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--===============================-======== or news items, especially personal notes concerning the activities of the alumni. All contributions should be mailed direct to RICHARD L. YouNG, 2 Ashland Avenue, Midwood Manor, Charlotte, N. C. RICHARD L. YouNG, Editor CHARLOTTE, N.C. ~~====================================================c==~ Members of the Fraternity are invited to c(lntrib1~te special articles ~lf&ir6ilrbilitrf!WJ/i"Ki!@!tAilr


Page 1: 1926_2_May
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The Star and Lamp of Pi Kappa Phi

--===============================-======== VoL. XII No. 2


R ICHARD L . YouNG, Editor


Members of the Fraternity are invited to c(lntrib1~te special articles or news items, especially personal notes concerning the activities of

the alumni. All contributions should be mailed direct to RICHARD L. YouNG,

2 Ashland Avenue, Midwood Manor, Charlo tte, N. C.


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~=================================================== Vol. XII MAY, 1926 No.2


EDITOR9§ COMMENT Righto, Mississippi

ANTI-FRATERNITY regulations applying . to state educational institutions in M iss­;~sippi, have been repealed in a law passed by f le Mississippi legislature. It is expected that raternit' . Ies Will return next fall to the campuses

Of the D,,· . f M' . . . I I if' · . IVerSity 0 ISSISS!ppl anc t 1e 'J IS -ISS!pp' A 1

• & M. College. tl With the lifting of the anti-fraternity ban in

bllat State, South Carolina alone remains as a ack .

1'h pot on the fratern ity map of Amenca. C e ~ttempt two year ago to repeal the South S arohn a law failed by just eight votes in the I!enate after the bill had been passed by the lower i 0~ e. If the law denying students at State

llslJtut' I . I 1 Ions t 1e advantages and privileg s enJoyec ~~ their fellows at other institutions within the in a.te, the fraternity men of outh arolina must tl dl(~ate to their representative their feeling on le C}U t'

1 es Ion . Sentiment for the rep a l of the aw ret p · s on the fraternity men of the State. S 1 Rappa Phi is particularly interested in the

outh Ca 1. . . . . 1 p 1 11 ro ma SituatiOn for It was tn t 1e a-lett0 t t . . C 1 p· I( a e, m quamt old harleston, t 1at 1

11 a~pa Ph i made its first faltering teps as a

teational fraternity. Too the regtil ation has in -n·ed ' t.J . that grand old chapter of Sigma at the

Pi~ersity of South Carolina, which has given appa P hi some of its strongest leaders.

l\ fay the day be quick in coming when South Carolina, too, wil.l follow fississippi and re­move the last remaining stain on the f raternity system.

Jazzing Up Education

P ROFESSOR \ iVILLTt\M J. NEWLIN, of Amherst, viewing the tendency of modern

days, giv s ex pre ion to this sentiment, "\ \ ' e must jazz up education with a lipst ick and rouge."

The difficulty with the times i that o much jazz has sounded in the ears of youth that it is seldom the beautiful harmonies of the verities of life are audible. There has been too much of the freedom of youth, who has stormed the fort­ress of education and demanded in positive tones "Gimme, gimme." This a ll giving and no re~ turning is bad practice, especially is it bad for those who receive, and give nothing in return.

Youth shou ld be taught to see that the thing of the old, often scorned and laughed at, are sacred and worthy of consideration of men big and strong. Youth should be taught respect for the dignity and worth of the trad ition and history of the past, which offer direction into the paths of fuller living.

Pi Kappa P hi i an institution built on these everlasting virtues of human conduct. Its in -

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Tr-r E ST A R AND LAM P of Pr KAPPA Pr-rr

spiration li es in brotherhood, nob ility, and strength of character. It itself is an education in the worthy things and its p rinciples teach loyalty to truth and adherence to the things that matter. Young brothers in P i Kappa P hi , in these days of storm and stress, when often it is easy to accept the convenient, give thought to the principles of abiding strength , and hold fast to th e lasting in preference to the fl eeting. Seek truth for truth 's sake, and live rightly for right's sake.

~1 1.!.. ~IJ.,. ~l'~ ~~~

New Chapter Homes

I N thi s issue reference is made to the three chapters, which by determination and pluck,

have acquired homes. There is the new house at Omi cron, pi cture of whi ch appears on another page, and there a re the news stories regarding the purchase of a house by the brothers of E psil on and P i.

As we have previously remarked the acquiring of realty on the part of our chapters is ample indication of the virility and growing power of our organi zation. This house purchas ing is steadi ly growing among our chapters and we hope to soon see the day when every chapter in the F raternity wi.l l be li ving beneath its own roof.

Those brothers, who have longed to see their chapter buy "a place," should take courage from these two incidents. T ackle the job with a deter­min ati on and see it through, stay with the prob­lem unti l it is settled and there should be no stop­ping. Th ose chapters which have been able to purchase property are to be congratulated. These have been made without aid from the Supreme Coun cil but the day is not far distant when the F raternity should create an endowment fund which will provide assistance to worthy chapters seeking their own homes. Our progress in many ways has been remarkabl e and surely this is the new step in our development.

Endowment Growing

D RI NG the few years since the adoption of the plan to invest a ll receipts for S·r.\R ANn

LAM P subscripti ons in a permanent fund which in time wi ll bear sufficient interest to pay for the printing of the magazine, that fund has

']'hiS steadily grown. T oday it totals $15,000. issue is notable, therefore, in that it is the first one which the in te rest on our STAR AND L., ~ il ' in vestments would pay for.

When the fund has grown suffi ciently to care for the magazine expense, a part of these receipts might be di verted to another endowment fund to .l end aiel to house funding corporations or other plans approved by the Supreme Council or board in control of the fund. But it is still necessary to build T HE S·rAR AND L AMP fund to almost fou r times its present total to provide for fo ur issues a year. A p ractical and vital point here is that there are between eight and nine hundred alumni who are not subscribers, whose subscriptions would boost the fund be­tween $8,000 and $9,000. s our plans mature, we expect to make the magaz ine more and more interesting and serviceable to the F raternity. It is the Editor 's desire, and that of all of us, that 1

'l'nF. S'l'AR AN D LAMP become indi spensable to the alumnus as well as the undegraduate. Yotl who read thi s can help also by interesting these older alumni and securing their checks for $10 for life subscripti ons. As soon as the magazine is on an entirely independent bas is, the F rater· nity can take rapid strides and accompli sh bigger things for its membership.

Our New Directory

T HE new directory, containing a complete lisl of members of the fraternity, is ready for

di stribution. A fter months of painstaking effort on the part of Brother George E. Sheetz, execu· ti ve secretary, the book has come from the press. In the past, similar books have been issued but we venture to say that nothing as comprehensive as the new eli rectory has ever before been a ttempt· eel by P i Kappa P hi.

This is an enterprise that should merit the full support of the fraternity. There are doubtless some errors in the li sting and it becomes the dutY of every brother to correct these errors by com· municating with the central office.

The directory, w hich contain s more tha n 300 pages and i of convenient pocket size, should ]~c 1n the possess ion of every P i Kapp. Its price 15 reasonable and Brother Sheetz has made a bar· gain offer of a free book to the brother sending· in an order for at least ten copi es at one time.

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~ T HE STAR AN D L A M P of P r KAPP A P H r ~-----------------------------------------

CC5he Turpose of Ti Kgppa Thi By o. A. Kl NZI!R, n

~ H~RE has been a great dea l of in vestiga­Jl tJO n of our educationa l institu tions in the tl . past few yea rs to dete rmine j ust what


1e1r purpose or mi ss ion is and to determine lo

IV lat ' 'L'J ex tent they a re fulfilling tha t purpose.

0 lei ~eport of the Dartmouth commi ttee working

11 t 11 s Problem has set the serious minds of the

country t tl . . . . · 0 lJnk111g and to wonclenng JUSt what IS the re I a, d . a purpose of the g reat mass of co ll eges ' l U111 V . • ers1t1 es in thi s country.

' 'V ]It may take years to formula te exactiy iu t lat · ·

t . IS th e real p urpose of our mass eclu ca-10nal .

We system, but w 1t hout a cl ear cut purpose a da re. trave lin g in th e cl a rk, drifting a iml e sly b

11 With no definite standard u pon w hich to

ase success or fa ilure.

1 Sderious thoug ht a long thi s lin e natura ll y

ea s to tl · · a 1e q ues tiOn of our fr at ern1ty. \ Ve a rc s definite part o f t hi s imm ense edu ca tion ;J ] ·Ystem· w'tlt . . J 11

• I 1 wen ty-nm c ac t1 ve c 1apters we

Pl ll st p lay a de finit e part in th e edu ca tional rogra J i 111 · us t w hat pa rt do we p lay, a nd w hat

s our p ? .. cl urpose. U nl ess we have a def1n1 te, ear cut . . llli SS ion, we are nothin g bu t a g roup

o f roomin g houses, an d t he name fraterni ty is a fa rce.

Ju st w hat is our purpose? Society, develop­ment o f persona li ty, re lig ion, fri endship, a bet­ter place to li ve w hile in co ll ege, di sciplin e, a nd ma ny other p hases enter into w hat mig ht be ca ll ed our purpose, bu t w hich t aken indi vidu­a lly or co ll ecti ve ly do not g ive us a clear con­cept ion of our miss ion.

Coul d we not better say t ha t t he fraternity is a project in voluntary educa tion ; t hat our pu rpose at t he base is ed ucati on, pa ra ll el to th at of our uni versit ies bu t at tacking th e probl em from a di ffe rent a ng le? \ V c are a g roup of men volun ta ril y ed ucat ing ourselves to a better and more useful li fe. T his purpose we believe to be a sound contr ib ution to edu cation.

T he q uest ion th en natura ll y arises, a re we ful fill ing our purpose? 'l'h e answer to th a t res ts in th e heart o f every P i Kappa P hi . H he is s in cerely do ing hi s best, and b uil d in g in to his soul t he real Ji ve idea ls of courage, loyalty, obed ience, honesty, and good-fell owship, we a re fulfilling our p urpose.

c;Brother's Spirit CZ\qises ehapter

EVERY once in a whil e, jusl when people need inspiration, j ust when folks begin to

\ doubt th e teachings of un elfi shness, and voncJe 'f . . c r I. there reall y 1s any such thmg, there

r on, es a man whose life is such tha t fa ith is enewed h . . b h . • ope IS r eborn and t1red hear ts cat

-\~PPlly once more. Just s uch a man is J ames · exa11 de r Thompson, A lpha-Beta's a rchon.

a ln the darkest hour of A lpha-J1eta, when as ~ new ly establi shed national, with ~nly three len co . . . .

f mpetmg w 1th eig hteen old frat ermt1es or new · ma ten a l, only a few short years ago,

t here came un hera lclecl, un a nn oun ced a nd modestly Ji m my T hompson. We kn ew h e came from an old Southern fa mily a nd from a Christia n home.

INc kn ew we liked h im, a nd so we b id him . O ne ra in y cl ay, just be fore takin g a q ui z, he made us g lad by accepting the go ld a nd w hile p in. T hen we Jet it go at th a t . He was one of t he pledges, to go t hro ugh th e mill a long w ith th e r est.

But as we look back over t he month s sin ce that ra iny day, as we think of the blu e 111 0 _

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ments in A lpha-Beta, and of her bright and glorious tr ium phs, and look behin d t he scenes we r ea li ze more and more th at it wa t he fa it h, th e idea lism, t he true hu mili ty of so ul and the a lmost unbelievable unselfi shn ess of th i youth who is responsible fo r the position Alpha-n eta occupies today. He is not an ath Jete, nor a n ac tor , nor even a class-pr esident. T he man w ho p ledged hi m beli eves strongly in stud ent activit ies, and yet he regards t he pledging of Jimmy Thompson t he greatest single ser v ice he has rendered Pi Kappa P hi .

J im my is more t han a fraternity man . He is t he ideal fraternity man. As M irabeau said of a certain young man in t he clark days of t he } rench revo lu t ion, "1'hat man w ill do some­w hat ; he beli eves every word he says."

Few thiugs are impossible to diligence a11d skill.

Epsilon Purchases Home

T HE a mbi t ion of E psil on Chapter a t Dav id- I

son Coll ege wa r eali zed A pril 30 whetl

a chapter house was purchased. I<'or mont hs, t he brother s at .I av icl son and

th ose at Charlot te, memb ers of t he Charlotte

Alumni Chapter , had planned and devised schemes whereby a house coul d be acq uired. At a meet ing o f th e Charl ot te lumni Chapter, a t w hi ch were represe ntat ives from E ps ilon, it was dec ide I to p roceed w ith t he purchase of t he P roctor resid ence and t ru stees including Broth ers 'J' . S. Hend er son, \ V. H . Neal, Barn ett 1

Garri son, R alph K. R obin son, a nd Caldweii P. j ohn ston, m embers o f th e alumni chapter and of a lumni of E psil on, were appointed . Ar­rangeme nts wer e m ade for ra is ing th e neces­sary fun d and on A pril 30 t he deal was cl osed.

T he new house is ideall y locat ed for a chap­ter home. It adj oin s th e coll ege campu s on t he main t reet of the v illage and is in close prox 11111 ty to t he co ll ege and th e town. T he house conta in s eleven room s and is consid ered exce ll ent for chapter house purposes. I t is at present occupi ed by a local fr aternity and E psil on w ill obta in possess ion at the cl ose of the college t erm.

Epsilon is among the fir s t of the fraternitieS at D avidson to acq uire house property. T he p la n evolved last fall of er ecting a g roup of house. on coll ege proper ty and throug h coll ege a iel d id not m ateri ali ze w hen opposition arose am ong som e of th e fr a terniti e . Mos t o f the frate rniti es des ired to acquire th eir own prop­erty a nd E ps il on we nt into th e lead by clos in g" it s deal.


By the Central Office Copies of Tm~ S'l'AH AN D LAM !' fo r August,

1914, to compl ete fi les, also a copy of the min­utes of the convention of 1915, held at th e Geor­gian T errace Hotel, At lanta, Ga. Send to Ceo. E. Sheetz, R oom· 12, 39 Broad Street. Charles­ton, S. C.

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~ THE S1'AR AND LAMP of Pr KAPPA PHr ~--------------------------------------------

GJ3rothers Lead zn Scholarship By Bon INGRAM

A l.PHA-GAl\11\[J\ can point with pride to Drothers Eugene Springer and Law­

lh 1

renee Ferguson, who have helped keep e c lapte ·' I I . . of ll . 1 s sc 10 arsh tp among the htghest four

sc hoo l . Toga is regarded as equal to Phi Beta Kappa in the school of medicine at the uni­

versity. Last December Brother Springer was one of

the five s tudents from the univers ity to enter \ ~e seventeen national fraternities on the Uni­'crs t

p·' Y. of Oklahoma campus. belo

1 I<..appa Phi at Oklahoma has never fallen

te. ~ fourth place in scholarship in inter-fra-1 11 I t,)r CO • . .

· mpetttton At the time of thi s wrtt-tng r · 11 g ade averages have not been compiled

ere f 1 co f' or ast semester but persistent rumors tn~1 trm the hope that Alpha-Gamma ha al­e st succeeded in winning the scho larship up offered t tl · · · B · o 1e wmntng fraterntty.

1<: rather Springer is a member of Phi Beta

1, appa. Brother Ferguson is a member of oga, honorary senior society for profess ional


l 7]


the s tate tryouts for the Rhodes scho larship. ' l'he honor wa s awarded to a s tudent from a nother co ll ege in the s tate, but Brother Springer was giYen another chance at the scholarship.

Th e univers ity was allowed to enter one st udent in the national contest for the Rhodes sc holarship. The committee of former Rhode students at the university looked over all the app licants for the tryouts a nd finally chose Springer to represent Oklahoma.

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He was again defeated but will make a bid for the honor next year again.

High grades are a near impossibility in the school of m edi cin e at the univer sity- to keep from flunkin g sat isfies most of the students enroll ed in this school. But Brother Ferguson has maintained an "A- " average for the two years he has been a " m edic."

~'t- _.w... stt..-~ ~ 1lA$

New Directory is Ready Brother George E. Sheetz, executive secre­

tary, makes the fo ll owin g interestin g an­noun cem ent regarding the publication of the new directory:

The new directory w ill be ready for delivery by May 15. Orders w ill be filled as received.

The book w ill contain over three hundred pages but will be issued in a compact pocket size, li sting th e memb er ship chronologicall y by chapters, geographi call y, and alphabetically. It conta in s 2,827 names, which we believe to be a complete record as reported up to March J 5, 1926.

As there is no provis ion in our budget for the issuan ce of a directory, it must be made self-s upportin g, hence it is hoped the r eturns w ill cover not on ly the actual printing expense but th e extra clerical expense caused also. The edition has been limited, therefore, to J ,500 copies and the sellin g price will be $1.00 per copy, all mailing charges includ ed.

Cash or check must accompany each order. \Ve cannot afford to keep books on so many small order s.

As gro up orders r educe ma ilin g expense, we make this offer : For each ten copies ordered at one time a free copy w ill be g iven to the m emb er sending in the order.

The book will also contain th e names of a ll Past Supreme Officers; past conventions of the S upreme Chapter; mag·az in e publication dates; district distribution of memb ership ; a lumni chapters; Greek alph abet, and oth er data.

~~~ ~I t-: ~I V:


T he Gamma N u chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha was installed at the U niversity of North Caro­lina in April.

Ferguson Beta Leader

Brother James E dmund Ferguson is one of Beta's outstandin g members. Since hi s initia­tion four years ago he has given a great part of hi s t im e to the fraternity and he has cast manY brilliant reflections upon it during hi s college car eer. A mong these, he has performed bril­liantl y in track and football. For some tiJ11 C he held the college record in the discus throW· He stand s well in his classes a nd is a m ember of Sigma Upsil on and Gamma Sigma, honoran' fraternities. He is a representative in the PaW Hellenic Council. ·

St. Petersburg, Florida, Alumni Chapter

Announcement is made by the Supreme CoU11'

cil of the grant of a charter to the alumni of st. Petersburg, F lorida, effective May 1, 1926.

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~ THE STAR AND LAMP of Pr KAPPA PHr ------------------------------------------------------------------

CC5hree ~as~eteers'of E>micron

A T the beginning of the cason the bas-ketball prospects at Alabama were ex­

last ceedingly dull as only two men from that Year's squad remained. Thus it can be seen

B Alabama had an inexperienced team. lett Ut due to the brilliant play of Bob Young,

er lllan f 1 fo. rom ast year, and the unexpected , 'nl of tl

Omicron and Alabama are expecting much of Bob, Bill, and Harvey next season. All three of them made their letter this year, and they were three-fifths of the first quint t.

~\1~ ~\I~ ~~~


McGraw Cops Honors Southet· l e sophomores, Alabama finished its ao- n Conference schedule with a percent- Iota chapter is very proud of the scholastic .,e of roo . achievements of one of its members, Marvin

B:a .iJ • Btl! Young, brother of Bob, and rvey p McGraw, a junior.

nish ugh were two of the big guns fur- He has just been elected to membership in

feet ed by the sophomores. Bill, with his six p· · 1 h f 1 Tau Beta 1, natwna onorary engineering 111 ad

0 leight, and his rugged determination fraternity. This is the highest honor that an

e A.lab his

1 ama a valuable man at center, and engineering student can achieve in scholarship

to t~ ay under the basket added many points at Georgia Tech. At the same time he was kosh e~~re. Harvey Pugh, the lad from Osh- awarded a gold T for standing with the highest fr

0111' IS., had an uncanny eye for the basket seven per cent of his cia s. Furthermore he

Wa all part of the floor. Hi · floor work has every indication of making Phi Kappa Phi s PUzzl' . . tea111

• - lllg to spectators and to the oppos111g next year. Bob y Besides being a class A student Mac is an all-

fork-! oung, commonly referred to as "the round good fellow. He is well liked by all the >Vas ~~nded phantom of the ba ketball court," fellows and participates in all fraternity ath-

abama's surest player. letics.

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C0micron' s )\{gw GJeome By ] .\ 1\'ll ·:s n. S'I'APLT•:'L'ON

0 l\H CR N chapter has accompli shed a

task of which it may be justly proud. The active chapter , with the help of a

few loyal alumni , has erected a modern three­story building which is one of the most beautiful fraternity houses on the campus. This is saying a great deal, especiall y w hen one takes into con­sid erat ion the fact that the F raternity Row of the U ni versity of A lai ama is far famed for its great number of sub stantial frate rnity houses. The house is located at U nivers ity aven ue and Hackberry lane. It is modern in every respect, being built of red brick, at an approx imate cost of $25,000.

On the first floor there is the kitchen, serv­ing room, dining room, living room, sun parlor

and a suite of rooms for the House Mother. There are eight tudy rooms, a bath, and tW0

large sleeping porches on the second floor. 0 11

the third floor are four large study rooms, and a ch apter room. The boiler room, which is it1 the cellar, contains space for coal and wood· Ad joining this is a large room for the storage of trunks and other things. A ll the furniture in the stud y room is built in, making it more convenient.

P i Kappa P hi is t he first fratern ity on thC campus to take the progressive st p o[ hav ing a house mother, who lives in the house. Al­r eady oue other national has followed our e:\' ample and other are contemplat ing doin g so in the near future.

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THE STAR AND LAMP of Pr KAPPA PHI -------------------------------------------------------------------

Inspectors Are Appointed r 0

All Chapters a.nd Officers of Pi Kappa Phi: Announcement is hereby made of appoint­

ments f D' .

a solid bound book of Pi Kappa P hi songs. The splendid co-operation shown by many brothers just prior to that memorable thirteenth con­vention demonstrates what can be done. If now, and during the summer those brothers gifted with the insp iration of the muse are touched by the lyre of Orpheus, will lend their talents to Pi Kappa Phi for a time, we will get that song book yet.

1 . 0 1 tnct Chapter Inspectors for the

Jienniun 1 "2" . 1 1 l, '-' u-1 !J27. Fmal announcement 1as Jeen deferred for sometime until certain va-canci es I I . tl cou c be filled, although for most of le clist ·· 1 . IIcts t 1e same officers have accepted re-

apP01I1tmen t.

Except where a new address is given, the add res es of these officers have already been

Send your songs and music to Fred n. Sturm, 30 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, Til.

PUblished . 1 F b . f 1' , S" R Ill t 1e . e ruary ISSUe 0 ll~ 1 A ANn LAM:p

n· .· . ~ Stiict No.1 (New York)-Kurt C. Lauter.

DLtrict No. 2 (Virginia )-Dr. A. P. Wag­ener

1, ? istrict No.3 (North Carolina)-Kenneth l\f. •nn,, Greensboro N C

])• • 0 ' 0 0

" IStn ct No. 4 (South Carolina)-). Clnm. ··~ . 0 S. ~.lllan, care L. L. A llen & Co., Spartanburg-.

I)• 0

J);st~~ct No. 5 (Ceorgia)-T. R. Waggoner. T)' t1 ~ct No. 6 (Fiorida) - Geo. D. 1-.\·erson. D~str~ct ;\Jo. 7 (A iabama )-Leo H. l'ou.

ll Istnct No. 8 (Lou isiana)-Clancy t\. La­lalll.

g~str~ct No.9 (Indiana)-Wade S. Bolt. b~ tr~ct No. 10 ( Il.linois)-V. R. F leming.

IStn ct No. 11 (Nebraska) - Ralph E. Ander-. on. ·

f District No. 12 (bklahoma)-Gien G. llii­Orci (A t ' ) J)· c lllg 0

D~str~ct No. 13 (California)-Paul S. Boren. \V 1

1stnct 1o. 14 (Washington and Oregon)­

a tern J J)· .t'o.. ones . . b ~ s trict No. 15 (Michigan)-Dr. J. Dwight

av1s :rvr· 1. . . • 'I'! ' IC 11gan San1tanum, Howell, Mtch. r le hearty co-operation of each chapter is tl~q.uestec] for these officers in the discharge of

e1 r duties.

Fraternally yours, Ggo D. Dnrvt~R, Sup1·emc A rclion.


The Song Book 'rhus f . 1 .

felt th .at t 1e Song Book Committee at It has quite enough material to

has not publish

Gracey Prominent Brother

Brother W. M. Gracey, Jr., "the fighting wildcat," hail s from Covington, Tenn., and is back at Epsilon this year doing post-graduate work in political science. He is a valuable addition and a worth-while addition to the chapter roll.

I-Ie is the most versatile track man in North Carolina collegiate circles and captained the Davidson team of J 925. He has been prom­inent in literary and scholastic endeavor and is a member of Omicron Delta Kappa. He is also a member of Alpha Phi Epsilon, the national honorary debating fraternity.

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Shaw Leader at Epsilon

Brother H. L. Shaw, Jr. , is Epsilon's most outstanding man. He is a member of th e senior class, which is one of the best classes Davidson has ever had . The class· averaged 90.58 per cent for the past term. He bids fa ir to be valed ictori an, as he has been out in front for the past three and one-half years and is working to keep hi s lead.

Brother Shaw is a member of the following honorary fraterniti es: Phi Beta Kappa, schol­astic; Om icron Delta Kappa, leadership; Alph a Phi Eps il on, for ens ic; Sig ma Upsilon, journal -istic.

He is ed itor-in -chief of thi s year's ann ual, expected to be one of the I est in year s. He was a lso pres ident of the junior class last year. He has served two year s on the student coun ­cil a nd is also a n intercoll egiate debater of note.

~1.~ ~~~ ~\lt;_


Omega So ph. JVI akes Honor Grades Omega chapter believes it ha a member

who's grades are un surpassable. This honored brother is William (Red) Pritchard, a sopho­more chemical eng in eer. Last semester he received 7 A's in the seven subj ects he was

carryin g, w hi ch gave him a semester grade of 95 (a perfect grade according to the systetll of grading used at Purdue U niversity ) .

These unu sual g rades of last semest er, be· s id es the 12 A's and 2 B's he received during hi s freshm an yea r , now place him as the high· e t ratin g sophomore in scholarship in the entire School of Chemical E ng ineer ing. 1~ t P urdu e A's are g rades from 90 to 100 and B' are from 80 to 90. Be id es thi s honor he wa:'

selected as one of the 103 Purdue stud ents tn have three-fourths of thei r g rad e as A's. ]-{ ' a lso rece iv ed the 1 hi Lambda U psilon pri r:e

1 for hi ghes t chemi cal eng in eerin g scholarshi P this last semester.

In addition to his scholastic atta inments he 1~ soph omore varsity track manager and ver)' active in Lhe chapter house, having just recentlY

• J1 led Omega freshman through a tough probatJO ·

~\ ,_, ,\IJ~ ~~~


A Story Without Words P i Kappa P hi membership stati stics by years·


Year Initiates 1904.... .................................... 7 1905......... ............................... 2 1906............... ......................... 2 1907. ................... ................ .. .. 14 1909........................................ 34 1910........................................ 32 1911 ......................... ............... 50 1912.............. ...... .................... 44 1913........................................ 59 1914............ ............................ 41 1915.. ................ .. .. ................. 76 1916........................................ 119 1917........................................ 112 1918.... .. .................................. 116 1919................ .. .. .. .. .. .............. 163 1920..................................... ... 204 192 1........................................ 310 1922 ................ .. ... ... .... .......... .. 1923 ... .. .................... .............. . 1924 .................................... .. .. 1925 ... ..... ............................... . 1926 ....................................... .

o date .. ...... .............. .... .. ..... .

231 259 340 407 285 96

l\ r embers hiP 7 9

11 25 59 91

141 185 244 285 361 480 592 708 819

1075 1385 1616 1875 22 15 2622 2907 3003

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-of of

]1 • ·ize hiP


Honor Man at Purdue

0 llrother 0. A. Kinzer, who is Archon of

lllega Cl · · I

c 1apter, 1s a h1gh honor man at Pur-e lie L' . . a

1 111 vers1ty. li e is a member of Scabbard

~lc Blade, of Pi Tau Sig ma, and of the Purdue rd er of M"l" · · "d o( 1 1tary Ment. H e 1s also pres1 ent

th f\ . S: M. E. and is a boxing instructor for [ e Dnl\'crsity. He finds time to play clas ootball.

Gamma Sigma Petitions

t .. \nnouncement is made of the receipt of a peti­IOn f fr o_r a charter from Gamma Sigma, local atern1ty at the niversity of Michigan. Com­

lllents f · · · · · d I om the membership generally ts mvtte , anct I . f lould he addressed to the Central Offtce or inclusion in the file to be circulated with the


Ranking Captain at Purdue

Brother R. A. Ramage, who is the highest. ranking captain in the R. 0. T. C. at Purdue Un iversity. He i a member of Scabbard and Blade and of the Purdue Order of Military


Tabor Musical Genius By ]UNJ~ ELLlS

Brother Ralph Rivers Tabor, popular pres­ident of 1ercer's glee and instrumental clubs, radio artist de luxe, and loyal P i Kapp, has probably done more to put Pi Kappa P hi on the map in the vicinity of Mercer than any other individual.

Coming to Mercer in the year 1922, Brother Tabor immediately stepped into the limelight when the feminine journalists of Wesleyan Fe-

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Tr-rE S 'l'A R AN D LAM r of P r Y A P PA Pnr

male College featured him in their mock publi ­cati on of The [aeon Daily T elegraph as hav ing bested W. L. "Young" Stribling in a twelve­

round bout. In hi s first few months at /[ercer, Brother

T abor became piani st fo r i\ r ercer's mu ical or­gani zat ion, which position he has held consist­enll y. A t the close of last season , he was ac­co rded another honor when he was elected to the presidency of the cl ub. Besides thi s, he has been a member of the Georgians orchestra since com­ing to Mercer. l3 roth er T abor is t ruly a great pi ani st. P robably thousands of radio li steners have heard him play over \ iVM AZ, Mercer's radiophone broadcasting station. He has received applause from a ll par ts of the U nited States. R ecently the Radio D igest publi shed hi s photo­g raph together with an account of hi s broad­casting recitals.

Brother Tabor f irst saw the .lighl of day in Toccao, Ga., a picturesque little village nestled among the foothills of northeast Georgia . That

mu ical training which has led to hi s present populari ty began at the age of seven.

Alpha-Eta's Archon

A lpha-Eta's a rchon is Drolher Clyde T . \\'ar­ren. Fi e graduated from lhe F ourth Dislrid Agricultural school at Sylacauga, la., in 1923.

·Coming to Howard College the follo wing Ser : tember he was immediately pledged to PS1

D Ita fraternity. He soon got the spirit of ] loward College and of P si Delta and was off to make one of the most enviable records ever made in Howard College. H e has not fall en below an A- in any of his studies in his two and a half years here. H e was the last pres idenl of Psi Delta and when we were installed as Alpha­E ta of P i Kappa P hi he was elected archon of the chapter without oppositi on. H e is now serv­ing hi s second term in this office.

Besides making the honor roll constantl y he is a member of the varsity debating team of H ow­ard CoLlege with the pres ident of the student body as a colleague. H e is also an active member of the Y. M. C. A. cabinet . In addition he was one of the founders of Alpha Gamma E psilon Li terary fraternity, which has a very exclusive membership, and has for two yea rs served as assistant business manager of the E ntre No us, the Howard College annual.

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r­cl 3.

;; t d 'f

~ 'rnE STAR AND LAMP of P1 KAPPA PHr ~ ~--------------------------------------------Brother Denny Leaves Playmakers B RO'l'BER GEORGE V. DE INY, Kappa,

manager of the Carolina Playmakers, fa-lllous clra t' . . f N ma 1c group at the U111vers tty o

orth Carol' I d I. . . ff

tn a, 1as ten ered 11 s res tgnatwn, e ective • . tJ next commencement, and wtll enter

1 ~,real estate bu s iness in A heville. 1

he Play makers were founded by Prof. 1· rederi 1 "L~ v c < .n · Koch e ight years ago, and two . ears hte B I D . . . u . ' r, rot 1er . enny, then a lJn tv erst ty ~hntor, who had been actively identified with

e group was placed in charge of the business lllanage . tl ment. Smce then he has been head of

le bu sin . . b . I

e. s organtzat ton and has een 111 c larg f PJ e o · the direction of a number of the . aymaker productions. Following graduation

~ ~922 , he was elected to members hip in the ntvers' t f . 1 Y ·acuity a nd smce then has taught a

course . I tn cram a tic production.

Brother Denny said that while hi s active connect' ton with the Playmakers would cease nex t J. 1"1 une, he would continue to work with n-or 1< t o • och on a plan lookin g toward the fonna-IOn f

· a permanent repertory company that Would 1 . produce native plays on a profess ional last 1'1 . b f

· 1e company would mclude mem ers 0 PI b

aymaker casts who had shown exceptional a ilit 1 . . . . S y. t would VJS tt vanous towns 111 the

late in t . . . d' 1. ro ·attOn, presentmg plays wntten, t-ected I • anc acted by native Tar Heels. He re-

cently 1 1 • . 1 'i'l lac a conference m Durham wtt 1 lomas D' I . ll txon. the author, who offered 11111

Me us_e of his large auditorium at vVildacres, r ~- Dncon's big estate, as a summer colony for e earsa ls for such a company.

b B_rother Denny in entering the real estate

13Ustness in Ashevi lle will be associated with \1everly Hills Corporation and the Carolina

11 ount · atns Realty Corporation.

Condemn College Football d

11_1tercollegiate football is condemned as con-

Uctve t d . I . b . a o nn ong, gam ltng and dishonesty lllong t d s u ents and neglect of their work by a

committee of the American , \ ssociation of Ill-

1•ersity J rofes ors. The report of the committee on metho Is of

increasing- the intellectual interests and rai sing the intellectual standards of undegraduates is published in the association's April bulletin .

The committee favors limitation of student participation in intercollegiate football to one

year, or the adoption of faculty coaching systems conducted by men of "character and personal inAuence."

\Vhile fo tball is a good sport, the report says in " its present excess," it has demoralized student bodies. ·

The committee is headed by Professor Ernest W. Wilkins, of the L'niversity of Chicago. The committee recommends that representative from various colleges form a committee with a view to adopting a general plan which may be put in operation before the opening of the football sea­son next fall.

That Large Badge Again (From General Bulletin No. 12)

The poll of the chapters taken on the question of authorizing the use of the large oversize badge has resulted in a vote of decided disap ­proval by a majority of the chapters. There will he no change in our regulations on this point, therefore, and it mu. t be plainly under tood that the large "police" style of badge is not officia l in l'i Kappa Phi. We feel sure also that it can immediately be assumed that anyone wearing such a badge did not secure it from Burr, Pat­terson & Company, our official jewelers, and that he either did not know of or did not regard our contract with them. If each chapter wi ll adopt a firm attitude on this point. such pur­cha es. f:om "pirating" jewelers will soon drop lo a mmtmum.

These big badges have probably seemed. like a lot of other "bootleg" articles, the more desir­able becau e prohibited. Now the choice ha been made by the undergraduate chapters them-elves, and the members must observe the de­

cision, since it is of their own making.

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Columbia Alumni Gets Charter By T. A. HAUSER

T here is a song that has its beginning some­thing like this, "When good fe llows get to­gether," and there is no better description of the thirty-odd brothers who gathered at the Jerome Hotel for a real feast and good time, on that memorable night of February 12, when th e Columbia (S. C.) A lumni chapter received its charter.

A lthou gh we were a little disappointed that some of the brothers from th e undergraduate chapters that were invited cou ld not come, they will r eally never know just what they missed.

Vve did not indulge in too much oratory as there were other things that were of greater importance, but Brother John D. Carroll was here and it was absolutely necessary that he have the floor for a few minutes. Brother Carroll is a g ifted speaker, and when he gets w ith a crowd of Pi Kapps he just "cuts loose." It is truly interesting to hear him tell of hi s experi ences.

We were fortun ate to have Brother Hamp­ton Mixon w ith us. He presented our charter and g·ave us some mighty good adv ice w hich we arc trying to follow.

If at any time, any brother happens to be in Col umbia the second Monday nig ht of the month, drop around to the Green Parrot Tea Room about 8 o'clock and meet with us.

Atlanta Chapter Enthusiastic By An'l'llUH vV. lJARRI S

Atlanta alumni are awake and their meetings have been well attended. Meetings a re held the third Sunday in every month at 17 East Fifth street and all P i Kapps are cordia!Jy invited to drop around if they happen to be in Atlanta.

The spirit of the Chicago convention has had its influence here and more enthusiasm has been shown by the Atlanta alumni than any time pre·

viously. . !0 The alumni chapter had a banquet Aprtl

and had as its guest a member from each of th~ active chapters in Atlanta. Fellowship of P~ Kappa P hi was rekindled in some of the ol "grads" who were about to withdraw to the business world altogether.

\11/e intend having our next meeting at ~i chapter house, Oglethorpe U niversity, which 15

the first chapter in Georgia to buy a house.

Nebraska Alumni N u chapter alumni are taking a very acti"~

part in the conduct of Nu chapter affa irs an( especia lly in rushing for nex t fall. The Omah~ alumni are particularly active in this respect an on April 24th gave a rush banquet. The Omah~ men line up a goodly number of prospects an the active chapter joins in on the fun and feed· In this way we get acquainted with the Omaha men and get an idea of the men we will want to rush next fall. Other alumni have contributed prospects, but we want to have the largest rush week we have ever held next fall so everybodY keep their heads up and eyes open and Tu chaP" ler will profit therefrom.

February 4 marked the elate of R udy Lucke's marriage to Miss Pearl Hanneman of ChicagO· Rudy. a recent active, is now one of the prot11'

inent chicken ranchers of the state. Two other brothers have recently married:

Dill Simpson of Horton, Kans., and Earl vVat ner of Stel.l a, Nebr.

\".1 e received a lette r from George Odgers in which he wishes all the Pi Kapps the best of luck and states that the Calcutta Boys School is get· ting along ni cely.

Sig Coombs, besides being one of the educators of the state, has managed to again shine in dra· matic circles, this time in a different light, bY

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:e's go. iJll'

0 rs ra· bY

d en

]d he

pi is


judging . van ous declamatory contests through-

out high 1 • brothers and we hope that more will soon adopt the same plan. sc 10ols m northeast Nebraska. He is

another I . 1 Bill c 11c c.en rancl1e: of note. . .

. Wehmlller has g1ven up sugar refmmg and IS engaged . I

0 111 t 1e typewriter business in L incoln .

scar y 1 SOtt th '-OC 1, who recently r eturned from the

ern ]' · . rou 1 c une, ts agam working for the Rur-g 1s A ld '

R c mg Machine compa ny. \ a]ph A d . l. n erson, N u chapter m pector ; Carl

essenhop J I r

locat . ' au k enda ll and E ldon K iffin a re Nu c~d In L incoln and ta ke an active interest in

apter affa irs Robert (D 1 ) ·, . . • ll R . u .;e t\ ellmgton, who recerved h1s

Pro.f ' · .111 Februa ry, is associated in the lega l CSSIOn . t] \T Cra f WI 1 erne (Pooch ) Thomas at

' w Ord, Nebr. . \\'innie E l

anc] a I . men, a member of the law faculty ver lncoln attorney, pays us frequent and

y Welcome visits. We ha · ·

loa. 've V1s1ts f rom the fo ll owing brothers,

\ 1 · T van 1 T edge, George Dri ver J oe Thomas. erne 1'! ' R 1 lOmas, Charles Reed Earl Wagner ,

"eu )en M ' B

as ton and Bernie Dodds. rather 1 ·

1·ou 1

a umnus, don' t forget the spnng nc -up b giv' · anguet. Look for the alumni bulletin 111g the exact date.

~J~ ~' t:.. ~~~ .=~~

Los Angeles Alumni Hold Banquet By M. F. H oERGER

'T'he l N . os Angeles alumni chapter sta r ted the ew Ye ' I he]c] a r Wit 1 a very success ful banquet

twe Janua ry 16 at the Jonathan club, when ,

11.tY-four of the brothers gathered for a happy

C\ en1ng.

Elated b 1 • . the Y t1e success of the1r f1rst a ttempt,

Vl/e of the Los A ngeles alumni a re pa r t icu­la rl y anx ious that brother Pi Kapps the world over should know that we are "on the map" and want to know when any of the brothers a re so­journing in Southern Cali fornia. J . L . Erickson and M. F. JT oc rge r, the archon and secreta ry, respectively, can be located during business hours at the Southern Californi a T elephone Company offi ces, 740 outh O li ve st reet, telephone Faber 9000, so let 11s k now when yon arc iu town, and we will be g lad of the opportun ity to exten d the g lad hand to you.

~~~ ~If., ~If.,


Garrison Heads Charlotte Pi Kapps At a recent dinner mee ting of the Charlotte

( N. C.) Alumni chapter, held a t the Southern J\ I anu fac turers club, Barnette Garri son, Epsilon, was elected p res ident ; Caldwell P . J ohnston, Ep­sil on, vice-president, and Richa rd L. Young, r( appa, secretary-treasu rer.

Interest in the meetings of the chapter is in­creasing and its membersh ip is g rowing as new brothers come to the Q ueen City to reside. A ll brothers, who come to Cha rlotte, are asked to communicate with Brother Garri son, a t the regis­ter of deeds offi ce, coun ty courthouse.

Brother Turner Weds

B rother Herman Epps Turner, Chi, '23, was married May 8 to M iss Helen Hollingsworth, o f Dalton, Ga. T he ce remony was perfor med at the First Presbyterian Church at Dalton. Bro­ther Turner resides a t B radentown, F la.

~!~ S'~ ~\I~


lllen~ew 1926 offi cers have completed a rrange­five and have issued the call to some seventy­fa .0 f the brothers residing in Southern Cali­. l'nla to b

April 2

e present a t a banquet to be held Also 4th a t the Bamboo Gardens cafe.

ali th ' as a genera l announcement, we want third e brothers to know that on the first and brat] M ondays of each month , a number of the

Brother Brown Weds Miss Stude­baker

1ers ta meet for noon luncheon at T ait's res-l!rant s·

beco . 0 11 tx th street. T hese luncheons are llltng a regular habit with many of the

On April 22 at J acksonville, F la ., Brother Robe rt Ogden Brown, P i, '24, was ma rried to M iss L illian E dna Studebaker. After May 15 they were at home at E dgewood Gardens, J ack­sonville.

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Brother Everson Marries Brother George Everson, Chi, was married last

month at DeLand, Fla., to Miss Florence Maim, of Sanford, Fla. Brother and Mrs. Everson will make their home at Palatka, Fla., where Brother Everson is a prominent attorney. Brother Ev­erson was for two terms chapter inspector for Florida. He has been prominent in American Legion affairs and was one of the representa­tives chosen by the national organization of the Legion to lead the drive for its endowment fund. In this capacity he gained a wide reputation as an orator and organizer.

Brother Kirk Marries Brother Carl Kirk was married February 16

to Miss Cecelia Mary Crowley of Chicago. They are making their home at 7545 Kingston avenue. Chicago.

~It- ~\ 1 /..; ~1 /..;


Brother and Mrs. Magruder Have Daughter

Lila J ean Magruder, April 28, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Magruder, ·wooster, Ohio. Tiro­ther Magruder is an alumnus of Omega and is now connected with the Agricultural Experi­ment Station of Ohio State. Mrs. Magruder is a g raduate of Indiana U niversity.

Brother vVilliam L. Simpson, N u, was wed to Miss O live Viola Kirchner at Kansas City, Mo., March 6. They are residing at 117 \Ves1 Eighth street, ]-Jorton, Kans.

T~rother Brett R. Hammond, Iota, '24 .. writes that "since coming to Florjda he has run into Jli Kapps in every town. Bere in Bradenton is Brother H. E. Turner of Chi." Brother Ham­monel is now connected with the Florida Power and Light Company in Lakeland.


Bartolo Rodriguez, Jr., Iota, '20, is taking an active part in the business life of Tampico, through hi s profession of civil engineer. He haS

. 0 recently been elected secretary of the Tamp'c Rotary Club, and also appointed a delegate 10

the convention to be held in Denver, Colo., June 14-1fs.

The former alumni of Psi Delta Fraternity. which became lpha Eta of ] i Kappa Phi, Ap~il 25, 1925, are showing a splendid enthusiasm '.11

their efforts to renew their affiliation with their fraternity, and be received as members of pi Kappa Phi within the time limit allowed. 'f\\'0

brothers from Clearwater, Florida, recently dr01'e over one thousand miles in a day and a half to take the initiation at their alma mater. 'fhC chapter celebrated its first anniversary by at· tending a leading church in Birmingham in ~ body on Sunday, April 25, and on the night fol· lowing had a wonderful outing at a beautiful lake near Birmingham. There were seventt seven on the party which was a " howling sue· cess."

L. T-:Tarry Mixson, Alpha, '07, one of the found· ers of Pi Kappa Phi, sailed April 16 for a i\\'0'

months' trip to European countries on business . h

for the \A/. H. Mixson Seed Company, of wh!C he is vice-president and general manager.

\V. E. McTier, Eta, '23, has resigned his poSI' tion with the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and is now a pastor in the South Geor· g ia Conference. II is new address is Box 24.1. Dublin, Ga.

Frank Oswald l\'filler, Jr., Alpha-Epsilon, ·z6, was married September 1, 1925, and is now Ii 1' '

ing in Jacksonville.

Ralph Seer Owings, Zeta, '24, was marri e~ last June to Miss Josephine Williams of l\J ian11 '

Florida. Ten Pi Kapps from six eli fferenf chapters took part in the wedding.

Arthur Vv. Hovater, Omicron, '20, and JVfis' Lula Moody were married at Wetumpka, March 16, 1926.

r 1s 1

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'26, Jiv·



Beta Has Track Champs By ].\CK RoBER'l's

A 'I' the present Beta is very engrossed in track. 'vVe have some brothers who are

showing up well in several events. During a recent meet between Presbyterian college and the Dniver sity of South Carolina Beta athletes Won twenty-five points for their Alma Mater. S. N. Hughes won first place in the pole vault and placed in the high hurdles. Brother Fer­guson placed second in both the shot put and the discus throw. Brothers Arthur and Thomas ~rafton placed first and second, respectively, 111

the half-mile run Brother Roberts won first I . . P ace ll1 the mile run.

'Ne are ably represented on the freshman track team by Brother Arnold Marshall, who ~~~1S th e low hurdles and the quarter mile, and

1 ut" Fewell, who high jumps and pole vaults. Brother Swedenberg is doin g som e good

Work on the varsity debating team. He was a 111

etnber of the t eam that defeated 'vVofford and Newberry colleges. . Brother "Cotton" Neighbors was r ecentl y ~nitiated into the chapter. He is an outstand­~ng man of the freshman class, being prom­In ent in several branches of athletics. , , Brothers K. E. Hughes, Arthur Grafton, H. l. Swedenberg, "Jimmy" Reid and Jack Rob­erts are members of the Glee club, which just compl eted a tour of the state.

'r. B. Grafton was recently elected editor-in­chi ef of The Blue Stocl~ing, the coll ege news­Paper. He was a lso elected president of the Isis chapter of Sigma Upsilon.

New Brothers at Epsilon By J AY ll M;T,

D DE to the late initiat io 1~ n~l es at Davidso.n College, a list of Epsilon s new brothels

ha~ not yet appeared in TI-IE STAR AND LA~r. It IS with pride that we announce the followmg

initiates : Maury A . Johnston, '27, of Charlotte, N . C.; Ben G. Alderman, '28, of Alcala, S. C.; B. H. Owen Geer, '29, of Charleston, S . C.; James B. Hall, Jr., '29, of Belmont, N. C.; James

W. vVilliams, '29, of Greensboro, N. C.; Kenneth Maddox, '29, of Greensboro, N . C.; R. Marion Gant, '29, of Greensboro, N. C.; Whit N. Mid­dleton, '29, of Mobile, Ala. ; Robert C. Grady, '29, of Wilmington, N. C.; Neil A. McDonald, '29, of Raeford, N . C.

Each man is taking an active interest in college activities, with practically every phase of outside work included. Brother McDonald made his monogram on the Fresh football team, while Brothers \ r\ 'illiams, 1\Jiddleton, and Gant were on the squad. \ Villiams suffered a. broken col~ar bone at the first of the season, wh1 ch caused h1m to do a lot of bench warming, but next year we hope to see him make a good bid. fo~ varsity. Brothers Gant and Geer are both btddmg for a place on the Fresh baseball squad, and Brothers Williams, Middl eton, Grady, Maddox are out for track, while Alderman is out for cheer leader. Jimmie Hall is our star golfer, and i_s also ~ut for basketball manager. MacDonald IS workmg on the managership of track.

Brother Geer plays trumpet in the Glee club ·azz orchestra and reports a very enj oyable trip !outh with the club. Drother Grady is doing very promising work. al on~ liter~ry lines-both in society and in Dav1dsoman art1cles. He fur­ther distinguished him self by winning the de­cla imer's medal as best from the F reshman class, as well as a place on the freshman intercollegiate debating team.

The old men in the chapter have not been Jagging. They worked hard during a long rush season, and got good men as results, but they've held their places in outside affairs as we ll. B ro­thers Frank and John Kugler are both sharing honors on the ba eball team. Brother Buck Shaw is resting on his laurels now, for the very good reason that there are no more laurels left for the college or student body to give him . He as editor-in-chief has put out one of the best

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annuals for us this year that we have seen. Brother Sonny P ullen won first place on the intercoll egiate debating team; Brother Sims is showing up well in track thi s spring, and received his bid to Scabbard and Blade, an honorary fra­ternity for those taking higher work along mili ­tary lines.

For the first time, Davdison has sponsored inter-fraternity basketball. The games were in­teresting, and Epsilon went to the finals. After w inning from the Kappa Alphas and the Kappa Sigmas, we were beaten by the Ph i Gamma Deltas. The chapter also stood second only to the Pi Kappa Alphas in scholarship for the first semester, with an average of 84 plus.

Vve were very sorry to lose Brothers Gus and J o Bowers after Christmas. P ledge Griffin Mc­Clure of Graham, N. C., has not yet been initi ­ated, but we hope to take him in just as soon as possibl e. He showed up well in football, and is star pitcher for the Freshmen.

We are happy to have initiated Prof. G. R. Vow.les as a faculty member. Professor Vowles is the head of the German department, and has studied and traveled extensively. He was a Rhodes schola r at Oxford and has taken gradu­ate work in var ious American and foreign uni ­vers ities. He will receive his P h.D. degree from University of Chicago this summer.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ .. ~~~

Zeta Initiates Seven '11111!"'~,..,... ., .. :--::-~"":. ... ~_.._ .. ~;;... ... e'll*" -- -·§ · INCE the publication of the last issue of

TI-lE STAR AND LAMP, seven brand new Pi Kapps have become brothers in Zeta chap­ter. They are: Russell King, Hartsville, S. C., presi dent of the freshman class and captain of the fr eshman footba ll team ; Robert Jones, Mari on, S. C., star baritone soloist of the far­famed Wofford Glee clu b; Julien Rogers, Fort Myers, F la.; Rembert Owings, J ohn ston, S. C., brother of Francis and Ralph, and one of the most likab le fres hm en in school; W. R. Drake, Bennettsville, S. C., of all-round abi lity; W right Nash, Spartanburg, S. C., Zeta's em­bryonic lawyer; Monie Hudson, the scholar of his class, who lives in town. In addition to these men, Graydon Rivers is pledged. Rivers

is a star football player, and is making a name for him self on the freshm an baseball teat11· Tucker McCravy, of Spartanburg, S. C., who was also pledged, found it necessary to droP out of school after the first term.

W ith spr ing in t he a ir, a ll the campus is a-talk with baseball dope. On our varsitY baseball squad there are three P i Kapps-­Brothers Swett, second base; P layer, center· field, and vVcst, utility.


The basketball season just closed brought the state title to vVofford. Brother Keitt Sm ith played as a r egu lar on the 'fcrrier team, and was one of the most consistent players and brightest star s .

At the date of writin g, the far-famed glee club-the State's Sweetest Singers-is on its annual tour. T hi s club was awarded the state cup in the in tercoll egiate g lee club contest held recently. On the club we are represented b)' Brother O'Neil Landrum, manager; Brother F rank Rogers, ass istant manager; Brother Jones, star baritone, and Brother Kell y, saxo­phone ace.

In the forensic field, Brother Holcombe is on the varsity debating team, and Brother Der­rick is alternate. Both these brothers have

[ 20 ]

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e J,


s ~·



111ade p· v 1 •'-appa Delta, h norary forensic fra­


P.tans are going stead ily forward for the

11f~· tng ~Forma l which will come this year about S Y 2o. \Ve expect to have quite a few of _outhdom' Most Beautiful to grace the occa-ton d e ' an we hope to entertain as many broth-

t rs from other chapters as can find it po s ibl e o come.

]3 We lo e by graduation this year seven men. crrother Chipley, archon, is manager of the I' ass-country team, president of one o( the ttcra . .

c ry octettes, art editor of the annual, and Xc han d' 11' c .· gc e ttor of the college monthly pu) t-

tatton; Brother Holcombe past archon, is edi-or f '

t 0 the annual, president of the Honor Sys-dern, vice-pre ident of the tudent Body, pres i­d cnt of the International Relations club, presi­t~nt .of the Press Bureau, president o( one of th c ltterary societies, circulation manager of be college newspaper, a member of Pi Kappa a elta forensic fraternity, Sigma Upsilon liter-ry fraternity, and chairman of the Senior

Order of Gnomes, senior honorary. Brother Landrum is manager of the tate champion glee club, pre ident of one of the literary so­cieties, and director of the college band. Br -ther Owings i the chapter's authority on men's ready-to-wear, and past master in the wiles of the fair. Hrother Reames is \\ 'afford's greatest clef n ive fullback of all time. Prather Rogers is tenor on the glee club, and a si tant manager of the club. Brother \Vest is a football star, a baseball player of no mean renown, and president of one of the literary societies.

~"~ ~\lk. ---..)'IG._ ~ ~ .

Eta Receives Three By B. K. Bn,nRJ\Y

E TA has the pleasure of introducing three new l'i Kapps through the initiation of

Freshmen Joe Puett, Eastman, Ga.; Johnnie erwinner, Atlanta, Ga., and Charlie Robinson,

Valdosta, Ga. Following the initiation, the whole chapter was entertained at a banquet. At this time the p titian of Tau } appa Phi, local, of Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, A Ia., was voted on and passed unanimously.

During the pa t week-end, the Southern con­vention of Alpha Kappa Psi (Commercial ) was held in At lanta, with the chapters of Tech and Emory acting host for the occasion. Four Eta men are taking very active part in the Emory chapter.

hort while back, our long looked for cof­fee party was given at the Capital City club.

pring elections are being held by degrees, and so far we are glad to announce that the Phoenix of next year will be under the editorship of Brother Henry Trost, the assistant editorship of the Campus goes to Brother l edding Blalock, and the vice-presidency of th Y. M. C. A. to llr ther Claude Frederick.

Tra k dt Emory under the manager hip of Brother Ed Henton i showing sign of great activity. Brother Cordon Benn tt is showing up well with the weights.

With the coming of spring track, warm day , green trees, spring fever, and all such things, we al o find plan for the summer being dis­cussed, and from present indications it seems

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that Eta is to be well represented in places other than Georgia th is summer. When the Glee club sai ls for its summer tour of Europe it will carry with it the fo ll owing brothers: Ed Bruce, Pete Sti les, Marshall Vandiver, Jimmy Jinkins, Ray­mond N ixon, and B. K. Bi lbrey. Eel Benton and Johnni e Gerwinner are also going over fo r a ummer's travel, and Marion Camp is head ing

for points south with his family.

Iota Raises Scholarship By EsTILL EzELL

A LTHOUGH it has not been heard fr~ for several months Iota chapter has been

far from dormant. For one t hin g Iota came through the mid­

term exams w ith flying colors, not a man drop­ping by the wayside. ln fact, we raised our scho lastic standing from near the bottom to aro un d t he half way mark We placed three men on the honor roll in the persons of Marvin McGraw, Buster Reeves, and Est ill Ezell, each standing at the head of his respective section.

F urthermore, Iota has not been idl e in inter­fraternity athl etics. In t he annual cross­cou ntry race, w hi ch opens the track season at Tech, Iota fini shed a strong second for pos­session of the si lver loving cup. We already have two legs on this cup and hope to gain permanent possession of it at the race next spring by w inning it the t hird time. We didn't fare so well in the basketball tournament be­tween the frate rnities, having been eliminated in t he first game. At present we are practicing for inter-fraternity basebal l. We have good material, especially a long needed pitcher in Brother D. 0. Martin. ·

lt is well to say h ere t hat Iota initiated into Pi Kappa P hi in February nine pledges: " ) ul iu s" aesar, Bill Schall , Eel Powell , Mathi s l ~ze ll , Donovan George, Harlan Lloyd, Lamar Hrazwell, D. 0. Martin , and Sanders Roland.

One o( the biggest dances in Iota's history was held April 26. The famous Dru id Hi ll s Golf club wa the scene of "the Bowery ball," unique in the social annals of Georgia Tech.

In closing Iota w ishes to express deep r egr ~t in losing eight seniors by their graduation 111

June. The budding engineers are Vince~~ Heck, Stewart Marshall, Bill Lowndes, Btl Gordy, "Dog" MacLean, Johnny WimberlY• "Speedy" N unez, and Jack Stewart.

Kappa Brothers Prominent By JoE R. BmmrTT, JR.

A N enumeration of all the activities of KapPa . · ter

chapter and its members clunng the W111 . 'bl . the and spring quarters would be 1mposs1 e 111 r-

limited space allotted us here, but we feel ce tain that the following brief survey of its re~­ords and honors will show even the most fastid~­ous how intimately P i Kappa P hi and the 0 1


versity of North Carolina are connected. 1 . f the In the recent campus e ect10ns one o . r

major offices was voted upon Brother Frazte 'd f the Glenn , who was selected as pres1 ent o

Y. M. C. A. for the forthcoming year. Brother Glenn is at present busily engaged as the treas· urer of the "Y," secretary-treasurer of the G.er· man club, member of the Holy Grail , and asS151' ant manager of track, with promotion almost certa in in the last position.

I '11'' Brother Dan Moore, our recently electec ' I b "b'cl" b thC chon and house manager, 1as een 1 Y

ancient and honorable order of P hi Beta Kappll· since his ave rage for the two and two-third; years was considerab.ly over the minimum 92. i

In track, Brot!J r Jeff Fordham, president 0

re the Carolina Stu ent Body, has piled up 111°

points than any other individual on the squad• with 46 points to his credit. He hurls the javelin and throws the discus, besides putting the shot when called upon. Brother \~i l kin s is shak· ing a mean 440. .

In winter football practice, Pi Kappa P hi wn' r'J

ably represented by Brothers E lli son and \\ 1.' Ii ams and P ledge Shuler and Eby, who bid faJ( to make a berth on next year's team.

Tn boxing, Brother Bobbitt, fighting in the ,. ·­bantamweight class, made the recent trip to \ 11

ginia where Carolina defeated V. P . I. and Josl to the strong U niversity of Virginia team.

The Playmakers, Carolina's renowned dr:r

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ct ·u t


er IC


matic 0 . . rgantzatJOn, have apparently made an

actor out f B h' o rather Harper and have honored

"made the show," that "practically unassisted he made the show funny," and prai eel the quartette in which \Veston Bruner and "Fuzzy" IcLeocl played a prominent part.

tm recently with the coveted ma k emblem of lllember I . . ' 11P 111 the group.

When tl G F le lee club went to ew York 111 ebruary t b . o e the first Southern school ever

I epresente I . cl

1 c 111 the national intercollegiate gle

u J contest, Brother \\ 'ilkins carried his melodi­ous secon 1 t I' c enor along and helped record Caro-tna voice B

11 s on runswick and Victor records. il[emb rs f tl s 0 1e chapter have almost had to tic

onlc of 't . to

1 1 s energetic freshmen down this year

a . <~ep them from entering every branch of Ct!Vtty \V' I B p1 · Jt 1 ob Harper playing with the aymakers d " I . ,, . R. an g eemg w1th the glee club oy Williams a d "B d" S l I . ' on 1

11 u 1t1 er makmg places R. r le mythical all-state freshman football team

0Y \\ill' · 111 tams also selected to captain the fresh-

an baseball tea 'D I" Sl I . . I of . ' m, >tiC 1u er, vtce-prestc ent h1s cia d

IJI . ss, an Frank Ellison and Clyde Eby

ayma . I ){ to

1 egu ar on the freshman football team, appa has been well represented. 0£ p . .

remter Importance to the charJter and esp · j ectally the fre hmen was the initiation held ,~1

t before the Easter holidays when nine pledges

I ere initiated a follows: Bill Scott Greens-Jor0 N ' C.\ ·C.; Roy Williams, Hendersonville, N.

()·: Vaddel Gholson Henderson I\ C · Frank N .I - , . , .. , I) et ' II nder on, K. C.· Frank Ellison, New >ern N , ' .

:-; ' · C.; \\ alter i\I oore Bryson, . \ she\' tile . C!. C.; Watts Farthing, Wilmington, i\. C.;

larles \\1' ] p 1

1 son, \Vilson' 1\fill, N. C., and \OJert H

Pled arper, Charlotte, N. C. Only two •1

ges are left lo be initialed next year, James ' lUler f S . N ~ o altsbury, :t\. C., and lyde Eby, of

ew Lern J c It i .' . .

11 s Wtlh the keenest regret that Kappa an-

ounces ll I . . l 1c oss, by tlllcl -year graduatton . of ,~~0 of its most active and well-liked members,

\Ooney" 1) · d r >Oone, past archon. chapter wtt, an epre ent t' c I f a tve to hicago. and T ferberl Branc. 0~'n1er 1 lr louse manager and collector-of -clues ex-aordinary 111 a re . l · I · lt· cen ca mpus ntustcal comedy anc mm-

st el, succe. sfully engineered by an enterpri ing

13 ~dent, Brother Boone, Harper, 1\f cLeod, in ~ner and Hunter participated. The Tar Heel

Jts 't· I en tea comment said "Rooney" Boone

Lambda's Progress By E. D. CnrM

A LTHOUGH "Progress of Lambda" was the theme of our last discu sion in T IJI·:

ST.\R ~\ ' D L.\~IP, we feel sure that our readers will bear with us this time on the same sub­ject, because our strides forward ha\'e been

so noticeable that we feel that you will not tire of reading good news. In the pa t few

weeks Brothers John Holder, Metz Holder and Robert Gracey were initiated into the national honorary commercial fratermty, Delta

Sigma Pi, which is quite a eli tinction at the

University of Georgia. Brother Wm. E. Tal­

ley was pledged to Alpha Kappa Jlsi. . \t the

last meeting of the Economics ociety. Brothers S. ~1 . 1\Ierritt and ] f. E. Smith were elected to the offices of vice-president and secretary and

treasurer. Brother Jack Gray was elected pres ident of the International Relations club. Brother George S. Johnson was elected vice­pre ident of Georgia Athletic association.

Jlrother E. JJ. Crim was elected president of the first year Law class. Brother A. G. Var­nedoe was made a istant editor of The . 1 gri­wlturist, a publication of wide scope and large circulation. Next year the editorship will prob­ably go to Brother Varnecloe, and thi s is the biggest honor on Ag. Hill.

Out of the fifteen fraternities here every year about fifteen men arc taken into the "Biftad" club, and this year we had two men to make this honor. They were Brother R H. Gracey and H. E. Smith, Brothers Johnson and Sh 1·­

lock being the older members from our chap­ter. ur lat st pledges to Delta Sigma Pi are: H. E. Smith, S. l\1. Merritt and Jas. Williams. Recently six of our freshmen were taken in the Fre hman club, which sponsor one of the b e t dances given at the university.

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M u Finishing Strong B:v 11mn 1 I. Cor/1'

M u is now end ing one of her greatest years . T he present enrollment is larger than ever

before and her members have taken more than their share of honors on the campus. Twelve men have been pledged, most recently Ed Turner from Rocky Mou nt, a freshman football star. Eight of these twelve have been initiated, bring­ing the enrollment to twenty-two ac ti ves and four p ledges.

Mu loses four men thi s sp ring by graduation. Hrother G. B. Caldwell , archon, is an all-state fullback, a record-breaker in track, a member of two honorary societies, The Tombs and The Red Friars, a mem ber of th e Glee club, the Greater Trinity club, and the Student council.

Brother S. W. P ickens is president of the Musical club and of a literary society, a member of the Dramatic club and The Tombs.

Drother H. B. Johnson was all -southern catcher in '23 and a ll -state for the three con­secutive yea rs, a football star , president of the Sophomore class, and is a member of The Tombs and The Red Friars.

13rother S. A. Vest is f ini shing hi s pre-medical course in three years and has recently been initi ­ated into Beta Gamma P i, a scientifi c society.

Ilrother Sarn Bundy is vice-president of the class of '27, secretary of a litera ry society, feature editor of the Chanticleer, a member of the Archive staff, and a veteran cheerl eader.

Brothers Borland and Bright are managing the varsity basketball and tmck teams next year. Brother Allan Pegram made hi s letter in track thi s yea r. Brothers ·wetherby and Bunting and Pl edge Turner were members of the freshman footba11 team. B rothers Cotton and Cassidy were recently initi ated into an honMary frate r­ni ty, !leta Omega S igma.

Brother M. I. P ickens is completing his post­graduate work this spring and will receive an M.A. degree.

Other members are working for sti ll more honors to uphold Mu's prestige on the campus.

N u Chapter Active By M r·:LVl N KERN

T HINGS are humming at Nu. Mid-seme~­ter exams are over and thoughts are aga111

turned to the more sublime things of spring. N u chapter has initiated four men who have

shown the very keenest interest in the fraternitY and school affairs. They are: Alton Oren­dorff, Byrum Johnson. Sawyer Abbott. and Carl eton 1--:T.utchins.

Two pledges have been added to our li st: · Victor Schmidt, of Summerf ield , Kans. , wh0

plays baseball besides being a F rosh pre-la'" student.

Lewis Stockwell , of Morri ll , Nebr., who is a track star of note, plays a trumpet and is a F reshman "Bizad."

In school activities we have Orendorff and Schmidt as Pershing Rifles, Abbott, a Gamrna Lambda, and J ohnson, a pledge of Sinfonia. Stockwell is making good use of his track pos· sibilities. E rwin Domeier and Melvin Kern are officers of Delta Sigma P i and Drother Kern is in charge of the gala day for the "Bizad" college.

I-:T arold Zinnecker is a captain in the army, and Ray Hall first lieutenant.

Maaske and Lewis will accompany the Glee club on its annual tour.

N u is the proud possessor of an inter-£rater· nity bowling skin due to the superior perform· ance of Hall , M. K iffin , Tracy, Sloan, Lieurance and Maaske.

Another inter-fraternity championship was • I

brought to our abode by our Champion "Fight111

Bu11" Jiggs. Jiggs entertained some 10,000 loyal Cornhuskers one morning this winter by making mince meat of the pride of Delta Tau Delta, said Delt clog was sent to the infirmary while Jiggs was loudly applauded by all. N u wou ld be will· ing to pit Jiggs against the hounds, etc., of anY of the other chapters.

In basketball we were successful in taking a hard fought battle of two extra periods frol11

the Sigma N u cagers. We were stumped and eliminated in the second round by the Kappa Sigs, one of the contenders for the champion­ship.

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n n

,d nn in. ,s-re is re. \d


r· n· ;e

iS , 1

)! If

" d ·s





'l'i d le baseball team has been energetically in-

ulging i . . . , . n sprmg trammg.

1 he 1 · • •

1 l1vers1ty abolished baseball and we are

Ucky t I . . 0 1ave the va rs1ty star hurler Dome1er as coacl d . 1 an h1 s contender for honors, Maaske, as Ott r hurler

r Nebraska !~as again surpassed its own world ecorct in I . .

i lav1ng held the largest basketball classic 11 the I

hi 1

wor d. This tournament consisted of 339 h g, schools of the state. The niversity was ost to the . . . 0 I e1·s se V1s1tmg athletes, some 3,00 pay-

and coaches. Nebra 1

\r cS<a was again awarded the ~lissouri ailey d Ottt oor track class ic. We will be host

lo the · · · . . Vtsttlllg valley teams at that time, and it

PI Olllls 0 e to be one of the best ever held. Ne-raska I

las some bids fo r world's records and IVe ar \V· e expecting big things from our athletes. in lth 1 ebraska's memorial stadi um with a seat­

IV~J cap_acity of some 40,000, and the Field House

eas i; IX regulation basket ball courts we can cl y accommodate any athletic event. u

lapter 'II tl WI be host to all visiting Pi Kapps at lat til

esp . ne. \Ve expect a large delegation and Pr eclally urge all the Alpha-Gam brothers to be

esent at that time. S.ioan N I 1 • M' W'l

111a :P ea was recent y marned to ISS 1 -

arsons of Falls City.

u chapter has for years held the di stinction of having the real parties of the year. \tVe have upheld this tradition in fine style this year. First it was the Fall Party, next a hri stmas Party, and then it was a Chapter Formal at the Scottish Rite temple.

\\ ' e have had a number of house parties and the one Nla rch 27th was another of the real numbers.

Now Brothers, let's look to the future! The Omaha alumni are helping us. The most im­portant feature there is the spring rush banquet. The active chapter journeys to Omaha to meet the ru bees whom they have lined up and to further establish the importance of Pi Kappa Phi. N u chapter enjoys a fairly large range of territory and we have a.iumni in many strategic points, but they aren't making the best of it. \Ve will gladly send rush cards to any brother who has a likely prospect lined up and will co­operate in any way possible. Furthermore we suggest that the national ties be strengthened by a co-operative system of informing other chap­ters of prospective men who are attending their institution. \1\ 'e have enjoyed some such in­formation in the past and hope that it will con­tinue.

[ 25]

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1£\.v Domeie~ hurl.r ~ ro.ean ...rphet'e

f -rom the mound. ShoWin8 Hall in a~tio't'­&J' rthe 'l)i Ka:pp.r were

-------""win.nin& the rnit'erf-rat Sowlint Champion.rhip

&o..rco Zuvel:"­shoWJ' J'ome l:'eal claJ'J' a.J' C.. • gt'idiron wat'rtor

f\ ay 1 ewi.r r.J •

']"'he 1)rum l1aJor what a.m.!

lntl:"od.uci.n8 Ji88JI ,... the fiEhtin,eJI+ :DeS that -ever-.kl:'od our' Com.pu..r.

Page 29: 1926_2_May

/ /


Xi Forging Ahead By D. w. R AMSEY, JR.

DDP . '-!NG the past month few thin gs have k Interrupted the diligent pursuit after

now]edge to which we seriously addressed ourselves after the res ults of the first-term examinat· " " . IOns had shown us where we s tood Ill the 1

rea m of sc holarship. We regret to say that OL . 1 . tl . 11 c lapter was cnppled at th e close o[

1e fir st . b · semester by th e loss of the foll owmg

rot hers . "D " H '"I' " G . F · oc arman, ony e1sen, ' rank p . 1 ayne and Ashby Hlll. Vve recently

p edged twelv ~ men . x· . b

1 IS proud of the fact that Brothers Engele-

ofY, Myers and Hoback have b ecome members the A · c 11 egls society as the r esult of their ex-

e enc · . e 111 scholars hip and other campus ac-


Roanol · 1 · d b . ce IS c os1ng her mos t s uccessful e-ating

t season. Brothers Myer Ram sey, Pax-on B '

'[' ' oback and Chapman, all m embers o f au 1(

a appa A lph a, foren s ic fraternity, arc 111ong R I \.Oanoke's undefeated deb aters.

]3 11

a recent " mos t popular student" co ntest roth S

b cr · F. Davies of Frankfort, Ind., won Y a larg · · . r e maJonty. He 1s archon, was our eprese t .

b 11 atJve to the Supreme chapter and has f een an outstanding tackle in Virginia football Or th

e Past four years. Roallok 1

\V' 1

e 1ad a successful basketba ll seaso n It 1 B I t1 rot 1er Ruth erford and Pledge Haislip

1c outst d' s 1 an mg stars while Ramsey has been e ected b h . .

Y Y t e Athletic Council to manage next ear' ch team. The inter-fraternity basketball

ampio h · l p· I<: ns 1p was again hotly contestee. 1 appa's d

Si an Sigma Chi's were runners up, the :s nosing out by one point in the final game. l"l.!ong · 1 b W1t 1 the warm spring days comes

ascball A s · majority of th e chapter can be ee11 ]3 on the field most any afternoon where (\lrothers Rutherford Miller Captain N ick \.., 1a ' ' B: . Pl11an and Hurt are regulars with Pledges

a1slip \i\T . be ' atts and Brown try mg for reg ul ar

rths D . . 1. as . . avleS is manager and H yatt JS llS 51Stant.

Omicron Busy By NEILSON R. O'REAR

W ITH the advent of the spring student elections Omicronites find themselves

with plenty to do. Clarence Williams, '27, is in the race for business manager of Th e Coro!fa . The Co rolla. i the annual publication of the nl ­vc rsity.

Frank Chambers, '27, of 11irmingham, was taken March 20. He and Brother 1 ick Hamner, '28, are catchers on A labama's baseball team and promise g reat things in the near future.

Crothers J esse Stallings, Allison .Ament and Freel Crowder transferred their membership from Rho chapter at \ Va hington and Lee Uni­versity to Omicron after the mid-term exami­nations.

Brother Bob Young continued hi s good work on the Alabama ba ketball quintet thi s eason and as a resttlt became one of the most outstand­ing and consistent players on the team. lli s brother, llill Young. also made his letter at cen­ter, displaying to a decided advantage hi s long legs. Brother ll a rvey Pugh, the old Oshkosh reli able, made a leiter in the same branch of athletics.

Th e three above mentioned men are a lso im­portant factors in Coach Crisp's track team. Dob pole-vaults, BiiJ high-j umps and Tr arvey does anything from the 100-yard to the three-mil e.

11rothcrs Parker l\fize and Herbert Davis were elected to Scabba rd and l11 ade, honora ry mili ­tary fraternity, in the last el ction. They were selected, with some twenty others out of a class of over a hundred off icers.

With the coming of sp ring, the shrubs, trees and grass a round Omicron's new home begin to take on color and present a most pleasing ap­pearance. Other people tell us that we have the prettiest home on the campus and we believe it.

Pi Has New Home B·y DuPREE JoRDAN

P I KAPPA PHI is g rowing by leaps and bounds, but how many of us have ever

stopped to think out the reason for this g rowth

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and prestige. Jl is the work bci ng clone by each indi vidual chapter and a lumni and the fact that these chapters a rc not only growing in number over the country but also in size.

This year P i has clone much to advance Pi Kappa P hi. Our roll has g rown fro m littl e ove r twenty to thirty-five and there is not a member who has nol been in at least one or more coll ege activities, and at present there is not a member who is not in good scholastic standing and ever seni or stands within the fir st third of the class. \Vc have just fini shed by buying a house and furni shing it.

l' i al o takes g reat pride in the fact that we have f urni shed many leaders in activ ities. "Nut­ty" Campbell was elected captain of next year's football team, V/illiam Shands is manager of the baseball team, Pete Mackey i manager of the ln ivcrsity sto re and Gene Li ndsey has been ap­pointed to hold this place next year . Shaffer \ \ ' imbi sh is president of lhc Glee club and George :McMill an is business manager. William Shands is president of the L itera ry society. DuPree J ordan is pres ident of the Debating counci l. \ Vi.ll iam Shands is manager of the Track team. DuPree J ordan is editor-in-ch . ~~ of the annual, and George McMillan is assistant editor, and out

n' of seven seniors four were elected lo honor<l · societies.

~\II~ ,.\IJ, ~~~~


Tau Acquires House By ToM Eow.\ RDS

§ PRJ NG time finds T au located in a 11 1 0:~ desirable house just off of S late College

campu s at 129 Forest Roads in a most attracti,·C house.

1 Gett ing a house furnished and sta rted is no

as easy as many may think. but we finally 11 1 ~": lered the proposit ion and during the ;J!astcl. lances we opened our doors to our friends fol

our " house warming" in the form of a tea ctancC· On Apr il 1 we initiated P ledges Hugh B~1 r ·

wick, ·w illiam Taft, Charles Gunn, Kennell· Hyers, and A. J. J enkin . Of this qui~tet of ne'' initiates Hugh Barwick, better known as '' ne~· ver ," bears th e athl etic ab ility. "Beaver'' i s~ track man and is out to strut hi s wares on thC cinder path.

Y./e are represented on the baseball sq uad ~)' Broth er J ack Brantly. Jack is a catcher of bl~ league. caliber and S tate College looks fonv~r to him to uphold the receiving end of the wolf· pack.

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ig ·d f-


Phi In Renewed Activity T BERE seems to be a brighter outl ook

for P hi in the near future. A ll the fellows have taken on new life in ce the v isit of th e executi ve secretary. They are just beginning to 1· rea 1ze that we are a part of a really great anc1 Wonderful national fraternity.

\Ve initiated four pledges a couple of weeks ago. They a re as follows: Paul Partridge, S~ ncl prings, Okla.; Clifford Markley, Barths­Vlll e, Okla.; Rex Giph ert, E lrens, Okla., an d James Henry, Guthri e, Okla. The initi atory degree was put on in fine shape. Most of the 01

? memb er s were th ere. Two more pledges ~~11 be initiated in a couple of weeks, George

00cla le a nd Cecil Collins. On the w hole we believe we o·ot a fine bunch

of fellow . They all seem to l~e g reatly inter­ested in the fraternity a nd are doing a ll they can to make P hi a real chapter. Partridge is the assistant editor of The Co llegia n (school Paper). Markley is in the orchestra and band, Whil e Giphert is along with him in tooting a ll1ean trombon e. Cecil Collins is captain o f the · . . n gatJve debate team. J ames Henry IS VIce-presid en t of Ministerial A llian ce, w hile George Goodale is sports editor of The Collegia n ~1~ also assistant sports editor of The Tulsa

ally World.

b l:Iere is a little elope on some of our old mem­h ers: ~roth ers Phil Hammon and Rope Perry ave a fme cha nce of making the baseball team

thi s -· b l · B 1 'k . p1mg, ot 1 are p1tchers. rot 1er 1 en IS Vice-presid ent of student council, treasurer 0_f the junior class a nd is president of the "Hur­l'lcane Bound ." Brother Foster Green is v ice-

, Pres id ent of the "Hurrica ne Hounds," a pep organ ization of the sc hool. Brother French ;'n?erson is the editorial writer of ThC' Col­~gtan. Brother Hayden McDonald, a rchon of

t e chapter, is a lso a very im portant man around th e school. H e is a member of the Student co un ci l, a member of the Pan-Hellenic c~un cil, president of the Geo logists club, first VIol" . . . . 1111 t Ill school orchestra, consultmg geo lo-gist on expedition trips and in many other Organizations, he plays an important part in th . eu· make up.

Varied Life at Alpha-Alpha By M J\T<COT~M J O TJ NSON

W J'L'H the baseball eason in full wi ng and w ith socia l act iviti es such as Litt le

Commencement dances and plans for a P i Kappa P hi dinner dance in the proces of for­mulation, the brothers of Alpha-Aipha chapter at Mercer Uni ,·ersity have found li ttle time to spend in day dreaming during the past few months.

It a ll sta rted w ith the Little Commencement dances March 25. A lpha-A lpha, together with four o[ the other ; ig ht fratern iti es on the campu s, join ed force ... · r the time being and staged the F irst Little ommencement in the history of the Cniversity this year.

Judg ing from the comment fro m newspapers and from hundreds who were guest here at the time, t he dances were t he out · tanding social events of the season. The fir st dance was given on the night of March 2•3. This was followed by a costume ball on the succeeding night at the Volunteers armory.

A farewell dinner dance in honor of depart­ing brothers and Miss Ina Brown, who was re-elected sponsor of the chapter for next yea r, is to be g iven by t he chapter in the latter part of May. It is an annual custom of the chapter to so honor t he members who wi ll be lost through graduat ion. Miss Brown, pop ul ar young society g irl of Macon, was re-elected sponsor o[ Pi Kappa Phi by the un an im ous vote of the chapter, and w ill share honors with the brothers who are to be with us no more.

Pi Kappa Phi is again repre entecl on the baseball d iamoncl t his year, as is true of al l major sports at Mercer. Brother Wall ace Butt , the same young man w ho thri ll ed Mar­quette, ·w is., football fans with his flashy p lay­ing at end last fall, has taken his place at short­stop on the baseball var ity. Among th e freshmen, Pi Kappa P hi I oasts a prospective star ca tcher a nd pitcher for the vars ity of next year in Br ther G. R W ilder and P ledge Cleveland Purcell. \Vilder was a w innin g bet in the batter" at prep school, and P urcell is a lready throwmg 'em over the plate for the frosh team in a manner that baffles. Brother

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Darby Cannon h as won a berth on the fres h­man team at shortstop and shows promise of perhaps g iving Brother Butts a run for hi s money for the same position on the var sity of next year.

But ath leti cs and social affairs have not kept the brothers from fulfillin g their duties in the classroom in a creditab le manner. Brother Frank Cobb has won a place as student profes­sor in the Modern Lang uages department through his marked abi lity in Span ish, wh ich subj ect he is now drilling into the domes of freshmen.

Brother Paul Etheridge came to the front in the La"w School by making the highest average in the second year class. Brother Glenn Hasty made t he third highest average in the class.

t\ lpha-Alpha is proud to announce that Brother Dan Davis, who hied himself off to Florida w hen the real estate boom was at its ,peak, is now in business in Macon, where he has bought an interest in a musical firm. He anno unces that h e w ill wed Miss An nie Ree Riley, of Macon, some time in the near future. Brother Davis was leader of t he college band, the g lee club orchestra and of a profess ional orchestra during hi s sojourn at Mercer.

Brother Joe A. McClain, w ho, it will be r e­membered, was the Master Mercerian of last year, the hig hest student honor in the U niver­s ity, is now a professor in the Mercer Law School. Brother McClain was in business for some time in F lorida and in Columbus, Ga., before accept in g the position on the Mercer faculty.

N ine new brothers have been taken into the fold of Pi Kappa P hi at A lpha-Alpha this year. The n ew brothers are as follows :

Jack Hogg, Rome, Ga.; 'vVilliam Bruner, Laurens, S. C.; Darby Cannon, Lavonia, Ga.; Charles Davi s, Columbus, Ga.; Gordon Ket­tles, Dalton, Ga.; G. R. Wilder, Sumter, S. C. ; Robert Mar tin, J effersonvill e, Ga.; M. L. Stone, Bountstown, F la.; Henry Cobb, T em­ple, Ga.

P ledges C. C. Wilson, Pinehurst, Ga.; Cleve­land Purcell , Gainesville, Ga., and Wen dell Roberts, Lake City, Fla., are eagerly awaiting

the day when they shall be g iven the bond of

brotherhood. Two of our pledges were lost this year, one

to matrim ony, the other to business. Pledge W illia m !len, Bradentown, Fla., succumbed when Cupid's dart took effect and is now hap· pily married in F lor id a. P ledge Walter Eve­rid ge, freshman football s tar, found it neces­sary to drop out of school 1 efore hi s initi ation.

Three Pi Kapps are now on the roll of A lpha Lambda Epsilon, a local com mercial fraternitY which is petitioning for a charter from Delta

igma Pi. Clayton Buchanan, .Walton Smith and 'vV. A. Bugg are members of the local fra­ternity.

Brother J. L. F letcher, of Omicron chapter, was a vis itor here for a few days. Brother F letcher is tra;eling with a surety companY a nd frequently v isits Macon.

Alpha-Beta Closes Firze Year By CIJ.\RLr·:s D. PEAVY, JR.

N EXT month marks the close of a very suc­cessful year in every way for Alpha-Hct:t·

Since our last letter pledges Dan Logan, Paul Freund, and Charles Ayo have been initiated. Vve wish to announce the pledging of Dan Peavy, the younger brother of Charlie Peavy. VVhell Dan is initiated he will be the third Peavy to be received into membership.

Among the chapter members making honor· ary fraternities are Brotl~er Val Irion, who was initi ated into P hi P hi , national honorary inter­fraternity organization, at St. Louis during the Christmas holidays while he was attending the na ti onal convention of Phi A lpha Delta, law fra · ternity. Brother Irion fini shes his college career as head of the U niversity Dramatic organization, hav ing been re-elected for hi s fourth terl11· nrother Charlie Ayo was initiated into Kappa Psi, pharmaceutical fraternity, and our two freshmen lawyers, Brothers I ete Robinson, and Jimmy McCain, have been pledged to P hi lpha Delta, law fraternity. Brother McCain, associ· ate editor of the Alpha-Bet) occupies the unique position of being a director of publicity for both

[ 30]

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a )' a h



!the Glee club and the Dramatic club. He is also aw d' e ttor on the Huilaba!oo staff.

Brothers Crary and Bradley won offices in the recent student body elections. Brother Crary snatched a seat on the honor court a nd Brother Bradley electioneered with enough s uccess to cause him to now sit among the elect of Gatortown, namely, the executive council of the student body. A lso Brother Alfred "Red" Smith was sig nally honored by receiving the captaincy of the 1927 Gator bas­ketball team. He is also a star on the Univer­sity of Florida track team and recently made a trip to Cuba to take part in the track m eet between Florida and the University of Havana.

Among our pledges we have Price McClain, Who h b . b as een selected to captam the Commerce . a ketball team in the intramural athletics. Price 'S also f> a star performer on Alpha- Deta's team. · ledge l~Te 0 1 . . "lv 1 n nry gc en ts runnmg true to 1 ~app" form dramatically speaking, hav ing been

gtven the lead in De Mille's "Food."

I ] n inter-fraternity athletics the Alpha-Deta

lasketl II )a team defeated the fast Sioma Chi team 14 10 . . b s· to . We play the Pht Kappa tgs next d . . . . an strong oppos1t10n 1s expected. Our tenn, 8 t . . n eam composed of Pnce McClam and

llddy Logan defeated the K. A. team. A Alpha-Beta loses four by graduation thi s yea r: C d. Sims, Jimmy Thompson, Val Irion, and

harlie Peavy. lrion graduates in law, Thomp­l on graduates in commerce, and Peavy and Sims 10l~e to sta rtle the scientific world by their ex­pl~~ts in the field of medicine.

1 I he ~econd issue of the A lpha-Bet, our month­y Pubitcation, has been sent out to the various ~lapters. The credit for publishing the 1/p!ta­

et goes largely to Brother Irion, who has Worke 1 .. ., c untmngly. b Lrother Frank Kimmel of Omega, who has

teen staying in the house for a while, has re­llrn d e to Chattanooga.

23'rhe fall term of Tulane opens up September

t ' 1926, and we remind brothers of other chap­ers that we would like to have their recom-

lllend t' T '1 d

a tons on new men by that date. he mat a dre f 0 ss o the chapter is 830 Audubon St., New

rleans L·t ' ' . ~~~ ~\I~ ,:91/J


April Follies at Florida By Dn.r. P .\R SONS

l\1[ EMDl_.,RS. of Alpha-Epsi.lon chapter tl . Worked ntght and day gettmg ready for •• ~e'r.· annual hou se party, staged during the

10 PT t1 Follies" on the week-end of April 8, 9, g and l I. Seven other fraternities at Florida a ave house parties during the same period, nd several of the other cam,.,.,s social organi-zat' ~"'-

Tons sponsored dances.

IJrother Frank "Chunker" Thrower has cinched his place at the hot corner on the Florida baseball team. Brother Tom Owens is playing first on the freshman baseball team, and Brother Van Landingham is making a game fight to hold down second base.

Pi Kappa Phi has ha I a man on ev ry Gator athletic team this year. Clyde orton was a main stay on the line of the Fighting Gators and Tom Owens was a fast back on the fresh­man grid team, and Pledge Plockerman played with t.he first year basketball outfit.

Four of A lpha-Epsilon's freshmen have been honored by election to membership in the newly organized "Bacchu s Club." They are Jlrothers Permenter, Owens, \\'right and Roge rs.

,,1!... ~~~... ,\1£,


Alpha-Zeta Active By HONOR I~ GRJF11TN

W AY out where the \Vest begins, out in the land of rain and sunshine, A lpha-Zeta

is striving to uphold the standards of Pi Kappa Phi. The school yea r which is gradually draw­ing to a close has proved fairly successful for Alpha-Zeta from many viewpoints. '0/e have increased our scholarship. acquired a prosperous hunch of pledges, and have rai sed our standards on the campus.

\Ve have pledged ti'ineteen men. Of these we have six who will be initiated in the near future. Some of these men have showed up very well on the campus. Glen \iVetzel. from Kellogg. Idaho. earned hi s letter tn rook foot-

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ball ; Chuck \\' eber is on the rook debating squad; Geo rge H am mula, a sophomore, is a two­year man of the R. 0. T. C. pi stol team ; Karl Z ieber will make the rook tenni s squad; and 1 rving Rosvo.ld is in line for a job on the Bar­OIII etcr, the co ll ege dail y.

r\s to intramural athletic , if our expectations do not go ami ss, we sha ll be contenders for two cups : one in baseball and one in tenni s.

Financia ll y speaking, we a re doing well. '!'he house in whi ch we are li ving should be paid for by the yea r 1928 and then our plan s call for a new house to be erected on our two lots.

Al pha-Zeta is ha ving an informal dance very soon whi ch promi ses to be a big affair for it is the fir st one we have had for quite a while, clue to college restrictions.

Alpha-Eta Plans Home

W ITH the second semester rapidly draw­in g to its close, A lpha-Eta is in a whirl

to leave everything in fir st-class condition for next year.

vVe are havin g the Birmin g ham A lumni chapte r mee t w ith us every other week. This seems to be t he most feasibl e id ea to create an undying interest in our fraternity and we are very proud to have the older brothers with us. The a lumni chapter i proving its valu e to aid us w ith p lans for the future growth of our chapter. -

O n April J 5 we held our last initiation of Psi Delta alumni. Letters have been mailed out and a comm ittee appo inted by the archon has seen many in person.

It g ives us g reat pleasure to a nn oun ce th e initi a ti on of J. Perkin s Prewitt, professor of journali sm, into Pi Kappa l'hi. Ur ther Pre­witt is one of the leading jou rn a li t s of the south , hav in g held the positi on of c ity editor of The 11irmingham News until a short time ago. He is now pres id ent of the Birmingham Safety coun ci l a nd head of journali sm in Howard col­lege.

A lpha-Eta is s till in the lead in s tudent ac­tiv iti es on th e campus. Brother Warren's term

of off ice a s president of the s tucl enty body is

proving very successful. O ur chapter feels the need of a new hotlle

and with our committee earn estly at work and with the co-operation of the Birmingha!ll A lumni chapter we are hopin g to enter our new $18,000 home next fall.

\Ve J1 ave two new pledges, Ear.! J ackson of E nsley and Ralph I lawkins of East Lake.

Brothers Jackson and Brown are holding berths on the vat"' ity pitching staff. April 3, I \rot her 13rown allowed Birmingham Southern, our traditional riva l, o nly two hits. He won hi s game 2 to 0.

Alpha-Theta Going Strong By H .\RR Y F. SMT'l'H

W HE J a ll the fellows had checked in on the fir st nig ht of the new term we found

sever a l changes . Eugene Howell was not 1 ack, having decided to s tay out and worl< until nex t fall. Willard Olson decided to take the examin ation for Annapolis and, though we hate to see him leave, we wish him the best of lucie Tommy J ermin has started an art ad· verti s in g shop which will keep him busy thiS term but he will be back later. Waldo Proctor called up from his home with the news that hC was under the doctor's care; guess he was ashamed to admit that it was the measles. The las t of the unfortunates came jn the next cia)' when Alonzo Langworthy arrived with the announcement that it was the measles that held him overdue. \tVilbur Stelzer, one of our pledges, was unable to come back, having decided to stay out and recuperate from hiS illn ess of last term. Then on Friday night came word that George MacKensie, another pledge, had ju st gone to the college hospital and was confin ed as our third m easles victim.

Our party proved unusually success ful last term. With Tommy Jermin's Amphion Revel· ers playing in the cozy Little theatre success would h av e been assured even though it were not A lpha-Theta s party. But with that last assurance-well, ask some one who went. we

[ 32]

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n, ill


,d Jt ·k ·e re Jf 1-is r


as ,e

)' e d ,r g is



st J-;s ·e it e


~~~~~~========================================================== THE S'rAR AND LAMP of Pr KAPPA Pur

sure are glad to say that we had the pleasure

of the presence of Brother Dr. Davis of Nu that evening; and more than pleased to add that as he is now our di trict in spector we will see him often.

With spring practices well under way we ~ave several men out. "Sailor Boy" Culbert IS r . d J' unn111g the mile at a pretty stea y c 1p. Barold Bargewell is making a strong bid for hortstop. Harry Smith has made the varsity

te1 · · , 1n1 squad. Among the freshmen Lou1e I,aYmond is running the di stance with the thin­clads While Otmer Schuster is on the fresh baseball sq uad along with Earl Runner, a Pledge.

~\11.~ ~~~ ~~~~


Dick Jones Star Outfielder One of the star outfielders of Oklahoma's trio

of classy gardners is Dick Jones (A lph a-Cam­Illa )' of Okemah. He will make a bid for the centerfield position again this year when practice for the team begins.

Jones was second to Joe Mayes in batting on the team last year during the l\Tissouri \'alley season. His percentage was .340.

Not an error was chalked up against Jones in ~he field, he fielding 1000 as the other two Okla­lOma outfielders did.

Jones' greatest feat of the season occurred in the fir t W 1 • • t NT · s game of the as 11ngton senes a 01-lllan 1 . S . 2 t ast Y.ear, a g~me which the oonei s 1~011

1 ° 1. His two tnples saved the day for Okla-10111a that day.

\\ ' ' . . ' Ith the score 1 to 0 in favor of \Vash111gton 111

the last of the ninth inning, Jones poked a

[ 33]

three-bagger in left field off Levi, Piker pitcher. I J e tied the score when he came home on \\ ·est's sacrifice fly. Snodgrass won the game for the Sooners in the Ia t of the tenth inning. getting to first on an error and scoring on 11erd's single.

Jones has one more year after this one to sen ·e on the team.-Thr Ok/aho111a 1 aily.

Warns Against Greek Fraternity League

Mr. H. R J ohn ston, chairman of the Inter­fraternity Conference, i sues the followin:~·

warning regarding the Greek Fraternity League:

"It has just come to our notice that a cer­tain association tyling itse lf the Greek Fra­ternity Leagu purporting to have offices at 226 Broadway, New ) Tork City, has been cir­

cularizing individual chapters of fraternities and sororiti es throughout the country sol icit­in g $1.00 sub criptions from und ergraduates to be used for broadcasting propaganda again st

radical s and 'Red .' and favorable to American college fraternities.

"The Interfraternity Conference ha no knowledge whatsoever of the Greek Fraternity League and an investiga tion made on March 27 disclosed that the League is not listed on the bulletin board at 2D6 Broadway, nor is it in the telephone directory. Inquiries by our repre­se ntative fail ed to disclose any office of the League at this address."

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Founded at the College of Charleston, Charleston , S. C., December 10, 1904. J llCOI po1 a ted u11 der the Jaws of the State of Sou1 l1 Carolina, December 23, 1907.


SIMON FoGAR1'Y, }R., 151 Moultrie Street, Charleston, S. C. ANDREW ALEXANDJ::R KRoEG, JR., Chapter Eternal, February 8, 1922 LAWRENCE HARRY MIXSON, 217 East Bay Street, Charleston, S. C.

S11pre111e Treas11rer J. CH F.S'I' IlR RJ::£V£S, A

3-12 West Peachtree Street Atlanta, Ga.


S11pre111e Archon GtWRGJ:: D. DRIVER, N

1309 Telephone Building Omaha, Nebraska.

Suprcllle !-listorirm RA\'MONil B. NIXON, ]]

Emory Un iversity, Ga.

S~tprellle flditor RICIIAilll L. YouNG, K

Supre llle Secretary EI.Mt•:R N. TURNQUTS'I', "('

5o76 Ridge Avenue Chicago, Illinois

2 c\ shiand Avenne, Miclwood 1\ lathll Charlotte. N. C.


Room 12, 39 Hroacl Street, Charleston, S. C. Telephone 2864

Ct-:o. 1.!:. S III"I·:'I'Z, E.vcc111.i·ue Secretary .·Ill CO IIII/11(//icalions of a . .'}rnrra/ na111re sho11 /d be

s, 111 lu the Ce11tra l Office, a11d 11ot to tlldir:idua/s.

First District K. C. LAUTER

2709 East 19th Street Brooklyn, N. Y.

S eco11d District DR. A. P. wAGENER

Roanoke College Salem, Virginia

Third District KJ::NN£'rH l\ 1. BRIM

Greensboro, North Carolina

Fourth District J. CHAM. FREEMAN L. L. Allen & Co.

Spartanburg, South Carolina

Fifth District T. R. W AGGONF.R

405 1\ lacon Nat'! Bank Bldg. Macon, Georgia

Schola·rship Co111111ittee

DR. WM. E. ED INGTON, Chairlllan 633 Russell Street

West LaFayette, Indiana


Sixth District G£o. B. Ev£RSON Pa latka, P'lorida

S 1'7'ell th District Ltto H. Pou

Jasper, Alabama

GirJhth District CJ.ANCY A. LATHAM

1201 llihern ia Bank Building New Orleans. La.

N i11th District WADE S. Bm.r Otterbein, [nd.

Teuth District V. R. FLEMING

306 North State Street Champaign, Ill.


Ritual Co111111ittee

DR. J. PR IEND DA v, Chairmau 11 9 Gates Hall , Univ. of Chicago

Chicago, Illinois

[ 34 J

Eleventh District RALPH E. ANDERSON

919 Terminal Build ing Li ncoln, Nebraska

Twelfth District GLEN G. H!l.FORD

Box 11 06 Tulsa, Oklahoma

Thirtee11tlt Dist1·ict PAur. S. BoREN

2614 Dwight Way Berkeley, California

Pourtcenth Dist1·ict WAI.TllR R. Jo NF.s

7034 Sycamore Avenue Sea ttle , Washin~ton

Pi( tecnth Dist1·ict DR. J, DwiGHT DAVIS

l\1 ichigan Tuberculosis Sanitarillll1

Howell, Michigan

Song Booll Co 111111iltee H. RAy STAATI(R

FRI!D R. STURM, Chair111an 30 North LaSalle Street

Chicago, lll inois

Page 37: 1926_2_May


UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTERS The linNOTE :-The address following the name of the college or university in every case is the official address of the Chapter. retary e following the address indicates the date on which the C ha pter meets. Officers are requested to inform the Executive Sec·

Promptly o£ any changes taking place, either in personnel of officers or in dates of meetings.

ALPHA D. . C • rstnct No. 4-College of Charleston ::; harleston, South Carolina. R. aturday evening. L. ~- · Warn:r,Aw, Archon

· · HAMJLTON, Sec1·etary B~TA · ·

f · Drstnct No. 4-Presbyterian College R·lo sguth Car?lina, Clinton, s. C. STrn ay evenmg. TH~Es

1N. Hucns, ]R., Anlio11

5· -I. GRAF'I'ON, Secretary G-'\~ i~IA .

26 · Drstrict No. 13-University of California

H 14 Dwight Way. M:erkeiey. California. H EOn day evening. Gr;~SCH Er. Y. I-1 YD£, Archon

• · D. MnLER, Sec1·e tar3'

i.o:PSILON · · R • Drstrrct No. 3-Davidson College Thx l.l8. Davidson, N. C. W ur~day evening. J . R MI"GRACEY, ]R., Archon

· '-UGT.ER, Secretary Zt:·rA ·

• Drstrict No. 4-Wofford College ~Partanburg S C •u I • . . C esr ay evening. ].· J- CHrrr.rlv, Archo11

· RoGERS, Sce~·e t01·y ETA D· . p· rstnct No. 5-Emory University

ThJ<aapa Phi fiouse, Emory University, Ga. EM rs ay evenmg. GEQORy H. SMITH, A1·chon

1 · D. PATTERSON, ]R., Secretm·y

OTA D· . 17• • r s tnc~ No. 5-Georgia School of Technology Sun~ast Frfth Street, Atlanta, Georgia C ay afternoon. VVAV. HEcK, ]R., Archon

r. LowNnrl , ]n., Sec1·etary KAppA D. . . . .

p· • rstnct No. 3-Unrversrty of North Carolrna We~(appa Phi House, Chapel Hill, N. C. DA N nesday evening. W . K Mooml, Arc !lou

lA · H. Euv, Sec1·etm·3•

~~8DA, District No. 5-University of Georgia Mor ~ougherty Street, Athens, Ga. A lC ay evening. p· ~· VARNEDOE, A1·cho11

1ftJ ~ .. · CntM, Secretary

'nDrstrict No. 3-Duke University 1 'I~rrham, North Carolina G Brsday evening. s;,M· DCALnwrn.r., ]R., Archon

· . BuNnY Sec1•etm·y Nt.J , · District No. !! -University of Nebraska 1820 B S Mo d treet_, Lincoln, Nebr. 'N 11 ay evenmg. RA~LTHER WHEELER, Archon

ALL, Secretary

XI, District No. 2-Roanoke College Box 263, Salem, Virginia. Tuesday evening. Ar.FRED D. HuRT, Archon PAur, I NGI,ES, Secretary

OMICRON, District No. 7-University of Alabama Pi Kappa Phi House, University, Alabama \V ednesday evening. NoR~rAN S. i\JoRGA N, Arc/ton J. R. RAM SEY, Secretary

PI, District No. 5-0glethorpe University Oglethorpe University, Georgia. Wednesday evening. P£1'1l T. J ACKEV, A1·cl10n J. B. D£r<r,rl, Secretary

RHO, District No. 2-Washington and Lee University I White Street, Lexington, Virginia. Wednesday evening. Drcuv C. W!lsT, Arc/ton BERN BuU.ARD, Sen·etm·3'

TAU, District No. 3-North Carolina State State College Station, Raleigh, N. C. Monday evening. II. 11. R~:nwr NJ<:, Arc/ton 'f rr os. Vv. EnwARilS, Sec1·etarj•


UPSILON. District No. tO-University of Illinois 106 East Green Street, Champaign, Illinois ~londav evening. C. V. TAu,EY, A1·c!ron T. Vv. WrNTON, Secreta1·3'

l:'I-IT, District No. 12-University Tulsa. Oklahoma.

of Tulsa

Tuesday evening. I-T. Vv. McDoNAJ.D, Archon CJJAS. F. BuRNS, Secret01·y

CHI. District No. 6-John B. Stetson University Pi Kappa Phi House, DeLand, Florida. \"' erlnesdav evening~. ] . T.rros. S M nrr, /1 rclron LA wr!I;Ncrl Dr·:RNA RD, Scc1·etm·3'

PST. District No. ! -Cornell University 115 Ridgewood Road, Ithaca, N. Y. Monday evening. S. G. PATERSON, Archon STANLEY G. ERrCSON, Secretar:y

·OMEGA, Di~trict No. 9-Purdue University 40 N . Salisbury St., West LaFayette, Ind. Monday evening. 0. A. KT NZER, Archon H. 0. MEVJlR, Secretm·y

ALPHA-ALPHA. District No. 5-Mercer 1424 Lawton Ave, Macon, Georgia. Wednesday evening. J. D. Fr,EM TNG, Archon GJ·:RALD H. TEASLEI', Secretary


[ 35 1

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ALPHA-BETA, Dtstnct No. 8-Tulane University 830 Audubon Street, New Orleanos, La. Monday evening. CHAS. D. PEAVY, ]R., A1·chon Ar.PHONSO R. SIMS, Secretary

ALPHA-GAMMA, District No. 12----..University of Okla­homa, 757 DeBarr, Ave., Norman, Okla. Monday evening. LtiST,IJo: M. STONE, A1'Chon RouT. \V. I NGRAM, Sec·retary

ALPHA-DELTA, District No. 14-University of Wash­ington, 5212 18th Ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash. Monday evening1. RussEr. E. FRASER, A1·cho1~ CHAS. A. PoRTER, SeC1·eta1·y

ALPHA-EPSILON, District No. 6-University of F lorida. Box 63, University Station, Gainesville, F lorida. Tuesday evening. LA WRllNCE E . CRARY, Archo11 KERMY1' W. CALLAHAN, Sec1·etary

ALPHA-ZETA, District No. 14-0regon Agricultural College, 31 North 26th Street, Corvallis, Oregon. Monday evening. Ntli.SON J. HoAr., Arrhoa Ctus. A. Or.S£1'\, Secrcla1')'

ALPHA-ETA, District No. 7-Howard College, pi

Kappa Phi House, Birmingham, Ala. Monday evening. LtlN'l' S. BR!lWSTER, Archon L. EARl~ CARROLL, Secretary

ALPHA-THETA, District No. IS-Michigan State Col· lege, P i Kappa P hi House, East Lansing, Mich. Monday evening. ORSON D. BIRD, Archoa TlARr.ow R. BRIGHAM, Secretm·J'

*DELTA (1908-12)-Furman University

University anti -fraternity regulation.

*THETA (1913-15)-Cincinnati Conservatory of l\1ll 5 i~·­Withdrawn account professional standing of instJ· tution.

*S IGMA ( 1910-13)-University of South Carolina. State anti-fraternity law.

* normant chapters.


Alumni officers are requested to inform the Executive Seer etary promptly of any changes in personnel and addressel, or agreement as to time and place of meetings.


342 W. P eachtree Street


1226 South 29th St., Apt. 15.



11 Pitt Street


Court House

C l!I CACO, ILUNOTS GtlO. H . Kum., A1·cho11

2508 N. Spau lding Avenue

CO LUl'vl FliA, SOUTH CAR LINA PuRM AN R. GRESSll't"n:, An·ho11

University of South Carolin a.


1912 Eighth Avenue


1191 South Pasadena Avenue, Pasadena

:1\liAMI, FLORIDA CHAS. B. CosTAR, A1·chon

128 N. E. 25th Street


% Brooklyn Edison Club, Pearl and Willoug by Streets, Brooklyn, N . Y.


146 North 34th Street


117 Broadway


317 First National Bank Bldg.


First National Bank Building


Spartan Mills

[ 36]

Page 39: 1926_2_May

....__ l - . ._,._,_,, __ .,_ H_ OO- o- "- "_ 0_ .,_ ,,_ .,_ .,_ 0_ 0 ___ ,_H_ OO_ ,._ ,_, __ , _ ,_ ,,_ .,_ H __ _






Order through your Secretary

Dance Programs and Invitations, Leather Dance Favors and Covers, Commencement Invitations, Class Day Programs, Class Pins and Rings

Seventeenth Street and Lehigh A venue



..... .._,,_,,_,,_ ··-··- ··--··- ··- ··-··-··-··-··- 11·- ··- 11·- ··- 11·- ··- ··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··- ··- ··-··-+ ---··-··-· ·-··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··-··- ··- ··-··- ··-··-··- ··-··-··-··-··- ··-··-·-··- ··- ··-··- ··- ··- ··-r ATTENTION, PI KAPPS! .

The mailing list of The s .tar and Lamp is in the hands of the Executive Secretary. All communications regarding failure to receive th ) magazine or giving notice of a change in ad­dress should be sent directly to him.

DO THIS AND GET THE MAGAZINE The Star and Lamp being second-class mltter, cannot be forwarded.

follow you about like lett~r mail. Do not expect it to

R When you change your address, fill out this form and mail at once oom 12, 39 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C.

to Geo. E. Sheetz,

Name ····························--···············································-·······························-················-······-····································-

(Write Plainly)

Class Numeral .................................... Chapter.................................... Date ......................................................... .


··-····- ·· ····--·--- -·- - - - -------~---------------------------------- - - --······ ·····-··-···················································································-City and State ···································· ····-········· ·· ······ ··················· ······ ······················-···· ···---·-·····-·--·--·--···-··················


Street ·····-------- -- -- --- -- ------ ·····----- ------- ----·· ·········------··········-·-----·----------·····----······················· ·· ··-········-·····-·············-···········

1 City and State ····-----------·-···········--····························-·····-------·-······---·---------------·--··---·-·····-----····-·····-····························

~>.oo ANY INFORMATION oF INTEREST coNCERNI~G YOURSELF OR OTHER PI KAPPS You KNow I .... __ ·----·-.. - ...... _,, _____ _.,_,,_ ,,_ .. _ ,,_ .. _ .. _,,_ .,._ ,,_ ,,_,,_ .. _ .. _,,_,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_,_,,_ ,,_,,_,,_-+

[ 37]

Page 40: 1926_2_May


"A Book for Modern Greeks"

will be sent to you on Request



Opposite Michigan Central Station


Page 41: 1926_2_May


Observer Printing House [INCORPORATED]

C h a r 1 o t t e, · N o r t h · C a r o 1 in a

Printers of

College and High School Annuals

High-Class Publications

All Kinds of Special Ruled

Forms, Etc.


Observer Printing House [INCORPORATED]

r:printers and Blank Book U't(amifacturers

Charlotte, North Carolina

Printers to the State of North Carolina



l l +-.. - . l

Page 42: 1926_2_May


A complete directory of all members of Pi Kappa Phi

is now ready for distribution.

The Book, in compact pocket size, contains more than

300 pages, and lists the fraternity membership, chronolog­

ically by chapters, geographically, and alphabetically.

Get One Free For each ten copies ordered at one time a free copy will

be given the member sending in the order.

Buy now. Price One Dollar.



Room 12, 3 9 Broad Street


Page 43: 1926_2_May
Page 44: 1926_2_May

n K
