1>. ti w hi - nys historic...

•1 i <}' - J 41 'v. 1>. *t *t ti W "TT j$LiL*L >J&. fcS£ U^c-' >t: K * »**- «T •r * ji vtj * ,i ' 4. » ( V Hi . sa-~^hrT^53SSll" wiwnt Tlra Board of. -ir»t»rl •wASewei' Commls- •Ibuer* to 0av« Specifications Prepared as «' Preliminary to Asking. Bids for ' I ^ T l n y y w t y > P l g e hjr Contract. _ .A\ wieeflbg of ^he bMu«t o? water and sewer UbSajciisfllpaers. waS field on Tues- day jfeVg^t»JK>,jail thje .members being pres- MJSSor W b ^ s stated 1 |Ehat oa Monday he .. a5d'GMef-Jfingine#r BrJggs.ot the fire de- ^a^tDipt catiied: a^eflt to .beTnade of the gang^m» placed aiWif engfpe house on EaatTitlierty /•stfee.tf and the pressure torned pri "at, ^Iclge JM&ila. There was . in t h e rjy&i: a good supply of water for „ power. ' A ftreMiiire .of '43 pounds, -was "' maintalnftd, theiganges at Ridge. Mills and the ftre engine house: recording the same." For"a time; there was a pressure -of~45 ponndE^bnt.lt was not maintained .and thejaial; soon, again wgnt back to 43. " Theo^par^nTfiBVpr^nreusedjei^ago was ^etf^iieii 5ft-and 60 pounds at Ridge Mills, tb,ougfiitlBsia to ^possible to run it nlttcb.Mgb.te,lf ithsa beeadesired and the old water mains could stand it. The pjrjBflBaJBM^Olj»Md»onJiiniday wagJiheuLiSfj^S^ Utmost the pumps could do with plenty en "*• of^waterfoitheriyer, for power. A Three if I ' M'f THE HOME P i M t ^ j W W ^ ^ « . 189»- if R.I.II'II 'i.i i ii i ii II Vi iii i i ii ij ii I,II ii j ii lil i. i.u a ''ffl'H" ""TTT 1 ' 1 " 1 " I'M' .n'li'i 1 '' "-''''"''-y, ' " '•', '-' ' ••!".•' - "| J ii ii i 11' I I ' V i ii i ' in i . Bwentr^lre^erTfBreTfffir Wlilcb I he legislature enacted several new game laws this year, some of-which ap- F2L,*«. , neid , a ' qounty aad-will-b^ of In- terest to local sportemen. "', _ V.' .'• HJr p ^n 0f PS* ** an amendmentto sec- "SS.1W* 0 * P 1 !., 8 " 1116 law, which totally prohlbtts-shoiting meadow Iatk8 r and reads as foUows: "Meadow larks s©l norbe shot at, killed or possjessed after they are dead; at any time. Whoever JhaLLjdolate^ot attempt, to violate thje provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and in addition, -theretofihaH be liable to a penalty "of "S2tr for fulfill wwi Viiioj *.» * _*^_:*3i ; i^'jS^gS&^i&t^iMWMfe^cg^iMBj^^ . %^,^OTS^^SSJ!^BJS^S contrary to the ' provisions of "this sec- tion.' 1 ^This is known as chapter 42, Laws, of 1899. . ~*~ '• Chapter 141"of the new laws amends •the squirrel and rabbit law to read thuS: "Black and gray squirrels shall not be .hunted,. shot at, killed or possessed, ex- cept frdm the first day of September tip the 15th. day of December, both inclusive. In the Counties of Livingston, "Wyoming, Erie,- Suffivanr--Osetaa- ^rafige, "Sch&;; hai-le, -Montgomery, Fnltpn and JBEamil ton, Albany, Greeny Ulster .'and- Colum- bia, hares' and rabbity shalj not be hunt^ ed. 8&Bt»at, killed or possessed,'. except from the first' day of September to the T,T7F'.,Tn^3S?l8JS^ t ^^^ 5?heldurth international- oonyejt^S»u Sfc Epworth: Leagues of the Methodtitohurbpi will be held iti Indianapolis, Ind., Suijp ^0, 21 r 32 anda3.^Che couventik will probably-be one oMhe largest ever help by v the Epworth League, which' Is-the young people's society ot fcho-Methodlsit: Episcopal Church. The name Of the league derives its name from the Epworth. rectory/ the old home of, John' Wesjey, the founder of the chureh. . This will be one of the greatest events in Methodism, as the greatest character^ v. v., * ,-JV ,. • -- -*• »-r in ffi at denomination will be present S S r * ^ ^ ! ^PP^°^JPQgge8sed-{-fTOm-atiroverHiht^ and Cait- ._, .... ada^'Europe and missionary fields in Asi^ and Africa. i ' The meetings will be held in a great tent to. be pitched on the court house grounds. This! tent'will seat 7,500 pe^ sons, - Tomlinspn's hall, opposite the court house, with a_ capacity.of 5,000, the opera houses and the churches will all be used forjfte services." vTJhere w i l l be three monster patriotic meetings on I^lday •, rilglET "At one these, Bishop Fowler will deliver greatest lecture, "Abraham Lineol: ajj^^y^^ *i.~"— *,%'A ij**t"~ZVr ..SlSGLa .SABNSSS* •&$&G$&,- WMmm$f9 _. M^$f®W, in good.j>rder, recently -Sc/- -^'C- W- »?f» ««le at ii bargain. Inquire ^fgeMWeljoaice..--; -^ - ' . pIAND JOE SALE CHEAP—Nearly •£ new, up)fight r 'used but six months; best of tone'and' beuutiful case. Gatalogusd at $400. Sellija^ijsc* W trade. Leaving town. Address >Bd*8?^Koine, N; Yv I'Q^SALE.-Lafely need by ^ Gneida County Savinm Bank, before Koing Into lta own building. Width 54, night 86, deptfi MH Inches, outside,. Bas inside steel burglar-' prooCoheak Horrto Co. makers. Praotodlj new.: I». offered at-'low price. Apply to or ad -drew Oneida Counfry SavhiKS Bank, Some, T7IVE yOUNG HORSES FOfl SALE. 5 t 6 8 years old. Including, two very gentle SINGLE DRIVERS, Black and bay,, weight 1000 and jjywpf r.Uyfily. 1100 hydrant streams were experimented with in thejoiij while the pressure was on at the J ^TDifilg^teH^hT—Tlie streams were be? - jtween 40 and 50, feet bigh-^-not enongh4;o depend irpOir r ^wlthottt additional fire steamers, mcaseoffire In the business por- tion of the city,, but passable for Ares In the residence districts. To maintain this ' ^prjeBHiirft. of liSLpoouidtL requtced a. great deal of !water for power and drew upon the supply in the pond back of the dam so as to lower it perceptibly. The pressure '.•."" thus- couldTaptr-bemalntalned for several hours, even with more than the average supply of water in the river, because the water wheels, when pumping at> full __ September te the cembef, "both* iiSluslvejr ferrets in hunting bares and the-usCiOf i.ciToui m nu^iiiuig naxes aud rabbits Tnsuch counties iBproHbffiea: The provisions of this section, shall not apply to Long--^slanu t f^Wli6^veT" T lfattt violateor^attempt to violate the provi- 8ibng of tmF~ section shall be deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor, and ihraddltidn thereto shall be liable to a~penalty of $2$ for each violation thereof, arid $10 fpr~ each sqnlrrelrJiare, or rabbit killed or hai speed directly into the city mains, re- quired water for power faster than the river farni8he|lt. At sometimes of high wate| in the spring no doubt such a-pres- sure - as was developed on Monday could be maintained for many hours. But on the average It could not and at periods of low water the pressure often could be occasions, nothing beyond the" ordinary reservoir pressure ol about 20 pounds can be obtained. " Routine business, including the audit- ing of bills, was fofcen up by the board. In ~Rh the " discussion of flc s ln possesslon-In vloIatteoTiaisseclldh.'^ The woodcopk and grouse season fot the state and fot Oneida and Ulster coun- ,tiea is thus nhanged by 4he-amend«ientfl }ni ?^I; to section 74 of the game law, in chapter 536, laws of 1899: " Woodoock, ox rutfed grouse, commpnly known as partridge. or any member .of the grouse family, shal| conm counts the rule was emphasized that bills c o n Id not be allowed u n l e s s ^properly _swprh to. The department has blank bill heads with the proper affidavit blank oa ijhe back for thfe-purpose, whtch arete- niBhed to any who maywish them for the purpose of making out bills. The question of laying water pipe by contract was taken up. ^The board, early in* the season, ordered abont-two ni.iles of pipe" laid pf whfch about 1,500 feet on West Domlnick street la completed. A resolution of the, board, adopted at a pre- ' vlons meeting^ stopped farther woriC Mayor White reiterated the sentiments he had expressed on former occasions to the effect that he favored tile department hiring its own workmen and paying them- $1 50 a day, as is done in severaFcitlea which he mentioned, and spoke Btrfmgly in favor of that course.' He said he was npptMnfl to lining-thn work by contract, ttpniot-Jadlea m the crowd waff noticeably^ large, yesterday "having been ladiefe' day. The summaries follow: 2:40 class, -trotting, purse "f400^=May Aloyoner, b. m., W. M. Halstead, New York; David H., b. g., F. Riley, Hooaiok Falls; Charley Walbridge, b. g, Captain WfJlKidKe» CBiilei,-Suu«9 > r6^ M.Day, and worua f ote agaiust it^beiievlrrgthat the city got better service for the money by the method whioh had prevailed. The matter- wasHHscnsaed^at^ considerable length and, the sentiment 06-a .majority of the~Wemh«rs belpg-;i;hat the plan of contra^gBhouMbe^eainW^tei^^^ ^ ^ ThoniaB, ch. a-reiglntloa^aTa^opl^lmtnKtbjg the: IK^^ZTMZ n S n S hik clMksWrew^^lffcaWn^ clerks to prepare specUcatlbns" i mftted to the board preparatory to adver- tising for bids onJhe work.. , The meeting then adjourned. KI8SING BUG IN Battle rreedmai), Acad About M, Tictte, UTICA. 12 Tear*, XTnos, Jtfly^ 13r "aged about 13 years, living With her par eu«s at No: 11 Canal Htreet, is the victim - of ^an attack by some—unknownrbug, which her physician, Dr^.E. P. Clarke, believes Is the kissing bug. Kittle went -to bed-as-usual MondaynlghV^ndrWlien- she awoke about 7 o'clock yesterday .. morningi eket was-horrified tofind'her __upper lip about three times its nermal Blze. The condition did not Btop there. During the day the little girl's lip contin- —tied-to-sweHi TOitQf&te In thlmfternooni It projected nearly an inch, and prevent- ed her from eating. The swelling was •Rittt*r VrM-A-mav I F-Mc6rath Cantraf Falhr fe T Bhtck- JJled^oiake plaCeat ©yste)? Bay^on !Pr4- TPO RENT-Jftooms furnished and ou- K1ttlrfYeedmaTT|t.-.Mt«rat&, centra^ fi^tla, l f c ^ l J M * dayvwhlch-wllllJeattended by,the-4ieu~ A ftn^hed,«nltSb»p for housekeeping, m- ^J*" f^infi <m-D«Vnnr Hh« n V OT m U nf f>« quire at 10-i Huntington 8t. . A World correspondent says that he believes thekisalng bug is identical with the China bug: of California, and advises the immediate use of strong vinegar and salt as au antidote to the poison of the' »tiaf. - . ^jkJBiiBizJBfMissmat.. This^Js tbeire^gw&ohthe.Portland Orep&fi g^lvr'lBB National Edlterlat Aseociation: Here.you are. MesBrs. edl tori; hefels Poriiilaiid and its people and otherTihTngiirgP Where -and when-yotf yoti #&nt don't ask for it; take it along. We m£f hot M abletoshow yon much of ailwaTnaSrelmth« way of mountains and wo^^MBrpr^^e^andscenery and things, Bu*yoacm D«lieVflve«5y*aingyotthear, for while we have *fl6in6 pretty good liars out' here, this: Subject "staggers them. Mori advice itj'isn*fche^ssary to give; we 1uao#ma& being: editorsi and editor8 r fain- • lIlesybwiireMe wuiest and beet natured lot of pS^pltf that ever came down Into bur fow%,^'BnjOy yoiiraelvefl, eat and latigl%td^bole|fiid grow^^atatiotirje^, audxttjbsBlbte, taser still, . \ '".~7~.Z^S^'^iC:'!?"":' "."'"'^l'- . : ..*•.. JBoonTliie. Bp()*sria.|j -Idly J2.—%&& Gladys H0? *at^Meft^iMd!ay^mornln^or^thaca at^idtfaddinell BtmUhef. school. Sjie ^ t t * f e ^ g ^ g : hlijjferalty. spolasHc ex- _ wiff.fo^v.thelr ihstflftitoii n e ^ M ^ i i ^ i i i g ^ i . CU?. l^wlftw^ltact fieit Mdhdayulghtr, v^ ..«•••*-•.»* as instillhife offlcef Ih'place of ^Benjamin, Caprdni>'drst*l6t d e ^ t y , who IslUf A nien^rllalserv^e f itt U h^ %MimiB' et^g^«embry^edM#^oth> erS bf the^ Iddgei - A collatipuTOb6 s e i ^ , ;gfjfer /Ste:,6i&Wse& The pfflc;ers te.M^W*^*^^- A.JtuHay.eS, N, G f ; -WJlMamjBOB'bjr, V. GT; Jeremiah Lynch, se'crete1*lB¥ni^^ Aifeea?;®orlia^lua«ace*f .IMato W%«'tia^^tt"ii«t«i!^P s ^l with payalyBis, irmmmp^^: 1 ^ 1 .^, "•':.•: ^ ^-B^^o^v.^1yrhcii;h v as Vmg&ofy turned;toar^olllllB^£^^^-; S! ^" "* - Ge%e^M*gBir^feBpeton,-Who has, ^Ym^tmmmuM mftmBuckley, and " t y m ^ ^ a s ^ u l r ^ ^ n n ^ •-;.-- ;.,j— 4 pwlMttoonyille oh the xuprnjng With:%&fflm-irom'Lowill&andlhe sou 3«fai^ttsatf;Bj4glw»l»> Mrs, 0 l « « l f Pratt, Mrs. Edgar Lewis,- Misses Frances Thompwu, GracrThompson, Alice Free- iaahMi^^mti^jjiliWa^WatertoWn and Robetf mmim£LU^;.;-. . # .' A t another, Gen. John-^rGordon, com- mander of the confederate veterans, .will give his eloquent lecture oh "The Last. Days of the^^ Confederacy.'* At the third' place, Dr. John. Potts,, the general Becj- retary of education for the Methoaist Church of Canada and chairman of t h e fiternatlonal Sunday school lesson com- "iteev^and-Dr...J^ Bnckley_.of.the. N e w York Christian Advocate will both speak on "•^fnterriationai Selatlonsr** - II Ti i " ~ i NO COFFIN TRU8Tf not be pursued, shot at, hunted, caught or killed froin the ,16th day of December to the 81st day of*August, both Inclusive, or in the county of Oneida from the 16tlJ day of November to' the 31st day of August, both inclusive, or in the county of Ulster from the 16th day of December tbe^Oth day aLSeptember^ bothlncim slve. No person shall kill, catch, or take alive more than 86 woodcock or 30 grouse In any open season. The provisions of this section shall not apply to Long Island. Whoever shall violate or attempt ^'- - W e i g h t 1600. —ATplra^-SMI^H^S-BREWERYf -—-—6!8^WT-GQm*Str6et7*0TXiB7 HiaanderitandloK BecardlxiK Aoreaae in Ompltkl Stock. <i Naw YOBK, July 12.^-The certificatebf Casket Company of Lenox,-Madison county, at Albany from $3,000,000 tb $0,000,000, has given rise to the belief : «.oim WORK TEAM, . "•' Weight 2600. -;-' -..;.- dNE SINGLE WORK HORS1, -atgst^ano ffoitno^ ^OD*NBh3EJpon >iy premises, 608 S J7 JameaSt', tTBUlt. Owner can have name By proving^ property ami paying charges. George TIQlanted. PursnftBt to aa, order of ^ JSv- •©fe»rfis!!ir»iteTsog6W'^; neidu, notio e is hereby- gSelTto I^JOTlCE.—FursnftBt - t o swi all. persons having claims against the estate of John Bouer, deceased, late of the citv of ltome, in 'aai.d county, to" present the same' with the vouchers thereof, to Frank Wolff, administrator of the estate of said deceased, at his place of business, 204 South James street, Rome,in said county, on or before the S8d day of November, 1800. Mftted May ie, 1899. . ' - * - FBANK WOLFF, Administrator. HCMAHON & 'MASON, Attorneys for Adminis- trator. N OTICE.—Pursuant to an, order "of Frederick M. Calder, Surrogate of the county of Oneida, notice is hereby given to atl lersohs lrnviug olaims against the estote of 'nomas Jotea, deceased, late_^f the city of Home, In said county, to present the same with the Vouotlers thereefi to John K, Edwards, executor of the last will and t e s t a m e n t <?f -Bali deceased, at the Oneida County Savings Bank, on or before the 23d day Rome, in Bald county, c of September, 1899. Dated March 14,1899. JOHN B. EDWARDS, Executor. J. 8- BAKKE, Attorney for Executor. p ARBAGE NOTICE. — A U persons \JC having garbage which they wish to have removed -from their pronJiues, are requested to place the same in a covered Iron can dFpall, oil the curbing opposite their premises, or in a con- spicuous place In some lane or alley, from which it may fo easily Jaken bytho j;arbage con ,raTctorr" Garbage will be taken away once a week, and from the business portion ol the c'ty twice a week. All persons are requested to have their garbage ready for removal early in'the morning. Garbage Is 'collected in the different districts on the following days: --Monday—East of the Black River-Canal. ' Tuesday—From Central Railroad to Embargo; from Spring to George streets'. - Wednesdays—All south of Central and R^ W. & O. railroads, rBursday-i-West of Seorge to Doxtater ave- nue and south of Thomas. Friday—North of Thomas, West of Black River "Canal. '" " " , Saturday—Same as on Tuesdays. All complatota should be mftdeto PlEttBE BECKER, Banitarylnspeotor. Office hours 9 to 1Q a. m„ at Olty Tgall. W QTICETO CONTRA B it)Y TVANTED at the Electric Wire Works. to violate *he-i>Eovi8ionfr of—this-section XefehFnarli shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,' and in addition-thereto shall be liable to penalty-of-$8^ f6r each bird caught, killed, snatedj tapped or .possessed, con- trary tothe provisions of^tnis aBctton.'' ~~ UTICA RACES. Hay Aloyoner 'Winn the 3:40 and DeVeraa the 2:30 Class. concerns act? individually, and the recent move is simply theadBoiBslon to the cona- .pany -of-three-other. companlejaJnjother large cities. The New York; apOffook- lyn company is not interested as It turns out a special line of stock. . UTICA} -July-12.—The summer meeting; of the Utica ParkJTrottlng Association opened very auspiciously yesterday. The attendance at the park w a s frour^COOTg' Roosevelt and Piatt,,Confer. ^JffBW YQRK r ^uly 12.—Senator T. Q, Flatt and Gov. Roosevelt held a oonfer- ence yeaterday afternoon i n r.ha Renhtm-'H 3,000, and the-propoi Aic blk. g ; W. H. Snyder, Brooklyn; Forest Scout, *b. a.. C. W. Galusha,. Herkimer; Prince of Darknesa, br. g., J, W. JonesJ Wellsviile; Away, ch. nu,-13. H.B.urd, Copake; Helen I.,.b~m., B". Matty, SyrA- -otise^- Jlm^aiieaield, ch. g., F. Howell, ~ " m., 4n, r 6. MacPherson, Kemptville/Canada; Tfeco, s. g;, A> W. Young, Alton, DJ. Time.^ej,>.25J, 2:25i, 2:25i, 2:28,'2;86. ' 2:26>la8B', pacing, purse $400—DeVeras, hHfc ATT ArW-endllng} BroofevUIe, Ganada;- RoseH., b. m., G. N. Percy, Hooslok; Falls; Orphan Boy, br. s., T.Kelley, Sen- eca Falls; Gem S., b. m., A.-A. Milllkin, Humboldt, Kan ; Tom Reed, ch. g,, J. Diamond, port; The Brooklyn; blk. g , A. J. Benuettr, Brock- Kid, br. g., W. H. Snyder, Tfaner2rl8is 2:20^; 2:231,2:22£. BaolDg Control Fend in Syracuse. •.' - SYBAOUSS, Jdly 12.—Atr a meeting v of the board of governors of the S. A. A. held last night 11 was decided to hold no more rate meets until after Labor day. Plans to hold a big meet under the auspices of the National Cycling Associa- tlon about August _ 1 * had progressed considerably, and the refusal of the board of governors to sanctloir tha _Btoi_M._^^s__wJte_hft4_.b^B; urging this action was a general surprise. The decision of the board of governors was that the S. A. A. should not affiliate with either the L, A. W. or N , C A. un- tll the fight for racing control Is won out J>y one aide or the other. Archie E. tenant governor, Speaker Nixon of the assembly, Supt. Bender, and Secretary Youngs." . T h e A m e r i c a n W h l i t Crosgf<SJl CuipAoo, July 12.—Interest in the 9th annual congress of the American Whist League.centers.in_the.play_for the Hamil- ton trophy. This afternoon' thTtKftdflir the Hamilton trophy contest will be played and the preliminary play in the American WhistLeague challenge^trophy- —the only permanent oWnabTTprtze In the lot—wili be, heH. Rtsdlutlons ^& »n passed. '~~ 7 ' jjfjcontroLof Ldlstrlct,. announced last night that despite the ac- tion of the S. A-A. KblrTneetuKderN; C. A. auBpices will be held In this City about August 1. ge roUett'* Sacce»»or. ALBANT, Jhly ll.^herels a proba- biHty thatHaovv-Roosevelt-wai-not imme- diately name a successor to the late David ,.L, Folletfc as jus.tice pjf the su- preme-courtrsixtar dlsia:Icf,l5eeatise of the; nearness to the nominating conventions. Delaware county is anxious for the dis- tinction, having given way when. Justice Mattice-was named. Uhehaugo feels that she should be. hohored, because Jus- tice Follett'sterm was unfinlshed^and is the first in the field, presenting Gongress- inan George . W.~B>v tf .Nur^chV- It is understood that: the Piatt element -in the district favors.^Mp •*.. ^jay,-,aud, tha,tlt is Tikely that he vrtttHW^isaThBdfey-^ieRtp ^BHcim*Ttidlelal qonveatloujivWhlch is' to ha held*"at" i n i Jimt: date; after, which Gov*. Roosevelt will appoint Mm to the vacancy. .-,.,.,. ,,.. ; ; -. r - ........ -, •- r-. - Ofitwittea^lrtBanirTrt * NJBW YogK, J u l y IS.rrAmaxh.Weh^tpto the-j!irsfe Mabnal-BankaSiSt. Greorge'sy S. fc, Monday wi t h twdiltOO'b'tHs"; He ]»reBeni^.itoia'ii^^:^nd^.^PAyliig: Teller IhgaUs, .asking h W i » change them.,„vThe mau asked ; .fbt.|l>Tbills:and: lugalls gave him f6rty of them. He WehS to-a'Side d^fcprestf#ably%c^^ aud in a few nafinieJitlf returnedto:the" •wlndi8W,.-aflJ&n"grthe;W0¥''t6'^#n^ii6# amount in, $1 hiUs^he,^aated teoay m fte : men. Ing&m-mW W4 2#$1 and the mate;vv»ni.:Suti-- "Sv*h6w- 301- [» 6dnate& th"« < rlefefled' 4 ^ ^Uls che WWiekH16t thehi ; ^e^feraissthi(ii •'- "•"' O'entrj/ii. **•* J(ftfle *fr-p*tro». v . v . - « i r^%"Micm, July^I2^s^?M3 ;&rxfay*s h^rhegs,' 'raclis'""^ ' B i g H ^ ' fti' -ffft-wwitjtgainafcJJie-track record I^O^ahdj-whilfr M^^^M^fM ^ r eri»ttiagpificent mflef mlm- HhtQr ju^rtertf w«8i i$l& t m m ^ ^ & m It wSs the fastest roile of; therye&r.. i Thetfuttieof everjro^M#|$a^a*e quickly and surely onre4 by Karl s.Clover !RO# Ti^^^g^M^C|^eSa?i| %««ibuildefi -jm$-m^0i£mok m .<•.• .-\-;j•..^v:;-^;'''•%:•.».. '.•'•:'.' " •• '•'•• '•-. " f "•";-•. '•7^» v ' •-''' ' v Y * • that the extension of thecompany's bus! ness throughout the United States, for Which purpose the increase was made, practically amounted to the organization of a coffin truat which would eventually monopolize all of the larger dealers. -This Is not the vase. John H. Mowen, president of the New York and Brooklyn Casket Company, ou South Ninth street, Is a stockholder in the National,company, and he states that the company 1B regularly chartered iri this state, and that its organization was brought'_ about by three concerns In dlf- TTf AKTED—A competent girl for gen- .YY fral housework m a prlvatw. family at "country m oraer to avoid the heavy freight charges placed on certain^kinds aof-casketB. Each of these •*Eter-o™%locJ street. pfflca. After the meeting the governor iext unmedjately lor hig home in Oyster Bay. Senator Piatt said he talked with the governor about the iatter'a conference with President M.cKlnley j n the matter of the appointment of the state officers to commands in the new. regiments of vol- unteers, -He s~aid Gov. Roosevelt fully endorsed his plana for a union, .of forces fcJMhr^ oecween cue- mdep&adencs ana one publican brganlzatlont "~ Why Roosevelt Sammoned Woodrnfr. , AliBAHf, July 12.—Appropos of_^§ statement made In public print that Cfov. Roosevelt was.about to accept a cabinet portfolio and resign the governorship of the state, and that he had' srxiniHOHBd Xleut, 'Gov. Woodruff to Oyster Bay to confer with, him on the subject, Secre tary Youngs stated today that the lieu tenant governor had: been to consult with the, governor relative to improve mentsnow under way aiT ^he capital', the awarding of the electric light contract and other minor details. A meeting of the publiobuHding c6mmissioh-ls ached- ^_. hit;, Kuril, ami iiu UIL fur an tivtiu >t,iAgr " tIBorge 8cott. Do** Tils Strlka ToaT ons,-Nauseating breath come tram; chronic constlpatioil KarrB Clover Root Tea Is an abeolutecure and Hno-hAs who a member of the, boiuff *&* !>•*». »ld &f fifty yeatg on an abso* ungues, wnoura memoer or r^e Doaru .' t „*.--„*** Priniaft, »wi MA a*iA lute guarantee. Price 26c, and jSQc. Sold. IpO:BJBK3Eq Ti TE cated; mo Poa« blood and a good digestion are an insurance against disease. and suffering- Burdock BJflorJi Bitters keeps the blood the jdigestion perfect.. ©enecal Hnnomtcements. F iDHE PERSON who.bbrrdwedS.G. Bald*ln!« aanfrGtetWttspfeaJltJvSiS; J&s«uthSi,herwllldbligb a Q. JbaidWh.' ;* TSAAO Wlgsaia*: returnedito his old; A shop la the reei ot . ** - . IF. P. HIQ|CS»S SHOE? 8T0RE. »19j|" %f,' Dominica:'_ St >.' ' • _ Where he will be pleased to mend the shoes of X ^Col*0»t»nie^^tthe^raroldT^^Si [^ 'TOCTRA^ wm®« ",.: v :;;7^rr^r . **-'>"'Aiiisir^tbJ^.afei-iSgdkfcrr/*. -^hUs^e^^IWn^Gwain^ve^Kayr^- --Sp^lalfriceffto ChUrcUeSiJPlclifcsv&ci- Ice Creatn^Bcda wlttf<»ushea*WiSIVISc. . EesTON^,0AWt>Y:ir®[TeHEN;-s •*s .••>.,. ->, l# #*- D*»ntinicfest,:';; ^jg^LCMN^i will bay afidttiej»f fba-|^M^ir^>tt:|of''tli^St^^.Mi;ilver: " HljonSw*. do Hpatloa, Head|clK, >e...,: ~ '*&;jjft«|aitfl ,• -\J y'\u . - 4? 1 i>"?.«5' ntr ^^[yf^^Wtimm. ioHViii '" " '" """ '" aurtnta.1 Sonwjand 0«r Rooms to aSuSesW., Lot«for Sale, .... -jeap^WAn^d*:'; ..-.'•: Stae^^rKxchange,,- BiMtnees froperty io Genera ABBout Ti'rairta<it'ir1art»ni>Tn«"' M^llaneoiis, ,,..., SltnatloliS Wanted, ,v«.-s mmmmmm^M Sylvan Beach lory. Inqulri- at tlie Bath. TuthFae- W ANTED—Girl ior general houses work In a first ciusi IraardTnc hodso. Tn- qidre -at 4tae Oster Honie, 123 Johfl 'St. Mrs. Ueorge Oliffprd. proposals -witl-be-recelved'bvthe Common Council of the city of Home, N. Y., at Its meet- ing to be held in the Common Council Chamber at 7:80 p.-m. on the 7th day of August, 1899, for on N- George street on the easterly side of the nald street, from Turin_street to the southerly line of Maple street; according to fhe plans and specifications adopted by the Common Council fiuid on file hi Um ufllm) gf tmrtJJvtt Engineer: The plans can be seen and conies of the specl- nVivtions and blank forma obtafneU at the office of thejjlty EnRinee'r In the City Hall. __£olpmpowU-8hall-beconsninred which shall not W ANTED—A. .girl to do housework. Apply at 817 Ann 8t. TTTANTEn^Glrl for general h'ouse- y-Y » work and'to wait on table. Answer by letter to N. 8., careSentmel oflloe. W ANTED—A competent girl f o r g e n . jBraT hftugework sleep home. Appl t So. 81* West Domli w •s street. AN,TED—Tin Hoofing andBfinflit ing. I|L B . SherjL'ai, SiU West Xdberty W AJSLTE^D —Competent meat and '"liaTitry^6oaY'(wWt« woman): must fiir-' WngOB ?fi a month. Addreis nlsh references. Cook, InleiyN, Y. W A N T E D — A g o o d one seated Phae- ton. Address, stating price, N. H. Jones, Drawer D, Rome, N . Y . W ANTED.—Men anil women, to break their watches f»r mc> to fix. -ARTHUR"K. NA8H, = r—MS&West-iKmriBfek-Btreetr-- Y OIT H A V E WANTED to sell-some» thing. Walt no longer. Put It in the Sen- tinel. 3f or Sate or to iRent. •Sbr DOXTATER AVE.-2-story Dwell- P LKASANT FErAT-for smallfamUy, to jsentrfiSa 5E68t Thomas St~ Inqulfoon promises. " K . N . MADISON ST.—Dwelling arranged far two families, which will command $12 per month, for $t,«K>. Qeorgn Hc<itt. B UILDING LOT. 40. by 150 feet, on Dealing St.. at a low price. A better bar- gain can not be had "Till water fail from thesea." Ueorge Scott. "3H 7tKft ¥OR a * e w Dwelling, with CU>l«T:tl\/ lot 40 by 200 feet, "where you can enjoy yoarself tinder, the -.stately elm trees' shade. Qeorgo Scott, T O R E N T — A desirable house located In the East l'nrk. containing modern Im- provements. For particulars inquire from 10 a m. to lam. on premises, No. iOS E Park, or at 105 West Liberty at. Mins L. Blpinskl. F OR SALE—A Store, House and Barn, situated at Verona luito, now ooouplwl bj BrOrtess—€k>bd- ntand for » ooantry itors. In quire of A. F. Taller ft Co., Borne, N. Y. TT»OR g A L E OR EXCHANGE for small dt?—farm, a ue» Comrtry-Hotel, cheap. Qood business near new steel plant. Beason for sell- ing, poor health. For particulars address James Emma, Weat.Beiieea,.j?. Y^ ' . • npO^lOlNT^SMera House 8T7 X. Thomai Bt, witii or without stable. 803 William street. West Also W.. W. Parry, aa Front T O BENT—One Suit of Family RoomB - In the Qleamton-HowBr Block, heated by steam. ApplytoLonls aiewmwin lern convenlencea. Sons' Market. No«. TX) ^RENT-^ Desirable office rooms, X steam heated, Tn larnMn National Bank Building. ^ ^ - - - . I npQ RENT—The desirably looabsddwelt JL ing honseNo. 416 N. Wathlngtonflt. Apply T70R SALE—Homesatnearly all prices, 1? from^floaap to $l&(»0ieacJh_.Oity lota on mo«t;every street from 1500 to 18,000 each. Also brick stbree, vacant; building sites and farms. AUbustneee pertaining to the loaning of money on Bond and Mortgage; itriotly confidential. Hotisehold .Furniture stored and cared for. Bents of all kinds collected and returns promptly made, taxes paid, rermira'and^lhsurahce looked after,'*nd,;ln fact, the entire charge of property takeo;m hand, thereby rsUeyihg the owner of muoh vexation and care..;Terins very reasona- ble. ' K-you wish to.purchase or sell real estate "6f any deecrlptloni Or to borrow or loan money on real estate; apply to thaKeal-Estate Agenoy of eHABIiBH-* 1 . STUBDEVANT, in the new KingsierBlockv comer of DomthiokraBa James ?w;w:? , «. ^ Bntter^-dreamery.» » » i i r t ^ w , dairy 160 ; Ftour-^^Ti,».bbi. isoftypattf*»4.aexx; White wheat »4.60,-itraham«.a!. ; 'Oovfrfanttoats f 100 »s.'8«Of 1, Kreenlagf WQ llV^rackia cora'85,shlp«:85Jlnut 85, flax seed o.wjoniou, nay »iw> v«- J> 5trawW,TOrniBt»te»busht*, western 60, oati ;Mj^J^M**^»«» t ' f •'#*• .»t vim «(> •*S^km^^^U^^Mi«mi t tteem7 mur^rato sadgrubby<05, trimmed vealiklnant ?toO*fi*?Mo, «uhtruamedpl(att IB KB. each * ©$1.W prim* Noil deacon ikl»«KO40, ontaOT smaU deacon sklns90Oa6, Wwl, washed »ft18Q ,.*•.»-...- -j,,,,!, jjjt^ each MOw. vw^K'l' m, »*»• B^hsv mealnmand j i e ^ f bush. _f1,96, retail "'- ' '''mgBL 'HOTeyin'o^b*»14, retains, be^waxIM be accompanied by a bond of $100, wlin sureties, or hy a certi(led check for $100, to be approved by the Common Council, conditioned that If the a cert id ctl check for $100, to be approved i Common Council, conditioned that If tl proposal be accepted the person proposing will enter Into the contract np»n the terms-proposed' Bull .-must be sealed and addressed to the Com and as provided in title 0,' section 0 of the Char- ter- of- tmi.olt,y of Home,. raon Counull of the city of Koine, N. Y., and en- dorsed on the* o u t s i d e of the "envelope contain- InK them; "Proposals for Crosswalks and Plug Walk on N. Qeorge street." FKED. A. COLEMAN, City Engineer. ^TATE ^F.KF iTOBK, NOTICE TO ~C0NTRACTORS. Sealed proposals for furnishing the mnterlaia and performing the labor required and necessary tor-Installing the Electric Wiring and Fixtures and l'jumblng and- Drainage bysfema of the-A-»- minl8tratlon BulldlngrWard Building and Con- necting Corridors at the Rome State Custodial Asylum, Rome, N. Y., may be sent by mall, or delivered In person, up to IS o'clock m, on Wednesday, the nineteenth day of July; 1809. to William If. Clofaer jr.. President of the Board of Managers, Rome SUito'Custodlal Asylum, Rome, N Y., at which time and place the Board of Man- agers will receive and open nil -proposals. - OruwingB-iind jpeclflcatlnns may he nonsuited and blank forms of proposal obtained at the Home-State OnstrtdlaP'Agyfrmh-Bqmp, N. Y. ( ' dr- at the office of O L. n«los, Btato Architect, In the Capitol. Albany, N..Y. Contracts to be awarded to the lowest respon- sible and reliable bidder for each division of the work, or for the whole work, as may be deemed for the bent lnteroi>t of the suite, unless the bids oxcord the amount of fuuda avitllabte therefur v In which uase the Hoard of Managers reserves the right to reject all bids. JOHN F. FITZ GERALD, -Kr h a&Wgi , £ii» ra "'WB^T-TT--^ ———«»i3fr>i Thousand Ialands, Situated on Qrenell Island, facing the main chan- nel. Coolest house on the river. Newly deco- rated this Beason. AW modern Improvemsnts. " ~ ' " ,te« Open the year round? Special' rates for June, September and October. Experienced oarsmen in connection. Bates moderate. Beautifully Il- lustrated Booklet sent upon application. l . DAVID 5. LEWIS, Prop. P. O. OreneU Island. •. ' i . " TTHE GOTHIC QOTTAGE, r , - : " '' ' , " Sylvan Beach, M; Y. ON BEAUTIFUL LAKE ONEIDA. Reasonable rates to summer.boarders. - - - T BATES, $IPBR BAY; f$PM Wl&BKr~ M. MAHANEY, Prop. O NEIDA LAKE HOUSE, SYLVAN BEACH, NrY. One.of the largest hotels on the bench; over- looks the mpst delightful section of this famous ^bnach. Seasonable comforts arid^immjementii; cool, airy rooms. Within two minutes^ walk- frotn the Ontario & Western Depot. TBRMS REASONABbK.-' 18H,. Proprietor. ' •*- J.-D.l P ARLEY HOUSE, Bedwood, N. Y. •} - Unsurpassed bass, pike and pickerel Ashing In the lakes near hotel. Board and rooms unex- celled. Competent guides and first class boats. For ratesjid^eJjS^^_^l^^L5Y5QD8E t Redwood, N.T. riROVE HOTEL^ STAR LAKE!, \3F V. O. Benson's Mines, N.TT In the heart of the Adirondack Mountains. Large, airy rg< iti art of the Adirondack Mountains, rooms, megant table, good boating, 3t Ashing and deer hunting grounds and thotlneat fishing and deer hunting grounds in the mountains. The hotel' Is newly furnished -throughout, and-Is-.flrat-elaaa in every respect; Reliable guides furnished, on application. Bates Jl.50 per day; $7 to $9 per week. . J A fj»AINABD, Propr. "TJOLLINGER On R. W. 4 0. R. R, from Alexandria Bay. and most beautiful scenery Five lakeH in alght-ot the hotoL HOUSE, Kedwood, N: Y. '90 miles from Rome, 7 miles The finest fishing grounds New York state. $ho4afc«s-eon In tain an abundance of black and Oswego bass, salmon trout, pike, pickerel and muscallonge. The-hotel rooms are large and airy, and have been newly furnished throughout. The table Is first class. Good railroad, telephone, telegraph and mail service. Bates $2 per day. Special rates to parties, V. A. BAILEY, Propr, T AKE BEACH HOTEL, SYLYAH JBBACJK . .-._ The only Temperance Hotel on the beach. Nearly opposite the Lehigh Depot Bates s S I p e r Day, »5 per Week. Special rates to parties. Nice large rooms, ele gant table. Large stable attached. . . W, 8.IEVEN8, proprietor, 6 days <t. T 'ADIES, bring your Skirts to Mrs. E. JLs Powell's Dressmaking Parlors, 119 E, Lib- erty St, and have them made for ft. Bicycler * Skirts a specialty. Posltlre satisfaction guaran- teed. Lessons given in Walstmaklng and Tailor System of cutting. D ISCHARGE Etf; BANEBUPTCY.-. The new bankrupttowpassed by congreaf Is now In full force," and-all persons depreseed ,. by their debts can be relieved and discharged therefrom under Its provisions. Having had a large practice under the old bankrupt law, theT subscriber will again, make a specialty In bis business of cases under the nejv acfr,_ Chargea-*" wlu be reasonable. Calfbn or address , ' fr. drnmBASB, Attorney. - r Boom-84 Martin Bnflding, Vttea, N. Y. Take elevator. •r^K m 53&3 ^financial. CASH PAID FOR WESTERI MORTGAGE ether In default or otberwlst, AMD FOB WK8TBBH LAHD Obtained tinder mortgage, "wrrrjrmnni R \^&TQO\TT Intematlooai Trast Bldg., . BOSTON, MASS. Unlisted Bonds anil Sacnrlties Bought and Rolo »fe' Summer Horse CIOIMD^ '^42 Lap Robes, --.-• --..--- — Trunks, and" Bags, .__;„ Telescope Cases. harness, . Open Buggies, Top Buggies, Canopy Top Surreys. BiDgham Harness Co. 148 WEST DpMINICK STOEET. Itegftmra'ntg. B OiACK B'l'SS. The Black Bass Season irnwoben., All other choice varieties In stock. Buperincenoenx. jiometitate uustocuai AayluiST" plants and Xlaweca, C ELERY PLANTS —Several kliulB of Early and Late Celery Plants for sale, nt It. E. Burnham's Market Garden, South Jay SI., Borne, N. Y. professional. D R. W. B. REID. Washington Opera House Blook. Office Hours Ing, 8:1 too. Street Morn- to 9:S0; afternoon, 8 to 4; evening, 8 R.. H. D . WHITE, Physician and Surgeon. Oflico and residence 12U. Dom- lnick St. Special attention given to diseases of the Nose and Throat. Street residence, i ngton D R. H. J. TELLER, Physician and Surgeon. Office and Residence No. 103 W. Domlnick St Office Hours: Until 10 a. m., 3 to 4 p. m., 0:80to8 p. m. Night bell. F W. KLftKLAND, <.«, 8 ABOHrTIOT, 108 W. Domlnick Street, Bonis, N. J ACOB AGNE JBM ABOBITEOT, ~ " " WOMH-Y. L. WAGER, Attorney and Conn- aelor at Law,. Rome Savlnga Bank Bufld- l^j^ Kramy JA lata on tm*l wtatj*. F. G N. LKHR, M. D. Office and resl- • _denoe x 219 Wort Liberty street^Bome. Meals and lanohea at a l l hours, At GEO. W. STURDEVANT'S, —— 116 Ni-Waahington St., Arlington Block, Home, N. Y. pOOD BEER. GAM MEL'S. 17 AND 19 LIBERTY ST., BTIOA, N. Y. The leading brands of the world on draught and, bottled for family-use. " Mail order* promptly attended to. Business gqrOe, TDOOKBINDING. MAGAZINES, PAMPHLETS, PERIODICALS, Neatly bound at reasonable prioes. High grad 1>Un> book* m a d e t o order-. wrlt»-tor Prioeaot what yon want. • ALFRED J. PUBvVIB. 1SL to 187 Genesee St, Dtloa, JL. jr. H OT OR O^O LD BA-TlffS. H. W. WELLER -•"«. Has removed bis Barber Shop to the More for- merly occupied by Geo. Payne, At Ho. 191 North Washington Btrctt, Where he will be pleased to see bis many fHendi and customers. TJERNHARD BROS., Successors to John Fisher, supply the BEST QUALITY OF_ MEATS at their market opposite the Commercial Hotel, on James street. Every kind of Fresh, Salted and Smoked, Meats and Poultry In their season, BtmhanTa SuTiaagca arc V^iauTpaBzcd. Telephone Connection. N. Y, Specialties: Qyn Ity to Chronic Diseases, to Sand 6to3 p.m. . ,t,Electrlc- ice until 10a.m.; 1 D R. H. F. HtfBBARD, PhyBlcuvn and Surgeon, Is located in the offices formerly occupied by Dr. Sfa'owennan, at No.-161W. Doml- rHck-Bfe—Piseaaea uf the EmrTltruat andNcne-a ity, Office Hours: B to 10 a. m., 8 to 4 and to8p.m. J . 35anhs. HE ROME SAVINGS "BANK—105 SoTmr"^EB«a _ Swr«B*.—" ~ '-BankingHours 9 a . m., to 13:15 p. m., and 3 to 4 p. m., except Sundays and I^egal Holidays. sets, market Taluer3aT.nnMWr^fI^,3<J2.2I Liabilities, amount due depositors.. 1,630,821.37 Surplus with stocks at market value 806,480,84 Surplus with stocks at par .value .- 207,029.34 orriositsV . ' WILLIAM B. HUNTINGTON* President, WHEELER ABMSTftONO. 1st.Vide President, AOKLEY P. TULLEB, 2d Vice President, CHAKLE8 F. BARNARD. Sec. and Treas, TBUBT1C8S... , Samuel Wardweli, W iliiain B. Huntington, Harvey D. Spencer, John Cf. Bissell, Ackley P. fuller, Henry Barnard, Wheeler Armstrong;, Jonathan 8. Haselton, James H. Bearlea,' James 8. Dyett, Samuel H. Beach John D. Oxner, Franklin A. Ethrldge, Q N E I D A COUNTJ 1 SAVPTQSBANE Now In Its New Banking House. 178 West Doml- n*ck Street, EOiiie, N. Y. Pays 3% BeroCent. Interest to Dettositpfa. OWEN E. OWfeNS, President. "TnOEOBEB^rrst Plce-Pfealo'ent. F. LOUIS BOTHi.8€l yiee Presldentj JOHN B. EDWARDS, Secretary and Treasurer. '" ' „ TBUBT*KB. OwenB. Owens, Charles Bathbun. A. O. Kw^sror, John 8; Wardwell^ F. Lout- Ui.ui,' Thomas D. Boberts, F. M. Ortou, George F.-Hodjrasjr D. L Greenfield, Jotin R. Edwards, jgoward O. Wigging, J.D. Hlggins. T H E JTAK-MERS N A T I O N A L BAjKrK or ROMR, j^r^—VtMi Vv Capital of «*00,000. Surplus and undivided profits ..$75,000 00 .' OF71CXR8, W. J, P. KINGSLSY, President,, KDWABDOOM8TO0K, Vlce.PreSIdent, SAMUEL WARDWELL, Cashier; DinKCTORS. W J. P. KIngsley, Louis Glesmann, Burt Olhey, John R. Edwards,. E L. Stevens, Charles Bathbun, A. P. Tuller, T, O, Boherter John D. Oxner, - Samuel Wardweli, Edward Conwtock, John & Wardweli, - X?. W. WardwelK H. J. aitefieock, Homer T. FOvrler. .-- — - qnHEfflBST NATIONil7.SAiCEOF A ROME.. Capital •100,000 O»FIO«IW, J. 6. BISSELL, President, wTBi HriNMKGTON, Vlce : , •'• - DIMWRS, i- OalvInPetrle, TOonnwQ., r J aHiggtas. EdwardBarai John&.fflsieU, io^Siii J. LoweU Williams. W. POKORCt uuentj .Cashier. TTAVK YOU TRIED THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY t tW NOT, WHY NOTf Our work lastrlcUy flnrt-olasaaad^aptoslater All colored work handled with care. Oomeand **' JOHNSON -*? LAKE, 801 West Liberty St. IB the oldest and most natural Tonlo lu use' All the ages testify this r'tfet, and eminent physicians lu all countries declare that the prop- ertles of Wlue recupyruU) duyresHed vital-— ity qnd energize the weakened fryatsin. Consider then how valuable Is a Wlue. ^3an yon afford to be without it? Our Wine la aged. port, Sbcrrp ana Catawba W(MJ|T BOTTLES,. 2Bo./_ -at- HAMLIN'S Drug Store. Telephone Connection. /-1HERR1ES 1 SHALL FOR CANNING. Yt, 17. rWX XTV. SO Baskets of SWeet and Sour Cherriea Each day this weak, It they last. Buy them now, as prices win be higher after this week. ' —- "~ MILVO'S STORE, 103 West Domlnlok Street. -- yy PARRY,- » " Contractor and Builder, General Repairing, Stair BwttiltTttf and — .»- Office Furniture .. " A SPECIALTY^ . 100 Kus6 Liberty Street. •JJTIQA STEAM ENGINE AND BOILEB WOBKf, STT8 WHITESBOBO^BTBEET, UTIOA, N. Y. Shafting, Gearing and MU1 Em Worl •Ki<"6»t Bcllors, Shafting, Gearing an k, nuwrlgbttng and Pattern Making. -.-MPAIR WOBXA.aEIKuTA.Kiaq Mechanical Drawing and Designing ' TF YOU HAVE FIYE CENTS ~~ . And don't want to take c&anOM by all means buy a -SYNDICATE CIGAR. The Black River Valley la for those who arewilling to p»y 10 cents for the best, Manufactured by WUEUOOIJCIfJ ~~ 218 N. Washington St, Borne.**. Y M-ONSYTOLOANONRKALKSTATI JttL lBfUMtoiuIt,«ttbeB*«riaUteA««K)y f ' OHA8. F. BTTUtBEVaKT All ImtfMWitrtflttv CMiMmttal OR EAT ^ A t ^ S l N S AT HE^fRY WOLFF'S FOR BALANCE OF THIS WEEK. _ One Lot Corsets to close at -53c each,, worth 50c One Lot DJ. Warflef's Corsets at---69c each, worth $1.00 One Lot Shirt \feusts;iEL«,.: ^-_^c i Jsv , oithjo_arM^< 0n«.Lot Shirt Waists at--,--..----.49c, worth 75 and 80T One tot Shirt Waists at--.-.-79c, worth |i.00 and $1.25 _ 0net©t^a§rTSkirts at-—--1..,_—----_-^eyivorth-T^ One Lot Crash'Skirts at-.- r -.--- .-..25c, worth 50c One Lot Gents' Negtigee Shirts at ---39c,..worth 75c' One Lot Figured Challies at—- 2j4c ajard, worth 8c One Lot'Figured Lawns at!---!_-,--2j£fc a yard^wqrth 8c One Lot Children's Parasols a t - - - - - i 2 ^ c each, worth 25c One Lot Children's Parasols~at-.-..- 19c each, worth 35c* One Lot Gent's Blue Overalls at------ 33c, worth 50c One Lot Ladies' Seersucker Underskirts at.a^e, worth 50c, One lot Gents^Unlaundered, Shirts at .39^ worth 50c One Lot Ladies' White Duck Skirts^c^ worlfc7^-and-9Qc —*^ 5 Pieces Figured Siikalirle at- ._< ..... ^-.. _,-6c, worth i oc, 30 Pairs Lace CuTtairis^rr-^.7r^T—-^^ —- Subscriptions for DeBneltor takefjr. "'::'.' •- Special Sale on No. 40 and 60 Tafteta Ribhpns^pH Colors/ , at ^---*-.^--^----.*i9c^^aip!^worth5oc^ One Lot ladies* ^sl^I^R Hose, 3 M r ht^S, worth r5^— 'perpair. .>-..'.'" : ,'" : *'!' .•••'"•.••'•>- " One Lot Ladies' arid;'0«d^V.^^.aa^-^r;t}esat 19c /6ach^--~--**«.-^ r i r ^%^ ' 7&> mm r^:^ pwr-TSF; ^Ji-A-A^.

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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w i w n t Tlra B o a r d of. - i r»t»r l • w A S e w e i ' C o m m l s -

• I b u e r * t o 0 a v « S p e c i f i c a t i o n s P r e p a r e d a s « ' P r e l i m i n a r y t o A s k i n g . B i d s for

' I ^ T l n y y w t y > P l g e hjr C o n t r a c t . _

.A\ wieeflbg of ^he bMu«t o? water and sewer UbSajciisfllpaers. waS field on Tues­day jfeVg t»JK>,jail thje .members being pres-

MJSSor Wb^s stated1 |Ehat oa Monday he .. a5d'GMef-Jfingine#r BrJggs.ot the fire de-

^a^tDipt catiied: a^eflt to .beTnade of the

gang^m» placed aiWif engfpe house on EaatTitlierty /•stfee.tf and the pressure torned pri "at, ^Iclge JM&ila. There was

. in the rjy&i: a good supply of water for „ power. ' A ftreMiiire .of '43 pounds, -was "' maintalnftd, theiganges at Ridge. Mills

and the ftre engine house: recording the same." For"a time; there was a pressure

-of~45 ponndE^bnt.lt was not maintained .and thejaial; soon, again wgnt back to 43.

" Theo^par^nTfiBVpr^nreusedjei^ago was ^etf^iieii 5ft-and 60 pounds at Ridge Mills, tb,ougfiitlBsia to poss ible to run it nlttcb.Mgb.te,lf i t h s a beeadesired and the old water mains could stand it. The pjrjBflBaJBM^Olj»Md»onJiiniday wagJiheuLiSfj^S^ Utmost the pumps could do with plenty e n "*• of^water foi t h e r i y e r , for power. A Three

if I ' M'f

THE HOME P i M t ^ j W W ^ ^ « . 189»-if R . I . I I ' I I 'i.i i ii i ii II Vi iii i i ii ij ii I,II ii j ii l i l i. i.u a ' 'ffl 'H" " "TTT 1 ' 1 " 1 " I 'M' .n'li'i1 ' ' " - ' ' ' ' " ' ' - y , ' " '•', '-' ' ••!".•' - "| J ii ii i 11' I I ' V i ii i ' i n i .

B w e n t r ^ l r e ^ e r T f B r e T f f f i r W l i l c b A »

I he legislature enacted several new game laws this year , some of-which ap-F2L,*«. ,neid,a' q o u n t y aad-will-b^ of In­terest to local sportemen. "', _ V.' .'• H J r p ^ n 0 f PS* ** a n amendmentto sec-"SS.1W*0* P1!.,8"1116 law, which totally prohlbtts-shoiting meadow Iatk8r and reads as foUows: "Meadow larks s © l norbe shot at, killed or possjessed after they are dead; at any time. Whoever JhaLLjdolate^ot attempt, to violate thje provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and in addition, -theretofihaH be liable to a penalty "of "S2tr for fulfill wwi Viiioj *.» * _*^_:*3i

; i^'jS^gS&^i&t^iMWMfe^cg^iMBj^^ . % ^ , ^ O T S ^ ^ S S J ! ^ B J S ^ S

contrary to the ' provisions of "this sec­tion.'1 ^This is known as chapter 42, Laws, of 1899. . ~*~ '•

Chapter 141"of the new l a w s amends •the squirrel and rabbit law t o read thuS: "Black and gray squirrels s h a l l not be

.hunted,. shot at, killed or possessed, ex­cept f rdm the first day of September tip the 15th. day of December, both inclusive. In the Counties of Livingston, "Wyoming, Erie,- Suffivanr--Osetaa- ^ r a f i g e , "Sch&;; hai-le, -Montgomery, Fnltpn a n d JBEamil ton, Albany, Greeny Ulster .'and- Colum­bia, hares' and rabbity shalj n o t be hunt^ ed. 8&Bt»at, killed or possessed,'. except from the first' day of September to the


5?heldurth international- oonyejt^S»u Sfc Epworth: Leagues of the Methodtitohurbpi will be held iti Indianapolis, Ind., Suijp ^0, 21r32 anda3.^Che couventik will probably-be one oMhe largest ever help by vthe Epworth League, which' Is-the young people's society ot fcho-Methodlsit: Episcopal Church. The name Of the league derives its name from the Epworth. rectory/ the old home of, John' Wesjey, the founder of the chureh. . This will be one of the greatest events

in Methodism, as the greatest character^ v. v., * ,-JV ,. • -- -*• ™ — »-r i n ffiat denomination w i l l be present

S S r * ^ ^ ! ^PP^°^JPQgge8sed-{-fTOm-atiroverHiht^ and Cait-._, . . . . ada^'Europe and missionary fields in A s i ^

a n d Africa. i ' The meetings will be held in a great

t e n t to. be pitched on the court house grounds. This ! tent'will s ea t 7,500 pe^ sons , - Tomlinspn's hall , opposite t h e court house, wi th a_ capacity.of 5,000, t h e opera houses and the churches w i l l a l l be used forjfte services."

vTJhere w i l l be three monster patriotic meet ings on I^lday •, rilglET " A t one these, Bishop Fowler w i l l deliver greatest lecture, "Abraham Lineol:

a j j ^ ^ y ^ ^ * i . ~ " — *,%'A ij**t"~ZVr



WMmm$f9 _. M^$f®W, in good.j>rder, recently

-Sc/- -^'C- W - »?f» ««le at ii bargain. Inquire fgeMWeljoaice..--; - - ' .

p I A N D JOE SALE CHEAP—Nearly •£ new, up)fightr'used but six months; best of tone'and' beuutiful case. Gatalogusd at $400. Sellija^ijsc* W trade. Leaving town. Address >Bd*8?^Koine, N; Yv

I ' Q ^ S A L E . - L a f e l y need b y ^ Gneida County Savinm Bank, before Koing Into lta own building. Width 54, night 86, deptfi MH Inches, outside,. Bas inside steel burglar-' prooCoheak Horrto Co. makers. P r a o t o d l j new.: I». offered at-'low price. App ly to or ad -drew Oneida Counfry SavhiKS Bank, Some ,


5 t 6 8 years old.

Including, two very gent le


Black and bay,, weight 1000 and jjywpf r.Uyfily.


hydrant streams were experimented with i n thejo i i j wh i l e the pressure was on at the

J^TDif i lg^teH^hT—Tlie streams were be? - jtween 40 and 50, feet bigh-^-not enongh4;o

depend irpOirr^wlthottt additional fire steamers, mcaseof f ire In the business por­t i o n of the city,, but passable for Ares In t h e residence districts. To maintain this

' ^prjeBHiirft. of liSLpoouidtL requtced a. great dea l of !water for power and drew upon the supply i n the pond back of the dam so a s to lower i t perceptibly. The pressure

'.•."" thus- couldTaptr-bemalntalned for several hours, even w i t h more than the average supply of water in the river, because the water whee l s , when pumping at> full

__ September te the cembef, "both* iiSluslvejr

ferrets in hunt ing bares and the-usCiOf i.ciToui m nu^iiiuig naxes aud rabbits Tnsuch counties iBproHbffiea: The provisions of this section, shall not apply to Long--^slanutf^Wli6^veT"Tlfattt violateor^attempt to violate the provi-8ibng o f tmF~ section shall b e deemed g u i l t y o t a misdemeanor, and ihraddltidn thereto shall be l iable to a~penalty of $2$ for each violation thereof, arid $10 fpr~ each sqnlrrelrJiare, or rabbit k i l led or hai

speed directly into the city mains, re­quired water for power faster than the river farni8he|lt. A t somet imes of high w a t e | in the spring no doubt such a-pres­sure- as was developed on Monday could b e maintained for many hours. But on the average It could not and at periods of l o w water the pressure often could be

occasions, nothing beyond the" ordinary reservoir pressure o l about 20 pounds can be obtained. " Routine business, including the audit­

ing of bills, w a s fofcen u p by the board. In ~Rh the " discussion of flc

s ln possesslon-In v loIa t t eoTia i s sec l ldh . '^ T h e woodcopk and grouse season fot

the state and fot Oneida and Ulster coun-,tiea is thus nhanged by 4 h e - a m e n d « i e n t f l } n i ? ^ I ; to section 74 of the game law, in chapter 536, l a w s of 1899: " Woodoock, ox rutfed grouse, commpnly known as partridge. or any member .of the grouse family, shal |

conm counts the ru le was emphasized that bills con Id not b e allowed unless ^properly _ swprh to. T h e department has blank bill heads wi th t h e proper affidavit blank oa ijhe back for thfe-purpose, whtch a r e t e -niBhed to a n y w h o may w i s h them for the purpose of m a k i n g out bills.

The quest ion of lay ing water pipe by contract w a s taken up. ^The board, early in* the season, ordered abont-two ni.iles of pipe" laid pf whfch about 1,500 feet on W e s t Domlnick street la completed. A resolution of the, board, adopted a t a pre-

' v lons meeting^ stopped farther woriC Mayor W h i t e reiterated the sentiments h e had expressed on former occasions to the effect that he favored tile department hir ing i ts o w n workmen and paying them-$1 50 a day, as i s done in severaFcitlea wh ich he mentioned, and spoke Btrfmgly in favor of that course.' He said he was npptMnfl to l i n i n g - t h n w o r k b y c o n t r a c t ,

ttpniot-Jadlea m the crowd waff noticeably^ large, yesterday "having been ladiefe' day. The summaries follow:

2:40 class, -trotting, purse "f400^=May Aloyoner, b. m., W. M. Halstead, New York; David H., b. g., F. Riley, Hooaiok Falls; Charley Walbridge, b. g , Captain WfJlKidKe» CBiilei,-Suu«9>r6^ M.Day, and worua f ote agaiust it^beiievlrrgthat

the city got better service for the money by the method whioh had prevailed. The matter- wasHHscnsaed^at^ considerable length and, the sentiment 06-a .majority of the~Wemh«rs belpg-;i;hat the plan of c o n t r a ^ g B h o u M b e ^ e a i n W ^ t e i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ThoniaB, ch. a-reiglntloa^aTa^opl^lmtnKtbjg the: IK^^ZTMZ n S „ n S hik c l M k s W r e w ^ ^ l f f c a W n ^ clerks to prepare specUcatlbns" i mftted to the board preparatory to adver­tising for bids onJhe work.. ,

The meeting then adjourned.


B a t t l e r r e e d m a i ) , A c a d A b o u t M, T i c t t e ,


1 2 Tear*,

XTnos, Jtfly^ 13r "aged about 13 years, living With her par eu«s at No: 11 Canal Htreet, is the victim

- of ^an attack b y some—unknownrbug, which her physician, Dr^.E. P. Clarke, believes Is the kissing bug. Kittle went

— -to bed-as-usual MondaynlghV^ndrWlien-she awoke about 7 o'clock yesterday

.. morningi eket was-horrified to find' her __upper lip about three times its nermal

Blze. The condition did not Btop there. During the day the little girl's lip contin-

—tied-to-sweHi TOitQf&te In thlmfternooni It projected nearly an inch, and prevent­ed her from eating. The swelling was

•Rittt*r VrM-A-mav I F-Mc6rath Cantraf Falhr fe T • Bhtck- JJled^oiake plaCeat ©yste)? Bay^on !Pr4- TPO RENT-Jftooms furnished and ou-K1ttlrfYeedmaTT|t.-.Mt«rat&, centra^ fi^tla, l f c ^ l J M * dayvwhlch-wllllJeattended by,the-4ieu~ A ftn^hed,«nltSb»p for housekeeping, m-

^J*" f ^ i n f i <m-D«Vnnr Hh« n V O T m U nf f > « quire at 10-i Huntington 8t. .

A World correspondent says that he believes thekisalng bug is identical with the China bug: of California, and advises the immediate use of strong vinegar and salt as au antidote to the poison of the' »tiaf. -

. ^jkJBiiBizJBfMissmat.. This^Js tbe ire^gw&ohthe .Port land

O r e p & f i g^lvr'lBB National Edlterlat Aseociation: Here.you are. MesBrs. edl tori; hefels Poriiilaiid and its people and otherTihTngiirgP Where -and when-yotf

yoti #&nt don't ask for it; take it along. We m£f hot M able to show yon much of ailwaTnaSrelmth« way of mountains and wo^^MBrpr^^e^andscenery and things, B u * y o a c m D«lieVflve«5y*aingyotthear, for while we have *fl6in6 pretty good liars out' here, this: Subject "staggers them. Mori advice itj'isn*fche^ssary to give; we 1uao#ma& being: editorsi and editor8r fain-

• lIlesybwiireMe wuiest and beet natured lo t of pS^pltf that ever came down Into bur fow%,^'BnjOy yoiiraelvefl, eat and latigl%td^bole|fiid grow^^atatiotirje^, audxttjbsBlbte, taser still, . • \

'".~7~.Z^S^'^iC:'!?"":' "."'"'^l'-.: ..*•.. J B o o n T l i i e .

Bp()*sria.|j -Idly J2.—%&& Gladys H0? *at^Meft^iMd!ay^mornln^or^thaca a t ^ i d t f a d d i n e l l BtmUhef. school. Sjie ^ t t * f e ^ g ^ g : hlijjferalty. spolasHc ex-

_ wiff.fo^v.thelr ihstflftitoii n e ^ M ^ i i ^ i i i g ^ i . CU?. l^wlftw^ltact fieit Mdhdayulghtr, v ^ ..«•••*-•.»* as instillhife offlcef Ih'place of ^Benjamin, Caprdni>'drst*l6t de^ty , who IslUf A nien^rllalserv^e f itt U h ^ %MimiB' e t ^ g ^ « e m b r y ^ e d M # ^ o t h > erS bf the Iddgei - A collatipu TO b6 s e i ^ , ;gfjfer /Ste:,6i&Wse& The pfflc;ers t e . M ^ W * ^ * ^ ^ - A.JtuHay.eS, N, Gf;

-WJlMamjBOB'bjr, V. GT; Jeremiah Lynch, se'crete1*lB¥ni^^

Aifeea?;®orlia^lua«ace*f . I M a t o W%«'tia^^tt"ii«t«i!^Ps^l with payalyBis,

i rmmmp^^: 1 ^ 1 .^ , • "•':.•: ^ ^-B^^o^v.^1yrhcii;hvas Vmg&ofy

t u r n e d ; t o a r ^ o l l l l l B ^ £ ^ ^ ^ - ; S ! ^ " "* - Ge%e^M*gBir^feBpeton,-Who has,

^Ym^tmmmuM mftmBuckley, and " t y m ^ ^ a s ^ u l r ^ ^ n n ^ •-;.-- ; . , j —

4 p w l M t t o o n y i l l e oh the xuprnjng With:%&fflm-irom'Lowill&andlhe

sou 3«fai^ttsatf;Bj4glw»l»> Mrs, 0 l « « l f Pratt, Mrs. Edgar Lewis,- Misses Frances Thompwu, GracrThompson, Alice Free-iaahMi^^mti^jjiliWa^WatertoWn and Robetfmmim£LU^;.;-. . # . '

A t another, Gen. John-^rGordon, com­mander of the confederate veterans, .will g i v e his eloquent lecture o h "The Last. D a y s of the ^ Confederacy.'* A t the third' place, Dr. J o h n . Potts,, the general Becj-retary of education for t h e Methoaist Church of Canada and chairman of t h e fiternatlonal Sunday school lesson com-

"iteev^and-Dr...J^ M» Bnckley_.of.the. N e w York Christian Advocate will both speak on "•^fnterriationai Selatlonsr**

- II Ti i " ~ i


not be pursued, shot at, hunted, caught or kil led froin the ,16th day of December to the 81st day of*August, both Inclusive, or in the county of Oneida from the 16tlJ day of November to' the 31st day of August , both inclusive, or i n the county of Ulster from t h e 16th day of December

tbe^Oth day aLSeptember^ b o t h l n c i m slve. No person shal l kill, catch, or take alive more than 86 woodcock or 30 grouse In any open season. The provisions of this section sha l l not apply to Long Island. Whoever shall violate or attempt


- W e i g h t 1600.

— A T p l r a ^ - S M I ^ H ^ S - B R E W E R Y f

- — - — 6 ! 8 ^ W T - G Q m * S t r 6 e t 7 * 0 T X i B 7

H i a a n d e r i t a n d l o K Becard lx iK A o r e a a e i n Ompltkl S t o c k . <i

N a w Y O B K , July 12.^-The certificatebf

Casket Company of L e n o x , - M a d i s o n county, at Albany from $3,000,000 t b $0,000,000, h a s given rise to the belief

: «.oim WORK TEAM, . "•' W e i g h t 2600. -;-' -..;.-


-atgst^ano ffoitno^ ^ O D * N B h 3 E J p o n > i y p r e m i s e s , 608 S J 7 JameaSt' , tTBUlt. Owner can have name By proving^ property ami paying charges. George


PursnftBt t o aa, order of ^ JSv- •©fe»rfis!!ir»iteTsog6W'^; neidu, notio e is hereby- gSelTto

I ^ J O T l C E . — F u r s n f t B t - t o swi

all. persons having claims against the estate of John Bouer, deceased, late of the citv of ltome, in 'aai.d county, to" present the same' with the vouchers thereof, to Frank Wolff, administrator of the estate of said deceased, at his place of business, 204 South James street, Rome,in said county, on or before the S8d day of November, 1800. Mftted May ie, 1899. . ' - *

- F B A N K WOLFF, Administrator. HCMAHON & 'MASON, Attorneys for Adminis­


NOTICE.—Pursuant t o an, order "of Frederick M. Calder, Surrogate of the

county of Oneida, notice is hereby given to atl lersohs lrnviug olaims against the estote of 'nomas Jotea, deceased, late_^f the city of

Home, In said county, to present the same with the Vouotlers thereefi to John K, Edwards, executor of the last will and testament <?f -Bali deceased, at the Oneida County Savings Bank,

on or before the 23d day Rome, in Bald county, c of September, 1899. Dated March 14,1899.

JOHN B . EDWARDS, Executor. J . 8- BAKKE, Attorney for Executor.

p A R B A G E N O T I C E . — A U p e r s o n s \JC having garbage which they wish to have removed -from their pronJiues, are requested to place the same in a covered Iron can dFpall, oil the curbing opposite their premises, or in a con­spicuous place In some lane or alley, from which it may fo easily Jaken b y t h o j ;arbage con ,raTctorr"

Garbage will be taken away once a week, and from the business portion o l the c'ty twice a week. All persons are requested to have their garbage ready for removal early in'the morning.

Garbage Is 'collected in the different districts on the following days: --Monday—East of the Black River-Canal. '

Tuesday—From Central Railroad to Embargo; from Spring t o George streets'. - Wednesdays—All south of Central and R^ W. & O. railroads,

rBursday-i-West of Seorge to Doxtater ave­nue and south of Thomas.

Friday—North of Thomas, West of Black River "Canal. '" " • "

, Saturday—Same as on Tuesdays. All complatota should be mftdeto

PlEttBE BECKER, Banitarylnspeotor. Office hours 9 to 1Q a. m„ at Olty Tgall.


B it)Y TVANTED at the Electric Wire Works.

t o v io late *he-i>Eovi8ionfr of—this-section X e f e h F n a r l i shal l be deemed gui l ty of a misdemeanor,' and in addition-thereto shall be liable to

penal ty-of -$8^ f6r each bird caught, ki l led, snatedj t a p p e d or .possessed, con­trary t o t h e provisions of^tnis aBctton.''


H a y A l o y o n e r 'Winn t h e 3 :40 a n d DeVeraa t h e 2 : 3 0 Class.

concerns act? individually, and the recent m o v e is s imply theadBoiBslon to the cona-.pany -of-three-other. companlejaJnjother large cities. The N e w York; apOf fook-l y n company i s not interested as It turns o u t a special l ine of stock.

. U T I C A } -July-12.—The summer meeting; of the Utica ParkJTrottlng Association opened very auspiciously yesterday. T h e attendance at the park w a s frour^COOTg'

R o o s e v e l t and P ia t t , ,Confer . ^JffBW YQRKr^uly 12.—Senator T. Q, F l a t t and Gov. Roosevelt he ld a oonfer-e n c e y e a t e r d a y a f t e r n o o n i n r.ha Renhtm-'H

3,000, and the-propoi Aic

blk. g ; W. H. Snyder, Brooklyn; Forest Scout, *b. a.. C. W. Galusha,. Herkimer; Prince of Darknesa, br. g., J, W. JonesJ Wellsviile; Away, ch. nu,-13. H.B.urd, Copake; Helen I.,.b~m., B". Matty, SyrA--otise^- Jlm^aiieaield, ch. g., F. Howell,

~ " m., 4 n , r

6 . MacPherson, Kemptville/Canada; Tfeco, s. g;, A> W. Young, Alton, DJ. Time.^ej ,> .25J , 2:25i, 2:25i, 2:28,'2;86.

' 2:26>la8B', pacing, purse $400—DeVeras, hHfc ATT ArW-endllng} BroofevUIe, Ganada;-RoseH., b. m., G. N. Percy, Hooslok; Falls; Orphan Boy, br. s., T.Kelley, Sen­eca Falls; Gem S., b. m., A.-A. Milllkin, Humboldt, Kan ; Tom Reed, ch. g,, J.

Diamond, port; The Brooklyn;

blk. g , A. J. Benuettr, Brock-Kid, br. g., W. H. Snyder, Tfaner2rl8is 2:20^; 2:231,2:22£.

B a o l D g C o n t r o l F e n d in S y r a c u s e . •.' - SYBAOUSS, Jdly 12.—Atr a meetingvof the board of governors of the S. A. A. held last night 11 was decided to hold no more rate meets until after Labor day. Plans to hold a big meet under the auspices of the National Cycling Associa-tlon about August_ 1 * had progressed considerably, and the refusal of the board of governors to sanctloir tha _Btoi_M._^^s__wJte_hft4_.b^B; urging this action was a general surprise. The decision of the board of governors was that the S. A. A. should not affiliate with either the L, A. W. or N , C A. un-tll the fight for racing control Is won out J>y one aide or the other. Archie E.

tenant governor, Speaker Nixon of the assembly, Supt. Bender, and Secretary Youngs." .

T h e A m e r i c a n W h l i t Crosgf<SJl

CuipAoo, July 12.—Interest in the 9th annual congress of the American Whist League.centers.in_the.play_for the Hamil­ton trophy. This after noon' thTtKftdflir the Hamilton trophy contest will be played and the preliminary play in the American WhistLeague challenge^trophy-—the only permanent oWnabTTprtze In the lot—wili b e , heH. Rtsdlutlons

& » n passed.'~~7'

jjfjcontroLof Ldlstrlct,. announced last night that despite the ac­tion of the S. A - A . KblrTneetuKderN; C. A. auBpices will be held In this City about August 1.

g e r o U e t t ' * Sacce»»or .

ALBANT, Jhly l l . ^ h e r e l s a proba-biHty thatHaovv-Roosevelt-wai-not imme­diately name a successor to the late David ,.L, Folletfc as jus.tice pjf the su-preme-courtrsixtar dlsia:Icf,l5eeatise of the; nearness to the nominating conventions. Delaware county is anxious for the dis­tinction, having given way when. Justice Mattice-was named. Uhehaugo feels that she should be. hohored, because Jus­tice Follett'sterm was unfinlshed^and is the first in the field, presenting Gongress-inan George . W.~B>v t f .Nur^chV- It is understood that: the Piatt element -in the district favors. Mp•*.. ^jay,-,aud, tha,tlt i s Tikely that he vrtttHW isaThBd fey-^ie Rtp ^BHcim*Ttidlelal qonveatloujivWhlch is' to ha held*"at" ini Jimt: date; after, which Gov*. Roosevelt will appoint Mm to the vacancy. .-,.,.,. ,,.. ;; -.r-........-, •- r-. - O f i t w i t t e a ^ l r t B a n i r T r t * NJBW YogK, July IS.rrAmaxh.Weh^tpto the-j!irsfe Mabnal-BankaSiSt. Greorge'sy S. fc, Monday with twdiltOO'b'tHs"; He ]»reBeni^.itoia' i i^^:^nd^.^PAyli ig: Teller IhgaUs, .asking h W i » change them.,„vThe mau asked ;.fbt.|l>Tbills:and: lugalls gave him f6rty of them. He WehS to-a'Side d^fcprest f#ably%c^^ aud in a few nafinieJitlf returned to: the" •wlndi8W,.-aflJ&n"grthe;W0¥''t6'^#n^ii6# amount in, $1 h i U s ^ h e , ^ a a t e d teoay m f te : men. Ing&m-mW W4 2 # $ 1

and the mate;vv»ni.:Suti-- "Sv*h6w- 301-[» 6dnate& th"« < rlefefled' 4 ^ ^Uls che WWiekH16t thehi;^e^feraissthi(ii •'- "•"'

O'entrj/ii. * * • * J(ftfle * f r - p * t r o » . v .v. -

« ir^%"Micm, J u l y ^ I 2 ^ s ^ ? M 3

;&rxfay*s h^rhegs,' 'raclis'""^ ' B i g H ^ ' fti' -ffft-wwitjtgainafcJJie-track record

I^O^ahdj-whilfr M^^^M^fM ^reri»ttiagpificent mflef mlm- H h t Q r

ju^rtertf w«8ii$l& t m m ^ ^ & m It wSs the fastest roile of; therye&r.. i

Thetfuttieof e v e r j r o ^ M # | $ a ^ a * e quickly and surely onre4 by Karl s.Clover

! R O # T i ^ ^ ^ g ^ M ^ C | ^ e S a ? i |

%««ibuildefi -jm$-m^0i£mok

m . < • . • . - \ - ; j • . . ^ v : ; - ^ ; ' ' ' • % : • . » . .

'.•'•:'.' " •• '•'•• '•- . "f " • " ; - • . ' • 7 ^ » v ' •-''' ' v Y * •

that the extension of thecompany's bus! ness throughout the United States, for Which purpose the increase was made, practically amounted to the organization of a coffin truat which would eventually monopolize all of the larger dealers. -This Is not the vase.

John H. Mowen, president of the New York and Brooklyn Casket Company, ou South Ninth street, Is a stockholder in the National,company, and he states that the company 1B regularly chartered iri this state, and that its organization was brought'_ about by three concerns In dlf-

T T f AKTED—A competent girl for gen-. Y Y fral housework m a prlvatw. family at

"country m oraer t o avoid the heavy freight charges placed o n certain^kinds aof-casketB. Each of these

•*Eter-o™%locJ street.

pfflca. After the meet ing the governor iext unmedjately lor hig h o m e in Oyster Bay. Senator Piatt said h e talked w i t h t h e governor about the iatter'a conference w i t h President M.cKlnley j n the matter of the appointment of the state officers t o commands in the new. regiments of vol­unteers, - H e s~aid Gov. Roosevelt ful ly endorsed his plana for a union, .of forces

fcJMhr^ oecween cue- mdep&adencs ana one publican brganlzatlont "~

W h y R o o s e v e l t S a m m o n e d Woodrnfr . ,

AliBAHf, July 12.—Appropos o f _ ^ § statement made In public print that Cfov. Roosevelt was.about to accept a cabinet portfolio and resign the governorship of the state, and that he had' srxiniHOHBd Xleut, 'Gov. Woodruff to Oyster Bay to confer with, him on the subject, Secre tary Youngs stated today that the lieu tenant governor had: been to consult with the, governor relative to improve mentsnow under way aiT ^he capital', the awarding of the electric light contract and other minor details. A meeting of the publiobuHding c6mmissioh-ls ached-

^ _ . hit;, Kuril, ami iiu UIL fur a n tivtiu >t,iAgr " tIBorge 8cott .

D o * * T i l s S t r l k a T o a T ons,-Nauseating breath

come tram; chronic constlpatioil KarrB Clover Root Tea Is an abeolutecure and

Hno-hAs who i» a member of the, boiuff *&* !>•*». » l d &f fifty yeatg on an abso* ungues, wnoura memoer or r^e Doaru . ' t „*.--„*** Priniaft, »wiMA a*iA lute guarantee. Price 26c, and jSQc. Sold. IpO:BJBK3Eq Ti TE cated; mo

Poa« blood and a good digestion are a n insurance against disease. and suffering-Burdock BJflorJi Bitters keeps the blood

the jdigestion perfect..

©enecal Hnnomtcements.

F iDHE P E R S O N who .bbrrdwedS .G. Bald*ln!« a a n f r G t e t W t t s p f e a J l t J v S i S ;

J&s«uthSi ,herwll ldbl igb a Q. JbaidWh.' ;*

TSAAO W l g s a i a * : returnedito his old; A shop la the reei ot

. ** - . • IF. P. HIQ|CS»S SHOE? 8T0RE.

»19j|" %f ,' Dominica:'_ St >.'' • _

Where he will be pleased to mend the shoes of X ^Col*0»t»nie^^tthe^raroldT^^Si [^

'TOCTRA^ wm®« ",.:v:;;7^rr^r

. **-'>"'Aiiisir^tbJ^.afei-iSgdkfcrr/*. - ^ h U s ^ e ^ ^ I W n ^ G w a i n ^ v e ^ K a y r ^ -- -Sp^lal fr icef f to ChUrcUeSiJPlclifcsv&ci-

I c e Creatn^Bcda wlttf<»ushea* WiSIVISc.

. EesTON ,0AWt>Y:ir®[TeHEN;-s •*s .••>.,. ->, l # #*- D*»ntinicfest,:';;

^jg^LCMN^i will bay a fidttie j»f

f b a - | ^ M ^ i r ^ > t t : | o f ' ' t l i ^ S t ^ ^ . M i ; i l v e r : " H l j o n S w * . d o Hpatloa, Head|clK, >e...,: ~

'*&;jjft«|aitfl ,• -\J y'\u . - 4?1i>"?.«5'



ioHViii '" " '" """ '"


Sonwjand 0«r

Rooms to a S u S e s W . , Lot«for Sale, ....

-jeap^WAn^d*:'; ..-.'•:

Stae^^rKxchange,,-BiMtnees f r o p e r t y i o

Genera ABBout


M ^ l l a n e o i i s , , , . . . ,

SltnatloliS Wanted, ,v«.-s


Sylvan Beach lory.

Inqulri- at tlie Bath. TuthFae-

W A N T E D — G i r l ior g e n e r a l houses work In a first ciusi IraardTnc hodso. Tn-

qidre -at 4tae Oster Honie, 123 Johfl 'St. Mrs. Ueorge Oliffprd.

proposals -witl-be-recelved'bvthe Common Council of the city of Home, N. Y., at Its meet­ing to be held in the Common Council Chamber at 7:80 p.-m. on the 7th day of August, 1899, for

on N- George street on the easterly side of the nald street, from Turin_street to the southerly line of Maple street; according to fhe plans and specifications adopted by the Common Council fiuid on file hi Um ufllm) gf tmrtJJvtt Engineer:

The plans can be seen and conies of the specl-nVivtions and blank forma obtafneU at the office of thejjlty EnRinee'r In the City Hall. __£olpmpowU-8hall-beconsninred which shall not

WANTED—A. .girl to do housework. Apply at 817 Ann 8t.

T T T A N T E n ^ G l r l for general h'ouse-y-Y » work and'to wait on table. Answer by

letter to N . 8., careSentmel oflloe.

WA N T E D — A c o m p e t e n t g i r l for g e n . jBraT hftugework sleep home. Appl

t So. 81* West Domli

w •s street.

AN,TED—Tin Hoofing andBf in f l i t ing. I|L B. SherjL'ai, SiU West Xdberty

WAJSLTE^D — C o m p e t e n t m e a t a n d '"liaTitry^6oaY'(wWt« woman): must fiir-'

WngOB ?fi a month. Addreis nlsh references. Cook, InleiyN, Y .

WA N T E D — A g o o d one s e a t e d P h a e ­ton. Address, stating price, N. H. Jones,

Drawer D, Rome, N . Y.

WANTED.—Men anil women, to break their watches f»r mc> to fix.

-ARTHUR"K. NA8H, = r—MS&West-iKmriBfek-Btreetr--

YOIT H A V E W A N T E D t o se l l - some» thing. Wal t no longer. Put It in the Sen­


3f or Sate or to iRent. •Sbr

D O X T A T E R A V E . - 2 - s t o r y Dwell-

PLKASANT FErAT-for smal l famUy, to jsentrfiSa 5E68t Thomas St~ Inqulfoon

promises. "K .

N . M A D I S O N S T . — D w e l l i n g a r r a n g e d • far two families, which will command $12

per month, for $t,«K>. Qeorgn Hc<itt.

BU I L D I N G L O T . 40. b y 150 feet, o n Dealing St.. at a low price. A better bar­

gain can not be had "Till water fail from thesea." Ueorge Scott.

"3H 7tKft¥OR a * e w D w e l l i n g , w i t h C U > l « T : t l \ / lot 40 by 200 feet, "where you can enjoy yoarself tinder, the -.stately elm trees' shade. Qeorgo Scott,

TO R E N T — A d e s i r a b l e h o u s e l o c a t e d In the East l'nrk. containing modern Im­

provements. For particulars inquire from 10 a m. to l a m . on premises, No. iOS E Park, or at 105 West Liberty at . Mins L. Blpinskl.

FOR SALE—A Store, House and Barn, situated at Verona luito, now ooouplwl b j

BrOrtess—€k>bd- ntand for » ooantry itors. In quire of A . F. Taller ft Co., Borne, N. Y.

TT»OR g A L E O R EXCHANGE for small dt?—farm, a ue» Comrtry-Hotel, cheap. Qood business near new steel plant. Beason for sell­ing, poor health. For particulars address James Emma, Weat.Beiieea,.j?. Y^ ' . •

npO^lOlNT^SMera House 8T7 X. Thomai Bt, witii or without stable.

803 William street.

West Also

W.. W. Parry, aa Front

TO BENT—One Suit of Family RoomB - In the Qleamton-HowBr Block, heated by

steam. Apply to Lonls aiewmwin

lern convenlencea. Sons' Market. No«.

T X ) ^ R E N T - ^ Desirable office rooms, X steam heated, Tn larnMn National Bank

Building. ^ ^ - - - .

I n p Q RENT—The desirably looabsddwelt J L ing honseNo . 416 N. Wathlngtonflt. Apply

T 7 0 R SALE—Homesatnear ly all prices, 1 ? from^floaap t o $l&(»0ieacJh_.Oity lota on mo«t;every street from 1500 to 18,000 each. Also brick stbree, vacant; building s i tes and farms. AUbustneee pertaining to the loaning of money on Bond and Mortgage; itriotly confidential. Hotisehold .Furniture stored and cared for. Bents of all kinds collected and returns promptly made, taxes paid, rermira'and^lhsurahce looked after,'*nd,;ln fact, the entire charge o f property takeo;m hand, thereby rsUeyihg the owner of muoh vexation and care..;Terins very reasona­ble. ' K-you wish to.purchase or sell real estate "6f any deecrlptloni Or to borrow or loan money on real estate; apply to thaKeal-Estate Agenoy of eHABIiBH-* 1 . STUBDEVANT, in the new Kings ierBlockv c o m e r of DomthiokraBa James


^ Bntter^-dreamery.» » » i i r t ^ w , dairy 160

; Ftour-^^Ti,».bbi. isoftypattf*»4.aexx; White wheat »4.60,-itraham«.a!. ; 'Oovfrfanttoats f 100 »s.'8«Of 1, Kreenlagf WQ llV^rackia cora'85,shlp«:85Jlnut 85, flax seed

o .wjoniou , nay » i w > v«- J> 5trawW,TOrniBt»te»busht* , western 60, oati ; M j ^ J ^ M * * ^ » « » t ' f • ' #* • .»t vim «(> •*S^km^^^U^^Mi«mit tteem7 mur^rato s a d g r u b b y < 0 5 , trimmed vea l ik lnant ? t o O * f i * ? M o , «uhtruamedpl(att IB KB. each * © $ 1 . W prim* N o i l deacon i k l » « K O 4 0 , ontaOT smaU deacon sklns90Oa6, Wwl, washed » ft 18Q

,.*•.»-...- - j , , , , ! , j j j t ^ each MOw.

vw^K'l' m, »*»• B^hsv mealnmand j i e ^ f bush. _f 1,96, retail

"'- ''''mgBL

' H O T e y i n ' o ^ b * » 1 4 , retains, be^waxIM

be accompanied by a bond of $100, wlin sureties, or hy a certi(led check for $100, to be approved by the Common Council, conditioned that If the

a cert id ctl check for $100, to be approved i Common Council, conditioned that If tl

proposal be accepted the person proposing will enter Into the contract np»n the terms-proposed'

Bull .-must be sealed and addressed to the Com

and as provided in title 0,' section 0 of the Char­ter- of- tmi.olt,y o f Home,.

raon Counull of the city of Koine, N. Y., and en­dorsed on the* outside of the "envelope contain-InK them; "Proposals for Crosswalks and Plug Walk on N. Qeorge street."

FKED. A. COLEMAN, City Engineer.

^ T A T E ^ F . K F iTOBK,

NOTICE TO ~C0NTRACTORS. Sealed proposals for furnishing the mnterlaia

and performing the labor required and necessary tor-Installing the Electric Wiring and Fixtures and l'jumblng and- Drainage bysfema of the-A-»-minl8tratlon BulldlngrWard Building and Con­necting Corridors at the Rome State Custodial Asylum, Rome, N. Y., may be sent by mall, or delivered In person, up to IS o'clock m, on Wednesday, the nineteenth day of July; 1809. to William If. Clofaer jr.. President of the Board of Managers, Rome SUito'Custodlal Asylum, Rome, N Y., at which time and place the Board of Man­agers will receive and open nil -proposals. -

OruwingB-iind jpeclflcatlnns may he nonsuited and blank forms of proposal obtained at the Home-State OnstrtdlaP'Agyfrmh-Bqmp, N. Y. (' dr-a t the office of O L. n«los, Btato Architect, In the Capitol. Albany, N..Y.

Contracts to be awarded to the lowest respon­sible and reliable bidder for each division of the work, or for the whole work, as may be deemed for the bent lnteroi>t of the suite, unless the bids oxcord the amount of fuuda avitllabte therefurv In which uase the Hoard of Managers reserves the right to reject all bids.


-Krha&Wgi ,£ii» r a" 'WB^T-TT--^ ———«»i3fr>i

T h o u s a n d I a l a n d s , Situated on Qrenell Island, facing the main chan­nel. Coolest house on the river. Newly deco­rated this Beason. AW modern Improvemsnts.

" ~ ' " ,te« Open the year round? Special' rates for June, September and October. Experienced oarsmen in connection. Bates moderate. Beautifully Il­lustrated Booklet sent upon application. l .

DAVID 5 . LEWIS, Prop. P. O. OreneU Island. •. ' • i . "


, - : " • ' ' • ' , "

S y l v a n B e a c h , M; Y.


Reasonable rates to summer.boarders. - - -




SYLVAN BEACH, NrY. One.of the largest hotels on the bench; over­

looks the mpst delightful section of this famous ^bnach. Seasonable comforts arid^immjementii; cool, airy rooms. Within two minutes^ walk-frotn the Ontario & Western • Depot.

TBRMS REASONABbK.-' 18H,. Proprietor. ' •*- J.-D.l


B e d w o o d , N . Y . •}

- Unsurpassed bass, pike and pickerel Ashing In the lakes near hotel. Board and rooms unex­celled. Competent guides and first class boats. For r a t e s j i d ^ e J j S ^ ^ _ ^ l ^ ^ L 5 Y 5 Q D 8 E t

Redwood, N . T .

r i R O V E HOTEL^ STAR LAKE!, \ 3 F — V. O. B e n s o n ' s M i n e s , N.TT

In the heart of the Adirondack Mountains. Large, airy rg<

i t i

art of the Adirondack Mountains, rooms, megant table, good boating, 3t Ashing and deer hunting grounds and thotlneat fishing and deer hunting grounds

in the mountains. The hotel' Is newly furnished -throughout, and-Is-.flrat-elaaa in every respect; Reliable guides furnished, on application. Bates Jl.50 per day; $7 to $9 per week.

. JAfj»AINABD, Propr.


On R. W. 4 0 . R. R, from Alexandria Bay. and most beautiful scenery Five lakeH in alght-ot the hotoL

HOUSE, K e d w o o d , N: Y.

'90 miles from Rome, 7 miles The finest fishing grounds

New York state. $ho4afc«s-eon


tain an abundance of black and Oswego bass, salmon trout, pike, pickerel and muscallonge. The-hotel rooms are large and airy, and have been newly furnished throughout. The table Is first class. Good railroad, telephone, telegraph and mail service. Bates $2 per day. Special rates to parties, V. A. BAILEY, Propr,

T A K E B E A C H H O T E L ,


The only Temperance Hotel on the beach. Nearly opposite the Lehigh Depot

B a t e s s S I p e r D a y , » 5 per W e e k . Special rates to parties. Nice large rooms, ele

gant table. Large stable attached. . . W, 8.IEVEN8, proprietor,

6 days <t.

T 'ADIES, br ing your Sk ir t s to Mrs. E . JLs Powell's Dressmaking Parlors, 119 E, Lib­erty S t , and have them made for f t . Bicycler * Skirts a specialty. Posltlre satisfaction guaran­teed. Lessons g iven in Walstmaklng and Tailor System of cutting.

DISCHARGE Etf; B A N E B U P T C Y . - . The new bankrupt tow passed by congreaf

Is now In full force," and-all persons depreseed , . by their debts can be relieved and discharged therefrom under Its provisions. Having had a large practice under the old bankrupt law, theT subscriber will again, make a specialty In bis business of cases under the nejv acfr,_ Chargea-*" wlu be reasonable. Calfbn or address , '

-» fr. drnmBASB, Attorney. - r Boom-84 Martin Bnflding, Vttea, N. Y. Take elevator.

• r ^ K m



ether In default or otberwlst ,

A M D F O B W K 8 T B B H L A H D

Obtained tinder mortgage,

"wrrrjrmnni R\ &TQO\ TT I n t e m a t l o o a i T r a s t B l d g . ,

. B O S T O N , MASS. Unlisted Bonds anil Sacnrlties Bought and Rolo


Summer Horse CIOIMD^ ' ^ 4 2

Lap Robes, --.-• --..--- — Trunks, and" Bags, —

.__;„ Telescope Cases.

harness, . Open Buggies,

Top Buggies, C a n o p y T o p S u r r e y s .

BiDgham Harness Co. 148 WEST DpMINICK STOEET.


B OiACK B ' l ' S S .

The Black Bass Season i r n w o b e n . ,

All other choice varieties In stock.

Buperincenoenx. j iometitate uustocuai AayluiST"

plants and Xlaweca,

CELERY P L A N T S —Several kliulB of Early and Late Celery Plants for sale, nt

It. E. Burnham's Market Garden, South Jay SI., Borne, N. Y.

professional. DR. W. B . REID. Washington

Opera House Blook. Office Hours Ing, 8:1 too.

Street Morn-

to 9:S0; afternoon, 8 to 4; evening, 8

R.. H. D . W H I T E , P h y s i c i a n a n d Surgeon. Oflico and residence 1 2 U . Dom­

lnick St. Special attention given to diseases of the Nose and Throat.

Street residence, i ngton

DR. H. J . T E L L E R , P h y s i c i a n a n d Surgeon. Office and Residence No. 103 W.

Domlnick S t Office Hours: Until 10 a. m., 3 to 4 p. m., 0:80 to 8 p. m. Night bell.

F W. KLftKLAND, <.«, • 8 ABOHrTIOT,

108 W. Domlnick Street, Bonis, N.


~ " " • W O M H - Y .

L. W A G E R , Attorney and Conn-aelor at Law,. Rome Savlnga Bank Bufld-

l^j^ Kramy JA l a ta on tm*l wtatj*. F. G N. LKHR, M. D. Office and resl-

• _denoex 219 Wort Liberty street^Bome.

Meals and lanohea at a l l hours,

At GEO. W. S T U R D E V A N T ' S ,

—— 116 Ni-Waahington St.,

Arlington Block, Home, N. Y.


GAM M E L ' S . 17 AND 19 LIBERTY ST., BTIOA, N. Y .

The leading brands of the world on draught and, bottled for family-use. "

Mail order* promptly attended to.

Business gqrOe, TDOOKBINDING.


Neatly bound a t reasonable prioes. High grad 1>Un> book* m a d e t o order-. wr l t» - tor Prioeaot what yon want. • ALFRED J. PUBvVIB.

1SL t o 187 Genesee S t , Dtloa, JL. j r .

H OT O R O O L D B A - T l f f S .

H. W. WELLER -•"«. Has removed bis Barber Shop to the More for­

merly occupied by Geo. Payne, A t Ho. 1 9 1 N o r t h W a s h i n g t o n B t r c t t ,

Where he will be pleased to see bis many fHendi and customers.

T J E R N H A R D B R O S . ,

Successors to John Fisher, supply t h e

B E S T Q U A L I T Y O F _ M E A T S

at their market opposite t h e Commercial Hotel , on James street. Every kind of Fresh, Salted and Smoked, Meats and Poultry In their season, BtmhanTa SuTiaagca arc V^iauTpaBzcd.

Telephone Connection.

N . Y, Specialties: Qyn Ity to Chronic Diseases, to Sand 6 to 3 p.m.

. ,t,Electrlc-ice until 10a.m.; 1

D R. H. F . HtfBBARD, PhyBlcuvn and Surgeon, Is located in the offices formerly

occupied by Dr. Sfa'owennan, at No.-161W. Doml-rHck-Bfe—Piseaaea uf the EmrTltruat andNcne-a

ity, Office Hours: B to 10 a. m., 8 to 4 and t o 8 p . m . J „ .

35anhs. H E ROME SAVINGS "BANK—105

SoTmr"^EB«a_Swr«B*.—" ~ '-BankingHours 9 a . m., t o 13:15 p . m., and 3 to

4 p. m., except Sundays and I^egal Holidays. sets, market Taluer3aT.nnMWr^fI^,3<J2.2I

Liabilities, amount due depositors. . 1,630,821.37 Surplus with stocks a t market value 806,480,84 Surplus with s tocks at par .value .- 207,029.34

orriositsV . ' WILLIAM B . HUNTINGTON* President, WHEELER ABMSTftONO. 1st.Vide President, AOKLEY P. TULLEB, 2d Vice President, CHAKLE8 F . BARNARD. Sec. and Treas,

TBUBT1C8S. . . ,

Samuel Wardweli, W iliiain B. Huntington, Harvey D. Spencer, John Cf. Bissell, Ackley P. fu l l er , Henry Barnard, Wheeler Armstrong;, Jonathan 8 . Haselton, James H. Bearlea,' James 8. Dyett ,

Samuel H. Beach

John D. Oxner, Franklin A. Ethrldge,


Now In Its N e w Banking House. 178 West Doml-n*ck Street, EOiiie, N. Y .

P a y s 3% B e r o C e n t . I n t e r e s t t o Det tos i tp fa . OWEN E. OWfeNS, President. " T n O E O B E B ^ r r s t Plce-Pfealo'ent. F . LOUIS BOTHi.8€l yiee Presldentj JOHN B. EDWARDS, Secretary and Treasurer.

' " ' „ T B U B T * K B .

O w e n B . Owens, Charles Bathbun. A. O. K w ^ s r o r , John 8; Wardwell^ F . Lout- Ui.ui,' Thomas D. Boberts, F . M. Ortou, George F.-Hodjrasjr D. L Greenfield, Jotin R. Edwards,

jgoward O. Wigging, J . D . Hlggins.


j^r^—VtMi Vv Cap i ta l o f « * 0 0 , 0 0 0 . Surplus and undivided profits ..$75,000 00

.' O F 7 1 C X R 8 , W. J, P. KINGSLSY, President,,


D i n K C T O R S .

W J. P. KIngsley, Louis Glesmann, Burt Olhey, John R. Edwards,. E L. Stevens, Charles Bathbun, A . P. Tuller, T, O, Boherter John D. Oxner, - Samuel Wardweli, Edward Conwtock, John & Wardweli, -X?. W. WardwelK H. J. aitefieock,

Homer T. FOvrler. .-- — -qnHEff lBST NATIONil7.SAiCEOF A ROME..

C a p i t a l • 1 0 0 , 0 0 0

O»FIO«IW, J . 6 . BISSELL, President,

wTBi HriNMKGTON, Vlce:

, •'• - D I M W R S , i-

OalvInPetrle, TOonnwQ.,r

J a H i g g t a s . EdwardBarai John&.ff ls ieU, i o ^ S i i i

J . LoweU Williams. V» W. POKORCt

uuentj .Cashier.



Our work lastrlcUy flnrt-olasaaad^ap to slater All colored work handled with care. Oomeand

**' J O H N S O N -*? L A K E , 801 West Liberty St.

IB the oldest and most natural Tonlo lu use' All the ages testify this r'tfet, and eminent physicians

lu all countries declare that the prop-ertles of Wlue recupyruU) duyresHed vital-— ity qnd energize the weakened fryatsin.

Consider then how valuable Is a Wlue. ^3an yon afford to be without it? Our Wine la aged.

port, Sbcrrp ana Catawba W(MJ|T BOTTLES,. 2 B o . / _


HAMLIN'S Drug Store. T e l e p h o n e C o n n e c t i o n .

/ - 1 H E R R 1 E S



SO B a s k e t s o f SWeet a n d S o u r C h e r r i e a

Each day th i s weak, It t h e y last.

B u y them now, a s prices win b e higher a f t e r this week. ' —- "~

MILVO'S S T O R E , 103 West Domlnlok Street. --

yy PARRY,-» " Contractor and Builder,

General Repairing, Stair BwttiltTttf and — .»- — Office Furniture •


100 Kus6 Liberty Street.



Shafting, Gearing and MU1 Em Worl

•Ki<"6»t Bcllors, Shafting, Gearing an k, nuwrlgbt tng and Pattern Making. - . - M P A I R WOBXA.aEIKuTA.Kiaq

Mechanical Drawing and Designing '


~~ . And don't want to take c&anOM by all means buy a

-SYNDICATE CIGAR. The Black River Valley

la for those who arewilling to p » y 10 cents for the best, Manufactured by WUEUOOIJCIfJ ~~ 218 N. Washington S t , Borne.**. Y

M-ONSYTOLOANONRKALKSTATI JttL l B f U M t o i u I t , « t t b e B * « r i a U t e A « « K ) y

f ' OHA8. F. BTTUtBEVaKT All ImtfMWitrtflttv CMiMmttal

OR EAT ^ A t ^ S l N S AT


One Lot Corsets to close at -53c each,, worth 50c One Lot DJ. Warflef's Corsets at---69c each, worth $1.00 One Lot Shirt \feusts;iEL«,.: ^-_^c iJsv ,oithjo_arM^< 0n«.Lot Shirt Waists a t - - , - - . . - - - - . 4 9 c , worth 75 and 8 0 T One t o t Shirt Waists a t - - . - . - 7 9 c , worth | i . 0 0 and $1.25 _ 0net©t^a§rTSkir t s a t - — - - 1 . . , _ — - - - - _ - ^ e y i v o r t h - T ^ One Lot Crash'Skirts a t - . - r - . - - - . - . . 2 5 c , worth 50c One Lot Gents' Negtigee Shirts at ---39c,..worth 75c ' One Lot Figured Challies a t — - 2j4c ajard, worth 8c One Lot'Figured Lawns at!---!_-,--2j£fc a yard^wqrth 8c One Lot Children's Parasols a t - - - - - i 2 ^ c each, worth 25c One Lot Children's Paraso l s~at - . - . . - 19c each, worth 35c* One Lot Gent's Blue Overalls a t - - - - - - 33c, worth 50c One Lot Ladies' Seersucker Underskirts at.a^e, worth 50c, One l o t Gents^Unlaundered, Shirts at . 39^ worth 50c One Lot Ladies' White Duck S k i r t s ^ c ^ worlfc7^-and-9Qc —* 5 Pieces Figured Siikalirle at- . _ < . . . . . ^-.. _,-6c, worth i oc , 30 Pairs Lace CuTta ir i s^rr -^ .7r^T—-^^ —-Subscriptions for DeBneltor takefjr. "'::'.' •-Special Sale on No. 40 and 60 Tafteta Ribhpns^pH Colors/ ,

at ^ - - - * - . ^ - - ^ - - - - . * i 9 c ^ ^ a i p ! ^ w o r t h 5 o c ^ One Lot ladies* ^ s l ^ I ^ R Hose, 3 M r ht^S, worth r5^—

'perpair. .>-..'.'": ,'":*'!' .•••'"•.••'•>- " One Lot Ladies' arid;'0«d^V.^^.aa^-^r;t}esat 19c / 6 a c h ^ - - ~ - - * * « . - ^ r i r ^ % ^ '

7&> mm r^:^

pwr-TSF; ^Ji-A-A^.