16 ecommerce conversion rate optimisation tips

16 Ecommerce Conversion Optimisation Tips

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Post on 10-Apr-2017




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16 Ecommerce Conversion Optimisation Tips

Load Speed

You can boost user engagement, retention and conversions by improving page load speed. Use PageSpeed Insights Tool to find how quickly your site actually loads. Remove unused images and optimise JavaScript and CSS files to enhance load speed.

Easy Navigation

Test your site’s internal search accuracy, use clear category structure and optimise your homepage for top-selling products to make your site easy to navigate.

Show Off Top Products

Use banner, recommended product sections and pop-ups to show off your best selling products.

Make Your Site Relevant to the Local


Use headers to confirm that you ship to their country as soon as the visitors land on your site.

Offer Live Chat

Provide support in real time. Make your email address and phone number visible.

Make Your Policies Visible

Make your privacy policies, return policies, security certificates and any other policies or guarantees highly visible.

Offer Multiple Ways to Pay

Let them use the payment method they are most comfortable with. Increase conversions by offering them multiple ways to pay for the products and services.

Show Them Reviews about Products and


Shoppers trust online reviews and personal recommendations. You can use various tools to show them reviews about products and these tools will also remind them to leave reviews after shopping.

Optimise Product Images and Videos

High quality images and video can put a positive impact. Optimising the media file means that they are of good quality and are easily accessible by search engines.

Work on Pricing Strategy

Use comparative pricing and limited time sale to create a sense of urgency. No one wants to miss out on an offer!

Optimise Product Descriptions

Use keywords and phrases in the description that are commonly used by people while searching for products.

Real Time Offers

Personalised shopping experience can be created by using real time offers. Also you can offer various deals to your loyal customers.

Free Shipping

Charging for shipping kills conversions. Try to offer free shipping and if it is not feasible then use minimum shopping price criteria for users to be eligible for free shipping.

Button Colour and Text

Navigation buttons should be clear. Instead of telling go back using “back” text on button, make it more clear using “back to 2nd or 1st step”.

Enhance User Experience with Pre-Filled Forms

Avoid lengthy registration forms. Country, state and city information should be pre-filled using postcode.

Social Media Login and Guest Checkout

Make guest checkout and social media login part of your checkout process. If visitors are in hurry, they won’t spend time to fill registration form. Use guest checkout option to convert those visitors.