110 crocheted edgings


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. . ! i s   so earq toh e e o m e   expert  

. ·  In ·  ,

CROCH'ETw ilk IkeslJ  '  J o lJ o y s   .to holp   'IO U · · · ·

By gently graduating stage.   "Croc:b ..

Designs" takea you from .imple   edginga   t.tho intricaciea of filer crochet-coaches you to

an easy mastery of all those piquant personal

and household accessoriea ao fashionable   10-

day. See the complete range of nine inatruct.-ional folders at your needlework shop-atart

with the one that matches your present ability

and. as you advance step by step, you will6ndyourself tackling the most elaborate designs

With confidence. The folders COBt2d. each.

But to obtain the resulrs you hope for be aur.to crochet your design in-



• .

The Series Comprrsee->

I. Edein.. and Jolnln .. , L   c re e ... .

EdetDp.   8.   Edglnp ond Corn.... '- Bu",,"rohl., Edgings and Collar.   II.   Croob"Collan   and   CulT.. 6. Croebel II.' ..1. Cro.h., Medallion.. 8.   Croeb., LIID.... . I l . . . . . .   II.

  File' Croobol.

, , .

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Crocheted Edgings

 Designed and Published by

T he M isses B am ford     &   Wa/ker 

S T. IY E S, S Y D N EY , N .S .W .


The illustrations   in   this book are actual size

reproductions of the work.

Copies of this Crocheted Edgings are obtainablefrom all Leading Stores and Newsagents

throughout Australia.

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Stitches and Abbreviations


hs _ Hemstitched.ch < _ ChaiDstitch.

With a loop on needle pick thread up. and draw through

p _ Picot,   ,

A   given number of chain. joined together.

de _ Double crochet.

With loop on needle. insert hook and draw thread through;thread over needle and draw   'through the two loops on


- T re ltle .

With loop on needle, thread over needle - insert needle.

and pull thread through; thread over needle. pull throughtwo   'loops; thread over needle and pull through remainingtwo loops.   '

It - Long treble.

With loop on needle. thread over needle twice; insert

needle, pull thread through; thread over needle and pull through

two loops; thread over needle and pull through two loops; threadover needle and pull through remaining two loops.

When following instructions you read-"holding last stitch on

needle," pull thread through two loops twice only, leaving two loops

'on needle.

"Slip thread through." - Insert needle, pull thread through

work and loop on needle, repeat until you get to place required.



THESE edges were crocheted in Coats' Mercer-Crochet cotton.

size 50, and it was necessary to do two double crochet in every   •

other hemstitched space. For two tone edges use Coats' Mercer-Crochetcotton in color. Should liner cotton be used it would be necessary todo two double crochet in every hemstitched space. When crochetinghandkerchiefs. use Coats' Mercer-Crochet, size 150. for white. and

Coats' Super Sheen. for colors.   '

Where a row commences with treble. make three chain to take the

place of the first treble.   . ,."

Many of the larger edges would look nice   i f    worked with   Svlvan   Croch~~· ,.J

silk on babies' shawls.

+ " , . .J   ~ ~ , ~

.   A~# ~ · · 're


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No. I.-Dc in 2 hs spaces, 5 ch, dc in same space', dc in 2 hs spaces, 6 ch, dc insame space. Repeat.

: dc. 2nd ROW: 5 de, .. 4 ch, dc in same space,6 ch. dc in 4th de, then 4 dc; repeat from   .y..   3rd ROW: 6 ch, .. in next loop

do - 3 It  4   ch back in 1st ch 3 It 4 ch back in 1st ch 3   It   4 ch back in 1st ch;repeat from ".

~o .   .).-1   st   ,,,VW;   L.   t   Ineach   01.) ns spaces,   1lin   uext   space, .   'ien,   1   1Insame

space, 2 t in each of next 5 hs spaces, 1 t in next space; repeat from". 2nd

ROW: 1 ch, in loop of 1st row do - 1 t 4 ch back in 1st ch   4   times thenI t, 1 ch 1 dc in centre of t in 1st row: repeat.

4.-1   st   l{UW: de, Znd l{UW: 4   ch, '"   2   t,   3   de,   2   t,   2 It in one space;repeat from  .... 3rd ROW: 4 ch, 1 t in centre of de, 4 ch, dc between It;

repeat. 4th ROW: 4   c h, ..   3 t,   I   dc, 1 dc in   It.   1 dc,   3   t, 2 It in dc; repeatfrom • .

5.-1 st   KUw:   dc   In   t>   ns spaces,   :J   en, ac   In same space; repeat.ROW: Slip thread to 4th de, dc in next 2 dc, .. lOch, dc in 4th. 5th & 6th depast loop on 15t row; repeat from "'. 3rd ROW: In loop do - 3 dc. then3 ch 3 dc 4 times. 1 dc in centre de of 2nd row; repeat.


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No. 6.-Dc in 4 hs spaces. 5 ch, dc in same space. 6 ch, dc in same space. 5 ch, dcin same space. Repeat.

No. 7.-lst ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 3 ch, 2 t in 4th de, 6 ch back in 2nd ch,I   ch,   2 t in same dc as last   t,   3   ch,   I dc in 4th dc; repeat.

8.-1   st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW:   6 ch,  I dc into 5th dc; repeat.Slip thread to centre of loop.   n   2   ch,   in next loop do I t   ¥   4 ch back in first ch

It; repeat from   ¥   3 times. 2   ch,   dc in centre of next loop.   6   ch back in 2ndch,   2   ch,   dc in centre of next loop; repeat from   n.

• dc in 4th de,6 t in 3rd de, dc in 3rd dc; repeat. 3rd ROW: Slip thread to top of last t.6 ch,   ¥    I   It in each t of next group with 2 ch in between. 2 ch; repeat from".4th ROW: 3 dc between It.  & 3 ch over It.

o. lO.-lst ROW: I dc in next space do - I dc I t I It I t I de, dc in 6 hsspaces; repeat from 2nd ROW: Slip thread to top of t ... 2   ch,   in centre

of dc   do -   2 It   6 ch   back in   2nd   ch I   ch   2 It, 2   ch,   I   de   in top of next t;repeat from • •


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No. 11,.-lst   ROW:   dc in 7 hs spaces, 8   .ch ,  de in same space; repeat. 2nd   ROW:ohp thread to centre of de,   "f   2 ch, in loop d o - 4 t 5 ch back in 1st ch 3   t

5 ch back in 1st ch 4 t; 2 ch, dc in centre of dc; repeat from • .

No. 12.-1st   ROW:   de. 2nd   ROW:top of   It   3   It;   repeat from • .

No. 1 3.-1 st ROW: de, 2nd ROW: 3 ch, 1 t in each of next 2 de, hold last

stitch of t until completing last t, - 3 ch, 1 t   in  2nd de, 4 ch, back in top of t,

3 ch, 1 t in 2nd 3rd & 4th de, holding last stitch of t on needle until completinglast t; repeat from -.

No. 14.-lst   KUW: de,   Znd J:{OW: 5 ch, 1 t in   jrd    dc... 2 ch, in 4th dc do -

2   It  5 ch back in 2nd ch 2 It 5 ch back in 2nd ch 2   It 2 ch, 1  t   in 4th de• .2   ch1 t in 3rd dc; repeat from -.   c,

No. 15.-1 st   ROW:   de, 2nd   ROW:   3 ch, I t in each of next 2 de, 2 ch, -missing 1 de do - 3 t 2 ch; repeat from -. 3rd   ROW:   5 c h , • 3   t in space.

2 ch; repeat from -. 4th   ROW:   Fill space   with   - 4   de, - 6 ch back   in   2nd eh,Ic . b . . .   d e :   ia  MD1pMe;   ...-at   from • •


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No. 16.-1 st ROW: de. 2nd ROW: 7 ch, I t in 4th. 3rd   &  2nd ch, " I t in

3rd de, 3 ch, 3 t in last t; repeat from • .

No. 17.-lst ROW: dc i nto 4 hs spaces. I ch, lURN. I   It   I ch four times in1st de, lURN. 2 dc between each   It. dc in next hs space. 4 ch back in samespace; repeat.

No. 18-1 st ROW: dc in 6 hs spaces. turn. 2 ch, 1 t is 2nd de, 2 ch, I t in 4th de,

2 ch, I   It   in 6th de. I ch, turn. 3 t in space. I dc in   t,   3 t in next space. I dcin   t,   3 t in next space. pull thread through last de, dc in 3 hs spaces. 3 t 1 dcin last space; repeat.

No. 19.-1 st ROW: dc in 6 hs spaces. 6 ch, back in 5th de, fill with 13 de, dc in

next 2 hs spaces. lURN. 2 ch I t in 2nd dc five times. 2 ch, dc into 1st -dc ,lURN. between t 3 dc and 3 ch over t; repeat.

lio. 20.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 7 ch, dc in 4th dc; repeat. 3rd ROW:Slip thread to centre of loop. 3 ch, • in centre of   nat loop   do -   I   t   4 chback    ia   2M   ch   1   c ia   1   L   R.p.t __ ••


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No. 21.-lst ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 3 ch, in 4th dc do - I t 3 ch I t. 3 ch •.   dc in 4th dc; repeat. 3rd ROW: Slip thread to top af   Ist t.   'io   in centre space

do - 5 ch 1 dc 6 ch 1 dc 5 ch 1 de, 7 ch; repeat from   'io.

No. 22.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 4   ch,   4   It   in base of   ch,   dc in 4th dc; repeat.

No. 23.-lst ROW: dc in   7   hs spaces.   7 ch,   dc in same space.   9 ch,   dc in samespace.   7 ch,   dc in same space; repeat. 2nd ROW: Connect aU loops with   6   ch.3rd ROW: Fill   ch   in with 4 dc 4 ch 4 de.

No. 24.-1   st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 4   ch,   2 t in 4th de. 3 t in next   de,   2 t i nnext de, 4 ch, dc in 4th dc. Repeat. 3rd ROW: Slip thread to l st   t,   3 ch...2 t in same t. 1 t in each of next 5   t,  8 ch, lURN.   Pull thread through top of 

4th   t,   lURN.   fill with 13   de,   3 t in next t. 1 t in 1st t of next group of t;repeat from   'io.

No. 25.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 6 ch, back in 2nd ch, 2 ch, dc in 5th de.9 ch, back in 3rd ch, 7 ch, back in same space, 6 ch, back in same space, 3 ch,dc in 5th   de;   repeat.


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No. 26.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 3 de, 6 ch,   *   dc in 4th de, I dc in each of 

the next 4 de, 6 ch; repeat from "'. 3rd ROW: I ch, I t I ch 6 times inloop. dc in 3rd dc; repeat.

No. 27.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: I ch, 2 It in 5th dc and hold last stitch of Ist on needle until completing the second .... 4 ch, back in 1st ch, 2 It in same

space as last t; repeat from'" twice. 1 ch, dc into 5th dc; repeat.

No. 28.-1st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 4 ch, in same space do - 4 It. :(. dc in

4th de, 5 It in 4th de, 7 ch, back in 2nd ch, 2 ch, dc in 4th de, 7 ch, back    III2nd ch, 2 ch, 5 It in 4th dc; repeat from ....

No. 29.-lst ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 6 ch, back in 2nd ch, 2 ch, I dc in 4th .dc,3 t in 3rd de, 4 ch back in top of last   t,   3 t in same dc as last   r,  dc in 3rd dc;repeat.

No. 30.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 6 ch, de in 4th de; repeat. 3rd ROW:Slip thread to centre of loop .... 6 ch, back in 2nd ch, 1 ch, de in centre of nextloop. 4 ch, back in 1st ch, in next loop do - 3   It 4 ch back in   lsi   ch 3   It;   4 ch,back in 1st ch, de in next loop; repeat from ....

9   I

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N,.. 31.-1 st   ROW:   dc in 5 hs spaces. 4 ch, back in same space. de in 5 hs spaces.6 ch, back in same space; repeat. 2nd   ROW:   Slip thread to centre of de.

lOch. dc in centre of next de. 3 ch, dc in large loop of 6 ch, de in same loop.

3 ch, dc in centre of de; repeat. 3rd   ROW:   Fill large loop with 6 dc 4 ch6 de. next loop 5 de. centre one 4 de 4 ch 4 de. next loop 5 dc; repeat.

No. 32.-1 st   ROW:   de. 2nd   ROW:   In 2nd de do - 6 t, de in 2nd de. 8 ch,

de in 6th de; repeat. 3rd   ROW:   Slip thread to 3rd   t,   9 ch, back in 5th ch,

1 ch... 1 t in next   t,   3 ch, 4 de in loop. 3 ch, 1 t in 3rd t. 6 ch, back in 2nd ch•. L  ch ; repeat from ...

No. 33.-1 st   ROW:   de in 5 hs spaces, ~ 8 ch, back in same space, de in 4 hsspaces; repeat from". 2nd   ROW:   Slip thread to 2nd ch of loop. 3 ch, in sameloop do - .. 2 t 4 ch back in 1st ch 3 t 4 ch back in 1st ch 3   t,   2 ch, innext loop do - 3 de 4 ch 3 de. 2 ch, 1 t in next loop; repeat from".

No. 34.-1 st   ROW:   de. 2nd   ROW:   4 ch, 4   It   holding last stitch of each on

needle until completing last t, • 5 ch, 5   It same as before; repeat from ~. 3rdROW:   Slip thread to 3rd ch, 3 ch, 2 t, 4 ch, back in top of   t,   3 t all in thesame ch   -:.   In centre ch of next space do - 3 t 4 ch back in top of t 2 t;repeat from ~.


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No.  35.-1 st  ROW:   dc in 5 hs spaces, 8 ch, back in same space, dc in 5 hs spaces,lOch, back in same space; repeat. 2nd   ROW:   Slip thread half way up loop.

in loop do - • 4 dc 4 ch 4 dc, 2 ch, 1 t   Incentre of dc, 3 ch, back in top of t.2 ch, in next loop do - 3 dc 3 ch 3 dc 3 ch 3 dc 3 ch 3 de, 2 ch, 1 t in centre

of dc, 3 ch, back in top of t, 2 ch : repeat from • ..

No.   36.-1 st   ROW:   dc. 2nd   ROW:   { >   ch, dc in 5th dc; repeat. 3rd   ROW:

3 ch, 3 t in' loop, 3 ch, dc at base of last t, • 3 t in next loop, 5 ch, take chback in top of last group of t, fill loop with 4 dc 4 ch 4 dc, 3 ch, dc at baseof last t; repeat from .,   "'_.   _

No. 37.-1   st   ROW:   de, 2nd   ROW:   8 ch, dc   In5th dc; repeat. 3rd   ROW:

Fill loops with 9 dc. 4th   ROW:   Slip thread to centre of dc, • 4 ch, 1 It incentre of next curve, 5 ch, 1  It   in same de, 4 ch, dc in centre of next curve;

repeat from   'I'.   5th   ROW:   Fill loops with 3 dc 4 ch 3 dc.

No.   38.-1 st   ROW:   dc in 8 hs   ;paces, 6 ch, back in same space; repeat. 2ndROW:   Slip thread to centre of dc, 4 ch, in loop do - 1  It,  then • 1 ch 1 Itfive times, 1  It   in centre of dc, 4 ch, 1  It   in same space as last t, 1   It   in next

loop; repeat from ." 3rd   ROW:   Between It. 1 dc 4 ch 1 dc, in large space

3 dc 4 ch 3 dc.


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No. 39.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 3 ch, 1 t in 4th de,   3   ch, 1 t in same spaceas last t. 3 ch, dc in 4th de, 6 ch, dc in 4th dc; repeat. 3rd ROW: In eachspace 3 dc 3 ch 3 dc.

No. 40.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 7 ch, back in 3rd ch, 2 ch, dc in 5th de.7 ch, back in 3rd ch, 2 ch, dc in 5th de,   Ito   4 ch, 2   It   in same dc as commence-

ment of ch, hold last stitch of 1st t on needle until completing Znd, 4 ch. back in top of   t,   4 ch, back in same dc as t; repeat from   Ito   then repeat frombeginning of 2nd row.


No. 41.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 5 ch, dc in same space.   Ito   8 ch, dc in 6thde, 5 ch, dc in same space; repeat from   Ito .   3rd ROW: Slip thread to 3rd ch of large loop; in same loop do - 6 c h 1 de 3 times.   6 ch, de in next loop;repeat.

No.   42.-1st KUW: dc. 2nd ROW: 3 ch, 9   t, •   4 ch, in 4th de do - 2   It   4 ch2 It. 4 ch, in 4th dc 1   t,   9 t; repeat from "'. 3rd ROW: Slip thread to 4th   t,

3 ch, 3   r, '"   4 ch, 2   It   in space. 2   It   in   It.   5 ch, 2   It   in   It.   2   It   in space. 4 ch,4 t in centre 4 t; repeat from   Ito .   4th ROW: From centre of 4   t,  6 ch, back in2nd ch, 2 ch, in 1st space do - 3 It holding last stitch on needle until corn-pleting last   t,   6 ch, back in 2nd ch, 2 ch, in centre loop do - 3   It   same asbefore 6 ch back in 2nd ch 2 ch 3 It. 6 ch, back in 2nd ch, 2 ch, 3   It   in nextspa ce, 6 ch back in-Znd ch, 2 ch, 1 dc in centre of 4 t; repeat.


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No. 43.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 5 ch, in 4th dc d o - 4 It holding laststitch on needle until completing last It. 4 ch, back in top of t. 5 ch, dc in4th dc; repeat, ~ ,

No. 44.-1 st ROW: dc in 5 hs spaces. 6 ch, dc in same space; repeat. 2nd

ROW: Slip thread to 2nd de, • 5 ch, 1 dc in 3rd de, in next loop do .:....._3 t 3 It6 ch back in 2nd ch 2 ch 3   It 3   t,   1 dc in 3rd dc; repeat from   o1'.

No. 45.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 3 ch, 2 't in next de, • 3 ch, in 3rd dc do -1 It 3 ch 1 It. 3 ch, in 3rd dc 1   t,   2 t in next dc; repeat from ", 3rd ROW:

Slip thread to centre   t, •   2 dc in 1st space. 3 dc 4 ch 3 dc in next space. 3 dcin next space. 1 dc in centre t; repeat from   o1'.

No. 46.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 6 ch, dc in 4th de, 6 ch, dc in 4th <:Ic.3 ch,

in 4th dc do - 2 t 3 ch 2   t,   3 ch, d in 4th de, 6 ch, dc in 4th de, 6 ch, dc in4th de, 4 dc; repeat. 3rd ROW: Slip thread to centre of loop. • 6 ch, dccentre of next loop. 2 ch, 2 t in next space. 2 ch, in next space do - 2 t 2 ch2 t. 2 ch, 2 t in next space. 2 ch, dc in centre of next loop. 6 ch, 1 dc in nextloop. 6 ch, 3 dc in centre 3 of 5 de, 6 ch, I dc in next loop; repeat from   ,o1'.

4th ROW: Slip thread to centre of loop ... 7 ch, back in 3rd ch, 2 ch, 4 t in2nd space. 7 ch, back in 3rd ch, 2 ch, 1 t in centre space. 7 ch, back in 3rdch, 2 ch, 4 t in next :;pace. • 7 ch, back in 3rd ch, 2 ch, I dc in next loop;repeat from • once. then I ch, 1 t in centre de, I ch, I dc in next loop, 7 ch,back in 3rd ch, 2 eh, dc in next loop; repeat from ...


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No. 47.-lst ROW: de. 2nd ROW: 3 ch, '" I t in 4th de, 6 ch, back in 2nd ch,I ch, I t in same de as last t. Repeat from "'.

48.-lst ROW: de. 2nd ROW: 4 ch, 2   It,   hold last stitch of 1st t onneedle until completing 2nd, 4 ch, 2 de; repeat. 3rd ROW: Slip thread to top

of t, 4 ch, 4 It in the one space " 3 ch, I de in centre of next group of t. 3 ch,5   It   in centre of. next group of t: repeat from "'.

No. 49.-lst ROW: de. 2nd ROW: 6 ch, de in 5th de; repeat. 3rd ROW:

Slip thread to 3rd ch, 3 dc, '" 6 ch, 3 de in next loop; repeat from "'.4th ROW: Slip thread back one ch, 2 ch, '" in next loop do - 1 de 3 tide3 tide 3 tide; 2 ch : repeat from"'.

No. 50.-1st ROW: de. 2nd ROW: 3 ch, 2 t in next 2 de '" 5 ch back in 2ndch, 1 ch, 1 t in 3rd dc, I t in next 2 dc, 3 ch, I t in 3rd and 4th dc, 6 ch,turn, de in centre of the 3 t, turn, fill loop with 3 de 3 ch 3 de 3 ch 3 de. I   t

next to last t; repeat from "'.

No. 51.-1st ROW: de. 2nd ROW: 3 ch, '" in 5th de do - 1   t   3 ch 1 t 3 ch1 t; repeat from "'. 3rd ROW: 4 ch '" between groups of t do - 1   It   3 ch1   It   4 ch back in   top   o f t 3 c h I   It;  repeat from "'.


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_52.-1 st ROW: de in 6 hs spaces, 6 ch, back in 5th de, fill loop with 4 de 4 ch4 de; repeat. 2nd ROW: Slip thread to 2nd last de in loop, ... 6 ch, de in2nd de of next loop, 8 ch, de in 2nd de the other side of p; repeat from ....

3rd ROW: In Ist loop do 4 de 4 ch 4 dc, next loop 4 de 4 eh 4 de 4 eh 4 de;


: 7 ch, de in 5th dc, 5 ch, de in 4th de;

repeat. 3rd ROW: Slip thread to 3rd ch 3 eh 3 t ...4 ch back in top of last t4 t, 2 eh, in next loop do - I de 4 tide. 2 ch, 4 t in next loop; repeat from ....

No. 54.-1 st ROW: de. 2nd ROW: 6 ch back in 2nd ch, 1 t in same de, 1 t innext dc, 1 ch, 2 It in 2nd de, 4 ch back in top of It, 1 It in same dc, I ch, I t in2nd dc, 1 t in next dc, 4 ch back in top of   t.   2 ch, de in same de as last t, 4 de;


No. 55.-1st ROW: de. 2nd ROW: 3 ch, 1 t in each of next 2 de, ... 3 ch, 3 t

in last t. 1 t in 3rd de. 1 t in each of next 2 de; repeat from ....

No. 56.-1st ROW: de..   2nd ROW: 4 ch, ... 1  It  in 4th dc, 3 ch, 1 It in same dc.lURN. 6 ch, pull thread through top of 1st   It,   lURN. fill loop with 4 de

3 e h 4 de. 1  It in 4th de, 3 ch, 1 It in same dc. Repeat from ....IS

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No. 57.-   J  st   ROW:   dc in 4 hs spaces, .. 7 ch, back in same space, dc in 7 hsspaces; repeat from". 2nd   ROW:   3 ch, .. in loop do - 3 It holding last stitch

on needle until completing last t 6 ch back in 2nd ch 3 ch 3   It  same as before6 ch back in 2nd   ch   3 ch 3 It,   J   t in centre of dc; repeat from • .

No. 58.-   J  st   ROW:   dc in, 6 hs spaces, 4 ch, back in same space; repeat. 2nd

ROW:   Slip thread to 2nd de, 3 ch. 4   t, •   8 ch, 5 t in the 5 centre dc on   J  strow; repeat from· . 3rd   ROW:   Slip thread to centre t, 3 ch, • in loop do _

3 t 4 ch back in   J  st ch 3 t 4 ch back in 1st ch 3 t,   J   t in centre of 2nd row 1

repeat from ".

No. 59.-1 st   ROW:   dc. 2nd   ROW:   3 ch, 2 t into 4th de, 3 ch, 2 t in same dc

as last t, 3 ch, dc into 4th de, .. 3 ch, 2 t into 4th de, lURN. 8 ch, dc in top of 

t,   TURN, fill in with   J 2 de, last one take in top of t, 3 ch, 2 t into same de

as last t. 3 ch   J   dc in 4th dc; repeat from • .

No.  60.-1 st J.{UW: de. 2nd   ROW:   3 ch, 2 t in next de .... 2 ch,   1t   III jrd    de,

2 t in next dc; repeat from ". 3rd   ROW:   5 ch, 3 t in next space, • 2 ch,I t in 3rd t. 2 ch, I t in next t, 2 ch, 3 t in next space; repeat from • . Ath

ROW:   5 ch, 3 t in next 3 t of last row, • 3 ch, I It in centre space, 3 ch, 3 tin next 3 t; repeat from ...;,   5th   ROW:   From centre t, 5 ch, • 3 t in 1st space.4 'ch. 3 t in next space,   J   ch, I t   in centre t,   J   ch; repeat from ". 6th   ROW:

In small space do - 2 dc, 4 ch over t; in larae space do - 3 dc 4 ch 3 dc.16

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No. 61.-lst ROW: de. 2nd R OW: 3 ch, in 4th de do - 1   It   4 ch 1   It.  3 ch,

de in 4th de. 6 ch, de in 4th de; repeat. 3rd ROW: Slip thread to 2nd ch •.   3 ch, 2 t in same loop. ". 3 ch, in centre loop do 4 t. 3 ch, in next space do 3 t.

2 ch, de in centre of next loop. 2 ch, 3 t in next loop; repeat from "'. 4th

ROW: Slip thread back to Ist space. '" 7 ch, back in 3rd ch, 2 ch, de in nextspace. repeat from '" twice. I de in next space; repeat from 1st • .

No. 62.-lst ROW: de. 2nd ROW: 3 ch, 2   t,   2 t in next de. I t. ". 10 ch, I   l

in 9th de. 1 t. 2 t in next de. 1 t; repeat from ", 3rd ROW: Slip thread to

2nd t. 3 ch, 2   r, ". do - I t 2 ch 1 t in 2nd ch of arch. 1  t  2 ch I t in 5th ch,I t 2 ch I t in 8th ch, 3 t in centre 3 t; repeat from "'. 4th ROW: Fill arch

with de. make a p with 4 ch over centre t.

No. 63.-lst ROW: de. 2nd ROW: 5 ch, I t i n 2nd de. '" 2 ch, 1 t in 2nd de;repeat from ".. 3rd ROW: 5 ch, 1 It in 2nd space. 5 ch, I de in 2nd t. 3 t

in next space. I de in next t. 3 t in next space. I de in next t; repeat. 4thROW: Slip thread to 3rd ch, I de. ". 3 t. 1 de in   It. 3   t,   1 de. 4 ch, de incentre of   t,   4 ch, I de in centre of next group of   t,   3 ch, 1 de in next loop;repeat from ",

No. 64.-lst ROW: de. 2nd ROW: 4 de. '" 4 ch, in 6th de do - 2   It 4 ch 2   It.

4 ch, 1 de in 6th 7th 8th & 9th de; repeat from ".. 3rd ROW: 4 t in 4 de.

5 t in 1st loop. I t in each   It. 6 t in centre loop. I t in each   It. 5 t in next loop;repeat. 4th ROW: Slip thread to centre of lower arch. 4 ch, in base of chdo - '" 1  It 6 ch back ·   in 2nd ch 2 ch 2   It.  4 ch, de in. 2nd   & 3rd t of centrearch, 4 ch,   de   in 4th  &5th t. 4 ch, I It in centre of lower arch; repeat from ",


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No. 65.-1st   ROW:   de in 4 hs spaces. 6 ch,   lURN.   dc into 1st de,   lURN.   fill

in with 4 de 3 ch 4 de. dc in same space where ch commenced. dc in 7 hsspaces. 6 ch,   lURN.   de in centre of de. 6 ch, dc next the last curve completed;

lURN.   fill 1st loop with 9 de, 4 dc in next loop.   lURN.   6 ch, dc in centre of last curve.   lURN.   fill with 4 de 3 ch 5 de, 5 dc: repeat.

No. 66.-1st   ROW:   dc. 2nd   ROW:   In 3rd dc do - 7   t,   1 dc in 3rd   de,   8 ch,dc in 7th dc; repeat. 3rd   ROW:   Slip thread to centre of   t,   then in loop do -

1 ch 1 It  8 times. 1 ch, 1 dc in centre of t; repeat. 4th   ROW:   2 dc in spaces

and 3 ch over   It.

No. 67.-1 st   ROW:   dc. 2nd   ROW:   6 ch, ,. 1 t in 3rd and 4th de, 3 ch, 1 t ia3rd de. 3 ch; repeat from ", 3rd   ROW:   2 de, ,. 6 ch, 2 dc each side of 

single   t, and one in t; repeat from "'. 4th   ROW:   3 ch, 1 t in next loop. 8 ch,,. 1 t in same loop. 1 t in centre de, 1 t in next loop. hold last stitch of 1st

&  2nd t until completing last t, 8 ch: repeal from "'. 5th   ROW:   Fill loop

with 5 de 4 ch 5 dc.

No. 68.-1st   ROW:   dc. 2nd   ROW:   lOch. dc in 6th dc; repeat. 3rd   ROW:3 ch, - in   100)   do - 7 t 1 ch 7   t,   1 t in same loop 1 t in   de   1 t in next loophold last stitch of 1st and 2nd t until completing 3rd; repeat from -. 4thROW:   Slip thread to centre of t. - l O ch, dc in centre of next loop; repeat

. from -. 5th   ROW:.   3 ch, 6   t,   4 ch, back in top of last t. 6 t , 1 tIt in dc1 t in next loop hold last stitch of l st and 2nd until completing 3rd t; repeat.


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No. 69.---'-1st   ROW:   dc in 3 hs spaces • .., missing one space. in next do - 3 t 3 It

3 t. missing one space. fill in next 3 spaces with dc; repeat from ", 2nd   ROW:

Slip thread halfway up   t,   3 ch• .., I t halfv. ay up next group of   t,   5 ch, dc in

top of group of t. 5 ch, I t halfway down side of t; repeat from"'. 3rd   ROW:

Slip thread halfway up I st loop. 4 dc• .., next loop 8 de, next loop 4 de, 6 ch,

dc in centre of last loop. come back. fill with 8 de, 4 de to complete last loop;repeat • .

No. 70.-lst   ROW:   dc. 2nd   ROW:   6 ch, in 6th dc do - I dc 4 ch I dc;repeat. 3rd   ROW:   Slip thread to centre of loop. 4 ch, back in same space. ~

6 ch, centre of next loop do - I dc 4 ch I dc; repeat from "'. 4th   ROW:

Slip thread to centre of   100Pr   •   3 c h, in next loop do - I t 4 ch back in 1stch three times then I   t,   3 ch, dc in next loop; repeat from ",

No. 71.-1 st   ROW:   dc in 3 hs spaces, 5 ch, back in same space, 5 ch, back in

same space. dc in 3 hs spaces. lOch. take back over 2 loops into 1st de, fillloop with 20 de, I dc where ch commenced • .., dc in 3 hs spaces. 5 ch, back 

in same space. 5 ch, back in same space, dc in 3 more hs spaces, lOch. takeback to end of last curve 5 de, 6 ch, dc in 5th dc from end of Ist loop. fill chwith 6 dc 4 ch 6 de, finish loop with 15 dc; repeat from "'.   •

No. 72.-1 st   ROW:   dc. 2nd   ROW:   7 ch • 1 t in 3rd de, 4 ch, 1 It in 3rd dc :repeat from"'. 3rd   ROW:   Fill each space with 3 dc 4 ch 3 dc. 4th   ROW:

9 ch. dc in top of It: repeat. 5th   ROW:   Fill loops with 6 dc 4 ch 6 dc.


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No. 73.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 5 ch, dc in 4th de, 7 t in 3rd de, 1 dc in

3rd dc; repeat. 3rd ROW: Slip thread to 2nd ch, 4 ch, 3   It   holding laststitch on needle until completing last t. ,. 3 ch, in 3rd   & 4th t do - 2   It

holding last stitch on needle same as before. 3 ch, in 5th   & 6th t do - 2 Itsame as before. 3 ch, in next loop 4 It same as before; repeat from ,.. 4th

ROW: 4 dc in 1st loop. 3 dc 4 ch 3 dc in 2nd loop. 4 dc in 3rd loop; repeat.

No. 74.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: ,. in 3rd dc do - 5   It.   2 ch, in 3rd dc

do - 5   It. dc in 3rd dc; repeat from". 3rd ROW: Slip thread to centre of   t,9 ch, back in 6th ch, 2 ch, ,. 4 t between It. 6 ch back in 2nd ch, 2 ch, 1 t in

centre of 2nd group of   It.   1 t in centre of next group of   It. 6 ch, back in 2nd

ch, 2 ch; repeat from".

No. 75.-lst ROW: de' into 5 hs spaces. ,. in next space do - 2 t 3 It 2   t,   fill inthe next 7 spaces with dc; repeat from ,.. 2nd ROW: 2 de, 4 ch, miss I de,

2 de, ,. 1 ch 1 t between t of 1st row four times. 2 ch, 1 t in same space aslast   t,   1 ch 1 t three times to match the other side. 1 ch, dc in 3rd and 4th de,4 ch, dc in 2nd   & 3rd dc; repeat from .... 3rd ROW: Fill loop with 4 de, and

between each t 2 de, 4 dc in centre with 4 ch between.

No. 76!-lst ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 3 ch, ,. in 4th dc do - I t 2 ch It; repeatfrom'   ~ once; turn. 6 ch, dc between 2nd   & 3rd t. 6 ch, dc in top of next t•

.turn. 8 dc in Ist loop. 4 dc next loop. turn. 6 ch, dc in centre of Ist loop.turn. fill with 8 de, 4 dc in remaining half loop. Slip thread through top of lalt   t, one   t   in 4th de. 6 ch, back in 2nd ch, I ch, I   t   in same space   as last t;

repeat from Ist ~. 20

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No. 77.-1st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 7 ch, dc in 5th dc; repeat. 3rd ROW:3 ch, 2 t in next loop. hold last stitch on needle until completing last   t,   7 ch• .,.

in same loop do 2 t. in next dc 1 It, 2 t in next 100p, hold last stitsh of 4 t onneedle until completing the 5th, 7 ch; repeat from .,.. 4th ROW: Fill eachloop with 3 dc 4 ch 3 dc 4 ch 3 de.

No. 78.-1 st ROW: dc in 9 hs spaces. 7 ch, turn, dc in 6th dc, turn. fill loop with12 dc; repeat. 2nd ROW: Slip thread to 2nd dc, 3 ch, .,. 3 t, 3 ch, 3 t in

4th dc of loop. 3 ch, 3 t in 3rd de, 3 ch, 1 t in 2nd dc past loop; repeat from". 3rd ROW: 4 ch, back in lst ch, 4 de in next space; repeat.

No. 79.-' st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 5 t in 2nd dc, dc in 2nd de. .,. 8 ch, de in6th dc, 5 ch, dc in same space, 8 ch, de in 6th dc, 5 t in 2nd dc, 1 de in 2ndde; repeat from "'. 3rd ROW: Slip thread to centre of t, .,. 3 ch, in loop do- 3 It hold last stitch on needle until completing last t 6 ch back in 2nd ch, ch 3 It same as before. 3 ch, , de in small loop; repeat from ",

No. 80.-1 st ROW: de. 2nd ROW: 4 ch, .,. in 4th dc do - 1   It   3 ch 1   It.

TIJRN. 3 ch, slip thread through top of 1st   It.   TIJRN. fill loop with 3'   de3 ch 3 de. 4 ch, 1 dc in 5th dc, 5 ch 1 dc in same space, 4 ch, 1 It-;iJr5th de,TIJRN. 5 ch, slip thread through top of   It. TIJRN. fill in with 4 dc   Ych   : 4  'dc;repeat from "'.


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No.   81.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 3 ch,   1 t, .. 2 t in next de, 2 ch, 2 t in

3rd dc, 2 t in next dc, 7 ch, 2 t in 7th dc; repeat from ". 3rd ROW: Slipthread to space, 3 ch, 2 t, 1 t in top of 1st   t, .. 3 ch, in next loop do - 3 dc

4 t 3 dc, 3 ch, 4 t in next space; repeat from ".

No.  82.-1 st ROW: dc in 3 hs spaces, .. 4 ch, dc in same space, dc in 5 hs spaces;repeat from ". 2nd ROW: 4 ch, 3   It holding last stitch on needle until com-pleting last t... 7 ch : in centre of next dc do - 4 It holding last stitch on

needle until completing last t; repeat from ", 3rd ROW: Fill in ch with

3 d c 4 c h 4 d c 4 c h 3 d e .

No. 83.- 1st ROW: de. 2nd ROW: 3 ch, 1 t in each of next 2 de   &   hold laststitch of t on needle until completing last t, ". 3 ch, 1 t in 2nd dc, 4 ch, back in

top of t, 3 ch, I t in 2nd 3rd   & 4th de,   & hold last stitch of t on needle untilcompleting last t; repeat from ...   3rd ROW: 9 ch, dc in top of next group

of t; repeat. 4th ROW: Fill loops with 4 dc 4 ch 4 dc 4 ch 4 dc.

No. 84.-lst ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 9 ch, .. in 8th dc do - I t I ch I t I eh1 't, 6 ch; repeat from ... 3rd ROW: Slip thread through to 3rd ch, 4 dc, ..8 ch, 4 dc in next loop; repeat from ... 4th ROW: Slip thread through tonext loop, do - 1 de 2.zt...1 IJ:2 t 1 de, ". 7 ch, back into 3rd ch. 3 ch, innext loop do - I dc 2 t,.,lf -"l-lt2 t 1 dc; repeat from ".   .

~ . . c


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No. 85.-1 st ROW: dc in 5 hs spaces. .. 7 ch, back in same space. dc in I0 hsspaces; repeat from ", 2nd ROW: 3 ch.r:   in loop do .. 3 It holding last

stitch on needle until completing 3rd t 6 ch back in 2nd ch 2 ch ; repeal

from" twice then 3 more   It.  I t in centre of de, 6 ch, back in 2nd ch, I ch, It in same space as last t; repeat from ....

No. 86.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 6 ch, dc in 5th de, 4 ch, dc in 3rd dc;repeat. 3rd ROW: Slip thread to 3rd ch, 5 de, .. 4 ch, 1 dc in small loop.

4 ch, 5 dc in next loop; repeat from". 4th ROW: Slip thread to centre of 1stloop .. 4 ch, 1 dc in next loop. 5 ch, 1 dc in next loop; repeat from '", 5th

ROW: In the small loop do-2 dc 4 ch 2dc. in the large loop do-3 dc

4 ch 3 dc.

No. 87.-1st ROW: de. 2nd ROW: 3 dc... 2 t. in next dc do-I   It   I ch I It.2   t,   3 dc; repeat from". 3rd ROW: From centre dc 6 ch, 1 dc between It...

4 ch, 1 t in centre of de, 4 ch, 1 de between   It;   repeat from ", 4th ROW:7 ch, back in 3rd ch, in dc do-" 9   It.   1 t in next   t,   4 ch, back in top of t;repeat from ".

No. 88.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 8 ch, 1 t in 4th de, '"   S   ch. I   l m 4th dc;repeat from "'. 3rd ROW: Slip thread to centre of loop. 3 ch• ." in next loopdo-2 t 3 ch 2 t; repeat from ". 4th ROW: Slip thread to loop   .between

t and do - '"   (>   ch, 'back into 2nd ch, 2 ch, dc in next loop;   'repeat   from "'.


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No.   89.-lst ROW: de, 2nd ROW: 5 ch, 1 tin 3rd dc, .. 2 ch, 1 t in.3rd dc;repeat from   0\'   twice; .. lURN, 3 ch, 1 t in top of next t, 3 ch, pull thread

through top of next t, lURN, fill each ch with 3 dc 3 ch 3 dc, 2 ch, 1t in 3rd

dc, lURN, 8 ch, 1 t in centre of dc, 8 ch, pull thread through top of next   t,

lURN, fill with 2 dc 3 ch 5 times in each loop, make 5 blocks of 2 ch 1 t andrepeat from   0\'0\'.

No.   90.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 7 ch, 1 dc in 5th dc; repeat. 3rd ROW:

Slip thread to centre of loop,   0\'   in next loop do-3 t 4   ch   back in top of t 4   t

4 ch back in top of t 4 t 4 ch back in top of t 3 t, 1 dc in next loop; repeatfrom   0\'.   4th ROW: Slip thread between 1st & 2nd po\'. 7 ch, 1 dc between 2nd

& 3rd p, 9 ch, 1 dc between 1st and 2nd p in next arch; repeat from ". 5thROW: Fill small loops with 5 dc 4 ch 5 de, and large loops with 6 dc 4 ch 6dc.

No.   91.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 6 ch, 1 dc in 4th dc; repeat. 3rd ROW:Slip thread to centre of loop   0\'   4 ch, in next loop do-4 t holding last stitch onneedle until completing last t, 4 ch, 1 dc in centre of next loop; repeat from   0\'.

4th ROW: Slip thread to centre of 1st loop,   0\'   6 ch, 1 dc in centre of nextloop, 6 ch, back into 2nd ch, 2 ch, dc in centre of next loop; repeat from   0\'.

No.   9Z.-1 st ROW: de. 2nd ROW: 5 t in 2nd de, I de in 2nd de, 2 ch, in 4thdc do-I   It   2 ch 4 times, dc in 4th dc; repeat. 3rd ROW: Slip thread tocentre of t, .. 4 ch, dc in Ist   It, 2 dc in space, 3 ch, 3 dc in next space, 3 ch,

2 dc in next space, I dc in last t, 4 ch, dc in centre of t; repeat from   0\'.


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No. 93.-1 st ROW: dc in 4 hs spaces. ... 12 ch, back in 4th ch, 2 ch, hold down onright side and pull thread through 2nd ch, 1 t in loop. 2 ch, 5 t; 2 ch, 5   r, 2 ch,5   t,   2   ch,   2   t,  pull thread through where circle commenced. 2   ch,   dc in same

hs space. dc in 3 hs spaces. 4 ch, back in same space. dc in 3 hs spaces; repeatfrom .... join circles together with 3rd t in 1st group of 5 t.

No. 94.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 5 ch, 1 t in 3rd de, • 2 ch, 1 t in 3rd dc;repeat from   'I.   3rd ROW: In 2nd square do 8   t,   dc in top of next   t,   4 ch, back in 1 st   ch,   miss 1 square. in next square do-2 It 4 ch back in 1st ch 2   It 4 ch

back into 1st ch   2   It. 4   ch,   back in 1st   ch,   dc in top of next t; repeat.

95.-1 st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 6 ch, dc in 4th de, 7 ch, back in 3rd

2 ch, dc in 4th dc; repeat. 3rd ROW: Slip thread to centre of plain loop.4 ch, 2 It. 2 ch, :(.3 It in next plain loop. 5 ch back in 2nd ch, 1 ch, 3 It in

same loop. 2 ch; repeat from ...


No. 96.-1 st ROW: .. dc in 9 hs spaces. 6 ch, turn. pull thread through 5th de,2 ch, pull thread through 2nd de, turn. fill loop with 18   t,   dc in next 3 hs

spaces. turn. 2   ch,   *   1 t in 2nd   t,  2 ch; repeat from   *   8 times. pull  .thread

through the 2nd dc from last t of arch. 2 ch, pull thread through 2nd de, turn.2 t in spaces and 1 in each t; repeat to complete arch. dc in next hs space;

repeat from   * * .   2nd ROW: Slip thread to 6th   t, •   6 ch, back into 2~ch· .2   ch,   de into 3rd t; repeat from   .*   5 times; 3   ch,   dc in   6th   t of next'   arch:repeat   from 6rst • .   '"



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No. 97,,-lst   R O W :   2 t in each hosspace. 2nd   R O W :   1 t. • 2 ch 1  r in 3rd t

4 times. 3 ch,   in   6th t do - 1 t 2 ch 1  It 2 ch 1 t. 3 ch, 1 t   in   6th t; repeat

f rom • •   3rd   R O W :   4 squares. 13 t over next 3 t; repeat. 4th   R O W :   Slip

thread 1 square. 2 squares. between Ist and 2nd t do - 1 t 2 ch 1 t. 2 ch,I t in 3rd t. 2 ch, in centre t do - I t 3 ch 1 t. 2 c h, I t in 2nd t. 2 ch, in

3rd t do - I t 2 ch 1 t; repeat. 5th   R O W :   Slip thread to centre t. over 3

spaces do 12 t • in centre space   do -   3 tIp 3   t,   over next 3 spaces   do

12   r,   I dc in centre   r,   7 t over next 2 spaces. 7 ch take back to 7th t in last

arch. fill loop with 4 de 4 ch 4 times. 4 t in next space; repeat from • •

No. 98.-1 st   R O W :   dc in 9 hs spaces. turn. 7 t in 3rd de, 1 de in 3rd de, 3 ch,   .

I dc in 3rd de, turn. lOt over 7   t,   I de in next hs space. de in 4 hs spaces.

4 ch, de in same space; repeat. 2nd   R O W :   Slip thread to 3rd de, 7 ch •

I It in 3rd t. 4 ch,   1   It   in 2nd   r,   4 ch, I   It   in 2nd t. 4 ch, 1 It in 3rd   t,   4 ch,

I It in 3rd de, 6 ch, I   t   in 3rd de past P. 4 ch; repeat from • . 3rd   R O W :

Holding thick thread over ch fill each loop with 4 dc 4 ch 4 dc and 9 dc   in

space over picot. 4th   R O W :   Slip thread back to centre de, 1 It 5. eh, 1   It

between next 2   P.   4 ch, between next 2 p do -   J   It 3 ch   J   It. 2 ch, between

n e x t 2 p d o -   J   It 2 ch   J   It.  5 ch, I   It   between next 2   P.   4 eh; repeat.

5th   R O W :   Hold thick thread over ch, fill each, loon with 4 de 4   c b . .   d e .

leaving p out of 2   small   spacei.

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No.   99.-1 st   ROW:   de. 2nd   ROW:   1 t, 2 eh, 1 t   in   2nd   de,   repeat making 16

squares, lOch   take   back ever 6 squares, then   f i n   with 20   de;   repeat. 3rd

ROW:   4 ch • 1 t   in   next t, make 8 squares, 20 t in de; repeat from • .

4th   ROW:   4 ch .. 6 squares. 1 t in Ist t of arch • 6 ch, I t in 4th   t,   repeatfrom • 4 times; repeat from • • . 5th   ROW:   2 dc in squares I on t a nd p

over centre   t,   in each loop do - 4 dc 4 ch 4 de, 16 ch, turn. in centre p do

4 t (holding last stitch on needle until completing last   t),   16 ch join at 1st de,

turn. fill ch with 2 dc 4 ch II times. dc in centre. 6 ch, turn. dc in base of ch,

turn • .fill with 12 de, fill next ch with 2 dc 4 ch II times ; repeat.

No. 100.-1 st  ROW:   dc in 26 hs spaces. 5 ch dc in same space; repeat. 2nd   ROW:

Slip thread to 6th de, 29 de, 4 ch, in loop do - I   It   I ch 6 times. 4 ch;

repeat. 3rd  ROW:

  Slip thread 4 de, 21 de, 4 ch, between Ist and 2nd t do6   t,   2 ch, in centre space do 6 t. 2 ch, between last 2 t do 6 t. 4 ch; repeat.

4th   ROW:   Slip thread 4 de, 13 de, 4 ch, 10 It over 6 t 2 ch 3 times. 2 ch;

repeat. 5th   ROW:   Slip thread 4 de. 5 de, 5 ch, I t in each   It 2 ch 3 times.

2 ch; repeat.   . 6th   ROW:   Slip thread to centre de, 6 ch, dc in same de,

5 ch, • 4 It over 1st 2   t,   2 t , 4   It   over next 2   t,  2 t. 4 It over next 2   t,   3 ch;

repeat   from • twice, 2   ch:   repeat,


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No. 101.-1st ROW: dc in 21 hs spaces 4 ch dc in same space; repeat. 2nd ROW:

Slip thread to 3rd de, 3   It   in 1 de,   *   in 5th dc do - 1 It   4 ch 1 It.  repeat from

.. 3 times. in 5th dc do 3 It. 8 ch; repeat. 3rd ROW: 3   It   in It... between

2nd and 3rd   It  do - 1 It 4 ch 1 It. repeat from .. twice. 3   It,   15 It in loop;repeat. 4th ROW: 1 It.   1 It   at end of   It, .. between 2nd and 3rd   It  do - 1 It

4 c h 1  It,  repeat from   *   once, 1 It at end of   It...   between 3rd and 4th   It   do

- 1 It   4 ch 1 It, repeat from" 5 times; repeat. 5th ROW: 3   It between last

2   It,  in centre space do 3 It 1 p 3   It.   3   It   between 1st and 2nd It of arch •

.. between next 2 t do - 1 It   4 ch 1  It. repeat from" 4 times; repeat.

No. 102.-1 st ROW: 2 dc in each hs space in 1 scallop. dc in 3 spaces. 4 ch, take

. back to dc in 3rd space of last scallop. fill with 9 de; repeat. 2nd ROW:

Slip thread 3 dc, 6 ch 1 de in 4th de 4 times. 1· t in 1st de of loop, 2 ch 1   t

in 2nd dc 4 times; repeat. 3rd ROW: Slip thread to centre of 1st loop, 7 ch

1 de in next loop 3 times. 4   It   in each square; repeat. 4th ROW: Slip

thread to centre of next loop, 8 ch 1 dc in next loop twice, 1 It 1 ch between

each   It;   repeat. 5th ROW: Slip thread to centre of loop, 9 ch 1 de next

loop, 1 It 2 ch between each It; repeat. 6th ROW: Fill loop with 12 dc, 3   a c

between It 3 eh over It; repeat.


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N ( ) .   103.-1 st ROW: 2 dc in each hs space omitting one at point. 36 dc in all;

repeat. 2nd ROW: Slip thread to 2nd de, 1   t,   2 ch 1 t in 2nd de, repeat

making 12 squares; repeat. 3rd ROW: Slip thread to 2nd   t. •   1 t 3 ch

twice. 4 It in 2nd square. 3 ch 7   It   over 2 centre squares. 3 ch, 4   It   in 2nd

square. 3 ch 1 t in next   t,   3 ch 1 t in next t; repeat from   .y..   4th ROW: Slip

thread to next t •   .y.   1 t 3 ch, 2   It   in 1st   It. 3   It.  3 ch, 2   It   in next It. 5   It. 2 It in

next   It  3 ch 3   It. 2 It in next It 3 ch 1 t in next t; repeat from   .y..   5th ROW:

Slip thread to   It.   7   It   over It 3 ch, 11 It over   It   3 ch, 7 It over It; repeat.

6th ROW: 1 dc in each It. 4 dc in space. in centre It do - 3   It   1 p 3 times.

3 It in same space. 4 dc next space. dc in each   It   p where It joins; repeat.

No.104.-1   st ROW: dc in 7 hs spaces. 14 ch dc in same space; repeat. 2nd ROW:

Slip thread 2 de, 7 ch back in 3rd ch 3 ch, 1 dc in 5th de, fill loop with 28   t,

1 dc in 3rd dc; repeat. 3rd ROW: Slip thread up 7   t, •   4 ch 1 dc in 7th t of 

next arch. 5 ch, dc in 5th t. 4 ch 1 de in 4th   r, 5 eh 1  de   in 5th t; repeat

from ", 4th ROW:·   6 de. fill loops with 5 dc 4 eh 5 de.   '


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No. 105.-1st ROW: dc. 2nd ROW: 5 t, • 6 ch, in 5th dc do - 1 dc 4 ch 1 dc,6 ch, in 5th dc do 1 t, 4 t; repeat from • . 3rd ROW: Slip thread to 2nd   t,

• 3 t 4 ch 1 dc in 1st loop, in small loop do 9 It, 1 dc in loop, 4 ch; repeat

from • . 4th ROW: 3 t (holding last stitch on needle until finishing last t,and do so throughout the row), 4 ch, in 3rd t ~.:. 3 It, 4 ch in 2nd t do 3 It,

4 ch in 2nd t do 3 It, 4 ch; repeat. 5th ROW: In each loop do 3 dc 4 ch 3 dc.

No. 106.-1 st ROW: dc in 5 hs spaces, 4 ch dc in same space, dc in 4 hs spaces,

5 ch dc in same space, dc in 10 hs spaces, 4 ch dc in same space, dc in 5 hs

spaces, • 9 ch 1 dc in last loop, in large loop do - 4 dc 4 ch 4 de, repeat

from • 3 times, 4 ch dc in   -7th dc then fill each loop with 4 dc 4 ch 4 dc;repeat. 2nd ROW: Connect each p with 8 ch, 3rd ROW: Fill each loopwith 5 dc 5 ch 5 dc.

No. 107.-1st ROW: de, 2nd ROW: 1 t :(. 3 ch 1 t in 3rd dc; repeat from :(..

3rd ROW: Slip thread to centre ch, 1 t, :(. 3 ch 1 t in next square; repeat

from :(.. 4th ROW: 8 dc over 2 squares, turn, in centre dc do 1 ch 1 t 4times,   J   ch,   J   dc in   J  st de, turn, 3 dc between each t,   J 2 dc over 3 squares,

turn, between 4th and 5th dc do - 1 ch   J   t 4 times,   J   ch,   J   dc in 4th de,turn, 3 dc between each t, 4 dc in next square, 6 ch, in 2nd t do   J   t   J   ch

4 times,   J   dc in 6th dc, turn, 3 dc between each   t,   8 dc in long loop, 4 dc innext square, 8 ch in 2nd t do   J   t   J   ch 4 times, 1 dc in 4th dc, turn, 3 debetween each t, 12 dc in large loop, 4 dc next square; repeat.


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No. 108.-1st   R O W :   dc. 2nd   R O W :   4   It   in 1st de, • 4 ch, 1 dc in 6th de, 4 de,4 ch, in 6th dc do - 4 It 3 ch 4   It;   repeat from   "lo .   3rd   R O W :   6   It   over 4   It

3 ch 1 t in centre de, 3 ch, 6   It   over 4 It. 3 ch, 1   It   in loop. 3 ch; repeat.4th   R O W :   6 It (holding last stitch on needle until completing last stitch). 6   Itover next 6 t (holding as before) 5 ch, 5 t 2 either side and 1 in centre(holding as before) 5 ch 6 It over   It  (holding as before); repeat. 5th   R O W :

6   It.3 ch 1 t in   i, 3 ch 6 It. 4 ch; repeat. 6th   R O W :   6   It.  2 ch 1 t in t. 2 ch,

6   It.   4 ch, 1 It in loop. 4 ch; repeat. 7th   ROW:   Slip thread to 2nd t. 4 It(holding as before) 3   It   in centre 4 of next group (holding as before) 4 ch.dc in 5th   t,   in loops do - 4 dc 4 ch 4 dc; repeat.

No. 109.-1 st   ROW:   de in 18 hs spaces. 4 ch, dc in same space; repeat. 2nd   ROW:

Slip thread to 4th de,   "l o   7 ch, in 4th de do - 1 dc 4 ch 1 de, repeat from   "l o

twice. 7 ch, dc in 4th de, 2 ch, in loop do 1   It   2 ch 7 times. dc in 4th dc;repeat from 1st   1{..   3rd   ROW:   Slip thread to centre of loop. 7 ch, in next

loop do - 1 dc 4 ch 1 de. 7 ch, in next loop do - 1 dc 4 ch I de. 7 ch, 1 dc

next loop. 1 t in 1st   It. 3 t in spaces. 1 t in last   It;   repeat. 4th   R O W :   Slipthread to centre of loop. 4 ch, de in same loop. 7 ch, in next loop do - 1 dc4 ch 1 de, 7 ch, in next loop do - I de 4 ch 1 de. 2 ch, in 4th and 5th t do

2   t,   lOt. 2 t in next 2 t. 2 c h; repeat. 5th   R O W :   Slip thread back 1 ch,

7 ch, in next loop do - 1 dc 4 ch 1 de. 7 ch, in next loop do - 1 de 4 ch1 de, 7 ch, 1 dc in next loop. 4 ch, in 4th and 5th t do 2   t,   8 t . 2 t in next2   r,  4 ch; repeat. 6th   R O W :   4 dc in loop. 7 ch, in next loop do 1, dc 4 c h1 de, 4 ch, in next 2 loops do 4 de, 6 ch, in 4th t do - 1 dc 4 ch 1 de, 6 ch,

in 7th t   do -   1 de 4 ch 1 de. 6 ch, 4 dc in next loop; repeat.


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No. 110.-1 st ROW: de. 2nd ROW: Slip thread to 5th de. 1 t. 2 ch miss 2 de.

13 t. 2 ch 1 t in 3rd de. 2 ch, in 5th de do 9   It. 2 ch : repeat. 3rd ROW:

Slip thread to 3rd t. 9   t,   3 ch, 1 It   1 -   ch 9 times. 1 ch; repeat. 4th ROW:

Slip thread to 3rd   t,  5 t. 3 ch, in 2nd t do 5 It with p in centre one.'   3 ch, incentre   It do 5   It with p in centre one. 3 ch, in 2nd last   It   do 5 It with p in centre

one. 3 ch; repeat. 5th ROW: Slip thread to centre t. 1 t with p on top. 3 ch,

1 t in next space with p on top, 5 ch, in next loop do 5   It with p on centre one,

7 ch back in 3rd ch, 3 ch, in next space do 5   It   with p in centre one 5 ch,

1 t in next space with p on top, 3 ch; repeat.

These edges have mainly been designed to crochet round

linen, but the above edge and several of the wider ones at the

end of this book will be found suitable as an edge for Babies'

Shawls crocheted with wool or silk.

The narrower edges are excellent for baby-wear. They also

look beautiful crocheted in fine cotton round handkerchiefs, and

if these have 1/16th inch hem the first row of double crochet

may be omitted.

An effective finish to Centres, etc., embroidered in colour is

made when the edges Nos. 9, 10, 64, 66, 95 are crocheted in

two tones.


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This lustrous thread is as smooth   88 silk to the toueL,

retains indefinitely its freshnes8 and beauty, never

loses its original colour. nor its supple. 80ft texture.

For crocheting edge8 on tray mats. table centres, ~ue.t

towels or luncheon mats, it is the popular and ideal

thread. a~d is admirahle for bolder embroidery work.

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