hidden financial secrets report

1 | Page Hidden Financial Secrets Learn about REAL Underground and Private Passive Wealth Generation Systems that can create a generous monthly cash flow. By Michael Alexander © Copyright 2010 Prime Ventures Alliance

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different styles offline (public) ve got an regulated, somewhat for your safety but mostly for their control.


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Hidden Financial Secrets

Learn about REAL Underground and Private

Passive Wealth Generation Systems that can

create a generous monthly cash flow.

By Michael Alexander

© Copyright 2010 Prime Ventures Alliance

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Discover 100% REAL Private & Passive Wealth Generation Systems

Congratulations! You’ve been granted access to

this PRIVATE world…

The Ultimate Wealth Builder’s Club


You are about to discover how the wealthy create $MILLIONS using unique and

exclusive passive wealth generation systems from around the world! We’re talking

about REAL money-making activity that creates solid profit that can be LONG-

TERM and best of all – in most situations you have FULL control of your MONEY!

All the ingredients for SUCCESS are about to be revealed in this private and

valuable Report!


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Discover 100% REAL Private &

Passive Wealth Generation Systems

From Newbie to Internet Pro................................................................ 4 Why are real Wealth Generation vehicles difficult to find?................... 5 Go from Employee to Cash Flow Expert.............................................. 5 Making Money while you Sleep............................................................ 5 Cash Flow vs. Capital Gains................................................................ 6 Creating Cash Flow on the Internet…………………….…..................6 Red & Yellow Flags……………………….………………….………….6 Green Flags…………………………………………………..…………..7 Additional Research Tips..................................................................8 The Ultimate Wealth Builder’s Club...................................................9 Access to Real Programs………………………………….….…….….9 2 Ways to create Paychecks……………………………………..……10 A Value worth $$$$Thousands……………………….………..……..10 Getting started as an Active Member……………….……….……….11 Support Information..............................................................................12

The Ultimate Wealth Builder’s Club

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“Have you ever noticed there are many websites

and seminars that teach you the importance of

passive income but then don’t show exactly how to

begin making it? Well, I promise you this… at the

end of this report, you’ll have SPECIFIC understanding and a

SPECIFIC way to get involved in creating passive and semi-

passive monthly income.”

From Newbie to Internet Pro

Since 2005, I’ve been researching what works and what

doesn’t in the online world of creating cash flow. I’ve

lost money and made 5-figures monthly but all of the

experiences have taught me what to understand the next

time. At this point, many years later, I’ve built solid relationships, solid

monthly cash flow and discovered what works BEST.

Now, I feel there’s an obligation to share my success and

knowledge with a few select others – like you!

Let’s face the facts, the internet is a big place, and there are many “programs” that are lined up

to take your money, but do you know what do look for before you hand it over?. Truthfully, there

are really only a handful of real, legal, private and legitimate ways to have money make money

– but they’re not easy to find – in fact if you don’t know what you’re looking for, it’s very much

like the needle in the haystack.

“The Internet is still a partially untamed frontier.”

The Ultimate Wealth Builder’s Club

- Michael Alexander

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Why are REAL wealth creation vehicles difficult to find?

First of all, let’s understand the scope of overall issue.

Although the internet may seem more “open” to different styles

of business, don’t think it’s not being watched! Just like in the

offline (public) world, you can’t go telling people you’ve got an

“investment” – a word we’ll never use here. These are

regulated, somewhat for your safety but mostly for their

control. The banks and financial institutions would rather have

you doing business with them. There is not necessarily anything wrong with that, if you like 3%

on your money each year, declining mutual fund values, a roller coaster stock market and a

government that’s always trying to figure out how take more money from your pocket.

That is why I suggest you look for Private opportunities that are “below the radar” so-to-speak.

In my opinion, the less “regulated” an opportunity is, the better the earning potential. Being

involved in something private also gives you just that…more “privacy”. Private Clubs are not

public and may be a bit harder to find (luckily you have this report!) but their big plus is they can

better determine their own destiny.

Go from Employee to Cash Flow Expert

Did you know our Education system is designed to create

good employees and soldiers, people who blindly follow

orders, waiting to be told what to do, including what to do

with their money! If you believe that your retirement fund

will be there with all the money the major governments

are spending nowadays, you may one day have a big

wake-up call! The government is a business – and they’re in the business of taking your money

(mostly through inflation and taxation). What we all need is cash flow that is not dependent on

banks, mutual funds or stocks. We need to start thinking outside the box and realize there are

REAL ways to create solid DOUBLE-DIGIT monthly gains.

Making Money while you Sleep

We all have a finite amount of available time every week. If you have a job, you can’t be

somewhere else making money. The key to creating more cash flow is finding “Passive”

income streams. Passive means, once you’ve initially set it up, it keeps paying over and over

without any additional effort from you. Then, when you have 1 stream working, take profits and

add other. The end result is to have multiple passive income streams working for you – 24/7. A

virtual cash machine!

The Ultimate Wealth Builder’s Club

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Cash Flow vs. Capital Gains?

Robert Kiyosaki is a successful entrepreneur that got started in real estate and

has since branched out to many other areas of cash flow. Here’s what he

says about measuring his wealth… “Rather than use net worth, I use cash

flow to measure my wealth. The money my investments bring in every month

is true wealth – not some perceived notion of value that may or may not be

true.” So, the bottom line…invest for cash flow – not capital gains.

This video explains in more detail: The Perfect Business

Creating Cash Flow on the Internet

There are liars, damn liars and then there’s the Internet. Cruel as it may seem, it’s filled with

some of the worst con artists the world has ever known. That said, sifting through the rocks to

find the gold is easier when you know what gold looks like. Here are some Red, Yellow and

Green Flags when conducting due diligence on a program:

Red & Yellow Flags…


If you’re going to hand over your hard earned money, you need to know the people, company

name or entity with which you’re getting involved.

No Proof of Money Creation activity

If they cannot provide statements, historical data and or proof of any kind that backs up their

claim of money creation activity, then it’s simply not worth your time.

Sounds too good to be true

At what point does it sound this way? My advice is if they are advertising more than 30%

monthly, it’s probably a scam. Most REAL programs achieve between 5% and 25% monthly.

The Ultimate Wealth Builder’s Club

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Even 20% is getting high, but it’s not impossible. In addition, advertising specific/exact results

every week or month is fishy (eg: 5% per week) – very few programs make exactly the same

profit each time.

Paying daily or weekly

How can the program make REAL money if they have turn around and pay it out so quickly?

The answer is they are not – they are likely just a PONZI scheme.

Words & Phrases

Use extreme caution with any company using the words/phrases bank, investment, hyip (high-

yield investment program), 100% guarantee, risk-free/no risk and zero cost.

Look & Feel

If their website is badly produced with spelling and/or grammatical errors, contains wild claims

or inaccurate descriptions then it’s probably a scam. Use your gut feeling when looking at

something – it’s probably right!

Payment Processors

Be careful if they only use these – some are set up with risk and sketchy KYC policies. Any

company that uses Liberty Reserve or Perfect Money (especially with other red flags) can be

considered high risk. Lower risk processors to use are Paypal, SolidTrust Pay and Alertpay.

Green Flags

Proof of money creation

This is vitally important. When you can see valid and factual statements or proof that the

company is involved in REAL money-making activity, that’s a good sign.

The Ultimate Wealth Builder’s Club

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Control of Funds

The best situations are ones that offer a higher degree of control. An example would be to own

the brokerage account for a facilitated Forex program or the bookmaker account for a Sports

pick program. These offer you the ability to withdrawal your funds at will – no delays.

Track Record

As a general rule, it’s important that the company/program has at LEAST 3 – 6 months behind

its belt. If they’ve been around for more than 1 year creating consistent & provable results,

that’s generally a very solid sign.


It’s very important to contact the company and make sure someone responds – when they do,

and quickly, that’s a good sign. Having e-mail and skype support (or some time of LIVE agent)

nowadays is a must. A phone # is an even bigger plus but not necessary.

Additional Research Tips

Conducting your own “Due Diligence” is an important factor. After you’ve contacted the

company, analyzed their factual data and gotten a “feel” for their overall offering(s), it’s always

wise to go a little further and find out what a search & inquiry reveals. Here are a couple of

extra steps to take when before making a final decision:


One of the best and easiest steps to take when researching a program is to simply Google it.

There may be blogs, forums or websites that contain information about the program with either

positive or negative reviews. Often, the program itself posts information so be careful to discern

actual 3rd party statements. If it’s a Private program, you may find very little.

Contact Colleagues

If you have friends or business associates who also participate in online wealth creation

programs, why not contact them to find out if they either know about it or are involved. They

may be able to share their experience and knowledge and give you a solid recommendation.

***IMPORTANT*** - Unless a program is a public or regulated entity, government website are

not usually a solid source of information. They do post warnings from time to time but it’s

seldom. Private opportunities are rarely if ever found on these websites.***

The Ultimate Wealth Builder’s Club

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YEARS of trial and error, research, relationship building,

due diligence and sweat equity has led me to the Ultimate

Wealth Builder’s Club – Prime Ventures Alliance.

Access to REAL Programs

Imagine having access to multiple, diversified, unique and exclusive programs that are very

capable of, and have historically been, earning double-digit monthly gains. And that’s just the

tip of the iceberg. Here is a full list of the offerings from Prime Ventures Alliance:

1. Multiple Passive & Semi-Passive Programs (Forex, Sports, Real Estate, Corporate Credit,

Publishing, Private Ventures & More)

2. Asset Protection (Trust & IBC Structures)

3. Valuable Resources (Health, Banking, Politics, Economics, Privacy, Philosophy &


4. 3 Level Commission & Residual Referral System (2x12 Matrix & Weekly Commissions)

5. Full Back Office & Support (Secure & Solid Website, E-mail & Skype Assistance)

The Ultimate Wealth Builder’s Club

Click Me!

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TWO Ways to create Paychecks

The first way is actually multiple ways since there are already several passive programs listed

that are creating many of our members $$$$thousands in monthly cash flow. The second way

actually has 2 ways to create income – weekly commissions and monthly residuals. PVA offers

a way to optionally create further wealth by simply sharing the program with your close friends

and business associates. We’re looking for people like you – that’s how we’re growing the best

and brightest group of members the internet has ever seen.

For each new personally referred member, you will receive a $75 commission from their annual

fee, $50 for Level 2 and $25 for anyone on Level 3. Additionally, you’ll receive 6% of their

monthly subscription on all referrals in your 12 level matrix. This gives you an earning ability of

over $17,000 USD per month!

A value worth $$$$THOUSANDS

How do you put a price on years of research, experience, relationship building and success?

It’s challenging and many of our members have said the PVA Membership is worth

$$$$THOUSANDS! However, we're out to benefit people, so we're offering select & invited

members, such as you, the opportunity to get started for just $199 USD one-time and $35 USD

per month.

The Ultimate Wealth Builder’s Club

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After you see the quality systems we have in place for you, we're convinced you'll not only

begin a prosperous journey with us but also wish to share PVA with your trusted business

associates as well. PVA offers BOTH active income, by sharing this concept others, and long-

term passive income - the best of both worlds!

As a FREE member, you can peruse the back office and begin sharing PVA immediately by

sending out your referral link located on the Member Home page when you login. FREE

members cannot access the product and resource pages but can become active simply by

referring 5 active members. It’s suggested, however, that you become active first.

Getting started as an active member...

Once you've paid your $199 one-time fee and $35 1st month's

subscription (or become active by sponsoring 2 active members),

you'll be able to peruse the following sections...

1. Resource Library (chock full of videos, pdf's and links on

many important subjects like banking, privacy, politics, the

economy, health and more!)

2. Member Links (specific information on Forex, Gold/Silver,

Asset Protection, Health etc.)

3. 3. Asset Creation (Forex Facilitated Accounts, Sports

4. Investing, Real Estate, Corporate Credit, Publishing +

5. more coming soon!)

+ you can share PVA with your close and personal business

acquaintances/partners and create fantastic commissions/residual

income. You'll receive $75 for all your personal referrals, $50 on

Level 2 and $25 on Level 3. Plus!...6% of their monthly

subscription and on all members in your 12 level matrix! You

have an earning potential of over $17,000 USD per month!

What to do now?

Get started as an ACTIVE Member!...click on this link: (Once you’ve logged in, click on Getting Started or the FAQ’s for instructions to become ACTIVE)

The Ultimate Wealth Builder’s Club

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Your Journey to Passive and

Residual income starts now!

The Ultimate Wealth Builder’s Club

If you have Questions or need Support:


[email protected]

