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Updated Mar 2010 加拿大佛教會 湛山精舍 學佛班 禪坐入門 Introduction to Chán Meditation 2010/5/22 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple

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Buddhism Blue Cliff Record Meditation Koan


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Updated Mar 2010

加拿大佛教會 湛山精舍 


禪坐入門 Introduction to

Chán Meditation2010/5/22

Buddhist Association of Canada

Cham Shan Temple

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Updated Mar 2010

Buddhist Association of Canada

Cham Shan Temple

ná mó fó tuó南 無 佛 陀

Namo Buddha

ná mó dá mó 南 無 達 摩

Namo Dharma

ná mó sēng qié南 無 僧 伽

Namo Sangha

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Citta Mindfulness/Insightfulness 觀心

•善自護念 Always protect your thoughts and your senses.•當前一念 Always present at the moment. •善用其心 Always apply mindfulness to your mind.

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Chih-Kuan (Samatha Vipasanna) 止觀 1. Gradual Chih-Kuan - Practice is shallow at first and deep later, which implies a gradual development. Understanding, however, is said to come suddenly. 渐次止观 – 修是由淺到深 , 最終悟是頓然 , 如十二門禪。2. Unfixed Chih-Kuan - The Six Wonderful Dharma Gates ,is the step-by-step method leading to sudden understanding. Here, practice is gradual at first and then sudden. 不定止觀 - 六妙法門 , 雖漸進但門門可入定開悟。3. Perfect Chih-Kuan - All conditions and reality are merely three contemplations in one mind, and that there is only sudden understanding with no distinction as to when it began or as to how and where it progressed thereafter. – 圓頓止觀一切有為法以空假中觀之 , 無時空的限制 , 頓然開悟。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Nine Mental State

1.Fixing the Mind2.Fixation with Some Continuity3.Patch-like placement4.Good Fixation5. Becoming Disciplined6. Becoming Peaceful7. Fully Pacifying8. Becoming Single- pointed9. Fixed Absorption


1. 內住2. 等住3. 安住4. 近住5. 調順6. 寂靜7. 最極寂靜8. 專注一趣9. 等持

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12 Sequential Stages of Dhyanas 十二門禪

§ The 1st Four Dhyanas in the Realm of Form 四色界定

§ The 2nd Four Dhyanas with Four Immeasurable minds 四無量心

§ The 3rd Four Dhyanas in the Realm of Formlessness 四空處定

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Prerequisite of 1st Four Dhyanas 四色界定要求

• Before entering the 1st four Dhyanas, it is preferred to:1. achieve mental state above #5, (Good Fixation), 2. mentally get out of Realm of Desire, 3. abandon judgements and negative thinkings. 入四禪前要禪定到寂靜或以上 , 無尋及離欲界。

• The mind is absence of the distractions of sensory desire. One progressively sublimates the senses. Each progressive stage is a more pure state of Samadhi. 四禪是在色界內 , 厭離欲界的散亂心 , 不攀緣七情六欲 , 層層深入 , 六入漸停。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Benefits of 1st Dhyana 初禪功德When the meditator reaches the first dhyana, passions, desires

and unwholesome thoughts are released, and the meditator feels joyful interest and a sense of well-being. 慾望 , 雜念 , 感情的解放 , 身心愉快 。 ( 無鼻、舌二識,但有眼、耳、身、意四識生起之喜樂二受和思惟能力。 )

This stage of bliss comes from detachment and freedom from emotional distress - This emotional distress includes evil desires (origination, karmic causes) and evil states or conditions (sufferings, retributions).

離欲界之粗濁 , 生初禪喜樂 , 離五蓋。 ( 雖已離欲界之惡不善法,而感受到脫離欲界之喜、樂,但仍有尋、伺的粗細分別之心理活動。 )

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Five Steps of 1st Dhyana 初禪五支1. Awakening 覺支Initial attention, application of cognitive thought onto

an object. It is likened to a bee hovering about a flower. 於禪定中,得大清淨,知色界細觸,非欲界粗觸,如大寐得醒,如貧得寶藏。

2. Observation 觀支。Continuous, sustained observation on an object,

entailing a cognitive, analytical scrutiny of it & discernment of reality from falsehood. It is likened to a bee landing on a flower and gathering its pollen 即以細心分別禪中諸妙功德。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Five Steps of 1st Dhyana 初禪五支3. Joy 喜支。An ecstatic, emotional feeling of knowing, revelation & oneness

with an object. It is not a cognitive state but rather an affective and intuitive state of mind. 獲得初禪,定中所得利益甚多,直覺中如是思維,歡喜無量。

4. Contentment 樂支。A more sublime affective and intuitive state of knowing and

familiarization with an object of meditation. It is a less emotional, more refined state of bliss. 喜心既息,恬然寂靜,受禪定樂。

5. Concentration 一心支。Singleness of mind, complete focus, and pure mental

concentration 證初禪時,心依覺觀喜樂之法,故有細微散亂,若將喜樂心息,則心與定為一

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Five Steps of 1st Dhyana 初禪五支The 1st Dhyana has 5 distinguishing steps. The first two steps are

cognitive states of mind whereas the second two are affective and intuitive. Each state of mind is more sublime than the preceding state. The affective states of mind are subtler than the cognitive states, with contentment being subtler than rejoicing. Only the single mind is completely pure.

初禪心與身識相應 , 有覺觀 , 名外淨。

The five hindrances have completely disappeared and intense unified bliss remains. Only the subtlest mental movement remains, perceivable in its absence by those who have entered the second Dhyana. The ability to form unwholesome intentions ceases. 五障消除 , 喜樂常住 , 無尋唯伺。

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Suumary of 1st Dhyana 初禪1) There is no possibility of unwholesome thought; 無尋2) No decision making process is available; 無判別心3) There is no perception of time; 無時限4) Consciousness is non-dual, making comprehension

inaccessible; 意識一元化 , 無理解之需 , 空假中觀之。

5) Yet one is very, very aware, but only of bliss that doesn't move; and 有覺有觀 , 喜樂不停。

6) The five senses are fully shut off, and only the sixth sense, mind, is in operation. 五識漸停。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Diamond Sutra 金剛經

Chapter 1. The Reasons for the Dharma Assembly Thus I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying in

the Jeta Grove of the Garden of the Benefactor of Orphans and the Solitary together with a gathering of great bhikùus, twelve hundred fifty in all. At that time, at meal time, the World Honored One put on his robe, took up his bowl, and entered the great city of Sràvastã to beg for food.

第一品 法会因由分如是我闻,一时,佛在舍卫国祗树给孤独园,与大比丘众千二百五十人俱。尔时,世尊食时,著衣持钵,入舍卫大城乞食。

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Diamond Sutra 金剛經

After he had finished his sequential begging within the city, he returned, ate the food, put away his robe and bowl, washed his feet, arranged his seat, and sat down.


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Blue Cliff Record Case 9: Zhao Zhou's Four Gates

A monk asked Zhao Zhou, "What is Zhao Zhou?" Zhao said, "East gate, west gate, south gate, north gate.“

The monk said, “That is not what I asked.” Zhao said, “Didn’t you ask about Zhao-



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Zhao Zhou’s Four Gates

In their words they show their ability in direct confrontation:

The Adamantine Eye is completely void of dust.

East, West, South, North—the gates face each other;

An endless series of hammer blows can't smash them open.句裏呈機劈面來,爍迦羅眼絕纖埃。東西南北門相對,無限輪錘擊不開。

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A rumor 謠言

There was a old lady who operated a tea house by the side of a road to Wutaishan. After finished a cup of tea, a monk asked: Which road goes to Wutaishan? The old lady replied: Go straight forward. After the monk walked away several steps, the old lady said to herself: Another fine master is (unexpectedly) gone. She did this many times.

有婆子在五臺山路傍開茶店 , 行腳僧用茶後 , 便问道:“五台山的路向什么地方去 ?”

婆子答道:“一直朝前走。” 該僧跑了二三步 , 婆子自云 :“ 好个师父就这么去了。” 不止一次二次。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

A rumor 謠言

Later, a monk mentioned this to Zhao Zhou. Zhao said: Let me try it.

Next day, Zhao went to see the old lady and asked the same question: Which road goes to Wutaishan?

The old lady as usual replied: Go straight forward.后来,有僧人把这件事告诉了赵州禅师。赵州禅师说道:

“待我去勘验一下。” 第二天,赵州禅师便去问那婆子:“五台山的路向什么地方去 ?” 老太婆仍然答道:“一直朝前走。”

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Buddhist Association of Canada

A rumor 謠言

After Zhao walked away for several steps. The old lady as usual said to herself: Another fine master is (unexpectedly) gone.

Zhao went back to the temple and said to the monk: The Wutaishan old lady gives me full understanding.



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[email protected]

Shengguang Shi 釋聖光

Tom Cheung 張相棠

Kam Cheung 張仁勤

Questions and Comments 討論

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Buddhist Association of Canada

yuàn xiāo sān zhàng zhū fán năo

願消三障諸煩惱We wish to rid ourselves of the three hindrances and all klesas.

yuàn dé zhì huì zhēn míng lĭao

願得智慧真明了We wish to gain wisdom and real understanding.

pŭ yuàn zuì zhàng xī xiāo chú

普願罪障悉消除 We wish all sinful hindrances to be totally eradicated.

shì shì cháng xíng pú sà dào

世世常行菩薩道In one life after another we always follow Bodhisattvas’ paths.

回向Parinamana (Transfer of Merit)