1789). (lexington, ky) 1798-05-02 [p ]. - university of...

T AKN up by the Subscriber a- - boat rwoar.da halt miles from T ankfort, a dik bay inaie, about jJiot fourteen hands hih, fifteen years old, 2ur one tore and one hind soot wliiceno rR'ichaid biand perceivable, a final! fniu on the Juoileihon, as they are the property ot nole, apprailecl to lix pounds. jf GEORGE SLAUGHTERS January ill, 1798. .1 Scott county fd. November court of Quarter Seffions 1 797. Harry "Junes, efq. Complainant, , AGAINST The heirs of "John May, Dec. Thomas Lewis, Ann Lewis, ate Ann May, and others, Defendants. IN CHANCERY. The defendants Thomas Lewis and Ann, Lewis, having sailed to entenj their appearance agreeauieto law ana the rules of this court, and it appear- ing to the falisfadion of the court that they are not. inhabitants of this Hate, on the motion of the compla- inant, by his counsel, it is ordered, that they do appear herein the firrt day of our next Augult term, and an Twer the complainant's bill, and that a co- py of this order beinfertedin the Ken- tucky Gazette for twpt months fuccef-fivel-y, and also polled at tne door of the court house of this county. . A Copy. Telle. JOHN HAWKINS, C. C. NOTICE. THAT commiilioners appointed by the county court of Scott county will meet on the third Monday in Jane next is fair, is not ji2;t fair day, at a Coring formerly called Cher ry's Ipnng in lam count, aim wncre jonn wai-- d ljce now lives, in older to take the deposition mony refpscting a preemption of one thousand acres of land obtained in my name lying on Cherry's run, and do such other arts as mail be deemed neceflary and agreeable to law. Mosgs cherrt. April 24, 1798. , 3w. TlCEis herejjyjjiven to all those whom NO may concern, that thi commiffioners ap- pointed by the county court oi Bourbon, under the act of aifcmbly entitled " an aft to afcer-tai- n the boundaries of and for proceffipning lands ;" will attend on the 25th day of May next at my house in Bourbon county, at a place formerly called Michael Stoner's improvement, to take the depositions of witneffes to cltablifli thefeveral corners and lines marked of a fur-ve- y of 1400 acies it being the' corners and lines ofafufveyof a settlement and pre- emption surveyed in my name as afligncc of Henry Clay, who was afiignee of Michael Stoner. SAMVEL CLAY. April 20, I798. f JAKE NOTICE. ' THAT commiliioners appointed the court of Scott county, will meet at the mouth of the little north fork of Elkhorn on the firlb Sa- - turday in June next, to take the de- psfitions of fnijdry witiiefl'es to perpe- tuate their telliniony agreeably to a law of this slate, touching the special calls in an entry made In the name of Benjamin Bowls on military war- rants lor two thousand acres- - entered April 27th 1780; my objed is to prove that the said little north fork is the firll large fork putting into Elkhorn on the north side below Hol- ders trace. . TESSE KOBARDS. Agent for the heirs of said Bowles. April 29, 1798. "SHAKEN up by, the fubferiber on i Brulh creek, in Green county, s black horse 7 years old, a fiuall star in his forhead, and a small snip, branded on the near (hpulder 1 O about 14 hands high, appraised to 12. NAT. 0 IV ENS. March 20, 1798. t - tfkNTUCKr. Bairdllown Dill rid., to wit. January Supreme Court, 1798. Henry Rhodes, Complainant. against -- George Mithevts, Defendant. IN CHANCERY. THE dcfendanrjnbc- - having his appearane agreeable to law and rules of this court, ants it ap- pearing to the fatisfadion of the court that he is not an inhabitant of. this commonwealth ; on motion of the complainant by his counsel it is or- dered, that the said defendant do Sip,,-- , pear here on the third day of the next Way term arid answer the complain- ants bill or the same will be taken as confelled, that a copy of this order be inserted in one of the Kentucky news papers for two months fnccelfivelv, and published at the door of 'Cox s creek meeting house on Some Sunday immediately aster divine service, and a copy Set up at-th- e door'of the court-liouf- c of Nelson county. (A Copy Telle BEN. GRAYSON, C- - C. THE public will plenfe to take that I forewarn 2II persons to touch nor take aw ay any goods battels formerly in the ot Matthews, and now in my Nclfon of Virginia. Wm. NELSON, A.gent for J AS. NELSON. Harnfon Connty, April i5, 1798- - t3t T hands lames ' NOTICE. HAT I fliall attend with the com- miffioners on the firll Monday in June next, where the glade branch empties into the.Sicaniore fork of Mate creeK, in tlie county or Montgomery, 1 f to take the deposition of sundry wic nefles, in order to perpetuate their tellimony, for the purpose of ella blifliing the calls in an entry of nine hundred and seventy-fiv- e acres of land made in the name of Charles Ivloupi, on the aad day of January 1782, iind also the calls in an amendment to said entry ; and to do such other things as I may deem necellary and ac- cording: to law. iV WILLIAM SUDDUTH., For CHARLES MORGAN. OTICE is hereby given, that a comuiilhon of bankrupt has been ifiued (see London Gazetie of 20 Dec. 1797) and is now in prosecution againll mell'rs. Thomas Lovell and Daniel-Lovell- , late of Token House Yard, in the city of London, mer-.chant- and that John Reeves'! of Change alley, in that city, efq Jsthe -- ?. ' - - - - .. . R lolealhgue ot their cltate and all persons are therefore now ca ettedS uTioTT- - ed not to take any conveyance sale ttansferrence or allignment' of any property, real or personal, of or from the said bankrnptsor either of them, as the same will be void, and all debts due to or from the said bankrupts mult be paid to or by the said mr. Reeves, who alone is authorised to set- tle their accounts, and nay or receive the ballancc thereon. HUliHhS & NE 1 HhltbULh, lot ' Solicitors to the said commrs. London, Eflex llreet, Jan. 3, 1798. HEMP SEED, FOR SALE.- Enquire of the Priiter. J AS there arc reports prevailing which oiiginates with interelted persons, 'o injure BLAZE, 1 base ilinuo-h- t neeeflarv to inform Ttlemeii of reputation, living at a Jif 'tance, that he is now ill high order, and performs equal to any covering horse upon the continent. . April 24, 179s- - KENJ. WHnlUON.I TAKE NOTICE. T;X7HEHEAS I cave two notcsWto a vV certain George Lay, foreigjjtj eight gallons' of wlnlkey each, one payable in May 1799the otbtr pay able in May i8o, And likewise gave three notes to Adam Lay, two for 88 eallons of whilky, the firll payable Q)in May I8i the Second payable May J003, tne mini cannot leineuiuer the number of gallons, but not quite So much, payable May 1003- Lthe sore forewarn any person from ttik an aflienmenton said notes, asOfrorg Lay was to make me a title to a cer- tain trad of land, in consideration of Paid' notes,- - and since has been put in Bo.urbon jail and has made his escape, as I am determined not to pay theni till said Lay complies with his contract, or gives fulhcient (ecurtty (or a title for said land, without compelladjptBy law. 3tf JAMES WEfl. 'A H I N T. ALL persons of .indebted to the late i BO'GGS & ANDERSON, that negleft to.call and pay off there refpeeYive bdliinces, before-th'- e first day of February next, m ay depend on having their accounts placed in the hands of proper officers for collection. John M. Boggs. Ciio'.- - Anderson. 'January, 1798. TOLEN inc about two milesTrom L'exinp-- tqfton Sunday night, the 21ft. inlt .a gray horse, abjpnt fifteen hands 0iigh, cloudedfWcejiihs.mane cut (hart and Iiangs to me near imc, iuilui.u trotter, brand not recolleded : I will give TEN-DOLLAR- for the horse and thiefj or five dollars for the horse. ' - HENRY HILLOCK. April 23, 179S, 31s Samuel & George Trotter, HAVE just received amd are now opening ftoiein Lexington, A large and (general airortment of merchandise, conliftmg 'of DRY GOODS, HAADWAiLE, GdOCF.tilES, GLASS and QUEENS IVAixE : NAILS, AN- VILS,- VICES, STEElf, &c which will be sold on the vcryfoueft terms for CASH. HEMP, AND HANDS WANTED THEfubfcribers being about to on the north bank of the Kentucky river, one mile above Frankfort, willies to purchase about .twenty tons ot hemp, deliver- ed at any of the infpedions on said ri- ver, for whi. h they will give twenty- - six (hillings, to be payed in calli in three months, (is not payed till six months expires, we will pay certainly K, . , r uiA .i r... men, Willi a rcaionamc auvamc iui the time.) We also wilh to hire a number of boys or young men, black or white, to affilt in the' walks at Georgetown, and near Frankfort, to whom generous wages will be given, their board and walhing sound, while they may learn a valuable trade. ELIJAH CRAIG, e SON Georgetown, April 10, 1798. 3t A BREACH OF TRUST. from Fiankforta man of the SENT of Hicks, a hatter by trade, to fetch letters from Lexington to Frankfort, he was engaged to alfill in manning a boat o Orleans, he rode a 5 lcile, laddie ancjjbrnile ot ours, tlie orfe a yellow bS blaze race-- , lign of the soot dilleniper on one tore soot, is not sore. now, A half worn Saddle and plated bridle, he lest Frankfort Friday Inft ; intelligence of the horse and rigging will be thankfully re ceived, and reafbnable charges paid by ELIJAH CK.A1G. 4- - SON. Georgetown, April 20, i7g9. . . 3t 1 je iiw ALEXANDER PARKER AS just received from Philadelphia) in addition to his former aftortment of mer chandize, Loaf Sugar. Cosec, Hjfin Tea, Altum, Nat Is nffortca, German ant CroU'lej s Steel, Sav andTub Miillrons, Fuller's Papers,andDt Stuff. ALL those indebted to the estate Of William Vhrkpr Hereafed. will oleafe to take notice. Rhat all tire accounts due said estate, are put p the hands of John Arthur for colleftion, with pohtive .lnltructions to Dnng nuts againit all those whodo riot settle their refpeflive bal- ances with him or the fubferiber, on or before the 1 2th inltant. ALKX. PARKER, Adm. Feb. 4( 1798. A1 persons indebted to the late firm of ALEXANDER & (AMES IMRK'ER, are 1 eqnefled to take no tice, that the accounts ot uiqnrmare ut into the hands of inr. John Arthur f Lexincton, who is sully auihoilfed fu collect the same, and pofitivejy di- - Mreded to biing suits againll all tllblc who do not settle thej r reipeotivea-- lances either with (aid Arthur,' or Alexander Parker., on or before tlie Ilih inft. we are compelled to this measure, as ho attention has been hiiherto paid to our notice on this . ' , AlbXaspeb ParKer'P John CoBURNy: Ex'ors. John Bradford, J ' Feb. ift. 1798. NJCHOLAS BOOT 'MANVFAC- - BRIGHT, AND SHOE TURER. O ETURNS his thanks to his cud o- - Arirfl?rs for their palt savors, and Ttbpes by his attemioii to bulfnels, to .merit them in fittnre'. He begs leave to inform ,the public in general that he continues to tarry on .the above bufinefs,Jin all its branches, on Cross llreet, two doors above Short llreet He will give generous wages to three "or sour good journeymen. NOTICE. on the 8th day of May next, THAT attend with the comrnif-fioner-s appointed by the county court of Franklin, at the' becinninc or o from the'fubferiber Hv4,,,er' rPcci.al c.Mls ,in an en:r ?ft prrre innde in tne name or loienn Helms, oiv. the South fork of Bensons creeK,aDotu two.mnes rrom doou s cabbihs, entered May 1 780, then and there to take the depositions , of cer- tain witneli'es to ellablilh the Special calls of said entry, and do such other ads as may be deemed necellary- to perpetuate said claim. STEPHEN ARNOLD. April 13, 1798. T rrR SLF, Several Smill Tr ,1s of hri aluable L KD a,.l oj lijiOHttjIlUe 'llTLE, (l; ) Military Lands in the State or Tennessee. 360 Acres, comprehending three trafls of 120 acre? each, adjoining thefouthern bounda- ries cf an addition to the townof Clorkfville, of theeaftern bank of the river Cumberland, with aline Ipnngof water in each of the said tracts. 46 town lot;, andovU lots, being part of 4fi town lots and out lots m the albreljid addition to the town of Clarksville. 53 separated out lots oftwoacies each be. ing part of 55 out lots, ljingon theeaft side of the alorefaid addition to the town of Claikfville reserved for the accommodation of tlie pur-chaf- ofthe town lots, during the teim ot 18 months from November last. IN THElLUNOtS.GRAUT, N. V. TlRRtTORr. 200 acres, being part of a .jqo acre survey ?o. I2&,2rantcxl to ohn Monre. r- - & "rtillery in the Illinois regiment, by a deed of taetrultees offaid grant. Lands lVinq near, the village KAstASKtAS. In the Illinois diftrift, now county of St Clair N. W Territory, granted by court or com- mandant ior theltate of Virginia, in 1183. 440 acres, viz. 963 in 8 grants of 12 J acres 480 in 2 grants 0(240 acres ; joined together on theeaft side of the river Kalkalkias, oppofita the villageof the same name. 564 acres bounded on the front by the laid ri- ver Ka(ka(kias. 3880 ditto, comprehending io grants in the year 1 784, lying together on the west fio'e of the river Rafkalkias, above and near the villape ofthfame name. 360 ditto, bounded on the north by theaforc- - said IO grants. Also one lot in the town of Kalkaflms plea- - fantly fituatcd near the bank of the river. For further information apply to P. D. ROBERT. Who has for sale 450 lbs. of very good GUK POWDER. ' Lexington, April 4, 1798. tf Just Imported, And now opening, at the corner of Main and Cross streets, opposite the old court-houfc- , a a variety of articles, ad ptcd to the present' ana approaching lealon, viz. An alfortment of dry goods, v Hardwaie ii cuttlery, Sadirons, hoes Scythes and ficles, Crockery and glass Wares, Japanned do. A general aftortment ol tin do. Pewter batons, dld.es and plates. Superfine pole and common paper, School bibles and tef .laments, Spelling books, Dilwortb's affiftaht. Mairs book-keepin- Blank books, Cherry bounce, Poiter, Wines, Teas, Coffee, and Chocolate, March 8, 1798. Lhafj hite Se brown Sugars, Alfpice, ging-- r &c. Allum, copperas, ar-- notto, A sew hundred of ex cellent logwood. Jcluit's bak, Glauber's salts. Copper tea kettles, 19 1 v o large and one small dill, Sheet iron & nail rod's, Nails & flooring brads, from 3d. to I2d. Window glals, 7 by'9 8by io, vby 11, 10 by 12, A variety of Saddlery, Saddles, saddle bags whips and bridles of every Also a sew excellent double and fmglo Pepper, trigger rjfle guns. All of which will be difp'ofed of extremely lor for cash, by the public's humble servant, Nathan burrows. Lexington, cinnamon, description. A generous price will be giver for coun try lugai- - A t,TTT T ' ACnr.Ca, iA rC nAhJ t.nAn. may hear of a place where he can get in to good business by applying to the printer. January 22, 1798. NOTICE is hereby given, that I Shall attend with the commiffioners appointed by the county oOnrt of Mason, under an aft entitled " an aft to ascertain the boundaries ol land ;" at anim- - provement made by Andrew M'Connell, for 1 f,i t in. t ri. .. .1. .t . jauics nairu, on weoueiuay, tne Jtn nay ox M4y nexj is fair, is rot the next fair day, at the Ijoule of William Wood, on William's run, ifbranclt of Mill Creek, in the said county of Mason, then and there to prove and perpetuate the special calls of an'entry made in my own name.of 1000 acres on a preemption Varrant, and.to do such other things refpertir line said entry as may be thought proper and J(gre$Ma to law. JAMES BAIRD. April 29, 1798. j FOR SALE, A.LL the lands belonging tp John Owings, in this Uate. Also his fliare in the Iron Works for terms apply to B. VANPRADELLES, attoy. in sad for John Cockey. Owings & & 4 $- - k - & & 4 . ATTEND I members of the Society for THE the abolition of slavery," who" live in Fayetteare requelled to afl'em-bl- e on Saturday the 28th inft. at the office of Esq. attorney at law; and aster taking a lecture on the fubjed of a general ' emancipation proceed to - tavern, when and where matters of the highefl im- portance will be fnbmitcd t ' th.'e-- , and which will require their discus-(io- n previous to the general ejed'nm on the Tuesday sollowing: As the, said Society was inltjtuedfar the pur- - t A i 5 A

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Page 1: 1789). (Lexington, KY) 1798-05-02 [p ]. - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7zs756fj12/data/1795.pdfthat I forewarn 2II persons to touch nor take aw ay any goods battels formerly

TAKN up by the Subscriber a- -

boat rwoar.da halt miles fromT ankfort, a dik bay inaie, about jJiotfourteen hands hih, fifteen years old, 2urone tore and one hind soot wliiceno rR'ichaidbiand perceivable, a final! fniu on the Juoileihon, as they are the property otnole, apprailecl to lix pounds. jfGEORGE SLAUGHTERSJanuary ill, 1798. .1

Scott county fd.November court of Quarter Seffions 1 797.Harry "Junes, efq. Complainant, ,

AGAINSTThe heirs of "John May, Dec. Thomas

Lewis, Ann Lewis, ate Ann May, andothers, Defendants.

IN CHANCERY.The defendants Thomas Lewis and

Ann, Lewis, having sailed to entenjtheir appearance agreeauieto law anathe rules of this court, and it appear-ing to the falisfadion of the courtthat they are not. inhabitants of thisHate, on the motion of the compla-inant, by his counsel, it is ordered, thatthey do appear herein the firrt dayof our next Augult term, and an Twerthe complainant's bill, and that a co-

py of this order beinfertedin the Ken-

tucky Gazette for twpt months fuccef-fivel-y,

and also polled at tne door ofthe court house of this county.

. A Copy. Telle.JOHN HAWKINS, C. C.

NOTICE.THAT commiilioners appointed by

the county court of Scott county will meet onthe third Monday in Jane next is fair, is notji2;t fair day, at a Coring formerly called Cherry's Ipnng in lam count, aim wncre jonn wai-- d

ljce now lives, in older to take the deposition

mony refpscting a preemption of one thousandacres of land obtained in my name lying onCherry's run, and do such other arts as mailbe deemed neceflary and agreeable to law.

Mosgs cherrt.April 24, 1798. , 3w.

TlCEis herejjyjjiven to all those whomNO may concern, that thi commiffioners ap-

pointed by the county court oi Bourbon, underthe act of aifcmbly entitled " an aft to afcer-tai- n

the boundaries of and for proceffipninglands ;" will attend on the 25th day of Maynext at my house in Bourbon county, at a placeformerly called Michael Stoner's improvement,to take the depositions of witneffes to cltabliflithefeveral corners and lines marked of a fur-ve- y

of 1400 acies it being the' cornersand lines ofafufveyof a settlement and pre-

emption surveyed in my name as afligncc ofHenry Clay, who was afiignee of Michael Stoner.

SAMVEL CLAY.April 20, I798. f


THAT commiliioners appointedthe court of Scott county,

will meet at the mouth of the littlenorth fork of Elkhorn on the firlb Sa- -

turday in June next, to take the de-

psfitions of fnijdry witiiefl'es to perpe-tuate their telliniony agreeably to alaw of this slate, touching the specialcalls in an entry made In the name ofBenjamin Bowls on military war-

rants lor two thousand acres- - enteredApril 27th 1780; my objed is toprove that the said little north forkis the firll large fork putting intoElkhorn on the north side below Hol-

ders trace. .

TESSE KOBARDS.Agent for the heirs of said Bowles.

April 29, 1798.

"SHAKEN up by, the fubferiber on

i Brulh creek, in Green county, sblack horse 7 years old, a fiuall star inhis forhead, and a small snip, brandedon the near (hpulder 1 O about 14hands high, appraised to 12.

NAT. 0 IVENS.March 20, 1798. t

- tfkNTUCKr.

Bairdllown Dill rid., to wit.January Supreme Court, 1798.

Henry Rhodes, Complainant.against - -

George Mithevts, Defendant.


THE dcfendanrjnbc- - havinghis appearane agreeable to

law and rules of this court, ants it ap-

pearing to the fatisfadion of thecourt that he is not an inhabitant of.this commonwealth ; on motion of thecomplainant by his counsel it is or-

dered, that the said defendant do Sip,,-- ,

pear here on the third day of the nextWay term arid answer the complain-ants bill or the same will be taken asconfelled, that a copy of this order beinserted in one of the Kentucky newspapers for two months fnccelfivelv,and published at the door of 'Cox screek meeting house on Some Sundayimmediately aster divine service, anda copy Set up at-th- e door'of the court-liouf- c

of Nelson county.(A Copy Telle


THE public will plenfe to takethat I forewarn 2II persons

to touch nor take aw ay any goodsbattels formerly in the ot

Matthews, and now in my

Nclfon of Virginia.Wm. NELSON,

A.gent for J AS. NELSON.Harnfon Connty, April i5, 1798- -





' NOTICE.HAT I fliall attend with the com-

miffioners on the firll Mondayin June next, where the glade branchempties into the.Sicaniore fork of MatecreeK, in tlie county or Montgomery, 1

f to take the deposition of sundry wicnefles, in order to perpetuate theirtellimony, for the purpose of ellablifliing the calls in an entry of ninehundred and seventy-fiv- e acres of landmade in the name of Charles Ivloupi,on the aad day of January 1782, iindalso the calls in an amendment tosaid entry ; and to do such otherthings as I may deem necellary and ac-

cording: to law.



OTICE is hereby given, that acomuiilhon of bankrupt has been

ifiued (see London Gazetie of 20Dec. 1797) and is now in prosecutionagainll mell'rs. Thomas Lovell andDaniel-Lovell- , late of Token HouseYard, in the city of London, mer-.chant-

and that John Reeves'! ofChange alley, in that city, efq Jsthe--?. ' - -- - .. . Rlolealhgue ot their cltate andall persons are therefore now ca

ettedSuTioTT- -

ed not to take any conveyance salettansferrence or allignment' of anyproperty, real or personal, of or fromthe said bankrnptsor either of them,as the same will be void, and all debtsdue to or from the said bankruptsmult be paid to or by the said mr.Reeves, who alone is authorised to set-

tle their accounts, and nay or receivethe ballancc thereon.

HUliHhS & NE 1 HhltbULh,lot ' Solicitors to the said commrs.London, Eflex llreet, Jan. 3, 1798.


Enquire of the Priiter.


AS there arc reports prevailingwhich oiiginates with interelted

persons, 'o injure BLAZE, 1 baseilinuo-h- t neeeflarv to inform

Ttlemeii of reputation, living at a Jif'tance, that he is now ill high order,and performs equal to any coveringhorse upon the continent. .

April 24, 179s- -


TAKE NOTICE.T;X7HEHEAS I cave two notcsWto avV certain George Lay, foreigjjtj

eight gallons' of wlnlkey each, onepayable in May 1799the otbtr payable in May i8o, And likewise gavethree notes to Adam Lay, two for 88

eallons of whilky, the firll payableQ)in May I8i the Second payable May

J003, tne mini cannot leineuiuerthe number of gallons, but not quiteSo much, payable May 1003- Lthesore forewarn any person from ttikan aflienmenton said notes, asOfrorgLay was to make me a title to a cer-

tain trad of land, in consideration ofPaid' notes,-- and since has been put inBo.urbon jail and has made his escape,as I am determined not to pay thenitill said Lay complies with his contract,or gives fulhcient (ecurtty (or a titlefor said land, without compelladjptBylaw. 3tf JAMES WEfl.

'A H I N T.

ALL personsof

.indebted to the late


that negleft to.call and pay off there refpeeYivebdliinces, before-th'- e first day of February next,m ay depend on having their accounts placed inthe hands of proper officers for collection.

John M. Boggs.Ciio'.- - Anderson.

'January, 1798.

TOLENinc about two milesTrom L'exinp--

tqfton Sunday night, the 21ft. inlt.a gray horse, abjpnt fifteen hands

0iigh, cloudedfWcejiihs.mane cut (hartand Iiangs to me near imc, iuilui.utrotter, brand not recolleded : I willgive TEN-DOLLAR- for the horseand thiefj or five dollars for the horse.

' - HENRY HILLOCK.April 23, 179S, 31s

Samuel & George Trotter,

HAVE just received amd are now openingftoiein Lexington, A large and

(general airortment of merchandise, conliftmg'of DRY GOODS, HAADWAiLE, GdOCF.tilES,GLASS and QUEENS IVAixE : NAILS, AN-VILS,- VICES, STEElf, &c which will besold on the vcryfoueft terms for CASH.


THEfubfcribers being about toon the north

bank of the Kentucky river, one mileabove Frankfort, willies to purchaseabout .twenty tons ot hemp, deliver-ed at any of the infpedions on said ri-

ver, for whi. h they will give twenty- -

six (hillings, to be payed in calli inthree months, (is not payed till six

months expires, we will pay certainlyK, . , r uiA .i r...men, Willi a rcaionamc auvamc iuithe time.) We also wilh to hire a

number of boys or young men, blackor white, to affilt in the' walks atGeorgetown, and near Frankfort, towhom generous wages will be given,their board and walhing sound,while they may learn a valuabletrade.

ELIJAH CRAIG, e SONGeorgetown, April 10, 1798. 3t

A BREACH OF TRUST.from Fiankforta man of theSENT of Hicks, a hatter by trade,

to fetch letters from Lexington toFrankfort, he was engaged to alfill inmanning a boat o Orleans, he rode a

5lcile, laddie ancjjbrnile ot ours, tlieorfe a yellow bS blaze race-- , lign

of the soot dilleniper on one tore soot,is not sore. now, A half worn Saddleand plated bridle, he lest FrankfortFriday Inft ; intelligence of the horseand rigging will be thankfully received, and reafbnable charges paidby ELIJAH CK.A1G. 4- - SON.

Georgetown, April 20, i7g9. . . 3t

1je iiw

ALEXANDER PARKERAS just received from Philadelphia) inaddition to his former aftortment of mer

chandize, Loaf Sugar. Cosec, Hjfin Tea, Altum,Nat Is nffortca, German ant CroU'lej s Steel, Sav

andTub Miillrons, Fuller's Papers,andDt Stuff.

ALL those indebted to the estate Of WilliamVhrkpr Hereafed. will oleafe to take notice.

Rhat all tire accounts due said estate, are put p

the hands of John Arthur for colleftion,with pohtive .lnltructions to Dnng nuts againitall those whodo riot settle their refpeflive bal-

ances with him or the fubferiber, on or beforethe 1 2th inltant.

ALKX. PARKER, Adm.Feb. 4( 1798.

A1persons indebted to the late

firm of ALEXANDER & (AMESIMRK'ER, are 1 eqnefled to take notice, that the accounts ot uiqnrmare

ut into the hands of inr. John Arthurf Lexincton, who is sully auihoilfed

fu collect the same, and pofitivejy di- -

Mreded to biing suits againll all tllblcwho do not settle thej r reipeotivea--lances either with (aid Arthur,' orAlexander Parker., on or before tlieIlih inft. we are compelled to thismeasure, as ho attention has beenhiiherto paid to our notice on this

.' ,

AlbXaspeb ParKer'PJohn CoBURNy: Ex'ors.John Bradford, J '

Feb. ift. 1798.







O ETURNS his thanks to his cud o- -

Arirfl?rs for their palt savors, andTtbpes by his attemioii to bulfnels, to.merit them in fittnre'. He begs leaveto inform ,the public in general thathe continues to tarry on .the abovebufinefs,Jin all its branches, on Crossllreet, two doors above Short llreetHe will give generous wages to three

"or sour good journeymen.

NOTICE.on the 8th day of May next,THAT attend with the comrnif-fioner-s

appointed by the county courtof Franklin, at the' becinninc or o

from the'fubferiber Hv4,,,er' rPcci.al c.Mls ,in an en:r ?ftprrre innde in tne name or loiennHelms, oiv. the South fork of BensonscreeK,aDotu two.mnes rrom doou s

cabbihs, entered May 1 780, then andthere to take the depositions , of cer-

tain witneli'es to ellablilh the Specialcalls of said entry, and do such otherads as may be deemed necellary- toperpetuate said claim.

STEPHEN ARNOLD.April 13, 1798. T

rrR SLF,Several Smill Tr ,1s of hri aluable L KD

a,.l oj lijiOHttjIlUe 'llTLE, (l; )

Military Lands in the State or Tennessee.360 Acres, comprehending three trafls of

120 acre? each, adjoining thefouthern bounda-ries cf an addition to the townof Clorkfville, oftheeaftern bank of the river Cumberland, withaline Ipnngof water in each of the said tracts.

46 town lot;, andovU lots, being part of 4fitown lots and out lots m the albreljid additionto the town of Clarksville.

53 separated out lots oftwoacies each be.ing part of 55 out lots, ljingon theeaft side ofthe alorefaid addition to the town of Claikfvillereserved for the accommodation of tlie pur-chaf-

ofthe town lots, during the teim ot 18months from November last.

IN THElLUNOtS.GRAUT, N. V. TlRRtTORr.200 acres, being part of a .jqo acre survey

?o. I2&,2rantcxl to ohn Monre. r- - &

"rtillery in the Illinois regiment, by a deed oftaetrultees offaid grant.Lands lVinq near, the village KAstASKtAS.In the Illinois diftrift, now county of St Clair

N. W Territory, granted by court or com-mandant ior theltate of Virginia, in 1183.

440 acres, viz. 963 in 8 grants of 12 J acres480 in 2 grants 0(240 acres ; joined together

on theeaft side of the river Kalkalkias, oppofitathe villageof the same name.

564 acres bounded on the front by the laid ri-ver Ka(ka(kias.

3880 ditto, comprehending io grants in theyear 1 784, lying together on the west fio'e ofthe river Rafkalkias, above and near the villapeofthfame name.

360 ditto, bounded on the north by theaforc- -said IO grants.

Also one lot in the town of Kalkaflms plea- -fantly fituatcd near the bank of the river.

For further information apply toP. D. ROBERT.

Who has for sale 450 lbs. of very good GUKPOWDER.' Lexington, April 4, 1798. tf

Just Imported,And now opening, at the corner of Main and

Cross streets, opposite the old court-houfc- , aa variety of articles, ad ptcd to the present'ana approaching lealon, viz.

An alfortment of drygoods, v

Hardwaie ii cuttlery,Sadirons, hoes Scythes

and ficles,Crockery and glass

Wares,Japanned do.A general aftortment

ol tin do.Pewter batons, dld.es

and plates.Superfine pole and

common paper,School bibles and tef

.laments,Spelling books,Dilwortb's affiftaht.Mairs book-keepin-

Blank books,Cherry bounce,Poiter,Wines,Teas, Coffee, andChocolate,

March 8, 1798.

Lhafj hite Se brownSugars,

Alfpice,ging-- r &c.

Allum, copperas, ar--notto,

A sew hundred of excellent logwood.

Jcluit's bak,Glauber's salts.Copper tea kettles,

191 v o large and one

small dill,Sheet iron & nail rod's,Nails & flooring brads,

from 3d. to I2d.Window glals, 7 by'9

8by io, vby 11, 10by 12,

A variety of Saddlery,Saddles, saddle bags

whips and bridles ofevery

Also a sew excellentdouble and fmglo

Pepper, trigger rjfle guns.

All of which will be difp'ofed of extremely lorfor cash, by the public's humble servant,

Nathan burrows.Lexington,



A generous price will be giver for country lugai- -

A t,TTT T 'ACnr.Ca, iA rC nAhJ t.nAn.may hear of a place where he can get in

to good business by applying to the printer.January 22, 1798.

NOTICE is hereby given, that I Shall attendwith the commiffioners appointed by the countyoOnrt of Mason, under an aft entitled " an aftto ascertain the boundaries ol land ;" at anim- -provement made by Andrew M'Connell, for1 f,i t in. t ri. .. .1. .t .jauics nairu, on weoueiuay, tne Jtn nay oxM4y nexj is fair, is rot the next fair day, atthe Ijoule of William Wood, on William's run,ifbranclt of Mill Creek, in the said county ofMason, then and there to prove and perpetuatethe special calls of an'entry made in my ownname.of 1000 acres on a preemption Varrant,and.to do such other things refpertir line saidentry as may be thought proper and J(gre$Mato law.

JAMES BAIRD.April 29, 1798. j


A.LL the lands belonging tp JohnOwings, in this Uate.

Also his fliare in the Iron Works forterms apply to

B. VANPRADELLES, attoy.in sad for John Cockey. Owings

& &4 $- - k - & &4. ATTEND I

members of the Society forTHE the abolition of slavery," who"

live in Fayetteare requelled to afl'em-bl- e

on Saturday the 28th inft. at theoffice of Esq. attorneyat law; and aster taking a lecture onthe fubjed of a general


proceed to - tavern, whenand where matters of the highefl im-

portance will be fnbmitcd t ' th.'e-- ,

and which will require their discus-(io- n

previous to the general ejed'nmon the Tuesday sollowing: As the,said Society was inltjtuedfar the pur- -

