1870—7 million kids in public schools 1920—22 million kids 1890—less than 1% of black...

1870—7 million kids in public schools 1920—22 million kids 1890—less than 1% of black teenagers went to high school because they weren’t Public School Update Remember- 90% Literacy rate! High Schools in U. 1860-100 1900-6,000 1914-12,000

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Post on 27-Dec-2015




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1870—7 million kids in public schools1920—22 million kids1890—less than 1% of black teenagers went to high school because they weren’t allowed to.

Public School UpdateRemember- 90% Literacy rate!High Schools in U.S.1860-1001900-6,0001914-12,000

Lynching became popular again.

African-American Life in the Gilded Age and Beyond1882 – 1892: more than 1,400 blacks were lynched without trial in the South.

Now called Jim Crow laws.Remember the Black Codes?

Laws that called for segregation: separation of blacks and whites.

1896- Supreme Court Case: Plessy Vs. FergusonShockingly, the court ruled that the LA segregationlaws did NOT violate the 14th amendment

As long as the train cars for whites and blacks were equal.

From this case came the expression, “separate but equal.”

Booker T. Washington

He believed the best way to end segregation was to work hard in your position and prove your worth to whites!

He started the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama

W.E.B. DuBois

Blacks should not have to earn their equality!

Demand Immediate Equality Now!

Niagara Movement-1905Civil Rights conference held in NiagaraFalls, NY.

Talented Tenth-Top 10% of blacks would be successful and help lift the others up

1909- NAACP- Later they will play a crucial role in the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s.

Prohibition Movement

1920- 18th Amendment passed- Banning Alcohol

Prohibition( Temperance) Movement

It was led mostly by Women!

What did People do for fun during the Gilded Age 1870s-1910?

1. Baseball 1st World Series-1903Boston Pilgrims beat the Pittsburgh Pirates

2. Football1st game was in 1869Rutgers vs. Princeton

3. BasketballInvented by James Naismith in 1891 in Springfield, MA( Birthplace of Mr. Empsall’s Father, Ken Empsall) or Invented by Mr. Empsall’sGreat, Great Uncle or Something like that.

4. Rise of Art Galleries

5. Department Storesincluding chain stores- Woolworth’s was the most famous

6. Catalog shopping2nd most read book behind the Bible in 1900

7. Circus Barnum and Bailey began in 1871Known as “ The Greatest Show on Earth”

Ringling Brothers in 1884

8. Saloons #1 hangout for working class men

9. Parks

NYC’s Central Park: Completed in 1873

Henry Ford of Ford Motor Company

He perfected the assembly line processEach worker has one job to do and this sped up production and changed factories everywhere

Model T


“Any color you would like, as long as it’s black”

1910- 12 hours to build a Model T 1913- 90 Minutes

How Much?

Pre-Assembly Line After Assembly Line

William McKinley Assassinated by

Leon CzolgoszElected in1896

Theodore ”Teddy” Roosevelt Square Deal- Help common people!

1. Trust-busting- govt. Breaking up monopolies

2. Ended Labor Strikes by forcing compromise

“Speak Softly but Carry a Big Stick”

3. Cleaned up Food Industry- Meat Inspection Act-1906

4. Conservation- Established Wildlife refuges and 5 national parks.


William Howard TaftHe was an even bigger trust-buster than Roosevelt, but doesn’t get the same credit given to him.

1913- 17th Amendment-Called for direct election of U.S. Senators by the people.

1913-16th Amendment- Legalized a “graduated” federal income tax- more you make, more you pay.