20 anniversar


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8/3/2019 20 Anniversar

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8/3/2019 20 Anniversar

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Burmese Smiling Faces

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B.C.A.O ActivitiesBeauty of Burma

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YouthDream 2012 Scholarship Recipients

 AyeMya Khine Lu was born in Myanmar and came toCanada few years ago. She was awarded for outstand-

ing performance in Math and Advance Biology at high school.She led English Language Learners Community as a publi-cist and a senior representative. She has volunteered more than340-hours while working on a part-time job. She is a rst yearLife Science Student at the University of Toronto. She has akeen interest in pursuing a career in Pharmacy for her future.

DanielLwin was born in Jamaica. He always has greatinterest in music. He performs as a singer and

an instrumentalist. He was a representative youth leader of OELCSecondary Music Leadership Course, as a member of Peel Region

Senior Honour Choir. He is recognized as a singer/songwriter. Hehas been actively involved in Carabram events and at Mahadham-mika Buddhist Temple. He is studying Psychology at the University of Toronto.

MyatSu Nwe was born in Myanmar and migrated to Can-ada recently. Although it is challenging at rst, she

accomplished to maintain a top 10% in science related AdvancePlacement classes. She has helped many festivals and activities inHarbour front Centre. Myat Su Nwe has applied Health ScienceProgram at McMaster University and University of Toronto toachieve her dream of becoming a pediatrician.

RonaldLwin was born in Jamaica. He is an exceptionalMath student, a member of the Senior Badmin-

ton and Cricket teams,various school bands and choirs. He volun-teers at Carabram, Burma Canadian Association of Ontario and Bur-ma Buddhist Association of Ontario. He got multiple school awards

in Math and Spanish. He aims to have a career inspired by numbers.

 Yezarni Wynn is a rst year student of the Bachelor’s of Health Sciences (Honours) program at McMas-

ter University. He was elected Student Activities Council at VaughanSecondary School. He led the planning of various school events that  benetted the school and outer communities; raising $8,500 forBrick by Brick, an initiative with Free the Children to build a schoolin Sierra Leone and many others. Yezarni was academically success-ful, an average of over 95% in his top-six courses. Yezarni plans tospecialize in Global Health.

Recognition of outstanding contribution to

 YouthDream scholarship awards

Burma Canadian Association of Ontario wishes to convey our sincere appreciation

and gratitude to the following individual and families for their generous contribution

to YouthDream Scholarship Fund. Their contributions are very signicant and help in

achieving our goal of recognizing outstanding Burmese Canadian Youth.

• Venerable SayadawAshinNandavumsa

• Venerable SayadawAshinKawwida

• U Aung Htain& Daw Moe San

• U Aung Myin Ohn & Daw Teresa Khoo-Ohn

• U Donald Ming

• Doreen Min• George Valamparampil (CIBC) & Angela Cantu

• Dr. Hla Tun & Family 

• Dr. Ming Htet Chang (CCC)

• Dr. Myint Zaw & Maw Maw 

• Dr. Pe Nyun & Daw Kyi Kyi Nyun

• U Zaw Win

 Acknowledgment of YouthDream Scholarship Selection Committee

Burma Canadian Association of Ontario would like to thank to th e following individuals

for their time and experienced contribution to YouthDream Scholarship Selection Pro-


• Dr. Aye AyeKhine

• U Aung Myin Ohn

• Dr. Aung Win

• One former BCAO EC member

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