2013-jtg-brazil dry ports-ng padilha & pallis

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  • 8/13/2019 2013-JTG-Brazil Dry Ports-Ng Padilha & Pallis


    !"#$%# %'()"" *)+, -)( .$,/%'(0!1

    Please site this article as: Ng, A.K.Y., Padilha, F. and Pallis, A.A. (2013). Institutions,bureaucratic and logistical roles of dry ports: The brazilian case. Journal of TransportGeography, 27, pp.46-55.

    This article was uploaded to www.porteconomics.eu

    On: 3/13

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  • 8/13/2019 2013-JTG-Brazil Dry Ports-Ng Padilha & Pallis



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    %-'85)-% $, 3'08525+9 5+&-'@02(7 )0++-)&585&, (+2 ( /52- '(+9- 06 %-'85)-% '-7(&-2 &0

    )('90 3'0)-%%5+94 %&0'(9-4 )0+%0752(&50+4 25%&'5$;&50+ (+2 );%&0@% $'01-'(9-?MB

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    /0'724 $0&. 5+ (28(+)-2 (+2 -@-'95+9 -)0+0@5-%? N+ C'(D574 %5+)- !OOH4 &.- +;@$-' 06

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    1 Note that bureaucratic is different from administrative role. The main role of dry ports is to overcome

    barriers created by excessive bureaucracy which originates mostly at federal level and not only

    administrative problems. The activities stated above are all bureaucratic factors external to port

    administration, which will be discussed further later in this paper.2 For instance, Roso (2007) argued that the implementation of a dry port in Sweden linked by a rail corridor

    to the port of Goteborg should alleviate port congestion by eliminating queues at port terminals, reduce the

    risk of road accidents and limit carbon dioxide emissions. On the other hand, Slack (1999) proposed the

    implementation of satellite cities as alternative to port expansion in already congested areas and as a viableway to minimize environmental and social impacts.

  • 8/13/2019 2013-JTG-Brazil Dry Ports-Ng Padilha & Pallis



    /-'- -%%-+&5(7 -7-@-+&% 5+ )0+&-@30'(', %-(30'&% )0@3-&5&58- %&'(&-9,4 (% &.-, ()&-2

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    #%%0)5(&50+ 06 C(%5) N+2;%&'5-% (+2 N+6'(%&';)&;'- +?&*; ,". !"#$!$%$!&",/ /!>)&

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    3'0%3-)& 06 9-&&5+9 &.'0;9. 3;$75) &-+2-' 5+ 0'2-' &0 %&(, 5+ $;%5+-%%H?

    *-(+/.57- +-/ ';75+9% /-'- 5+&'02;)-2 &0 5@3'08- 7-9(7 %5&;(&50+ 06 2', 30'&%4

    3'08525+9 &.-@ +-/ &-'@% (+2 2-65+5&50+%4 (% /-77 (% ->3(+25+9 5&% '-@5&? N+&'02;)-2 5+

    !O\Z $, f-)'-- k(/ !?MLL4 /.5). (;&.0'5D-2 &.- 5@37-@-+&(&50+ 06 );%&0@% )7-('(+)-

    3 After taking the case to court, these dry ports were allowed to operate under emergency contracts

    without expiry date, and this situation exist until nowadays. For further information, see Padilha and Ng(2012).

  • 8/13/2019 2013-JTG-Brazil Dry Ports-Ng Padilha & Pallis



    5+ %-)0+2(', ('-(%4 M 2', 30'&% /-'- 5+5&5(77, )(77-2 70BC8".%8 D'1#+(04#(%8 -EA'"6%8

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    I-60'@ &4 ).(+9-% 5+ 2', 30'& 7(/% /-'- +0& ;+5];- (+2 &.;% )0;72

    4 Secondary areas imply any parts within the national territory except seaports, airports and cross-border

    checkpoints (the primary areas).

  • 8/13/2019 2013-JTG-Brazil Dry Ports-Ng Padilha & Pallis



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    T'(+2- 20 R;7 /.-'- (+ (8-'(9- 06 !ZB &';)1% ->3-'5-+)-2 20);@-+&(7 0' 3.,%5)(7

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    %&033-2 $, &.- W-2-'(7 I-8-+;- 60' 8('50;% 3'0$7-@%4 -?9?4 5+)0@37-&- 0' 5+)0''-)&

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    )0;72 $- )(''5-2 0;& 3(3-'7-%%7, 6'0@ ( )-+&'(74 5+7(+2 70)(&50+4 %5@57(' &(%1% 5+ C'(D57

    '-];5'-2 &.- 3.,%5)(7 3'-%-+)- 06 (9-+&% (& -(). &'(+%30'& +02- /.-'- &.-, .(+27-2

    )('90-%? *-(+/.57-4 /.-+ +-90&5(&5+9 '(&-% /5&. 6'-59.& 60'/('2-'% 0' 25'-)&7, /5&.

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    )0@3('-2 &0 &.- J;'03-(+ (+2 K0'&. #@-'5)(+ +0'@ 06 658- 2(,%? R;). ->)-%%58- &5@-

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    %)-+('50 06 )('90 0$%&';)&50+? C'(D575(+ %-(: (+2 2', 30'&% (7%0 %;66-'-2 &.- 5@3()&% 06M^B

    %&'51-% $, 0665)-'% 6'0@ 908-'+@-+&(7 (9-+)5-% 5+8078-2 5+ )('90 )7-('(+)-%4 %;). (%

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    C-&/--+ FBBL (+2 FBB\4 %&'51-% (@0;+&-2 &0 MMF 2(,%4 7-(25+9 &0 @(U0' $7()10;&%4 (+2

    &.;% )('90 $()1709% ());@;7(&-2 (& %-(: (+2 2', 30'&%? W0' %.533-'%4 &.5% '-3'-%-+&-2

    %59+565)(+& 5+%-);'5&, 5+ &.-5' 2(,:&0:2(, 03-'(&50+% /5&. )(+)-77-2 0'2-'%4 2-7(,% (+2

    .59. 7095%&5) )0%&%? j+2-' %;). )5');@%&(+)-%4 C'(D575(+ %.533-'% /-'- 06&-+ 60')-2 &0

    '-%0'& &0 5+60'@(7 3'()&5)-%? Y+- )0@3(+, 5+&-'85-/-- '-6-''-2 &0 .#N# (0 G&4O+6"#

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    C9 !"#$!$%$!&"# ,". /&0!#$!-,/ *&/+# &1 .*2 3&*$#

    7 Strikes were also common within other sectors, and affected areas such as public transportation, banking,

    post offices and the police.

  • 8/13/2019 2013-JTG-Brazil Dry Ports-Ng Padilha & Pallis



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  • 8/13/2019 2013-JTG-Brazil Dry Ports-Ng Padilha & Pallis



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  • 8/13/2019 2013-JTG-Brazil Dry Ports-Ng Padilha & Pallis


  • 8/13/2019 2013-JTG-Brazil Dry Ports-Ng Padilha & Pallis



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