
12030241090 2013 Business Analytics Assignment 1 Rohan Naik SCIT

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    Business Analytics Assignment 1

    Rohan Naik


  • Business Analytics 2013

    Assignment 1 Page 1

    i. Introduction: Nutricia is a specialised healthcare division of the food company Danone, focussed exclusively on research-based scientifically-

    proven nutrition, developed to meet the needs of patients and individuals for

    whom a normal diet is not sufficient or possible. While Salesforce collected

    plenty of data and offered numerous reports, Nutricia's sales representatives

    weren't using them. Later, Nutricia's sales team became data-driven by

    implementing and customizing GoodData, a cloud-based business

    intelligence solution.

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    ii. Objective: To improve sales by leveraging cloud BI based sales force reporting tool by the sales team and the management. To add transparency

    into its sales data, keep the entire company up to date with the most current

    numbers and enable end users to independently and quickly analyse data.

    They wanted to:

    - Bring together the North America sales division to collaborate around

    customized metrics in one reporting system.

    - Deliver live sales data without labour-intensive Excel spread sheets,

    formulas and calculations.

    - Present the sales metrics that often get overlooked in spread sheets with

    the ability for any rep to easily change the data to match his or her sales


    iii. Assumption: The sales team has a rich experience in sales activities of Nutricia and the management is keen to uplift the business. The sales force

    is aware of a BI tool and is known about its right use.

    iv. Observation: The Field sales reps received only 2 reports and only on a monthly basis, with a 10-day delay in the numbers. The reports were too

    inflexible to answer some of the specific questions the managers were

    asking. With a steady upstream of in-demand products, Nutricias sales department was paying close attention to growing the top line. They relied

    heavily on running their sales strategy by the metrics and need on going

    access to the most current numbers company wide.

    v. Analysis: Specifically significant questions like the following were not being satisfactorily answered:

    - For which customers have sales dropped off since last quarter or this time last year?

    - For which products have sales increased / decreased the most in the past quarter or year?

    Analysis of sales is represented in simple graphical formats as follows :

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    vi. Implementation: Aptaria a leading SaaS and cloud application integration service introduced and recommended GoodData to Nutricia as a reporting

    and business intelligence (BI) solution. Nutricia utilized GoodData first to

    analyse its Salesforce CRM data, empowering its sales organization to

    identify actionable trends in sales data and make more informed decisions.

    GoodData is cloud-based, simple to use, fast to scale, and free of IT and


    The implementation of GoodData tool comprised the following in a


    - Loaded the data.

    - Integrated GoodData seamlessly with Salesforce.

    - Built 185 custom reports for the sales team.

    - Created over 40 metrics to extract intelligence from Nutricia data.

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    Executive overview: - Current quarter's sales performance vs. targets - Drill-ins to remaining pipeline for the quarter - Measures most successful reps and opportunities - Multiple views into historical performance

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    Product and region performance: - Current quarter performance - Historical performance - Highlights for each product and every region

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    - Sales representatives performance management: - Complete dashboard view into rep performance: - Benchmark against other reps - Views of historical performance - Detailed look at rep activities

    vii. Conclusion: Nutricia's Manager of Sales Force Effectiveness. Sales

    representatives now:

    - Receive real-time reports on a daily basis.

    - Have reports that are "fun and easy to use" no intimidation factor.

    - Tweak reports easily against their business plans when their numbers


    - Create new reports to answer "what and how" questions.

    Sales representatives can now easily see their performance at the territory

    level and how it stacks up against other representatives. As a result, a much

    stronger sense of ownership and a more motivated, results-driven sales team.

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    Created intense customer obsession:

    - Understand which customers need more attention, and why

    - See what makes other customers so much happier

    - Connect with customer moods and motivations

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    A bigger picture:

    - Profit from a more in-depth understanding of case lifecycles

    - Uncover hidden trends that support immediate action

    - Gauge agent effectiveness through waves of case volumes

    - Combine insight from data spread across a wide range of objects

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    Invest with confidence:

    - Greater detail about where customers are (and where you should be)

    - More accurate resource plans for your most profitable channels

    - Understand which channels make you successful, and why

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    Develop teams of superstars:

    - More relevant insights into which agents need help (and which deserve


    - More targeted metrics to help coach agents

    - More accurate benchmarks to track agent progress over time

    Nutricia was able to achieve:

    - Seamless integration with Salesforce that allows Nutricia to access its customized sales metrics with CRM data with one click of a button

    - Daily access to the most current data by way of automatic updates to the sales metrics

    - Advanced customization of reports and dashboards that draw attention to key revenue numbers and can be sliced and diced.

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    viii. Recommendation: Extending the use of Gooddata BI tool to optimize inventory management of Nutricia.

    ix. Limitation: Use limited only to CRM activities focussing on reporting by the

    sales team.

    x. Bibliography:



