2012 torch fund annual report


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Annual Report


Page 1: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report
Page 2: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report
Page 3: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report

Dear Members of the Chaminade Family,I am sitting down to write this letter right after attending the Chaminade Parents Club Fall Luncheon. Not only was the lunch delicious, but, more importantly, the friendships and camaraderie there were clearly evident. In my remarks at the lun-cheon, I asked if anyone had ever “re-gifted” an item that he or she had received as a gift. After the laughter subsided, I commented on a more serious note that what we are able to do each day at Chaminade High School is to live the Gospel mandate: What you receive as a gift, give as a gift. Re-gifting right from the Scriptures! Your gift enables us to continue giving to thousands of Chaminade Men.

As you page through this annual report, you will see lists of names and columns of numbers. But it’s who these names and numbers are helping that is the most important aspect of this report. The annual report features eleven graduates from the Class of 2012. I invite you to read what each young man says about his experi-ence of a Chaminade education. These eleven represent the more than 1,700 young men who walk the halls of Chaminade High School each day. Each picture and story

represent the entire student body. As you read their words, you can readily see how the gift they have received dur-ing their four years at Chaminade is already, in turn, being re-gifted for future generations of Chaminade Men.

Thanks to all those who support the Torch Fund, $1,325 of the cost per student this year has been paid by earnings from our endowment. That is 13.9% of the cost for each student in school. I can assure you, $1,325 makes a very concrete difference in the lives of many, many students who attend Chaminade High School. No gift is too small.

This annual report bears witness to this undeniable fact: Because you have partnered with Chaminade High School and the mission of the Torch Fund, we are able to keep Chaminade the least expensive private or parochialschool on Long Island.

Let me share with you an excerpt from a letter I received earlier this year:

“My mother works two jobs during the school year and three jobs in the summer. So far, I have worked every day after school at Chaminade and will continue to do so. I have worked for the past two summers as well – all so that I could attend Chaminade High School. Without the contribution from the Torch Fund,I don’t think I would be able to afford coming here.”

I remain humbled by and grateful for the support, friendships, and prayers from which Chaminade High Schoolbenefits on a daily basis. I know our young men in the classroom are grateful as well.

This past year, in somewhat unheralded fashion, the Torch Fund celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary! At theOctober meeting of the Board of Advisors, while we were reviewing the financial statements of the Development Fund, one board member asked “How much money has the Development Fund distributed over the years toprovide tuition assistance to students attending Chaminade?” It is indeed a fascinating question which I decided to investigate. Since the inception of the Torch Fund in 1987, the Development Fund has given out earnings of almost $30 million to help students and their families. Talk about re-gifting!! It is an astounding number, one in which we are truly humbled and grateful.

As we celebrate “The Year of Faith” in the Church, I am reminded of the great faith that thousands have placed in As we celebrate “The Year of Faith” in the Church, I am reminded of the great faith that thousands have placed in Chaminade High School since it began almost eighty-three years ago. It is an awesome responsibility to continue the Chaminade High School since it began almost eighty-three years ago. It is an awesome responsibility to continue the mission of education in faith, a mission that was so dear to the founder of the Marianists, Blessed William Joseph mission of education in faith, a mission that was so dear to the founder of the Marianists, Blessed William Joseph Chaminade. And each of you, in a most concrete and real way, are partners with us in this most noble mission. On Chaminade. And each of you, in a most concrete and real way, are partners with us in this most noble mission. On behalf of all of us at Chaminade, thank you.

And the next time you are around, drop in and say hello – that’s what families do.And the next time you are around, drop in and say hello – that’s what families do.

May the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places through the Immaculate Virgin Mary!May the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places through the Immaculate Virgin Mary!

Fortes in Unitate!

Bro. Thomas J. Cleary, S.M. ’81President


Page 4: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report

Dear Members of the Chaminade Family,In a recent edition of the Christopher News Notes on “Gratitude,” there was the following citation from Cicero: “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.” While I would not dare to debate if gratitude is the great-est of all virtues, I certainly have come to recognize its importance in the lives of all Christians. Given the continued poor economic conditions, the Marianist Community is most grateful for all of you and for all of God’s blessings this past year. By giving us so much to be thankful for, you inspire both our faculty and young men to grow in virtue as they excel in all that they do.

As we strive to educate and form the Chaminade Man in each of our young men, we celebrate and challenge them in all their endeavors. At the beginning of each academic year, we recognize the academic achievements of the previous year at the Academic Awards Assembly. We inducted 768 sophomores, juniors, and seniors into the Chaminade Honor Society for achieving honor roll status. That represents an impressive 62% of those three divisions. Additionally, 347 students were inducted

into the National Honor Society, joining the 295 seniors already inducted the previous year. The ceremony concluded by recognizing those in the National Merit Scholarship Competition which included four Semifinalists, twenty-three Commended Students, one Semifinalist Achievement Scholarship, one Outstanding Participant and seven Commended Scholars of the Class of 2013. We are grateful for their hard work and academic efforts. Finally, the 415 students in the Class of 2012 received 1,227 scholarships.

We are also grateful to the many students who expanded their interest in various clubs, sports and activities. As you know, the development of the whole man is a major component of a Marianist education. This past year over 92% of students participated in at least one sport or activity; many were involved in two or more. Hundreds of students are involved in the spiritual and service activities of the school, such as Sodality, Emmaus projects, the Parish Religious Edu-cation Program, Apostles Retreat Staff and evenings of recollection. At the end of last year, a new group was formed to address the spiritual needs of our student body: C.R.O.S.S. (Chaminade Reinforcing Our School Spirituality). We are so grateful to the many lay faculty who have partnered with the Marianists in the faith formation of our young men.

Our student journalists continue to excel as demonstrated by the many significant awards garnered by our literary staffs. For several years now, our school newspaper, Tarmac, and our school yearbook, Crimson and Gold, have both received excellence awards on the state and national levels. In fact, the 2012 Crimson and Gold received from the Empire State School Press Association a Gold Medal, which also included honors in three areas of the book; 1st Place from the American Scholastic Press Association; and First Class Honors from the National Scholastic Press Association. Our Speech and Debate Team qualified 37 of its members for the New York State Championship and 13 for the Catholic National Tournament. The Science Olympiad Team took 4th place out of 72 teams in the Regional Competition and 10th in the state competition. This makes them the highest ranked Catholic school in the state.

Chaminade’s athletic program is marked by each athlete’s commitment to hard work and effort, resulting in many suc-cesses this past year. The Flyers captured 22 season and league championships combined. The Spring Crew Team cap-tured the New York Championship for the eleventh year and, in addition to many significant placings in the New York State Championships, the Varsity B boat captured 4th Place at the Scholastic National Championships, and the Varsity A boat placed 10th out of 20 teams in the US Rowing Championships. We are particularly proud that our teams received five plaques in recognition of their sportsmanship, including the IAABO Sportsmanship Award in basketball for the 23rd time in the past 25 years. Additionally, Varsity Coach Jim Quinn ’68 was recognized as Coach of the Year. We are contime in the past 25 years. Additionally, Varsity Coach Jim Quinn ’68 was recognized as Coach of the Year. We are con-tinually grateful for the generous gifts of time and commitment on the part of our coaches and our student-athletes.tinually grateful for the generous gifts of time and commitment on the part of our coaches and our student-athletes.

Each summer Chaminade spends time working on the maintenance and improvement of the school facilities and prop-Each summer Chaminade spends time working on the maintenance and improvement of the school facilities and prop-erty. This past summer was a very productive one. In addition to the regular painting, cleaning and carpentry projects, erty. This past summer was a very productive one. In addition to the regular painting, cleaning and carpentry projects, major projects included: the relocation and renovation of several offices; upgrading the recording capabilities in the major projects included: the relocation and renovation of several offices; upgrading the recording capabilities in the Hearst Auditorium; re-surfacing the exterior walls of the Print Shop; refinishing the hallway terrazzo floors; the installaHearst Auditorium; re-surfacing the exterior walls of the Print Shop; refinishing the hallway terrazzo floors; the installa-tion of a schoolwide wireless network system, and a network feed for live streaming of school events online.tion of a schoolwide wireless network system, and a network feed for live streaming of school events online.

We are grateful to so many members of the Chaminade Family who have made possible this past year’s events, activi-We are grateful to so many members of the Chaminade Family who have made possible this past year’s events, activi-ties and successes. We are especially grateful to all of you who, through your prayers and financial support, have ties and successes. We are especially grateful to all of you who, through your prayers and financial support, have made tuition so affordable and financial aid available. May God continue to bless our efforts in our Marianist mission.made tuition so affordable and financial aid available. May God continue to bless our efforts in our Marianist mission.


Bro. Joseph D. Bellizzi, S.M. ’78Principal


Page 5: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


Dear Members of the Chaminade Family,

It is impossible to overstate the importance of the Torch Fund to Chaminade and its mission, educating Catholic men in mind, body and spirit. In May 2012, Pope Bene-dict XVI in a speech to a group of United States bishops urged the leadership of our Church to remember that a Catholic education should be “within the reach of all families, whatever their financial status.” This is exactly the mission of the Torch families, whatever their financial status.” This is exactly the mission of the Torch families, whatever their financial status.” This is exactly the mission of the TFund -- it was the principle on which our fund was founded and it is the foundation that guides our fund today. We cannot lose sight of the fact that Catholic education must remain affordable for our families.

Catholic education has never been more important and, in these challenging eco-nomic times, it has never been more imperative that we keep Chaminade afford-able. Thanks in part to your generous gifts, Chaminade continues to have the lowest

tuition of any Catholic high school on Long Island. This school year, the Torch Fund will contribute $1,325 toward the education of each Chaminade student. This is a number we should all be proud of.

Torch had a great year in 2012. Together we again made a resounding statement about the importance of Catholiceducation and our commitment to Chaminade. We collected over $2.3 million. Donor participation also remained strong, with almost 5,700 gifts to the fund. This is a stunning number of gifts for a secondary school and a figure that always turns the heads of professional fundraisers.

While our alumni have traditionally anchored our Torch Fund efforts and deserve special thanks for their support,other Chaminade constituents play an important role in the Torch Fund. This year our alumni parents as well as our many “friends” of Chaminade gave generously. The parents of our current students were also generous in their sup-port of Torch. The Torch Fund is truly a collaborative effort.

Achieving these results was a tremendous joint effort. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the members of the TorchAchieving these results was a tremendous joint effort. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the members of the TorchAchieving these results was a tremendous joint effort. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the members of the TCommittee. The Torch Committee worked diligently to increase awareness and, at the same time, had a wonderful time at each of our meetings. I am equally grateful for the guidance and leadership of Bro. Thomas Cleary ’81 and Bro.Richard Hartz ’59. We also owe a special thank you to Mrs. Deborah Kendric, our Assistant Director of Development and Alumni Relations. Deborah joined us in 2011 and has provided a wealth of new ideas for our campaigns and market-ing efforts. Deborah’s enthusiasm for Chaminade has no limits. She has been a wonderful person to work with and agreat addition to our professional staff.

Personally, I also want to say thank you for all of your support. The Chaminade family has always been open toinvitations to give to Torch and I have felt that in my phone calls and conversations. Your generosity to the Torch Fund has touched me profoundly over the past two years. As a parent of a current junior, I see what your generosity means to the mission of Chaminade High School. I see every day what it does for the many young men who areprivileged to call Chaminade home.

Thank you for your support of Torch this year.

Fortes in Unitate!

Patrick L. Donnelly ’80Torch Fund Chairman

Page 6: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


“(N.B.: These figures include pledges receivable. They also represent the total in the Development Fund for student endowment, student aid, merit scholarships and capital improvements.)

Fiscal Year summarY - JulY 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012





July 1, 2011 Opening Balance

Net Revenues

Interest and Dividend Income

Realized/Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Investments

Endowment Support, Student Aid, Merit Scholarships

Administrative Expenses

June 30, 2012 Closing Balance

Torch, Alumni, CAPA andParents Club Expenses






Endowment Support

Mandated Services

Auxiliary Programs


Registration Fees

Student Activities

Interest Income

























ent S





d Se















ent A



























Student Activities

Capital Contingency
































ent A




tal C




Page 7: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


“I am truly going

to miss Chaminade

High School.

The influence that this

school has had on the past

four years of my life is

something I never want to

give up. Through my time

here, I participated in trips

to locations across the

country and the world: club

trips and tours of Boston,

Washington, DC, and

Gettysburg; volunteering in

New Orleans three times to

rebuild after Hurricane

Katrina; spending two

weeks abroad in France

and Spain to study the life

of Father Chaminade and

celebrate World Youth Day

2011. These experiences

boosted my knowledge and

my faith, and presented me

with close friends - students

and teachers alike.

Chaminade is unique to me

in that the atmosphere

here made me feel as a part

of a family, introducing me

to people, experiences,

and lessons that I’m

positive will stay with me

throughout my entire life. ”throughout my entire life. ”Richard J. DeMarco III ’12

Page 8: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report








Torch 2012 Gift Summary







3,633 Donors

387 Donors

1,366 Donors

307 Donors

5,693 Donors*Monies from Golf & Tennis Open raffles and circle holes

Torch 2012 Gift Summary

RevenuesAnnual Giving Program2012 Golf & Tennis OpenTOTAL

2012 Torch Fund


$2,357,244ExpensesDevelopment OfficeAlumni Office2012 Golf & Tennis OpenChaminade NewsTOTAL



NET 2012 REVENUES $1,319,493

2012 Torch Fund

Net RevenuesParents ClubCAPAAlumni Association Tuition Guarantee Program

Social Activities and Special Programs


Social Activities and Special Programs

Total NetRevenues2011-2012 School Year $1,472,319Note: Direct


of these revenue

figures with

the fiscal year



reported on

page 4 is not

possible, since

some money


by a specific

event may

not have been

received by

June 30th,

the end of the

fiscal year.

Page 9: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report



Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Aab ’50Mr. Ronald Ahern ’91Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K. CollinsMr. Paul Cramer ’78 and Ms. Mary Gard Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Donnelly ’80Mr. & Mrs. Andrew HabermannMr. Christopher Haunss ’00Mr. & Mrs. Paul JohnkeMr. & Mrs. William G. KarlMr. & Mrs. Richard KlimkowskiMr. & Mrs. Hugh P. McGrory


Special thanks to the following donors who either increased their commitments or made new commitments to the Capital Campaign for Chaminade’s Activity-Athletic Center during the 2011-12 School year.

If you would like to learn more about how you can participate in the Capital Campaign, please call the Chaminade Development Office at (516) 742-5555 X443.

The Paula W. & Anthony Carlesi Memorial ScholarshipThe Chiapparone Family ScholarshipThe Dolores & James Conway ScholarshipThe Robert DiFazio Memorial Merit ScholarshipThe Patricia M. and Victor F. Ganzi Merit ScholarhipThe Marjorie R. & Louis V. Gerstner, Sr. ScholarshipThe Hall Family ScholarshipThe Haverland Family ScholarshipThe William Randolph Hearst Foundation ScholarshipThe Long Family Merit ScholarshipThe James Regan Memorial ScholarshipThe Christopher Slattery Memorial Scholarship

MERIT SCHOLARSHIPSand FINANCIAL AIDFor the current school year, 87 students were awarded$335,260 in scholarships and student aid. The majorityof this aid was generated by the following scholarships:

DONORS of SPECIAL GIFTS to CHAMINADEAnonymousDr. & Mrs. Paul BentelMrs. Sandra Clark Mr. George Dies, III ’69Ms. Patricia HarveyMr. William O’Reilly ’67Mr. & Mrs. John Varol ’57

Brendan Tracey Burse Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kusterer

Jim Regan ’98 Fund Mr. & Mrs. Walter Buckley Mr. Brian Kusterer ’98


Chaminade Medallion Society

Meribah Associates

The Century Club

Chaminade Patrons


Bro. Louis Faerber Leaders

Bro. Alexander Ott Leaders

Father Chaminade Leaders

Crimson & Gold Members

Fortes in Unitate Members

Flyer Members

2012 Torch Gift Clubs






- $49,999

- $24,999

- $9,999

- $4,999

- $2,499





- $1,499

- $799

- $299

- $99

CCKeith Cerrato ’01 Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. John CerratoMr. & Mrs. James ChickadelMr. & Mrs. Andrew FisherMrs. Ann HutnickMr. & Mrs. Francis McDonough ’68Mr. & Mrs. John Polcari Estate of Helen Anne Shaefer

Richard Treacy ’82 Burse Mr. & Mrs. William AlbrechtMs. Marion FedorshakMr. & Mrs. Ronald FelixMr. & Mrs. Francis GreeneMr. & Mrs. Francis GreeneMr. & Mrs. Thomas HaarstickMr. & Mrs. Thomas HaarstickMr. Edward Higgins ’68Mr. Edward Higgins ’68Mr. & Mrs. Ian KaswanMr. & Mrs. Ian KaswanMarion Middle SchoolMarion Middle SchoolMr. John Treacy Mr. John Treacy Mr. Philip Treacy ’84 Mr. Philip Treacy ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Treacy ’75Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Treacy ’75Mr. & Mrs. James Wagner ’75Mr. & Mrs. John Warch ’75

Ronald Winchester ’97 Burse Mr. & Mrs. Leo KeeganSgt. & Mrs. Kevin Kennedy ’00Mr. Ronald Winchester

2012 Torch Gift Clubs

Page 10: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report

8 ”

“I do not think I can

count the number of

times I have spoken

highly of Chaminade.

As prospective students

and friends fire questions

at me about the school, I

often find myself talking

about relationships. Of

course, Chaminade en-

courages its students to

form strong bonds with

fellow classmates. They

help kindle these relation-

ships through activities and

events, both spiritual and

secular. However, I always

take time to discuss the

unique relationship that

forms between students

and teachers. Throughout

my four years of Chami-

nade, I found that teachers

and Brothers sought also to

become my friend, forming

a unique bond that went

beyond the classic pupil-

teacher relationship. In this

way, Chaminade helps its

students to move beyond

the realm of being merely

good students, and instead

teaches them to be success-

ful, Chaminade Men.

Brian J. Dougherty ’12

Page 11: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


Five Golf Courses



Tent & Sound System Rental


Postage and Shipping

Signs & Printing



Auction Prizes

Miscellaneous Expenses














2012 Golf & Tennis Open Expenses

2012 Golf & Tennis Open Expenses

Alumni Office ExpensesAlumni Office Expenses



Thanksgiving Luncheon

Thank You Dinner

Postage and Shipping

Yearbook Ad

Chapter Events

Mass Stipends



Credit Card Service Fees


Miscellaneous Expenses


Rentals for Kick-Off Reunion


















DevelopmentOffice Expenses


Printing & Paper


Freshmen Parent Receptions

Annual Report

Lester Telemarketing

Annual Audit

Computers & Maintenance

Chaminade Family Online

Planned Giving

Credit Card Service Fees


Video Project


Miscellaneous Expenses


















DevelopmentOffice Expenses


Page 12: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


BRO. LOUIS FAEBER LEADERSAlumniAnonymousCurrent ParentsMr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pitch FriendsMrs. Sandra Clark

BRO. ALEXANDER OTT LEADERSAlumniMr. Richard Kearns ’68 Mr. James Kelly ’62

FR. CHAMINADE MEMBERSAlumniMr. Michael Bette ’55 Mr. Geoffrey Boisi ’65 Mr. Dougal Casey ’62 Mr. Christopher Concannon ’85 Mr. Raymond Condon ’62Mr. Michael Duffy ’87 Mr. Kevin Fee ’67Mr. Kenneth Ferguson ’73 Mr. Victor Ganzi ’64 Mr. Albert Groh ’62 Mr. Richard Haverland ’59 Mr. George Hosey ’54 Mr. Daniel Kerning ’81 Mr. Eugene Maloney ’62 Mr. Charles Mansfield, Jr. ’62 The Tony and Renee Marlon

Charitable Foundation Mr. Brian Maxwell ’62 Mr. Edward Perks ’88 Mr. Joseph Roxe ’54 Mr. Raymond Zambuto ’62 CAPAMr. & Mrs. Charles Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kelly CorporationsCustom Tours The Coca Cola Bottling

Company of NY Company of NY Current ParentsMr. & Mrs. Douglas Chapey Mr. & Mrs. Richard Podpirka FriendsMr. Vincent Palazzolo

CRIMSON and GOLD MEMBERSAlumniAnonymousMr. Christopher Allen ’90 Mr. Paul Annunziato ’87Mr. Michael Aversano ’98 Mr. Robert C. Bolz ’61Mr. John Coffey ’74

Dr. John Crean ’78 Mr. Gerard Cruse ’81 Mr. Edward Doherty ’64 Mr. Patrick Donnelly ’80 Mr. Anthony Earley ’67 Mr. Michael Ehrhart ’85Mr. Frank Fee ’60Mr. Michael Fee ’75 Mr. Louis Gerstner ’59 Mr. Robert Grange ’77 Mr. Thomas M. Healy ’91Mr. James Herschlein ’79 Mr. Christopher Horan ’84 Mr. Brian Hull ’77 Mr. Thomas Jessop ’84 Mr. Michael Maffucci ’74 Mr. William McLaughlin ’80 Mr. Joseph Morrow ’57 Mr. Frank O’Connor ’84 Mr. Edward Orr ’61 Mr. James Rogers ’56 Mr. Calvin Sullivan ’99 Mr. Robert Van der Waag ’61 CAPAMr. & Mrs. Gregory Burke Mr. & Mrs. Donald Denihan Mr. & Mrs. James Harrison Mr. Walter Krolman Mr. & Mrs. Richard O’Hara Dr. & Mrs. James Santelli Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sullivan CorporationsMcKeen Fund Morgan Stanley Current ParentsMr. & Mrs. Chad Allen Mr. & Mrs. Gregory BurkeMr. & Mrs. John Cashwell Mr. & Dr. Timothy Cole Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Paul McHughMr. & Mrs. Michael O’HareMr. & Mrs. Richard Smith Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sommers FriendsMr. Eric Reeps

FORTES IN UNITATE MEMBERSAlumniAnonymous Mr. Paul Aiello ’82 Mr. George Albertelli ’63 Mr. George Albertelli ’63 Mr. Christopher Anci ’86 Mr. Christopher Anci ’86 Mr. Robert Basel ’76 Mr. William Beyer ’58 Mr. John Buechler ’64 Mr. Paul Burns ’70 Mr. Rene Canezin ’86 Mr. Andrew Cherry ’98 Mr. Thomas Conway ’78

Mr. Douglas Cornell ’81 Mr. Paul Cramer ‘78 Mr. Vincent Cullen ’69 Mr. Richard DeMatteis ’68 Mr. Robert DiFazio ’74 Mr. William Dinger ’59 Mr. Peter Doran ’60 Mr. James Doyle ’87 Mr. J. Drogalis ’82 Mr. Donald Earl ’81 Dr. Scott Feryo ’84 Mr. James Fitzpatrick ’92 Mr. Donald Foley ’69 Mr. Michael Gaffney ’80 Mr. Brian Gardner ’82 Mr. Edward Gardner ’84 Mr. James Gavilan ’93 Mr. Roger Goodwin ’82 Mr. John Halleron ’56 Mr. Brian Hayes ’99 Mr. Fred Holzweiss ’50 Mr. Kevin Kane ’72 Mr. Peter Keahon ’69 Mr. Kevin Kelly ’71 Mr. Bernard Kennedy ’43 Fr. Robert Kline ’62 Mr. George Krumenacker ’62 Dr. Daniel Landolphi ’82Mr. James Leslie ’87 Mr. Gregory LiCalzi ’70 Mr. Patrick Long ’67 Mr. Paul Maloy ’64 Mr. John Massaro ’82 Mr. Michael McAllister ’83 Mr. Michael McCarthy ’82 Mr. Denis Mullane ’47 Mr. Michael Nawrocki ’73 Mr. Brian Noonan ’86 Mr. Morgan O’Brien ’97 Mr. Anthony Patten ’87 Dr. Ashok Prasad ’93 Dr. John Repke ’70 Mr. Thomas Rosicki ’74 Mr. John Schmitt ’74 Mr. Edward Smith ’89 Mr. Anthony Spera ’85 Mr. Erik Sulzbach ’92Mr. Patrick Sweeny ’79 Mr. James Therrien ’53 Mr. John Varol ’57 Mr. James Wagner ’75 Mr. Martin Waters ’72 Mr. Robert Weingaertner ’69 Mr. Gregg Winiarski ’88 Mr. Christopher Wood ’94 Mr. Joseph Wozny ’94 Mr. Daniel Zimmon ’82CAPAMr. & Mrs. Anthony AmodeoMr. & Mrs. Mark Arning Mr. & Mrs. George Endres Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hamer

Mr. & Mrs. William Hazelton Mrs. Elizabeth Hicks Mr. & Mrs. William Karl Mr. Charles Menges Mr. & Mrs. James Newman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Palumbo Mr. & Mrs. Michael RoemerMr. & Mrs. Edward RonanCurrent Parents Mr. & Mrs. Robert Arning Drs. Joseph & Mary Bonafede Mr. & Mrs. John Broderick Mr. & Mrs. Steven Cortese Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Dean Mr. & Mrs. Stephen DeSimone Mr. & Mrs. John Fives Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Mahler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Matesich Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mattone Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Mink Mr. & Mrs. Louis Pillari Mr. & Mrs. John Stamm Mr. & Mrs. Charles Trunz Mr. & Mrs. John Umland CorporationsAnonymousJ. P. Morgan U.S. Equity Sales FriendsMr. Sam BarrettaMr. Robert Bill Mr. Jamie Hess Mr. Daniel Knopf

FLYER MEMBERSAlumniAnonymous Mr. Joseph Alduino ’89 Mr. Christopher Amico ’01 Mr. Gregory Baecher ’98 Mr. Reginald M. Ballantyne ’61 Mr. William Basel ’58 Mr. Patrick Broderick ’90 Mr. Neil Brown ’93 Dr. Paul Callahan ’72 Mr. Joseph Carney ’82 Mr. Kevin Carney ’88 Mr. Peter Cavaliere ’02 Mr. Neil Caverley ’96 Mr. Michael Chapple ’93 Mr. Paul Chiapparone ’57 Mr. Anthony Cilmi ’94 Mr. Kenneth Collins ’83 Mr. Gary DePalma ’62 Mr. Henry Devlin ’56 Mr. James DiLiberto ’71 Mr. John Elarde ’84 Mr. Louis England ‘61Mr. Douglas Fanning ’84Dr. Stephen Fealy ’87 Mr. Matthew Fitzpatrick ’87 Mr. Daniel Friel ’82

Page 13: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


Mr. James Gavilan ’93Mr. Christopher Gibbons ’69 Mr. Lawrence Grassini ’63 Mr. Matthew Hodgson ’85 Mr. Paul Hundt ’56 Mr. Donald Jost ’45 Mr. Brian Knapp ’90 Mr. Theodore Krebsbach ’71 Mr. Philip Landolphi ’84 Mr. James Lotze ’63 Mr. Alan MacKenzie Jr. ’84 Mr. Joseph Maloney ’84 Mr. Brendan McCarthy ’01 Mr. Patrick McHugh ’83 Mr. Christopher McKenna ’82 Mr. James Mercadante ’79 Mr. Peter Meyers ’87 Mr. Christopher Moran ’85 Mr. James Moriarty ’87 Mr. George Mueller ’58 Mr. Thomas Mulroy ’81 Mr. Christian Naus ’95 Mr. Chris Neamonitis ’01 Mr. Robert Novak ’76 Mr. Gus Nuzzolese ’76 Mr. Roger O’Donnell ’87 Mr. Christopher O’Hara ’79 Mr. Christopher Palmer ’87 Mr. John Paternoster ’58 Mr. John Pinto ’89

Dr. A. Joseph Pisciotto ’65 Mr. Christopher Polimeni ’84Mr. Joseph Pollaci ’99 Mr. Joseph Pollicino ’77 Mr. Ralph Romanelli ’88 Mr. Kevin Sampson ’73 Mr. Gerald Sauvigne ’46 Mr. Joseph Schier ’72 Mr. Anthony Scilletti, Jr. ’88 Mr. William Scott ’78 Mr. Steven Servidio ’82 Mr. Robert Sica ’99 Mr. Andrew Simons ’56 Mr. Michael Simons ’82 Mr. Brian Spillane ’90 Hon. Thomas Suozzi ’80 Mr. Ernesto Tersigni ’84 Mr. Vincent Testa ’62 Mr. Craig Tigh ’72 Mr. Colin Tuffy ’06 Mr. George Valva ’62 Mr. John Vissicchio ’79 Mr. John Westerman ’75 Mr. Robert Wright ’61 Mr. John Zaso ’84 CAPAMr. & Mrs. Manny Alas Mr. & Mrs. Karl Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Antaki Mr. & Mrs. Frank Argenziano

Dr. Robert Atkins Mr. & Mrs. Timothy BoweMr. & Mrs. Timothy Brady Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Breglio Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio Cardone Mr. & Mrs. Herman Charbonneau Drs. John & Patricia Cosgrove Mr. & Mrs. Peter D’Angelo Mrs. Joseph Darcy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Flood Dr. Lucille Giardina Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Gray Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Haug Mr. Edward Heiskell Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hickey Mr. & Mrs. Paul Johnke Mr. & Mrs. Paul Johnke Mr. & Mrs. Richard Klimkowski Mr. & Mrs. Richard Klimkowski Mr. & Mrs. James J. Maloney Mr. & Mrs. James J. Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Steven McClatchey Mr. & Mrs. Steven McClatchey Mr. Stephen Melley Mr. Stephen Melley Mr. & Mrs. Michael MoranMr. & Mrs. Michael MoranMr. & Mrs. Peter Reali Mr. & Mrs. Peter Reali Mr. & Mrs. Robert Von Hagen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Von Hagen Mr. & Mrs. Charles Williams Mr. & Mrs. Charles Williams Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Zuppello Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Zuppello CorporationsBlendex Industrial Corp Blendex Industrial Corp Current ParentsMr. & Mrs. Peter Cosola Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cosola Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Curtin Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Curtin

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Doodian Mr. & Mrs. Edward Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fitzsimmons Dr. Susan Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kasparian Dr. & Mrs. Ronald LoPinto Mr. & Mrs. Neil McGoldrick Mrs. Donna Mills Mr. & Mrs. August Nunziata Mr. & Mrs. Robert Speranza Mr. & Mrs. Richard Trabulsi Mr. & Mrs. John Uehlinger Mr. & Mrs. Michael Van Praag Dr. & Mrs. Mario Vezza Dr. & Mrs. Mario Vezza Dr. & Mrs. John Vullo FoundationsTheodore Cross Family

Charitable Foundation Tara & Jim Knicos Foundation FriendsMr. Ray O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Dean Poll Mr. Peter Quick

John and Debbie Stellakis CAPA (left) join Paul and Heather Annunziato ’87 (right) at the 2012 President’s Council Dinner.

Page 14: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report

Class of 1935Amount: $50Members: 6Donors: 1Participation: 17%Chaminade PatronsEdmund Callahan

Class of 1940Amount: $225Members: 18Donors: 2Participation: 11%The Century ClubWilliam Haupt Edward Tierney

Class of 1942Amount: $1,280Members: 17Donors: 7Participation: 41%Meribah Associates

The Century Club

Chaminade Patrons

Class of 1943

Crimson and Gold MembersBernard Kennedy Meribah AssociatesJoseph Corcoran Eugene Engeman Albert Heinlein Charles Lober The Century ClubGeorge Garvey William Greaser Bruce Morrison Chaminade PatronsGerald Dolson

Class of 1944Amount: $750Members: 25Donors: 5Participation: 20%Meribah AssociatesEugene Petracca The Century Club

Chaminade Patrons

Class of 1945

Flyer Members

The Century Club

Donors: 7Participation: 41%Meribah AssociatesRobert Ahlstrom, Sr. Edwin H. Hess The Century ClubFred McEvoy John Meegan Andrew Murphy Francis Porter Chaminade PatronsPeter White

Class of 1943Amount: $4,320Members: 27Donors: 9Participation: 33%

Meribah AssociatesEugene Petracca The Century ClubWilliam Marion Walter Snow Chaminade PatronsRobert Brady Robert Spielmann

Class of 1945Amount: $2,165Members: 26Donors: 10Participation: 38%Flyer MembersDonald Jost The Century ClubEdward Krach


“Robert Mahn Frederick Mueller Charles Rampone Chaminade PatronsThomas Beirne Edward Millin Richard Redmond John Strevell John Walsh

Class of 1946Amount: $4,270Members: 34Donors: 16Participation: 47%Flyer MembersGerald Sauvigne Chaminade Medallion SocietyGeorge Monahan Meribah AssociatesLeo Blatz The Century ClubDaniel Carolin Dean Cassell Eugene Degnan Bruce Griffith George Heyburn Vincent Keenan Eugene Kennedy Joseph Murphy Francis Powaza Chaminade PatronsEdward Brogan James Kenny Edward Marzo William Power

Class of 1947Amount: $5,650Members: 36Donors: 16Participation: 44%Fortes in Unitate MembersDenis Mullane Chaminade Medallion Society Christopher Sweeny Meribah AssociatesEdward Dowling Edward Raffo The Century ClubEugene Cunneely Donald Knowlan Robert Lindon Joseph Wilson Chaminade PatronsEdward Boyle Joseph Caracci William Hirschmann William Hirschmann Robert Kamermayer Robert Kamermayer Robert Levesque Robert Levesque Joseph Lucey Joseph Lucey John Jay Murphy John Jay Murphy Robert Ortelere Robert Ortelere

Class of 1948Amount: $2,725Amount: $2,725

Members: 52Donors: 15Participation: 29%Chaminade Medallion SocietyRobert Dowling Meribah AssociatesJohn Sandhaas The Century ClubPhilip Brennan George Brogan John Connolly Eugene Francolini Edwin Horan William Kelly Balthasar Livoti Everett Maxwell Ronald Nolan John Salisbury Chaminade PatronsJames Hickey John Mehary Robert Moylan

Class of 1949Amount: $5,105Members: 57Donors: 23Participation: 40%Chaminade Medallion SocietyJoseph Collins Patrick Purcell Meribah AssociatesWilliam Goebelbecker Albert JuergensJames O’Keefe The Century ClubWilliam Barklage Donald Bettex Donald Brown Charles Farrell John Farrell J. Myles Hart Robert Hayes Charles Keeler Leo Lonergan James Pfohl Thomas Sculley Peter Stewart William Tierney John Wolczok Chaminade PatronsJames King Robert Sandhaas Douglas Tibbetts James Tomlin

Class of 1950Amount: $6,085Members: 73Donors: 25Participation: 34%Fortes in Unitate MembersFred HolzwiessChaminade Medallion SocietyFrank Burkhard

Meribah AssociatesGeorge Fijux John Francis The Century ClubChester Allen Garrett Austin Henry Cooper Richard Gemmelli John Kelly Andrew McGowan Charles McGuckin Andrew Munch Joseph Munna George MurphyChaminade PatronsThomas Aab Edward Bjorn William Breidenbach William Buckley Edward Hanrahan Brian Jennings Gerald Kiefer Robert Reed Martin Rogers Alfred Walter Thomas Whearty

Class of 1951Amount: $3,180Members: 66Donors: 15Participation: 23%Chaminade Medallion SocietyHenry Kirshe Meribah AssociatesJohn Mayer John Scalia Joseph Zimmer The Century ClubVincent Cashman Paul Corwin Thomas Cuff Fred Danner Charles Ehrhart James Pardy Chaminade PatronsLawrence Gallacher James Lucey Kenneth McBride Edward Reilly William Smyth

Class of 1952Amount: $3,570Members: 72Donors: 20Participation: 28%Chaminade Medallion SocietyHenry Gole Meribah AssociatesRaymond Fiedler Richard Harrison David Kenney The Century ClubRichard Campbell Peter Cassidy Thomas FitzGerald

Torch FundParticipation

Top Ten Classes with LessThan 200 Members





















Torch FundParticipation

Page 15: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


“Attending Chaminade

High School was

the best decision I

ever made.

The experiences I had will

remain with me forever,

and I have formed friend-

ships that will last a lifetime.

My time at Chaminade has

helped me to mature in all

aspects of my life: physi-

cally, mentally, emotionally,

and most of all, spiritually.

As a result of attending this

amazing institution, my

faith has become not only

an important part of my

life, but something I cannot

live without. Chaminade

has taught me to see God in

all things. Whether you’re

walking through the halls,

taking part in Eucharistic

Adoration, or watching the

Flyers compete on Ott Field,

you can truly feel the pres-

ence of God throughout

every part of 340 Jackson

Avenue. Chaminade High

School is truly an incredible

place, and I know that my

time there has changed my

life and shaped me into

the man I am today.

Matthew C. Fiore ’12

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John Hughes Paul Kasperski John Kleinschnitz James Kramer Thaddeus Listing Russell Millar Chaminade PatronsDonald Hopkins Richard Malyk Philip Meynen Peter Rocchio James Saville John Strassel Gregory Vavoso

Class of 1953Amount: $3,860Members: 54Donors: 14Participation: 26%Fortes in Unitate MembersJames Therrien Meribah AssociatesDonald Spaeth The Century ClubWilliam Carolan James Gallacher Charles Grennan Edward Lawlor Paul Lynch Lawrence Magilligan Allen Scimeca Herbert Verbesey Chaminade PatronsTimothy Ivers Michael Lacopo Edward Meyer Joseph Smith

Class of 1954Amount: $24,605Members: 112Donors: 31Participation: 28%Father Chaminade MembersGeorge HoseyJoseph Roxe Meribah AssociatesGerald Curry Victor Dillon Victor Dillon Theodore Fliller Theodore Fliller Richard Horn Joseph Kneuer Donald Sweeney The Century ClubJohn Aneser Henry Daidone John Dillon Laurence Long Richard Luzzi William Marsh Raymond Mullman Arthur O’Connor David O’Hearne Donald Reilly Hugh Ross George Sullivan

Richard Walsh Frank Yannelli Chaminade PatronsAnthony Carroll Frederick Greene Henry Robert Holzweiss Richard Hopkins James Kinsella L. Robert Libutti George Mastaglio Philip Wachtel Robert Whearty

Class of 1955Amount: $13,955Members: 129Donors: 29Participation: 22%Father Chaminade MembersMichael Bette Chaminade Medallion SocietyWilliam Maloney Meribah AssociatesBruce Conlin Robert King Martin Walter The Century ClubRichard Clarkson William DeBruin David Donohoe Martin Eberhardt John W. Ferrari Paul Hessler Renzie Lamb Richard Lark Bruce McNally Michael McNicholas Edward Mezzapelle Jon Santemma Thomas Saville Michael Schrauth James Shanley Robert Smith Chaminade PatronsJames Carter Edmund Condon Robert Engeman Thomas Fox Robert O’Rourk Joseph Seelinger Joseph Seelinger Francis Shea Francis Shea John Sparnicht John Sparnicht

Class of 1956Amount: $18,674Members: 147Donors: 35Participation: 24%Crimson andGold MembersJames Rogers Fortes in Unitate MembersJohn HalleronFlyer MembersHenry Devlin Paul Hundt

Andrew Simons Chaminade Medallion SocietyGeorge Reis Louis Scaramelli Meribah AssociatesRichard Gustafson Michael Manzer Harold Muller Peter Murphy Michael Tramontana The Century ClubGuy Ball John Campo John Eschmann Edward Freher John Gannon Paul Gunning Paul Kiefer Kevin Krist Jerome Leyendecker Vincent McDermott Ronald Mediatore John Meyers Edward Rosasco Raymond Schoen Edward Sieban Paul Smith Chaminade PatronsRichard Feldmann Frank Harrigan Ronald Kehoe Owen Kilgannon Paul Londahl-Smidt Thomas Schwender Herbert Welch

Class of 1957Amount: $15,402Members: 168Donors: 40Participation: 24%Crimson and Gold MembersJoseph Morrow Fortes in Unitate MembersJohn Varol Flyer MembersPaul Chiapparone Meribah AssociatesGerard Clements Raphael Kelly Eugene McGovern Peter McGowan James Morrow Charles Vachris Peter Vath The Century ClubRobert Allen Robert Allen Ralph Ascoli Ralph Ascoli Robert Callaghan Robert Callaghan George Cross George Cross Joel DeAngelis Joel DeAngelis Brian Gallagher Brian Gallagher George Gillespie George Gillespie William Indelicato William Indelicato John Kelly John Kelly Kenneth Kwiat Kenneth Kwiat

Thomas Lynch Fred Magenheimer Robert Matedero John McQuade Mario Medio Kenneth Misa Edmond Mohring James O’Brien Gregory Porges Richard Ramski Robert Safarik Gerard Sawicki Richard Whearty Chaminade PatronsRichard Davis John Dehner Sebastian Galofaro Robert Kern Arthur Lavis Brendon O’Hanlon Anthony Rugel

Class of 1958Amount: $14,209Members: 172Donors: 43Participation: 25%Fortes in Unitate MembersWilliam Beyer Flyer MembersWilliam Basel George Mueller John Paternoster Chaminade Medallion SocietyWilliam Nimmo Meribah AssociatesRichard Beers Gerard Byrne Dennis Craine Richard Daidone Anthony Lang The Century ClubGeorge Barrett William Coenen James Davis James DeVito John Fitzpatrick William Fox Eugene Fusaro Henry Jankowski Robert Kaufmann John Lane Robert Levey John Magas James Mahoney Stephen McKenna John Monahan Raymund O’Mara John Sargent Francis Valentino Heribert WeinzierThomas Zolezzi Chaminade PatronsRobert Blohm Kevin Connelly Thomas Cousins Robert DeBell

Denis DeMarino P. Francis Donohoe Robert Downing Edward Fitzmaurice Robert Muhr Ronald Nahas Robert Sawyer Walter Schoudel James Wilde

Class of 1959Amount: $46,128Members: 207Donors: 46Participation: 22%Father Chaminade MembersRichard Haverland Anthony Marlon Crimson and Gold MembersLouis Gerstner Fortes in Unitate MembersAnonymous William Dinger Chaminade Medallion SocietyJohn Bransfield Gerard McGuirk Joseph Sarnowski Meribah AssociatesJoseph Bacotti Laurence Cassar Frank Catapano Michael Clifford George Curth Lawrence Longua J. Michael Quinlan The Century ClubJoseph Athanasio Nicholas Capece Vincent Clayton John Czerniewicz Joseph DePalma Eugene Federer Frank Giordano Robert Heenan Robert Histing Kenneth Irvine John Kane Paul Kantz Anthony Koerner Thomas Long Peter Mastaglio Peter Monteferrante Daniel Reehil James Rochel Robert Siebert Herbert Smith Nicholas Sommese Michael Sperendi Robert Strittmatter Joseph Swords Chaminade PatronsWilliam DeAngelis Francis Kehoe Mario Marra Henry Masone

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Walter McGuire Richard Monahan Charles O’Leary

Class of 1960Amount: $16,497Members: 211Donors: 44Participation: 21%Crimson & Gold MembersFrank FeeFortes in Unitate MembersPeter Doran Chaminade Medallion SocietyLeRoy Essig Richard Fisher Kevin McCabe Meribah AssociatesDonald Gehrig Richard Knipfing John LaBarca James McCullagh The Century ClubAnonymousLee Baggett Kenneth Carroll Frank Ciafone Joseph Conly Charles Fity William Geissinger William Kerner Joseph Larkin Christopher Marinis Thomas Materazo Louis Mauro John McGowan James McLaughlin Anthony Melosci Alberto Menendez Vincent Monaco Francis Murphy John Kenneth O’Brien Joseph Papola Walter Rossi John Wagner William Watkins David Whelehan

Chaminade PatronsEnrico Annichiarico Hilmar Braun Eric Burkert James Colwell John Corney Robert DeLuca Joseph Fasano Arthur McDermott John Panarese Paul Richert Martin Siebold

Class of 1961Amount: $34,651Members: 210Donors: 57Participation: 27%Crimson and Gold MembersEdward Orr Robert Van der Waag Flyer MembersReginald Ballantyne Robert BolzLouis England Robert Wright Chaminade Medallion SocietyVictor Galgano James Linden Edward McKenna Philip Plasencia Stephen Saloy Arthur Tobani Meribah AssociatesPeter Desnoes Robert Fenton Edward FineganWilliam FlorenceCharles Foskett Thomas Furst Gerard LeydenRalph LombardiEdward Maher Edward McCoyd John Michitsch Stephen Quinn Howard RevansCharles Vail Walter Waddington

All-Time Reunion Class RecordsEach year the Torch Fund counts on its reunion year classes to reach its goal. The following is a list Each year the Torch Fund counts on its reunion year classes to reach its goal. The following is a list Each year the Torch Fund counts on its reunion year classes to reach its goal. The following is a list

of all-time records for both amount and participation since the Torch Fund’s inception in 1987.of all-time records for both amount and participation since the Torch Fund’s inception in 1987.of all-time records for both amount and participation since the Torch Fund’s inception in 1987.



Reunion Year Class Gift Total Class Fiscal Year

10th $17,545 2001 201115th 28,050 1984 199920th 53,109 1982 200225th 183,000 1978 200330th 48,590 1978 200835th 61,850 1973 200840th 47,800 1961 200145th 51,957 1959 200450th 184,215 1961 2011

Reunion Year % Participation Class Fiscal Year

10th 23% 1982 199215th 28% 1976 199120th 44% 1972 199225th 50% 1972 199730th 39% 1961 199135th 44% 1962 199640th 43% 1962 200245th 39% 1950 199550th 54% 1947 1997

All-Time Reunion Class Records

Robert Woods The Century ClubPaul Barbero Thomas Boland Howard Crusey Allen Dalton Robert DelfoeRobert DriscollDaniel Duff Joseph Greil Brian Griffin Robert Hastings Ralph Lutjen

Robert Macfarlane Robert Macfarlane Peter McDougal Peter McDougal J. Dennis Molloy J. Dennis Molloy Harold Poggioli Harold Poggioli Anthony Segesti Anthony Segesti John Wehrum Robert White Thomas White Chaminade PatronsDonald Cook Donald Cook John CrimminsJohn CrimminsKevin CrowleyKevin CrowleyJames GallagherJames GallagherJames GallagherL. John Hartmann L. John Hartmann L. John Hartmann John Lynch John Lynch Alfred MacNeil Alfred MacNeil Alfred MacNeil Dennis McCreadyDennis McCreadyDennis McCreadyFrank Napolitano Frank Napolitano Frank Napolitano

Peter Neidhart

Class of 1962Amount: $129,762Members: 199Donors: 61Participation: 31%Bro. Alexander Ott LeadersJames Kelly Father Chaminade MembersDougal Casey Ray CondonAlbert Groh Eugene Maloney Eugene Maloney Charles Mansfield Charles Mansfield Brian MaxwellBrian MaxwellRaymond Zambuto Raymond Zambuto Fortes in Unitate MembersFr. Robert Kline George Krumenacker Flyer MembersGary DePalma Vincent Testa George Valva Chaminade Medallion SocietyJohn Belo Frank Mangan George McCabe

James O’Brien Robert Phillips Brian Tart Francis Zaino Meribah AssociatesMichael Byrnes Robert Clifford Francis Cutney Philip DeCicco Timothy Fidgeon Bruce GenovesePhilip Marzullo Kevin McCullaghThomas Mulhearn William Reed William Reed Robert RynkarJohn Siebert Lawrence Timmins Joseph Virdone Edward Wallace H. Michael ZembruskiThe Century ClubAnthony Alfano Kenneth Annibale Francis Biasi Robert ByrnesBro. William

Campbell, S.M. Carmine Castaldo Edward Christie Robert ClicknerRobert Irvine Members of the Class of 1962 celebrating their 50th Reunion.

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16 ”

“I would give up

anything to repeat my

four years at Chami-

nade High School.

Having just graduated from

Chaminade in the spring of

2012, I realized what a huge

difference it has already

made on my life. The combi-

nation of academics, sports

and core values taught

at Chaminade have truly

formed me into the man

I am today - a Chaminade

Man. From the classroom

to the football field, Chami-

nade’s motto, Fortes in

Unitate, stands true.

Strength is found in unity.

Through sodality and the

faculty at Chaminade, many

core values have been

instilled in me. Chaminade’s

teachings are not just aca-

demic - many life lessons

are also taught. Choosing

to attend Chaminade for

myself was not just a great

decision, but a life-changing


Sean H. Hanley ’12

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Donald KaichJoseph Kirby Daniel Roper Thomas Smith John StampfelJoseph Thomas Kevin Walters Chaminade PatronsRobert Dirkes Richard Dujardin Donald Endonino James Hegmann Michael Hewitt Robert LewandPaul LombardiJames Meehan Rev. John Worthley

Class of 1963Amount: $10,975Members: 222Donors: 45Participation: 20%Fortes in Unitate MembersGeorge Albertelli Flyer MembersLawrence Grassini James Lotze Chaminade Medallion SocietyMichael Maher Meribah AssociatesBrian McKenna John Pufahl Frank Sullivan The Century ClubRobert Chastonay Daniel Comerford Robert Demars Francis Doherty Christopher Donoghue James Fischer Edward GalesThomas Gniatkowski John Hashagen Arthur Intemann Peter Kerr Thomas Liesegang John McCarthy Robert Rollauer Timothy Sheehan James Thompson James Vaughan Edward Zapke Chaminade PatronsT. Stephen Childs Matthew Coffey John Croker Paul Flanagan Donald Gundermann Robert McDermott William McGovern Robert Mohlenbrok Robert Otten Mark Paradine Philip Pignataro John Plumb Joseph Razzano

Valentine Riordan Edward Romond Cyril Rottkamp Donald Schroeder Richard Snider Lawrence Sullivan Edward Witman

Class of 1964Amount: $28,635Members: 209Donors: 43Participation: 21%Father Chaminade MembersVictor Ganzi Crimson and Gold MembersEdward Doherty Fortes in Unitate MembersJohn BuechlerPaul Maloy Chaminade Medallion SocietyThomas Grant Richard LoughlinThomas O’NeilMeribah AssociatesLaurence Froehlich James Kissane George Maguire James Nee The Century ClubRichard Craig Robert Craine Richard Crawford Martin Curtin David Duff Kevin DwyerPeter Groh Walter Gross William Karl John Kiernan Robert Larson Robert Lipari John Mackin Thomas Mulrooney Martin O’Hagan Thomas O’Regan Michael Rivera Benedict TichoThomas VanBell William VerEeckeGerard WojkowskiChaminade PatronsKevin Barry Robert Becker Robert Gately Peter Hampel Michael Heinz Donald Henn Martin Kennedy Frederick Marino Peter Proly William Sheerin Kenneth Warburton

Class of 1965Amount: $21,725Members: 209Donors: 50Participation: 24%Father Chaminade MembersGeoffrey Boisi Crimson and Gold MembersA. Joseph Pisciotto Chaminade Medallion SocietyPaul Neylon Thomas Rollauer James Shaw Meribah AssociatesRobert Baker Alexander Chester John Chierichella Ludwig CibelliA. Philip Fontanetta Arthur James Eugene Kavanagh Thomas King Gregory McGinty The Century ClubWilliam Allen Bruce Boehmcke Timothy Coyle Alfred DiStefano Kevin Egan Joseph FerrallWilliam Frank Michael Galligan Arthur Gaynor Thomas Heinz William Horan Vincent Maus Thomas Montemarano Thomas O’Meara James O’Reilly James Pardini John Stillwaggon John Zorski Chaminade PatronsThomas Condon John Doyle Christopher Gallagher James Gibbons Anthony Graziano John Kelly Jeffrey McCrave William McGuire William McMahonGardner Nason Peter Rossi John Ryan Richard Schiller Richard Scholl Richard Sherman Richard Sherman Mark Stuparich Mark Stuparich John Whalen Robert Wilshere Robert Wilshere

Class of 1966Amount: $5,645Amount: $5,645Members: 224Members: 224Donors: 33

Participation: 15%Chaminade Medallion SocietyTerence Brown John GlynnMeribah AssociatesFrank Liantonio George Rehn Paul Saxton Rick Ueland The Century ClubRobert Bennett William Buckley Joseph Conway Michael Coyle William Golden John Holland Kevin Hume Thomas Moloney Nicholas MondelloKevin Mulry William Newman Kevin O’Grady George Parker Kevin Rooney Kevin Rooney Timothy Shanley Timothy Shanley Chaminade PatronsRoy Behrman Roy Behrman David Burroughs Wayne Gilmartin Bernard McGovern Sean O’Connor Stephen Robinson Thomas Rose Michael RyanJames SchuetzThomas Stroh Joseph Vitelli William Warnken

Class of 1967Amount: $17,505Members: 246Donors: 56Participation: 23%Father Chaminade MembersKevin FeeCrimson and Gold MembersAnthony Earley Fortes in Unitate MembersPatrick Long Chaminade Medallion SocietyRobert Schueler Merbiah AssociatesPhilip Alfano Kevin Baine Michael Brady John Gandolfo Robert Harper Brian Higgins Brian Higgins James Kinnally Lawrence Leahy Kevin Loughlin John Matthews Paul Schimmenti The Century ClubJohn Barrett John BisharFred Bottger Robert Butera Michael Carey Lawrence DeAngelis Robert DeVerna Brian Donaldson Paul Famighetti Hugh Foley Thomas Fratello

Top Ten Classes





















Alumni TorchFund Gifts

Alumni TorchFund Gifts

Page 20: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


Alumni ParticipationAlumni ParticipationAlumni Participation(in Dollars)(in Dollars)(in Dollars)














’35 ’36 ’37 ’38 ’39 ’40 ’41 ’42 ’43 ’44 ’45 ’46 ’47 ’48 ’49 ’50 ’51 ’52 ’53 ’54 ’55 ’56 ’57 ’58 ’59 ’60 ’61 ’62 ’63 ’64 ’65 ’66 ’67 ’68 ’69 ’70 ’71 ’72 ’73














’74 ’75 ’76 ’77 ’78 ’79 ’80 ’81 ’82 ’83 ’84 ’85 ’86 87 ’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12

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James Hickey John Hogan Kenneth Hogan George Kelly John Kilgallon Luke LiCalziWilliam MahonJohn McManus William Powers James Riordan Kenneth Scully Anthony ValdiniRobert Weiden Chaminade PatronsJohn Beyer Philip Cicero Joseph Collins Richard Dooley Donald Fetzer John Gallagher Thomas Karl Robert Kissane James Mattera James McErlean Kevin Nerrie Charles Parker Stephen Probert Thomas SmythRichard Vachris James White Charles Withopf

Class of 1968Amount: $36,431Members: 223Donors: 35Participation: 16%Bro. Alexander Ott LeadersRichard Kearns Fortes in Unitate MembersRichard DeMatteis Meribah AssociatesRobert BeaganAndrew Donohue Edward Higgins Charles Kean Walter Raubicheck Thomas Russo The Century ClubJohn Collins James Corrigan Bruce Corsello James Doyle Richard Guardino James Heffernan John Jansen Scott Kallman Gerard Kelly Gregory Leighton John Lillis Michael Lynch Joseph Mackey Thomas Meade Charles Mundhenk Kevin O’Hagen Thomas O’Neill Robert Perret Stephen Ryan

Thomas StockChaminade Patrons Eugene BowlesFrancis Malley Brian Mannion Aristide Tessitore John Twomey Michael Voiland Mark Wheeler

Class of 1969Amount: $20,000Members: 236Donors: 41Participation: 17%Fortes in Unitate MembersVincent Cullen Donald Foley Peter Keahon Robert Weingaertner Flyer MembersChristopher Gibbons Chaminade Medallion SocietyWalter Armstrong Dennis Fenton Anthony LaVerde Kevin Monahan Meribah AssociatesKevin Magee James Minardi Michael Polcino John Villios Kenneth Wenzel Frederick Yosca The Century ClubGeoffrey Beauchamp Edward Carney William Carriero Christopher Christiansen Paul Comiskey William CornachioStephen CramerMark Dawson Frederic DiSpigna Michael HattonJohn McCloskey Kenneth McGorry Terence Meehan Michael O’Grady Robert Raskopf Kevin Ryan Chaminade PatronsJohn Angus Alexander Ariniello William Baeder Peter Clagnaz John Donohue Joseph Loizzo Thomas Murray Walter Neufeld Richard Pastor Kenneth Swab

Class of 1970Amount: $11,420Members: 181Donors: 33Participation: 18%

Fortes in Unitate MembersPaul Burns Gregory LiCalzi John Repke Meribah AssociatesThomas Curtin Thomas McGoldrick Thomas Ripp John Ritz The Century ClubGeorge Baker Gerard Banahan Robert Beckmann Howard Code Charles DeMartin Michael Egan Lawrence Flaherty Matthew Hart Andrew Kean William King Paul LabanowskiJohn LanghauserEdward McCarthy Richard McLean Richard Smith Robert Smith Lawrence Spota Paul Tuths Chaminade PatronsRobert Chiore Thomas Clinton Robert Donovan Steven Driscoll Edward Kitt Raymond LundinRussell Saporito John Vachris

Class of 1971Amount: $10,615Members: 190Donors: 34Participation: 18%Fortes in Unitate MembersKevin Kelly Flyer MembersJames DiLiberto Theodore Krebsbach Chaminade Medallion SocietyJohn Conners Edward Dolan Meribah AssociatesSteven Lenz James D. Lynch Peter McGivney The Century ClubStuart Chessman Robert Foley Gerard Keating Louis Lipnickey Martin Mauro J. Philip Plonski Paul Prostowich Louis RolfesJoseph Sinicropi Thomas Sperl

Chaminade PatronsJames Anderson Garrett Brennan William Datz Michael DonnellyJohn Flynn John Fougner Donald Hayde Gerard Hiller Brian Kelly Daniel LynchWilliam Murphy Paul Neuschler John Novara Francis ParisiDaniel Sullivan Raymond Urgo

Class of 1972Amount: $21,085Members: 173Donors: 44Participation: 25%Fortes in Unitate MembersKevin Kane Martin Waters Flyer MembersPaul Callahan Joseph Schier Craig Tigh Chaminade Medallion SocietyGeorge Espinosa Michael Golden Rudolph Licandro Steven Niemczyk Meribah AssociatesMichael Conroy Jeffrey Hall William Henson John Herchenroder Joseph Hutter Patrick Kane Michael O’Moore Christopher Reisert Thomas Simunek Garrett Verdone The Century ClubAnthony Battista Donald Bendernagel Denis Cioffi John Duffy John Dussel John Dussel John Gennaro John Gennaro Christopher Hughes Christopher Hughes Brian Joyce Brian Joyce Damien Kovary Damien Kovary Victor LaGinestra Richard Licari Kevin McGaley John McKenna James McLeesDavid Preble Anthony Ramienski Kevin Regan Gerald Shea Chaminade PatronsEdmund Brown Frank Carollo

Michael Convery Mark Curtis Robert Haller Michael HassettFrancis Mullane

Class of 1973Amount: $23,441Members: 239Donors: 45Participation: 19%Father Chaminade MembersKenneth FergusonFortes in Unitate MembersMichael Nawrocki Kevin Sampson Chaminade Medallion SocietyEdmund Hyland Richard Pope Meribah AssociatesMichael Brannigan Timothy Foley John Kaiser Donald Morrison Joseph Norris John Shea Joseph Tedesco The Century ClubJames Amorosia Thomas Banahan Gerard Brady Stephen ButeraJohn Daly W. Michael Dennin Paul Dwyer Robert Ewald Donald Giambalvo John HunterJohn MeeganMartin Moran George Norelli Michael Petersen Edmund RakowskiPeter Turner Victor Tutino Stephen Winsch Eugene Wypyski Christopher Zarzycki Chaminade PatronsWilliam Batterson William Batterson Ronald Baumann Joseph Clasen Thomas Fetzer Robert Gambarelli Angelo Ippolito Robert Kali James MillerThomas OlivaJ. Kevin ReganRichard ReisertKevin Ryan Michael Siggins

Class of 1974Amount: $23,470Members: 224Donors: 41

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“Participation: 18%Crimson and Gold MembersJohn Coffey Michael Maffucci Fortes in Unitate MembersRobert DiFazio Thomas RosickiJohn Schmitt Meribah AssociatesWilliam Egan Craig Gilmartin Francis Jules Patrick McHugh Joseph Pulichene Thomas Ryan William Zarakas The Century ClubVincent AnsanelliDaniel Breen John Bucaria James Capozzi David Gibbons Paul Gilbert Henry Gillen Gerard Harms Robert Hausler Paul Kaplun William Killeavy Thomas McAdam H. Blaine Miller Edward Patterson Kevin Pettersen Roy Pressimone Theodore Robinson John Emmet Ryan Charles Scheld John Sullivan Chaminade PatronsPhilip Astuto Scott Castellano Sean Clancy Robert ColePaul DeMattina Steven Liguori Stephen Scutari John Sherman Richard Wolfe

Class of 1975Amount: $22,115Amount: $22,115Members: 257Members: 257Donors: 37Participation: 14%Crimson and Gold MembersAnoymous Michael FeeFortes in Unitate MembersJames Wagner Flyer MembersJohn Westerman Meribah AssociatesEdward McGloine Thomas MierswaJames Rice Dennis Shea

Gary Thornhill Stephen TreacyThe Century ClubColin Carroll John CrimminsThomas D’AntonioAlexander DomanicoJames GradyWilliam Malone Kevin McAleese Edward McGinnPeter McHugh Barry Miller Keith Pryhuber Joseph Resua Robert RooneyKenneth SchulzE. Brian Schwartz Joseph Spinosa John Steck John WarchChaminade PatronsLawrence Jaeger Matthew Lindon J. Burke McCormick Joseph Nofi Anthony PolicanoEugene SchmidtSteven Schneider Joseph Strang Robert Waters

Class of 1976Amount: $12,907Members: 174Donors: 21Participation: 12%Fortes in Unitate MembersRobert Basel Flyer MembersRobert Novak Gus Nuzzolese Chaminade Medallion SocietyThomas Costigan James Kessler Meribah AssociatesDaniel Azzaro William KautzMichael Mehary Thomas Renker Thomas Renker John Serpe John Serpe Christopher Sheehan Christopher Sheehan Thomas Souther Thomas Souther The Century ClubBruce Brown Daniel Caniano Thomas Carroll McDara Folan III Thomas FontanettaChaminade PatronsHenry Berg Thomas Choinski Patrick Donahue Richard Hillenbrand

Class of 1977Amount: $18,949

Members: 229Donors: 42Participation: 18%Crimson and Gold MembersRobert Grange Brian Hull Flyer MembersJoseph Pollicino Chaminade Medallion SocietyEdward Johnston Meribah AssociatesMichael Connors John McDonnell John O’Brien John O’Grady Carl Soranno The Century ClubAnonymousThomas Bottini James Carey Richard Coffey Robert Curran Richard Curtin James Darby John DonohueThomas Garfield John Gorton William Gray Clifford GunthelLeo Keegan Thomas Lane Edward Lynch Scott Massoni Michael McGee Christopher McGrath James Murphy John O’Sullivan Antonio Perez Alan Schiavelli James Slattery Scott Tredwell Anthony Turner Chaminade PatronsStephen Conwell James Dean Francis KeatingEdward McNamara Matthew Nelson William Rock Richard Sachse Robert Tracy

Class of 1978Amount: $20,097Members: 239Donors: 42Participation: 18%Participation: 18%Crimson and Gold MembersJohn Crean John Crean Fortes in Unitate MembersThomas Conway Thomas Conway Paul Cramer Paul Cramer Flyer MembersWilliam Scott William Scott

Chaminade Medallion SocietyEdward O’Malley Meribah AssociatesScott Kautz Christopher Keating James McGann Brian Mich William Molinari William Mulry Vincent TriaJames Weis The Century ClubAnonymousMichael Angotti William Camp James Casey John DeFrancisci Thomas DeGennaroRobert Drzewicki John Dudek Terence Hayes Thomas Kiely Charles Kita Richard LePetri Kevin Lorentsen William Mahlan Mark McDonnell Thomas McLoughlin Gregory Preziosi Kenneth Regan Edward Serpe John Wasilewski Ronald Wasson Chaminade PatronsMichael Cianciaruso Douglas Collett Tim Daly Bogner Louis Guzzo James Hart John Henson Timothy Kleczka Douglas Mittler

Class of 1979Amount: $17,075Members: 236Donors: 29Participation: 12%Crimson and Gold MembersJames Herschlein Fortes in Unitate MembersPatrick Sweeny Flyer MembersJames Mercadante Christopher O’Hara John Vissicchio Chaminade Medallion SocietyRobert McCarthy Meribah AssociatesMark BartilucciJohn Bermel Frank DuPont Peter Healy John Hunter Richard Mendler

Michael Paton William Schult The Century ClubThomas Barnett Thomas Cea Richard Ciccarello John McGlynn Wayne Nowland Daniel O’Neill James Welch Chaminade PatronsJohn Harkins Kurt Herbstritt Joseph Higgins W. Michael Kolligs Gregory Maher Steven Mahlan Reno Mastrocola Terence Walsh

Class of 1980Amount: $21,215Members: 219Donors: 27Participation: 12%Crimson and Gold MembersPatrick Donnelly William McLaughlin Fortes in Unitate MembersMichael Gaffney Flyer MembersThomas Suozzi Chaminade Medallion SocietyChristopher Hanley Daniel McNeely Meribah AssociatesJames Carroll Richard Clarkson James Connors Christopher Tully Martin Whelan The Century ClubJames Begley Christopher DiGilio John Forelli Joseph Garcia Thomas Giella Michael Levchuck John Marks A. Anthony Ripani Michael Sullivan Martin Walsh Chaminade PatronsSean Cuddahy Francis GaNun Michael Killea Kevin Lynch Michael McCavera Kevin Penna

Class of 1981Amount: $30,288Members: 253Donors: 36Participation: 14%

Page 23: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


“The last four years passed by in a whirl-wind of studying, home-work and exams. Although I may not remember all of the countries in Africa or the proper way to find the volume of a solid, Chami-nade has taught me many important life lessons. Every club and organization I belonged to developed my God-given talents so that I may, like our Mother Mary, bring Him more fully into the world. Emmaus and the Squires of Columbus directly assisted the needy; Speech and Debate developed my skills as an orator in pro-claiming God’s word, and Latin Club taught about the culture that surrounded Je-sus’ life. Through evenings of recollection, Masses, So-dality meetings and service projects, this community of believers has taught me the importance of forming re-lationships rooted in Christ and the meaning of being Catholic. We are called to serve one another while de-veloping ourselves physical-ly, mentally and spiritually. Chaminade not only teaches academics, but the meaning of family, joy of friendship, importance of Catholicism and love for fellow man. After four rigorous years, it can be said of Chaminade graduates that they have grown ‘in wisdom and age and favor before God

”and favor before God

”and man.’Joseph E. Johnson ’12

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Father Chaminade MembersDaniel Kerning Crimson and Gold MembersGerard Cruse Fortes in Unitate MembersDouglas Cornell Donald Earl Flyer MembersThomas Mulroy Chaminade Medallion SocietyRobert AhlstromMeribah AssociatesRichard DeGregoris Anthony DiSpirito David Fraser Christopher Golinski Gerald Longarzo Donald O’Keefe Dean Pitz The Century ClubChristopher Arnone Daniel Crimmins William Doyle Joseph Gallo Frank Kurre Philip Lusardi Robert Minion Harry Nicholsen Thomas Nussbaum Thomas Sollecito Christopher Spina Richard Stewart Stephen Truono Joseph Vitale Chaminade PatronsMichael Cannon Peter Cantanno Philip Carman James D’Alessandro George Dugan Christopher KuzlerJohn Madigan Christopher McGlynn John Ratkoski

Class of 1982Amount: $44,869Members: 322Members: 322Donors: 66Donors: 66Participation: 21%Fortes in Unitate MembersPaul Aiello J. Drogalis Brian Gardner Roger Goodwin Daniel Landolphi John Massaro Michael McCarthy Flyer MembersJoseph Carney Daniel Friel Christopher McKenna Paul BuckleySteven Servidio Michael Simons

Daniel Zimmon Chaminade Medallion SocietyWilliam Ellsworth Brian Mahon Kevin Sheehan Meribah AssociatesJohn Aicher John Burkart Joseph Cella James Connolly John D’Angelo William Dowling Francis Doyle Kevin Heneghan Stephen Juengst Timothy Krawetz Richard Nessler Ronald Slattery The Century ClubJoseph Bolognino Lawrence Brittan Eugene Capobianco Kenneth Casatuta Michael Chojnacki F. James Claire John Corey Patrick Costigan John Cusano Edward Cushing Neil DeRupo Joseph DuPont Alexander Duschere Brendan Kelly Peter Laches Justin Lenz Brian Maguire Joseph O’Grady Kevin O’Sullivan Kevin Parente Daniel Purschke Robert Renda William Takes Philip Westerman Chaminade PatronsThomas Bowler Robert Boylan Charles Brady James Ferrari Christopher Finegan Robert Hazelton Michael Hegarty Scott Kiley Scott Kiley David Kullman David Kullman Richard Meehan Richard Meehan James Mertz Michael Parrish Joseph Swing

Class of 1983Amount: $12,890Members: 286Donors: 35Participation: 12%Fortes in Unitate MembersMichael McAllister Flyer MembersKenneth Collins Patrick McHugh

Chaminade Medallion SocietyChristopher Durnan Meribah AssociatesMatthew Burke Patrick Cawley John Chirico Patrick Donohue Robert Exler Peter Karle Christopher McGrath Walter Meyers Robert Palmeri Thomas Weiss The Century ClubJohn Bianco John Brennan Joseph Caruso Christopher Dour Peter Fetherston Karl Geercken Patrick Gilmore Michael Grau Peter Klugewicz Andrew Mahony Joseph O’Hara Kevin Traynor Chaminade PatronsKarl Brosky Michael Drennan Edward Feron James Glenister Timothy Kelley Michael Musella Michael Naglieri Thomas Smith Thomas Vogel

Class of 1984Amount: $37,620Members: 308Donors: 48Participation: 16%Crimson and Gold MembersChristopher Horan Thomas Jessop Frank O’Connor Fortes in Unitate MembersScott Feryo Edward Gardner Flyer MembersJohn Elarde Philip Landolphi Alan MacKenzie Joseph Maloney Ernesto Tersigni Chaminade Medallion SocietyPeter Morello Peter Morello Philip Treacy Philip Treacy Meribah AssociatesGerald Ambroise Gerald Ambroise Laurence Cassar Laurence Cassar Anthony DeFranco Anthony DeFranco Edward Kless Edward Kless Christopher Polimeni Christopher Polimeni Robert Schiller Robert Schiller Arthur Zahradnik Arthur Zahradnik

John Zaso The Century ClubLawrence Asaro John Callinan John CollChristopher Devane Michael Duncan William Flannery Patrick Flynn John Jones James Karle Craig Keanna Andrew Kenny John Kevill Philip Laffey Ronald MarcianoMichael Minerva Richard Napolitano Joseph Obermaier Andrew Rhan Kevin Saville John Sorice Arthur Swaine Douglas Thompson Chaminade PatronsAnthony Bennett Stephen Egbert Joseph Galante Fred Grasso Sean O’Malley Thomas Seccia

Class of 1985Amount: $37,900Members: 357Donors: 50Participation: 14%Father ChaminadeMembersChristopher Concannon Crimson and Gold MembersMichael Ehrhart Fortes in Unitate MembersAnthony Spera Flyer MembersMatthew Hodgson Christopher Moran Chaminade Medallion SocietyDaniel Bosshart Peter Danna Anthony Iandoli John Lovisolo Meribah AssociatesRichard Aneser Steven Bolmarcich William Cleary Andrew Darcy Michael Duke Joseph Ferrick John Grandsire Paul Sabini Stephen Thompson The Century ClubDennis Almodovar John Campa Brian Casey Michael Collura

Kevin Cudahy Joseph Curry Joseph DeRose George Dunnery John Finnin John Gillon Gregory Grieco Timothy Johnson Kevin Kelly Edward Largo Colm Magner Kevin Meyers Jason Oliver Thomas Roche Kevin St. Pierre Kevin Sullivan Keith Walsh James Winkler Michael Wrotniak Chaminade PatronsPatrick Brala James Carillo Joseph Cassano Matthew Cornetta Allen Egidio Gregory Eichhorn William Glastal Michael Peano Richard Tucci

Class of 1986Amount: $12,560Members: 329Donors: 33Participation: 10%Fortes in Unitate MembersChristopher Anci Rene Canezin Brian Noonan Chaminade Medallion SocietyBrian Armstrong Joseph Lakis Meribah AssociatesAnthony Mango Alfred Paradiso Thomas Ryan The Century ClubRichard Aitken Kerry Cornils Martin Daly Manuel DeMatos Jeffrey Doss Joseph Dwyer Christopher Hill Sean Lapham Daniel Lehan Christopher McLoughlin Thomas Smith Chaminade PatronsJohn Chavatte Thomas Corso Nicholas Daley Francis DeLuca John Fetherston John Gonzalez Patrick Hines Michael Kelly Ronald Malanowski

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Alumni ParticipationAlumni ParticipationAlumni Participation(in Percentages)(in Percentages)(in Percentages)














’35 ’36 ’37 ’38 ’39 ’40 ’41 ’42 ’43 ’44 ’45 ’46 ’47 ’48 ’49 ’50 ’51 ’52 ’53 ’54 ’55 ’56 ’57 ’58 ’59 ’60 ’61 ’62 ’63 ’64 ’65 ’66 ’67 ’68 ’69 ’70 ’71 ’72 ’73














’74 ’75 ’76 ’77 ’78 ’79 ’80 ’81 ’82 ’83 ’84 ’85 ’86 87 ’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12

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“Chaminade has

affected the way I

live my life.

I have been blessed with a

great education and have

met many great people

during the past four years

whose lessons will continue

to shape the person I be-

come. Each day I am more

proud of my time spent at

Chaminade. It helped me to

excel academically, while

also helping me to develop

into an adult. My classmates

and I were challenged to be

the best men that we could

possibly be. We all knew

what each of us was going

through and this brought us

closer together. Chaminade

has been developing quality

men for many years. With

the continued help of the

staff and generous alumni,

I am confident that this fine

tradition will continue for

many years to come. I will

always be proud to say that

I am a Chaminade alumnus. ”I am a Chaminade alumnus. ”Kevin M. Landolphi ’12

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Stephen Mason Timothy Mohan William Rogel James Saville Brian Stevens

Class of 1987Amount: $69,925Members: 290Donors: 62Participation: 21%Father Chaminade MembersAnonymous Michael Duffy Fortes in Unitate MembersPaul Annunziato James Doyle Anthony Patten Flyer MembersStephen Fealy Matthew Fitzpatrick James Leslie Peter Meyers James Moriarty Roger O’Donnell Christopher Palmer Chaminade Medallion SocietyMark Cirelli Christopher Combs Paul Gallagher John McDonald Robert Philbin Meribah AssociatesPaul Bartilucci Kenneth Coles Kenneth Conrade Louis DeSena Patrick Doyle John Ellwood Kenneth Exler Peter Godfrey Jack Gonzalez Thomas Himmel Donald Lyons Neil Malvone Lawrence Moriarty Daniel Murphy Keith Murphy Anthony Nigro Brian O’Keefe Denis O’Leary Lawrence Petrsoric James Reisert Kenneth Santelli James Scaduto Christopher Spahn The Century ClubMatthew Beh Eric Beste Michael Bjelobrk Vincent Braccia Rev. Thomas Coogan Daniel Franks William Gargan Joseph Glynn Brian Jarmain Donny Lo

Edward McCoyd Michael Moran Michael Mushorn William O’Grady Richard Roslund Brendan Steidle Thomas Wallace Chaminade PatronsThomas Capone William Fife John Grafer Peter McHugh Timothy O’Brien

Class of 1988Amount: $24,625Members: 364Donors: 40Participation: 11%Father Chaminade MembersEdward Perks Fortes in Unitate MembersGregg J. Winiarski Flyer MembersKevin Carney Ralph Romanelli Anthony Scilletti Chaminade Medallion SocietyDavid D’Urso Marcello Porcelli Meribah AssociatesJohn Bennardo Thomas Crimmins Christopher D’Amato John Doherty Andrew McDevitt Robert Miller Patrick Naughton David Zeltmann The Century ClubMichael Borut Ralph Donofrio Keith Doran Robert Driscoll Matthew Fasciano William Faverzani Guerino Frustaci Marco Gonzalez Robert LawlerSean Lynch Thomas McNicholas Brian Morrissey Michael Mule Thomas Mullooly Karl Riesterer Christopher Valeri Chaminade PatronsSean Bennett Andrew Busk Matthew Butler Kevin Donohoe Charles Fisher Joshua Knapp Christopher Ranieri John Trendel Michael Washbourn

Class of 1989Amount: $14,875Members: 289Donors: 40Participation: 14%Fortes in Unitate MembersEdward Smith Flyer MembersJoseph AlduinoChaminade Medallion SocietyJohn BertrandSean Keely Laurence Naughton Meribah AssociatesJeffrey Brown Gregory Dawkins Eric Greiner Marc Lederman John MartinelliWilliam MattisonJonathan Mazzocchi Brian McManus Christopher Molloy Keith Rinn Frank Russo Joseph Sellitto Timothy Sullivan The Century ClubMatthew Camardella Brian Cummings Michael Donnino Michael Flatley Mark Geraldi Michael Librizzi Kevin Malone William Mattison Anthony Scott Mollica Michael O’Grady George Ouellette Peter Porrello James Prendergast Michael Turschmann Jeremy Walsh Chaminade PatronsMatthew Bonner Thomas Cassar Patrick Cooney Steven Martinez Michael Pumillo Frank Repole Christopher Van De Water

Class of 1990Amount: $19,260Members: 282Donors: 43Participation: 15%Crimson and Gold MembersChristopher Allen Flyer MembersPatrick Broderick Brian Knapp Brian Spillane Chaminade Medallion SocietyPatrick Gillespie Joseph Toner

Meribah AssociatesGeoffrey Brady Michael Cippoletti Vincent Gerosa Christopher Lally Gregg Larson Daniel Noonan Timothy Shaw Vinoo Varghese Thomas Walsh The Century ClubDavid Aitken Christopher Calabrese William Carney Thomas Crowley Patrick Devine Richard Dircks Paul Gillen Arthur Hogan Richard Jensen John Jurgensen John Kabacinski Kirk Patrick Kearney John Maher Ryan McGowan Michael Meehan Anthony Perrotti Eric Torykian Marc Voses Christopher Wren Chaminade PatronsThomas Donnelly Brian Ducey Robert Findlay Ernst FlorvilPaul Iannuzzo Philip Marchello Christopher Merlo William Sammon Jonathan Summers

Class of 1991Amount: $12,095Members: 317Donors: 39Participation: 12%Fortes in Unitate MembersThomas M. Healy Chaminade Medallion SocietySean Arnold Christopher Garcia Christopher Garcia James Scire Meribah AssociatesGregory Addeo Gregory Addeo Dom Atteritano Dom Atteritano Jeffrey Boison Jeffrey Boison Matthew Brennan Joseph Carroll Anthony Cedrone Christopher Didden Michael Giuffrida Victor Gonzalez Thomas Healy Brian Kearns Jeremiah O’Brien The Century ClubVincent Agosta Luigi Calleo

Patrick Egan William HebelJoseph LoPiccolo Michael Marmorale Carlo Massaro Christopher Murphy Angelo Pellicone Daniel Robson Michael Ronan Colin Ryan Thomas Schreck Brian Wiese Loris Zeppieri Chaminade PatronsSalvatore Antonacci Anthony Cecere Neal Degnan Albert Domingo Paul Largo James Pisano Christopher Ryan James Tedesco

Class of 1992Amount: $12,030Members: 293Donors: 36Participation: 12%Fortes in Unitate MembersJames Fitzpatrick Chaminade Medallion SocietyPeter McGrane Matthew Spero Erik Sulzbach Meribah AssociatesMichael Alessi Richard HoppenhauerKeith Radonis Andrew Reardon Daniel Rynkar Robert Shannon Eric Stampfel The Century ClubChristopher Albert Francis Argenziano Christopher Chaffee John Gillespie Timothy Glenister Brian Judson Allister Lam Allister Lam Michael McDonough Michael McDonough Christian Meszaros Robert Musso Samuel Provisero John Seybert Darren Sheehan Frank Tedesco Chaminade PatronsEdward Barnaby Thomas Broderick John Broghammer Michael Conaghan Daniel DeBetta Brian Dunphy John Furst Matthew Iandoli

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Denis Lynch Damien Martin Robert Wilkens

Class of 1993Amount: $15,586Members: 294Donors: 34Participation: 12%Fortes in Unitate MembersJames Gavilan Ashok Prasad Flyer MembersNeil Brown Michael Chapple Chaminade Medallion SocietyStephen Burr Sean Glynn Meribah AssociatesDaniel Neumann Daniel Neumann Brendan Ryan Brendan Ryan The Century ClubKeith Barkaus K. Scott Botensten Patrick Chrysler Brian Conroy Kenneth Farrell Peter Gillen Michael Kaspar Brendan Kenny Steven Lee Patrick Minicus Dominick Rossi Edward Tronolone Chaminade PatronsKeith D’AgostinoRyan Halsted

Barry Horne John Kenny

Bradly Ketcher Christopher Klampfer David Kluskiewicz Anthony Lerro Timothy Marlin Kevin O’Brien Christian Schuh Brendan Shevlin Scott Smith Jason Tauches

Class of 1994Amount: $12,162Members: 320Donors: 31Participation: 10%Fortes in Unitate MembersChristopher Wood Joseph Wozny Flyer MembersAnthony Cilmi Anthony Cilmi Meribah AssociatesAlexander Balko Alexander Balko Adam Delligatti Andrew Didora Justin Hester Lawrence Juliano Gregory Kalina Timothy O’Connor William Safarik Anthony Santulin Glenn Turano The Century ClubJohn Beam Brendan Bella John Benazzi John Crowley Patrick Freaney

Ryan Knowles Paul Mamakos Robert Nelson Christopher Salogub Antonio Santos Chaminade PatronsChristopher Boffa William Doherty Mark Doolan Robert Gillon Christopher Jew Michael Minicus Stafford Thomas John Tomecek

Class of 1995Amount: $9,045Members: 317Donors: 34Participation: 11%Flyer MembersChristian Naus Chaminade Medallion SocietyScott Brennan Michael Contino Thomas O’Brien Meribah AssociatesThomas Burke William Connolly Arthur Guerrero Thomas Hogan Daniel Kelsh Charles O’Neill The Century ClubJohn Argenziano Thomas Claro Stephen Conroy Frederick Coppersmith Michael DiOrio Christopher Donnelly Gregory Faje Michael Lobick Vincenzo Lupis Francis Macchio Thomas Marino Frank Palmeri Robert Peresztegi Thomas Ryan Kevin Schuler Chaminade PatronsJ. Robert Cusimano Steven Czak Jason Danisi Christopher Ebe Michael Ferro Michael Gamble Patrick McCluskeyChristopher Melvin Christopher Melvin Daniel Urban Daniel Urban

Class of 1996Amount: $7,914Amount: $7,914Members: 317Members: 317Donors: 30Donors: 30Participation: 9%Participation: 9%Flyer MembersNeil Caverley Neil Caverley

Chaminade Medallion SocietyPeter Skrzypinski Meribah AssociatesFernando DaSilvaPhilip Fontanetta Michael Jansen James Keefe Joseph Leto Robert Reardon Brett Savio The Century ClubChristopher Bellistri Vincent Del-Cid James DiLiberto Kevin Fee James Finley Evandro Gigante Robert Madigan Joseph Minetti Andrew Nick Thomas Osborn William Pricci William Reidy Christopher Theoharis Christopher Totman Chaminade PatronsJohn Abdale Anthony Ciaccio Jason Corso Peter Folan Jason Medina Joseph Mosca Christopher Scimone

Class of 1997Amount: $8,045Members: 309Donors: 41Participation: 13%Fortes in Unitate MembersMorgan O’Brien Meribah AssociatesStephen Behnken Anthony Bianco Brian Craine Stephen D’EliaThomas DouglasCraig Farrell Brendan McCormick Matthew Reynolds The Century ClubAnonymousMichael Carney Kevin Concannon Sean Cronin Matthew Didora Jason Gaudioso Michael Harrison Elias Khalife Paul Lagonigro Christopher Maidhof Richard McLaughlin Brendan Quigley Ron Santopadre Robert Skrzypinski Peter Trentacoste John Zembruski

Chaminade PatronsThomas Beer Michael Brewer Robert Burkavage Robert Corbi Vincent D’Eramo Christopher Fingerhut Frank Florio Patrick Hanratty James Kane Christian Lynch Mark Molloy John Pennacchio Christopher Plasencia Alexander Rowley James Tallarico Glenn Thompson

Class of 1998Amount: $14,491Members: 328Donors: 29Participation: 9%Crimson and Gold MembersMichael Aversano Fortes in Unitate MembersAndrew Cherry Flyer MembersGregory Baecher Meribah AssociatesFr. Christopher CostiganMichael Fontanetta Jonathan Imundo Michael Mancuso Antoine Munfa Kevin Nolan Brian Ronan The Century ClubJohn Buechler Brian Carroll Vincent DeOrchis Thomas Desmond Joseph Filacanevo Patrick Finley Jeffrey Jardine Brendan Mahoney Brendan McShane Raymond PiacentiniChaminade PatronsRobert Burke Ryan Callahan Michael Corrado Gerald Donaghy Robert Hotarek Brendan Lentz Gregory Lloyd Kevin Minicus Joseph Tomasello

Class of 1999Amount: $18,360Members: 386Donors: 43Participation: 11%Crimson and Gold MembersCalvin Sullivan

Torch FundParticipation

Top Ten Classes with MoreThan 200 Members





















Torch FundParticipation

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Fortes in Unitate MembersBrian Hayes Flyer MembersJoseph Pollaci Robert Sica Meribah AssociatesNicholas Conway Timothy Kelly John McKenna John O’Brien The Century ClubMichael Burke Peter Cifichiello Peter Cisario David DiPietro Timothy Fronda Matthew Groh William Harrison John Higgins Michael Hirschfield Shaun McGowan Philip Murawski Andrew O’Brien Daniel Parente Christopher Russo Andrew Simons Douglas Taggart Chaminade PatronsMichael Butler Andrew Cameron Frederick Corsentino Adam Daley Jonathan Hicks Justin Hughes Lee Imbriano Winston Irving Atul Kamath Timothy LaMere Joseph Mastrocovi Shane McEvoy William McGarry Ralph Milillo Richard Peters Thomas Portuese Paul Rios Randall Sigmund Christopher Ueland

Class of 2000Amount: $9,412Members: 382Donors: 40Participation: 10%Chaminade Medallion SocietyAnonymousAndrew Benazzi Christopher Curtin Kyle Haug Christopher Haunss Meribah AssociatesDomenic Cervoni Ryan McDonnell Joseph Mulhall John-Paul Munfa Justin Paul Michael Roper

The Century ClubCharles Bartels Timothy Casale Ralph De Biasi David Delaney David Fisher Benjamin Klimkowski Kevin Maher Mario Matulich Patrick O’Hara Timothy Reynolds Matthew Rogers Matthew Todaro James Trani Marcus Weisgerber Chaminade PatronsChristopher Adams Justin Adams Christopher Arzberger Corey Blay Daniel Cheron Anthony Contardo Daniel Conway Richard Coppola Peter Corrado Theodore Florio Gerard Hinton John Morley Michael Nigro Edward Ra Jonathan Van Dina

Class of 2001Amount: $5,730Members: 336Donors: 20Participation: 6%Flyer MembersChristopher Amico Brendan McCarthy Chris Neamonitis The Century ClubAndrew Lemonda Paul McDonald Daniel Rober Ryan Short Kevin Shortt Robert Wauters Chaminade PatronsJames Cardo Jason Clark Stephen Dietrich Joseph Garbitelli Joseph Gillooly Jason Harkinish Michael Kuehnlenz Robert McKeon Justin Otto Andrew SampsonDaniel Yetman

Class of 2002Amount: $11,340Members: 370Donors: 66Participation: 18%Fortes in Unitate MembersPeter Cavaliere

Chaminade Medallion SocietyPatrick Hart John Koehler Christopher Padilla Meribah AssociatesVincent Contino Christopher Erikson David Long Marc Munfa James O’Brien The Century ClubStephen Alicanti Timothy Blair Stephen Bonventre Michael Coppola Michael DiBari Joseph Dickey Jonathan Etheart Brian Gemino Edward Gruska Robert Howard James Kushner Royce Liu Michael Lucchesi Glenn McGowan James Minogue John Murray Charles Nerko James O’Brien Lawrence Papola III Matthew Porcelli Michael Preis Stephen Raab Garrett Raynis Frank Sciame Albert Silvestri Robert Von Hagen Daniel Zenker Chaminade PatronsMichael Alcide William Ares Domenic Bonavitacola Richard Budinich Thomas Caniano Michael Casil Craig Cooper Michael Corigliano Justin Dalia Gregory Dann Robert Domingo Paul-Michel Dossous Andrew Fingerhut Joseph Gallagher Mark Giugliano Dennis Grady Louis Imbroto Matthew Lupo Michael Mariani Steven Penaro Manuel Prieto Mark Rossano Gregory Saporita Christopher Sigmund Christopher Sigmund Ryan Silva Ryan Tigh Daniel Torres John Vaccaro

Christopher Virga Joseph Wasniewski

Class of 2003Amount: $6,453Members: 370Donors: 35Participation: 9%Flyer MembersAnonymous Meribah AssociatesMichael Brady John Cosgrove Victor Galgano Gregory Gallagher Christopher JonasThe Century ClubPatrick Bowe Vincent Clarke Matthew Curtin Paul D’Elia Brendan Doherty Christopher Duni James Figliozzi Daniel Graham Joseph Marrin Daniel Nawrocki Nicholas Russo Jason Salerno Stephen Sameroff John Schneider Robert Schwalb Thomas Scida Chaminade PatronsNicholas Contardo Brian Cox David Daddario William Dong James Dunphy Robert FaderlChristopher Jacques Craig Kavanagh Stephen Lippolis Michael Manzo Donald Morrison Brendan O’Kane Michael Colin Verbesey

Class of 2004Amount: $3,380Members: 385Donors: 37Participation: 10%Participation: 10%Chaminade Medallion SocietyChristopher Roemer Christopher Roemer Meribah AssociatesJoseph Williams The Century ClubDaniel D’Agnes Louis DeLeoJohn Ewen John Giacinto Richard Klimkowski Thomas Matesich Charles Mathes Douglas Montegari Keith Morris Robert O’Keefe

John Reedy Thomas Salogub Jonathan Smith Chaminade PatronsAnthony Bagnuola John Bencina Andrew Borello Christopher Bouriat Michael Brosnan Kevin Colby Christopher DiCicco Stephen Ferrante Colin Jones Patrick Kemp Robert LaPolla James LaPorta Anthony Lupis Ryan McMahon Colin McSherry Michael Morrisey Thomas Paresi Matthew Pewarski Gregory Pranzo Sean Quigley Andrew Soucheck John Stellakis

Class of 2005Amount: $2,755Members: 401Donors: 23Participation: 6%Chaminade Medallion SocietyRichard Sgalardi Meribah AssociatesVincent Fressle The Century ClubLawrence Bamberger John Koch Conor McDonald Kyle Mitchell Timothy Raab Robert Renda Michael Sloan Andrew Turner James Zenker Chaminade PatronsMatthew Alcide Christopher Carney Francesco DeDomenico William Finn William Finn Luke Judge Brian Koralewski Michael Lauterborn John McQuade Graham Otton Christopher Pipala Patrick Salvo Thomas Steinert

Class of 2006Amount: $4,350Members: 386Donors: 39Participation: 10%Crimson and Gold MembersColin Tuffy

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“Meribah AssociatesBrian Allen Daniel Roemer The Century ClubJoseph Caciola Steven Dalton Robert Gerner Nicholas Giacone Kevin Miraval Timothy Reilly John Sluker Austen Soller Chaminade PatronsGeorge Arnold Peter Ciullo Kevin Cronauer Anthony DeLuca Michael DeMarco Christopher Durr Ronald Eichhorn Robert Frawley James Garrity Christopher Hayden Daniel Howard Joseph Incalcaterra Nicholas Kantor Michael Langowski Joseph Lynch Matthew Markham Joseph Meares Scott Melamed John-Thomas Milone John Papa Robert Patronaggio Daniel Penaro Thomas Raynor Corey Sheeron Pascal Spagna Jeffrey Stanis Christopher Todd Glenn Werneburg

Class of 2007Amount: $4,836Members: 367Donors: 72Participation: 20%Meribah AssociatesMichael Fee Robert Walters The Century ClubRobert Anders Robert Anders Ralph Bianculli Ralph Bianculli Thomas Durante Michael Duranti Andrew Esposito Hector Florimon Brian Gaffney Thomas Mansfield Matthew Morrisey Justin Pineo Alexander Renker Daniel Salogub Conor Sheehy Brian Smith Steven Spagnuolo Terrence Sweeney Chaminade PatronsAndrew Arning

Andrew Beinert Conor Blanco Peter Bortolussi Thomas Brennan Daniel Bruen Michael Butler Nicholas Capogna Robert Caruso Christopher Cassata Pasquale Cestaro Marc Cira Gregory Coutu Vincent Davino Daniel Dempsey Francis Emanuele Alex Ferrera Christopher Fisher Michael Folan Stephen Gallagher Michael Gentile Kevin Grignoli Frank Heller Brian Horner Cory Howard Nicholas Jandovitz Kristopher Kalibat Eric Kavanagh Ryan Kelly James Lindsay Matthew Madacsi Michael Manasia Joseph Mazzola Ryan McDermott Sean McGonigle Timothy McKeon Conner McMahon Kenneth Miller Ryan O’Brien Robert O’ConnellMichael Padovano Kevin Patterson Daniel Pearles Thomas Pojero James Rizzi Frederick Schoenhut Richard Semenick Matthew Serkes Daniel Sweeney Kevin Taylor Patrick Tulley Matthew Wierzel Ronald Wilcox Ronald Wilcox Robert Zellner Robert Zellner

Class of 2008Amount: $2,595Members: 397Donors: 76Participation: 19%Meribah AssociatesDaniel Agostinacchio The Century ClubJoseph Bellesheim Anthony Capobianco Michael Cascione David Golon Kendall McCaffrey Richard Mole Christopher Russo

Ryan UrkielChaminade PatronsKevin Allen David Alvarez Mark Bader Kyle Blanco Matthew Boruch Robert Cabo Kenneth Caccavale Michael Calceglia Conor Callahan Michael Campbell Nugent Cantileno Matthiessen Condy Ryan Conway Stephen Conwell William Coughlin Wayne Cox Patrick Curtin Alexander Delgado Kevin Downey Brendan Duff Ryan Feltham Peter Gallo John Gamber Victor Garcia Patrick Gillespie Matthew Goldstein Dennis Grabowski Louis Guida John Hamilton Brian Hettrich Bradley Johnson Matthew Johnson James Joyce Brian Kalaf Thomas Knychalski Roger Koche Alex Lambert Gerald Levano Vincent Lovaglio Erickson Maala Stephen Magli Enrico Manetta Andrew Mantione Ryan McDonald Evan McKenna Michael Mottola Christopher Murphy James Murphy James Murtha Luke Nawrocki Gavin Nugent Thomas O’Hanlon Richard O’Hara Michael Osorio John Potapchuk Andrew Proto Stephen Puntillo Thomas Quinn Thomas Quinn John Regan John Regan Mathias Roberts Mathias Roberts Brian Rochford Brian Rochford Giovanni Santoro Giovanni Santoro Joseph Sgalardi Joseph Sgalardi Daniel Summers Daniel Summers Anthony Virey Anthony Virey Ryan Walsh Ryan Walsh Jonathan Williams Jonathan Williams

Class of 2009Amount: $2,405Members: 374Donors: 72Participation: 19%The Century ClubThomas Arning Christopher Bruno Carl Caputo Joseph Falanga Ryan Higgins Kevin Kelly Kyle Textor Chaminade PatronsRichard Adrian Brian Anderle Steven Arning James Buser Joseph Carnazza Stephen Chmil Thomas Ciavarella Michael Cochran Joseph Cordi Michael D’Agostino John DiMino Christopher Dooley Ryan Duff Nicolas Figliozzi Michael Gamber Matthew Gentile Joseph Gucciardo John Hannan Brendan Harrington Jon Heller Matthew Herschlein John Imbornoni Michael Jandovitz Matthew Johns Sean Johnson William King Ryan Krebs Joseph LaCorte Jeffrey Larocca Gregory Lauritano Mario Lipari Vincent Marchetta John Mayberger Connor McDermott Robert McEntee Kevin McGowan Ryan McIntyre Thomas McKeever Richard Meares Bernard Moore Alexandros Nicolelis John O’Connell Madison O’Connor Ross Pearlman Michael Pinto Anthony Posillico Michael Prate Michael Pucci Kellen Rice Travis Rochon Michael Romano Brandon Saldana Michael Salogub Peter Sarian Frank Serravalli

Michael Stepniewski Michael Strandberg John Sullivan Joseph Teitz Adam TotterPatrick Van Dyke Joseph Vanderberg James Vessa Alexander Ward Christopher Wilhelm

Class of 2010Amount: $1,960Members: 402Donors: 69Participation: 17%The Century ClubRobert Crimmins III Gregory Gerner Daniel Halleran Joseph Ruescher Chaminade PatronsCody Abbey Michael Alas Douglas Allen Francis Arland Lukas Bentel John Camperlengo Alexander Capogna Louis Carbone John Castro Ryan Castro Joseph Crapotta Robert Demmett Jonathan Derlath Gregory Dick Thomas Elder Robert Flood Anthony Fradella Nicholas Franzini Michael Galzerano Maxwell Gentile Demetrios Giakoumis Bryan Gitto Sean Hardick William Himler Brian Hoffman John Hunter Andrew James Brian Joyce Francis KeatingRobert Keating Peter Kechejian Andrew Koche Conor Kutner Michael LaGumina Justin LaMarca Timothy Liddy J. Andre Lobato Nicholas Manetta Frank Marciari Glenn McKenna John Mohrmann Thomas Morgan Anthony Nania Andrew Napolitano Sean O’Hara Vincent Pagnotta Stephen Palazzolo

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“Chaminade was one of the most meaningful experiences of my life and it formed me into the person I am today. When I began freshman year, I was hesitant to be going to a new school, but over time that fear turned into appre-ciation and love for Chami-nade. There are so many things about Chaminade that make it a special place, but the most important thing is the people. Marian-ist Brothers, lay teachers and faculty and staff shape and mold students into Chaminade men. When I went to Chaminade, they were not just teachers and role models, but friends as well. My two favorite experiences were World Youth Day (WYD) and the senior trip to Disney World. WYD was really the turning point for me - up to then I had been having a “good” experience in high school, but after that, my experi-ence became a “great” one. WYD gave me a greater appreciation for Chaminade, as well as some of my best friends. The Disney trip was an incredibly fun experi-ence that we were able to enjoy together. Chaminade taught me to be a better person, act more for others than myself, work hard, face challenges and be pre-pared for anything. If given the choice four years ago knowing what I know today, would I choose Chaminade ”would I choose Chaminade ”again? Absolutely. Maxwell J. Mendez ’12

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Thomas Palumbo Scott Patterson Trevor Pirro Daniel Pojero Timothy Quinn Kevin Rochford Jesse Salvo Robert ScadutoPasquale Stano James Starkie Kevin Sutcliffe Luke Suydam Francis Taylor Thomas Terrill Rocco Tomassetti Daniel Wallace Patrick Walsh Tyler White

Class of 2011Amount: $2,765Members: 433Donors: 105Participation: 24%Meribah AssociatesJohn Halloran The Century ClubMatthew Bellesheim Richard BerottiDonald McCabeJohn Reali John Reali Adam Schmidt Adam Schmidt Chaminade PatronsMichael Ali Jason Alves Nicholas Amster Stephen Antaki Ryan Arning Richard Barakat David Birkdale Daniel Breen Torrence Browne Robert Buetti John Buonocore Ryan Buser Richard Callahan Richard Canter John Capano

Nicholas Capozzi Joseph Cimmino Timothy Cole Kevin Connors Brandon Craig Kevin Cruse Salvatore Curasi Kevin Daley Alexander DeMarchena David Diaz Kevin Donohue Joseph Esposito Douglas Etts Stephen Falzone Thomas Fasano Nicholas Ferreiro Richard Fischer Mark Gianfalla Thomas Gil Terence Greene Eric Grein Bryan Griffith Zachary Grossfeld Antonio Guzman Harold Hadlock Alexander Halikias Daniel Haslbauer Eric Haslbauer Gilbert Hegermiller Christian Hensen Michael Hirschberger Michael Hirschberger Christian Holloway Christian Holloway Ryan Hopke Ryan Hopke Joseph Jablonski Joseph Jablonski Christophe Juul-Nielsen Christophe Juul-Nielsen Robert Kuehn John Lampasi Ryan Lee Thomas Lukacovic Andrew Mack John Magovern William McArdle Michael McDade Casey McGinley Patrick McGonigle Connor McGrath Conor McQuade Daniel Michel

James Milano Kevin Miller Andrew Minarik Brendan Mulligan Connor Murphy Michael Murphy Joseph Nardi Brian O’Connor Daniel Pinto Spencer Powers Conor Proce Robert Raffaele Kenneth Ritchie Christopher Rizzo Griffith Rogan Bryan Rogers Kieran Rogers Thomas Roulis John Ruhl Owen Schroeder James Schuster Kevin Seger Kevin Sheehy William Slattery Matthew Smith Thomas Smithwick Michael Starsia Richard Stewart Daniel Stracquadanio Michael Todd Anthony Tripodoro Nicholas Troetti Robert Verrone Nicholas Walborn Michael Walsh Gerald Weaver

Class of 2012Amount: $5,605Amount: $5,605Members: 415Members: 415Donors: 286Donors: 286Participation: 69%Participation: 69%Chaminade PatronsChristopher Agnone Christopher Agnone James Agolia James Agolia Brendan Ahern Brendan Ahern Nicholas Amendolara Nicholas Amendolara John Anderson John Anderson

Daniel Annino Andrei Antchoutine Alexander Aquino Christian Aral John Atkinson Kyle Bailey Connor Baker Andrew Bardales Michael Barnes Peter Barry Ryan Beil Joseph Bello Nikolas Bentel Maximilian Berdel Christopher Berkery Ryan Bolowsky Robert Bonelli Ryan Bonomi Michael Boyce Matthew Boziwick Melvin Bracamonte George Brandt James Breen Andrew Brooks Dennis Brower Christopher Brown Joseph Bucaria Eric Burke Stephen Cacace Jonathan Caciola Ryan Callahan John Capobianco Brendan Carman James Cason Jr. Christian CastilloThomas Caulfield Alex Chapey Lefko Charalambous Pearce Chianese Peter Ciuffo Daniel Cochrane Matthew Colton Michael Conroy Nicholas Coppola Christopher Cordi John Corry Kyle Cronauer James Curtin Michael Dean Richard DeGregorisDylan Dekanchuk Frank DeLeo Ryan Deller Richard DeMarco John Desepoli Nicholas DeSimone Anthony DeVictoria John DiCarlo Christopher Diglio Jared Dockswell Brian Doherty Matthew Donohue Daniel Donovan Brian Dougherty Mark Downey Brendan Doyle Kyle J. Duffy Kyle M. Duffy Stephen Erickson

Ian Faria Patrick Farrell Andrew Fenn Joseph Ferencik Aaron Fernandez James Ferrara Michael Ferris Stephen Filocoma Matthew Fiore Stephen Fischer Anthony Franzini Connor Friel Edward Fronckwicz Andrew Furlong John Gallego George Giakoumis Christian Gigante Ian Gillan Patrick Gilvary Ryan Glass Eugene Gonzalez Donovan Goode Bryan Grilli Akash Gupte Kevin Haff Sean Hanley Sean Hannan Brian Hardick Sean Hardiman Brent Harrison Andrew Healy Matthew Heneghan Daniel Henne Zachary Hieb Neil Hiler Kyle Irwin Victor Iwaszko Steven Jankowski John Jeavons Bryan Jeffrey Brian Johnke Joseph Johnson Robert Johnson Kevin F. Joyce Kevin M. Joyce Christopher Junker Connor Keefe Patrick Keeler Dillon Kelly Jake Kerrigan Matthew Keys Sean Kiley Seamus Kirk Michael Klaum Timothy Klotsche Jeremy Knap Luke Koskovolis Andreas Krauland Andrew La Greca Paul LaGumina Kevin Landolphi John Langan Jake Lapidus Brian Lavallee Matthew Leary Spencer Leigh Erick Lemoine Vincent Lettieri Joseph Lilli

From left, Andre Monteleone ’15, Brendan Rorke ’13, Rony Moozhayil ’15 (seated), Matthew Modelewiski ’15, Nicholas Marchiselli ’12 and Andrew Mohacsi ’15 (far back) during 3-C week.

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John Lindgren John Lindgren Frank Lisboa Frank Lisboa Filipe Lobato Filipe Lobato Erik Lobben Erik Lobben Christopher LoGrippo Christopher LoGrippo Angelo LoRusso Angelo LoRusso Thomas Lynch Thomas Lynch Patrick Lyons Patrick Lyons Justin Maietta Justin Maietta Michael Mancini Michael Mancini Nicholas Mancuso Nicholas Mancuso Thomas Manfre Thomas Manfre Nicholas Marchiselli Nicholas Marchiselli Michael Marciano Michael Marciano William Marengo William Marengo Nicholas Marino Nicholas Marino Jonathan Maroutsis Jonathan Maroutsis Brian Marzo Brian Marzo Domenick Mazza Domenick Mazza Christopher Mazzeo Christopher Mazzeo Robert Mazziotti Robert Mazziotti Christopher McCaffery Christopher McCaffery Daniel McCarthy Daniel McCarthy Michael McClatchey Michael McClatchey William McCullagh William McCullagh Patrick McGovern Patrick McGovern Terence McGovern Terence McGovern Michael McLaughlin Michael McLaughlin Matthew McMahon Matthew McMahon Patrick McNamara Patrick McNamara Sean McVeigh Sean McVeigh John Meehan John Meehan Michael Mehary Michael Mehary Jonathan Mendes Jonathan Mendes Maxwell Mendez Maxwell Mendez Austin Menger Austin Menger David Milo David Milo Luke Minardi Luke Minardi Gregory Mongan Gregory Mongan Kevin Morris Kevin Morris Jack Mueger Jack Mueger Daniel Muller Daniel Muller David Mulry David Mulry Patrick Murphy Patrick Murphy Thomas Napolitano Thomas Napolitano Patrick Nuzzolese Patrick Nuzzolese Daniel O’Connell Daniel O’Connell Timothy O’Connor Timothy O’Connor Thomas Ollen Thomas Ollen William Oprea William Oprea Nicholas Orefici Nicholas Orefici Denis O’Regan Denis O’Regan Robert Oxer Robert Oxer Kevin Padilla Kevin Padilla Jake Palmer Jake Palmer Anthony Parisi Anthony Parisi Matthew Parker Matthew Parker Roger Parrino Roger Parrino Kevin Pash Kevin Pash John Pehnke John Pehnke Sean Pellman Sean Pellman Alex Petrillo Alex Petrillo Shawn Philip Shawn Philip Patrick Pilch Patrick Pilch Jake Pisani Jake Pisani Richard Podpirka Richard Podpirka Brian Porter Brian Porter Brian Potapchuk Brian Potapchuk Matthew Powers Matthew Powers John Preputnik John Preputnik

Kieran Proper Domenick Pugliese Christopher Quigley Kevin Rayappa Matthew Regan Thomas Regan Shane Reilly Ryan Ricciardelli Kyle Roach Truxtun Roethel Daniel Romeo William Romeo John Rooney Brendan Rorke Giancarlo Roselli Matthew Rudolph Michael Rufrano Carl Russo Matthew Russo Nicholas Sachs Christopher Sagan Ryan Sakowich Richard Salmon Anthony Salvi Ian Scala John Schlapp George Schmitz Christopher Schneider Roman Schuster Patrick Sears Richard Seery Ryan Semple Paul Sferrazza Andrew Simone Conor Simons Brian Sluka Jack Sommese Kevin Sowkey Nicholas Spessot Thomas Staib Nicholas Steffen Jake Stephen Charles Stiene Erik Stokum Steven Stratford Thomas Sweeney Ryan Taggart James ThomasEdward Tigh Andreá Torto Eric Tsiolas Alec Twibell Kelvin Urena Vincent Valenza Alexander Vasile Joseph Vella Christopher Ventura Philip Villani James Volpe Brian Walsh Ryan Walsh Zachary Walter Robert Weir Joshua Weldon Eric Werneburg Iain Whalen Joseph Wilhelm John Williams Justin Winkler Matthew Wodicka

James Wolf Andrew Zimmerly Thomas Zwilling

Parents 2012Father Chaminade MembersMr. & Mrs. Douglas Chapey Mr. & Mrs. Richard Podpirka Flyer MembersMr. & Mrs. Patrick Curtin Mr. & Mrs. Edward FarrellChaminade Medallion SocietyMr. & Mrs. Louis Koskovolis Mr. Thomas Mazziotti Mr. & Mrs. John McCormack Mr. & Mrs. Louis Milo Mr. & Mrs. John Potapchuk Meribah AssociatesMs. Lita Carballeira Mr. & Mrs. Candido Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. William

Fotheringham Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Krauland Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Marzo Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Mulry Mr. & Mrs. Robert Napolitano Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Scott Schneider The Century ClubMr. & Mrs. Nickolas

Amendolara Mr. & Mrs. John Bello Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Terrance Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Caciola Mr. & Mrs. Christopher

Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Bart CoppolaMr. & Mrs. Joseph Cordi Mr. & Mrs. James Gibson Mr. & Mrs. James Graham Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jonas Mr. & Mrs. James Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kaeck Mr. & Mrs. Robert Keys Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Mazzeo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mueger Mr. & Mrs. Brian Nicholas Mr. & Mrs. Kasthuriraj

Rayappa Mr. & Mrs. Michael Salvi Mr. & Mrs. John Schlapp Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Staib Mr. & Mrs. John Troy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vasile Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weintraub Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Werneburg Mr. & Mrs. Gary Winkler Mr. & Mrs. Gary Winkler Chaminade PatronsMr. & Mrs. Brooke Bonomi Mr. & Mrs. Brooke Bonomi Mr. & Mrs. William Casey Mr. & Mrs. William Casey Mr. & Mrs. John Connelly Mr. & Mrs. John Connelly Mr. & Mrs. John Curry Mr. & Mrs. John Curry Mr. & Mrs. Liborio Gigante Mr. & Mrs. Liborio Gigante Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Mark Klaum Mr. & Mrs. Mark Klaum Mr. & Mrs. Frank LaGumina Mr. & Mrs. Frank LaGumina

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lettieri Mrs. Theresa Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Edward Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pash Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Pilch Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Regan Mr. & Mrs. Abraham Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Terence Twibell

Parents 2013Crimson and Gold MembersMr. & Mrs. Kevin Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Richard Smith Fortes in UnitateMembersMr. & Mrs. Robert Arning Mr. & Mrs. John Broderick Mr. & Mrs. Steven Cortese Mr. & Mrs. John Fives Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Mink Mr. & Mrs. Charles TrunzFlyer MembersDr. Susan Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Richard Trabulsi Dr. and Mrs. Mario Vezza Chaminade Medallion SocietyMr. & Mrs. Timothy Burke Mr. & Mrs. Edward Flood Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gitto Mr. & Mrs. Michael Grossfeld Dr. & Mrs. Louis Guida Mr. & Mrs. Paul McHugh Mr. & Mrs.

George Salter

Dr. Nicholas Sgaglione

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Shea

Mr. & Mrs. JosephVani

MeribahAssociatesMr. & Mrs.

Charles Anatra

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Brave

Mr. & Mrs.Gregory Gregory DeVerna DeVerna

Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. JohnMcKay

Mr. & Mrs. Robert O’Callaghan

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pagano

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Patterson Mr. & Mrs. John Platt Mrs. Eileen Sino Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sorge The Century ClubMr. & Mrs. David Blum

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Boccia Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Bostrom Mr. & Mrs. Terence Cashin Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Chiarelli Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Clarke Ms. Linda Cuozzo Mr. & Mrs. Keith DeMarcoMr. & Mrs. Charles DiLorenzo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DoughertyMr. & Mrs. Dennis DrennanMrs. Angela Dunne Mr. & Mrs. Martial Elie-Pierre Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fazzolari Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Fazzolari Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Kieran Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fullerton Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Gallic Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hlavenka Mr. & Mrs. John Imbornoni Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Ines Mr. & Mrs. Adam Joesten Mr. & Mrs. Philip Kelleher Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Lettieri Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Liguori Mr. & Mrs. Joseph

Loeschinger Mr. & Dr. Ronald Manzi Mr. & Mrs. James Mattutat Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCabe Mrs. April Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mladinov Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. John Oddo

Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Hara Mrs. Veronica Philippides Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pohanka Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Prevete Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Reis Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Rogers Mr. & Mrs. David Romero

Chris Bumbaca ’13 (left) and Matt Simons ’13 (right), entertain a resident of Queen of Peace at the annual Junior/Senior Prom.

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“Chaminade High School

is a place where boys

become men through

hard work and practicing

their faith. The work load

is far from easy but neces-

sary in being prepared for

higher education. I learned

a lot from Chaminade and

not all of it was done in

the classroom. I learned

to give back not just with

money but with my time

and hands. All four years

I traveled to New Orleans

during winter break to help

rebuild homes destroyed by

Hurricane Katrina. I learned

it’s important to take a role

in my community and that

leadership matters; I’m a

volunteer firefighter. Now

as an alumnus, I know how

important it is to give back

to Chaminade so that the

current students and future

alumni can be afforded the

same opportunities and

support that I had.

Luke D. Minardi ’12

Page 35: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


Mr. & Mrs. MichaelRuppenthal

Mr. & Mrs. George Samiou Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scully Mr. & Mrs. Leo Silbert Mr. & Mrs. James Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tritto Mr. & Mrs. Sean Umhafer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Eamon Ward Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Zenker Chaminade PatronsMr. & Mrs. Eric Bauman Mr. & Mrs. William Birkdale Mr. & Mrs. F. Scott Carrigan Mr. & Mrs. Richard DeStasioMr. & Mrs. Daniel HeffernanMr. & Mrs. Kevin Kelleher Mr. & Mrs. John Leva Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McBride Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Kieran O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. John O’ConnellMr. & Mrs. James Philbin Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rooney Mr. & Mrs. Omar Sharafeddin Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Skitmore Mr. & Mrs. William Vincent Mr. Thomas Weiss

Parents 2014Crimson and Gold MembersMr. & Mrs. Chad Allen Mr. & Dr. Timothy Cole Fortes in Unitate MembersDrs. Joseph & Mary Bonafede Mr. & Mrs. John CatalanoMr. & Mrs. Michael Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Mahler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Matesich Mr. & Mrs. John Stamm Mr. & Mrs. John Umland Flyer MembersMr. & Mrs. Robert

Fitzsimmons Mr. & Mrs. August Nunziata Mr. & Mrs. Robert Speranza Mr. & Mrs. John Uehlinger Mr. & Mrs. Michael Van Praag Dr. & Mrs. John Vullo Chaminade Medallion SocietyMr. & Mrs. Francesco Clara Mr. & Mrs. Michael Desautels Mr. & Mrs. Peter Figliozzi Mrs. Kathleen Goldin Drs. Dimitri & Lisa Kessaris Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kilmeade Mr. & Mrs. Michael Moriarty Meribah AssociatesMr. & Mrs. John Barkaus Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cahill Mrs. Stephanie Corvino Mr. & Mrs. Gil Cosenza Mr. & Mrs. Mark David Mr. & Mrs. John Fazio

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Garry Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Gering Mr. & Mrs. Roger Grothmann Mr. & Mrs. George Halvatzis Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hand Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Isola Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Lozada Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Manning Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Niles Mr. & Mrs. James Page Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Peck Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Porrazzo Mr. & Mrs. John Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Roberts The Century ClubMr. & Mrs. David Alonso Mr. & Mrs. Donal Barry Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Borrelli Mr. & Mrs. Augustus Bourke Mr. & Mrs. Donald Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Richard Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cerrone Mr. & Mrs. Mark Charbonneau Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Christman Mr. & Mrs. Francesco

Cipollone Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Coppola Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Curcie Mr. & Mrs. Mark Curcio Mr. & Mrs. William DiConza Mr. Steven DiGiorgi Mr. & Mrs. David Ekstrom Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Ellsworth Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Fitzpatrick Dr. & Mrs. David Forlano Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fulco Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gentile Mr. & Mrs. Richard Golle Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gribbon Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hirsch Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Holland Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kasprzak Mr. & Mrs. John Kerge Dr. & Mrs. John Labiak Mr. & Mrs. John LivelyMr. & Mrs. Robert Lynch Mr. & Mrs. James Marchetta Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mikulus Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Neville Mr. & Mrs. Martin Picone Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Preziosi Mr. & Mrs. David Reuter Mr. & Mrs. George Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rochford Mr. & Mrs. Hernan Serrano Mr. & Mrs. John Shelley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sirna Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sloan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sokol Mr. & Mrs. Richard Spinelli Mr. & Mrs. David Stack Mr. & Mrs. George

Stamboulidis Mr. & Mrs. Demos Stefanou Mr. & Mrs. Brian Terry Mr. & Mrs. Alfred TricaricoMr. & Mrs. Isaac Tubbs

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Waldron

Mr. & Mrs. John Wein Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Widmer Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wiegand Chaminade PatronsMr. & Mrs. Robert Bartels Mr. & Mrs. Steven Carlucci Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Casillo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cecora Mr. & Mrs. Brian Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fucci Mr. & Mrs. David Graffagnino Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hayes Mrs. Liana Ljubicich Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Pederson Mr. & Mrs. John Sweeney

Parents 2015Bro. Louis Faerber LeadersMr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pitch Crimson and Gold MembersMr. & Mrs. John CashwellMr. & Mrs. Michael O’Hare Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sommers Fortes in Unitate MembersMr. & Mrs. Gregory Dean Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mattone Mr. & Mrs. Louis Pillari Flyer MembersMr. & Mrs. Peter Cosola Mr. & Mrs. Robert Doodian Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kasparian Dr. & Mrs. Ronald LoPinto Mr. & Mrs. Neil McGoldrick Mrs. Donna Mills Chaminade Medallion SocietyMr. & Mrs. Gerard Messina Mr. & Mrs. George Olvany Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Seibert Mr. & Mrs. Vito Ugenti Meribah AssociatesMr. & Mrs. Joseph Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brunetti Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cannova Mr. & Mrs. David Capodanno Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cavallaro Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Brenden Crowe Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Droesch Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gage Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Gunther Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jusas Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. John Katimaris Mr. & Mrs. John Katimaris Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kosina Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kosina Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Muto Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Muto Mr. & Mrs. David Scaramucci Mr. & Mrs. David Scaramucci Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stallone Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stallone Dr. & Mrs. Edward Timmins Dr. & Mrs. Edward Timmins Mr. & Mrs. George Wilson Mr. & Mrs. George Wilson The Century ClubMr. & Mrs. Harold Adamo Mr. & Mrs. Harold Adamo Mr. & Mrs. Michael Adipietro Mr. & Mrs. Michael Adipietro

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Alter Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Bandini Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bianco Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Born Mr. & Mrs. Anthony

Capobianco Mr. & Mrs. Doric Capsis Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Carfora Mr. & Mrs. Brian Carlstrom Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Cataldo Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Cebulski Mr. & Mrs. Paul Conway Mr. & Mrs. John Crowe Mr. & Mrs. John Dehler Mr. & Mrs. Louis DeRicco Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Fradella Mrs. Divina Gajitos Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Gannon Mr. & Mrs. Michael GerbasiMr. & Mrs. Philip Gray Mr. & Mrs. Robert Haynie Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hoonhout Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hynes Mr. & Mrs. David Jaskolski Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kalmus Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly Mr. & Mrs. John Krim Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Mangan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Robert Merino Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Morley Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Murtagh Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Natale Mrs. Donna Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Peter Noyes Mr. & Mrs. Edward O’Connell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Petrouskie Mr. & Mrs. Desmond Powell Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Powers Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ruth Ms. Cindy Shelley Mr. & Mrs. John Staib Mr. & Mrs. Walter Stocklin Mr. & Mrs. Michael Varrone Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Wergiles Mr. and Dr. Mariusz Witek Mr. & Mrs. John Zoll Chaminade PatronsMr. & Mrs. Luigi Boccardo Mr. & Mrs. Richard

Bocchicchio Bocchicchio Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cameron Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cameron Mr. & Mrs. Peter Carbone Mr. & Mrs. Peter Carbone Mr. & Mrs. William Carter Mr. & Mrs. William Carter Ms. Anna Cassar Ms. Anna Cassar Mr. & Mrs. John Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiIorio Mr. & Mrs. Michael Faranello Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Inga Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lynn Mr. & Mrs. Chris Marconi Mr. & Mrs. Michael McKeown Mr. & Mrs. Edward McNoble Ms. Denise Pannullo Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Plotas Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Quinn

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Restivo Mr. & Mrs. Roy Roxburgh Mr. & Mrs. Bartolo Sausa Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Striano

CAPAFather Chaminade MembersMr. & Mrs. Charles Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kelly Crimson and Gold MembersMr. & Mrs. Gregory Burke Mr. & Mrs. Donald Denihan Mr. & Mrs. James Harrison Mr. Walter Krolman Mr. & Mrs. Richard O’Hara Dr. & Mrs. James Santelli Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sullivan Fortes in Unitate MembersMr. & Mrs. Anthony Amodeo Mr. & Mrs. George Endres Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hamer Mr. & Mrs. William Hazelton Mrs. Elizabeth Hicks Mr. & Mrs. William Karl Mr. Charles Menges Mr. & Mrs. James Newman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Palumbo Mr. & Mrs. Michael Roemer Flyer MembersMr. & Mrs. Manny Alas Mr. & Mrs. Karl Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Antaki Mr. & Mrs. Frank Argenziano Mr. & Mrs. Mark Arning Dr. Robert Atkins Mr. & Mrs. Timothy BoweMr. & Mrs. Timothy Brady Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Breglio Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio Cardone Mr. & Mrs. Herman

Charbonneau Drs. John & Patricia Cosgrove Mr. & Mrs. Peter D’Angelo Mrs. Joseph J. Darcy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Flood Dr. Lucille Giardina Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Gray Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Haug Mr. Edward HeiskellMr. & Mrs. Donald Hickey Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hickey Mr. & Mrs. Paul Johnke Mr. & Mrs. Richard Klimkowski Mr. & Mrs. James Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Steven McClatchey Mr. Stephen Melley Mr. & Mrs. Michael Moran Mr. & Mrs. Robert Von Hagen Mr. & Mrs. Charles Williams Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Zuppello Chaminade Medallion SocietyMr. Timothy Ahern Mr. Joseph G. BrownDr. & Mrs. Daniel Caligiuri Mr. & Mrs. James Christmas Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dowd Mr. & Mrs. Robert Foschi

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Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gartland Mr. & Mrs. James Garvey Mr. & Mrs. James Glenister Mr. & Mrs. Mario Graziano Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hornberger Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Donald Landolphi Mr. & Mrs. Richard LaPolla Mr. & Mrs. George Lehan Mr. & Mrs. Steven McDonald Dr. & Mrs. Robert Munfa Mr. & Mrs. James O’Hara Mr. & Mrs. Peter PetrilloMr. & Mrs. Michael Petsky Mr. & Mrs. Peter Reali Dr. & Mrs. Edward

Ronan Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell

Sameroff Mr. & Mrs. Robert

Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Leonard

Schuster Mr. & Mrs. John

Siegel Mr. & Mrs. John

Suydam Mr. & Mrs. John

Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas

Toscano Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore

Trentacoste Mrs. Catherine

Van der Waag Meribah AssociatesDr. & Mrs. Cristobal Alvarado Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Anselmo Mr. & Mrs. Richard Berotti Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Billotti Mr. & Mrs. James Boisi Dr. & Mrs. Richard Boneville Mr. Joseph G. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Robert Buetti Mrs. Anne Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Cummin Clancy Mr. & Mrs. J. Peter Coll Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Collins Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Combs Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Cuomo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Curran Mr. & Mrs. Gary Dawes Mr. & Mrs. Gary Dawes Mr. & Mrs. Daniel DeBetta Mr. & Mrs. Daniel DeBetta Mr. & Mrs. Hector

DeMarchena Mr. & Mrs. Robert DiFazio Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Douglas Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Dowling Mr. & Mrs. James Exler Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Finnerty Mrs. Anne Fitzgibbon Mr. & Mrs. John Ford Mr. & Mrs. John Foy Mr. & Mrs. James Friel Mr. & Mrs. William Furlong Mrs. Gloria Galante Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Gallo Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gerner

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gianfalla Mrs. Norma Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. James Graham Dr. & Mrs. Edward Habert Mr. & Mrs. Edward Healy Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Hess Mr. & Mrs. George Hishmeh Mr. & Mrs. David Hutchinson Mrs. Maryanne Iandoli Mr. & Mrs. John Jeffrey Drs. Franklin & Adela Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Joseph Dr. & Mrs. D. M. Kamath Mr. William Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kenney Mr. & Mrs. Gary Koche Mrs. Catherine Komarnicki Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kusterer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LaCorte

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Lagalante Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Lambert Mr. & Mrs. Edward Larkin Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Leslie Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Levano Mr. & Mrs. Mario Lipari Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Magovern Mr. & Mrs. Richard Manfredi Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mannion Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Martinelli Mr. & Mrs. Sean McGonigle Mr. & Mrs. Hugh McGrory Mr. & Mrs. Hugh McGrory Mr. & Mrs. Steven Memoli Mr. & Mrs. Steven Memoli Mr. & Mrs. Robert Michel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Michel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Milone Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Milone Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mole Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mole Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Munnelly Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Munnelly Mr. & Mrs. Robert Murphy Mr. & Mrs. William O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. William O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Brian O’Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Osborn Mr. & Mrs. Frank Palmieri Mrs. Elizabeth Pessala Mr. & Mrs. Roger Podesta Mr. & Mrs. Bart Raffaele Mr. & Mrs. John Reardon Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rogan Dr. & Mrs. John Romano

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Rooney Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Salerno Mr. & Mrs. Michael Salogub Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schreck Mr. & Mrs. Kent Schreiber Mr. & Mrs. James Sheehy Mr. & Mrs. Steven Sloane Mr. & Mrs. John Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stratford Mrs. Maureen Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Don Taggart Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tarantino Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Todaro Dr. & Mrs. James Tormey Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Charles Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Robert Walters Mr. & Mrs. Russell Weissheier

Mr. Thomas Whelan Mr. & Mrs. Raymond

Wrobleski Mrs. Dolores Zarzycki The Century ClubMrs. Barbara Adelhardt Mrs. Marie Agosta Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Aiello Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Alarcon Mr. & Mrs. Adolfo Alayon Mr. & Mrs. John Alfano Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Alibrandi Mr. & Mrs. James Allen Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Louis Andre Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Anes Dr. & Mrs. Jean Antoine Mr. & Mrs. Michael Archbold Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Arena Mr. & Mrs. Francis Arland Mr. & Mrs. Francis Arland Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Awad Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Awad Mr. & Mrs. Robert Backofen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Backofen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Baker Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Baker Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence

Bamberger Bamberger Mr. & Mrs. James Baranello Mr. & Mrs. James Baranello Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Barbaruolo Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Barbaruolo Mr. & Mrs. John Barkaus Mr. & Mrs. John Barkaus Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Baroletti Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Baroletti

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Bartilucci Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bartolomeo Mr. & Mrs. Martin Bartow Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bayreuther Mrs. Patricia Bednar Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Beers Mr. & Mrs. James Begley Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bell Mr. & Mrs. Lester Bellafiore Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bender Mrs. Angela Bertoli Mrs. Nancie Beste Ms. Maria Christina Beyra Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Bifone Dr. & Mrs. John Bihn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blair Mr. & Mrs. George Blednick Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Boix Mrs. Anne Boland

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bonventre Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brady Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Brescio Mr. Richard Briglio Mr. & Mrs. Herbert BrownMr. & Mrs. Timothy Browne Mr. & Mrs. John Brull Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bucaria Mr. & Mrs. John Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Richard Budinich Mr. & Mrs. Benedetto Butera Mr. & Mrs. Edward Byrne Mr. & Mrs. John Callaghan Mr. Nicandro Calleo Mr. & Mrs. Anthony

Cammarata Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Cantwell Mrs. Dorea Capano Mr. & Mrs. Carl Caputo Mrs. Ellen Caracci Dr. & Mrs. Vito Cardo Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Carman Mr. & Mrs. William Carney Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Caselnova Mr. Edwin Casey Mr. & Mrs. James Casil Mr. & Mrs. Mauro Cassano

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cassar Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cassar Mrs. Dolores Castellano Mrs. Dolores Castellano Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cherry Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cherry Mr. & Mrs. Michael Chicvak Mr. & Mrs. Michael Chicvak Mrs. Rita Chojnacki Mr. & Thomas Christman Mr. & Thomas Christman Mr. & Mrs. Anton

Chroscielewski Mr. & Mrs. John Cifichiello Mr. & Mrs. John Cifichiello Mr. & Mrs. Philip Cincotta Mr. & Mrs. Philip Cincotta Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ciorciari Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ciorciari Mr. John Clappin Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cleary Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cleary Mr. & Mrs. Charles Conley Mr. & Mrs. Charles Conley Mr. Michael Connor Mrs. Marion Conrade Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Conroy Mr. & Mrs. John Conway Mr. & Mrs. John Conway Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cooney Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cooney Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cooney Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cooney Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Cotilletta Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Cotilletta Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Craig Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Craig Mrs. Eileen Crean Mrs. Mary Creel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Crimmins Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Crimmins Mr. John Cronin Mr. & Mrs. William Crowe Mr. & Mrs. William Crowe Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cullinane Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cullinane Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Cummins Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Cummins Mr. & Mrs. Glenn D’Agnes Mr. & Mrs. Glenn D’Agnes Mr. & Mrs. Michael D’Agostino Mr. & Mrs. Michael D’Agostino Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dalpiaz Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dalpiaz Mr. & Mrs. Martin Daly Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Danbusky Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Danbusky Mr. & Mrs. Walter Dauksher Mr. & Mrs. Walter Dauksher Mr. & Mrs. Richard DeLuca Mr. & Mrs. Richard DeLuca Mr. & Mrs. Robert Demmett Mr. & Mrs. Robert Demmett Mr. & Mrs. Anthony

DePasquale Mr. & Mrs. Americo

DeRocchis Mr. & Mrs. Edward DiCanio Mr. & Mrs. Edward DiCanio Mrs. Elizabeth Dick Mrs. Maryann DiGilio Mr. & Mrs. Francis Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Francis Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Robert DiMino Mr. & Mrs. Robert DiMino Mrs. Kathleen D’Introno Mrs. Kathleen D’Introno Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiPrisco Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiPrisco Mr. & Mrs. Louis DiStefano Mr. & Mrs. Louis DiStefano Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiTizio Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiTizio Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dooley Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dooley Mr. & Mrs. Hermann Doss Mr. & Mrs. Hermann Doss Mrs. Anne Dour Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Dowd Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Dowd Mr. & Mrs. Edward Downey Mr. & Mrs. Edward Downey Mr. & Mrs. John Dudek Mr. & Mrs. James Duffy Mr. & Mrs. James Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Richard Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Richard Duffy Mr. & Mrs. William Dunlop Mr. & Mrs. William Dunlop Mr. Kenneth Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Charles Durr Mr. & Mrs. Charles Durr Mr. & Mrs. Mario D’Urso Mr. & Mrs. Mario D’Urso Mr. & Mrs. George Edwards Mr. & Mrs. George Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Eith Mr. & Mrs. John Elarde Dr. & Mrs. Richard Ellwood Dr. & Mrs. Richard Ellwood Mr. & Mrs. Michael Emerson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Emerson Mr. & Mrs. Harry Entenmann Mr. & Mrs. Harry Entenmann Mr. & Mrs. Carl Eriksen Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ernst Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ernst

Alumni Brian Peguillan ’09, Stephen Losi ’05 and Steven Liguori ’05 at the Gold Star Mass.

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Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Esposito Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Esposito Mr. & Mrs. Neil Esposito Mr. & Mrs. Neil Esposito Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Eyma Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Eyma Mr. & Mrs. James Fagan Mr. & Mrs. James Fagan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Falanga Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Falanga Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ferraro Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ferraro Mr. & Mrs. John Ferrazzoli Mr. & Mrs. John Ferrazzoli Mr. Joseph Ferrick Mr. Joseph Ferrick Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fiechter Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fiechter Mrs. James Finley Mrs. James Finley Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Finley Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Finley Mr. & Mrs. Walter Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Walter Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Sean Fitzsimons Mr. & Mrs. Sean Fitzsimons Mrs. Joan Flanagan Mrs. Joan Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Fortino Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Fortino Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frawley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frawley Mr. & Mrs. Allan Fronda Mr. & Mrs. Allan Fronda Mr. & Mrs. William Fuessler Mr. & Mrs. William Fuessler Mr. & Mrs. William Fugelsang Mr. & Mrs. William Fugelsang Dr. & Mrs. Russell Fumuso Dr. & Mrs. Russell Fumuso Mr. & Mrs. James Furey Mr. & Mrs. James Furey Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Mr. & Mrs. Christopher

Furlong Mrs. Margaret Furlong Mrs. Margaret Furlong Mrs. Elizabeth Gaffney Mrs. Elizabeth Gaffney Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gaglione Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gaglione Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Raymond

Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gamber Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gamber Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Mr. & Mrs. Christopher

Gannon Mr. & Mrs. William Gargan Mr. & Mrs. William Gargan Mr. & Mrs. James Garrity Mr. & Mrs. James Garrity Mr. & Mrs. John Garvey Mr. & Mrs. John Garvey Mrs. Catherine Gaulrapp Mrs. Catherine Gaulrapp Mr. & Mrs. Caesar Gavilan Mr. & Mrs. Caesar Gavilan Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Gennawey Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Gennawey Mr. & Mrs. James Gergel Mr. & Mrs. James Gergel Mr. & Mrs. Nick Giakoumis Mr. & Mrs. Nick Giakoumis Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Gillespie Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Gillespie Mr. & Mrs. John Gillon Mr. & Mrs. John Gillon Mr. & Mrs. Paul Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Paul Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Golon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Golon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Wally Mr. & Mrs. Wally

Gordon-Tennant Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gramarossa Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gramarossa Mrs. Kathleen Grana Mrs. Kathleen Grana Mr. & Mrs. John Grandsire Mr. & Mrs. John Grandsire Mr. & Mrs. James Greiner Mr. & Mrs. James Greiner Mr. & Mrs. Mark Griffith Mr. & Mrs. Mark Griffith Dr. & Mrs. Armando Guarin Dr. & Mrs. Armando Guarin Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Alexander

Hadjiyane Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hadlock Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hadlock Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Haffey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Haffey Mrs. Pat Hajny Mrs. Pat Hajny Mr. Brian HallMr. Brian HallMr. & Mrs. John Halleran Mr. & Mrs. John Halleran Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hanley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hanley Mr. & Mrs. John Hardiman Mr. & Mrs. John Hardiman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Richard Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hartley Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hartley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Haslbauer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Haslbauer Mrs. Kathryn Havrilla Mrs. Kathryn Havrilla Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hearon Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hearon

Mr. & Mrs. William Hebel Mr. & Mrs. David Hegermiller Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Hein Mr. & Mrs. Frank Heller Mr. & Mrs. John Heneghan Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Hennelly Mr. & Mrs. Michael Herman Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hickey Mrs. Edward R. Higgins Mrs. Eileen Hodgson Mr. & Mrs. James Hoenig Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hoey Mr. & Mrs. Michael Holland Mr. & Mrs. Michael Holohan Mr. & Mrs. James Howe Mrs. Doris Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Iannuzzi Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ingersoll Mr. & Mrs. John Janowski Mr. & Mrs. William Jockle Mr. & Mrs. William Johannsen Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jones Mrs. Louise Judge Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jung Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kane Mr. & Mrs. Charles Karazia Mr. & Mrs. Walter Karle Mr. & Mrs. Edward Karopczyc Dr. & Mrs. Frank Karpowicz Drs. Philip & Elizabeth Katz Drs. Peter & Joanne Kechejian Mr. & Mrs. John Kennedy Dr. & Mrs. Victor Keyloun Mrs. Donald Kiaer Mr. & Mrs. George

Kirschbaum Mr. & Mrs. Robert Klein Mr. & Mrs. Keith Klotsche Mr. & Mrs. Wojcieh Knychalski Mr. & Mrs. John Koch Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kozlow Mr. Paul Kraus Mr. & Mrs. John Kriner Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Krisch Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kushner Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kutner Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Labella Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lauro Mr. & Mrs. David Lawson Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lemonda Dr. & Mrs. Salvatore Leo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leto Mr. & Mrs. Alexander

Levchuck Mrs. Margaret Licandro Mrs. Patrick Licata Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. William Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Michael Llewellyn Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Lobosco Mr. & Mrs. James Locke Mr. & Mrs. Anthony

Lombardi Mr. & Dr. Joseph LoMonaco Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LoPiccolo Mr. & Mrs. Michael LoRusso Mr. & Mrs. William Lorusso Mrs. Isabelle Love Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Lucas Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lucey

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lupfer Mr. & Mrs. Frank Macchio Mr. & Mrs. John MacEwen Mrs. Marie Mackay Mr. & Mrs. Edward Maelia Mr. & Mrs. John Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Martin Maguire Ms. Ellen Maher Mr. Charles Mahlan Mr. & Mrs. Walter Malloy Mr. & Mrs. John Mango Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mansfield Mr. & Mrs. Steven Mantione Mr. & Mrs. Louis Marino Mr. & Mrs. Steven Marron Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Martins Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martorella Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Marvelli Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Matuozzi Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McAdam Mr. & Mrs. Richard McAllister Hon. and Mrs. Edward

McCabe Mr. & Mrs. Henry McCabe Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth McCann Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Donald McCormick Mr. & Mrs. John McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McFadden Mr. & Mrs. Terence McGoldrick Mr. Patrick McHugh Mr. & Mrs. Edward McIntyre Mr. & Mrs. Richard McIver Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Francis McLoughlin Mr. & Mrs. Francis McShane Mr. & Mrs. John McSherry Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McVeigh Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mealiffe Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meekins Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mellett Mr. & Mrs. David Mendes Mr. & Mrs. Michael Merlo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Metz Mrs. Mary Miller Mr. & Mrs. Richard Miller Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Minetti Mr. & Mrs. Robert Minion Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Minogue Mr. & Mrs. Zee Mok Mr. & Mrs. David Montegari Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Moriarty Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morici Mr. & Mrs.

Christopher Morris Mr. & Mrs. George Morton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas

Mullaney Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Muller Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Mulligan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Mulligan Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Murphy Mrs. Diane Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Michael Napoli Mr. & Mrs. Michael Napoli Mr. & Mrs. Mark Nardone Mr. & Mrs. Mark Nardone Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mr. & Mrs. Richard

Neugebauer Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Nick Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Nick Mr. & Mrs. Malachy Noone Mr. & Mrs. Malachy Noone

Mr. & Mrs. John Notaro Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Nugent Mr. & Mrs. David O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Stephen O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O’Connell Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Orlich Mrs. Joann Orr Mr. & Mrs. Edward O’Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Otten Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Otton Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio Pace Mr. & Mrs. Henry Padilla Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pagnotta Mr. & Mrs. John Papa Mr. & Mrs. Dale Parish Mr. & Mrs. Helmut Parzer Mr. & Mrs. William Patten Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pennacchio Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pergolis Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Petrillo Mrs. Aline Philbin Mrs. Nancy Piasio Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Pipala Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Pohalski Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pollaci Mr. & Mrs. Anthony

Portannese Mr. & Mrs. Michael Prate Mr. & Mrs. David Preputnik Mr. & Mrs. Richard Primiano Mr. & Mrs. James Proce Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Proto Mr. & Mrs. Vito Pucci Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Puntillo Mr. & Mrs. Frank Puswald Mr. & Mrs. John Reedy Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Reichart Mrs. Margaret Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Martin Reilly Mrs. Maryanne Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Domingos Reis Dr. & Mrs. Peter Reiser

Mr. & Mrs. Don Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. John Riggs Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rizzo

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Roleke Mr. & Mrs. Brian Roller Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ronan Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rosanes Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ross Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Ruisi Mr. & Mrs. Carl Russo Mr. & Mrs. John Russo Mrs. Nita Russo Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Rutigliano Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Rutigliano Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ryan Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan Mrs. Lubomira Rydl Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sabino Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sabino Mrs. Jean Sacco Mr. & Mrs. John Sadlier Mr. & Mrs. Reid Sakowich Mr. & Mrs. John Saladino Mr. & Mrs. John Saladino Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Saldana Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Saldana Mr. & Mrs. Albert Salvatico Mr. & Mrs. Albert Salvatico Mr. & Mrs. John Sasso Mr. & Mrs. John Scanlon Mr. & Mrs. John Scanlon Mr. & Mrs. Otto Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schmitz Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schmitz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Frederick

Schoenhut Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schott Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schuh Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schuh Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schweitzer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schweitzer Mr. & Mrs. Michael Selover Mr. & Mrs. Michael Selover Mr. & Mrs. Richard Semenick Mr. & Mrs. Colin Serkes Dr. & Mrs. Salvatore Serpe Dr. & Mrs. Salvatore Serpe Mr. & Mrs. Frank Serravalli Mr. & Mrs. William Serynek Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shannon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shannon Mr. & Mrs. John Shea Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sheedy Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sheerin Mr. & Mrs. William Sheeron Mr. & Mrs. William Sheeron Mr. Gerald Shelley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shine Mr. & Mrs. John Shortt

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sidoti Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sidoti Mr. & Mrs. Randall Sigmund Mr. & Mrs. Randall Sigmund Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Silecchia Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Silecchia

Jack Horn ’15 works hard on an assignment.

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“Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Silva Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Silvestri Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Slattery Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Sluker Mr. & Mrs. John Smith Mrs. Maureen Smith Mrs. Linda Snedeker Mr. & Mrs. Carl Soller Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Sotell Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Spadaro Mr. & Mrs. George Spahn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Spina Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Sprotte Mr. & Mrs. James Stanis Mr. & Mrs. Richard Starsia Mrs. Estelle Steck Mr. & Mrs. Peter Steidle Mr. & Mrs. John StellakisMr. & Mrs. Vincent

Stracquadanio Mr. & Mrs. William Stris Mr. & Mrs. John Strong Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sullivan Mrs. T. Robert Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sulzbach Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Szachacz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Szarek Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tansey Mr. & Mrs. William Teitz Mr. & Mrs. Richard Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Thorn Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tinari Mr. & Mrs. Charles Torsiello Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Torto Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tota Mr. & Mrs. Theodore

Trembinski Mr. & Mrs. John Tripodoro Mr. & Mrs. Robert Troetti Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Troisi Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Turchiano Mr. & Mrs. John Turnbaugh Mr. & Mrs. William Urkiel Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Valenti Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vallely Mr. & Mrs. James Van Dyke Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Vanderberg Mr. & Mrs. Philip Veltre Mr. & Mrs. Philip Veltre Mr. & Mrs. John Vilardi Mr. & Mrs. John Vilardi Mr. & Mrs. Steven Vincent Mr. & Mrs. John Viteritti Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Vlachos Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Wakefield Mr. & Mrs. Charles WalshMr. Patrick Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Ward Mrs. Mary Waters Mr. & Mrs. Xavier Wauters Mrs. Elaine Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Weldon Mr. & Mrs. William Welthy Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Whalen Mrs. Frances Widmann Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wierzel

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wilkens Mrs. Vivian Wilshere Mr. & Mrs. Donald Winters Mr. & Mrs. John Wisell Mr. & Mrs. Donald Woop Mrs. Patricia Wren Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wysocki Mrs. Laurie Xanthoudakis Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Zacchea Mrs. Eileen Zangrillo Mrs. Catherine Zayatz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zellner Dr. & Mrs. David Zimmon Chaminade PatronsMr. Roberto Abballe Ms. Nancy Abbey Mr. & Mrs. John Abdale Mr. & Mrs. Robert Adams Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Agolia Mrs. Mary Agres Mr. & Mrs. Pat Agugliaro Mr. & Mrs. Charles Albanese Mr. & Mrs. William Alcide Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Alessi Mr. & Mrs. Paul Alicanti Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Almodovar Mr. & Mrs. Erasmus Ambrosino Mr. & Mrs. Robert Anders Mr. & Mrs. Frank Annunziato Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ares Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Armstrong Mrs. Maria Arxer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bagnuola Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Baker Mr. & Mrs. Reginald

Ballantyne Mr. & Mrs. George Bantleon Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bardolf Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barrett Mrs. Joyce Basel Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Bauman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beam Mrs. Jessica Behrman Mr. & Mrs. Donald Belger Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Benigno Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Steven Benvegna Mrs. Joan Berg Mrs. Alice Berny Mr. & Mrs. Gary Besmer Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Bianco Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Bianco Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Birbiglia Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Birbiglia Mr. & Mrs. William Blaber Mr. & Mrs. William Blaber Mr. & Mrs. Donald Boehmcke Mr. & Mrs. Donald Boehmcke Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bonacorsa Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bonacorsa Mr. & Mrs. William Bonneville Mr. & Mrs. William Bonneville Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bordino Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Boruch Dr. & Mrs. John Boyle Mr. & Mrs. William Boyle Mr. & Mrs. Peter Brala Mrs. Leone Brand Mrs. Eileen Breen Mr. & Mrs. John Breen Mrs. June Brereton Mr. & Mrs. Albert Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brown Mr. & Mrs. Walter Brown

Mrs. Joan Bruen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brunelli Mr. & Mrs. Gaetano Bruno Mr. & Mrs. Robert Burkavage Mrs. Joan Burke Mr. & Mrs. John Byrne Mr. & Mrs. John P. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cabo Mr. & Mrs. Frank Caetano Mrs. Marilyn Cafasso Mr. & Mrs. James Cahill Hon. & Mrs. Joseph Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. Steven Calceglia Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Cali Mr. & Mrs. Sam CaligiureMr. & Mrs. Bruno Calleo Mr. & Mrs. Pietro Calleo Mr. & Mrs. John Calo Mr. & Mrs. Giacomo

Campanile Mr. & Mrs. John Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Candela Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Caniano Mrs. Catherine Cannon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph

Capobianco Mr. & Mrs. Anthony

Caporrino Mr. & Mrs. Anthony

Caramanica Mr. & Mrs. Robin Caras Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carillo Mrs. Patricia Carman Mr. & Mrs. Willis Carman Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Carnazza Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carney Mr. & Mrs. William Carney Mrs. Suzanne Carson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carter Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cascardi Mrs. Joan Cassandra Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cassese Mrs. Arlene Cassin Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Castellano Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cavaleri Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Caverley Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cecchi Mr. & Mrs. John Christiansen Mr. & Mrs. Rodman Chrysler Mrs. Angelina Cinnella Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cippoletti Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cisek Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Clancy Mr. & Mrs. Donald Clark Mr. & Mrs. Mark Clark Mr. & Mrs. Terence Clark Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Clarke Mr. & Mrs. William Cleary Mr. & Mrs. Richard Comuniello Mr. & Mrs. Robert Connell Mrs. Linda Connelly Mrs. Linda Connelly Mr. & Mrs. James Connolly Mr. & Mrs. James Connolly Mr. & Mrs. John Connolly Mr. & Mrs. John Connolly Mr. & Mrs. William Connolly Mr. & Mrs. William Connolly Mr. & Mrs. David Connors Mr. & Mrs. David Connors Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Contardo Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Contardo Mr. & Mrs. Aidan Conway Mr. & Mrs. Aidan Conway Mr. & Mrs. William Conway Mr. & Mrs. William Conway Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cooney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cooney

Mr. & Mrs. James Corcoran Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Corrado Mr. & Mrs. Robert Corrado Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Corso Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Corso Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cossu Mr. & Mrs. William Costello Mrs. Agnes Costigan Mr. & Mrs. John Cox Mrs. Maureen Coyle Mr. & Mrs. Michael Coyne Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cribbin Mrs. Eileen Cronin Mr. & Mrs. John Cruse Mr. & Mrs. Frederick

Cucciniello Mr. & Mrs. Roger Cudahy Mrs. Helen Culleeny Mr. & Mrs. James Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Curasi Mr. & Mrs. John Curran Mr. Paul Cusato Mr. & Mrs. William Cushman Mr. & Mrs. James Czak Mr. & Mrs. David Daddario Mrs. Luciana Daino Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D’Ambra Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D’Antona Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dazzo Mrs. Mary De Biasi Mr. and Mrs. George Dean Ms. Maureen Dean Mr. & Mrs. Kazimierz

Decowski Mr. & Mrs. Frank DeLeo Mr. & Mrs. Paul DeLuca Mrs. Richard DeMarco Mr. & Mrs. Frank DeMartino Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DeMicco Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Dent Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DeRiggi Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Derlath Mr. & Mrs. John DeSantis Mr. & Mrs. Frank DeSanto Mrs. Carol DeVita Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas DiCicco Mr. & Mrs. John Didden Mr. & Mrs. Harold Dietrich Mr. & Mr. Remo DiTieri Mrs. Elizabeth Dluzneski Mrs. Mary Doherty Dr. & Mrs. Robert Domingo Mrs. Mary M. Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. William Donnino Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Donofri Mrs. Patricia Doran Mr. & Mrs. William Doyle Mr. & Mrs. James Drinkwater Mrs. Dorothy Droogan Mr. & Mrs. John Duff Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Duggan Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Duke Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Dunbar Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dunning Mr. & Mrs. James Dunphy Mrs. Anne Dupuy Mr. & Mrs. John Durante Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Duvally Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dwyer

Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Eannaccone Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Eannaccone Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ebel Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Egan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Egan Mr. & Mrs. Walter Egbert Mr. & Mrs. Walter Egbert Mrs. Louise Egidio Mrs. Florence Ehrhardt Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Eidt Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Eidt Ms. Rosemarie Elder Mr. & Mrs. Fred Elsayad Mr. & Mrs. Fred Elsayad Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Emanuele Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Emanuele Mrs. Joyce Enderle Mr. & Mrs. Aurelio Enea Mr. & Mrs. Paul Engelhart Mr. & Mrs. Paul Engelhart Mr. & Mrs. George Erichsen Mr. & Mrs. George Erichsen Mr. & Mrs. J. Craig Erickson Mr. & Mrs. J. Craig Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Etayo Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Etayo Ms. JoAnne Faderl Mrs. Carole Faje Mr. & Mrs. Richard Falck Mr. & Mrs. Richard Falck Mr. & Mrs. John Fanning Mr. & Mrs. John Fanning Mr. & Mrs. Thomas FasanoMr. & Mrs. Thomas FasanoMr. & Mrs. Narciso Fellin Mr. & Mrs. Narciso Fellin Mr. & Mrs. James Ferrante Mr. & Mrs. James Ferrante Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ferranti Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ferranti Mr. & Mrs. Mario Ferrer Mr. & Mrs. Mario Ferrer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph FerriMr. & Mrs. Joseph FerriMr. & Mrs. Carmine Festa Mr. & Mrs. Brian Finn Mr. John Finnin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fioraliso Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fioraliso Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Fisher Mr. & Mrs. William Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. William Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Fitzsimons Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Fitzsimons Mr. & Mrs. Edward Flaherty Mr. & Mrs. Edward Flaherty Mr. & Mrs. F. Xavier Fleming Mr. & Mrs. F. Xavier Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Ernst Florvil Mr. & Mrs. Culum Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Culum Flynn Mrs. Florence Flynn Ms. Patricia Folan Mrs. Peggy Folan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Foley Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Foran Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Foran Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fortanasce Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fortanasce Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Forte Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Forte Mrs. Deborah Foti-Lovaglio Mrs. Deborah Foti-Lovaglio Mrs. Eleanor Fox Mr. & Mrs. Paul Franciotti Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Francis Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Francis Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Franzini Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Franzini Mr. & Mrs. Edward Freel Mr. & Mrs. Edward Freel Mr. & Mrs. German Fruchtnis Mr. & Mrs. German Fruchtnis Mr. & Mrs. Albert Furst Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Galantich Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Galantich Hon. & Mrs. John Galasso Hon. & Mrs. John Galasso Mrs. Dorothy Galgano Ms. Connie Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ganzi Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ganzi Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Garbitelli Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Garbitelli Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Victor Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Victor Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Peter Garske Mr. & Mrs. Peter Garske Mr. & Mrs. John Garvey Mr. & Mrs. John Garvey Mr. & Mrs. James Gavigan Mr. & Mrs. James Gavigan Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gelish Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gentile Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gentile Mr. & Mrs. George Georgiadis Mr. & Mrs. George Georgiadis Mr. & Mrs. Philip Geraldi Mr. & Mrs. Philip Geraldi Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Gerosa Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Gerosa Mrs. Theresa Gerzack

Page 39: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


“Less than a half a year out “Less than a half a year out “of Chaminade High School, “of Chaminade High School, “and I already miss the sights and smells of those familiar hallways. My experience at Chaminade is com-parable to riding the world’s tallest and fast-est roller coaster. Prior to entering, I was nervous, anxious and unsure about what my career there would entail. Once I strapped into my freshman seat at 3-C week, the ride was over! After reflecting on my four years, the enticements dur-ing 3-C week proved true. There were ups and downs, during both athletic sea-sons and school schedules. Chaminade prepared me for the real world and my faith grew like wildfire. I decided to continue with the Marian-ist ideal and teaching, and in February of my senior year, I signed with the Univer-sity of Dayton, a Marianist college in southwest Ohio. The football team and the stage techs of Chaminade High School are my eternal extended families - they mean the world to me, both then and now. The bond I made with my friends at Chaminade pushed me to join both the football team and eventually the stage techs of the University of Dayton. Despite the tough work load, rigorous sched-ules and trimester and comprehensive exams, I am eternally grateful for the students, faculty and staff of Chaminade High School. ”of Chaminade High School. ”Go Flyers! Patrick G. Nuzzolese ’12

Page 40: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


Mrs. Mary Giella Mrs. Audrey Gillen Mr. & Mrs. George Gilmartin Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Gilmartin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Girardi Mr. & Mrs. Robert

Glockenmeier Mr. & Mrs. Frank Golinowski Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gorman Mr. & Mrs. George Greene Mr. & Mrs. William Greene Mrs. Dolores Grieco Mrs. Pamela Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Grignoli Mrs. Madeline Guerzon-Uebel Mrs. Carol Guinan Mrs. Rosemary Hagemann Mr. & Mrs. James HallMr. & Mrs. Robert Haller Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hanes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harding Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hargrove Mr. & Mrs. Harold Havekotte Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Havern Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hayes Mrs. William Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Charles Healy Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Healy Mrs. JoAnn Hegermiller Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heinimann Mr. & Mrs. Walter Henry Mr. & Mrs. Armand Hensen Mr. John Henson Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Heron Mr. & Mrs. Alexander

Hesterberg Dr. & Mrs. Albert Heuser Mr. & Mrs. John Hickey Mr. & Mrs. Francis Higgins Mrs. Nancy Hill Mr. & Mrs. Peter Himler Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hlatky Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hopke Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Horan Mr. & Mrs. Charles Horn Mrs. Gaudenzia Hroncich Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hundt Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ignall Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ignall Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Imbroto Mrs. Joan Impellizzeri Dr. & Mrs. Robert Iovino Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jacobellis Mr. & Mrs. Albert Jaegers Mrs. Rosemary Janus Mr. & Mrs. John Jarosak Mr. & Mrs. John Jeavons Mr. & Mrs. James Jecewiz Mr. & Mrs. James Johns Mr. Donald Johnson Mrs. Frances Johnson Mr. & Mrs. James Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Donald Josling Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Kabacinski Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kaden Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kalaf

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Kearns Mr. & Mrs. Robert Keating Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Keenan Mr. & Mrs. John Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kelly Mr. & Mrs. John Kelsh Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kemp Mr. Frank Kempski Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kendrick Mr. & Mrs. E. T. Kenneally Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Khazzam Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kilduff Mr. & Mrs. William King Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Kiraly Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kirby Mrs. Christine Kirk Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Klingler Ms. Linda Klosowski Mr. & Mrs. Leon Kokoszka Mr. & Mrs. David Kollender Mr. & Mrs. Zbigniew

Koralewski Mrs. Michelle Koutrakos Mr. & Mrs. William Kuhle Mr. & Mrs. Thomas

Kusmierczyk Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kyrillidis Mrs. Kim Lahey Dr. & Mrs. Anthony LaMastro Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Largo Mrs. Bepty Laurencon Mr. & Mrs. Michael

Lauterborn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lawler Mr. & Mrs. David Leboff Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lee Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lee Mr. & Mrs. Louis Leno Mrs. Marilyn LePetri Mr. & Mrs. Rene LeRolland Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Liegey Mrs. Elaine Lilli Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lilly Mr. & Mrs. Pierre LintaultMr. & Mrs. Joseph LiVecchi Mrs. Andrea Llewellyn Mr. & Mrs. Michael LoBelia Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lobick Mr. & Mrs. Edward Long Mr. & Mrs. Edward Long Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Loumeau Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Loumeau Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lovio Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lovio Mr. & Mrs. Frank Luisi Mr. & Mrs. Frank Luisi Mr. & Mrs. Vincenzo Lupis Mr. & Mrs. Vincenzo Lupis Ms. JoAnne Lynch Mrs. Kay Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Ariel Maala Mr. & Mrs. Carmelo

Macannuco Mr. & Mrs. Alan MacKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Charles Madigan Mr. & Mrs. Edward Madison Mrs. Marie Maguire Mr. & Mrs. John Maher Mr. & Mrs. William Maher Mr. & Mrs. George Maidhof

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Maier Mr. & Mrs. Leon Malanowski Mr. & Mrs. James Malone Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Malone Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Manago Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mangus Mr. & Mrs. William Mansfield Mr. Daniel Mantone Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Manz Mr. Kenneth Marchello Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Marciano Mr. & Mrs. Leo Marinacci Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Marino Mrs. Ellen Marlin Mr. & Mrs. Vincent

Marmorale Mr. & Mrs. Michael Marolda Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Martin Mr. & Mrs. Michael Martin Mr. & Mrs. William Martin Mr. & Mrs. John May Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mayberger Mr. & Mrs. Arturo Mazzeo Dr. & Mrs. Philip Mazzola Mrs. Mary McAllister Mr. & Mrs. Christopher

McArdle Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McCallion Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. John McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Willard McCoy Mrs. Marie McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Sean McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Michael

McDonough Mrs. Lucille McDowell Mr. & Mrs. Hugh McElhennon Mr. & Mrs. Edward McGuinty Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McHugh Mr. & Mrs. Michael McIntyre Mr. & Mrs. Robert McKeon Mr. & Mrs. Richard

McLaughlin Mrs. Nancy McLoughlin Mr. & Mrs. John McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Leo McManus Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McNamara Mr. & Mrs. Timothy

McNamara Mrs. Diana McNamee Mr. & Mrs. Thomas

McNicholas Mr. & Mrs. William Medford Mrs. Mary Ellen Meegan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Peter Melley Mr. & Mrs. David Mercado Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mesiti Mrs. Mary Messmer Mr. & Mrs. Gaetano Mignone Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Mihalick Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Mihalick Mr. & Mrs. Robert Milani Mr. & Mrs. Robert Milani Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. William Moerler Mr. & Mrs. William Moerler Mr. & Mrs. William Molinari Mr. & Mrs. William Molinari Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Mollica Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Mollica Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Monahan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Monahan Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mongonia Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mongonia Mr. & Mrs. Paul Monseliu Mr. & Mrs. Paul Monseliu

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Montalbano

Mr. & Mrs. James Moran Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Morello Mr. Paul Moreno Mr. & Mrs. Thomas

Morgenstern Mrs. Karen Moriarty-McLeod Mrs. Kathleen Moroney Mr. & Mrs. John Morrissey Mr. & Mrs. Domenic Mottola Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mullady Mrs. Anna Murphy Mrs. Constance Murphy Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy Mrs. Patricia Murphy Mrs.

Rosemarie Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Murray

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mushorn

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Nania

Mr. & Dr. Joseph Nardi

Mr. & Mrs. John Nason

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Nelson

Mr. & Mrs. Kingston Nelson

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nerko

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Leo O’Brien Mrs. Sarah O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Terrence O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O’Brien Mrs. Anna O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. John O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. John O’GradyMr. & Mrs. Yaroslaw Oleksiw Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Olivera Mrs. Frances O’Riordan Mrs. Patricia O’Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Charles Otto Mrs. Emilia Palamara Mr. & Mrs. Robert Paradiso Mr. & Mrs. Edward Parisi Mr. & Mrs. Samuel

Patronaggio Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pawlowski Mr. & Mrs. Alexander

Penkovsky Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas

Pennacchio Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Perlowitz Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pesci Mr. & Mrs. Richard Peters Mr. & Mrs. Harold Petersen

Dr. & Mrs. Michael Pettei Mr. & Mrs. Glen Pewarski Mr. & Mrs. Henry Pikner Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Pilsner Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pinto Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pinto Mr. & Mrs. John Plackis Mr. & Mrs. John Plackis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pojero Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pojero Mr. & Mrs. Neil Polay Mr. & Mrs. Roger Poletti Mr. & Mrs. Roger Poletti Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Portmore Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Portmore Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Powers Mr. & Mrs. Martin Pranzo Mr. & Mrs. David Preis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas

Prendergast Mr. & Mrs. Donald Previti

Mr. & Mrs. Nicola Primavera Mr. & Mrs. Nicola Primavera Mr. & Mrs. Michael

Prisciandaro Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pujdak Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pujdak Mrs. Lucille Quinn Mrs. Rosaria Ragusa Mrs. Johana Ranft Mrs. Victoria Ratkoski Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Raynor Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Raynor Mr. & Mrs. James Redding Mr. & Mrs. James Redding Mr. & Mrs. Robert Regan Mr. & Mrs. Charles Reisert Mr. & Mrs. John Reitano Mr. & Mrs. John Reitano Mr. & Mrs. Francis Renga Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Resua Mrs. Doris Ring Mr. & Mrs. Charles Riordan Mr. & Mrs. Charles Riordan Mrs. Ana Rios Mr. & Mrs. John Roache Mr. & Mrs. John RobertazziMrs. Linda Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Romeo Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Romeo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rosato Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rosato Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rose Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rose

From left, Nicholas Marchiselli ’12, Thomas Magrino ’12 and Justin Winkler ’12 enjoy a hallway break.

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Mr. & Mrs. Marti RosenzweigMr. & Mrs. Marti RosenzweigMr. & Mrs. Peter Rossbach Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rossbach Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence

Rottkamp Mrs. Catherine Rountry Mrs. Catherine Rountry Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Rubino Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Rubino Mr. & Mrs. Robert RyanMr. & Mrs. Robert RyanMr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas SabellaMr. & Mrs. Thomas SabellaMr. & Mrs. James Sallusto Mr. & Mrs. James Sallusto Mr. & Mrs. Vito Santoro Mr. & Mrs. Vito Santoro Ms. Jean Saporita Ms. Jean Saporita Mr. & Mrs. John Schieck Mr. & Mrs. John Schieck Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Henry Schmitt Mr. & Mrs. Henry Schmitt Mrs. Lorraine Schneider Mrs. Lorraine Schneider

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schnelle Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schnelle Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schulze Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schulze Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schwalb Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schwalb Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schwer Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schwer Mr. & Mrs. James Scire Mr. & Mrs. James Scire Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Scotti Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Scotti Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Seccia Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Seccia Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sellitto Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sellitto Drs. Duane & Joan Shank Drs. Duane & Joan Shank Mrs. Dorothy Shannon Mrs. Dorothy Shannon Mr. & Mrs. William Shaw Mr. & Mrs. William Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Gary Shea Mr. & Mrs. Gary Shea Mr. & Mrs. John Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. John Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shure Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shure Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Sica Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Sica Ms. Theresa Siedlick Ms. Theresa Siedlick Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Siegfried Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Siegfried Mr. & Mrs. John Sikula Mr. & Mrs. John Sikula Mr. & Mrs. Richard Skeans Mr. & Mrs. Richard Skeans Mr. & Mrs. George Skennion Mr. & Mrs. George Skennion Mr. & Mrs. Donald Slover Mr. & Mrs. Donald Slover Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sollecito Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sollecito Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Sorenson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Sorenson

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Soucheck Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Spera Mr. & Mrs. Edward Spergl Mrs. Rosanne Spinner Mr. & Mrs. Ernst Stalzer Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Stalzer Mr. & Mrs. Walter StantonMr. & Mrs. John Starkie Mrs. Elaine Stevens Mr. & Mrs. John Stevens Mr. & Mrs. John Stile Mrs. Marian Suhr Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. William Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Edward Summers Mr. & Mrs. Steven Summers

Mr. & Mrs. John Surian Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Charles SymingtonMrs. Vita Tauss Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Terzulli Mrs. Barbara Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thorne Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Thorpe

Dr. & Mrs. John Thyen Mr. & Mrs. George Tibbe Mr. & Mrs. Allen Tillis Mr. & Mrs. John Tomecek Mr. & Mrs. John Tommins Mr. & Mrs. Frank

Tramontano Mr. & Mrs. Frank Trani Mr. & Mrs. Richard Travers Mrs. Pauline Tredwell Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Trinkus Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Trionfo Mr. & Mrs. Theodore

Trojanowski Mr. George TrovatoMr. & Mrs. Eugene Trudden Mrs. Lillian Tucci Mr. & Mrs. John C. Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Urban Mr. & Mrs. John Vaccaro Mr. & Mrs. Thomas

Van De Water Mrs. Louisa Vanadia Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Vessio Mr. & Mrs. Frank Vicari Mrs. Carline Vincent

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Viola Dr. & Mrs. Frank Virga Mr. & Mrs. Francis Voegler Mr. & Mrs. John Volpe Mrs. Joan Vorbach Mrs. Gloria Walker Mr. & Mrs. Peter Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Walther Mr. & Mrs. James Watters Mrs. Jacqueline S. Weber Mr. Charles Weis Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence

Werther Mr. & Mrs. Thomas West Mrs. Catherine White Mr. & Mrs. Michael White Mr. & Mrs. John Wiese Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Wilhelm Mrs. Mary Wilkinson Dr. & Mrs. Howard Williams Mr. & Mrs. James Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Winiarski Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wolfstaetter Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wozny Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wrotniak Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Yosca Ms. Brenda Young Dr. & Mrs. Ernest Zahner Mr. & Mrs. Walter ZarzyckiMr. & Mrs. Edward

ZebrowskiMrs. Louise Zellem Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Zito

GRANDPARENTSChaminade Medallion SocietyMr. & Mrs. James BurkeMeribah AssociatesMr. & Mrs. Thomas

FitzsimmonsThe Century ClubMr. & Mrs. Herbert ArningMrs. Joan BagnascoMr. & Mrs. Rudolph BechandMrs. Susan BennettMr. & Mrs. John BrunettiMr. & Mrs. Vincent BrunhardMrs. Patricia ByrnesMrs. Jeanne FellMr. & Mrs. Angelo

FratianniMr. Luis GomezMr. Robert GrecoMr. & Mrs. Rudolph GrgichMr. & Mrs. Walter HazlittMr. & Mrs. Edward IchartMr. & Mrs. C. LakeMs. Thomasina MarchettaMrs. Loretta McKayMrs. Jeanne MorrisonMrs. Patricia MurphyMrs. Patricia MurphyMr. & Mrs. Edward NawrockiMr. & Mrs. Edward NawrockiMr. John NeedhamMr. John NeedhamMr. & Mrs. William SeibtMr. & Mrs. William SeibtMr. & Mrs. Paul ZwillingMr. & Mrs. Paul ZwillingChaminade Patrons Mr. & Mrs. Robert AbbateMr. & Mrs. Robert Abbate

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas AuciMrs. Estelle BarnesMrs. Viola BillottiMrs. Joan BrownMrs. Elsie BuckleyMrs. Marie BuettiMrs. Carmella BurkeMrs. Ida BuscemiMrs. Mary CohenHon. & Mrs. John

CopertinoMr. & Mrs. Edward

CrowleyMrs. Serafina CurtinMr. & Mrs. Wesley

DammesMr. & Mrs. William DennehyMrs. Diana DucaMr. & Mrs. Joseph FaderlMr. Mario GiganteMrs. Lillian HammondMr. & Mrs. Timothy HealyMr. & Mrs. Robert HigginsMr. & Mrs. Henry HurtleMrs. Josephine JansenMrs. Maureen JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Royden KleinertMr. & Mrs. Raymond LaCasseMr. & Mrs. John LampasiMrs. Charlphine Lanigan Ms. Frances LaucellaMr. & Mrs. Francis LooneyMrs. Doris MarmoraMr. & Mrs. Vincent

MartinezMr. & Mrs. Angelo MassoMrs. Margaret MazziottiMrs. Mary McIntyreMrs. Katherine McNobleMrs. Katherine MeaneyMr. & Mrs. Robert MurphyMr. & Mrs. John NagyMr. & Mrs. William OstMr. & Mrs. Andrew RainoneMr. & Mrs. Vincent SauchelliMr. & Mrs. Donald SmithMr. & Mrs. Michael SolomitoMr. John TerriberryMr. & Mrs. George ThomasMr. & Mrs. Sigmund

TomaszewskiMrs. Judith WalkerMrs. Dorothy WalkerMrs. Dorothy WalkerMr. & Mrs. Andrew WardMr. & Mrs. Andrew WardMr. & Mrs. John WengenoskyMr. & Mrs. John Wengenosky

FRIENDSBro. Louis Faerber LeadersMrs. Sandra Clark Father Chaminade MembersMr. Vincent Palazzolo Crimson and Gold MembersMr. Eric Reeps Fortes in UnitateMembersAnonymous

Mr. Sam Barretta Mr. Robert BillMr. Jamie Hess Mr. Daniel KnopfFlyer MembersMr. Ray O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Dean Poll Mr. Peter Quick Chaminade Medallion SocietyMrs. Catherine Freed Ms. Shari Gluckman Mr. Bob Mathisen Mr. Michael McHugh Mr. Matthew Shimaitis Mr. & Mrs. H. Craig Treiber Meribah AssociatesMr. Frank Comas Mr. Christopher Coschignano Ms. Lynn Falcone Mr. Pete Giorgianni Mr. Eric Goodale Mrs. Nancy Gresens Mr. Stephen Hess Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Hommel Ms. Judith Huisinga Mr. Yovan Luyt Mr. Robert Madden Ms. Marjorie Magner Mrs. Margaret Mulry Ms. Elizabeth Salogub Mrs. Cynthia Scavelli Mr. Steve Solferino Mr. Robert SpeerMr. Craig Sterling Mr. John Treacy Mr. James Vanderbilt Mr. Daniel Zlotnick The Century ClubAdelphi Deli Mr. Kenneth Bauer Mr. Daniel Bekele Mrs. Angelina Bozzi Ms. Christine Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Richard Capewell Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Wade Cloyd Mr. Hunter Cochrane Mrs. Zella Crawford Ms. Nora Dessi Mr. George Dlugolonski Mr. George Dlugolonski Karen Donohue Ms. Julie Durocher Mr. & Mrs. John Gallagher Mr. Steve Gallotta Mr. Scott Gibney Mr. & Mrs. Abe Haliczer Mrs. Kimberly Iovino Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Jay Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Ian Kaswan Ms. Eileen Kavanagh Mr. & Mrs. Christopher

Kendric Ms. Jacqui Koplik Ms. Susan Krausz Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kuhn Mr. Louis M. Laurino

From left, Nicholas Marchiselli ’12, Thomas Magrino ’12 and Justin Winkler ’12 enjoy a hallway break.

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Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Lober Ms. Anna Lukachik Mrs. Eileen Malone Mr. & Mrs. Kieran McCabe Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McEvily Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McGarry Mr. John McGinn Dr. Robert McKane Mr. Peter McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Craig Middleton Mr. Richard Mills Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mooney Mr. Wayne Nast Mr. & Mrs. John Nuzzi Ms. Gloria O’Donnell Mr. Daniel G. O’Sullivan

Oyster Bay Council No. 1206 Knights of Columbus

Mrs. Valerie Quinn Mr. Arnold Rabinor Hon. C. Raymond Radigan Mr. Sylvester Ribaudo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Richards Mr. Peter J. Rooney, Jr. Mrs. Linda Roxe Mr. Todd Rubright Ms. Catherine Schibli Dr. James Sheehan Mr. John Spellman Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Sullivan Mrs. Kathleen Theike

Mr. & Mrs. James Treacy Ms. Karyn Valitzkski Miss Anne Ventimiglia Mr. William Viklund Mr. & Mrs. George Wheatley Mr. & Mrs. Christopher White Mr. James Wilson

Chaminade PatronsMs. Janet Albercht Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Albert Mr. & Mrs. Gary Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. William Albrecht Ms. Maureen Anello Mr. Anthony Attina Mrs. Constance M. Beatty Mrs. Constance M. Beatty Ms. Yvette Bergman Ms. Yvette Bergman Mrs. Kathryn Mrs. Kathryn Bernard Jinkinson Bernard Jinkinson Mrs. John Biddick Mrs. John Biddick Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bresnahan Mr. & Mrs. John Calamia Mr. Gian Cavallini Ciborowski Family Mr. and Mr. James Collins Mr. & Mrs. Michael Copeck Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cutinella Mr. John E. Daly Ms. Margaret D’Emic

Mr. Douglas Donnelly Mr. Franey Donovan

Mrs. Patricia Dray Mrs. Ellen Epler Mr. & Mrs. John Erskine Ms. Marion Fedorshak Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Felix Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fezza Mr. & Mrs. Thomas

Genovese Mr. & Mrs. Francis Greene Mr. & Mrs. Thomas

Haarstick Mrs. Denise Higgins Ms. Alisa Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kamberg Mr. Michael King Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kirchner Mrs. Maybelle Klimaszewski Mrs. Beth Knight Mr. & Mrs. John Lampasona Mrs. Ann Leanzo Ms. Karen Leeker Mr. Ronald Light Miss Marian Lofaro Ms. Leonora Maher Mr. & Mrs. James Mahon Ms. Margaret Manning Marian Middle School Ms. Maria McNamee Mr. & Mrs. Michael Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Barrant Merrill Ms. Slyvia J. Mett Mrs. Virginia Miller Mrs. Eileen Miranda Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy Mrs. Stella O’Connor Ms. Eileen Oliver Mr. Robert Olson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Parente Mrs. Florence Paschetto Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Perri Mr. & Mrs. Harry Pierson Ms. Brooke Positan Mr. & Mrs. Micheal Quinn Mr. William Renn Mr. Jack Riegel Mr. & Mrs. Yan Rieger Mrs. Margaret Riemer Mr. Matthew Russo Mr. Ignatius Russo-Alesi Mr. & Mrs. George Smith Ms. Sarah Smylis Mrs. Pauline Stalzer Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Struzzi Roberta Tarshis Ms. Wendy Titelman Mr. William Tucker Mr. Steven Tullin Mrs. Maureen Van der Waag Mr. Timothy Venturella Mr. & Mrs. William Mr. & Mrs. William

Vinciguerra Ms. Sara LaManna Walsh Ms. Sara LaManna Walsh Ms. StephanieMs. Stephanie

Weisberg Kunan Weisberg Kunan Mr. Patrick Werner Mr. Patrick Werner Mr. & Mrs. William Wiley Mr. & Mrs. William Wiley Mr. Gregory Yeker Mr. Gregory Yeker Ms. Karen ZollerMs. Karen Zoller

CORPORATIONSFather Chaminade MembersCustom Tours The Coca Cola Bottling

Company of NY Crimson and Gold MembersMcKeen Fund Morgan Stanley Fortes in UnitateMembersJ. P. Morgan U.S.

Equity Sales Flyer MembersBlendex Industrial Corp Chaminade Medallion SocietyDvirka and Bartilucci

Consulting Engineers Farrell Fritz, P.C. Federated Investors, Inc. Hamptons Wine Shoppe Verizon Winthrop University

Hospital Meribah AssociatesBMB Consulting LLC CLK/Houlihan-Parnes, LLC Cord Meyer

Development LLC Creative Woodcraft, Inc. Flushing Savings Bank Giambalvo, Giammarese

& Stalzer, CPAS, P.C. Honeywell Hometown

SolutionsMaran Corporate Risk

Associates, Inc. Mattone Group

Management LLC Rechler Equity

Management LLC Steele Equities Treasure Isle Foods Wiss & Company, LLP The Century ClubAdvantage Title Agency All County Business

Machines Alliance Reporting

Service, Inc. Arena Graphics Blackstone Land

Title Agency Crest Hollow Country Club Don Angelo &

Associates CPA’s Entec Polymers Gold Coast Printing, Inc. Horizon Coach IDP Consulting, LLC Marpol Construction

Corporation McBride & Son Companies Molod Sptiz & DeSantis P.C. Murphy, Bartol &

O’Brien LLP New York Life Insurance Office Solutions

Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide

Perficient, Inc. Rudco Plumbing & Heating Rynkar, Vail & Barrett, LLP Scheideler Electric, Inc. Standard Pension

Services, LLC Steere Enterprises Tiger Packaging Co., Inc. Villa Wines & Liquors Walsh Markus McDougal

& DeBellis, LLPChaminade PatronsDaniel Gale Real Estate Garden City Chamber

of Commerce Rivkin RadlerTravelers Community

Connections Twin-County

Swimming Pool


Foundation Fee Foundation, Inc. The Tony and Renee

Marlon CharitableFoundation

Tara & Jim KnicosFoundation

Theodore Cross Family CharitableFoundation


Mr. Enrique Herrera (center, left) and Mr. Brian Anselmo ’89(center, right) coach soccer practice.

William Maughan ’14 runshis best at a track meet.

Mrs. Kathleen Reidman,a school nurse, greetsstudents, faculty and staff with a welcoming smile.

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Go Flyers!

John Gallego ’12 gets ready to score.

Peter Levchuck ’15 performs in “Guys and Dolls.”

Class of 1962 members Chuck Mansfield and James Meehan celebrate at the 50th reunion.

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John O’Loughlin ’13 and Luke O’Connell ’13 having a good day!

Matthew Vento ’13 enjoys his time in class.

Class of 1987 25th Reunion co-chairmen presented a generous class gift to Bro. Thomas ’81 at the event. From left to right are Roger O’Donnell, Ken Coles, Mark Cirelli, Paul Annunziato, Bro. Thomas and Jim Leslie.Anthony Salvi ’12 at World Youth Day.

Christian Skitmore ’13 takes a photo break during math class with Mr. John Callinan ’84, Dean of Students.

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Mr. Peter Dubon ’99 teaches Luke Zeccola ’14, Cole Drummond ’14 and Brian Tully ’14 the art of science.

From left, Joe Ryan ’01, Fred Edwards ’01, Matt Tigh ’01, Francis McGlone ’01, Andrew Corcoran ’01 and Robert Thorne ’01 at their 10-year reunion.

Bro. Lawrence Syriac, S.M. in the Social Studies office.

Stephen Ugenti ’15 is a member of the Chaminade bowling team. William Ulrich ’15 studies for a test.

Page 46: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


“Chaminade is a great

place for anyone

because of the vast

amount of activities

the school provides

its students. There are

activities and clubs for all

interests. The clubs provide

an opportunity to meet

kids with similar interests,

and are an easy way to

make friends and help ease

the transition from middle

school to Chaminade. For

me, I found my niche on

the track team and in the

school’s orchestra. The kids

whom I met through these

activities became some of

my best friends because of

the bonds forged over long

hours of running and prac-

ticing music. I know these

friendships will endure the

test of college and adult life.”test of college and adult life.”Nicholas R. Sachs ’12

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During the 2011-12 Torch year, giftswere received in honor of the following members of the Chaminade family.

Peter Ewald ’70Salvatore GiardinaEugene & Peggy Kavanagh ’65Bro. John G. McGrory, S.M. ’84Beth Ann MoriartyRev. James Williams, S.M. ’87Bro. George Zehnle, S.M.



Recently deceased friends and membersof the Chaminade Family are includedby name in the intentions of the Prayerof the Faithful Masses of the Marianist community and of the Chaminade student body. During the 2011-12 Torch year, giftswere received in memory of the following:

Robert BartelJoseph & Sophie BaselRev. Joseph BaselPaul J. Basel, Sr. ’52Robert Basel ’49Matthew Brennan ’50Thomas Brennan ’54Christopher CoyleThomas Culleeny ’38Richard DeMarcoVictor Dillon ’54Anna DiPotoJohn DohertyMartin Dray ‘44Richard Furlong ’43Donald GammonJoseph GiardinaJoseph Grana, IIIJoseph Grana, Sr.Teresa GrangeBrian Gray ’97Herbert Gresens ’49David HartzJulia HartzPeter HodgsonWinifred HolzweissDouglas Hommel ’98John Iovino ’84J. Eric JohnsonRuth KaplanJohn Komarnicki ’70David LaMarca ’88Adam Lambert ’04

Anthony LaVerdeFran LaVerdeTheresa LedekJohn Lenz ’43James LynchMatthew MacKenzieStephen MarkusThomas Mulry ’50Anthony OrticelleDavid Roxe ’56James and Mary SantelliCarole SarnowskiMary SmithAnna SusiAlexander Teslik ’62Marilyn TreacyRichard TreacyBro. Lawrence Zarzycki, S.M. ’80

Those with a cumulative total of $5,000 or more.

John Assenzio Vincent Balletta Amy Barrett Robert Basel ’49Eric Bayreuther ’96 Carl BergLawrence A. Botte William Bourke ’70 Gertrude & Robert Brown Margaret Brown Thomas Brull ’94 Louis Carbone Frances K. Cutolo Gloria & Joseph DiLiberto Peter & Janet Doran ’60J. Bernard Eck Louis Faerbor Barbara Fee Thomas Flanagan Celeste Gallic Walter Gammon Louis GerstnerMarjorie & Louis Gerstner Adam Giardina ’03Joseph Giardina Joseph Giardina ’00Walter & Shirley Gibbons Joseph Grana ’86Joseph Grana Sr. Brian Gray ’97


Harold & Annette Gustafson John & Hilma GustafsonPatricia Gustafson Julia & David Hartz Winifred Holzweiss Walter & Bertha Hornberger Stephen Karopczyc Vincent & Betty Kearns William & Margaret Koslo Adam Lambert ’04Michael LiCalzi ’00Matthew MacKenzie ’86Ellen Moynihan Thomas Mulroy Thomas & Margaret Mulry ’50Victor & Augusta Nessler Olivia Rogers Brian Saloy ’92 James & Mary SantelliOtto & Sally Schueler Louis Sherry Christopher Slattery ’88Scott Sloane ’03Michael Sottosanti Clarence & Marjorie SpindlerJohn & Josephine SpindlerMichael Sullivan ’80 Christopher Sweeny ’47Paul Tierney ’52Brendan TraceyMarilyn Treacy Richard Treacy ’82Geraldine Trunz Walter & Catherine Van der WaagWilliam & Florence WalterMichael Venezia Albert & Regina Walter Louise Walter Georgina WeberFirmin WidmerRonald Winchester ’97Robert Wright ’61


Page 48: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


AnonymousMr. & Mrs. William AlbrechtMs. Maureen Anello Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Anselmo Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Antaki Mr. & Mrs. Robert Arning Mr. Anthony Attina Mr. Robert Beagan ’68 Mr. Daniel Bekele Ms. Yvette Bergman Blackstone Land Title Agency Mrs. Angelina Bozzi Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Brady Colonel & Mrs. Philip Brennan ’48Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence BrescioMr. & Mrs. John Calamia Ms. Christine Campbell Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Caniano ’76 Mrs. Arlene Cassin Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Chapey Ciborowski Family Mrs. Angelina Cinnella Mr. & Mrs. Cummin Clancy Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Wade Cloyd Mr. Hunter Cochrane Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cole ’74 Mr. & Mr. James Collins Mr. & Mrs. Richard CooneyMrs. Maureen Coyle Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Cramer ’69Mrs. Zella Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Cruse ’81 Mrs. Helen Culleeny Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Cullen ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cutinella Mr. John Daly Mrs. Patricia Dray Ms. Julie Durocher Mrs. Ellen Epler Mr. & Mrs. John Erskine Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ewald ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Fasciano ’88 Ms. Marion FedorshakMr. & Mrs. Ronald FelixMr. & Mrs. Francis Fezza Mrs. Margaret Furlong Mr. & Mrs. John Gallagher Garden City Chamber of CommerceDr. Lucille Giardina Mrs. Kathleen Grana

Mr. Robert Grange ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Gray Mr. & Mrs. Francis GreeneMrs. Nancy Gresens Mr. & Mrs. Abe Haliczer Mr. & Mrs. James HarrisonMr. & Mrs. Thomas Haarstick Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Hess Mr. Edward Higgins ’68Mrs. Eileen Hodgson Mr. Fred Holzweiss ’50 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Hommel Mr. & Mrs. Walter HornbergerMs. Judith Huisinga IDP Consulting, LLC Mrs. Kimberly Iovino Mrs. Frances Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joyce Ms. Alisa Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kamberg Mr. & Mrs. Jay Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Ian KaswanMs. Eileen Kavanagh Mrs. Deborah Kendric Mr. Michael King Mrs. Maybelle Klimaszewski Tara & Jim Knicos Foundation Mrs. Beth Knight Mr. John Koehler Mrs. Catherine Komarnicki Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kuhn Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Lambert Mr. Louis Laurino Dr. & Mrs. Anthony LaVerde ’69Mr. Ronald Light Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Lober Ms. Anna Lukachik Mr. & Mrs. Alan MacKenzieMs. Marjorie Magner Mr. & Mrs. Frederick MagovernMr. & Mrs. James Mahon Ms. Margaret Manning Marian Middle School Mr. & Mrs. Michael Martin Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCabe Mr. & Mrs. Kieran McCabe Mr. & Mrs. John McDonnell ’77Mr. Connor McGrath ’11 Ms. Maria McNamee Mr. & Mrs. Michael Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Barrant Merrill

Ms. Slyvia J. Mett Molod Sptiz & DeSantis P.C. Mrs. Margaret Mulry Mr. & Mrs. John Nuzzi Mr. Martin O’Hagan ’64 Ogilvy CommonHealth WorldwideMr. & Mrs. Paul Pettersen Ms. Brooke Positan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Purcell ’49 Mr. & Mrs. Micheal Quinn Mr. William Renn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas RichardsMrs. Margaret Riemer Mr. Peter Rooney Mrs. Linda Roxe Mr. Todd Rubright Dr. & Mrs. James Santelli Mr. Joseph Sarnowski ’59 Mrs. Cynthia Scavelli Ms. Catherine Schibli Dr. James Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Donald Smith Lt. Col. & Mrs. Kenneth SmithMs. Sarah Smylis Standard Pension Services, LLCMr. Craig Sterling Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Sullivan Ms. Roberta Tarshis Mrs. Kathleen Theike Mr. John TreacyMr. Philip Treacy ’84Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Treacy ’75Mr. Steven Tullin Ms. Karyn Valitzkski Mr. William Viklund Mr. & Mrs. William VinciguerraMs. Sara Walsh Walsh Markus McDougal & DeBellis, LLPMs. Stephanie Weisberg KunanMr. & Mrs. James Wagner ’75Mr. & Mrs. John Warch ’75Mr. & Mrs. George Wheatley Mr. & Mrs. William Wiley Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Zambuto ’62Ms. Karen Zoller



Page 49: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


Mr. & Mrs. William Abbott ’80Mr. & Mrs. Richard AdamskiMr. Michael Alessi ’92Dr. & Mrs. Frank AmicoMr. & Mrs. George AyersMr. Reginald Ballantyne ’61Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Barabino ’79Mr. & Mrs. Robert Basel ’76Mr. James Bella ’82Mr. & Mrs. Brian BenderMs. Maria BeyraMr. & Mrs. John BiancoMr. & Mrs. David Boland ’61Mr. & Mrs. Paul Brown ’73Mr. & Mrs. John Buechler ’64Mr. & Mrs. Thomas BulettiMr. Anthony Calisi ’71Mr. Anthony Carlesi ’52Mr. & Mrs. Bruce CarlsonMr. & Mrs. Paul Chiapparone ’57Mr. & Mrs. Paul Chiapparone ’57Mr. Andrew CholakisMr. & Mrs. Christopher Christiansen ’69Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Christiansen ’69Mr. & Mrs. Michael CiranniMr. John Cleary ’35Mr. & Mrs. Peter CloresMr. & Mrs. Christopher Combs ’87Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Combs ’87Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Concannon ’85Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Concannon ’85Mr. & Mrs. Michael CottonMr. & Mrs. Robert CrimminsDr. Michael Cutrone ’98Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence DeAngelis ’67Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence DeAngelis ’67Mr. Vincent Del-CidMr. & Mrs. Charles DeMartin ’70Mr. & Mrs. Charles DeMartin ’70Mr. & Mrs. Henry Devlin ’56Dr. & Mrs. Victor Dillon ’54Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donovan ’70Mr. & Mrs. Peter Doran ’60Mr. & Mrs. James DowningMr. James Doyle ’43Mr. & Mrs. Michael Duke ’85Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Dwyer ’70Mr. Everett EmersonMr. & Mrs. Thomas FaganMr. & Mrs. Raymond Fiedler ’52Mr. & Mrs. George Fijux ’50Mrs. Rosemary FlynnMr. & Mrs. Paul FranciottiMr. & Mrs. Albert FurstMr. & Mrs. Edward Gales ’63Mr. & Mrs. Thomas GalganoMr. & Mrs. John Gannon ’56

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gartland ’57Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Geagan ’59Mr. & Mrs. William Geissinger ’60Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gerstner ’59Mr. & Mrs. Paul Giamanco ’59Mrs. Mary GiordanoMr. William Grant ’42Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Greil ’61Mr. Richard Gustafson ’56Mr. & Mrs. John Halleron ’56Mr. & Mrs. Douglas HartleyDr. & Mrs. Michael Hatton ’69Mr. & Mrs. Richard Haverland ’59Mrs. Ann HeneganMr. & Mrs. Thomas HensonMr. & Mrs. Edwin Hess ’42Dr. & Mrs.Richard Hess ’74Mr. & Mrs. Frederick HessMr. Fred Holzweiss ’50Mr. & Mrs. Peter Houser ’57Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hussey ’67Mr. & Mrs. Orest Jowyk ’76Dr. & Mrs. John Kaiser ’73Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kane ’72Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kantz ’59Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kearns ’63Mr. & Mrs. Francis Keating ’77Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kirwin ’60Mr. & Mrs. Richard KlimkowskiMr. & Mrs. David Kotowski ’85Mr. & Mrs. Robert Krapp ’50Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kunicki ’56Mr. Vincent L’Africain ’34Dr. & Mrs. Victor LaGinestra ’72Mr. & Mrs. Enzo LippolisMr. & Mrs. James LodispotoMr. & Mrs. Ralph Lombardi ’61Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lucchesi ’63Mr. & Mrs. John MacEwenMr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mahon ’79Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Mahon ’78Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mansfield ’62Mr. & Mrs. Michael ManzoMr. & Mrs. Brian McCarthy ’53Mr. Terence McIntyre ’75Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McNally ’78Mr. & Mrs. Michael McNicholas ’55Mr. & Mrs. Michael McNicholas ’55Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McTiernan ’73Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McTiernan ’73Mrs. Astrid MerolleMr. Anthony Molinari ’78Mr. & Mrs. Patrick MolloyMr. & Mrs. Patrick Molloy

Mrs. Karen Moriarty-McLeodMrs. Karen Moriarty-McLeodMr. & Mrs. Robert Mulshine ’59Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mulshine ’59Dr. & Mrs. Robert MunfaDr. & Mrs. Robert MunfaMr. & Mrs. Michael NapoliMr. & Mrs. Michael NapoliMr. & Mrs. James Narell ’73Mr. & Mrs. James Narell ’73Mrs. Kaye NickersonMrs. Kaye NickersonMr. & Mrs. William Nimmo ’58Mr. & Mrs. William Nimmo ’58Mr. & Mrs. Gus Nuzzolese ’76Mr. & Mrs. Gus Nuzzolese ’76Mr. Timothy O’Mara ’86Mr. Timothy O’Mara ’86Mr. & Mrs. Stephen PaolinoMr. & Mrs. Stephen PaolinoMs. Mary ParrinoMs. Mary ParrinoMr. & Mrs. John PetersMr. & Mrs. John PetersMr. & Mrs. Raymond PiacentiniMr. & Mrs. Raymond PiacentiniMr. & Mrs. Roger PolettiMr. & Mrs. Roger PolettiMr. Ron Reid ’59Mr. Ron Reid ’59Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Reuther ’59Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Reuther ’59Mr. Karl RiestererMr. Karl RiestererMr. & Mrs. Karl Riesterer ’88Mr. & Mrs. Karl Riesterer ’88Mrs. Ana RiosMrs. Ana RiosMr. & Mrs. Martin Rogers ’50Mr. & Mrs. Martin Rogers ’50Mr. Michael RomeoMr. Michael RomeoMrs. Linda RooneyMrs. Linda RooneyMr. & Mrs. Thomas Rosicki ’74Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rosicki ’74Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Roxe ’54Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Roxe ’54Col. & Mrs. Fred Sahl ’39Col. & Mrs. Fred Sahl ’39Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sampson ’73Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sampson ’73Mr. & Mrs. Paul SchottMr. & Mrs. Paul SchottMr. & Mrs. Timothy Smalls ’75Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Smalls ’75Mr. & Mrs. Alexander SmithMr. & Mrs. Alexander SmithMr. & Mrs. Edward Smith ’89Mr. & Mrs. Edward Smith ’89Mr. Michael Sperendi ’59Mr. Michael Sperendi ’59Mr. Donald Sullivan ’58Mr. Donald Sullivan ’58Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sullivan ’63Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sullivan ’63Mr. Christopher Sweeny ’47Mr. Christopher Sweeny ’47Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sweeny ’79Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sweeny ’79Mr. & Mrs. John SydorMr. & Mrs. John SydorMr. & Mrs. Thomas Talty ’64Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Talty ’64Mr. & Mrs. Richard Testa ’63Mr. & Mrs. Richard Testa ’63Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tintle ’63Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tintle ’63Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tramontana ’56Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tramontana ’56Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vendryes ’76Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vendryes ’76Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vendryes ’76Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vendryes ’76Mr. David VerBouwens ’53Mr. David VerBouwens ’53Mr. David VerBouwens ’53Mr. Ronald Voniak ’65Mr. Ronald Voniak ’65Mr. James WalkerMr. James WalkerMrs. Georgena WeberMrs. Georgena WeberMr. John Westerman ’75Mr. John Westerman ’75Mr. & Mrs. Donald WrightMr. & Mrs. Donald WrightMr. & Mrs. Stephen ZuppelloMr. & Mrs. Stephen Zuppello

Consider remembering Chaminade in your will or trust. Gift planning benefits you today and Chaminade forever. For more information visit our website at www.chaminade-hs.plannedgifts.org.

Keep the TORCH Burning...Keep the TORCH Burning...Keep the TORCH Burning...Keep the TORCH Burning...Keep the TORCH Burning...Keep the TORCH Burning...Keep the TORCH Burning...Keep the TORCH Burning...Keep the TORCH Burning...Keep the TORCH Burning...Keep the TORCH Burning...Keep the TORCH Burning...eternallyeternallyeternally...eternally.eternallyeternallyeternally.eternally.eternally.eternallyeternallyeternally.eternally

CChaminade Legacy CircleChaminade Legacy CircleChaminade Legacy CircleChaminade Legacy CircleChaminade Legacy CircleChaminade Legacy CircleChaminade Legacy CircleChaminade Legacy CircleChaminade Legacy CircleChaminade Legacy CircleChaminade Legacy CircleChaminade Legacy CircleCChaminade Legacy CircleCChaminade Legacy CircleCChaminade Legacy CircleCChaminade High School would like to thank those alumni, parents of alumni and friends who haveelected to join the Chaminade Legacy Circle. Founded in the early 1990s, the Legacy Circle is an important element

in Chaminade’s Development Program. The people listed below have expressed their willingness to consider including Chaminade in their will or trust. The members of this group “keep the TORCH burning...eternally.”


Page 50: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


Ryan Kessler ’10 takes a practice shot. Jeff Martin ’71, Michael Salogub CAPA and Kevin Parente ’82.

Alumni and guests enjoyed a great game of tennis.Paul Callahan ’72, Brian Finn ’95 and Tom Mullooly ’88.

Erik Sulzbach ’92, James Fitpatrick ’92, Dan Rynkar ’92 and Matt Spero ’92.Dick Kearns ’68 makes a winning bid.

Golf & Tennis OpenGolf & Tennis OpenGolf & Tennis OpenJUNE 25, 2012

42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual42nd Annual

Chaminade’s Annual Golf & Tennis Open is our premier fundraising event that raises money for the Torch Fund. Special thanks to those Chaminade’s Annual Golf & Tennis Open is our premier fundraising event that raises money for the Torch Fund. Special thanks to those responsible for the 2012 Open: Co-Chairmen Jeff Martin ’71 and Erik Sulzbach ’92, Executive Director Bill Basel ’58, Assistant Director Kevin Parente ’82responsible for the 2012 Open: Co-Chairmen Jeff Martin ’71 and Erik Sulzbach ’92, Executive Director Bill Basel ’58, Assistant Director Kevin Parente ’82

and all the members of the Golf & Tennis Open committee. This year’s Open raised over $344,000 for our Torch Fund.and all the members of the Golf & Tennis Open committee. This year’s Open raised over $344,000 for our Torch Fund.

Page 51: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


“To me, Chaminade is

the essence of family.

Every day for four years I

walked into a building with

thousands of Flyer breth-

ren united by bonds from

hours spent together in

the classroom, on the field

and in the chapel. “We’re

all in it together, buddy,” a

classmate once told me as

he helped me with a par-

ticularly impossible calculus

concept. Infused with this

spirit of fellowship, coupled

by the charity exemplified

by the Marianist Commu-

nity, the Chaminade family

has helped young men for

generations realize their re-

sponsibility to help the least

fortunate among us, wheth-

er in the cafeteria, at Queen

of Peace Nursing Home, or

in the community at large.

I, along with countless oth-

ers, am forever grateful for

what the Chaminade family

has done for me and my

community. ”community. ”Conor M. Simons ’12

JUNE 25, 2012

Page 52: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report



CLASS of 2012


• Scholarships: 300• Academic Scholarships: 1,227

• Commended Students: 19• Finalists: 1

• Four-Year Colleges: 400Four-Year Colleges: 400• Two-Year Colleges: 5Two-Year Colleges: 5• Service Academics: 9Service Academics: 9• Prep Schools: 1Prep Schools: 1

• CHS Mean: Verbal - 631CHS Mean: Verbal - 631 Math - 648Math - 648

• National Mean: Verbal - 497National Mean: Verbal - 497 Math - 514Math - 514

• Participants: 18







COLLEGES ATTENDED by the CLASS of 2012Adelphi UniversityAmherst CollegeAve Maria UniversityBabson CollegeBard CollegeBates CollegeBentley CollegeBoston CollegeBoston UniversityBowdoin CollegeBrown UniversityBucknell UniversityCatholic University of AmericaColby CollegeColgate UniversityCollege of CharlestonCollege of the Holy CrossCollege of William and MaryColumbia U: Columbia CollegeCornell UniversityCulinary Institute of AmericaCUNY: Baruch College CUNY: City College of NYCUNY: City College of NYCUNY: Queens CollegeCUNY: Queens CollegeDelaware Valley CollegeDePaul UniversityDrexel UniversityDuke UniversityEckerd CollegeEmory UniversityFairfield UniversityFordham UniversityGeorgetown University George Washington UniversityGeorgia Institute of TechnologyHampton UniversityHaverford CollegeHigh Point UniversityHillsdale College

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Hofstra UniversityIona CollegeIthica CollegeJohns Hopkins UniversityLafayette CollegeLehigh UniversityLoyola University (LA)Loyola University MarylandManhattan CollegeMarist CollegeMarquette UniversityMassachusetts Institute

of TechnologyMercy CollegeMiddlebury CollegeMolloy CollegeMount St. Mary CollegeMount St. Mary’s UniversityNassau Community CollegeNew York Institute of TechnologyNew York UniversityNortheastern UniversityNorthwestern UniversityNorthwestern UniversityNorwich UniversityNorwich UniversityOberlin CollegeOberlin CollegeOhio State UniversityOhio State UniversityPennsylvania State UniversityPennsylvania State UniversityPolytechnic Institute Polytechnic Institute

of NY UniversityPrinceton UniversityProvidence CollegePurdue UniversityQuinnipiac UniversityRensselaer Polytechnic InstituteRensselaer Polytechnic InstituteRhode Island School of DesignRhode Island School of DesignRochester Institute

of Technology

Roger Williams UniversitySacred Heart UniversitySalve Regina UniversitySeton Hall UniversitySewanee: The University

of the SouthSiena CollegeSt. Bonaventure UniversitySt. Francis CollegeSt. John’s UniversitySt. Joseph’s College PatchogueSt. Joseph’s UniversitySt. Thomas Aquinas CollegeStevens Institute of TechnologyStonehill CollegeSuffolk County

Community CollegeSUNY Center at AlbanySUNY Center at BinghamtonSUNY Center at BuffaloSUNY Center at Stony BrookSUNY College at CortlandSUNY College at GeneseoSUNY College at PlattsburghSUNY Maritime CollegeSUNY Institute of Technology

at Utica/RomeSyracuse UniversityTulane UniversityUnion CollegeUnited States Air

Force AcademyUnited State Merchant

Marine AcademyUnited States Naval AcademyUniversity of AlabamaUniversity of ColoradoUniversity of DaytonUniversity of Delaware

University of GeorgiaUniversity of Illinois:

Urbana ChampaignUniversity of Maryland:

College ParkUniversity of Mary WashingtonUniversity of

Massachusetts: AmherstUniversity of MiamiUniversity of MichiganUniversity of New HavenUniversity of North

Carolina: WilmingtonUniversity of Notre DameUniversity of PennsyvaniaUniversity of PittsburghUniversity of Rhode IslandUniversity of RichmondUniversity of RochesterUniversity of ScrantonUniversity of South California University of South CarolinaUniversity of TampaUniversity of TexasUniversity of VirginiaUniversity of WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin:

MadisonVanderbilt UniversityVillanova UniversityVirginia Military InstituteVirginia Polytechnic InstituteWake Forest UniversityWashington & Lee UniversityWest Virginia UniversityWestminster Choir College

of Rider University


Page 53: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


Bro. Thomas Cleary, S.M. ’81 President

Bro. Joseph Bellizzi, S.M. ’78 Principal

Salvatore Trentacoste Assistant Principal

John Callinan ’84 Dean of Students

Daniel Petruccio Director of Guidance

Michael Ingrassia ’94 Director of Student Services

Fr. Garrett Long, S.M. ’62 Chaplain

Bro. Peter Heiskell, S.M. ’86 Director of Apostolic Activities

Oscar Generoso Treasurer

Bro. Richard Hartz, S.M. ’59 Director of Development and Alumni Relations

Donald Scarola Athletic Director

Robert Casella Manager of Facilities



Bro. Thomas’ puggle, Buster, is often spotted at Chaminade events.



TUITION $9,560•CosttoParents:$8,235•CostSupportedby Endowment: $1,325


TYPE Catholic / Private

CURRICULUM Liberal Arts College Preparatory

FACULTY • Marianists: 17• Lay: 65

OTHER INFORMATION • Student to Faculty Ratio: 22:1• Library: 22,467 Volumes

REGISTERED University of the State of New York

ACCREDITED Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools

MEMBER • New York Association of Independent Schools•NationalCatholicEducation Association


Page 54: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


Peter AccardiBA, MA, English Maria M. AgostiBA, LanguageBrian Anselmo ’89BA, MA, Social Studies Bro. Stephen Balletta, S.M. ’74BA, MA, ReligionKevin O. Beirne ’00BA, MS, Mathematics Bro. Joseph Bellizzi, S.M. ’78BA, MA, Religion Bruce BombaraBA, MS, Social Studies Michael Bruno ’90BA, English John Callinan ’84BA, MS, MathematicsPeter Carriero ’96BA, Mathematics William Carriero ’69BA, MA, Social Studies Kevin CarrollAS, BS, Phys. Ed. Joseph CasoBA, English Thomas Cassidy ’93BA, MA, Language & English Christopher Cava ’84BS, Science Matthew Chicavich ’98BS, Mathematics & Science Bro. Thomas Cleary, S.M. ’81BA, MA, Religion Sean Clores ’06BA, English Andrew Corcoran ’01BS, MA, Mathematics & Science Louis CosentinoBA, MS, Social Studies Bro. Ryszard Decowski, S.M. ’77BA, MA, Religion BA, MA, Religion Thomas Dillon ’92BA, MS, English George DlugolonskiAAS, BS, MA, Phys. Ed. & Health Michael Dolce ’99BA, MS, Language & Religion Peter Dubon ’99BS, Science Ryan Dunbar ’04BA, MS, English Bro. George Endres ’72BA, MA, Religion Daniel FeeneyBS, MS, Phys. Ed. & Health

Terence Fitzgibbon ’00BA, Language & Mathematics Denis Flood ’89BS, Science Michael Foley ’99BA, MS Religion P. Casey Giordano ’93BS, MS, Science Thomas GiovannettiBA, MA, Mathematics Bro.DanielGriffin,S.M.BA, MTS, Religion Bro. Richard Hartz, S.M. ’59BA, BS Education; MA, LanguageBrian R. Hayes ’99BA, Mathematics Robert Hazelton ’82BA, MS, Mathematics & Religion Bro. Peter Heiskell, S.M. ’86BA, MA, Language James HockBS, MA, Science Patrick Hoey ’01BA, MS, English & Social Studies Bro. Karl Hornberger, S.M. ’77BA, MS, Mathematics & Fine Arts Michael Ingrassia ’94BA, MS, CAS, English Matthew Kaplan ’97BA, MA, EnglishGregory Kay ’98BA, MS, Social Studies Viktoriya KhokhlovaBA, MA, Fine Arts Bro. Benjamin Knapp, S.M. ’93BA, MS, Science Alanna KumpBA, MBA, Language Bro. Robert Lahey, S.M. ’65BS, MS, English Carol LeottaBS, MS, Mathematics Rosanne LevaneBS, MS, Science Fr. Garrett Long, S.M. ’62BA, MS, Religion & Language Fr. Ernest Lorfanfant, S.M. ’55BS, STB, MA, Religion Christopher Lynch ’82BS, MS, Science BS, MS, Science Frank MarenghiBA, MS, Fine Arts BA, MS, Fine Arts Michael McCarthyBA, Social Studies BA, Social Studies Terence McCormick ’03BA, MA, Language BA, MA, Language Bro. John McGrory, S.M. ’84BA, MA, Librarian & Language BA, MA, Librarian & Language

John MoranBS, MS, Phys. Ed. & Health Michael MoranBS, MA, MS, Phys. Ed. & Health Martin Munnelly ’87BA, MA, Social Studies Robert Nelson ’65BS, MA, Phys. Ed. & Health Robert O’Keefe ’04BS, MS, English Mary OlivaBA, MS, Language Graham Otton ’05BA, English Kevin Parente ’82BS, MS, Social Studies Robert Paul ’92BA, MS, Science Daniel PetruccioBA, MA, Religion Robert PomponioBS, MA, Phys. Ed. & Health Patrick Reichart ’01BA, MA, English Fr. Todd Saccoccia ’85BS, MA, M.Div, Religion Rita Santiago-EspinalBS, MA, Language Gregory Saporita ’02BA, MS, Language Bro.PatrickSarsfield,S.M.’86BA, MA, ReligionDonald ScarolaBS, MS, Athletic Director Adriana StaianoBS, MBA, Language Bro. Lawrence Syriac, S.M.BA, MA, Social Studies Steven TonerBA, MS, Mathematics Salvatore TrentacosteBS, MS, Science Gregory WalshBA, LanguageMichael Yatco ’02BA, MS, LanguageRobert zehnderBS, Phys. Ed. & Health Sally zehnterBS, MS, Fine Arts


Page 55: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report

John Moran

Michael Moran

Martin Munnelly ’87

Robert Nelson ’65

Robert O’Keefe ’04

Mary Oliva

Graham Otton ’05

Kevin Parente ’82

Robert Paul ’92

Daniel Petruccio

Robert Pomponio

Patrick Reichart ’01

Fr. Todd Saccoccia ’85

Rita Santiago-Espinal

Gregory Saporita ’02


Donald Scarola

Adriana Staiano

Bro. Lawrence Syriac, S.M.

Steven Toner

Salvatore Trentacoste

Gregory Walsh

Michael Yatco ’02

Robert zehnder

Sally zehnter


ALUMNI BOARD Edward Smith ’89 PresidentVice-PresidentsGus Nuzzolese ’76 Christopher Hanley ’80Joseph Pollaci ’99 Joseph Munda ’00Daniel Landolphi ’82 Past President Permanent MembersErnest T. Bartol ’63Christopher Byczek ’66 Michael Carey ’67Barry Champney ’70Patrick Donnelly ’80John Fawls ’74Richard P. Kearns ’68 Joseph Lucchesi ’63Lawrence Mahon ’78Charles F. Mansfield ’62 Craig Tigh ’72 Robert F. Van der Waag ’61John Westerman ’75 Chapter PresidentsBoston Paul Cramer ’78 California Mark Skarulis ’91 Chicago William Barbino ’85Connecticut/WestchesterDavid Maloof ’76Greater Delaware ValleyWilliam Walsh ’75Southeast FloridaRonald Malanowski ’86Southwest FloridaChristopher Kuzler ’81Washington D.C. Thomas Russo ’68Golf & Tennis Open William Basel ’58 Executive DirectorErik Sulzbach ’92 Chairman Event Chairmen Distinguished Alumnus AwardDaniel Friel ’82 NYC Cocktail Party Joseph McGoldrick ’00Young Alumni Professional Event Joseph Maddalone ’07Baseball Reunion Timothy Casale ’00Basketball Reunion Chris Salogub ’94Community Service Project James Mercadante ’79 Crew Reunion Edward Goydas ’01Darby Players Reunion John Pennacchio ’97 Hockey Reunion Donald Morrison ’73Kick-OffReunion Christopher Pujols ’82Lacrosse Reunion Daniel DeBetta ’92 Soccer Reunion Jonathan Hicks ’99Track and Cross Country ReunionWilliam Slattery ’78 Wrestling Reunion Scott Cole ’95 Yearbook Barbecue Matt Tigh ’01Professional Association Presidents Law EnforcementMatthew Travaglia ’89

Lawyers Robert O’Brien ’79LI Businessmen John Massaro ’82Real Estate Christopher Haunss ’00 Wall Street David Gildea ’93Bro. Richard Hartz, S.M. ’59Director of Dev. and Alumni RelationsDeborah Kendric Asst. Director of Dev. and Alumni RelationsBro. John McGrory, S.M. ’84Asst. Director of Alumni RelationsKevin Parente ’82Asst. Director of Alumni Relations and Golf & Tennis Open

BOARD of ADVISORSTimothy Bowe Bro. Thomas Cleary, S.M. ’81Provincial and PresidentThomas Dufek Rev. Philip Eichner, S.M. ’53 Bro. George Endres, S.M. ’72 Colleen Hickey Richard Kearns ’68 Chairman Daniel Petruccio Robert Van der Waag ’61Rev. James Williams, S.M. ’87Robert and Lisa ArningParents Club Board ChairpersonsJohn and Rosemary WalshParents Club PresidentsEdward Smith ’89Alumni Association PresidentRobert and Debra GernerCAPA PresidentsEmeritus MembersWilliam Bourke Founding MemberJames DixonRobert Kearns ’63Peter Ross

DEVELOPMENT & ALUMNI STAFFBro. Richard Hartz, S.M. ’59 Director of Dev. and Alumni RelationsWilliam Basel ’58 Golf & Tennis Open Exec. DirectorDeborah Kendric Asst. Director of Dev. and Alumni RelationsBro. John McGrory, S.M. ’84Asst. Director of Alumni RelationsKevin Parente ’82Asst. Director of Alumni Relations and Golf & Tennis OpenVeronica Cava Alumni Secretary Janice Galvin Development SecretaryCharles Mansfield ’62 Dev. Officer Mary McKenna Marketing Comm. CoordinatorElena Metzler Development SecretaryTheresa Morra Alumni Secretary

TORCH COMMITTEEPaul Burns ’70Christopher Concannon ’85 Christopher Concannon ’85

Patrick Donnelly ’80John Fawls ’74Michael Fee ’75Brian Hull ’77Daniel Landolphi ’82 ChairmanJames Leslie ’87 Lawrence Mahon ’78Charles Mansfield ’62Chris Neomonitis ’01Kevin Sampson ’73Edward Smith ’89Craig Tigh ’72John Westerman ’75

CAPA Joseph and Maureen Anselmo Board of Directors Peter and Rosemarie CiorciariDirectors, CAPA Gold ClubMarion Conrade Board of Directors Robert and Debra Gerner PresidentsJoseph and Barbara GrignoliVice Presidents, Hospitality Joseph and Jacqueline HaslbauerRecording Secretaries Gary and Linda KocheCorresponding Secretaries Stephen Melley Board of Directors Kevin and Mary O’KeefeTreasurersPeter and Lois Ray Vice Presidents, HospitalityMichael and Michelle SalogubBoard of DirectorsJohn and Deborah StellakisBoard of DirectorsFr. Garrett Long, S.M. ’62 ModeratorWilliam Carriero ’69Assistant Moderator Bro. Robert Lahey, S.M. ’65Assistant Moderator

PARENTS CLUB John and Rosemary Walsh PresidentsScott and Jacqueline SchneiderVice PresidentsGil and Francine Cosenza Gil and Francine Cosenza TreasurersJames and Patricia Henry James and Patricia Henry SecretariesJoseph and Margaret Johnson HospitalityRobert and Lisa Arning Chairpersons, Board of DirectorsJames and Susan Marchetta Board of DirectorsPaul and Catherine Patterson Board of DirectorsDaniel and Alison ZimmonBoard of DirectorsBro. Joseph Bellizzi, S.M. ’78 ModeratorBro. Ryszard Decowski, S.M. ’77Assistant Moderator

Page 56: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report



Freshman Year• History of Salvation I• English I• World Regional Studies• Math 9• Language I• Earth Science or

Oceanography• Music• Physical Education• Computer Education

Sophomore Year• History of Salvation IIHistory of Salvation II• English II• European HistoryEuropean History• Math 10• Language II• Biology• Health• Physical EducationPhysical Education• Computer EducationComputer Education

Junior Year• Christian Humanism• English III• American History I• Math 11• Language III• Chemistry• Studio Art• Physical Education

Senior Year• Christian ExistenceChristian Existence• English IV• American History II• Math 12

(including Computer Ed.)• Language IV• Physics• Advanced Art / Music• Physical Education

NOTE: Band, String Orchestra, GleeClub or Parish Religious EducationPracticum are optional for each year.

ACTIVITIES and SPORTS Co-Curricular Activities• Art Club•• Bagpipe Band ClubBagpipe Band Club• BandsBands• C.S. Lewis SocietyC.S. Lewis Society• Economics ClubEconomics Club• Glee ClubGlee Club• Language ClubsLanguage Clubs

French, German, LatinFrench, German, LatinSpanish and ChineseSpanish and Chinese

• Literary ClubLiterary Club• Mathematics Club / TeamMathematics Club / Team• Music Club• Science Club• Science Olympiad• Social Studies Club• Speech and Debate Club• String Orchestra

Extracurricular Activities• Apostles - Retreat StaffApostles - Retreat Staff• Auditorium Service• Aviation Club• School Store Staff• Catholic League• Chess Club / Team• Columbian Squires• Communications Club• Computer Technology Club• Crew Club (Winter)• Culinary Club• Drama Club• Emmaus Apostolic ProgramEmmaus Apostolic Program• ETV Service•• Extraordinary MinistersExtraordinary Ministers

of Holy Communion of Holy Communion • General StudentGeneral Student

OrganizationOrganization• GethsemaneGethsemane• Golf Club• Hiking ClubHiking Club• Hospital VolunteersHospital Volunteers• Intramural Officials ClubIntramural Officials Club• Library ServiceLibrary Service• Literary MagazineLiterary Magazine

SKYLIGHTSKYLIGHT• Martial Arts ClubMartial Arts Club

• National Honor Society• Newspaper

TARMAC• Parish Religious

Education Program • Photo Service• Physical Fitness Club• Plastic Modeling Club• SacristansSacristans•• SodalitySodality• Student-AthleteStudent-Athlete

Leadership Program Leadership Program • Track Club (Spring)Track Club (Spring)• Woodworking ClubWoodworking Club• YearbookYearbook


Interscholastic Sports• Baseball• BasketballBasketball• BowlingBowling• Crew (Fall and Spring)Crew (Fall and Spring)•• Cross CountryCross Country• FootballFootball• GolfGolf• Ice HockeyIce Hockey• LacrosseLacrosse• RifleryRiflery• SoccerSoccer• SwimmingSwimming• TennisTennis• Track and FieldTrack and Field

(Winter and Spring)(Winter and Spring)• VolleyballVolleyball• WrestlingWrestling

Intramural Sports• BasketballBasketball• Ping PongPing Pong• Soccer• Specialty GamesSpecialty Games• Tug-of-WarTug-of-War• Ultimate FrisbeeUltimate Frisbee• Volleyball• Water PoloWater Polo• Wiffle BallWiffle Ball• WrestlingWrestling

Page 57: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


Interscholastic Sports

Intramural Sports

Amityville — 12Babylon — 14Bayport — 2Bay Shore — 15Blue Point — 2Bohemia — 2Brentwood — 1Brightwaters — 12Brookhaven — 1Central Islip — 1Centerport — 3Centereach — 2Cold Spring Harbor — 9Cold Spring Hills — 1Commack — 2Copiague — 3Coram — 2Cutchogue — 2Dix Hills — 12East Islip — 9East Northport — 12East Quogue — 1 Fort Salonga — 10Gilgo Beach — 1Greenlawn — 10Halesite — 4Hampton Bays — 1Hauppauge — 3Holbrook — 1Holtsville — 1Huntington — 53Huntington Station — 6Islip — 4Islip Terrace — 1Kings Park — 8Lake Grove — 2Lake Ronkonkoma — 2Lindenhurst — 7Lloyd Harbor — 6Lloyd Neck — 1 Melville — 8Middle Island — 1Nesconset — 5North Babylon — 6Northport — 18Oakdale — 4Patchogue — 2 Port Jefferson Station — 1Remsenburg — 1 Ridge — 1Sayville — 6Setauket — 8Shirley — 2Shoreham — 1Smithtown — 8Southampton — 2Southold — 3St. James — 14Stony Brook — 7

Wading River — 1West Babylon — 1Westhampton Beach — 1 West Islip — 6West Sayville — 1

Bayside — 7Belle Harbor — 5Bellerose (Q) — 5Breezy Point — 2Brooklyn — 1Douglaston — 3Douglas Manor — 1Far Rockaway — 1Floral Park (Q) — 4Flushing — 6Glen Oaks — 2Glendale — 1Jamaica Estates — 1Kew Gardens — 2Little Neck — 6Manhattan — 1Middle Village — 2New Hyde Park (Q) — 1Oakdale Gardens — 1Queens Village — 1Rego Park — 1Richmond Hill — 1 Whitestone — 1

Albertson — 8Atlantic Beach — 5Baldwin — 12Baldwin Harbor — 3Bayville — 16Bellerose — 1Bellerose Village — 3Bellmore — 8Bethpage — 11Brookville — 2Carle Place — 4Cedarhurst — 1 Cove Neck — 1East Atlantic Beach — 2East Meadow — 12East Norwich — 9East Rockaway — 15East Williston — 21Elmont — 7Farmingdale — 4Floral Park — 43Flower Hill — 1Franklin Square — 17Freeport — 12Garden City — 168Garden City Park — 4Garden City Park — 4Garden City South — 6Garden City South — 6Glen Cove — 19Glen Head — 18Glenwood Landing — 2 Glenwood Landing — 2

Great Neck — 2Hempstead — 8Hewlett — 1 Hicksville — 31Island Park — 7Jericho — 1 Lake Success — 1Levittown — 13Lido Beach — 6Locust Valley — 13Long Beach — 23Lynbrook — 19Malverne — 13Manhasset — 61Manhasset Hills — 4Massapequa — 77Massapequa Park — 37Mattituck — 1 Merrick — 25Mineola — 28Muttontown — 2New Hyde Park — 49North Babylon — 6North Bellmore — 12North Massapequa — 8North Merrick — 6North Woodmere — 1Oceanside — 14Old Bethpage — 2Old Brookville — 7Old Westbury — 6Oyster Bay — 18Oyster Bay Cove — 1Plainview — 21Plandome — 7Point Lookout — 6Port Washington — 27Rockville Centre — 99Roosevelt — 1Roslyn — 2 Roslyn Heights — 5Sands Point — 6Sea Cliff — 8Seaford — 28Searingtown — 2Stewart Manor — 7Stewart Manor — 7Syosset — 18Syosset — 18Uniondale — 1Upper Brookville — 3Valley Stream — 16Wantagh — 36West Hempstead — 20Westbury — 25Williston Park — 19Woodbury — 3Woodmere — 2

Madison — 2





Morris County,NewJersey–2

Page 58: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report


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For more information regarding the Torch Fund, please contact the Chaminade Development Office at 340 Jackson Avenue, Mineola, NY 11501-2441 • (516) 742-5555 ext. 443 FAX (516) 742-1989 • [email protected] www.chaminadealumni.com • www.torchfund.org

Page 59: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report
Page 60: 2012 Torch Fund Annual Report

CHAMINADE HIGH SCHOOL340 Jackson AvenueMineola, NY 11501-2441