15 hidden health secrets of lemons


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7/27/2019 15 Hidden Health Secrets of Lemons

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15 Hidden Health Secrets of Lemons

By Theresa Cheung


Did you know the Ancient Egytians !elie"ed that eating lemons and drinking lemon

 #uice was an effecti"e  rotection against a "ariety of oisons$ and that recent research

has confirmed this !elief%There are many  health  !enefits of lemons that ha"e !eenknown for centuries& The two !iggest are lemons' strong anti!acterial$ anti"iral$ and

immune(!oosting owers and their use as a weight loss aid !ecause lemon #uice is a

digesti"e aid and li"er cleanser& Lemons contain many su!stances((nota!ly citric

acid$calcium$ magnesium$ "itamin C$ !iofla"onoids$ ectin$ and limonene((that

 romote immunity and fight infection&These are well(known health facts a!out

lemons& But there's so much more to this little yellow fruit& Here are15 that )'ll !et

you didn't know& *hether you use them in the form of #uice$ teas$ drinks$ dressing$

 oulticesor in the !ath$ take ad"antage of lemons' natural healing ower 


A!olish Acne

Lemon contains citric acid$ which can !e effecti"e in treating acne& The "itamin Cfound in citrus fruits is "ital for that healthy glowing skin while its alkaline nature

kills some tyes of !acteria known to cause acne& )n addition to drinking lemon #uice

with water first thing in the morning$ here are some suggestions on how to reare a

homemade acne treatment using lemon+, *ith your finger or a cotton !all$ aly fresh

lemon #uice on acne and lea"e it o"ernight& *ash with water the following morning&

There may !e an uncomforta!le sensation of !urning at first$ !ut it will soon

disaear&, -i. one art of freshly s/uee0ed lemon #uice with an e/ual art of rose or

honey water& ut the mi.ture on affected areas for at least half an hour& *ash it

afterwards with water& This alication should !e reeated twice daily$ ideally in the

morning and the e"ening& 2ote+ these remedies are safe and natural$ !ut if acne is

se"ere or there are oen wounds$ consult your doctor first&

 A!andon 3our An.iety

4esearch has shown that lemon !alm has a calming effect and therefore may !e a!le

to hel remo"e fatigue$e.haustion$ di00iness$ an.iety$ ner"ousness$ and tension& )t is

also !elie"ed that inhaling lemon oil hels inincreasing concentration and alertness& )t

can therefore !e used as a room freshener in offices to increase theefficiency of the

emloyees& )f you're feeling tense srinkle a few dros of lemon !alm essential oil


6 on a handkerchief to inhale&

Canker Sore$ 2o -ore

The ro"en anti!acterial and anti"iral roerties of lemons can accelerate the healing

 rocess in the case of cankers& -i. the #uice of freshly s/uee0ed lemon into a glass of

lukewarm water and rinse your mouth withthis solution7 do this three times a day&

There may !e a !urning sensation when the lemon #uice comes intocontact with the

canker$ howe"er$ the more fre/uently you use it$ the less !urning there will !e&

Lea"e the 8e"er 

Chills and fe"ers may !e due to a "ariety of causes$ !ut the lemon is always a helful

remedy& Here is amethod that can ease symtoms+ add the #uice of 1 lemon to a cu of

hot water with honey and drink at once$then e"ery 9 hours until the fe"er or chillsu!sides&

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Cold and 8lu :ot 3ou Blue%

 *hen you ha"e a cold$ the healing ower of lemons works !oth internally$ !y

sulying urgently re/uired "itamin C to your defense cells$ and e.ternally$ through

the alication of its anti"iral roerties to the "irus on the mucous mem!ranes in the

nose and throat&  At the first indication of a cold ; a runny nose or sore throat ;try to

gi"e your   !ody as much immune(  !oosting "itamin C as you can so that the "irus iseliminated !efore it gets a chance to take hold& Drink the freshly s/uee0ed #uice of 1

lemon in a glass of lukewarm water e"ery 9 hours& )f you ha"e a sore throat$ add the

 #uice of 1 lemon and 1 teasoon 5ml6 of sea salt to 1 cu 95<ml6 lukewarm water&

:argle three times a day for 1 minute to diminish the !urning sensation& )f it's a case

of tonsillitis$ gargle e"ery 9 hours for at least =< seconds with the freshly s/uee0ed

 #uice of 1 lemon& Tilt the head !ack to allow the anti!acterial and anti"iral roerties

of the #uice to flow into the !ack of the throat& 3ou can swallow the #uice when you

ha"e finished gargling there!y !enefiting from an immune(!oosting "itamin C shot&

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