2014.04.10 - cloud hybride, pourquoi, comment - patrice lagorsse - aspaway

Hébergement Cloud et Services Managés pour Editeurs, Intégrateurs et Entreprises Cloud Hybride Pourquoi, Comment ? Patrice Lagorsse – Business Development Aspaway [email protected] www.aspaway.fr

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Support de présentation exploité dans l'atelier "Cloud Hybride, pourquoi, comment" animé par Patrice Lagorsse dans le cadre du salon Cloud Computing World Expo - 10 avril 2014, 9h45 à 10h30


Page 1: 2014.04.10 - Cloud Hybride, Pourquoi, Comment - Patrice Lagorsse - Aspaway

Hébergement Cloud et Services Managés pour Editeurs, Intégrateurs et Entreprises

Hébergement Cloud et Services Managés pour Editeurs, Intégrateurs et Entreprises

Cloud HybridePourquoi, Comment ?

Patrice Lagorsse – Business Development [email protected]


Page 2: 2014.04.10 - Cloud Hybride, Pourquoi, Comment - Patrice Lagorsse - Aspaway

Aspaway fournit des solutions de Cloud Hybride managé pour les entreprises et accompagne les

éditeurs et intégrateurs fonctionnels vers le SaaS

Cloud Privé en France

Accompagnement / Business SaaS

Services Managés


Cloud Public d’Entreprise

Plateformes PaaS & DevOps

Offre / Vente / Avant-Vente

Business Model / Stratégie

Marketing / Communication

Ecosystème / Partenariats


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Depuis 2001, Aspaway s’appuie sur IBM pour fournir des solutions d’hébergement aux éditeurs,

intégrateurs et entreprises

• Plus de 65 éditeurs s’appuient sur Aspaway pour développer leur business SaaS et fournir leurs solutions avec un SLA (service level agreement) adapté aux exigences de leurs clients.

• Les services managés d’Aspaway exploitent les Datacenters et l’IaaS d’IBM et de SoftLayer pour offrir de robustes plateformes Cloud pour le déploiement et la production d’applications de gestion.

Crédit photo : Loic SimonCrédit photo : Loic Simon

Page 4: 2014.04.10 - Cloud Hybride, Pourquoi, Comment - Patrice Lagorsse - Aspaway

Aspaway en quelques Chiffres

+1100 ServeursHébergement, Administration,

Supervision, Machines

physiques et virtuelles

40 Collaborateurs+60 experts IBM dédiés réseau, pilotage, sécurité, performance


d’Affaires 2013 (M€) 2001

Partenariat IBM

2012Investisseur Institutionnel

2000Année de création


65 Editeurs nous

confient l’hébergement de

leurs solutions SaaS

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Cloud Hybride, Pourquoi, Comment ?

Intérêt & Usages

Types de Solutions

Points de Vigilance

Intérêt & Usages

Types de Solutions

Points de Vigilance

Crédit photo : Loic SimonCrédit photo : Loic Simon

Page 6: 2014.04.10 - Cloud Hybride, Pourquoi, Comment - Patrice Lagorsse - Aspaway

Cloud Hybride : Une tendance de fond

Gartner prévoit que près de la moitié des grandes entreprises auront déployé du Cloud hybride d’ici la fin 2017

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Définition du Cloud Hybride

• Gartner defines a hybrid cloud service as a cloud computing service that is composed of some combination of private, public and community cloud services, from different service providers.

• A hybrid cloud service crosses isolation and provider boundaries so that it can’t be simply put in one category of private, public, or community cloud service.

• It allows one to extend either the capacity or the capability of a cloud service, by – aggregation, – integration – or customization with another cloud service.

Extrait de la page WikipediaExtrait de la page Wikipedia

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Cloud Hybride

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Le Cloud Hybride selon un expert IBM

• Often, hybrid cloud refers to a combination of a public cloud service and a private cloud on-premises; however, hybrid clouds could also consist of two public clouds provided by different providers or even a combination of a cloud and traditional IT.

• Actually, a setup where existing systems on a traditional IT infrastructure are combined with a public cloud service is currently the most frequent use case of a hybrid cloud.

• Hybrid clouds mainly work on an infrastructure and application level.• On the infrastructure layer, a hybrid cloud means the combination of

virtual machines from different cloud services. • On the application or software as a service (SaaS) layer, a hybrid cloud

describes an application setup with components in different SaaS offerings or existing applications within the data center of an enterprise.

• The challenge on an SaaS-based hybrid cloud is mainly the exchange of data between the different services and applications.

• Like orchestration works on the infrastructure level, data integrators work on the application layer.

• http://thoughtsoncloud.com/2014/01/what-is-hybrid-cloud/

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Intérêt du Cloud Hybride

Déploiements rapides et


Intégration de nouveaux


Optimisation desperformances &


Flexibilité et élasticité


Flexibilité et élasticité


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Comme dirait Wikipedia…

• A primary advantage of cloud bursting and a hybrid cloud model is that an organization only pays for extra compute resources when they are needed.

• Cloud bursting enables data centers to create an in-house IT infrastructure that supports average workloads, and use cloud resources from public or private clouds, during spikes in processing demands.

• By utilizing "hybrid cloud" architecture, companies and individuals are able to obtain degrees of fault tolerance combined with locally immediate usability without dependency on internet connectivity.

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Quelques usages du Cloud Hybride

Débordement & basculement


Adaptatation / Business


Banc d’essai

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Quelques réflexions sur les Usages par un expert Cloud IBM

• http://thoughtsoncloud.com/2014/01/four-benefits-of-hybrid-cloud-computing/

Capacity expansion• Going hybrid doesn’t have to impact existing operations; selecting a hosted cloud that supports bare

metal and extending the on-premises network (like SoftLayer!) could allow existing technologies, tools and techniques to be reused.

Dev/test• Dev/test workloads are highly elastic; they are regularly stood up and torn down, and the number of

instances at any one time varies widely based on the development phase. Placing these workloads on the hosted cloud allows you to scale capacity to match demand and pay only for what is used. Another benefit is the ability to tailor the infrastructure to the workload

Planned temporary need• In contrast to bursting, most needs are known in advance: new product launches, holidays, peak

season and so forth. And, when given time to plan and execute, most applications can be scaled. Much like dev/test, scaling the workload to the hosted cloud enables tailoring the hardware to the problem being solved and paying for what you need when you use it, turning a large capital expense into a smaller operational expense.

Network optimization• Hosted cloud provides the opportunity shift the heavy lifting of the network off-premises and, in the

process, improve the availability, scalability and reliability of the connection by leveraging the provider’s network investment. Connecting branch offices back to the hosted provider instead of a central data center can improve latency by reducing network hops and simplify bandwidth scaling. Pushing the public Internet presence out to the hosted cloud and leveraging their firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), load balancers, application delivery controllers, VPN terminators and so on can improve security and optimize the bandwidth into the data center.

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Cloud Hybride, Pourquoi, Comment ?

Intérêt & Usages

Types de Solutions

Points de Vigilance

Intérêt & Usages

Types de Solutions

Points de Vigilance

Crédit photo : Loic SimonCrédit photo : Loic Simon

Page 15: 2014.04.10 - Cloud Hybride, Pourquoi, Comment - Patrice Lagorsse - Aspaway

3 Modes de Déploiement Cloud Hybride

1.Cohabitation/Agrégation des charges de travail (workloads répartis sur différents clouds)

2.Déploiements multiples (sur plusieurs types de cloud)

3. Intégration transparente (entre différents clouds)

1.Cohabitation/Agrégation des charges de travail (workloads répartis sur différents clouds)

2.Déploiements multiples (sur plusieurs types de cloud)

3. Intégration transparente (entre différents clouds)

Crédit photo : Loic SimonCrédit photo : Loic Simon

Page 16: 2014.04.10 - Cloud Hybride, Pourquoi, Comment - Patrice Lagorsse - Aspaway

Aspaway fournit des solutions de cloud privé,, public et hybride… en mode hébergé


Cloud Privé Cloud Privé Managé

Cloud Privé Hébergé & Managé

Services Cloud Managés Partagés

Cloud Publicd’entreprise


Entreprise EntrepriseS Utilisateurs

Hébergement chez IBM à Clichy (Cloud privé) et Collégien (PRA)

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Plateformes de déploiement et de production Cloud Aspaway, en partenariat avec IBM et SoftLayer

Infrastructures de productiondédiées et/ou mutualisées

Datacenters en France(Clichy- Collegien)

Infrastructures virtuelles

de productionmutualisées

Infrastructures d’accès mutualisées

Datacenters (13->27 dans le Monde)

« Cloud Public et/ou

Cloud Privé Virtuel »

Services Managés(monitoring, administration, helpdesk,

backup, PRA, sécurité, performance…)

Plateforme Cloud (provisioning, automatisation, orchestration, API)

« Cloud Privé Virtuel » (France)

Page 18: 2014.04.10 - Cloud Hybride, Pourquoi, Comment - Patrice Lagorsse - Aspaway


SoftLayer Global Footprint *



INDIA Hong Kong




San Jose Tokyo

Los Angeles


Montreal Toronto


Denver New York City

Dallas Washington D.C.

Atlanta Houston


Mexico City


London Frankfurt


IPv4/IPv6 dual stack Global DNS


NETWORK POINT OF PRESENCE Global Internet Exchanges & Peering

Every upstream network port is multiple 10G and every rack is terminated with 40G of connectivity.

This includes two 10G connections to the public Internet and two 10G connections to our private network.

* Year end 2014* Year end 2014

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SoftLayer répond bien à certains types de besoins… à l’international notamment…


• Server & StorageMultiple technologies. NAS, SAN, Backup

• NetworkPerformance. Client Private network access

• SecurityFirewall, DNS, anti-virus, load balancers

• Server & StorageMultiple technologies. NAS, SAN, Backup

• NetworkPerformance. Client Private network access

• SecurityFirewall, DNS, anti-virus, load balancers

• Managed Services- Monitoring reports with alerting- OS & security patching, management for DB-Free 24/7 support services : chat, tel, email, mobile

• OtherPrivate Catalog

• Managed Services- Monitoring reports with alerting- OS & security patching, management for DB-Free 24/7 support services : chat, tel, email, mobile

• OtherPrivate Catalog

IaaS Hybrid Single portal X86 Performance Customization

Self-Service Automation API No commitment Speed

IaaS Hybrid Single portal X86 Performance Customization

Self-Service Automation API No commitment Speed

5-15’1-4 h

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Architecture type de l’infrastructure Aspaway en France (Clichy)

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Synthèse de l'offre de Service

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Synthèse de l'offre de Service

Architecture Physique détaillée

ClichyBack-end – Zone Extranet

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Trafic VPN

vCloud DirectorvCloud Director

vSpherevSphere PhysiquePhysique vSpherevSphere PhysiquePhysique

Orchestration-Provisioning-Configuration-Firewall / NAT / LB-Backup-Monitoring-PRA

Software-Defined Datacenter

Infra Aspaway / IBM Cloud Public SoftLayer

Orchestration Cloud Hybride

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Sessions « Pré-requis techniques »

Sessions « Pré-requis techniques »

Sessions « Monitoring »Sessions « Monitoring »

Ateliers « Pré-requis »

Sessions « Gestion des Changements »

Sessions « Gestion des Changements »

Sessions «  Plan Projet»Sessions «  Plan Projet»

Ateliers « Gouvernance »

Ateliers «Reporting »

Sessions «  Reporting »Sessions «  Reporting »

Ateliers «Dimension Technique»

Sessions «Infrastructure »Sessions «Infrastructure » Sessions «Integration Flux Echange»

Sessions «Integration Flux Echange»

Sessions «  Plan de bascule »

Sessions «  Plan de bascule »

Sessions « Sauvegarde»

Sessions « Sauvegarde»

Synthèse de l'offre de ServicePhase de mise en œuvre : Ateliers Projet

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Cloud Hybride, Pourquoi, Comment ?

Intérêt & Usages

Types de Solutions

Points de Vigilance

Intérêt & Usages

Types de Solutions

Points de Vigilance

Crédit photo : Loic SimonCrédit photo : Loic Simon

Page 26: 2014.04.10 - Cloud Hybride, Pourquoi, Comment - Patrice Lagorsse - Aspaway

Points de Vigilance / Cloud Hybride

Standards & ouverture


Visibilité des coûts

Intégration de l’existant

& réversibilité

Conformité réglementaire

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Standards & Ouverture (API)

• Standards – TOSCA (Topology and Orchestration

Specification for Cloud Applications) - Un standard officiel OASIS

– OCCI (Open Cloud Computing Interface) - Open Grid Forum

– CIMI (Cloud Infrastructure Management Interface) - DMTF

• Ouverture (API) – Amazon, Google, Microsoft…– SoftLayer

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Quelques réflexions sur les Challenges du Cloud Hybride par un Expert IBM

• http://thoughtsoncloud.com/2014/01/what-is-hybrid-cloud/

• The most obvious challenge is network connectivity, especially if remote cloud services like a public cloud or a hosted private cloud are involved.

Not only must bandwidth, latency, reliability and associated cost considerations be taken into account, but also the logical network topology must be carefully designed (networks, routing, firewalls).

• Another huge challenge is the manageability of different cloud services. • When different cloud services are used, every service provider will have its

own management and provisioning environment. • Those environments can be considered completely independent from each

other. • By having instances in different cloud services, there is no complete picture

available showing the number of totally deployed instances and their statuses.

An orchestration layer can be a possible solution for this problem. This layer provides a single interface for all cloud-related tasks.

• The orchestration layer itself communicates with the different cloud services through application programming interfaces (APIs).

• The big advantage of an orchestration layer is the ability to track and control activities on a central point to maintain the big picture.

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Au-delà du Cloud Hybride, le « Dynamic Cloud » !

• http://thoughtsoncloud.com/2014/02/what-is-dynamic-cloud/• http://thoughtsoncloud.com/2014/02/hybrid-cloud-is-here-and-its-


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Dynamic Cloud !

• http://thoughtsoncloud.com/2014/02/hybrid-cloud-is-here-and-its-future-is-dynamic/

• A dynamic cloud provides choice and flexibility. Businesses can pick the best application for the job, regardless of delivery platform.

• Data can be located wherever regulatory or security requirements dictate—while still remaining accessible.

• Computing workloads are placed where they fit best based on resource availability, operational costs, data location and a host of other factors.

• And they move when situations change.• Users aren’t aware where the computing happens; they just know their

results are coming back faster. • Organizations have the same level of visibility, control and automation

whether that computing happens on- or off-premises. • By assembling ready-to-use services, on various cloud platforms,

enterprises will be able to innovate more rapidly. – Launch new digital products and services. – Build new apps to engage customers. – Capitalize on big data. – Even implement new business models

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Quelques Sources d’Informations Cloud

• Blogs– Aspaway– Club Cloud– Thoughts on Cloud

• Twitter– @aspaway– @loicsim– @cluballiances– @clubdsi

• LinkedIn– Aspaway

Crédit photo : Loic SimonCrédit photo : Loic Simon

Cette présentation est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 3.0


Cette présentation est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 3.0


Page 32: 2014.04.10 - Cloud Hybride, Pourquoi, Comment - Patrice Lagorsse - Aspaway

Hébergement Cloud et Services Managés pour Editeurs, Intégrateurs et Entreprises

Hébergement Cloud et Services Managés pour Editeurs, Intégrateurs et Entreprises

Patrice LagorsseBusiness Development, Aspaway

[email protected]

06 22 48 78 49


Cette présentation est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 3.0


Cette présentation est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 3.0
