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of the world, and all the deeds of all the heroes, for one true vision." Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity began as a vision. A vision of the Founders' close friendship growing and extending so that others may share in their close bonds -not a very complex vision but a strong initial vision that has given life to the \ I


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Proverbs 29; Verse 18 Durward W. Owen

Catholics, Protestants and Jews will recognize this as a reference to the Bible, the Old Testament to be precise. Now, all will ask, "What does a verse from scripture have to do with Pi Kappa Phi?"

Everything! For you who do not have the resource book

handy, mine says, "Where there is no vision the people perish."

When I asked a student what the referential statement "Pi Kappa Phi-Vision 2004" meant, he responded that he sees "Pi Kappa Phi finding its place in the ranks of the large, mature and more-established national fraternities." Another student responded, "I see Pi Kappa Phi as the leader in creating a new universal fraternity image."

Another student thought that Pi Kappa Phi "must lead as agent of change."

The last responder, when asked to explain further, indicated that "Pi Kappa Phi must continue to lead the fraternity world in the tradition of its campaign for alcohol awareness, date rape awareness, STD awareness and our unparalleled approach to service through PUSH America."

A student from Illinois said, "What are we all about, what is Pi Kappa Phi about in 2004? Just what we are about today-striving to teach our members about the needs through service and striving to be the best person one can be."

"Where there is no vision, the people will perish" -a statement that every individual should think about, for it affects us all. What is meant by the word vision? It is said that a vision is the act or power of anticipating and empower­ing that which will come to be. Henry David Thoreau wrote that he "would give all the wealth

of the world, and all the deeds of all the heroes, for one true vision."

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity began as a vision. A vision of the Founders' close friendship growing and extending so that others may share in their close bonds -not a very complex vision but a strong initial vision that has given life to the

\ I

fraternity for the past 90 years. Over the years both the vision and fraternity have grown and extended.

As students, we enjoy visions of being members of the best fraternity and learning not only how to be better students, but also preparing ourselves to survive in the world after college. We envision that through Pi Kappa Phi we will enjoy the best of college experi­ences and make friendships that will last a lifetime.

As we graduate and become alumni, our vision changes. We have visions of reunions with

old friends and knowing that we have something to give back to the fraternity. As members of the fraternal world, we all share a vision of bringing out the best of what fraternity can offer-being the best leaders, the most successful in our careers, and the most active in our neighbor­hoods, communities, and towns.

Henry Kissinger once said, "The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been"( . .. and may not wish to go). How does the leader know where to go? Why do the people follow his lead? It is because of a vision which the leader can see. If we are to move ahead and not perish, we as leaders in the fraternal world must have a vision of what we want our future to be.

As we journey towards one hundred years of Pi Kappa Phi brotherhood, what is -your vision of Pi Kappa Phi?

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On the Cover: The Pi Kappa Phi Memorial

Gateway at the College of Charleston. In dedicating the Gate­way in 1929, founding member A. Pelzer Wagener declared,"This gateway will remind successive generations ... that a small group of their old brothers once caught a vision . .. and ... brought it to a rich fruition." Photo by Tim Ribar.

After a search process which lasted over a year, the National Council has selected the man who will be the next Chief Executive Officer of Pi Kappa Phi. Meet Mark Timmes.

When Pi Kapp Alumni work together, they can make things happen.

Does an interfraternal ghost haunt the Pi Kapp House at Kansas State? A feature article by Tim Lindemuth will make you wonder.

Pi Kappa Phi charters its 180th chapter at Wingate College.

To remain competitive, Pi Kappa Phi must be able of offer its undergraduates the best in educational programming. Our many thanks go out to everyone who gave to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation last year to help make this possible. Read the Foundation's Annual Report.

The 44th Supreme Chapter is around the corner. Make plans to be in Atlanta in August.

Supreme Chapter Plan now to attend

Pi Kappa Phi's 44th Supreme Chapter in

Atlanta, August 13-17,1994.

The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead, is pleased to host Pi Kappa Phi at what prom­ises to be its finest and most

exciting convention. Join other alumni, their wives and families at

Atlanta's only Five Diamond Hotel.


See pnge 32 for rletnils 1111rl bnck cover for registrntiou form.

"Strong Enough to Care" Star& Lamp Winter 1994, Vol. LXXX, No.1 A Leadership/Education Publication

Editor-in-Chief - Durward Owen Managing Editor - Frank Wrenn Office Manager - Joanne Stroshine Editorial Assistant - Debby Haynes Contributing Writers - Frank Wrenn ,

Sally Schafer, Tim Lindemuth

Star & Lamp is published quarterly by the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 7017 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C. 28217. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C. 28224; Telephone: 704-523-6000 FAX: 704-521-8962. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription . Second class postage paid at Charlotte, NC and any additional mailing offices.

Pi Kappa Phi was founded at the College of Charleston, Charleston, S.C. on Dec. 10, 1904, by Andrew Alexander Kroeg, Simon Fogarty and L. Harry Mixson.

Pi Kappa Phi is a member of the National Interfratern ity Conference and the College Fraternity Editors Association. L:::"'~.E::.c::=-._

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Star & Lamp/Winter 1994 1

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Mark E. Timmes has been

selected to become Executive Director in August.

After a year-long process, the National Council of Pi Kappa Phi has announced the man who will become our Fraternity's next Chief Executive Officer: Mark E. Timmes.

Mark, initiated into Alpha Epsilon Chapter at the University of Florida in 1976, will become Executive Director when Durward Owen retires in August of 1994.

The" changing of the guard" will take place in Atlanta at the 44th Supreme Chapter. Owen has been Chief Executive Officer of Pi Kappa Phi since 1959.

Having been a leader in the Greek world for so many years, Owen knows that he will be leaving the adminis­trative leadership of the fraternity in good hands.

"Tomorrow ... is a new opportunity," commented Owen, "a new slate, unencumbered by the filter through which we see today. A new decade is on the horizon for Pi Kappa Phi--a new age, a new administrative leader­ship, and brand new possibilities."

Timmes, the man who will oversee this new age, definitely has the fraternal and pro­fessional experience to lead the Fraternity into the future.

After his 1976 initiation at the University of Florida, Timmes served his chapter as Trea­surer, Rush Chairman, and Archon. While he was an undergraduate, he guided his chapter's growth from 18 to 100 members.

nity as a whole. Neil Con tess, an AE Alumnus, met Mark at the door

of the Pi Kappa Phi house at the University of Florida in 1979. "Mark's vision was simple . . . ," said Contess.

It was to "provide an environment for extraordinary young men to develop their social, interpersonal and leadership skills, ... [and to] provide an environment where young men can learn what it means to be person­ally responsible for the success of an organization--an environment where men can learn what it means to conduct their lives with ethical integrity and mutual respect for others."

His vision for his chapter in 1979 remains as a large part of his vision for Pi Kappa Phi today.

After graduation, Mark came to work for the Admin­istrative Office of Pi Kappa Phi as Director of Communi­cations and served as Managing Editor of the Star &

At the University of Florida, Mark was IFC President and a member of the University of Florida Hall of Fame. In 1977 he was named a Pi Kapp Scholar, and in 1979, he was named Pi Kappa Phi's Student of the Year, an award given annually by the Greater Fraternity to an undergraduate whose abilities and accom­plishmentshavehadsignificantimpactonhis chapter and have brought honor to the frater-

Mark Timmes introduces himself to the undergraduates at the St. Louis Mid-Year Leadership Conference.

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Lamp until 1981 when he entered Law School at the University of Florida.

Since then, he has served as a president of the Alpha Epsilon Housing Corpora tion and has also served the Housing Corporation as Director of Fund Raising.

Most recently, Brother Timmes was a partner in the firm of Richards, Gilkey, Fite, Slaughter, Pratesi, and Ward, in Clearwater, Fla., where he specialized in com­merciallitiga tion. After ac­cepting the position of CEO Designate, he came to Char­lotte and began the process of assuming the reigns in January, 1994.

Already, undergraduate chapters ha ve come to real­ize thathavinganExecutive Director with a legal back­ground offers the fraternity many advantages. Several chapters have called for ad- • vice and unknowingly re­ceived an expert opinion.

As CEO, one early focus will be on alumni relations. According to his plan, Pi Kappa Phi will "provide more services and benefits to alumni of all chapters."

estab lished by our fot1nd rs, lumni volunt r , and Durward Owen."

"T beli ve I had a a iling," aid Timm the emotion that h fe lt during th int rvi w job. H added,"Whil J hav njoy d my I ga l ar r, 1 f lt that my God-giv n skill uld b b tt r u d in leading th Fraternity."

a cuti v Offi er, Timme i

al w rking v ry d i.li ­g ntlywithanalurrmicom­mittee in Atlanta in pr par­ing for the 44th Supreme Chapter in August.

While this in itself is a task, he is also envisioning thefutureofPiKappaPhi­and questioning its direc­tion. As it has been to DurwardOwensinc 1959, the fraternity is more than a membership organization to Timmes. The position of Chief Executive Officer is more than a job.

"My involvement in our fraternity ... ," said Tinunes, "has been one of the most meaningful and important experiences of my life." He knows that there will

be many obstacles before him. In his application to the CEO Screening Commit­tee, Mark wrote, "Our Fra­ternity faces significant chal­lenges now. However, I be­lieve our Fraternity will face even greater and more com­plex issues in the coming decade. This will require a person with a vision for our Fraternity's future, a com­mitment to growth and fund-r a ising, lead ership skills and a real world busi­ness perspective."

11 My family and I are prepared to make a total commitment to the Fraternity. We look forward to continuing the legacy of excellence established by our founders, alumni volunteers, and Durward Owen."

In the summer of 1961, Mark Timmes was four years old. Durward Owen had been Executive Direc­tor for two years, and Founder L. Harry Mixson was speaking to yow1g men at Pi Kapp College.

"Yes, we men in 1904 sparked the idea, " said Founder Mixson, "but it is to those men who came af­ter us, and are continuing to come in a steady unbro­ken stream that we owe our wonderful Pi Kappa Phi ....

Timmes acknowledges that his new position is a fam­

-Mark E. Timmes "I have given you the past as I know it. The fu-

ily commitment for him, his wife, Gail, and 19 month-old daughter, Morgan. In a letter to Past National President Stephen DePalma, who was Chairman of the CEO Screen­ing Committee, Timmes wrote, "My family and I are prepared to make a total commitment to the Fraternity. We look forward to continuing the legacy of excellence

ture I leave wi th you." As Durward Owen has continued the legacy of our

Founders, he, too, will leave the future to someone else. As Mark Timmes becomes Chief Executive Officer at

the 44th Supreme Chapter in August, a new era will arrive for the Fra ternity, a new vision for Pi Kappa Phi.

Winter 1994 3

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Gamma Epsilon Alumni Look to Build New Chapter House

Alumni Working Together You all have heard the saying, "Now is the time for all J be possible. They also want to thank Pi Kappa Phi

good men to come to the aid of their country." At Properties for all the help in making sole ownership Western Carolina University, possible,andespeciallythehelp "Now is the time for all good of Glenn Dickson and Tracy men to come to the aid of Maddux for all their time and Pi Kappa Phi." effort in making the transition a

Several alumni have been smooth one. working hard over the last 18 Over the summer, the GEHC months to bring back the Gamma retained a retired architect to Epsilon chapter to elite status. draw up plans for a complete Brother Mike Reece , president renovation of the existing chap-of the Housing Corporation, is ter house. In May, the chapter being assisted by Rick Mills, Vice house will be gutted and com-President/ Secretary, Dean pletely remodeled by the sec-Rogers, Treasurer, and Joe ond session of summer school. Grooms, Corporation Advisor. This will complete phase I, and With the help of brother Attar- The Gamma Epsilon Chapter House additionalprojectswillbeadded ney William Biggers, Gamma Epsilon Housing Corpo- to continually improve the chapter house. ration (GEHC) was created in the summer of 1993, and The Gamma Epsilon Housing Corporation is very it has made many improvements on the chapter house optimistic about a quick turn-around time in finishing since then. the renovations. To be successful, however, they need a

In October, the housing corporation finalized the financial commitment from Gamma Epsilon Alumni. paperwork to become the sole owner of the house. In The housing corporation has challenged each alumnus order to buy the property, the GEHC had to find ten to support the project with a donation. alumni willing to sign a $10,000 guarantee to help secure With no doubt, Gamma Epsilon will prove once again the loan. The GEHC is very thankful to these alumni that when Pi Kapp alumni work together, anything can because without their support the new house would not be achieved.

Are· You in Graduate School? Want Free Rent? If you will be enrolled in a graduate or

professional program for the 1994-1995 academic year, we may have a deal for you.

The Administrative Office is in the process of recruiting Chapter Resident Advisors to live rent-free in Pi Kappa Phi houses across the United States.

There are approximately 50 chapters whose Alumni Building Corporations may sponsor a Chapter Resident Advisor. Compensation will include, but will not be limited to, a room (house father's suite if available) at the house.

A Chapter Resident Advisor's duties will include offering advice to individuals and offic-

4 Star& Lamp

ers in the chapter, ensuring the upkeep of the house, assisting with chapter financial planning and reporting the needs of the chapter to an Alumni Building Corporation.

Best of all, he will be working with his broth­ers in Pi Kappa Phi!

Being a Chapter Resident Advisor may be your best chance to continue your fraternity experience, while helping you afford graduate or professional school.

If you are interested in this exciting program, contact Tracy Maddux at (704)523-6000. He will attempt to match your educational plans with a Pi Kappa Phi location.

Page 7: 1994_1_Winter

Havard Dickson

Committee Heads Appointed

Executive Director Durward Owen has announced that the Greater Fraternity has appointed new chairmen to two standil1g com­mittees.

Frank Havard, a former Area Governor, has been appointed to the Alumni Relations Committee. Havard is an ffiitiate of Gamma Phi Chapter at South Alabama.

Glenn Dickson has been ap­pomted to head the Education Com­mittee. (See page 8 for a related ar-

Lambda Chapter Dedicates House to Frank Lane

Last fall, Lambda Chapter at the University of Georgia d dicat d its house on 930 South Milledge Av­enue to Brother Frank L. Lane, Lambda 588.

About 300 Brothers, alurrmi, and parents were on hand for the cel­ebration. The dedication was held after the Homecommg football game.

Lane, who is Chief Executive Officer of Pyramid, Inc. of Atlanta, was presented with a plaque as well as a framed pencil prmt of the chap­ter house.

Also honored by Lambda were Brothers Walter Pickens, Jr. and Leroy Langston.

Pickens, Sigma-USC #606, was

Frank Lane

named Alumnus of the year. jeweler, her sid s il1 Atlanta.

Langston, Lambda 401, was bon oredbyhavmgthetrophyroomd di cated to him. Brother Langstoni a attorney.

Pickens and Langston also re ceived plaques for their honor .

ticle on Dickson, the Education Com- L__ ______________ _

mittee, and your mvolverrmet.) Omega Alumnus Owen Honored by NIC, Phi Kappa Tau

Durward Owen, Chief Execu­tive Officer of Pi Kappa Phi smce 1959,hasrecentlybeenawarded two mterfraternal awards.

In December, Owen was awarded the National Interfraternity Confer­ence Gold Medal il1 San Diego. The Gold Medal is the highest honor given by the NIC, honormg life long mvolvement ill volunteer or profes­sional service to men's general col­lege fraternities.

Owen was also recently honored Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity. John Green, Executive Director of Phi Kappa Tau, surprised Owen by pre­senting him the award at the Pi Kappa Phi Mid-Year Leadership Conference il1 Charlotte ill January.

The 1993 Phi Kappa Tau Frater­nity Interfraternity Excellence Award was given "ill recognition of [Durward Owen's] many significant contributions to the Interfraternity world." Congratulations!

Honored Gerard Buente, ffiitiated mto

Omega Chapter at Purdue ill 1962, has been named as one of the top 50 community-college mstructors ill the nation, receivmg a 1993 Excellence Award from the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Devel­opment.

Gerard, now the Senior Instructor of computer programmmg at Indi­ana Vocational Technical College, was previous! y a senior sys terns ana­lyst for Whirlpool.

Gerard Buente


Pi Kapp Awarded Internship at Dallas Cowboys' Camp

Delta Omega-Texas A&M mitiate Grady Cornell Siske was recently awarded an mtemship by the Dalla Cowboys for his sprmg semest r sports management degree at Texas A&M.

Brother Siske graduated from Texas A&M ill May of 1993 with a bachelor's degree ill fmance.

His brother, Blame, is also an mi­tiate of Delta Omega Chapter.

Winter 1994 5

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Ghost Tim Lindemuth is faculty advisor to the Delta Chi Chapter at Kansas State and a member of Pi Kappa Phi. He is editor of Kansas State University's Alumni Magazine.

Haunts Kansas State Pi Kapp House Special to the Star & Lamp by Tim Lindemuth

The library of Pi Kappa Phi's new chapter house at Kansas State University holds more than books and an oval oak table for executive officer meetings. The room exhibits the haunting presence of Duncan, the chapter's famous live-in ghost.

After losing their house to a devastating 1991 fire, the Delta Chi Chapter Pi Kapps acquired the Phi Gamma Delta chapter house in 1993. Extensive renovation oc­curred throughout the summer allowing the brothers to occupy the 50-man residence in August.

Duncan made his first eerie presence known to the Pi Kapps shortly afterward.

The Parents Club conducted a work weekend on the library in September. Led by club President Bill Green, father of Aaron and Andrew Green of Garden City, Kansas, the parents attempted to paint the walls tan, but mysterious red stains appeared. Perplexed, but un­daunted, the moms applied vinyl wallpaper to the li­brary walls.

Work stopped, said Archon Andy Larson of Larned, Kansas, because, Duncan's "blood" bled through the wallpaper.

The spirit that occupies the chap­ter house is described in the book Haunted Heartland by Beth Scott and Michael Norman.

The authors of the 1985 Time/ Warner book say that Duncan was a pledge of the fraternity that first occupied the house many years ago. He was struck fatally in the head by a pledge paddle apparently during an initiation ceremony, but details vary. Duncan's paddle supposedly hung as a memorial in the library.

the wall. Finally, they gave up and applied oak panel­ling halfway up the walls.

Reports of mysterious footsteps and turning door­knobs are documented in the book. Mike Howard of Arlington, Kansas, lived alone in the house during the recent Christmas break because he had a part-time job. He confirmed hearing odd sounds at night.

Howard was Archon for Delta Chi Chapter the year following the fire. He and former Archon Mike Kallas of Kansas City helped hold the brotherhood together while the chapter was without a house. The members first occupied one floor of a campus dormitory and later 12 four-man apartments until the fraternity bought the Fiji house.

Howard said he couldn't sleep one evening during the holiday break because he kept hearing creaking noises overhead. The exterior doors were dead bolted to secure the house during the holidays.

"I got up and watched TV in my room until I finally fell asleep," he said.

See Ghost, next page

Phi Gamma Delta bought the house in 1965 after Duncan's chap­ter closed its doors. The Fijis repeat­edly tried to paint the library walls but the red kept showing through the paint. An outline of Duncan's paddle also kept reappearing on The Pi Kapp House at

of Kansas State University, where

some say the spirit "Duncan" still roams the halls.

6 Star& Lamp

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Ghost, cont. As part of the sale with Phi Gamma D Ita, the Pi

Kapps also acquired an apartment building loca ted be­hind the chapter house. The seven-unit dwelling erv d ashousingforFijijuniorsandseniors. Sine th PiKapp could not currently fill both residences that accommo­date more than 80 men, their housing corpo-ration made arrangements with a local prop-

The haunted library on tinu d to ha llenge th P i Kapps.

Hou m nag r J r my Bau rand M-auri "M " Musy tarted th room' r n vati n thi pringby m unt­ing an a ault nth "ble din "wa ll . Th y r m v d

the fiv -f t ak wain t and xp d th e infamou had w f Du n an' paddle. erty manager to rent the apartments to other

K-State students. The chapter has s t a rush goal of 40 men to fill both dwellings this fall.

An outline of P ple in th

The Parents Club and alumni donated $14,000 to furnish Delta Chi's new house because the 1991 fire destroyed most of the old furnishings. A committee-comprising a senior in architecture, the housemother, the

paddl ' outlin ay th y b li v it i nothing mor than un-fad d w 1J paint around a paddle that pr bably hung 011

the library wall for many y ars.

Duncan's paddle kept reappearing

on the wall ... Bauer of Clay enter, Ka nsas, and

Musy of Ov rland Park, Kansas, r -moved the stained Parent Club wallpa­

per and applied another coat of tan paint. Globs of old, softened paint peeled off as they rolled on the fre h latex paint. Using putty knives, they scraped and studied the walls and fow1d a sub-layer of maroon latex paint- or was it really Dw1can's blood? After they scraped the walls to the plaster, the next coat of tan paint remained tan.

faculty adviser and a parent-developed the interior design and purchased the furniture. They chose a formal interior complementing the house's Southern colonial architecture that is ptmctuated with four white columns.

For the front hall and living room, the committee selected several wing-back chairs, sofas, cherry end tables, a grandfather clock and brass chandeliers. The first floor study room (previously the Fiji television room) holds round study tables, straight-back chairs, a piano and a sofa and easy chair for reading and conversation.

No further signs of Duncan have been seen or heard. One wonders if the chimes of Pi Kapp's grandfather

clock will awaken Duncan's spirit at midnight to per­form another bone-chilling prank.

Mid-Year Leadership Conferences Continue Tradition of Excellence

Pi Kapp under­graduate leaders came from all over the country to attend Mid-Year Lead­ership Conferences.

The "Mid-Year" was held January 7-9, 1994, in Charlotte and January 14-16, 1994, in St. Louis.

"Mid-Year is a great learning experience, and it reminds me of what being a PiKappaPhiisallabout," said one student.

Another summed up a general consensus by stat­ing, "Themoreideaslhear, the more I can help my chapter."

The Mid-Year Confer­ence was sponsored by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation.

Cooper Elected Class President

R. Clark Cooper, a former Archon of Beta Eta Chapter at Florida State University, ha s b en elected Senior Clas Presi­dent of Florida State.

Clark, the permanent President of the Class of 1994, has also served in the student senate and was on the crew team.

Winter 1994 7

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Eta Mu Chapter Chartered Over a year and a half ago, a

Pi Kappa Phi interest group was formed on the campus of Wingate College. Having just allowed fra ter­nities onto campus for the first time in the school's history, Wingate was somewhat skeptical of a fraternal pro­gram. The fifteen men who later became a Pi Kappa Phi Associate Chapter were eager to prove the college's attitude wrong, and on December 4, 1993, this group became a permanent fixture at Wingate Col­lege as the Eta Mu chapter of Pi Kappa Phi.

The Eta Mu chapter of Wingate College was chartered by Charter­ing Officer T. Philip Tappy, a past national president and "Mr. Pi Kappa Phi." The Assistant Chartering Offi­cer was Area Four Governor Dr. Art Quickenton. Coordinating the ac­tivities for the chartering were Emerson Linney, Frank Wrenn, and

Eta Mu Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi

James Benson. Doug Turner, a founding archon,

reflected on his past involvement stating, "Two years ago Greek life was foreign to Wingate College. Today, Pi Kappa Phi has established itself as the best fraternity on cam­pus. This reality has moved from a mere idea to a tangible way for young men to grow and learn amidst frater­nal bonds."

During the Associate Chapter

period, Eta Mu accomplished many impressive goals. In September of 1993, the gentlemen raised over $1,200forPUSHAmerica. Currently the number one academic men's fra­ternityon Wingate'scampus,EtaMu chapter achieved an unheard of aca­demic goal in the fall of 1993-they became the number one Greek orga­nization academically (including fra­ternities and sororities.)

Current Archon Eric Hutt, another founding father, reveals his aspira­tions for the future and the past: "From the early stages as an associ­ate chapter through the chartering of Eta Mu, Wingate Pi Kappa Phi has

pushed to become the innovators on campus. Whether it involved new Rush ideas, creative PUSH America projects or anything in between, Pi Kappa Phi was in the lead. In the coming years, Eta Mu chapter will seek to be innovators nationally as well as on campus."

Eta Mu chapter would like to ex­tend their sincerest thanks to their advisors, Steve Poston, Rhett Brown, and Doug Helms, without whom none of this success would be pos­sible. Much thanks is also extended to the initiation teams from Queens College (Eta Zeta Chapter) and Barton College (Zeta Tau Chapter).

Interested in Serving on a National Committee? Glenn Dickson, newly appointed as chairman of the Fraternity's

Education Committee (see related story on page 4), is looking for committee members to help him help Pi Kappa Phi.

The Fraternity needs alumni volunteers who have expertise in the fields of study skills improvement, leadership and organization development, and career preparation to serve on the committee. Involvement will require about one conference call per quarter, and a willingness to work indepen­dently and respond to mailed correspondence between meetings. This committee will recommend ways to enhance the effectiveness of the Fraternity's leadership events such as Pi Kapp College, the chapter visita­tion procedures, and the content and design of training materials.

Brother Dickson served the Fraternity as its Assistant Executive Director

8 Star& Lamp

prior to employment in the same capacity with NACORE Interna­tional, a professional society serving "in-house" corporate real estate ex­ecutives. He is a member of the Beta Upsilon Chapter at the University of Virginia and attended graduate school at Oregon State.

Please contact Mark Timmes or Mark Perrin at the Administrative Office (704-523-6000) for more in­formation.

Page 11: 1994_1_Winter


1993 Annual Re ort In 1993, Pi Kappa Phi's members and friends gave $241,996.72 to the Pi Kappa Phi

Foundation in order to support the Fraternity's educational programming. In this report, all1993 givers are listed. They are divided into the following Clubs:

Annual Clubs: Distinguished Fellows- $1,000 and up in 1993

Foundation Fellows-$500-$999 in 1993

Lifetime Giving Clubs Council Club-$10,000 and up

Foundation Club- $5,000 to $9,999 Lamplighter's Club- $2,500 to $4,999

Executive Director's Club- $1,000 to $2,499 Gold Star Club- $500-$999 Chevron Club- $250-$499

Crossed Swords Club- $100-$249 Other Donors

Only those who gave in 1993 are listed in the lifetime giving clubs.

The sole purpose of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is to support the educational programs of Pi Kappa Phi. Special attention is given to these five objectives:

Programs to Build Better Chapters Leadership Development Scholarships and Loans

Alcohol and Drug Abuse programs PUSH America

It is reasoned that focused programs and the commitment of resources in these five areas will help build a more complete undergraduate experience for members of Pi Kappa Phi and their families.

The assets of the Foundation now approach two million dollars, and are comprised of funds, invested by the Charitable Trust Department of the Wachovia National Bank, and the Administrative Office with 15 acres of land in Charlotte, North Carolina. Tax Deductible contributions may be made in any amount, at any time, by anyone.

Your questions may be addressed to Ted Scharfenstein, Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, 289 South Street, Rockport, MA 01966-2350, or call at (508)546-2214.

-------------------------------~-------------------------------Winter 1994 9

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Council Gamma Tau Cal. Berkele~ NC State

Club Xi Dick Cornish Jay Deyton Roanoke College Steve Ryder Bob Cline

($10,000 and up, Durward Owen Chi Epsilon Upsilon lifetime giving) Al Woody Stetson Davidson Illinois

Bruce Rogers Allen Graham Lisle Menzimer Kappa Omicron Hugh Yelverton Stan Perkins

UNC-Cha];!el Hill Alabama

Alpha Epsilon Hooper Alexander Don Mulvihill Lonnie Strickland Jack Roeser

Otis McCollum Harry Caldwell Florida Sigma Gunnar Schalin

Nathan Hightower Charles Stewart U. South Carolina

Xi Jay Hammett Chi

Roanoke College Rho Alpha Iota Dan Reynolds Stetson Auburn Jerry Brewer Pat Figley

Judge James Turk Washington & Lee Frank Hawthorne Howard Leake Zeta Psi

Omega Beta Alpha Wofford College Cornell

Alpha Epsilon A ylette Evans George Heinrich Purdue Universit)l: Florida

N.J.I.T. John Kirk David Lane George Coulter

Jim Krucher Eta Bill Newell

DavidHenn John Lee Emon: Universitt

Alpha Eta John Wilson Alpha Gamma Gamma Kappa Jerome Westbrook Univ. of Oklahoma

Samford Alpha Iota Cosby Huddle Georgia Southern Jim Daley Auburn

Wayne Buffington Iota Clarke Dunnington Ernest Johnson Georgia Tech Bob Ogborn

Alpha Omicron GammaNu Don Johnston

Alpha Psi Stan Roberts Alpha Delta Iowa State LaGrange College Bruce Jewett Univ. of Washington Indiana Kelley Bergstrom

Phil Summers Ron de Valinger Garry Pritchett Bob Bux

Frank Parrish

Lamplighter's Gamma Xi Kappa Alpha Epsilon

Beta Alpha GA Southwestern UNC-Cha~el Hill Univ. of Florida Doug Dodson Owen Boote

N.J.I.T Club Bill Finney Keith Rollins Byron Herlong Stephen DePalma ($2,500-$4,999, Gamma Rho

Thomas Sayre Guy Wood Harry Fry

lifetime giving) Lander College Lambda Frank Holley Beta Beta Chuck Watson Georgia Howard Pettengill Florida Southern Alpha

Ward Lang Pete Barr Ted Scharfenstein Delta Zeta David Charland

Charleston Mu Hugh Gower David Jaffee A~~alachian St. Duke Universit~ Robert McMullen

Mark Christopher Beta Gamma John Hassell Bill Franck Charles Hudspeth U. of Louisville Art Quickenton Bill Dodson Bert Luer Ron Krebs Epsilon Mike O'Donnell

Davidson Nu Frank Brass

Foundation Harry Hendrick Executive Nebraska Jim Guretzky Alpha Zeta

Club Director's Oregon State

Kappa Xi Jack Steward

($5,000 to$9,999, UNC-Cha~el Hill Roanoke College Bob Elfers Stuart Hicks Club Seibert Lavinder

lifetime giving) Dan O'Flaherty Alpha Theta

Nu ($1,000 to $2,499, Joe VonCulin Michigan State

Alpha Nebraska lifetime giving) Nick Fairbanks Tim Aylward Jim Stump Dennis Y anachik

Charleston George Spatz Tim Ribar Julius Burges Alpha

Alpha Iota Charleston Xi Jim Edwards Omicron Auburn Lambda Roanoke College Alabama Marshal Caley Georgia Dudley Woody Beta Joe Cassady Ed Henderson Bob Knox Presb~terian College Doston Gurganus

J. Rodney Harris Omicron Clint Massey Paul Wesch Alpha Kappa Michigan

Phil Tappy Alabama Cliff Goodwin Lambda Mark Perrin

Austin Brannan U. of Georgia Travis Julian Walter Pickens • 10 Star& Lamp

Page 13: 1994_1_Winter

Gamma Zeta West Virginia Tech Chuck Hutzler Scott Moore

Gam ma Eta Athens College Tom Reinke Bob Slaybaugh

Gamma Theta UNC-Wilmington Bil l Kirby Martin Sondey

Gamma Kappa Georgia Southern John Riggs Roland Berry

Gamma Lambda Missouri-Rolla Paul Scherrer

GammaNu LaGrange Shawn Zwilling

Gamma Xi Georgia Southwestern Raymond Baggar ly Stick Miller

Gamma Upsilon Oklahoma State Gilbert Sanders

Gamma Psi Augusta College Mickey Weed Brooks Keel

Delta Alpha Virginia Tech John Crist

Delta Beta North Georgia College Tom Persia Charlie May Rick Barr

Delta Delta Northeast Missouri State John Andrews

Delta Epsilon Jacksonville State Randy Owen Jim Young

Delta Zeta Appalachian State David Vaughn Doug Edwards

Delta Iota Middle Tennessee State Carl Hanley

Delta Lambda UNC-Charlotte Charlie Marus Chris Cannon Bo Proctor

Delta Xi North Alabama Larry Guess

Delta Pi Wright State Rick Prewitt Bruce Rockwell

Delta Tau James Madison Jerry Keilsohn

Delta Psi Texas-Arlington Bill Svihel Mark jacobs

Epsilon Delta Auburn-Montgomery Dav id Smith

Chevron Club

rug s orcy Baba rovich

Dav id ll alligan eorge anz rland Fras a

Epsilon Epsilon Clinch Va lley Mike Donathan

($250-$499, lif time)

Epsi lon Kappa Southern Tech Jay Barrow

Epsilon Lambda USC-Spartanburg Bill Weathers

Epsilon Mu Bradley University Jeff Luebker

Alpha College of Charleston jack Reynolds Arthur Hai ten

eorge Rogers William Gaud Harry Fr eman Bobby Marl owe Ernie Frier on 1-lerndon Hasty Bil l Luhn Greg Padgett

Lyman Parri gi n rnest Hunter

Philip Win tead Epsi lon, Cont.

Top 10 Giving States for 1993

1. Georgia $26,183

2. Virginia $20,890

3. Alabama $17,035

4. North Carolina $16,900

5. Florida $16,190

6. California $13,909

7. South Carolina $11,812

8. New Jersey $10,215

9. Colorado $8,775

10. Iowa $8,279

Beta Joseph Shelton Epsilon Nu

Presbyterian College Ken Childs Cal. State - Sacramento Bob Langbein Tom Grafton

Sigma AL Spannuth Ra lph Belk

South Carolina Todd Rehfuss John Steenbergen Bob Gunter Jim Ballard

Epsilon Rho James Salvo Russell Stokes Lenoir-Rhyne College Dave Austin Richard Mims Mark Mullane Yancey Montgomery

Gamma John Appleby Epsilon Psi

U.C. Berkeley David Rhodes Slippery Rock Calhoun Pruitt Ted Talackine AI Croce

Danny Carter Joseph Dolan Other Gold Star Club: Jack Downer Mike Harvath

Neil Wea therall Christopher Hoffman

Mu Chapter at Duke Owen Kuns Zeta Zeta Jota-IUP David Dayton

Epsilon Kappa-Southern Tech Hal Simmons Wofford Gamma Kappa Chapter

George Lineer James Owings

Epsilon Housing Corp Ron Segel Jake Owings

James Kin lock Thornton Crouch

Denis Hernandez Allen Sprague Bill Evins

Larry Olson Scott Connelly

Larry Ray Smith James Belcher


McBride Pry r jean Kirkland

om r Weaver Phil ook Bill Pryor Robert Lowrance Tom Lownd s john Benkert Russ J hn on

eorge Rouse Tom hristian Bruce VanDerhoof Bob Defuri o Terry ovington Bob Rowe Bob Murray Mike jones

Kappa UNC-Chapel Hill Herbert Brand Beverly Moore Bill Johnson Jimmy TI1ompson Joe Bassett John Cauble Wayne Scott Donald McLeod Jerry Teele Bob White Phil Ameen Peter Berg Richard Holzworth Joel Thigpen George Braun Rod Hoover Buddy Davenport Tripp Winn Benji Guion Steven Briganti Rich Morgan Russ Schroeder Ed Pulliam Mark Winston Bob Kent Aaron Hagler Counci ll Leak

Winter 1994 1 3

Page 14: 1994_1_Winter

Lambda Omicron, Cont. Univ. of Georgia Brooks Henderson Gatewood Pryor Randy Wright Marshall Groover Cyrus Steed Jim Stoinoff Cengiz Kilic James Wilson Robert Wilson Pi Jim Harp Oglethorpe Leroy Langston Ea rl Blackwell Ted Grab Tom Jackson Rho Dick Patrick Washington & Lee Phil Allison Fred Waters Dennis Fields Seth Baker Mark Harp Edward Turville

Bob Petrey Mu David Bare Duke Universi!)' Richard Hoover Robert Dick Edwin Garretson Burnett Hull Wink McKinnon Nelson Stephens Mac Squires Wilfred Gatling Dorsey Ward David Gill Dan Kincaid

Nu Tau Nebraska NC State Judd Brenton Jimmy Greene Bob Platt John Feather Thomas Miller Ken Sledge Ed Bieri Bill Campbell Jim Christo! Wallace Reams Kerry Hookstra David Hartsoe William Wesslund

Upsilon Xi Illinois Roanoke College Eugene Ullemeyer Cecil Hefner Bill Hasfurther Pleas Ramsey Kenneth Rabe Robert Hyatt Ralph Howard Curtis Lemon Bob Moore DeWitt Petterson Frank Marlow Wilbur Mann Ed ward Prosser James Fleshman Joe Johnson Jim Charlton Ike Trogden George aff James Pottenger Bob Mentzinger Gus Massa Michael Bast David Kallal Steve Bast Joe Gauer Mark Edgell John Shustitzky Cam Ogilvie Bob Bogdanoff Robbie Harris Larry Munson

Timothy Pemberton Omicron Greg Provencher Alabama Billy Wilkerson Chi Bill Worthington Stetson Desmond Merrill Esten Ulmer Clinton Paulsen Jim Griffin George Barker Tom Wrenn Edwin Davis Mark Thrash Gene Cartledge Frank Hanvey Psi Richard Cowart Cornell Bob Shepherd Gene Lehr Joe Lee Bill Mayhew Oil DeBardelaben Donald Perkins Larry Contri Edmund Sayer Bill Schroeder Tom Burger AI McLeod John Angus Gary Limmroth Paul Haas Daniel Lemley Steve Milks Ed Caldwell Bob Wilcox Donnie Curry Michael Piscitelli William Bishop Bertram Lindsey

1 4 Star & Lamp

Alpha Alpha Alpha Epsilon, Cont. Mercer Gea ry Cotton Bill Bruner Dave Gatchell Led ford Carter Bob Sul livan

Omega Robert Melton Pete Cummings Purdue Robert Bennett Mark Varney Floyd McDonald Dona ld Hendrickson Alpha Gamma Alpha Zeta George Fassnacht Oklahoma Oregon State Ed Thomson Thomas Moore Sumner Alldredge Bruce McCandless Rick Hoffman M. Sigovich Ed Masline Stan Kelley Ralph Olson Alpha Delta Bob Nord lander Graf Houston Univ. of Washington Donald Knight Jim Hinga Peter Terzick Clarence Estes Don Swager Jack Clague Thomas Patterson Jack Powers Robert Hansen Don Perrin Jim Jackson Charlie Jaramillo William Thomas Duane Davis Domnisse Domnisse AI Kirchner Alpha Epsi lon Keith Dotter Halbert Smith Univ. of Florida Rickey Hug John Venard ALMann Edward Sh imojima Bill Scheck Spence Hubbard John Pop Ell ison Owen Alpha Eta Ron Eyer Gene Davis Samford Universi!)' Mike Ohaver Charles Lapradd Bruce Bruce Mike Tyrrell Bill Sahlie William Davis Mike Little Haro ld Simmons Sam Jones RikHill Terry Rooke jim Bel l Allan Larson Jack Howell Bi ll Dixon Bill Peace Bill Post Bruce Halley Manny James Bob Schutte Gary Anderson john Stiller

Distinguished Fellows The following brothers and friends have contributed $1000 or more during 1993.

Alpha Chi Beta Beta Charleston Stetson Florida Southern John Hassell Bruce Rogers Ted Scharfenstein

Sigma Alpha Eta Beta Kappa South Carolina Samford Geo~ia State William Crisp Jim Daley Ken ribbs

Lambda Al~ha Iota Gamma Zeta Univ. of Georgia Auburn West Virginia Tech J. Rodney Harris Ernest Johnson Thomas Miller

Xi Alpha Omicron Gamma Housing Roanoke College Iowa State Corp. Judge James Turk Eldred Harman Allen Woody Kelley Bergstrom Zeta Beta Chapter Dudlefc Woody Frank Parnsh Nicho as Boccella Upsilon Corporation

Omicron Alpha Psi

Gamma Kappa Indiana Alabama Phillip Summers Lonnie Strickland Delta Psi Advance-Harry Caldwell Beta Alpha mentCorp Nathan Hightower N.J.I.T.

Stephen DePalma Shirley Hardee Rho Jim Krucher Washi~ton & Lee Helen Ring Howar Leake

Page 15: 1994_1_Winter

Alpha Theta Michigan State Otmer Schuster Kenneth Bellinger Robert Trembath Wesson Ritchie Bob Yackels Pete DeMaagd Richard Pfeil je rry Wajda Michael Yan achik Len Paul Ford Woodard Curt Luthy Keith Meyers

Alpha Iota Auburn Hamill n Hamilton Floyd Hurt Bill tt Moyer Harris Paull -r ns Alex Maddox Tommy rd on Tal Kirkland Boga rt Reed Bob Ward Skeeter Me lure John Chris tiansen Gary Patterson Bill j nes Art Hamm nd David Long All an Reynolds

The N u Phi Society

Alpha Kappa Michi an Ra lph Danielson

a rl OMara Emil Keck

Alpha Lambda Mississi i Pete Warren

Alpha Mu Penn state Bob Atkin on Wi ll iam Walker Aa ron Wagner

Richard Ilcim Bill ·xi y Bi ll imon Rich Kl in rl Ken Z hncr j hn Funk Bi ll Vern n j n B ned lti

ary Bell o Mike Trull

ard ki dncy

The following brothers have attended 5 or more Supreme Chapters and continually support the educational programming of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation.

Alpha-Charleston Julius Burges David Jaffee Glenn McConnell

Gamma-Cal. Berkeley Steve Ryder

Sigma-South Carolina Jerry Brewer Walter Pickens, Jr.

Eta-Emory John Wilson

Iota-Georgia Tech Garry Pritchett

Kappa­UNC-Chakel Hill Stuart Hie s Otis McCollum Tom Sayre

Lambda-Georgia Phil Tappy

Mu-Duke Bill Fuqua

Xi-Roanoke Durward Owen Tim Ribar Judge James Turk

Omicron-Alabama Nathan Hightower Travis Julian Lonnie Strickland Paul Wesch

Rho-Washington & Lee Richard Anderson Howard Leake

Upsilon-Illinois Gunnar Schalin

Psi-Cornell John Kirk Bill Newell

Omega-Purdue David Lane

Alpha Epsilon-Florida Gary Leonard Mike O'Donnell MarkTimmes

Alpha Zeta­Oregon State Jack Steward Dave Vawter

Alpha Eta-Samford Gerald Mathews

Alpha Iota-Auburn Frank Hawthorne Ernest Johnson David Long

Alpha Omicron­Iowa State Kelley Bergstrom Wayne Moore Frank Parrish

Alpha Upsilon­Drexel Jack Casper Keith Sheppard William Stees

Beta Alpha-NUT Stephen DePalma Jim Krucher

Beta Beta-Pia. Southern Ted Scharfenstein

Beta Gamma­Louisville Ron Krebs

Beta Delta-Drake Robert Cione

Beta Mu-McNeese State R.B. Smith

Beta Upsilon­Virgima Glenn Dickson

Gamma Alpha­Livingston Joe Alexander

Gamma Delta­Memthis St. Tom arter

Gamma Kappa­Ga. Southern Glenn Aspinwall Perry Buffington

GammaNu­LaGrange Ron de Valinger

GammaXi-Ga. Southwestern William Finney

Gamma Omega­Montevallo James Beal, Jr.

Delta Gamma­Nebr.-Omaha William Ojile

Delta Zeta­Appalachian State David Owen Dr. Art Quickenton

Delta Psi­Texas-Arlington Mark Jacobs

Epsilon Alpha­Elon Barry Simmons

The Zeta Banquet of

Nu Phi will be held at the

Ritz-Car 1 ton, Buckhead in Atlanta on

August 15, 1994.

Ri hard urri e jonathan Marsh Rino o ri Louis D tefano jerry Scheibner Bruce Elowsky

Alpha Omicron Iowa State Carl Dorr Harley Whitney Bob Brown Robert McKean Gera ld Lov Jim Carson Dan Brownson Keith Bader Don Osborne Myron Menef e john Veak Phil Dvorak Gene Fri tz DickOhrt john Sanderson Charlie VanZile Dave Little Guy Goodenow

Alpha Rho West Virginia Alex Ada ir Alpha Rho Bob Laughner Dennis McCrum Nick Evans

Alpha Sigma Tennessee Jim Steffner Sam Steele Carl Adkins Aaron Reed George Steele John Steffner Johnny john on Tom Banks Roy Smith Frank Pugh ·Jon Rymer Robert Pemberton Randy Mims Jim Snow

---------------------------· ---------------------------Winter 1994 1 5

Page 16: 1994_1_Winter

Alpha Tau Al11ha Phi, Cont. Beta Iota Beta Mu Rensselaer Brian Diaz Toledo McNeese State DickAtlee David Desilets Bob Kuh lman David Stacy Winter Graves Martin Kotsch Beta Epsilon Bob Conley Robert Fuchs Missouri Bi ll O'Shea Beta Xi Earle Fox Alpha Psi Wa lt Richards George Hershman Central Michigan Kermit Pratt Indiana Universib( Laurence Trudell Gera ld Dunaway Donald Perry Bill Roberts Robert Haller Ken Lissner James White Boyd Wiltse George Cook Gerald Allen Dean Shilhto Cra ig Myers Dave Clappison Ernest Stacey Don Brennan Rob Meyer Dick Andrews Merton Prunty Beta Eta Rob Friess Beta Omicron Emanuel Calocerinos Ralph Mundy Florida State Northwestern Erik Nagel Wynn Bray Leo Almerico Beta Kappa Andy Bachman Michael Hession Wayne Murray Rick Corbett Georgia State Dave Dropkin Charlie Blackerby Mike O'Farrell John Whi tley Beta Pi Howard Peterson Jim Ruckriegle Guy Hollingsworth Brad Doss Eastern Michigan Edward Rebula Dave Gibson Jay Newman Dick Fa lk Jeff Keough Rich Stutz Bob Clark Beta Lambda Dave Peter Scott Evenbeck Sid Wilson Tam11a Gels ton Howell Joseph Lingenfelter Daniel Allen Jack Harnett Steve Kaitz John Leonard Jeffrey Holler Don O'Nea l Bob Wambach John Barker Bob Myers Brewster LaMacchia David Schaefer Beta Theta Ralph Griffin

Joe Lux Univ of Arizona

Alpha Upsilon John Hayden Charles Deleuw

Drexel Steve Boone Sam Wilson Tom Baker Arthur Tunnell Rod Gunning Pete Piercy Del Bollinger Foundation Fellows Ray Cannon Gil Merritt Alpha Omega The following brothers and friends have contributed Eugene Kiehl Univ. of Oregon Guy Hess Bill Schwab between $500 and $999 during 1993. Tom Laroe Tom Vandawark Bob Anderson Fred Streimer Alpha Alpha Epsilon GammaNu Douglas Clarke Don Lasselle Charleston Florida LaGrange Bob Tesno Alan Cochran Fred Staiger Stanley Lynch Julius Burges David Henn Ron de Valinger Percy Brewington Jim Edwards Shawn Zwilling Jack Marshall Beta Alpha Alan Henderson N.J.I.T. David Jaffee Alpha Kappa John Hudson Jacob VanBroekhoven Michigan Gamma Rho Ed Neuman Don Linske Osborne Miller Karl Kubak Sigma Mark Perrin Lander Ralph Parris Tom McCann South Carolina Chuck Watson Tony Lannutti Mike Fechillas Jerry Brewer AlphaMu Art Jones Fred Becker Vicko Melada Aivars Krumins Penn State Delta Epsilon Don Schey Louis Miceli Iota Guy Close Jacksonville State Kenneth Dirkes Francis Wood Paul Gross John Pugliesi Georgia Tech Clyde McSpadden John Knoll Garry Pritchett Beta Gamma Barry Campbell Beta Beta Ralph Klesius Florida Southern Louisville Delta Zeta Bill Cooney George Peterson Kappa Ron Krebs A1212alachian St. Samuel Costa Bill Fraser UNC-Cha12el Hill Art Quickenton Ed DiMond Henry Bartlett Jeffrey Cohick Jim Evans Otis McCollum Beta Lambda John Frye Rob Nicholson Tam12a Epsilon Kappa Bob Thorp Bob lmbrogno Beta Gamma Omicron Dan Costa Southern Tech Joe Mittura Univ. of Louisville Alabama Denis Hernandez

Donald Bloomer Bruce Harrison Beta Phi Alpha Phi John Cook

Illinois Tech Herb Zimmerman East Carolina MuChapter Cyril Dusell

Tau Clay Edmonds Edwin Searl Beta Delta Steve Stevens Drake NC State Zeta Iota Chapter John Roach Ken Miller Bob Cline Gamma Kappa Douglass Snyder Paul Gilman Ralph Belke Don Walter Georgia Southern Epsilon Mu HC Emil Donkers Bill Barber Alpha Delta Martin Nesmith Burton Seiwell Jim Winegar Ed Bisone Dean Rowland Washington Glenn Aspinwall Jack Higgins Jim Hendrix Walter Jones Larry Ray Smith Ed Kaschins Jim Rutherford AmoPinnow James Verlautz Richard Hughes

16 Star& Lamp

Page 17: 1994_1_Winter

Beta Sigma Northern Illinois Don Firkin

Beta Tau Valdosta State Jerry Pilcher Pat Wilford Tom Brooks Bil l Maxwel l Wes Murphy Lance Hamrick james Dowd Mark Waddell

Beta Upsilon Virginia joe McKane Bill Watson Thomas Rouse Tom Haudricourt Chuck Nesbit Steve Nesbit

Beta Phi East Carolina Wiley Lewis Frank Ramseur Richard Scott Tom Yopp Dennis Barbour Ellis Banks Dennis Brown ChetBoone

Beta Chi East Texas State Ken Park

Beta Psi Tennessee Wesleyan Greg Whitlock

Beta Omega East Tennessee State Gene Smith Ray Ziembinski Edward Bowers Keith Younger

Gamma Alpha Livingston Eugene Pettis Larry Ware

Gamma Beta Old Dominion Linwood Beverly William Jenkins Ted Bachas Tom Treichler John Sim pson

Gamma Gamma Troy State Jim McClendon Larry Turrin

Gamma Delta Memphis State Tommy Siebert Herb Blow James Ray James Younger Terry Morris

Gamma Epsilon Western Carolina Larry Ramsey Frank Willi David McKenzie Max Daves Bob Shave r Sam Davis

Gamma Zeta West Virginia Tech Phil Oneacre David Ch ilders Donald Prinzbach Ron lsom Michael Pat rn Denny Maffessanti Don Skaggs Cli fton Smi th

Gamma Theta UNC-Wilmington Bill Da lton Mickey Corcoran Bi ll Harrell Henry Merritt Jimmy Piner Leonard Harris

Gamma Iota Louisiana State Uo Michael Porche

Gamma Kappa Georgia Southern Richard Lane Tom Camp

Gamma Lambda Missouri-Rolla Michael Schnettler Bob Bentzinger Joe Gioia Randy Curtis

GammaMu Belmont Abbey Guy Piche Gregory Kusic Jolm Cottingham William Grizzard

Gamma Nu LaGrange College Ralph Sims Ron Farr

Gamma Xi Georgia Southwestern Benjamin Hamrick Mike Ha ll Grant Wallis Ben Andrews

Gamma Upsilon Oklahoma State Doug Danvers Barry Howell

Gamma Phi Univo of South Alabama Larry Green Paul Langenbach Tom Peterson

Gamma Omega Montevallo David B nnelt Royce Lader David William

Delta Beta North Georgia College Bil l Pope PoJo Rodgers Owen Nichol n Grant Matherly Allan Bright Vic Eilenfield Vic lrvin

Delta Delta Northeast Missouri State

elson Akers • Darryl Beach

Delta Zeta Appalachian State Gregory Honeycutt Steve Mi ll er J eff Shell

Delta Eta Morehead State Greg Kring

Delta Iota Middle Tennessee St. Mike Potts s tephen Crass

D elta Kappa em broke State ll ie Canaday



D ella Lambda NC-Charlotte ark Hall

dward Smith avid Higgin

u M E D

D w

elta Pi right State mes Martin Ja

D elta Rho So Ro Ed

uthern California ss Hotchkiss Lang

Ch aries Sarture

De Ita Sigma Bo Ke

wling Green State vin Lotosky

De Ita Psi xas-Arlington y Jacobs

Te Bill

Eps ilon Alpha n College aid Hollan

Elo Ger

Ep il on Delta Auburn- onl Da n Weaver

Ep ilon Eps ilon Clinch Va lley B b age

Epsilon Eta Winthrop Joe l Byars

Epsilon Theta Seton Hall Len DePalma

Epsi lon Iota UNC-Greensboro Hank lngram Scott Twiford

Epsilon Kappa Southern Tech Barry Kidd

Epsilon Nu Sacremento State ayson Louie J


psilon Xi aSa lle

E d Jesko DaveGivey

E psilon Omicron illanova v

K en Richards


psilon Rho enoir-Ryne College seph Mu ll ane Jo

E psilon Tau 0 Joseph's

om Wilson St T


psilon Phi abama-Birmingham

hris Teichmiller c D avid Zieverink

Ep silon Omega xas Tech Te

JOP 0 Martin Bo b Welsh

Ze Ia Alpha Cl emson University

ott Gasparini Sc

Ze taGamma Un ivo of North Dakota

ward Sandstrom Ste

Zet a Phi Col orado State

phen Feld Ste

--------~------------·----------------------Winter 1994 1 7

Page 18: 1994_1_Winter

Crossed Lewis Walker Julius Schoeller Bill Scichowski Harold Madison Dave Lassiter John BoA Jo eph Pehlman Garh Miller

Sword Club Archie ooks

Edward Atkins Mic 1ael Wiseley Pit Cleaveland Andrew Clyde Dylan Romo Mac McLaughlin Xi jackSimbon Joe Ha ines ($100-$249, lifetime) Jack Paus Roanoke College James jo son Lloyd Skidmore Walker Carter Dou'i:Deuss Alpha Delta Al~ha Charles Colletta Henry Kennett Skip owler Washington Co lege of Charleston joseph Luciani Thomas Moore Tom Watts Fred Price Alec Kroeg Terrance Anderson

James Reynolds Paul Stein way James Jolmson jack Allen John Wilson Bob Kasey john Schubert Theodore Scheffer Frank Boineau Mike Rossi Harr~Johnson Wall~ Wahlfe ldt Thor Hauff Rick Heifers Bill Sauser Lou ullineaux Dan hoor Willard Vadman Dan Ravenel Paul Pomeroy Bob Thomas Brook Silvestri John Dailey Hal Grcr,son Lee Kidd David Odie Russ Tomes Manuel Esteban Victor reco Kevin Renshaw Lindsey laiborne Peter Afostolakis Andy Westbrook jimmy Sulsona john Stafford Michae Eagleson Alpha ?;silon Lonnie Mixson Monte Nelson Steve DaD Univ. o Florida Chris Do~le William elatron Chi Walter Rivers Beta David Ba er Paul Dotson Stetson Charles Marks Presbl,terian Dean Russell james Collins Dennis Carroll Cia renee Ramsey Keith Comerford john Barley )ohnHu~s Sabino Martinez

John roughton Mark Boxer Dwight Holder Don Potter John Sne · gs Benjamin Holdorf Manon Frazier Greg Elliot Robert Bonney Frank Brown Page ~pele Gene Matthews Robert Costley Ken Garren Jim Youn3 Bing ichael !sham McLaughlin Mike Stevens Rick Milan Larry An erson Jim Grady Tom Stearns jim Dull

Leo Gomez Larry Elkins Geor~e Stickney E. Frank Harris Omicron Chris Hill Dale ains Alabama Psi Richard Smith Kappa Wimberly Miree Cornell Fabio Fasanelli Gamma UNC-Chal'!el Hill Rainy Collins Lou Seaman Bart Arnold U.C. Berkeley john Vann Henry Kittrell Norman Scott Steve Stanford Norm Arrighi HaleYoklG HarleyHo~e Jack Senesy Eric Ra il Gene Roberts Frederick oville Thomas GL bert Dave Dietzen Paul Green Harland Ross Charlie Adams Emmett Dendy Robert Harbeck Ed Storin Michael Ingram Alvin Daughtridge Ollie Nabors Erwin Tschanz john Gornto Michael Trainor Bill Ear~ Bill Sharpe Robert Ramage James O'Donnell Ron Osborne Clifton ux Bill DuBose Gary Fisher Mark French Rick Ratpaport Bryan Little Thomas Martin KenKellkr Mike Nozzarella Robert . Engemoen Ear I Jenkins Rick Kilgore Michael emer Brian Long Michael Kesler John Rand ~Scherf Greif< Della Rocca Andy Thompson Tim Stewart "tCallahan Jin1 ao Richard Hill Delta Charles Melvin Hassell Bounds

Furman Johnny Ussery Charles Jones Omega Alpha Zeta jeff Nelson Antho;x Sparrow Jin1 Brown Purdue Oregon State Ray Rowley Tracy oore Mike Teal Pete Sherwood Howard Davis Rick~ Goodson WiJ)jam Barton Artl1ur Bostater Scotty Hammond Epsilon Mar Gorham Gene Robinson Cap Johnson Jin1 Marsh Davidson Scott Tate Donald Flournoy Clay Newhagen Mel Knorr Bob Grady Jim Wilmott Greg Sand Bill Swager Geor~)aska Dick Hall Jeff Michael jack Brunson Bob Adams K.M. awke Sam Hines Tim Newman Thomas House Ed Vana Geor~ Blinco Paul Cooper Tomm?u Lloyd David Andrews Wally Goffeney )olm oore Bid lvey Scott uller Ben Renfroe Richard Lowe Roland Curtis Bob Gaitl1er Lambda Antl1ony Rice Leo Powers Kurt Engelstad Harold Albright John Blevins Tom Weakley Ron Thorn William Clayton Univ. of Georgia Jeff Hardin Ed Henry GarySmitl1 Harold Kernodle Marion Luckey John Greaves Bill Bradshaw Robert Marx John Bradbury Clynt Parrish Hilton Henry Theodore Langton Sigma john Wheeler James Owen Donald Ka tter Clinton Maurice South Carolina Joe Edwards

Carl l£%sher Mike Meyer Mason Hubbard john Peck Pi Gene "Jtko Tony Amort Fred Quinn McHenrli Hamilton Oglethor~e Thomas Jennings Ed Nolen Jimmy Parler Charles uttoe

Gary Hanson Richard Birkemeier HenrtnRogers Howard mitl1

George DeLay Jim Richardson James Sells Herbert Benson Fred omas C.D. Wooten Pete Gentry Alpha Eta Bob Moorer Robert Penland Lou Ptacek )in1 Berlien Samford Joe Lee Gary Tolbert Phil Newhouse Bob Lauderdale Robert Gatti Chns Savage Rho Don Taylor Hugh Brindley Donnie Ulmer Jin1 Lawrence

Washinaon & Lee Kim Hasler Henrd Yeackle Rick Lacey Jimmy Martin George clnemey Steven Moore Davi Brower Jackie EpJ'erson Geor~e Myers Tom Beal Matt Miles Bill Rath Mu Ken andeWater Varce Howe Juan Davis Duke University Cliff Curtis Dan Leininger Alpha Theta Dou\Marble William Pitts James Roane Dave Mitzner Michi~n State Trey ong Bob Atkins

Jeff E~ilsrud Frederick Frostick Orson ird Neil entschel Kline Sprague Zeta Dudley Moylan Tau Jeff Kasko Dan Ciernick Wofford David Collins NC State Kurt Takara Henrk Anderson Charles West Harry RaCmond Donald Seltzer Herbert Treen Chuc Bovay Mike Brownley orman ibson Bill Barnhardt PatKulmle Robert Bogan Bor'e Woolbnght Heyward Drummond Jim Paul jonathan Crist Rob Ewen Bil Smetl1ie Erwin Baumer Hunt McKinnon Michael Bosco Jack Kaplan George Esposito David Martin Alpha Alpha Gregory Kurasz Gerr~ Barnett Bill Gurnee Mercer Alan Perlingiere Eta Ted ewman W. Scott Troutman Edwin Connell Gordon Peterson Emory Mike Marable Lynward Lightner Hank Londo Eugene Sanders Stephen Sclmurr

Utsilon Tommy Lowndes Scott Evans John Salter Frank Wrenn, III II inois oaysra~g Anders Hall Robert Riggs Alpha Gamma Konra Sc einer Iota Abraham Palmer W. Seldon Oklahoma Bill Holler Georgia Tech George Leech Charles sringer Frederick Fuchs Nu judson Mason AI Schmi t Alpha Iota Dave Boy Nebraska Donald Leonard • 18 Star& Lamp

Page 19: 1994_1_Winter

Auburn Charl es Bea ird Dan Parmer Jim Hendry Will Wooley Bi ll Kennedy Bi ll Srnjth David Stoddard Charles Blackledge Dav id Wolsoncroft William Chartier jack Baker John Parke Clark Sahlie Wi lliam Parsons Ralph Foster George Waters James Reddoch

Alp ha Kappa M•chigan William Rowley Elston Larson David Greenspoon

AlphaMu Penn State John Weinberger Bob Kieffer Paul Borg Leon Knetz Paul Mellott Ken Flodin Ralph Moyer Fredrick Martin J olm Yeosock Bill johnson Bob Healy Donald Mizell Timothy Holsopple Dan Castello Guy Will iams Scott Myers Bill Lawrence Bruce Kent

Alpha Nu Ohio State John Haas Russel Newhouse Horner Henrie

Alpha Xi Polytechnic Frank Romanow Lewis Everett Edwin Olson Frank Grand inetti AI Muller Stanley Harazim Kenneth McCort Paul Dillon Joseph LaRosa Michael Pilo Jack Molinelli Roy Sarcona Harry Roener Rudolph Stankovic Sig Rotter Dan iel Gross Warren Zulawski Chris Criscione Eric Finegan

Alpha Omicron Iowa State Walt Kuehne Ken Johnson Leo Mores Verne Upmier Ray Knaggs George Dubes Scotty Wells Dale Cochran Al Richardson Ralph Ruedy Jon l'arrish Barry Croucher Thomas Raines Dan Saad Mark Hughes Hal Dirksen Jeff Harm Mark Milliman

john Brockmann Eric Almquist A jay Desa i Emer on Linney

Alpha Rho West Virg inia Howa rd Martin john Arbuckle jay Marano Bob Dombrowski

Alpha Sigma Tennessee Matt Baker Ed ]ones James Tombras Frank Smith Arth ur Sullivan Cla rk Roberts Robert Sledd Brent Spald ing Ken McAlister A I fred Southerland Mike Wood Randal Wilson

Alpha Tau Rensselaer Bob Bergman George Graf Don Stephens Robert Wagner Bi ll Baldwin Mi lt Beveridge Gilbert Roberts George Hoffer Nick Rusanowsky George Morgan Guillermo Castro John Uoodhead Ke1meth Chucta Jerry Jolm son Peter Cinelli Kevin Walter Doug Wiles Scott McCarthy Jon Rose Robert Sidelko John McMahon Bill Dirks Chris Parks Larry Powell Jeff Cunningham Andrew Anderson Keru1eth Munoz Gary Rapp Dieter Groll Seth Walter Anthony Grosso Peter Beinetti Don Anderson

Alpha Upsilon Drexel John McNutt Nicholas Wendelboe Bill McFadden Arthur Schlater Harold Stiffler George Thompson John Bartle Hoke Hokanson Bob Birdsall Robert Baldwin Jack Gardner Martin Burrows Walter Dearolf Jack Steer Don Williams Mark Blasser Bob Lambert Norman Grede Joseph Keyes AIJe1my Fred Nuenighoff George Meyers Bill Schuette Brian Becker Donald Dement John Pritts John Remias Hector Negroni Marlin Patrick

Ray Gri n Micha I Gennaro Mi hael Sell ers Dav id Heyd t john Peir john Buh mer Marc Longo Michael Ol iveto Jo O'Brien james Purington Wayne Baker

Alpha Phi Illinois Tech John Doudera Harry Perlet john "Pottenger Jim Wood ling Lee Strote Dick Frankenberg Jack Piper Robert Stevens John Echternach t

Alpha Chi Univ. of Miami Frank Kea ms

Alpha Psi Ind iana University jam s Kelsey Wallace Hutton

huck Martin jim Eshleman j im Witek Rog r Kinney Cha rl es Sc ly Warren Loomis Jim Halsey Christopher Dalt n Jay Cam ron Brook Boll inger Tim Mercer

Beta Beta Florida Southern Robert Weitzner jack Trufant Dave Kelly

Top 10 Giving Chapters in 1993

1. AO-Iowa St. $16,831

2. AH-Samford $16,065

3. 3-Roanoke $12,890

4. 0-Alabama $12,803

5. A-Georgia $7,950

6. AI-Auburn $ 7,460

7. AE-Florida $ 6,445

8. BA-NJIT $ 6,135

9. A \}'-Indiana $ 5,605

10. !-Georgia Tech $ 5,155

Newcomers this year to this top

ten are Samford and Georgia!

-----------------------------· -----------------------------19 Winter 1994

Page 20: 1994_1_Winter

Beta Gamma Beta Phi Delta Delta Delta Chi Univ. of Louisville East Carolina Northeast Missouri St. Kansas State Errol Richardson Otis Bailey Mark Schell jeff Meister Jim Grissom Miles Barefoot Michael Wood Robert Wiegers Clark Scherer Charles Brock jeff SchuXart Jim Koshewa Thomas Sayetta Gamma Kappa Delta Epsilon Michael ustin

Gayle Harris Georgia Southern Jacksonville State Andrew Lammers Beta Delta joe Hallow Charles Patrick Cates Bobby Phillips Mike Kallas Drake Georfe Daniels Lee Davis Marvin Nelson Will vera Brad Wilson Delta Zeta Delta Psi Bruce Swanson Will Barker Steve Rawlins A1111alachian State Texas-Arlington Kenneth Piller Bill Ray Tom Camp Gre~Ball Grady Bell Joe Parsons Michael Register Jim aines David Sprinkle

Beta Chi john Knier Bryan Taylor Beta Epsilon East Texas State Gamma Lambda Bruce Greenland Missouri B.J. Downes Missouri-Rolla David Huss Delta Orne~ Robert Baker CurtisN~nt Gregg Hale Scott Poole Texas A & Bill Gleason Tommy ite Bill Maycock Terry Wilson Tom Lynch GammaMu Joe Sturgis Jason Dodd Brad Mordan Beta Psi Belmont Abbe)' Mike Belki Gre\?unn Tennessee Wesle)'an Joseph Fenty Delta Eta Joey Young Ted ull Joel Jones Morehead State

Barry Saunders GammaNu Jim Wells Epsilon Alpha Beta Eta LaGrange College John Moser Elon College Florida State Beta Omega BillMims Mike Catron Paul Hirschmann Bernard Eaton E. Tennessee State Wiley Bryant Sam Miller James Colee Charles Motley Mike Rothschild Delta Lambda Ralph Mueller Gordon Mize Robert Yackanin UNC-Charlotte David Stoddard Gamma Xi Robbin Harkey Epsilon Beta James Douglass Gamma Alpha Georta Southwestern Richard Nantz Grand Vallev State Beau Debeaubien Livingston Bill Fisher Russell Ikerd Jack roadhurst Jim Bultman Bill Carter Mark Todd Chad Davis Kevin Nadai Hassell Mciver Tillman Hall Mike Bolton Jim Newman Thomas Holliman Gamma Rho Rese Farrish Epsilon Gamma

Lander Jon Howarth Longwood Beta Theta Gamma Beta Barry Young Kenny Morgan Gary Slack Univ. of Arizona Old Dominion Steve Kodman Darrell Janezic Arthur Vance Dick Howard Delta Nu Brad Pomp

Philli~ Casteel Gamma Upsilon West Ken tuck)' Beta Iota Paul hebalin Oklahoma State Donn Sapp Epsilon Delta Univ. of Toledo Tim Willis Kenneth Oshel Bruce Masden Auburn-Montgome!J! Jack Guinall Wayne Wilcox Steven Cochran Tohn Andrews Richard Rose Mai:thew Parker Phil Perdue Delta Xi Mark Cline Thomas Bokan Greg Johnson Shawn Nichols North Alabama DickSmalleh Joel Allen Rog Schaefer Glenn Chaffin Etsilon E~silon Darwin Dec osh RayMing Steve Pirkle Cinch Vale)' William Frederick Joe Simas Gamma Phi Steven Beau ter Chris Barton South Alabama Delta Omicron Lee Lewis Roderick Hunt Gamma Gamma Bill Ishee Michael Garrard Robert Herron

Tro)' State John VanDerwood Ray Hebert Beta Kap~a Steve Scruggs RonKonya Jacques Frere Epsilon Zeta Georta tate Steve Sham urger Central Arkansas Jack arber Rawdon Beaty Gamma Chi Delta Rho Richard Dixon Larry Reinhardt Jacksonville Southern Cal. Larrt Harris Gamma Delta Mike Fouty Alan Watner ~silon Eta Jim onner MemCjhis State Randall orber inthro11

Ron ail Gamma Psi John Lyon Beta Lambda Augusta Delta Sigma Bill Moore Tam11a Gamma ~silon Vann Langston Bowling Green St. Tom Sacco Steve Krist Western arolina Mike Thomas Jim Crosby Larry Callicutt Gamma Omega Scott Moser ~ilon Iota Bob Swirbul Bruce Fishel Montevallo Thomas Krach C-Greensboro Wade Birch Tim Coleman Jimmy Andrews Steve Trivisonno Charles Cote' Perry Monastero James Poole Robert McGhee Jose~t Bando Kevin Debbs Charles Cordeiro Stan Pendergraft Robert Howard Joe atessa Elliot Curtis

Eric Beck Mike Drudy John Kim Jim Shaw Beta Mu John Connor Jason End !ish McNeese State Gamma Zeta John Babel Epsilon Kappa Tom Wright West Virginia Tech Delta Al).ha Jeff Tiedt Southern Tech Paul Brown Bob Brewer Virginia ech Son Vu Mitchell Adrian Steve Kraycar Jeffery Rhodehamel Delta Tau Eric Burch Wilfred Bourne Geor3e Franz Michael Rowland James Madison Stephen Brewer

Davi Strader Brian Eastridge Brian Baldwin Bruce Vandiver Beta Omicron Mike Akers Glenn~d Chris Kelly Ed Smith Northwestern State Paul Mattox Mike E er Thomas Lyles JohnnyOden Scott Knapp Georie Sanders EpsilonMu

Gamma Eta Paul Lavery Dale eall Bradle)' Beta Tau Athens College Brian Roberts Jason McDowell Valdosta State Guy Smith Delta Beta David Moretti Stephen Grzelak Larry Adams North Geor~ia College Kenneth Rand Tim Sumner Jerry Thomason Gamma Theta Ron Alexan er Mark Callis Pat Maietta Rick Williams UNC-Wilmin~on Bill Clark Fritz Schroeder James Aiu Jon Scott Gary Chadwic Michael Lawless Jody Jaap Chi~Sin~r Johit Baldwin Tom Childers Epsilon Nu Sid rie an Matt Crossman Ken Vining Delta Upsilon Cal. State-Sacramento

Richard Jefferson Tim Wilson Pittsburgh Jeff Silver Beta Upsilon Mike Turner Howard Simon Andy Webster Virgima Michael Waslicki Delta Gamma Waleed Alhashar Steve Applegate Nebraska-Omaha Delta Phi Herb Long Rick Buschelman Radford Epsilon Xi DickO John Jesse Keith Bryan Lasalle David flamay Mark Coulson Dan Rogerson

• 20 Star& Lamp

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Epsi lon Omic ron Villanova Patrick Brala

Epsi lon Pi Virginia Commonwea lth DaveMenk j im Brann

Epsilon Rho Lenoir-Rhyne Ken Brown Craig Thornburg

Epsilon Sigma Christian Brothers Eddie Keene Vince Mancini joel Ortiz Ray Saunderson

Eps ilon Tau St. Joseph's Raymond Ix Joe Held user

Epsilon Upsilon Georgia College Lamar Doolittle

Epsilon Psi Slipklrv Rock Ken imchock Rams Ramsey David Conn

Epsilon Omega Texas Tech Jim Smith Timothy Haen Francisco Hamm Blake Thomas

Zeta Alpha Clemson University Scott Slawson

Zeta Beta Cal. San-Diego Keith Rundle

Zeta Gamma North Dakota Chris Johnson Michael Welvaert Joe Kraft

Zeta Delta Sh ikHnsburgh Die il tner Michael Socha AndySpellar

Zeta Theta Univ. of Texas Trac}' Maddux Jack Salmon Michael Oria

Zeta Iota Ind iana U. Penn Richard Cravener Vic Sofelkanik Frederic Perenic

Zeta Lambda California-Chico Brian Gilmer Todd icholson

Zeta Mu CaL-North ridge James Benson

Zeta Rho Cal. State-Fullerton Shahmir Nadjmabad i

Zeta Xi Averett Jeff Davis Eric Hodges

Zeta Psi l.U.P.U. l Lance Burnside

Eta Beta Ind iana State Wayne Tracy

Universitk of Kansas Brian Roc

Other Members the Crossed Swords Club

org · Owen Lamoda Chapter Zeta Chapter

amma fota Associate Epsilon Mu Chap! r Zeta Lambda hapter Alpha Sigma hapter

National President's Circle The National President's Circle was established in 1990. To be eligible for the Circle, one must have held a leadership position in the chapter, attended a national leader­ship event, and pledged $15 a year as an undergraduate and $50 a year as an alumnus. The following men have joined the Circle or renewed their memberships in 1993.

A-Charleston:Ben Schill

B-Presbyterian: Tyler Binney,Reggie Ba tson

L-South Carol ina:Sean Flynn

Z.Wofford: Greg Gi lbert

1-GA Tech:Terry McCullough, Mike Stevens, Brian Chen Glenn Scott, Antonio Llanos

A-Georgia:Marc Wabich

M-Duke:Frank Wrenn, Heath Marcus, Steve Dunn

N-Nebraska Sean Neurnayer,Aiex Barbieri

T-NC State: Dave Kraft, Sanjay Patel Austen Jud, Chad Oakley

Y-lllinois: Brook Silvestri,Russ Tomes Peter Apostolakis Michael Eagleson

~-Corneii:Greg Della Rocca, jim Kao, Cory Wright

AA· Troy State:Christopher Harper

Af-Oklahoma :Dylan Romo, Brian Link, David Groom

AA-Washington :Evan Erickson

AE-Aorida:leff Alexander, Michael Warwick

AZcOregon State: Gregg Landskov,Jeremy White

AH-Samford Scott Welch,David Driskill Donald Moore,Josh Cooper

AK·Michigan : Jon Albert, Barry Stern Mark Singer, David Garcia

AO-Towa State: Robe rt Traylor, Michael Derr Rob Peterson, jeff Smith Marc Ba rtel, David Schwake

AP-West VA :Andy Dunn

Al:-Ten nessee:Mike Ashe

AT-Rensselaer: Seth Walter, David Liss

A'l'·lndiana:Brook Bollinger, Tony Cochren,Scott Louderback, Michael Barclay,Andrew Conne r

M:NJ..!I; Steve DePalma,Ronaldo Guillen

Bf-Louisville:Michael Parks

BA-Drake: Chris Wegner, Paul Guten

BE=Missouri:Greg Gunn

BH-Fiorid a State: Lee Nichols, Clarke Cooper Mike Loy, Jeff Butler

BK-GA State::Donovan Panone

BA-Tampa: Perry Monastero,Charles Cordeiro

BM-McNeese State: Troy Rizzuto

a;;:-Central Mich igan: Andy Nadolski

BI-Valdosta St:Jayson Diaz

BC)>-East Carolina WiU Ba rker, Charles Goff Chris Derrenbad1er

BX-East Texas St:Rich Wiley

[A-Livingston Chris Blackwell, john Nowak

[B-Old Dominion :Mike Colbert

Gamma Gamma-Troy State Steve Shamburger, Michael Bunn, james Wheeler Mike Eisen, Rich Greene, Keith Kaetzel, Rick Couch Shane Jolley, Chris Schmidt Carl Nelson

fA·Memphis Stale:David Edwards

rz-W.VA Iech :Dan Artis

fK-GA Southern Scott McElroy, Todd Johnson

[A-MO-Rolla: Scott Rutenkroger

[M-Belmont Abbey Bo Green

[N-LaGrange Jeff Esolo, Stuart Terrell

rP-Lander Benny Morrison, Brian McCarty

[<J>-Sou th Alabama:jerry Lee

~:Travis Martin

AA-Virginia Tech Paul Lavery,Chris Middleton

AB·NorthGeoJiia :Brian Yarbrough

AA-NE Missouri St.: Josh Wansing

AH ·Morehead St:Mike Catron

AA-UNC·Charloue Michael Amick, Reed Branham William Mumford

Al>Bowling Green :Joe Ma tcssn

AT-lames Madison:Jody jaap

AY-Pittsbu~h Eric Scerbo~ yan Fischer

AX-Kansas State: Mike Kallas, Mike Howard Broc Yakel

A\1'-Texas-Arl in~ton : Charles Ka rsch,ryan Taylor

A!J-Texas A&M: Terry Wilson, Andy Paparella Tom Sullivan

EK-Longwood; Brad Pomp, Rod Williams

fA-A ub u rn-Montgomery: joseph Osenton

E&Ciinch Valley: Lee Lewis, Travis Sturgill

EH-Win)hrop: Jamie Tarlton

E0-Seton Haii :Chris Gardinier

El·UNC·Greensboro:EIIiott Wilson, Jim Shaw, Steve Snyder

EK-Southern Tech: Chris Wood, David Nelson

EA·USC·Spartanbu~: john Harris,Tod Nelmcs

EM-Bradley: Pat Maietta, Russell Perr John Mcindoe, Trevor G raham

E;;:-LaSalle:Chuck Lannutti

EO-VA Commonwea lth : Mike Valentine

EP-Lenoir·Rh yne:Teff Kautz

EI-Christian Bros.: David Thomas

ET-St. Toseph 's: Christopher Quigley

EY·GeorgiaCollege:Todd Worley

E<P·Aiabama·B'ham:David Kessler

EO· Texas Tech: Keith Blackmon, James Wedding Pete r Dudley

ZA-Clemson:Scott Slawson, Mark Moehring,Jim Davidson

ZB-Cal. San Diego: Andy Chapman

Zf-Nor)h Dakota:Mnrk Adams

ZE·George Mason: Bobby Barakat, Robert Driscoll

ZZ-North Florida Steve Borowiec, John Powers

~:Joe Weible

ZA-Cal. St. Chico : Scott Lehrfeld, Brian Gilmer

ZM-Cal. Northridge: William Hayn es,Russell Collins Gavin Zimmer

z.;;:-Avere!t :Matt Dean Jeff Davis, Eric Hodges Bobby Perkins, Robert Gordon

ZO-SUNYCort land:MarcSaggese

ZP-Cal. St. Fullerton Dave Goldenberg Shahmir Nadjmabadi

ZL::Cal. Davis:John Nussbaum

ZI:l!.i!rlQ.n:Tim Hewlett

ZV-Bloomsburg:Ma tthew Teter

Z<1>- Colorado State :Stephen Feld

ZO-Towson:Chris Grant, Andrew Pitsicalis,Dan Coll ins

tl[-Colorado: Bret Heidemann, Kenneth Baumann, Erik lscrnhagen

llE=MaJYiand:lan Rubin

I IZ:Oueens:Dave Scott

llll·U.C.-!rvine Steve Roussey

H0 -San Francisco Rob Chan Brian Hook Dane Riley

IIA-S.U.N.Y. Brockport Keith LoPresto, Marc Shamus

Winter 1994 21

Page 22: 1994_1_Winter

A Special Thank You Pi Kappa Phi salutes these brothers who have contributed $100 to $499 during 1993. Al~ha Kappa. Cont. ufisilon Alpha Epsilon, Cont. Alpha Omicron Beta Beta Co lege of Charleston Steven Bri~anti II inois Bert Luer Iowa State Florida Southern Bob Barnett Stuart Hie s Lisle Menzimer Mike O'Donnell Robert Brandau Henrk Bartlett Tim Dangerfield Clay Serenbetz Bi ll Haselwood Mark French Bob Brown Carl och Terry Moore Thomas Sayre Stan Perkins Richard Hill Rar Knaggs Dave Robertson

Ed Pul liam Don Mulvihill Bil Rickert Beta Bob Kent Jack Roeser Alpha Zeta Bob Ba ternan Beta Gamma Presb)1terian College Tracy Moore Peter DePasquale Oregon State Bert Lattan Louisville Ralph Belk Russell Hadley james Bar,ne Harr~ Kallander Charlie VanZile Warren Robb Sam McGregor Glen Hes er jack teward Peter Hall Clint Massey Lambda David Kalla l Donald Knight Beta Delta Cliff Goodwin Universil)1 of Georgia Skip Fowler Cla rence Estes Alpha Rho Drake Art Maxwell Gibson Hull Gunnar Schalin Bob Elfe rs West ViTJ~inia RobCione

Bob Knox John Schubert john Bollman AlexAda1r Jim Hornbrook Gamma Jimmy Martin Greg Provencher Fred Raw Dennis McCrum Richard Schmitt UC-Berkelefi James Wilson Brook Silvestri Chuck Hartsough Victor Folio Dick Cornis Sam Slade Michael Eagleson Dave Vawter Beta Epsilon Sterling Norgard Ward Lang Richard Birkemeier Alpha Sigma Missouri Charles Vannice Phil Tappy Chi Tennessee jay Stucke! SteveR~der Fred Thomas Stetson Alpha Eta Willie Read Dean Shilli to David ruggs Lindsay Preiss Herman Turner Samford Barry Ceci l Tom Lynch GeorgeGanz Arthur Morris Roy Evans Barney Tucker Orlando Frasca Mu Tom Deen Jim Purvis RandyMims Beta Eta

Duke Universi!"J( Pat Figley Bill Ford Jim Snow Florida State Delta Bill Franck Gil Simmons Rick Corbett Furman Universi!"J( Bill Dodson Psi-Cornell Angus Morse Alpha Tau BuzMcCall Albert Southern Warren Pope Thomas Bennett Rensselaer Don Stewart David Ullman Frank Wrenn, Ill Thomas Burger Alpha Theta Robert Fuchs Peter Manning Abraham Palmer Geor~ Heinrich M1chigan State Frank Po~ Beta Iota

Anders Hall John 'rk Henrt Anderson Anthony rosso Toledo Epsilon Bertram Lindsey jack immerman Gordon Wri!?ht Lance Talmage Davidson College Nu Bill ewell William Cleary Peter Beineth Allen Graham Nebraska Edmund Sayer Tim~lward Don Anderson Beta KapSta Hugh Yelverton Geo(f,e Spatz Bob Wilcox Don 1ecelli Harry Zimmer Geor~ tate Rol:iert Bur~ess jim uretzky W.). Zygmunt Dennis Yanachik Cedric Dustin Dave ard Harry Hen rick Robert Hawkins Larry Harris JimMor~an Xi Omega Alpha Iota Brei johnson joseph S elton Roanoke College Purdue Auburn Bob Wambach Beta Lambda

Pleas Ramsey Flokd McDonald Kenneth Wilkins Seth Walter Tampa Sigma Seibert Lavinder Die Gollmar Marshal Caley Austin Curry South Carolina MarkWood Walter Norrington Bill Ott Alpha Upsilon jack Harnett William Fincher Dick Newman Palmer Porter James Reddoch Drexel GukWalton John Coulter Dan O'Fiaherty Ron Eyer Ed Henderson james Haislip Die Swirbul David Rhodes Durward Owen Thomas jennings Larrk Pharo Hal Cowles Charles Cordeiro DanRe~olds Don Kerr Charles Hall Fran Hawthorne Alan Henderson Walter ickens Joe VonCulin David Lane Robert Ferrell Barr?J Campbell Beta Mu Doug Marble Nick Fairbanks Allan Larson Alex Maddox Bill hute McNeese Delta Lambda Ed Bennett jonathan Crist Tom Fuller Leonard Dicarlo R.B. Smith Christopher Hoffman Ed Corson Tal Kirkland Keith She~I?ard

Jack Wade Alpha Alpha Edwin Goodgame )effrep Co 1ck Beta Xi Michael Bast Mercer Sam Pate john rrt Central Michigan

Zeta Jim Stump Edwin Connell Lua Blankenship Wayne aker Donald Perry Wofford College Tim Ribar Art Hammond Aylette Evans Alpha Gamma David Long Alpha Phi Beta Tau Boyce Woolbright Omicron Oklahoma Ralph Foster Illinois Tech Valdosta Gre~g Bissell Alabama T. Huddle john Humiston Ronald Thomas Bill vins Benjamin Mathis Eugene Salmon Alpha Kappa Edwin Searl Beta Tau Chip Stockman Oscar Pardue Clarke Dunnington M1chifjn Douglass Snyder Ted Nelson

James Owen Bob Ogborn Hu~h otchkiss john Sachs Beta Tau Eta joe Cassady Bob Holly Alp a Kappa Jim Helm jon Scott EmoWUniversi!"J( Gene Cartledge jay Morns Carl OMara Roger Peterson john ilson Doston Gurganus Gary Miller Paul Wagner Beta Upsilon joe Cannon Ce~z Kilic Alpha Lambda Brian Diaz Virginia jerome Westbrook Fra Hanvey Alpha Delta M1ssissi~f/ David Desilets Dan Kimball

Cl~t Parrish Washington james Ta Martin Kotsch John Browning Iota Bi I Sharpe Bob Bux Fred Ri~~ns Georgia Tech Bill Sutton Charlie Jaramillo Alpha Mu Aigha Psi Wingfie Hughes Herbert Haley Austin Brannan Penn State In iana Herb Long Perk Perkins Bill Taylor Alpha Epsilon Bob Healy Wallace Hutton Thomas Rouse Don johnston Bob Inman Florida Wynn Bray Glenn Dickson Frank Hodge Richard Taylor Owen Boote Alpha Nu Ross Wingler ). B. Yount Stan Roberts AI McLeod !ff;ron Herlong Ohio State Terry Brown E. Harris Travis Julian omas Simpson Edwin Stickel Kevm McDonald Beta Phi Comer Weaver Paul Wesch Guy Wood Carl Stickel Steve Boone East Carolina Geor~e jensen C~sSteed Wa ter Rivers Rod Gunning S.T. Hicks John uckett Jo Greaves Ha~Fry Alf,ha Xi T.). Sullivan ChetBoone james Dewberry Fra Holley Po J11echnic Del Bollinger Bill Ray Robert Parrish Rho Tom Fitz~era ld Henry Meyer Alan Imrn Washington & Lee Howard ettengill George Carleton Beta Chi Robert Costley Mitchell Disnd; Em Cobb Walter Eisele East Texas Jim Dull Frederick Lan rigan David Charland Henry Gartner john Witt

Tom Warfield Hugh Gower Richard Brady Ken Park Kappa Dick Anderson Rol:iert McMullen joseph Flaherty UNC-Cha;:el Hill Harold Simmons Beta Alpha Beta Omega Paul Wim ish Tau Terry Rooke N. J.I.T. East Tennessee Jimmy Thompson N.C. State Wilton Strickland Geor~e Newcombe Byron Brown Doug Dodson ~Deyton Gary Anderson J osep Manfredi Russ Palmer Gre~Couch arc McConnaughey GearJ. Cotton John Lee Edward Bowers Keit Rollins Char es Hudspeth john Pugliesi Richard Holzworth Mark Timmes Benji Guion

• 22 Star& Lamp

Page 23: 1994_1_Winter

Gamma Beta Delta Xi Old Dominion North Alabama Lou Richard Larry Guess Chuck Brady

Delta Pi Gamma Delta Wright State Mem~his State Dan Strawn Tom arter David Everson Delta Rho

Southern California Gamma ~silon Ed Lang Western arolina MarvCope

Delta Sigma Gamma Zeta Bowling Green West Virginia Tech joe Matessa Phil Oneacre jeff Tiedt Scott Moore john Babel

Jason Endlish Gamma Theta john Ki m UNC-Wilmington Bill Kirby Delta Tau Bill Harrell [ames Madison Martin Sondey Bill Hea th

Geor~ Sanders Gamma Kappa Fri tz hroeder Georgia Southern Wayne Buffing ton Delta Phi Lee Davis Radford Brad Wilson Keith Bryan Tom Camp

Delta Psi Michael Register Texas Arlington

GammaMu Mark Jacobs Belmont Abbex William G rizza rd

Bryan Taylo r

:y;snon Beta Gamma Xi rand Valle~ Georgia Southwestern Ted Lukoms i Bill Fmney Kevin Nadai

Gamma Upsilon Etsilon E~silon Oklahoma State Cinch Va lex Cary Rogers Mike Donathan

Robert Herron Gamma Phi South Alabama Epsilon Zeta Tom Peterson Central Arkansas

John Bearden Gamma Chi Jacksonville J:!Nilon Iota Lance Van Every C-Greensboro

Scott Twiford Gamma Omega Allen Rohe Montevallo Dave ~~in ton Epsilon Kappa David 1l iams Southern Tech John Connor Ed Smith

Delta Alpha ~silon Lambda Virginia Tech SC-S11artanburg Steve Johnson Bill Weathers John Crist

Epsilon Mu Bill Ryan Brad lex

Delta Beta Jeff Luebker North Georgia Tom Persia

William Furling Tim Sumner

Charlie May JamesAiu Ken Vining

Epsilon Nu Delta Delta Cal State-Sacremento NE State Missouri Bob Lan~bein john Andrews Todd Re fuss

~son Louie Delta Zeta aleed Alhashar A1111alachian State Andy Webster Gregor~ Honeycutt

~silon Omicron Dav1d aughn Mark Christopher llanova Joe Sturt,s Ken Richards Dot~ E wards Patrick Brala Jeff ell

~silon Pi Delta Kappa A Commonwealth Pembroke State Jim Brann Ollie Canaday

Epsilon Rho Lenior-Rhxne Mark Mullane Joseph Mullane

Epsilon Tau St. [os~~h's Tom W1 son

E~silon Phi A abama-Birmingham Chris Tcichmi ller David Zievc rink

Ef;silon Psi S icf~e~ Ro~k Tealackine David Conn

Epsilon Omega Texas Tech J.P. Martin

Zeta Alpha Clemson Scott Slawson

Zeta Epsilon George Mason Andy SpeUar

Zeta Theta Texas-Austin Michael Oria

Zeta Iota Indiana at Penn Frederic Perenic

Zeta Mu Cal-State Northridge James Benson

Zeta Phi Colorado State Stephen Feld

Zeta Psi IUPUI Lance Burnside

Eta Etsilon Ma~ and Rich Cutshaw

Eta Eta UC-Irvine Jim Senechal

Others Giving ~100 in 1993


Alison Gallagher

George Owen

Gerald Spielman

Lambda Chapter

Zeta Chapter

Gamma Iota A.C.

u Chapter

Epsilon Mu Chapter

Zeta Lambda Chapter

Greenwood Alumni Association

Alpha Sigma Chapter

Eta Io ta Chapter

Delta Phi Chapter

Beta Upsilon Chapter

Zeta Epsilon Chapter

Epsilon Epsilon

Delta Tau Chapter

Epsilon Gam ma

Zeta Xi Chapter

Xi Chapter

Delta Alpha Chapter

Other 1993 Donors

jack Reynolds Alec Kroeg john Walton Arthur Haisten Georg Rogers Earle jennings jack Allen Warren Almand Frank Boineau Rick Heifers Will iam Ga ud Harry Freeman Bobby Marlowe Ernie Frierson Dan Ravenel Herndon Hasty Bill Luhn Greg Padgett Hal Grayson Victor Greco Andy Westbrook Anthony Ward Stuart Spencer L01mie Mixson Donald Burkard

Beta--Presbyterian Tom Grafton john Steenbergen John Broughton Dwight Holder Marion Frazier Romayne Hamilton Gene Matthews Jim Ba llard james Salvo Dave Austin Isham McLaughlin Tom Stearns George Stickney Ed Hahn Da le Rains john Tritt

Gamma--UC-Berkeley AI Croce joseph Dolan Jack Downer Harold Senger Ned Croucli Norm Arrighi Neil Weatherall Gene Roberts Owen Kuns David Dayton Hal Simmons George Lineer Harland Ross Robert Parmelee Richard Houston Ron Segel jimAlj1an james Kinlock Allen Sprague Larry Olson Chip Walker Michael ingram

Bob Grady Dick Hall Bill Mills Sam Hines Pau l caper Bid lvey Bob Gmther Lyman Parrigin Ernest Hunter Harold Albright Epsilon Hooper Alexander Wilham layton H. Gu rley john Vernon Philip Winstead Harold Kernodle Ken Childs


Sigma--South Carolina Mason Hubbard Fred Quinn jay Hammett Jimmy Pa rler Dean Clary john Bunch Bob Lake George DeLay Herbert Benson Bob Gunter Bob Moorer Russell Stokes Richard Mims Yancey Montgomery john Appleby Charles Robinson Calhow1 Pruitt joe Lee Danny Carter Robert Gatti Donnie Ulmer Rick Lacey Jackie E~person Bill Rathff Mike Harvath Juan Davis Trey Long Amiel Goldberg Robert Tedoldi joel Borellis

Iota Geor~ia Tech Bill D1mmock johnNw1ez Bob Reeves Frank Whitley Malcolm Keiser Frederick Fuchs Dave Boy jerome Withers Lewis Walk r jimmy Gordy john Boy Archie Hooks Frank Bennett Charles Roach McBride Pryor Pit Cleaveland jean Ki rkland Mac McLaughlin jack Paus Lloyd Skidmore Phil Cook Bill Pryor Robert Lowrance Charles Colletta Bruce jewett AI Guggolz Mike Combs Tom Lowndes joseph Luciani john Benkert Russ johnson Terrance Anderson George Rouse ]ames Grigsby john Wilson Tom Christian Bruce VanDerhoof Mike Rossi joel Bonewitz Alpha Iota Bill Sauser Bob Defurio john Purcell john Manry Paul Pomeroy Terry Covington Bob Rowe Lee Kidd Kevin Renshaw

The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is an IRS approved 501(c)3 Public Charity organized in the State of South Carolina. The Federal Tax Exempt number is 56-6070712. The IRS exemption letter was written on March 13, 1964. A copy is available upon request.

Winter 1994 23

Page 24: 1994_1_Winter

ota on. Laml1da, !:;Qn t. Psi-Cornell Alfha Aleha--Mgr~gr Bob Murray Troy Green john Ang:us Bi l Bruner jimmy Sulsona Tom Campbell

~ Eugene ose [frnward Li~htner

Monte Nelson Robert Penland Ken Garren Gregory Della Rocca llman l-Iar en Chris Doyle Craig Sherman Steve Bast Rho, Cont. Gary R. Fisher Ledford Carter Mike jones Gary Tolbert Robert Barber Edwin Garretson Scott Goodfellow A. Frankl Martin David Baker Chris Savage Raphael Ferris Wink McKinnon jerold Green john Harrison Dean Russ II Ph il Allison Mark Ed~ell

Mac Squires Paul Haas Hollis Lewis Robert Arroyo Dennis Fields CamOgi vie Rob Taylor ]ud~ john Heilman Robert Melton Bob M6ers hris Turner Matthew Plasket Dorsey Wa rd Dr. eorge Hein rich Robert Bennett Keith omerford Mark Harp Robbie Harris Ernest jacoby Tommy Lowndes Mark Boxer Jim Lawrence Rich Chandler Iau-N ,C. Statg james R. Kao Greg Ell iot Anthony Linatoc Rick Milan ]imm~ Greene Michael Kremer Alpha Gamma Marvin Zeigler john Johnson johnnl Osborne

john eather Eu~ene Lehr Oklahoma Allen Wa lston john Fox Wi liam Maikhew Cha rles Springer Michael Cowan Mu-Duke Troy eeney Donald Seltzer Stephen Mi s Thomas Moore Terry McCullough William Pitts Omicron-Alabama Bill Barnhardt Donald Perkins Glenn Dunnington Robert McClellan Joseph Skinner Wimberly Miree Ken Sledge Michael Piscitelli Beecher Snipes Mike Stevens Bob Atkins james Watts Bill Campbell Philip Pratt AI Schmidt Brian Chen Robert Dick Rainy Collins Alec Sherrill Calvm Rofe Rick Hoffman Glenn Scott Charles Taylor Jim Paul Louis Seaman Bill Scichowski

Burnett Hull Billy Wilkerson jim Groome john Sene'!(; Dave Lassiter Kaeea-U C-!:;haeei Hill Frederick Frostick Bill Worthington Hw1t McKinnon Frederick horne Michael Wiseley Desmond Merrill Herbert Brand Dudley Moylan Henry Kittrell Wallace Reams Erwin Tschanz Dylan Romo john Vann Nelson Stephens Harley Hope Clyde Humphrey jason Wright joe Haines Bever~ Moore Bailey Groome David Martin Harold Gasaway Hale okley David Collins Clinton Paulsen David Hartsoe Omega-Purdue Willard Young Bill johnson Robert Dunn Thomas Gilbert Bill Gurnee D. Hend rickson Al11ha Delta-Washington Joe Bassett Harry Raymond Emmett Dendy jim Anderson Herman Riggs Peter Terzick john Cauble Welsford Bishopric

Geor~ Barker Dennis Turner George Fassnacht Fred Price

Col. Charles Seabrook Norman Gibson Ollie abors Fred Collins Pete herwood james Jolmson Wayne Scott Wilired Gatling Edwin Davis Jeffrey Davison Arthur Bostater Charles Porter Freilerick Coville Heyward Drummond Mack Mattl1ews W. Scott Troutman Cap Johnson Theodore Scheffer Charlie Adams Geor3e Benda Albert Skaggs Harold Da vison Donald Herman William Porter Alvin Daughtridge Davi Gill Richard Cowart Skip Hill Ed Thomson jack Clague Bill Ramsey Erwin Baumer William Garner Dave Kraft Bruce McCandless Thor Hauff Donald McLeod George Esposito Bill DuBose Sanjay Patel Tom Miller Willard Vadman Jerry Teele Ted Lake Thomas Martin Austen jud Clay Newhagen Tony Savina Bernard Dotson Robert jones Bob Shepherd Bob Vo~t David Alexander Floyd Hood Gerrl(!arnett joe Lee !.!llsilon--Jllino i ~ Ed Mas ine Mick'B; McPherson Bob White Dan · caid

RaJ~ Summerlin Bart Bartl1olomew Bill Swa~er john ailey

Bill Ear~ Matt Marsh Oil eBardelaben Frank TU/iarden Ralph 0 son Fredrick Brown Clifton ux Ted Newman Charlie Beard Eugene emeyer Graf Houston Robert Hansen Phil Ameen Christopher Moore Rick Kilgore Ro ert Riggs Bob Adams Manuel Esteban Bryan Little Charles Goldberg {Vh Scherf

Bill Hasfurther Allen Craven Tom Frick WOody Gunter Michael Robinson it Callahan Kennetl1 Rabe Jim Hinga Stan Gratis Earl Jenkins Mike Marable

La rr~~:;m tri W.Seldon Don Swager Evan Erickson

Peter Ber~ Stephen Schnurr Bill oeder Fritz Elich Ed Vana John Ran Gil Compo Hassell Bounds George Leech Chuck Atwell Al11ha E~silon--Fiorida Carroll Jones jason West Bob Morrell Judson Mason Wally Goffeney Geo;;x,e oulter Tim Stewart Heatl1 Marcus Charles Jones Ralph Howa rd Richard Lowe AL ann joel Thi~en F. T. Wrenn, Jr. Jim Brown julius Schoeller jack Powers ~ence Hubbard Charles elvin Mike Teal Harold Madison Jim Jackson Iison Owen GeorAe BraUJl Nu--Nebraska William Barton Bob Moore Duane Davis Charles Marks Rod oover Herb Henderson Gary Limmroth Frank Marlow AI Kirchner Reggie Ross Buddy Davenport Ken Pruden Joseph Pehlman Leo Powers Gene Davis }ohnn\vUssery ] udd Brenton

Gene Robinson Alan Gilbert Tom Weakleth Ben Overton Daniel Lemley Tripp inn Bob Platt Ed Caldwell Marvin Schaid Halbert Smi Clarence Ramsey Tracy Lee Donald Leonard Donald Flournoy Edward Atkins Ed Henry Sabino Martinez Rich Morgan Thomas Miller Donnie Curry Edward Prosser Bill Bradshaw Charles Lapradd Russ Schroeder Ed Bieri William Bishop Joe Johnson John Venard Bob Neuman Carl Lowendick Jim Christo! Andrew Clyde Hilton Henry Benjamin Holdorf jeffrey Dotson Kerry Hoekstra Greg Sand

[keTr~den Donald Katter P~eEppele Brooks Henderson Anthony Sparrow William Wesslund Chris Wells james ottenger Carl Hipsher a· Sahbe George Gentry Kevin Goracke Jack Brunson Tom Krizan Bill Scheck Pete Barr Mark Winston Jeremy Geiger David Hinton Stewart Ramsey john Pofa Charles Stewart Aaron Hagler Sean Newnayer Thomas House Gus Massa Hugh F anagan Ted Parsons Michael Stout Scott Penuel }ackSim~on GeneMiltko jet Powers Council! Leak Xi--Roanoke Collgge Randy Wright James ]o son John Dienhart Jack Howell Rickl Goodson Cecil Hefner Do~ Deuss Mike Ohaver R'JOisen Mar Gorham Robert~att

David Andrews Joe auer Gary Hanson Bi Post Ben Renfroe Scott Tate Walker arter Stephen Smith Stephen Mumford james Selis Manny james Jim Wilmott Henry Kennett Anthony Rice Steve Trahey Pete Gentry Bing Michael jeff Michael Thomas Moore Noel King John Shustitzky Jim Berlien Geor~Peek Tim Newman Clarence Caldwell Tom Watts Phil Newhouse Dave erner Tomm?u Lloyd Curtis Lemon john Blevms Bob Bogdanoff Mike Tyrrell Jim Gra~ Jeff Mays Scott uller ]ames Reynolds Jeff Hardin Paul Steinway Don Taylor Dennis ick Dennis Bean Tom Weir Larry Munson MikeL1ttle Larr~ Elkins

Bob Kasey Jeff Cull Timot11y Pemberton RikHill Bill anders Lambda--Georgia DeWitt Petterson Pi--Oglethorl};e

Wally Wahlfeldt Bernie Graser Chris Hill Gatewood Pryor Wilbur Mann Howard Fry Sonny O'Drobinak Glenn Matthiessen Herbert ~ram Harry johnson

Howard Smi Dan Shoor Bill Peace Dave Gatchell Marshall roover James Fleshman Earl Blackwell Jeff Overbey VicDefiori Bob Sullivan Jim Richardson jim Stoinoff Lou Mullineaux C.D. Wooten Bill Harrington Kim Hasler Pete Cwnmings Glenn Ellard Benjamin Albert Lou Ptacek David Camacho Steven Moore Richard Smith Marion Luckey Bob Thomas Russ Tomes Bruce Halley Fabio Fasanelli John Bradbury David Doyle

Rho-Washington~ Lee Peter Apostolakis Bob Schutte Frank Brass Selby Benton Jim Charlton Fred Waters Tom Beal Mark Varney Robert Wilson Lindse~ Claiborne Seth Baker Chi-S!etson Varce Howe Bart Arnold John Wheeler Henry ahn Edward Turville Esten Ulmer John Stil ler Steve Stanford jim Harp Geoq~e Naff George Mcinerney Jim Griffin Dan Leininger Eric Dana Joe Edwards John tafford Geor~e Myers

Dennis Carroll Dave Mitzner Eric Rail Leroy Langston Steve Day Ken andeWater John Hu~hes Jeff EAi lsrud Paul Green John Peck Bob Mentzinger Bob Petrey John Sne lings Neil en tschel Ed Starin jim Loyd William Delatron Cliff Curtis Frank Brown jeff Kasko john Gornto Ted Grob Paul Dotson John Marsh Geo!fce Patterson Kurt Takara ]ames O'Donnell Tom jackson Paul Caldwell David Bare Jim oung Herbert Treen David Boden Dick Patrick James Collins ]ames Roane Tom Wrenn Mark Bates }o r~e Arleta McHenr~ Hamilton John Barley Eddie Culver Pat Kuhnle Mi e Nozzarella Charles uttoe Rob Gray Walt Crater

Larrk Anderson Brian Long HenrJN Rogers Don Potter Richard Hoover Mar Thrash Andy Thompson Dink eSmitl1 Robert Bonney . Leo Gomez Neil Sazant

24 Star& Lamp

Page 25: 1994_1_Winter

Alpha Zeta r on t

Howa rd Davis Scotty Hammond W. Alld redge jim Marsh Ma rion Sigovi h Stan Kelley George ad m us Roy Malo Mel Knorr George )aska K.M. Hawke jack Osbu rn George Blinco john Moore Bob Nord lander Ro land urtis Dick Shaffer Thomas Patterson Don Perrin Kurt Engelstad Ron Thom jack Reviglio Car y Smith Rolfie Montagne WilLiam Thomas Robert Marx Charles Morri ll Gary Munn Dornn.isse Domnisse Theodore Langton Keith Dotter Clinton Maurice Rickey Hug Mike Meyer Mark Vegh Tony Amort Edward Shimojima Darin Prulhiere Greg Lyman Gregg L.andskov jeremy White

Alpha Eta Samford Bruce Bruce William Davis Sam )ones Ed Nolen Bob Lauderdale John Haynes Hugh Brindley Henry Yeackle David Brower Jim Bell Dan Aderhold Matt Miles Bill Dixon Scott Welch

Alp ha Theta ~ Orson Bird Otmer Schuster Kline Sprague Kenneth Bellinger Robert Trembath Clare Jensen George Sa lsbury Wesson Ritchie Dan Ciernick }ames Siemers Ch uck Bovay Bob Yackels Robert Bogan Chuck Stuart Pete DeMaagd Rob Ewen Richard Pfei l j erry Wajda Michael Bosco jeff H ill Ken Adams Gregory Kurasz Alan Perlingiere Mid1ael Yanachik Len Paul Gordon Peterson William Law ton Ford Woodard Curt Luthy Tom Bird Scott Ga ll meyer Hank Londo Keith Meyers Thomas Marra Scott Evans Clay Spragg

u un Red Russell Ham ilton Hami lton Floyd l lurt

harlie Rushing corgc Hiller

Moyer Harris ). Haley Warren Wi lli ams 13ubber Weldon

ha rlcs Beaird uy Alley

Paul Persons Dan Parmer Edwin Gran t jim jones Tommy Gordon Tcdd Cullen Jim Hendry Will Wool y Howard Bozeman Bill Vann Bogart Reed DiCk Scott Bob Ward Skeeter McClure Haro ld Hartwell Bill Kennedy Bi ll Smith john hristia nsen David Stodd ard Gary Patterson Bill )ones Charles Blackledge David Dozier David Wolsoncroft Wi lliam Chartier j oe Forehand Jack Baker Allan Reynolds John Parke Clark Sahlie William Parsons Brett Wilber George Waters

Alp ha Ka ppa M1chi gan William Rowley Ralph Danielson Elston Larson Emil Keck David Greenspoon William Listman Anthony Bartoszak ]on Albert

Alp ha Lambda MISSissippi Pete Warren

Alpha Mu P nn State Bob Atkinson john Weinberger }ames Alter Bob Kieffer Edwin Zacharias Paul Borg Gregg Turner john Brisbane Marvin Angstadt Blaine Gruoe Wi ll iam Walker Wi lliam Lord Leon Knetz Bob }ones Aa ron Wa~ner Pa rm Davts David Back Bob Watkins Dick Brown Edwi n Friend Pau l Mellott Ed Yeager Ken Flodin Robert Thornton Ralph Moyer Ridlard 1-feim Bill Exley Fredrick Martin John Yeosock Bill Simon

ha u ont Rich Kleinert Ri hard Vuono Ken Zehn r john Funk Bil l Vernon Robert Ryan Bi ll johnson )on Benedetti

ary Bello Thomas Yoho Donald Mizell Stephen Botta Timothy Holsop ple Mike Trull Michael ardocki Carl Vogel Ha rold Gedney Scott Holl iday Dan Castello Guy Williams Scott Myers Bill Lawrence Bob Senko Glenn Holman Bruce Kent Paul Fedor Donald Boswell

Alpha Nu O hio State John Haas Newhouse New house Homer H enrie Corwin Hablitzel Paul Albred1t

Alpha Xi Polytechnic Frank Romanow Lou Rowley john Boette Rcn Nugent Gordon Ahlers Lewis Everett Ove Jensen Edwin Olson }olu1 Anderson Albert Steele )olm Smellie Henry Lenz Paul Sdlwancnflugel Christopher Witt Frank Grandinetti AI Muller Antonio Quilon Joseph McCooey Robert O'Donohue Joseph Ripe! Richa rd Magg William Del.i11cki Stanley Harazim Ted Roney John Halada Paul Hoeker Kenneth McCort Paul Dillon Frank Herbert Hank Backo fcn Richard Currie joseph LaRosa Michael Pilo jonathan Marsh Jack Molinell i Tom May RinoNori Roy Sarcona Harry Roener Louis Destefano Rudolph Stankovic Sig Rotter j erry Sdleibner Mike Carlisle Daniel Gross Bruce Elowsky Warren Zulawski Orazio Petito Chris Criscione Lee Fa te ll Eric Finega n Nedim Kirimca A rthur C riscione

Alpha micron a tat e

Walt Kuehne arl orr

lia r! y Whitn •y Ken johnson Paul Muller Leo Mores Edwa rd Paine William Nechani ky Verne Upmicr Roy Kollman Robert M K an

e rgc Dubes Ge rald Love Scotty Wells jim Carson Dan Brownson Dick Ewen Dale Co hran Ken Hook Keith Bader Don Osborne Myron Menefee john Vcak Phil Dvorak Gene Fritz DickOhrt john Sa nderson Warren Madden AI Richards n Ralph Ruedy Thomas Bergstrom jon Parrish Barry roucher Thomas Raines Dan Saad Mark Hughes TomTott Hal Dirksen Dave Littl e Guy Goodenow jeff Harm Mark Milliman j effrey Welch John Brockmann Eric Almquist Ajay Desai Ken Weimerskirch Emerson Linney Dam ian Lonsdale Curtis Clifton Midlael Derr Robert Traylor

Alpha Rh o ~ Howa rd Martin john Arbuckle Pat Farley Bob Laughner Jay Marano Nick Evans Bob Dombrowski Andy Dunn

Alpha Sigma Tennessee Matt Baker jim St ffner Sam Steele Ca rl Adkins Aa ron Reed jim Sti lz George Steele Randel Burns Ed )ones john Stcffn r }ames Tom bras Johnny Johnson Frank mith Arthur Sulliva n Tom Banks Clark Roberts Roy Smith Frank Pugh Robert Sledd Jon Rymer Jimmy VanFrank Brent Spald ing

Winter .raves Bob Bergman Nel~ Nelson

eorgc r<lf Ea rle Fo' Don tephcns Robert Wagner Bill Baldwin Ralph Wainright Kermit P1·a tt Bi ll Robert Milt Beveridge

ilbcrt Roberts eorgc Cook

George Hoffer Ernest Stacey Ben ahill Nick Rusanowsky Don Seyler David Dobson Dick Andrews Emanuel Calocerinos Bi ll Ricke George Morgan Tom Kelly Erik Nagel Guillermo Castro john Uoodhead Michael Hession Dave Dropkin Kenneth Chucta j erry Johnson Peter Cinelli Kevin Walter Howa rd Peterson Doug Wiles Jim Bernstein Scott McCa rthy john Leach Edward Rebu la jeff Keough Dave Peter Gelston Howell }on Rose Steve Kaitz Robert Sidelko john McMahon Bill Dirks

hris Parks Larry Powell j eff Cunningham Brewster LaMacdlia Andrew Anderson Kenneth Munoz Gary Rapp Joe Walsn Dieter Groll William Morrison Lu is Benet David Liss

Alpha Upsilon Drexel John McNutt Sam Wilson Alexander Smith Nicholas Wendelboe Arthur Twmell Bill McFadden john Rittenhouse Pete Piercy Ray annan Arthur Schlater Gil Merritt Harold Stiffl er George Thompson john Bartle Eugene Kiehl Raymond Davis Ed Simon Hoke Hokanson Guy Hess Bob 13irdsall Robert Baldw in

Alpha UP.si 11 Rob•rt Lnke Tom Laro \

orge 131.1 ~burn )o ~Carun •r Bob And erson )o k Bosley Mnrtin Burrows

ouglns l ar~c . rede

Walt'r 'Mo lf Bob Tet>nn Fr d toigcr )il k lcCI" Don Wi lli oms Mark Bla%cr Per t Brewington Bob amber! ),l k Marshall William I lith ns Normiln rctlc John !Judson Joseph Keyes Ed cuman

sb rne Mill 'r AI jenny Fred u nighoff Ralph Parris

corgc Meyers TonyLannulli Richard Moshe r Art )one Vicko Mclada Frcdcri k Schmehl Bill Schuette Brian Becker Donald Dement john Pritts John Remias Hector egroni Don Schey

eorge avenas K IU1Cth Dirkes Paul ross }olm Knoll Tom Block Steve Winter Ralph Klesius Jim Palmer Marlin Patrie~ Ray Griffin La rry Egolf MichaeiGennaro Michael Sellers David Heydt John Peirce Bill Cooney Samuel osta Dale Haring Ed DiMond Bob Thorp John Buhsmcr Bob Imbrogno Marc Longo joe Mittura Michael li veto joe O'Brien }ames Purington Pat Williams Kevin Lannan Ken L.afredo Darren Tapp Gino Fortunato

Alp ha Phi lll lll i John Doudcra Cyril Dusell Harry Perlet Steve Stevens John Roach John Pott nger RaiP.h Belke Em1l Donkers jim Woodling Lee Strot Charles Woods Dick Frankenberg Jack Piper Burton Sci well Ed Bisonc Jack Higgi ns Ed Kaschins Robert Stevens John Echternacht Arne Pinnow Peter Ostrander Dennis Tanner K n Slepicka Vi tor Terrana Ridlard Hughes

----------------------------·--------------------------~ Winter 1994 25

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AI ha Phi. Cont. Beta Beta Gamma Beta Gamm a Th eta UNC-Wilmin~on Leonard Mance ·I rid h r Old Domin ion

Mike Ada ir Ceo~e Peterson Beta Iota Li nwood Beverly Garb Chadwic Russ Millman Bill raser Toledo Will iam jenkins Bill alton Cary Cathey jim Eva ns jack Cui na il Beta Tau, Cont. Ted Bachas Mick'f!; Corcoran Pete Chiar,pori Robert Wei tzner Bob Kuhlman Rick Williams Dick Howa rd john aldw in Royce Go embeck Jack Tru fa nt Richard Rose Mark Waddell Tom Treich ler Henry Merritt james Oliver Cary Baker Thomas Boka n Robert Va llo tton Phi lli~ Casteel j immt Pin er

Dave Kelly Dick Smalley Stephen Weathersby Paul hebali n Mike 011!1 Alpha Chi Rob Nicholson Bob Conley Ch1p Singer john Sidson Leonard arris M1ami Bi ll Hurst Darwin Deckrosh Sid Friedman joe Van eve Chuck Hatch Curt Hopkins William Frederick Tim Willis Matt Crossman Frank Kea rns Beta Gamma Bill O'Shea Beta Upsilon Wayne Wi lcox Richard jefferson

Lou isville Geor8e Hershman ~ Matthew Parker Mike Turner

Air• Psi Errol Richardson Tim 'Shea c ae Lohr Greg johnson Michael Waslicki In iana Jim Grissom Gerald Dunaway Steve Alp lega te joel Allen Kent Str ickland Durbi n DaJ. Dona ld Bloomer Darryl McEwen joe Me ane Dave Simas Robert Ha er Clark Scherer James White Robert Bouck Rak Minfi,

Ga mma Iota james Kelsey ~encer Harper Cra i~Myers Dick OJ?fa Mi eCo ert Louisiana S at Gerald Allen ill iam jenks Rob eyer David amay joe Simas Bradford Walker Don Brennan John Cook Rob Friess Ted Freeman Michael Porche Merton Prun ty Herb Zimmerman Chris Barton Bill Watson Gamma Gamm a Ralph Mundy Jim Koshewa Roderick Hunt Tom Haudricourt Troy State Gamma Kappa Chuck Martin Bob Lewis Elmer Newness Russ Huber jim McClendon ~ Wayne Murray Desi Whitt Ca lvin Nichols Jim Sencindiver Doug Taylor J ggs Charl ie Blackerby Michael Pa rks jason Clark Shep Moore Larry Turrin C. Cates Jim Eshleman Chuck Nesbit Steve Scrug~ John Boa tright jim Witek Beta Delta Beta Kap~a Steve Nesbit Michael Ros os Roland Berry jim Ruckriegle Drake Georta tate Dan Roeerson Stephen Caborini Steve Raw lins Dave Gibson C. Ray De a ton jack arber jeffr(!r raigmile Steve Sham urger Greg Harrison Bob Nelson Ken Mi ller La rrt Reinhardt jeff rizzle Michael Bunn Richard Lane Ro!f,er Kinney Marvin Nelson jim onner jolu1 Vann james Wheeler Tom Camp Ric Stutz jack Street john Whitley Rawdon Beaty Brad Skeeters Scott Evenbeck Pa ul Gilman Brad Doss Beta Phi Mike Eisen Brooks Lewis Ba rry Polley Don Wa lter Pat McCabe East Carolina Shawn Gillis Paul Barkley Terry Russell Bill Ba rber Steve McCabe Wi ley Lewis Paul Coleman Joseph Lingenfelter Bruce Swanson 0 . Bailek Ga mma Delta Scott McElroy Charles Seely Kenneth Piller Beta Lambda George essequie Mem11his State Todd johnson john Leonard Jim Winega r Tam11a Miles Barefoot Tommy Siebert

Gamma Lambda john Barker Dean Rowland Allan Austin Frank Ramseur Allen Vazquez Dav id Schaefer joe Parsons Steve Krist Richard Scott Herb Blow Misso uri-Rolla Warren Loomis j im Hend rix Jim Crosby Charles Brock james Ray Pau l Scherrer joe Lux Jim Rutherford Bob Swirbul Ca m Frazier james Younger Michael Sclmettler John Hayden james Verlautz DonO ca l Tom Yop!a Ron Ca il Bob Bentzinger Jim Halsey BobM~er Thomas abetta Terry Morris CreEg Hale Christopher Dalton Beta Epsilon Wade irch Dennis Bar o ur james Wyatt Joe 101a Jay Cameron Missouri Ralph Griffin Ellis Banks Rand y Curtis Tom Baker Wa lt Richards Ralph Stout Rick Judson Gamma Epsilon

Gamma Mu Brook Bollin~er Laurence Trudell Tom Keator Dennis Brown Western Carolina James Broad urst Robert Baker Christ;xher Mil tiades Gayle Harris Larry Ramsey Belmont Abbey Law rence Liu Ken Lissner Perry onastero joe Hallow Larrk Crawford Guy Piche Tim Mercer Bill Gleason Gear~ Daniels Fran Willis Gregory Kusic Jason Meyer Fran k Wilfing Beta Mu John arwood David McKenzie john Cottingham Lowell Bailey Dave ltperson McNeese Wi ll Avera Steve Smith Joseph Fenty

Mike inds Miller Clarkson Lonnie Cayton La rry Callicutt Mike Brady Alpha Omega Brad Mordan Dav id Stacy Stace~ Johnson Max Da ves

Gamma N u Oregon Robert Cage Ed Potra tz Will arker Bruce Fishel Sherma n Holmes G re~?unn Tom Wright Charles Goff Bob Shaver LaG range Glen Ga rrett Ted rull Paul Brown Chris Derrenbacher Sam Davis BiiiMims Bob Potts Mitchell Adrian Tim Coleman Wileh Bryant Tom Vandawark Beta Eta Wilfred Bourne Beta Chi james Poole Ralp1 Sims Fred Streimer Florida State Karl Stutsman East Texas State Stan Pend~raft Ron Farr Gilbert Lissy Bernard Eaton Loran Harmon B.j. Downes Crawford oore Greg able Don Lasselle Leo Almerico Raymond Duhon CurtisN~nt Dean Rogers Dean Love Terri. Coronel James Colee Patrick LaCroix Tom'V); ite Eric Beck Mike Rothschild Stan ey Lynch Mike O'Farrell

Beta Xi Rich iley

Gamma Xi Cordon Mize Charles Karsch Gamma Zeta Beta Alpha Guy Hollingsworth Central Miciga n West Virgini a Tech Georgia Southwestern N.J.J.T. )a~ New man Boyd Wiltse Beta Psi Chuck H utzler Raymond Baggarly Willia m Oakenell C uck MacMillin Gary Failla Tennessee Wesleyan David Childers Stick Mi ller Jacob VanBroekhoven Reg Dickey Dave Clappison joel Jones Bob Brewer Benjamin Hamrick Herbert Ma rtin Bo Clark Ba rry Saunders Donald Prinzbach Mike Hall Lawrence Kominiak David Stodd ard Beta Om icron Greg Whitlock Ron lsom William Terry Don Linske Sid Wilson North western State Randy Lavender jack Broadhurst john Urban james Douglass johnnyOden Beta Omega Michael Paterno Mark Todd Ka rl Kubak Daniel Allen Andy Bachman East Tennessee Denny Maffessanti Grant Wallis Jim Snod~rass Beau Debeaubien Charles Motley Steve Krayca r Ben And rews Willi am owa lski Jim Bul tman Beta Pi Gene Smith George Franz Tom McCann Hassell Mciver Eastern Michigan Raj Ziembinski Don kaggs Gamma Rho

Dick Falk Lander Colle~ Mike Fechlllas jeffrey Holler Bil Mayes David Strader Ed Klebaur Wi ll iam Holdorf Robert ackanin Mike Akers Barry Young Frank Eskesen Chris ew Be ta Rho Rick~ Miller Charles Mills Robert McLean Fred Becker j im Newman Clarkson Keit Younger Clifton Smith David Bowen Roger Dol ida Michael Kryzanek john Kruse Doug Burt Paul Mattox David Hooper Steven DeSteno Lee Nichols Jeffrey Logsdon Steve Kodman Richa rd Rodrick Harry Mci ntosh Beta Sigma Ga mma Alpha Jarrett Thompson Benny Morrison George Hospoda r Clarke Cooper Northern Illi nois Bill Ca rter Dan Artis Brian McCa rty Aivars Krumins Don Firkins Eufrene Pettis Louis Miceli Beta Theta Til man Hall Ga mma Eta Gamma Tau Anthony Man~one Arizona Beta Tau Thomas Holliman Athgns !:;o llegg North Texas William McCa e Cha rles Deleuw Valdos ta La rry Ware Berva I Bennett Don Griffin Henry Ka m as Arthur Vance john Nossick Ba remea t Outlaw Tom Reinke Francis Wood jerry Pi lcher Marvin Curtis Bob Slaybaugh Gamma Ups ilon Richard Labinsky La rry Adams Chris Blackwell Guy Smith Oklahoma State

ick Adams Ea rl~ell Kenneth Oshel Chuck Dietz Pat tl ford Dou~ Danvers Rick Pedersen Tom Brooks Mar Christman Richard Stephan Bill Maxwell Gilbert Sanders Michael Lang WesMurphy Allen Peterson Richard Rusak Lance Hamrick John Alfonso jerry Thomason

jamesDowd • 26 Star& Lamp

Page 27: 1994_1_Winter

Delta Zeta P- a ac 1ian tate

Gamma Phi Greg Ba ll South Alabama Steve Miller Larrr, Green Frank McNeill Kei t 1 Sta uffer Jim Raines Bi ll Ishee john Knier john VanDerwood Ward Norris Paul Lan~cnbach Bruce Greenland Don Dun ar Da vid Huss Delta Tau Randy Davis Scott Poole ames adi n Gene Rader Bill Mwrcock Brian Baldwin Ron Konya Billy itt jerry Keilsohn jerry Lee Bob Poe hris Kelly

Gamma Chi Delta Eta Thomas Ly les Dale Bea ll

acksonville Morehead State Tim Reynolds Mike Fouty Gre~Kring Brian Roberts

jim ells john Walker Gamma Psi john Moser Dav id Moretti Augusta College Mike Catron Shannon Byrne Mickey Weed Kenneth Rand Mike Ma lone Delta Iota Brian Walsh Brooks Keel MiddloeTennessee tate Mark allis Va nn Langston Mike Potts Frank De Ronja

Stephen Crass jody jaa p Gamma Omega Ca rl Hanley Monteva llo Delta Upsilon JimmJ Andrews Delta Kappa Pittsburgh Dav i Bennett Pembroke State Howard Simon Robert McGhee Jim Mcintosh Lou Halkerin Robce Lader Tom Cocombe Ro ert Howard Delta Lambda Eric Scerbo Mike Williams UNC-Charlotte Mike Drud y Robb in Harkey Delta Phi

Charlie Marus Raddford Delta Alpha hris Cannon Ty Hamill Virginia Tech Donald Baker Dan Nob le jeffery Rhodeham el Richard Nan tz Claudio Belloli Michael Rowland Bo Proctor Bernard Nash Mark Hall Delta Chi Brian Eastridge Edward Smith Kansas State Glenn B~rd Martin Kea rns Bob Hiss Mike El er Bill Fisher jeff Meister Scott Fatula David Higgins Robert Wiegers

Scott Kna~t Chad Davis jeff Schu~art Whitney mith Mike Bolton Michael ustin Rya n jones Rese Farrish Andrew Lamrners Paul Lavery jon Howarth Mike Kallas

Thomas Krimminger Mike Howard De lta Beta Kenny Morga n North Georgia Robert !-Iiggins Delta Psi Bill Pope David Sherrill Texas Arlington P.j. Rodgers Scott Kotch Gradr. Bell Ron Alexander Michael Amick Bill y acobs joseph Goletz Bill Sv il1el Owen Nicholson Delta Nu David 0\:rinkle Grant Matherly Western Kentuck)( Keith 1itt Allan Bright Donn Sapp Bi ll Clark Rand y Edwa rds DeltaOm~a Michael Lawless Bruce Masden Texas A& Bentmin Hill Craig Gholston Vic ilenfield Delta Xi Terry Wilson john Bingham North Alabama jason Dodd Vic Irvin Glenn Chaffin Mike Belki Tom Chi lders Steve Pirkle joey Young And y Smith jeff Suggs Rick Barr Gene Lewey Ef.silon Alpha Eddie Wayne Eon Co lle~ Tim Wi lson Delta Omicron Pa ul Hirschrnann Jimie Higgins Nicholls State Sam Mi ller joel Brown Michael Ga rrard Ralph Mueller Brian Ya rbrough Ray Hebert Gerald Hollan

jacques Frere Danny Hart Delta Gamma Nebraska-Omaha De lta Pi Epsilon Beta Rick Buschelman Wright State Grand VA ll e State Michael Ryan Rick Prewitt Russell Ikerd John jesse Bruce Rockwell Marc Girard

Craig Hall Delta Delta james Martin Epsi lon Gamma NE State Missouri .!,Qngwood College David Ewigman De lta Rho Chauncey Sisco Nelson Akers Southern Cali fornia Earnest Moore Mark Schell Alan WapnerDelta Rho Da le Rankin Darryl Beach Ross Hotchkiss Gar(. Slack Michael Wood Randall Corber Ero Trukeku l Steve Schmitt Charles Sarture David Fitzgerald

Stephen Mode Darre ll Janezic Brad Pomp Epsil on Gamma jeff Aleksa

sen ton

Epsilon Eta Winthrop john Lyon j oel~ars Bill oore Tom Sacco jeffrey Mahoney

Epsilon Theta Seton Hall Len DePa lma joseph Del uercio james Digesu Trip Veit

::!Nilon Iota !:; -Gre~nsboro

Danny Lineback Barry Maness

harles ote' Kevin Debbs Hank l n~am Grego({ arimore Elliot urtis Rob Hill Elliott Wilson jim Shaw

Epsilon Kappa Southern Tech Barrt Kidd Son u Eric Burch Stephen Brewer jay Barrow Bruce Vand iver Chris Wood David Nelson

Epsil on Lambda USC-Spartanburg Rob Brown

Epsi lon Mu Bradle~

oi llotat jason McDowell Hector Martinez Stephen Grzelak Pat Maietta Russell Perr Mcind oe

Epsi lon Nu Cal-State Sacremen to AL Sr.annuth jeff Silver TyTomita Richard Batt Steven Lucchetti

Epsilon Xi LaSall e Ed jesko Frederick Tingley Dave Give(s Mark Cou son Tim Melroy Chuck Lannutti

,ifrsi lon Omicron Illanova

Robert Sard1iapone Stephen Ferraro

Epsilon Tau St. ose h's RaymondTx joseph Vanelli Tom Mc~hi Thomas arino joe Held user Art Paltz Christother Quigley Steven uso jim Pauls

Epsilon Ups il on ~ Lamar Doolittle Perry Burton Travis rubbs Eddy Tamayo

Elsi lon Ph i A abama-Birminghmn Arthur Ennis

Eps il on Chi Denver Render Wyatt

Ef;silon Psi S i p'Rery Rock Kenlimchock Rams Ran1sey Len Green

Epsi lon Omega Texas Tech Jim Sm ith Timothy Haen Francisco Hamrn Boyd Goodloe Kevin Wright Bob Welsh Blake Thomas

raig Kamradt Robert Kurirna

Zeta Alpha Clemson Scott Gasparini Zeta Altha Daniel empc

Zeta Beta California-San Diego Keith Rw1dle Dav id Miller Andy hapman

Zeta Gamma North Dakota Chris johnson Steward Sandstrom Michael Welvaert David Kirkland joe Kraft Todd Chrza nowski

Zeta Delta Ship~ensbuq; Billy wohig Zeta Delta Dick Hi I tner

Zeta Nu We t h er Kurt Burmeister

Zeta Omicron SUNY-Cortland Tom Brozycki David Weiss George Tanner

Zeta Pi--Ma hall john Vielkind

Zeta Tau--Barton Tom Marsha ll

Zeta Upsi lon Bloomsburg Matthew Teter

Zeta Chi--A lbright jim Osborn

Zeta Psi--IUPUI jim Griffin

Zeta Omega Towson State Dave Pollock

hris Gra nt james Dean Steve Kcmmet

Eta Alpha Concord College C.L. McGown

Eta Gamma Colorado-Boulder Bret Heidemann

Eta Epsilon Mar land Ian Rubin jon Michael

Winter 1994 27

Page 28: 1994_1_Winter

Undergraduates Give-A-PUSH

Nearly 150 members of Pi Kappa Phi donated more than 2,500 hours of time last fall as they gave a PUSH to San Francisco, California and Toledo, Ohio.

The first was held Sept. 24-26 at the Sunshine Children's Home in Toledo, Ohio. Eighty-five members from as far as North Dakota made the road trip to Toledo to complete the outdoor nature and recreation area for the Home, which serves children who are severely de­velopmentally disabled. The recreation area now in­cludes a 1,700 foot accessible boardwalk, complete with gazebos and scenic overlooks.

RCH Inc. (formerly the Recreation Center for the Handicapped) was the site of the second Give-A-PUSH Weekend, held October 8-10 in San Francisco. Under­graduate members from west coast chapters completed phase II of the project at RCH, which was started by

Give A PUSH Weekend in Toledo

Pi Kappa Phi members at a Give-a-PUSH Weekend in 1991. RCH Inc. provides recreation, vocational rehabili­tation and respite care for individuals with disabilities. The fall project involved the construction of a day camp area, including an accessible amphitheater, raised gar­den planters and an authentic teepee.

PUSH America donated $35,000 to these Give-A­PUSH Weekends, and matching funds were provided by RCH Inc. and the Sunshine Children's Home.

Intern Progratn Expands PUSH America, proud of its reputation for "Building

Leaders through Service," has expanded its program of offering internship experiences to undergraduate mem­bers of Pi Kappa Phi.

This semester, six young men from different chap­ters are working closely with the staff of PUSH America on various projects and programs. Two of them, Chad Perce, Zeta Zeta- University of North Florida and Will Taylor from Beta Kappa-Georgia State University, are working as logistics coordinators for the 1994 Journey of Hope. Both men completed the '93 Journey as cy­clists, and will travel again this summer as coordinators after arranging all logistics and special events for the 62-day Journey.

Perce, a '93 graduate of the University of North Florida, found the PUSH America internship to be a perfect step after graduation. "We're given a lot of responsibility, but the work is fun, and incredibly re­warding," he said.

Kenny Capps, an intern from the University of Geor­gia, agrees. "I've had the opportunity to really impact the volunteerism program, and to help with this year's PUSH Camp. It has been a great experience, and I'm learning a lot," Capps said.

Capps is working with the undergraduate chapters this semester as a chapter services intern. In addition to

28 Star & Lamp

helping plan this year's PUSH Camp, Capps works directly with PUSH Chairmen and their committees, assisting in planning fund-raising events and setting up volunteer relationships.

Three other Pi Kapps are interning with the Kids on the Block team. (See related item on page 29.)

PUSH America internships are offered each semes­ter. For more information about positions available, contact PUSH America at (800) 929-7874.

Kenny Capps, Chad Perce, and Will Taylor at the Pi Kappa Phi Administrative Office Building.

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Chris Orr, a 1993 graduate of the University of Washington, has been named PUSH America's Special Events Director. He will be prima­rily responsible for the Journey of Hope, and brings to the position two years of experience with the event. A former PUSH Chairman, Orr was a crew member for the 1992Journey, and then served a semester-long in­ternship as logistics coordinator for the '93 event. He traveled a second summer as a cyclist with the '93 team, and then joined the staff in fall of 1993 in the Chapter Services Depart­ment. Orr takes the place of John Pierce, who is now employed with the Atlanta Committee for the

Left: Mike Burton, Beta Chi-East Texas State, Bran­don Bennett, Gamma Theta- University of North Carolina-Wilmington, and Brady Sikorski, Beta Iota­Toledo, are members of this semester's Kids on the Block team.

Sponsored this year by the Banbury Foundation, the Kids on the Block program reaches elementary school-aged students with a very special message about understanding and accepting people with dis­abilities. The team travels to the schools with life­sized puppets, performing a puppet show to the children that is entertaining as well as educational. Their eight state tour lasts 15 weeks.

Olympic Games. Eric Schmidhausler, a 1993 gradu­

ate of the University of Maryland, has been hired as Director of Chap­ter Services. Eric, a founding fa ther at Eta Epsilon Chapter, served as Vice-Archon and Secretary as an un­dergraduate. Eric became involved with PUSH America through his PUSH Camp experience, having at­tended two camps. He brings a strong background in community service to the PUSH America staff.

As a member of the University of Maryland's exhibition gymnastics team, Eric traveled to grade schools promoting drug-free and healthy living.

Eric Schmidhausler, PUSH America Director of Chapter Services with Chris Orr, PUSH America Special Events Director

NationsBank Re-joins Journey of Hope Team The Journey of Hope, the most

visible national awareness event of Pi Kappa Phi, will be presented again this year by Nations Bank.

NationsBank Corporation is the third largest banking company in the United States with $158 billion in asse ts and full service banks in 9 states and the District of Columbia. Headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, Na tionsBank will be heavily represented along the south­ern route of the Journey of Hope, as well as the eastern portion of the northern route.

Senior Vice President Steve Schutze, Corporate Resources for the Disabled, said, "NationsBank is a

company that fully supports the Americans with Disabilities Act, and we are pleased to be part of a pro­gram that is designed to raise aware­ness of people with disabilities. We are very excited and proud to be working with PUSH America again as presenting sponsor of the 1994 Journey of Hope."

The Journey of Hope begins June 13 in San Francisco, California. Two teams of cyclis ts will complete a 62-day trek across northern and south­ern portions of the United Sta tes, reuniting just ou tside of Washing­ton, D.C.

This year's Journey will end at the Capitol on August 12, 1994.

JouRNEY OF HoPE A National Project of PI Kappa Phi Fraternity

presented by:


Winter 1994 29

Page 30: 1994_1_Winter

NATIONAL COUNCIL President-Or. Ph illip M. Summers (Alpha Psi-Indiana) Office of the President Vincennes University 1002 N. First Street Vincennes , IN 47591

Vice President-Jerry T. Brewer (Sigma-South Carolina) Director of Student Life USC-Russell House, Ste. 1 09 Columbia, SC 29208

Treasurer-Nathan Hightower (Omicron-Alabama) P.O. Box 1669 Clearwater, FL 33517

Secretary-Harry E. Caldwell , Jr. (Omicron-Alabama) 985 Valley View Road Indian Springs, AL 35124

Chaplain-J. Patrick Figley, D.Min. {Chi-Stetson) Peninsular Counseling Center 2819 Horatio Street Tampa, FL 33609

Chancellor-David Lane (Omega-Purdue) Venable, Baetjer and Howard Suite 400 201 0 Corporate Ridge Drive Mclean, VA 22101

Member-at-Large-Jim Krucher (Beta Alpha-NJIT) 3 Burgh Avenue Clifton, NJ 07011

30 Star & Lamp

NATIONAL COMMITTEES Alumni Relations-Frank Havard 21 04 Pine Needle Drive W Mobile, AL 36609-2721

Education-Glenn Dickson 320 Southwind Ct #1 09 North Palm Beach, FL 33408

Investment-Julius Burges 17 Wappoo Creek Drive Charleston, SC 29412

Nomination-Stephen DePalma Schoor, DePalma, and Ganger Group, Inc 200 Route 9, P.O. Box 1149 Manalapan, NJ 07726

Ritual & Insignia-David H. Vawter 7329 Hounslow Lane Cha~otte, NC 28213

Scholarship Committee-Steve Sanders Kirkwood Hall 1 04 Bloomington, IN 47405

AREA GOVERNORS Kevin Corcoran 195 Berkshire Road Hasbrouck Hts, NJ 07604

II Kevin K. Murphy 128 Cross Key Road Bernville, PA 19506-8806

Ill Allen 0. Woody 6416 Orchard View Ln. Roanoke, VA 24018

IV Dr. Arthur J. Quickenton 390 Meadowview Dr. Boone, NC 28607

v Jay Barrow 3900 Duncan Street Columbia, SC 29205

VI Ronald J. deValinger 910 Fifth Ave. Albany,GA 31701

VII Paul Green 1317 Newfound Harbor Merritt Island, FL 32952

VIII Ralph S. Foster 210 Mell Hall Auburn Univ, AL 36849-5607

IX Jeffrey Luebker 5825 N. Winthrop Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46220-263

X John R. Andrews 554 Ottawa, St. Paul , MN 55107

XI Billy L. Jacobs 4335 Vine Ridge Ct. Arlington, TX 76017

XII Dr. Frank M. Parrish 7742 S. Harrison Circle Littleton, CO 80122

XIII Robert E. Langbein 5581 Spa Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92647

NATIONAL STAFF Chief Executive Officer-Durward W. Owen CEO Designate-Mark E. Timmes Assistant Executive Director-Mark E. Perrin Director of Business Affairs-Emerson Linney Director of Communications-Frank Wrenn Director of Expansion-Harry Mcintosh Senior Leadership Consultant- Matthew Hiatt Leadership Consultants- David Adams, John Babel , James Benson Support Staff-Office Manager Joanne Stroshine, Director of Finance Nancy Perdue, Executive Secretary Linda Littlejohn, Membership/Records Director Cindy Howell , Computer Operations Specialist Sandy Davis, Chapter Supplies Director Lue Casto, Editorial Assistant Debby Haynes, and Administrative Assistant Betsie Fehr. P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 704-523-6000 FAX: 704-521-8962

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Dr. A. J. Strickland, Ill, Chairman 1 Old Northriver Point Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 Executive Vice President of Foundation Ted Schartenstein 289 South Street Rockport, MA 01966

Pi Kappa Phi Properties Ernest Johnson, Chairman JMB Properties Co. 1999 Avenue of the Stars Suite 2900 Los Angeles, CA 90067-6086 Executive Vice President of Properties Tracy Maddux P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte , NC 28224

PUSH America Regina Moody, Chairman Holy Angels, Inc 427 East Wilkinson Blvd. Belmont, NC 28012

PUSH America Staff

Executive Director-Kenneth N. Kaiser Director of Development-Sally Schafer Director of Programs-Dave Aucremann Special Events Director-Chris Orr Dir. of Chapter Services- Eric Schmidhausler Executive Assistant-Betty Bradley Office Manager-Thea Polito Administrative Assistant-Terry Smith P.O. Box 241368 Charlotte , NC 28224 704-522-7874 (PUSH) FAX: 704-521-8962

Page 31: 1994_1_Winter

Alabama Albright Alabama-Birmingham Appalachian State Auburn Auburn-Montgomery Averett Barton College Belmont Abbey Bloomsburg Bowling Green State Bradley California-Berkeley California-Davis California-Irvine California-San Diego Cal. State-Chico Cal. State-Fullerton Cal. State Northridge Central Michigan College of Charleston Christian Brothers Christopher Newport Clemson Clinch Valley Colorado - Boulder Concord Cornell Drake Drexel Duke East Carolina East Texas State Florida Florida Southern Florida State Furman George Mason Georgia Georgia College Georgia Southern Georgia Southwestern Georg ia State Georgia Tech Illinois Illinois Tech Indiana Indiana at Penn Indiana State Iowa State IUPUI Jacksonville State James Madison Kansas State Kennesaw State LaGrange Lander LaSalle Lenoir-Rhyne Livingston Longwood Louisville Marshall Maryland McNeese State Mercer Michigan Michigan State Missouri Missouri-Rolla Montevallo Nebraska-Lincoln NJIT North Carolina UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Wilmington North Carolina State North Dakota North Florida Northeast Missouri State North Georgia Oklahoma Oklahoma State Old Dominion Oregon State Penn State Piltsburgh Presbyterian Purdue Queens College Radford Rensselaer Roanoke San Francisco St. Joseph's Samford Seton Hall Shippensburg Slippery Rock South Alabama South Carolina

Omicron P.O. Box 6089, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486 Zeta Chi Box (A.C. Box) 74 , Reading , PA 19612-5234 Epsilon Phi Box 40, Univ. Center, Birmingham, AL 35294 Delta Zeta ASU Box 8991, Boone, NC 28607 Alpha Iota 861 Lem Morrison Dr., Auburn, AL 36830 Epsilon Delta P.O. Box 241332, Montgomery, AL 36124-1332 Zeta Xi P.O. Box 2306, Danville, VA 24541 Zeta Tau 1214 W. Gold St. , Wilson, NC 27893 Gamma Mu Box 152, BAC, Belmont, NC 28012 Zeta Upsilon Box 52, BU, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Delta Sigma R-3 Old Fraternity Row, Bowling Green, OH 43403 Epsilon Mu 1530 W. Bradley Ave., Peoria, IL 61606 Gamma 2908 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 Zeta Sigma 101 Russell Blvd., Apt. 14, Davis, CA 95616 Eta Eta P.O. Box 4741, Irvine, CA 92716 Zeta Beta P.O. Box 948555, LaJolla, CA 92037-9405 Zeta Lambda 811 Rio Chico Way , Chico, CA 95928 Zeta Rho Univ. Activities Center-74 , Fullerton, CA 92634 Zeta Mu 17835 Parthenia St., Northridge, CA 91325 Beta Xi Box 70, Warriner Haii -CMU, MI. Pleasant, Ml 48858 Alpha Box 1493, Stern Student Center, SC 29424 Epsilon Sigma 650 E. Parkway S., Memphis, TN 38104 Eta Iota 12366 Warwick Blvd, Apt 44, Newport News, VA 23606 Zeta Alpha P.O. Box 2186, Clemson, SC 29632 Epsilon Epsilon CVC Box 6005, Wise, VA 24293 Eta Gamma 855 Broadway, Boulder CO 80302 Eta Alpha C-49, Concord College, Athens, WV 24712 Psi 55 Ridgewood Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850 Beta Delta 1236 34th St. , Apt. 106, Des Moines, lA 50311 Alpha Upsilon 3409 Patton Ave., #7, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Mu P.O. Box 97675, Durham, NC 27708-7675 Beta Phi 803 Hooker Rd. , Greenville, NC 27834 Beta Chi Box W, ET Station, Commerce, TX 75429 Alpha Epsilon 11 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32603 Beta Beta Box 15215, c/o FSC, Lakeland, FL 33802 Beta Eta 423 W. College Ave., Tallahassee, FL 32301 Delta FU-Box 28569, Greenville, SC 29613 Zeta Epsilon 4400 University Dr., SUB 1, Box 122, Fai rfax, VA 22030 Lambda 930 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, GA 30605 Epsilon Upsilon CPO 2424, Box 1000, Milledgeville, GA 31061 Gamma Kappa LB #12343, GSC, Statesboro, GA 30460 Gamma Xi 321 Barlow St. , Americus, GA 31709 Beta Kappa Box 1848 Univ. Cntr., Atlanta, GA 30303 Iota G.T. Station 32715, Atlanta, GA 30332 Upsilon 306 E. Gregory Dr. , Champaign, IL 61820 Alpha Phi 3333 S. Wabash Ave. , Chicago, IL 60616 Alpha Psi 1415 N. Jordan Ave., Bloomington, IN 47406 Zeta Iota 946 Church St. , Indiana, PA 15701 Eta Beta P.O. Box 1532, Terre Haute, IN 47808-1532 Alpha Omicron 407 Welch Ave. , Ames, lA 50010 Zeta Psi c/o Jeff Muncy, 5311 S. Linwood,lndianapolis,IN 46140 Delta Epsilon P.O. Box 602-JSU, Jacksonville, AL 36265 Delta Tau P.O. Box 7187, JMU, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Delta Chi 1614 Fairchild, Manhattan, KS, 66502 Eta Delta Stud. Dev., P.O. Box 444, Marietta, GA 30061 Gamma Nu Box 11 70 ,601 Broad St., LaGrange, GA 30240 Gamma Rho Box 6191, Lander Univ., Greenwood, SC 29646 Epsilon Xi LU-Box 692, Philadelphia, PA 19141-5150 Epsilon Rho LAC-Box 8420, Hickory, NC 28603 Gamma Alpha P.O. Box M, Livingston, AL 35470 Epsi lon Gamma Box 3006-Longwood Col. , Farmville, VA 23901 Beta Gamma 2106 Confederate Place, Louisvi lle, KY 40208 Zeta Pi 1434 5th Ave, Huntington, WV 25701 Eta Epsilon #8 Fraternity Row, College Park, MD 20740 Beta Mu P.O. Box 92229-MSU, Lake Charles, LA 70609 Alpha Alpha MU-Box 112, Macon, GA 31207 Alpha Kappa 903 Lincoln , Ann Arbor, Ml48104 Alpha Theta 131 Bogue St., E. Lansing, Ml 48823 Beta Epsilon 500 E. Rollins St., Columbia, MO 65201-5143 Gamma Lambda 1704 Pine St. , Rolla, MO 65401 Gamma Omega Drawer AY, UM,Montevallo, AL 35115 Nu 425 University Terr., Lincoln , NE 68508-0563 Beta Alpha 249 King Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102 Kappa 216 Finley Golf Course Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Delta Lambda Cone Univ. Ctr. , UNCC, Charlolte, NC 28223 Epsi lon Iota P.O. Box E003 EUC UNCG, Greensboro, NC 27413 Gamma Theta Univ. Center, Rm. 202, Wi lmington, NC 28407 Tau 2401 W. Fraternity Ct. , Raleigh, NC 27606 Zeta Gamma 407 Cambridge St., Grand Forks, NO 58203 Zeta Zeta 4567 St. Johns Bluff Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32224 Delta Delta P.O. Box 562., Kirksville , MO 63501 Delta Beta Box 5165-NGC, Dahlonega, GA 30597 Alpha Gamma 1714 S. Chautaugua, Norman, OK 73072 Gamma Upsilon 1415 West Third , Stillwater, OK 74074 Gamma Beta ODU Std. Act. Ole. PKP, Webb Ctr, Nortolk, VA 23509 Alpha Zeta 2111 Harrison NW, Corvallis, OR 97330 Alpha Mu 409 E. Fairmont Ave:, State College, PA 16801 Delta Upsilon Box 7126, Umv. of Pill, Piltsburgh, PA 15213 Beta PC-Box 1069, Clinton, SC 29325 Omega 330 N. Grant St., W. Lafayelle, IN 47906 Eta Zeta Box 813, Queens College, Charlotte, NC 28274 Delta Phi 11 04-A Downey Street, Radford, VA 24141 Alpha Tau 49 Second St. , Troy , NY 12180 Xi Box 1761, Roanoke College, Salem, VA 24153 Eta Theta Assoc. Students. Off. UC402, lgnation Highls, San Francisco 94117 Epsilon Tau SJU, 5600 City Ave. Box 230, Phila., PA 19131 Alpha Eta SU Box 2474, Birmingham, AL 35229 Epsilon Theta 46 Fleet St., Jersey City, NJ 07306 Zeta Delta 114 N. Queen St. , Shippensburg, PA 17257 Epsilon Psi Rm. 221-C, Univ. Union, Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Gamma Phi P.O. Box U-1208, USA, Mobile, AL 36688 Sigma USC-Box 85128, Columbia, SC 29225

CHAPTERS USC-Spartanburg Southern Tech Stockton State SUNY--Brockport SUNY --Cortland SUNY --Plattsburgh Tampa Tennessee Texas A&M Texas-Arlington Texas Tech Toledo Towson State Troy State Valdosta State Villanova Virginia Virginia Commonwealth Virginia Tech Washington Washington & Lee Western Carolina West Chester West Virginia Tech West Virginia Wingate Winthrop Wofford

Epsilon Lambda 800 University Way, Spartanburg , SC 29303 Epsilon Kappa 11 00 S. Marietta Pkwy .. Marietta, GA 30060 Zeta Kappa G-Wing SSC, Pomona, NJ 08240 Eta Lambda Std Act Ole Am 203, Seymour Clg Un, Brockport, NY 14420 Zeta Omicron P.O. Box 5335, Cortland, NY 13045 Eta Kappa College Center, PI Kappa Phi,Piattsburgh NY t290t Beta Lambda UT Box 2771 , 401 w. Kennedy Blvd .. Tampa, FL 33606 Alpha Sigma P.O. Box 8629, Knoxville. TN 37996 0002 Delta Omega P.O Box 5201, College Station, TX 77844 Delta Psi UT-Arllngton , 705 S. Summit, Arlington, TX 76013 Epsilon Omega P.O. Box 4678, Lubbock, TX 79409-4678 Beta Iota 2999 W. Bancroft , A-2, Toledo. OH 43606-3390 Zeta Omega TSU. Box 1971 , Towson, MD 21204 Gamma Gamma TSU,P.O. Box 1738, Troy. AL 36082 Beta Tau VSC-Box 7136, Valdosta. GA 31698 Epsilon Omicron 215 Dougherty Hall, Villanova, PA 19085 Beta Upsilon 510 Rugby Rd .. Charlott svllle, VA 22903 Epsilon Pi Stud.Cmmns, VCU Box 145, Richmond. VA 23220 Delta Alpha 1101 Redbud Rd .. Blacksburg. VA 24060 Alpha Delta 4530 17th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105 Rho W&L P.O. Box 903, Lexington, VA 24450 Gamma Epsilon P.O. Box 1173, Cullowhee. NC 28723 Zeta Nu Rm 109, Sykes Hall , West Chester PA 19383 Gamma Zeta 641 Fayette Pike, Montgomery, WV 25136 Alpha Rho 571 Spruce St .. Morgantown, WV 26505 Eta Mu Box 1648 Wingate College, Wingate NC 28174 Epsilon Eta P.O. Box 5030-WCS, Rock Hill, SC 29733 Zeta Pi Kappa Phi, Wofford College. Spartanburg, SC 29303

ASSOCIATE CHAPTERS Johnson and Wales Louisiana State U. (ri) Maryland at Baltimore Memphis State (rt.) Morehead State (6 11) Sacramento St. (EN) San Francisco State Southwest Texas St. SUNY--Albany Wright State (t.rt) U-PENN Coastal Carolina

8 Abbott Park Pl., Providence, AI 02903 LSU P 0 Box 25068, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 UMBC Chomptank 631, Baltimore MD 21228 3841 Spottswood Ave., Memphis, TN 38111 Box 1247 UPO, Morehead, KY 40351 2348 Villanova Cr #1 , Sacramento, CA 95825 1600 Holloway, San Francisco, CA 94132 109 Fenway Loop, #1 04,San Marcos, TX 78666 P.O. Box 22102, 1400 Washington Ave.,Aibany , NY 12222 WSU 020 University Center, Dayton, OH 45435 P.O. Box 248, NRW, 3901 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104 P.O. Box 20 14 Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

ALUMNI CHAPTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS Alabama Gulf Coast Alumni Chapter- Bill Ishee Gamma Alpha Alumni Assoc. - Joe Alexander Alpha Delta Alumni Assoc. - Derrick Roger Gamma Beta Alumni Assoc. · David Simas Alpha Epsilon Club - Steven Stanford Gamma Epsilon Alumni Assoc. - Mike Reece Alpha Eta Alumni Assoc. - Lamar Lackey Gamma Gamma Alumni Assoc. - Edward Craig Alpha Iota Alumni Assoc. - Daryl Griswold Gamma Housing Corp. · Steven Crase Alpha Mu Alumni Chapter- Kevin Murphy Gamma Kappa Alumni Assoc. - Glenn Aspinwall Alpha Omicron Alumni Assoc. - Kelley Bergstrom Gamma Lambda Alumni Assoc. - David Siems Alpha Rho Alumni Assoc. - Patrick Farley Gamma Phi Club, Inc. - Richard Rose Alpha Phi Alumni Chapter- Greg Pleskun Gamma Psi Alumni Assoc. ·Tony Perrolto Alpha Tau Alumni Chapter- Mike Desmariais Gamma Xi Alumni Chapter - Ed Shallles Alpha Theta Alumni Assoc. - Mallhew Shaheen Greater Atlanta Alumni Assoc. - Mark Christopher Alpha Upsilon Alumni Assoc. - Fred Schmehl Greater Toledo Alumni Chapter - Greg Lardinais Alpha Zeta Alumni Assoc. - Ted Langton Greenwood Alumni Assoc. - Chuck Watson, Jr. Alumni Corp. of Alpha Chpt. of nK<Il- Greg Padgell Iota Alumni Assoc. - Fred Massey Americus Alumni Corp. - Ron Chaffin Indianapolis Alumni Assoc. ·Greg Linder Austin Alumni Chapter- Paul Drake Ithaca Area Alumni Assoc. · Peter Trozze Beta Alumni Assoc. - Tim Foster Kappa Alumni Chapter - Ed Pulliam Beta Epsilon Alumni Assoc. - Shanan Parker La Grange Alumni Association - Richard Jolly Beta Eta Alumni Chapter - Kevin Vaughn Lambda Loop · Frank Lane Beta Mu Alumni Assoc. - Mitchell Adrian Louisville Area Alumni Assoc. - Larry Hayse Beta Phi Alumni Chapter - Scali Smith Memphis Area Alumni Assoc. - David Everson Beta Tau Club - Darrell Moore Metroplex Alumni Chapter - Mark Fehmer Beta Upsilon Alumni Chapter - Leroy Hamlet Middle Georgia Alumni Chapter - Lee Langley Central Alabama Alumni Assoc. - Jim Beal Montgomery Area Alumni Chapter - Marco Giglio Chi Alumni Association - Gary Meadows Mountaineer Alumni Association of Z - David Morgan Dallas/Ft. Worth Alumni Assoc.- Steven Kosta Mu Alumni Association - Bill Fuqua Delta Beta Alumni Assoc. - Bill Tew Nebraska Alumni Chapter - Randy Lorenzen Delta Chi Alumni Assoc. - Brent Grauberger North Jersey Alumni Assoc. · Rich Nass Delta Delta Alumni Assoc.- Bob Collins Omega Chapter of n K<Il - Mark DeFabis Delta Epsilon Alumni Assoc. - Erv Sherer Omicron Alumni Chapter - Harry Caldwell, Jr. Delta Lambda Alumni Assoc. - Louis Herford Rho Alumni Chapter - Dutch Waldbauer Delta Omega Alumni Assoc. - Alan Brevard Sigma Alumni Assoc. - Michael Lowman Delta Omicron Alumni Chapter- Kirk Defelice Tau Alumni Association - Bob Lamphier Des Moines/Bt. Alumni Chapter - John S. Kirk Upsilon Alumni Chapter - Rene VanDerheyden Epsilon Epsilon Alumni Chapter - Robert Widener Xi Alumni Assoc. - Mark Edgell Epsilon Eta Alumni Assoc. - Thomas Sacco Zeta Alpha Alumni Assoc. - Scott Gasparini Epsilon Iota Alumni Chapter - Brian Stark Zeta Epsilon Alumni Assoc. - Michael Socha Epsilon Kappa Alumni Assoc.- Paul Raniere Zeta Iota Alumni Assoc. - Lorna LaPorte Epsilon Mu Alumni Chapter - Tim Sumner Zeta Omega Alumni Chapter · Kyle Kehoe Epsilon Omega Alumni Chapter - Boyd Gocidloe Zeta Omicron Alumni Assoc. - Brian Siegel Epsilon Omicron Alumni Assoc. - Patrick Brala Zeta Rho Alumni Assoc. - Ryder Evans Epsilon Psi Alumni Chapter - Lee Schultz Zeta Sigma Alumni Chapter - Matt Hiatt Epsilon Sigma Alumni Assoc. - Chris Mills Zeta Zeta Alumni Assoc. · Robert Talley Epsilon Theta Alumni Assoc. - Thomas Mulligan

If you would like more information on contacting any of these alumni associations, please call the Administrative Office at 704/523-6000.

Winter 1994 31

Page 32: 1994_1_Winter

Register Now! Official Registration Form

is on the back cover!

Join fellow alumni and their wives as Pi Kappa Phi celebrates 90 years of brotherhood at the

44th Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi!

Put it on Your Calendar! Mark your calendars now to attend

the 44th Supreme Chapter in Atlanta. On August 13-17, 1994,

Pi Kappa Phi will be celebrating our brotherhood at the Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead. Be there!

Our national convention occurs only every other year, and this Supreme Chap­ter promises to be better than ever.

Durward Owen's Last Hoorah

This Supreme Chapter will also be Durward Owen's last as Chief Executive Officer of Pi Kappa Phi.

Join us in Atlanta to honor the man who has directed this fraternity since 1959--longer than any other Executive Director now in the Greek world!

A special dinner will be held in Durward's honor on Saturday evening.

Saturaay, 5ll.ug. 13:

Owen :J?.gtirement '])inner (Ca[[ 508-546-2214, if interestec{}

Sunaay, 5ll.ug. 14: Supreme 'Banquet

Monaay, 5ll.ugust 15: 9\{jgft.t-out at Stone Mountain

rruesaay, 5ll.ug. 16: 'Evening with. tft.e 'Braves

Specia[ J-Ei.gMigft.ts for spouses ana guests induae J-Ei.gft. rrea at tft.e

1?jtz-Cadton ana tours of tft.e C'J{'J{ Stuaios, CocaCo[a Museum, ana

Jfistoric 'Buck_ft.ecuL Call Ted Scharfenstein for information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ on the Owen Retirement Dinner at (508) 546-2214. Celebrate with Durward.

Meet the New Executive Director

For the first time in 35 years, get the opportunity to meet a new Chief Execu­tive Officer of Pi Kappa Phi!

Watch history in the making as Mark E. Timmes, an initiate of Alpha Epsilon at the University of Florida, becomes the new Chief Executive Officer.

See the Braves Join your brothers in enjoying

America's favorite pastime at a Pi Kapp specialnight-outwith the Atlanta Braves.

32 Star & Lamp

The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead

Experience the luxury of the Ritz­Carlton, Buckhead-Atlanta's only five diamond hotel. The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead is the finest hotel in one of the loveliest areas of Atlanta.

Across the street from Lenox Square and Phipps Plaza, you will be within walkingdistanceofrestaurantsandmany fine stores.

Indoors, you may want to spend some time in the glass-enclosed pool, work out in theFitnessCenter,orrelaxin the whirl­pool and sauna.

Prepare to be surrounded by fine art,

crystal chandeliers, and antique fur­nishings--all the beauty of the Ritz­Carlton which Pi Kappa Phi has se­cured at a great rate specifically for the 44th Supreme Chapter!

Your Fifth Supreme Chapter?

Nu Phi is for You If this is your fifth Supreme Chap­

ter, you become eligible for induction into Pi Kappa Phi's Nu Phi Society.

Call Ted Scharfenstein for details at (508)546-2214.

Make Reservations Now Due to possible overflow, making

reservations early is highly recom­mended by the Ritz-Carlton staff.

Call the Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead, now at 1-800-241-3333. Tell the hotel that you are with the Pi Kappa Phi Supreme Chapter in order to get our special ra te!

Special Delta Fares! Delta Air Lines is offering special

discounted fares for Supreme Chapter! To take advantage of these savings, travel Delta round-trip from anywhere within the U.S., Canada, Bermuda, Nassau, San Juan, St. Croix and St. Tho­mas to Atlanta.

To take advantage of Delta's quality service, convenient schedules and spe­cial fares, follow these steps:

1. Call 1-800-241-6760 from 8:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

2. Refer to File Number: V0014 Applicable restrictions must be met. Seats are limited.

Page 33: 1994_1_Winter

A message from Dr. Phillip M. Summers, National President of Pi Kappa Phi. LAMPLIGHT

What Is A Pi Kapp?-The $100 Question As many of our brothers know, I am President of

Vincennes University in Indiana. I have undergradu­ate and graduate degrees from Indiana University and a Ph. D. from Indiana State University. I have been in education for over 30 years, and all my professional life I have served in Indiana. I, therefore, am a "Hoosier." Many times when people learn that I am from Indiana, they ask a common question-"What is a Hoosier?" That question is difficult to answer. Many will tell you varying "Hoosier" folklore or give different definitions. I guess a "Hoosier" is many things to many people.

Not too long ago, I was at a dinner and had been discussing fraternity issues with a person who was involved in his fraternity chapter as an active alumnus. Our conversation was overheard, and when we concluded, I was asked by a friend, "What is a Pi Kapp?" Like the definition of a "Hoosier," trying to define a Pi Kapp is not easy because our fraternity means many things to our many members.

I started to say that Pi Kapp means "the best" and then I thought maybe I should explain the concept of brotherhood, which is the very heart of Pi Kappa Phi. But as I readied a response, I was also reminded the meaning of our ritual and our motto, "Strong Enough to Care." I knew I could not tell what a Pi Kapp was without mentioning PUSH America, the Foundation, Properties, Supreme Chapter, Pi Kapp College, Mid­Year Leadership Conferences, Conclaves, and chap­ters at colleges across America.

I could have responded by showing a copy of this Star & Lamp, where we have the names of loyal alumni who have invested in the future of our frater­nity through their contributions. We are proud of all of our brothers who have had the honor of being initiated with the ritual that tells the values of our fraternity. Those who are listed in the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Annual Report continue to demonstrate their dedication to being Pi Kapps for life, which is the

challenge of very man who ha taken th oath of membership in our Frat rnity.

I gu ss I could have d crib d Durward Ow n r some of the gr at men wh hav b en Mr. Pi Kappa Phi or inducted into the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fam . I would also want to includ National ouncil M m­bers, Area Governors, Chapt r Advisor , and National Staff. I could have told about some f my Pi Kapp brothers who have been important to me in my lif

and the outstanding undergraduate members whom I have had the privilege of m et­ing. I thought maybe I should talk about the ideals of our founders and how honored I was to meet Founder Simon Fogarty 35 years ago.

I wanted to give the most insightful response to the "What is a Pi

Kapp?" question. I could have responded with what we stand for in terms of scholarship, leadership, and service. Or I could say, "We are 50,000 outstanding fraternity men." The list of possible responses goes on and on.

What do you think I said? This is the audience participation part of our program. I invite my broth­ers to write me and tell me: 1. What you think I said. 2. What you think I should have said.

I will give $100 for the best response to each of the questions and ask the National Council members to be the judges. (There will be two $100 awards.) Undergraduate members and alumni are encouraged to be creative and send your entries in the "What is a Pi Kapp-the $100 Question" contest to me at the following address:

Dr. Phillip Summers Office of the President Vincennes University Vincennes, IN 47591

Don't delay; enter today. By the way, I am proud to be a Hoosier, but I am more proud to be a Pi Kapp.

Winter 1994

Page 34: 1994_1_Winter

44th Supreme Chapter Alumni Registration

August 13-17, 1994 Atlanta, Georgia Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead

Sponsored by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation See page 32 for details!

Mail this form with


I plan to attend the

Name of wife I guest (if

Registration fee of $125. Chapter if received at the are $140 and $115 res

You will be receiving completed form.

I would like to serve

____ Nominating ____ Legislative ____ Ritual & In ____ .Alumni

I will be re~~b~~

or ______ ~~~~~~~--~·

to the Pi Kappa Phi Administrative Office,

~:;,t5:!'t;~;\ C. 28224.

_ ___ Chapter ___ Initiation #_

Comme ~~efi~f::~---~----J;q

I will run in the Pi Kappa Phi If you are interested in attending the Durward Owen Retirement Dinner on Saturday Evening, please call 508-546-2214.

*This does not include Hotel Reservations. You must contact the Ritz Carlton Hotel directly at 1-800-241-3333.

Due to space shortages we suggest you make reservations immediately. Delta, the Official Air Line of the 44th Supreme Chapter can fly you there at a great discount rate!

Calll-800-241-6760 to take advantage of Delta's quality service. Refer to DK<l> File Number V0014.

ADDRESS CHANGE? Please send correction promptly to: Star & Lamp, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224. Star & Lamp (USPS 519000) is published quarterly by Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 7017 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC.

Second class postage paid at Charlotte, NC and any additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Star & Lamp, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte , NC 28224

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