2008 appea - conference and exhibition

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  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition



    and Exhibition


    Perth Convention

    Centre, Western



    69 April 2008 EnergisingChange

    P R I N C I P A l S P O N S O R S

  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition









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  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition


    Invitation from the APPEA Chairman

    The 2008 APPEA Conference and Exhibition in

    Perth from 6 to 9 April offers the best program

    yet and, on behalf of the APPEA Council, I extenda warm welcome to you to attend.

    The next two to three years will be a watershed or the energy industryin Australia, with new policies impacting on all aspects o exploration,production, delivery and energy use. Our conerence program reectsthe challenges and the opportunities that need to be grasped to ensuresuccess or the upstream petroleum industry.

    Our theme or Perth is Energising Change, which captures the coreissues o this time, and the national and international speakers on the

    program will address this dynamic theme.They will be supported by a strong technical program that meetsthe conerences high standards, eaturing local and internationalpresenters on a wide range o commercial and technical topics.

    One o the exciting eatures o the 2008 program will be a set ostrong poster presentations, an area APPEA has proudly developedin recent years.

    More than 220 booths will eature in the 2008 Exhibition, the largestever hosted by APPEA. The increased involvement rom internationalbusiness demonstrates recognition rom the global services sector o

    the potential o the Australian oil and gas industry and APPEA is proudto welcome our new exhibitors to the event.

    We are delighted to have Macquarie Bank and BHP Billiton as theprincipal conerence sponsors or 2008. Their ongoing commitment toAPPEA and to the conerence is very much appreciated, as is the vitalsupport o all our sponsors.

    As always, the conerence will eature an attractive social and partnersprogram, taking advantage o all that Perth and the surrounding regionhas to oer. In addition, the programs networking opportunities are

    widely recognised in the upstream petroleum industry.Taken together, the 2008 Conerence and Exhibition program representsan opportunity not to be missed and I look orward to welcoming you toPerth in April.

    Colin Beckett

    APPEA Chairman

    The inceased

    involvement om

    intenational bsiness

    demonstates the

    ecognition om the

    global sevices secto

    o the potential o the

    Astalian oil and

    gas indsty


    Photos courtesy APPEAmember companies andTourism Western Australia.

  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition

    4/32online registration www.appea2008.com.au

    Conference program

    This program is subject tochange without notice

    Updated program atwww.appea2008.com.au

    9.30am4.30pm Piping Gold full-day tour

    A ull-day tour to the exquisite Perth Hills to explore the history o the Mundaring Weir, original pumpingstations and topped o with wine tasting. Arriving and departing rom the Perth Convention Centre.

    See page 18 or ull details.

    9.00am1.30pm PESA Famin Semina Perth Convention Centre

    See page 28 or ull details.

    12noon7.00pm Coneence egistation Main Foyer, Perth Convention Centre

    Delegates are encouraged to collect their registration packs beore attending the welcome reception

    at 6.30pm, on site at the centre.

    1.15pm6.15pm All Aboad half-day tour

    A hal-day experience taking on a nautical avour at the maritime museum.

    Arriving and departing rom the Perth Convention Centre. See page 18 or more details.

    6.30pm9.30pm The Fie & Ice Beake Ballroom, Perth Convention Centre

    The must attend networking event as the whos who o the industry gathers on the opening evening

    o the conerence. See page 19 or ull details.

    Sponsored by:

    AMOG Consulting Apache Energy Limited CGGVeritas INPEX Browse Ltd

    IFAP Magellan Petroleum Australia Limited

    MBA Petroleum Consultants Piper Alderman Predrill Stresses International Pty Ltd Samson International Ltd

    URS Australia Vanguard Solutions Pty Ltd

    Snday6 Apil

    2007 APPEA Ice Breaker


  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition


    Thoghot the pogam, APPEA oes a ange o papes that

    ae elevant to technical, commecial and stakeholde isses.

    Monday7 Apil

    6.00am Bays Jog

    Join in this traditional invigorating start to the conerence day with ellow delegates. See page 19 or details.

    7.30am8.20am Pesentes Beakast Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:Schlumberger Oilfeld Australia Pty Ltd

    By invitation only

    7.30am5.00pm Coneence egistation Main Foyer, Perth Convention Centre

    8.00am6.00pm 2008 APPEA Exhibition open Pavilions 1 & 2, Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:Australian Drilling Associates Pty Ltd

    8.30am10.20amOpening coneence session: Enegising ChangePlenary Hall, Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:BHP Billiton PetroleumandMacquarie Bank

    Chair: Belinda Robinson, Chie Executive, APPEA

    Astalian National Anthem and opening pesentation

    Ocial coneence opening addess

    The Hon Eric Ripper MLA, Deputy Premier, Treasurer, Minister or State Development (Western Australia)

    Astalian Govenment addess

    The Hon Martin Ferguson AM, MP, Minister or Resources and Energy

    Global tends in the oil and gas indsty

    Mr J Michael Yeager, Group Executive and Chie Executive Petroleum, BHP Billiton Petroleum

    APPEA Chaimans addess

    Mr Colin Beckett, General Manager Greater Gorgon Area, Chevron Australia Pty Ltd

    10.20am11.00am Moning tea in the exhibition hall Pavilions 1 & 2, Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:ExxonMobil

    11.00am12.40pm Plenay session: Challenges, gowth and oppotnitiesSponsored by:Chevron Australia Pty Ltd

    Chair: Colin Beckett, General Manager Greater Gorgon Area, Chevron Australia Pty Ltd

    Enhanced oil ecovey gowth: getting moe om less

    Mr Mark Puckett, President Chevron Energy Technology Company, Chevron Australia Pty Ltd

    Tends and histoical pespectives in the intenational spply anddemand o enegy

    Speaker to be confrmed

    The ole o an independent oil company in a changing global enegy

    envionment | Ms Linda Cook, Executive Director Gas & Power, Royal Dutch Shell Plc.

    APPEA Indsty Awads

    This program is subject tochange without noticeUpdated program at



    conference updates www.appea2008.com.au

  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition

    6/32online registration www.appea2008.com.au

    12.40pm2.00pm Lnch in the exhibition hall Pavilions 1 & 2, Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:Apache Energy Limited

    Delegates are able to enjoy a buet lunch whilst perusing the exhibition stands and poster presentations.

    12.40pm2.00pm APPEA Membes Lnch Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:BHP Billiton Petroleum and Macquarie Bank

    By invitation only

    2.00pm3.15pm C O N C u r r E N T S E S S I O N S 1 A 1 C

    1A Aceage eleaseSponsored by:Australian Government Department o Resources, Energy and Tourism

    The annual release o acreage in oshore Commonwealth waters has or many years coincided with theAPPEA Conerence; 2008 will see the continuation o this convention. The session will provide a summary

    o relevant policies that underpin the acreage management process. The session will also provide an overview

    o the prospectivity, data availability and play concepts in the oshore release areas and areas available or

    bidding in the onshore and state waters. Full speaker line-up available at www.appea2008.com.au.

    1B Access to igs and sevicesSponsorship available

    Will thee be enogh oshoe igs available o Astalias needs?T Kellock (ODS Petrodata)

    Why bing additional land dilling igs to Astalia a dilemma?J Bushell (Ensign International Energy Services)

    review o the onshoe seismic sitationJ Maher (Geoscience Australia)

    1C Skills, edcation and tainingSponsored by:TAD Pty Ltd

    Ceating a paadigm shitthe behavioal appoach to sta attaction, etention

    and development | SHannay (Acergy)

    In seach o labo Astalias thist o talent and possibilities o the te and

    the oil and gas indsty | J Berry (KPMG)

    Taining the next geneation o pocess opeatosthe Astalian Cente o

    Enegy and Pocess Taining | R Meecham (Australian Centre or Energy and Process Training)

    3.15pm3.45pm Atenoon tea in the exhibition hall Pavilions 1 & 2, Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:ExxonMobil

    Monday7 Apil

    Conference program


  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition


    3.15pm5.00pm Poste Session 1: Meet the athos Pavilion 1, Perth Convention Centre

    Sponsored by:Schlumberger Oilfeld Australia Pty LtdDuring this period, the authors o the posters in Session 1 (displayed in the exhibition hall 8am Monday to

    11.30am Tuesday) will be available to meet and discuss their work. See page 15 or the ull listing o posters.

    Delegates not wishing to miss sessions are encouraged to view the posters at aternoon tea.

    3.45pm5.00pm C O N C u r r E N T S E S S I O N S 2 A 2 C

    2A PESA Indsty reviewSponsored by:PESA

    2007 Exploration review 2007 Environment updates 2007 Production and development highlights

    2B resevoi and podction engineeingSponsored by:Geomechanics International Inc.

    The limitations o geocellla modelling in ceating accate esevoi modelsS Tyson (Paradigm)

    Simlation o esevoi pemeability decline de to invasion o lage paticlesC Gao (Curtin University o Technology)

    A sand management system o mate oshoe podction acilitiesI McKay, P Russ, J Mohr (Esso Australia)

    2C SaetySponsored by:Coey Environments Pty Ltd

    Incident and Injy-Fee as a tool to tansom clte in the wokplaceS Knisely (JMJ Associates), S Hanrahan (Chevron)

    Cyclone evacation in the Timo Seaa case stdyM Zaunbrecher (Nexus Energy), K Reeks (International Saety and Risk Management)

    The best o both woldsbilding a competent wokoce with global igo

    and local context

    A Kitchen, A Morley (AMEC)

    5.00pm6.00pm Happy ho in the exhibition hall Pavilions 1 & 2, Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:Aker Kvaerner Australia Pty Ltd

    All registered delegates, exhibitors and partners are welcome at this popular networking opportunity.

    6.00pm Evening ree

    Monday7 Apil

    conference updates www.appea2008.com.au

  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition

    8/32online registration www.appea2008.com.au

    6.00am Bays Jog

    Join in this traditional invigorating start to the conerence day with ellow delegates. Details: page 19.

    7.30am5.00pm Coneence egistation Main Foyer, Perth Convention Centre

    8.00am6.00pm 2008 APPEA Exhibition open Pavilions 1 & 2, Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:Australian Drilling Associates Pty Ltd

    8.30am10.45am Plenay session: The changing intenational enegy paadigm

    Plenary Hall, Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:ExxonMobil

    Chair: Mr Mark Nolan, Chairman, ExxonMobil Australia

    LNG otlook execting majo LNG pojectsMr Alan Hirshberg, Vice President, Established Areas Projects, ExxonMobil Development Company

    Astalian gas in a global context

    Mr Ben Hollins, Head o European Gas and Power Consulting, Wood Mackenzie

    Facing the hard truths about energyand beyond:

    A uS view on the global oil and gas indsty

    Mr Jim Slutz, Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary or Fossil Energy, US Department o Energy

    The ole o national oil companies: National pespectives

    (Representatives o China and Russia invited)

    The global oil and gas indsty om a uK pespective:

    Lessons om the Noth Sea

    Rt Hon Helen Liddell, British High Commissioner, British High Commission

    10.45am11.15am Moning tea in the exhibition hall Pavilions 1 & 2, Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:ExxonMobil

    Tesday8 Apil

    Conference program


  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition


    11.15am12.30pm C O N C u r r E N T S E S S I O N S 3 A 3 C

    3A Fontie potentialSponsored by:Geoscience Australia

    Geoscience Astalia, Oshoe Enegy Secity Pogam: an pdate o planned

    sveys and new diectionsP Southgate, C Foster, M Bradshaw (Geoscience Australia)

    The discovey o a new petolem basin oshoe rakmaa, East Coast, Noth

    Island, New ZealandC Uruski (GNS Science, NZ), C Kennedy (Crown Minerals Group, NZ),

    V Stagpoole, R Sutherland, S Henrys (GNS Science)

    How dy is onshoe Astalia eally? Opening the ntapped oil and gas potential o

    old basinsT Bernecker (Geoscience Australia)

    3B Exploation technologygeochemistySponsorship available

    Assessment o natal hydocabon seepage stdies in Astalian watesG Logan, A Jones, N Rollet, J Kennard, G Ryan, E Grosjean, K Earl, G Bernardel (Geoscience Australia)

    New developments to investigate models o oil accmlation and fidinteactions in esevois sing data om fid inclsionsP Eadington, R Kempton, H Volk, K Liu (CSIRO Petroleum)

    Pospects o micobial enhancement o coal seam methane esevois in Astalia

    M Faiz (CSIRO Petroleum), P Hendry (CSIRO Molecular and Health Technologies)

    3C Lessons leaned om global mega-pojectsSponsored by:Corrs Chambers Westgarth

    Intodction and conclsion to the session: lessons and challenges om an

    Astalian mega-pojectC Beckett (Chevron Australia)

    Lessons leaned om the Tengiz oil poject in Kazakhstan and thei application to

    Astalias Gogon pojectP Levendoski (Chevron Australia)

    Lessons leaned om Omans QALHAT LNG development and thei applicationin AstaliaM Merzian (Shell Development Australia)

    The challenges o the Jansz deepwate tieback, the longest sbsea tieback in the wold

    D Equid (ExxonMobil)

    12.30pm2.00pm Casal lnch Pavilions 1 & 2, Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:Clough

    Delegates are invited to a buet lunch whilst perusing the stands o the 2008 APPEA Exhibition

    including the new poster presentations (session 2, see page 17 or ull listing).

    12.30pm2.00pm Athos lnch Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:KPMG

    By invitation only

    Tesday8 Apil

    conference updates www.appea2008.com.au

  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition

    10/32online registration www.appea2008.com.au

    2.00pm3.15pm C O N C u r r E N T S E S S I O N S 4 A 4 C

    4A Hydocabon habitatSponsored byCorrs Chambers Westgarth

    Glacially infenced petolem plays in the Klshill Gop (Late Cabonieos-Ealy Pemian) o the sotheasten Bonapate Basin, Westen AstaliaJ Gorter, S Poynter (Eni Australia), S Bayord (Centurion Energy International), A Caudullo (Eni Australia)

    Miocene cabonate ee complexes in the Bowse Basin and the implication o

    dilling opeations | M Power (Shell Development Australia)

    Depositional scenaio modelling o the IoJansz Oxodian siliciclastic deposits,

    Noth West Shel Astalia | C Dyt (CSIRO Petroleum), L Johnson (Chevron), C Grifths (CSIRO

    Petroleum), E Paraschiviou (Chevron), F Li (CSIRO Petroleum)

    4B Deepwate podctionSponsorship available

    The development o semi-sbmesible podction vessels and its application to

    Astalian wates | H Engelsen, H Hannus (Aker Kvaerner)

    Signicant benets with a cylindical hll o FPSO, dilling, LNG, and oshoe

    powe plant applications | F Major, K Syvertsen, J Aarsnes (Sevan Marine)

    Sbsea constction in deep wate | F Eidheim (Acergy)

    4C Climate change policy developments: implications o indstySponsorship available

    Climate changemanaging the legal isks o the oncoming emissions tading scheme

    J Briggs, G Scott (Blake Dawson Waldron)

    The benets and challenges o linking GHG emissions tading schemes | L Stephenson

    (Deloitte Insight Economics), R Cohen (Deloitte and Touche), P Concessi (Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu)

    Moving towads obst geenhose gas emissions acconting and epotingL Maimone, H Adair, G Schuster (Ernst & Young)

    3.15pm3.45pm Atenoon tea in the exhibition hall Pavilions 1 & 2, Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:ExxonMobil

    Tesday8 Apil

    Conference program


  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition


    3.15pm5.00pm Poste Session 2: Meet the athos Pavilion 1, Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:Schlumberger Oilfeld Australia Pty Ltd

    During this period, the authors o the posters in Session 2 (displayed in the exhibition hall 12.30pm Tuesday

    to 4pm Wednesday) will be available to meet and discuss their work. See page 17 or a ull listing o poster

    presentations. Delegates not wishing to miss sessions are encouraged to view the posters at aternoon tea.

    3.45pm5.00pm C O N C u r r E N T S E S S I O N S 5 A 5 C

    5A Hydocabon habitatSponsored byMosaic OilNL

    Technology, investment and people: extending the lie o the cental elds complex,

    Gippsland Basin

    M Gross, A Abdul Rahim, E Broad, D Grant, B Hargreaves (Esso Australia)

    3D modelling to assess gas-in-place ncetainty in coal seam methane esevoisS McClure (Santos), I Barranco (Schlumberger)

    Plate tectonic stctal geology to detailed eld and pospect stess pedictionJ Davidson (Predrill Stresses International)

    5B Geological seqestation o CO2

    Sponsored byCool Energy Ltd

    CO2CrC Otway Basin Poject: eglatoy challenges and lessons leantT Berly, S Sharma, P Cook (CRC or Greenhouse Gas Technologies)

    Assance monitoing in the CO2CrC Otway poject to demonstate geological

    stoage o CO2: eview o the envionmental monitoing systems and eslts pioto the injection o CO


    A Hennig, D Etheridge, P de Caritat, M Watson, R Leuning, S Sharma (CRC or Greenhouse Gas Technologies)

    Geologic and esevoi modelling o CO2

    injection in Gippsland: Shot-temmovement and inteaction with podcing eldsT Snow, C Kratzing, A Miller, J Patterson (Esso Australia)

    5C Envionment and wateSponsored byCoey Environments Pty Ltd

    Wate consevation at ExxonMobil acilities | G Keen (Esso Australia)

    The challenge o commecialising associated watetning a by-podct into avalable esoce the Qeensland expeience | M Ames, O Hobbs (Origin Energy)

    Ealy social impact management o an oil and gas development in a NT Aboiginal

    society: A case stdy | J Kernaghan (Eni Australia)

    5.00pm6.00pm Happy ho in the exhibition hall Pavilions 1 & 2, Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:RPS

    A superb networking opportunity at the end o your conerence day and an ideal time to relax

    with industry colleagues.

    7.30pm for


    APPEA Coneence Dinne: The Glitte Ball

    Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:Westpac Institutional Bank

    See page 20 or ull details o the ofcial

    APPEA Conerence Dinner.

    Tesday8 Apil

    conference updates www.appea2008.com.au

  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition

    12/32online registration www.appea2008.com.au

    8.00am4.00pm Coneence egistation Main Foyer, Perth Convention Centre

    8.30am4.00pm 2008 APPEA Exhibition open Pavilions 1 & 2, Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:Australian Drilling Associates Pty Ltd

    9.00am10.30am Plenay session: Indsty innovation Plenary Hall, Perth Convention CentreSponsorship available

    Expanding new hoizons in deepwate dilling opeations

    Mr Dalton Boutte, President, WesternGeco & Executive Vice President, Schlumberger

    Evolving dilling technologies and te challenges

    Dr Lee Hunt, President and Chie Executive Ofcer, International Association o Drilling Contractors

    Seismic: new methods and techniqes

    Mr Philip Fontana, Marine Acquisition Geophysical Manager, CGGVeritas (Worldwide)

    10.30am Pesentation o awads

    Presentation o the APPEA Australian Industry Participation Award

    Presentation o the Environment and Saety AwardsAwards are sponsored by:PricewaterhouseCoopers

    10.45am11.15am Moning tea in the exhibition hall Pavilions 1 & 2, Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:ExxonMobil

    11.15am1.00pm C O N C u r r E N T S E S S I O N S 6 A 6 C

    6A Exploation technologygeophysicsSponsorship available

    resevoi monitoing sing 4D seismic in Eneld, Noth West Shel, AstaliaM Smith, A Gerhardt, A Wul, B Mee, T Ridsdill-Smith, L Bourdon (Woodside)

    restoing velocity vaiations below gose sea bottom by geomechanical modellingS Birdus (CGGVeritas)

    Contolled, acceleated, weight dop seismicD Monk (Apache), B Mooney (Polaris Explorer), J Ross (Apache Energy)

    Electomagnetic scanning in an Astalian oshoe basin with complex geologyC Twarz (EMGS ASA), J Ross (Apache Energy), F Roth (EMGS ASA), D Monk (Apache)

    6B Deepwate podctionSponsorship available

    Sbsea pocessing technologies and challengesM Bernt, O McClimans, R Fantot (FMC Technologies)

    Closed loop glycol systemsexpeience om BPs Shah Deniz gas expot pojectand advances in technologyA Condilis (Aker Kvaerner, Australia), T Stranna, JE Vale (Aker Kvaerner Process Systems, Norway)

    Steel ise soltions o deepwate gas development in Astalian wates

    E OSullivan, I Neill (MCS)Deepwate minimm podction ise system: design, abication, and installationJ Saint-Marcoux, M Wu (Acergy)

    Wednesday9 Apil

    Conference program


  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition



    Concurrentsessions 6A6C


    6C Independents FomSponsored by:Westpac Institutional Bank

    Disclose dilemmas: disclose isses in the Astalian enegy and esoces sectoS Reed (Freehills)

    Key tax isses o Astalian oil and gas independents | R Henderson, C Franchina (KPMG)

    Discoveing Astalias te petolem esoces: the stategic geoscience

    inomation ole o govenment | T Powell (STIR Science Services)

    The gowth o the CSG indsty in Astalia | M Harrington, (Queensland Gas Company)

    1.00pm3.00pm APPEA Coneence Lnch Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:Nido Petroleum

    A must-attend sit-down luncheon on the fnal day o the conerence. See page 20 or ull details.

    Wednesday9 Apil








    3.00pm5.00pm Closing session: Fte enegy challengesChair: Mr Peter Hood, Chie Executive Ofcer, Coogee Resources Ltd

    Enegy panel: the changing domestic enegy otlook

    a post emissions tading context

    This headline session or the conerence will eature panelists rom all major energy supply sectors

    natural gas, nuclear, coal, renewables and noted industry specialists Proessor Tony Owen, Proessor

    o Energy Economics at WAs Curtin University and recent head o the Owen Inquiry into Electricity Supply

    in NSW, and Anna Matysek, Associate Principal at CRA International and a specialist in climate change

    scenario design, energy technology pathways, and assessing the economic impacts o alternative energy

    and climate policies.

    The panel, proessionally acilitated or 80 minutes by well-known journalist Michael Pascoe, will consider

    Australias energy uture in light o the post-emissions trading world Australia enters rom 2010. Whatrole or individual energy supply sources? What does Australias energy uture hold? How will a changing

    energy mix impact on the Australian economy? How do we move to a post-emissions trading world at least

    cost? How can we beneft rom this new world? These and other key questions will be considered with the

    panelists bringing their unique and expert opinions to the discussion.

    Closing coneence addess

    Topical address to be provided by a high-profle speaker (program update available at www.appea2008.com.au).

    Closing comments

    Belinda Robinson, Chie Executive, APPEA Limited

    5.00pm7.00pm Daiqiis @ Dsk Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:Cue Energy Resources Limited,Media Dynamics, Piper Alderman andResourceul


    See page 20 or more details o the fnal social event on the 2008 Conerence Calendar.

    conference updates www.appea2008.com.au

  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition

    14/32online registration www.appea2008.com.au


    10 Apil &Fiday

    11 Apil

    Two-day event 2008 APPEA Gol Tonament

    A traditional end to the APPEA Conerence to tee up and relax on two beautiul courses close to Perthcity. Complemented by social unctions to ensure additional networking, a highly recommended option or

    the golers amongst you.

    This year the 2008 Australian Oilfeld Gol Tournament (AOGT) will be held at Araluen Gol Resort and

    Mount Lawley Gol Club respectively.

    Organised by the AOGT 2008 Committee, delegates can register to enjoy two days o excellent gol,

    combined with frst class evening activity. The AOGT provides an excellent opportunity to wind down ater

    the APPEA Conerence and socialise with ellow golers rom across the oil and gas community.

    Please visit www.appea2008.com.au or ull details o the event and to download the registration orm.

    Delegates can also contact John Atkinson rom the AOGT Organising Committee on +61 (0)8 6363 8920

    or registration details or to discuss sponsorship opportunities.



    Post coneence one-day indsty to: Dongaa Gas FieldsKindly organised and supported by:ARC Energy Limited

    You are invited to join a unique day tour o ARC Energys Perth Basin acilities.

    This tour is an opportunity to have an up close look at the Hovea Production Facility, taking in the Hovea

    and Xyris felds, the Dongara Production Facility and a visit to our drill rig site (i located in the area at the

    time). The cost o the day tour includes return ights rom Perth, coach transportation around the sites,

    overalls and saety boots, morning tea, lunch and aternoon tea.

    $ Cost: $550 and includes all activitites listed.Place numbers are limited so early booking is encouraged.


  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition


    In recognition o the valuable contribution posters make to its annual conerence, APPEA is pleased to announce that the technical

    program is being expanded to incorporate an extensive poster session comprising an additional 40 papers. Extended abstracts or ull

    papers o the posters will be included in the conerence proceedings, provided ater the conerence (see page 28).Posters will be displayed in two sessions:

    Session 1 posters will be on display rom 8am Monday to 11.30am Tuesday

    Session 2 posters will be on display rom 12.30pm Tuesday to 4pm Wednesday

    Please see pages 7 and 11 or times that authors in either session will be available to meet and discuss their work.

    Poster presentations

    Monday 7 April,

    8am Tuesday 8

    April, 11.30am

    P O S T E r S E S S I O N 1

    Hydocabon habitat

    Petolem geology o the Lowe Cetaceos Woolsthope-Cobden aea, onshoeOtway Basin, Victoia, AstaliaMinarwan, M Hall (Monash University)

    Astaliaom standed gas to LNG majoTBA (IHS Energy)

    Qeenslands booming coal seam gas indstyT Brain, R Randall (Queensland Department o Mines and Energy)

    Climate change impact on Noth West Shel seabed evoltion and implications

    o oshoe pipeline design | F Li, C Grifths, T Salles, C Dyt (CSIRO Petroleum), M Feng (CSIRO

    Marine & Atmospheric Research), C Jenkins (University o Colorado)

    Sedimentay ll o sbmaine canyons and channels sing a cellla atomata

    pocess-based model | T Salles (CSIRO Petroleum), M Cacas(IFP), T Mulder (Universite Bordeaux),

    F Li, C Grifths, C Dyt (CSIRO Petroleum)

    Wate washing: a majo hydocabon alteation pocess. Pat 1geochemistyL Elliott (Beach Petroleum)

    Geneating ealistic acies models o esevoi chaacteisationJ Hill, C Grifths (CSIRO Petroleum)

    Poosity tends and egional esevoi qality in the Bass BasinN Arian, P Tingate, R Hillis (University o Adelaide)

    resevoi and podction engineeing

    A netwok model o capte o emlsion doplets in poos mediaC Gao (Curtin University o Technology)

    The impotance o sand monitoing as pat o a sand management systemO Brakstad (ClampON)

    Dilling sccess as a eslt o pobabilistic lithology andfid pedictiona case stdyM Lamont, T Thompson (DownUnder GeoSolutions),

    C Bevilacqua (Apache Energy)

    PosteSession 1

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    Poster session 1

    continuedMonday 7 April,

    8am Tuesday 8

    April, 11.30am

    Geological seqestation o CO2

    Geochemisty monitoing o CO2 stoage at the CO2CrC Otway poject, VictoiaJ Underschultz (CRC or Greenhouse Gas Technologies), B Freield (Lawrence Berkeley NationalLaboratory), C Boreham, L Stalker, U Schacht, E Perkins, D Kirste, S Sharma (CRC or Greenhouse Gas


    Skills, edcation and taining

    Changes and implications in evised competency standads o the hydocabons

    indsty | A Standen (Corporate Incident Management Associates)

    HSECa poession in demandB Wilson (Wilson People Management)

    The global oil and gas skills view

    S Duke (TAD)

    Assessing cltal t o technical staA McKinnon (Hudson Global Resources)

    Poster presentations

    Photo courtesy ExxonMobil Australia


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    PosteSession 2

    Tuesday 8

    April, 12.30pm Wednesday 9

    April, 4.00pm

    P O S T E r S E S S I O N 2

    Podction engineeing

    Sae and moe eective gas lit with new baie technologyS Simonsen (Petroleum Technology Company)

    The development o a new sae and ast high-pesse connecto o the oil and

    gas indsty | O Paulsen (Sandvik Gram)

    unbonded fexible pipe integity management, e-se and lie extensionA Botto, C Banti, E OSullivan (MCS)

    New tends in edcing the ootpint o compact, highly ecient gas-liqid

    sepaatos | M Noui-Mehidi (CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering), G Sanchez,

    E Nakagawa(CSIRO Petroleum)

    Closed loop oshoe well and platom contol and optimisationH Alberts (Honeywell), D Cocker (Woodside)

    ArVsa new appoach to oshoe accommodation and maintenanceP Hoie (Equinox Energy), M Johnson (Equinox Engineering and Installations), C Back (Equinox Energy)

    Enabling technologies applications

    Impoved collaboation thogh advanced visalisation | Y Nir (Barco)

    An enabling geoscience tool o atomated ock typing, statigaphic enement

    and esevoi chaacteisation | A Butcher, P Botha, C Dunks (Intellection)

    Planning and identiying best technologies o completions o intelligent wells

    P Sheril (University o Adelaide)Oil and gas pipeline netwok vlneability assessment sing geogaphic inomation

    systems | D Prabaharan (Department o Planning and Inrastructure, Western Australia)

    Copoate stategic isses

    Mitigation o isks in the intenational esoces sectoC Roberts (Element CMC Momentum Partners Group)

    The new esoces nationalism: implications o Astalian enegy assetsJ Hay (University o Melbourne)

    A isk-based appoach to capital managementA Miller (Basis Risk), J Roderick (PricewaterhouseCoopers)

    real-wold decision making in the psteam oil and gas indstypesciptions o

    impovement | S Mackie(Magellan Petroleum), S Begg, C Smith, M Welsh (University o Adelaide)

    Compaative petolem scal egimes | C Dixon, A Nelson (Ernst & Young)

    Envionment and climate change

    Whale standings and seismic sveys in Tasmanian wates is thee a

    coelation? | C Boron, C Calver (Mineral Resources Tasmania)

    Factoing climate change into envionmental law

    G McLeod, L Rossetto (Minter Ellison)

    Accente end-consme svey on climate change 2007:a new consme mindset ceating new bsiness

    oppotnities and challenges

    D Abood, B Cullinane (Accenture)

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    Perth and Western Australia oer a unique and rich tapestry o sights, sounds and experiences whether you are a local

    or a visitor to the state. Known or spectacular coastlines, boutique vineyards and clear blue skies, Western Australia is

    breathtaking with the sophisticated city o Perth oering a cosmopolitan eel right through to the outer suburbs.

    The 2008 APPEA Conerence provides delegates with the opportunity to savor the city and surrounding areas, oering a

    social program careully integrated into the main conerence program activities.

    The inclusive unctions or ully registered delegates and registered partners include the ice breaker, happy hour and the

    arewell cocktails. I you wish to invite guests to the vibrant networking unctions, additional tickets can be purchased

    through the registration process.

    Bookings or the optional social unctions are accepted on a frst-come-frst-served basis and include the social activities

    on Sunday, Thursday, the conerence dinner and the conerence luncheon.

    Minimum and maximum numbers apply and APPEA has the right to cancel any tour i insufcient numbers are registered.

    In this instance, payments will be reunded in ull.

    No unctions will be cancelled.

    Social program

    Snday6 Apil

    9.30am4.30pm Piping Gold full-day tour

    What do six million sheep and Australias richest goldfelds both rely on? The answer is a 560 km steel

    pipeline that has delivered lie-giving water or more than 100 years to Western Australias eastern

    goldfelds. During the early gold rush, water was actually more valuable than gold. Visit the source o

    supply, Mundaring Weir, in the picturesque Perth Hills to discover the pipelines ascinating history and

    hear what it takes to keep it operational today. Walk across the weir wall to enjoy views o the dam and

    orested surrounds and have a guided tour o an original steam pumping station. Then youll have a

    Barbeque lunch (complete with a cold beer) at the local historic pub, beore heading o or coee and cake

    and wine tasting at a hills wine estate.

    $ Cost: $130pp includes all activities listed Dress: Casual and comortable ootwear and clothing

    1.15pm6.15pm All Aboad half-day tour

    Sunday is play day in Western Australia. Enjoy a leisurely river cruise as you weave your way among the

    yachties towards Fremantle. Your own guide awaits you at the abulous new Maritime Museum to share the

    highs and lows o our nautical history. By this time the sun should be heading below the yard arm and you

    may be ready or a tot or two in the original cellars o the longest continuously running liquor merchant in

    Australia (established 1829). Youll be home just in time or the evenings Ice Breaker.

    NB: Comortable walking shoes recommended as the aternoons activity includes a total o about

    30 minutes walking time between destinations. Also a wrap or jumper is recommended.

    $ Cost: $95pp includes all activities listed Dress: Casual and comortable ootwear and clothing


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    6.30pm9.30pm Welcome reception The Fie & Ice Beake Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:AMOG Consulting, Apache Energy Limited, CGGVeritas, IFAP, INPEX Browse Ltd,

    Magellan Petroleum Australia Limited, MBA Petroleum Consultants Pty Ltd, Piper Alderman,Predrill Stresses International Pty Ltd, Samson International Ltd, URS Australia and VanguardSolutions Pty Ltd

    Dont miss this chance to either turn up the heat a notch, or relax and chill out, at the opening social event

    o the APPEA Conerence 2008. The Fire & Ice Breaker will give you the opportunity to catch up with old

    riends, make new contacts or just enjoy the chance to mingle with ellow attendees at one o the largest

    gatherings o oil and gas representatives o the year. Your hosts in Perth will showcase antastic ood and

    classic wines in this superb venue. We can promise you cool conversation and warm hospitality. What

    better way to fre up your imagination or the beginning o conerence by coming along or antastic ood

    and a well deserved cool drink!

    $ Cost: Complimentary to ull delegates and registered partners.Additional tickets or day delegates, exhibitors and guests are available or $77pp via the registrationorm/online registration. We cannot guarantee that additional tickets will be available on site.

    Dress: Smart casual

    Snday6 Apil

    Monday7 Apil

    6.00am Bays jog kindly organised by Barr y Goldstein

    Meet outside the ront o the Duxton Hotel in Perth at 6am sharp.

    Seize the day and embark on this tradition o the APPEA Conerence a 30-minute jog at a steady pace

    beore sessions commence. All levels welcome.

    $ Cost: Free Dress: Appropriate exercise clothing and ootwear

    5.00pm6.00pm Happy hoSponsored by:Aker Kvaerner Australia Pty Ltd

    A great way to conclude the frst ull day o conerencing within the dynamic surrounds o the exhibition.

    Enjoy a rereshing beverage and catch up with your industry colleagues.

    Rereshments are served throughout happy hour.

    $ Cost: Free to all registered delegates, partners and exhibitors

    From 6.00pm Evening ree.

    Tesday8 Apil

    6.00am Bays jog kindly organised by Barr y Goldstein

    Meet outside the ront o the Duxton Hotel in Perth at 6am sharp.

    Seize the day and embark on this tradition o the APPEA Conerence a 30-minute jog at a steady pace

    beore sessions commence. All levels welcome.

    $ Cost: Free Dress: Appropriate exercise clothing and ootwear

    5.00pm6.00pm Happy hoSponsored by:RPS

    Discuss the events o the day in the buzz o the exhibition hall, over drinks with the key players in the oil

    and gas industry. Rereshments are served throughout happy hour.

    $ Cost: Free to all registered delegates, partners and exhibitors

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    Social program

    7.30pm for


    APPEA Coneence Dinne: The Glitte Ball Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:Westpac Institutional Bank

    A night o nights as APPEA hosts a spectacular evening or the 2008 delegates. Oering a sophisticated array

    o fne entertainment, networking and dancing as delegates are treated to the glamour and glitter o days gone

    by. Join us as the lasers hit the mirror ball and we are transported to a time when the moves were smooth

    and the music was lively. Truly outstanding Australian entertainment will help to create a un and elegant gala

    dinner complete with fne ood, wine and dancing to cap o the 2008 APPEA Conerence.

    $ Cost: $121pp all inclusive. Dress: Black tie or lounge suit with a touch o glitter!

    Tesday8 Apil


    9 Apil

    1.00pm3.00pm APPEA Coneence Lnch Perth Convention CentreSponsored by:Nido Petroleum

    One o the true highlights o the conerence, as delegates enjoy this sit down luncheon with colleagues.

    Free seating ensures great networking and the entertaining speaker ensures another memorable experience

    at APPEA08.

    $ Cost: $77pp all inclusive.5.00pm7.00pm Faewell cocktails: Daiqiis @ Dsk Perth Convention Centre

    Sponsored by:Cue Energy Resources Limited, Media Dynamics, Piper Alderman and Resourceful Events

    Following the Closing Ceremony, take this opportunity to relax and unwind at one o the most popular

    events at the Conerence. APPEA hosts a tranquil end to the three days o conerencing with one eye on the

    sunset and the other on cool cocktails or a fne Australian beer.

    $ Cost: Complimentary to ull delegates and registered partners. Additional tickets available at $44ppvia the registration orm/online (cannot be guaranteed to be available on site ater Monday 7 April).

    Dress: Smart casual


    0 & Fiday

    11 Apil




    APPEA Gol Tonament Araluen Golf Resort & Mount Lawley Golf Club

    Please visit www.appea2008.com.au or ull details o the event and to download the registration orm.

    Delegates can also contact John Atkinson rom the AOGT Organising Committee on +61 (0)8 6363 8920.

    Thursday Post coneence one-day indsty to: Dongaa Gas FieldsKindly organised and supported by:ARC Energy Limited

    See page 14 or details.

    $ Cost: $550pp. Please register early as places are limited.


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    General information


    The 48th APPEAConerence and

    Exhibition will be

    held at the Perth

    Convention Centre,

    Perth, Western

    Australia 69 April

    2008. This state-o-

    the-art convention

    acility is located

    only a short walk

    rom the central

    business district andthe recommended

    hotels (see p2425).

    WeathePerth temperatures in April are generally mild and range

    rom 20C to 24C. It would be advisable to pack a jacket

    or the evenings and an umbrella.

    2008 APPEA Exhibition

    Sponsored by:Australian Drilling Associates Pty Ltd

    The 2008 APPEA Conerence is complemented by a state-

    o-the-art industry exhibition, which this year boasts over

    125 companies exhibiting through two ull pavilions.

    Added eatures include the internet centre, an interactive

    industry display with all delegate catering taking place in

    the exhibition. For a ull list o 2008 exhibitors please reer

    to www.appea2008.com.au.

    Dinne seating

    Delegates can choose their table or the conerence dinner at

    the dinner seating booth located in the main registration area

    o the Convention Centre.

    This booth will open rom 12noon Sunday 6 April and

    enables individual delegates and companies, who have

    purchased tables o 10, to pick their seating position or thedinner. Seating allocation will close at 2pm Tuesday 8 April.

    Delegates without an allocated seat will then be allocated a

    seat at a registration desk located in the pre-dinner drink area

    o the dinner.

    Names o delegates are to be provided at the time o the

    seating allocation to ensure against the double allocation

    o seats or delegates.

    Dess code

    Dress or all conerence sessions is business attire or smart

    casual. Dress requirements or individual unctions areadvised in the social program (see pages 1821).

    Cloakoom and lggage acilities

    A complimentary cloakroom service will be available or

    the duration o the conerence, operating rom the main

    oyer in the Convention Centre. Luggage can be let at

    this location by delegates who have checked out o their

    hotels. However delegates are encouraged to utilise

    the luggage storage acilities oered by their respective

    accommodation houses.

    Sponsoship oppotnities

    still availableThe APPEA Conerence and Exhibition provides an

    excellent opportunity or stakeholders in the oil and

    gas industry to gain exposure in the largest annual

    gathering o the upstream industry in Australia.

    To view the conerence sponsors to date and

    the opportunities still available, please reer to


    To urther discuss and book sponsorship packages,

    please contact Julie Hood, APPEA

    T +61 7 3802 2208

    E [email protected]






    Image supplied courtesy o the Perth Convention Exhibition Centre

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    Partners programSponsorship still available

    In 2008 APPEA has been spoilt or choice in the activities or the partners program as Perth and its surrounding regions

    oer an exquisite variety o culture, history, ood and wine. Whether you are a local, an interstate guest or an international

    visitor, the delights available in the Western Australia partners program will be hard to resist.

    The partners program is open to all registered partners and is careully ormatted around the main conerence. This allows

    partners to attend such activities as the welcome reception, the ofcial conerence opening, the conerence lunch, the

    arewell cocktail party and, o course, the conerence dinner.

    The partners lounge will be located at the Perth Convention Centre. This room is available or use rom 12 noon Sunday 6

    April through to 6.00pm Monday 7 April and will be the meeting point or a number o partners tours. The other meeting

    area will be located adjacent to the main registration area.

    I there is an activity that you would like to do that is not listed, please advise APPEA and we will endeavour to arrange

    that activity or you.

    We look orward to seeing you all in Perth.

    Cath SuttonPartners Program Coordinator

    $ Cost: $132pp Patnes pogamPartner registration includes the welcome reception and arewell cocktails, access to the exhibition and happy

    hours, the partners morning tea and a git bag (also selected access to sessions i partner is presenting).

    NB I tours do not receive the minimum number o participants required within two weeks o the event, the

    tour may be cancelled. A ull reund in this instance is provided. Please see page 27 or the cancellation

    policy or the partner registration.

    Please do not leave it until you are on site to book tours availability at this stage cannot be guaranteed.

    See page 18 o details o optional tos that ae available on this day.

    6.30pm 9.30pm Welcome eception: The Fie and Ice Beake

    Dont miss this chance to either turn up the heat a notch, or relax and chill out, at the opening social event

    o the APPEA Conerence 2008. Your hosts in Perth will showcase antastic ood and classic wines in this

    superb venue. See page 19 or ull details.

    $ Cost: Complimentary as part o your partner registration ee

    Snday6 Apil

    Monday7 Apil

    10.30am11.45am Moning tea in the Patnes Longe

    Relax and enjoy a delightul morning tea, catching up with old riends and mingling with new ones.An engaging local speaker will entertain you rom 11.0011.45am.

    $ Cost: Complimentary as part o your partner registration ee

    1.00pm 5.30pm Mint Condition

    An aternoon o refnement and National Trusts. The Perth Mint is an inextricable part o Western Australias

    history as it was the discovery o gold which set the state on the path to prosperity. The experience includes a

    heritage tour o the Perth Mint, with your own guide, where you can see a gold pour in the original melt house

    and fnd out what you are worth in gold. This will be ollowed by a beautiul high tea, beore you stroll along

    the main city street, St Georges Terrace, and see and hear all about the landmarks which recall the areashistory. With a little bit o luck, you may be able to peek inside Government House or your own private look.*

    NB: Return to PCEC is on oot, with guided escort. *Government House dependent on approval rom Governor.

    $ Cost: $66pp includes all activities listed


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    1.00pm5.15pm Glass Maniesto

    This is a Lampworked Bead Jewellery Workshop. In this three hour workshop, you can expect to make your

    own handmade glass beads. You will also learn how to create neckpieces and earrings that are interchangeable

    (up to six dierent variations!) to enhance your wardrobe. The beads used will have been pre-made by the

    artists at Glass Maniesto. Your own beads will be orwarded on to you ater undergoing the annealing process.

    Notes on local and Internet suppliers, materials used and urther studies are supplied. You must pre-choose a

    series o options shortly ater booking (i.e. colour, earring type and metal).$ Cost: $170pp includes acilitator, expert tuition, materials, morning tea and delivery o the fnal

    product ater the event.

    Tesday8 Apil

    9.30am5.15pm Swanning Aond

    This becomes a day o grazing to sample some o the delicious tastes o the Swan Valley, Western Australias

    very frst wine growing area, about 30 minutes rom the city. Starting with wine and cheese tasting rom a

    cheeky little winery right among the vines, you will ollow with a lesson about the wondrous qualities o the

    modest olive, whilst enjoying a tempting array o olive oil, tapenades and dukka. A platter lunch will ollow

    at a boutique winery overlooking the vines, beore catching the erry or a leisurely trip back to Perth, with

    entertainment by the versatile crew. Then stroll back to the Perth Convention Centre rom Barrack Street Jetty

    just in time to join your partners or happy hour and get ready or the conerence dinner.

    $ Cost: $160 pp includes all activities listed

    10.30am3.15pm Atmn Blooms

    I you love roses, this is a trip or you. Well take a leisurely drive through the Hills area to a picturesquehouse and beautiul rose garden. The house was the original holiday home o the Catholic Archbishop oPerth and the garden eatures 700 rose bushes. A chance to smell the roses. Lunch will ollow at one oPerths best loved rose nurseries, and a rose specialist will talk on the care and pruning o roses.

    $ Cost: $105pp includes lunch, expert talk and all activities listed

    7.30pm for


    APPEA Coneence Dinne: The Glitte Ball Full details available on page 20

    $ Cost: $121pp all inclusive (see page 21 or dinner seating arrangements)

    9.15am12.30pm Stdio Cental

    Unravel the mystery o the airwaves the Country Hour, Grandstand, Stateline...do these programs

    sound amiliar? Here is a chance to take a tour o the ABC studios in East Perth and see where they are all

    produced. Peek at the television studio set up or the nightly news, see the newsroom in action, and watch

    and hear the morning program going to air. Then return to the Perth Convention Centre (ater a picnic

    morning tea) or the much anticipated Conerence Luncheon with your partner.

    $ Cost: $65pp includes all activities listed (picnic break location will depend on weather)

    9.30am1.00pm Fashion DashProblem solved about what to wear to the 2009 gala dinner! How long does it take to decide whatto take

    with you when you go away, whatever the reason? Heres a demonstration rom one o Australias leading

    ashion houses in the heart o Claremont to show you how to survive on minimum clothes with maximum

    glamour, and you dont even have to be size 8!

    Morning tea is included, and time or browsing.

    $ Cost: $55pp includes all activities listed

    1.00pm3.00pm APPEA Coneence Lnch Perth Convention Centre

    $ Cost: $77 per person all inclusive. Full details available on page 20

    5.00pm7.00pm Faewell cocktails: Daiqiis @ Dsk

    $ Cost: Included in your partner registration ee. Full details available on page 20


    9 Apil

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    Perth is able to oer a

    range of accommodation

    covering dierentbudgets. I you cannot

    see the type o

    accommodation you

    are ater or i you

    require more

    inormation regarding

    room inclusions on

    a specifc hotel,

    please contact the

    organisers directly on

    +61 2 9553 1260 and

    we will endeavour toocate a hotel to match

    your requirements.

    Special accommodation ates

    To take advantage o the special accommodation rates

    negotiated or APPEA Conerence delegates, please completethe accommodation section o the registration orm (page 29 or

    on the online orm). APPEA has block booked accommodation

    at the hotels and apartments listed. All bookings will be

    accepted on a frst come frst served basis until hotel blocks

    are ull. All accommodation bookings must include credit card

    details (or security purposes only) and a deposit or one nights

    tari. Bookings will not be confrmed without this payment.

    Cancellations and amendments

    Accommodation cancellations or amendments must be

    notifed in writing to the conerence administrator, Sane EventManagement, beore Friday 22 February 2008. Ater this date

    you will incur a charge or a cancellation or or the reduction

    in room nights. Please reer to www.appea2008.com.au or

    the cancellation and amendment policy. Hotels/the conerence

    administrator will directly debit delegates credit card details

    or cancellations and no shows (i not advised prior). Ater

    22 February 2008, accommodation will be booked or

    delegates subject to availability.

    Picing and location

    All prices are quoted per room per night (unless statedotherwise) and are inclusive o GST.

    All hotels listed are located within an easy walking distance o

    the Perth Convention Centre, unless otherwise stated.

    Hotels are listed in order o approximate distance rom the

    Perth Convention Centre.

    Note: in return or the negotiation o block bookings or accommodation orAPPEA Conerence delegates, APPEA may receive a commission or rebaterom accommodation suppliers based on the number o rooms occupied byAPPEA delegates. Any such payments are oset against the costs associatedwith the organisation and administration o accommodation bookings.

    Medina Gand Peth

    33 Mounts Bay Road, Perth WA 6000

    T +61 8 9217 8000 F +61 8 9217 8199

    W www.medina.com.au

    Accommodation type: serviced apartment

    Distance to the conerence venue: 1 minute walk

    Medina Grand Perth enjoys a great location onsite at the new

    Perth Convention Exhibition Centre, in the heart o the citys

    CBD. The Medina Grand Perth has an onsite restaurant servingbreakast and dinner, three meeting rooms, heated outdoor pool

    and spa, gymnasium and sauna.

    Premier One Bedroom Apartment: $245



    Pamelia Hilton Peth

    14 Mill Street, Perth WA 6000

    T +61 8 9215 2000 F +61 8 9215 2001 W www.hilton.com

    Accommodation type: hotel

    Distance to the conerence venue: 3 minute walk

    The Parmelia Hilton is Perths most centrally located luxury hotel

    situated in the heart o the citys business, shopping and nightlie

    districts and just a short walk to the Perth Convention Centre.

    Facilities include a 24-hour business centre, outdoor heated

    pool, gym and sauna. To eat and drink try The Globe Wine Bar

    and Restaurant, Adelphi Steak House and Bar and Paddys Bar.

    Queen* Hilton Guest Room $285* subject to availability, twin room willbe provided i queen is unavailable

    Twin Hilton Guest Room (2 single beds) $285

    King Hilton Guest Room Plus $355

    King Hilton Deluxe Plus $400

    Queen Suite $415

    King Suite $485

    The Chifey on the Teace

    185 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000T +61 8 9226 3355 F +61 8 9226 1055

    W www.constellationhotels.com/chiey

    Accommodation type: hotel

    Distance to the conerence venue: 5 minute walk

    Ideally positioned in less than fve minutes walk to the Perth

    Convention and Exhibition Centre, the Chieys central

    location provides great access to the sights and sounds o

    Perth including restaurants, caes, theatres and Perths major

    shopping districts. This 4-star boutique style accommodation

    hosts some o Perths largest suites and with The 185 Bar and

    Restaurant open or breakast, lunch and dinner all your needswill be catered or.

    Deluxe Queen Room $245

    Executive Room $265

    Spa Room $290

    Suite $290


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    Monts Bay Wates Apatment Hotel

    110128 Mounts Bay Road, Perth WA 6000

    T +61 8 9213 5333 F +61 8 9486 7998W www.mounts-bay.com.au

    Accommodation type: serviced apartment

    Distance to the conerence venue: 5 minute walk

    Located just 800 metres rom the Perth Convention Centre,

    the 4.5 star apartment hotel combines the advantages o a

    CBD location with a residential style thats more spacious and

    relaxed than the average city hotel.

    Each sel-contained apartment boasts a ully equipped kitchen

    (including dishwasher), laundry acilities, reverse cycle air-

    conditioning, a double soa bed in the lounge and a privatebalcony or courtyard. Hotel services include 24-hour reception,

    same-day laundry and dry-cleaning (conditions apply) and

    daily room servicing.

    1 Bedroom Apartment $213

    2 Bedroom Apartment $267

    2 Bedroom/2 Bath Apartment $286

    Dxton Hotel

    1 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000

    T +61 8 9261 8000 F +61 8 9261 8020

    W www.duxton.com.au

    Accommodation type: hotel

    Distance to the conerence venue: 20 minute walk

    The Duxton Hotel Perth is bordered by St Georges Terrace, the

    citys business thoroughare, the Perth Concert Hall and, to the

    south, the sweeping blue waters o the Swan River. A ew minutes

    walk away youll discover Perths major shopping, entertainment

    and restaurant centers, and the rare luxury o central city

    parklands and riverside walkways. The accommodation

    oered is indicative o this excellent chain o hotels.Standard Queen Room $294

    Standard King Room $294

    Superior Queen Room $389

    Superior King Room $389

    Suite (incl. cont breakast) $477

    rydges Peth

    Cnr Hay & King Streets, Perth WA 6000

    T +61 8 9263 1800 F+61 8 9263 1801

    W www.rydges.com

    Accommodation type: hotel

    Distance to the conerence venue: 8 minute walk

    Rydges Perths central location in downtown Perth makes

    it the ideal choice or both business and leisure travellers.

    Adjacent to the west entertainment and retail areas, the hotel

    has spacious modern guest rooms with large picture windows

    overlooking the city or river. Rydges Perth is also home to the

    award winning alresco style CBD Restaurant & Bar.

    Superior Queen Room $230

    The Melbone Hotel

    Cnr Hay & Milligan Street, Perth WA 6000

    T +61 8 9320 3333 F +61 8 9320 3344

    W www.melbournehotel.com.au

    Accommodation type: boutique hotel

    Distance to the conerence venue: 8 minute walk

    The Melbourne Hotel is a stunning boutique hotel, situated

    in the heart o Perths CBD and minutes away rom the PerthConvention Centre.

    The hotel oers all the traditional services o a 100-year-old

    city pub, with contemporary accommodation, excellent ood

    and wine and business acilities or the modern business


    Internal Room $175

    Balcony Room $185

    Deluxe Room $195

  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition

    26/32online registration www.appea2008.com.au

    Registration information

    Fll delegate

    The registration ee or a ull delegate includes:

    attendance o all plenary and technical conerence sessions

    entry to the APPEA Exhibition

    entry to the welcome receptionentry to the arewell cocktail party

    entry to the casual lunch in the exhibition on Monday andTuesday (and Wednesday i not attending the conerence lunch)

    rereshment breaks

    entry to the happy hour on Monday and Tuesday

    delegate satchel with all inclusions1

    copy o the APPEA Journal/Conerence Proceedings (DVD)and abstracts booklet

    Extra tickets or the welcome reception and arewell cocktail

    party can be purchased or $77 and $44 respectively.

    At the conerence, extra journals/proceedings can be ordered

    at a cost o $143 each. The proceedings will be provided within

    fve weeks o the conerence.

    Day delegate

    Day registration includes (on the day nominated):

    attendance to all conerence sessions

    entry to the APPEA Exhibition

    casual lunch in the exhibition

    rereshment breaks

    happy hour (or Monday and Tuesday)

    delegate satchel1

    Stdent egistation

    Full time tertiary students are invited to attend the conerence as

    guests o APPEA. Student registration includes:

    attendance to all conerence sessions

    entry to the APPEA Exhibition

    delegates satchel (subject to availability)

    This student registration does not include access to the

    welcome reception or arewell cocktails. Tickets can be

    purchased separately on the registration orm.

    Please note: Evidence o ull-time study in 2008, indicating the name o theinstitution and your student number must be provided with the registration

    orm. Students employed as consultants or by industry companies arerequired to pay the ull or day delegate rate. Any queries please contact theconerence administration team at Sane Event Management:

    T: +61 2 9553 1260 E: [email protected]

    Patne egistation

    Please note: Partners attending are not permitted to work as

    exhibition sta. As such individuals are required to register as

    exhibition booth sta.

    Partners must be registered and are urged to actively participatein the partners program. The cost o registration or partners is

    $132 (GST inclusive) and includes:

    entry to the welcome reception and arewell cocktail party

    use o the partners lounge

    the option to register or the partners program activities

    attendance to all conerence sessions

    entry to the APPEA exhibition

    a git bag

    Exhibition booth sta

    All exhibition booth sta must be registered prior to the

    conerence to receive name tags and entry to the exhibition.For exhibitors booking one or two booths, one complimentary

    registration will be available. For bookings o three or more booths,

    a maximum o two complimentary registrations will be available.

    This complimentary delegate registration includes:

    attendance o all plenary and technical conerence sessions

    entry to the APPEA Exhibition

    entry to the welcome reception

    entry to the arewell cocktail party

    rereshment breaks

    entry to the happy hour on Monday and Tuesday

    entry to the casual lunch in the exhibition on Monday andTuesday (and Wednesday i not attending the conerence lunch)

    delegate satchel with all inclusions (late registrations may beprovided with an alternative conerence satchel)

    Other exhibition sta (registered as exhibition booth sta) are

    required to pay a registration ee o $1212 (the registration ee or

    exhibition sta will increase by $33 ater 22 February 2008) or

    APPEA members or $176 or non-members which includes:

    entry to the APPEA Exhibition

    rereshment breaks

    casual lunch in the exhibition on Monday and Tuesday

    (and Wednesday i not attending the conerence lunch)happy hour on Monday and Tuesday

    )Yo can

    egiste o the2008 APPEA

    Coneence and



    Register online atwww.appea2008.com.au


    Fax theregistration orm and

    payment details to

    +61 2 9553 4830


    Mail the registrationorm including payment to:

    Sane Event Management

    PO Box 149 Hurstville BC

    NSW 1481 Australia

    Key1 Late registrations may

    be provided with analternative delegate satchel

    2 The registration ee or

    exhibition will increaseby $33 ater 22 February2008.

    How toegiste

    What itincldes


    Sane Event Management

    T +61 2 9553 1260

    F +61 2 9553 4830

    E appea2008@



  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition

    27/32conference updates www.appea2008.com.au

    registation payment

    All registrations should be accompanied by an appropriate

    orm o payment. All credit card payments will be acceptedexcept or Diners. All fgures quoted are in Australian Dollars.

    I you require a tax invoice to pay or the registration, please

    send the registration orm and mark tax invoice required. A tax

    invoice will accompany the electronic confrmation letter issued

    to the delegate.

    Please note: Delegates will not be permitted access to the

    conerence unless payment is received in ull by the conerence

    administrators (Sane Event Management). I APPEA has not

    received ull payment by 29 February or an early bird registration,

    APPEA will charge the ull registration ee or that delegate.


    Accommodation bookings should be made at the time o

    registration to ensure you obtain accommodation at the

    property o your choice. Bookings must be made on the

    applicable section o the registration orm (see pages 2425

    or ull accommodation options).

    Accommodation bookings must be accompanied by one nights

    tari as a deposit on the booking. This amount should be

    included in the total registration payment. Delegates will be

    responsible or payment o the remainder o their accommodation

    and all costs incurred during their stay at the hotel. Credit carddetails must be supplied as security. Please ensure you are aware

    o the cancellation policies as outlined on page 24 and below.

    Changes and cancellation policy

    Should you be unable to attend, a substitute delegate is always

    welcome at no extra charge but APPEA must be notifed

    in writing by Thursday 20 March 2008. Alternatively,

    a ull reund (less $440 or ull registrations, $220 or day

    registrations, $66 or partner and exhibition sta registrations

    to cover administration costs) will be made or cancellations

    received in writing up to Thursday 20 March 2008.No reunds will be issued or cancellations received ater

    Thursday 20 March 2008.

    All changes and cancellations must be made in writing (ax,

    +61 2 9553 4830 or email, [email protected] ).

    No changes or cancellations will be accepted verbally.

    Ealy Bid Special o

    online egistationsSave $100 and enter the draw or a ree registration and

    git package.

    Register and pay online at www.appea2008.com.au

    by the close o business Friday 22 February 2008 to go into

    a prize draw to receive a Western Australian git package and

    their conerence registration ree o charge.

    Please note: The prize draw will take place on Monday 29

    February 2008 and the winner will be notifed in writing.

    The complimentary registration does not include the

    optional social unctions.





    Letters o invitation or visa applications can be requested

    rom [email protected]. Full name and name o

    company must be provided in the request.

    InsanceRegistration ees do not include insurance o any kind. It is

    strongly recommended that delegates take out their own travel

    and medical insurance prior to coming to the conerence.

    APPEA and the conerence administrators (Sane Event

    Management Pty Ltd) will not take any responsibilityor any participant ailing to insure.


    Delegates are encouraged to organise their travel arrangements

    early. Perth Airport is a twenty minute drive to the Perth

    Convention and Exhibition Centre.

    Perth is serviced by all major international airlines with over

    110 ights operating into Perth each week. Please reer to

    www.appea2008.com or more details on international airline

    access and Perth as an attractive destination or delegates

    and their partners.

    Domestic airlines servicing Perth include:

    Qantas: www.qantas.com.au

    Virgin Blue: www.virginblue.com.au

    Airnorth: www.airnorth.com.au

    Skywest: www.skywest.com.au

  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition


    Publications and other events

    2008 PESA Famin Semina(Not included in APPEA Conerence registration ee

    please register separately)

    Sunday 6 April 2008, Perth Convention Centre

    8.30am: Registration 9.00am1.30pm: Seminar

    The Petroleum Exploration Society o Australia (PESA)

    Seminar is an annual showcase or acreage and armin

    opportunities in Australia and the neighbouring region in a

    presented papers ormat. A comprehensive Farmin Report,

    which contains all relevant inormation on each opportunity,

    will be provided to participants along with lunch and

    rereshments. For inquiries about sponsorship, presenting

    acreage, attending or to receive inormation please contact:

    Liz Tilbrook, 2008 PESA Farmin Seminar Convenor

    T: + 61 7 3367 3822 E Email: [email protected]

    Inormation and online registration: www.pesansw.com

    Astalasian pemit book and map

    Delegates can order the 2008 GPino map and book o

    Petroleum Permits o Australasia when registering or the

    APPEA Conerence (see registration orm on page 29 or online

    at www.appea2008.com.au).

    The map illustrates permit locations, oil/gas felds, major

    discoveries and pipelines or Australia, New Zealand and PapuaNew Guinea. Up to date inormation on permit areas and expiry

    dates are available in the book.

    These publications can be pre-ordered on your conerence

    registration orm: $44 or the map ($77 or a laminated copy) and

    $55 or the book. Orders must be collected rom the GPino counter

    in the main oyer o the Convention Centre. Ater the conerence,

    the cost will be $49.50 or the map ($82.50 or a laminated

    copy) and $66 or the book. Postage and handling ees

    will be charged on uncollected items.

    All prices are GST inclusive.

    APPEA Jonal and Coneence

    PoceedingsSponsored by: ENI Australia Limited

    On site, all ully registered delegates will receive the

    2008 abstracts volume that includes abstracts rom

    presentations at the conerence.

    The 2008 APPEA Journal and Conerence Proceedings

    will be available to delegates in a new-look, digital ormat.

    This state-o-the-art DVD will be mailed to delegates

    shortly ater the conerence. It will contain peer-reviewed

    ull papers and extended abstracts o oral and poster

    presentations. As well, the DVD will contain all plenary

    presentations, awards, acreage releases, PESA industryreviews and a selection o material rom the social








  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition


    Registration form

    Delegate details

    Title Mr Mrs Ms Dr Other

    First name





    State Postcode





    Email oprimary

    contact * All confrmations will be sent by email.




    Preerred name on badge

    Partner details(i attending as registered partner)

    Title Mr Mrs Ms Dr Other

    First name





    Preerred name on badge

    Please tick partner in the delegate category in the next

    section and book partner program activities over the page.

    Delegate category

    Early bird Standard(to 22 Feb) (ater 22 Feb)

    Full delegate including GST including GST

    APPEA Member $1100 $1210

    Non APPEA Member $1430 $1540

    Complimentary (with exhibition package) $0 $0

    Day delegate

    Monday: APPEA Member $550 $605

    Monday: Non APPEA Member $660 $715

    Tuesday: APPEA Member $550 $605

    Tuesday: Non APPEA Member $660 $715

    Wednesday: APPEA Member $550 $605

    Wednesday: Non APPEA Member $660 $715

    Exhibition booth sta

    APPEA Member $121 $154

    Non-APPEA Member $176 $209

    Partner $132 $132

    Student (see p26 beore registering) $0 $0

    Media (reer to media section at $0 $0www.appea2008.com.au or conditions)

    Total registration ees $

    Session interestTo assist the organisers in planning room allocations, please register theconcurrent sessions (see pages 613) you anticipate attending:

    Monday 1A 1B 1C

    2A 2B 2C

    Tuesday 3A 3B 3C

    4A 4B 4C

    5A 5B 5C

    Wednesday 6A 6B 6C

    Welcome and arewell unctionsFull delegates Day delegates

    and partners exhibition staffNumber required: &extra tickets

    (0, 1 or 2) Number required:

    Welcome reception Sun 6 April x$0 x$77

    Farewell cocktails Wed 9 April x$0 x$44

    Total or welcome/arewell $

    See registration inormation p2627or inclusions with each category.

    online registration www.appea2008.com.auPlease print clearly. The inormation below will be reproduced in the conerence delegate list and used or all mailouts.

    APPEA Privacy Policy:By registering or this conerence, relevant details will be held on a database by APPEA. A delegate list will be providedto all conerence participants (name, position and organisation only). Inormation may also be made available to parties directly related to theconerence including sponsors. APPEA may use this inormation to advise you o uture APPEA events and services. You may also access thisinormation, or have it corrected or updated. I you do not wish your inormation to be used in this manner, please tick hereFor urther details o our privacy policy, please call the APPEA privacy ocer, Cath Sutton on +61 2 6247 0960.

    Registration continues over the page

  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition


    Optional unctions No. tickets required

    Sun 6 April Piping Gold x $130

    All Aboard x $95

    Tue 8 April APPEA Conerence Dinner The Glitter Ball x $121

    Wed 9 April APPEA Conerence Lunch x $77Thu 10 April Dongara Gas Fields one-day tour x $550

    Total or optional unctions $

    AccommodationPlease note that credit card details and one nights tari mustaccompany accommodation booking (see page 27 or booking andcancellation conditions). Bookings are subject to block availability.

    Date o stay Arrival / / Departure / /

    Room type Smoking Non-smoking

    No. o guests Adults Children

    Other requirements

    Please number your accommodation in order o preerence in the let handcolumn as your rst choice may not be available. Also tick the type o room thatyou require in each preerence. (All prices are per room per night).

    Pre. Resort and room type

    Medina Grand Perth Premium One Bedroom Apartment $245

    Parmelia Hilton Perth Queen* Hilton Guestroom $285

    Queen Suite $415 Twin Hilton Guestroom $285

    King Suite $485 King Hilton Guestroom Plus $355King Hilton Deluxe Plus $400

    Chifey on the Terrace Deluxe Queen Room $245

    Executive Room $265 Spa Room $290 Suite $290

    Mounts Bay Waters 1 Bedroom Apartment $213

    2 Bedroom Appt $267 2 Bedroom/2 Bathroom Appt $286

    Rydges Hotel Perth Superior Queen Room $230

    The Melbourne Hotel Balcony Room $185

    Deluxe Room $175 Internal Room $175

    Duxton Hotel Standard Queen Room $294

    Standard King Room $294 Superior Queen Room $389

    Superior King Room $294 Suite (incl. cont. breakast) $477

    Accommodation deposit $

    Accommodation deposit = one nights tariplease allocate the highest room $amount rom your selection o three, APPEA will only charge the amount or thesuccessul room assigned.

    Publications Number requiredAPPEA JournalCD-Rom Full delegates (1 ree copy) 1 x $0

    Day delegates, exhibition

    sta and additional copiesx $143

    Australasian Petroleum Permits Map x$44

    Australasian Petroleum Permits MapLaminated x$77

    Australasian Petroleum Permits Book x$55

    Total or publications $

    Partners program

    The welcome and arewell unctions as well as morning tea rereshments

    are ree to registered partners. Additional activity costs are below. For

    details o any o these activities please see the details on pages 2223.

    Monday 7 April Morning tea in the partners lounge $0

    Mint Condition $60 Glass Maniesto $170

    Tuesday 8 April Swanning Around $160

    Autumn Blooms $105

    Wednesday 9 April Studio Central $65

    Fashion Dash $55

    Total or partner program $

    Amount payableFull payment or registration and at least one nights accommodation

    deposit must accompany this orm. Please do not ax unpaid registrations.Registration ees $

    Welcome/arewell unction ees $

    Optional unctions $

    Partner program activities $

    Accommodation deposit $

    Publications $

    Total amount payable $

    Payment method(all registrations must be paid prior to the event)

    Credit Card* Visa Mastercard Amex

    Card number

    4-digit security code (AMEX)

    Name on card: (please print)

    Expiry date


    Cheque: I enclose a cheque/bank drat in Australian dollars

    payable to Sane Event Management Pty Ltd.

    EFT: Please contact Sane Event Management on

    +61 2 9553 1260 or [email protected]

    Please invoice me or the ull amount

    Returning your ormPlease orward completed orm with required payment to:

    2008 APPEA Conerence and Exhibition or Fax: +61 2 9553 4830Sane Event Management Pty Ltd

    PO Box 149 Hurstville BC NSW 1481ABN: 37 084 217 630: Delegates will receive a conrmation letter via emailand a tax invoice on receipt o this booking orm.

    Further inormationPlease contact the conerence administrator onT +61 2 9553 1260 e [email protected]

    Delegates ull name Please repeat the delegates name here incase the two axed pages become separated.

    *Diners cards not accepted

    * see page 24

  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition


    Conference and exhibition sponsors

  • 7/29/2019 2008 APPEA - Conference and Exhibition


    Boasting Fortune 50 strength with the energy of a start-up,

    BHP Billiton Petroleum is driven by excellence in the exploration


    Neptune topsides installation, Gulf of Mexico