2014 robert mccloskey centennial programs for children ...€¦ · centennial events march -...

Wednesday, April 16, 7:30 p.m. Leonard S. Marcus, American Dreamer: Robert McCloskey and the Art of the Picture Book. Wilks Conference Center, Miami University Hamilton. Hear a leading children’s book historian, author and critic speaking on McCloskey’s achievement. Sponsored by the Michael J. Colligan History Project and the Lane Libraries. Reception follows. Saturday, May 10, 10:00 a.m. Make Way for a Robert McCloskey Special Story Hour, Ages 3-5, Oxford Lane Library. Stories, crafts and music centered on the author and illustrator of Make Way for Ducklings. Sponsored by the Lane Libraries. Friday, July 4, Hamilton, Ohio 4th of July Parade featuring McCloskey literary ÀRDWV Saturday, September 13, 7:00 p.m. McCloskey Birthday Celebration. Wilks Conference Center, Miami University Hamilton. Premier of a feature-length video documentary about McCloskey’s life, Robert McCloskey: The Life for Me, by Sam Ashworth, local KLVWRULDQ DQG ¿OPPDNHU 3DQHO 'LVFXVVLRQ ZLWK SHUVRQDO friends of McCloskey. Meet Sally and Jane McCloskey at a public reception following the program. Sponsored by Heritage Hall and the Robert McCloskey Museum. 5:30 p.m. Public Reception sponsored by the Lane Libraries. View McCloskey Timeline, an exhibit created by Sam Ashworth and Jim Schwartz. 6:00 p.m. Gallery Talk, Draw and Write What You Know, the Art of Robert McCloskey by Gratia Banta, Caldecott Chair 2006 and Miami University 'HSDUWPHQW RI $UW 9LVLWLQJ )DFXOW\ Saturday, March 15. Family Arts Day, )LWWRQ &HQWHU IRU &UHDWLYH $UWV ,Q FRQMXQFWLRQ ZLWK 0DF\¶V Art Sampler Weekends, sponsored by ArtsWave. Gratia Banta will be at the McCloskey exhibit from 10:00-11:00 a.m. Saturday, March 22, 10:00 a.m. to noon. Make Way for McCloskey: A Children’s Walk for All Ages, Hamilton Lane Library. Walk in the footsteps of Robert McCloskey. Meet at the library and parade to the McCloskey Museum, touring McCloskey landmarks along the way. Register in advance at Hamilton Lane Library. The McCloskey Walking Tour of Hamilton is available at Heritage Hall or http://lanepl. org/McCloskeyWalk. Sponsored by the Lane Libraries and Heritage Hall. Saturday, April 12, 10:30 a.m. Blueberries For Sal, Story Time, Ages 4-7, )DLU¿HOG /DQH /LEUDU\ &HOHEUDWH 0F&ORVNH\ ZLWK D VSHFLDO reading of Blueberries For Sal. Create blueberry crafts and enjoy yummy snacks. Saturday, March 1, 10:00 a.m. Tour the McCloskey Museum at Heritage Hall and Lentil Park. Workshop for third grade teachers. View McCloskey’s painting easel, Caldecott Medals, and original sketches and watercolors. Learn about McCloskey and his work. Open to the public. Sponsored by the Lane Libraries and Heritage Hall. Opening of Make Way for McCloskey Characters, a Heritage Hall special exhibit by Brandon Soale, Curator of Heritage Hall. Tuesday, March 4. “Read Lentil Day” for 3rd graders in Hamilton schools. Sponsored by the Lane Libraries and the Michael J. Colligan History Project. March 5-18 $GXOW %RRN 'LVFXssions of Make Way for McCloskey: A Robert McCloskey Treasury, writings by McCloskey with an introduction by Leonard Marcus. )DFLOLWDWHG E\ %UHQGD 'DOHV 0LDPL 8QLYHUVLW\ 'HSDUWPHQW RI 7HDFKHU (GXFDWLRQ DQG *UDWLD %DQWD <RXWK 6HUYLFHV 0DQDJHU WKH /DQH /LEUDULHV 7KH ¿UVW people at each discussion receive the book. Sponsored by the Lane Libraries and the Michael J. Colligan History Project. Wednesday, March 5, 2:00 and 6:30 p.m. at Hamilton Lane Library Monday, March 10, 6:30 p.m. DW )DLU¿HOG /DQH /LEUDU\ Tuesday, March 18, 6:30 p.m. at Oxford Lane Library Thursday, March 6, 5:30-7:30 p.m. American Dreamer: Robert McCloskey’s Works from the Lane Libraries Collection, Opening Night DW )LWWRQ &HQWHU IRU &UHDWLYH $UWV $ QHZ exhibit of McCloskey sketches and original prints from Yankee Doodle’s Cousin E\ $QQH 0DOFROPVRQ ([KLELW closes April 26. 2014 Robert McCloskey Centennial Programs For Children, Teens & Adults Check out a full listing of events at www.hamiltonheritagehall.org )LQDO 0F&ORVNH\ %URFKXUHLQGG 1/23/2014 10:57:52 AM

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Page 1: 2014 Robert McCloskey Centennial Programs For Children ...€¦ · CENTENNIAL EVENTS March - September 2014 1914 - 2003 Heritage Hall, the Lane Libraries, the Michael J. Colligan

Wednesday, April 16, 7:30 p.m. Leonard S. Marcus, American Dreamer: Robert

McCloskey and the Art of

the Picture Book. Wilks Conference Center, Miami University Hamilton. Hear a leading children’s book historian, author and critic speaking on McCloskey’s achievement. Sponsored by the Michael J. Colligan History Project and the Lane Libraries. Reception follows.

Saturday, May 10, 10:00 a.m. Make Way for a Robert

McCloskey Special Story Hour, Ages 3-5, Oxford Lane Library. Stories, crafts and music centered on the author and illustrator of Make Way for Ducklings. Sponsored by

the Lane Libraries.

Friday, July 4, Hamilton, Ohio 4th of July Parade featuring McCloskey literary ÀRDWV�

Saturday, September 13, 7:00 p.m. McCloskey Birthday Celebration. Wilks Conference Center,

Miami University Hamilton. Premier of a feature-length video documentary about McCloskey’s life, Robert

McCloskey: The Life for Me, by Sam Ashworth, local KLVWRULDQ�DQG�¿OPPDNHU��3DQHO�'LVFXVVLRQ�ZLWK�SHUVRQDO�friends of McCloskey. Meet Sally and Jane McCloskey at a public reception following the program. Sponsored by Heritage Hall and the RobertMcCloskey Museum.

5:30 p.m. Public Reception sponsored by the Lane Libraries. View McCloskey Timeline, anexhibit created by Sam Ashworth and Jim Schwartz.

6:00 p.m. Gallery Talk, Draw and

Write What You Know, the Art of Robert

McCloskey by Gratia Banta, Caldecott Chair 2006 and Miami University 'HSDUWPHQW�RI�$UW�9LVLWLQJ�)DFXOW\�

Saturday, March 15. Family Arts Day, )LWWRQ�&HQWHU�IRU�&UHDWLYH�$UWV��,Q�FRQMXQFWLRQ�ZLWK�0DF\¶V�Art Sampler Weekends, sponsored by ArtsWave. Gratia Banta will be at the McCloskey exhibit from 10:00-11:00 a.m.

Saturday, March 22, 10:00 a.m. to noon. Make

Way for McCloskey: A Children’s Walk for All Ages, Hamilton Lane Library. Walk in the footsteps of Robert McCloskey. Meet at the library and parade to the McCloskey Museum, touring McCloskey

landmarks along the way. Register in advance at Hamilton Lane Library. The McCloskey Walking Tour of Hamilton is available at Heritage Hall or http://lanepl.org/McCloskeyWalk.Sponsored by the Lane Libraries and Heritage Hall.

Saturday, April 12, 10:30 a.m. Blueberries For Sal,

Story Time, Ages 4-7, )DLU¿HOG�/DQH�/LEUDU\��&HOHEUDWH�0F&ORVNH\�ZLWK�D�VSHFLDO�reading of Blueberries For Sal. Create blueberry crafts and enjoy yummy snacks.

Saturday, March 1, 10:00 a.m. Tour the McCloskey Museum at Heritage Hall and Lentil Park. Workshop for third grade teachers. View McCloskey’s painting easel, Caldecott Medals, and original sketches and watercolors. Learn about McCloskey and his work. Open to the public. Sponsored by the Lane Libraries and Heritage Hall.

Opening of Make Way for McCloskey Characters,

a Heritage Hall special exhibit by Brandon Soale, Curator of Heritage Hall.

Tuesday, March 4. “Read Lentil Day” for 3rd graders in Hamilton schools. Sponsored by the Lane Libraries and the Michael J. Colligan History Project.

March 5-18��$GXOW�%RRN�'LVFXssions of Make Way for

McCloskey: A Robert McCloskey Treasury, writings by McCloskey with an introduction by Leonard Marcus. )DFLOLWDWHG�E\�%UHQGD�'DOHV��0LDPL�8QLYHUVLW\�'HSDUWPHQW�RI�7HDFKHU�(GXFDWLRQ��DQG�*UDWLD�%DQWD��<RXWK�6HUYLFHV�0DQDJHU��WKH�/DQH�/LEUDULHV��7KH�¿UVW����people at each discussion receive the book. Sponsored by the Lane Libraries and the Michael J. Colligan History Project.

Wednesday, March 5, 2:00 and 6:30 p.m. at Hamilton Lane Library Monday, March 10, 6:30 p.m. DW�)DLU¿HOG�/DQH�/LEUDU\� Tuesday, March 18, 6:30 p.m. at Oxford Lane Library

Thursday, March 6, 5:30-7:30 p.m. American Dreamer: Robert McCloskey’s Works

from the Lane Libraries Collection, Opening Night DW�)LWWRQ�&HQWHU�IRU�&UHDWLYH�$UWV��$�QHZ�exhibit of McCloskey sketches and original prints from Yankee Doodle’s Cousin E\�$QQH�0DOFROPVRQ��([KLELW�closes April 26.

2014 Robert McCloskey Centennial Programs For Children, Teens & Adults

Check out a full listing of events at


)LQDO�0F&ORVNH\�%URFKXUH�LQGG���� 1/23/2014 10:57:52 AM

Page 2: 2014 Robert McCloskey Centennial Programs For Children ...€¦ · CENTENNIAL EVENTS March - September 2014 1914 - 2003 Heritage Hall, the Lane Libraries, the Michael J. Colligan


March - September 2014

1914 - 2003 Heritage Hall, the Lane Libraries, the Michael J.

Colligan History Project, Fitton Center for Creative

Arts, Hamilton schools and Hamilton Community

Foundation offer public events, reading programs

and activities to honor Robert McCloskey, a winner

of two Caldecott Medals for children’s literature who

was born in Hamilton on September 15, 1914.

Heritage Hall A partnership of

!e City of Hamilton, !e Hamilton Community Foundation,!e Butler County Historical Society

Located in the Frederick G. Mueller Building20 High Street

Hamilton, Ohio 45011Open

Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

)LQDO�0F&ORVNH\�%URFKXUH�LQGG���� 1/23/2014 10:57:57 AM