart's Creek 1 Cedar Creek 2 S Snalth field R d JO Anderson, s p". 4a0 0al4 3aG 6a9 Oalt 3a7 22a28 28a35 96 Good, Fillers Common, Good, Fine, Cu tteis ommon Medium, Good, Fine, Fancy, The cold snap has week but no weather BUCK HORN. Edwards, 11,1. Mrs MJ... 7(5 R a RR lerras 01 saie casn. B. F. March 6, 1S90. inarO- - MONTAGUE, Trustee. WHITE OAK TOWNSHIP. MlmVf-.U,a- b -- JL y branch 84 12 11 On the Way to Get It. A sufficient number of the Board of Trustees of the Baptist Female College, having expressed their willingness and desire for a rehearing of the matter to the Secretary of the Board, he has issued a formal petition to the Presi- dent of the State Baptist Convention, CoL L. L. Polk, requesting that he call the Board together at Wake Forest, on the 18th or 20th of this month. The matter now goes into the hands of the President. We will see what he will do. Durham Sun. hgnttued breaks this Barbee.SF, heirs or Bennett. Smn, 40 Pitta Creek. ... seems cold enono-l- i tn 3 32 13 18 Middlfl Fuller. iar"" Cre Patrick, V J ...'! e Oak Robinson, Dr C N' - 1 RJAaCV; Wheeler. W II..- .;- IrZt CARY. 2 41 4 07 4 67 mmm standard mmmi With All the Latest Improvements ! cool off the anxiety of the buvers to get more of the golden wted, and so prices still go on up and up and no one seems to know where they will stop. Smokers and cutters which have been the only weak grades are now at about outside figures ot our last quotations and fillers and wrappers are auiouslv sought alter by the order man. 0 Fort,NathanTeT fo X ak iS: Lynch BJ " 32 Beaver Creek.. Merritt, Mlsi'TaST! lot 6aVer Creek Mann, J j Mills. nrittn'IVrr linear Apex 1 9ary ? Asbury 1 1. lot In Car 2 30 20 58 Bell, John.... Clarke. Maj c 11.!! Jones, Adolplms Jackson, Win Moye, Mrs V j.""' Pleasants, N A Roff. Wm v. 2 15 Oil ve. EliwT ?2 hlte Oa k.. Death, the Reaper, Still is Reaping. 33 10 White Oak.. lot In Carv l" V2 t.lot In Frrtr ii Rains, B 11... Shaw, Eliza.. Burnett, JameV Jonas, Richard " m uow skin 1 lot 35 Middle Creek" 111 White Oak Cr. PP, Fannie J illiams. Mrs M E cott, Calvin... A In Asbury 20 Near o-- i o On Matters Cheering to the Inner Man. If there is any one thing well estab- lished it is the fact that the better the food a man eats the better the man. It is therefore the essence of folly to eat meats which offend and irritate that portion of the anatomy when meats that will cheer and comfort are attainable under the same conditions and at the same cost. This is just precisely what Mr. J. Schwartz, the "veteran old meat man" thinks. He believes that common sense is largely predominant in Raleigh people, and that they will have good meats if they are procurable. He keeps nothing but the very choicest of all meats and that is why his business is so large and yet increasing. When he has something nice on hand, and he always has, he tells the people about it. He makes these announcements almost daily, and here he is again with one an- nouncing that he is ready to fill any order with the choicest beef, mutton, pork, Jec, that can be found in a care- ful search of the whole country. His stall is on Fayetteville street, and he in- vites you to pass by and look in. tf St. Louis Produce Market. FLOUR Quiet and unchanged. W HEAT Lo w e r Mav 70. CORN Lower March 25. OATS Firm. Lower May 20 1-- 8. LARD Prime steam 5 5-- 8. PORK-Stand- ard mess 10.25; D. s. Meatd shoulders 4 1-- 4; longs and cribs 5 clear 5 1-- 2; bacon boxed shoulders 4 l '- - - AsburT.'.;:: TJKLlSTKn VSLISTED. fenny, Alice , The Highest Achievement of Isventiv And Mechanical Skill ! FOR FIFTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD! William Easdale, Dealer, liAI.EKiH, C. Jno. B. Culpepper, Richmond, Va. For Rent! i te!VLVore 10 penurch. A N... vr- - Lambeth of Chnth" '? Beaver Creek.. 1 34 Near Asbury .. Near Asbury... Near Trinltt, craWford.iyrv:;;:: w Jones, 8 H .. weaver Creek. 5 00 5 34 -i.6o- -7i.,uiu3 ,.io; snort clear 5 5-- 8: Cin 30 Crabt 2 : 2; i'amilv J'earson, H. Williams CEDAR FORK. 50 Wil I-- ini,.' iZ:'w- - iv.oj, ii.vv; iara Kettle dried 6 1 1. 1-- 2; bacon A telegram was received here last night annoon;iag the death of Mrs. S. H. Perry, at her home near Youngsville, iu Franklin county, yesterday from con sumption. She was a sister of Mr. W. V. Clifton, of Kaleigh. At her residence in Rockingham, March ldth, Mrs. M. L. Wood, wife of Rer. M. L. Wood, D. D., after a long illness. During her long confinement, her patient suffering, her sweet Chris- tian resignation, her precepts of religion fell upon and touched all hearts in Rock- ingham. Her life was a sermon and her triumphant death a witness of the sus- taining power of the Christian religion. snorx clears sides 5 3-- 4, 5.90. .. 105 t 1 03 Cow sfki'A" Denton, Hinton, Seatonf Scott, W B.. tyr'pIronCr. .. 2 lots 3M Near Anev WHI8KEY-Saleal012b- bla. finished goods on the basis of 1.02 per gallon for high wines Burgess, Ann.... Ldwards, c D Green Wash .! Jones, Isaac... Maynard, W M j .4 5 00 8 81 2 84 It! . . C R R. icKiand 2 1 ... 9 N 9 N C R R. 2 4Z - 74 BrlarnJV. 5 26 12 tVrr-2- - illiams, Mrs M E.2W v.r;iniri.n 18 Agents Wanted. Several Naval Stores. WipnsoTos, N. C, March 11. Spirits tur- - gooddo.lL. Tar firm at 1.30. Crude Tur- - ?f$M?ady' hara yellow dip 6 67 . UNLISTED. The store, No. 216 Fayetteville merly occupied by J. Stone as a firnhnrl and music store. Possession given diately. For e" terma to Wm p Gnmea or F.J. Hywood.2-&-- m ' contract K JkT secure liber vr n Dreirr ffl-- K Mr. John 0 Briar Crept e "lls' Margaret.".:;;'.'" eare, Nancy a ... ol Life ent Mutual Bene N'rMorrisv'Te 4 68 CedTFo'kR'd 2 66 company of Newar j.

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Page 1: · 2017-12-17 · V lit Jit MAEGH 1 1890. STATE OHBOHIOLE, WEDJSTBifiDAT, HOLLY SPRINGS. TAX SALE. Adams, Samuel rf'i is rag creek. Whits 45, 47; jeiiow



TAX SALE. Adams, Samuel rf'i is rag creek.Whits 45, 47; jeiiow U 1COKN Firm. Heckwitn, u n m wnneoak..

COMING AND GOING. THE WORLD'S COMMEECE. IJootne. J Ji v o. !" niieviaKnuiet at 42a15 1-- 2

ew York-Spi- rits turpentine shall sell thei.i Gay. WOl "ii-- t;7th, 1SS0. 1

On Monday Apriltrained common to good satisfy the udpwuto. 1 octnlPSome oi The Folks You Know andTheir Doings following cw - ., m yCv:uonTHE BULLS DISAPPOINTED-LAR- GE


Gilmore, AUMiii. --uiunu- trtckllun:ei. Eliza V,i Utley's Ceek...McLean, Harriett... 1 lot .....McLean, Cain 2 Cary's Creek. ...

1 1-- 2. Ko&m dun; s

Savannah spirits paid.30 cturpentineMr. E. W. Pou, Jr., of Smithfisld, is

taxes due for tne year--""' L!WS T ROWAN ROGER'S,

SHERIFFStephens, J A - ltrs isranchKoh.iu firm a ,mie, at 39c. 1



Khort Item ol News Gathered on theFly by the Chronicle's Reporters.Some steps are being taken toward

providing Metropolitan hall with

Charleston cpuiw "I 1m the city. Spence, Tobe.

Wherler, W Hi :.. , 10 V Holly SprinjrsCom- -Dr. Geo. L. Kirby, of Goldsboro, is Rosin quiet; goou siraiue--

31s, 3d.LiverpoolSpirits turpentine

mou rosin spot 4s, 3d. HA LEIGH. CNLISTEH.

.... zh Little Creek.registered at the Yarboro.j. Ain'tDescription.

cName.Cro.-s-, NehonLanton, W W

Adin'r ol Hicks-Mo-ore,

(J W --- -

Nash, Caroline- -Stephens. A J...Tucker, A M

Mrs. S. E. Watts and little daughter,Nellie, are visiting friends in the city.

Col. A. C. Davis, of the Davis Schoolat LaGrange, arrived in the city yes

City Produce Market.Reoorted daily for the State Chronicle by

andW. C. & A. B Stronaeh, WholesaleRetail Grocers.

Raleigh, N. C, March 11.

New York, March 11. Mesar. Hub-

bard, Price & Co., in their cotton cir-

cular to-nig- ht say: While the spotsales in Liverpool maintained the aver-

age of the past week, the action of therival market there was a great disap-

pointment to the bull3 who had lookedfor an advance abroad. Judging fromthe heavy selling here for Liverpool ac-

count the large holders in that marketmust be satisfied with the prices ruling


yt Liltle Creek.4 Buckhoru

H2 Buck horn...Wi Middle Cary Crees

1 OKI FairGr nd S

1 E Martin 8t.1 8 Dawson 8t

1--1 81

The penitentiary continues to gatherthem in. Four new convicts were re-

ceived from Davidson county yesterday.hi HOUSE CREEK.10 41 Laneril

Z 1) & 8aU t1 E Haigett.St...1 s & Uloant 81

40c Terrapins, speskied,25 to 40c 10 to 2a

10c. lb Terrapins, horse,i ) i.o tr 'j.o.. no sale.

14 Mi'Z 4

lti 31




terday.Miss Letty Yancey, of South Dostoo,

Va., is visiting Mr3. Joe F. Ferrall, onIlillsboro street.

Mrs. J. M.Heck and Miss Susie Heck

A two-stor- y houso is making a journeydown Cabarrus street en route for East 30


7 58iialoirrh. Tfc was moved from the new 10 to 11c: Dried peachc-3,peoled-,

Cc 10c. lb5c; Dried peaches, nu 1 42

and are closing their open accounts.Locally, buyers were able to secure theircotton at lower quotations and the sup-

ply at yesterday's close was more than


depot site. 7 53

10 Mason Village.13 Crabtree Creek

431 House Creek....1 Mason Village.

10 Gray & StampstractHarrisnipe C'k

'Zi4 Sals Branch...2 Mine Creek...

109 Crabtree hnd Mtract

oC) Ft Pasre tract.109 Page Place

ll to 12 1 -- 2c! peeled, oc u

Alexander, PBrt-we- r. JuliusBlake, JosephCogg n., JohDDeuuy, X

Smith, Mn M A..smith, John...Terry, Mrs LI..-.- .

Whitaker, W H..

Whitaker, V J ...Page, M rs J R

' K-i- 1 3, Dried apples, ociu

Adams, Warren.. .

Anderson, Virgil .

Arnisted, Mltty... -

Beckham, C HBeckham. J IIBeaven, Miss L... .

Bishop, Ililliard.. .

Bleadsoe, M A.Boyd, Mary and

E Jones..Biadfoid, Thos ...

Brunch, John L..Brown. SamBryant, Marion..Bryant, Mrs M V

Bunch, Mrs MABagwell, L C

Beaver, A A... ......Carver, t 'ora M....Claircy, Daniel....Clements, Mary...Coley, H 1 estateCole, Mr Jane ECooper, Henry.....Cosoy, K E M -

4 203 4fi

12 74line uuito, vu.BLi.Several car-load- s of railroad iron

passed through the city yesterday enroute for the Georgia, Carolina Jt North-ern road.


lfi 24

Black and clay do. 1.00 Dried damsons, iwiuSweet potatoes, 00c; Dried blackberries, 8c

Turnips' 30 to 35c Dried whortleber-Chatha- m

rabbits, rips, 10c

S to 10c, Indian snake root, 4c

O'posaunw, 12 l-- 2c Angelica, 12c

Squirrels, 8 to 10; Sassafras barit, 4c..Auir-.- c 9. 1- -2 to 3c i Shotted kojr. 9c

will leave for New York to day on a twoweeks' visit.

Mr. Jno. W. Cross, of the firm ofCross 1 Linehan, went north yesterdayon a business tour.

The Chronicle is glad to hear thatEditor Hackney, of the Durham Record-

er, is convalescing after his illness.Miss Sudie Faison, of Cumberland

ample for the aemana. v aiues grau- -

ually recovered five points, to iose morewhen New Orleans receipts for the moreknown to be estimated at G,000 bales.The market rallied from this point toagain fall back and closes barely steady.As the long interest is now a distributedone, the o.tent of this reaction will de


3 79W 470 631 i(J

14 214 201 426 112 84

The general passenger agents of allthe railroads in this country will holda convocation in the city of Mexico on

March, J2d inst.

Mccullrs. r

IIowe. GieenEd wards, Chac.Thompson, A

English sparrows, Hav, per lmn. 50cFodder, 00 to 1.00

i.j Mason Village.2 Mason Vili...

. 192 Harrisnipe C k190 Crabtree Cre.-- k

iv 8 CHEEK.

l410c. doz.

1 Lenoir St1 S Wil St ...

Asylum ltoad- -'i Tupper AUe.y-Holiem- an

K u.. Mordeci s G--1 E Davie St1 s Blount St1 V Lane St2 S Fay'vUleSt..1 jswain St. Cameron St

1 N McD'well StI Northwest St.... N'i Cat'oltcCh

... cotton Flace...1 Manly St2 X Harr'gt'nSt1 Dawson St1 N Blount St....

... Oberlin1 s Blount St1 E Dawson St...

... smith st

... smith's Lane..2 S East St

... Oberlin; ... Oberlin

1 Cannon St1 Jf East St1 V Cabar'us St

pend upon tne advices of Manchester, Shucks, "MA i.Bullfrogs, 10 to 20c p.

Ground hogs, 25to50cTurtles, 25 to 73c


2c bun

Craven, rrisciuCrowder, KevJ Was the bull party cannot be expected to

again enter the market except on aWheat straw,Pino straw,Broom straw, fjoodon, Henry i -

Crow, C C Ag--t

thodes, Jno.... Aower range or values, ine tone or AlliIt was reported on the streets yester-

day that representatives of a great Eng-lish Hyndicate were in Durham lookingaround with h view to purchasing sumeof the interests there.

Davis, Dawson,...

J 25 Smilhfi ld R .i, 55 Tarboro U'd

Mark'- - CreekBuffalo-fret-- ;;.

! Ru flat oe Cre-;- .

Sin llli, I W , enia'"son's monthly circular is rather bullish. W SmithThs1 Fire Will Not Delay Shipment.if the American crop does not exceed Denton, irs jDutchell, J ADudley, Edward- - Strickland, Henry....11 l l' I.

72,000,000 bales. Receipts at ports to

county, who has been in Raleigh someweeks, has returned to her home.

Maj. S. M. Finger, Superintendentof Public Instruction, left yesterdayfor Newton where he will be till therirt-- t of April.

Capt. M. W. Page, formerly Registerof Deeds of Wake county, was in thecity yesterday. He is promiently spokenof as a democratic candidate for sheriffthis year.

Miss Brooks, of Lenoir county, an

The burning of our Factory in Dur Dudley, estimated at 9,000 bales, against Dunston, u w'rtu.

. - . t iti i r. I : .Durham, Dham will not delay us in shipment ofgoods. We have another factory there8,900 bales last week and 14,489 last Lewis, Wesley w

Edwards T 11

(JO 11

.S 404771

7 104 73

6111 16

953 31ti 165 90

12 11

10 S94 743 794 976 632 134 283 79

MIDDLE CREEK.and will be running in ma iorce uy me Edwards, Lewis...Ellen, W II estate

year. The spot is dull at unchangedprices. Midland uplands 11 1-- 2. Salesof futures 9,000 bales. Banks, R A15th and turning out as many goods as

Olive, H ! ...before the lire. Our Richmond Works Ellis, Mrs '

Ellison, NarcissaEvans, Celia 11

72 Mtlls Branch100 Mir Creek...60 Mills Branch.75 Nell's Creek..JJi Neil's Creek.

Futures closed steady as follows: liand. M rs --Mary a.

Miss Maggie Reese will leave for NewYork this morning to buy her springstock of millinery. She will learn thelatest fashions, and will be prepared to

supply her trade.

Two lively theatrical companies havebeen booked at Metropolitan hall al-

ready for next season. One is Mile.Fernandez' "French Follies," and theother is Hose Osborne in "Satan."

are making more goods than i;ver and Smith, M AFeniifell, HichamFreeman, J 8March


1 S Peion St". 1 N EatSt. 1 S Har'ngt n St1 ... Oberlin.... 1 Manly St

1 Worth St...i ... Oberlin- -

1 V Lane St

we have there a large lot of manulac-ture- d

goods and materials and can giveSorrell, KufusSnipes, GeorgeSpence. W HGarrett, Harrison 2 Middle Creek .

2 Neil's Creek07 Neal CretkMay Hall, Jordan

Hall. Earkin stewari. j ii- -prompt shipments. We will continueto furnish our high grades of guano of

June , ,


accomplished young lady stenographer,lias accepted a position as private sec-

retary in the office of Mr. W.H. Worth,business agent of the State Farmers'sAlliance.

Ex-Go- v. W. W. Holden suffered asecond stioke of paralvsis on Monday

UM.ISTKD.Harwarl,MisA M...

11 373811 30-- 40

11 41-- 4511 40-- 5011 515511 54-- 5510 87 SO

10 575810 30-- 4110 384010 3040

Harris, C L 10August Morris, Henty "Vi --Middle creekOlive. .Francis A 137J-- ;

6 631) 94

23 40

the several brands from the best mate-

rial, as heretofore and ask our friendsand patrons to send us their orders.

Harris,.! C LHarris, Mrs F 40

Harris, MrsFHarris, A E


Rowland, K J A. rriV, rtKRowland. LJ 100 lerrible Creek

NECSE RIVER.Harris, A EPromising them the best goods andprompt delivery.

and has been confined to his Lome eversince. His condition has been a sourceof anxietv to his friends, but he was re Harris, A E Jeffreys. S K for

The Central Methodist church con-

gregation are hoping to resume work outheir new building during the comingsummer. It will not be done, however,unless the funds for carrying it on firstcome in sight.

In Liverpool spot cotton closed steady; Harris, A EHarrison,John L mother- - us ..uranamp

NEW LIGHT.ery truly,

d&w2te Dciuiam Feutilizer Co.ported as resting easily and quietly last01 5S

4 741 894 736 88

middling uplands G 1-- 8 d. Sales 8,000bales.

Hardy, JnoHay wood, HogauHaynes, M Levening.

Mr. Siim'1 T. Morean. President of 3 08oHester, Ed y

Hillsboro liosa. Hillsboro Hoad

Hillsboro Uoad1 K Hargett St.1 Dawson St1 Cabarrus St1 McDowell St1 Martin St1 S Person St1 McKeeSt.1 Caswell's Lane1 ! Swain St.. Oberlin1 Smithfleld St..... FayeltevilleRd.. Oberlin1 E Carbarrus1 Cannon St1 Oallows' Hill...

... Cox Ave1 Bledsoe's Grove

... Cotton Place....1 Cabarrus St

... Oberlin1 Dawson St2 Blount St

Cotton.the Durham Bull Fertilizer Co., was in

Allen, 1) WCatlitt J EFtes, Thos M..Estes, L EJones, T CKeith, H TLyon. Noah

... 301 Horse Creek37 Neuse River.5 Sugfr Koatl

.5 & 150 Ledge Rock.

.... 662 Let1? Rock..1U4 Beaer Dam .

60 Beaver Dam59 New Light C'k

Proposals For Sand.Kaleigh yesterday. Though his com 3 32Sale, Tune.Citv.

Hicks. W 1

Hill, Jos 4Hill, Jos lHodge, KeubinHolloway, M

2 97nanv has been burned out twice, he is

Prof. G. Millman, President of theRaleigh Business College, is writing acontinued story in the Reidsville Re-

view, entitled " Half Around theWorld." He has been half around theworld, and is detailing his experience.

4 73l .

smiling, and is one of the kind of men 4 12 Steady Mangum, P M.95Holland, llresaProposals Vvill be received by the StreetCommittee of the city of Raleigh until sixwhose Dluck and determination can 8 74Howell. J ii 'zy.Firm


never bo downed. 1000:(U tf' Horton, FTo'clock p. m., Monday, March lah, 1800,Firm

4 268 )5 6SHunter, Chas --V.

Ingram, Mrs LMr. J. W. Watkins, who has been lor iurnisninej 700 cubic yards, approxi-mately, of clean sharp sand for pavingpurposes, to be delivered as required,

1 42

Mkt. ilet. Ex.

10 3-- 4 978 020

11 3--4 151 !

10 3-- 4 18010 7-- 8 48210 3-- 4 104 ....10 15-1- 0 437010 3--4 73 ....111-- 8 .

10 34 S5011 3--8 303 52010 G 110210 15-1- 6 42211 11-1- G 218

manaaer of the Postal Telegraph com7 57

Savannah,PhiladelphiaMobile,Memphis,Augusta,New OrleansWilmington,Louisville,St. Louis,Baltimore,Galveston,Norfolk,Boston,

pany in this city, has gone to FayetteJames, Lovey 1

James.H & listerJenkins, LucyJenkir.s.Mrs M L

aloiiK the line of street paving, on North 18 46

Mangum, W M o Beaver DamPerry, Allen. ..112,5 & 17-'- . Water Forit..Watkins, W W 47 Mutton Bra !.

Unlisted.Perry, II heirs 5 Water Fork.Perry, Sandy heirs 5 Water Fork

OAK GROVE.Broadwell, Penny

& Co 6 Fayet'ville li t

Cozart, Nancy Ill Mill CreekStone, i A 20 Lick Creek.


Wilmington, Jones and Halifax streets.ville, where he will be about ten days, 18 i1 Person St

73 QUlet2300jQlliet


3300, FirmNomnl

12 Firm4o Steadv

1 irm

A dancing class has been organized,aud will practice the "poetry of move-ment" every Tuesday aud Friday even-

ing. It is known as a quadrille class,but will have preparatory instructionsin circle dancing. The class is underthe auspices of the Governor's Guard.

1 V South St 8 37lhe right to reject part or the whole or Jeih eys, Peterand then he will go to Richmond. InJettreys, oi ileet 14. 3 79

1 89any bid is reserved.

G. E. LEACH,mhll-l- w Cmm'n Street Com.

the latter place he will assume an important position with his company.

... Oberlin1 Smithfleld St.1 W South St....1 Manly St

Johnson, JSusanJoues, Cherry 1 42

2 30Jones, 2s aucy.Among the State lawyers in the city 21 14Jordan, Mrs J F 1 E Hargett St

King, Jno Calvin 6 636 1G

F, Davie StManly Stattending the Supremo Court are Messrs

S. W. Isler, of Goldsboro; Clemen NEW SHOP. NEW TOOLS. Oberlin 3 3Chicago Produce Market.

Chicago, March 11 Wheat opened hicorn active; oats quiet; provisions steady.

Closings:South StManly and M. D. Stephenson, of New 5 68

5 68'2 MX

SBloodworthStBerne: Junius Davis, Geo. Kouutree, J

28 Little Creek7245 Middle i rt-e-k

A BUck Creek.51 J unlper linn.c:.

lou rlabuer Hmu. i25 Clabber Brain. ;;20 Clabber Bi:m 1

20 Clabber ,

Goodwin, Jno P.

Gower, P IIParrish, Paruell ....Reaves, W RWren, G SWilliams, A PWilliams, THWood, .1 SCrowder, Harriett'

lH ... Cannon & Daw

The-- e are well authenticated reportsto the effect that gold, in no inconsid-erable quantities, is easily found alongthe bed of Walnut creeknear the City.Somebody in the vicinity may be stump-ing their toes against a fortune everyday. Why don't somebody look for it?Nobody ever has.

WHEAT March 78; Mav 78 7-- 8; JuneD. Bellamy and S. C. Weill, of Wil Having equipped our shop with new and Hargett & West 21 77W Jones St 6 87mington; A. J. Rouse, of Kinston; II 77 3-- 8.

CO UN March 28; May 20 3 4; June 30 1-- 8.

OATS March 20 3-- 8; May 21 3-- 8; JuneS Blount St 3 79

improved tools, we are prepared to do workin a nrst-clas- s and workman-lik- e manner, andd:; cheap as iirst clasa work can be done anv- -L. Stevens, of Dunlin county: W. R L Davie St 3 55

McKee St 4 2iAllen, of Goldsboro, and P. M. Pear.sall whero.20 7-- 8.


Lane, EdwardLockhart, Chas...Love, KittyLougee, Geo E

Lewis, Madison..Macy.Mrs A E .. ..Moore, Mrs C II.. ..Morris, Mrs SMoss, Zacherias.. ..Mullens, Geo AMalone, Jon HO Kelly, JohnOverton, Sylvia-Pag-e,

HenryPayne, Mrs Geo..Peck, Lewis VPence, Mrs A E.. ..

" AE&APliryan..t 4.

Pence, Mrs A E.. ..Pence, Mrs A E.. ..

Manly St 3 55March 9.95: May 10.12 2; June... AventFer'yRd 7 57

of Jones county.A SUGGESTION

3'it ... Oberlin 47Messrs. WOOD & PARK Doram, Washing'u

1 ".at man. K C.Grillln, John

10.15.LAUD March

June G.12 1-- 2.

6.00, 62 1-- 2; May 0.07, C10:1 Haywood St 2 .'61 N Harringtonst 2S lorBIBS March 4.90: May 4.05; June 5.00. 1 larboro Road... 11 36BTo Further Raleigh's 'Progress An men themselves ising tirnt-ela- ss practical 1 Martin A. East.. 8 52

Haywood, J ANeuse Co ,

Pace, WOP. Kile, N WPoole, V. B , N.

a sufficient guarantee.

hy Ie landIbl j Walnut Cre. k17 II Bullalo 1 .,: .i

25 MilburniejS l.'pchunh I.i :

1. Temple ASiu.;:,ItO Upchuch I17 s Bruwi' lUVd

4V Wig..-- - iandl.'.U New road

oiH CV Williams!

New York Produce Market.FLOUR Steady and unchanged. Southern W

GIVE Til EM A TRIAL.1 Lenoir & Har...1 Haywood 15 1

1 E Martin Exc...1 Cotton Place1 E Morgan st 15 ;

... Oberlin

closed quiet and unchanged. Poole, Agtsmith, T BStephenson, Kmhll-l- vWHEATClosed dull; Spot sales lo. 'I

The city police force will make a san-

itary inspection of the city, beginningto morrow. Their intention is to havethe city thoroughly renovated andcleared from impurities. Whereveranything antagonistic to health may befound, orders will be given for its im-mediate removal; and if it shall not bemoved within forty-eig- ht hours afterthat time, the owner of the premiseswill be subject to a fine of five dollars;and this fine will be collected withoutexception.

About the Xew Depot.

red winter 8G 1-- 8; No. 3 do. b2 1-- 2, 83. No. 2

Improvement Company Can Do It.It is impossible to have too many

organizations whose objects shall be topush forward a town and aid in its ma-

terial progress generally. Therefore ifanother organization shall be suggestedfor such purposes, let it be well con-

sidered by the people before they de

red winter March 80 1-- 1. Williams, Aki.Yarbor'h, E M AgtCORN Closed dull. Spot sales No. 2

Penes, Mrs A K.Perry, W 11

Perry, W ItPerry, 11 ItPerson, JohnPope, DavidPrather, Frank....Pescud, John

... Oberlin t1 Smithfleld Al.. 4

IS. Wil. St 4Z Spring Hill 4

... Fava'ville Rd 4i I


mixed 30 1-- 8: do. Mch 30 1-- 4. No 2 mixed 38; fNl.ISJ tU.No. 2 mixed March 30 1-- 8.

l4Pully. Bet tieOATS-Clo- sed dull; Spot sales ol No. 1

sater, Mrs M Ewhite 31; No. 2 mixed March 28 1-- 8. C l ecii .1 N Person St 18 941 N Blount St

... Mordeai's Gr

23210 OraiTii ee

MARY'S.l'escud, Peter F... .

Pescud, Peter F...l'escud, Peter F... ST.cide that "its of no use. or that "too

H Mordecai'sGr.Wil. JtNSts...1 Adams, Anuiel'escud, M A heirsmany such things are springing up."

PORK Quiet; new mess 10.50, 11.25.LARD-Clos- ed weak; April G.40.SUGAR Dull raw rirui; reriued steady;

cut loaf and crushed 7 5-- 8; powdered 0: gran-ulated 6 mould OuG 1-- 2.

5 6X47 S3

2 H43 79

Busbee, F M....

We are sab s agents for Ice from the Raleighlee Factory and are now ready to fill ordersat wholesale and retail, from live lbs. ta onehundred tuns of bet quality and at low rates.

JOM.S & POWELL.Bell, Hilliard...lhe Chamber of Commerce has ((one

wonderful things for Raleigh since its s a

3 Buck Branch.51 Middleton ( r K

.... 51 Fayetteville R--

.... iwio Swift Creek ...

.... 670 swilt creek

.... 1 lot tiarner.

KeaveH, A estate..Richardson, Uobt

Mrs W C

W II AgtRogers, Jas It

Dow d, P WDowd, C F

S Blount StSmithfleld ltdS Harrington..Avent Fer Rd


11 366 397 34

organization. Some of its members Spot lots fair Rio car-pri- ce

unchauged; many Hamilton, EdCOFFEE Firm,

goes 21 1-- 2.

Mess pork dull;cattle are on hand.

97v. Hinton. Richard - 4. Ii.-irni-2 K)

3 79Rogers, W J r invoou Ave.. Uailtpaniel 1 lot Garner"..!!!!'.Rowe, Nancy.

" l Jenkins St....." 1 42i war. & Blount 21 61

11111, itasraus 17 Big BranchJones, W iley 4'JJ Bushy Branch .

Perkenson.J B '2siJlaltimore Produce Market. noy sier, d ijV ' " 2.3 15

.. Oberlin 2 36' i...... -... j .ScGTt, Mrs L J u oinuaiuiiu, V A...- - 60 Neuse River.COTTON Firm.

FLOUR ClosedMiddling 113-8a- ll 1-- 2.

inactive. Howard street l W Jones St 7 57 ftmun, Mrs L

have done much work which ha3 beenstrikingly beneficial to the city, butfrom which no benefits have accrued tothem. Such spirit and such work arebeyond commendation, and it is hopedthat both may continue. With suchmen as there are in Raleigh that samespirit and that same work will notonly hold its own, but will expand,grow larger and more progressive.

But there is an eternal fitness in all

1 smith & Lane 951 Wilmingt'u St 28 40

50 Bushy Branch155 Battle's Bdg R.l133 Neuse River165 Tarboro Road...142 Tarboro Road..

and Western super 200a250; do. extra275a300; do. family 375a430; City Mills, riobrands extra 120ai40; winter wheat patent

1 1. annon st1 arboro, E MBrown, Solomon.Grlffis.ThosGriffis. DavidGriirls. J v

We have-- purchased the livery and sale sta-bles owned by G. W. Wynne, and enlarged theoutfit with some fine Horses, Buggies, &c,which are for hire to responsible and carefulpeople at reasonable rates.

1 Cabarrus 2G 97

The Chronicle has been asked bycorrespondents if it was a fact or a ru-m- or

that the Atlantic Coast Line hadmade proposals to join the Raleigh andGaaton and North Carolina railroads inthe ejection of the Union depot, andinfoe it a seventy-fiv- e thousand insteadof a fifty thousand dollar structure.

Railroad officials have nothing posi-tive to report in the matter. They saythey have heard rumors to that effect,but nothing in the way of a definiteproposition has been made.

The Chronicle is advised that an in-

formal proposition has been made bythe Coast Line to the North Carolinaroad, and that the latter had signifiedits thorough willingness to the combi-nation. There is nothing to indicatethat the Raleigh and Oast on companywould object to it, though it seems that

straight440a40; spring do. 48oa52y; do. do. ... p mount 3 44 lot Road... aci 11111 11 JonuKon St 10 69 i ninps, Sion It 63 smithtield Rd ..

425a475; do. do. extra 3GOa400.WHEAT Southern easy; Fultz 78a84 ... uueriin 05

1 narsrett sr. ss u SWIFT CREEKthings, aud while these men are doing 8 52

Separk, Mrs M WSmith, SophroniaSorrell, Mrs L WSorrell, Alvis estSorrell, Alvis estStuart, Sam'l T....Stone, John LSyme, Aadm'r lSyme, A trusteeTaj lor, R W agtTonnoffski.Mrs G

Geo LThompson. Mrs

xM CThompson, M ...Vass, S NWalker, MollieWhitaker. JamesWhitaker, W agt ...Whitnker, WJ.


yel- - Allen, Nathan1 Newbern Ave.I E Davie1 E Davie

19 40

Longberry 80a85; Western easy;2 winter red spot and March 82al-2a3--- l.

CORN Southern quiet. White SGalO;low 35a37 1-- 2; Western, easy; mixed spotMch. 35

this work:, they nave the right to en-

gage in other work of a similar nature. 14 20and BOARDING.but from which they may receive directiwedsoe, Ed MKurt, GreenBledsoe, M ACampbell, Hugh..""Crowder, VV J W

6 297 82

OATS Quiet and steady. Southernand Pennsylvania 27a30; Western white 20a30:and individual returns and profits.

f til. J 1 r . i 8 52

2 N C It It123 Walnut Creek

Steep Hill100 Scott place..150 Walnut I'r k200 Joins Upch'chand others

15 Dutchman.100 Wa;nut07 Middle Creek30 Joins W u

1 Bloodworth St1 West & Jones1 S Blount St1 McDowell St...1 Haywood St...I E Hargett St...1 E Ilanretr St

As we buy feed in large lots from first hands 14 21do. mixed 27a28 1-- 2; graded No. 2 white 30.RYE Quiet and nominally unchangedPrime to choice 55a57.

at lowest caish prices, we are prepared toxuey may nave inese pronts by or-

ganizing a Land and ImprovementCompany. Such an organization would

4 7310 66board stock on the best the country affords at

Hamilton, W WKeith, Mrs Mariah"Langston, W W.. "

Matthews, W H has had no proposition from hock bottom prices, and guarantee goodhave its peculiar functions and interests. 99Wicker. Flora 1 LS ?f5i- - IPROVISIONS Firm. Mess pork old

10.50; new 11.00; bulk meats, loose shoulders1 3-- 1; long clear and clear rib sidesand while it would be advancing the in-

terests of the whole city, it would yieldl

the Coast Line up to this time.

Death of Mrs. Ina W ilon flarris.o 3-- 4; sugar pickled shoulders 5al-- 4 man... Smitl

klMStr.: w Matthews, J H 225 DutSLane... l'escud, John 11ac?,

Falr Gr nd 7 JB Hand, Thos J Hi "JEfu Rr'ch... Oldto those carrying it on a more equitable sugar cured smoked shoulders 6 1-- 2;

hams lOall 1-- 2; Lard, refined, 7 1-- 2; crude G 1-- 4. m... Smiths Lane 24consiueration tcau any otner orgamza SALES.Those wishing to to purchase horses are

PETROLEUM Unchanged. Refined 71-- 2r nencis in tne city received tne sau Stephen, C II, heirsIemileon. .t attion of a like nature, and would there 5 204 20

Williams, Eaton..Wnliame, Eaton .

Williams, Mary EWilliams, Thos HWilliams, Wm..Williams, Dock...Williams, SquireWilliams, J M &

DavisWilliams. Thos.!!

uurJJt.jti mrm and strong, liio cargoesfore be stimulative. Its work would notbe limited. It could have special privi



4 26 Wrdard. M rs M H.1 4 Wrhltaker,BN...

Woodard,Jos .

solicited to call on Mr. Holder, our Superin

.. UDeriin....

... Smithfleld Rd

... Smith s Lane.

... Hajwood St...

... Nr MA Parker

... Tarboro Itoad1 East St ext....

news yesterday of the death of Mrs.Ina Harris, widow of Richard Harris,deceased, and daughter of Frank I.

lair l i&zu i-- z.

SUGAR Strong. A soft 6 5-- 8.

COPPER Refined steady 13 1-- 4

WHISKEY Unchanged l.OOal.10.tendent, at Wynne's old stand.

c.AUKin's R d4S1 Swift Creek.. .013177 Swift Creek"!!

Steep Hill. . .

1H"U Cat 11,120 ineyard ...60 Vineyard1550 Walnut Creek

4 71 imams. Thos uson.s. oihorentress. TUWilson. Esq . who died here soon after 5 68vv imams, 1

1 1 arboro Hoad.. Hlade, Frank..."""."""3 31the war. She died in Brooklyn, N. Y., The City Cotton Market.CORRECTED DAILY. Wroieli M.u: 14 21Telephones. Stables No. 05, Store No. 41,

Wood, Coal and Lumber Yard No. 71.on bunday last, she leaves two chil

leges by incorporation. And after get-ting ready for work, various ways wouldopen before it which will never appearto single or individual efforts.

The Improvement Company is thescheme by which so many Southerntowns have waked up some bright morn-ing and found themselves famous andon a boom. Now let the scheme Via

UNLISTED.Wynne. Mrs P - M 7 00Raleigh, N. C, March 11 ) P. M.dron, a girl and boy, aged seventeen w yene, nobt. 1 w i i" ; y 0 ' I ilinion am esj-- 33 S u rGood Middling, 10 7-- 8and fifteen. Mrs. Harris' husband, who

wio a nn'ntoi1 cavcral xrcxara armo--i Walnut Creek10: -- 4 to 10 7-- 8 JONES & POWELL.10 3 Young, Kobt est; t '!V10P t... 6 6--

WAKE FOREST."iti'uweii stStrict Middling,Middling,Strict Low Middling,Stains,

Market firm.

5 9210 5--8

Aktnn T r10 to 10 175 Smith's Creek .

17 v"V "Cook. If T 1 t..,.BARTON'S CREEK.

Acres. Description.Name. n lotCrenshawV'ionr- - ......Am't. r W ake For l

tried here It requires only one goodman to present the matter to a few othergood men, and the thing is done.What's the use of waiting?

iT,TviP'8XRd'8..?12 00 .unn, John S l town w . """Raleigh Tobacco Market.Reported for the Daily State Chkomcxe.

since which time she has resided inBrooklyn, near her mother's family,Mrs, J. M. Henson.

She was a lady of noble spirit, anddied in the Christian faith. In herearly life she had a large circle offriends here who will mourn her death.Her father, Frank I. WilsDn, Esq., wasat one time one of the leading journalistsof this State.

33 rlrTJ' Mandy... 0 Reedy Creek'

Haywood Ja" ,6 Nr ke For i

11 A.aSt 87 Wa kp.r Y if. ivRaleigh, N. C, March 11. I 60SPECIAL NOTICES.

Cox, WmEmory, Mrs M..(;riffin,? heirs,Harris, Mrs A EJeffreys, Ed L...Lassiter, Isaac.Lassiter, W C ...Mabry, W.hei'sThompson, J DVincent, A R...



Market strong and active, with prices full 1 001 06up to our quotations with bO per cent, of crop

"tust uiver .Tipper'. X R'ds"!Oxford RoadFish Dam Road..'Neuse River .Mabry Branch..."Mabry RranchB ish Dam Road

2 19 jiugum , Kurt 3 Nr v;ak Kr 1Pearce, J T mn v ?.Parharn. k"e aid aSU C reek


By virtue of power conferred on me bya certain deed of trust, executed by Aus-tin Gilmore and wife, which is duly re-corded in Registry of Wake county, inBook No. 98, Page 424, 1 will offer for saleat the courthouse door in the city of Ral-eigh, N. C., on Monday, April 7th, 1890. at12 o'clock m., the property in said deed oftrust, described and known as the home-stead tract of said Gilmore, located inMiddle Creek Township, Wake countyN. C , containing 115 acres, more or less'

soia, ana buyers, botn on orders and forspeculation anxious for st:ek. 41

Smokers Common 1 051 00

urimis heirs 119 Rolesville


Wo call special attention to tbe ad-vertisement of D. T. Johnson, Ag't.Head it carefully and give Mr. J. a call.You will find his prices as low as thelowest, and his goods first-clas- s. Promptand personal attention to orders.Phone 28.

Itaing. Mrs. f'Gooch, Wm..Gill, D, heirs

2553 47Up'r Bart's Creek 1

Cedar Creek 2S Snalth field R dJOAnderson, s p".





Good,Fillers Common,


Cu tteis ommonMedium,Good,Fine,Fancy,

The cold snap hasweek but no weather

BUCK HORN.Edwards,11,1. Mrs MJ... 7(5 R a RR

lerras 01 saie casn.B. F.

March 6, 1S90.inarO- -


--JL y branch 8412 11

On the Way to Get It.A sufficient number of the Board of

Trustees of the Baptist Female College,having expressed their willingness anddesire for a rehearing of the matter tothe Secretary of the Board, he hasissued a formal petition to the Presi-dent of the State Baptist Convention,CoL L. L. Polk, requesting that he callthe Board together at Wake Forest, onthe 18th or 20th of this month. Thematter now goes into the hands of thePresident. We will see what he willdo. Durham Sun.

hgnttued breaks this Barbee.SF, heirs orBennett. Smn, 40 Pitta Creek. ...seems cold enono-l- i tn 3 3213

18 MiddlflFuller. iar"" CrePatrick, V J ...'! e OakRobinson, Dr C N' -


Wheeler. W II..- .;- IrZtCARY.

2 414 074 67

mmm standard mmmiWith All the Latest Improvements !

cool off the anxiety of the buvers to get moreof the golden wted, and so prices still go onup and up and no one seems to know wherethey will stop. Smokers and cutters whichhave been the only weak grades are now atabout outside figures ot our last quotationsand fillers and wrappers are auiouslv soughtalter by the order man. 0

Fort,NathanTeT fo X ak

iS:Lynch BJ " 32 Beaver Creek..Merritt, Mlsi'TaST! lot 6aVer CreekMann, J jMills. nrittn'IVrr linear Apex

19ary? Asbury1 1. lot In Car

2 3020 58

Bell, John....Clarke. Maj c 11.!!Jones, AdolplmsJackson, WinMoye, Mrs V j.""'Pleasants, N ARoff. Wm v.

2 15Oil ve. EliwT ?2 hlte Oa k..Death, the Reaper, Still is Reaping. 33

10 White Oak..lot In Carv l" V2

t.lot In Frrtr iiRains, B 11...Shaw, Eliza..Burnett, JameVJonas, Richard "

m uow skin1 lot35 Middle Creek"

111 White Oak Cr.

PP, Fannie Jilliams. Mrs M Ecott, Calvin...A In Asbury 20Near o-- i o

On Matters Cheering to the Inner Man.

If there is any one thing well estab-lished it is the fact that the better thefood a man eats the better the man. Itis therefore the essence of folly to eatmeats which offend and irritate thatportion of the anatomy when meats thatwill cheer and comfort are attainableunder the same conditions and at thesame cost. This is just precisely whatMr. J. Schwartz, the "veteran old meatman" thinks. He believes that commonsense is largely predominant in Raleighpeople, and that they will have goodmeats if they are procurable. He keepsnothing but the very choicest of allmeats and that is why his business is solarge and yet increasing. When he hassomething nice on hand, and he alwayshas, he tells the people about it. Hemakes these announcements almostdaily, and here he is again with one an-nouncing that he is ready to fill anyorder with the choicest beef, mutton,pork, Jec, that can be found in a care-ful search of the whole country. Hisstall is on Fayetteville street, and he in-

vites you to pass by and look in. tf

St. Louis Produce Market.FLOUR Quiet and unchanged.W HEAT Lo w e r Mav 70.CORN Lower March 25.OATS Firm. Lower May 20 1-- 8.

LARD Prime steam 5 5-- 8.

PORK-Stand- ard mess 10.25; D. s. Meatdshoulders 4 1-- 4; longs and cribs 5clear 5 1-- 2; bacon boxed shoulders 4 l'-

- -


fenny, Alice ,

The Highest Achievement of IsventivAnd Mechanical Skill !


William Easdale, Dealer,liAI.EKiH, C.

Jno. B. Culpepper,Richmond, Va.

For Rent!

i te!VLVore 10 penurch. A N... vr- -

Lambeth of Chnth" '? Beaver Creek..1 34Near Asbury ..Near Asbury...Near Trinltt,craWford.iyrv:;;:: w Jones, 8 H .. weaver Creek.5 005 34

-i.6o- -7i.,uiu3 ,.io; snort clear 5 5-- 8: Cin 30 Crabt 2 :2; i'amilv J'earson, H.WilliamsCEDAR FORK. 50 Wil I-- ini,.'iZ:'w- -

iv.oj, ii.vv; iara Kettle dried 6 1 1.1-- 2; bacon

A telegram was received here lastnight annoon;iag the death of Mrs. S.H. Perry, at her home near Youngsville,iu Franklin county, yesterday from consumption. She was a sister of Mr. W.V. Clifton, of Kaleigh.

At her residence in Rockingham,March ldth, Mrs. M. L. Wood, wife ofRer. M. L. Wood, D. D., after a longillness. During her long confinement,her patient suffering, her sweet Chris-tian resignation, her precepts of religionfell upon and touched all hearts in Rock-ingham. Her life was a sermon and hertriumphant death a witness of the sus-

taining power of the Christian religion.

snorx clears sides 5 3-- 4, 5.90. .. 105t103 Cow sfki'A"Denton,

Hinton, SeatonfScott, W B..

tyr'pIronCr... 2 lots 3M Near AnevWHI8KEY-Saleal012b- bla. finished goodson the basis of 1.02 per gallon for high wines

Burgess, Ann....Ldwards, c DGreen Wash .!Jones, Isaac...Maynard, W M j

.45 008 812 84

It! . .C R R. icKiand 2 1... 9 N

9 N C R R. 2 4Z- 74 BrlarnJV. 5 2612 tVrr-2- -

illiams, Mrs M E.2W v.r;iniri.n 18Agents Wanted.


Naval Stores.WipnsoTos, N. C, March 11. Spirits tur- -

gooddo.lL. Tar firm at 1.30. Crude Tur- -

?f$M?ady' hara yellow dip

6 67.


The store, No. 216 Fayettevillemerly occupied by J. Stone as a firnhnrland music store. Possession givendiately. For e"terma to Wm p Gnmeaor F.J. Hywood.2-&-- m '

contract K JkT secure libervr n Dreirr ffl--

K Mr. John 0Briar Crept e"lls' Margaret.".:;;'.'"eare, Nancy a ... ol Life ent Mutual BeneN'rMorrisv'Te 4 68CedTFo'kR'd 2 66 company of Newar
