10 2 10 harini xquizzite quiz (1)

General Quiz General Quiz An attempt by: Harini Lakshminarayanan

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General QuizGeneral Quiz

An attempt by:Harini Lakshminarayanan

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"Si non oscillas, noli tintinarre" meaning "If you do not swing do not ring"g g

Sylvilagus palustris ________

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X is an example of what is termed as “found art”or “readymades”. Y submitted X to the Societyof Independent Artists exhibit in 1917. Artworksin the Independent Artists shows were notin the Independent Artists shows were notselected by jury, and all pieces submitted weredisplayed. However, the show committeedisplayed. However, the show committeeinsisted that X was not art, and rejected it fromthe show. This caused an uproar and Y to resignfrom the board of the Independent Artists

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Duchamp’s Fountain

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Oxford dictionary meaning : Expressing frustration at the realization that things have turned out badly or not as planned, or that one has just said or done something foolish. Also (usu mildly derogatory): implying that another (usu. mildly derogatory): implying that another person has said or done something foolish. X utters it when he injures himself, realizes that he h d hi id h hihas done something stupid, or when something bad has happened or is about to happen to him. During the voice recording session for a Tracey During the voice recording session for a Tracey Ullman Show short, X was required to utter what was written in the script as an "annoyed

” X d h d i lgrunt.” X and the word.. simple

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Doh!! Homer Simpsonp

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“Now I shall go to sleep. Goodnight.”Last words of ?? Lord Byron

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_______ is a colloquial term for a planet thatfalls within a star's habitable zone oftenfalls within a star s habitable zone, oftenspecifically used for planets close to the size ofEarth. They are of key interest to researchersl ki i h f i i ( d ibllooking either for existing (and possiblyintelligent) life or for future homes for thehuman race, one that is neither too close nor toohuman race, one that is neither too close nor toofar from a star to rule out life. The name arisesfrom the fact that they’re not extreme (large or

ll h t ld t ) d ttli thsmall, hot or cold, etc.), and settling on the onein the middle, which is "just right". Goldilocksplanetp

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• The day the music died . Don McCleanA i PiAmerican Pie

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describes a phenomenon seen in nearly every______ describes a phenomenon—seen in nearly everyspecies in which it has been tested, whereby males showcontinuously high sexual performance given theintroduction of new receptive partners The term comesintroduction of new receptive partners. The term comesfrom an old joke, according to which U.S. President_____ and his wife allegedly visited a poultry farm.During the tour, Mrs. _____ inquired of the farmer howg qhis farm managed to produce so many fertile eggs withsuch a small number of roosters. The farmer proudlyexplained that his roosters performed their duty dozens oftimes each daytimes each day."Perhaps you could point that out to Mr. _____,"pointedly replied the First Lady.The President overhearing the remark asked the farmerThe President, overhearing the remark, asked the farmer,"Does each rooster service the same hen each time?""No," replied the farmer, "there are many hens for eachrooster "rooster."Perhaps you could point that out to Mrs. _____," repliedthe President. Coolidge effect

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X, delivered at 11:15 p.m. in the city of Malaga, October 25, 1881, came out stillborn. He did not breathe; neither did he cry The midwife gave up breathe; neither did he cry. The midwife gave up and turned to the mother. If it had not been for the presence of his uncle, Dr. Salvador Ruiz, the i f i h h lifinfant might never have come to life. Don Salvador, however, leaned over the stillbirth and exhaled cigar smoke into its nostrils X stirred X exhaled cigar smoke into its nostrils. X stirred. X screamed. A genius came to life. His first breath must have entered on a rush of smoke, searing to th th t hi t th l d l d ith the throat, scorching to the lungs, and laced with the stimulants of nicotine. It is not unfair to say that the harsh spirit of tobacco is seldom absent that the harsh spirit of tobacco is seldom absent from his work.

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“Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth.”

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h f l b fThe ______ family were prominent members ofQuakers. As nonconformists they were notpermitted to enter Universities hence theypermitted to enter Universities, hence theyconcentrated on Business and Social reforms. In1831 a small factory, an old malt house in1831 a small factory, an old malt house inCrooked Lane, Birmingham, was rented by John______ and he started manufacturing Cocoa asan alternative to Alcohol, as he thought that itwas one of the causes of poverty and misery

th ki l C dbamong the working classes. Cadbury

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During the middle ages, French would decide h h fi d b lli whether a person was refined or not by smelling

him or her. Anyone who gave off “good air” was presumed healthier and happier Which word presumed healthier and happier. Which word originates from this? Debonair

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The 4 people here are Redbeard Eric The 4 people here are Redbeard, Eric Lerouge, Tripod and Baba.

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Parodies of pirates in Asterix :1. Barbe rouge ( Redbeard)2 Triple Patte (Tripod)2. Triple Patte (Tripod)3. Baba (Baba)4. Erix (Eric)

The reason behind thisparody is that Jean-MichelCharlier had worked withGoscinny & Uderzo, in thefounding of the comicsfounding of the comicsmagazine Pilote in 1959 inwhich both Asterix andRedbeard first appearedRedbeard first appeared.

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Luca Pacioli was an Italian monk who amongh hi h h i L d dother things taught mathematics to Leonardo da

Vinci.But his everlasting claim to fame was theconcept that he introduced in a section of anconcept that he introduced in a section of anItalian book called “Particularis de Computis etScripturis”. What concept? Double book keepingp p p g

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X, A trained hypnotist, author of books – God’sdebris and the religion war (not an exhaustivedebris and the religion war (not an exhaustivelist), CEO of X foods inc. that produces a veganmicrowave burrito named after one of hismicrowave burrito named after one of hiscreations. X also popularized words such as“Nerdvana”, “Induhvidual”,“Shitundfood”and“QWERTYitis”. Identify X. Scot Adams theDilbert guy

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M b kMabakerinspired Mabeagle

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Which place in India gets its name from the facth i i b h P dthat it was given by the Pandavas as guru

dakshina to Dronacharya. Over the past 10 yearsthe city has undergone rapid development andthe city has undergone rapid development andconstruction. A wave of multinational companieschoose to locate their call centres here after GEdid so in 1997. Gurgaon

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• The tradition is nearly 300 years old.• Besan, Sugar, Cashew nuts, Cardamom, Ghee,

Oil, Sugar candy, Raisins and Almonds are used.Th i di t b ht t th ti t th• The ingredients are bought at the auction at theCommodities and Spices Exchange in Kochi.

• The administrating body is planning to patent it• The administrating body is planning to patent itto stop counterfeits. Tirupati laddoo

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This man was recently in the news.. What was he famous for ?? What was he famous for ??

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T t Y hi th fi t d d i Tsutomu Yamaguchi – the first recorded survivor of both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings

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The origin of this is traced to the heyday of the t til ill Th ill k d t h l h textile mills. The mill workers used to have lunch breaks too short for a full meal, and a light lunch was preferred to a heavy one as the employees was preferred to a heavy one, as the employees had to return to physical labor after lunch. A vendor created this dish using items or parts of g pother dishes available on the menu. Roti or rice was replaced with ____ and the curries that

ll h d b dusually go with Indian bread or rice were amalgamated into just one spicy concoction.

P Bh jiPav Bhaji

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• NIX et al. vs. HEDDEN, Collector. No. 137. May 10, 1893 NIX et al. vs. HEDDEN, Collector. No. 137. May 10, 1893

• At the trial the plaintiff's counsel, after reading in evidencedefinitions of the words X and Y from Webster's Dictionary,Worcester's Dictionary and the Imperial Dictionary called twoWorcester s Dictionary, and the Imperial Dictionary, called twowitnesses, who had been for 30 years in the business of selling Xand Y, and asked them, after hearing these definitions, to saywhether these words had 'any special meaning in trade orcommerce different from those read 'commerce, different from those read.

• One of the witnesses answered as follows: 'Well, it does not classifyall things there, but they are correct as far as they go. It does nottake all kinds of X or Y; it takes a portion of them. I think the wordsX d Y h th i i t d t d th t th h dX and Y have the same meaning in trade to-day that they had onMarch 1, 1883. I understand that the term X is applied in trade onlyto such plants or parts of plants as contain the seeds.

• The other witness testified: 'I don't think the term X or the term Yh d i M h 88 d i h i l i i dhad, in March, 1883, and prior thereto, any special meaning in tradeand commerce in this country different from that which I have readhere from the dictionaries.'

• The plaintiff's counsel then read in evidence from the samepdictionaries the definitions of the word Z.

Tomato fruit or vegetable case

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The American dialect society recently came outi h d f h d d Whi h d b hwith a word of the decade. Which word beat the

likes of blog, tweet, facebook etc to emerge as theword of the decade? googleword of the decade? google

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• A B de Villiers• A B de Villiers• Brendon McCullum• Andrew Symonds • Andrew Symonds • Shaun Marsh• Sanath JayasuriyaSanath Jayasuriya• Adam Gilchrist• Mike Husseyy• ????

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Maneesh Pandey

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During the Boston Tea Party, sacks of tea wereh i h A l i ? Wh h b d fthrown in o the Atlantic? What was the brand of

the tea? East India Company

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The solution reportedly came when X recalled asituation he had become embroiled in duringsituation he had become embroiled in during1933, shortly after the Four-Power Pact hadcome into being. X tried to intervene in a brawlgbetween a shopkeeper and customer, but beforehe could, the shopkeeper became so enragedh h l hi f dthat he lost his composure for a moment and

accused his customer of being a "four-powerpact" X was struck by this use of an “irrelevantpact . X was struck by this use of an irrelevantinsult”. Put fundae!!

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h l i i ( ) hCharles Leiper Grigg (1868–1948) was theinventor of Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime sodafor “The Hody Corporation” It contained lithiumfor The Hody Corporation . It contained lithiumcitrate, a mood-stabilizing drug. It was one of anumber of patent medicine products popular in thelate-19th and early-20th centuries; they madeclaims similar to today's health foods. Specifically itwas marketed as a hangover cure Prior to inventingwas marketed as a hangover cure. Prior to inventing____, Grigg had created an orange soft drinknamed "Whistle" for the Vess Soda Company. It isstill made and sold in St. Louis. A common urbanlegend about Charles Leiper Grigg is that he was analbino and this was represented in the logo after thealbino, and this was represented in the logo after theinventor died. 7 up

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Identify the place Titan

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i l d i f lOn January 24, 1961, X was involved in a near-fatal caraccident on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. Hit head-on, X suffered a triple skull fracture that left him in acoma for three weeks along with fractures of both legscoma for three weeks, along with fractures of both legsand the pelvis.The accident prompted over 15,000 get-well cards fromanxious fans including some addressed only to “Yanxious fans, including some addressed only to Y,Hollywood, USA", according to X's autobiography. Onenewspaper falsely reported that he had died. After hisrecovery, X reported in TV interviews, and later in hisy, p ,autobiography, that a clever doctor had helped him tocome out of his coma by talking to him as Y, after futileefforts to talk directly to X. Although he had no actualrecollection of this X's wife and son swore to him thatrecollection of this, X s wife and son swore to him thatwhen the doctor was inspired to ask him, "How are youtoday, Y?", X answered in Y’s voice. X thus credited Ywith saving his life Mel Blancwith saving his life. Mel Blanc

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Identify the significance last strip

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The word was coined by Horace Walpole on 28The word was coined by Horace Walpole on 28January 1754 in a letter he wrote to his friendHorace Mann, an Englishman then living inFlorence. The letter read,,"It was once when I read a silly fairy tale, called TheThree Princes of _____: as their highnessestravelled, they were always making discoveries, bytravelled, they were always making discoveries, byaccidents and sagacity, of things which they werenot in quest of: for instance, one of them discoveredthat a camel blind of the right eye had travelled theg ysame road lately, because the grass was eaten onlyon the left side, where it was worse than on theright—now do you understand____? One of theg ymost remarkable instances of this was of my LordShaftsbury, who happening to dine at LordChancellor Clarendon's, found out the marriage ofh k f k d d b h i hthe Duke of York and Mrs. Hyde, by the respect with

which her mother treated her at table.“ serendipity

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i b h i l f l hi i llA X is about the most massively useful thing an interstellarhitch hiker can have. Partly it has great practical value--youcan wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across thecold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliantmarble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling theheady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the starsheady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the starswhich shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; useit to sail a mini raft down the slow heavy river Moth; wet itfor use in hand-to-hand combat; wrap it round your headfor use in hand-to-hand combat; wrap it round your headto ward off noxious fumes or to avoid the gaze of theRavenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mindbogginglyt id i l it th t if 't it it 'tstupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see

you--daft as a bush, but very ravenous); you can wave yourX in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry

lf ff h f ll b l hyourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough. Veryvery simple☺ towel

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Freddie mercury

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“Anyone living in the United States in the early d i hi f i 1990s and paying even a whisper of attention to

the nightly news or a daily paper could be forgiven for having been scared out of his skin ”forgiven for having been scared out of his skin.

These are the first lines of which famous book? These are the first lines of which famous book? Freakonomics

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Seynt Audries lace, ‘lace’ or necktie such as wasSeynt Audries lace, lace or necktie such as wassold at St. Audrey's fair in remembrance of St.Audrey, i.e. Etheldrida, or Æðelðryð (daughterof Anna, king of East Anglia, and patron saint ofEly), who died of a tumour in the throat whichh d d j t t ib ti f hshe regarded as a just retribution for her

youthful fondness for splendid necklaces. Whatword originated from this ? tawdryword originated from this ? tawdry

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Identify? Snow white

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Fire escapes, Chocolate-chip cookies, Circularsaw Dishwasher Refrigerator Electric hotsaw, Dishwasher, Refrigerator, Electric hotwater heater, Alphabet blocks, Elevated railway,Globes, Ironing board, Kevlar, LocomotiveGlobes, Ironing board, Kevlar, Locomotivechimney, Rotary engine, Liquid Paper . (Not anexhaustive list)

Connect. Women inventors

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Richard Knerr and Arthur "Spud" Melin, twocollege graduates unhappy with theircollege graduates unhappy with theiremployment, began the company in a LA garagein 1948. Their first market idea was a slingshot.Th id h h l d i hThe idea came up as they hurled meat into theair for the training of pet falcons and hawks. Itwas called “ “ to resemble the sound of awas called _____ to resemble the sound of atarget hit. It stuck as the name of the company.They are known for inventing many of the most

l d t i l di th h l hpopular modern toys, including the hula hoop,the frisbee, the hacky sack, the super ball and thepredecessor of modern nerf dart guns. Whichp gcompany?

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FundaFundabreaking the

4th wall4th wall

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F W t l it l d t t i dFrom Waterloo, it was placed onto a train drawnby a Battle of Britain locomotive named X.Thousands gathered to pay tribute at waysideThousands gathered to pay tribute at waysidestations. At many football matches a two-minutesilence was observed. X was finally laid to rest inythe Oxfordshire parish churchyard of Bladon,close to Blenheim Palace where he was born 90

b f i h l f il byears before, with only family members present.

Th it h t i “I d t tThe epitaph contains “I am ready to meet mymaker. Whether my Maker is prepared for thegreat ordeal of meeting me is another matter”great ordeal of meeting me is another matterwinston churchill

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Scientists say this is bad for health because moreScientists say this is bad for health because morethan 40,000 parasites, 250 types of bacteria, 0.7grams of protein, and 0.45 grams of fat and 0.19g p , 45 g 9grams of other organic substances areexchanged. Explain. French kiss

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Identify the three paintings Van Gogh

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The idea of using the flamboyant thirdmovement from Mozart's 25th Symphony in G5 y p yminor, written when Mozart was only 17 yearsold, came from Suresh Mullick. Mozart'ssymphony had already been immortalised forsymphony had already been immortalised forcontemporary non-cognoscenti in one of thegreatest movies of our time, AMADEUS, whichg , ,was released in 1984. It was such a resoundingsuccess that it was never ever dropped, and nothoughts were ever entertained of making athoughts were ever entertained of making achange.

Easy.. What ?? Titan music

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The company was founded in 1963 by X as a spin-offfrom the very successful tractor maker, X was anenthusiastic owner of sports cars, including aenthusiastic owner of sports cars, including aFerrari. The standard tale goes that he took this carback to the Ferrari factory when its clutch failed.Enzo Ferrari refused to meet him saying that 'AEnzo Ferrari refused to meet him, saying that Atractor manufacturer could never be expected tounderstand high-bred sports cars'. So—after fixingth l t h ith i i h d id d tthe clutch with surprising ease—he decided to gointo business, building the perfect GT (GrandTouring) car. (Another version of the tale holds thatX was incensed when he found out that the bumclutch on his Ferrari was the was the exact samemodel that he used on his tractors, only far moremodel that he used on his tractors, only far moreexpensive.) Easy.. The company.. Lamborghini

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A tribute questionConnect SalingerConnect Salinger