1s',/ju .• aq&.,.,if - iowa · source: iowa territorial and state legislators collection...

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. Po rm Po r of th e 2. Marr i age (I) date place 3. Significant event. for example: Businell, _________________________________________________ 8. Civic r •• pon.ibillti •• __________________________________ __ C. ________________________________ __ 4. Church meobershlp, ____ ,, _____________________________________ 5 . S ... io ns urved 1S"' , /j u .• 1 aq &. ,. , if In '! 6. Public Office. Local ______________________________________________ ___ B. State, __________________________________________________ __ C. Kational ________________________________________________ _ 7. Death l

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Page 1: 1S',/ju .• aq&.,.,if - Iowa · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines,

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

St a nd ar ~ Po rm Po r ~ e mb~ r l o f th e L e ql s l a t~ re

2. Marr i age (I) date place

3 . Significant event. for example:

~ . Businell, ________________________________________________ _

8. Civic r •• pon.ibillti •• __________________________________ __

C. prOfe.llon,c~~~~02~~~~) ________________________________ __

4 . Church meobershlp, ____ ,, ____________________________________ _

5 . S ... ions urved 1S"',/ju .• 1 aq&.,.,if In'!

6. Public Office.

~. Local ______________________________________________ ___

B. State, __________________________________________________ __

C. Kational ________________________________________________ _

7 . Death l

Page 2: 1S',/ju .• aq&.,.,if - Iowa · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines,

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

.----------_._-_ .. _--11. Degrees, _____________ ___

Page 3: 1S',/ju .• aq&.,.,if - Iowa · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines,

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

· .

I Sources Loq For Legislation gntriea


f l '

/t.v; Jr. mc,. 1" 1, -<d. 9

rJ41vi/.h r:w.. .L dir~;'ijk"/i(!!l,. ,"h,,~~,/,A./JA.":..J dt/ ~,... -

Page 4: 1S',/ju .• aq&.,.,if - Iowa · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines,

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

~ June./arid-'~;:~~r~~.~l~5~: tb:~', waimth ,Niiv.mber ' .

cia hinT' APP"Tent: :'wli~nl' ·-the· ';;Au~ l cr:-_a)~oud :;. ":,~:;:;. ':; ;~ ".:: .": .':: .... .ember we' -win . keeP .alway! on <soo pouliri.:·bUlk .nd'Cr ..... h oy'.' cbllil,;.n; '1,' cninberrleo atid tb.'erybCllI I! markct'ai!tiTtts . . . A' ncw.lot . of l ,J' eDt ~t:'ecrlal' kl :-"any ':60

' &11 '& Co . .... ,. . .. ' ,';; . . ~:'BAmll;ar' OIi. ;-:, '. . .i

~ari!()lfditdd .~ ·T4iik'.':litiC lOi'y.t si'WllOd' '"llb ,,,,pernin. lklng .. olU6t,', whlcb" sh'o.nld 'ha:'fe


"'.9 ~l~,;rr: ;p,j;,,;.~~' ·: Old· cltlzcn :'~f n~~~. 1{rl"g1oo', fnr !Ionic thno 'ooFot nClh"c ' life,

; . . '", .:",.' fat;·

bo 'be¥ .ttd ·EI""tb·,·I--.·.·· PJ<eu


Page 5: 1S',/ju .• aq&.,.,if - Iowa · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines,

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

lfks '.

,(\ ">iottlCU: :letl y ,cTd"in' ..,in-t.o . . ',\lilt '"'lln'le hl\-"·ior~. ~ill+ fc)'lf w~ , 11gb, 'I),', " ' '''·ohcd. Lmng.(!' 1igh t.,,:,::.::-: .. ,. ___ . _ .. ..

QomlnOlr ~t')rlO.ot·,

To:- ·un.OW'.Il ' f{.\'v-K·EtJ~ · will (:unf:liu , , ' .

·of. ost(it':s, . ror'cca!W:J of ;soinc severe inter: .wealllci :in: fhc J not" ~· rjlr ,1i81:OI t ' ttlTCj 'j"n wbieh ' Jio .givc~ the i,ublic! $omc loll advice nhon't: m:tkiir:..: 'prcpnrntio n ~ ,r R storm perini! . or mow . tbilU ordin:tr_v ·oPor·tjon~ : ~ri'd inten~lty, .. lIe ··givc.o;. ,m·(l in ttmrttion.'1 tills ml)r nln~ or ('nrninu:

-' ... " ' . ",: '11. ' .\Yh i) t.hink or A. ·A . ." Pcrkin,.: sn.iii. 'C::se<

kc~i)log .. thcJi · . up 'oill)- -~ [Inri .1. 's ~ ··Schrtunm. ". , AJi.~~row 'Pet or 11Jc;),cnr'? _ .As Ih (l Coltn'r\lJU~ ;hiricllon p )i. Crapo, '. ~L .H. Gahe ..~fll('[I'.'IJ ,r:(r P\;'~)t: " Tbe ,pr~c{j cC'" n( IId·I 'E"h"'ln' n . Brown. Gtio: ,C." Hel ycrt.ls.in!!: n littln il'b'~' ;t\ld thc·'r-. mn\' h'· "r C L' \~," n,lt : ;. I' ',~ ... rt' , ,~.... " . • -, ; \' , • . n _; JU n I

~6me bcr1etit. hutKs . l\ }oA te:r:n i'o~llrr.l"l.':' :·A. ·n . .'Kul~}crilcier •. ·Satti:t" B,· ~1 , uilirks, 'it · is ~nly 1\ 'clro~ ',, 'in Iho.bnc1<cl ·Geo( A,.DunCR1k ... :E ::~L Eis-rcl cOlilTlllrcd , .• to a." ~tnn,.ling A n4;~erti~cmcn'l ,Yo L .Pollock . < JQ~: J:' Flen ,ill tIre (,'olum'ns of·on :inlht(t-rilitll ((",1:1'('" C. }o\ Fnnt~k, ': .- .W .. j. ·Dona 's}>cctrLblc nCW f,p(11)(~.r.' All~' : the pMlH],cr. Jno. H. Ocnr;. "liloma,,',He ons llUSill CA5 men to·,}:).,\'; :who' hllYC mfldc T; ." '. N"OW~" il . · .. Caii".VoJtt, • . th,ci r m oney lcgitilll~ t ejy, lHw'o' dcHlC ' itllY 'V .. }) .. GIl1~crt , w O f ~"' "

Page 6: 1S',/ju .• aq&.,.,if - Iowa · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines,

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

dn~ WHlanl. W;L-;: . p ltl (icil'allt. lIut!1 . Willart.!. in :--.nl1!·cnlt..: a~ltllli-;hllll'l1t.

t.t[ IH·a! :hn." l,y Jli·", !.;t'''.;(,n. "Tit,' ~(.".

:--\"lIth." l,y Prof. ,1. I\. Tr:I\l"r. with ·u1,. It';tllil1~". led out: "l!i yOl r Hulll!.! Charlc.\' __ ._._ _ __ _

·t'Sc?" Tht: snrllrb, ~ Wl\~ hlll\(ls(\Jl Il'l~' ~ \\'~ k('('jl th!' h('st (]lllllily of nttiC's al111

.n.u:d by t1ll' LOllfY ht'fl·. lllltl W{!l l \ ruhh('r go.c:",t!\ ." rtlso;'. .l.ngC'- I:ne of ~l1rD1 TI( ;mt uy ~[l'. )OJ( r:w. who (.n 'I'm's . g'oot\!-l. ).;OW IS til( ' tll~l~ to l'nll on 1,. H,

I' c ~Oi,ug. rt'tlll'lll'I. to Iii" dalil':-; !IS I· I'd,·r:-lllll.\: S~llI. ::"'''' L~("olldon . I ()w~l. HcrRi rrelgllt ,\g:I'llt for tht~ CIIit':t<TO /) II 1· 1,· / ' It I I'> ('t( I () 1Jl. ;(1111111. "'" on ront .

.Irs. Gell. lihlllt 11111 ll:IIl~!Jtcr. of hOllll.-' c.t his son-in.l:\w n. lL St-:llHOllS" B.n'Il\\'urth. K:lll<.:H·;, l';\HW ill nn tll(' l':: .... toftltis(.'it ..... W:.l."I quill! lI11e:;<;Pl-C'tCU

'ly train :-'lllHlay uurnitlg and \\etl' tuhislIIan:--friclhl"l. \\'chaycnotlt,p.nJ*

1 "JUtH)ll "IL-~ ..... u.t.:u. .IUU .'1 ... ' '"

<lr~~';cc:l whicll he r ~porb ~" i S(' riOIL-'; , Thc ('omnn.ity ·(.f Sh(·t

of the hest io nenT)- ('ounty !l!

humilateuanu jnstly intlignnu lloffJrtnnntc l.1flnir shonlu lla\'c ill lh('il' mitu.t. We IcurnCtlo) !lillg tll:\t :'itnrtin is rE'g:u:uctll !-I:dnns a.~ in u yeryprcc:lTioU~

C.'ufe,- TOWII.;!tip Un,

Tlle "ole 0\1 township 0

('enter town:sl.iip i~ ~J.:j follow public:lI1 nominees t)('lug

bnwlsolllt'lllajorities: Jl'STI(·F. ....

W. O.1.C't·~lL:u!l.l. n·l' .. . .. . T . ~I. :'[c.\d,'.Iu. rf'p .... . .. . . F. ,r. (,lurk. rep . , . . . .. . A. T. J)rook~. (1('111 .. _f. T. Dr1lltlnl(Jut1, d"ll\ Xonh .JIIltn:l(In.clcm

(,OX~T.\ I: t.l:S

. 11')]I.,n'd guests of :\[is .... :\I:lggic I l',l the parti(,111ar.'i o f hi:; tlc:.1th nor !lowe 1"11\..·.... ThC',Y W~'0 Clln,..ntc te) Win· I kll('lW tlit:! r!lt!t~::'..<1 .0 hi.'! intcrr·stingpcr. .':-ll'r. Indiana, t() n;h~lld lil(- i,.hl auni- ! S('lIul iJi:;tof\', We onh' know that :\(r. :':';HY uf her :-;istC'f. ~lr;.:.. Ellg:Ir ~ )h-:-. 1~'1t!lm (' :111l~ to Henry 'connty some four . lut i~ a !Sbtcr of ),Ir. ·J:mw:; P utman. :'-'l'nni ilgO from D(!!-I :\l oincs Cuulltywher c

TInrlingtoll. anti \ Hr fOrlll")" t·)Wll ... · hI' hlltllin·d :-;illl'c carly pioIleer day:.;, lll, E .. 1. l'\Itlll:l:l. ,Tn:;! ilS tIll' (,,'0111- \ 111111 whC're lJ~ hilI} h('C'1l gr('atly rC~lll'('t­lIy h~lIl st:a~,'d thCLl~ht.·s at l~ll' ~lin- ",1 !111d uft'?l1 hnTlorC'l\ 1>Y:1.11 who k~h'W rlable, \ylllt'lI W!L'" f:lIrlyg-ro:l.lllng l!~' ''! l. illl :u),t hy tltt' 11l'oPl!' I )f Dt'S ).{Ollll·"

21th Iht~ IOht1 of f':1tlbll'S thnt the £"" .. ,1' {'OllBty. Jlr. Lanlm l'w\'\'f·d with John


W,~. :-;ht,PP, rep .... ' .... lIJ;htCTs of gr:tlH\llI:L. H:tl'tu's kllO\~ s.n 11. (it·;,r in ~h(l h-gi!-!lf\l1\rc o~ th(' stzlte ns .Tat'oh JI('Co,Y. l't'p .

·11 1I0w 10 l'l'<'pftn.', 111 (·:tUll· :'[r. L :-<"1 TI ' pT\'~lIhttl\'e from De:i :\[OIlH'S (·onnly. \\'I!). \\'illift"lnl. T"p

I;.!,:l.r. lit'lIl'rnl :'Ianztg(,,'J' of tilt' ~:\lT(IW I Ill' wa",:\ Bl:lIl (If l!\tlC'h forcl' of ('hanU'Ii'r :S . .\, .1. y,)UIlg', ih'lll

W}{I' li.llilwlIY a l. H lrlillv ltlli . Ullot l'd~ I u!lIl war!ll I\t:rsl.na\ :tttaC'limcnts.ll1Hl we \ J I I)' \ nJ I." , () lit Ilil I • l t I , . lU'IP;'lg will'. ttl I!lr'd t!II'it' IIllnt nIl~1 S, ·t· fr .. m tlil' [{ClIr-!;"!}I: thnl 111[-1 f\l n~'l':\ ! \'(;(,11. W. JJd·oy. tit 'itl. . .. .

n"" .1l11U(·(·vIllP:l!i,\' Ih"f)1 In TlIlliulllI . \ ~n llil:1y Itftl'rUo(lll at hi~ oh\ hOHlt' !1O:1I 11 .\S"'E~.-;nl :.

!('I :tIIL-IH..'hlflll tI:n .... n.o;it. at that 1;\1:-"1 fI'CtlJ\llaH\'lllC \\:t" lal'I1..:-1\" tll.t~ndNl h, . ..., - 0 ~ - n. t·. F('l'hl'~. r<'p. .

tllbl\.! hOHI!'. th, · , ·artit·;1 left \nr Hllr- " f,lrmi'l' lIeighhor~ ;lll t1lifl'·long rriclllh, II, C,l:rflwH. ,tt'lll .

\"g-Ulli \\ illl IIHllIy pl·llmi:-.I''' tn n,!l\!' 1 ~ill"t' \i\'iH~ in thi.!i COHllty :,Ir, Lanlla ('f.U:~.

:lIi11. (; .... n.,rul 1 ~lllI . f 11111\', .... 1 til l\ all~:ls \ IIH1Ih' mnny frif!:Hl. ~ hy l.is rralikn('~, IIi· I~:'!;, :l!n1 \',';L-; illlh,' ]\:I!lS;t·; \\;lr :lnd n.' - tn('::.~ nlld sinl"t'rity. nnd hi!-l illtclli- T. :\1 . :'k.-\UaUl. rep . .. .

(' r(·j)r-lli<lll. g .... ut. awl :wliH'! il1ter('~·t ill nil public: ~. Jl. l'ylo:', ,h,lJi ...... . ' mnttf'l'''. In tho Insl. l'fllU I:lign IH ~ W!l~ Tf.CSTr.E.

Tlu' l'l'pllhli~all~ 0 : .Ia,I·k.:r 'lI t"Wl!!'.hlP I ( .... l".l.i.dly t-,rrntil1t'{l ily lh~ !--IlH'Cf'!-IS (.f hi!'> R lbt. WUllgh. rep ... . Y tlllit r.1!1I sIII·lla'·:t~· I'; Jil r<) r :l trl' at. \ nltl ;L-.. ' ,n~'iat(' .John H. t ;P;\I' ill hi:-i ('l('~- J;u'o!) l't'rin t' . lIt-m .. .

:-{'('U!:-i Ikit .. L:m" .:; l·nly a Hid,HaW£, t inn t " C('UgtT~" . Ff'w IllC'll could TC'\:1t(' 1;0.\1) Sl'l'r:J:\'!';OT:

Hl .\ Iltlrl'·'\ i" thc' I't·:\1 Jl:l.lIl<'. I~ :d ... o j IH'n;ol1al t'emilli:-!{'cut.'C'!-I'with more \ i\'id~ 1:. W·. l.C't':-wl;::l. .... '('I!I:-' tlint Lan ll::!-! ). t\\ill hrotllf'r I.e-t·. \ ll<'~_-'; r.nd rOTer. th:lll :'lr.Lumm.nlHl to him J 11. H\l'nkmo~e rill wa." 1l.)miJl!ltl"l 'ur t'1·n~lal.l~ hy tin: I WI' fin. illtl£'ht"lt f,'r ~OllH' or t1l(' d('l'lT('st A. T. Loomis. 'IHlhlk:\1t l,;<llH'Il'-; ( . j J:1t'I':-.(j1l t<.wllship. \ :11111 p!t'Il.'1:1Utf'st illlpr("~.;,sioll)ol. Wf' hnn vr _Tolin \\:!'I~llt .. . .. ... .

ill hi:i lJalllt· WIt. .. ~ll illtf"~ '-,II 1I ..... ~~PIl~:·1 til" 1'1Ihlk Il}(ll! (If 1~)Wll ill n~l ~ ':trl:\' II.IY .. 1. ,n. ~llh~ ... . ~'II:t tll'kd H:i L. Sh ·l1UI1.l.'-. 1.. .11:-. Tt .tI\ \',',. wi ll 11:1\'" all III1Itl1ary 01111:-1 I!f,' f" r \.1,11 ,11 SlRlttr:-;." 'u,\"IH'iJI " \'l,~rl· \\· tip..! \'(,If' .... "a~ t for I' r' ,.Ir-r" of tilE' '11\'!':-; \1 Ill·"t \f,"',;: I • • n ' • , Il' ' .. ..... • . J:tI,r 8I1JI/WI ' at r"'oi"i '. ~l:t ' llatl:l\' t·lC'er II "hr,) th!'l' Lh'. whll . , ' ,1-'; Hot u. ", ;Iilelit!:llt' L:LIl will it:'.\'!· liz,' ; Th.· 1i!!I!lY fril'll!j",. "Id :Iud yonng of I tti..,f:wtion at It'll.,t ,t' kll'.\\ill;': tll:lt ih i ~.I;J.,:tt"r 1:al1'11 \\'nl)\:;nll will gr.-.:tIlY rf'l:{n·t Th~rl' will h,':l \10 \ :-.n I' P" Hill I.UI· f:llltily an I Ii lIt1t Ilig:lifi"ll 11,': \ ,,, !":1 1'I1 IIr hi~ M'riollS illn;· .... :-;. 1 {;('llI.l.·hllT.('h :\l!~riIJl'_ .I:)\\· ~l!'lh. .' .. \'\"'H!Z1S' ).;n\,. ]l ,tli f~ l l . ht.: lot

. ' 'o r of 1,..111" PH ,' elf th·· p"h,'" I 11 (" L :-> • '1 (. II /1-"01,'.\'1.' EX('('j(.~/OS. chnrt'h. E,lI'h Inll:y i.~ n 'l lll·· l ' J 1( ' liP Wl 1\ Ita\', ' tl\!' "al i ~· .'

·ll'·' '' '!· H\,l, - , l'al"':-.l1l'l lt'r!{\rtwn \\il h h( ",,':iOIl 101 ;'; 1I (lW lll~th : lt lit' i. ... :l \'Cory \11' ,11" I ,-, ('II (' I I

1:0/111(/ -r";l) On !/~/:". J , ,OOf' 0 ~I,I" tin' hox. l'rkl'''\ 100' ('\:djv,· ~Il a mall t1J ~ lt j". ~ 'I' It i ... ("· lI l'ioll-. I 1:1'/ If 1'1I ,o,;;.I' JI()llfll ."/I'()lII /IlIft'. E\,I'J'yil41dy ar(' indtf.d. !'t'nk s hn\Y -I liP\\' imflC,rf:l!It it i-l that :dl i 1:IILlI'''; ,01 l·l\liClidf\~ (, . ., .... 11011111 bl' \'('ry ~

':lrl'i l1 l1y .\ r il!<- n "-'hi' :! ,.1I1,milt,·rl 1<1 Ill<' ! II ,. , • t.. . · .l

Th •. ~I· Ir:tin ~ will

i :i\"'r :I" hll ('w ... ·

!t-n\'C' tit" ~1l:- ... C'Hr: }Inrlit's frl1m ~it.

l ·(·I .. w}j/l(I ....

Page 7: 1S',/ju .• aq&.,.,if - Iowa · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines,

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


·o:lths.. ooys, !lnd &hco('ol Ot"t"r­

HineJ Glo.E"s c.nC'l U.ittt"n.~. 3.11 It't rn;,:l~r~f'!l! . bu.,:.- mt.'rtoo

all '>t"0(\1 :\.0.,1 mNit:o hUf I fur and Scco:.ch C~p<:. !le-n.$., Id s.."'.:i Ilea"}" Suit., Cloth..:::., ~ and Ttim:'l.' ~D~ H:makE"r­!.ffie~, Suspoeonde-n:. Trunk, an .. ' 'We trek~me a ('.3I't'fu...l iC$poP"C"­

~\·E'r hftv; low tho? I'rh~~. WE'

't"s that C!U1Il;CJo\ be Wld('~lrl .

Tailoring a "P'Kia.l f("~tnre in l-with our busln~,


One or tll!l most t'\.~"E'nt of thi.( nob1e little band 1.0 ob(>.y de:\th·s Slli:!lII:.ons '\13.5 Will.i.s.m Lt.!:ll'~e. -;:rho dif'd s.t t~e n=s.l ­d e!lce of his so::.b. . ls.w. 13. n. SoJ;:UnO!ls. n ear lIt. Plt!:3.Smt, on Ssturd.sy. ~o't'"e1U _ be-r c... lSSG. l.fter:l Tery brief illn~. He had been in T(,!'Y poor lli'SJth for "-('Dh'

time. but l1uth~ng seri.:>ns in his £ilmenb 1'l~pE'UCd t{:d{~.elop i~f'lf antil the My prenous to his death. wllt'n l1e- '1:'':'':c- sud· denly nttrie.J. ',ith coages.th>D. fiis Rtldden ta1c.ng off ~ ind eed ~ sltrp~ to his family, his friends and phy.:tici.a.n.., He lIt&S C"Ot.scions s.ln.u:~t to th~ moment of 21eparation. tmd talked t3.tioruilly, gl'f -1ng intelligent dil\"ctious 3.!ld .. i...c"e counsel to ·;:t!O<.e cf h:s fs.m:h· '(';11,) w~rt> with him. .

The gre~t{'I part of Wll.l.i:l.n~ Um!lH~'3 li!e iI"'M ::.y-ent 3;i S. pioneer. He mlS

.Votir~ ;s J'f!'r!1 Importaut. born ne:.u Cincinnsti. Ohio. F.eb rruu:r H 1814., and . ,;hile hI! 'W'.l.3yet 1mt f-our yesrs of age. his ps:re!<.ts. 'W illi.:un :wd I!nth

!: i, necess:a...ry to make I), C'h~'.1Jge lAmme. tno;e{t t o lWnoi.:i . se~tling n~ !liae3S es.r-l.1 i.!! the coming yesr Springfie-d:. 150cn aIter:.he dO'se of th~

~TO l · OC ! "liiI

Blackha:'V,-l : war, i:l l~~1.,lti;: bther pur­:0 do this as ipeedily a,:, possi - chased a t::r!lct of lanu whert: )i!in.oo 1 oiYer the L~!"gest .!!.Ild most noW" stands... I!('n:~ the f:ll!!:Iy U;-('J nn · line or clothing and genb' fur - I til the spr..l.:g of 1531'. ".-l:t-!l, IlH'Y ... n.):>. .... (, .. j

'oode to UP. fotllldiD. the ("'(mnt, I ~e ri1€'r fo~ !'ettle?l~t;, iu ·.\"ix..:"n~i:l-> • .. 10 that por..lon ~;hkb:,;. no .. :t.r..OtrL! as nCtJ a.q must soon clear them I the gresl a"!.:ue or IO~;l. iu ;::l.! ~nli:iI lis is a. flne opportunity to oup .. t psrla.nce c'! H!e e::;II~" ~ttle!". this entir(' !tel! '\'litb. e~i!t:!tb.iDg :yo::. :oeed 1 region n-as then 11 -.llo .. y~i.t;g ,"ild-crne=,..;. ~ . 1irint.e.r ontnt. IU mT stock lS 1 GO'fernn:.p!l.t lane!' Hlll\t:: 'lJ("'\'t" purdlsSt:'

. . ~ , had not yd U(>{>!:l p .Lt np~'\n 111c m.:ul.::et. :-omplete ~th gooa., ees.so~ab!e· Btu'liDgtC-Zl lO,lS L;::.\ ~',-'r:: ';:J.l:Ul, ~W. " lea ~ Oit'rc",!lls.. dl'\!'~ ~U::~' I prete.!lu·:n."i 'Ll::!.;; ~.:1.:.i 1 -.('(·h ... ' · !l::ld l"".H .. hr, hn.ts, c::lp..'i.. glo.es. l:liU~·1:"I. ue :!Ilat~ "Cn:' t!l·.' l':.:~ !.i(Ul' DC-L:h·

. ~.~-.~ ,l..n _ .... ·'4'1"'·· ... ,' .~.,. "'r ........ l'·D~ Nl:.!ltrT 11 ... <1. hc-l.e.t.n'-. .. !f tht· f:umly

ld sh?e::J. tru';l~.B •• .sJ.i~C" M{lj vv .. :> -u .. -""''' ''', .... - , ..... :- ... ' ...... u . c:-

1 at -wuo!tsa.}e prices. h.ad pr:::~~dC'd tbCl::.l lll·l"'I..'. ::uJ.lnug \\ bl':ll :. H, \VJ.LL&.L.\i)\. I tTJli :Mrs. Li,:'lt!ll,';) \.Jro:h .. 'r . .tu':,:; .. · W.!.

·t~. ~t Slde :-)'1'J!\Ii'. i ~~!I""l !J.organ. .. ho u,l ;:.('t:lt.'(l.iu l~llr· , ; Ut:::;t<.';l WIDe ~vllr :'( .1.!'S l'rl'no .... ~. ,\.

v. L-.. C . fleqmuliowc ; !\.Ou ·in"!,a,;\ of .Ju.J£':! ~i:(}r;;;11! 1~;<'I\ t;Jkl'!. i 'If'.\ clAim al)()!:t '. i::ht l:..l;'!t.::< \\l·:-t , ·f

_ . Burli.ogtt'u. 111 ... t : "r:: "~.,l13~ 1" :.I'';\''

f'J.S. 0a.rJcar fncDJ.,.)lr.Clll;k..,O'\'t"D;~'" the . tq'I ..... r .\.ag·,l .... t~\ 1, ;\,1.

'01~!1 , h:l;"t.'::t::ntAin~J an llTef-, .... ..!.r· 1 T::;.'!; cl..:&im )Jr. LU::lI:t'.~ f.ltl.I'T !'IJrdi;\" C h h . , .. I u'·1 ill"'!" , •• , .... ,, .. " ... , .. ",' '1), '" ,I, ... ·1, \.3 i.e tL!') (1-:'''1; or I l':r "-'.':1' . -. ..~ .... , ......... ,..... , ,."

in j ..... , .

" ",. • •• 1



~pdngWht-:\: F l. .. :, ; . ..... .

l:i _b!; t,T";'\lll1:a!.'.l :-:']~l !'

1·::; ib ... - .-\ ~ :': ::., ;s.r

1'-: ,1"1 .. ,,·!t:!l· ;.'\[!'.t ','

'2'1, 1l1~ D:-i, .. l 1', :wb'"

~! I !t,:;. llri l·,j .),!,1'1.· ..

B( .. t :'0I).!hu:: .. !".:- f.,"!l:.

n·f "t OiL l~'r g!l.i . .

~ 1;1 l~:l:t p,.!l(.l! \ .... 1" r

;j \!l.:- J-;:!j,I .. · :~ !: ..... ~ :-: ,';l:'. C, h·k·a:.'tI t·.:--. T,;l1" !' ill

P ,t:lll.{· ... 1"': !,,! ~ ~. ,.:

T 'r ... :.IU\'· ... . p .. :- , ,,;.: ;

I; " " ... :-y , :

•• ' .... , . ' ..

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Page 8: 1S',/ju .• aq&.,.,if - Iowa · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines,

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

" ...... :~o, Vu.J. tiUU l~t.:..nu.s • ..uf. IUHl ! k..'!lu~n:'5 tb~ ·tlPi".:r· .\Ug"J. ... !3 I\'.'l.!.

YnJ. \\ oooon, hart\ ~!l~taJ.lle.i an i..rn>p;:lr. I This cbite Mr. Lttmwt.·":> !ath.-r pllrdJ1I.. ... able IQ.Sj in . tho dOt.th of their ,:,(.IIJ <.-J, &.Od tn.:!lteit bt:.nL·mclUltllpi:<,k:.. : l:. Ralph, t.b.e..rC'forc ! in 1~:!1.

RtMJlrcd. That U'\.' h'l.llh-r to tb. I l::a.il~ itt .tht.: )ca: l,r 1~:"')1.. Lallln..l' em I \'I"as llnltoo lU m:lIr!:lt:l' tu }!t:ttll, . • lnut;!.:.

! OllT" tenderc.st tlympatuy in this. thl'lr I t('J" ()f $3lDnd l:lliNt. :l!JII rhi;:" WVtll;\1I ! ~ .t grid which b.t.!S como to tlu::ru. • 1r:l"ded Ji!e ':;\ rngg( .. l paUl 'fI iw him nl ­

R~aola.d, Toat wb.il.:! we ft)('l in :\ ~r-I IDt.bt. bill a l."dlt~y a.:...O?~.~r th~ ~l""~! run-liKe; this,hu.m.an help aYailet4litth'.; dc\o:~ hclpmei'b th~. t:'C! uonl'I~·J..a

I mall:. Jt"'~.s or tr.barc.-{~ 1u:, ~orrows. ~N!;

W~ o!fer these resoluHons &!I a tol.:.eu (If after his Iu:l.l'!"ia~ 1.:..t' p~rch3.~""'l :11JlI ~d-OUI rt-ganl !LIlU symP1tLs. I U\.'u upon R bn~l :adjom.1nt: tL .... old LOlUL-

lIss- CR.\Ji.U~ Rrlt":\&E.l:. ,::.tclld, which L~ impro .... IXl ",itl: hi..;: 0'.'1, "B ,t hand!:> ,nnt:.l it becan!!.' une c.'! the lli. \)st __ B~. 3.. J,.:'>Gil.HL 1 ' f '1 I'. UAL'le Pl\X"'"t,:S(.' p::vpcrty l::1 t.:.lCDt·lg I' UR~. J. L Go.!....'\". I iJ.t."l:rhood. lIt' ..:o::.tiuul"I.l to 1)'tOtl :l.!.!tl rc'

Committet'o ~ide upon tlli .... rlll~~ ';In.'!.:! !'-('!J.il' h-n I yt."2.I"S .ago, ""bl U he P~ln.:lJ;!!"l'ti prc,!,('rt~· ; III V:l.Uyil!t':illd ruo'·t'-.l tho:r~ ... f\"!!~"llllLg- t . tlH.'r~ 1i.utii :-('l.:.lt: !u!"cc :n.:'":l!"S ~!:;L' ·.~·b U I b," .' .,~ ..... ".It 1" .. ,,,.,,,,' .\. '·.··"r .' I ~ .'-' •. '_ •• ~.~~ -'.~ ......

The E:stt\5" organ ~ low a.5 $ j .:.. l:uy ; tp lI..:....'. : •. .." 1 u!.l.: , W,!u Cl-; ",rh • .:

S. good urg:lll su d you nm nori~k. t; ~ i ~Ir- . Sea,l"'l.!:<. weond h;.L ~ , ,::.""all:5 ~t ~~O . Orgaru; !"(' . t . )'1I": l.;1~U.~ .

p::l.ire\l Ii: l ' ra::."~. ant! Nlti.i!3dil'D I fi.rm.1Dlli~U. f " '. . I nnyu~ \ ng: guaranh."1.. ..... 1. Lall a t my re~:tJt'u{'t .. a:ld but fc,,"" ~nt:l!.. . . '.

examine my organ,.. I a:un ~lingOTg1Ll~ cl him t.h::l.t. ilt: L·'t.lll j,~ aJ.\ __ ;.~ .. ·.:" :· _" __ • for le$."-! mODE'T than an, XlUUl iIi the I oppollt.'nt w~th0~t~ U(·!D,£'." U!"nl~mgl.'" sg- I stat('. - w. 1:< D~t:t~HEr.TY. I gn..'SSiYc. Hi" !!.pp;u-t."'ntly rough L·xtt·nM


C'O.cred il ht'Srt mil (If tIlt, H·nd,·n. ... :- t s!· DruJlkf"III~'" Qr LiquOJ- naba/. fectWll for l.Jl;-; \\lh' a.nd djll.~n.·:l . !iull a

. . profound n:~!,ed ~\!hl :l. bt"~i.l1Y good \\lll ("(Ill be Cured by Ar/muustf"r. ahrays went on:. tll hi~ fcl;lv .... CT\.~tl~I"(-" .

iug Dr. H(l;"~ · Go),ft"1t He d('"8.lt 'rith til~ ":--wall things- o! llh> .'j~ifi(". only Wht""ll tll('y \\ l"!"C l·ondncl\·.· h) th··

goo...l lllld welfar~ of Lim~t'}f l);- l!i~ fricntl.:;. l'etty q1:s.rrels uno tli:--tnrh­aDl"e.s he tlistlo.i!lt?-tl. Ht' ~"t·r :linlt ... llil the comfort .anJ good l'll(>L~r n! :!11':'" aroUtH.l him. and in th!::, hi" jo.islus.

It l 'oW be gi"cu in a. ('up or l.'Off~ or tt':.l Wltbout the knowledge of tlle l)CI'H'n

taking it, eift"('tiog a. 8p<.'.'{"'dJ tuld perma-DE'nt ('ure, whetht-r thE' patien. is a mod- ture anJ. l'x\'l.'"'E'Llingl~- happy i:l("ul,.'" t'"

enue drinker or an alcoholic wreck. ·el"9ck.ing jokt:i'~ Dl:tde hiCl :tlt\.9.:y~ :'~ll" I r tl f dn ka.t'\l ha ~u1. He lliid 3. :-:ruilt' f':-.r ("'l~r~' out" i aot188.It so lD 8 .... 0 toeen made and his l'h~rful. encouraging wor..l' I temperate m~n 'Who ha • ., tali:en the h!.oe· l"9is-ed nl!Ul! a (luc's t.!TOL~piug ::-pir : Golden Specific in their ('offt'e Without its... In aH haslDf'$;:, m~teI'S tiC' U:\.'" Ill, I their kno'WleJgt\ anti to.dav ~li~~e sew ("If bonN, lUll; weUay Dt'\er ~~'t. : thp, qnitdrink'iogot theiroli'~ free mil. I o'ie.r his he!.,.l th:.t l:~ (Ii..! n('; l'D.:Oy:1·

- I entire co!l:Jc.i:n"'~0t:111 .I"CO knt'l''- Imu. "S~ ~armf:u etfectg n".<>ult from Its ad - I Although 'iJ".t: 0n1,: ('-tinc:::!t:ous.l nti \";tIl' mlDl~tiOn. Cort=...'1 gu.ar:mtc-ed. ='t'nd t!iges be e'f'l t'DjOy<'d w,:'re ,ht~ li!'.1ite ! for ('tf('C.M and full p:lf1kobr:. .. \d · OD.~ nlloJ.rJ\.-..! the ,(,nth l,f niL~ne(',:

dn"'sg in confide oct' GOLDF..S" Sp~nn"" I ,lays. h!5 Im:":hl ~ ~i~J, k~"('n !)f;"m~pti\~ I Co .. 1:"''> R-~e SL. C'indnnati. Ohio. I R:Dd l\S..'Uduou$ I.h.:' otlOU to the HH"'f'e. ::-{'>l! I . htcna.tul':! of the ds~ t'rt::tbk1.1 hIm :\)~, -

:"OL -i.·ro t; . I quire a ~tor('l1(.n .. ~~ \.r kn (\"n'it""1!g" ,n:t

- __ . _ _ __ :u:my 3. I:l3,tl 'witb a poli~h,..,l ,""ili\~li.1.( u I might ","t,n ('O\·e! . Pnllt:nl.lly h(' w~ '" I a. "'hig 11cd t1H'n oS. n'lmt>lksn. whi< b . pa.rtyh~ :l.<...:.(vLa.h."l hiuH'lf with f :o:.!

its in("ep!ic.n He "'1\.:-. ::\ iift"l ur~g 0: ,­pm:E'nt (".[ tLI' In:-titntic'n \,f :--l:!\". 'r·. IlDd ahrays S:T:.\yt'\~ hli!,~(>lr !!;:;3..irl~t it ' n soch.a r>llSili,·c yd ,ca:wllahh' ru.J.lt 'r that lht",':' ""11" no ml:-.f!l.King IlLL' !""::,N'! : '

:\ hr' " ~

, . .

~ \ . ~ ..

( . I - ,

_! ; ~ t '

, . , " 1 r' ' " ... '


North C'"d • .)1 e

F: The

.1I.ldt' ;" f/ll"

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A, P. MA - , ..

J>1.·{(·1." ....

-. '.

1'0/' r·.I.\" .f/-"

J' f ; Wb-. ah. be<;:.. ..... Wi~. 14. dou.& td C-tona.,

'lnt.ola t-b. had C~u.1N. •. Db-II p~.~ C .... :Gl[~ t)" o f hi:'> 'i.f'W~ l.r the tlrmuf'$.<; (;f J.i~ tl· ., tltu~l(' en tha t lwport!l.tlt ql.,·:-ti0:. 1 .• ' wt..~ H'ry lllltliuc!uugly Ih-y\)tt ..... l I" ; It'

par: y ;.~·h: ("'lJ lit' hp!H' \t-, j \'rH,U('\ ,· : t

.' .. . '. . . .

i tbs.t fV''"S1 n~ !'{l nRI (,: l1:~~' .Li .. \,' ;.' :! ~' ; • .. • ; ,., .., ,4 '1 ,,,' ' ·~ l ,_ . .

Page 9: 1S',/ju .• aq&.,.,if - Iowa · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines,

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

) .. ~,., . ! , · it~ c .

I ~ •• --, ~ ... __ . . _,.._ ... - .. , t·· ·· ···· .

1't:I>"$. .. "''''f:''. ,tu!'liodungly .It·'-u: l .. l lu ; ' : ~y v;hidl hI' bt;-hen"t.! ..... I:'U"! ('~.

I tha t gn--at Il3tlonal c:ll~~.hb ' "(-r:" !I"~ neil , - -' -_.- .-- trulU1fl~t.atinn of tlLSt h"'D...lty l't'"IOg t "II' ~tb . To (.~rum~/1 .uld ()~ht'rtt Ilnml . . C'3..c;:.ing ('I~ :l ~trajght Tf'pnhliC'3Il tiC'lf-:

/iuU OyP-l("n utili OtAn- P~ri!lh. I four d.."\:;s l>efoT'e hI:' dit:J .. \l~holl;::h :Lt'

nblc Pro}WdU. ne\"d .;o()ught oftil.."'t:' !\.! :h~ !J.:mJ: .. \)( I i~

~Sf(#p'(' (fl

G 1'0('(' )

'1. : fell(lw·("ihZt·!l~. hi:- p~rty !'('hl,) t!1 f:d ... 1

\·is..1 .\ r-e-frigt'hl.10r <'2.I'.-iIl il..>-::l 'h' Chi~'::IgV" to ~l him l~t? It, mr~t :Ulp..'rt~ ~t ~r~j1! :-,t.re('t. :\1!. ~';~. _ . C'Ot.:.n('ll~ ... hE"~ h l" .<l,.·ll;l. l Fhls:;rut'ut. 11"

. _ 1 O'\(':y ~onday at »p. m .. Itnt Il fnrthf'I' ('On'("e~:..:on:wd l, i~ r:lr' r~"'!1("hin:; ,"( :-111 nollC"(', In wbkh cy ~t('!·s. l rui t,:, and ("I;h· C'eplioD 0: ri:o:ht :'l.H,' r r:ult ... l <·r li!l'\"i I;:: \-is. ('I' peri:ilia.ble prop<'rt." _iii ~ Io»de-J r"l' weight. II:! ls-;'.i b' n h (·h>{'tt-.J!CI t!le-

ltt.. Plt"aSSllL .Hl g()()(\'$ tor thi " "ar le-gi~h.tar(' · 1:'th '5·'IH.:::·al . _\<;.,v~1bl; . whe~ h~ sd"\'l"\.i .. ~ Itl: crt-,ll: t,) him~ ''It

Jue mu.st tM, • ..If-lin"reo! to C' _" B ... t Q. rlep(~t and h~ln('lr ttl hi~ \'(>D~!nih-:lt". For bctvre j p_ m. 1D.d s.bould lx' {"t,JD!QgueJ Willulm l..3.mmc·;i li ft' l'ti:!~ So u::.~<uJ gt .. c " (.an- DenTer Ht'frigt'rator Car.~ Tilis ODe- In tb~' !k'O!'(: that a ;OOJ '"('lllZt-:'_ 3.

('3.r wi ll an-h'.c: :lot !alt. P!e:lS!L'.It at 1O:.!tl true l~tnot !uHi;:t lo.intl :l.!lli d(;~o 1..""t.i hnsl~~l and p9.J'('u: j',;l ii.::.t:'fill m:l.U- - :! -.",13 &lso ~J:tisd.!y ~':ljt'.Y!1.ll : '.' to h·!.J.­set!. HI! wa.. ... not gist"n hI l-orrow Db trouble . .a.nJ. llc _.;QuId al'trol,:::- bri!lg .In bright ~.:i~vr lHe- int,) \ l ~ ~_ He- '~\' n. ~:l ! ,

lLe 1 .l-!y

00 -


a. tll. Tnr.-J.ay ,m ~('. 2'>. n. L. PEt"l"£P'_

.o\ge.nt Co. R. .t \J -

.\ .sk.y ter,ll"l' dog, bdQoglug tL) .Y.n. ..... . BQ.az.~ of lhil\ ci'!,_ Tnt" dog i3 smol!'; lOng dNopiOI: ........ ~. neu­Iy 1I'hilt:'. Sil return to tb~ OV1l~r or to

r~ 1 C;lialyO, -';LJ.rli~rOIa ~- (!~ilU:"'!I ~r - 8.. R. TIme Thl>k,

the broad~t ~n~ : d\'):IIC'5tk ru!Ul , 7 0 r h~ fuoi~ be 3lvol\"s h.sd tbe JC.'T (Ost s(Jlicitmh; ami tht~ i('ndt"~: ("3.rt'. : .0\1 b:ld the s:ltisIa..~t1l'U (,f ~"lti:; !l.U ,n:f tupp,: C'l.mtentt'! '\'\ ik. ~d hi:- ChIl,l !'rll ,TO':!;" up ~nt hit:.! i1.to hutlor.lblt- tnt":. n!.efnl z::..'U1ho..K\J 3tH\ " ··manho..AL H~' leaT'e3 'lhn .. "t! chihln.·o. \l:!: . ~a...,..y J __ -,;i!t" of B, 1;_ =-'l'.:m:a.n ... 3 -n-dI .. i, -dn !:1rmN d IIcury n'nnt~· : Willi.s.Ul 1::_ • .:.1

'WOrthy ttlion l'! the l'hl ... tl""l.'k. '\\ u .... 1'" tJ.!;o l'l farmer iu Uh' ,.::nnt' \.'Qunl •. :1.: te l ~

I ne.:s.r ncighbt,'r h' L ... ,,·l.1a ~i::h:r. :l:I,! Clan Bd1t-. Vol!\,' ,.! i-'nt.Plo. Inak,'" n :t thrifty:..nd l..tl:;hly r" "l ~""C'h"l far.:m· r l~, -iognN.r l>.::mnU\'. thIS cOu:!ty. T h:--~'

TNoiD:i carrying l~ng"'N 'Will It.''s'e nnd bi~ ... i ft." a re all tb!lt ~un' iyc biLl:. (l: out ltH. Pl~t as rolloU'lS: the origiu..'ll LaCllQ f .. :.mil'" that S('-· rit ...... l her on th~ claim l1car Uuriin~ton. I..!l'('t.' Is.."'ll

00I.:'Cu "-Est. 'iI"&S the l.."l!;.t to ;;0. awl h,,' l·l)(·,yt.·\ 111l~ lost --.' I ' . '-' . .E 1 - ~nmmOH5 wit h a cru.!l.lut.~N- un,1 I'1.!."-!: ;U;1.

1$ .'10. -v~ .1 . . . _. . . . - t.: tl • p. m 1 \ . tion that can only Ul:lr~ t l\' I.'!'U l!:g (I f 3-

So. 3 EXl)~ IJt&~·:: ~"t."r .. ' - -,:-b) s . m trul..T' Otlb!c lift'. Tl' So"'''- tl'.l! !h,' !I "!tl-

S o.5-Expre::ss. __ . _ ~;35p.m ?ry~'faJl!--nC'h li \·l· ... a .... .!.!.:::- i.sc:.,,:-ll:::l< .. ll "0· F .. • ... t..!_ .. l 9-~ · m tn' _,.,:> l·"'·q",.::- of ~!1 WI" "'Ut"W !b . T ., . 1- ~. ~&LU ._ -~-

~o. 17-Througb l''''rl!igu:' _ . _ . .)_"",, p. m let; -~ ''''~'\ ........ , .... ll':." ';!'3.: iHl, .' good \'I:';;:':U,; tvr t'h .. 'aa: -! '-.. - i.

No. 2-~-Wa. r~ght.,. _. ___ __ Il :::sQ ... 0. h.&T'<" a.c,.,'·o:n:'· :..~

:( oj


•• ,OI~O lU.8T. The t:mt'r . 'C' OIl Sucday.

So. i-.!!.!Jr.n,,',,;: ... .l.pree:s.. - .. .. 01;';"> ~ 13 1-. ...... b ltl • " . ' - 9 __ . e ... ·

::\0. '-..Il&.l.I , .. , _ ... , _. __ " ____ .' t;_~ p. m Dana In t!lc r.lo;":.o.! .... :=..... .


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l~l iu !\o.6--Chiea.go £Xpreee .5:4'; a.!!l '\-i~"'Ci it: t!1t- s.f:('i"':ll .... ':l !It !.(\ug I 'T't"\:~ I' p l'lJ B Lie , So.8--LocaJ Exp~ . ___ t:~:r .. mlchur<'h. l:,~~ hCl~:Ih-... ~hk!\ '-,~. :\1_ .

IV'I;.., I s ts- \ .. ... Freight l' --- 11.. In I tend"::'Cl i.J:- a. ~e,'Vu,'U:.l~ .,! r .. ·b.n ~..,... I )('(l'j.O: ' J - ~ • • - - -". ~.a.,) trier.ah a.lH.lt.·:ti:'c.'ns. ('In\.' b,'T...tI! .. ! J:.!lKh .. Sos.. 1. t. 3, -t, .Lull 11 an dally _ ter.li!'l'\. C. Walt!l'. whv r.:-'I~ll'" IC. ),li~-

I SO! .. ':;', b. 7.~, 2-j nud $. dail..~ e,x\."'ept souri. toeiu~ PM."S('tlt . Th·:l1'oo·nil"~ 'Q. .... re A. ('I "tI.-, f ill' :'Omf'

I), _ la. ro:::I.I.luctt...J. b. P.,c,·. ::;tr'\"ke-r :L.~.b·t ~l h ~ .·h . ,~(' II (;.)1HI ~un~ y- I Rev .. Dr. Ro;" lcy. t,r l)!l; vi.U~ Con£:I't."g:l.

I ~L'_ 1 j ~' iU (. .. U'r'y 1~.D.g.:" be- \l_c;a-t ('hl~.:Wd TI.:Y K iog. or tb( D-.. Ul_ .. ~ ,

• "Bu I .... ... _. au 1 tlttnunl;l I TlII~ &phst chut'\·b . Tb(' l'aJI bt 3.ra~ I ()n 1 :1i l r"J:lY t :lll1f lIo'irI!t:D Il-U-Ig.....,..J' . _eN U~'O. Je.ho Ii', ,';e.:Lr. :\, 1'. ~ rl ::ith::r .. 'I -(' ('Of! So. i dOt~ 00.\ carrJ I~ngcrs.. ,It.lld ar:d h)h'a ~. (it't.,&;, ~,r ]tmlll "\.'1I. Deccl1l~;. t ~S(). ;~

I p ( 1 -,u l d Ill ...... I "",J ElI""u Snlllb. H. La"",<k am. W, H II> " 1 '11 t . , "IT!! I a.¥.e.D.gt!r.J or (~ polO ~I!.!l ... rol"<.< .... 1 ~t.e'I'1I.rt . ()t l~n'·il!('. Tlic lyr.a.in "-('I't.' • ,.l .. \\'1 ~I ~ "p:~j and for Omsh.n sbo!1!d t~ke Omaha z.xrn."S3., inh't'nxt iu LOf)z Cn,':t ('Cmctl~r.'-. . '. .. " - ,'n1!~. e:-=., tn .. , f ln'l C &.:Io d I X..,. 1. !.hro"l.J;h roil-b.Oilt CbACIF-. .... 0.1 .. ~'np i ~ ,-;.,r>-rST ... ~-; .... .. .. .'